by Marjorie Bunting


by Marjorie Bunting
Marjorie Bunting
with additions by Renée Willes
 © 2007
MBF Bokförlag, Sweden
Editor: Renée Sporre-Willes
All Rights Reserved.
 ----
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It was a great honour to be invited to write the foreword to the third edition of this book. This is especially so since I had the pleasure of knowing
the original author Marjorie Bunting for many years and she and her
daughter Lesley Crawley, have taught me a great deal about the breed. I
have also known and respected co-author Renée Sporre-Willes, as a Norwich enthusiast and as a judge, for more years than either of us would care
to remember!
The Norwich Terrier is lucky to have had these two major contributors
to this book as enthusiasts and as breeders. They have each in their own
ways not only given so much to the breed itself, but have achieved a great
deal in wider canine spheres as well. Marjorie was an accomplished terrier
judge and writer, and Renée is an FCI all-breed judge and has more
recently become Chairman of the FCI Breed Standards Commission.
This edition of the book is more than just a further edition. It is almost
a new book and has been thoroughly modernised, with Marjorie’s text
re-organised and brought up to date. The records have been expanded to
include all UK Norwich Terrier Champions since 1932 and the chapter on
records includes many additional colour photographs. It has now also
added photos of the top winning American Norwich Terriers in acknowledgement of just how strong the breed has become on that side of the
Atlantic. Especially interesting is the new section called ‘Arts and Crafts’ which
includes information on around sixty pieces of art featuring the breed.
The book’s style is very much that of Marjorie – confident, direct and
knowledgeable. As Marjorie’s daughter Lesley Crawley knows, she and I
did not always agree on everything especially when we were both contributors to the Dog World weekly paper, but we respected one another’s views
and Marjorie’s views come across ‘loud and clear’ in this work. The tone of
the book is so patently indicative of the huge enthusiasm that Marjorie
had – and that Renée has – for the Norwich Terrier.
My memory of the breed goes back to the days before separation and to
the time when my own breed, the Border Terrier, and the Norwich were
considered by some as very much the second class citizens of the terrier
group. No longer is this the case and Renée Sporre-Willes and her helpers
in this latest venture, are to be congratulated for bringing out so well the
charming qualities of the Norwich, its undoubted success in the show ring,
and the fascinating history and enthusiasm of its supporters. This book in
its updated form will do even more to add to the ranks of the breed’s
devotees and to the understanding of those many people, like myself, who
so admire it.
Ronnie Irving
London June 2007
Why Norwich Terrier?
1. Character and Temperament
The Norwich on the whole is a tough little terrier physically, who lives to
a good age so long as it is reared from birth with love and care. It needs
good quality food, the chance to maintain its body in good health by regular exercise, training to develop its character and intelligence and a caring
relationship with its owner to give it security. In other words to get the
best out of your Norwich Terrier and to give it a happy and fulfilled life
you must be prepared to give something of yourself to it as well as to keeping it clean and well fed.
It cannot be emphasised enough that this is a breed which needs people
who care, people who understand. Shut away in a kennel from a young age
with little attention apart from feeding and cleaning means misery to a
Norwich Terrier. They need human companionship, even if they actually
live in a kennel this can be given by regular play and exercising times. They
also need the stimulation of training to develop their not inconsiderable
So if it is a purely show breed you are looking for this is not the one for
you, because the majority of Norwich terriers do not really enjoy dog
shows as such, they only enjoy the companionship it gives, and the chance
to be with and please the owners they love when they are actually in the
ring. A Norwich which has been left in its kennel from birth, never taken
out and about or given attention, will never become a successful show
LEFT. Norwich Terriers love human companionship. They will adjust to almost anything as long
as it is in the company of its owner and friends. Sw Ch Cobby’s Fancy Lady Snuphanuph (by
Ch Jaeva Cheddar ex. GB & Sw Ch Elve My Lady) comfortable in her bicycle basket on the
way to a day mushrooming in the fields.
All through the history of these terriers
we find their owners and breeders putting the emphasis on temperament
above all else, expecting them to be
sporting without being quarrelsome,
and having a loveable temperament.
The first official standard asked for ”a
perfect demon yet not quarrelsome
and of a loveable disposition,” and this
standard was drawn up by some of the
very early breeders who had not yet
Cats and Norwich Terriers can be the best of friends. One
Norwich Terrier breeder had a tom cat that used to clean the
become show conscious. This is I suppuppies. He started to play with them when the mother’s
pose the reason why they not only excel
decided it safe, usually when the puppies were around four five
weeks old. He took his job as a “Nanny” seriously and kept on
at ratting and such like, but can also be
cleaning the puppies until they were about three month old.
The cat became 23 years old, his oldest “pup” was 18!
friends with what are considered a
terrier’s natural foe.
The Quartzhill kennel was another to have an enemy become a friend.
In April 1974 a young vixen took a good look at Quarry Close (the home
of the Quartzhills) and decided to remain, and although it had perfect
liberty to return to its old haunts chose to live with them and a great
friendship sprung up. In fact on one occasion a puppy and the vixen were
missing for a day and night, but both returned together,
none the worse for their adventure.
Both prick-eared and drop-eared Ragus Norwich have
been brought up with cats and although they play in the
roughest possible way with them, never attempt to hurt
them, in fact it is quite usual to find a large box full of
Norwich, Norfolk’s and cats all curled up together. One
cat used to have the greatest fun with them. She would
run and encourage them to chase her then make for the
nearest tree where she would sit and spit and swear at
them as though terrified to come down. But as soon as
the terriers got bored with standing at the bottom of the
tree and barking, down she would come and rush at
them to encourage them to chase her again. Visitors were
often bewildered by this performance, thinking that the
dogs were being allowed to torment the cat!
Norwich Terriers are usually the best comThe great stamina Mrs. Richardson spoke of is somepanion a child can have, but as always –
small children together with animals need
thing which owners of the breed would comment on. A
guidance from adults. But its true what
gamekeeper who owned two used to say they were tireless.
they say – A Puppy is Happiness!
He would take them out working and they would
never stop all day and arrive home without showing the slightest sign of fatigue. Another owned
by a farmer in Scotland used to follow him all day
behind his horse over his very scattered farm and
when they arrived home at the end of the day the
farmer would be very weary and ready for food
and rest. But the Norwich would eat his meal and
then run to the door to go for a good reccy around
the farm buildings to make sure everything was as
it should be, often coming back to the house after
an hour or more with a dead rat which he would
deposit on the doorstep before going in.
A bitch owned by Mrs. Elwes of the Congham
Norwich during the forties (she was prick-eared/
drop-eared breeding) would go off hunting in the
nearby woods by herself. Once she was missing
for many days and was finally found, less than 100
yards from the gateway to her home, starved and
with one of her front legs in a spring trap. The
terrific stamina and will power of this little terrier
had made her drag herself from the wood to within
a few yards of her home before collapsing. The
vet removed the damaged leg which was turning
gangrenous, and she lived for years afterwards
running around on her three legs with no problem. But for the entire trauma she still continued
to go off hunting on her own in the woods!
A few years ago Dr. Monica Turner of the
Norrinor Norwich had one of her bitches go to
ground while they were on holiday in Wales and
did not come up again. In fact she was underground for 15 days but was eventual recovered after a very worrying time for the Turner family,
but apart from being thin was little the worse for
her adventure.
So the Norwich should be a real ratting terrier
but with a non-quarrelsome loveable temperament, seldom likely to start a quarrel but quite
prepared to give as well as he gets should he be
Hugging a Norwich is just lovely! In this charming
photograph by Constance Larrabee is the author’s
son, Mark Bunting hugging Ch Interfield’s Half-aBob.
The Norwich Terrier is a breed which needs people
who care, people who understand. They need
human companionship to thrive and thousands of
Norwich Terrier owners around the world agree
on what delightful little companions they are.
”Full of animation”
and a ”perfect
little demon”, well
Norwich’s certainly are. Even if the
target is a plastic
toy one can imagine what would
happen to a live
varmint! Int Ch
Cobby’s Bewitched Brew (aunt
to Ch Cobby’s
Bun O’ Honey)
was as keen as
it gets, but still
typically sweet
and friendly in
provoked into one. They are intelligent too, indeed many of our own Ragus
Norwich – especially Golden Chip – even appear at times to read our
thoughts, and will run to the kitchen in anticipation of being fed when we
are only thinking “I must feed the dogs”! In fact the first dog in the U.S.A.
after the second world war to gain all certificates in obedience tests was a
Our original Norwich, Binder, appeared to be able to tell the time as he
would wander down the long driveway, where he lived with my brother,
every afternoon at exactly the time my brother returned home, so that he
could be picked up and brought back to the house in the car.
Another of ours, Anna always went up to bed with Lesley when she was
a child because she was afraid of the dark and Anna’s presence helped her
to get to sleep. And we always knew as
soon as Lesley was asleep, as Anna
would return downstairs to the fireside!
On one occasion Mrs. Panks terriers
alerted her to something being wrong
outside and when she went to investigate found her husband collapsed in
the show – it was during a severe cold
snap. Had it not been for the Norwich
he could have lain there for hours and
even have frozen to death.
Two of Mrs. Monckton’s Norwich
The young wheaten coloured Ch Ragus Double Bubble
(a daughter of Ch Ragus Black Tie and half-sister to Ch Ragus
during the 1930’s woke her one night by
Truly Unruly) leaping out to the Ducks in the pond. She will get
leaping out of their basket which was
wet in a few seconds but is none the worse for it!
beside her bed, and running to the bedroom door. When she went to look
to see what had disturbed them she found her eldest son sleepwalking. The
terriers had woken her but had enough sense not to wake the boy suddenly
and he was safely taken back to bed. These same two once pinned a police
constable in a corner when he opened the front door and walked in because there was a delay in answering his knock!
I was travelling by train one day with Rain Maker when a man in the
Pullman carriage I was in, seated him opposite to me and started to make a
nuisance of himself. Whereat Rain Maker leapt at him with hackles raised
and every hair on end like a small fury – the man immediately retreated to
the other end of the carriage!
In the 1950’s a small Repertory Company in Somerset wanted a dog for
a week to take part in a play and a local Norwich Terrier owner was asked
if she would lend her dog. She agreed and although he had never had any
training whatsoever, immediately entered into the spirit of the thing and
gave a very convincing performance each evening of a mischievous dog – so
much so in fact that a fan in the audience presented him with three bones
during the final curtain call, which he received sitting on his haunches
with tail wagging and literally grinning from ear to ear.
The Norwich is also a long lived terrier in the normal way. One of Mrs.
Panks lived to be 18 years and 12
days old, and she, Mrs. Monckton and we have had several live
to be over 17. In fact it is quite
common to find Norwich aged
14, 15 or 16 years.
They are a sensitive little breed
and above all else love people.
They are not happy if they are
shut away from human contact,
Happy, playful and friendly at all times. Even when someone ells
has an attractive toy the breed is known not to quarrel. Norwich’s
as they need stimulation as well
are terriers that can be kept together and this is what makes them
as the love of their human comsuch popular and lovely companions.
panions even more than they
need their own kind. Indeed it is this sensitivity to the needs of their human
family which helps develop their intelligence and makes them such wonderful companions.
2. Play and Training
Gently handle your puppy, rub it and talk to it and it will quickly respond
to your voice. Give the puppy a name so it learns to respond to it.
From an early age – eight weeks – put
the puppy on a table and gently stand it,
only for a few seconds at first of course,
so that it becomes part of the daily routine. Some Norwich can be upset by
standing them above ground level, but
if you start them young enough they
are less likely to be worried by it.
Start touching the puppy, gently
pulling the limbs, tail and ears in play. It
is surprising how quickly puppies
Going for walks, but have to play up first! Ch Sebzevar
respond. After a few weeks the puppy
Claret & Blue and Ch & Sw Ch Elve Pendragon showing
should be having regular playtime with
the breed’s sweet temperament.
As the puppy grows you can gradually train it to command, to the lead,
to stand still with head and tail up, all during the playtime. That way the
puppy will never resent it because it will be just a part of growing up.
Even if your Norwich is only a pet, not a show dog, this is the easiest
and kindest way to train it and you will develop a rapport which will never
be broken.
Remember that they are terriers and were bred originally for a rough
and tumble life where they would be very active, and would have to develop their brain to stay alive. So don’t expect them to be content in too
confined a space, where they can’t stretch their limbs and run off their
boundless energy at least once a day. As the puppy grows don’t keep your
play with it too gentle. If you watch a litter of Norwich puppies playing
together you will see that they are far
from gentle with each other, and their
mother too plays roughly with them.
Being terriers some Norwich can
have very strong characters and if
you are not ’boss’ they will be. So
from the start be very firm as to what
you will allow, and what is not
acceptable. Teach the puppy to
understand that when you say ‘no’
you mean it. That word is the most
important one your Norwich will
Young Mette Klahn and her dog, (later to be Sw Ch) Cobby’s
Harvington (by Canadian Multi Ch Fairwood For Your Eye’s
ever learn and said firmly it will be
Only) went to training classes and the dog became a champian essential part of all its training. It
on and his young handler is now a very skilled Junior Handler.
To have space
and to run free
at times is very
important. Some
Norwich’s have a
habit of turning
into gardeners,
so beware! The
couple in this
photograph, Ch
Jericho Golden
Honey and Ch
Jericho Gingernut
seems very well
behaved though!
will nip undesirable traits in the bud and get it out of difficult, or even
dangerous, situations.
The other essential is to make sure it responds to its name, comes to you
whenever you call it. When you have it running loose when out for walk
for instance, don’t allow it just to run where it wishes, dashing up to adults,
children and other dogs as it feels like it. Not everyone likes dogs, and it is
the undisciplined dog annoying such
people who put them against all dogs
and dog owners. If you teach it to run
to heel, to sit and stay, it will make it
much easier for you to control when
out at exercise and will make the outing more pleasurable for both of you.
If your Norwich does not come when
it is called, or respond to commands,
you won’t dare have it off the lead,
which may be frustrating for it when it
feels stretching its legs.
Some people will tell you that it is
‘Hugs’ N Kisses’ is very typical between Norwich Terriers.
Many breeders have photographs like this and the black/white
impossible to make terriers obedient,
above. This one shows litter sisters Ch Cobby’s Mrs Tittlemouse
and certainly Norwich Terriers themand Ch Cobby’s Tabitha Twitchet.
selves will do their best to convince you
that this is so! But don’t believe them. Norwich is very trainable because
basically they love to please you. It only needs persistence on your part
from the beginning, and in return you will have a much nicer companion
than one which just pleases itself and is a nuisance to all with whom it
comes into contact. So always scold it if it does the wrong thing, praise it
lavishly when it does the right thing.
General care
1. Health and Disease
The information and advice included in this section is not intended as a
complete veterinary reference manual, but is intended to give help and
guidance on diagnosing and treating some of the more commonly occurring conditions. Please contact your own vet before embarking on using
any medication.
It is important to know your Norwich well so that you can immediately
detect if there is anything wrong with its health. Each one is an individual,
the normal for each being different. Note the individual appetite, thirst, activity level, amount and frequency of urination and type and quality of faeces passed each day. This way you will quickly realise if anything is amiss.
The normal temperature for a dog is 101.5 degrees F. (38, 5 Celsius). A raised temperature for more than a few hours usually denotes an illness necessitating veterinary attention. A low temperature (except in a pregnant bitch
where the temperature will normally fall 2 degrees approximately 24 hours
prior to whelping) is more serious. Usually the dog is very dull, depressed
and often in a state of shock, e.g. after a road accident or haemorrhage. The
temperature of a dog is taken with a stubby bulbed clinical thermometer inserted into the rectum for about half an inch. It is not usually necessary for
the owner to take the temperature, but may be useful in certain cases.
Heart and respiratory problems
Heart disease generally occurs in old dogs but some acute cases are seen in
LEFT. Norwich Terriers often live to a great age fifteen, sixteen; even seventeen is not at all
unusual. Breeders of long time agree that the average age of the breed is between 13 and 14
of age. GB, Int & Nordic Ch Waleric Strongbow lived to be almost 15. He sired the last of his
36 champion offspring when he was 13!
youngsters due to congenital abnormalities, e.g. ‘hole’ in the heart. Symptoms: - wheezing, coughing, breathlessness and in the later stages a swollen
abdomen with fluid. The initial signs can also be due to bronchitis which
may be due to infection and can lead to pneumonia, or it can follow heart
failure. Veterinary attention is needed, and an old dog may have his life
considerably prolonged with the appropriate treatment. The characteristic
heart cough is harsh and moist, worst when the dog is lying down as fluid
collects in the lungs. It will also become worse with exertion or excitement.
A dry cough that gets worse at exercise, in excitement or when pulling on
the lead is usually due to infection, e.g. Kennel cough or Distemper. Mitral
Valve disease is the most usual form of heart trouble in small breeds such
as Norwich. It can occur at relatively young ages but fortunately does not
seem to be a problem in Norwich until they are quite old – the symptoms
are as described.
Respiratory noises are common in Norwich; many will snort and snuffle
with apparently no ill effects. This is probably due to an abnormal pharynx, soft palate and large tonsils inherited from the ancestral bull breeds
in their make-up. The soft palate may be too long leading to ‘asthmatic’
like attacks, when it is inhaled causing partial blockage of the wind pipe.
This results in distressed noisy breathing with head and neck stretched,
usually easily relieved by rubbing under the neck or inserting the fingers
into the back of the mouth. These ‘attacks’ may occur for no apparent reason,
sometimes due to being on a tight lead though this is not the whole cause.
Nasal discharges can occur in Norwich pups, food, mucus or pus may
be sneezed up. This is probably due to a defect in the soft palate which
allows food to enter the nose instead of being swallowed. This continual
passage of food through the nose sets up an infection, mucus and pus being
produced. Most seem to grow out of this, the defect becoming less significant as the pup grows in size. In severe cases particularly tiny pups, antibiotics may be necessary. Always ask your vets advice if a dog or pup has a
nasal discharge and/or sneezing, as it can be serious due to infection, a
foreign body in the nose, or, in an old dog, a tumour.
Upper airway disease including laryngeal problems is unfortunately not
unusual in Norwich, in the form of collapse, dysplasia, & saccule eversion.
Tracheal collapse has also been found. Noisy moist breathing, excessive
panting, with rattly noises from the throat is all symptoms together with
chronic coughing spasms. Great care must be taken in hot weather that
affected dogs do not succumb to heat stroke, which can indeed occur in
normal mild but muggy weather too. Investigations and research is being
carried out using endoscopic examination of the airways.
Urinary tract problems
Frequent urination with only small amounts passed, or blood staining,
and straining is usually due to cystitis, i.e. inflammation of the bladder.
Veterinary treatment is necessary. There are a number of causes including
infection, stones, or tumours. Infection can be cleared with antibiotics,
stones (which can occur) and tumours in the bladder will require an operation. Stones can cause urinary blockage which will be an emergency and
serious consequences if neglected. special prescription diets to dissolve
bladder stones have proved effective in some cases.
Kidney Diseases
The first sign is often an increased thirst and in acute cases a very ill dog
with inappetence and vomiting. Acute disease, e.g. Leptospirosis, can be
fatal but is curable if caught in time. Chronic disease is incurable as there is
long term irreparable kidney damage, usually in old age. The kidneys
become shrunken and useless. Besides excess thirst there will be weight
loss, smelly breath and decreased appetite. Treatment can be given to slow
the process, and the diet adjusted to a low protein level to reduce further
damage. The kidneys seem to degenerate earlier than other organs. Kidney
disease is a common problem in old age but the exact incidence is
unknown and may be no higher than in other breeds and mongrels. More
effective treatments are now available, which also help the heart. “ACE”
inhibitors help to lower blood pressure and increase blood flow to the
kidneys. Special prescription diets are also of huge benefit in renal disease.
Excessive thirst can be a sign of several conditions besides kidney and
urinary problems. Types of Diabetes (mellitus and insipidus), Cushing’s
disease, liver disease. Symptoms of liver disease are similar to that of kidney
trouble – increased thirst, reduced appetite, weight loss – although if there
is a tumour the abdomen will enlarge – and harden; there may also be chronic diarrhoea; jaundice (yellowing of the skin, eyes and gums) is a sign of
very severe liver problems. Treatment includes special prescription diets as
well as antibiotics and specific drugs to aid the recovery of the liver but often
the conditions are chronic. Pyometra, a condition of the uterus affecting
mainly elderly unspayed bitches necessitating a hysterectomy – see reproductive system in Chapter 6 for details.
These can occur at any age but are probably more common in old dogs. If
you notice a lump on your dog on or under the skin it is best to have it
checked by your vet. Note how big it is, when you first saw it and if and
how rapidly it has grown. All these facts are important in determining the
significance and seriousness of the lump and deciding if surgery is necessary.
Warts occur in elderly dogs but are usually not significant. Mammary tumours are serious and will almost always require surgery unless the patient
is very old and therefore more at risk from the anaesthetic. These tumours
can spread rapidly to other glands and to the lungs. Internal tumours will
produce symptoms depending upon their site, e.g. lungs – coughing;
bowels – vomiting. Some will be removable others fatal, only your vet can
Epileptic fits occur at any age. Contact your vet for advice if your dog
starts to have fits. Usually there is no treatment while the dog is in a fit but
drugs can be given to reduce the possibility of reoccurrence. While your
dog is in a fit disturb him as little as possible, a darkened room is best,
make sure his airways are clear and stay with him to comfort him when he
comes round. Make sure he doesn’t injure himself or others while lying
unconscious paddling his legs. He may froth at the mouth, and be a bit
dazed as he comes round, or he may behave quite normally. The outlook is
not good for a dog that has frequent fits as there is no actual cure, but
drugs, such as phenobarbitone and potassium bromide, are used to control
the frequency and severity of the fits. Norwich Terriers can suffer from a
type of cramp - probably a neurological problem at source which affects
the muscles, mainly in the legs, back and occasionally head. Some texts
have likened it to “Scottie Cramp” but it is not the same syndrome.
Symptoms: - Stiffness of the hind legs and muscles; arching of the back,
wobbly, tottering gait. Dog looks worried and upset. Recovery is spontaneous after a few minutes. There is no loss of consciousness or bladder or
bowl control.
Investigations are being carried out at the Animal Health Trust to try to
establish a possible inheritance pattern and DNA marker genes. Blood samples from a large number of Norwich terriers (normal and affected) have
been collected for analysis and DNA profiling, together with their pedigrees. In the future it may be possible to have dogs DNA tested to see
whether they carry the genetic tendency to this syndrome and thus aid
breeding plans. This problem may well be multi-factorial in origin i.e. the
general health status; weight; respiratory problems as well as stress may all
play a part and act as triggers.
Skin problems
Fungal infection, contagious to man. Circular hairless often scabby lesions
are produced, with a red ring around the perimeter. Rarely a cause of irritation, it can usually be cleared with a special anti-fungal course of tablets
(Grisovin). The main importance is its contagiousness; therefore dogs
from an infected kennel should not be shown until all are clear. Diagnosis
can be made with an ultra violet lamp which usually causes the affected
hairs to fluoresce green
Rashes and Spots
Pussy spots on the abdomen, groin and axilla are quite common in young
pups, a condition often called ’Juvenile Impetigo’. These will clear given
time, but if there is irritation or soreness medicated baths and/or antibiotics may help. Red inflamed areas on the abdomen, with itchiness, are not
uncommon, and may be due to mites or an allergy, e.g. to grass, pollen,
bedding material, foods. These may clear with avoidance of the offending
material, and may be all right at certain times of the year. For many there
is no permanent cure although special vaccines have been tried with
limited success. Excessive scurfiness and a scaly skin may be due to external
parasites or a dietary deficiency or imbalance. Treatment should always be
sought for any excessive scratching, hair loss, scurf, scabby spots or
inflamed areas. Your vet is the best person to diagnose and prescribe
Hair Loss
Hair loss may also be due to hormonal imbalances, e.g. a dog with a testicular tumour may lose hair along the flanks or all over the body. This will
normally re-grow once the tumour has been removed. Bitches in and
around their season and in whelp may pull hair from along their flanks for
no obvious reason. The exact cause is unknown but one suggestion has
been ovarian pain, or it may even be an instinct left over from the days
when they lived wild and pulled their own hair out to line the nest for the
puppies. Male dogs may pull their hair out when living near bitches in
season, probably due to frustration! Self plucking of hair from flanks may
be exacerbated by Cheylitiella infestation.
Self mutilation and removal of fur particularly over the rump, tail base
and flanks is often caused by anal gland irritation, and/or fleas. A severe
dermatitis may result over the back if the condition is not checked and
Early Standards
The first Norwich Terrier Breed Standard
Original standard drafted by Mr R. John ”Jack” Read in 1932
A small red dog, weighing not more than10 to 12 lb fully grown. Strong
head, short muzzle, strong and closely fitting, rather large teeth. Ears pricked,
the smaller the better. Wide skull, slightly round, wide between the eyes.
Neck short and strong well set on clean shoulders. Short to medium
length of back. Ribs well sprung, short powerful legs, straight if possible,
with cat feet. Very strong quarters, docked tail.
Height at shoulders not exceeding 12 inches. The coat should be red
with no other colour and of a very hard and wiry nature.
To sum up, the terrier should be a little demon and with a very hardy
First Standard passed by the Kennel Club in 1932
Drawn up by the Norwich Terrier Club Committée
 Muzzle ”foxy”, yet strong, length about one third less than a measurement from the occiput to the bottom of the stop, wich should be a
good one and well defined. Skull wide, slightly rounded with good
width between the ears. Ears, if erect, slightly larger than a Cairn’s, if
dropped, very neat and small and correctly dropped.
 Very bright, dark and keen, full of expression.
 Strong, rather large, closely fitting.
 Clean, strong, tight-lipped.
 Short and strong, well set on clean shoulders.
 Short, powerful, as straight as is consistent with the short legs at
which we aim. Sound bone, feet round, thick pads.
Upper arm
Point of shoulder
Point of buttock
Second thigh
 Strong, with great propulsion.
 Medium docked, carriage not excessively gay.
 10 to 14 lb, 11 lb being the ideal.
 10 to 12 inches at the withers (not to exceed).
   Red (to include red wheaten), white on the throat
and chest being allowed. (Black-and-tan admitted as colour 1935. Ed.)
Hard, as wiry as possible, lies much closer to the body than a Cairn’s
and is absolutely straight. Longer and rougher on neck and shoulder.
Hair on head and ears short and smooth, except for slight whiskers and
  A small low keen dog, tremendously active. A
perfect demon, yet not quarrelsome and of a loveable disposition, and
with a very hardy constitution.
 Long weak back. A mouth badly over- or undershot. Full eye,
soft expression.
   ® 
Hock joint
Ch Ragus Gaymer & Ch Ragus Griselda,
litterbrother & sister born in 1974 by Ch
Ragus Fair Dinkum x Gungham of Ragus
and bred by Marjorie & Lesley Bunting.
Gaymer was Top Winner in 1976 and Top
Stud in 1978. Griselda won 3 C.C.´s and
was Top Brood in 1977 and 1979, she is
the dam of 4 champions.
Ch Elve The Alchemist & Ch & Sw Ch Elve
My Lady, litterbrother & sister born 1988
(by Ch Elve The Sorcerer) and bred by
Michael Crawley. Alchemist won BIG
at LKA in 1989 before being exported. He
sired the very influential Int Ch Bullpark
James Dean, sire in Finland with well over
a dosen champions. My Lady moved to
Sweden in whelp to Ch Jaeva Cheddar
where she started a very prosperous ‘F’-line
at Cobby’s kennel. Both lived to a good old
age, the latter well over 15 years.
Litter sister & brother Ch Ragus Ruby Silver
& Ch Ragus Roughly born 1995 by Ch Elve
Spellmaker x Ragus Risque. From a litter of
five, the other pinkies were Ragus Rose
Quartz of Ellswere class winner and the b/t
Ragus Rock Rose, res. C.C. Crufts 1997
and class winner Ragus Rhetoric.
5. Top Breeders
1971 – 2006
1971 Jericho Sheila Monkton
1972 Jericho Sheila Monkton
1973 Daffran Daphne Thacker
1974 Thrumpton Pauline and
Bill Ford
1975 Thrumpton Pauline and
Bill Ford
1976 Thrumpton Pauline and
Bill Ford
1977 Thrumpton Pauline and
Bill Ford
1978 Thrumpton Pauline and
Bill Ford
1979 Templegrove Freeda Bell
1980 Squirreldene Madeleine and
Roger Thomas
1981 Ragus Marjorie Bunting and
Lesley Crawley
1982 Jericho Sheila Monkton
1983 Redash Ruth Corkhill
1984 Ragus Marjorie Bunting and
Lesley Crawley
1985 Thrumpton Bill Ford
Ch Redash Rubik Cube and Ch & Sw Ch
Redash Rough Diamond litterbrother and
sister born 1982 (by Ch Ragus Goldfinger)
and bred by Ruth Corkhill. Rubik Cube was
Top Winner in 1983 and his sister was
BOS that year, hence called the “Terrible
Twins”! She went out to Sweden in whelp
to Ch Ragus Leo The Lark and started the
very prestigious ‘B’-line at Cobby’s. One of
her grand daughters, Ch Cobby’s Bun O’
Honey visited England where she was
Top Brood in 1994.
The famous litter brothers Ch & Can Ch
Elve Sir Knight and Ch Elve The Viking were
born in 1993 by Ch & Int Elve Sir Tarquin
x Ch & Int Ch Cobby’s Bun O’ Honey. Sir
Knight won 5 C.C’s. with B.O.B. including
Crufts 1994, he also won BIS at several
Club Shows as well as siring several champions including the Top Winning Norwich in
1995, Ch Jaeva Raindance before being exported to Canada. The Viking was Top Norwich in 1994 on Dog Worlds point tables
and he was Top Sire in 1995, -96, -98 and
1999. In 1996 there was 7 new champions
by him. There was to be 7 more to make a
total of 14 champion offspring in England!
RIGHT. From left Ch Truly Cream at Belleville, Ch Ragus Yours Truly and Ch Ragus
True Romance, from a litter of four championbitches made up in 2006! Mother to this exeptional record is none less than the record
holder for most Group wins won by a female in UK; Ch & Sw Ch Ragus Truly Unruly.
Father to the girls is Ch Ragus Solid Silver.
1986 Caudell Lesley Stewart
1987 Elve Michael Crawley
1988 Elve Michael Crawley
1989 Elve Michael Crawley
1990 Ragus Marjorie Bunting and
Lesley Crawley
1991 Ragus Lesley Crawley
1992 Ragus Lesley Crawley
1993 Jaeva Martin Phillips
1994 Jaeva Martin Phillips
1995 Jaeva Martin Phillips
1996 Queslade Carol & Geoff Brown
1997 Ragus Lesley Crawley
1998 Belleville Cathy Thompson
1999 Elve Michael Crawley
2000 Jaeva Martin Phillips
2001 Ragus Lesley Crawley
2002 Ragus Lesley Crawley
2003 Ragus Lesley Crawley
2004 Ragus Lesley Crawley
2005 Ragus Lesley Crawley
2006 Ragus Lesley Crawley