1-8-12 - St. Martin of Tours Parish
1-8-12 - St. Martin of Tours Parish
January 8, 2012 The Epiphany of the Lord St. Martin of Tours Roman Catholic Church Pastor: Parochial Vicar: In Residence: Weekend Assistant: Deacon Father John Meyers Father Christopher Cooke Father Gelso Andre Dadalt Father Mark G. Swope Stanley M. Zaleski Mass Schedule Sundays: Weekdays: Saturday: Holy Days: 7:30 a.m., 9:00, 10:30 Spanish, 12:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m. 8:15 a.m., 4:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Brazilian Consult pg. 2 for times Confessions: Saturdays 3:00-3:45 p.m. & by Appt. Eucharistic Adoration: Weds 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Website: www.smtparish.org Webmaster: [email protected] Rectory Office Hours Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Closed 12:00 - 12:30PM Saturday: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM Scrip Hours Monday: 1:00 PM to 6:30 PM Tuesday-Friday: Closed 12:00 - 12:30PM 11:00 AM to 6:30 PM Saturday: 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM Convent 999 Sanger St. Philadelphia, PA 19124 215-535-8771 Parish Offices 5450 Roosevelt Blvd. Phila. PA. 19124 Rectory: 215-535-2962 FAX: 215-535-3091 Use the above Rectory phone with the extensions listed below: Finance Beatrice Rolland C. P. A., ext 403 Tuition & Notary Public Mrs. Sandy Zaleski, ext 404 Parish Outreach Sister Eileen Maguire, ext. 415 Brazilian Community Fr. Gelso Andre Dadalt 267-770-5001 162—Saint Martin of Tours School Office Mrs. Susan Kedra, ext.420 FAX: 215-533-1579 Principal Sister Stephen Frances, I.H.M. Vice Principal Sister Ellen Giardino, I.H.M. Religious Education (CCD) Miss Brenda Pineda, ext. 477 Religious Education RCIA PROGRAM: Thursday Evenings PREP (CCD) - Sunday Morning 9:00 - 10:15AM (School Year) Homebound / Hospital To make arrangements for a home or hospital sick visit, contact the rectory. Eucharistic Adoration Every Wednesday from after the 8:15 Mass until 5:00 PM Funeral Please have your funeral director contact us directly. Holy Name Second Sunday of every month 9:00 AM Mass Parish Prayer Groups: English-Monday Evenings 8:00PM in the Lower Sacristy Spanish-Thursday (same place) Brasilian– Sunday 7pm upper church Choir Wednesday Evenings 7:30 PM The Kings Men Men’s Parish Prayer Group Wednesday 7:15—9:00 PM Rectory Board Room Sodality Tuesday Mornings following the 8:15 am Mass in the Chapel (School Year) Ultreya (Spanish) 7pm in the chapel on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Senior Citizens Friday 11:00 AM School Hall (School Year) Learning English (ESL) Tuesday & Thursday Evenings 6:45 - 8:15 PM Registration We welcome new parishioners to register: After Saturday Vigil or Sunday Masses. Pre-Jordan First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM (Spanish) Second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM (English) Baptism Contact the priest after Sunday Mass to begin the preparations. Godparent / Sponsor A person must be registered in the parish for 6 months & be a Catholic in good standing to receive a letter of eligibility. Marriage Contact a priest for an appointment immediately upon formal engagement. Wedding dates will only be set after meeting. A minimum 6 months required prior to a wedding. Quinceaneras / Sweet 16 Contact a priest at least 6 months in advance and before committing to a date. Prerequisites: Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and attendance at a workshop. ehold, The Lord, the Mighty One, has come; and kingship is in his grasp, and power and dominion. My dear people, Estimados feligreses; By the time you read this an announcement regarding the future of Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will have been made. Due to publishing deadlines I am writing these words beforehand so I cannot directly address what for many will be a crisis. However, I can remind you that in every set of circumstances which are beyond our control, we can still exercise our freedom to choose our personal attitude and response. Some will choose to respond with faith, rather than fear, hope, rather than rage, and loving gratitude for what we have received freely and generously in our lives rather than the kind of bitter grief that closes up the human heart like a clenched fist against the world, the Church, and God. And regardless of how you may have felt up until this moment, you can still choose a different position. El momento en que lea esta un anuncio sobre el futuro de la Educación Católica en la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia se han hecho. Debido a los plazos de publicación que estoy escribiendo estas palabras de antemano por lo que no pueden abordar directamente lo que para muchos será una crisis. Sin embargo, puedo recordar que en cada serie de circunstancias que escapan a nuestro control, nosotros podemos ejercer nuestra libertad de elegir nuestra actitud personal y la respuesta. Algunos optarán por responder con fe, en lugar de miedo, la esperanza, en vez de rabia, amor y gratitud por lo que hemos recibido gratuitamente y generosamente en nuestras vidas en lugar de la clase de amargura que se cierra el corazón humano como un puño cerrado contra el mundo, la Iglesia y Dios. E independientemente de lo que pudo haber sentido hasta este momento, usted puede elegir una posición diferente. Please be wary of that you read and hear in the secular press. There are more than a few folks out there who want to see us fail to meet the challenges we face at this time. We already offered one opportunity to gather to look at this situation as it impacts our parish and there will be more, most importantly through our on-going process of self-study and planning our future as a parish community. Fr. John COLLECTIONS Sunday: December 18, 2011- $10,767.00 A year ago: December 19, 2010 - $9,839.00 Christmas Flowers: $446.00 Religious Retirement: $257.00 ATTENDANCE Sunday: December 18, 2011-1329 A year ago: Sunday: December 19, 2010 - 1332 Bills October: Electric $2,265.90 Gas $718.16 Water/Sewer $1,792.80 Printing $5,771.43 Maintenance $1,336.56 Postage $3,201.44 Octoberfest 2011 Sales $14,217.50 Expenses ($4,939.08) $9,278.42 November: Electric $2,576.38 Gas $384.77 Water/Sewer $1,921.56 Printing $5,105.47 Maintenance $7,394.11 Postage $1,276.80 Parish indebtedness: Assessment: $394,891.76 Welcome 162—St. Martin of Tours Por favor, tenga cuidado de que usted lee y escucha en la prensa secular. Hay más de unas pocas personas por ahí que nos quiere ver no cumplen con los desafíos que enfrentamos en este momento. Ya que ofrece una oportunidad para reunir a mirar esta situación ya que afecta a nuestra parroquia y habrá más, lo más importante a través de nuestro continuo proceso de auto-estudio y la planificación de nuestro futuro como comunidad parroquial. Padre John MASSES FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, JANUARY 8 10:30 Teresa Millan MONDAY, JANUARY 9 The Baptism of the Lord 6:30 Baby Rita Clark 8:15 Stanley Sicinski TUESDAY, JANUARY 10 6:30 Baby Robert Clark 8:15 Gloria Albesani WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11 6:30 Baby Raymond Mack 8:15 James J. Mullin 21st Anniversary THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 6:30 Joseph E. Lawler, Jr. 8:15 Special Intention FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 St. Hilary 6:30 Joseph E. Lawler, Jr. 8:15 Phil Stankiewicz 28th Anniversary SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 8:15 Gene Knasiak 12th Anniversary 2 RECTORIA— HORAS DE LA OFICINA Lunes a Viernes—9:00 am a 7:00 pm Sábado—3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Domingo—9:00 am a 1:30 pm Cerrado M-F 12 a 12:30 pm HORAS DE TARJETAS DE REGALOS Lunes 1:00 P.M.—6:30 P.M. Martes Viernes 11:00 A.M.—6:30 P.M. Sábado 3:00 P.M.—5:30 P.M. Domingo 9:00 A.M.—12:30 P.M. REGISTRATIÓN Les damos una bienvenida a los nuevos feligreses a nuestra parroquia. Se puede registrarse: después de la misa domencial. BAUTISMO Deben hablar con un sacerdote después de la misa. Deberán estar registrados y ser miembros activos en la parroquia por lo menos 3 meses antes del bautismo de su hijo(a). Adoración del Santísimo Los miercoles - En la capilla - Después de la misa a las 8:30 A.M. hasta 5:00P.M. Misericordia ! Misericordia! - Bendición a las 5:00 P.M. PADRINO Es necesario ser registrado en la parroquia y ser un católico práctico por lo menos 6 meses antes de que pueda recibir una carta de elegibilidad. BODAS Llame a un sacerdote para hacer una cita tan pronto que se hayan comprometido. Es necesario que se reúnan con un sacerdote para obtener una fecha. Se requieren 6 meses para hacer preparativos. ELIGIBILIDAD Uno que necesita una carta de eligibilidad, tiene que ser inscrito en la parroquia por lo menos seis meses antes de pedirla. Inscripción--Para inscribirse como miembro de San Martín de Tours, Deben l hablar con un sacerdote después de la misa a 215-535-2962. Círculo de Oración--Cada jueves a las 7 PM se reúne el grupo de oración en la iglesia. Clases de inglés- Hay clases de inglés como segundo idioma los Martes y los jueves a las 6:45 PM en la rectoría. Llame a la oficina si está interesado a 215-535-2962 Hermana Eileen x 415. FUNERALES Nuestro personal de la rectoría estará dispuesto asistirles para hacer los arreglos para la misa. Favor de pedir que el director de la funeraria nos llame también. QUINCEAÑERAS / SWEET 16 Favor de comunicarse con un padre por lo menos con 6 meses adelantado y antes de que decida una fecha. Pre-requisitos: Bautismo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación y hay que asistir a un taller. HOSPITALES y ASILOS de ANCIANOS Para hacer cita para hospitales, casas o asilos de ancianos para personas enfermas, favor de comunicarse con la rectoría. ******************************************************************************************** ST. VINCENT’S CLOTHING DRIVE Date: February 9, 2012 Time: 10AM - 2PM Location: St. Martin’s School Yard Reminder NO BABY PRODUCTS Clothing, household items, appliances, dishes, pots, pans, glasses, furniture, lamps. BEEF & BEER BENEFIT IN MEMORY OF ELAINE GOLDBERG Where: Nick’s Roast Beef 2212 Cottman Ave. When: Friday, January 27, 2012 Time: 7:00PM until 11:00PM Tickets: $35.00 per person Contact: Linda or Maryann at 215-289-8732 FOR PETE’S SAKE TAKE A BREAK FROM CANCER The 12th Annual Beach Ball Gala & Heroes Reception to help families facing cancer will be on Saturday, February 11, 2012 from 6:30 PM - 12:30 AM at the Crystal Tea Room, Downtown Philadelphia. Tickets start at $125. All of this fun will help adult cancer patients and their loved ones take a much needed break from cancer to refresh, relax and rejuvenate! For more information please contact 267-708 -0510 or www.takeabreakfromcancer.org. 162—St. Martin of Tours PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY SISTER EILEEN MAGURIE S.S.J. 215-744-9363 SMT Parish Social Ministry Fall Campaign Please remember us this year. Our CFC # 81504 United Way # 7579 Many thanks, God bless you. Mass If you need a ride to the 4PM Mass please call Sr. Eileen. Recycle your old refrigerator or freezer by calling PECO at 1-888-573-2672 and receive a check for $35. The appliance must be in working order. Tax Rebates for Penn - The forms are in the rectory office and the application period has been extended until December 2011. Please take advantage of this program. We have seen his star in the East, and have come with gifts to adore the Lord. Matthew 2 3 SICK LIST We will keep the names of the sick on the sick list for a six week period. At that time the name will be removed, and you will have to call the rectory to have the person placed back on the sick list. We remember the following people in our prayers: May God give you, and your caregivers, patience in your suffering. Archbishop Edward Adams, Jackie Aichce, Peg Asman, Rufus Blanton, Mary Bogdonavrge, Anna Brinson, Jake Brown (baby), Tom Budge, Marisa Butter, Patrick Jacob Carlettini, Michael Colfer, Eunice Cooper, John Cunningham, Mary Cunningham, Leslie DiIenno, Andrew Dennis( child), Dan Dwyer, Pat Eckert, Marie Brennan Gallagher, Terry Ganges, Julio E. Garcia, Jim Gerle, Greg Gianos, Rita Glenn, Mary Heintz, Darice Henwood, Linda & John Humphries, Larry Kenny, Pat Kilroy, Robert Knobbs, Ed Kuhn, Patti Lucas, Regina Mallon, Eugene McNally, Stnaley McNally, Joan Mortimer, Caitlin Nealis, Martin Notis, Natalie Notte, Dorothy Oakley, Anne Rosso Reed, Janessa Schmidt, Larry Schnitzel, Julie Ann Seiler, Andrew Trainer, John Wallen, Rose Wawrzyniak, Mary Zinni Please pray for all those in hospitals and nursing homes. And don’t forget the caregivers! May God give us strength to face our challengers in this new year. DECEASED Please remember our deceased in your prayers. May they rest in the peace of Christ. Lucille Pietrafippa 2011 LOTTERY WINNERS 12/20/11 500 No Winner $0 12/21/11 731 Frank Gorman $50 12/22/11 063 James Gunn $50 12/23/11 339 No Winner $0 12/24/11 326 Karen Huckel $100 12/25/11 635 Cass Bryson $250 12/26/11 156 No Winner $0 12/27/11 No Winner $0 MEMORIALS IN MEMORY OF FRANK STROCEN $500.00—Frank & Sue Strocen Jr. and their children Laura Williams & Sheila White $125.00—Joseph & Elizabeth Romett $100.00—Anthony Szamboti $100.00—Augustine & Kathleen Szamboti Jr. $100.00—Howard & Maureen Barrett Jr. $75.00—Sally Gaines Thompson $50.00—Sharon Cohen $50.00—Beverly Seitter $50.00—Sue Kedra $50.00—Winnie J. Koepke $50.00—Edward & Ann Albert $50.00—Michael Pronchik $50.00—Ann Szamboti $30.00—Barry & Kathy Szamboti $25.00—Thomas & Joann McGowan $25.00—Michael & Betty Sullivan $25.00—Eileen Sullivan $20.00—James & Sheila Byrne $15.00—Dolores Kershaw $10.00—Jane Sweeny $10.00—Sharon Polsky ST. JOHN HOSPICE For the 2nd year our parish family will be serving meals at St. John’s. Below are the dates scheduled. Jan. 11_________________ February 15_____________March 14_______________ April 11________________May 9__________________ If you are interested in one or two months please sign the above dates and drop in the collection basket or call Sister Eileen at 215-535-2962 x 415. MILITARY LIST We remember all our Military Personal who are serving our country. May God bless you and keep you safe. A.F. Stevielynn Brown, SSGT James Carey, Sr. Airman Michelle Carey, A.F.Tech Sergeant Daniel Colon, PFC, SS James Daniels, Lance Corporal Sam Quintana, Marieeliana Russo, Staff Sgt. Andrew Sickel, SFC. Jose L. Vera, DOOR MONITORS NEEDED Please come and join our great “Door Monitor Team” We really need your help! If you can spare one hour, one 12/28/11 680 No Winner $0 day a week, to volunteer as a Door Monitor at S.M.T. School, call the School office - Ext. 420 - and leave your 12/29/11 839 No Winner $0 name and phone number for Sister Pat. She will return 12/30/11 739 No Winner $0 your call to explain how easy the program is and set up a mutually convenient time for you. 12/31/11 644 No Winner $0 NB: Anyone who works in school must have a “PA Criminal Release” form & “Child Abuse Clearance” form Thank you to all who supported our 2011 which take a few weeks to come from the State, so please calendar club. Congratulations to all the winners. respond as quickly as possible. The Rectory will take care of the fee and the paper work. Thank You! 788 162—St. Martin of Tours 4 COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS St. Hubert Alumnae Flea Market Saturday, Jan 14, 2012 8:30 - 1:00pm. Info. Call 267-205-0675. Worldwide Marriage Encounter– next weekend January 29, 2012. Info. Call 1-800-465-8330. Resurrection of Our Lord Flea Market and Gift Show Saturday, February 4, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. School Hall and Gym Large Street and Shelmire Avenue. Tables cost $30.00. Food and fun! Contact Tina Nase 215-745-3211 x 105. FATHER JUDGE HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Prospective students and families may visit our school on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 7:00 PM. All 8th Grade Boys are invited to Universal Visitation Day on January 19, 2012. Please register through your grade school or call the Admissions Office at 215-338-9494 x1132 or [email protected]. MAKING RELATIONSHIPS THRIVE HOLY REDEEMER COUNSELING CENTER Effective communication skills are essential for building fulfilling personal and professional relationships. This interactive program will provide valuable and practical ways for enhancing communication. Verbal and non-verbal communications styles will be explored. Place: Holy Redeemer Counseling Center 521 Moredon Road Huntingdon Valley, PA. 19006 Date: Saturday, January 14, 2012 Time: 9 AM - 12 Noon Cost: $35 Info: call 215-938-1130 Presenter: Eugene Leffever, B. S. CATHOLIC CRUISE TO THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN Come and sail away on a 7-night Catholic Eastern Caribbean Cruise with Father John Murphy March 25—April 1, 2012 on the Carnival Pride out of Baltimore, Md. Ports of Call:, Port Canaveral, (Orlando), Nassau (Bahamas), and Freeport, (Bahamas). Prices begin at $1369 for two passengers which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Space is limited. For further info or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785 or [email protected]. EMPTY BOWLS EVENT Malvern Preparatory School is sponsoring an Empty Bowls Event on Monday, January 16, 2012 (Martin Luther King Day) at 7:00 PM. This dinner event will feature over 800 ceramic bowls created by the Malvern community and friends, and a silent auction of artwork donated by students and area artists. Remaining bowls are available for sale. All proceeds will be donated to Bethesda Project (www.bethesdaproject.org). Tickets are $25/adult and $15/child ten and under, and available online at www.mpemptybowls.org. For more information call Ms. Kate Plows at 484-595-5203. SAINT BASIL ACADEMY Saint Basil Academy is sponsoring a Practice Examination for 7th grade girls on Saturday, March 3, 2012, at 9 a.m. The cost for the exam will be $30.00. Refreshments will be provided. Please contact Mrs. Maureen Walsh in the Admissions Office at 215-8856952 to request an application. Saint Basil Academy is located at 711 Fox Chase road, Jenkintown, PA. 19046. The brightness of God illumined the holy city Jerusalem, and the nations will walk by its light. Revelation 21 HIGH SCHOOL NEWS All high school students are invited St. Martins Youth Living the Eucharist Sundays 6 – 8 pm in the gym. th Sun, Jan 8 theme: The Apprentice: the Boardroom and the Gospel of Life Tues, Jan 10th 7 pm (cafeteria): parent and student planning meeting. This is the last chance to get in on our Pro-Life March to Washington, DC Jan 22-23. Please pray for 7 of our high school students making a leadership retreat in Stony Point, NY with the Salesians on Jan 13-15th. (Notice: there will be no Sunday SMYLE gathering on Jan 22 due to the Pro-Life March.) Altar Servers All servers should pick up their new schedules in the sacristy after Mass. 162—St. Martin of Tours 5 JOSEPH A. QUINN, INC. FUNERAL DIRECTORS S.W. Corner Roosevelt Blvd. and Sanger St. • Distinguished Service Since 1940 Plans Available For Pre-Arranged and Pre-Paid Funerals JOSEPH A. QUINN, JR. 215-535-1821 MARTIN F. QUINN PA062531 "I will find your leak!" Rafferty Roofing 215-281-0771 For Quality & Honest Work at Reasonable Prices • Licensed & Insured UNION ROOFING PA010759 MIKE’S AUTO BODY & REPAIR, INC. Excellent Body & Fender Work From Small Dents to Complete Wrecks Quality is long remembered... 10% OFF up to $2500 (offer not good with any other offer or discount) 7116 Castor Ave. 24 HOUR TOWING 215-342-3179 215-342-3037 NEW ROOFS REPAIRS as low as as low as $695.00 NEW PORCH ROOFS HOT COATING $95.00 $250.00 Frank Lubisky Member of Resurrection Summerdale Gregory P. Wasko, D.M.D. Pharmacy, Inc. General & Preventative Dentistry Office Hours 5200 Castor Avenue By Appointment Corner of Castor & Pratt Discount Prescription Prices EDWARD HUGHES & SON, INC. 900 E. SANGER ST. 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