Fall 2007 - Winston-Salem State University
Fall 2007 - Winston-Salem State University
FOR ALUMNI AND FRIENDS FA L L 2 0 0 7 VO L U M E 9 NO. 3 wssu reclaims #1 spot pg. 2 where are they now - former football stars pg. 36 time capsule archway fall 2007 time out | pg. 32 going further | pg. 26 Archway is published by the Office of Marketing and Communications within Winston-Salem State University’s Division of University Advancement. Address: 310 Blair Hall, Winston-Salem, NC 27110 Phone: (336) 750-2150 Fax: (336) 750-3150 We welcome story ideas and class notes by e-mail to: [email protected] Chancellor: Dr. Donald Julian Reaves Interim Vice Chancellor for University Advancement: Lee Weaver Richardson Assistant Vice Chancellor for University Advancement/Chief Marketing and Communications Officer: Gayle Colston Barge Editorial Team: Publications Director: Sigrid Hall 2 1 3 Editor: Cortney Hill Wilson ‘01 4 5 8 7 6 Contributing Copy Editors/Writers: Rudy Anderson Dr. Carolyn Berry Victor Bruinton ‘82 Steven Gaither ‘07 Glendora Moore Theo Howard Aaron Singleton Cortney Hill Wilson ‘01 Chris Zona 9 10 11 12 14 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 crossword | pg. 24 where are they now | pg. 36 02 WSSU reclaims #1 spot WSSU is back on top in US News and World Report rankings celebration of champions | pg. 16 in this issue 10 Student Spotlight WSSU Students Study Abroad; Keynote National Convention 05 Letters to the Editor What’s on Your Mind 12 Come on Home to Homecoming Something for Everybody 08 Chancellor Reflects Dr. Donald J. Reaves Greets Alumni 14 From Success to Significance Hollywood “Ram Style” Photography: Lee Adams / Garrett Garms ‘07 Design: Zero Gravity Design Associates Board of Trustees 2007-2008 Mr. Nigel D. Alston Dr. James C. Hash, Sr. Mr. Joseph S. Amado Mrs. Lucille Mauge Mr. F. Scott Bauer Mr. Kevin A. Myatt Mrs. Loretta C. Biggs Mrs. Gloria Ross Reese ‘76 Mrs. Brooke Burr Mr. Keith W. Vaughan Mrs. Lisa J. Caldwell Mr. Robert T. Stephens Mr. Martin Davis Winston-Salem State University Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors 2007-2008 years Archie served. Mr. Steve Martin, Chair Ms. Catherine Pettie Hart, ’74, Vice Chair Mr. B. Thomas Lawson Jr., Secretary Mr. Gerald T. Finley, Treasurer Mr. J. Edgar Broyhill Dr. Lenora R. Campbell Mr. Richard N. Davis Mr. Kelvin Farmer ‘86 Ms. Jacque Gattis Mr. Harold Kennedy, III Mr. Charles Love ‘66 Mr. Arthur E. McClearin Ms. Beverly McLendon Ms. Patricia Norris ‘93 Ms. Cathy Pace Ms. Stephanie L. Porter ‘81 Dr. Donald J. Reaves Mr. Curtis Richardson ‘76 Dr. X. Maurice Allen, who began work in January 2007, serves as the Academic Counselor/ ECO2 Varsity Paper Initiative got news? please share! Did you recently get married, have a baby, get a new job, or retire? Then share that good news with your Ram family. That’s worth talking about, don’t you think?!? Share your news and photos by e-mailing Catherine Snipes in the university’s Alumni Relations office at [email protected]. Photos must be at least 300 dpi. We love a celebration! Look for it in Class Notes under Alumni News. retractions Carolyn Archie served as Miss WSSU 1964-65. The last issue of Archway printed the wrong Advisor for Student-Athletes in the Athletics Department. He is not the academic-athletic services director as the headline stated. WSSU does not contain an Office of Athletic-Academic Services; however, there is an Academic Support Program. Dr. Allen’s son’s name is Saiid. opposite page: Oscar-nominated blues vocalist and actress, Ethel Waters, appears here in the Mr. Lee Weaver Richardson Mr. Michael Robinson Dr. Kenneth M. Sadler Mr. Dean Swindle Mr. Francisco Velasco Mr. Charles Wallington EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Mr. Nigel D. Alston Mr. Robert Botley Mr. Victor L. Bruinton ‘82 Ms. Michelle M. Cook Mr. Gordon Slade Mr. Robert Stephens EMERITUS DIRECTORS Ms. Florence P. Corpening Mr. Victor Johnson, Jr. ‘61 Based on 9000 pounds. 11.34 trees preserved for the future. 32.75 lbs waterborne waste not created. 4,817 gallons wastewater flow saved. 533 lbs solid waste not generated. 1,049 lbs net greenhouse gases prevented. 8,032,500 BTUs energy not consumed. On the Cover big band, gospel, and popular music on the Broadway stage and in concerts. Her best-known Come home to Homecoming 2007, and live it up … “Ram Hollywood” style! On the cover are snippets from homecomings past. From the cheerleaders and football players, to the parade and exciting events, homecoming is that time of year where WSSU alumni treasure their Ram tradition, and come back to a place they once called “home”. In this issue, find tons of information regarding homecoming, hotel accommodations, class reunions, Mr. and Mrs. Alumni candidates, and much more. recording was her version of the spiritual, “His Eye is on the Sparrow”. 15,000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $1.70 per copy. Winston-Salem Teachers College homecoming parade in 1955 in downtown Winston-Salem. She is accompanied by the Association Officers inthe Parade Line of March. Waters was the second African-American to ever be nominated for an Academy Award. Waters frequently performed jazz, fall 2007 winston-salem state university leadstory wssu reclaims #1 spot in u.s.news & world report magazine W inston-Salem State University has reclaimed its number one ranking among the Top Public Southern Comprehensive Colleges - Bachelor’s category in the 2008 America’s Best Colleges issue of U.S.News & World Report Magazine. WSSU has been ranked either number one or number two in this category since 2002. The rankings are part of the magazine’s 2008 annual ranking of top universities in the nation. This marks the seventh consecutive showing by WSSU in the publication’s Best Colleges issue in the past eight years. “We are proud of the ranking we have earned while moving forward with our strategic planning,” said WSSU Chancellor Donald J. Reaves. “Our consistent ranking in this category validates our belief that we are on the right track in what we are trying to accomplish in producing future leaders.” To compile the rankings, the publication examined several criteria, including an institution’s academic reputation, retention, faculty resources, student selectivity, financial resources, graduate rate performance and alumni giving rate. n 02 03 winston-salem state university fall 2007 fall 2007 winston-salem state university letter from the editor hey ram strangers : add homecoming to your ‘things to do’ list T ell ’em, Rams! Those who miss homecoming just don’t know what they’re missing. It’s the one time of year you can catch up with old friends and classmates that you used to “cut-up” with; it’s the one time of year you can see if that former flame has still got it going on (or, ladies, if there’s more hair on his face, than on his head now); it’s the one time of year you can see if you still remember those old steps you used to do with your “bruhs” or “sorors” on the plots; and let’s not forget all the campus spots you used to frequent (i.e. the pit, the caf’, Ram Shack, the student union; fellas, Atkins and Dillard Hall). Ah, yes! Sure is nothing like homecoming, y’all. And if it’s been more than 10 years since you have been home, here’s a little tip: a road no longer goes through the middle of campus anymore. That’s right; no more cruising through the yard, or, worrying about getting run over if you’re trying to stroll on campus. At Winston-Salem State, it’s plain to see that there’s been a facelift. But internally, you’ll be surprised to know many professors are still here since you matriculated; shockingly, they may very well be teaching your kids now. So for those of you who really showed your true colors in class back in your day, it wouldn’t hurt to pay that professor a visit and beg they don’t blab how you used to act up in class. On the other hand, bring your checkbook with you. But that’s only half of what homecoming is about. It’s a celebration of the history, present, and future of the former Teachers College, and there will be plenty of events, and circumstances to make you feel at home. In this issue of Archway, we tried our best to provide you with as much homecoming information as possible, and feel free to visit the university Web site under the “events” section or download the WSSU alumni podcast in iTunes to keep up with the latest updates. n See you in a few weeks! Until next time, Cortney Hill Wilson ‘01 Editor 04 05 winston-salem state university letter to the editor Have a letter to the editor? Email us at [email protected]. ! d e t a c i t d sophis n a p i h s i y a w ch ar fall 2007 ’ve b you with done ay. Archw s f new rce o u o s ve at r a gre , you’ ticles been taff fo r s a g t y n a a lo re s s chw the g ay ha y new he Ar ion to ith an Archw end t it . w d y m d n jo a m n in to co its ow t to e now, ld like a trea n hold , but a s y c a r t t w n a I wou u h ue co look t 07 iss s the d new er 20 acros e t m s a m m ic u ist alu The s n for , soph k, hip rmatio e o f le s in a and p with d it u e p arket! p ste the m n k. o d wor ation e goo public h t p u keep b and jo t a Gre rful jo onde the w 91 rely, of 19 Since Class , apter n a ni Ch ickm m H lu e A Tric DC f the ber o m e M survey resu lts alumni have spok en, archway does mak e the Several of grade you respo nded to th We thank e progres s survey in you so mu ch for you the summ r feedback Here are er 2007 is the overa . Please c sue of Arc ll results s o hway. n tinue givin o far: g us your comments . Most rea d section s: 1.Main Statemen Articles ts about Archway 2. Whe 1. It p re Are They Now 3. Alum ni N ews 4. Goin g Fu Archway rther ’s overall 1. Writin g-E quality: 2. Photo gra xcellent/G ood 3. Appe ar phy- Exce ance- Exc llent ellent rovides use ful inform ation 2. It elic its pride 3. It rep resents a balanced view of what’s going on at WSSU 4. It’s en tertaining Cover sto ries: 1. Exce lle nt and very interestin g fall 2007 winston-salem state university 06 happenings HOMECOMING 2007 TREASURE THE RAM TRADITION Sun, Oct. 21, 2007 Sat, Oct 27, 2007 Wed, Oct 31, 2007 Freshman Class Spirit Week 6 pm WSSU vs. Hampton Univ Football Game Bowman Gray Stadium 12 pm – 2 pm Yo Momma TC Breezeway Café Party WSSU Student Ticket Package: FREE WSSU Student Advance: $3.00 WSSU Student Door: $5.00 Whitaker Gym 7 pm Coronation K.R. Williams Auditorium Mon, Oct 22, 2007 Sophomore Class Spirit Week Tues, Oct 23, 2007 Junior Class Spirit Week Wed Oct 24, 2007 Senior Class Spirit Week Thurs, Oct 25, 2007 4:00 pm Greek Stroll Off Competition Pit Area 8:30 pm – 10 pm Comedy Show featuring Alex Thomas, Damon Williams and Kevin Hart. Hosted by Chris Paul and the entire New Orleans Hornets NBA Basketball Team Sponsored by the Chris Paul Foundation WSSU Student Advance: $5.00 WSSU Student Door: $10.00 General Public Advance: $10.00 General Public Door: $15.00 K.R. Williams Auditorium Fri, Oct 26, 2007 Theme: Red & White Day 12 pm – 4 pm BET College Tour Thompson Center Breezeway 8 pm NBA Basketball Game Hornets vs. Bobcats LJVM Coliseum 12 am Midnight Pep Rally Raging Rams Sun, Oct 28, 2007 6 pm Homecoming Gospel Musical Stage Play WSSU Student Ticket Package: FREE WSSU Student Advance: $3.00 WSSU Student Door: $5.00 General Public: $10.00 K.R. Williams Auditorium 8:30 pm Lighting of the Sign CAB (Location – TBA) Mon, Oct 29, 2007 12 pm Wild n’ Out TC Breezeway Tue, Oct 30, 2007 12 pm Battleground TC Breezeway 7 pm Poetry Slam featuring Benny Blaq, Mason “Quill” Parker and Asia WSSU Students: FREE Dillard Auditorium 9:30 pm Royal Ball – Masquerade Ball McNeil Banquet Hall Thurs, Nov 1, 2007 8:00 am Alumni Return To Serve Day WSSU Campus 12 pm - 4 pm Platinum Family Radio Tour Thompson Center Breezeway 7 pm School Spirit Residence Hall Judging All Residence Halls 7 pm - 9 pm Freestyle and Streetball Game Tour WSSU Student Ticket Package: FREE WSSU Student Advance: $3.00 WSSU Student Door: $5.00 General Public: $5.00 C.E. Gaines Center 07 winston-salem state university fall 2007 Fri, Nov 2, 2007 Sat, Nov 3, 2007 Sun, Nov 4, 2007 8:45 am Wreath Laying Ceremony - Dr. Simon Green Atkins Statue 10 am WSSU Parade - Grand Marshals: ‘67, ‘77-’78 Championship Teams Timmy Newsome, Earl “The Pearl” Monroe and Coach Kermit Blount Downtown Winston-Salem 9:00 am Worship Services - at your venue of choice 2 pm Alumni Check-In and Registration Bowman Gray Stadium - tailgate area Luncheon – Former Miss WSSUs and Mr. RAMs (Location - TBD) For more information visit www.wssu.edu. 9:45 am Founder’s Day - K.R. Williams Auditorium 11 am – 5 pm Alumni Check-In and Registration - Thompson Center 1 pm Red and White Mini Parade - Clock Tower 2:30 pm Red and White Day Party featuring DJ 360 Randal Calloway behind Greek Plots 7 pm Crowning of Miss/Mr. Alumni - LJVM Coliseum Windsor Club (Time TBA) Celebration of Champions Banquet (‘67, ‘77-’78 Championship teams) - $50.00 Anderson Center – McNeil Ballroom 8 pm 2007 SGA Concert and “Rip the Runway” Fashion Competition Featuring: Huey and Rich Boy WSSU Student Ticket Package: $15.00 WSSU Student Advance: $18.00 WSSU Student Door: $23.00 General Public Advance: $22.00 General Public Door: $26.00 Millennium Center 9 pm All RAM Class Extravaganza–featuring Chuck Brown LJVM Coliseum - Annex 10 pm After Party WSSU Student Ticket Package: $10.00 WSSU Student Advance: $20.00 WSSU Student Door: $25.00 General Public Advance: $20.00 General Public Door: $30.00 Millennium Center 2 pm WSSU vs. Delaware State Football Game Bowman Gray Stadium 5 pm Greek Pre-Step Show Sampler - Free Thompson Center Breezeway 7 pm “Ram Victory Gala” featuring Howard Hewett and DJ SYD Wine and Cheese Reception 7:30 pm NPHC Step Show WSSU Student Ticket Package: $7.00 WSSU Student Advance: $7.00 WSSU Student Door: $10.00 General Public Advance: $10.00 General Public Door: $10.00 C.E. Gaines Center 8 pm Dinner 9 pm Dance LJVM Coliseum Annex Extinguish the Sign (Location – TBA) fall 2007 winston-salem state university chancellor reflects greetings to alumni by chancellor donald julian reaves I bid you greetings from Winston-Salem State University. I am honored and humbled to serve as your new chancellor, and delighted that I have been asked to lead an institution with such a definitive history of excellence and service. As I continue to become acclimated to life at WSSU, I recognize the role that you, the alumni, have played in this history and the importance of your continued involvement with the university. Your involvement with the university has always been one of great significance. You led the way many decades ago in developing the strength of the WSSU Homecoming; you have established alumni scholarships; and you have often been at the center of the spirit we have come to know as “Ram Pride.” There is little question that your individual and collective achievements have laid the foundation and paved the way for generations of students who have called WSSU their home, and for that we are grateful. While I am still settling in as your new chancellor, please know that I look forward to working together to achieve those goals and objectives that will take our university to the next level. Each issue of Archway will include in-depth forays into my thoughts and details related to each of the eight priorities listed in this month’s message. As we consider our options for further achievement, I look forward to continuing the partnership between the university and alumni. Without question, the continuation and growth of our partnership is grounded in the willingness of all of us to be active participants in the WSSU experience. Hence, I encourage your involvement during the school year in University programs and events such as music performances, lectures, and athletic events. As well, I think there are tremendous opportunities to participate in WSSU life by contributing your talents in areas such as fundraising, legislative affairs, and continuing to build the branding of the university among the external community. The WSSU experience is one that I have already begun to embrace as I begin my leadership of the university. To date, eight priorities have been established. These include: • Improving Retention and Graduation Rates • Enhancing the Student Experience • Instituting Shared Governance • Reducing Crime on Campus • Managing the Transition to Division I Athletics • Improving Customer Service • Increasing Fundraising • Identifying and Supporting Economic Development Initiatives I trust that you will continue to provide open and candid dialogue which adds tremendous value to our relationship. As we continue on the road less traveled, I applaud your past contributions; I value your current insight; and I welcome your future involvements as we prepare together, for another year of excellence that is characteristic of Winston-Salem State University. n Thank you for your support of WSSU. Go Rams! 08 09 chancellor donald julian reaves winston-salem state university fall 2007 fall 2007 winston-salem state university 10 studentspotlights Today’s achievements of our students are a direct reflection of the legacies left before them. The Pre Alumni Council (P.A.C.) is honored to recognize a few of the many talented, bright, driven and outstanding students excelling at WSSU. P.A.C. seeks to increase alumni participation and involvement by establishing awareness among students before they enter into alumni status. sophomore student studies in ghana Amanda Eure ‘10, a sophomore mathematics major and Recipients are studying this fall in 59 different countries including Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Mali, Jordan, Bolivia, and South Korea. For the 2007-08 academic scholar at Winston-Salem State University, is spending the fall year, a total of 820 scholarships will be awarded, including 25 2007 semester at the University of Ghana. She is participating Critical Need Language Supplements of $8,000. in its International Student Exchange Program as one of 420 outstanding American undergraduate students selected from more than 1,400 applicants at 230 colleges and universities across the nation, and awarded the prestigious Benjamin A. For more information about this program and other study abroad opportunities, contact the WSSU Office of International Programs at 336-750-3345 or e-mail to [email protected]. Gilman International Scholarship, a worldwide study abroad program. As a Gilman Scholar, Eure received up to $8,000, which was applied toward her study abroad program costs. student named keynote speaker for national convention Theodis A. Chunn Jr. ‘08, a senior mass communications major speaker. “It was a marvelous experience that I will always at Winston-Salem State University (WSSU), was the keynote remember and cherish,” said Chunn about his opportunity. speaker for the 2007 Kappa Kappa Psi (KK) Fraternity, Inc. Tau Beta Sigma Sorority, Inc. The national convention was held at the Wyndham Orlando Resort and Conference Center in Orlando, FL, July 24-29. The conference theme was Building SUCCESS from the Band Up! More than 800 delegates representing 250 Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity Inc. has been promoting the welfare and existence of college and university bands all over the nation since 1919. The Kappa Lambda Chapter has been active in the band program at WSSU since 1999. collegiate chapters of the band and music organizations attended. Chunn also has been named the new Associate Vice President for Chunn is vice president of the Kappa Lambda Chapter of KKY at Development and over Special Projects for the University of North WSSU and was chosen to present the keynote address through Carolina Association of Student Governments. He will serve all 16 a Keynote Speaker Contest announced during the spring 2007 UNC schools during the 2007-2008 academic year. Some of the semester. The contest was open to all chapters and required chapter’s most notable members are Dr. Charles Hicks, chair of entrants to submit a 2,000-word speech in hardcopy and audio the WSSU Fine Arts Department; Dr. Michael Magruder, director format. KKY’s National Vice President for Programs and a of bands at WSSU; Mr. Chris Bailey, director of E-Commerce for special committee judged the submissions. Chunn was the first General Electric, Inc.; and Dr. Harold L. Martin Sr., senior vice- KKY brother from North Carolina to earn the honor of keynote president for academic affairs for the University of North Carolina. n 11 amanda eure winston-salem state university fall 2007 theodis a. chunn jr. in this issue: ✶ from success to significance | pg. 14 ✶ celebration of champions | pg. 16 ✶ ribbon-cutting | pg. 18 ✶ reunion information | pg. 19 ✶ mr. ram and miss wssu | pg. 20 ✶ mr. and miss alumni candidates | pg. 22 ✶ homecoming crossword puzzle | pg. 24 fall 2007 significance winston-salem state university 14 from success to by theo howard, associate vice chancellor for student affairs, and vic bruinton, national alumni association president T he Student Government Association’s and the National Alumni Association’s goal for 2007 is to create and facilitate the ultimate Homecoming “Ram Hollywood” experience for both students and alumni of all ages. charge given by Theo Howard, the Homecoming Committee Chair and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. The goal? We plan to bring the glitz, glamour, and excitement of Hollywood to WSSU. The campus will make As we embark on another great Homecoming, Winston- you feel like a star. The Special Events Committee has been Salem State University will celebrate 115 years of working very diligently to ensure that our first Homecoming excellence. In the past, Homecoming has been a great as a member of the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference will be success, but it is time for us to make that success have one that you do not want to miss and prove to be the most a significant impact on our collegiate and post-graduate exciting homecoming to date. n experience. “Moving from success to significance” was the 15 winston-salem state university Sunday, October 28 LIGHTING OF THE HOMECOMING SIGN As tradition guides us, we’ll kick-off the week of activities with the lighting of the WSSU Homecoming sign. ALL CLASS RAM EXTRAVAGANZA of Shalamar). FREE for all Do you feel like “Bustin’ Loose”? Here’s fully paid National Alumni Life your chance with the one-and-only Members. (Lawrence Joel Veterans “Godfather of Go-Go,” Chuck Brown and Memorial Coliseum Annex, 7 p.m.) on the wheels of steel - DJ 360 (Randal Calloway, Class of ’93 and Derek Robbins, Sunday, November 4 Class of ’92). FREE for all national alumni WORSHIP SERVICES PEP RALLY members with a valid membership To close out the festivities, let’s come Let’s celebrate our WSSU heritage card. (Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial together to worship and reflect on our together as we join current WSSU Coliseum Annex, 9 p.m.) alma mater and the friendships we’ve students at the Caribbean-Style Pep Rally. Saturday, November 3 cultivated along the way. WSSU PARADE EXTINGUISH THE HOMECOMING SIGN Thursday, November 1 Friday, November 2 WREATH LAYING CEREMONY The traditional WSSU parade will start FOUNDER’S DAY CONVOCATION downtown and end at campus. (10 a.m.) This is our opportunity to pay our On the evening of November 4th, we’ll extinguish the Homecoming Sign as ALUMNI MEMBERSHIP DRIVE we hold on to our memories and prepare TAILGATE AND FOOTBALL GAME for 2008. (Check www.wssu.edu for Watch the WSSU Rams roll over details. Find additional Homecoming Delaware State Hornets at 2 pm. information under Events.) One of our Ceremony, 8:45 a.m. at Founder’s STOMP THE YARD major goals for this year’s Homecoming Statue; Founder’s Day Convocation, Return to campus to watch the High is student inclusion in the decision- 9:45 a.m. at K.R. Williams Auditorium) Steppin’ Greeks, Stone Funk, and reunite making processes, which included with fellow RAMS. (5 p.m.) submitting a Homecoming theme. respects to our founder and recognize the classes of ’57 and ’82 who are celebrating milestone anniversaries. (Wreath Laying RED & WHITE MINI PARADE We’ll “tune” things up by participating in the annual “March thru RAMSLAND.” (1 p.m., starts at Pedestrian Mall) RED & WHITE PARTY DAY The Red and White Day Party will start things off in style and set the tone for the rest of the weekend. (2:30 p.m., Thompson Center Plaza) NPHC STEP SHOW Come see the annual step competition This is a wonderful opportunity for us to come together, united as one, featuring current and alumni Greek commemorating this 115-year evolution organizations (7:30 p.m., C.E. Gaines Center. that has produced the university we Call 336-750-3220 for ticket information). see today. “I feel like I’ve been a RAM for RAMS VICTORY GALA This is a MUST attend event! The evening will start with a wine & cheese all my days and I’ll be a RAM till I die!!!” says Latoya Perry, Student Government Vice President of External Affairs. reception followed by dinner. We will For more information on Homecoming events CROWNING OF MISS/MR. ALUMNI honor our scholarship recipients and Don’t miss your opportunity to participate other alumni. DJ SYD (Sidney Wilkins, and activities please continue checking the in the crowning of Miss/Mr. Alumni and class of ‘82) will get the party started the elegant Jazz Reception that will and we will be entertained by national follow. (Check wssu.edu for details) recording artist Howard Hewett (formerly WSSU Web site for further details, under the “Events” section on the left hand side. n fall 2007 winston-salem state university celebration of champions wssu to host friday, november 2 @ 7 pm W inston-Salem State University will host the “Celebration of Champions” homecoming weekend on Friday, Nov. 2 at 7 p.m. in the Anderson Center’s McNeil Ballroom. This event will honor the 40th Anniversary and Reunion of the 1967 NCAA Men’s Basketball Team; as well as the 1977 and 1978 undefeated CIAA Football Teams. Among players featured in the event will be one of the NBA’s 50 Greatest Players of All-Time, Earl “The Pearl” Monroe. Monroe led the Rams to an NCAA Division II title while averaging 41.5 points, which led to a successful 13-year NBA career. Former Dallas Cowboys running-back, Timmy Newsome and former quarterback and current WSSU head coach Kermit Blount are members of both the 1977 and 1978 undefeated football teams and are among other guests that also will be in attendance. Tickets are priced at $50 and may be purchased from the Advancement Office by calling 336-750-3147. Guests are expected to RSVP no later than Oct.1. n 16 17 winston-salem state university ' fall 2007 18 winston-salem state university end zone box suite/media room named after earline and curtis richardson W SSU recently opened up naming opportunities for Medical/Sport Medicine Room. Dr. Jones was a rooms located in the new Bowman Gray Athletic Field member of the 1953 Ram Basketball team. This was our House. Due to the commitment made by Earline (’71) institution’s first championship team having captured and Curtis (’76) Richardson, the End Zone Box Suite / the CIAA title that year. His professional career has Media Room will be named after these two dedicated been just as illustrious including many years of service alumni. The room will accommodate media and guests, as Deputy Mayor of Boston. He has also served his and also act as a hospitality suite. alma mater with distinction as a former President of the “This is one of the best honors we have received in our WSSU National Alumni Association. life from our alma mater, Winston-Salem State,” said Tammy and Kelvin Farmer (’86) have donated funds Curtis Richardson. “We are quite pleased that we were in support of the Visitors Locker Room. Kelvin has able to make a contribution and that it was recognized utilized his accounting degree to develop a network of by the school and this honor was bestowed upon us.” tax preparation centers. The business interests of the As far as naming opportunities go, the other rooms Farmers serve a wide population of clients in eastern available for commitment are the training/equipment room, North Carolina. Kelvin also has served and continues to and the home team locker room. The ribbon cutting for serve his alma mater. He is currently a board member both the field house and the room named to honor the of the WSSU Foundation and a member of the School of Richardsons will take place during Homecoming 2007. Business Advisory Board. For many years he provided Additional alumni have most recently provided their generous support by sponsoring two additional rooms his expertise while holding the office of Treasurer of the WSSU National Alumni Association. in the field house. Mrs. Wanda Hale and Dr. Clarence Please look for additional information on these and “Jeep” Jones (’55) have provided support for the other supporters in the next edition of Archway. n 19 winston-salem winston-salemstate stateuniversity university introducing miss wssu fall 2007 winston-salem state university 20 u and mr. ram ’07-’08 21 winston-salem state university amber joi jefferson ’08 miss wssu A mber Joi Jefferson ‘08, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, is Jefferson has traveled extensively through her involvement the proud daughter of Manning and Beverley Jefferson. She is a with the University choir; she has traveled throughout the senior majoring in Business Marketing. Amber has planted her eastern coast, the Midwest, and Europe. According to Amber, feet in the rich soil of Winston-Salem State University by being the opportunity to travel has taught her maturity and instilled involved in numerous organizations on campus. She is a WSSU the importance of diversity. Choir scholarship recipient, a WSSU Burke Singer, a Resident Assistant, and a member of Operation Red Rose. Royalty is nothing new for Amber; she was the reigning queen for the Mu Beta chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity Inc. During her matriculation at WSSU, she has been a member of the WSSU Jefferson’s love for her university is reflected in her decision to become Miss WSSU. She hopes to be a positive role model for her University. Amber believes she cannot break nor can she fail, because she was not taught how to do either. Raging Rams, Black and Gold Court, and Women for Change. michael anthony brown ’07 mr. ram M ichael Anthony Brown ‘08, a native of Charlotte, North He lives by his favorite scripture which is, “The Lord is my light and Carolina, is the proud son of Hattie Mae Brown. Michael is my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my a senior majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Brown plans to continue to make a History. Brown, a Dean’s List student, has served in many positive impact in the community and on campus as Mr. Ram. leadership capacities such as class king 2005-06 and Class Vice President 2006-07. During his matriculation at WSSU, he has been a member of the Campus Activities Board and WSSU Peer Educators. In addition, Michael has volunteered at numerous places in the community such as Reynolds Park, Diggs Elementary, and Cook Elementary. He believes: “If you are not learning, you are not living, because everything we are faced with whether, big or small, is a learning process and in order to change one has to be knowledgeable of what’s going on.” n miss and mr. alumni fall 2007 winston-salem state university ‘07-’08 candidates cheryl brooks akuma ’77 new jersey chapter - eastern region Plans for Making a Difference Education I am a very strong advocate in following the • BS Intermediate Education, WSSU, ‘77 pathways to rewarding education and working • with Winston-Salem State University Alumni is a Employment great road to take towards this mission. We must • Educational Testing Service - Director of SAT On- work together to maintain visibility for WSSU that MA Educational Administration, Rider University , 2001 Campus Program of the College Board will advocate a positive impact on its students. With God, all things are possible, and we must Recognitions/Professional Affiliations encourage others to follow their dreams...For • National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. they should believe in God first, and know that • National College Testing Association (NCTA) when they enter WSSU to learn, they will indeed • Youth Achievers Committee, Inc. be ready to serve when they depart. • Medical Aid Rural Africa (M.A.R.A) • Uburu ( Nigeria ) Community in USA • Co-founder of Akuma Computer Center at the Uburu Village Secondary School in Nigeria, West Africa 22 23 winston-salem state university darlene sowell-darby ’80 atlanta metro chapter-southern region Plans for Making a Difference Education I have chosen to compete for the title of Miss • BS Early Childhood Education, WSSU ‘80 Alumni because of the pivotal role Winston- • Salem State University has played in my life • Ed. S. Educational Leadership, Troy State University, 1998 and where I am today. As an African American • female seeking my place as a successful citizen Employment in society, WSSU provided growth opportunities • Marietta (Georgia) City Schools - Principal M.Ed. Human Development and Learning, UNCC, 1985 Ed. D. Educational Leadership, Argosy University, 2006 that enabled me to discover who I was and who I was to become. As an ambassador, it would be Recognitions/Professional Affiliations my distinct honor to usher and welcome others • Leadership Cobb into this collegiate and life altering legacy that • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc we have had the privilege to take part in. • GEM Award, Kiwanis Club • Teacher of the Year 1998, 1999 • Superintendent’s Award 1989-90, 1995-96 clyde a. caudle, jr. ’93 kimberly park alumni chapter- southern region Plans for Making a Difference Education My reason for entering this contest is simply • BS Business Administration, WSSU ‘93 because I love God. Because of my love for God, Employment I see this as an opportunity to share the gifts • Luihn Food Systems, Inc - Area Coach he has blessed me with. I have a joyful confident expectation that I will make a difference as an ambassador for WSSU by participating on the University and Alumni Association’s committees. Recognitions/Professional Affiliations • John Maxwell Leadership seminar • ServSafe Certified by the State of North Carolina • YUM Operation College Certificate • School of Leaders “SPWOC” Once on the committees, I plan to take an active • 2nd Vice President Kimberly Park Alumni Chapter role in receiving and giving appropriate ideas and • Manager of the Year 2004 suggestions to better our institution. My intensions • Stepping Up to the Plate Award are not to just talk about making a difference, but • Outstanding Coach Award 2004, 2005 to actually be the difference. fall 2007 winston-salem state university homecoming 2007 crossword Test your homecoming knowledge and see how many clues you can answer. Find out the answers in the next edition of Archway. 24 25 winston-salem state university 2 1 3 4 5 8 7 6 9 10 11 12 14 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ACROSS DOWN 2 Get fired up 1 Your mascot 5 A man of great importance 3 Before the game 10 Your brothers and sisters 4 What you will see a lot of 11 Sound to get you in the mood 6 A woman of great stature 13 Red Fabric 7 School Spirit 15 What you’d better have 8 16 Looking forward to seeing all 9 What you will find all over campus 19 A good time for all 12 The colors of greatness 20 Entertainment on the yard 14 Feeling you get from being a RAM 21 The School 15 Features a Pigskin Lots to choose from 17 You will see lots of these at Homecoming 18 A get together fall 2007 winston-salem state university goingfurther news from the school of graduate studies and research On our final day, we took part in a 12-mile climb up the back side of Alped’Huez. As you can see, it was absolutely gorgeous. 26 27 winston-salem state university O n July 11, 2007, 11 of us from the Winston-Salem area, fall 2007 the mountain and could reach out and touch them as they along with our bicycles, headed to Lyon, France, where we came past. Once the parade was over, we began a very joined about 39 other cyclists to spend six days riding in the stressful descent with traffic, bicycles, walkers, RVs, etc., French Alps. The trip included three days of riding parts of and little to no guard rails to prevent deadly flight down the the course of the 2007 Tour de France, and watching the side of the mountain. race on top of some of the major climbs. Sunday, July 15, we headed out to embark on one of the Friday morning, July 13, we headed out to tackle the Coldes most beautiful climbs in the Tour: the Cormet de Roselend. Aravis and the Mont-Saxonnex gorges (described by our Monday, the 16th, was a rest day for the Tour, but not guide as a ‘little bump’) before the climb up the Col de la for us. We did an easy 56-mile ride up to the ski town of Colombiere, which would be the final climb for Stage 6 of the Tour de France. We did about 60 miles with 9000 feet of climbing. The ‘little bump’ turned out to be like climbing up the road to the top of Hanging Rock about three times. We finally made it to our viewing area. The hour-long parade was quite a spectacle with floats, music, and people throwing all manner of promotional items at the crowd. The Tour is much like a rolling Mardi Gras and large numbers Courchevel. On Tuesday, we climbed the Telgraphie on the way to one of the most challenging climbs in Europe--the mighty Col du Galibier (21 miles). From Bourg d’Oisans we climbed the famous 8.8 miles and 21 switchbacks up to Alpe d’Huez. This is where Lance Armstrong did one of his spectacular time trials. Without question, this was one of the most memorable events of my life. of people turn out to watch and participate. We had an Dr. Carolynn Berry, an avid rider, serves as the interim dean incredible view where we could see the riders snaking up of the School of Graduate Studies and Research at WSSU. n fall 2007 winston-salem state university dr. charles wesley ford jr. appointed dean of college of arts and sciences D r. Charles Wesley Ford Jr., has been appointed Dean of Winston-Salem State University’s College of Arts and Sciences. “We are extremely pleased to welcome Dr. Ford to WSSU at this pivotal time when our College of Arts and Sciences is playing a critical role in addressing the career and educational advancement needs of the Piedmont Triad Region and the state,” said Dr. Pedro Martinez, WSSU Provost. Dr. Ford’s distinguished career in higher education includes serving at Clayton State University in Morrow, GA and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Dr. Ford holds five degrees, including bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Biology, Computer Science, and a Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science. n 28 29 winston-salem state university fall 2007 wssu hosts interactive exhibit on north carolina’s infamous eugenics program A n interactive exhibit chronicling North Carolina’s infamous eugenics program is now on display in Winston-Salem State University’s School of Health Sciences through January 2008. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services exhibit, chronicled by researcher Dr. Johanna Schoen, includes 20 three-foot wide panels and features several actual instruments used to perform procedures. It is displayed in WSSU’s F.L. Atkins Building. North Carolina’s eugenics program began in 1929. The law endorsed sterilization of people who had epilepsy, sickness, “feeblemindedness”, and other disabilities. It claimed to better society by preventing selected people from having children. But, it was used against a wide variety of people – including girls whose only “fault” was having premarital sex. North Carolina’s program continued until 1974. Dr. Schoen’s research shows that in its latter years, as eugenics theory was largely discredited, involuntary Rep. Larry Womble (left) discusses the former policy of eugenics in the state of North Carolina with WSSU’s Chancellor Donald Reaves. sterilization was justified by using economic discrimination. People on public assistance were targeted as a way of limiting those expenditures. Nial Cox Ramirez, who is featured in the exhibit, was told that if she refused sterilization her family’s benefits would be halted. The Eugenics Board of North Carolina ran North Carolina’s program. It was technically a part of the Department of Public Welfare (modern day Division of Social Services). It had five members – one each representing the Attorney General, Dorothea Dix Hospital, Department of Public Welfare, Department of Public Health, and Department of Mental Health. Local social workers would petition the board to sterilize a person and the board would make the ultimate decision. More than 7,600 people were sterilized under the program. Some people requested sterilization, but many of them were forced against their will. In some cases, victims were children as young as Martinique Lewis looks at surgical tools used in forced sterilization. 14 who had no knowledge or understanding of the procedure. n fall 2007 winston-salem state university 30 The office of career services, office of alumni relations and the wssu national alumni association in partnership presents on theyard alumni return to serve day A If you are interested in registering, please visit Winston-Salem State University on Thursday, Nov. 1, 2007. www.wssu.edu/returntoserve and complete the The event gives alumni an opportunity to return to their alma form no later than Friday, Oct 15, 2007. n lumni Return to Serve Day will be held on the campus of mater and to share with students in all academic areas the skill sets needed to be successful in the world of work. Alumni Office of Career Services participating in the event will be matched with classes in the Winston-Salem State University academic major in which they received their degree and/or 301 Thompson Student Services Center classes that are associated with their current profession. Alumni Winston-Salem State University are asked to share with students the importance of utilizing 336-750-3240 (Telephone) services and support systems and the skills they will need to 336-750-3260 (Fax) meet the challenges of a professional career. [email protected] (Email) T band and drum majors get new name hanks to the overwhelming response of e-mails and calls, the new names for Winston-Salem State University’s Marching Rams and Drum Majors have been chosen and assigned. The respective names are (drum roll, please): The band will be called the Winston-Salem State University Red Sea of Sound and the drum majors will be called The Chain Reaction. This is a first in the history of WSSU that both the band and drum majors Congratulations! have a name that sets them apart. n Hey former drum majors, where are you now? It’s your time to shine in our Spring 2008 issue of Archway. Let the Ram family know where you are now and what exciting things you’re doing and accomplishing. Also, tell us about your experience as a drum major and student while attending WSSU in 150 words or less. Please send an update by Friday, Nov. 9, 2007, and include your name, graduation year, and a clear photo of yourself in a jpeg file to archway@wssu. edu. Thank you! archway staff 31 winston-salem state university fall 2007 gayle colston barge named assistant vice chancellor for university advancement and chief marketing and communications officer G ayle Colston Barge, a marketing and communications In addition to owning a consulting firm, Barge also has professional with more than 25 years of experience, directed publicity, community relations, and volunteerism was recently named Assistant Vice Chancellor for programs at JC Penney. Areas of responsibility during University Advancement and Chief Marketing her career have included public relations, marketing, and Communications Officer. advertising, internal and external communications, public Before coming to WSSU, she served as director of Marketing affairs and community relations, and philanthropy. and Communications and spokesperson at Texas Southern Barge earned a master’s degree in Strategic Communication University. She succeeds William T. Patterson, III, who resigned and Leadership from Seton Hall University and a bachelor’s from the university on July 15, to serve as senior partner in a degree in History and English from Minot State University. higher education non-profit consulting firm, which he founded. Barge’s professional affiliations include memberships in In her new role, Barge will enhance and develop the policies, systems and processes that enable the university’s marketing and communications office to play an expanded role in advancing WSSU’s key strategic objectives. “Mrs. Barge’s vast experience as a strategic communicator and leader, with extensive strategic marketing and communications expertise in both the public and private sectors—in higher education, retail and financial services industries—will serve our institution well,” said Lee Richardson, Interim Vice Chancellor for University Advancement. the International Association of Business Communicators and the National Association of Black Journalists. She is the recipient of myriad awards and recognitions, including being named by PR Week as one the top 12 AfricanAmericans in PR in 1999. An avid volunteer and community leader, Barge is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and the Links, Inc. She is married to Carlos Barge and has two sons. n fall 2007 winston-salem state university 32 timeout RAM SPORTS denver signs former ram to free agent contract E mmauel Akah, former WSSU Ram, was signed with three other free agents to the Denver Broncos. Akah (6-foot-3, 330 pounds) is a first-year player who started all 11 games at left guard for the Frankfurt Galaxy, helping the team lead NFL Europa in scoring and advance to the 2007 World Bowl XV. A native of London, Akah began his professional career in NFL Europa in 2006. Akah’s three seasons of play at WSSU were under current head football coach Kermit Blount, and he was a starter all three seasons for the Rams. Following his departure from WSSU, he spent time with the Miami Dolphins before competing with the Frankfurt Galaxy. n 33 winston-salem state university fall 2007 coachescorner a quick look at kermit blount A s Winston-Salem State University settles in their first full “I personally welcome our alumni and supporters to travel with Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) schedule, Kermit the team as it ventures into unfamiliar places such as Morgan Blount, head football coach at Winston-Salem State University State (Baltimore, MD), and the Circle City Classic.” he said. believes this is the most important season in the history of “We need your support not only financially, but physically at our Rams football. “...(and) the support of our alumni will be a home and away games. This young group of players needs to great boost for our young team as they compete,” Blount said. understand the history of the program and ,that means you.” There is little question that Blount has established himself Coach Blount has been in a leadership role with teams that as one of the premiere collegiate coaches not only in have won a total of six conference titles at both the NCAA Division I Championship Subdivision play, but in all of Division I and Division II levels. A 1980 alumnus of WSSU, college football. A man accustomed to success, Blount, Blount enjoyed a long and fruitful playing career as a Ram. who has experienced only four losing seasons in his 15 As a four-year starting quarterback at WSSU, Blount guided years as a head football coach at the collegiate level, has the Rams to back-to-back CIAA titles in 1977 and 1978 been the driving force in preparing the Rams for play at earning all-conference and All-America honors along the way. the Division I level. One needs to look no further than the Rams’ back-to-back CIAA Championships in 1999 and 2000 to realize that this formula is one that produces results. For this new venture for Ram Football, Blount is ready to skyrocket his team to new levels of success. Blount returned to his alma mater as head football coach in 1993. He has developed and shaped the careers of hundreds of Ram student-athletes and has seen five former Rams move on to the professional ranks in the National Football League. He also has helped guide the careers of “We will have former players involved in giving pregame talks countless assistant coaches and coordinators who have to not only motivate, but share their personal experiences,” been fortunate enough to work under his tutelage. he said. “We have a very outstanding football staff with the addition of new offensive co-coordinator Nic Calcutta and secondary coach john falvey bringing over 50 years of experience to our current staff.” Blount also asks for external support. Coach Blount is married to the former Ava Harris of Richmond, VA, and they are the proud parents of a daughter, April, and a son, Bryan. Blount will lead the Rams into their first season of Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference football action in 2007. n fall 2007 winston-salem state university 34 timeout RAM SPORTS rams in the community by chris zona S Life Skills Director and Associate Director of University have full calendars: classes, labs Athletics. “The student-athletes help to mentor and study groups, plus practices, workouts, youth in the community, thereby strengthening and team meetings. However, from youth not only their bond with the community, but reading programs to after school activities, the the community’s bond with the students student-athletes at WSSU are constantly giving and athletes of WSSU.” Involvement in the back to their communities. program is voluntary, and in 2005-2006, tudent-Athletes at Winston-Salem State The CHAMPS (CHallenging Athletes’ Minds for members volunteered more than 800 hours. Personal Success) program was implemented In addition to community activities, the in NCAA institutions in 1994, and was created CHAMPS/Life Skills Program has a Student- to improve and enhance the student-athlete experience within their selected communities. The program was initiated at Winston-Salem State University in 1998. Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC) that meets once a month to discuss issues dealing with the welfare of the student-athletes. The SAAC consists of representatives of every varsity sport at WSSU and the council is governed “The purpose of CHAMPS/Life Skills is to by a constitution. If you would like to get your prepare student-athletes for their life after school or youth group involved in the CHAMPS/ athletics,” said Tonia Walker, WSSU’s CHAMPS/ Life Skills program, call (336) 750-2143. n 35 winston-salem state university fall 2007 timeout RAM SPORTS new football parking policy in place T he new Winston-Salem State University parking season-long parking passes for both passenger policy will allow football fans to reserve parking and recreational vehicles (RV) as well as purchase for both passenger automobiles and recreational double-size parking spots designated for tailgating. vehicles (RV) on both a season-long and game by game basis, according to Dr. Chico Caldwell, WSSU fans are encouraged to secure their director of athletics. This policy will be effective for reserved parking passes well in advance of all the 2007 football season. home contests so as to ensure parking availability. The parking policy will allow fans access to the “The new parking policies will allow our fans to West, East, South, and North lots directly on the secure prime parking for all WSSU home football perimeter of Bowman Gray Stadium as well as the games well in advance of the scheduled date and Anderson Center parking lot adjacent to the North will allow for fans to ensure tailgating areas prior lot, located on the campus of WSSU. All lots will to home football Saturdays,” Caldwell said. have incremental fee values assessed to them with general admission parking, reserved parking, For additional information on the new WSSU and tailgating parking permits available. Parking for football parking policies and/or to place orders for all WSSU home football games will fall into one of reserved parking passes, please contact the WSSU three categories, as fans will be able to purchase Department of Athletics at (336) 750-2141. n fall 2007 winston-salem state university 36 where are they now by steven gaither, archway writer former football stars: W oronde gadsden ‘95 hen he graduated from Winston-Salem State University the Indianapolis Colts, the Dolphins fought back and Gadsen’s in 1994, Oronde Gadsden left prepared for a career both on catch with two seconds remaining secured the victory. “That and off the football field. In addition to being a standout wide gave the fans and the coaches a lot of confidence in me.” receiver for the Rams on the field, Gadsden’s internship his senior year laid the groundwork for his second career in the fashion industry. Today, the 36 year-old has his own clothing company, International Apparel Group. “Dr. (Dennis) Felder had us do internships the second semester of my senior year,” Gadsden said. “Drew Pearson (a former Dallas Cowboys receiver) made eight million in one year from selling hats. I said ‘that’s what I want to (do) when I grow up,” joked Gadsden. Gadsden said that coming from a small, Division II college like WSSU never held him back or made him doubt himself. He said, “My whole thing was, throw me 10 balls and throw him 10 balls and if he beats me then I’m out.” One thing that gave Gadsden confidence was the fact that one of his teammates, Yancy Thigpen ‘91, had been drafted by the San Diego Chargers and went on to become a Pro-Bowler with the Pittsburgh Steelers. “That was a watershed moment for us However, before getting into the clothing industry, Gadsden when Yancy got drafted,” Gadsden said. embarked on a journey that would take him from Dallas, to Portland and finally to Miami. After being cut from the Gadsden finished his career as the Rams’ leader in receptions Cowboys, Gadsden did not compete in football for a year. He (130), receiving yards (2,960), and touchdowns (44). He played played with the Portland Forest Dragons of the Arena Football for both Pete Richardson and current Rams’ head coach League before landing a tryout with the Dolphins in 1998. “We Kermit Blount. He also played with two future NFL players had older guys like O.J. McDuffie and Irving Fryar, but Jimmy Thigpen and running back Richard Huntley. When he reflects Johnson gave me a chance,” said Gadsden. back on his experiences at Winston-Salem State, the thing he Gadsden played with the Dolphins from 1998 until 2003. He started 55 of the 74 games, and finished with 227 receptions, 3252 yards (14.3 per catch) and 22 touchdowns. Gadsden said that his most memorable moment came when he caught his first touchdown in the NFL. Down early against most appreciates about his days at the school was the family atmosphere between students. “My roommate at WSSU was the best man at my wedding,” he said. “I tell people all the time, ‘You wish you came to my school.’” n 37 former football stars: A winston-salem state university fall 2007 anthony blaylock ‘88 lthough he still feels some disappointment about the way his professional football career ended, Anthony Blaylock says that being a player in the business world has helped him cope and move on. “It keeps me going,” said Blaylock. The former Winston-Salem State star and NFL cornerback had his professional career tragically cut short when a surgery went wrong in 1993. These days, he’s busy with several business ventures in his adopted home of Atlanta, Ga. There’s his development company, IHN Construction; a mortgage company, AB Mortgage; and a real estate company, IHN Enterprises. All are a part of his umbrella company, Blaylock Commercial Holdings. Not bad for a guy who didn’t even receive his degree. Blaylock, who majored in Business Administration at WSSU, spent the better part of his senior year traveling around the country, visiting and working out for about 20 NFL teams. Eventually, Blaylock was selected by the Cleveland Browns in the fourth round (103 overall) in the 1988 NFL draft. He played for the Browns for four seasons. Blaylock says that his “Welcome to the NFL” moment was bestowed on him by none other than Hall of Fame linebacker Lawrence Taylor during a preseason game during his rookie year. “I ran and took a 30-yard sprint and knocked him on his back,” remembers Blaylock. On the next play, Taylor returned the favor. “Four plays later, he just jacks me up and slams me into the ground, and then he told me that was a nice hit earlier.” In 1991 Blaylock signed with the San Diego Chargers and in 1993 he signed as a free agent with the Chicago Bears. It was during his only season with the Bears that abruptly ended his playing career. A simple operation to remove a scar from Blaylock’s left knee resulted in him developing bursitis in his knee and ultimately ended his playing days early. Blaylock was awarded a settlement in 1999. Blaylock looks back with fondness on his days at WSSU and says that he treasures the relationships he developed while at the school. He “What was tragic was I never really got to where I could have says his biggest reason for coming to WSSU was former head coach gotten, that was most disappointing” said Blaylock. “What I set Bill Hayes. He says that although all his family attended HBCUs, he was out to do was make it to the NFL and be all-pro.” more interested in going to a bigger school. Blaylock says what keeps him going now are his business His visit to WSSU changed all that. “I knew I wanted to be happy and ventures and his work with inner-city children. comfortable,” he said. “He sold me on the family environment.” n fall 2007 winston-salem state university 38 alumni message greetings alumni and friends: T he Special Events Committee has worked diligently to ensure that your return home will be a well-spent and enjoyable occasion. Teamwork is the key to winning. We must continue with our strategy for taking our association forward into a new century of service built upon the firm foundation of our motto, “Enter to Learn and Depart to Serve.” It is our personal responsibility to reclaim lost Rams. In order to reclaim them, we must first be excited about who we are and believe in the mission of the organization. We are “Linked Together in Unity and Serving together with Purpose.” We must give our time and financial support to Winston-Salem State University. I urge you to get fully immersed and committed to your National Alumni Association and help make a difference. Please complete the attached forms to become a financial member and return to serve. I am proud to serve you as your national president. n Sincerely, Victor L. Bruinton National Alumni Association President WSSU Homecoming 2007 02 winston-salem state university fall 2007 Live it up... Ram Hollywood Style! ch Ri Bo y Get it poppin’ Hue y at the Rip the Runway Concert and Afterparty featuring ev in Ha rt A le x T h o m a s Dam K on Huey and Rich Boy – Friday, Nov. 2, 9 p.m. at the Millennium Center. W il li ams Laugh it up at the Comedy Show Thursday, Oct. 25, 8:30 p.m. in WSSU’s K.R. Williams Auditorium featuring Alex Thomas, Damon Williams and Kevin Hart; hosted by New Orleans Hornets Point Guard Chris Paul. Get your praise on at the Musical Gospel Stage Play – Sunday, Oct. 28, 6 p.m. in K.R. Williams Auditorium featuring Stephanie Drake of Tyler Perry’s “Madea’s Family Reunion” and national recording artist Dewayne Woods. fall 2007 winston-salem state university 40 alumninews class notes Got news? Please share. Fill out our alumni profile at www.wssu.edu/alumniprofileform ’60s ’90s (continued) ’00s ’67 – Mr. Johnny E. Sigers was recently appointed as a new member of the Winston-Salem State University Board of Visitors. The appointment is for a three-year term (2007-2009). promotion), one of our Mass Communications graduates. She was recognized for her work with youth. Sowell hosts a teen talk show and runs a youth program in the Salem Garden area in Winston- Salem, NC, in addition to holding down a full-time job. She’s has written a book about her life, “Runnin’ For My Life: Diary of a Delinquent”, which includes participation in a gang. ’01 and ’03 – Mr. Robert E. Harvey, III, and wife, Mrs. Latoya Ross Harvey are the proud parents of a baby girl. Morgan Taylor Harvey was born on July 30, 2007. She weighed 7 lbs. and 14 oz. She was 20 inches long. Morgan is the granddaughter of Patti Sanders-Smith, Class of l976 and the Great- Granddaughter of the late Freager “High Point” Sanders, Class of l950. ’70s ’78 – Ms. Debra Miller was recently appointed as the new Chair of the Winston-Salem State University Board of Visitors. The appointment is for a three-year term (2007-2009). ’90s ’91 – Ms. Trice Hickman will release her new novel, Unexpected Interruptions, on November 1, 2007. She will hold a book-signing on Nov. 2 in the University Bookstore from 2-4 p.m. Hickman holds a Mass Communications degree and earned her Masters from Wake Forest University. ’91 – Mr. Harold L. Grier, received his MBA degree from Pfeiffer University, School of Graduate Studies on August 4, 2007. Mr. Grier lives in Charlotte, NC and is married to Dr. Yvette Bessent an OB/GYN in the area. They have one son Quincy Moses. ’92 – Ms. Charletta Georgette Sims and Mr. Darrin Andre Evans of Raleigh exchanged vows in a double-ring ceremony on December 28, 2007 at Barclay Villa in Angier, NC. Mrs. Sims Evans was also recently appointed to the position of associate director of Student Development Services in the Division of Academic and Student Services with the North Carolina Community College System. Mrs. Sims Evans provides leadership in the areas of Career Development, Student Activities, State and Private Scholarships, NC Comprehensive Community College Student Government Association and Veterans Affairs. ‘94 - Ms. Stefany Sowell recently received The Modern Toyota Citizen of the Month (ongoing WXII ’99 - Mr. Jamar Ross, who has served as the sports information director at Hampton University the past five years, has been named Associate Sports Information Director at Old Dominion University. Ross will serve as the primary media contact for the ODU football program which will kick-off in 2009. While at Hampton, Ross served on the Governance and Commitment to Rules Compliance Subcommittee for Hampton’s NCAA Recertifi cation Self Study and recently was selected to the NCAA Leadership Institute for Ethnic Minority Males and Females. Ross also served as Sports Information Director at Winston-Salem State University in 2001-02, was the assistant SID at Hampton 2000-01, and completed a post graduate internship at Southern Illinois University in 2000. He also served as a press room attendant at the men’s NCAA Basketball Tournaments in 1997 and 2000. Ross graduated cum laude from WinstonSalem State University with a degree in Sports Management in 1999, and is currently working towards a Master’s degree in Sports Administration at Old Dominion. He is a member of the College Sports Information Directors of America, Black College Sports Information Directors of America and the National Association of Collegiate Marketing Administrators. He will begin July 25th. ’99 - Mr. Darryl Starnes, received one of the Phillip Morris USA, Inc. Awards on February 14, 2007. Starnes is an employee of Phillip Morris. ’04 - Mr. Richard K. Snipes, was married to Jennifer R. Burgess on November 11, 2006 at Pinedale Christian Church in Winston-Salem, NC. Richard is currently employed by LabCorp in Burlington, NC where he is a chemist. ’05 – Ms. Kelechi C. Anyanwu received the 2007 Black Achiever Award on May 10th, sponsored by the Winston Lake Family YMCA. She received the award from her employer, Pepsi Bottling Group, during the 10th Annual Black Achievers in Business and Industry Awards Gala. The black achiever award is given to employees who exemplify the meaning of service in and to their community and for strong contributions to their company. ’06 – Mr. Austin Mackey was recently promoted from Copywriter to the position of Senior Copywriter for Globalhue, one of the leading multicultural advertising agencies in the US. ’06 – Ms. Stephanie N. Robinson has just completed her first year of Law School at North Carolina Central School of Law, and is currently working diligently at the North Carolina General Assembly as a Legislative Intern for Senator Malcolm Graham. ’06 - Mrs. Charla A. White, was married to Mr. Derek B. Cline in Hickory, NC on September 9, 2006. The couple will reside in Hickory, NC. 41 winston-salem state university fall 2007 alumninews Depending on the layout and available space in the Alumni News chapter info section, photos sent with announcements may or may not run. atlanta gold-wayne (continued) raleigh-wake On April 14 the chapter honored past national president Catherine Hart at a recognition banquet. Herbert Stover, ’60, and Shirley Faison Sims, ’56, represented the chapter at the April National Alumni Meeting/STAR Recognition Luncheon. The 2006-07 year was filled with many activities centered around WSSU’s 2007 MEAC Invasion (Raleigh, NC March 5-10), fundraising to support the 2007 WSSU Athletic Awards Banquet, 2007 Scholarship Recipient Award, 2007 UNC TV Spring Fundraising Festival and the Inaugural HBCU Softball Classic, just to name a few. Most of us value our Raleigh-Wake WSSU Alumni membership and active involvement in our local chapter as a way of “staying connected” with the community and providing rewarding community service. Takeeta Tyson ’95, volunteers annually as a chaperone with the Spring and Fall WSSU High School Day event. This year, 22 students and parents from Lee, Vance and Wake County traveled to the growing and beautiful campus of Winston-Salem State University and were introduced to the many opportunities that await them as future RAMS. Gregory Hairston, Victor Bruinton, and Lee Richardson were in attendance. Lee Richardson presented Catherine with a lead crystal vase for her work in forming a strong bond between the Alumni Association and the university. The Chapter received a Honorable Mention trophy at the STAR Banquet in May. fayetteville The chapter’s monthly meetings are held each 1st Saturday at Subs N’ Such at 10:00 AM. There were few activities during this quarter. The chapter sponsored a tour of the campus in February and represented the Admission Offi ce at a local College Fair. The chapter is reviewing the applications for the Robert Blue Scholarship. We have summer activities planned such as “Roll with the Rams” - bowling and “Rock, Roll and Slide” - skating. Fall activities include “Master & Little Miss Ram contest and sponsoring students to attend Fall Open House, Ram Round-UP and attend fall sporting activities. gold-wayne Provided Thanksgiving baskets for three needy families in November. Sponsored a chartered bus to the November 4, 2006, WSSU Fall Open House and took 45 local high school students representing seven area high schools. Recognized four students for academic excellence during the chapter’s annual Christmas breakfast on December 9. The event was held at Tommy’s Road Elementary School where Patsy Curry Faison ’66, is principal. Provided sponsorship to Amari Olliver for WSSU Choir’s trip to Prague. Donald Faison ’66, was appointed to the WSSU Hall of Fame Committee. The chapter sponsored a back-to-school cookout for new and returning WSSU students. kuandelea Sheryl Funderburk ’85, Processing Assistant/ Office Manager at Winston-Salem State University, graduated from Winston-Salem State University. Mrs. Funderburk graduated on Saturday May 5, 2007 with a second Bachelor of Science degree in Management Information Systems (MIS) [with a minor in Accounting] – with honors. Sheryl was among over 600 graduates – the largest graduating class in the history of Winston-Salem State University. Congratulations Sheryl!!!! Kuandelea is proud to announce the 1st annual Little Miss Kuandelea Pageant. This pageant is a major fundraising event for the Kuandelea Alumni Chapter. In the history of the chapter, Kuandelea has provided seven students an opportunity to experience endless possibilities through scholarships. The chapter is sponsoring this pageant to once again provide scholarships to deserving students. Seven young ladies will be vying for this coveted title on October 20, 2007, at 3:00 PM. If you would like to support this worthy and worthwhile endeavor, please contact Karen Patterson, Pageant Chair, at [email protected]. On a side note… 100% of membership of the Kuandelea Alumni Chapter has contributed to the Capital Campaign Fund. We challenge every other alumni chapter to do the same! This past year alone, 30 local WSSU RAM alumni residing in the growing Triangle joined the chapter. The goal of the chapter’s membership committee for the upcoming 2007-2008 year is to increase active participation by 25%. This year’s (2007) Scholarship recipient is Lindsey Riggins. She currently a senior at Cary High School. ` will enroll at Winston-Salem State University in the fall semester of 2007 and major in Nursing. Luther Johnson (’93), Student Recruitment / Scholarship chair and his committee chose Lindsey from two applicants. Her application and scholastic high school performance were exemplary. One of the most exciting and competitive events of the year included the HBCU Softball Classic held on Saturday, May 19, 2007 at Lion’s Park in Raleigh, NC. Competition included alumni teams from Hampton University, North Carolina Central University, NC A&T State University and Winston-Salem State University. Next year, team leaders hope to expand to eight HBCU Alumni teams while utilizing two fields at the park. fall 2007 winston-salem state university 42 chapter info (continued) raleigh-wake (continued) rocky mount washington, dc metro Chapter President Stanley Harding represented Presented three $500 scholarships to entering The chapter received the Silver S.T.A.R. Trophy the Raleigh – Wake Chapter well during the 2007 freshmen at WSSU. at the Annual S.T.A.R. Recognition Luncheon WSSU Athletic Banquet at Tanglewood Park in Clemmons, NC, just outside Winston-Salem. The Recipients and their parents joined chapter members & Alumni Day. This recognition is given by the for breakfast at Ryan’s Restaurant on June 2. Undergraduate Admissions Office. Athlete of the Year Award, 2) Athletic Director’s Regular meetings will resume in September. WSSU Washington, DC/Metro Evening at the Cup Award and 3) Women’s Outdoor Track Award. Chapter meets every second Wednesday at 6:00 Waterfront was held June 1 at the Sky Lounge/ p.m. at Braswell Memorial Library in Rocky Mount. Zanzibar in S.W. Washington, DC. This was a chapter sponsored three awards: 1) Male Student Local active alumni members look forward to increasing participation by assertively soliciting the support and membership of the over 550 Ram Networking Meet & Greet Happy Hour activity. Mr. Antwon Farrior ‘94 was the host. WSSU Alumni residing in the popular and Two $1,000.00 scholarships have been growing Raleigh – Wake community. awarded for the 2007-2008 school year to Miss Monique Catlett of Washington, DC and Mr. Cory Graves of Suitland, MD. The Annual Year End Picnic was held June 9 at Watkins Park. Our special guests were nine area students entering WSSU in August. 43 winston-salem state university fall 2007 in memorium Ms. LaTonya D. McBride, '97 - April 18, 2007 Ms. Betty Faison Miller, '75 - June 3, 2007 Mr. Barney Leroy Hood - May 9, 2007 Mr. Charlie Lee Elder - June 12, 2007 Mr. Earnest Manuel "Goofy" Gunnings - May 11, 2007 Mrs. Kennetta Hairston Thompson, '59 - June 15, 2007 Mrs. Venice Coleman Garlington - May 17, 2007 Mr. Waymon Lee Jackson - June 15, 2007 Mr. Oscar L. Foy Jr., ‘45 - May 18, 2007 Ms. Hazel Rhynes - June 20, 2007 Mr. Harrell Alfonzo Hairston - May 18, 2007 Mrs. Gwendolyn Hunter Ashley - June 28, 2007 Ms. Edwina Gail Horne-Matte - May 18, 2007 Mr. Lemuel Lafayette Johnson, '54 - June 30, 2007 Ms. Mary Elizabeth Truesdale - May 19, 2007 Mr. Richard Wilkerson - July 1, 2007 Mrs. Yvonne Battle Elder - May 22, 2007 Mrs. Gertrude Mabry Reid, '42 - July 3, 2007 Mrs. Lena Bullock Howard, '53 - May 22, 2007 Ms. Doretha McKnight Stone, '63 - July 21, 2007 Mrs. Vera Moore Sheff - May 29, 2007 Mrs. Eleanor King Hopkins, '55 - July 28, 2007 Rev. Seal E. Tyndall - May 31, 2007 Mrs. Christine Delores Davis - July 30, 2007 Mrs. Jade Hodges Ellerbe - May 31, 2007 Mr. Evon L. Reid, ‘41 - May 16, 2007 Mrs. Margretta McCain Banks, '52 - June 3, 2007 rolling rams collegiate insignia license plate Honk if you have RAM PRIDE! Now you can show your WSSU school pride 24/7 by purchasing a collegiate insignia license plate. All plates can be obtained from your local DMV. For North Carolina residents, simply go to www.wssu.edu, scroll over Alumni and Friends, click on Alumni Information, then Collegiate License Plate. The link will take you straight to the DMV site where you can click on Specialized License Plates. Simply follow the instructions from that point. Let’s go Rams! fall 2007 winston-salem state university 44 what’s up with homecoming this year? I ts Homecoming time and Ram Hollywood is just around the corner. WSSU is primed in the star position as artists, ballers, comedians and steppers take the stage. This year we are bringing it all to you on iTunes! So check it out and see why you don’t want to miss this year’s Homecoming events. To access the WSSU Alumni Podcasts: Go to apple.com/itunes/ Click on “featured” tab on the right, and download “iTunes 7 now” Enter your e-mail address and download instructions Open the “iTunes setup” icon. It can be found on your desktop. Install the application Open the "iTunes application" In the left frame click on the "iTunes Store" In the top right corner, enter "WSSU Alumni Podcast" in the "Search iTunes Store" field Once on the "WSSU Alumni Podcasts" page, click on the "subscribe" button ram hollywood style! tell all your friends and family... it’s time to reconnect and live it up big iTunes is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. 45 winston-salem state university are we making the grade? fall 2007 Take a moment to fill out this survey and mail to office of marketing and communications; 310 blair hall, winston-salem, nc 27110 or go online to www.wssu.edu/archwaysurvey 1. Below is a list of the primary sections of Archway. 2. How would you rate the overall quality of Archway? Which ones did you read in the most recent issue? (Select all that apply.) Excellent Good Average Poor Writing m m m m m Photography m m m m m Appearance m m m m m m Main Articles m Going Further m On the Yard m Word from the Editor m Student Spotlight m The Happenings m Book Reviews m Time Out m Where Are They Now m Alumni News m Donor of the Season m Time Capsule No Opinion 4. Tell us about yourself: m WSSU alumni or former student m Current WSSU student 3. Which of the following statements about WSSU Archway do you agree with? m It provides useful information. m WSSU faculty/staff m Other m It usually contains little that is of interest to me. m It elicits pride in WSSU. 6. What did you think of the cover stories in the most recent issue? m It represents a balanced view of what’s going on at WSSU. m It is entertaining. 5. Which section of the magazine do you usually turn to first? Why? 8. Name your favorite issue or story. 7. What three topics would you like to see covered in future issues? 1. 2. 3. 10. Please share any ideas, suggestions or comments to improve 9. Know any fellow alumni, faculty, or students we should consider for a story? We’d love to hear about them. Thank you! Archway magazine. fall 2007 winston-salem state university 02 Come out and enjoy 18 holes of competitive golf at Winston Lake Golf Course, home to one of the Piedmont Triad’s premier public courses. Enjoy a delicious lunch sponsored by Outback Steakhouse, followed by a dinner and auction. A day of fun, fellowship, and great prizes await all WinstonSalem State University Golf Classic participants. And best of all, proceeds from the classic, auction, and dinner will support the general scholarship fund at WSSU. So grab a friend or three - and join us Friday, April 25, 2008 for the Golf Tournament. For more information please call 336-750-3147. Office of Marketing and Communications Winston-Salem State University 310 Blair Hall Winston-Salem, NC 27110 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Permit Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Winston-Salem, NC Permit No. 257
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