St. Columbkille Parish October 11, 2015
St. Columbkille Parish October 11, 2015
St. Columbkille Parish October 11, 2015 St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA St. Columbkille Parish 321 Market Street, Brighton, Massachusetts 02135 617-782-5774;; email: [email protected] School: 617-254-3110 OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: “We are Saint Columbkille Parish, a community of faith celebrating Christ’s presence in us through the Eucharist, the other sacraments and the preaching of the word of God. To be true to the Gospel we must live our faith every day, responding to our call to holiness by caring for, encouraging and strengthening each other.” ADMINISTRATOR: Rev. Richard W. Fitzgerald PAROCHIAL VICAR: Rev. Succès Jeanty TRANSITIONAL DEACON: Deacon Tom Olson Deacon Francisco Javier, S. J. STAFF: William Healey—Business Manager Joseph R. Policelli - Director of Music Michael McNeil – R. E. Assistant (English) Roberto Mendez – R. E. Assistant (Spanish) Patricia McShane - Parish Secretary MASS SCHEDULE Daily Masses: Friday Sunday Masses: CONFESSIONS: ADORATION BAPTISMS OF INFANTS: 7:00 and 9:00 AM Adoración 6:00 PM; Misa 7:00 PM (Español) Vigil-Saturday 4:00 P.M. Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:15 AM, 12:45 (Spanish) and 5:00 PM Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45 PM; Every First Friday after the 9:00 AM Mass until 11:00 AM For children under 7- first Sunday of the month (English)- second Sunday (Spanish) at 2:30 PM. Instruction for parents and godparents is required. Call the rectory. BAPTISM/CONFIRMATION: Adults and children 7 and older who would like to receive these sacraments or be received into the Church should email [email protected] or call the rectory. MARRIAGE: Couples planning marriage should make arrangements SIX MONTHS prior to wedding date. Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11, 2015 Masses for the Week Sunday, October 11—28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sat.) 4:00 pm Jacob & Hortencia Sequeira & Filipe & Maria Assunta Pinto, Mem. 7:30 am Richard D. Gavin, 19th Ann. 9:30 am Patricia Freeley O’Brien & Catherine Hughes, Mem. 11:15 am Pro Multis Intentionibus 12:45 pm Missa pro Populo 5:00 pm Antonia Persechini, Ann. Mon. 9:00 am Special Intention Tue. 7:00 am Charles Edward Doyle, 7th Ann. 9:00 am Special Intention Wed. 7:00 am Domenico, Lucia & Maria Cirigliano, Mem. 9:00 am Special Intention 2 Thu. 7:00 am Patricia Humphreys Paré, 3rd Ann. 9:00 am Mericie Gedeon, 1st Ann. Fri. 7:00 am Donato & Loreta Tempesta, Mem. 9:00 am Special Intention 7:00 pm Eduardo Flores Bodero. Mem. Sat. 9:00 am Kathleen Long, Month’s Mind Sunday, October 18—29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sat.) 4:00 pm Anna & Vincenzo Polselli, Mem. 7:30 am The Forget Family, Mem. 9:30 am Sarah, Allan, Armand & Dennis DiCicco, Mem. 11:15 am Pro Multis Intentionibus 12:45 pm Missa pro Populo 5:00 pm Eleanor J. Kean, 38th Ann. Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA Pro Multis Intentionibus: Next week for Daniel Vellela, 2nd Ann.; Govanni Pacitti, Mem _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Prayers Are Requested for those who are ill; for vocations to the Priesthood and to the Consecrated Life; for married couples and for families; for those serving in the military especially STAFF SGT. Aaron Souza (USAF), L/CPL Will Haughey (USMC), PFC1 Kyle Humphreys (USA), PVT Rory Hanlon (USA), EN2 (SW) Matthew Kenney (USN), PFC Timothy C. Barry (USA), 2nd LT Megan Monteiro (USAF), LT Alex DiBiasie (USA Rangers), Paratrooper Anthony Liberty, (USA), CPL Michael F. Kieloch (USMC); and for the repose of the souls of John McLaughlin, Virginia Jones, Barbara Josoma, Marguerite Fagan and the deceased members of our parish, our families and our benefactors. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ A message from Fr. Fitz relative to a few items of interest: Our parish Grand Annual Collection will be held the weekend of October 31-November 1. Look for information over the next few weeks relative to the collection. The Grand annual collection is the largest single source of revenue for our parish. Please pray over the next few weeks about your commitment to supporting the many spiritual, corporal, and material needs of your parish. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ Crusaders of Fatima Candlelight Procession will be Tuesday, October 13 at 8:00 pm at the Our Lady of Fatima Shrine on Washington Street behind St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. The celebrant will be Fr. Agustin Anda. Please come and celebrate to honor Our Lady and bring a friend. Spread the message of Mary at Fatima: Peace through Prayer. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. The second collection will be for the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. Please be as generous as your means will allow. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, October 12 in observance of Columbus Day.. The office will reopen on Tuesday at 12:00 Noon. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ Saint Joseph Prep in Boston, a co-ed Catholic, independent school for grades 9-12, will hold an Open House on Sunday, October 25 between 1-4 pm. The school offers small class sizes, an Academic Support Center, Chapel Speaking and Advisor programs, extensive athletic and extra-curricular opportunities, and individualized college counseling. Transportation, scholarships and financial aid are available. Visit for more information. Religious Education Notes: Confirmation 1 & 2 Classes will start on Sunday, October 18 at 11:00 AM. Religious Education Teachers and assistant teachers are needed. If you could help in this way please contact the rectory at 617-782-5774. If you have a love of God and a desire to pass this faith and love on to others you are ready to be a religious education teacher. Please consider helping the children of our parish. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Please Remember the St. Vincent de Paul Boxes at the doors of the church as you leave Mass today. The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 13 at 7:00 pm in the rectory. New members are always welcome. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ A Big Thank You from The St. Vincent de Paul Society to all of the walkers and donors to our recent Friends of the Poor Walk. Through your generosity we made $1,328.00 to use in aiding people in need in our parish. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Is the Lord calling you to something more? Have you thought about becoming Catholic? If your answer to these questions is “yes,” then the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) is for you! Do you know someone who would like to be Catholic? The program is also for people who may have been baptized Catholic but never received First Communion or Confirmation. Beginning on Sunday, October 25 after the 11:15 AM Mass, RCIA will be offered here at St. Columbkille. RCIA classes will meet in the rectory from 12:30 to 1:30PM each week until Holy Week. For further details, please contact Deacon Tom Olson at [email protected] or (774) 364-0567. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Columban Sisters Benefit Dance will be held on Sunday, October 25 from 3:00-7:00 pm at Florian Hall in Dorchester. For many years the Columban Sisters have been supported both Financially and prayerfully by the generous people here in Brighton and throughout the United States. Their mission work in Chile, Hong Kong, Korea, Pakistan, Peru and the Philippines would not be possible without your support. Music at the Dance will be performed by Erin’s Melody. There will be raffles and refreshments. The donation for the event is $10.00. For further information please contact the Columban Sister at 617-782-5683 or 617-782-1610. October 11, 2015 3 St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA Congratulations to the St. Columbkille “Class of 65” who are celebrating their 50th Reunion this Saturday, October 10. Please remember their deceased classmates in your prayers. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ Parish-wide Baby Shower for the Pregnancy Help Office of the Archdiocese of Boston will be held on the weekend of October 24/25. Items needed are warm baby clothes and blanket sleepers sizes 0-3 months and 3-6 months, baby bottles (PBA free), or CVS or Target gift cards. The Catholic Daughters and the 4/5th graders in the Religious Education Program and the students in Miss O’Hara’s 5th grade at St. Columbkille Partnership School are all sponsoring the Baby Shower. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ Day of Recollection sponsored by the Catholic Daughters will be held on Saturday, November 7. The day will begin with the 9:00 Mass in the lower church and then proceed to the St. Columbkille School cafeteria. Deacon Tom Olson will speak on Ignatian Prayer Exercises and give a demonstration. There will be a boxed lunch followed by the recitation of the Rosary using the methods learned in the morning. The day will end with the opportunity for Confession in the lower church at 3:00 pm. Open to all women and men. The cost is $15.00 to cover the lunch. Please contact Patricia McShane at 617-782-5774 ext. 101 to register. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ Donations were made in the month of October for the hosts and wine in loving memory of Mary Boyle by her friends; and for the candles in loving memory of Jacob and Hortencia Sequeira and Filipe and Maria Assunta Pinto by Clement and Monica Pinto. Please remember these people in your prayers. YAC Book Discussion, Tuesdays Until Thanksgiving Join fellow young adults in their 20s and 30s as we read The Screwtape Letters, reflect on the moral life, commit ourselves to doing better and have a rollicking good time. C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters is a much-beloved satiric masterpiece. The book is a very funny yet very serious meditation on the temptation to sin and on how to overcome it. Meetings will take place in the Lower Church on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. running weekly until Thanksgiving. We will begin each session by reading aloud the week's 'letter.' You do not need your own copy of the book, but it could only help to read the chapters ahead of time. Contact Paul Masur ([email protected]) for information on obtaining a new copy of the book for about $8.50. For general questions, contact Paul or Daniel Orazio ([email protected]). There is no need to RSVP. We hope to see you soon! Wedding Anniversary Event, 10/31 The St. Columbkille Young Adult Commission will be hosting “Falling In Love All Over Again” for all couples in the parish who have been married for 30 or more years. The celebration will begin with a Mass and Renewal of Vows at 11:30 a.m. in the Upper Church followed by a sit-down luncheon in the school cafeteria. Registration will be limited to the first 35 couples who RSVP. You may RSVP online at or call Patricia McShane at 617-782-5774 ext. 101. Young Adult Volunteers Needed for Wedding Anniversary Event Join fellow 20- and 30-somethings as we assist in putting on the "Falling In Love All Over Again" event for couples in the parish who have been married for 30 or more years. We need help setting up, serving at the event and tearing down. There are three 1.5-hour shifts available: 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Please sign up for any or all shifts via Eventbrite at Questions? Contact the YAC at [email protected]. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ The Dominican Sisters will again be selling their bread and pies and brownies here at St. Columbkille next weekend, October 17 and 18, after all the Masses. The Sisters are raising money for the medical supplies they need in their work with people with leprosy. Please help the sisters by buying some of their fresh baked goods. We are told they are especially delicious this year. 4 Parish Giving Parish Offertory (Oct. 3/4): $6,276.00 Catholic Appeal (to date): $39,991.00 100% of Goal: $39,925.00 St. Vincent de Paul (Oct. 3/4): $208.00 Thank You for Your Generosity Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA 28o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario (ciclo B) El joven rico del Evangelio de hoy quería saber lo que todos queremos saber-cómo vivir en esta vida para que podamos vivir para siempre en el mundo por venir. Buscaba lo que el salmo de hoy llama "sabiduría del corazón." Se entera de que la sabiduría que busca no es un programa de obras a realizar, o comportamientos que hay que evitar. Cuando Jesús le dice, observando los mandamientos es esencial para caminar el camino de la salvación, pero puede sólo nos conseguir hasta ahora. La sabiduría de Dios no es preceptos, pero un Cristo en la persona de Jesús. Jesús es la Sabiduría cuyo Espíritu se concedió a Salomón en la primera lectura. Jesús es la Palabra de Dios habla en la epístola de hoy. Y Jesús, como Él se revela al hombre rico hoy, es Dios. En Jesús encontramos la sabiduría, la Palabra viva y eficaz de Dios. Como lo hace con el hombre rico hoy, Él mira a cada uno de nosotros con amor. Esa mirada de amor, que el amor la mirada, es una invitación a personal dejarlo todo para seguirlo. Nada está oculto de su mirada, como escuchamos en la epístola. En sus ojos de fuego, los pensamientos de nuestros corazones están expuestos, y cada uno de nosotros ha de rendir cuentas de nuestras vidas (ver Apocalipsis 01:14). Debemos tener la actitud de Salomón, prefiriendo Sabiduría para todo, amarlo más que incluso la vida misma. Esta preferencia, este amor, requiere un salto de fe. Seremos perseguidos por esta fe, Jesús dice a sus discípulos de hoy. Pero tenemos que confiar en su promesa de que todas las cosas buenas vendrán a nosotros en su empresa. Entonces, ¿qué son los "muchos bienes" que nos impiden entregarnos totalmente a Dios? ¿Qué estamos aferrados-a las cosas materiales, zonas de confort, las relaciones? ¿Qué se necesita para que podamos vivir plenamente por el amor de Cristo y de la causa del Evangelio? Oremos por la sabiduría para entrar en el reino de Dios. Con el salmista, Pidámosle, "Enséñanos." Un servicio de la Paul Center St. en Teología Bíblica _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________ El próximo domingo es la Jornada Misionera Mundial. La segunda colecta será para la Sociedad de la Propagación de la Fe. Por favor sea tan generoso como sus medios lo permitan. La Gran Colecta Anual de nuestra parroquiase llevará a cabo el fin de semana del 31 de octubre-al 1ro de noviembre. Buscar información en las próximas semanas en relación a la colección. La colección anual es la mayor fuente de ingresos para nuestra parroquia. Por favor oren por las próximas semanas acerca de su compromiso de apoyar a las muchas necesidades espirituales, corporales y materiales de su parroquia. Curso de Metodología: Se llevará a cabo en el Centro Pastoral de Braintree, el 17 y 24 de noviembre; el 1ro y 8 de diciembre, de 6:30 pm. A 8:30 pm. Contribución: $25.00. Se esta dando clases para los adultos que no tengan los sacramentos de iniciacion christiana, Bautismo, Eucaristia, Reconciliacion o Confesion y Confirmacion, Todos los domingos a las 10:30 am. Interesados ver a Edio Galvez despues de la misa. La parroquia pide a toda la comunidad que por favor se comuniquen con la oficina por si necesitan pedir una misa para sus seres queridos que han fallecido o cualquier otra intencion y traer so donativo a la oficina de la Iglesia (617-782-5774 ext. 101). Conozca su Fe Católica: La clase de Biblia sigue en marcha, todos los jueves de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. La clase de Dogma los lunes a la misma hora en la Rectoría. El grupo de Oración Carismático de nuestra parroquia se reúne todos los sábados a las 5:30 pm. El grupo de jóvenes se reúne los domingos a las 3:00 pm. Los Viernes tenemos la hora santa a las 6:00 pm, seguidos por la Santa Misa, 7:00 pm. Están todos invitados. Adicionalmente, deseamos informarles que estamos rifando una imagen de la Virgen de Fátima para recaudar fondos de la Iglesia Magdalena en Haití. Contribución: $5.00 el ticket o 3 tickets por $10.00. Los interesados favor contactar a Blanca Ocampo. Hermanos, están todos invitados al café, el cual compartimos en la cafetería de la Iglesia, tan pronto termine la Santa Misa. October 11, 2015 5 St. Columbkille Parish 6 Brighton, MA Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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