March 20, 2016 - St Augustine Cathedral
March 20, 2016 - St Augustine Cathedral
Saint Augustine Cathedral Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion March 20, 2016 Parish Mission Statement Inside This Issue: The Catholic Community of St. Augustine Cathedral, nourished by the Eucharist and guided by the Holy Spirit are sent forth to proclaim the Good News of God’s love for all people. Weekly Parish Information 2-3 Liturgical4-5 Prayer List 5 Parish News 6-7 Diocese News 8 World News 8-9 Feature Article: “US Bishops File Brief To Support Immigration Guidelines” As a Parish Community we will put this into action by continuously developing a Pastoral Program that reaches out to meet the needs of our Parishioners and community. 192 S. Stone Ave. • Tucson, Arizona 85701 • Tel (520) 623-6351 • Fax (520) 623-0088 • Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 - 5 / Friday 9 - 4 St. Augustine Cathedral Clergy & Staff Directory Rector: Rev. Gonzalo Villegas x115 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Showri Raju Narra x117 Capuchin Priests: Rev. Robert Kose • Rev. John Francis Samsa Deacons: Keating Ackerley • Salvador Carmona, Charles Gallegos • Jesse Soto Office Manager: Margie Marrufo x102 Secretary: Norma Madril x101 Receptionist: Cecilia Metz x118 Compliance Officer: Terry Gill x116 Diocesan & Cathedral Director of Music: Carlos Zapien x114 Maintenance: Gloria Ramos • Cecilia Metz Nick Gomez Rectory Housekeeper: Norma Pinedo Bulletin & Website Editor: Patty Alcala REGULAR Mass Schedule Saturday 5:30 pm English Vigil Mass - Organist (Fulfills Sunday obligation) Sunday 6:30 am 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm English Mass - No Music Spanish Mass - Mariachi English Mass - Choir English Mass - Choir Spanish Mass - Coro Weekday English Masses 7:00 am & 12:00 pm Monday - Friday Holy Days (except Christmas & New Years) 7:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm English Mass English Mass Spanish Mass Sacrament of Penance 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm 2 Saturday organizations & committees Altar Server Society: Sylvia Kamei & Sandra Smith Docent/Hospitality: Leilani Gomez Eucharistic Ministers: Liz Aguallo Events Fundraising: Leilani Gomez Finance Council: Joe Ladenburg Guadalupanos: Juan Carlos Martinez Keep Cathedral Grounds Beautiful: John Jacome Knights of Columbus: John Badilla Pastoral Council: Liz Aguallo RCIA:Deacon Charles Gallegos & Gene Benton St. Vincent de Paul: Justin Castillo Usher Society: Luis E. Kamei Youth Group: Matt Yanez & Ariana Varelas Collections March 6, 2016 Sunday Collection Received: 2nd Collect: $7,080.62 $1,685.97 Thank you for your continued and generous support of our parish. God bless you! Sunday: SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Monday: Monday of Holy Week Tuesday: Tuesday of Holy Week Wednesday: Wednesday of Holy Week; Purim begins Thursday: Holy Thursday; Paschal Triduum begins Friday: Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday); Fast and Abstinence Saturday: Holy Saturday; Vigil of Easter PARISH INFORMATION THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH Sunday/Domingo3/20/16 ALL DAY 6:30am 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 5:30pm 6:30pm GUADALUPANOS - BREAKFAST English Mass In Thanksgiving to St. Jude Spanish Mass †Jesus & †Guadalupe Renteria Bishop ‘S Mass †Benito F. Lizardi English Mass †Joe & †Martin Gutierrez Spanish Mass †Manuel Richard Quintas Youth group and 4th Parent Meeting in Hall Monday/Lunes 3/21/16 7:00am Daily English Mass 12:00pm NO Daily English Mass 2:00pmCHRISM MASS 4:00pmrosary in spanish †Bertha Bush / †Mr. & †Mrs. Clauberg Tuesday/Martes 3/22/16 7:00am 12:00pm Daily English Mass Daily English Mass Maria Clauberg †Leonor Torres Wednesday/Miercoles3/23/16 7:00am Daily English Mass †Bert Ramirez 12:00pm Daily English Mass In Thanksgiving to St. Theresa the “Little Flower” 6:00pmCOMMUNAL PENANCE 6:00-9:00pm RCIA in So. Room Thursday/Jueves 7:00am 12:00pm 7:00pm 3/24/16 NO Daily English Mass NO Daily English Mass HOLY THURSDAY MASS †Esther Davila Friday/Viernes 3/25/16 OFFICE CLOSED ALL DAY ON FRIDAY 7:00am NO Daily English Mass 12:00pm NO Daily English Mass 12:00pmVENERATION OF THE CROSS IN ENGLISH 3:00pm LIVE SPANISH VIACRUCIS - SAN COSME TO CATHEDRAL 3:00pm ENGLISH STATIONS OF THE CROSS - ST. AUGUSTINE 7:00pmVENERATION OF THE CROSS IN SPANISH Saturday/Sabado 5:30pm 7:00pm NO English Vigil Mass EASTER VIGIL MASS 3/26/16 †Maria Montano Advertise your Business with us! WEBSITE If you are interested in placing an ad/link for your company on our website, please contact the parish office. BULLETIN If you are interested in placing an ad for your company in our Bulletin, please contact Claudia Borders at (520) 298-1265 visit our website! NO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES DUE TO HOLY WEEK STARTING ON MONDAY MARCH 21ST Is your child in a Religious Education Class? View your child’s schedule at: PARISH INFORMATION visit US ON /staugustine cathedral 3 palm sunday of the passion of the lord march 20, 2016 The Lord God is my help, therefore I am not disgraced. —Isaiah 50:7a Evangelio y la consagración de la Eucaristía se hacen dentro del templo, pero se comienza afuera del templo con la bendición de los ramos. En Estados Unidos y otros países latinoamericanos se usan palmas en lugar de ramos. En Europa, normalmente, se usan ramos de olivos. Últimamente en Colombia para proteger la palma de cera del Quindío, se les ha pedido a los fieles que usen ramitas de plantas o ramos de flores. Estoy de acuerdo hay que proteger el ambiente, pero admito que prefiero las palmas, ya que es difícil poner un ramo de olivo o de flores detrás de una imagen sagrada colgada en la pared. Esta es una costumbre latina que nos recuerda que los “hosannas” y el “crucifícalo” del domingo de ramos nos acompañan todos los días del año. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34; Mt 26:14-25 PASSION The word “passion” connotes deep, focused engagement. It also relates to passivity, interestingly. The deeply passionate person in the Gospel narrative from Luke is Jesus. He appears passive, but he is not. He is wholly self-possessed and wholly present for the one day that begins on Thursday evening at his last meal with his apostles and ends with his burial before sunset the next day. Then follows the long Sabbath silence. The narrative of the Passion is read whole and without pause on the Palm Sunday of the Passion. This story, found in each of the Gospels, is unchanging. We are the ones who change. Each year, we bring ourselves with another year’s history to hear and heed the story we so badly need. Life has its way with us, and we look again to the Passion narratives to learn to follow. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE La liturgia oficial de la Iglesia para el Domingo de Ramos es algo paradójica. Entramos proclamando Hosannas con cantos y vítores y al poco tiempo estamos gritando: “¡crucifícalo, crucifícalo!” Según el rito la lectura del 4 Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3ab, 6a, 8b-9; Ps 89:21-22, 25, 27; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21 Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Friday: 16, Is 52:13 — 53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15- Saturday: a) Gn 1:1 — 2:2 [1:1, 26-31a]; Ps 104: 1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 13-14, 24, 35; or Ps 33: 4-7, 12-13, 20-22; b) Gn 22:1-18 [1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18]; Ps 16: 5, 8-11; c) Ex 14:15 — 15:1; Ex 15:1-6, 17-18; d) Is 54:5-14; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; e) Is 55:1-11; Is 12:2-6; f) Bar 3:9-15, 32 — 4:4; Ps 19:8-11; g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3-4 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 or Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; h) Rom 6:3-11; i) Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Lk 24:1-12 Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20: 1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or (at an afternoon or evening Mass) Lk 24:13-35 17, 25; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1 — 19:42 LITURGICAL TODAY’S READINGS Gospel at the Procession with Palms — Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem (Luke 19:28-40). First Reading — In spite of my sufferings I am not disgraced. I am not put to shame (Isaiah 50:4-7). Psalm — My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? (Psalm 22). Second Reading — Christ emptied himself, and God filled this emptiness with exaltation (Philippians 2:6-11). Gospel — The account of Christ’s passion according to Luke (Luke 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1-49]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Jubilee Year of Mercy Misericordiae Vultus: The Face of Mercy is Pope Francis’ official decree announcing this Jubilee Year of Mercy. But Francis had already declared that Jesus “has shown the face of God’s mercy” back in 2013 on his first Palm Sunday as pope. Francis described Luke’s account of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem: “Crowds, celebrating, praise, blessing, peace: joy fills the air. Jesus has awakened great hopes, especially in the hearts of the simple, the humble, the poor, the forgotten, those who do not matter in the eyes of the world. He understands human sufferings . . . has bent down to heal body and soul.” Entering Jerusalem, Jesus looks at all of us with love, Francis continued, at our sicknesses and sins. “A beautiful scene, full of light—the light of the love of Jesus” (Pope Francis, Palm Sunday homily, March 24, 2013). May this Jubilee Year’s Holy Week and Triduum make us Jesus’ own light-bearers and love-givers to all who long to see the Face of Mercy. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. | Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. Año Jubilar de la Misericordia Misericordiae Vultus: El rosto de la Misericordia es el documento oficial (en este caso una Bula papal) anunciando este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia. Sin embargo, el Domingo de Ramos de 2013, el Papa Francisco había anunciado que “Jesús ha mostrado el rostro de la misericordia de Dios”. El Papa Francisco describe la historia del Evangelio de Lucas donde Jesús entra en Jerusalén así: “Gentío, fiesta, alabanza, LITURGICAL Please Pray for our Parishioners Please call the office to remove your loved one’s name when well. Thank you! Jennifer Abeyta Cristen Aguirre Francisca Aguirre Margaret Aguirre Esther Alba Ruben G. Amado Angela Altagracia Araiza Valdez Maria Cruz Badilla Lee Leon Baker Diego Ballesteros Antonio Beltran Benjamin F.A. Bicknese Alma Rosa Bombilla Lopez David Bombilla Fregoso Terry Rico Bracamonte Jenny Brichta Deacon Oscar Bueno Ana Bustamante Maria Bustamante Vincent Bustamante Carmen Cardenas Msgr. Arsenio Carrillo Coach Carter Omar Casas Varela 11yrs Julie Castro Alex Catalan Luz Catalan Pete Confrey Walter Cruz Theresa Cuestas Margie Echeveria Diego & Nubia Federico Jerry Federico Jose Fimbres Jose Lluly Fimbres Ursula Fimbres Maria Galvan David Garcia Marco Antonio A. Garcia Martin Gastelum Yolanda Gastelum Kathy Gatt Christine Gill Frank Chapo Gomez Veronica Gomez Roberto Grijalva Octavio Guerrero Erica Harper Ofelia Hernandez Rudy Ingels Ramona Barba Inigues Jesus Jaquez, Jr. Elliot Janacek William Logsdon Angelica Lopez Dora Lopez Baby Gilberto Ramon Lopez, Jr. Isaac Lopez Maverick Lopez Michelle Lopez Curtis Lucas Socorro Macedo Javier Marrufo Bertha Dolores Martinez Rebeca Mesquita Christina Molina Rosalie Monreal Jana Montione Linda Montoya Artie Navarro Alfonso Nieto Kyra Nieto Jose Nunez Liz Nunez Nancy O’Connor Neal O’Connor Bernice Irene Ornelaz Santiago Orozco, Sr. Gerardo Pereira Esther Perez Mariah Peterson Carmen Pinedo Sherry Poe Mother Preciado Ernesto Quijada Edilia Quiroz Fred Riesgo Graciela Rodarte Bertha Romero Dora Romero Leonel Romero Jaime Roybal Sister Paulette Shaw Millie Smith Daniel Smyers Deacon Jesse Soto Howard Spence Christine Stern Mary Stern Joe Szleszinski Michele Tejada Eric Torres-Largarda Noel Torres Rudy Torres Georgeann Toto Angel Valenzuela Armando Valenzuela Barbara Valenzuela Berta Valenzuela Monica Verdugo Teresa Verdugo Jonelia Whitten Mark Whitten Paula Whitten Randy Whitten Lydia Yanez Yareth Ybarra Gabriella Kenosha Zemont 5 bendición, paz. Se respira un clima de alegría. Jesús ha despertado en el corazón tantas esperanzas, sobre todo entre la gente humilde, simple, pobre, olvidada, esa que no cuenta a los ojos del mundo. Él ha sabido comprender las miserias humanas, ha mostrado el rostro de misericordia de Dios y se ha inclinado para curar el cuerpo y el alma”. El Papa Francisco sigue diciendo que Jesús al entrar a Jerusalén mira a todos con amor en nuestras debilidades y pecados. “Es una bella escena, llena de luz – la luz del amor de Jesús, de su corazón –, de alegría, de fiesta” (Papa Francisco, homilía del Domingo de Ramos, 24 de marzo de 2013). ¡Qué la Semana Santa y Triduo Pascual de este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia nos hagan portadores de la luz de Jesús y mensajeros de amor a todos los que anhelan ver El rostro de la Misericordia! —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. | Citas del Papa Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Usadas con permiso. PARISH REGISTRATION update now or lose out! Please help us update the parish parishioner’s registration list. Back in November of 2015, we mailed a letter to those registered in our parish asking them to let us know if they wanted us to keep them in our parish registration list. More than 200 letters were returned with wrong addresses. We assume that probably 60% of those registered do not attend our Church since the last time our parish registration list was updated more than 20 years ago. Please notify our parish office if you need to update your registration information, or if you want to be removed from our list. For those who are not registered and attend our church, please consider doing it. If we do not hear from those who are registered by mid-April, they will be removed from our parish list. Thank you for helping with this matter. Reminder for Parents Recuerdo para Padres We would like to remind parents to please accompany your children to the restrooms. We want to promote a safe parish. Thank you Nos gustaría recordar a los padres que por favor acompañen a sus hijos a los baños. Queremos promover una parroquia segura. Gracias 6 St. Augustine Cathedral Rectory Capital Campaign 2015-2018 report Parish Goal: $500,000 • Pledge Total: $68,040 (Paid to Date: $14,485) • One Time Donation Total: $41,886 • Total Cash Received: $56,371 Pledge + Donation Parishioner $ 109 , 926 • Information $ 56 , 371 • Total Received (as of 3/9/16): 3/9/16 • 36 Pledges received of 1,656 Registered Parishioners (0.02% participation). • 2 Pledges received from Non-Parishioners. • 122 One-Time Donations GOAL : $ 500,000 $ 400,000 $ 300,000 $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $0 As you can see the above numbers, we do need more parishioner participation. Moreover, the number of pledges received so far reveals the average pledge is $1,790. The one-time donation average is $329. I am impressed and thankful that 36 of our parishioners and 2 non-parishioners have pledged the amount above. Imagine if everyone would participate. We would not only reach our goal, but go beyond it. These numbers show us that it is possible to reach our goal of $500,000 when everyone participates. I invite you to please consider making a pledge for at least $1,000. That is only $28 per month in a three-year period. Please pray for the Parish Capital Campaign success. We remind you that construction on the rectory roof will begin very soon. Again, thank you for your support. USHERS NEEDED Interested in becoming a St. Augustine Church Usher? We are now recruiting men & women for a rewarding spiritual and uplifting experience as liturgical ministers Usher or Greeter serving in God’s house. Those who desire to serve as ministers of hospitality should be active and faithful members of the Church. Ushering is an oportunity to serve God by serving His people and is a marvelous way to actively and PARISH NEWS Español English 3/25/16 3/25/16 via crucis 2016 HORARIO / schedule 3:00pm en San Cosme 3:00pm in the Church faithfully participate in the Mass. The heart of an usher is the heart of a servant, and he does his work for his Lord Jesus. A church usher has a true love for the people of the church. If you desire to promote an atmosphere of reverence and worship in the house of God, please contact the parish office for more information at 623-6351. St. augustine cathedral heart to serve ministry fair An invitation to our parish Ministry Fair that will be held on Sunday, April 10, 2016 after the following masses: 6:30am, 8am, 10am, and 12pm in the placita. God needs YOU! Your parish needs YOU! Ever wanted to know more about a ministry and did not know who to ask? Ever thought about joining an additional ministry? Each ministry will have an information table and sign-up sheet for those wanting to be more involved. There are so many ministries in our parish from bible study to ushers, from decorations to St. Vincent de Paul – just to name a few. We look forward for you to stop to visit, ask questions at each of our ministry tables. When we give of our time and talent, we grow in the Kingdom of God and inspire others by our faithful example. When we respond generously, we build a community of service and love! Feria de Ministerios “Heart to Serve” de la Catedral de San Agustín Los invitamos a la Feria de Ministerios de nuestra parroquia que se llevará a cabo el domingo 10 de abril de 2016 después de las siguientes misas: 6:30am, 8am, 10am, and 12pm en la placita. PARISH NEWS Diáconos Carmona y Leon Deacons Gallegos & Ackerley ¡Dios lo necesita a USTED! ¡Su parroquia lo necesita a USTED! ¿Ha querido usted siempre informarse acerca de algún ministerio y no ha sabido a quién preguntarle? ¿Ha pensado usted en ser parte de algún otro ministerio? Cada uno de nuestros ministerios tendrá una mesa informativa con hojas de inscripción para todos los que deseen participar más activamente. En nuestra parroquia hay muchos ministerios desde estudio de la biblia a acomodadores, desde decoraciones a San Vicente de Paúl – por nombrar algunos. Esperamos que todos visiten la feria de ministerios y que hagan preguntas a los representantes de los ministerios que estarán presentes en sus respectivas mesas. Cuando compartimos nuestro tiempo y nuestros talentos crecemos en el Reino de Dios e inspiramos a otros con nuestro ejemplo de fe. Cuando respondemos generosamente, ¡construimos una comunidad de servicio y de amor! Youth Group Our Lady’s Mantle Your Cathedral has a youth group and is inviting all high school students to come and explore their relationship with our Lord! Our Lady’s Mantle caters to the development of the Catholic faith in high school teens and emphasizes the beauty of our relationship with the Virgin Mary through fun activities, engaging talks, and deep discussions. We meet Sunday evenings from 6:30pm - 8:30pm in the South Room of the parish hall all year round. Have questions or need more info? Matt Yanez at (520) 979-4715 or Ariana Varelas at (520) 548-9484. matt ellis We are very sad to hear of Matt Ellis’ passing. Please pray for his family and friends. 7 What the aca funds quÉ financia la compaŃa Evangelization and Hispanic Ministry Focuses on reaching out and extending the peace and love of Jesus Christ to everyone. This ministry also works to explore ways to meet the needs of Hispanic Catholics within the Diocese. Evangelización y Minsterio Hispano Centrado en ofrecer asistencia y tender la mano a todos para compartir la paz y el amor de Jesucristo. Este ministerio también procura satisfacer las necesidades de los católicos hispanos de nuestra Diócesis. Position Openings, Diocese of Tucson The following vacant positions within the Diocese of Tucson are available as of 3/7/16. To view the position Description and information on how to apply, please refer to www.diocesetucson. org (Employment Opportunities). Schools: • San Miguel High School, Tucson, AZ – School President • Immaculate Heart Schools, Tucson, AZ o Fifth Grade Teacher o School Nurse o Computer Teacher (Part-time) 8 COME HOME TO GOD’S MERCY THROUGH THE AFTER-EASTER ALIENATED CATHOLICS ANONYMOUS SERIES: Inactive? Hurt? Angry? Alienated from God or the Church? Seeking peace? Come to the 6-part afterEaster Alienated Catholics Anonymous series at Our Mother of Sorrows Parish, 1800 South Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ. The series focus is on God’s Mercy. It begins on Monday, March 28th at 7:00PM in the Parish Activity Center, then continues on for 5 consecutive Monday evenings. Sometimes, years of non-participation makes Catholics feel like strangers in their own church. This series will involve informal sharing, reflections from Catholics recently returned to full and active participation in their faith. It will also serve as an update on what Catholics believe. The series will address the needs of those who have entered into non-sacramental marriages and where there exists conflicts between their closest relationships and their Church. Pre-registration is encouraged but not required. (747-1321). There is no fee. You Did It for Me Odette started working with Catholic Relief Services even before she gave birth to her daughter, Olga, to ensure her baby would get the care she needed during the crucial first 1,000 days of life. This time period is so important that CRS is working with communities like Odette’s throughout Rwanda to end child malnutrition through health and nutrition programs. Your help can ease suffering and restore hope for our brothers and sisters. To learn more, please visit: DIOCESE & world NEWS US Bishops File Brief to Support Immigration Guidelines Say the directives provide “substantial humanitarian benefits” Immigration guidelines permitting deferral of the deportations of millions of people provide “substantial humanitarian benefits” and should be permitted to stand, said an amicus curiae brief, filed March 8 in the U.S. Supreme Court by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and 24 other U.S. faith-based organizations whose work includes advocating for or providing aid and resources to recent immigrants and their families. The case is United States v. Texas, in which some states have challenged the federal government’s implementation of immigration guidelines issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security. The guidelines effectively stay the deportation proceedings of 4-5 million undocumented people who pose no national security or public safety threat and who have longstanding close family ties to people in the United States. These guidelines, the brief said, provide “important benefits to those most vulnerable in our society and to those who serve them” and also ensure “that the public will continue to benefit from the substantial contributions of recent immigrants.” Other groups joining the brief were Church World Service; the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); Leadership Conference of Women Religious; Disciples Home Missions; Sisters of Mercy of the Americas; Sojourners; Franciscan Action Network; Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity; NETWORK, a National Catholic Social Justice Lobby; Mennonite Central Committee U.S.; Conference of Major Superiors of Men; General Synod of the United Church of Christ; National Latino Evangelical Coalition; Hope for Peace and Justice; Good Shepherd United Church of Christ; ISAIAH; Shadow Rock; Christ’s Foundry United Methodist Mission; Esperanza; Southside Presbyterian Church; Oklahoma Conference of Churches; National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference; and Reformed Church of Highland Park. March 10, 2016 | Zenit Staff | WIKIMEDIA COMMONS - Z2amiller world NEWS 9
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192 S. Stone Ave. • Tucson, Arizona 85701 • Tel (520) 623-6351 • Fax (520) 623-0088 •
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