oldbulletin - St. Mark`s Catholic Church


oldbulletin - St. Mark`s Catholic Church
October 9, 2016
Msgr. Sean P. Flynn, Pastor
Rev. Jose Fernandez-Bangueses, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Maynard Nagengast, OSB (weekends),
and Rev. Bernard N. Mohan (Wednesdays & Fridays)
Deacon Michael Keary
215 Crescent Pkwy, Sea Girt, NJ 08750 Phone 732-449-6364 Web www.stmarkseagirt.com
Mass Intentions
Monday, October 10
7:30 AM † Mary McCluskey
† Rev. David G. Delzell
† 10th Anniversary James Bliss
11:00 AM Special Intention Mary Gilsenan
† Ronald Witczak
† Mary Gray
St. Mark's Parish Family
Rose and Dan Crimmins
Myles Gilsenan
Wife Cecilia
Lemke Family
Tuesday, October 11
7:30 AM † Stephan and Michael Dushnick
† 1st Anniversary Louis Hughes
Ellin O'Brien
† Jean Hayes
Francis Hayes
11:00 AM Living and Deceased Members St. Mark's
Social Concerns
Wednesday, October 12 Our Lady of the Pillar
7:30 AM † Richard Sudowsky
† Eileen Vierbuchen
† John P. O'Donnell
11:00 AM † 4th Anniversary TJ. Gilsenan
Special Int. Aiden O'Keefe
Special Int. Rebecca & Alexandra White
Vicky Hayes and Family
St. Mark's Parish Family
Myles Gilsenan
Bob and Maureen Geis
Thursday, October 13
7:30 AM † Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Butler
† 4th Anniversary Joseph Lytle
† Thomas Falcone
11:00 AM Special Intention J. Ted Gilsenan
† Emile A. NeJame
† Eileen Vierbuchen
O'Meara Family
Mary Lou Lytle
Falcone Family
Myles Gilsenan
Joe and Terri O'Connor and Family
Friday, October 14
7:30 AM † Josephine and Thomas Santella
† Helen Beute
11:00 AM † Joseph Norton
† William Zink
† Dr. Joseph Bogdan
Saturday, October 15
St. Teresa of Jesus
7:30 AM † James McLauglin
† Gloria Wich
† Tom Hayes
4:30 PM † Virginia Colford Ertle
† Thomas and Mary Lynch
† Eileen Cummings
Sunday, October 16
Kathleen Santella
Georgeann and Joseph Donatelli
Kathleen Norton
Barbara Kane
Dr. and Mrs. James Cashman
Patrick and Paulette McCormack
Ertle and Sullivan Families
Tom and Sara Lynch
Francis Cummings
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 AM † 3rd Anniversary Bill Pertgen
† Margie Pollina
† Anne Macenczak
10:00 AM † Ann Mary McDonald
† Norb Van Bergen
† Dr. Thomas Leonhardt
12:00 PM People of the Parish
5:00 PM Special Intention Juliet Alejandrez
John and Piper Bruther
Art and Janet Ferrante
Lesniak and Van Bergen Family
Krauss Family
Faith in Our Future Update: Preliminary Recommendations for Our Cohort Parishes
The members of the Cohort Team
would like to provide our
parishioners with an update in the
"Faith in Our Future" process.
At the end of June, our cohort team
received a "preliminary
recommendation" from the
Diocesan Planning Commission.
Rather than collaborate together
(as we had planned), the
Commission recommended we
merge the parishes of St. Rose,
St. Elizabeth as well as the Church
of the Ascension in Bradley Beach,
into one new parish. This merged
parish, with a new name, would be
based out of the St. Rose location
in Belmar. In the process, either
St. Elizabeth or Ascension would
be closed, the other location would
be reviewed every two years to see
if it remained viable going forward.
Our cohort team had the
responsibility of writing the
response to this preliminary
As part of our process, we held
“Town Hall-style” meetings in each
parish. These meetings were well
attended, and we learned much
from you at these meetings, and
through your phone calls, letters
and emails.
After much prayerful thought and
consideration, our response to the
preliminary recommendation was
to disagree with the
recommendation to create a new
parish through a merger.
As an alternative, our response
outlines a model to link together
the parishes of Ascension and
St. Elizabeth with St. Rose in
Belmar. This new linked model
would then collaborate with
St. Catharine's and St. Mark's
parishes in areas where we can
share services, avoid duplication of
effort and increase our
evangelization efforts.
What is involved when parishes
link together?
Linked parishes are formed when
two or more parishes share a
pastor. Linked parishes maintain
their own name and unique
identity. But linked parishes do as
many things cooperatively as
possible, especially since there is
one pastor serving more than one
Also in a "linked" model, the
will strive to realign Mass
are encouraged to work toward
combining parish council
meetings and establishing
common committees where
possible, and
will do many things
cooperatively, such as joint
programs and ministries.
(Continued on page 5)
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Maggotty, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, W.I.
2 Kings 5:14-17 So he went down
and dipped himself seven times in
the Jordan, according to the word
of the man of God; and his flesh
was restored like the flesh of a little
child, and he was clean.
Psalms 98:1-4 All the ends of the
earth have seen the victory of our
2 Timothy 2:8-13 Therefore I
endure everything for the sake of
the elect, that they also may obtain
salvation in Christ Jesus with its
eternal glory.
Luke 17:11-19 Then said Jesus,
"Were not ten cleansed? Where are
the nine?
Dear Monsignor Flynn,
Praised be Jesus Christ! Greets from Maggotty, Jamaica! We want to
thank you and your parish family of St. Mark’s for the warm and
generous response to our mission appeal for our clinic at Holy Spirit
Mission. We were impressed with the interest shown in our mission
work. The amount of $10,087 received from you in July is a tremendous
blessing for us. Our request for the solar hot water system will be
realized through the generosity of your parishioners, as well as
necessary medications for our pharmacy.
We will remember you and your parish intentions in our prayers, and
offer those intentions at our weekly Mass on Wednesdays for all who
support our mission. May God bless you and your parish family.
Sincerely in the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Sr. Claire Marie Carriger, SSCJ
FYI We would like you to know that one doctor from your parish flew
to Jamaica for a week and plans to return to help us. God is good!
Joanne Gibson, Editor Diana Zuna, Associate Editor
Bulletin announcements and columns are due on Mondays before 2 PM except before holidays.
Bulletin drafts are submitted to Msgr. Flynn for review.
Email submissions to [email protected]. Email photos of St. Mark’s events to [email protected].
Next Weekend’s Schedule for Liturgical Ministers
4:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 Noon
5:00 PM
Glenn Skola
John Kemper
Anthony Granato
Jerry Zoufaly
Joe Walsh
Bob O’Neill
Patrick Ahern
Leo Hurley
Richard Siderko
Ed Robinson
Ushers needed
James Revel
Jim Mulvihill
Brendan Heslin
Silvestre Fierro
Daniel Cortes
Javier Garcia
Jorge Medina
Tom Malloy
Bernie Ricciardi
Jim Bogan
Ann Carville
Jorge Medina
Modesta Arias
Ministers of
the Eucharist
Mary Murphy
Connie Duffy
Amy Perry
Pat Holt
Rose Crimmins
Patrick Scatourchio
Dan Crimmins
Linda Parisi
Tom Albin
Don McLaughlin
Mary McLaughlin
Cathy Albin
Marge Loenser
Nancy Schatzman
MaryEllen McNamara
Jim Revel
Raúl Perez
Lucio Hernández
Francisca González
Erin Radvanski
Margaret Price
Victoria Napolitano
Hannah Peck
Nicole Heilos
Usher needed
Usher needed
Néstor Román
Espíritu de Vida
Breath of Life
Brody Schwinn
Children’s Choir
Altar Servers
Unavailable at printing time. Please see Deacon Mike for assignments.
Guadalupe Ramírez
Monserrat Martínez
Alberto Martínez
Cristian González
of the Gifts
Starting soon, we will be inviting parish families to sign up to bring up the gifts and will publish their
assignment on this schedule for the following week.
Sofia Lazo and familia
Altar Ladies
Helen Foerst and Joan Murphy
Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1;
Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32
Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45,
47-48; Lk 11:37-41
Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6;
Lk 11:42-46
Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6;
Lk 11:47-54
Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5,
12-13; Lk 12:1-7
Saturday: Eph 1:15-23; Ps 8:2-3ab, 4-7;
Lk 12:8-12
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them,
O Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon them.
Please remember in your prayers
those of our parish, friends, and family
members who have recently died.
Maura Boyan
Please Pray for Our Military on Active Duty
Cpt. Matthew Caverly, USMC
Col. Thomas Crimmins, USAF
Staff Sgt. Carmen Maffucci, USAF
Ensign Brian Maffucci, USCG
Cpt. Nicholas Guariglia, USMC
SPC Colin P. Marvel, US Army
Lt. Commander Brenden Piccolo, USN
Major Sean P. Cox, USMC
Major Kevin Ward, US Army
Lt. Robert J. Bennett, USN
If your loved one has returned safely from a tour of duty or has received a
promotion in rank, please let us know so that we can announce it too!
Prayers for Healing
This list of parishioners, relatives, and friends are in need of your prayers for
healing. Please note that to ensure the consent of the person whose name appears
here, the pastor’s policy requires that only they or a family member may request a
name be added to this list. Also, if you or a loved one are unable to attend Mass and
would like to receive Holy Communion in your home or assisted living, please
notify Donna at 732-449-6364 ext. 100.
“May the angels lead you into paradise...”
Patrick Wypler
Enedina Marquez
Jean McCabe
Note of Upcoming Second Collection:
The second collection on the weekend
of October 22nd/23rd is for World
Mission Sunday.
Efraín Montoya
Richard McCarthy
Patricia Cavanaugh
Virginia Barnes
Maralyn McKeon
Marguerite O’Regan
Michael Sheridan
George Lister
James Weil
Marie Liston
Last Weekend’s Collection:
Now through November 6th, help
save lives by joining with record
numbers of people across all
50 states and 23 nations for the
largest pro-life mobilization in
history. Call St. Mark’s Mary’s
Child Pro-Life ministry rep
Maureen Hauck at 732-449-7755
to join her on a Friday for an hour
of peaceful and prayerful
protesting of Planned Parenthood,
Neumann Springs Rd.,
Cover Photo: “Time For Leaf
Peepers” is a scene on the way to
Lincoln Gap in Vermont. Photo by
Nancy Anne L. Merolle is available
on flickr.com.
This Week at a Glance
Weekend, October 8/9
On Saturday at 12 Noon, the Altar Rosary Society will lead the Rosary at
the memorial to the unborn. If you need to sit down, please bring a lawn
chair. If it rains, we will stay inside the Church.
Holy Name Sunday. Coffee and breakfast treats after 8 AM Mass.
Nursing ministry will conduct blood pressure screenings after the
weekend Masses except 12 noon.
Monday, October 10 Happy Columbus Day
No CCD classes because of the holiday. Classes resume tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 11
Social Concerns meeting and luncheon follows 11 AM Mass and the
recitation of the Holy Rosary.
Three-part series commemorating the Reformation starts at 7 PM here
at St. Mark’s. (See page 6 for details.)
Gently Moving Forward
Next Saturday, October 15th, St. Aloysius, Freehold, is hosting a
retreat day for those hurting from recent (or not-so-recent) separation or
divorce. Retreat is led by Catholic women and men who have been through
divorce. Day includes presentations, small group discussion, prayer and
reflection, and celebration of Mass. Lunch and dinner included.
Online registration at www.dioceseoftrenton.org/pastoralcare or
call 609-403-7157.
(Continued from page 3)
What is involved when parishes collaborate together?
Collaborative parishes seek to expand ministries with hopes to increase
evangelization. But collaborative parishes also work to avoid unnecessary
duplication in many areas. Under a collaborative model, there is sharing
of programs and resources. Collaborative parishes often share staff and
jointly plan adult formation and CCD programs. All topics where
parishes can collaborate should be under consideration.
It is important to recognize this suggestion (linking St. Elizabeth and
Ascension with St. Rose, and collaborating with St. Mark's and
St. Catharine's) is our response to the Diocesan Planning
Commission, not the final decision. By the end of October, the Diocesan
Planning Commission will make their recommendation to Bishop
O'Connell. At that point, Bishop O'Connell will prayerfully consider all
the changes recommended, and also consult with priests in the Diocese.
It is expected we will learn of Bishop O'Connell's decisions during
Advent, or in early 2017.
While some changes may appear drastic to some, it is important to keep
in mind Bishop O’Connell’s vision: we cannot “let the future happen to
us.” It is imperative we assess our current strengths and weaknesses now,
and plan appropriately for the future. We need to have an organized plan
in place to meet the needs of our parish families, and provide a model to
increase our evangelization efforts going forward.
Msgr. Flynn Invites You to a
3-Part Series Discussing
“From Conflict to Communion”
“From Conflict to Communion” is a study
document created by a joint commission of
Lutherans and Roman Catholics in preparation
for the commemoration of the 500th
anniversary of the Reformation. You are invited
to three evenings of discussion/prayer/
fellowship with our Lutheran brothers and
We will discuss the events that led to
division in the church 500 years ago.
The differences that still exist will be
addressed but mostly the talks will center on
the common things we celebrate: our unity in
Christ, similarities in our theology, liturgy, and
practice of our faith in active love.
The series begins here at St. Mark’s on
Tuesday, October 11th, at 7 PM with Pastor
Mary Farnham as guest speaker. On Tuesday,
October 18th, Fr. Bill Lago will speak at
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Manasquan,
and on Tuesday, October 25th, our pastor will
speak at St. Denis, Manasquan.
Let’s come learn about and grow in respect
for each other’s faith. On October 31st,
Pope Francis will attend an ecumenical service
in Sweden commemorating the anniversary.
Pastor Mary Farnham from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,
Manasquan, will speak here at St. Mark’s this Tuesday,
October 11th, at 7 PM.
Fr. Bill Lago, pastor of St. Denis Catholic Church, Manasquan, will
speak at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Manasquan, on Tuesday,
October 18th, at 7 PM.
Msgr. Sean P. Flynn, pastor of St. Mark’s Catholic Church, will speak
at St. Denis, Manasquan, on Tuesday, October 25th, at 7 PM.
October CYO Schedule! By Mary Reilly, CYO Director
N.B. Sophomores bring desserts
in October!!
Sunday, Oct. 9: Columbus Day
holiday. No meeting.
Saturday, Oct. 15: 9:30 AM-2 PM.
Service Day at soup kitchen in
Asbury Park. Must wear hat!
Bring permission slip.
Sunday, Oct. 16: 7:30-9 PM.
CYO meeting at church: “Soap Box
Sunday, Oct. 23: 4:15- 8:15 PM.
Champion for Life dinner at
Doolan’s Shore Club. Service night,
senior awards, and dinner.
Permission slip required. Dress up.
Sunday, Oct. 30: 7:30-9 PM. CYO
meeting at church.
God bless you, my CYO angels,
Mrs. R.
Community Activities
Recovery Ministry at St. Denis
St. Denis offers a Recovery Ministry
dedicated to anyone recovering from
any of life's challenges. You may be
recovering from addiction to alcohol or
a co-dependent relationship, fighting a
gambling obsession, be a child-abuse
survivor, you may have a child addicted
to heroin, or anything in-between. Join
others on Thursdays at 10 AM or 7 PM
in the St Denis church basement. These
sessions are intended to offer support
to one another while using the Life
Recovery Bible to learn how to cope
with life’s difficulties. This is a
Christ-centered recovery through
scripture support group and class.
All are welcome. Call Laura C. at
848-333-7085 or email
[email protected].
Also, look for St. Denis Recovery
Ministry on Facebook.
Fall Clothing Drive
On Saturday, October 22nd, from
10 AM to 5 PM and on Sunday,
October 23rd, from 8:30 AM to noon,
drop off clean and useable clothing,
household linens (sheets, curtains,
towels), shoes, sneakers, handbags,
belts, and luggage, to Our Lady of
Mt. Carmel gym, 1201 Asbury Ave.,
Asbury Park (far left corner of
parking lot). Collection benefits
the poor in our tri-state area.
Nothing goes for rags!
27th Annual “Champion for Life” Award Dinner
Sunday, October 23rd
Doolan’s Shore Club
700 Hwy 71, Spring Lake Heights
Cash bar reception at 5 PM.
Buffet dinner at 6 PM.
Reservation forms are at
Church entrances.
Adult Dinner: $50
Student/CYO Dinner: $35
Children’s Dinner: $20
For $35, you can sponsor a
student to hear Fr. Evarist’s
inspiring pro-life message!
2016 Champion for Life: Reverend Evarist Kabagambe
Lifetime Achievement Award: Beatrice Murday Menard
Iglesia de “San Marcos” Apostolado Hispano
Msgr. Sean P. Flynn, Pastor
Rev. Jose Fernandez-Bangueses,
Vicario Parroquial
[email protected]
Teléfono: (732) 449-6364 ext. 122
Misa Dominical: Domingo 5:00 PM
Horario de oficina en Español:
Martes & Jueves 9 AM-3 PM
Elizabeth Perez, Apostolado Hispano
[email protected]
Teléfono: 732-449-6364 ext. 104
Fax: 732-449-1646
Directora del Ministerio de Religión
Diana Zuna
Telefono: 732-449-6364 ext. 105
[email protected]
CONFESIONES: Todos los domingos de
4:00 PM-4:45PM.
También pueden llamar a la rectoría en
caso de emergencia ext. 122.
padres de familia que deseen celebrar
el sacramento del Bautismo. Para más
información llamar a la oficina ext. 100.
clases de Religión todos los domingos
antes y después de la Santa Eucaristía
desde los grados: (Pre-k, K hasta el
8th grado).
Para los adultos se ofrece RICA en
Español. Las inscripciones se llevan a
cabo cada año entre los meses Mayo a
Septiembre. Para más información
llamar a la oficina ext. 100.
Las parejas que deseen celebrar el
Sacramento del Matrimonio, Para más
información llamar a la oficina ext. 100.
las personas que deseen cantar otocar
cualquier instrumento musical, les
invitamos a que se integren al coro en
español de San Marcos, la persona
Néstor Román. Vengan a cantar al
Señor Jesús.
Carismática en el Espíritu Santo
“Al Encuentro con Jesús” te invita a que
vengas a encontrarte con El Señor
Jesús a través de oraciones y
alabanzas, ven y gózate en la presencia
del Señor, ahora con el Ministerio de
Música Carismática: “Sembrando
Esperanza.” Te esperamos todos los
días viernes a las 6:30 PM. No faltes,
Cristo te espera Salmo 150! Alabe al
Señor todo ser que respire!
transportación a las personas que
viven en Pt Pleasant, Brielle,
Manasquan, Sea Girt, Bradley Beach &
Belmar durante todo el año. Mandar un
texto o llamar los domingos a Diana
Zuna al 908-783-4221 antes de las
2:00 PM si necesitas este servicio.
Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
PRIMERA LECTURA 2 Reyes 5, 14–17. Dios curó a Naamán a través de Eliseo. Naamán, agradecido, se negó a adorar a
otro dios que no fuera el Señor.
SALMO RESPONSORIAL Salmo 97, 1. 2–3ab. 3cd–4. El Señor revela a las naciones su justicia.
SEGUNDA LECTURA 2 Timoteo 2, 8–13. Pablo sufrió con gusto por la resurrección de Jesús: “Si morimos con él,
viviremos con él. Si nos mantenemos firmes, reinaremos con él”.
EVANGELIO Lucas 17, 11–19. Jesús curó a diez leprosos. Uno, que era samaritano, regresó dando gracias y alabando a
Dios. Jesús le dijo: “Levántate y vete. Tu fe te ha salvado”.
Presentación de las Ofrendas Octubre 9
10 Lunes: Día de Colón (Estados Unidos).
Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1; Sal 113 (112):1b5a, 6-7; Lc 11:29-32.
11 Martes: Gal 5:1-6; Sal 119 (118):41, 43-45,
47-48; Lc 11:37-41.
12 Miércoles: Gal 5:18-25; Sal 1:1-4, 6;
Lc 11:42-46.
13 Jueves: Ef 1:1-10; Sal 98 (97):1-6;
Lc 11:47-54.
14 Viernes: Ef 1:11-14; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5,
12-13; Lc 12:1-7.
15 Sábado: Memoria de santa Teresa de
Jesús. Ef 1:15-23; Sal 8:2-3ab, 4-7;
Lc 12:8-12.
Roció García y familia
El Grupo de Oración les invita
a la inauguración de la gruta de la Virgen de Guadalupe en Philadelphia
Fecha: 22 de Octubre de 2016
Lugar: Casa de Retiros Malvern
Dirección: 315 Warren Ave. Malvern PA 19355
Tendremos la participación de nuestra parroquia
Danza Azteca, Danza de las rosas Virgen del Tepeyac y la
Aparición Guadalupana
Habrá riquísimos refrigerios y transportación.
Su asistencia es importante, Cristo te invita y espera no faltes.
El cupo limitado, inscríbete!
Para más información con Sr. Carlos Medina 732-527 6877 o
Sra. Francisca Gonzales 908-692 2900