Most Holy Trinity Santisima Trinidad
Most Holy Trinity Santisima Trinidad
Most Holy Trinity Santisima Trinidad Catholic Church/Iglesia Católica Basilian Fathers Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston 1713 N. Tinsley; Angleton, Texas 77515 32nd Sunday of the Year - November 6, 2011 The Mission of Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, a parish empowered by the Holy Spirit, is to spread the Gospel of Jesus the Christ in order to bring all people into union with God our Father, through worship, preaching, teaching, fellowship and service. La Misión de la Iglesia Católica de la Santisima Trinidad una parroquia bajo el poder del Espíritu Santo, es proclamar el Evangelio de Cristo Jesús, con el fin de unir a todos con Dios Padre a través del culto, la predicación, la enseñanza, la convivencia y el servicio. Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas: Mass for Vocations/Misa para Vocaciones: 9:00 a.m. Saturday/Sábado – English/Inglés Saturday Anticipated/Sábado Anticipado: 5:00 p.m. English/Inglés Sunday/Domingo: 8:00 a.m. Español/Spanish (Nursery/Guardería) 10:00 a.m. English/Inglés (Nursery/Guardería) Mon.-Tue.-*Thur.-Fri./Lun.-Mar.-*Jue.-Vier. 8:10 a.m. English/Inglés Wednesday/Miércoles: 12:00 Noon English/Inglés Parish Staff/Personal Administrativo: 979-849-2421 Pastor: Rev. Maurice Restivo, CSB, x-118 [email protected] Deacon/Diacono: Robert Ward [email protected] Deacon/Diacono: Luis Hernandez [email protected] Pastoral Asst./Ast. Pastoral: Cheryl Scott, x-109 Apprentice: Kristi Haas, x-108 Receptionist/Recepcionista: Rebecca Mireles, x-100 Secretary/Secretaria: Barbara Bohnert, x-103 Bookkeeper/Contadora Publica: Annie Damian, x-104 Ministerio Hispano/Hispanic Ministry: Luisa Lopez, x-111 Music Director: – Tim Dyksinski, x-112 Director of Parish Social Ministry: Mildred Wauson – 849-9458 CCE Coordinator/Coor. CCE: Norma Mata, x-110 Maintenance: Eleuterio (Marty) Martinez, x-105 Confessions/Confesiones – English & Español 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Thursday/Jueves 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Saturday/Sábado Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración del Santisimo: 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Mon, Tue, Thur. & Fri.; 1:00-9:00 p.m., Wed. Anointing of the Sick/Unción a los Enfermos: 1st Sunday after all Masses/1er Dom. despues de todas las Misas Directory: (Area Code 979) Church Office/Oficina---------------------- --------------849-2421 Church Fax----------------------------------- --------------849-2425 Parish Social Ministry/Centro de Servicio Social------849-9458 Parish Social Ministry Fax----------------- --------------848-3146 Resale Shop/Tienda de 2a mano ---------- --------------849-2767 Emergency/Emergencias ----------------- --------------849-1143 Parish Office Hours/Horas de Oficina: Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes– 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (closed from 12:30-1:30 for lunch) E MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] WEBSITES: Parish: Archdiocese: Basilian: U. S. Catholic Conference of Bishops: Catholic News Service: Lectionary, Scripture Study: Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time November 6, 2011 Stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour. — Matthew 25:13 From the Pastor’s Desk Mensaje del Parroco As we continue with our preparation for the new translation, I’d like to thank you for your response so far. I know that all change is hard; many times, though, change leads to something greater. I am confident that it will be so with the changes in translation in our Mass. And the catechesis is leading us ever closer to what the bishops have called for, full, conscious, and active participation in the Eucharist. I will be leaving on the Christian Peacemaker Team delegation in just a short while! CPT is an organization founded by the three traditional peace churches, the Quakers (Friends), Mennonites, and Church of the Brethren; it has support and sponsorship from most Christian denominations, including Catholics. The Basilian Fathers are a sponsoring organization. The basic philosophy motivating CPT is to see what might happen in the world if Christians would put as much sacrifice and effort into making peace as soldiers do in making war. In other words, it is not an easy task. Just as our military men and women make great sacrifices, so do CPTers around the world. CPT men and women have been injured, and some have been killed. They made international headlines a few years back when the four who were serving in Baghdad were kidnapped, and one killed. I do not anticipate this kind of violence in Hebron and the other places I will be visiting on this trip. I do, however, know that life is difficult there, and I ask your prayer for me and for all of us on the delegation and—even more—those who must live under conditions of violence and oppression day in and day out, whether in Hebron or in Mexico or wherever in the world they may be. Fr. Maurice Todo cambio es difícil y este es el caso con la nueva traducción del Misal Romano. Muchas veces, sin embargo, el cambio conduce a algo más grande. Estoy seguro de que así será con los cambios en la traducción en nuestra Misa y la catequesis nos está llevando cada vez más a lo que los obispos han pedido, plena, consciente y activa participación en la Eucaristía. ¡Me estaré yendo a la delegación de Equipos Cristianos de Acción por la Paz (CPT) en un corto tiempo! CPT es una organización fundada por las tres iglesias de paz tradicionales los Quakers, los Menonitas, y la Iglesia de los Hermanos (Brethren); cuenta con el apoyo y el patrocinio de la mayoría de las denominaciones cristianas, incluyendo la católica. Una de las organizaciones que lo patrocina es la de los Padres Basilianos. La filosofía básica que motivar al CPT es ver lo que podría suceder en el mundo si los Cristianos ponen tanto sacrificio y esfuerzo en hacer la paz, así como los soldados al hacer la guerra. En otras palabras, no es una tarea fácil. Así como nuestros militares, hombres y mujeres hacen grandes sacrificios, así también los miembros del CPT en todo el mundo. Hombres y mujeres del CPT han sido lesionados, y algunos han sido asesinados. Fueron noticia internacional hace unos años, cuando cuatro de ellos que estaban sirviendo en Bagdad fueron secuestradas, y uno de ellos asesinado. No anticipo este tipo de violencia en Hebrón y otros lugares que estaré visitando en este viaje. Sin embargo yo se que la vida es difícil allá, y les pido sus oraciones por mí y por todos nosotros en la delegación y – aun más – para los que viven bajo condiciones de violencia y opresión día tras día, ya sea en Hebrón o en México o en cualquier parte del mundo que se encuentren. Padre Maurice Confirmation Candidate session #3 will be held on Sunday, November 13, at 4:00 p.m., at St. Basil Hall. Parents and sponsors are asked to join their candidate at 6:00 that evening for Taize Prayer. 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 32 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Reflection by Fr. Maurice We are in Holy Week, and have been for the past few Sundays! Although this is not the end of Lent, and we will be celebrating Christmas long before our next celebration of Easter, the Sunday gospel readings for today and the past few weeks have all been taking place during those fateful days between Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the events of his passion and death. They are marked by controversy and urgency. Jesus kicked out the money changers and the animal vendors from the temple. To get back at him, the Pharisees and Sadducees tried to get him. They ask him about paying taxes. They ask him what the most important law is. Then last week Jesus takes the initiative again. He calls them hypocrites, telling the crowds to do what they say but not what they do, letting us know that they do more for appearances than for interior conviction. Today’s reading changes the focus. Now we are reminded that we do all this because of a goal. There is a purpose to all of Jesus’ preaching and teaching: to enter into God’s Kingdom at the end of time. In today’s gospel reading, describing a wedding feast of Jesus’ own day, all the virgins fall asleep. They are all wellintentioned, and want to meet the bridegroom as he arrives. But, Matthew reminds us, some are foolish and some are wise. The Kingdom takes preparation and wisdom. If we are reading this, we can pretty well take for granted that we are well-intentioned. After all, we are the ones who come to church on Sunday. We are the ones who believe. But Jesus asks for even more from us. He wants us to prepare. He wants us to think things through, and to use our minds. May we always use our God-given gifts to be ready to do God’s will; may our lamps be full and may we have the extra oil of wisdom and preparation at hand! Reflexión por Padre Maurice ¡Estamos en Semana Santa, y hemos estado desde los últimos domingos! Aunque este no es el fin de la Cuaresma, y vamos a celebrar la Navidad mucho antes que nuestra próxima celebración de Pascua, las lecturas dominicales del evangelio de hoy y de las últimas semanas han tenido lugar en esos días cruciales entre la entrada triunfal de Jesús en Jerusalén y los acontecimientos de su pasión y muerte. Están marcados por controversia y urgencia. Jesús expulsó a los cambistas y los vendedores de animales del templo. Para desquitarse de él, los fariseos y los saduceos trataron de atraparlo. Le preguntan sobre el pago de impuestos. Le preguntan cuál es la ley más importante. Y luego, la semana pasada, Jesús toma la iniciativa de nuevo. Los llama hipócritas, diciendo a la multitud que hagan lo que ellos dicen pero no lo que hacen, haciéndonos saber que lo hacen más por apariencia que por convicción interior. La lectura de hoy cambia el enfoque. Ahora se nos recuerda que todo esto lo hacemos con un objetivo. Hay un propósito en toda la enseñanza de Jesús al predicar: entrar en el Reino de Dios al final de los tiempos. En la lectura del evangelio de hoy, que describe un banquete de bodas en los días de Jesús, todas las vírgenes se quedan dormidas. Todas ellas son bien intencionadas, y desean encontrarse con el novio a su llegada. Sin embargo, Mateo nos recuerda, algunas son tontas y algunas son sabias. El Reino requiere preparación y sabiduría. Si estamos leyendo esto, se podría muy bien dar por seguro que somos bien intencionados. Después de todo, somos nosotros los que venimos a la iglesia los domingos. Nosotros somos los que creemos. Pero Jesús pide más de nosotros. Él quiere que nos preparemos. Él quiere que pensemos las cosas bien y que usemos nuestras mentes. ¡Que siempre usemos nuestros dones dados por Dios para estar listo para hacer la voluntad de Dios; que nuestras lámparas estén llenas y que podamos tener el aceite adicional de sabiduría y preparación a la mano! Woman to Woman Retreat January 13-15, 2012, Christian Renewal Center in Dickinson. Friday night registration 5:00-6:00 p.m. Sunday departure 11:00 a.m. Awareness and Inner Authority: Finding my Identity within God. Speaker: Fr. Robert Duggan, CSB For more information or to register, call Janis Barnes, 979-297-8218 or 979-709-1881. Single Room: $190; 2 Persons in Room $165; 3 Persons in Room: $140. Full nonrefundable payment due by January 4. Please pray for our loved ones and friends in the hospital: Modesto Adame, Brandon Denton, Vicente Garcia, Jr., Cynthia Heffernan, Baby Indie, Betty Macik, Rocky Martinez, Jordan Nachtegaele, George Prilop. Please note: An individual whose name appears on the hospital list will be published for 4 weeks. For an extension, please call the Parish Office. Remember also those in the nursing homes: Cypress Woods Care: Elida Benitez, Karyn-Anne Brown, Josefa Cruz, Eugene & Lenora Duval, Joann Erdelt, Dominga Fleming, Michael Fuchs, Fannie Garcia, Judy Homrighaus, Charlie Hundl, Manuel Longoria, Guadalupe Longoria, Eugenio Martinez, Carlos Medeles, Joyce Newmann, Sharon Nuernberg, Santana Ramos, Josephine Rizzo, Greg Shelton, Norman Ward, Leonarda Whittington. Country Village: Cy & Elizabeth Adamcik, Rita Anthony, Maria Aparicio, Betty Bartee, Kathryn Carpenter, Lucianna Farrar, Norma Garner, Lucy Garrett, William Kolojaco, Lillian Pool, Deacon Andy Shefts, Elsie Shman, Doris Soria, Matilda West, Evelyn Zbranek. Country Village Assisted Living: Emma Horky, Elsie Kadera, Florence Kohutek, Lucinda Sendejo, Barbara Shaw, Annie Walcik. We express our sympathy to Lena Kubala and D. J. LeBouef and their families on the death of their father and brother, Joseph LeBouef. Anointing of the Sick…. this weekend after all Masses in the chairs on the left side of the Baptismal Font. This is for people who have a serious illness, are going into the hospital for an operation, or who are elderly and feeling the weight of their years. Homebound or Hospitalized? Please notify the Parish Office of any Catholic family or friends who are homebound or hospitalized and would like to receive a Communion visit. Ever Thought of Being a Reader at Mass? A Lector Workshop is planned for Tuesday, November 8, at 7:00 p.m. “The Lord has given me a well-trained tongue, that I may speak to the weary a word that will rouse them.” Is 50:4 The Ministry of Reader (Lector) is a vital role to the full, conscious, active participation of the assembly’s worship. The task of a lector is to read in such a way that God’s people, gathered together for worship, may best take the words of scripture to heart, mind and spirit. Please call the Parish Office to sign up for the upcoming workshop, where the theology of this ministry and the skills necessary to perform them properly, will be addressed. Audition and practice materials will also be distributed. Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor Donation Program — Re-link as soon as possible! Most Holy Trinity is enrolled in the Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor Donation Program. Linking Kroger Plus Cards is now in effect. The next time you shop at Kroger, present this barcode to your cashier, along with your Kroger Plus Card at the beginning of your order. Once your card is scanned, every time you shop and use your enrolled Kroger Plus Card, a percentage of your eligible purchases will be contributed to the Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor fund. This percentage is then donated to Most Holy Trinity on a quarterly basis. La Iglesia Santísima Trinidad ya esta inscrita otra vez con Kroger para el programa de Vecino a Vecino. Por favor, pase por Kroger para activar sus compras (en conjunto con su tarjeta “Kroger Plus”) así dandonos la oportunidad de recaudar fondos para nuestra parroquia. Golden Stars, the senior group at Most Holy Trinity, is open to anyone in the community age 50+ Come bring your friends and neighbors. For more information, call Helen Infante, 849-8895. Tuesday, November 8, 10:30 a.m. Room SB 7/8 Fr. Maurice will share stories and pictures from his recent trip to the Holy Land. All are welcome. Weekly Scripture Readings Monday/Lunes, November 7 Wisdom 1:1-7 ........................................ Luke 17:1-6 Tuesday/Martes, November 8 Wisdom 2:23—3:9 .............................. Luke 17:7-10 Wed./Miércoles, November 9 Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 .............................................. .....................................1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17 Thursday/Jueves, November 10 Wisdom 7:22b—8:1 .......................... Luke 17:20-25 Friday/Viernes, November 11 Wisdom 13:1-9 .................................. Luke 17:26-37 Saturday/Sábado, November 12 Wisdom 18:14-16; 19:6-9...................... Luke 18:1-8 Sunday/Domingo, November 13 Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31............................... 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 .................. Matthew 25:14-30 Stewardship Corner Sunday Coll: October 29/30 .................... $8,050.85 Maintenance Fund Coll. ......................... $1,505.65 Mass Attendance - Oct. 29/30 - Total 944 5:00 p.m. 150; 8:00 a.m. 296; 10:00 a.m. 498. Thank you to those of you who signed up to begin Online Giving. If you have not yet signed up for Online Giving, please prayerfully consider this option. Not only can it be used along with our offering envelopes, it will also help decrease busy work for office staff, reduce expenses, and allow the parish to count on a steadier stream of income. You can visit to sign up or receive more information. Liturgical Ministers for November 12/13, 2011 Ministry Saturday Sacristan: Eva Gutierrez Sunday 8:00 a.m. Maria Lopez . Sunday 10:00 a.m. Betty Rees Lector 1: Dana Ernst Lector 2: Charles Hennig Rosendo Vasquez Sylvia Munoz Dennis Hastings Dorothy Wilbeck Servers: Rebecca Jewell Miriam Jewell Halie Marksberry Nicolas Belmares Cassandra Cardenas Jennifer Cardoza Agustin Carrizales, Jr. Chase Janczak Julia Janczak Victoria Villanueva Anthony Villanueva EM’s Hope Arce Judy Jo DeVries Brian Ernst Annie Hernandez Rita/Dan Hunter Beth Kaspar Joe Sandoval Kristina Sandoval Camila Belmares Rosy Cruz Ana Leveck Maria Lopez Julia/Marcos Perez Vicky/Andres Silva Elisa Sustaita Marcos & Shirley Calderon Laura & Margarito Cruz Lori Greak Abel Gutierrez Donna Hundl Fred & Helen Infante Jay Janczak Annette & Robert Trevino Maria Wilde Mack Yanez Sr. Ushers: T. J. Sbrusch Henry DeVries Glenn Comiskey Roger Hernandez Beatle Infante Greg Wiley Santos Canizales Sr. Felipe/Maura Martinez Guadalupe Mendez Guillermina Mendez Jesus Ozuna Francisco Sustaita Fred Sander Chris Coale Patrick Buentello Gene Giraud Vincent Perez Tommy Sbrusch Joe Williams AUTO Frank Dunkin Sam Valdez Sound: Altar Guild – November 6-12, 2011 Hope Arce Most Holy Trinity 10th Anniversary Cookbooks have arrived!! Our 10th Anniversary Cookbooks are available for sale at $20 each or two or more for $17.50 each. To place your order, or for more information, call Rita Hunter, 864-6415. Stop by the Gathering Area after all Masses the weekends of November 13 and 20 to pick up your cookbook. This cookbook is filled with lots of awesome recipes from our parishioners, and would make a terrific Christmas gift. Call Rita to order yours today. WANTED: Pictures of parishioners who are on active military duty to be displayed on the board in the Gathering Area. Trinity Book Nook News Prepare ye the way! The 1st Sunday of Advent is November 27 Remember to shop Trinity Book Nook for advent calendars, wreaths, candles, devotionals, Christmas cards, ornaments, CDs, DVDs, books, Bibles, rosaries, and many other gift items. Trinity Book Nook is located in the Gathering Area and is open after all weekend Masses. Cash and personal checks accepted. La Sociedad Guadalupe de La Iglesia Santisima Trinidad les invita a una Charla Donde: La Iglesia Santisima Trinidad Fecha: 7:00 p.m., Jueves 10 de Noviembre en la iglesia Con: Padre Jesús Lizalde de la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Baytown TX Tema: Conociendo a la Virgen María Bajo la Advocación de Nuestra Señor de Guadalupe. Para mayor información favor de llamar a: Carmen Noriega, 849-3436; Arsenia Velez, 709-3317 o Ilda Hernandez, 848-0392 Gathering Place activities Friday, November 11, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Lake Jackson. They will be celebrating Veteran’s Day. Reservations are being taken now for the annual Gathering Place Christmas Party, which will be held on Thursday, December 1 at the 1st United Methodist Church in Angleton., from 10:00 am.2:00 p.m. Duke Gamino will play for the event, and participants will have photos made with Santa. Most Holy Trinity parishioners Belle Kibodeaux, Carma Mass, Gloria Ramos and Arsenia Velez will be honored for four years of service. For more information, or to make a reservation, please call Brenda, 849-5051. Angleton Christian School is holding a breakfast for all veterans on Wednesday, November 9, at 8:00 a.m., followed by a veteran tribute during their chapel service. All vets are asked to join them as they celebrate Veteran’s Day. Angleton Christian School is located at 3133 N. Valderas. Sacred & Safe curriculum on child safety and sexual issues will be presented to all CCE grade level classes during the week of November 14. A final parent orientation meeting in English and Spanish will be offered for parents who would like to preview the materials for their child’s grade. The meetings will be held on Monday, November 14, at 6:00 p.m. in English and on Tuesday, November 15, at 7:00 p.m., in Spanish. Plan de estudios Sagrados y Seguro sobre la seguridad infantil y los problemas sexuales se presentará a todas las clases de nivel de grado CCE durante la semana del 14 de noviembre. Una reunión de orientación final en Inglés y Español para padres se ofrecerá a los padres que deseen obtener una vista previa de los materiales para el grado de su hijo. Las reuniones se llevarán a cabo el lunes, 14 de noviembre a las 6:00 pm en Inglés y el martes, 15 de noviembre a las 7:00 pm, en español. Meet & Greet Brian Johnson Brian Johnson, Archdiocesan Director of Youth Ministry will celebrate 20 years of service to the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. In honor of his anniversary, Brian will be visiting all parishes in the Archdiocese who have youth programs. Brian will be at Most Holy Trinity on Sunday, November 6, to celebrate with us at the 10:00 a.m. Mass. After Mass, all are invited to St. Basil Hall for a meet-andgreet with Brian. Come and congratulate him and share refreshments and fellowship. Revised Roman Missal class on-going As part of the ongoing preparation for the upcoming changes in the Mass with the Revised Roman Missal, classes will be offered on Thursdays, at 9:30 a.m., in Room SB-2. Come delve more deeply into the meaning of the Celebration of the Eucharist and understand why the Eucharist, and our participation at Mass, is so central to the faith of all Catholic Christians. This is Catholicism 101 at its best. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church Evening Prayer in the tradition of Taizé Sunday November 13 6:00 p.m. in the church BE RECONCILED ALL YOU WHO ENTER HERE — parents and children; husband and wives, believers and those who cannot believe; Christians and their fellow Christians. (Taken from the entrance to the Church of Reconciliation at the Community of Taizé, France) All are invited for a wonderful evening of prayer, scripture, meditative singing, & silence. For more information, please call the parish office, 849-2421. [7 4:30 CCE Grades K-5 6:00 CCE Grades K-5 6:15 CCE Special Needs 7:30 RCIA 7:30 Grupo de Oracion Choir Room [14 4:30 CCE Grades K-5 6:00 CCE Grades K-5 6:00 Sacred & Safe (Eng.) 6:15 CCE Special Needs 7:30 RCIA 7:30 Grupo de Oracion Choir Room 7:30 KC Meeting MONDAY TUESDAY [15 [8 5:30 CCE Gr. 6-8 6:00 Choir 7:00 CCE Gr. 9-12 5:30 CCE Gr. 6-8 6:00 Choir 7:00 CCE Gr. 9-12 [16 [9 WEDNESDAY [10 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:10 Special intention for The Gonzalez Family, especially Hilario, Maria Luisa & Hortencia by daughter & sister, Margarita Gray SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 9:00 For Vocations 5:00 For all the people SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:00 Imelda Jimenez (+) by Aunt Angie & Tony Lopez 10:00 KC Memorial Mass FRIDAY [18 [11 Human Develop. Coll 3:30 Confessions [19 Poor & Needy Coll. 3:30 Confessions [12 SATURDAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBET 19 9:00 For Vocations 5:00 Emilio Luna (+) by mother, Ramona TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:10 Special intention in thanksgiving for son, wives & children, John, Eusebio, Samuel, Ernest, Benny & Sidney by Mom, Mary Lillie Perez WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 12:00 For all living and deceased Hernandez & Pena family members by Elidia THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 8:10 Joe Silva (+) by family FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 8:10 Adele LeBouef (+) by Lena & James Kubala 7:00 Gospel of John with Fr. Bob 5:00 Confessions [17 7:00 Fr. Lizalde 7:00 Gospel of John with Fr. Bob 5:00 Confessions THURSDAY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 8:10 Living and deceased members of the Rab & Prihoda Families by Bettie Rab FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 8:10 Gary Donnelly (+) by parents, Lavern & Imogene 7:00 Grupo de Oracion 7:00 Legion of Mary 7:30 KC Charity Bingo (non-smoking) 9:30 Roman Missal Class 10:00 Golden Stars 6:00 Sacred & Safe (Sp.) 7:00 Lector Workshop 7:00 Grupo de Oracion 7:00 Legion of Mary 7:30 KC Charity Bingo (non-smoking) 9:30 Roman Missal Class 10:00 Golden Stars Monthly meeting MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 8:10 Joe Gutierrez (+) by family & friends TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 8:10 Anthony Ivy (+) by Henry & Judy Jo DeVries WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 12:00 Santos & Rebecca Moreno (++) by daughter, Helen & Fred Infante SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 9:00 For Vocations 5:00 Esperanza Martinez (+) and all living and deceased family members SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 8:00 For all living and deceased members of the Guadalupe Society 10:00 For all the people 4:00 Confirmation Candidate Sessison 6:00 Taize Prayer 33rd Sun. of the Year [13 Poor & Needy Coll. 8:30 1st Reconciliation Class Candidates & Parents (Eng.) 9:30 1st Reconciliation Class Candidates & Parents (Sp.) 32nd Sun. of the Year [6 Bldg. Fund Coll. 8:30 1st Reconciliation Class Candidates only (Eng.) 9:00 Guadalupe Society 9:30 1st Reconciliation Class Candidates only (Sp.) 10:00 CCE PK SUNDAY November 6-19, 2011 Baptisms: Preparations sessions are required for parents and godparents and a recognition Mass. Parents should be registered in the parish and practicing Catholics. Call the parish office as early as possible during pregnancy to pre-register for classes. Baptism will be set upon completion of the required classes. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): For individuals who are not baptized, baptized in another denomination and interested in becoming Catholic, or baptized Catholics who never completed the sacraments of initiation (Eucharist & Confirmation). This process leads to full communion in the Catholic Church. First Reconciliation/First Communion: Enrollment in the sacrament preparation process is open to children in grade 2 or older who are registered in the parish, faithfully attending Mass and enrolled in ongoing faith formation programming. Classes include required parent & child sessions for both sacraments. Confirmation: Enrollment in a 2-year preparation process is open to youth in grade 10 or higher who actively practice the Catholic faith and are registered in the parish. Youth must be regularly attending Mass and ongoing faith formation classes. An entrance interview may be required. Marriage: By appointment only, 6-12 months in advance. Either one or both of the couple must be registered in the parish. Marriage Preparation Program required. No weddings during Lent. Holy Orders: If interested in the Priesthood or Diaconate, contact Fr. Maurice Restivo, C.S.B. Death in the Family: Call the Parish Office before you make an appointment with the funeral home. We are here to help you spiritually and emotionally. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 849-2421.