mensaje de la virgen de fatima
mensaje de la virgen de fatima
SAINT WILLIAM—ROUND ROCK, TEXAS AUGUST 11, 2013 MASSES & READINGS A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT MONDAY, August 12: Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious Dt 10:12-22; Ps 147; Mt 17:22-27 6:30 a.m. † Edward Doris by Betty and Tony Baylis 12:15 p.m. † Jesus Alejandro Alvarado by Casey Alvarado TUESDAY, August 13: Saints Pontian, Pope, and Hippolytus, Priest, Martyrs Dt 31:1-8; Dt 32; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 12:15 p.m. † Betty Hinojosa by Heidi Shores 6 p.m. † Celis Aponte by her daughter WEDNESDAY, August 14: Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr Dt 34:1-12; Ps 66; Mt 18:15-20 Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16, 16:1-2; Ps 132; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 6:30 a.m. † Jonathan DeMarco by Kim Barger 12:15 p.m. † Norman Andrews by his son, JR Andrews 7 p.m. For the People of the Parish THURSDAY, August 15: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45;1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 6:30 a.m. † Kevin Cramer by Maggie Peiffer 12:15 p.m. † Leah G. Hugo by Nestor P. Hugo 6 p.m. Sp. Int. La Familia Camacho Arellano departe de Juana Arrellano In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus concludes his teaching about those who are “faithful and prudent stewards” with that classic stewardship teaching: “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” Christian stewards recognize that God is the ultimate source of their gifts, talents, resources and aptitudes, and that God wants them to use these varied gifts in his service. This week might be a good time to reflect on our God-given gifts. Are we using those gifts to serve the Lord? If Christ came back to us unexpectedly tomorrow would we be able to give a full accounting of how we have exercised stewardship over these gifts? 7:30 p.m. Sp. Int. por la salud y bienestar de los Gonzalez by Miryam Chozet FRIDAY, August 16: Saint Stephen of Hungary Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136; Mt 19:3-12 6:30 a.m. † Jose Luis Cuevas by his family 12:15 p.m. † Maria M. Bustamante by The Guerra Family SATURDAY, August 17 Jos 24:14-29; Ps 16; Mt 19:13-15 8:30 a.m. † Ed O’Brien by Frank, Lynn, and Michael Esparza 5 p.m. † Jesse Porras, Sr. by The Porras Family SUNDAY, August 18: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Ps 40; Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49-53 7:30 a.m. For the deceased members of the Guadalupanas 9:30 a.m. † Leah G. Hugo by Nestor P. Hugo 11:30 a.m. † Miroslav Zemuch by Paul McAniff, Mike Lubkiman, Jason Parsons, Matthew Coursey 1:30 p.m. For the People of the Parish 5:00 p.m. † JR Doris by Virginia Dryon Thomas O’Connor, Debra Sewell, Aaron Ruiz, Pablo Froelich, Juan M. & Alessandra Lopez, Lawrence Alvin Laurich, Herlinda Perez, Daphne Debroske, Donna Bayer Gracia Dubois, Maria Aguilar, Frank Aguilera, Gregorio Balderas, Zachary Denaro, Janine Marie Nutter, Martha Olivia Perez, Maria Carachure, Jody T. Svehlak The tabernacle candle burns “In Thanksgiving for Joe & Linda Freeman’s Anniversary” by The Freeman Family STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE REPORT—JULY 29 Amount Needed Per-Week Offertory Budgeted Weekly Collection Below Budget $ $ $ 61,538 48,093 (13,445) Year to date Totals (July 1st—July 29) Amount needed Total Sunday collections-to-date Below year to date budget $ 246,152 $ 211,299 $ (34,853) ¡Gracias por su apoyo y generosidad! Thank you for your continued support and generosity! NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, Aug 11th 7:30 AM Inscripciones para la Formacion de Fe Parish Hall Sec 1 8:30 AM Divina Misericordia Breakfast Parish Hall Sect 2 3:00 PM Sunday 5pm Choir Rehearsal Church Choir Room 7:00 PM Unity Rosary Planning Committee Meeting St. Francis Room Monday, Aug 12th 9:30 AM CGS Catechist/Assistant Training Ed Ctr Rm 12 6:30 PM Boy Scout Troop Meeting Pavilion 6:30 PM Catholic Daughters of America Ofcr Mtg St. Francis Room 7:00 PM Orientacion de Matrimonios Church Bridal Room 7:00 PM CRSP Hombres Music Practice Church Vesting Sacristy 7:00 PM Sunday 5pm Choir Rehearsal Church Choir Room 7:00 PM RCIA Team Training Ed Ctr Rm 14/16 7:00 PM CRHP Men Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 7:00 PM CRHP Women St. Vincent de Paul 8:00 PM Hispanic Ministry Leaders Meeting Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Tuesday, Aug 13th 9:30 AM CGS Catechist/Assistant Training Ed Ctr Rm 12 7:00 PM Sunday 11:30am Choir Rehearsal Church 7:00 PM Agua Viva Team Rosary Church Vesting Sacristy 7:00 PM Legion of Mary St. Francis Room 7:30 PM Sunday 9:30am Choir Rehearsal Church Choir Room 8:00 PM Agua Viva Pavilion Wednesday, Aug 14th 9:30 AM CGS Catechist/Assistant Training Ed Ctr Rm 12 6:30 PM RSYM Mesa Diretiva Ed Ctr Rm 24/26 6:30 PM CRHP Women Retreat Planning Meeting Ed Ctr Rm 21 6:30 PM KC 1st Degree Exemplification Pavilion 6:30 PM Rosary Group Sacred Heart Chapel 7:00 PM Vigil - Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary Church 7:00 PM Triumph Core Team Meeting Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 7:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul Spirituality Mtg St. Vincent de Paul Bldg 7:30 PM CRHP Continuation Committee Meeting Ed Ctr Rm 11 7:30 PM Agua Viva Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 7:30 PM Sunday 1:30pm Coro Practica Sacred Heart Chapel Thursday, August 15th—The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:30 AM Mass - Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary Church 12:15 PM Mass - Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary Church 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Church Confessional 6:00 PM Mass - Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary Church 7:00 PM CRSP Mujeres Reunion Semanal St. Vincent de Paul 7:00 PM Legion de Maria Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 7:00 PM Marriage Ministry: Together in God's Love Ed Ctr Rm 24/26 7:00 PM Opus Dei Men Sacred Heart Chapel 7:00 PM Saturday 5pm Choir Rehearsal Parish Hall Sec 1 7:00 PM Sunday 7:30am Coro Practica 7:30 PM Misa - Asunción Santisima Virgen Maria Church Friday, August 16th 6:30 PM Day Sun Danced & Frncis: Knight of Assisi Parish Hall 7:00 PM CRSP Hombre's St. Vincent de Paul 7:00 PM Legion de Maria Jovenes Ed Ctr Rm 21 7:00 PM Quincearna Rehearsal Sacred Heart Chapel 8:00 PM Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 8:00 PM Estudio Biblico Ed Ctr Rm 11 8:00 PM Legion of Mary Young Adults Ed Ctr Rm 23 9:00 PM Amigos en Cristo Hora Santa Sacred Heart Chapel Saturday, August 17th 8:00 AM Sacramento del Bautismo Church 8:30 AM Clase de Bautismo Parish Hall Sec 2 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Baptism Class Parish Hall Sctn 1 New Communion Minister Training Church Quinceanera Sacred Heart Chapel Etica e Integridad en el Ministerio Parish Hall Smith/Akin Wedding Sacred Heart Chapel Talleres de Oracion y Vida Ed Ctr Rm 23 Saturday 5pm Choir Rehearsal Church Choir Room Sacrament of Reconciliation Church Day Sun Danced & Francis: Knight of Assisi Parish Hall Grupo Juvenil Amigos en Cristo Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Sunday 7:30am Coro Practica Church Choir Room Mass and Reconciliation—For the regular Mass and Reconciliation schedule, please see the cover of this bulletin. Misa y Reconciliación—Para el horario de la Misa y Reconciliación, vea la portada de este boletín. ***** Events not open to the public are marked with an asterisk. ***** JOBS AT SAINT WILLIAM/ EMPLEO EN SAINT WILLIAM NEW—Administrative Associate—Full Time Fluent in English/ Spanish a must. Visit for a complete job description, list of responsibility and requirements or call the church office at 512-255-4473. MASS SCHEDULE/ HORARIO DE MISA Wed. 14 August—Vigil of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:00 Eng Thurs. 15 August—Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:30 Eng, 12:15 Eng, 6:00 Eng, 7:30 Span SPONSOR OF THE WEEK PLEASE PATRONIZE AND THANK OUR BULLETIN SPONSORS. NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME EVENTS IN THE PARISH/ EVENTOS EN LA PARROQUIA EVENTS IN THE PARISH/ EVENTOS EN LA PARROQUIA New Communion Ministers - August 17 If you are a fully initiated Catholic (have received Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation), you are invited to explore becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Communion ministers assist with the distribution of communion at mass, and/or bring communion to the hospital, nursing home and those who are homebound. The next training class is on Saturday, August 17 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the Church. Contact Debbie George at 512-600-8158 Nuevos Ministros Comunión - 17 de agosto Si usted es un Católica que ha recibido el Bautismo, Eucaristía y Confirmación, está invitado a explorar en como participar como Ministro Extraordinario de la Sagrada Comunión. Los Ministros de Comunión ayudan con la distribución de la comunión en la Misa, y/o traer comunión al hospital, hogar de ancianos y aquellos que están confinados en casa. La próxima sesión de información es el sábado, 17 de agosto de 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. en la Iglesia. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Debbie George a 512-600-8158. Bereavement Support Group—September 7 Saint William offers an 8-week self-help support group for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one. Classes meet on Saturday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., beginning September 7. Contact Chaplain Debbie George at 512-600-8158 or [email protected]. Divorce & Beyond: Ministry to those divorced or separated—Tuesdays If you or someone you know is suffering from the death of a marriage, Saint William offers a Catholic support group aimed at helping one to heal the wounds of a failed marriage. An initial interview is required to see if this is a good place for you at this time in your healing process. Classes will be held on Tuesday evenings and begin in September. For more information, contact Chaplain Debbie George at 512-600-8158 or [email protected]. Unidad en el Lenguaje—Ingles Como Segundo Idioma—6 de Septiembre El Programa de Unidad en el Lenguaje está aceptando inscripciones para quien quiera aprender Inglés aquí en le Iglesia. Tenemos clases de inglés en la mañana y por la noche dos veces por semana los lunes y los viernes. Las clases por la mañana son de 9:30 A.M a 11:30 A.M (lunes y viernes) y por la noche de 8:00 P.M a 9:30 P.M (lunes y viernes). Ofrecemos cuatro niveles de Ingles para que usted aprenda de la mejor manera posible. Llame pronto porque el cupo es limitado. Las clases empiezan el viernes 6 de septiembre y duran hasta mediados de Diciembre. El costo es de $35 por persona por un año de clase. Para mayor información llame a la Coordinadora Gabriela Evangelisti al (925) 872-9710 o mande un correo electrónico a [email protected] Is God calling you to participate in the next CRHP renewal weekend? Space is limited so call or email today! Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) - August 24-25 (women) August 31-September 1(men) Information CRHP for Women - English—Sharon Fuhrmann - 512-507-4374, CRHP for Men - English—David Robinett - 512-585-4575 Requirements to attend CRHP renewal weekend: Practicing Catholic age 21 years or older, Member of Saint William, Have not attended a CRHP weekend before Te esta llamando Dios a participar en la próxima retiro CRSP? Espacio es limitado. Llame o envié un correo electrónico hoy! Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia (CRSP) - 24-25 de agosto (mujeres) 31 de agosto-1 de septiembre (hombres) Información Para Mujeres—Español—Paula Frías - 512-809-2278 Para Hombres—Español—Francisco Cedillo - 512-653-2379 Requisitos para asistir el fin de semana de renovación, CRSP : Católico 21 años de edad o mayores, Miembro de Saint William, no haber asistido una semana CRHP New Altar Servers - August 24 If you are a boy or girl in grades 4 – 12 and have made your First Holy Communion, come and explore what it means to serve at the altar at Mass. The next training class is on Saturday, August 24 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Church. For more information, contact Debbie George at 512-600-8158 or [email protected]. Nuevos Servidores del Altar- 24 de agosto Si usted es un niño o niña entre los grados 4 - 12 y has hecho tu Primera Comunión, ven a explorar lo que significa servir en el altar durante la Misa. El próximo curso de formación es el sábado, 24 de agosto de 10 a.m. a 1 p.m. en la Iglesia. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Debbie George a 512-600-8158 o [email protected]. New Lector Training—August 31 If you are interested in learning more about how to proclaim the Word of God as a lector at Mass, come to the next training class on Saturday, August 31 from 10 a.m. – 12 noon in the Church. For more information, contact Debbie George at 512-600-8158 or [email protected]. Nuevo lector de capacitación 31 de agosto Si estás interesado en aprender más sobre como proclamar la Palabra de Dios como lector durante la Misa, ven en la siguiente clase de formación el sábado, 31 de agosto de 10 a.m. a 12 del mediodía en la Iglesia. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Debbie George a 512-600-8158 o [email protected]. NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saint Vincent’s Corner In this Gospel, Jesus says, “Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy.” Please help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul bring respite and hope to the elderly who are not able to find relief from the summer heat, and you will indeed find “an inexhaustible treasure in heaven!” The Pro-Life Place This weekend, the pro-life volunteers of the Austin Diocese will participate in a Day of Reflection, based on The Gospel of Life encyclical given in Rome in 1995 by Blessed Pope John Paul II. This time is designed to help refresh the participants’ spirits and to allow them time to reflect on their ministries. Please remember pro-life issues in your prayers this weekend. We are a people of life and we are called to educate on pro-life issues, to encourage pro-life prayer & worship, to provide pastoral care to those in need and to advocate for pro-life laws. The Gospel of Life is at the heart of Jesus' message to humanity - he came so that we have eternal life. Even in the most disturbing of times, human life is sacred from its very beginning until the end. Sidewalk Ministry "angel" - training offered by the Diocese on August 17, 9am-noon. Register at 512-949-2488. Frequent Numbers/ Numeros Frequentes PASTORAL CARE Liturgy Divorce & Beyond Bereavement Ministry Hospital Visit (English) Hospital Visit (Español) Homebound (English) Homebound (Spanish) Nursing Home Ministry Debbie George Debbie George Debbie George Mary DiBonito Martha Estrada Mary Cavett Martha Estrada Azucena Overman 600-8158 600-8158 600-8158 934-3235 417-8722 388-0016 417-8722 627-6423 SPIRITUAL LIFE Eucharist Adoration Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Grace Estatua Peregrina Praise & Worship Prayer Line Parish Bible Study Legion of Mary Karina Hernandez Debbie Davis Rosie Russi Les & Gabriele Miller Joan A. Price George Price Lynda Villasana 750-4676 417-9010 828-4772 255-5058 244-0814 244-0814 269-0023 OUTREACH SERVICE Gabriel Project/ Project Rachel Faith in Action Senior Access Pro-Life Committee English-as-a-Second Language Sacred Heart Community Clinic Toll Free Hotline Jann Gorman Ann Bierschenk Gabriela Evangelisti Liz Burton-Garcia (877) 932-2732 255-5028 797-5411 (925) 872-9710 716-3929 MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Ministerios Hispanos Apostoles Divina Misericordia Encuentro Matrimonial Grupo de Oración—Agua Viva Amigos en Cristo—Grupo Juvenil Sociedad de las Guadalupanas Lectores Legión de Mariá Legión de Mariá Grupo Juvenil Quinceañeras Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Santa Comunión Deacon Concho Castillo Gloria Zuniga Ramon y Mildred Bodon Ricardo Gonzalez Ernesto Peña Becky Diaz Elizabeth Araujo Rosie Russi Yesenia Lopez Deacon Concho Castillo Zeferino y Victoria Jacinto Lucy Montealvo 255-4473 369-3541 254-592-2009 745-1278 964-4311 705-1499 388-6013 828-4772 779-9385 255-4473 388-1683 567-8961 ORGANIZATIONS African-American Council Ada Muoneke 636-9359 American Heritage Girls Wendy Kerwin 580-678-9906 Asian Council Indra D’Mello 218-4097 Catholic Daughters Audrey Morton 590-1113 Junior Catholic Daughters Annette Sprawls 497-2878 Christ Child Society Ofelia Melendez 786-4705 K.J.T. Society, #134 Tina Risinger 310-9010 Knights of Columbus Robert Saldibar, Grand Knight 565-7721 Knights of Columbus (store) 600-8177 Ladies Guild Diana Pier 244-9630 WilCoYA Ministry 827-9292 Vocations Committee Deb Trahan 656-7200 For more information, visit or call 512-255-4473. SACRED HEART COMMUNITY CLINIC HOURS: Walk-Ins, Tues. & Thurs., 5 p.m.—8 p.m.; Registrations, Mon. & Fri., 9 a.m.-noon NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR OF FAITH/ AÑO DE LA FE The mission of the church has and always will be to spread the message of Jesus Christ. Those who live by Gospel values participate in the mission of the church. The church needs us in order to establish God’s kingdom on earth. What one thing can you do today to make Christ’s presence visible to others? In your own life, who has been an example of what it means to live by Gospel values? La misión de la Iglesia ha sido y siempre será divulgar el mensaje de Jesucristo. Aquellos que viven de acuerdo a los valores del evangelio participan en la misión de la Iglesia. La Iglesia nos necesita para establecer el reino de Dios en la Tierra. ¿Qué cosa puede hacer hoy para hacer la presencia de Cristo visible a los demás? En su propia vida, ¿Quien ha sido un ejemplo de lo que significa vivir de acuerdo a los valores del evangelio? CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING The call to discipleship in the Gospel this Sunday is to let go of fear, simplify our lives by giving alms and to be watchful and faithful servants. For centuries, Christians have waited for the Lord to return and while we wait it is easy to be distracted, to become fearful and to forget the needs of those around us. But God is present with us in Word, sacrament and community. While we wait for the fullness of the kingdom we can experience it in the here and now if we live as disciples – without fear, with great generosity and as God’s good servants. The Catholic Speaker Series at Saint William Parish in Round Rock continues with an evening presentation and book signing by nationally recognized, Catholic inspirational speaker, Greg Wasinski, featuring his latest book, “Where Faith and Real Life Come Together...,” a compilation of stories to help us notice how God is at work every day in our lives. Presentation and Book Signing by Greg Wasinski August 18 at 7 p.m. Saint William Catholic Church The event is free and open to the entire community. No matter where you are on your faith journey, you will be sure to find a relation to Greg’s stories and your own life. This talk is appropriate for all ages. Copies of "Where Faith and Real Life Come Together..." will be available for purchase. NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME EVENTS IN THE PARISH/ EVENTOS EN LA PARROQUIA CATHOLIC NIGHT AT THE MOVIES Cartoon and Crafts for Children and the Whole Family! Saturday, August 17, 2013—The Day the Sun Danced & Francis, The Knight of Assisi Cartoon! Admission is FREE and concessions will be available for sale. Movies are shown in the Parish Hall from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Parents of very young children are encouraged to preview the “Day the Sun Danced” due to strong content shown in one of the visions. Go to movies The Day the Sun Danced - This is the inspiring true story of Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, whose great faith and courage brought the message of Our Lady of Fatima to the entire world. Parents of very young children are encouraged to preview this movie due to strong content shown in one of the visions. Go to Francis, the Knight of Assisi - For the love of God, his King, Francis gave up all that he had and joyfully embarked upon the most exciting and unexpected adventure. This is the remarkable story of the founder of the Order of Minor Friars and inspiration of three Franciscan orders. NOCHE DE CINE CATOLICO ¡Caricaturas y proyectos de artesanía para los niños y sus familias! Viernes, agosto 16, 2013—Los Niños y El Sol: La Verdadera Historia de Fátima y Francisco, El Caballero de Asís en español La admisión es GRATIS y habrá comida disponible para la venta. Las Películas serán presentadas en el Salón Parroquial de 6:30 pm a 9:00 pm. Padres de familia se recomienda ver los cortos para “Los Niños y El Sol: La Verdadera Historia de Fátima” en peliculas. Los Niños y El Sol: La Verdadera Historia de Fátima y Francisco - Es la inspiradora historia de la Virgen de Fátima, quien transmitió su mensaje al mundo entero a través de tres inocentes niños, Lucía, Francisco, y Jacinta de un pequeño pueblo en Fátima, Portugal. Padres de familia se recomienda ver los cortos en peliculas El Caballero de Asís - La extraordinaria historia del fundador de la Orden de Frailes Menores, e iniciador de tres órdenes franciscanas. Ante una. misión muy especial, que requirió una gran valentía, Francisco renunció a todo lo que poseía. Send us your pictures… Do you have pictures from your ministry gathering, an event at Saint William? Send your pictures to [email protected]. We’d love to feature them on our website, bulletin, or social media. MOVIE NIGHTS Saint William is proud to present summer movie nights for a variety of audiences. Join us for great Catholic movies and take home some great resources! Admission is FREE and food will be available for sale. Movies are shown in the Parish Hall from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Acompáñenos en los estrenos de estas películas católicas y llevar a casa algunos magníficos recursos! La entrada es GRATIS y habrá comida de venta. Las películas serán presentadas en el Salón Parroquial de 6:30 p.m. a 9:30 p.m. NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NEWS IN THE PARISH/ NOTICIAS EN LA PARROQUIA DONATIONS NEEDED/ SE SOLICITA DONATIVOS Ladies Guild Celebrating 40 Years—Were you a Ladies Guild President? School Supply Donations—August 17-18 ATTENTION: This year Ladies Guild will celebrate 40 years of prayer, fellowship, working festivals and fundraising to support activities at the Church. If you have been a president of Saint William’s Ladies Guild, please contact Diana Pier at 512-244-9630. Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court 2415, Our Lady of the Hills, will be collecting school supplies for the Brownsville Colonias on Saturday, August 17th and Sunday, August 18th. Please consider helping us help the underprivileged in the area and Brownsville area. New Registration Process For St. William Nursery Do you have donations for the Oktoberfest Live Auction? *Registration is required for all events needing childcare (faith formation classes, ministry meetings and other parish events when childcare is provided) Parents may register by email [email protected] or call 512-255-4473 and leave a message for Patti Kudlak. All parents will receive an email (or telephone) confirmation of their registration once it is accepted. The Oktoberfest Committee is looking for sports items, artwork, gift cards, vacation rentals, and other exciting items for the Oktoberfest live auction. Do you have items to donate? Call Ana Cristina Gonzalez at 512-600-8179 or drop them off at the church office labeled, ATTN: Oktoberfest Auction. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION? EDUCACION RELIGIOSA RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/ EDUCACION RELIOGIOSA Online Registrations for Religious Education—August 6 Share your faith as a catechist for Faith Formation On-line registrations through ChurcDB began at 12:01am on Tuesday, August 6, 2013. Classes tend to fill up right away, so we encourage you to register online. Should you need direction to access our database, please refer to or On-line registration is open 24 hours, seven days a week. Walk-in registrations are open from Monday through Thursday ONLY from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3p.m. to 7 p.m. from August 8 - 29. Boldly go where many have gone before and help pass on the Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith! This fall, over 2,000 children and teens, will sign up to learn more about Jesus and the Catholic faith and 700 will be prepared for the sacraments. Priority will be given to families that registered in the parish prior to July 31, 2013. Those who registered in the parish later than the July 31th date will be placed on a wait list. We look forward to seeing you at Mass and look forward to seeing you at class the week of September 8, 2013. At this time, we have some but not enough catechists or core team members to facilitate class sessions. YOU can share your faith by becoming a catechist for Faith Formation. As you nurture the faith of our young, you will learn and grow in your own faith as well! As one long-time catechist put it, “I learn so much from the children!” We provide you with training, materials, and support. Classes begin September 9th, 2013. If the Holy Spirit is calling you or if you would like more information, go to Las Inscripciones Electronicas para Educacion Religiosa—6 de agosto Comparte tu fe como catequista para formación en la fe Las inscripciones electrónicas a través de ChurchDB comienzan a las 12:01am el Martes, 6 de agosto de 2013. Las clases usualmente se llenan de inmediato, y por eso le invitamos y sugerimos que se inscriba registrarse en línea. Si necesita orientación para acceder a nuestra base de datos, consulte o las inscripciones electrónicas está abierta las 24 horas, los siete días de la semana. Las inscripciones en persona están abiertas de lunes a jueves de 10 a.m. a 2 p.m. y 3 p.m. a 7 p.m. entre el 8-29 de agosto . Con valentía, vaya a donde muchos han ido antes y ayude a transmitir la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo y nuestra fe católica! Este otoño, más de 2,000 niños y adolescentes se inscribirán para obtener más información acerca de Jesús y la fe católica y 700 se prepararán para los sacramentos. Se dará prioridad a las familias que estén registrados en la parroquia antes de 31 de julio de 2013. Aquellos que se han registrado en la parroquia a más tardar el 31 julio será colocado en una lista de espera. Esperamos verle en misa y esperamos verle en clase la semana del 8 de septiembre. En este momento, tenemos algunos catequistas pero no lo suficiente ni los miembros del equipo principal para facilitar las sesiones de clase. Usted puede compartir su fe como catequista para formación en la fe. En cuidar la fe de nuestros jóvenes, también aprenderá y crecerá en su propia fe. Como un catequista largo tiempo dijo, "tengo la oportunidad de aprender tanto de los niños!" Nosotros le proporcionamos entrenamiento, materiales y apoyo. Las clases comienzan el 9 de septiembre, 2013. Si el Espíritu Santo está llamándole o si desea obtener más información, vaya a NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
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