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În conformitate cu Articlolul III, Secţiunea 7, a Regulamentelor Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române din America, chemăm în sesiune
joi, 3 septembrie – duminică, 6 septembrie 2015
la Catedrala Sf. Maria, 3256 Warren Rd, Cleveland OH 44135
Hotel: Cleveland Airport Marriott, 4277 W 150th St, Cleveland OH 44135
Telefon: 216-252-5333 / 800-228-9290
Numele evenimentului pentru rezervarile de camera este: ROEA
$89/noapte (plus taxe) | Data limita pentru rezervari: 11 August 2015
După aceasta data, camera la preț redus nu este garantata! Hotelul ofera transport: aeroport-hotel-aeroport
Toți preoții parohi și asistenți numiți în parohii de către episcop, precum și toți delegații mireni aleși legal de către Adunările Generale
Parohiale în 2015 și ale căror acreditări au fost verificate de către comitetul de acreditare al episcopiei, sunt convocați în sesiune de lucru.
Congresul va fi în sesiune de lucru începând cu ziua de
VINERI, 3 SEPTEMBRIE 2015 la 9:30 am ora Coastei de Est
la Cleveland Airport Marriott (vezi adresa de mai sus). Toți delegații (clerul și mirenii) sunt rugați să participe și să rămână pînă
la încheierea Congresului, în ziua de duminică, la Sfânta Liturghie Arhierească și la banchetul festiv.
Ordinea de zi,după cum este publicată în Raportul Anual al Congresul Episcopiei 2015, va include: Citirea/Aprobarea Procesului
Verbal al celui de-al 82lea Congres; Raporturile Oficiale către Congres; Raporturile din partea Organizaţiilor Auxiliare ale Episcopiei;
Propuneri noi din partea Consiliului Episcopesc.
Conform Articolului III, Secţiunea 1, Congresul Episcopiei va fi compus din:
 Episcop
 Preoţi de sub jurisdicţia Episcopiei care nu au
parohie, diaconi, stareţi şi stareţe, dacă sunt acreditaţi
 Episcopul-Vicar
de Consiliul Episcopesc
 Preotul paroh şi preotul sau preoţii asistenţi
 Membrii Consiliului Episcopesc în funcţiune, ca şi
 Doi delegaţi mireni aleşi de Adunarea Generală
preşedinţii organizaţiilor auxiliare “ex-officio”
a fiecărei parohii pentru Congresul Episcopiei pentru
anii 2015-2016
 Doi delegaţi din partea fiecărei organizaţii auxiliare a
Dacă delegaţii mireni aleşi legal nu pot participa la Congresul Episcopiei, alternanții (supleanții) lor aleşi legal de către Adunarea
Generală a fiecărei parohii, vor reprezenta parohia. Nici o adăugare, substituire ori delegaţie ad-hoc nu vor fi recunoscută de către
comitetul de acreditare.
Arhiepiscop de Detroit şi al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române din America
Toate evenimentele de Joi se tin la Catedrala Sf. Maria. Sesiunile Congresului de vineri și sâmbătă se vor tine la Marriott Hotel.
Slujbele, mesele și evenimentele de seară vor fi la Catedrala Sf. Maria. Sesiune Specială Electorală de sâmabătă la ora 2:30 pm se
va ține la Catedrală Sf. Maria, în biserică. Evenimentele de duminică vor fi la Catedrala Sf. Maria
8:00 am Sfânta Liturghie
9:30 am Conferința preoțească
1:00 pm Prânz
2:00 pm Conferință preoțească
5:00 pm Vecernie
6:30 pm Cină
7:00 pm Ședința Consiliului Episcopesc
9:00 am Sedința Congresului - Sesiunea III
1:00 pm Prânz
2:30 pm Sesiunea Specială Electorală*
(în Catedrala Sf. Maria)
6:00 pm Parastas urmat de Vecernia Mare
7:30 pm Cină
8:00-11:00 pm Eveniment social
8:30 am Înregistrarea delegaților
9:30 am Învocarea Duhului Sfânt
Deschiderea celui de al 83-lea Congres
1:00 pm Prânz
2:00 pm Sedința Congresului - Sesiunea II
6:00 pm Vecernia
7:00 pm Cină
8:00 pm Eveniment social
8:00 am
9:30 am
Procesiunea clerului in Catedrala
10:00 am Sfânta Liturghie Arhierească
Banchetul festiv în încheierea Congresului în cinstea
aniversării a 35 de ani de la alegerea ca ierarh a
Inaltpreasfințitului Părinte Arhiepiscop Nathaniel
* Urmând completarea examinării canonice de către Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe in America
În conformitate cu Articlolul I, II şi III, al Regulamentelor
Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române din America, chemăm în sesiune specială electorală
cu scopul alegerii a doi (2) Episcopi-Vicari*
în ziua de Sâmbătă, 5 Septembrie 2015, la orele 2:30pm ora Coastei de Est
Catedrala “Sfânta Maria,” 3256 Warren Rd, Cleveland Ohio
* Urmând completarea examinării canonice de către Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe in America
Conform Articolului II, Secţiunea 1(a) şi Articolului I, Secţiunea 10, Consiliul Episcopesc a nominalizat (propus)
spre alegere pe:
Preacucernicul Părinte Vicar Dan Hoarște
Preacucernicul Părinte Arhidiacon Vicar David Oancea
Nici o propunere pentru funcţia de Episcop-Vicar nu poate fi făcută în timpul şedinţei (Articolul I, Secţiunea 15).
Conform Articolului III, Secţiunea 1, Congresul Episcopiei va fi compus din:
 Episcop
 Episcopul-Vicar(i)
 Preotul Paroh şi Preotul sau Preoţii asistenţi
 Doi delegaţi mireni aleşi de Adunarea Generală a fiecărei Parohii pentru Congresul Episcopiei pentru anii
 Doi delegaţi din partea fiecărei organizaţii auxiliare a Episcopiei
 Preoţi de sub jurisdicţia Episcopiei care nu au parohie, diaconi, stareţi şi stareţe, dacă sunt acreditaţi de
Consiliul Episcopesc
 Membrii Consiliului Episcopesc în funcţiune, cât şi preşedinţii organizaţiilor auxiliare “ex-officio”
Dacă delegaţii mireni aleşi legal nu pot participa la Congresul Episcopiei, alternanții (supleanții) lor aleşi legal de
către Adunarea Generală a fiecărei parohii, vor reprezenta parohia. Nici o adăugare, substituire ori delegaţie ad-hoc
nu va fi recunoscută de către comitetul de acreditare.
Arhiepiscop de Detroit şi al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române din America
In conformity with Article III, Section 7, of the By-Laws of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, we hereby
call into session
Thursday, September 3 - Sunday, September 6, 2015
St. Mary Cathedral, 3256 Warren Rd, Cleveland, OH 44111-1144
HOTEL: Cleveland Airport Marriott, 4277 W 150th St, Cleveland, OH 44135
Phone: 216-252-5333 / 800-228-9290
Name of Event: ROEA
$89/night (plus state and local taxes) | Reservation Deadline: August 11.
After this date, no room guarantee! Shuttle provided: airport-hotel-airport
All Priests presently assigned to a parish and all Lay Delegates legally elected by their Parish Assembly in 2015, and whose credentials
have been verified by the Chancery, are called into Session.
The Congress will be in session starting
FR ID AY, S EP T EM B ER 3 , 2 0 1 5 a t 9 :3 0 a . m., E a ste rn Da y l ig ht Sa v i ng s Ti me
at the Cleveland Airport Marriott (see above). All clergy and lay delegates are requested to participate until the completion of the
Congress which includes Hierarchal Divine Liturgy followed by the Congress Banquet on Sunday.
The Agenda, as printed in the Annual Report to the Episcopate Congress 2015, will include: Reading / Approval of the 82nd Episcopate
Congress Minutes; Official Reports to the Congress; Reports from the Episcopate Auxiliaries; New Business as submitted by the
Episcopate Council.
As per Article III, Section 1, the Episcopate Congress shall be composed of:
 The Bishop
 The Auxiliary Bishop(s)
 The Parish Priest and Assistant Priest(s)
 Two Lay Delegates elected by each
Parish Assembly for Congresses 2015-2016
Two delegates from each Auxiliary organization of
the Episcopate
Priests under the jurisdiction of the Episcopate not
having parishes; deacons, abbots, abbesses, if
accredited by the Episcopate Council
Members of the Episcopate Council in office,
including Auxiliary Presidents ex-officio
Should the duly-elected lay delegates be unable to attend, their alternates will represent the parish. No addition, substitution or ad hoc
delegation will be recognized by the credentials committee.
Archbishop of Detroit and The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
All Thursday events at St. Mary Cathedral. Congress Sessions on Friday and Saturday at Marriott Hotel. Evening services, Supper
and Programs at St. Mary Cathedral. Special Electoral Congress on Saturday at 2:30 pm will be held at St. Mary Cathedral in the
church. Sunday events at St. Mary Cathedral.
8:00 am Divine Liturgy
9:30 am Clergy Conference
1:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Clergy Conference Reconvenes
5:00 pm Vespers and Sermons
6:30 pm Supper
7:00 pm Episcopate Council Meeting
9:00 am Congress Reconvenes – Session III
1:00 pm Lunch
2:30 pm Special Electoral Congress*
(at St Mary Cathedral)
6:00 pm Memorial Service followed by Great Vespers
7:30 pm Supper
8:00-11:00 pm Social gathering
8:30 am Registration
9:30 am Invocation to the Holy Spirit
83rd Episcopate Congress Convenes
1:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Congress Reconvenes - Session II
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Supper
8:00 pm Program
8:00 am Matins
9:30 am Procession of the Clergy
10:00 am Hierarchal Divine Liturgy
Congress Banquet & Closing Program in honor of
Archbishop Nathaniel’s 35th Anniversary of
Election as a Hierarch
*Pending completion of Canonical Examination by the Holy Synod of Bishops
In conformity with Article I, II and III of the By-Laws of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, we
hereby call into special electoral session
For the purpose of Electing Two (2) Auxiliary Bishops*
Saturday, September 5, 2015 at 2:30 pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time
at St. Mary Cathedral, 3256 Warren Rd, Cleveland Ohio
*Pending completion of Canonical Examination by the Holy Synod of Bishops of The Orthodox Church in America
In compliance with Article II, Section 1(a) of the By-Laws, the Episcopate Council has nominated for election:
The Reverend Father Vicar Dan Hoarste
The Reverend Archdeacon Vicar David Oancea
No nominations for the office of Auxiliary Bishop shall be accepted from the floor (Article I, Section 15).
As per Article III, Section 1, the Episcopate Congress shall be composed of:
 The Bishop
 The Auxiliary Bishop(s)
 The Parish Priest and Assistant Priest(s)
 Two Lay Delegates elected by each Parish Assembly for Congresses 2015-2016
 Two delegates from each Auxiliary organization of the Episcopate
 Priests under the jurisdiction of the Episcopate not having parishes; deacons, abbots, abbesses, if
accredited by the Episcopate Council
 Members of the Episcopate Council in office, including Auxiliary Presidents ex-officio
Should the duly-elected lay delegates be unable to attend, their alternates will represent the parish. No addition,
substitution or ad hoc delegation will be recognized by the credentials committee.
Archbishop of Detroit and The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
Minutes of the 82nd Annual Episcopate Congress
of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
Vatra Romaneasca Grass Lake, Michigan
September 6, 2014
Invocation to the Holy Spirit (9:30 AM)
Roll Call and Verification of Mandates (Fr. Laurence Lazar, Episcopate Council Secretary,
Southfield, MI)
Of 91 registered delegates, 88 are present.
[Note: Total possible delegates= 174 +2 Bishops +9 priests accredited by Parish Council=185 total
possible count. Quorum to be considered legally constituted must be 1/2=93 members present. A
sufficient quorum for the transaction of business (Art III.13) would not be established until 12:15
PM (see below)]
Call to Order
Provisional call to order 10:20 AM
Acting Chair: Fr. Ian Pac-Urar (Fairlawn, OH)
Appointment of Secretaries and Tellers
(General Secretary: Fr David Subu (Falls Church, VA), Secretaries: Dn Dan Chirtu (London,
ON) and Corina Phillips (Fairlawn, OH); Parliamentarian: Fr. Catalin Mitescu (Pomona, CA);
Sergeants at arms: Nick Cocora (Dearborn Hts., MI) and George Cantor (Cleveland, OH);
Tellers: Nick Roman (Hermitage, PA), Dn. Wayne Wright (Fairlawn, OH); Credentials
Committee: Fr. Laurence Lazar (Southfield, MI), Gregory Thetford (Ellwood City, PA) and
Ovidiu Vatamanu (Cleveland, OH)
Motion to accept and accredit as delegate Maria Lupu from Calgary, AB who was elected
only by the Parish Council to be a delegate as an exception to the rule. Fr. Myron Klysh
(Winnipeg, MB): 2nd Nick Avramaut (Orthodox Brotherhood)
Fr. Ian Pac-Urar rose for discussion and spoke against the motion.
Ryan Gieni (Regina, SK) spoke for the motion.
Steven Lee (Pomona, CA) Question: what is the authority of the Congress to do this?
Attorney Mary-Lynn Pac-Urar (Legal Counsel) See pg. 14 of By-Laws. Art III.4.
Appeal to Parliamentarian: It is within the Competence of the Congress?
Ruling: Yes.
Fr. Cosmin Antonescu (Portland, OR): Has this happened in the past?
Secretary: Yes.
Dn. Dan Chirtu (London, ON): rose to speak about the precedent of the action.
Vote: required a standing vote counted by tellers. Motion passed 45-29.
Discussion: Corina Phillips (Akron, OH): Did the quorum include those not seated?
Richard Grabowski, Chancery Staff: It included those clergy accredited by the Episcopate
Council, September 5 (Art III, Sec 1. G).
Fr. Laurence Lazar (Credentials Committee): Listed those 9 accredited clergy. He also added:
Fr. Bogdan Nichitean (Denver, CO), Fr. Mircea Banu (Ottawa, ON), Dr. Nicolae Stoleru
(Montreal, QB).
Fr. David Subu (Falls Church, VA): When were these 3 accredited by the Episcopate Council?
Fr. Laurence Lazar (Southfield, MI) and Archbishop Nathaniel: These were added this
morning and were not accredited by the Episcopate Council.
Fr. David Subu (Falls Church, VA): Were these three counted as part of the 88?
No answer was given.
Fr. Laurence Lazar (Credential Committee): 3 parishes did not meet their financial
obligations. Are they to be seated?
Motion to not seat the 3 parishes: moved by the Chair: 2nd George Cantor (Cleveland, OH).
Nick Roman (Hermitage, PA): We should have started a long time ago.
Fr. Romey Rosco (Dearborn Hts., MI): We should not lump the three parishes together.
Canton, Ohio says they paid their assessment. The Chancery says no.
Dn. Laike Misikir (observer, St. Raphael, Detroit, MI): Our parish is one of the three;
it is a unique situation. We lost about 75% of our membership in one year. We were not in a
position to pay our dues.
John Besoiu (Warren, OH): If we keep making exceptions to the By-Laws, where does it end?
Nicolae Marcan, (Elmhurst, NY): Were the parishes notified?
Fr. Romey Rosco (Dearborn Hts. MI): The parish is verifying its receipts now.
The Chair: The motion does not mention parishes by name. Thus, if evidence emerges they
would be automatically seated.
Fr. David Subu (Falls Church, VA): Point of Order: These delegates are already seated. By this
motion you vote to remove them from this Congress.
Fr. Laurence Lazar (Credential Committee): [Recited the pertinent By-Law, Art. IX. 32]
Motion fails: Vote count is 28-37. The three parishes remain seated.
Fr. Silvius Sfera (Hollywood, FL): Are we thus encouraging parishes not to pay their dues?
Motion: Episcopate Council recommends accepting as a parish/mission, Holy Archangels
Michael and Gabriel, Haledon, New Jersey. Moved by the Chair: 2nd, John Lazar.
Bishop Irineu rose to speak about the mission.
Motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Agenda (11:05 AM)
Motion to accept the Agenda as printed: moved by Fr. Thomas Frisby (Merrillville, IN): 2nd
Fr. Dan Hoarste (Chancery).
Motion Passed.
Minutes of 81st Episcopate Congress Considered for Approval
Stephen Lee (Pomona, CA): Question about the present number of delegates registered.
Richard Grabowski (Chancery staff): Explained the difference between Eligible
(elected/accredited delegates): Registered (who have arrived on site and received their
packets); Present (those who turned their tickets in as part of Roll Call for the opening
Motion to approve the Minutes of the 81st Congress. Fr. Ioan Bunea (Toronto, ON): 2nd
Mary Sankey (ARFORA).
Motion Passed.
11:09 AM.
Address to the Congress by His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel (see attached)
Fr. Lazar gave some introductory comments on the 30 anniversary of the Archpastorate of ABN.
After his Address and the singing of Many Years, Archbishop Nathaniel also presented the Vatra
75th Anniversary medallion that will be given to all delegates.
Fr. Ian Pac-Urar continued as Chair 11:43 AM. It was reported that at 11:10, there were 93
delegates present: 97 registered. Lunch will be 1 PM, with a Parastas at St. Mary of the Vatra
Cemetery immediately preceding. Our guests from Satu Mare, Romania, Fr. Marius Lazar with his
Preoteasa were welcomed.
Narrative reports are printed in the Report Book.
A. Hierarchical Schedule (pgs. 11-20)
B. Status of Clergy (pgs. 21-22)
C. Status of Parishes, Missions; Special Events (pg. 23)
D. Department of Finance (pgs. 38- moved to later in the session)
E. Department of Religious Education (pgs.24-25)
F. Department of Missions (pgs.25-26)
G. Department of Publications (pgs.27-28)
H. Department of Christian Assistance (pgs.29)
I. Commission on Religious Art (pg. 29)
J. External Affairs (pgs. 30-31)
Motion: To accept reports A-C, E-J. Fr. Dan Hoarste (Chancery): 2nd Nicholas Avramaut
(Cleveland, OH)
Passed unanimously.
The Chair, at the request of Steven Lee (Pomona, CA) reminded those present that all
recording devices are prohibited use during the sessions.
K. Vatra Administration (pgs. 32-35)
L. Vatra Property Maintenance & Improvement Projects (pg. 36)
Mark Chestnut was available to answer questions and will be all day.
Motion to accept reports K and L. Dn. Dan Chirtu (London, ON): 2nd Fr. Onisie Morar
(Woonsocket, RI).
Motion passed unanimously.
M. Deanery Reports (pgs. 72-87)
Motion to accept report M: Moved by Paul Laroque (Winnipeg, MB): 2nd: Fr. Florin Soare
(Phoenix, AZ).
Discussion: Teodor Leoveanu (Colleyville, TX) Our food festival draws over 5,000 and is
Motion passed unanimously.
N. Auxiliary Organizations (pgs. 88-95)
Motion to accept Auxiliary Reports: Fr. Silviu Sfera (Hollywood, FL): 2nd Robert Merchant
(Merrillville, IN.)
Discussion: Nicholas Avramaut (OB): Why is there no report on the Family Life Conference
since it is an Episcopate event?
Archbishop Nathaniel: Judge John Regule gave a report that should be provided to the
delegates. The report was not received at the Chancery in time; the matter will be looked
into for presentation at the afternoon session.
Motion passed unanimously.
D. Department of Finance (moved from previous place in Agenda pp. 38-59).
The Chair presented the opening Letter from the External Auditors, and explained the
After presenting the overview on pages 40-41, the Chair presented each individual fund and
asked for questions.
Question: Nicolae Marcan (Elmhurst, NY) Suggestion: Can the report booklet be received
before the Congress?
Motion to approve Financial Report pages 38-51. George Cantor (Cleveland, OH), 2nd Dennis
Ghindia (Woonsocket, RI).
Question: Nicholas Avramaut (OB). Can we delay motions until later to have time to study
the reports?
Motion was taken off the floor by the chair.
Non-Administrative Funds (pgs. 53-59) were next presented and explained.
Dn. Dr. John Bujea (Regina, SK): He explained that the Bujea Family Memorial Fund could be
increased by the family as needed.
12:15 PM - 98 delegates were registered: 96 present. Notice was given that
photographs will be taken of Clergy for records in Iancu Hall after Lunch.
Parish/Mission Contributions (pgs. 60-63).
Question: Ryan Gieni, (Regina, SK): Why does it say St. George in Canton, OH gave $4,700 in
Chair: That number is 2012 assessments received January, 2013. The issue this year was
whether they paid up for 2013 in January 2014.
Recess for Lunch at 12:32 PM [Note: After Lunch the quorum drops to 1/3
of the authorized members]. At 2:28 PM, 98 delegates are registered and 80 present.
Motion to accept the reports (previously tabled) was taken up. Motion to accept reports:
Mary Sankey (ARFORA): 2nd Bob Merchant (Merrillville, IN).
Motion passed.
Presentation on Recommendations from the Episcopate Council. See Appendix.
Discussion and questions on Presentations followed.
Fr. Romey Rosco (Dearborn Hts., MI): If we have an historical landmark, could it be deemed
historic, and we could receive money from the government?
Archbishop Nathaniel: This has been looked into and it is seems unlikely.
Steve Maxim (AROY): Is there a system used to collect this information? How will be the
financial information from the parishes be processed and used? How was the $75.00
amount decided upon? And he recommends in 5 years to calculate for the future. We
should have a five year plan. How long will it take to restore where we were before these
Fr. Subu (Falls Church, VA): Explained.
Ryan Gieni (Regina, SK): Has any thought been given to tithing? We have financial
statements every year. Donations may go up, but the number of people does not. Are
there penalties applied to those who do not fulfil their financial obligations? What do we
do? Suggested a penalty for parishes not sending in financial forms (made into a proposal).
The Chair: We are not entertaining motions at this time.
Fr. Laurence Lazar (Southfield, MI) : When speaking of percentages…looking into expenses
vs income. Percentage based on income and expenses may be more accurate a reflection
than on income alone.
Nicolae Marcan (Elmhurst, NY):Why should the assessment go up by 25%? In our Church
every expense goes up, many things are to be done and we do not have enough money. We
have not many families in our Church Community. Do we go back and tell our people that
the membership tax went up 25% and it was not possible for a better administration?
Fr. David Subu (Falls Church): The parish may meet its assessments in the way they want,
not necessarily through a direct increase on parishioners. As for the administration at Vatra,
the Episcopate administration has actually been able to do more and more with less and
less. It’s the Episcopate Congress that has failed to responsibly fund its mandates to the
administration which has brought us to this point.
The Chair translated into English what was said by Nicolae Marcan (Elmhurst, NY) making
recommendations insisting that the assessments to the Episcopate should not be linked to
the Church member’s parish membership dues. He explained that membership dues are per
parish not per individual.
John Besiou (Warren, OH): It does not matter how we say it, we still need the increase of
our financial contributions. He suggested that a copy of the presentation needs to be
submitted to the parish council presidents to help them to sell the idea of raising the dues
John Maiogan (Chicago, IL): Discussed how to present it to the parish, because of the fact
that we are in a deficit and have to fix it; not just a temporary patch. It is a deficit, and we
did not do the increase every year as it was necessary. Last year, it was a temporary patch
of $1,000 per parish. We have to do the increase, as it is needed, even every year. We need
to present clearly the financial situation and find good solutions immediately as needed.
Steve Maxim (AROY): What is the long term goal? We need a long term solution. Increases
should be done gradually. This time we may increase the dues by $10 in the first year and $5
in the second.
Fr. Gheorghe Carstea (Troy, MI): (Romanian): When we go back from each Congress, people
ask: what’s new? Vicariates will require new expenses. The financial situation of their parish
is not good.
Fr. Cosmin Antonescu (Portland, OR): The presentation was well done and it applied to the
heart, not the pocket. There is a real problem to be able to pay these people. Hasn’t been
done for the last 10 years. We need to change the heart and repent for not doing it for
those 10 years. We talk about what we need to support the Episcopate. The Episcopate
Council did not have a special care and presentation with solutions along the way. Now we
increase the dues and may get fewer members. However, we need to increase our dues. We
should be constantly with attention, discussions and solutions for Episcopate financial
Fr. Chesarie Bertea (Elmhurst, NY): First, the parish should be informed of the proposed
financial obligation increased then to take a decision. The deficit from this year should be
covered by a transfer from one of the existing funds. To stop the over budget expenses and
any required financial parish obligation increase to be discussed, first, in our parishes. He is
in favor of this increase, but first to be presented to the parishes and, after they agree, then
next year to be applied.
Archbishop Nathaniel addressed the Congress delegates, reminding the delegates that they
are here to make decisions for their parishes which entrusted them to make decisions based
on the discussion they hear and then take the Congress decisions back to the parish. This is
how it works.
Fr. Ovidiu Pacurar (Naples, FL): Questions about missions and the increase for them.
Ryan Gieni (Regina, SK) brought the idea of tithing to the Episcopate Congress floor for the
last few years.
Archbishop Nathaniel: Explained about the increase to missions and why it was introduced
and promoted.
New Business
A. Recommendations from the Episcopate Council
1. Formation of Vicariates from former Deaneries. (Art. V.1)
Archbishop Nathaniel rose to explain the recommendation.
Motion Passed.
2. Appointment of Vicars: (Art 11.5).
Archbishop Nathaniel named the Vicars: Archdeacon Chancellor David Oancea and
Fr. Dan Hoarste.
Motion Passed.
B. Proposed Budget 2015
1. Budget 2015 includes increase of dues in the amount of $15 per capita for Parishes
and $45 per capita for missions over 5 years of establishment that will now be
upgraded to parishes. Approving the 2015 budget is an approval of the increases as a
whole, and has been presented this way for the sake of efficiency and clarity of what the
final figures will look like.
2. Budgets for the Departments of Publications, Religious Education, and Missions
include the figures from the general Budget and assume them as well.
Discussion: Fr. Cosmin Antonescu (Portland, OR): Why the large variances, specifically, the
disbursements to the Dept. of Missions, the low sales of cemetery plots, etc. and lastly,
existing cash funds? Where is the $1,000 assessment from last year?
Mark Chestnut (Comptroller/Asst. Treasurer) rose to explain the figures.
Fr. David Subu (Falls Church, VA) rose to firmly request that existing cash balances not be
included in the budget as income.
Steven Lee (Pomona, CA) rose to support the transition towards a percentage based system,
and encouraged a tithe or 10%.
Fr. Romey Rosco (Dearborn Heights, MI) pointed out that parishioners also tithe through
their donations to charities, to taxes collected for welfare programs, and other giving not
limited to the ROEA.
Fr. Mircea Vasiu (Saint Paul, MN): Where will the special assessment appear in the budget?
The Chair: Next year in the report on 2014.
Motion passed on 2015 budget, and by extension, the increase in assessments.
Fr. Cosmin Antonescu (Portland, OR): Suggested that it would be useful for parishes to have a
power point presentation about the Episcopate to learn about it.
Paul Scales (Colleyville, TX): discussed appeals mentioning that Fr. Seraphim Aldea (Scotland)
came to his parish. He made an appeal and raised $8,500 in one Sunday.
Ryan Gieni (Regina, SK): Please include a definition of member in any presentation. Parishes
need to be honest.
Rick Roman (Hermitage, PA): observation—need more lay representation at these (Congress)
meetings. He encouraged the clergy to also appeal to their parishioners to participate.
Dn. Dan Chirtu (London, ON): Rose to speak of the new persecutions of Christians around the
Motion that the Congress acknowledges and condemns the persecution and killing of
Christians and other people on a large scale throughout the world: Moved: Dn Dan Chirtu:
2nd Fr. Laurence Lazar(Southfield, MI.)
Motion passed unanimously.
Adjournment: Motion: Nicholas Avramaut: 2nd Marsha Klein (Hermitage, PA)
Motion Passed.
Fr. Laurence Lazar rose to thanks Fr. Ian Pac-Urar for chairing the meeting; Fr. David Subu for the
financial presentation; all the people throughout the year who have done the work to make this
possible, all those who have come, the clergy and laity, on behalf of their parishes. He hoped that
when they go home they share with them what happened and explain why the Church took the
actions that it did. He also spoke of the remaining program for the evening.
BENEDICTION given by Archbishop Nathaniel and concluded with the Hierarchal Anthem.
Archbishop Nathaniel
V.R. Laurence Lazar
Episcopate Council Secretary
V.R. Ian Pac-Urar
Fr. David Subu
General Secretary
Deacon Dan Chirtu
Romanian Language
Corina Phillips
English Secretary
Appendix: R.O.E.A. Episcopate Council Finance Committee Report to the Episcopate Congress
September 6, 2014
1. History and Purpose
· Called upon as needed by the Archbishop
· Gather financial information from parishes and missions
· Develop financial reporting procedures
Respond to immediate income short-falls
Propose solutions to EC to recommend at Episcopate Congress
Current Members: Mark Chestnut, Fr. David Subu, Subdn. Tom Rosco, Reader Ovidiu Vatamanu, Gregory
2. 10-year Analysis 2004-2013
· Per Capita Assessments have been static at $60/person for 10 years.
· While the number of communities, especially missions, has increased, the overall reported
membership has remained relatively the same.
· The Lion’s Share: Average income from assessments: $465,000 (Average total income without
transfers: $595,000)
U.S. Inflation alone has increased 21.8% over last ten years. Episcopate Expenses have increased 21% in
pace with inflation.
· Problem: This Congress has mandated the addition of new staff positions, including an Auxiliary
Bishop, without providing a means to pay salaries.
· Average expenses: $621,000. Shortfalls were made up for by transferring/ borrowing from Reserve
funds (savings).
· Average deficit over $25,000 per year.
3. Deficit Spending
While total income each year has been in the black, this is only because of transfers in from existing
reserve funds. Take out this buffer, and we see the trend towards a negative balance in almost every
year, with an average of about 10.3% yearly, for the last 10 years—over $25,000.00 per year.
4. A House on Fire
· In 2004, the Episcopate held $576,751 in Reserve assets, distributed among a number of memorial
funds (Gavrila, Caciavely, Kinnear, Limbeson, etc., pg. 33 Reserve Account)
· By 2014, this number had dropped to $94,470. (pg. 41)
· The average amount transferred/borrowed from savings per year from 2004-13 was $254,000. The
average amount paid back per year from 2004-2013 was $228,000. Thus, an annual income deficit
average of $25-26,000 was managed.
· Last year, the Episcopate transferred $170,000 with only $65, 934 repaid to savings (WL Lot 50
Fund)—a deficit of over $100,000. pp. 44-45.
· These figures do not include the Liabilities described on pp. 34-35.
· The Episcopate is no longer able to conduct business as usual without increasing revenue. We have
exhausted our patrimony.
5. Solutions: Short and Long Term
The Episcopate Council, as part of the 2015 Budget, recommends the following:
· Parishes: An immediate increase of per capita assessments of $15 for 2014 ($75 per capita due Jan.
· Missions established for 5 or more years will be assessed at the same rate as parishes ($75 per capita
due Jan. 2015), and upon payment, upgraded to parish status with all the rights and obligations
pertaining thereto.
The Episcopate Council is also seeking a long term solution:
· Implement simple but meaningful Financial Reporting procedures for all parishes and missions (see
· Transitioning towards a Percentage-based assessment (instead of per capita) for all parishes once a
fair rate can be established (within the next few years.)
6. Courage, Courage, O People of God!
While some parishes will feel an increase in assessments more than others, we believe the benefits of a
robust, thriving, and effective Episcopate will bring value to every community and a blessing to the
Orthodox Church in North America as a whole.
If you approve the 2015 Budget, you will allow the Episcopate to do the following:
Finally fund those Congress-mandated staff positions, and the Departments of Missions and Youth
and Young Adult Ministry.
Restore our reserves, Reduce our debts, and Rebuild our future potential.
Fulfill the vision of our Founders, our Faithful Hierarchs, Policarp and Valerian of blessed memory,
and their spiritual children.
Make overdue and necessary repairs and capital improvements to the Vatra Romaneasca, so that
it may be the spiritual center of our faith for generations to come. Please Support Your Episcopate