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UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Primary Property and Workers’ Compensation Exposures Touchstone Product Version 2.0 CLASIC/2 Product Version 15.0 Release Date: August 2014 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Copyright 2014 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, for any purpose, without the express written permission of AIR Worldwide (AIR). Trademarks AIR Worldwide is a registered trademark. CATRADER, CATStation, Touchstone, and UNICEDE are registered trademarks of AIR Worldwide. ALF, CEDE, CLASIC/2, and CLF Touchstone are trademarks of AIR Worldwide. In accordance with international patent conventions and treaties, if you use these trademarked items in any document you must also include the trademark symbol and prominently acknowledge AIR as the owner of the trademarks. AIR is a member of the Verisk Insurance Solutions group at Verisk Analytics. Confidentiality AIR invests substantial resources in the development of its models, modeling methodologies and databases. This document contains proprietary and confidential information and is intended for the exclusive use of AIR clients who are subject to the restrictions of the confidentiality provisions set forth in license and other nondisclosure agreements. Revision History Revision Date Description June 15, 2013 Updated to reflect newly released model and software enhancements for CLASIC/2 Version 15.0 and Touchstone Version 1.5. July 18, 2013 Update construction codes for Australia and New Zealand. July 15, 2014 Updated for Touchstone v2.0 and v16.0 products. UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Revision Date Description August 21, 2014 Updated to include U.S. Inland Flood secondary modifiers. August 25, 2014 Updated to remove Cavity Double Brick construction class for New Zealand. UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Contact Information If you need assistance in using the software or understanding the information in this document, please contact AIR Worldwide. To contact AIR Worldwide via email, please use: • • [email protected] for Touchstone questions [email protected] for suggestions or questions regarding the documentation AIR is headquartered in Boston with additional offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For information on our office locations, visit www.airworldwide.com/About-AIR/Offices/. UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Table of Contents ® UNICEDE /px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide ....................................................................................... i Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................................... i List of Tables............................................................................................................................................................. x 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 What's New ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 2 UNICEDE/px Data Exchange Format .............................................................................................................. 3 Important Notes about Preparing a UNICEDE/px File ....................................................................................... 4 3 Summary of Record Types .............................................................................................................................. 6 Header Record Summary................................................................................................................................... 7 Policy Record Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Step Function Record Summary ........................................................................................................................ 9 Layer Record Summary ................................................................................................................................... 11 Sublimit Record Summary................................................................................................................................ 13 Location Record Summary ............................................................................................................................... 15 Location Detail Record Summary .................................................................................................................... 18 Offshore Location Detail Record Summary...................................................................................................... 21 Industrial Facility Component Record .............................................................................................................. 23 Workers’ Compensation Record Summary ...................................................................................................... 24 4 Details of Each Record Type ......................................................................................................................... 26 Policy Record (Record Type 60) ...................................................................................................................... 26 Step Function Record (Record Type 60.1) ...................................................................................................... 30 AIR Client Confidential i UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record (Record Type 61) ....................................................................................................................... 35 Sublimit Record (Record Type 62) ................................................................................................................... 46 Location Record (Record Type 63) .................................................................................................................. 53 Location Detail Record (Record Type 64) ........................................................................................................ 72 Offshore Location Detail Record (Record Type 64.1) ...................................................................................... 77 Industrial Facility Component Record (Record Type 64.2) .............................................................................. 80 Workers’ Compensation Record (Record Type 65) ......................................................................................... 81 APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................................................... 85 A Geographic Resolution .................................................................................................................................. 86 B Country Codes ................................................................................................................................................ 89 C Area Schemes ................................................................................................................................................. 95 D Area and CRESTA Codes ............................................................................................................................ 107 Anguilla (country code= 181) ......................................................................................................................... 107 Antigua and Barbuda (country code = 237) ................................................................................................... 108 Aruba (country code = 154) ............................................................................................................................ 108 Australia (country code = 23) ......................................................................................................................... 108 Austria (country code = 26) ............................................................................................................................ 109 Bahamas (country code = 12) ........................................................................................................................ 111 Barbados (country code = 39) ........................................................................................................................ 111 Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 111 CRESTA Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 112 Belgium (country code = 2) ............................................................................................................................ 112 Belize (country code = 54) ............................................................................................................................. 112 Bermuda (country code = 14)......................................................................................................................... 113 AIR Client Confidential ii UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Bulgaria (country code = 220) ........................................................................................................................ 113 Canada (country code = 18)........................................................................................................................... 114 Cayman Island (country code = 40) ............................................................................................................... 114 Chile (country code = 30) ............................................................................................................................... 115 China (country code = 53) .............................................................................................................................. 115 Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 115 Colombia (country code = 25) ........................................................................................................................ 116 Costa Rica (country code = 49) ...................................................................................................................... 116 Cuba (country code = 75) ............................................................................................................................... 117 Cyprus (country code = 76) ............................................................................................................................ 117 Czech-Republic (country code = 77) .............................................................................................................. 117 Denmark (country code = 3) ........................................................................................................................... 118 Dominica (country code = 79) ........................................................................................................................ 119 Dominican Republic (country code = 41) ....................................................................................................... 119 Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 119 CRESTA Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 120 El Salvador (country code = 47) ..................................................................................................................... 120 Estonia (country code = 84) ........................................................................................................................... 120 Finland (country code = 89) ........................................................................................................................... 121 France (country code = 4) .............................................................................................................................. 123 Germany (country code = 5) .......................................................................................................................... 124 Grenada (country code = 103) ....................................................................................................................... 126 Greece (country code = 37) ........................................................................................................................... 127 AIR Client Confidential iii UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 127 CRESTA Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 128 Guadeloupe (country code = 104).................................................................................................................. 129 Guatemala (country code = 46)...................................................................................................................... 130 Gulf of Mexico (country code = 57) ................................................................................................................ 130 Haiti (country code = 108) .............................................................................................................................. 131 Honduras (country code = 48) ........................................................................................................................ 131 Hong Kong (country code = 52) ..................................................................................................................... 131 Hungary (country code = 111) ........................................................................................................................ 132 India (country code = 113) ............................................................................................................................. 132 Indonesia (country code = 45) ........................................................................................................................ 133 Ireland (country code = 27) ............................................................................................................................ 134 Israel (country code = 20) .............................................................................................................................. 134 Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 134 CRESTA Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 135 Italy (country code = 19) ................................................................................................................................. 135 Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 135 CRESTA Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 137 Jamaica (country code = 22) .......................................................................................................................... 138 Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 138 CRESTA Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 139 Japan (country code = 21) ............................................................................................................................. 139 Latvia (country code = 127) ............................................................................................................................ 140 Lithuania (country code = 131)....................................................................................................................... 141 Luxembourg (country code = 6) ..................................................................................................................... 142 AIR Client Confidential iv UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 142 CRESTA Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 142 Martinique (country code = 139) .................................................................................................................... 143 Mexico (country code = 28) ............................................................................................................................ 143 Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 143 Mexico Earthquake CRESTA Codes ...................................................................................................... 144 Mexico Hurricane CRESTA codes .......................................................................................................... 145 Montserrat (country code = 146) .................................................................................................................... 146 Netherlands (country code = 7) ...................................................................................................................... 146 Netherlands Antilles (country code = 153) ..................................................................................................... 147 New Zealand (country code = 24) .................................................................................................................. 147 Nicaragua (country code = 55) ....................................................................................................................... 148 Norway (country code = 8) ............................................................................................................................. 148 Panama (country code = 56) .......................................................................................................................... 150 Peru (country code = 33) ................................................................................................................................ 150 Philippines (country code = 44) ...................................................................................................................... 151 Poland (country code = 171) .......................................................................................................................... 152 Portugal (country code = 35) .......................................................................................................................... 154 Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 154 CRESTA Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 154 Puerto Rico (country code = 15) .................................................................................................................... 156 Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 156 CRESTA Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 157 Romania (country code = 176) ....................................................................................................................... 158 St. Barts (country code = 244) ....................................................................................................................... 159 AIR Client Confidential v UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide St. Kitts and Nevis (country code = 180) ........................................................................................................ 159 St. Lucia (country code = 182) ....................................................................................................................... 159 St. Maarten (country code = 16)..................................................................................................................... 160 St. Martin (country code = 17) ........................................................................................................................ 160 St. Vincent and the Grenadines (country code = 184) ................................................................................... 160 Slovakia (country code = 193) ........................................................................................................................ 161 Slovenia (country code = 195) ....................................................................................................................... 161 South Korea (country code = 50) ................................................................................................................... 161 Sweden (country code = 9) ............................................................................................................................ 162 Switzerland (country code = 10)..................................................................................................................... 162 Taiwan (country code = 43) ............................................................................................................................ 163 Trinidad and Tobago (country code = 42) ...................................................................................................... 164 Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 164 CRESTA Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 164 Turkey (country code = 38) ............................................................................................................................ 164 Turks and Caicos Islands (country code = 214) ............................................................................................. 166 United Kingdom (country code = 11).............................................................................................................. 166 Area Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 166 CRESTA Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 168 U.S. States (country code = 1) ....................................................................................................................... 170 Venezuela (country code = 29) ...................................................................................................................... 171 Virgin Islands (British) (country code = 121) .................................................................................................. 171 Virgin Islands (U.S.) (country code = 13) ....................................................................................................... 172 E Subarea Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 173 AIR Client Confidential vi UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide F Postal Delivery Areas................................................................................................................................... 176 G Coverages ..................................................................................................................................................... 179 H Workers’ Compensation and Personal Accident Defaults....................................................................... 180 Workers’ Compensation ................................................................................................................................. 180 Personal Accident .......................................................................................................................................... 181 I Currency Codes ............................................................................................................................................ 182 J Perils Covered Codes .................................................................................................................................. 187 United States .................................................................................................................................................. 187 Canada ........................................................................................................................................................... 188 Mexico ............................................................................................................................................................ 190 Gulf of Mexico ................................................................................................................................................ 190 Caribbean ....................................................................................................................................................... 190 Central and South America ............................................................................................................................ 191 China .............................................................................................................................................................. 191 Europe ............................................................................................................................................................ 192 India Perils ...................................................................................................................................................... 192 Japan Perils .................................................................................................................................................... 193 Southeast Asia Perils ..................................................................................................................................... 193 South Korea Perils ......................................................................................................................................... 194 Australia Perils ............................................................................................................................................... 194 New Zealand Perils ........................................................................................................................................ 194 K Validation Rules for Unknown Construction/Occupancies ..................................................................... 195 L Construction Class Codes .......................................................................................................................... 196 U.S. and Canada Construction Class Codes ................................................................................................. 196 AIR Client Confidential vii UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Mexico Construction Class Codes ................................................................................................................. 201 Gulf of Mexico Construction Class Codes ...................................................................................................... 203 Caribbean Construction Class Codes ............................................................................................................ 203 Central America Construction Class Codes ................................................................................................... 206 South America Construction Class Codes ..................................................................................................... 208 Europe Construction Class Codes ................................................................................................................. 209 India Construction Class Codes ..................................................................................................................... 211 Japan Construction Class Codes ................................................................................................................... 212 China Construction Class Codes ................................................................................................................... 216 Southeast Asia Construction Codes .............................................................................................................. 217 South Korea Construction Codes ................................................................................................................... 218 Australia/New Zealand Construction Codes .................................................................................................. 221 M Construction Class Descriptions ............................................................................................................... 224 Unknown Construction ................................................................................................................................... 225 Wood Construction ......................................................................................................................................... 225 Masonry Construction .................................................................................................................................... 226 Concrete Construction.................................................................................................................................... 227 Steel Construction .......................................................................................................................................... 228 Japan Composite Construction ...................................................................................................................... 230 Special Construction ...................................................................................................................................... 232 Mobile Home Construction ............................................................................................................................. 234 Bridge Construction ........................................................................................................................................ 234 Pavement Construction .................................................................................................................................. 235 Dam Construction ........................................................................................................................................... 235 Tunnel Construction ....................................................................................................................................... 235 AIR Client Confidential viii UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Storage Tank Construction............................................................................................................................. 236 Pipeline Construction ..................................................................................................................................... 236 Chimney Construction .................................................................................................................................... 236 Tower Construction ........................................................................................................................................ 237 Equipment Construction ................................................................................................................................. 237 Miscellaneous Construction ........................................................................................................................... 238 Automobile Construction ................................................................................................................................ 239 Marine Craft Construction .............................................................................................................................. 239 Marine Cargo Construction ............................................................................................................................ 240 Offshore Asset Construction .......................................................................................................................... 242 N Occupancy Class Codes ............................................................................................................................. 245 U.S. and Canada Occupancy Class Codes ................................................................................................... 245 Mexico Occupancy Class Codes ................................................................................................................... 251 Gulf of Mexico Occupancy Class Codes ........................................................................................................ 253 Caribbean Occupancy Class Codes .............................................................................................................. 253 Central America Occupancy Class Codes ..................................................................................................... 259 South America Occupancy Class Codes ....................................................................................................... 265 Europe Occupancy Class Codes ................................................................................................................... 267 India Occupancy Class Codes ....................................................................................................................... 271 Japan Occupancy Class Codes ..................................................................................................................... 276 China Occupancy Class Codes ..................................................................................................................... 282 Southeast Asia Occupancy Class Codes....................................................................................................... 285 South Korea Occupancy Class Codes ........................................................................................................... 287 Australia and New Zealand Occupancy Class Codes ................................................................................... 290 AIR Client Confidential ix UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide O Occupancy Class Descriptions .................................................................................................................. 296 Unknown Occupancy ..................................................................................................................................... 297 Residential Occupancies ................................................................................................................................ 297 Commercial Occupancies .............................................................................................................................. 298 Industrial Occupancies ................................................................................................................................... 300 Restaurant Occupancy ................................................................................................................................... 302 Mercantile Occupancies ................................................................................................................................. 303 Public Occupancies ........................................................................................................................................ 303 Education Occupancies.................................................................................................................................. 304 Transportation Occupancies .......................................................................................................................... 304 Utility Occupancies ......................................................................................................................................... 305 Miscellaneous Occupancies ........................................................................................................................... 306 Industrial Facility Occupancies ....................................................................................................................... 307 Offshore Asset Occupancies .......................................................................................................................... 313 P Location Detail Codes.................................................................................................................................. 315 Q Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes ...................................................................... 345 List of Tables Table 1 Modeled Countries ................................................................................................................................................... 89 Table 2 Non-Modeled Countries ........................................................................................................................................... 91 Table 3 Workers' Compensation Defaults ......................................................................................................................... 180 Table 4 Personal Accident Compensation Defaults ........................................................................................................ 181 AIR Client Confidential x UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Table 5 Currency Codes for Modeled Countries .............................................................................................................. 182 Table 6 Currency Codes for Non-Modeled Countries ..................................................................................................... 184 AIR Client Confidential xi UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide 1 Introduction ® Touchstone is AIR’s newest platform that combines customizable user interfaces, integrated data quality tools, and award-winning spatial analytics to help companies understand their risk like never before. Intuitive, flexible, powerful, and fast, Touchstone represents the next generation of catastrophe modeling. CLASIC/2™ enables underwriters, risk managers, and others to assess catastrophe loss risk down to the individual location level. Utilizing detailed exposure information and supporting a wide variety of insurance policy and reinsurance treaty terms, CLASIC/2 facilitates better risk selection, underwriting, and pricing decisions. ® CATStation provides browser-based access to the tools that underwriters need to evaluate risk and enforce corporate guidelines for risk accumulation and loss potential. AIR’s CATStation is designed to improve catastrophe risk management throughout an organization. This translates to better information with which to support risk selection, underwriting, and pricing decisions. ® The UNICEDE /px Primary Data Exchange Format allows primary insurers to transfer detailed exposure information to Touchstone, CLASIC/2, and CATStation. Primary companies can use this format for all types of workers’ compensation insurance and property insurance, including commercial, residential, single-location, multi-location and excess insurance. Note Data in the UNICEDE/px Primary Data Exchange Format intended for international use (e.g., CRESTA codes, currencies, exchange rates, etc.) is applicable solely to Touchstone and CLASIC/2. CATStation evaluates risks and loss potential for the U.S. only. Facultative reinsurers should use UNICEDE/fx Facultative Data Exchange Format to enter exposure information on assumed facultative business. AIR Client Confidential 1 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Note For CLASIC/2 import instructions, see the CLASIC/2 Online Help or the CLASIC/2 User Manual. For Touchstone import instructions, see the Touchstone Online Help. For CATStation import instructions, see the CATStation Online Help. What's New This version of the UNICEDE/px format includes several model changes and software updates, as noted in the following list. See the Touchstone Version 2.0 Release Notes for a full list of improvements and details about Touchstone. Version 15.0 is the current version for CLASIC/2. • New U.S. Severe Thunderstorm and U.S. Inland Flood secondary modifiers. • AIR Hurricane Model for Offshore Assets has been introduced for Touchstone 2.0. Previously this model was only available for CLASIC/2. The Industry Exposure Database (IED) has been updated using the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE) public database for platforms in federal waters, and a private vendor (RigZone) database for mobile rigs and floating platforms. • AIR’s Canada and U.S. Earthquake models have been combined into a region-wide model that can support policy conditions that cover U.S. and Canadian locations. The Canada model has new support for CRESTA geographic resolution. • For the AIR Typhoon Model for China, exposures can now be coded with the PPH peril code to explicitly capture a risk as being covered for precipitation-induced flood. In prior releases, wind and precipitation-induced flood shared a common peril code PWH. Other updates and clarifications to the documentation. • AIR Client Confidential 2 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide 2 UNICEDE/px Data Exchange Format A UNICEDE/px Data Exchange Format (or UNICEDE/px) file contains all the data necessary for performing a Touchstone, CLASIC/2, or CATStation analysis. AIR designed the format based on the considerations listed below. The contents of the file should be easy to read by both people and computer software in any operating system. It is particularly important that the information contained in a UNICEDE/px file be readable by people who are not computer specialists so that the data can be easily proofread and the individual elements of the file can be easily referenced. • • • • The protocol should be easily extended when necessary while remaining compatible with prior versions, if any. The file must be a pure ASCII text file. It must contain only the following ASCII characters: Printable decimal ASCII values 32 through 126 Nonprintable decimal ASCII values 13 (i.e., CARRIAGE RETURN) and 10 (LINEFEED). The presence of any other characters may result in the software rejecting the source file or ignoring the character. The Line of Business field cannot contain any dashes (-). AIR Client Confidential 3 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Important Notes about Preparing a UNICEDE/px File In general, the body of the UNICEDE/px file contains a series of records with one record per line and successive records separated by a record separator, i.e., a pair of characters — carriage return and linefeed. Each record contains a number of fields separated by a comma. • • • • • No field in the file should be skipped or left blank. All monetary values should be in the currency indicated for that record. Data intended for international use (e.g., CRESTA codes, currencies, exchange rates, etc.) is applicable solely for Touchstone and CLASIC/2. CATStation evaluates risks and loss potential for the U.S. only. All values must be provided in single units, and not in hundreds, thousands or millions. Records must be organized in the following order: 1. The first line represents the header record. 2. The next line represents the first policy (60) record, followed by all other records for this policy. 3. For policies with step functions, the step function (60.1) record should follow the corresponding policy (60) record. 4. The sublimit (62) should immediately follow the corresponding limit (61) record. 5. The location detail (64) should immediately follow the corresponding location (63) record. 6. For offshore platform policies, the offshore location detail (64.1) should immediately follow the corresponding location (63) record. 7. For industrial facility policies, the industrial facility component (64.2) should immediately follow the corresponding location (63) record 8. The worker’s compensation (65) should immediately follow the corresponding location (63) and location detail (64) records. AIR Client Confidential 4 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Figure 1 Sample UPX File, Excerpt AIR Client Confidential 5 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide 3 Summary of Record Types There are 10 types of records in the body of a UNICEDE/px file: • • • • • • • • • • Header Record (see page 7) Policy Record (see page 8) Step Function Record Summary (see page 9) Layer Record Summary (see page 11) Sublimit Record (see page 13) Location Record (see page 15) Location Detail Record (see page 18) Offshore Location Detail Record Summary (see page 21) Industrial Facility Component Record (see page 23) Workers’ Compensation Record Summary(see page 24) AIR Client Confidential 6 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Header Record Summary Required record. # Field Required Type 1 RecTypeCode * const int 2 Version * char 8 3 SourceDate * char 8 4 SourceContact char 30 5 SourceCompany char 60 6 SourcePhone char 20 7 SourceEmail char 30 8 ProjectName char 30 9 ProjectContact char 30 10 InforceDate char 8 11 PerilsCovered char 30 12 DataFor char 30 13 PolicyType 14 BaseCurrency 15 Comments AIR Client Confidential * * Size Default Value Code Description ***1 16.0.0 for both CLASIC/2 and Touchstone Format: YYYYMMDD Format: YYYYMMDD char char 3 char 100 Format: ##.#.## USD SL Single location ML Multiple location EX Excess FR Facultative/Reinsurance Reserved for future use. A base currency of USD is assumed. 7 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Policy Record Summary Required record. For details about these fields, see page 26. # Field Description 1 RecTypeCode Use record type 60 for policy records 2 PolID Policy identifier 3 Name Insured name 4 Address Insured address 5 UDF1 User-defined field 1 6 UDF2 User-defined field 2 7 UDF3 User-defined field 3 8 UDF4 User-defined field 4 9 UDF5 User-defined field 5 10 InsuredIDType Insured ID type 11 InsuredID Insured ID 12 EffFrom Effective start date 13 EffTo Effective end date 14 Currency Currency name 15 ExchRate Currency exchange rate (Reserved for future use) 16 UserLOB User line of business 17 Peril Peril code 18 PolForm Policy form 19 Status Status 20 ContractType Type of contract AIR Client Confidential 8 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Step Function Record Summary Required only for policies containing step functions. For details about these fields, see page 30. # Field Description 1 RecTypeCode Use record type 60.1 for step function records 2 PolID Policy identifier 3 NumberOfSteps Number of steps in the step function, which determines how many times fields 5-19 are repeated in this record 4 TriggerType Indicates how and for which coverages payouts are triggered Fields 5-19 are repeated for each step in the step function represented by this record. That is, if you have three steps defined, you must fill out fields 5-19 three times each for a total of 49 fields: the first 4 fields that describe the step function as a whole, followed by fields 5-19 for the first step, then fields 5-19 for the second step, etc. 5 TriggerBuildingStart Beginning of the building (Coverage A) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made 6 TriggerBuildingEnd End of the building (Coverage A) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made 7 DeductibleBuilding Building deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions 8 PayoutBuilding Payout that covers building (Coverage A) losses for this step 9 TriggerContentsStart Beginning of the contents (Coverage C) damage range over which the corresponding contents payout should be made 10 TriggerContentsEnd End of the contents (Coverage C) damage range over which the corresponding contents payout should be made 11 DeductibleContents Contents deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions 12 PayoutContents Payout that covers contents (Coverage C) losses for this step AIR Client Confidential 9 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide # Field Description 13 TriggerBuilding+ ContentsStart Beginning of the combined building and contents (Coverages A and C) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made 14 TriggerBuilding+ ContentsEnd End of the combined building and contents (Coverages A and C) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made 15 DeductibleBuilding+ Contents Combined building and contents deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions 16 PayoutBuilding+ Contents Payout that covers combined building and contents (Coverages A and C) losses for this step 17 MinimumTIV Minimum replacement value for which payouts to the corresponding damage range will be allowed. 18 ScaleFactor Percentage factor used to scale calculated losses 19 LimitAtDamage Indicates whether the payout is limited by the actual ground-up loss AIR Client Confidential 10 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record Summary REQUIRED FOR: (1) Excess policies, (2) policies containing blanket coverage terms or (3) policies with coverage-specific terms. Provide a layer record for each layer. For details about these fields, see page 35. # Field Description 1 RecTypeCode Use record type 61 for layer records 2 PolID Policy identifier 3 LayerID Policy layer identifier 4 Premium Premium 5 Peril Peril codes 6 LimitType Limit type 7 Limit1 Limit 1 8 Limit2 Limit 2 9 AttachPt Attachment point amount 10 LimitA Limit for Coverage A 11 LimitB Limit for Coverage B 12 LimitC Limit for Coverage C 13 LimitD Limit for Coverage D 14 AttachPtA Attachment point for Coverage A 15 AttachPtB Attachment point for Coverage B 16 AttachPtC Attachment point for Coverage C 17 AttachPtD Attachment point for Coverage D 18 DedType Deductible type 19 DedAmt1 Deductible amount 1 20 DedAmt2 Deductible amount 2 AIR Client Confidential 11 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide # Field Description 21 Reinst Number of reinstatements of limit 22 ReinsCount Number of ceded reinsurance contracts 23 ReinsOrder Reinsurance order field 24 ReinsType Ceded reinsurance type 25 ReinsCID Certificate or program ID 26 ReinsField1 Ceded reinsurance field 1 27 ReinsField2 Ceded reinsurance field 2 28 ReinsField3 Ceded reinsurance field 3 29 ReinsField4 Ceded reinsurance field 4 AIR Client Confidential 12 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Sublimit Record Summary Note Provide a sublimit record for each peril for each geographic area, only if required by the terms of the contract. For details about these fields, see on page 46. # Field Description 1 RecTypeCode Use record type 62 for sublimit records 2 PolID Policy identifier 3 LayerID Policy layer identifier 4 AreaCode Sublimit area code 5 Peril Sublimit peril code 6 LimitType Sublimit type 7 Limit1 Sublimit field 1 8 Limit2 Sublimit field 2 9 LimitA Coverage A limit 10 LimitB Coverage B limit 11 LimitC Coverage C limit 12 LimitD Coverage D limit 13 AttachPt Attachment point amount 14 AttachPtA Attachment point for Coverage A 15 AttachPtB Attachment point for Coverage B 16 AttachPtC Attachment point for Coverage C 17 AttachPtD Attachment point for Coverage D AIR Client Confidential 13 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide # Field Description 18 DedType Deductible type 19 DedAmt1 Deductible amount 1 20 DedAmt2 Deductible amount 2 21 Reinst Number of reinstatements of limit AIR Client Confidential 14 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record Summary Required record. For details about these fields, see page 53. # Field Description 1 RecTypeCode Use record type 63 for location records 2 PolID Policy identifier 3 LocID Location identifier 4 ISOBIN ISO Building Identification Number 5 Name Location name 6 Address Street address ® For offshore platforms, Complete Area Definition 7 City City For offshore platforms, AIR ID 8 AreaScheme Area scheme 9 Area Area — state, CRESTA zone, etc. 10 SubArea Subarea — in the U.S. this is the county code 11 PostalArea Postal area For offshore platforms, Block 12 Country Country code 13 GeoLat Latitude 14 GeoLong Longitude 15 EffFrom Effective start date 16 EffTo Effective end date 17 Currency Currency name AIR Client Confidential 15 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide # Field Description 18 ExchRate Currency exchange rate (Reserved for future use) 19 RiskCount Number of risks 20 RepValBldg Replacement value for Coverage A 21 RepValOStr Replacement value for Coverage B 22 RepValCont Replacement value for Coverage C 23 RepValTime Replacement value for Coverage D 24 RVDaysCovered Number of days covered by RepValTime 25 Premium Premium 26 ConType Construction code type 27 ConBldg Construction class — building 28 ConOStr Construction class — other structures 29 DamageModFactor Contents damage modification factor 30 OccType Occupancy code type 31 Occ Occupancy class 32 YearBuilt Year built/upgrade 33 Stories Number of stories 34 GRCBldg Guaranteed replacement cost factor, building (default 1.0) 35 GRCCont Guaranteed replacement cost factor, contents (default 1.0) 36 GrossArea Gross area of the building (e.g., square feet or square meters) 37 PerilCount Number of peril combinations 38 Peril Peril(s) covered code 39 LimitType Limit type 40 Limit1 Coverage A limit AIR Client Confidential 16 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide # Field Description 41 Limit2 Coverage B limit 42 Limit3 Coverage C limit 43 Limit4 Coverage D limit 44 Participation Percentage of risk covered by the insurer 45 Participation2 Percentage of risk owned by the insured (Working Interest) 46 DedType Deductible type 47 Ded1 Deductible 1 48 Ded2 Deductible 2 49 Ded3 Deductible 3 50 Ded4 Deductible 4 51 Territory User-defined territory code 52 SublimitArea User-defined sublimit area code 53 ReinsCount Number of reinsurance contracts 54 ReinsOrder Reinsurance order 55 ReinsType Ceded reinsurance type 56 ReinsCID Certificate or program ID 57 Reinsfield1 Ceded reinsurance field 1 58 Reinsfield2 Ceded reinsurance field 2 59 Reinsfield3 Ceded reinsurance field 3 60 Reinsfield4 Ceded reinsurance field 4 AIR Client Confidential 17 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Record Summary The location detail record is supported for U.S. Hurricane, U.S. Earthquake, U.S. Wildfire, Canada Earthquake, Germany Inland Flood, Great Britain Inland Flood and Japan Earthquake. For details about these fields, see page 72. # Field Description 1 RecTypeCode Use record type 64 for location detail records 2 PolID Policy identifier 3 LocID Location identifier 4 SealApprove Level of professional engineering attention given to the design of the structure. 5 IrFloorOfInterest Identifies the floor of concern if coverage is not for entire building. 6 IrBldCond General qualitative description of building condition from visual inspection 7 Pounding Distance to the closest structure, which if not adequate, can cause the two structures to collide during earthquake shaking 8 IrTreeExposure Tree hazard around the building 9 IrSmallDebris Potential of small debris in a radius of 200 feet 10 IrLargeMissile Potential of large missiles in a radius of 100 feet 11 IrTerrainRoughness Terrain conditions 12 IrAdBldHeight Average height of buildings adjacent to the building of interest 13 IrBldOrientation Orientation of the building 14 IrShape Overall shape of the building in plan 15 IrTorsion Layout of structural elements that can lead to torsional loads 16 IrSoftStory A structural weakness at any floor 17 IrStrucIrreg Irregularity in such things as floor plan, structural components, uneven weight distribution, etc. 18 IrSpecial Earthquake resistive systems installed in building 19 IrRetrofit Building or some components thereof may have been retrofitted to resist earthquake loads AIR Client Confidential 18 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide # Field Description 20 IrRoofGeometry Shape of the roof 21 IrRoofPitch Roof slope 22 IrRoofCover Nature of material used to cover the roof 23 IrRoofDeck Material and construction type of the roof deck of the building 24 IrRoofCoverAttch Nature of the connections used to secure the roof covering to the roof deck 25 IrRoofDeckAttch Nature of the connections used to secure the roof deck to the underlying roof support system 26 IrRoofAnchorage Nature of the connections used to secure the roof support system to the walls 27 IrRoofBuilt Year in which the roof was built 28 IrWall Materials used for external walls of building 29 IrWallSiding Materials used for weather protection of walls 30 IrGlassType Type of glass used in building 31 IrGlassPercent The percent area of the walls covered by glass 32 IrWindowProt Nature of wind protection systems used 33 IrExteriorDoors Nature of the exterior doors in the building 34 IrBldFndConn Connection type between the structure and foundation 35 IrFoundation Form of construction of the building foundation 36 IrIntPartition Materials used for internal partition walls of the building 37 IrAttachStruct Components of a property that are not integral parts of the main building but are physically attached to it 38 IrAppurtStruct Components of a property that are not integral parts of the main building and are not physically connected to it 39 IrMechSystem Description of the mechanical and other equipment on top of roofs 40 Short Column Indicates whether there are short columns in a building 41 Bldg Ext Opnh Percentage of exterior walls that are open (i.e., have windows or doors) AIR Client Confidential 19 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide # Field Description 42 Ornamentation Amount of decorative elements attached to the exterior of a building 43 Equipment Level of equipment bracing in a building 44 Water Heater Indicates whether the water heater in a building is braced 45 Redundancy Multiple lateral load resisting elements (frames or shear walls) in a building 46 Brick Veneer Percentage of external walls that are brick veneer 47 Tall One-Story Height of a one-story building 48 Tanks Indicates whether there are rooftop tanks on the adjoining higher buildings 49 Chimney Indicates whether a building has a chimney and, if so, what its height in feet is 50 Column Basement Connection between columns and basement for SRC and steel construction 51 Multi-Story Hall Indicates the presence of a multi-story hall in a building 52 Lattice Type of web for H-shaped steel 53 Welding Accounts for the quality of welding in a building 54 Transition in SRC Indicates whether the transition from SRC to RC in columns of SRC construction is a smooth one 55 Cold Formed Tube Indicates the presence of cold formed tubes in steel structures 56 IS Value A measure of the total seismic performance of a building, which accounts for all characteristics that affect the response of a building to an earthquake 57 Custom Flood Zone Defines a set of locations as part of a Custom Flood Zone. 58 Custom Flood Standard of Protection (SoP) Helps increase flood protection for single risks (e.g., for large industrial facilities), based on return periods. 59 Project Phase Identifies the vulnerabilities during different phases of construction. 60 Project Completion % Percentage complete (defined as the % of project completed with start of the policy). AIR Client Confidential 20 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Offshore 1 Location Detail Record Summary The offshore location detail record is supported for the U.S. Hurricane Model for Offshore Assets in the Gulf of Mexico. For details about these fields, see page 77. 1 # Field Description 1 RecTypeCode Use record type 64.1 for offshore location detail records 2 PolID Policy identifier 3 LocID Location identifier 4 GasProductionRate Rate of gas produced by the platform per day, measured in Mcf (1,000 cubic feet) 5 OilProductionRate Rate of oil produced by the platform per day, measured in barrels 6 DeckHeight Height of the deck above the water, measured in meters 7 SlotCount Number of wells the entity is licensed to drill 8 SlotDrillCount Number of wells currently drilled 9 LegCount Number of legs on the platform 10 DeckCount Number of decks on the platform 11 TransFrameType Type (or shape) of transverse framing used to brace the platform legs. 12 TopsideCost Cost of the deck(s) and equipment on the platform 13 MannedFlag Indicates whether the platform is manned 14 CompanySize Size of the company that operates the platform 15 Well Count Number of wells connected to the platform. Offshore policies not supported in Touchstone v1.5. They will be supported in a future release. AIR Client Confidential 21 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide # Field Description 16 MMS Complex ID Unique Minerals Management Service (MMS) identifier assigned to a single structure or a group of structures connected by a walkway. 17 MMS Structure Number Unique Minerals Management Service(MMS) number assigned to a specific structure within a complex AIR Client Confidential 22 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component Record The industrial facility component record is supported for U.S. locations with industrial facility occupancies. For details about these fields, see page 80. # Field Description 1 RecTypeCode Use record type 64.2 for industrial facility component detail records 2 PolID Policy identifier 3 LocID Location identifier 4 CompCode Code identifying a unique component type 5 Comp% Percentage of the damage function that the corresponding component should make up Fields 6-7 are repeated for each subcomponent you want to include for the component defined in this record. For example, if the component described in the record is Chlorination Equipment, you could list fields 6-7 up to three times, once for each of the supported subcomponents (Unknown, Anchored and/or Unanchored). This would give you 11 fields in the record: the first 5 fields that describe the component as a whole, followed by the fields 6-7 for the first subcomponent, then fields 6-7 again for the second subcomponent, etc. 6 SubCompCode Code identifying a unique subcomponent type 7 SubComp% Percentage of the damage function that the corresponding subcomponent should make up AIR Client Confidential 23 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Workers’ Compensation Record Summary Required record for workers’ compensation and personal accident analyses. The workers’ compensation record is supported for the U.S. earthquake and terrorism perils and the Japan earthquake and fire-following perils only. For details about these fields, see page 81. # Field Description 1 RecTypeCode Use record type 65 for workers’ compensation records 2 PolID Policy identifier 3 LocID Location identifier 4 NumEmployees Number of Employees at this location 5 PctDayShift Percentage of NumEmployees working day shift at this location 6 PctEveningShift Percentage of NumEmployees working evening shift at this location. Note that this field is ignored for the Japan Personal Accident model. 7 PctNightShift Percentage of NumEmployees working night shift at this location 8 AnnualPayroll Annual payroll for all employees at this location 9 AvgAnnWage Average annual payroll per employee at this location 10 PerilsCovered Perils covered for work comp coverage (Reserved for future use) 11 MedMinorEV Expected value of medical or indemnity payment per Minor(Outpatient for Japan) injuries claim 12 MedMinorSD Standard deviation of medical or indemnity payment per Minor(Outpatient for Japan) injuries claim (Reserved for future use) 13 MedModerEV Expected value of medical or indemnity payment per Moderate(Hospitalization and Surgery for Japan) injuries claim 14 MedModerSD Standard deviation of medical or indemnity payment per Moderate(Hospitalization and Surgery for Japan) injuries claim (Reserved for future use) 15 MedMajorEV Expected value of medical or indemnity payment per Major(Disability for Japan) injuries claim 16 MedMajorSD Standard deviation of medical or indemnity payment per Major (Disability for Japan) injuries claim (Reserved for future use) AIR Client Confidential 24 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide # Field Description 17 MedFatalEV Expected value of medical or indemnity payment per Fatal (Death for Japan) injuries claim 18 MedFatalSD Standard deviation of medical or indemnity payment per Fatal (Death for Japan) injuries claim (Reserved for future use) 19 IndemMinorEV Expected value of indemnity payment per Minor (Outpatient for Japan) injuries claim (Reserved for future use) 20 IndemMinorSD Standard deviation of indemnity payment per Minor (Outpatient for Japan) injuries claim (Reserved for future use) 21 IndemModerEV Expected value of indemnity payment per Moderate (Hospitalization and Surgery for Japan) injuries claim (Reserved for future use) 22 IndemModerSD Standard deviation of indemnity payment per Moderate (Hospitalization and Surgery for Japan) injuries claim (Reserved for future use) 23 IndemMajorEV Expected value of indemnity payment per Major (Disability for Japan) injuries claim (Reserved for future use) 24 IndemMajorSD Standard deviation of indemnity payment per Major (Disability for Japan) injuries claim (Reserved for future use) 25 IndemFatalEV Expected value of indemnity payment per Fatal (Death for Japan) injuries claim (Reserved for future use) 26 IndemFatalSD tandard deviation of indemnity payment per Fatal (Death for Japan) injuries claim (Reserved for future use) AIR Client Confidential 25 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide 4 Details of Each Record Type Policy Record (Record Type 60) The purpose of the policy record is to provide identifying information for the policy. Most fields in this record are not used in an analysis, but they can be used for portfolio management and reporting purposes. Each field in this record is described below. The last column in this table indicates how to supply the value for the field. Policy Record (Record Type 60) # Field Description Details 1 RecTypeCode Record Type Code: Defines the type of data in this record. Enter 60. 2 PolID Policy Identifier: This is the number that Maximum 32 characters. Characters may be alphanumeric identifies a policy that covers one or more risks. and may include hyphens and underscores. Must be unique for the Book. A valid Policy Identifier entry is required for each record. AIR Client Confidential 26 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Policy Record (Record Type 60) # Field Description Details 3 Name Insured Name: This text field contains the name Maximum 60 characters. Must be unique for the Book. of the insured party. If none, enter X, but this field cannot be X if the Insured ID (field 11) is X. 4 Address Insured address: This field contains the insured’s address but is not used in the analysis. Maximum 100 characters. If none, enter X. Use semicolons (;) rather than commas (,) in addresses. 5 UDF1 User-defined field 1: This is a field to be defined Maximum 20 characters. Characters may be alphanumeric by the user and used for purposes of and may include hyphens and underscores. If none, enter X. aggregation. 6 UDF2 User-defined field 2: This is a field to be defined Maximum 20 characters. Characters may be alphanumeric by the user and used for purposes of and may include hyphens and underscores. If none, enter X. aggregation. 7 UDF3 User-defined field 3: This is a field to be defined Maximum 20 characters. Characters may be alphanumeric by the user and used for purposes of and may include hyphens and underscores. If none, enter X. aggregation. 8 UDF4 User-defined field 4: This is a field to be defined Maximum 20 characters. Characters may be alphanumeric by the user and used for purposes of and may include hyphens and underscores. If none, enter X. aggregation. 9 UDF5 User-defined field 5: This is a field to be defined Maximum 20 characters. Characters may be alphanumeric by the user and used for purposes of and may include hyphens and underscores. If none, enter X. aggregation. 10 InsuredIDType Insured ID Type: This field identifies the type of Insured ID code used in field 11. Enter a valid letter code, maximum 6 characters. This field is case sensitive. The ID Type may be: • • • • AIR Client Confidential AMB = A.M. Best FEIN = Federal Employers Identification Number USER = user-defined X = no insured ID 27 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Policy Record (Record Type 60) # Field Description Details 11 InsuredID Insured ID: This is a field containing the insured Maximum 20 characters. If none, enter X. ID. Note: Each insured must have a unique ID number 12 EffFrom Effective Start Date: The date of the first day on which the policy is effective. Specify the date using eight digits in the YYYYMMDD format where: • • • YYYY is the year (e.g., 2005) MM is the month (e.g., 03 for March) DD is the day (e.g., 08 for day 8) Example: March 8, 2005 would be entered as 20050308. 13 EffTo Effective End Date: The date of the last day on which the policy is effective. Specify the date using eight digits in the YYYYMMDD format 14 Currency Currency Name: The base currency for this policy; for analysis at policy level, all locations will be converted to base currency. Maximum 3 characters. Enter a valid currency code. For the U.S., enter USD. For other countries, see Appendix I on page 182 15 ExchRate Currency Exchange Rate Reserved for future use. Enter 0. Note: Currency exchange rates are specified in the CLASIC/2 Options table (choose Tools | Options from the main menu). 16 UserLOB User LOB: This field contains the user’s Line of Business. Maximum 10 characters. Note: Lines of business should be unique between property and workers’ compensation if you need to see data separately for property and workers’ compensation. 17 Peril Peril code: This code defines the peril(s) covered by this policy. See Appendix J on page 187 for a list of valid peril codes. If entering multiple perils, separate the codes with a + symbol (e.g., PWH+PES). This field is case sensitive. 18 PolForm Policy Form: This field contains the userdefined policy form. Maximum 10 characters. AIR Client Confidential 28 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Policy Record (Record Type 60) # Field Description Details 19 Status Status: This field indicates the status of the policy. Enter one of the valid letter codes: 20 ContractType AIR Client Confidential Contract Type: This field indicates the type of policy. • S = Submitted • Q = Quoted • B = Bound • C = Cancelled • R = Rejected Note: This field is case sensitive. Enter one of the valid letter codes: • • PP = Primary Property PWC = Primary Workers’ Compensation (U.S. and Japan only) 29 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Step Function Record (Record Type 60.1) This record is optional. The purpose of the step function record is to provide detail on any step functions in the policy. Step functions are used in Touchstone and CLASIC/2 to define policy payouts for particular damage ratios (expressed as a percentage) or loss amounts (monetary value). Step functions are designed to enable the implementation of single-location residential endowment policies in Japan, but can be used for any region, peril or line of business. Each field in this record is described below. The last column in the table indicates how to supply the value for the field, if this record is included in the data file. Step Function Record (Record Type 60.1) # Field Description Details 1 RecTypeCode Record Type Code: Defines the type of data in this record. Enter 60.1. 2 PolID Policy Identifier: This number identifies the policy for which this step function is defined. The value of this field links this record to its policy record. Maximum 32 characters. Characters may be alphanumeric and may include hyphens and underscores. Must be unique for the Book. A valid Policy Identifier entry is required for each record. 3 NumberOfSteps Number of Steps: The number of steps in the step function. The value entered in this field determines how many times fields 5-19 are repeated in this record. Enter a valid value. AIR Client Confidential 30 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Step Function Record (Record Type 60.1) # Field Description Details 4 TriggerType Trigger Type: Indicates how and for which coverages payouts are triggered Enter a valid value, 1-5: • • • • • 1 = Building: Building and contents payouts are based on building damage only. 2 = Contents: Building and contents payouts are based on contents damage only. 3 = Building+Contents: Payout is based on combined building and contents damage. 4 = Building, then Contents: Payout is based on building damage if the loss is greater than or equal to the building trigger. Otherwise, if contents damage is triggered, payout is based on contents damage. 5 = Building, Contents Separately: Building payout is based on building damage and contents payout is based on contents damage. Fields 5-19 are repeated for each step in the step function represented by this record. That is, if you have three steps defined, you must fill out fields 5-19 three times each for a total of 49 fields: the first 4 fields that describe the step function as a whole, followed by fields 5-19 for the first step, then fields 5-19 for the second step, etc. The total number of fields in this record is defined by the value entered for Number of Steps (field 3). 5 TriggerBuildingStart Building Trigger Starting Value: The beginning of the building (Coverage A) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made. • • If TriggerType (field 4) is Building(1), Building, then Contents (4) or Building, Contents Separately (5), enter a monetary value or percentage of the building damage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, 0.12 for 12%. For all other trigger types, this field is not applicable. By default, the building trigger starting value is set to 0. AIR Client Confidential 31 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Step Function Record (Record Type 60.1) # Field Description Details 6 TriggerBuildingEnd Building Trigger End Value: The end of the building (Coverage A) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made. • • 7 DeductibleBuilding Building Deductible: Building deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions. • • 8 PayoutBuilding Coverage A Payout: The payout that covers • building (Coverage A) gross losses for this step. • 9 TriggerContentsStart Contents Trigger Starting Value: The beginning of the contents (Coverage C) damage range over which the corresponding contents payout should be made. • • 10 TriggerContentsEnd Contents Trigger End Value: The end of the contents (Coverage C) damage range over which the corresponding contents payout should be made. • • AIR Client Confidential If TriggerType (field 4) is Building (1), Building, then Contents (4) or Building, Contents Separately (5), enter a monetary value or a percentage of the building damage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, 0.12 for 12%. For all other trigger types, this field is not applicable. If TriggerType (field 4) is 1, 2, 4 or 5, enter the deductible as a monetary value or a percentage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, 0.12 for 12%. Not applicable if TriggerType is Building+Contents (3) If TriggerType (field 4) is Building (1), Contents (2), Building, then Contents (4) or Building, Contents Separately (5), enter the payout as a monetary value or as a percentage of the sums insured (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, 0.12 for 12%. Not applicable if TriggerType is Building+Contents (3). If TriggerType (field 4) is Contents (2) or Building, Contents Separately (5), enter a monetary value or a percentage of the contents damage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, 0.12 for 12%. For all other trigger types, this field is not applicable. If TriggerType (field 4) is Contents (2) or Building, Contents Separately (5), enter a monetary value or a percentage of the contents damage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, 0.12 for 12%. For all other trigger types, this field is not applicable. 32 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Step Function Record (Record Type 60.1) # Field Description Details 11 DeductibleContents Contents Deductible: Contents deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions. • • 12 PayoutContents Coverage C Payout: The payout that covers contents (Coverage C) gross losses for this step. • • 13 TriggerBuilding+ ContentsStart Building and Contents Trigger Starting Value: The beginning of the combined building and contents (Coverages A and C) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made. • • If TriggerType (field 4) is Building (1), Contents (2), Building, then Contents (4) or Building, Contents Separately (5), enter the deductible as a monetary value or a percentage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, 0.12 for 12%. Not applicable if TriggerType is Building+Contents (3) If TriggerType (field 4) is Building (1), Contents (2), Building, then Contents (4) or Building, Contents Separately (5), enter the payout as a monetary value or as a percentage of the sums insured (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, 0.12 for 12%. Not applicable if TriggerType is Building+Contents (3). If TriggerType (field 4) is Building+Contents (3), enter a monetary value or a percentage of the combined building and contents damage(as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, 0.12 for 12%. For all other trigger types, this field is not applicable. By default, the combined building and contents trigger starting value is set to 0. 14 TriggerBuilding+ ContentsEnd Building and Contents Trigger End Value: The • end of the combined building and contents (Coverages A and C) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made. • AIR Client Confidential If TriggerType (field 4) is Building+ Contents (3), enter a monetary value or a percentage of the combined building and contents damage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, 0.12 for 12%. For all other trigger types, this field is not applicable. 33 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Step Function Record (Record Type 60.1) # Field Description Details 15 DeductibleBuilding+C ontents Building and Contents Deductible: Combined building and contents deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions. • • 16 PayoutBuilding+ Contents Coverage A and C Payout: The payout that covers combined building and contents (Coverages A and C) gross losses for this step. • • If TriggerType (field 4) is Building+ Contents (3), enter the deductible as a monetary value or a percentage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, 0.12 for 12%. For all other trigger types, this field is not applicable. If TriggerType (field 4) is Building+ Contents (3), enter the payout as a monetary value or as a percentage of the sums insured (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, 0.12 for 12%. For all other trigger types, this field is not applicable. 17 MinimumTIV Minimum Replacement Value: The minimum replacement value for which payouts to the corresponding) damage range will be allowed. Enter a monetary value. 18 ScaleFactor Scale Factor: Percentage factor used to scale calculated losses. Scale Factor is now used for each step in the step function rather than the whole step. Enter the appropriate percentage as a decimal. For example, 0.12 for 12%. The default is 1. 19 LimitAtDamage Limit at Damage: Indicates whether the payout Enter a valid value: is limited by the actual ground-up loss. 0 = Do not payout limit at damage LimitAtDamage is now used for each step in the 1 = Limit at damage(payout is limited by the actual ground-up step function rather than the whole step. loss) AIR Client Confidential 34 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record (Record Type 61) This record contains information about a single layer in this policy. It is required for excess policies, policies containing blanket terms or policies with a combined single limit (CSL). If the policy contains multiple layers, a separate layer record is required for each. All layer record terms will be applied to each location covered by the policy. Some of the fields in this record are not used in the analysis, but can be used for portfolio management and reporting purposes. Each field is described below. The last column in the table indicates how to supply the value for each field. Layer Record (Record Type 61) # Field Description 1 RecTypeCode Record Type Code: Defines the Enter 61. type of data in this record. 2 PolID Policy Identifier: This number identifies the policy for which this layer is defined. The value of this field links this record to its policy record. 3 LayerID Policy Layer Identifier: Identifies Maximum 60 characters. A valid numeric entry is required for each layer record. The the layer with which this record numbers should be sequential starting with 1 for the first layer of the policy. is associated. Layers should be numbered as 1, 2, 3, etc. 4 Premium Premium: This is the total premium you receive for this layer. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual premium value. Otherwise, enter 0. 5 Peril Layer Peril: Identifies the peril covered by this layer. See Appendix J on page 187 for a list of valid peril codes. If entering multiple perils, separate the codes with a + symbol (e.g., PWH+PES). This field is case sensitive. AIR Client Confidential Details Maximum 32 characters. A valid entry is required for each record, and it must exactly match the PolID value in the policy record (record type 60). 35 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record (Record Type 61) # Field Description Details 6 Limit Type Limit Type: This field indicates whether the policy is an excess policy, a blanket policy or a policy with coverage-specific terms. Enter the valid letter code. This field is case sensitive: CLASIC/2 • • • • • B = Blanket E = Excess C = Limit by Coverage CB = Combined limit for Coverage A, B and C with separate limit for Coverage D CSL100 = Combined Single Limit (CSL) with 100% participation (intended for use with offshore assets) • CSLAI = CSL with Assured Interest (AI) (intended for use with offshore assets) For information on supported coverages, see Appendix G on page 179. Touchstone • • • B = Blanket E = Excess CSL100 = Combined Single Limit (CSL) with 100% participation. Although offshore locations are not supported in Touchstone v1.5, it is possible to use this limit type with onshore locations as well. • CSLAI = CSL with Assured Interest (AI). Although offshore locations are not supported in Touchstone v1.5, it is possible to use this limit type with onshore locations as well. • N = No Limit (Touchstone only; see note below) In Touchstone, all by-coverage limit types will be converted to sublimit terms during the UPX import process. If you import a UPX file that contains layers C or CB, these layers will be converted to sublimits with the same limit types (C or CB). In its place will be a blank layer that has a limit type of N with no limits and no deductibles. AIR Client Confidential 36 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record (Record Type 61) # Field Description Details 7 Limit1 Limit 1: For blanket (B) policies, Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual limit value. this field represents the total insured (blanket) limit. Note For Workers’ Compensation policies, terms For excess (E) policies, this are entered in the layer record, not on field represents the “primary” locations. For statutory coverage with no limit as being the total limit for this layer irrespective of the deductible or retention, no layer is required insurer’s participation. For (loss is unlimited). If a deductible applies, example, if the insurer signs include a layer record, and be sure that 4% of 100 million excess of 5 million, then the primary limit is Limit1 is a large value. For excess policies, 100 million. For limit by coverage (C) and 1 combined limit (CB) policies, this field is not used. enter the appropriate limit. If statutory coverage applies above one excess layer, another layer record should be included. For CSL100 and CSLAI policies, this field represents the limit. 8 Limit2 AIR Client Confidential Limit 2: For excess and • combined single limit policies, this field will represent the gross limit for the insurer’s • participation in this layer, before ceded reinsurance if any. For example, if the insurer signs 4% of 100 million excess of 5 million, then the gross limit is 4 million. For excess (E) and combined single limit (CSL100 and CSLAI) policies, enter the actual value. Maximum 30 characters. Must be less than or equal to the value of Limit 1. For all other policies, enter 0. 37 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record (Record Type 61) # Field Description Details 9 AttachPt Attachment Point Amount: This is the amount of original risk above which your limit attaches. Deductibles can be entered separately or can be included as part of the Attachment Point Amount with a $0 deductible used. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the appropriate monetary value, or 0. 10 LimitA Limit A: Limit for Coverage A. For information on supported coverages, see Appendix G on page 179 1 Not used for limit by coverage (C) or combined limit (CB) policies. • • • • 11 12 13 LimitB LimitC LimitD Limit B: Limit for Coverage B. For information on supported coverages, Appendix G on page 179 Limit C: Limit for Coverage C. For information on supported coverages, Appendix G on page 179 Limit D: Limit for Coverage D. For information on supported coverages, Appendix G on page 179 • • • • • • • • • AIR Client Confidential For by-coverage (C) policies, enter the actual limit value for coverage A. For combined coverage (CB), enter the combined limit value for coverages A, B and C. For CSL policies, enter the priority of Coverage A (1-4). If coverage A is not part of the CSL, enter 0. For blanket (B) and excess (E) policies, enter 0. For by-coverage (C) policies, enter the actual limit value for coverage B. For CSL policies, enter the priority of Coverage B (1-4). If coverage B is not part of the CSL, enter 0. For all other policies, enter 0. For by-coverage (C) policies, enter the actual limit value for coverage C. For CSL policies, enter the priority of Coverage C (1-4). If coverage C is not part of the CSL, enter 0. For all other policies, enter 0. For by-coverage (C) and combined coverage (CB) policies, enter the actual limit value for coverage D. For CSL policies, enter the priority of Coverage D (1-4). If coverage D is not part of the CSL, enter 0. For blanket and excess policies, enter 0. 38 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record (Record Type 61) # Field Description 14 AttachPtA Attachment Point A: • Attachment point for Coverage • A. For information on supported coverages, see Appendix G on • page 179 For by-coverage (C) policies, enter the coverage A attachment point For combined coverage (CB) policies, enter the combined coverage A, B and C attachment point. For all other policies, enter 0. 15 AttachPtB Attachment Point B: • Attachment point for Coverage • B. For information on supported coverages, see Appendix G on page 179 For by-coverage (C) policies, enter the coverage B attachment point For all other policies, enter 0. 16 AttachPtC Attachment Point C: • Attachment point for Coverage • C. For information on supported coverages, see Appendix G on page 179 For by-coverage (C) policies, enter the coverage C attachment point For all other policies, enter 0. 17 AttachPtD Attachment Point D: • Attachment point for Coverage D. For information on supported • coverages, see Appendix G on page 179 For by-coverage (C) and combined coverage (CB) policies, enter the coverage D attachment point For all other policies, enter 0. AIR Client Confidential Details 39 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record (Record Type 61) # Field Description Details 18 DedType Deductible Type: This field identifies the type of deductible being used for this layer or, in the case of excess policies, the attachment point. The deductible specified here applies to all locations covered by the policy. Maximum 2 characters. Enter one of the valid letter codes. If none, only location level deductibles are used. This field is case sensitive. Deductible type and deductible value must be the same for all layers within a policy. • • • NO = None • AP = Attachment Point • BL = Blanket Deductible • FR = Franchise For AP, FR, BL, and PL • MA2 = Maximum Deductible 2 deductible types, the location level deductibles, if • MM2 = Minimum and Maximum Deductible 2 any, will be applied first. • MI2 = Minimum Deductible2 For MM2, MI2 and MA2 • PL = Percent of loss (blanket) deductible deductible types, the location deductible (for the Deductible types MM2, MI2 and MA2 are not supported for workers’ compensation risks affected by a given policies. event) will be compared to the layer deductible using the full ground-up distribution to determine the deductible amount. Note: The minimum policy deductible should be at least as large as the smallest location deductible. AIR Client Confidential 40 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record (Record Type 61) # Field Description Details 19 DedAmt1 Deductible Amount 1: Depending on the Deductible Type, this field contains the actual value of: Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual monetary value, up to 2 decimal places. • • • • For Percent of Loss Deductible (PL), enter the percentage of the deductible as a decimal between 0 and 1. Attachment point Minimum deductible (for Deductible Types MM2 or MI2). Property exposures only. Maximum deductible (for Deductible TypeMA2). Property exposures only. Blanket deductible (for Deductible Type BL or FR). This field contains a percentage for Deductible Type PL. 20 DedAmt2 Deductible Amount 2: The field represents the actual value of the maximum deductible amount for Deductible MM2. Property exposures only. 21 Reinst Number of Reinstatements of Reserved for future use. Enter 0. the Limit: This is the maximum number of times the gross layer occurrence limit can be reinstated during the period of coverage. AIR Client Confidential Maximum 30 characters. Enter the monetary value of the maximum deductible amount, up to 2 decimal places, for Deductible TypeMM2; otherwise enter 0. 41 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record (Record Type 61) # Field Description Details 22 ReinsCount Number of Ceded Reinsurance Contracts: This field represents the number of reinsurance contracts (both treaty and facultative) that protect this layer. If none, enter 0; there will be no further fields in this record. Otherwise, enter the appropriate number and complete each of the subsequent fields. Note: Fields 23-29 must be repeated for each reinsurance contract. Note: Reinsurance, which applies to individual location(s), must be shown on those records. 23 ReinsOrder Reinsurance Order Field: This field represents the order in which the reinsurance will be applied. Enter a positive integer. • • Contracts that do not inure to each other should have the • same Reinsurance Order number. For example, if an excess-per-risk program inures • to the benefit of quota share reinsurance, each layer of the excess-per-risk program would have a Reinsurance Order of 1. 1 = Indicates that this reinsurance contract is applied first and inures to the benefit of all other reinsurance contracts. 2 = Indicates that this contract is applied second and inures to the benefit of all reinsurance contracts with order 3 and higher. 3 = Indicates that this contract is applied third and inures to the benefit of all reinsurance contracts with order 4 and higher. etc. Note: All facultative reinsurance inures to the benefit of treaty reinsurances and all facultative reinsurance is applied in parallel, i.e., without regard to inuring order. AIR Client Confidential 42 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record (Record Type 61) # Field Description Details 24 ReinsType Ceded Reinsurance Type: This field contains a code indicating the “type” of reinsurance. Maximum 4 characters. Enter one of the valid letter codes: • • • PFCP = Proportional facultative reinsurance expressed as ceded percent PFCA = Proportional facultative reinsurance expressed as ceded amount Note: Examples of Ceded NFG = Non-proportional fac expressed in terms of your gross limit (before ceded Reinsurance Types NFG. reinsurance) Assume the insurer signs 4% of • SS = Surplus share treaty a 100 million excess of 5 million PFCA not supported for workers’ compensation policies. layer; the primary limit in this example is $100M and the gross limit is $4M. Excess facultative reinsurance may be purchased on this risk, and express the ceded facultative reinsurance in terms of your $4M gross limit as $2M excess of $2M. 25 ReinsCID AIR Client Confidential Certificate or Program ID: This field contains the unique identifier that has been assigned to the reinsurance certificate or to the reinsurance program that will be described in the following fields. Maximum 32 characters. Enter the unique, user-defined certificate or program ID. 43 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record (Record Type 61) # Field Description Details 26 ReinsField1 Ceded Reinsurance Field 1: If Ceded Reinsurance Type (field 24) is: Maximum 20 characters. • PFCP, this field contains the percent of proportional facultative reinsurance ceded • PFCA, this field contains the monetary value of the ceded proportional facultative reinsurance • NFG or SS, this field contains the layer number of the ceded excess facultative reinsurance. Each layer should be identified by a number 1, 2, 3, etc. Note: the actual terms of the treaties will be entered in the user interface. 27 ReinsField2 Ceded Reinsurance Field 2: If Ceded Reinsurance Type (field 24) is: • • • PFCP, enter the appropriate percentage as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. For example, 0.12 for 12%. PFCA, enter the monetary value. NFG or SS, enter a positive integer. If Ceded Reinsurance Type (field 24) is NFG or SS, enter the appropriate monetary value. If Ceded Reinsurance Type (field 24) is NFG or SS, this field will contain the “gross” limit Otherwise, enter 0. for the layer of coverage of which the reinsurance is a part. AIR Client Confidential 44 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Layer Record (Record Type 61) # Field Description 28 ReinsField3 Ceded Reinsurance Field 3: If Enter the appropriate monetary value. Otherwise, enter 0. Ceded Reinsurance Type (field 24) is NFG or SS, this field will contain the attachment point for the ceded facultative reinsurance. 29 ReinsField4 Ceded Reinsurance Field 4: If Ceded Reinsurance Type (field 24) is NFG or SS, this field will contain the percent of ceded reinsurance. AIR Client Confidential Details Enter the appropriate percent as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. For example, 0.12 for 12%. 45 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Sublimit Record (Record Type 62) If a policy contains area-specific sublimits, its layer record (see page 35) must be followed by an applicable sublimit record or records. It is important to note that each sublimit record applies to a specific geographic area. Therefore, if there are two such sublimits, then you will need two sublimit records for the policy. Note The geographic area covered by a sublimit is identified by a user-defined value, the description of which is only known to the person creating this file. In other words, the software using this data has no direct knowledge of this description. This makes it very easy to specify any arbitrary geographic area (e.g., “east of Interstate Highway 95 and south of the Massachusetts turnpike”) by any arbitrary but unique code, e.g., 567. Accordingly, in the location records that are covered by the terms and conditions of a specific sublimit, you must specify the appropriate sublimit area identifier, such as 567. Each of the fields of this record is described below. The last column in the table indicates what you must do to supply the value for the field, if this record is included in the data file. Sublimit Record (Record Type 62) # Field Description 1 RecTypeCode Record Type Code: This code defines the Enter 62 type of data in this record. 2 PolID Policy Identifier: This is the number that Maximum 32 characters. A valid entry is required for each record, and it identifies the policy for which this sublimit must exactly match the PolID value in the policy record (record type 60). is defined. The value of this field links this record to its policy record. 3 LayerID Policy Layer Identifier: This identifies the layer for which this sublimit is defined. The value of this field links this record to its layer record. AIR Client Confidential Details Maximum 60 characters. A valid entry is required for each record, and it must exactly match the LayerID value in the layer record (record type 61). 46 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Sublimit Record (Record Type 62) # Field Description Details 4 AreaCode Sublimit Area Code: This value identifies the area for which the sublimit applies. Enter the user-defined code of the area for which the Sublimit applies. Maximum 20 alphanumeric characters, which may include hyphens and underscores. Note: You need to define your areas and specify a unique code for each one. If the Sublimit applies for all areas, enter ALL. Locations will only be included in the sublimit area if they are properly identified with Sublimit Area Codes on the location records (Rt = 63). 5 Peril AIR Client Confidential Sublimit Peril Code: This code identifies the peril for which the sublimit applies. See Perils Covered Codes for a list of valid codes. If entering multiple perils, separate the codes with a + symbol (e.g., PWH+PES). This field is case sensitive. 47 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Sublimit Record (Record Type 62) # Field Description Details 6 LimitType Sublimit Type: This field indicates Enter the valid letter code. This field is case sensitive: whether the sublimit is an excess, blanket CLASIC/2 or by-coverage sublimit. • B = Blanket An excess sublimit is one in which the • E = Excess sublimit has an attachment point that is • C = Limit by coverage (location participation percentages) different from those in the policy/layer. A blanket sublimit is one in which the limit • CB = Combined limit for Coverages A, B and C, with separate limit for Coverage D and/or the deductibles is different from • C100 = Limit by coverage with 100% participation (intended for use those in the policy. with offshore assets and layers of type CSL100 or CSLAI) If both the limit and the attachment point • CAI = Limit by coverage with Assured Interest (AI) (intended for use differ from those in the policy, use the with offshore assets and layers of type CSL100 or CSLAI) excess sublimit. For information on supported coverages, see Appendix G on page 179. Touchstone • • • B = Blanket E = Excess C100 = Limit by coverage with 100% participation. Although offshore locations are not supported in Touchstone v1.5, it is possible to use this limit type with onshore locations as well. • CAI = Limit by coverage with Assured Interest (AI). Although offshore locations are not supported in Touchstone v1.5, it is possible to use this limit type with onshore locations as well. In Touchstone, all “by coverage” limit types will be converted to sublimit terms during the UPX import process. If you import a UPX file that contains layers C or CB, these layers will be converted to sublimits with the same limit types (C or CB). In its place will be a blank layer that has a limit type of N with no limits and no deductibles. AIR Client Confidential 48 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Sublimit Record (Record Type 62) # Field Description Details 7 Limit1 Sublimit Field 1: For blanket (B) sublimits, • this field represents the total insured (blanket) limit applicable to the sublimit. • For excess (E) sublimits, this field represents the “primary” limit being the total for the sublimit area or peril irrespective of your participation. 8 Limit2 Sublimit Field 2: For excess (E) sublimits, this field will represent the “gross limit,” the limit for your participation, before ceded reinsurance. • • For blanket (B) and excess (E) sublimits, enter the actual limit value. Maximum 30 characters For all other sublimits, not used. For excess (E) sublimits, enter the actual value. Maximum 30 characters. Must be less than or equal to Limit 1. For all other sublimits, not used. LimitA Limit A: Coverage A limit. For information • on supported coverages, see Appendix G on page 179 • 10 LimitB Limit B: Coverage B limit. For information • on supported coverages, see Appendix G on page 179 • For by-coverage (C, C100 and CAI) sublimits, enter the actual limit value for Coverage B. Not used for all other sublimits. 11 LimitC Limit C: Coverage C limit. For information • on supported coverages, see Appendix G on page 179 • For by-coverage (C, C100 and CAI) sublimits, enter the actual limit value for Coverage C. Not used for all other sublimits. 12 LimitD Limit D: Coverage D limit. For information • on supported coverages, see Appendix G on page 179 • For by-coverage (C, C100 and CAI) and combined coverage (CB) sublimits, enter the actual limit value for Coverage D. Not used for blanket or excess sublimits. 9 • AIR Client Confidential For by-coverage (C, C100 and CAI) sublimits, enter the actual limit value for Coverage A. For combined coverage (CB) sublimits, enter the actual combined limit for Coverages A, B and C. Not used for blanket or excess sublimits. 49 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Sublimit Record (Record Type 62) # Field Description Details 13 AttachPt Attachment Point Amount: The amount of original risk above which the limit attaches. Deductibles can be entered separately or can be included as part of the Attachment Point Amount with a $0 deductible used. • Attachment Point A: Attachment point for Coverage A. • 14 AttachPtA • • • 15 AttachPtB Attachment Point B: Attachment point for Coverage B. • • 16 AttachPtC Attachment Point C: Attachment point for Coverage C. • • 17 AttachPtD Attachment Point D: Attachment point for Coverage D. • • AIR Client Confidential For blanket (B) or excess (E) sublimits, enter the actual monetary value. Maximum 30 characters. Not used for all other sublimits. For by-coverage (C, C100, CAI) sublimits, enter the coverage A attachment point. For combined coverage (CB) policies, enter the combined coverage A, B and C attachment point. For all other policies, enter 0. For by-coverage (C, C100, CAI) sublimits, enter the coverage B attachment point. For all other policies, enter 0. For by-coverage (C, C100, CAI) sublimits, enter the coverage C attachment point. For all other policies, enter 0. For by-coverage (C, C100, CAI) and combined coverage (CB) sublimits, enter the coverage D attachment point. For all other policies, enter 0. 50 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Sublimit Record (Record Type 62) # Field Description Details 18 DedType Deductible Type: This field identifies the type of deductible being used for this sublimit or, in the case of excess policies, the attachment point. The deductible specified here applies to all locations covered by the policy. Enter a valid code: • NO = None • MM2 = Minimum and Maximum 2 • MI2 = Minimum 2 • MA2 = Maximum 2 • For MM, MI and MA deductible types, Sublimit deductibles types MM, MI, MA, MM2, MI2 and MA2 are only valid the location deductibles (for the risks when the corresponding layer deductible type is NO, MM2, MI2 or MA2. affected by a given event) will be Sublimit type should be either blanket (B) or excess (E) for these compared to the sublimit deductible deductible types to be applicable. using the mean ground-up losses to determine the deductible amount. For example, if the Sublimit Deductible is MI=$5000 and the applicable Location deductibles = $1000, $5000 will be the resulting deductible amount. • For MM2, MI2 and MA2 deductible types, the location deductible (for the risks affected by a given event) will be compared to the sublimit deductible using the full ground-up distribution determine the deductible amount. Note: The minimum policy deductible should be at least as large as the smallest location deductible. AIR Client Confidential 51 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Sublimit Record (Record Type 62) # Field Description Details 19 DedAmt1 Deductible Amount 1: Depending on the Deductible Type, this field contains the actual value of: • • • 20 21 DedAmt2 Reinst AIR Client Confidential Minimum deductible (for Deductible Types MM2 or MI2). Property exposures only. Maximum deductible (for Deductible Type MA2). Property exposures only. • • • For minimum and maximum (MM2) deductible, enter the actual value of the minimum deductible. For minimum (MI2) deductibles, enter the actual value of the minimum deductible. For maximum (MA2) enter the actual value of the maximum deductible. If no deductibles are used, enter 0. Deductible Amount 2: The field represents the actual value of the maximum deductible amount for Deductible Type MM2. Property exposures only. • Number of Reinstatements: The maximum number of times the sublimit can be reinstated during the coverage period. Reserved for future use. Enter 0. • For minimum and maximum (MM2) deductibles, enter the actual value of the maximum deductible. For all other deductible types (NO,MI2 and MA2), enter 0. 52 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) This record contains information on risk(s) at a single location. The fields in this record define the risk in terms of its location, its key structural characteristics, any risk-specific assumptions, insurance conditions applicable to the location, and any reinsurance provisions. Any insurance terms that apply on a blanket basis across locations should be entered on the layer or sublimit records. Note Insurance terms on this record are ignored for workers’ compensation policies (contract type PWC). You can specify data on multiple risks in a single record if they meet the following conditions: • • • All of the risks are at the same location (i.e., have the same Area, Subarea and PostalArea values. See below.) All of the risks have essentially identical location level insurance conditions (i.e., have essentially the same replacement values, sumsinsured values, deductibles, etc.) All of the risks have essentially identical structural characteristics (i.e., same construction, occupancy, age, height, etc.) In other words, all of the risks are homogeneous. If the risks are not homogeneous, then each risk must be defined in a record of its own. Combining heterogeneous risks in a single record can produce incorrect results. When combining risks, make sure to enter total number of risks in field 19 (RiskCount). This will ensure that Claims Count, if selected in the analysis options, will be accurate. Each field of this record is described below. The last column in the table indicates how to supply the value for the field. Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 1 RecTypeCode Record Type Code: Defines the type of data in this record. Enter 63 2 PolID Policy Identifier: Identifies a policy that covers the risks in this record. Maximum 32 characters. A valid entry is required for each record, and it must match exactly the PolID value in the policy record (record type 60) record. 3 LocID Location Identifier: This identifies a location that covers the risks in this record. Maximum 60 characters. A valid entry is required. Entry can be alphanumeric characters and may include hyphens and underscores. AIR Client Confidential 53 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description 4 ISOBIN ISO Building Identification Number: This field represents the If none, enter X. ® unique ISO Building Identification Number (BIN) assigned to the physical structure of a building. 5 Name Location Name: This field contains the name of the location. Maximum 60 characters. If none, enter X. Not used in analyses 6 Address Street Address: Identifies the street address of the location and is critical for purposes of geocoding. Maximum 100 characters. Use semicolons (;) rather than commas (,) in addresses. For offshore platforms, this field corresponds to the Complete Area Definition, a combination of the platform’s Protraction, Block and Structure Name. For offshore platforms, enter the Area/Protraction followed by the Block followed by the Structure Name. These values should be separated by spaces. For example, SS 26 B-HTR. If unknown, enter X. City: Identifies the city. Maximum 30 characters. If none, enter X. 7 City Details For offshore platforms, this field corresponds to the location’s AIR ID, a unique AIR-assigned identification number for the platform. 8 AreaScheme Area Scheme: Identifies the type of area codes to be used. Enter the area scheme corresponding to the type of location area information (see Area Schemes). In the case of multiple schemes (in a particular country), use the scheme associated with the highest level of resolution according to the area information entered. For example, if entering an area/postal code, select the scheme listed for the postal code; if entering area only, select the scheme listed for area. AIR Client Confidential 54 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 9 Area Area: Identifies the area (that is, state or CRESTA zone) in which the risks represented in this record are located. Enter a valid code (see Appendix D on page 107). If unknown, enter 0. Note: When entering CRESTA codes, locations should be aggregated such that one location record (with the appropriate number of risks) is used for each unique combination of CRESTA, Construction, Occupancy (etc). Whenever possible, users should avoid having one location for each risk in a CRESTA zone. See Appendix D on page 107for information on the application of reinsurance to CRESTA distributed locations. 10 SubArea Subarea: Identifies the subarea of the area in Area (field 9). Enter a valid code (see Appendix E on page 173). If unknown, enter 0. 11 PostalArea PostalArea: Identifies the postal code where the risks are located. Enter a valid code; if postal code is unknown, enter 0. For example, in the U.S., enter either a valid 5-digit ZIP code or a valid 9-digit ZIP code. For offshore platforms, this field corresponds to the Block. For other countries, see Appendix F on page 176. 12 Country Country Code: Identifies the country in which exposures are Enter a valid code. For the U.S., enter 01. For located. other countries, see Appendix B on page 89 13 GeoLat GeoCodeN: Identifies the latitude (degrees north) of the risk. If the latitude is south of the equator, then enter it as a negative number. Maximum 16 characters. Enter the latitude with at least 2 decimal places. If unknown, enter 0. 14 GeoLong GeoCodeE: Identifies the longitude (degrees east) of the risk. If the longitude is west of the Greenwich meridian, then enter it as a negative number. Maximum is 16 characters. Enter the longitude with at least 2 decimal places. If unknown, enter 0. AIR Client Confidential 55 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 15 EffFrom Effective Start Date: The date of the first day on which coverage for this location is effective. Reserved for future use. Policy effective start date is used in analysis. Enter the effective date from the Policy record, in the YYYYMMDD format where: • YYYY is the year (e.g., 2004) • MM is the month (e.g., 03 for March) • DD is the day (e.g., 08 for day 8) Example: March 8, 2004 would be entered as 20040308. 16 EffTo Effective End Date: The date of the last day on which coverage for this location is effective. 17 Currency Currency Name: This is a text field that identifies the Enter a valid currency code. For U.S., enter USD. currency in which replacement values, limits, etc. have been For other countries, see Appendix I on page 182 . provided for this location. 18 ExchRate Currency Exchange Rate Reserved for future use. Enter 0. 19 RiskCount Number of Risks for this record. This field represents the number of risks covered for this record. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the appropriate positive integer. Not supported for offshore platform policies. AIR Client Confidential Reserved for future use. Policy effective start date is used in analysis. Enter the effective date from the Policy record, in the YYYYMMDD format 56 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 20 RepValBldg Total Replacement Value of the Building: This field represents the sum of the replacement values of all Buildings covered in this record. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual value, or the insurance-to-value assumption as a decimal between 0 and 1. Enter 0 if the building is not covered. Special Cases: • • • • AIR Client Confidential Great Britain and Germany inland flood models: If IrFloorOfInterest is not 0, this field represents the replacement value of the floor of interest only, and not the whole building. Europe Extratropical Cyclone Model: If Country is 8 (Norway), 9 (Sweden), or 89 (Finland), Occ is 375 (Forestry), and no building replacement value is provided, the GrossArea value will be used in conjunction with the per-hectare forestry unit price values in CLASIC/2 (select Tools | Options and access the Unit Price tab) to determine the replacement value. Workers’ Compensation Policies: Enter 0. U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module: Enter the total replacement value of all of the glass in the building. 57 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 21 RepValOStr Total Replacement Value of the Other Structures: This field represents the sum of the replacement values of all Other Structures covered in this record. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual value or the insurance-to-value assumption as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. Enter 0 if other structures are not covered. Special Cases: • Workers’ Compensation Policies: Not supported. Enter 0. • Offshore Platform Policies. Not supported. Enter 0. U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module: Not supported. Enter 0. 22 RepValCont Total Replacement Value of the Contents: This field represents the sum of the replacement values or actual cash values of all Contents covered in this record. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual value or the insurance-to-value assumption as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. Enter 0 if contents are not covered. Special Cases: • • • • AIR Client Confidential Great Britain and Germany inland flood models: If IrFloorOfInterest is not 0, this field represents the replacement value of the contents in floor of interest only, and not those in the rest of the building. Workers’ Compensation Policies: Not supported. Enter 0. Offshore Platform Policies. Not supported. Enter 0. U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module: Not supported. Enter 0. 58 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 23 RepValTime Total Replacement Value Time Element: This field represents the yearly cost for all time element coverage for the risks covered in this record. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual value. Enter 0 if time element is not covered. Special Cases: • Workers’ Compensation Policies: Not supported. Enter 0. • Offshore Platform Policies. Not supported. Enter 0. U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module: Not supported. Enter 0. 24 RVDaysCovered Replacement Value Days Covered: This field represents the Enter the number of days for which RepValTime number of days represented by the value in the Total applies. For example, if RepValTime is per diem, enter 1; if RepValTime is an annual total, enter Replacement Value Time Element. 365. The value of RepValTime will be divided by RVDaysCovered, so users may select any number between 1 and 365 that generates the best estimate of a per diem payout. Special Cases: • 25 Premium AIR Client Confidential Offshore Platform Policies: Enter 0. Premium: This field represents the sum of the written Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual value, premiums for all the risks covered in this record. This field is or enter 0. not used in the analysis. 59 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 26 ConType Construction Code Type: This field identifies the construction code source used in this record. Enter a valid value: • AIR = AIR codes • ATC = ATC codes • ISE = ISO earthquake codes • ISF = ISO fire codes • ISW = ISO dwelling codes • RMI = RMS Industrial Facility codes • RMS = RMS codes Note: This field is case sensitive. 27 ConBldg Construction Class of Building: This defines the construction Enter the corresponding code from your code source. See Appendix L on page 196 for AIR’s class of the building(s) covered in this record. construction class codes. 28 ConOStr Construction Class of Other Structures: This defines the construction class of the other structure(s) covered in this record. Enter the corresponding code from your code source. See Appendix L on page 196. For workers’ compensation policies, this should match ConBldg. For offshore platform policies, enter X. 29 DamageModFactor AIR Client Confidential Contents Damage Modification Factor Reserved for future use. Enter 1.0. 60 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 30 OccType Occupancy Code Type: This field identifies the occupancy code source used in this record. Enter a valid value: • • • • • • • • • AIR = AIR codes ATC = ATC codes ISB = ISO Business Owners (BOP) codes ISC = ISO Commercial, Fire and Allied Lines (COMFAL) codes ISO = ISO codes RMI = RMS Industrial Facility Codes RMS = RMS codes RWC = RMS Workers’ Compensation codes SIC = SIC codes 31 Occ Occupancy Class: This field defines the type of activity carried out in the risks covered in this record. Enter a valid value. Enter the corresponding code from your code source. See Appendix N on page 245. 32 YearBuilt Year Built: This field identifies the year in which the building was built or underwent a major upgrade. Used for Earthquake and Hurricane analysis. Stories: This field represents the number of floors or stories of the risks covered in this record. Enter a valid value. Otherwise, enter 0. 33 Stories Enter a valid year (YYYY). Otherwise, enter 0. Not supported for offshore platform policies. 34 GRCBldg Guaranteed Replacement Cost Factor for Building Reserved for future use. Enter 1.0. 35 GRCCont Guaranteed Replacement Cost Factor for Contents Reserved for future use. Enter 1.0. 36 GrossArea Gross Area: This field represents the total area of the building, in square feet or square meters. Numeric AIR Client Confidential Not supported for offshore platform policies. 61 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 37 PerilCount Number of Peril Combinations: This field represents the Enter the appropriate numeric value: number of unique combinations of perils for which terms are • 1 = Insurance terms are the same for all the same. perils. Note: Fields 38-60 (below) must be completed for each • 2 = One peril has different insurance terms; peril combination. all other perils have the same terms. • etc. For Workers’ Compensation policies, enter 1; only fields 38 and 53-60 will be used. 38 Peril Peril(s) Covered: This field identifies the peril(s) covered for the risk in this record. See Appendix J on page 187 for a list of valid peril codes. If entering multiple perils, separate the codes with a + symbol (e.g., PWH+PES). This field is case sensitive. For Workers’ Compensation policies, valid entries are PES, PTR or PES+PTR. The entry will dictate application of reinsurance terms (if any) included in fields 53-60. AIR Client Confidential 62 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 39 LimitType Limit Type: This field indicates the type of limit to be applied to this location. Enter one of the valid letter codes. Note that this field is case sensitive: • • • N = None (see layer record) C = Limit applies by coverage S = Limit is computed by combining the limit amounts for all coverages and applying that total limit to total loss from all coverages • EF = When the peril code is PEF, apply Limit1 to the combined coverage A and coverage C losses. Used to handle Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance (EFEI) in Japan. If used with another peril code (e.g., PAL), the EF Limit Type is ignored and no other Limit Type is used in its place. • EE = Used to handle Extra Expenses and Debris Removal in Japan. Can be used with any country or peril. Enter N for workers’ compensation policies. 40 Limit1 Building or Site Limit: This field represents the insured limit for coverage A. For information on supported coverages, see Appendix G on page 179 Special Cases: Fire Following Earthquake (PEF Peril): The Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance (EFEI) is included (if applicable) with losses limited by the amount specified in this field. Debris Removal and Extra Expense is automatically estimated for Japan Typhoon, and losses are limited by the amount specified in Limit2. Maximum 30 characters. Enter a valid value. Enter 0 if there is no limit at the location level. Losses will be limited only by the amount of replacement value. Enter 0 in the Replacement Value field for policies that provide no coverage. Special Cases: • Workers’ Compensation Policies: Enter 0. LimitType is EE: This field represents the blanket limit on Coverages A and C. AIR Client Confidential 63 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description 41 Limit2 Other Structures Limit: This field represents the insured limit Maximum 30 characters. Enter a valid value. for coverage B. For information on supported coverages, Enter 0 to indicate no limit. Losses will be limited see Appendix G on page 179 only by the amount of replacement value. Enter 0 in the Replacement Value field for policies that Special Cases: provide no coverage. LimitType is EE: This field represents the limit on Extra Expenses. Details Special Cases: • • 42 Limit3 Contents Limit: This field represents the insured limit for coverage C. For information on supported coverages, see Appendix G on page 179 Special Cases: LimitType is EE: This field represents the Extra Expense percentage value applied to gross losses from Coverages A and C. AIR Client Confidential Workers’ Compensation Policies: Enter 0. U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module: Not applicable. Enter 0. Maximum 30 characters. Enter a valid value. Enter 0 to indicate no limit. Losses will be limited only by the amount of replacement value. Enter 0 in the Replacement Value field for policies that provide no coverage. Special Cases: • • Workers’ Compensation Policies: Enter 0. U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module: Not applicable. Enter 0. 64 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 43 Limit4 Time Element Limit: This field represents the insured limit for coverage D. For information on supported coverages, see Appendix G on page 179 Maximum 30 characters. Enter a valid value. Enter 0 to indicate no limit. Losses will be limited only by the amount of replacement value. Enter 0 in the Replacement Value field for policies that provide no coverage. Special Cases: • • • • 44 Participation Participation: The percentage of the risk that is covered by the insurer. Deductible Type (Field 46) Is Site Percentage (SP): Limit must be entered as a monetary value. Workers’ Compensation Policies: Enter 0. U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module: Not applicable. Enter 0. LimitType is EE: Not applicable. Enter 0. Enter a decimal value 0 – 1. If the Limit Type on the Layer Record (Field 6) is a combined single limit and/or the Limit Type on the Sublimit Record (Field 6) is C100 or CAI, this field represents the assured interest percentage, which is applied by conditioning the layer losses by a weighted average of the losses for each location in the subarea/policy. 45 Participation2 AIR Client Confidential Participation 2: When more than one entity shares in the ownership of the risk, this field represents the percentage of the risk owned by the insured party. Also known as the Working Interest. Working interest is applied to the gross and ground-up losses. Enter a decimal value 0 – 1. 65 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 46 DedType Deductible Type: This field identifies the type of deductible being used for this location. Maximum 2 characters. This field is case sensitive. Enter one of the valid letter codes: • • Combined (Site/Standard): These deductibles are • computed by combining the deductible amounts for all • coverages (A, B, C, D) and applying that total amount • across loss from all coverages. If deductible percents (SP) • are provided, the percents will first be applied to the respective limit (or replacement value if no limit is provided). • The respective deductible amount will then be combined and applied across loss from all coverages. If deductible • amounts (SA) are provided and applied evenly over each • coverage (e.g., $5 million each for coverages A-D), enter • the total amount (in this case, $20 million) in the Ded1 field. Otherwise, enter the individual deductible amounts in the Ded1, Ded2, Ded3 and Ded4 fields. • • Note When coverage is provided for one coverage • type (i.e., A, B, C, or D), or when a deductible • applies to only one coverage type, a CA or CP • deductible type should be used. For example, ($ indicates the entry should be a monetary value; % indicates the entry should be a percentage) NO = None BA = $ Combined - excluding Time BP = % Combined - excluding Time CA = $ Coverage CP = % Coverage DA = $ Combined - including Time separately DP = % Combined - including Time separately FR = $ Franchise MA = $ Mini-policy ML = Maximum of dollar amount or percent of loss MP = % Mini-policy SA = $ Site/Standard Combined SP = % Site/Standard Combined SL = Site % of loss AA = Annual Amount renter’s policies covering contents and additional living expenses should be coded as Enter NO for workers’ compensation policies. CA or CP when the specified deductible applies only to the coverage C loss. Combined – including Time separately: Same as Site/Standard except the time element is computed separately and not combined with the other coverages. Building, other structures, and contents deductibles will be combined and applied across the losses for those coverages. The time element deductible will be applied separately to the time element loss. AIR Client Confidential 66 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details Combined – excluding Time: Same as Site/Standard except that time element is not included; no deductible will be applied to time element loss. No value should be entered in the time element deductible field. Coverage deductibles: These deductibles are computed by coverage and applied by coverage. Franchise Deductibles: These deductibles apply on a combined basis to all coverages. The franchise deductible acts as a “trigger” such that the entire amount of loss is used once the loss exceeds the deductible. Mini-policy deductibles: These deductibles are computed based on the building limit and applied to building loss only. Loss from contents will only be considered if building loss exceeds the deductible. Deductibles other than the building deductibles (Ded1) will be disregarded. Maximum of amount or percent loss: The maximum of the site or percent of loss applies to losses combined for buildings, other structures or contents. Separate deductibles apply for losses from time. Percent of loss deductible: These deductibles are applied across loss from all coverages. Annual deductible: If the deductible type is AA (annual amount), place the hurricane deductible in the field for Deductible 1 (field 47). Place the minimum all other perils deductible in the field for Deductible 2 (field 48). AIR Client Confidential 67 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 47 Ded1 Deductible 1: For all Deductible Types (field 46), this field contains the actual monetary value of the building or site deductible, or the percent that will be applied to Limit 1 (field 40). Maximum 30 characters. Enter a valid monetary value, a percentage as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. For example, 0.12 for 12%. Enter 0 for workers’ compensation policies. For the deductible type SL (% of loss), this field contains the percent of loss that will be applied across loss from all coverage and can only be entered in this field. Note that for the Location deductible type Site percentage, all four deductible fields must have the % deductible entered to be applied. 48 Ded2 Deductible 2: If Deductible Type (field 46) is SA, SP, C*, D* or B*, this field represents the actual value of the other structures deductible or the percent that will be applied to Limit 2 (field 41). If Deductible Type is ML, this field represents the percent of loss deductible that will be applied to losses combined for buildings, other structures and contents. Maximum 30 characters. Enter a valid monetary value, a percentage as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. For example, 0.12 for 12%. Enter 0 for workers’ compensation policies. Not applicable for U.S. Hurricane plate glass module. Note that for the Location deductible type Site percentage, all four deductible fields must have the % deductible entered to be applied. 49 Ded3 Deductible 3: If Deductible Type (field 46) is SA, SP, C*, D* or B*, this field represents the actual value of the contents deductible or the percent that will be applied Limit 3 (field 42). Maximum 30 characters. Enter a valid monetary value, a percentage as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. For example, 0.12 for 12%. Enter 0 for workers’ compensation policies. Not Note that for the Location deductible type Site percentage, applicable for U.S. Hurricane plate glass module. all four deductible fields must have the % deductible entered to be applied. AIR Client Confidential 68 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 50 Ded4 Deductible 4: If Deductible Type (field 46) is ML, SA, SP, D* or C*, this field represents the actual value of the time element deductible or the percent that will be applied to the Limit 4 (field 43). Maximum 30 characters. Enter a valid monetary value, a percentage as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. For example, 0.12 for 12%. Enter 0 for workers’ compensation policies. Note that for the Location deductible type Site percentage, all four deductible fields must have the % deductible entered to be applied. 51 Territory User-defined territory: This field identifies the user-defined territory in which the risks are located. Maximum 30 characters. If applicable, enter an alphanumeric code. The code may include hyphens and underscores. Otherwise, enter 0. 52 SublimitArea User-defined sublimit area code: This code identifies the sublimit area in which the risks are located. If defined, it should match a SublimitAreaCode field in the sublimit record. Maximum 30 characters. If applicable, enter an alphanumeric code. The code may include hyphens and underscores. Otherwise, enter 0. Do not use “All” or “None” in the sublimit area code. 53 ReinsCount Number of Ceded Reinsurance Contracts: This field represents the number of reinsurance contracts (both treaty and facultative) that protect this location. This and the following reinsurance fields are required only for reinsurance contracts that contain terms that are unique for this location. If the policy contains a layer record, reinsurance should be applied at the layer level, not at the location level. If none, enter 0; there are no further fields in this record. Otherwise, enter the appropriate number and complete each of the following fields. AIR Client Confidential Note: Fields 54-60 below must be repeated for each reinsurance contract. 69 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 54 ReinsOrder Reinsurance Order Field. This field represents the order in which the reinsurance will be applied. Enter a positive integer: Contracts that do not inure to each other should have the same Reinsurance Order number. For example, if an excess-per-risk program inures to the benefit of a quota share reinsurance, each layer of the excess-per-risk program would have a Reinsurance Order of 1. • • Note: All facultative reinsurance inures to the benefit of • treaty reinsurances and all facultative reinsurance is applied in parallel, i.e., without regard to inuring order. • 55 ReinsType Ceded Reinsurance Type: This field contains a code indicating the “type” of reinsurance: Examples of Ceded Reinsurance Type NFG: Assume you are insuring 4% of 100 million excess of 5 million; the primary limit in this example is $100M and the gross limit is $4M. You can buy excess facultative on this risk and express the ceded facultative reinsurance in terms of your $4M gross limit as $2M excess of $2M. 56 ReinsCID AIR Client Confidential Certificate or Program ID: This field contains the unique identifier that has been assigned to the reinsurance certificate or to the reinsurance program that will be described in the following fields. 1 = Indicates that this reinsurance contract is applied first and inures to the benefit of all other reinsurance contracts. 2 = Indicates that this contract is applied second and inures to the benefit of all reinsurance contracts with order 3 and higher. 3 = Indicates that this contract is applied third and inures to the benefit of all reinsurance contracts with order 4 and higher. etc. Enter one of the valid letter codes: • PFCP = Proportional facultative reinsurance expressed as ceded percent • PFCA = Proportional facultative reinsurance expressed as the ceded amount • NFG = Non-proportional facultative reinsurance expressed in terms of your gross limit (before ceded reinsurance. • SS = Surplus share treaty. This field is case sensitive. PFCA is not supported for workers’ compensation policies. Maximum 32 characters. Enter the unique, userdefined ID for the certificate or program. 70 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Record (Record Type 63) # Field Description Details 57 ReinsField1 Ceded Reinsurance Field 1: If Ceded Reinsurance Type (field 55) is: Maximum 20 characters. PFCP, this field contains the percent of proportional facultative reinsurance ceded. PFCA, this field contains the monetary value of the ceded proportional facultative reinsurance. • • • NFG or SS, this field contains the layer number of the ceded • excess facultative reinsurance. Each layer should be identified by a number — 1, 2, 3, etc. If Ceded Reinsurance Type (field 55) is: PFCP, enter the appropriate percentage as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. For example, 0.12 for 12%. PFCA, enter the monetary value. NFG or SS, enter a positive integer. Note: the actual terms of the treaties will be entered in the user interface. 58 ReinsField2 Ceded Reinsurance Field 2: If Ceded Reinsurance Type If Ceded Reinsurance Type (field 55) is NFG or (field 55) is NFG or SS, this field will contain the “gross” limit SS, enter the appropriate monetary value. for the layer of coverage of which this reinsurance is a part. Otherwise, enter 0. 59 ReinsField3 Ceded Reinsurance Field 3: If Ceded Reinsurance Type (field 55) is NFG or SS, this field will contain the attachment point for the ceded facultative reinsurance. Enter the appropriate monetary value; otherwise enter 0. 60 ReinsField4 Ceded Reinsurance Field 4: If Ceded Reinsurance Type (field 55) is NFG or SS, this field will contain the percent of ceded reinsurance. Enter the appropriate percent as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. For example, 0.12 for 12%. AIR Client Confidential 71 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Record (Record Type 64) The location detail record is supported for U.S. Hurricane, U.S. Wildfire, U.S. Earthquake, Canada Earthquake, Germany Inland Flood, Great Britain Inland Flood and Japan Earthquake. This record is optional. It contains detailed information on risk(s) at a single location. The information should be provided whenever possible to produce the most credible and realistic analysis results. The fields in this record define the risk in terms of its key structural characteristics. The user must select a construction class other than “Unknown” in Field 27 of Record 63, in order for the following characteristics to affect loss results. Location Detail Record (Record Type 64) # Field Description Details 1 RecTypeCode Record Type Code: This code defines the type of data in this record. Enter 64. 2 PolID Policy Identifier: This is the number that identifies the Maximum 32 characters. A valid entry is required for each record, and it must exactly match the PolID value policy that covers the risks in this record. in the policy record (Rt = 60). 3 LocID Location Identifier: This identifies a location that covers the risks in this record. 4 SealApprove Seal of Approval: Factor that accounts for the level of See Appendix P on page 315 professional engineering attention given to the design of a structure. Applies only when a known year built is provided. 5 IrFloorOfInterest Floor of Interest: Identifies the floor of concern. See Appendix P on page 315 6 IrBldCond Building Condition: A general description of building condition from visual inspection. See Appendix P on page 315 7 Pounding Pounding: Distance to the closest structure, which if See Appendix P on page 315 not adequate, can cause the two structures to collide during earthquake shaking. AIR Client Confidential A valid entry is required for each record, and it must exactly match the LocID value in the location record (Rt = 63). 72 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Record (Record Type 64) # Field Description Details 8 IrTreeExposure Tree exposure: Tree hazard around the building. See Appendix P on page 315 9 IrSmallDebris Small debris source: Potential of small debris in a radius of 200 ft. See Appendix P on page 315 10 IrLargeMissile Large missile source: Potential of large missiles in a radius of 100 feet. See Appendix P on page 315 11 IrTerrainRoughness Terrain roughness: Terrain conditions See Appendix P on page 315 12 IrAdBldHeight Average adjacent building height: Average height of buildings adjacent to the building of interest. See Appendix P on page 315 13 IrBldOrientation Building Orientation: Orientation of the building See Appendix P on page 315 14 IrShape Building shape: Overall shape of the building See Appendix P on page 315 15 IrTorsion Torsion: Layout of structural elements that can lead to torsional loads See Appendix P on page 315 16 IrSoftStory See Appendix P on page 315 Soft-story: A structural weakness at any floor. First floor garages and taller first floors are likely to exhibit soft-story behavior. 17 IrStrucIrreg Structural irregularity: Irregularity in such things as floor plan, structural components, etc. See Appendix P on page 315 18 IrSpecial Special earthquake-resistive systems: Earthquakeresistive systems installed in the building. See Appendix P on page 315 19 IrRetrofit Retrofit measures: Retrofit measures used See Appendix P on page 315 20 IrRoofGeometry Roof geometry: Shape of the roof See Appendix P on page 315 21 IrRoofPitch Roof pitch: Slope of the roof See Appendix P on page 315 AIR Client Confidential 73 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Record (Record Type 64) # Field Description Details 22 IrRoofCover Roof covering: Material used to cover the roof See Appendix P on page 315 23 IrRoofDeck Roof deck: Material used in the roof deck of the building See Appendix P on page 315 24 IrRoofCoverAttch Roof covering attachment: Type of connections used See Appendix P on page 315 to secure the roof covering to the roof deck. 25 IrRoofDeckAttch Roof deck attachment: Type of connections used to secure the roof deck to the roof support system. 26 IrRoofAnchorage Roof anchorage: Type of connections used to secure See Appendix P on page 315 the roof support system to the walls of the building. 27 IrRoofBuilt Roof Built: The year in which the roof was built See Appendix P on page 315 28 IrWall Wall type: Material used in the external walls of the building See Appendix P on page 315 29 IrWallSiding Wall siding: Material used for weather protection of the external walls of the building See Appendix P on page 315 30 IrGlassType Glass type: Type of glass used in the building See Appendix P on page 315 31 IrGlassPercent Glass percent: Indicates the percent of the walls covered by glass See Appendix P on page 315 32 IrWindowProt Window protection: Type of wind protection system used for the windows of the building See Appendix P on page 315 33 IrExteriorDoors Exterior doors: Type of doors used on the exterior of the building See Appendix P on page 315 AIR Client Confidential See Appendix P on page 315 74 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Record (Record Type 64) # Field Description Details 34 IrBldFndConn Building-foundation connection: Type of connection used between the structure and the foundation See Appendix P on page 315 For industrial facilities (locations in the U.S. with an occupancy class between 400 - 482), this field represents the anchorage of equipment at the facility. 35 IrFoundation Foundation type: The form of construction of the building foundation See Appendix P on page 315 36 IrIntPartition Internal partition walls: Materials used for internal partition walls of the building See Appendix P on page 315 37 IrAttachStruct Wall attached structures: Structures that are physically attached to the building See Appendix P on page 315 38 IrAppurtStruct Appurtenant structures: Structures that are not physically attached to the building See Appendix P on page 315 39 IrMechSystem Roof attached structures: Mechanical and other equipment on the roof of the building See Appendix P on page 315 40 Short Column Short Column: Indicates whether there are short columns in a building See Appendix P on page 315 41 Bldg Ext Opn Building Exterior Opening: Indicates the percentage of exterior walls that are open (i.e., have windows or doors) See Appendix P on page 315 42 Ornamentation Ornamentation: Describes the amount of decorative elements attached to the exterior of a building See Appendix P on page 315 43 Equipment Equipment: Describes the level of equipment bracing See Appendix P on page 315 in a building. 44 Water Heater Water Heater: Indicates whether the water heater in a building is braced AIR Client Confidential See Appendix P on page 315 75 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Record (Record Type 64) # Field Description Details 45 Redundancy Redundancy: Indicates whether there are multiple lateral load resisting elements (frames or shear walls) in a building See Appendix P on page 315 46 Brick Veneer Brick Veneer: Indicates the percentage of external walls that are brick veneer. See Appendix P on page 315 47 Tall One Story Tall, One Story: Indicates the height of a one-story building See Appendix P on page 315 48 Tanks Tanks: Indicates whether there are rooftop tanks on the adjoining higher buildings See Appendix P on page 315 49 Chimney Chimney: Indicates whether a building has a chimney and, if so, what its height in feet is See Appendix P on page 315 50 Column Basement Column Basement: Connection between columns and basement for SRC and steel construction See Appendix P on page 315 51 Multi-Story Hall Multi-Story Hall: Indicates the presence of a multistory hall in a building See Appendix P on page 315 52 Lattice Web Type of Steel: Type of web for H-shaped steel See Appendix P on page 315 53 Welding Welding: Accounts for the quality of welding in a building See Appendix P on page 315 54 Transition in SRC Transition in SRC: Indicates whether the transition from SRC to RC in columns of SRC construction is a smooth one See Appendix P on page 315 55 Cold Formed Tube Cold Formed Tube: Indicates the presence of cold formed tubes in steel structures See Appendix P on page 315 56 IS Value IS Value: A measure of the total seismic performance of a building, which accounts for all characteristics that affect the response of a building to an earthquake See Appendix P on page 315 AIR Client Confidential 76 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Record (Record Type 64) # Field Description Details 57 Custom Flood Zone Defines a set of locations as part of a Custom Flood Zone. See Appendix P on page 315 58 Custom Flood Helps increase flood protection for single risks (e.g., See Appendix P on page 315 Standard of Protection for large industrial facilities), based on return periods. (SoP) 59 Project Phase Identifies the vulnerabilities during different phases of See Appendix P on page 315 construction. 60 Project Completion % Percentage complete (defined as the % of project completed with start of the policy). See Appendix P on page 315 Offshore 2 Location Detail Record (Record Type 64.1) The offshore location detail record is for offshore risks in the Gulf of Mexico only. This optional record contains detailed information for a single offshore location. If the Country is 57 (Gulf of Mexico), this optional record should follow the related location record (record type 63). Each field of this record is described below. The last column indicates how to supply the value for the field. Offshore Location Detail Record (Record Type 64.1) 2 # Field Description Details 1 RecTypeCode Record Type Code: Defines the type of data in this record. Enter 64.1 2 PolID Policy Identifier: Identifies a policy that covers the risks in this record. Maximum 32 characters. A valid entry is required for each record and it must match exactly the PolID value in the policy record (record type 60). Offshore policies not supported in Touchstone v1.5. They will be supported in a future release. AIR Client Confidential 77 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Offshore Location Detail Record (Record Type 64.1) # Field Description Details 3 LocID Location Identifier: Identifies a location that covers the risks in this record. Maximum 60 characters. A valid entry is required for each record and it must match exactly the LocID value in the location record (record type 63). 4 GasProductionRate Gas Production Rate: The rate of gas produced by the platform per day, measured in Mcf (1,000 cubic feet). Enter the appropriate value in Mcf. If unknown, enter 1. 5 OilProductionRate Oil Production Rate: The rate of oil produced by the platform per day, measured in barrels. Enter the appropriate number of barrels. If unknown, enter -1. 6 DeckHeight Deck Height: The height of the deck above the water, measured in meters. Enter the appropriate value in meters. If unknown, enter 0. 7 SlotCount Slot Count: The number of wells the entity is licensed to drill. Enter the appropriate value: 0 - 50. If unknown, enter 1. 8 SlotDrillCount Slot Drill Count: The number of wells currently drilled. Enter the appropriate value: 0 - 50. If unknown, enter 1. 9 LegCount Leg Count: The number of legs on the platform. Enter the appropriate value: 0 – 44. If unknown, enter 0. 10 DeckCount Deck Count: The number of decks on the platform. Enter the appropriate value: 0 – 10. If unknown, enter 0. 11 TransFrameType Transverse Frame Type: The type (or shape) of transverse framing used to brace the platform legs. Enter a valid number code: TopsideCost: The cost of the deck(s) and equipment on the platform, entered as a percentage of the platform replacement cost. Enter a percent value between 0 – 1. 12 TopsideCost AIR Client Confidential • • • • 0 = Unknown 1 = XH 2=X 3=N • • • • 4 = KH 5=K 6 = /H 7=/ 78 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Offshore Location Detail Record (Record Type 64.1) # Field Description Details 13 Manned Manned: Indicates whether the platform is manned. Enter a valid number code: • • • 14 CompanySize Company Size: The size of the company that operates the platform. 0 = Unknown 1 = Manned 2 = Unmanned Enter a valid number code: • • • • 0 = Unknown 1 = Small 2 = Medium 3 = Large 15 Well Count Well Count: The number of wells connected to the platform. 16 MMS Complex ID MMS Complex ID: Unique Minerals Management If the MMS Complex ID is included, then the MMS Service(MMS) identifier assigned to a single structure or Structure Number must also be provided. a group of structures connected by a walkway. 17 MMS Structure Number MMS Structure Number: Unique Minerals Management Service(MMS) number assigned to a specific structure within a complex. AIR Client Confidential Enter the appropriate value. If the MMS Structure Number is included, then the MMS Complex ID must also be provided. 79 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component Record (Record Type 64.2) The industrial facility component record is only for risks in the U.S. with industrial facility occupancies. This optional record contains detailed information for a single industrial facility component and its subcomponents. If the location’s Occupancy is in the 400 series denoting an industrial facility, this optional record should follow the related location record (record type 63). Each field of this record is described below. The last column indicates how to supply the value for the field. Industrial Facility Component Record (Record Type 64.2) # Field Description Details 1 RecTypeCode Record Type Code: This code defines the type of data in this record. Enter 64.2. 2 PolID Policy Identifier: This is the number that identifies the Maximum 32 characters. A valid entry is required for each record, and it must exactly match the PolID value policy that covers the risks in this record. in the policy record (Rt = 60). 3 LocID Location Identifier: This identifies a location that covers the risks in this record. A valid entry is required for each record, and it must exactly match the LocID value in the location record (Rt = 63). 4 CompCode Component Code: Identifies a unique component type. See Appendix Q on page 345 for a list of valid codes. 5 Comp% Component Percentage: Percent of the component at the site. Fields 6-7 are repeated for each subcomponent you want to include for the component defined in this record. For example, if the component described in the record is Chlorination Equipment, you could list fields 6-7 up to three times, once for each of the supported subcomponents (Unknown, Anchored and/or Unanchored). This would give you 11 fields in the record: the first 5 fields that describe the component as a whole, followed by the fields 6-7 for the first subcomponent, then fields 6-7 again for the second subcomponent, etc. 6 SubCompCode Subcomponent Code: Identifies a unique subcomponent type. 7 SubComp% Subcomponent Percentage: Percent of the subcomponent at the site. AIR Client Confidential See Appendix Q on page 345 for a list of valid codes. 80 Comp% UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Workers’ Compensation Record (Record Type 65) The workers’ compensation and personal accident record is supported for the U.S. and Japan only. This record contains information on the workers’ compensation or personal accident exposure for a single location. If the Contract Type is PWC, this is a required record and must follow the related location record (record type 63) for each location at which the user provides workers’ compensation or personal accident coverage. Each field of this record is described below. The last column indicates how to supply the value for the field. Workers’ Compensation Record (Record Type 65) # Field Description Details 1 RecTypeCode Record Type Code: Defines the type of data in this record. Enter 65 2 PolID Policy Identifier: Identifies a policy that covers the risks in this record. Maximum 32 characters. A valid entry is required for each record and it must match exactly the PolID value in the policy record (record type 60). 3 LocID Location Identifier: This identifies a location that covers the risks in this record. Maximum 60 characters. A valid entry is required for each record and it must match exactly the LocID value in the location record (record type 63). 4 NumEmployees Number of Employees at this location: This field represents the number of covered employees at this location. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the number of employees at this location. Enter 0 if Annual Payroll and Average Annual Wage are to be used instead. For aggregate Japan Personal Accident data, this value should always be supplied. 5 PctDayShift AIR Client Confidential Percentage of NumEmployees in Day Shift at this location: This field indicates the percentage of covered employees who will be at this location during normal working hours (9 a.m. – 4:59 p.m.). This percentage of employees will be assumed to be at this location for eight hours per day. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the percentage as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. For example, 0.12 for 12%. To use AIR default values enter X. For a list of AIR default values see Appendix H on page 180 81 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Workers’ Compensation Record (Record Type 65) # Field Description Details 6 PctEveningShift Percentage of NumEmployees in Evening Shift at this location: This field indicates the percentage of covered employees who will be at this location during evening hours, or during typical commute times (7 a.m. – 8:59 a.m., 5 p.m. – 6:59 p.m.). This percentage of employees will be assumed to be at this location for four hours per day. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the percentage as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. For example, 0.12 for 12%. To use AIR default values enter X. 7 PctNightShift For a list of AIR default values see Appendix H on page 180 Note that this field is ignored for the Japan Personal Accident model. Percentage of NumEmployees in the Night Shift at this location: This field indicates the percentage of covered employees who will be at this location during the night shift (7 p.m. – 6:59 a.m.). This percentage of employees will be assumed to be at this location for twelve hours per day. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the percentage as a decimal greater than 0 and less than 1. For example, 0.12 for 12%. To use AIR default values enter X. For a list of AIR default values see Appendix H on page 180 8 AnnualPayroll Annual Payroll for employees at this location: This field provides the total annual payroll for all covered employees at this location. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual value of covered employee payroll. If Number of Employees is provided, enter 0 for this field. 9 AvgAnnWage Average Annual Payroll per employees at this location: This field provides the average wage for all covered employees at this location. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual value of the average wage for all covered employees at this location. To use default value (state average), enter X. 10 PerilsCovered Perils Covered Reserved for future use. Enter X. 11 MedMinorEV Expected Value of Medical payment per Minor injuries claim: This field provides the expected value of the medical component of minor (outpatient for Japan) injuries. Applies for medical and indemnity payments. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual value. To use AIR default values, enter X. 12 MedMinorSD Standard Deviation of Medical payment per Minor injuries claim Reserved for future use. Enter X. AIR Client Confidential 82 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Workers’ Compensation Record (Record Type 65) # Field Description Details 13 MedModerEV Expected Value of Medical payment per Moderate injuries claim: This field provides the expected value of the medical component of moderate (hospitalization and surgery for Japan) injuries. Applies for medical and indemnity payments. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual value. To use AIR default values, enter X. 14 MedModerSD Standard Deviation of Medical payment per Moderate injuries claim Reserved for future use. Enter X. 15 MedMajorEV Expected Value of Medical payment per Major injuries claim: This field provides the expected value of the medical component of major (disability for Japan) injuries. Applies for medical and indemnity payments. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual value. To use AIR default values, enter X. 16 MedMajorSD Standard Deviation of Medical payment per Major injuries claim Reserved for future use. Enter X. 17 MedFatalEV Expected Value of Medical payment per Fatal injuries claim: This field provides the expected value of the medical component of fatal (death for Japan) injuries. Applies for medical and indemnity payments. Maximum 30 characters. Enter the actual value. To use AIR default values, enter X. 18 MedFatalSD Standard Deviation of Medical payment per Fatal injuries claim Reserved for future use. Enter X. 19 IndemMinorEV Expected Value of Indemnity payment per Minor injuries claim Reserved for future use. Enter X. 20 IndemMinorSD Standard Deviation of Indemnity payment per Minor injuries claim Reserved for future use. Enter X. 21 IndemModerEV Expected Value of Indemnity payment per Moderate injuries claim Reserved for future use. Enter X. 22 IndemModerSD Standard Deviation of Indemnity payment per Moderate injuries claim Reserved for future use. Enter X. 23 IndemMajorEV Expected Value of Indemnity payment per Major injuries claim Reserved for future use. Enter X. AIR Client Confidential 83 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Workers’ Compensation Record (Record Type 65) # Field Description Details 24 IndemMajorSD Standard Deviation of Indemnity payment per Major injuries claim Reserved for future use. Enter X. 25 IndemFatalEV Expected Value of Indemnity payment per Fatal injuries claim Reserved for future use. Enter X. 26 IndemFatalSD Standard Deviation of Indemnity payment per Fatal injuries claim Reserved for future use. Enter X. AIR Client Confidential 84 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide APPENDICES AIR Client Confidential 85 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide A Geographic Resolution This appendix identifies the minimum and maximum geographic resolutions allowed for each country when importing locations. In addition to the resolutions listed below, each country also accepts locations with Country information combined with Latitude and Longitude coordinates. For details on formatting the minimum and maximum geographic resolution data for each country, see Appendix C Area Schemes on page 95. Geographic Resolution Country Minimum Maximum Country Minimum Maximum Albania CRESTA Municipality Jamaica CRESTA Parish Anguilla CRESTA CRESTA Japan Prefecture Yubin or Sonpo Antigua & Barbuda CRESTA CRESTA Latvia CRESTA Postal Aruba CRESTA CRESTA Lithuania CRESTA Postal Australia CRESTA Postal Luxembourg CRESTA Postal Austria CRESTA Postal Macedonia CRESTA Municipality AIR Client Confidential 86 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Geographic Resolution Country Minimum Maximum Country Minimum Maximum Bahamas District Postal Martinique District District Barbados CRESTA Parish Mexico CRESTA Postal/Locality Belgium CRESTA Postal Montserrat District District Belize CRESTA CRESTA Netherlands CRESTA Postal Bermuda Parish Postal Netherlands Antilles CRESTA CRESTA Bulgaria CRESTA Postal New Zealand CRESTA Postal Canada CRESTA LDU Nicaragua CRESTA CRESTA Cayman Islands District Postal Non-Modeled Countries Country CRESTA Chile CRESTA Municipio Norway CRESTA Postal China Province County Panama CRESTA CRESTA Colombia CRESTA Municipio Peru CRESTA Departments Costa Rica CRESTA CRESTA Philippines CRESTA Postal Cuba Province Province Poland CRESTA Postal Cyprus CRESTA Postal Portugal CRESTA Postal Czech Republic CRESTA Municipal Postal Puerto Rico CRESTA Postal Denmark CRESTA Postal Romania CRESTA Postal Dominica District District Serbia CRESTA Postal Dominican Republic CRESTA Province Slovakia CRESTA Postal El Salvador CRESTA CRESTA Slovenia CRESTA Postal Estonia CRESTA Postal South Korea CRESTA Postal Finland CRESTA Postal St. Barts District District AIR Client Confidential 87 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Geographic Resolution Country Minimum Maximum Country Minimum Maximum France CRESTA Postal St. Kitts & Nevis CRESTA CRESTA Germany CRESTA Postal St. Lucia District District Greece CRESTA Postal St. Maarten CRESTA CRESTA Grenada District District St. Martin CRESTA CRESTA Guadeloupe District District St. Vincents & The Grenadines District District Guatemala CRESTA CRESTA Sweden CRESTA Postal Gulf of Mexico Protraction Protraction + Block Switzerland CRESTA Postal Haiti Province (Department) Province (Department) Taiwan CRESTA Postal/District Honduras CRESTA CRESTA Trinidad and Tobago CRESTA County Hong Kong CRESTA County Turkey Province Postal Hungary CRESTA Postal Turks & Caicos District District India CRESTA Postal United Kingdom CRESTA/Postcode Area Postal Indonesia CRESTA Postal United States State + County Postal Ireland CRESTA County Venezuela CRESTA Municipio Israel CRESTA Postal Virgin Islands (British) District District Italy CRESTA Postal Virgin Islands (U.S.) District Postal AIR Client Confidential 88 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide B Country Codes Enter the numeric country code. Countries modeled in Touchstone and CLASIC/2 are listed in bold text, as seen in the table below. Note that the U.S. is the only country modeled in CATStation. For the non-modeled countries: When entering CRESTAs for non-modeled countries, enter 9998 in the area scheme field. Non-modeled countries are identified in Table 2. If you had 9998 records in area scheme fields for these countries supported in v12.5 (or earlier) as non-modeled country, they will be remodeled when brought into the current version. Table 1 Modeled Countries Country Codes - Modeled Countries Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev 231 Albania AL 104 Guadeloupe GP 35 Portugal PO 181 Anguilla AI 46 Guatemala GT 15 Puerto Rico PQ 237 Antigua and Barbuda AG 57 Gulf of Mexico GOM 40 Romania RO AIR Client Confidential 89 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Country Codes - Modeled Countries Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev 154 Aruba AW 108 Haiti HT 189 Serbia RS 23 Australia AS 48 Honduras HN 193 Slovakia SK 26 Austria AU 52 Hong Kong HK 195 Slovenia SI 12 Bahamas BF 111 Hungary HU 50 South Korea KR 39 Barbados BB 113 India IN 244 St. Barts BL 2 Belgium BE 45 Indonesia ID 180 St. Kitts and Nevis KN 54 Belize BZ 27 Ireland EI 182 St. Lucia LC 14 Bermuda BD 20 Israel IS 16 St. Maarten SS 220 Bulgaria BG 19 Italy IT 17 St. Martin SJ 18 Canada CA 22 Jamaica JM 184 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC 40 Cayman Islands CJ 21 Japan JA 9 Sweden SW 30 Chile CI 127 Latvia LV 10 Switzerland SZ 53 China CH 131 Lithuania LT 43 Taiwan TW 25 Colombia CO 6 Luxembourg LU 42 Trinidad and Tobago TD 49 Costa Rica CR 218 Macedonia MK 38 Turkey TU 75 Cuba CU 139 Martinique MQ 214 Turks and Caicos Islands TC 76 Cyprus CY 28 Mexico MX 11 United Kingdom UK 77 Czech Republic CZ 142 Monaco (modeled as a CRESTA in France) MC 1 United States US 3 Denmark DA 146 Montserrat MS 29 Venezuela VE AIR Client Confidential 90 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Country Codes - Modeled Countries Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev 79 Dominica DM 153 Netherlands Antilles AN 121 Virgin Islands (British) VG 41 Dominican Republic DR 7 Netherlands NL 13 Virgin Islands (U.S.) VQ 47 El Salvador SV 24 New Zealand NZ 84 Estonia EE 55 Nicaragua NI 89 Finland FI 8 Norway NO 4 France FR 56 Panama PA 5 Germany GM 33 Peru PE 37 Greece GR 44 Philippines RP 103 Grenada GD 171 Poland PL Table 2 Non-Modeled Countries Country Codes – Non-Modeled Countries 3 Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev 230 Afghanistan AF 102 Greenland GL 165 Palau PW 90 Åland Islands AX 105 Guam GU 98 Palestinian Territories PS GG 167 Papua New Guinea PG GN 168 Paraguay PY 231 Albania AL 242 Guernsey 232 Algeria DZ 106 Guinea 3 Will produce losses if coded as a UK location with relevant area or CRESTA code. AIR Client Confidential 91 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Country Codes – Non-Modeled Countries 4 Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev 233 American Samoa A1 172 Guinea-Bissau GW 170 Pitcairn PN 234 Andorra AD 107 Guyana GY 174 Qatar QA 235 Angola AO 109 Heard Island and McDonald Islands HM 175 Reunion RE 236 Antarctica AQ 112 Iceland I1 177 Russian Federation RU 32 Argentina AR 114 Iran IR 178 Rwanda RW 238 Armenia AM 115 Iraq IQ 179 Saint Helena SH IM 183 Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM JE 227 Samoa WS 2 239 Azerbaijan AZ 221 Isle of Man 240 Bahrain BH 243 Jersey 2 4 SM 241 Bangladesh B1 118 Jordan JO 185 San Marino 60 Belarus BY 117 Kazakhstan KZ 186 Sao Tome and Principe ST 78 Benin BJ 119 Kenya KE 187 Saudi Arabia SA 245 Bhutan BT 101 Kiribati KI 188 Senegal SN 246 Bolivia BO 120 Korea KP 189 Serbia RS 247 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA 122 Kuwait KW 190 Seychelles SC 248 Botswana BW 123 Kyrgyzstan KG 191 Sierra Leone SL 199 Bouvet Island BV 124 Lao People's Democratic Republic LA 51 Singapore SG Will produce losses if coded as Italy. AIR Client Confidential 92 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Country Codes – Non-Modeled Countries 5 Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev 31 Brazil BR 125 Lebanon LB 169 Solomon Islands SB 192 British Indian Ocean Territory IO 126 Lesotho LS 196 Somalia SO 80 Brunei Darussalam BN 128 Liberia LR 197 South Africa ZA 223 Burkina Faso B2 129 Libya LY 87 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GS 59 Burundi BI 130 Liechtenstein LI 36 Spain ES 61 Cambodia KH 132 Macao MO 65 Sri Lanka LK 62 Cameroon CM 218 Macedonia MK 201 Sudan SD 63 Cape Verde CV 133 Madagascar MG 202 Suriname SR 64 Central African Republic CF 134 Malawi MW 203 Svalbard and Jan 5 Mayen S2 66 Chad T1 135 Malaysia MY 204 Swaziland S1 67 Christmas Island CX 136 Maldives MV 205 Syrian Arab Republic SY 68 Cocos Islands CC 137 Mali ML 206 Tajikistan TJ 69 Comoros KM 138 Malta MT 222 Tanzania TZ 72 Congo CD 164 Marshall Islands MH 207 Thailand TH 71 Congo, Republic of CG 140 Mauritania MR 173 Timor-leste TL 73 Cook Islands CK 141 Mauritius MU 208 Togo TG 116 Côte D'Ivoire C1 70 Mayotte YT 209 Tokelau TK Will produce losses if coded as Sweden. AIR Client Confidential 93 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Country Codes – Non-Modeled Countries Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev Code Description Abbrev 74 Croatia HR 163 Micronesia FM 210 Tonga TO 94 Djibouti DJ 144 Moldova MD 212 Tunisia TN 34 Ecuador EC 143 Mongolia MN 213 Turkmenistan TM 219 Egypt EG 145 Montenegro ME 215 Tuvalu TV 81 Equatorial Guinea GQ 147 Morocco MA 216 Uganda UG 83 Eritrea ER 148 Mozambique MZ 217 Ukraine UA 82 Ethiopia ET 58 Myanmar MM 211 United Arab Emirates AE 85 Faeroe Islands FO 150 Namibia NA 162 United States Minor Outlying Islands UM 86 Falkland Islands FK 151 Nauru NR 224 Uruguay UY 88 Fiji FJ 152 Nepal NP 225 Uzbekistan UZ 91 French Guiana GF 155 New Caledonia NC 156 Vanuatu VU 92 French Polynesia PF 157 Niger NE 110 Vatican City VA 93 French Southern Territories TF 158 Nigeria NG 194 Vietnam VN 95 Gabon GA 159 Niue NU 226 Wallis and Futuna WF 97 Gambia G1 160 Norfolk Island NF 200 Western Sahara EH 96 Georgia GE 161 Northern Mariana Islands MP 228 Yemen YE 99 Ghana GH 149 Oman OM 229 Zambia ZM 100 Gibraltar GI 166 Pakistan PK 198 Zimbabwe ZW AIR Client Confidential 94 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide C Area Schemes In addition to the area schemes listed in the table below, the location records in some AIR-modeled countries (e.g., Aruba) can be imported with area scheme 1011, which indicates that a CRESTA code (see Appendix D on page 107) is provided in the Area field. The table below includes countries that can be imported with area scheme 1011. Please note that risk-based reinsurances are not supported for CRESTA-aggregated data in these countries. Reinsurance terms included in the UNICEDE files will not be considered during the analysis. Also, when entering CRESTA codes, locations must be aggregated such that one location record (with the appropriate number of risks) is used for each unique combination of CRESTA, Construction, Occupancy (etc). Whenever possible, users should avoid having one location for each risk in a CRESTA zone. AIR Client Confidential 95 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Note CRESTA imports are also supported for select non-modeled countries. When entering CRESTAs for non-modeled countries, enter 9998 in the area scheme field. Area Schemes by Country Country/Zone Area Scheme Code Description Example Albania 1011 CRESTA 0101 (Berat) 1064 Municipality 010104 (Lumas) Anguilla 1011 CRESTA 3 (Anguilla) Antigua and Barbuda 1011 CRESTA 1 (St. John) Aruba 1011 CRESTA 1 (Aruba) Australia 1011 CRESTA 1 (Gold Coast) 1042 4-digit postal code PostalArea=2484 1011 CRESTA 20 (Hollabrunn) 1024 Districts 1027 4-digit district postal code PostalArea = 4231 1042 4-digit postal code PostalArea = 5342 1024 1- or 2-digit district code Area = 3 (Abaco) 1027 1- or 2-character district postal code PostalArea = FH 1025 1- or 2-digit parish code Area = 1 (Christ Church) 1011 CRESTA 2 (Greater Bridgetown reclaimed) 1011 CRESTA 1 (Bruxelles) 1024 Districts 1027 4-digit district postal code Austria Bahamas Barbados Belgium AIR Client Confidential PostalArea = 2000 96 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Area Schemes by Country Country/Zone Area Scheme Code Description Example 1042 4-digit postal code PostalArea = 1741 Belize 1011 1-digit area (CRESTA) code Area = 1 (Belize City) Bermuda 1025 1-digit parish code Area = 6 (Devonshire) 1028 2-character parish postal code PostalArea = GE 1011 CRESTA 08 (Plovdiv) 1064 CRESTA Muni SOF46 (Stolichna) 1065 CRESTA Muni Postal 1217 (Balsha) 1011 CRESTA 12 (Alberta) 1013 3-character FSA code SubArea = K2T 1014 3-character FSA or 6-character LDU code PostalArea = V3W4G3 1024 1-digit district code Area = 3 (George Town) 1027 1- to 3-character district postal code PostalArea = APO 1011 CRESTA 3 (Santiago) 1053 7-digit Municipio code SubArea = 1005563 (Palena) 1012 2-digit province code Area = 14 (Shanxi) 1038 6-digit subarea (county) code Subarea = 510123 (Wenjiang Xian – Chengdu) 1011 CRESTA 3 (Tolima) 1053 7-digit Municipio code SubArea = 2316800 (Chima) Costa Rica 1047 1-digit area (CRESTA) code Area = 2 (Prov. De Alajula) Cuba 1012 Province Area = 14 (Villa Clara) Cyprus 1011 CRESTA 04 (Pafos) Bulgaria Canada Cayman Islands Chile China Colombia AIR Client Confidential 97 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Area Schemes by Country Country/Zone Area Scheme Code Description Example 1064 CRESTA Muni SubArea = 1000 (Lefkosia) 1065 CRESTA Muni Postal PostalArea = 2470 (Trachonas) 1011 CRESTA 10 (Zone 10) 1066 CRESTA Muni SubArea = 554782 (Praha) 1067 CRESTA Muni Postal PostalArea = 10000 (Praha 10) 1011 CRESTA 6 (Fyn) 1024 Districts 1027 4-digit district postal code PostalArea = 1050 1042 4-digit postal code PostalArea = 1200 Dominica 1024 Country (District) 1 (Dominica) Dominican Republic 1012 1- or 2-digit province code Area = 1 (Azua) 1011 CRESTA 1 (Zone A) El Salvador 1011 1-digit area (CRESTA) code Area = 2 (Resto del país) Estonia 1011 CRESTA 10 (Zone 10) 1064 CRESTA Muni SubArea = 0784 (Tallinn) 1065 CRESTA Muni Postal PostalArea = 75112 (Raveliku) 1011 CRESTA 01 (Zone 1) 1064 CRESTA Muni SubArea = 049 (Espoo) 1065 CRESTA Muni Postal PostalArea = 95340 (Loue) 1011 CRESTA 1 (Ain) 1023 County code Czech Republic Denmark Finland France AIR Client Confidential 98 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Area Schemes by Country Country/Zone Area Scheme Code Description Example 1032 5-digit county postal code PostalArea = 01000 1042 5-digit postal code PostalArea = 13118 1011 CRESTA 1 (Dresden) 1030 2-digit region code 11 (Berlin) 1031 5-digit district code SubArea = 02000 (SK Hamburg) 1033 5-digit postal code PostalArea = 24937 1058 5-digit district (kreise) code SubArea = 16063 1059 5-digit postal code PostalArea = 99831 1011 CRESTA 10 (Zone 10) 1012 Province code Area = 63 (Florina) 1034 2-digit province postal code PostalArea = 10 1040 5-digit province postal code PostalArea = 153 49 1068 CRESTA Postal 33 (Mavrolithari) Grenada 1024 Districts 1 (Grenada) Guadeloupe 1024 Districts 1 (Guadeloupe) Guatemala 1011 3-digit area (CRESTA) code Area = 401 (Totonicapán) 1050 Protraction 1051 2-character protraction code and alphanumeric block code SubArea = VN, PostalArea = 588 Haiti 1012 Province Area = 8 (Sud) Honduras 1011 1-digit area (CRESTA) code Area = 5 (Depto. Choluteca) Germany Greece AIR Client Confidential 99 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Area Schemes by Country Country/Zone Area Scheme Code Description Example Hong Kong 1011 CRESTA 102 (Kowloon) 1012 2-digit province code Area = 81 1038 2-digit province code and 6-digit county code Area = 81, SubArea = 810001 1063 3-digit CRESTA code and 6-digit county code Area = 101, SubArea = 810001 1011 CRESTA 01 (Budapest) 1066 CRESTA Muni 02 (Abda) 1067 CRESTA Postal 02 (Sobor) 1011 CRESTA 01000 Jammu and Kashmir 1058 1- or 2-digit district code SubArea = 1 (Kupwara) 1059 5-digit postal code PostalArea = 533286 1011 CRESTA 1 (North Sumatra) 1012 2-digit province code Area = 11 1036 2-digit province code and 4-digit district code Area = 11, SubArea = 1101 1042 5-digit postal code (beginning with 14.0, the 3-digit postcode will be remapped to 5 digits) 1058 2-digit CRESTA code and 4-digit district code Area = 1.3, SubArea = 1101 1011 CRESTA CW (Carlow) 1023 County code Area = 34 (Cavan) 1011 CRESTA 06 (South zone) 1024 Sub-district code Area = 05 (Golan) 1027 5-digit postal code PostalArea = 10292 1011 CRESTA 01 (Zone 1) Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy AIR Client Confidential 100 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Area Schemes by Country Country/Zone Jamaica Japan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Martinique AIR Client Confidential Area Scheme Code Description Example 1012 Province code Area = 019 (Cremona) 1034 5-digit postal code PostalArea = 10010 1068 CRESTA Postal PostalArea = 00010 (Gallicano nel Lazio) 1025 Parish code Area = 2 (Hanover) 1011 CRESTA 1 (Hanover) 1009 Prefecture code Area = 650 (Aichi) 1010 Wards (KU) code SubArea = 23422 1048 7-digit postal (Yubin) code PostalArea = 7372131 1057 2-, 4- or 10-digit postal (Sonpo) code PostalArea = 1104241002 1011 CRESTA 10 (Zone 10) 1064 CRESTA Muni SubArea = 130000 (Jûrmala) 1065 CRESTA Muni Postal PostalArea = 2114 (Olaine) 1011 CRESTA 01 (Zone 01) 1066 CRESTA Muni SubArea = 1013 (Vilniaus m. sav.) 1067 CRESTA Postal PostalArea = 01100 (Vilniaus 55-asis paðtas) 1011 CRESTA 01 (Luxembourg) 1024 District code Area = 02 (Capellen) 1027 Municipality (commune) code PostalArea = 0501 1011 CRESTA 1064 CRESTA Muni SubArea = 1015 (Arachinovo) 1024 Country (District) Area = 1 (Martinique) 101 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Area Schemes by Country Country/Zone Area Scheme Code Description Example 1011 CRESTA E10 (Z10: Colima-D) 1043 5-digit state+municipality code SubArea = 20456 1044 5-digit state municipal postal code PostalArea = 09449 1046 9-digit state municipal locality code PostalArea = 020030073 Montserrat 1024 Country (District) Area = 1 (Montserrat) Netherlands Antilles 1011 CRESTA 4 (Saba) Netherlands 1011 CRESTA 35 (Utrecht) 1012 Province code 1034 4-digit province postal code PostalArea = 9351 1042 4-digit postal code PostalArea = 4001 1011 CRESTA 1 (Northland) 1042 4-digit postal code PostalArea = 3038 1045 6-digit area unit (city) code PostalArea = 547700 Nicaragua 1011 1-digit area (CRESTA) code Area = 1 (Managua) Non-Modeled Countries 1006 2-3 digit country code Country = 238 (Armenia) 9998 CRESTA code Country = 246, CRESTA = 5 (Oruro, Bolivia) 1011 CRESTA 1 (Z01) 1024 District code 1027 2-digit/character district postal code PostalArea = 15 1042 4-digit postal code PostalArea = 0286 (Oslo 0286) 1011 1-digit area (CRESTA) code Area = 2 (Colón, zona libre) New Zealand Norway Panama AIR Client Confidential 102 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Area Schemes by Country Country/Zone Area Scheme Code Description Example Peru 1011 CRESTA 1 (Zone 01) 1055 6-digit District code SubArea = 180201 (Omate) 1011 CRESTA 1 (Zone 1) 1042 4-digit postal code (for 14.0+, the 2-digit postcode will 2812 (Pilar) be remapped to 4 digits) 1052 2-digit region code Area = 01 1061 2-digit region code and 4-digit province code Area = 01, SubArea = 0128 1062 2- or 3-digit CRESTA code and 4-digit province code Area = 1.7, SubArea = 0128 1011 CRESTA 01 (Zone 1) 1064 CRESTA Muni SubArea = 143201 (Blonie) 1065 CRESTA Muni Postal PostalArea = 04-263 (Warszawa 04-263) 1024 District code Area = 10 (Leiria) 1027 4-digit postal code PostalArea = 3720 1011 CRESTA 10 (Zone 10) 1068 CRESTA Postal 1000 (Lisboa 1000) 1026 Municipality code Area = 109 (Patillas) 1029 Municipality postal code PostalArea = 00733 1070 CRESTA Postal 00603 1011 CRESTA 12 (Zone Dorado) 1011 CRESTA 01 (Alba) 1064 CRESTA Muni SubArea = 001017 (Municipiul Alba Iulia) 1065 CRESTA Muni Postal PostalArea = 307189 (Manastire) Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Romania AIR Client Confidential 103 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Area Schemes by Country Country/Zone Area Scheme Code Description Example Serbia 1011 CRESTA 01 (Severno-Backi) 1064 CRESTA Muni SubArea = 80071 (Backa Topola) 1065 CRESTA Muni Postal PostalArea = 24300 (Backa Topola 1) 1011 CRESTA 01 (Zone 1) 1066 CRESTA Muni SubArea = 512842 (Považská Bystrica) 1067 CRESTA Muni Postal PostalArea = 01001 (Žilina 1) 1011 CRESTA 01 (Zone 1) 1064 CRESTA Muni SubArea = 006 (Bovec) 1065 CRESTA Muni Postal PostalArea = 5224 (Srpenica) 1011 CRESTA 1 (Seoul) 1012 2-digit province code Area = 11 1036 2-digit province code and 5-digit district code Area = 11, SubArea = 11010 1042 3-digit postal code PostalArea = 100 1058 1- or 2-digit CRESTA code and 5-digit district code Area = 1, SubArea = 11010 St. Barts 1024 County (District) Area = 1 (Saint Barts) St. Kitts and Nevis 1011 CRESTA 200 (Nevis) St. Lucia 1024 County (District) Area = 1 (Saint Lucia) St. Maarten 1011 CRESTA code Country = 16 St. Martin 1011 CRESTA code Country = 17 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 1024 District (Area) Area = 1 (Saint Vincent) Sweden 1011 CRESTA 25 (Norrbottens län) Slovakia Slovenia South Korea AIR Client Confidential 104 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Area Schemes by Country Country/Zone Area Scheme Code Description 1012 Province code 1034 2-digit province postal code PostalArea = 10 1041 4-digit municipality code SubArea = 0114 (Upplands Väsby) 1042 5-digit postal code PostalArea = 27456 (Abbekås) 1011 CRESTA 1 (Aargau) 1030 Region 01 (Zürich) 1035 4-digit postal code PostalArea = 8174 1042 4-digit postal code PostalArea = 5246 1011 CRESTA 8 (Yuanlin) 1023 2-digit county code Area = 01 1042 3-digit postal code PostalArea = 100 1058 1- or 2-digit CRESTA code and 4-digit district code Area = 1.1, SubArea = 0101 1060 2-digit county code and 4-digit district code Area = 01, SubArea = 0101 1023 County code Area = 1 (Caroni) 1011 CRESTA 101 (Greater Port of Spain) 1012 Province code Area = 03 (Afyonkarahisar) 1036 2-digit IL (province) code + 4-digit ILCE (district) code PostalArea = 3412 1069 2-digit IL + 4-digit ILCE + Postal PostalArea = 01010 Turks and Caicos Islands 1024 District (Area) Area = 3 (Salt Cay) United Kingdom 1011 CRESTA BA (Bath) 1021 Postcode area code Area = AB (Aberdeen) Switzerland Taiwan Trinidad and Tobago Turkey AIR Client Confidential Example 105 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Area Schemes by Country Country/Zone Area Scheme Code Description Example 1022 Postal sector code PostalArea = AB10 1 1056 7-digit full postcode PostalArea = AB101AA 1001 FIPS State County 1003 5-digit ZIP postal code PostalArea = 02166 1008 9-digit ZIP postal code PostalArea = 900121234 1011 CRESTA 11 (San Cristobal) 1053 5-digit Municipio code SubArea = 23014 (Miranda) Virgin Islands (British) 1024 District (Area) Area = 5 (Peter Island) Virgin Islands (U.S.) 1024 District code Area = 10 (St. Croix) 1027 District postal code PostalArea = 00802 United States Venezuela AIR Client Confidential 106 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide D Note Area and CRESTA Codes When using CRESTA codes, enter 1011 in the area scheme field, the CRESTA code in the Area field (field 9 on the UNICEDE/px location records) and make sure to use the correct country code. Anguilla (country code= 181) Anguilla supports CRESTA codes. Anguilla CRESTA Codes Code Description 3 Anguilla AIR Client Confidential 107 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Antigua and Barbuda (country code = 237) Antigua and Barbuda support CRESTA codes. Antigua and Barbuda CRESTA Codes Code Description 1 Saint Johns 2 Rest of Antigua 3 Barbuda Aruba (country code = 154) Aruba supports CRESTA codes. Aruba CRESTA Codes Code Description 1 Aruba Australia (country code = 23) Australia supports CRESTA codes. Australia CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Gold Coast 14 Burketown 26 Gulf St.Vincent/Kangaroo Isle 38 Wagga Wagga/Griffith 2 Brisbane 15 Queensland Center/ NSW Center 27 Adelaide and Surroundings 39 Canberra/ACT/etc. 3 Caloundra 16 N. Northern Territory 28 Adelaide Remainder 40 Wollongong 4 Bundaberg 17 Darwin 29 Tasmania 41 S. and Central Sydney AIR Client Confidential 108 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Australia CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 5 Gladstone 18 Northern Territory Remainder 30 Vict. Center/lower S.E. SA 42 W. Sydney 6 Rockhampton 19 Broome/Wyndham 31 Geelong/Warrnambool/ Gambier 43 N. Sydney 7 Mackay 20 Dampier/Port Headland 32 Wontaggi/Foster 44 Central Coast/ Gosford 8 Bowen 21 Carnarvon/Geraldton 33 Melbourne and Surroundings 45 Blue Mountains 9 Townsville 22 Perth 34 Emerald 46 Newcastle 10 Halifax 23 Bunbury/Albany 35 Mallacata and Bega 47 Dubbo/Armidale 11 Cairns 24 WA Remainder/SA Remainder 36 E. Vict/S.E. NSW 48 Port Macquarie 12 N. Queensland 25 Port Lincoln/Whyalla 37 N. Vict/S. NSW/upper S.E. SA 49 Coffs Harbour 13 Cape York Peninsula Austria (country code = 26) Austria supports CRESTA codes. Austria also accepts district codes as scheme path 1024, which remaps to CRESTA. Austria CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 10 Wien 37 Sitzendorf an der Schmida 56 Rauris 81 Frohnleiten 11 Wien 38 Litschau 57 Krimml 82 Pollau bei Hartberg 12 Wien 39 Zwettl 60 Innsbruck 83 Gnas 13 Wien-Flughafen 40 Linz 61 Neustift im Stubaital 84 Leutschach AIR Client Confidential 109 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Austria CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 20 Hollabrunn 41 Vorderweissenbach 62 Mayrhofen 85 Deutschlandsberg 21 Mistelbach an der Zaya 42 Liebenau 63 Hopfgarten im Brixental 86 Thorl 22 Zistersdorf 43 St. Georgen am Walde 64 St. Leonhard im Pitztal 87 Rottenmann 23 Gross-Enzersdorf 44 Kleinreifling 65 Feichten im Kaunertal 88 Oberwolz 24 Nickelsdorf 45 Molln 66 Reutte 89 Stein an der Enns 25 Alland 46 Grunau im Almtal 67 Schruns 90 Klagenfurt 26 Schwarzau im Gebirge 47 Grieskirchen 68 Dornbirn 91 Eisenkappel 27 Gutenstein 48 Ebensee 69 Hittisau 92 Portschach am Worther See 28 Aspang 49 Obernberg am Inn 70 Oggau 93 Metnitz 30 Boheimkirchen 50 Unken 71 Illmitz 94 St. Gertraud 31 Kernhof 51 Ostermiething 72 Mattersburg 95 Feldkirchen in Kernten 32 Langau bei Gaming 52 Munderfing 73 Nikitsch 96 Hermagor 33 Gostling an der Ybbs 53 St. Gilgen 74 Pinkafeld 97 Feistritz an der Drau 34 Hausleiten 54 Abtenau 75 Gussing 98 Malta 35 Gfohl 55 Tamsweg 80 Heiligenkreuz am Waasen 99 Matrei in Osttirol 36 Yspertal AIR Client Confidential 110 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Bahamas (country code = 12) Anguilla supports area (District) codes. Bahamas District Codes Code District Code District Code District Code District 3 Abaco 8 Cat Island 13 Harbour Island 16 Ragged Island 4 Acklins 9 Crooked Island 14 Inagua 17 Rum Cay 5 Andros 10 Eleuthra 12 Long Island 18 San Salvador 6 Berry Islands 11 Exuma and Cays 15 Mayaguana 19 Spanish Wells 7 Biminis 2 Grand Bahama 1 New Providence Barbados (country code = 39) Barbados supports both area (Parish) and CRESTA codes. Area Codes Barbados Parish Codes Code Parish Code Parish Code Parish 1 Christ Church 3 St. George 5 St. John 2 St. Andrew 4 St. James 6 St. Joseph 7 St. Lucy 9 St. Peter 11 St. Thomas 8 St. Michael 10 St. Philip AIR Client Confidential 111 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide CRESTA Codes Barbados CRESTA Codes Code Description 1 Greater Bridgetown – excluding reclaimed land area 2 Greater Bridgetown – reclaimed land area 3 Remainder of Barbados Belgium (country code = 2) Belgium supports CRESTA codes. Belgium also accepts district codes, which remap to CRESTA. Belguim CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Bruxelles 4 Liege 7 Tournai/Ath/Mons 2 d’Anvers/Mechelen 5 Namur 8 Oostende/Brugge/Kortrijk 3 Louvain/Tienen/Hasselt 6 Charleroi/Libramont 9 Gent Belize (country code = 54) Belize supports CRESTA codes. Belize CRESTA Codes Code Description 1 Belize City 2 Rest of Belize AIR Client Confidential 112 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Bermuda (country code = 14) Bermuda supports area (Parish) codes. Bermuda Parish Codes Code Parish Code Parish Code Parish 6 Devonshire 5 Pembroke 2 Southampton 8 Hamilton 1 Sandy’s 9 St. Georges 4 Paget 7 Smith’s 3 Warwick Bulgaria (country code = 220) Bulgaria supports CRESTA codes. Bulgaria CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Sofiya Grad 9 Kyrdzhali 17 Shumen 25 Pleven 2 Sofiya 10 Haskovo 18 Silistra 26 Vraca 3 Pernik 11 Stara Zagora 19 Razgrad 27 Montana 4 Kyustendil 12 Sliven 20 Tyrgovische 28 Vidin 5 Blagoevgrad 13 Yambol 21 Ruse 6 Pazardzhik 14 Burgas 22 Veliko Tyrnovo 7 Smolyan 15 Varna 23 Gabrovo 8 Plovdiv 16 Dobrich 24 Lovech AIR Client Confidential 113 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Canada (country code = 18) Canada supports area (Province) codes. Canada Province Codes Code Abbrev. Province Code Abbrev. Province Code Abbrev. Province 48 AB Alberta 62 NU Nunavut 24 QC Quebec 59 BC British Columbia 35 ON Ontario 47 SK Saskatchewan 10 NF Newfoundland 46 MB Manitoba 60 YT Yukon 12 NS Nova Scotia 13 NB New Brunswick 61 NT Northwest Territories 11 PE Prince Edward Island Cayman Island (country code = 40) Cayman Island supports area (District) codes. Cayman Island District Codes Code District Code District 1 Bodden Town 6 Little Cayman 7 Cayman Brac 4 North Side 2 East End 5 West Bay 3 George Town AIR Client Confidential 114 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Chile (country code = 30) Chile supports CRESTA codes. Chile also accepts region codes, which remap to CRESTA. Chile CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1.1 Tarapaca 4.2 Colchagua 4.9 Bio-Bio 5.6 Chiloe 1.2 Antofagasta 4.3 Curico 4.10 Arauco 5.7 Aisen 1.3 Atacama 4.4 Talca 5.1 Malleco 5.8 Magallanes 1.4 Coquimbo 4.5 Maule 5.2 Cautin 5.9 Tierra del Fuego 2 Valparaiso/Aconcagua 4.6 Linares 5.3 Valdivia 5.10 Antarctica Chilena 3 Santiago 4.7 Nuble 5.4 Osorno 6 Chilean Flotantes 4.1 O’Higgins 4.8 Concepcion 5.5 Llanquihue China (country code = 53) China supports area (Province) codes. Area Codes China Province Codes Code Province Code Province Code Province Code Province 34 Anhui 46 Hainan 36 Jiangxi 14 Shanxi 11 Beijing 13 Hebei 22 Jilin 51 Sichuan 50 Chongqing 23 Heilongjiang 21 Liaoning 12 Tianjin 35 Fujian 41 Henan 64 Ningxia 65 Xinjiang 62 Gansu 42 Hubei 63 Qinghai 54 Xizang AIR Client Confidential 115 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide China Province Codes Code Province Code Province Code Province Code Province 44 Guangdong 43 Hunan 61 Shaanxi 53 Yunnan 45 Guangxi 15 Inner Mongolia 37 Shandong 33 Zhejiang 52 Guizhou 32 Jiangsu 31 Shanghai Colombia (country code = 25) Colombia supports CRESTA codes. Columbia also accepts region codes, which remap to CRESTA. Colombia CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Cundinamarca 4 Valle del Cauca 7 Boyaca 2 Caldas 5 Huila 8 Magdalena 3 Tolima 6 Putumayo 9 Antioquia Costa Rica (country code = 49) Costa Rica supports CRESTA codes. Costa Rica CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Prov. De San José 4 Prov. De Heredia 6 Prov. De Puntarenas 2 Prov. De Alajuala 5 Prov. De Guanacaste 7 Prov. De Limón 3 Prov. De Cartago AIR Client Confidential 116 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Cuba (country code = 75) Cuba supports area (Province) codes. Cuba Province Codes Code Province Code Province Code Province 1 Camaguey 6 Holguin 11 Pinar del Rio 2 Ciego de Avila 7 Isla de la Juventud 12 Sancti Spiritus 3 Cienfuegos 8 La Habana 13 Santiago de Cuba 4 Granma 9 Las Tunas 14 Villa Clara 5 Guantanamo 10 Matanzas Cyprus (country code = 76) Cyprus supports CRESTA codes. Cyprus CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Lefkosia 3 Larnaka 5 Ammochostos 2 Lemesos 4 Pafos 6 Keryneia Czech-Republic (country code = 77) Czech-Republic supports CRESTA codes. Czech-Republic CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 10 Zone 10 30 Zone 30 47 Zone 47 65 Zone 65 11 Zone 11 31 Zone 31 50 Zone 50 66 Zone 66 12 Zone 12 32 Zone 32 51 Zone 51 67 Zone 67 AIR Client Confidential 117 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Czech-Republic CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 13 Zone 13 33 Zone 33 53 Zone 53 68 Zone 68 14 Zone 14 34 Zone 34 54 Zone 54 69 Zone 69 15 Zone 15 35 Zone 35 55 Zone 55 70 Zone 70 16 Zone 16 36 Zone 36 56 Zone 56 71 Zone 71 17 Zone 17 37 Zone 37 57 Zone 57 72 Zone 72 18 Zone 18 38 Zone 38 58 Zone 58 73 Zone 73 19 Zone 19 39 Zone 39 59 Zone 59 74 Zone 74 22 Zone 22 40 Zone 40 60 Zone 60 75 Zone 75 25 Zone 25 41 Zone 41 61 Zone 61 76 Zone 76 26 Zone 26 43 Zone 43 62 Zone 62 77 Zone 77 27 Zone 27 44 Zone 44 63 Zone 63 78 Zone 78 28 Zone 28 46 Zone 46 64 Zone 64 79 Zone 79 29 Zone 29 Denmark (country code = 3) Denmark supports CRESTA codes. Denmark also accepts district codes, which remap to CRESTA. Denmark CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Jylland North 4 Jylland South (Zone 4) 7 Sjaelland West 10 Kobenhavn 2 Jylland West 5 Jylland South (Zone 5) 8 Sjaelland South 11 Bornholm 3 Jylland East 6 Fyn 9 Frederiksborg AIR Client Confidential 118 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Dominica (country code = 79) Dominica supports area (District) codes. Dominica District Codes Code District 1 Dominica Dominican Republic (country code = 41) Dominican Republic supports both area (Province) and CRESTA codes. Area Codes Dominican Republic Province Codes Code Province Code Province Code Province Code Province 1 Azua 9 Espaillat 17 Monte Cristi 23 Samana 2 Bahoruco 10 Hato Mayor 18 Monte Plata 25 San Cristobal 3 Barahona 11 Independencia 19 Pedernales 26 San Juan 4 Dajabon 12 La Altagracia 20 Peravia 27 San Pedro de Macoris 5 Distrito National 13 La Romana 21 Puerto Plata 24 Sánchez Ramirez 6 Duarte 14 La Vega 28 Santiago 29 Santiago Rodriguez 8 El Seibo 15 Maria Trinidad Sánchez 22 Salcedo 30 Valverde 7 Elias Pina 16 Monsenor Nouel AIR Client Confidential 119 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide CRESTA Codes Dominican Republic CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description 1 Zone A 4 Zone D 2 Zone B 5 Zone E 1 Zone C El Salvador (country code = 47) El Salvador supports CRESTA codes. El Salvador CRESTA Codes Code Description 1 Departamento de San Salvador y La Libertad 2 Resto del país Estonia (country code = 84) Estonia supports CRESTA codes. Estonia CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 10 Zone 10 43 Zone 43 65 Zone 65 78 Zone 78 11 Zone 11 44 Zone 44 66 Zone 66 79 Zone 79 12 Zone 12 45 Zone 45 67 Zone 67 80 Zone 80 13 Zone 13 46 Zone 46 68 Zone 68 85 Zone 85 20 Zone 20 48 Zone 48 69 Zone 69 86 Zone 86 AIR Client Confidential 120 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Estonia CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 21 Zone 21 49 Zone 49 70 Zone 70 87 Zone 87 29 Zone 29 50 Zone 50 71 Zone 71 88 Zone 88 30 Zone 30 51 Zone 51 72 Zone 72 90 Zone 90 31 Zone 31 60 Zone 60 73 Zone 73 91 Zone 91 32 Zone 32 61 Zone 61 74 Zone 74 92 Zone 92 40 Zone 40 62 Zone 62 75 Zone 75 93 Zone 93 41 Zone 41 63 Zone 63 76 Zone 76 94 Zone 94 42 Zone 42 64 Zone 64 Finland (country code = 89) Finland supports CRESTA codes. Finland CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 01 Zone 01 26 Zone 26 51 Zone 51 76 Zone 76 02 Zone 02 27 Zone 27 52 Zone 52 77 Zone 77 03 Zone 03 28 Zone 28 53 Zone 53 78 Zone 78 04 Zone 04 29 Zone 29 54 Zone 54 79 Zone 79 05 Zone 05 30 Zone 30 55 Zone 55 80 Zone 80 06 Zone 06 31 Zone 31 56 Zone 56 81 Zone 81 07 Zone 07 32 Zone 32 57 Zone 57 82 Zone 82 08 Zone 08 33 Zone 33 58 Zone 58 83 Zone 83 09 Zone 09 34 Zone 34 59 Zone 59 84 Zone 84 AIR Client Confidential 121 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Finland CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 10 Zone 10 35 Zone 35 60 Zone 60 85 Zone 85 11 Zone 11 36 Zone 36 61 Zone 61 86 Zone 86 12 Zone 12 37 Zone 37 62 Zone 62 87 Zone 87 13 Zone 13 38 Zone 38 63 Zone 63 88 Zone 88 14 Zone 14 39 Zone 39 64 Zone 64 89 Zone 89 15 Zone 15 40 Zone 40 65 Zone 65 90 Zone 90 16 Zone 16 41 Zone 41 66 Zone 66 91 Zone 91 17 Zone 17 42 Zone 42 67 Zone 67 92 Zone 92 18 Zone 18 43 Zone 43 68 Zone 68 93 Zone 93 19 Zone 19 44 Zone 44 69 Zone 69 94 Zone 94 20 Zone 20 45 Zone 45 70 Zone 70 95 Zone 95 21 Zone 21 46 Zone 46 71 Zone 71 96 Zone 96 22 Zone 22 47 Zone 47 72 Zone 72 97 Zone 97 23 Zone 23 48 Zone 48 73 Zone 73 98 Zone 98 24 Zone 24 49 Zone 49 74 Zone 74 99 Zone 99 25 Zone 25 50 Zone 50 75 Zone 75 999 Zone 00 AIR Client Confidential 122 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide France (country code = 4) France supports CRESTA codes. France also accepts country codes, which remap to CRESTA. France CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Ain 34 Hérault 66 Pyrénées-Orientales 2 Aisne 35 Ille-et-Vilaine 67 Bas-Rhin 3 Allier 36 Indre 68 Haut-Rhin 4 Alpes-de-Haute-Provence 37 Indre-et-Loire 69 Rhône 5 Hautes-Alpes 38 Isère 70 Haute-Saône 6 Alpes-Maritimes 39 Jura 71 Saône-et-Loire 7 Ardèche 40 Landes 72 Sarthe 8 Ardennes 41 Loir-et-Cher 73 Savoie 9 Ariège 42 Loire 74 Haute-Savoie 10 Aube 43 Haute-Loire 75 Ville-de-Paris 11 Aude 44 Loire-Atlantique 76 Seine-Maritime 12 Aveyron 45 Loiret 77 Seine-et-Marne 13 Bouches-du-Rhône 46 Lot 78 Yvelines 14 Calvados 47 Lot-et-Garonne 79 Deux-Sèvres 15 Cantal 48 Lozère 80 Somme 16 Charente 49 Maine-et-Loire 81 Tarn 17 Charente-Maritime 50 Manche 82 Tarn-et-Garonne 18 Cher 51 Marne 83 Var 19 Corrèze 52 Haute-Marne 84 Vaucluse 20 Corse 53 Mayenne 85 Vendée AIR Client Confidential 123 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide France CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 21 Côte-d’Or 54 Meurthe-et-Moselle 86 Vienne 22 Côtes-du-Nord 55 Meuse 87 Haute-Vienne 23 Creuse 56 Morbihan 88 Vosges 24 Dordogne 57 Moselle 89 Yonne 25 Doubs 58 Nièvre 90 Territoire-de-Belfort 26 Drôme 59 Nord 91 Essonne 27 Eure 60 Oise 92 Hauts-de-Seine 28 Eure-et-Loir 61 Orne 93 Seine-Saint-Denis 29 Finistère 62 Pas-de-Calais 94 Val-de-Marne 30 Gard 63 Puy-de-Dôme 95 Val-d’Oise 31 Haute-Garonne 64 Pyrénées-Atlantiques 96 Monaco 32 Gers 65 Hautes-Pyrénées 98 98 33 Gironde Germany (country code = 5) Germany supports CRESTA codes. Germany also accepts region codes, which remap to CRESTA. Germany CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Dresden 35 Gießen 69 Heidelberg 2 Bautzen/Gorlitz 36 Fulda 70 Stuttgart 3 Cottbus 37 Göttingen 71 Ludwigsburg/Leonberg 4 Leipzig 38 Braunschweig 72 Tübingen AIR Client Confidential 124 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Germany CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 6 Halle 39 Magdeburg/Stendal 73 Göppingen 7 Gera 40 Düsseldorf 74 Heilbronn 8 Zwickau 41 Mönchengladbach 75 Pforzheim 9 Chemnitz 42 Wuppertal 76 Karlsruhe 10 Berlin 44 Dortmund 77 Offenburg 12 Berlin 45 Essen 78 Konstanz 13 Berlin 46 Oberhausen 79 Freiburg 14 Potsdam/Brandenburg 47 Duisburg 80 München 15 Frankfurt/Oder 48 Münster 81 München 16 Oranienburg 49 Osnabrück 82 Garmisch-Partenkirchen 17 Neubrandenburg 50 Köln 83 Rosenheim 18 Rostock/Stralsund 51 Köln/Leverkusen 84 Landshut 19 Schwerin 52 Aachen 85 Ingolstadt 20 Hamburg 53 Bonn 86 Augsburg 21 Hamburg Süd 54 Trier 87 Kempten 22 Hamburg 55 Mainz 88 Friedrichshafen 23 Lübeck 56 Koblenz 89 Ulm 24 Flensburg/Kiel 57 Siegen 90 Nürnberg 25 Elmshorn 58 Hagen 91 Ansbach 26 Emden/Oldenburg 59 Arnsberg/Hamm 92 Amberg 27 Bremerhaven 60 Frankfurt am Main 93 Regensburg 28 Bremen 61 Bad Homburg/Friedberg 94 Passau AIR Client Confidential 125 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Germany CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 29 Celle 63 Aschaffenburg 95 Hof 30 Hannover 64 Darmstadt 96 Bamberg 31 Hannover 65 Wiesbaden 97 Würzburg 32 Herford 66 Saarbrücken 98 Suhl 33 Bielefeld 67 Kaiserslautern 99 Erfurt 34 Kassel 68 Mannheim Grenada (country code = 103) Grenada supports area (District) codes. Grenada District Codes Code District 1 Grenada AIR Client Confidential 126 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Greece (country code = 37) Greece supports both area (Province) and CRESTA codes. Area Codes Greece Province Codes Code Province Code Province Code Province Code Province 65 Agion Opos 63 Florina 23 Kefallonia 59 Pela 13 Ahaia 7 Fokida 22 Kerkira (Corfu) 61 Pieria 1 Aitolias Kai Akarnanias 6 Fthiotida 82 Kiklades (Cyclades) 34 Preveza A2 Anatoliki Attiki 51 Grevena 57 Kilkis 93 Rethimno 11 Argolidos 64 Halkida 15 Korinthos 73 Rodopi 12 Arkadias 94 Hania 58 Kozani 84 Samos 31 Arta 85 Hios 16 Lakonia 62 Seres A1 Athina (Athens) 14 Ilia 42 Larissa 32 Thesprotia A3 Ditiki Attiki 53 Imathia 92 Lasithioi 54 Thessaloniki 81 Dodekanissa (Dodecanese) 33 Ioannina 24 Lefkada 44 Trikala 52 Drama 91 Iraklio 83 Lesvos 3 Voiotia 4 Eivoias 41 Karditsa 43 Magnisias 72 Xanthi 5 Evritania 56 Kastoria 17 Messinia 21 Zakinthos 71 Evros 55 Kavala A4 Peiria AIR Client Confidential 127 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide CRESTA Codes Greece CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 10 Zone 10 34 Zone 34 58 Zone 58 11 Zone 11 35 Zone 35 59 Zone 59 12 Zone 12 36 Zone 36 60 Zone 60 13 Zone 13 37 Zone 37 61 Zone 61 14 Zone 14 38 Zone 38 62 Zone 62 15 Zone 15 39 Zone 39 63 Zone 63 16 Zone 16 40 Zone 40 64 Zone 64 17 Zone 17 41 Zone 41 65 Zone 65 18 Zone 18 42 Zone 42 66 Zone 66 19 Zone 19 43 Zone 43 67 Zone 67 20 Zone 20 44 Zone 44 68 Zone 68 21 Zone 21 45 Zone 45 69 Zone 69 22 Zone 22 46 Zone 46 70 Zone 70 23 Zone 23 47 Zone 47 71 Zone 71 24 Zone 24 48 Zone 48 72 Zone 72 25 Zone 25 49 Zone 49 73 Zone 73 26 Zone 26 50 Zone 50 74 Zone 74 27 Zone 27 51 Zone 51 80 Zone 80 28 Zone 28 52 Zone 52 81 Zone 81 29 Zone 29 53 Zone 53 82 Zone 82 30 Zone 30 54 Zone 54 83 Zone 83 AIR Client Confidential 128 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Greece CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 31 Zone 31 55 Zone 55 84 Zone 84 32 Zone 32 56 Zone 56 85 Zone 85 33 Zone 33 57 Zone 57 Guadeloupe (country code = 104) Guadeloupe supports area (District) codes. Guadeloupe District Codes Code District 1 Guadeloupe AIR Client Confidential 129 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Guatemala (country code = 46) Guatemala supports CRESTA codes. Guatemala CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 100 Guatemala City 305 Suchitepequez 401 Totonicapan 407 Zacapa 200 Resto del Departamento de Guatemala 306 Escuintla 402 El Quiche 408 Izabal 301 San Marcos 307 Santa Rosa 403 Baja Verapaz 409 El Peten 302 Quezaltenango 308 Jutiapa 404 Alta Verapaz 410 Chiquimula 303 Retalhuleu 309 Chimaltenango 405 El Progreso 411 Huehuetenango 304 Solola 310 Sacatepequez 406 Jalapa Gulf of Mexico (country code = 57) The Gulf of Mexico supports area (Administrative Area) codes. Gulf of Mexico Administrative Area Codes Code Administrative Area Code Administrative Area 01 Alabama State Waters 28 Mississippi State Waters 12 Florida State Waters OCS Outer Continental Shelf 22 Louisiana State Waters 48 Texas State Waters AIR Client Confidential 130 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Haiti (country code = 108) Haiti supports area (County) codes. Haiti County Codes Code County Code County Code County 1 Artibonite 4 Nord 7 Ouest 2 Centre 5 Nord-Est 8 Sud 3 Grand Anse 6 Nord-Ouest 9 Sud-Est Honduras (country code = 48) Honduras supports CRESTA codes. Honduras CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description 1 Distrito Central incl. Tegucigalpa 4 Depto. Valle 2 Depto. Francisco Morazán 5 Depto. Choluteca 3 Depto. Cortés 6 Demás departamentos de Honduras Hong Kong (country code = 52) Hong Kong supports CRESTA codes. Hong Kong CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description 100 Hong Kong 102 Kowloon 101 Hong Kong Island 103 New Territories AIR Client Confidential 131 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Hungary (country code = 111) Hungary supports CRESTA codes. Hungary CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 01 Budapest 09 Fejér 17 Miskolc 02 Gyõr-Moson-Sopron 10 Tolna 18 Heves 03 Györ 11 Baranya 19 Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 04 Vas 12 Pécs 20 Csongrád 05 Zala 13 Nógrád 21 Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 06 Veszprém 14 Pest 22 Hajdú-Bihar 07 Somogy 15 Bács-Kiskun 23 Debrecen 08 Komárom-Esztergom 16 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 24 Békés India (country code = 113) India supports CRESTA codes. India CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Z01: Jammu and Kashmir 13 Z13: Nagaland 25 Z25: Daman and Diu 2 Z02: Himachal Pradesh 14 Z14: Manipur 26 Z26: Dadra and Nagar Haveli 3 Z03: Punjab 15 Z15: Mizoram 27 Z27: Maharashtra 4 Z04: Chandigarh 16 Z16: Tripura 28 Z28: Andhra Pradesh 5 Z05: Uttaranchal 17 Z17: Meghalaya 29 Z29: Karnataka 6 Z06: Haryana 18 Z18: Assam 30 Z30: Goa 7 Z07: Delhi 19 Z19: West Bengal 31 Z31: Lakshadweep AIR Client Confidential 132 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide India CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 8 Z08: Rajasthan 20 Z20: Jharkhand 32 Z32: Kerala 9 Z09: Uttar Pradesh 21 Z21: Orissa 33 Z33: Tamil Nadu 10 Z10: Bihar 22 Z22: Chhatisgarh 34 Z34: Puducherry 11 Z11: Sikkim 23 Z23: Madhya Pradesh 35 Z35: Andaman and Nicobar Islands 12 Z12: Arunachal Pradesh 24 Z24: Gujarat Indonesia (country code = 45) Indonesia supports CRESTA codes. Indonesia CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 North Sumatra 3.1 Jakarta 5.1 Surabaya 1.1 Banda Aceh 3.2 Bandung 5.2 Remaining East Java 1.2 Medan 3.3 Remaining West Java 6 Kalimantan 1.3 Remaining North Sumatra 4 Central Java 7 Sulawesi 2 South Sumatra 4.1 Semarang 7.1 Ujung Pandang 2.1 Padang 4.2 Yogyakarta 7.2 Remaining Sulawesi 2.2 Palembang 4.3 Remaining Central Java 8 All Other islands and Irian Jaya 2.3 Remaining South Sumatra 5 East Java 9 East Timor (Timor Timur) 3 West Java AIR Client Confidential 133 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Ireland (country code = 27) Ireland supports CRESTA codes. Ireland also accepts county codes, which remap to CRESTA. Ireland CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description CW Carlow KY Kerry LH Louth SO Sligo CN Cavan KE Kildare MO Mayo TY Tipperary CE Clare KK Kilkenny MH Meath WD Waterford CK Cork LS Laoighis MN Monaghan WH Westmeath DL Donegal LM Leitrim OY Offaly WX Wexford DN Dublin LK Limerick RN Roscommon WW Wicklow GY Galway LD Longford Israel (country code = 20) Israel supports both area (Sub-District) and CRESTA codes. Area Codes Israel Sub-District Codes Code Sub-District Code Sub-District Code Sub-District Code Sub-District 1 Akko 6 Hadera 10 Kinneret 14 Sharon 2 Ashqelon 7 Haifa 11 Petah Tiqwa 15 Tel Aviv 3 Beer Sheva 8 Jericho 12 Ramla 16 Yizreel 4 Gaza Area 9 Jerusalem 13 Rehovot 17 Zefat 5 Golan AIR Client Confidential 134 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide CRESTA Codes Israel CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 North zone 3 Central zone 5 Jerusalem zone 2 Haifa and Haifa Bay 4 Greater Tel Aviv 6 South zone Italy (country code = 19) Italy supports both area (Province) and CRESTA codes. Area Codes Italy Province Codes Code Sub-District Code Sub-District Code Sub-District Code Sub-District 84 Agrigento 38 Ferrara 95 Oristano 55 Terni 6 Alessandria 48 Firenze 28 Padova 1 Torino 42 Ancona 71 Foggia 82 Palermo 81 Trapani 51 Arezzo 40 Forli-Cesena 34 Parma 22 Trento 44 Ascoli Piceno 60 Frosinone 18 Pavia 26 Treviso 5 Asti 10 Genova 54 Perugia 32 Trieste 64 Avellino 31 Gorizia 41 Pesaro E Urbino 30 Udine 72 Bari 53 Grosseto 68 Pescara 7 Valle d’Aosta 25 Belluno 8 Imperia 33 Piacenza 12 Varese 62 Benevento 94 Isernia 50 Pisa 27 Venezia 16 Bergamo 011 La Spezia 47 Pistoia 103 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola AIR Client Confidential 135 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Italy Province Codes Code Sub-District Code Sub-District Code Sub-District Code Sub-District 96 Biella 66 L’Aquila 93 Pordenone 2 Vercelli 37 Bologna 59 Latina 76 Potenza 23 Verona 21 Bolzano 75 Lecce 100 Prato 102 Vibo Valentia 17 Brescia 97 Lecco 88 Ragusa 24 Vicenza 74 Brindisi 49 Livorno 39 Ravenna 56 Viterbo 92 Cagliari 98 Lodi 80 Reggio Calabria 85 Caltanissetta 46 Lucca 35 Reggio Emilia 70 Campobasso 43 Macerata 57 Rieti 107 CarboniaIglesias 20 Mantova 99 Rimini 61 Caserta 45 Massa Carrara 58 Roma 87 Catania 77 Matera 29 Rovigo 79 Catanzaro 106 MedioCampidano 65 Salerno 69 Chieti 83 Messina 999 San Marino 888 Citta del Vaticano 15 Milano 90 Sassari 13 Como 36 Modena 9 Savona 78 Cosenza 63 Napoli 52 Siena 19 Cremona 3 Novara 89 Siracusa 101 Crotone 91 Nuoro 14 Sondrio 4 Cuneo 105 Ogliastra 73 Taranto 86 Enna 104 Olbia-Tempio 67 Teramo AIR Client Confidential 136 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide CRESTA Codes Italy CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 01 Zone 01 34 Zone 34 67 Zone 67 02 Zone 02 35 Zone 35 68 Zone 68 03 Zone 03 36 Zone 36 69 Zone 69 04 Zone 04 37 Zone 37 70 Zone 70 05 Zone 05 38 Zone 38 71 Zone 71 06 Zone 06 39 Zone 39 72 Zone 72 07 Zone 07 40 Zone 40 73 Zone 73 08 Zone 08 41 Zone 41 74 Zone 74 09 Zone 09 42 Zone 42 75 Zone 75 10 Zone 10 43 Zone 43 76 Zone 76 11 Zone 11 44 Zone 44 77 Zone 77 12 Zone 12 45 Zone 45 78 Zone 78 13 Zone 13 46 Zone 46 79 Zone 79 14 Zone 14 47 Zone 47 80 Zone 80 15 Zone 15 48 Zone 48 81 Zone 81 16 Zone 16 49 Zone 49 82 Zone 82 17 Zone 17 50 Zone 50 83 Zone 83 18 Zone 18 51 Zone 51 84 Zone 84 19 Zone 19 52 Zone 52 85 Zone 85 20 Zone 20 53 Zone 53 86 Zone 86 21 Zone 21 54 Zone 54 87 Zone 87 AIR Client Confidential 137 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Italy CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 22 Zone 22 55 Zone 55 88 Zone 88 23 Zone 23 56 Zone 56 89 Zone 89 24 Zone 24 57 Zone 57 90 Zone 90 25 Zone 25 58 Zone 58 91 Zone 91 26 Zone 26 59 Zone 59 92 Zone 92 27 Zone 27 60 Zone 60 93 Zone 93 28 Zone 28 61 Zone 62 94 Zone 94 29 Zone 29 62 Zone 62 95 Zone 95 30 Zone 30 63 Zone 63 96 Zone 96 31 Zone 31 64 Zone 64 97 Zone 97 32 Zone 32 65 Zone 65 98 Zone 98 33 Zone 33 66 Zone 66 999 Zone 00 Jamaica (country code = 22) Jamaica supports both area (Province) and CRESTA codes. Area Codes Jamaica Province Codes Code Parish Code Parish Code Parish Code Parish 1 Clarendon 5 Portland 9 St. Elizabeth 12 St. Thomas 2 Hanover 6 St. Andrew 10 St. James 13 Trelawny AIR Client Confidential 138 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Jamaica Province Codes Code Parish Code Parish Code Parish Code Parish 3 Kingston 7 St. Ann 11 St. Mary 14 Westmoreland 4 Manchester 8 St. Catherine CRESTA Codes Jamaica CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Hanover 5 Saint Mary 9 Manchester 12 Saint Andrew 2 Saint James 6 Portland 10 Clarendon 13 Kingston 3 Trelawny 7 Westmoreland 11 Saint Catherine 14 Saint Thomas 4 Saint Ann 8 Saint Elizabeth Japan (country code = 21) Japan supports area (Prefecture) codes. Japan Prefecture Codes Code Prefecture Code Prefecture Code Prefecture Code Prefecture 650 Aichi 810 Hyogo 1160 Miyazaki 940 Shimane 220 Akita 440 Ibaraki 620 Nagano 640 Shizuoka 210 Aomori 720 Ishikawa 1130 Nagasaki 420 Tochigi 510 Chiba 310 Iwate 850 Nara 1020 Tokushima 1030 Ehime 1010 Kagawa 240 Niigata 520 Tokyo AIR Client Confidential 139 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Prefecture Codes Code Prefecture Code Prefecture Code Prefecture Code Prefecture 730 Fukui 1170 Kagoshima 1150 Oita 910 Tottori 1110 Fukuoka 530 Kanagawa 920 Okayama 710 Toyama 330 Fukushima 1040 Kochi 1200 Okinawa 860 Wakayama 610 Gifu 1140 Kumamoto 840 Osaka 230 Yamagata 410 Gumma 820 Kyoto 1120 Saga 950 Yamaguchi 930 Hiroshima 660 Mie 430 Saitama 630 Yamanashi 100 Hokkaido 320 Miyagi 830 Shiga Latvia (country code = 127) Latvia supports CRESTA codes. Latvia CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 10 Zone 10 34 Zone 34 42 Zone 42 50 Zone 50 20 Zone 20 36 Zone 36 43 Zone 43 51 Zone 51 21 Zone 21 37 Zone 37 44 Zone 44 52 Zone 52 30 Zone 30 38 Zone 38 45 Zone 45 53 Zone 53 31 Zone 31 39 Zone 39 46 Zone 46 54 Zone 54 32 Zone 32 40 Zone 40 47 Zone 47 56 Zone 56 33 Zone 33 41 Zone 41 48 Zone 48 57 Zone 57 AIR Client Confidential 140 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Lithuania (country code = 131) Lithuania supports CRESTA codes. Lithuania CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 01 Zone 01 29 Zone 29 54 Zone 54 78 Zone 78 02 Zone 02 30 Zone 30 55 Zone 55 79 Zone 79 03 Zone 03 31 Zone 31 56 Zone 56 80 Zone 80 04 Zone 04 32 Zone 32 57 Zone 57 81 Zone 81 05 Zone 05 33 Zone 33 58 Zone 58 82 Zone 82 06 Zone 06 35 Zone 35 59 Zone 59 83 Zone 83 07 Zone 07 36 Zone 36 60 Zone 60 84 Zone 84 08 Zone 08 37 Zone 37 62 Zone 62 85 Zone 85 09 Zone 09 38 Zone 38 63 Zone 63 86 Zone 86 10 Zone 10 39 Zone 39 64 Zone 64 87 Zone 87 11 Zone 11 40 Zone 40 65 Zone 65 88 Zone 88 12 Zone 12 41 Zone 41 66 Zone 66 89 Zone 89 13 Zone 13 42 Zone 42 67 Zone 67 90 Zone 90 14 Zone 14 44 Zone 44 68 Zone 68 91 Zone 91 15 Zone 15 45 Zone 45 69 Zone 69 92 Zone 92 17 Zone 17 46 Zone 46 70 Zone 70 93 Zone 93 18 Zone 18 47 Zone 47 71 Zone 71 94 Zone 94 19 Zone 19 48 Zone 48 72 Zone 72 95 Zone 95 20 Zone 20 49 Zone 49 73 Zone 73 96 Zone 96 21 Zone 21 50 Zone 50 74 Zone 74 97 Zone 97 AIR Client Confidential 141 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Lithuania CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 25 Zone 25 51 Zone 51 75 Zone 75 98 Zone 98 26 Zone 26 52 Zone 52 76 Zone 76 99 Zone 99 27 Zone 27 53 Zone 53 77 Zone 77 999 Zone 00 28 Zone 28 Luxembourg (country code = 6) Luxembourg supports area (District) codes and one CRESTA code. Area Codes Luxembourg District Codes Code District Code District Code District Code District 2 Capellen 3 Esch-Alzette 1 Luxembourg-ville 13 Remich 6 Clervaux 12 Grevenmacher 5 Mersch 10 Vianden 7 Diekirch 4 Luxembourg-Campagne 8 Redange 9 Wiltz 11 Echternach CRESTA Codes Luxembourg CRESTA Codes Code Description 1 Luxembourg AIR Client Confidential 142 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Martinique (country code = 139) Martinique supports area (District) codes. Martinique District Codes Code District 1 Martinique Mexico (country code = 28) Mexico supports both area (State) and CRESTA codes. Note There are two CRESTA coding schemes in Mexico, one for earthquake and one for hurricane. Area Codes Mexico State Codes Code State Code State Code State Code State 01 Aguascalientes 09 Distrito Federal 17 Morelos 25 Sinaloa 02 Baja California 10 Durango 18 Nayarit 26 Sonora 03 Baja California Sur 11 Guanajuato 19 Nuevo Leon 27 Tabasco 04 Campeche 12 Guerrero 20 Oaxaca 28 Tamaulipas 05 Coahuila 13 Hidalgo 21 Puebla 29 Tlaxcala 06 Colima 14 Jalisco 22 Queretaro 30 Veracruz 07 Chiapas 15 Mexico 23 Quintana Roo 31 Yucatan 08 Chihuahua 16 Michoacan 24 San Luis Potosi 32 Zacatecas AIR Client Confidential 143 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Mexico Earthquake CRESTA Codes Note There are two CRESTA coding schemes in Mexico, one for earthquake and one for hurricane. Mexico (earthquake) CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description E01 Z01:Aguascalientes-A E17 Z17:Guerrero NorteOriental-C E33 Z33:Oaxaca Norte Oriental-C E02 Z02:Baja California Norte-B E18 Z18:Guerrero SurOccidental-D E34 Z34:Oaxaca Sur Occidental-D E03 Z03:Baja California Norte-C E19 Z19:Acapulco Resto-I E35 Z35:Puebla-B E04 Z04:Baja California Sur-B E20 Z20:Acapulco Relleno-J E36 Z36:Queretaro de Arteaga-B E05 Z05:Campeche Norte Oriental-A E21 Z21:Hidalgo-B E37 Z37:Quintana Roo-A E06 Z06:Campeche Sur Occidental-B E22 Z22:Jalisco Norte Oriental-B E38 Z38:San Luis Potosi-A E07 Z07:Chiapas-D E23 Z23:Jalisco Central-C E39 Z39:Sinaloa-B E08 Z08:Chihuahua-A E24 Z24:Jalisco Sur Occidental-D E40 Z40:Sonora-B/C E09 Z09:Coahuila De Zaragoza-A E25 Z25:Mexico-B E41 Z41:Tabasco-B E10 Z10:Colima-D E26 Z26:Mexico-B1 E42 Z42:Tamaulipas-A E11 Z11:Distrito Federal-E E27 Z27:Michoacan Norte Oriental-B E43 Z43:Tlaxcala-B E12 Z12:Distrito Federal-F E28 Z28:Michoacan Central-C E44 Z44:Veracruz Norte-A E13 Z13:Distrito Federal-G E29 Z29:Michoacan Sur Occidental-D E45 Z45:Veracruz Central-B E14 Z14:Distrito Federal-H E30 Z30:Morelos-B E46 Z46:Veracruz Sur-C E15 Z15:Durango-A E31 Z31:Nayarit-B E47 Z47:Yucatan-A E16 Z16:Guanajuato-B E32 Z32:Nuevo Leon-A E48 Z48:Zacatecas-A AIR Client Confidential 144 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Mexico Hurricane CRESTA codes Note There are two CRESTA coding schemes in Mexico, one for earthquake and one for hurricane. Mexico (hurricane) CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description H01 Z01: Aguascalientes (B) H15 Z15: Hidalgo (B) H29 Z29: Quintana Roo (A) H02 Z02: Baja CaliforniaNorte (A) H16 Z16: Jalisco costera (A) H30 Z30: San Luis Potosí (B) H03 Z03: Baja California Sur (A) H17 Z17: Jalisco interior (B) H31 Z31: Sinalóa costera (A) H04 Z04: Campeche (A) Zona H18 Z18: México (B) H32 Z32: Sinalóa interior (B) H05 Z05: Chiapas costera (A) H19 Z19: Michoacán costera (A) H33 Z33: Sonora costera (A) H06 Z06: Chiapas interior (B) H20 Z20: Michoacán interior (B) H34 Z34: Sonora interior (B) H07 Z07: Chihuahua (B) H21 Z21: Morelos (B) H35 Z35: Tabasco (A) H08 Z08: Coahuila (B) H22 Z22: Nayarit costera (A) H36 Z36: Tamaulipas costera (A) H09 Z09: Colima (A) H23 Z23: Nayarit interior (B) H37 Z37: Tamaulipas interior (B) H10 Z10: Distrito Federal (B) H24 Z24: Nuevo León (B) H38 Z38: Tlaxcala (B) H11 Z11: Durango (B) H25 Z25: Oaxaca costera (A) H39 Z39: Veracru Zcostera (A) H12 Z12: Guanajuato (B) H26 Z26: Oaxaca interior (B) H40 Z40: Veracru Zinterior (B) H13 Z13: Guerrero costera (A) H27 Z27: Puebla (B) H41 Z41: Yucatán (A) H14 Z14: Guerrero interior (B) H28 Z28: Querétaro (B) H42 Z42: Zacatecas (B) AIR Client Confidential 145 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Montserrat (country code = 146) Montserrat supports area (County) codes. Montserrat County Codes Code County 1 Montserrat Netherlands (country code = 7) Netherlands supports CRESTA codes. Netherlands also accepts province codes, which remap to CRESTA. Netherlands CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 10 Amsterdam 33 Dordrecht 56 Eindhoven 78 Emmen 11 Amsterdam 34 Benschop 57 Helmond 79 Hoogeveen 12 Hilversum 35 Utrecht 58 Venray 80 Zwolle 13 Almere 36 Maarssen 59 Venlo 81 Broekland 14 Bussum 37 Zeist 60 Weert 82 Lelystad 15 Zaandam 38 Amersfoor 61 Echt 83 Tollebeek 16 Oosterlee 39 Veenendaa 62 Maastrich 84 Lippenhui 17 Heerhugow 40 Tiel 63 Valkenbur 85 Delfstrah 18 Alkmaar 41 Culemborg 64 Heerlen 86 Sneek 19 Castricum 42 Gorinchem 65 Nijmegen 87 Bolsward 20 Haarlem 43 Oosterlan 66 Niftrik 88 Franeker 21 Heemstede 44 Yerseke 67 Wageninge 89 Leeuwarde 22 Noordwijk 45 Oostburg 68 Arnhem 90 Idaard 23 Leiden 46 Bergen Op Z 69 Zevenaar 91 Rinsumage AIR Client Confidential 146 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Netherlands CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 24 Alphen Aan 47 Roosendaa 70 Doetinche 92 Drachten 25 ‘S-Graven 48 Breda 71 Winterswijk 93 Lieveren 26 Delft 49 Oosterhou 72 Zutphen 94 Assen 27 Zoetermee 50 Tilburg 73 Apeldoorn 95 Stadskanaal 28 Gouda 51 Dongen 74 Deventer 96 Hoogezand 29 Capelle Aa 52 ‘S-Hertogenbosch 75 Enschede 97 Groningen 30 Rotterdam 53 Brakel 76 Almelo 98 Noordhorn 31 Schiedam 54 Uden 77 Balkbrug 99 Appingedam 32 Spijkenis 55 Veldhoven Netherlands Antilles (country code = 153) Netherlands Antilles supports CRESTA codes. Netherlands Antilles CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description 2 Curacao 4 Saba 3 Bonaire 5 St. Eustatius New Zealand (country code = 24) New Zealand supports CRESTA codes. New Zealand CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Northland 5 Taranaki 9 Wairarapa 13 Canterbury AIR Client Confidential 147 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide New Zealand CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 2 Auckland 6 East Coast 10 Wellington 14 Westland 3 Waikato 7 Manawatu 11 Nelson 15 Otago 4 Bay of Plenty 8 Hawkes Bay 12 Marlborough 16 Southland Nicaragua (country code = 55) Nicaragua supports CRESTA codes. Nicaragua CRESTA Codes Code Description 1 Managua 2 Resto del país Norway (country code = 8) Norway supports CRESTA codes. Norway also accepts district codes, which remap to CRESTA. Norway CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Z01 26 Z26 50 Z50 76 Z76 2 Z02 27 Z27 51 Z51 77 Z77 3 Z03 28 Z28 52 Z52 78 Z78 4 Z04 29 Z29 53 Z53 79 Z79 5 Z05 30 Z30 54 Z54 80 Z80 6 Z06 31 Z31 55 Z55 81 Z81 7 Z07 32 Z32 56 Z56 82 Z82 AIR Client Confidential 148 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Norway CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 8 Z08 33 Z33 57 Z57 83 Z83 9 Z09 34 Z34 59 Z59 84 Z84 10 Z10 35 Z35 60 Z60 85 Z85 11 Z11 36 Z36 61 Z61 86 Z86 12 Z12 37 Z37 62 Z62 87 Z87 13 Z13 38 Z38 63 Z63 88 Z88 14 Z14 39 Z39 64 Z64 89 Z89 15 Z15 40 Z40 65 Z65 90 Z90 16 Z16 41 Z41 66 Z66 91 Z91 17 Z17 42 Z42 67 Z67 93 Z93 18 Z18 43 Z43 68 Z68 94 Z94 19 Z19 44 Z44 69 Z69 95 Z95 20 Z20 45 Z45 70 Z70 96 Z96 21 Z21 46 Z46 71 Z71 97 Z97 22 Z22 47 Z47 72 Z72 98 Z98 23 Z23 48 Z48 73 Z73 99 Z99 24 Z24 49 Z49 75 Z75 SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (gets remapped) 25 Z25 AIR Client Confidential 149 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Panama (country code = 56) Panama supports CRESTA codes. Panama CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description 1 Prov. de Panamá 5 Archipiélago de las Perlas y otras islas 2 Colón, zona libre 6 Provincias Oeste (Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí, Veraguas, Herrera, Los Santos, Coclé) 3 Colón, zona libre nueva 7 Provincias Este (Darién, Comarca de San Blas) 4 Resto de la provincia de Colón Peru (country code = 33) Peru supports CRESTA codes. Peru also accepts department codes, which remap to CRESTA. Peru CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Zone 01 3.1 Z03.1:Lince 8.4 Z08.4:Huanuco 1.1 Z01.1:Ventanilla 3.2 Z03.2:San Isidro 8.5 Z08.5:Ucayali 1.2 Z01.2:Callao 3.3 Z03.3:Miraflores 8.6 Z08.6:Madre de Dios 1.3 Z01.3:Carmen de la Legua 4 Zone 04 8.7 Z08.7:Cuzco 1.4 Z01.4:Bellavista 4.1 Z04.1:El Agustino 8.8 Z08.8:Puno 1.5 Z01.5:La Perla 4.2 Z04.2:Ate 9 Z09.0:Ancash 1.6 Z01.6:La Punta 5 Z05.0:Barranco, Chorrillos, rest of Lima 10 Zone 10 2 Zone 02 6 Zone 06 10.1 Z10.1:Pasco 2.1 Z02.1:San Martin de Porras 6.1 Z06.1:Tumbes 10.2 Z10.2:Junin 2.2 Z02.2:Lima 6.2 Z06.2:Piura 10.3 Z10.3:Huancavelica AIR Client Confidential 150 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Peru CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 2.3 Z02.3:San Miguel 6.3 Z06.3:Lambayeque 10.4 Z10.4:Ayacucho 2.4 Z02.4:Magdalena del Mar 7 Zone 07 10.5 Z10.5:Apurimac 2.5 Z02.5:Jesus Maria 7.1 Z07.1:Cajamarca 11 Z11.0:Ica 2.6 Z02.6:Pueblo Libre 7.2 Z07.2:La Libertad 12 Zone 12 2.7 Z02.7:Brena 8 Zone 08 12.1 Z12.1:Arequipa 2.8 Z02.8:La Victoria 8.1 Z08.1:Loreto 12.2 Z12.2:Moquegua 2.9 Z02.9:San Luis 8.2 Z08.2:Amazonas 12.3 Z12.3:Tacna 3 Zone 03 8.3 Z08.3:San Martin Philippines (country code = 44) Philippines supports CRESTA codes. Philippines also accepts region codes, which remap to CRESTA. Philippines CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Zone 1 6 Zone 6 7.1 Aklan 8.3 Basilan 1.1 Abra 6.1 Albay 7.2 Antique 8.4 Bukidnon 1.2 Aurora 6.4 Bulacan 7.3 Biliran 8.5 Camiguin 1.3 Batanes 6.5 Camarines Norte 7.4 Bohol 8.6 Lanao del Norte 1.4 Benguet 6.6 Camarines Sur 7.5 Camotes 8.7 Lanao del Sur 1.5 Cagayan 6.7 Catanduanes 7.6 Capiz 8.8 Misamis Occidental 1.6 Ifuagao 6.8 Cavite 7.7 Cebu 8.9 Misamis Oriental 1.7 Ilocos Norte 6.9 Laguna 7.8 Eastern Samar 8.10 Surigao del Norte 1.8 Ilocos Sur 6.10 Marinduque 7.9 Guimaras 8.11 Surigao del Sur AIR Client Confidential 151 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Philippines CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1.9 Isabela 6.11 Masbate 7.10 Iloilo 8.12 Zamboanga del Norte 1.10 Kalinga 6.12 Nueva Ecija 7.11 Leyte 8.13 Zamboanga del Sur 1.11 La Union 6.13 Occidental Mindoro 7.12 Negros Occidental 9 Zone 9 1.12 Mountain 6.14 Oriental Mindoro 7.13 Negros Oriental 9.1 Davao del Norte 1.13 Quirino 6.15 Pampanga 7.14 Northern Samar 9.2 Davao Oriental 1.14 Pangasinan 6.16 Quezon 7.15 Palawan 9.3 Davao del Sur 2 Makati 6.17 Rizal 7.16 Siquijor 9.4 Maguindanao 3 Manila Bay Reclamation Area 6.18 Ramblon 7.17 Southern Leyte 9.5 North Cotabato 4 Santa Cruz/Binondo Area 6.19 Sorsogon 7.18 Western Samar 9.6 South Cotabato 5 Manila 6.20 Tarlac 8 Zone 8 9.7 Sultan Kudarat 6.2 Bataan 6.21 Zambales 8.1 Agusan del Norte 9.8 Sulu 6.3 Batangas 7 Zone 7 8.2 Agusan del Sur 9.9 Tawi-Tawi Poland (country code = 171) Poland supports CRESTA codes. Poland CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 01 Zone 01 26 Zone 26 51 Zone 51 76 Zone 76 02 Zone 02 27 Zone 27 52 Zone 52 77 Zone 77 03 Zone 03 28 Zone 28 53 Zone 53 78 Zone 78 04 Zone 04 29 Zone 29 54 Zone 54 80 Zone 80 AIR Client Confidential 152 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Poland CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 05 Zone 05 30 Zone 30 55 Zone 55 81 Zone 81 06 Zone 06 31 Zone 31 56 Zone 56 82 Zone 82 07 Zone 07 32 Zone 32 57 Zone 57 83 Zone 83 08 Zone 08 33 Zone 33 58 Zone 58 84 Zone 84 09 Zone 09 34 Zone 34 59 Zone 59 85 Zone 85 10 Zone 10 35 Zone 35 60 Zone 60 86 Zone 86 11 Zone 11 36 Zone 36 61 Zone 61 87 Zone 87 12 Zone 12 37 Zone 37 62 Zone 62 88 Zone 88 13 Zone 13 38 Zone 38 63 Zone 63 89 Zone 89 14 Zone 14 39 Zone 39 64 Zone 64 90 Zone 90 15 Zone 15 40 Zone 40 65 Zone 65 91 Zone 91 16 Zone 16 41 Zone 41 66 Zone 66 92 Zone 92 17 Zone 17 42 Zone 42 67 Zone 67 93 Zone 93 18 Zone 18 43 Zone 43 68 Zone 68 94 Zone 94 19 Zone 19 44 Zone 44 69 Zone 69 95 Zone 95 20 Zone 20 45 Zone 45 70 Zone 70 96 Zone 96 21 Zone 21 46 Zone 46 71 Zone 71 97 Zone 97 22 Zone 22 47 Zone 47 72 Zone 72 98 Zone 98 23 Zone 23 48 Zone 48 73 Zone 73 99 Zone 99 24 Zone 24 49 Zone 49 74 Zone 74 999 Zone 999 25 Zone 25 50 Zone 50 75 Zone 75 AIR Client Confidential 153 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Portugal (country code = 35) Portugal supports both area (District) and CRESTA codes. Area Codes Portugal District Codes Code District Code District Code District Code District 1 Aveiro 9 Guarda 42 Ilha de Sao Miguel 12 Portalegre 2 Beja 44 Ilha da Graciosa 49 Ilha do Corvo 13 Porto 3 Braga 31 Ilha da Madeira 47 Ilha do Faial 14 SantarTm 4 Braganta 48 Ilha das Flores 46 Ilha do Pico 15 Setubal 5 Castelo Branco 32 Ilha de Porto Santo 43 Ilha Terceira 16 Viana do Castelo 6 Coimbra 41 Ilha de Santa Maria 10 Leiria 17 Vila Real 7 Evora 45 Ilha de Sao Jorge 11 Lisboa 18 Viseu 8 Faro CRESTA Codes Portugal CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 10 Portugal – 10 30 Portugal – 30 50 Portugal – 50 80 Portugal – 80 11 Portugal – 11 31 Portugal – 31 51 Portugal – 51 81 Portugal – 81 12 Portugal – 12 32 Portugal – 32 52 Portugal – 52 82 Portugal – 82 13 Portugal – 13 33 Portugal – 33 53 Portugal – 53 83 Portugal – 83 14 Portugal – 14 33 Portugal – 33 54 Portugal – 54 84 Portugal – 84 AIR Client Confidential 154 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Portugal CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 15 Portugal – 15 34 Portugal – 34 60 Portugal – 60 85 Portugal – 85 16 Portugal – 16 35 Portugal – 35 61 Portugal – 61 86 Portugal – 86 17 Portugal – 17 36 Portugal – 36 62 Portugal – 62 87 Portugal – 87 18 Portugal – 18 37 Portugal – 37 63 Portugal – 63 88 Portugal – 88 19 Portugal – 19 38 Portugal – 38 64 Portugal – 64 89 Portugal – 89 20 Portugal – 20 40 Portugal – 40 70 Portugal – 70 90 Portugal – 90 21 Portugal – 21 41 Portugal – 41 71 Portugal – 71 91 Portugal – 91 22 Portugal – 22 42 Portugal – 42 72 Portugal – 72 92 Portugal – 92 23 Portugal – 23 43 Portugal – 43 73 Portugal – 73 93 Portugal – 93 24 Portugal – 24 44 Portugal – 44 74 Portugal – 74 94 Portugal – 94 25 Portugal – 25 45 Portugal – 45 75 Portugal – 75 95 Portugal – 95 26 Portugal – 26 46 Portugal – 46 76 Portugal – 76 96 Portugal – 96 27 Portugal – 27 47 Portugal – 47 77 Portugal – 77 97 Portugal – 97 28 Portugal – 28 48 Portugal – 48 78 Portugal – 78 98 Portugal – 98 29 Portugal – 29 49 Portugal – 49 79 Portugal – 79 99 Portugal – 99 AIR Client Confidential 155 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Puerto Rico (country code = 15) Puerto Rico supports both area (Municipal) and CRESTA codes. Area Codes Puerto Rico Municipal Codes Code Municipal Code Municipal Code Municipal Code Municipal 1 Adjuntas 41 Cidra 79 Lajas 117 Rincon 3 Aguada 43 Coamo 81 Lares 119 Rio Grande 5 Aguadilla 45 Comerio 83 Las Marias 121 Sabana Grande 7 Aguas Buenas 47 Corozal 85 Las Piedras 123 Salinas 9 Aibonito 49 Culebra 87 Loiza 125 San German 11 Anasco 51 Dorado 89 Luquillo 127 San Juan 13 Arecibo 53 Fajardo 91 Manati 129 San Lorenzo 15 Arroyo 54 Florida 93 Maricao 131 San Sebastian 17 Barceloneta 55 Guanica 95 Maunabo 133 Santa Isabel 19 Barranquitas 57 Guayama 97 Mayaguez 135 Toa Alta 21 Bayamon 59 Guayanilla 99 Moca 137 Toa Baja 23 Cabo Rojo 61 Guaynabo 101 Morovis 139 Trujillo Alto 25 Caguas 63 Gurabo 103 Naguabo 141 Utuado 27 Camuy 65 Hatillo 105 Naranjito 143 Vega Alta 29 Canovanas 67 Hormigueros 107 Orocovis 145 Vega Baja 31 Carolina 69 Humacao 109 Patillas 147 Vieques 33 Catano 71 Isabela 111 Penuelas 149 Villalba 35 Cayey 73 Jayuya 113 Ponce 151 Yabucoa AIR Client Confidential 156 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Puerto Rico Municipal Codes Code Municipal Code Municipal Code Municipal Code Municipal 37 Ceiba 75 Juana Diaz 115 Quebradillas 153 Yauco 39 Ciales 77 Juncos CRESTA Codes Puerto Rico CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Aguadilla 21 Fajardo 41 Maricao 60 Guayanilla 2 Isabela 22 Culebra 42 Adjuntas 61 Penuelas 3 Quebradillas 23 Rincon 43 Jayuya 62 Ponce 4 Camuy 24 Aguada 44 Orocovis 63 Villalba 5 Hatillo 25 Anasco 45 Barranquitas 64 Coamo 6 Arecibo 26 Moca 46 Comerio 65 Aibonito 7 Barceloneta 27 San Sebastian 47 Aguas Buenas 66 Cayey 8 Florida 28 Lares 48 Cidra 67 San Lorenzo 9 Manati 29 Utuado 49 Caguas 68 Yabucoa 10 Vega Baja 30 Ciales 50 Gurabo 69 Cabo Rojo 11 Vega Alta 31 Morovis 51 Juncos 70 Lajas 12 Dorado 32 Corozal 52 Las Piedras 71 Guanica 13 Toa Baja 33 Toa Alta 53 Naguabo 72 Juana Diaz 14 Catano 34 Naranjito 54 Humacao 73 Santa Isabel 15 Guaynabo 35 Bayamon 55 Vieques 74 Salinas 16 San Juan 36 Trujillo Alto 56 Hormigueros 75 Guayama AIR Client Confidential 157 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Puerto Rico CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 17 Carolina 37 Canovanas 57 San German 76 Arroyo 18 Loiza 38 Ceiba 58 Sabana Grande 77 Patillas 19 Rio Grande 39 Mayaguez 59 Yauco 78 Maunabo 20 Luquillo 40 Las Marias Romania (country code = 176) Romania supports CRESTA codes. Romania CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 01 Alba 12 Calarasi 22 Hunedoara 32 Satu Mare 02 Arad 13 Cluj 23 Ialomita 33 Sibiu 03 Arges 14 Constanta 24 Iasi 34 Suceava 04 Bacau 15 Covasna 25 Maramures 35 Teleorman 05 Bihor 16 Dambovita 26 Mehedinti 36 Timis 06 Bistrita-Nasaud 17 Dolj 27 Mures 37 Tulcea 07 Botosani 18 Galati 28 Neamt 38 Vaslui 08 Braila 19 Giurgiu 29 Olt 39 Valcea 09 Brasov 20 Gorj 30 Prahova 40 Vrancea 10 Buzau 21 Harghita 31 Salaj 41 Bucuresti 11 Caras-Severin AIR Client Confidential 158 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide St. Barts (country code = 244) St. Barts supports area (District) codes. St. Barts District Codes Code District 1 St. Barts St. Kitts and Nevis (country code = 180) St. Kitts and Nevis supports CRESTA codes. St. Kitts and Nevis CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description 100 St. Kitts 102 Rest of St. Kitts 101 Basseterre 200 Nevis St. Lucia (country code = 182) St. Lucia supports area (District) codes. St. Lucia District Codes Code District 1 St. Lucia AIR Client Confidential 159 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide St. Maarten (country code = 16) St. Maarten supports CRESTA codes. St. Maarten CRESTA Codes Code Description 6 St. Maarten St. Martin (country code = 17) St. Martin supports CRESTA codes. St. Martin CRESTA Codes Code Description 1 St. Martin St. Vincent and the Grenadines (country code = 184) St. Vincent and the Grenadines supports area (District) codes. St. Vincent and the Grenadines District Codes Code District 1 St. Vincent 2 The Grenadines AIR Client Confidential 160 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Slovakia (country code = 193) Slovakia supports CRESTA codes. Slovakia CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 01 Zone 01 07 Zone 07 84 Zone 84 94 Zone 94 02 Zone 02 08 Zone 08 85 Zone 85 95 Zone 95 03 Zone 03 09 Zone 09 90 Zone 90 96 Zone 96 04 Zone 04 81 Zone 81 91 Zone 91 97 Zone 97 05 Zone 05 82 Zone 82 92 Zone 92 98 Zone 98 06 Zone 06 83 Zone 83 93 Zone 93 99 Zone 99 Slovenia (country code = 195) Slovenia supports CRESTA codes. Slovenia CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 01 Zone 01 04 Zone 04 07 Zone 07 10 Zone 10 02 Zone 02 05 Zone 05 08 Zone 08 11 Zone 11 03 Zone 03 06 Zone 06 09 Zone 09 South Korea (country code = 50) South Korea supports CRESTA codes. South Korea also accepts province codes, which remap to CRESTA. South Korea CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Seoul 4 GangWon-do 7 Gyeingsangbuk-do 10 Jeollanam-do AIR Client Confidential 161 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide South Korea CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 2 Busan 5 Chungcheongnam-do 8 Gyeingsangnam-do 11 Jeju-do 3 GyeongGi-do 6 Chungcheongbuk-do 9 Jeollabuk-do Sweden (country code = 9) Sweden supports CRESTA codes. Sweden also accepts province codes, which remap to CRESTA. Sweden CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Stockholms län 9 Gotlands län 19 Västmanlands län 3 Uppsala län 10 Blekinge län 20 Dalarnas län 4 Södermanlands län 12 Skåne län 21 Gävleborgs län 5 Östergötlands län 13 Hallands län 22 Västernorrlands län 6 Jönköpings län 14 Västra Götalands län 23 Jämtlands län 7 Kronobergs län 17 Värmlands län 24 Västerbottens län 8 Kalmar län 18 Örebro län 25 Norrbottens län Switzerland (country code = 10) Switzerland supports CRESTA codes. Switzerland also accepts region codes, which remap to CRESTA. Switzerland CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Aargau 8 Genève 15 Obwalden 21 Thurgau 2 Appenzell A.Rh. 9 Glarus 16 Schaffhausen 22 Uri 3 Appenzell I.Rh. 10 Graubünden 17 Schwyz 23 Vaud AIR Client Confidential 162 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Switzerland CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 4 Basel-Land 11 Jura 18 Solothurn 24 Valais 5 Basel-Stadt 12 Luzern 19 St. Gallen 25 Zurich 6 Bern 13 Neuenburg 20 Ticino 26 Zug 7 Fribourg 14 Neuchâtel Taiwan (country code = 43) Taiwan supports CRESTA codes. Taiwan also accepts county codes, which remap to CRESTA. Taiwan CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 City of Tapei 4 Miaoli 7 Changhua 10 Kaohsiung, Pingtung 1.1 Rest of Taipei, Keelung 5 Taichung 8 Yuanlin 11 Hualien, Taitung 2 Taoyuan 6 Nantou 9 Chiai, Tainan, Penghu Islands 12 Ilan 3 Hsinchu AIR Client Confidential 163 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Trinidad and Tobago (country code = 42) Trinidad and Tobago supports both area (County) and CRESTA codes. Area Codes Trinidad and Tobago County Codes Code County Code County Code County 1 Caroni 4 St. Andrew 7 St. Patrick 2 Mayaro 5 St. David 9 Tobago 3 Nariva 6 St. George 8 Victoria CRESTA Codes Trinidad and Tobago CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 101 Greater Port of Spain 104 Tacarigua 200 Rest of Trinidad 102 Diego Martin 105 Arima 300 Tobago 103 St. Anns Turkey (country code = 38) Turkey supports area (Province) codes. Turkey Province Codes Code Province Code Province Code Province Code Province 1 Adana 17 Canakkale 35 Izmir 51 Nigde 2 Adiyaman 18 Cankiri 46 K. Maras 52 Ordu AIR Client Confidential 164 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Turkey Province Codes Code Province Code Province Code Province Code Province 3 Afyonkarahisar 19 Corum 78 Karabuk 80 Osmaniye 4 Agri 20 Denizli 70 Karaman 53 Rize 68 Aksaray 21 Diyarbakir 36 Kars 54 Sakarya 5 Amasya 81 Duzce 37 Kastamonu 55 Samsun 6 Ankara 22 Edirne 38 Kayseri 63 Sanliurfa 7 Antalya 23 Elazig 79 Kilis 56 Siirt 75 Ardahan 24 Erzincan 71 Kirikkale 57 Sinop 8 Artvin 25 Erzurum 39 Kirklareli 73 Sirnak 9 Aydin 26 Eskisehir 40 Kirsehir 58 Sivas 10 Balikesir 27 Gaziantep 41 Kocaeli 59 Tekirdag 74 Bartin 28 Giresun 42 Konya 60 Tokat 72 Batman 29 Gumushane 43 Kutahya 61 Trabzon 69 Bayburt 30 Hakkari 44 Malatya 62 Tunceli 11 Bilecik 31 Hatay 45 Manisa 64 Usak 12 Bingol 33 Icel 47 Mardin 65 Van 13 Bitlis 76 Igdir 48 Mugla 77 Yalova 14 Bolu 32 Isparta 49 Mus 66 Yozgat 15 Burdur 34 Istanbul 50 Nevsehir 67 Zonguldak 16 Bursa AIR Client Confidential 165 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Turks and Caicos Islands (country code = 214) Turks and Caicos Islands supports area (District) codes. Turks and Caicos Islands District Codes Code District 1 Caicos 2 Grand Turk Island 3 Salt Cay United Kingdom (country code = 11) United Kingdom supports both area (Postcode) and CRESTA codes. Area Codes United Kingdom Post Codes Code Postcode Area Code Postcode Area Code Postcode Area Code Postcode Area AB Aberdeen BT Northern Ireland PL Plymouth LD Llandrindod Wells BA Bath NR Norwich PO Portsmouth LL Llandudno B Birmingham NG Nottingham PR Preston E London E BB Blackburn OL Oldham RG Reading EC London EC FY Blackpool HS Outer Hebrides RH Redhill N London N BL Bolton OX Oxford RM Romford NW London NW BH Bournemouth PA Paisley SP Salisbury SE London SE BD Bradford PH Perth S Sheffield SW London SW BN Brighton DL Darlington SY Shrewsbury SR Sunderland AIR Client Confidential 166 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide United Kingdom Post Codes Code Postcode Area Code Postcode Area Code Postcode Area Code Postcode Area BS Bristol DA Dartford SL Slough SM Sutton BR Bromley DE Derby UB Southall SA Swansea CB Cambridge DN Doncaster SO Southampton SN Swindon CT Canterbury DT Dorchester SS Southend-on-Sea TA Taunton CF Cardiff DY Dudley AL St Albans TF Telford CA Carlisle DG Dumfries SG Stevenage TN Tonbridge IC Channel Islands (use Jersey) DD Dundee SK Stockport TQ Torquay CM Chelmsford DH Durham ST Stoke-on-Trent TR Truro CH Chester EH Edinburgh HU Hull TW Twickenham TS Cleveland EN Enfield IG Ilford WF Wakefield CO Colchester EX Exeter IV Inverness WS Walsall CV Coventry FK Falkirk IP Ipswich WA Warrington CW Crewe TD Galashiels IM Isle of Man WD Watford CR Croydon G Glasgow JE Jersey WN Wigan W London W GL Gloucester KA Kilmarnock WV Wolverhampton WC London WC GU Guildford KT Kingston upon Thames WR Worcester LU Luton GY Guernsey KY Kirkcaldy YO York M Manchester HX Halifax KW Kirkwall ME Medway HG Harrogate LA Lancaster MK Milton Keynes HA Harrow LS Leeds ML Motherwell HP Hemel Hempstead LE Leicester AIR Client Confidential 167 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide United Kingdom Post Codes Code Postcode Area Code Postcode Area Code Postcode Area NE Newcastle upon Tyne HR Hereford ZE Lerwick NP Newport HD Huddersfield LN Lincoln NN Northampton PE Peterborough L Liverpool Code Postcode Area CRESTA Codes United Kingdom CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description AB Aberdeen EC London EC LE Leicester SK Stockport AL St. Albans EH Edinburgh LL Llandudno SL Slough B Birmingham EN Enfield LN Lincoln SM Sutton BA Bath EX Exeter LS Leeds SN Swindon BB Blackburn FK Falkirk LU Luton SO Southampton BD Bradford FY Blackpool M Manchester SP Salisbury BH Bournemouth G Glasgow ME Medway SR Sunderland BL Bolton GL Gloucester MK Milton Keynes SS Southend-on-Sea BN Brighton GU Guildford ML Motherwell ST Stoke-on-Trent BR Bromley GY Guernsey N London N SW London SW BS Bristol HA Harrow NE Newcastle upon Tyne SY Shrewsbury BT Northern Ireland HD Huddersfield NG Nottingham TA Taunton CA Carlisle HG Harrogate NN Northampton TD Galashiels CB Cambridge HP Hemel Hempstead NP Newport TF Telford CF Cardiff HR Hereford NR Norwich TN Tonbridge AIR Client Confidential 168 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide United Kingdom CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description CH Chester HS Outer Hebrides NW London NW TQ Torquay CM Chelmsford HU Hull OL Oldham TR Truro CO Colchester HX Halifax OX Oxford TS Cleveland CR Croydon IC Channel Islands (use Jersey) PA Paisley TW Twickenham CT Canterbury IG Ilford PE Peterborough UB Southall CV Coventry IM Isle of Man PH Perth W London W CW Crewe IP Ipswich PL Plymouth WA Warrington DA Dartford IV Inverness PO Portsmouth WC London WC DD Dundee JE Jersey PR Preston WD Watford DE Derby KA Kilmarnock RG Reading WF Wakefield DG Dumfries KT Kingston upon Thames RH Redhill WN Wigan DH Durham KW Kirkwall RM Romford WR Worcester DL Darlington KY Kirkcaldy S Sheffield WS Walsall DN Doncaster L Liverpool SA Swansea WV Wolverhampton DT Dorchester LA Lancaster SE London SE YO York DY Dudley LD Llandrindod Wells SG Stevenage ZE Lerwick E London E AIR Client Confidential 169 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide U.S. States (country code = 1) United States supports area (State) codes. United States FIPS and State Codes FIPS Code State Abbrev. State Name FIPS Code State Abbrev. State Name FIPS Code State Abbrev. State Name 1 AL Alabama 23 ME Maine 42 PA Pennsylvania 2 AK Alaska 24 MD Maryland 44 RI Rhode Island 4 AZ Arizona 25 MA Massachusetts 45 SC South Carolina 5 AR Arkansas 26 MI Michigan 46 SD South Dakota 6 CA California 27 MN Minnesota 47 TN Tennessee 8 CO Colorado 28 MS Mississippi 48 TX Texas 9 CT Connecticut 29 MO Missouri 49 UT Utah 10 DE Delaware 30 MT Montana 50 VT Vermont 11 DC Dist. Columbia 31 NE Nebraska 51 VA Virginia 12 FL Florida 32 NV Nevada 53 WA Washington 13 GA Georgia 33 NH New Hampshire 54 WV West Virginia 15 HI Hawaii 34 NJ New Jersey 55 WI Wisconsin 16 ID Idaho 35 NM New Mexico 56 WY Wyoming 17 IL Illinois 36 NY New York 18 IN Indiana 37 NC North Carolina 19 IA Iowa 38 ND North Dakota 20 KS Kansas 39 OH Ohio 21 KY Kentucky 40 OK Oklahoma 22 LA Louisiana 41 OR Oregon AIR Client Confidential 170 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Venezuela (country code = 29) Venezuela supports CRESTA codes. Venezuela also accepts region codes, which remap to CRESTA. Venezuela CRESTA Codes Code Description Code Description Code Description 1 Caracas (Deep Silt) 8 Resto de Region Centro-N. 14 Resto de Region Zuliana 2 Caracas (Less Deep Silt) 9 Barquisimeto 15 Resto de Region de los L. 3 Caracas (Rocky Underground) 10 Resto de Region Centro-O. 16 Region Insular 4 Dpto. Vargas 11 San Cristobal 17 Region Nor-Oriental 5 Dptos. Guaicaipuro 12 Resto de Region de los A. 18 Ciudad Bolivar y Ciudad 6 Maracay 13 Maracaibo 19 Resto de Region Guayana 7 Valencia Virgin Islands (British) (country code = 121) Virgin Islands (British) supports area (District) codes. Virgin Islands (British) District Codes Code County Code County 1 Anegada 5 Peter Island 2 Cooper Island 6 Tortola 3 Great Camanoe 7 Virgin Gorda 4 Jost van Dyke AIR Client Confidential 171 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Virgin Islands (U.S.) (country code = 13) Virgin Islands (U.S.) supports area (District) codes. Virgin Islands (U.S.) District Codes Code District 10 St. Croix 20 St. John 30 St. Thomas AIR Client Confidential 172 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide E Subarea Codes Please contact your AIR representative for valid subarea codes. Currently supported codes are as presented below. Subarea Codes by Country Country Supported Subarea Codes Country Supported Subarea Codes Anguilla Not supported Jamaica Not supported Antigua & Barbuda Not supported Japan Ward (Ku) codes Aruba Not supported Latvia Municipalities Australia Not supported Lithuania Municipalities Austria Not supported Luxembourg Commune Bahamas Not supported Martinique Not supported Barbados Not supported Mexico County (municipo) codes Belgium Not supported Monaco Not supported Belize Not supported Montserrat Districts AIR Client Confidential 173 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Subarea Codes by Country Country Supported Subarea Codes Country Supported Subarea Codes Bermuda Not supported Netherlands Not supported Bulgaria Not supported Netherlands Antilles Not supported Canada 3-character FSA codes New Zealand 4-digit postal Cayman Islands Not supported Nicaragua Not supported Chile Municipio codes Norway Not supported China County codes Panama Not supported Colombia Municipio codes Peru Municipio codes Costa Rica Not supported Philippines Provinces Cuba Not supported Poland District municipalities Cyprus Municipality Portugal Not supported Czech-Republic Districts municipalities Puerto Rico Not supported Denmark Not supported Romania Municipality Dominica Not supported Slovakia Municipality Dominican Republic Not supported Slovenia Municipality El Salvador Not supported South Korea Districts Estonia Municipalities St. Barts Not supported Finland Regions municipalities St.Kitts & Nevis Not supported France Not supported St. Lucia Not supported Germany Districts (Kreise) St. Maarten Not supported Greece 2-digit postal codes St. Martin Not supported Grenada Not supported St. Vincent & The Grenadines Not supported Guadeloupe Not supported Sweden Not supported AIR Client Confidential 174 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Subarea Codes by Country Country Supported Subarea Codes Country Supported Subarea Codes Guatemala Not supported Switzerland Not supported Gulf of Mexico 2-character protraction codes Taiwan Districts Haiti Not supported Honduras Not supported Trinidad/Tobago Not supported Hong Kong Counties Turkey Not supported Hungary Municipality Turks & Caicos Islands Not supported India Districts United Kingdom 5-digit postal sectors Indonesia Districts United States FIPS county codes Ireland Not supported Venezuela Municipio codes Israel Not supported Virgin Islands (British) Not supported Italy Not supported Virgin Islands (U.S.) Not supported AIR Client Confidential 175 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide F Postal Delivery Areas Please contact your AIR representative for valid postal codes. Currently supported codes are presented below. Postal Codes by Country Country Supported Postal Codes Country Supported Postal Codes Anguilla Not supported Jamaica Not supported Antigua & Barbuda Not supported Japan 7-digit Yubin codes or 2-, 4- or 10-digit Sonpo codes Aruba Not supported Latvia 4-digit postcodes Australia 4-digit postcodes Lithuania 5-digit postcodes Austria 4-digit postcodes Luxembourg Not supported Bahamas Not supported Martinique Not supported Barbados Not supported Mexico 5-digit postcodes or locality codes AIR Client Confidential 176 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Postal Codes by Country 6 Country Supported Postal Codes Country Supported Postal Codes Belgium 4-digit postcodes Monaco (Modeled as part of France) Belize Not supported Montserrat Not supported Bermuda Parish postcodes Netherlands 4-digit postcodes Bulgaria 4-digit postcodes Netherlands Antilles Not supported Canada 3-character FSA or 6-character FSA/LDU codes New Zealand 4-digit postcodes or 6-digit area unit codes Cayman Islands District postcodes Nicaragua Not supported Chile Not supported Norway 4-digit postcodes China 6-digit postcodes Panama Not supported Colombia Not supported Peru Not supported Costa Rica Not supported Philippines 4-digit postcodes Cuba Not supported Poland 5-digit postcodes Cyprus 4-digit postcodes Portugal 4-digit postcodes Czech-Republic 5-digit postcodes Puerto Rico 5-digit ZIP Codes Denmark 4-digit postcodes Romania 6-digit postcodes Dominica Not supported Slovakia 5-digit postcodes Dominican Republic Not supported Slovenia 4-digit postcodes El Salvador Not supported South Korea 3-digit postcodes Estonia 5-digit postcodes St. Barts Not supported 6 China postcodes mapped to corresponding subarea for analysis. AIR Client Confidential 177 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Postal Codes by Country 7 Country Supported Postal Codes Country Supported Postal Codes Finland 5-digit postcodes St.Kitts & Nevis Not supported St. Lucia Not supported 7 France 5-digit postcodes Germany 5-digit postcodes St. Maarten Not supported Greece 5-digit postcodes St. Martin Not supported Grenada Not supported St. Vincent & The Grenadines Not supported Guadeloupe Not supported Sweden 5-digit postcodes Guatemala Not supported Switzerland 4-digit postcodes Gulf of Mexico 1-4 character block code Taiwan 3-digit postcodes Haiti Not supported Trinidad/Tobago Not supported Honduras Not supported Turkey 2-digit IL (province) code + 4-digit ILCE (district) code Hong Kong Not applicable Turks & Caicos Islands Not supported Hungary 4-digit postcodes United Kingdom Postcode units or Full 7-digit postcodes India 6-digit postcodes United States 5- or 9-digit ZIP Codes Indonesia 5-digit postcodes Venezuela Not supported Ireland Not supported Virgin Islands (British) Not supported Israel 5-digit postcodes Virgin Islands (U.S.) 5-digit ZIP Codes Italy 5-digit postcodes Monaco is modeled as part of France. AIR Client Confidential 178 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide G Coverages Supported coverages differ for onshore and offshore locations. The following table lists the values that map to coverages A-D for each type of location. AIR Client Confidential Coverage Type Onshore Locations Offshore Locations A Building or Site Physical Damage B Other Structures Removal of Debris C Building Contents Operator’s Extra Expense D Time Element Business Interruption 179 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide H Workers’ Compensation and Personal Accident Defaults Workers’ Compensation Table 3 lists the AIR default rates for the percentage of covered employees who will be at the location during the specified times. Occupancy rates also vary with the day of the week. The occupancy times are assumed for Monday through Saturday; occupancy rates for Sunday are assumed to be the same as the nighttime rates shown above. Holidays are handled like any other day. Table 3 Workers' Compensation Defaults Occupancy Category Night (PctNightShift) Day (PctDayShift) Commute (PctEveningShift) 7pm – 6:59am 9am - 4:59pm 7am – 8:59am, 5pm – 6:59pm Residential (Codes 301-310) 0.99 0.80 0.95 Commercial (Codes 311– 320) 0.02 0.98 0.50 AIR Client Confidential 180 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Occupancy Category Night (PctNightShift) Day (PctDayShift) Commute (PctEveningShift) 7pm – 6:59am 9am - 4:59pm 7am – 8:59am, 5pm – 6:59pm Industrial (Codes 321-330, 400-series codes) 0.10 0.80 0.50 Other (incl. Unknown) 0.98 0.50 0.02 Personal Accident Table 4 lists the AIR default rates for the percentage of covered employees who will be at the location during the specified times. Table 4 Personal Accident Compensation Defaults Occupancy Category AIR Client Confidential Morning (PctDayShift) Night (PctNightShift) 6am - 5:59pm 6pm – 5:59am Residential (Codes 301-310) 0.80 0.99 Commercial (Codes 311– 320) 0.98 0.02 Industrial (Codes 321-330, 400-series codes) 0.80 0.10 Other (incl. Unknown) 0.02 0.98 181 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide I Currency Codes This appendix identifies the currency codes for both modeled and non-modeled countries. Currencies used in countries modeled in Touchstone and CLASIC/2 are listed in bold text, as seen in Table 5. Note The United States is the only country modeled in CATStation. Table 5 Currency Codes for Modeled Countries Currency Codes - Modeled Countries Code Description Code Description Code Description ANG Netherlands Antillian Guilder HKD Hong Kong Dollar SEK Swedish Krona ARS Argentine Peso (older ARP also supported) HNL Honduran Lempira SIT Slovenia Tolar AUD Australian Dollar HTG Haitian Gourde SKK Slovak Koruna AIR Client Confidential 182 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Currency Codes - Modeled Countries Code Description Code Description Code Description AWG Aruban Florin HUF Hungary Forint SVC El Salvadoran Colon BBD Barbados Dollar IDR Indonesian Rupiah TRL Turkish Lira BGN Bulgarian Lev ILS Israeli New Shekel TRY New Turkish Lira BRL Brazilian Real (older BRR code for Cruzeiro Real also supported) INR Indian Rupee TTD Trinidad/Tobago Dollar BZD Belize Dollar JMD Jamaican Dollar TWD Taiwan Dollar CAD Canadian Dollar JPY Japanese Yen UF Unidad de Fomento CHF Swiss Franc KRW South Korean Won USD U.S. Dollar CLP Chilean Peso KYD Cayman Islands Dollar VEF Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte CNY Chinese Yuan LTL Lithuanian Litas XCD Eastern Caribbean Dollar COP Colombian Peso LVL Latvian Lats ZAR South African Rand CRC Costa Rican Colon MXN Mexican Peso (new) CUP Cuban Peso MXP Mexican Peso (old) CYP Cyprus Pound MXV Mexican Unidad de Inversion CZK Czech Koruna NIO Nicaraguan Cordoba DKK Danish Krone NOK Norwegian Kroner DOP Dominican Peso NZD New Zealand Dollar EEK Estonia Kroon PAB Panamanian Balboa ESS Ecuador Sucre PEN/ PSS Peruvian Nuevo Sol EUR Euro PHP Philippine Peso AIR Client Confidential 183 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Currency Codes - Modeled Countries Code Description Code Description GBP British Pound Sterling PLN Polish Zloty GTQ Guatemalan Quetzal RON Romanian New Leu Code Description Table 6 Currency Codes for Non-Modeled Countries Currency Codes – Non-Modeled Countries Code Description Code Description Code Description AFN Afghan Afghani KMF Comoro Franc SHP Saint Helena Pound ALL Albanian Lek KPW North Korean Won SLL Sierra Leonean Leone AMD Armenian Dram KWD Kuwaiti Dinar SOS Somali Shilling AOA Angolan Kwanza KZT Kazakhstani Tenge SRD Surinamese Dollar AZM Azerbaijani Manat (new) LAK Lao Kip STD Sao Tome and Principe Dobra AZN Azerbaijani Manat (old) LBP Lebanese Pound SYP Syrian Pound BAM Bosnia Convertible Marks LKR Sri Lankan Rupee SZL Swazi Lilangeni BDT Bangladeshi Taka LRD Liberian Dollar THB Thai Baht BHD Bahraini Dinar LSL Lesotho Loti TJS Tajikistani Somoni BIF Burundian Franc LYD Libyan Dinar TMM Turkmenistani Manat BMD Bermuda Dollar MAD Moroccan Dirham TND Tunisian Dinar BND Brunei Dollar MDL Moldovan Leu TOP Tongan Pa’anga BOB Boliviano MGA Malagasy Ariary TZS Tanzanian Shilling BOV Bolivian Mvdol MKD Macedonia Denar UAH Ukrainian Hryvnia AIR Client Confidential 184 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Currency Codes – Non-Modeled Countries Code Description Code Description Code Description BSD Bahamian Dollar MMK Myanmar (Burmese) Kyat UGX Uganda Shilling BTN Bhutan Ngultrum MNT Mongolian Tughrik UYU Uruguayan Peso BWP Botswana Pula MOP Macau Special Administrative Region Pataca UZS Uzbekistan Som BYR Belarusian Ruble MRO Mauritanian Ouguiya VND Vietnamese Dong CDF Congolais Franc MTL Maltese Lira VUV Vanuatu Vatu CVE Cape Verde Escudo MUR Mauritian Rupee WST Samoan Tala DJF Djiboutian Franc MVR Maldives Rufiyaa XAF CFA Franc BEAC DZD Algerian Dinar MWK Malawian Kwacha XOF CFA Franc BCEAO EGP Egyptian Pound MYR Malaysian Ringgit XPF CFP Franc ERN Eritrean Nakfa MZN Mozambican Metical YER Yemeni Rial ETB Ethiopian Birr NAD Namibian Dollar ZMK Zambian Kwacha FJD Fiji Dollar NGN Nigerian Naira ZWD Zimbabwean Dollar FKP Falkland Islands Pound NPR Nepalese Rupee GEL Georgian Lari OMR Omani Rial GHC Ghanaian Cedi PGK Papua New Guinean Kina GIP Gibraltar Pound PKR Pakistani Rupee GMD Gambian Dalasi PYG Paraguayan Guarani GNF Guinean Franc QAR Qatari Rial GYD Guyanese Dollar RSD Serbian Dinar HRK Croatian Kuna RUB Russian Ruble IQD Iraqi Dinar RWF Rwanda Franc AIR Client Confidential 185 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Currency Codes – Non-Modeled Countries Code Description Code Description IRR Iranian Rial SAR Saudi Riyal ISK Icelandic Krona SBD Solomon Islands Dollar JOD Jordanian Dinar SCR Seychelles Rupee KES Kenyan Shilling SDD Sudanese Dinar KGS Kyrgyzstan Som SDG Sudanese Pound KHR Cambodian Riel SGD Singapore Dollar AIR Client Confidential Code Description 186 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide J Perils Covered Codes United States United States Peril Codes 8 Code Description PAL All licensed perils PEA All earthquake perils PEF Fire (wildfire , fire following earthquake) PES Earthquake — shake only PFL Inland flood (U.S. Inland Flood model) 8 Wildfire sub-peril available for U.S. exposures only, by separate license. AIR Client Confidential 187 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide United States Peril Codes Code Description PSH Hurricane storm surge PSL Earthquake — sprinkler leakage only PTR Terrorism PWA All wind perils (tropical cyclone, severe storm and winter storm ) PWF All wind plus fire PWH Tropical cyclone only PWT 9 8 11 PWW PWX 11 10 Severe thunderstorm Winter storm 9 Severe storm (wind excluding tropical cyclone) Canada Canada Peril Codes Code Description PAL All licensed perils PEF Fire (fire following earthquake) PES Earthquake — shake only PWA All wind perils (tropical cyclone and severe storm) 8 9 Winter storm sub-peril valid for U.S. exposures only. Plate glass sub-peril available with U.S. Hurricane model, by separate license. 11 Code appears only in exports by peril. Use PWX to import these perils. 9 10 AIR Client Confidential 188 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Canada Peril Codes Code Description PWF All wind plus fire PWT 8 11 PWX AIR Client Confidential Severe thunderstorm 9 Severe storm (wind excluding tropical cyclone) 189 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Mexico Mexico Peril Codes Code Description PAL All licensed perils PES Earthquake — shake only PWH Tropical cyclone only Gulf of Mexico Gulf of Mexico Peril Codes Code Description PAL All licensed perils PWH Tropical cyclone only Caribbean Caribbean Peril Codes Code Description PAL All licensed perils PES Earthquake — shake only PPH Precipitation flood PWA All wind perils (tropical cyclone and severe storm) PWH Tropical cyclone only AIR Client Confidential 9 190 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Central and South America Central and South America Peril Codes Code Description PAL All licensed perils PES Earthquake — shake only PWH Extratropical cyclone only 12 China China Peril Codes 12 Code Description PAL All licensed perils PES Earthquake — shake only PPH Precipitation flood PWA All wind perils PWH Typhoon only 9 For this region, the PWH peril code contains explicit modelling for precipitation induced flood; however precipitation flood losses are included automatically in the Wind losses. AIR Client Confidential 191 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Europe Europe Peril Codes Code Description PAL All licensed perils PES Earthquake — shake only PFL Inland flood PSH U.K. coastal flood PWA All wind perils (tropical cyclone and severe storm) PWH Extratropical cyclone only 13 9 India Perils India Peril Codes 13 Code Description PPH Precipitation flood PWH Tropical cyclone only Inland flood peril available for Great Britain and Germany exposures only, by separate licenses. AIR Client Confidential 192 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Perils Japan Peril Codes Code Description PAL All licensed perils PEF Fire (fire following earthquake) PES Earthquake — shake only PPH Precipitation flood PTS Tsunami PWA All wind perils PWF All wind plus fire PWH Typhoon only Southeast Asia 14 Perils Southeast Asia Peril Codes 14 Code Description PAL All licensed perils PES Earthquake — shake only PWH Typhoon only Southeast Asia region includes Indonesia, Philippines, and Taiwan. AIR Client Confidential 193 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide South Korea Perils South Korea Peril Codes Code Description PAL All licensed perils PWH Typhoon only Australia Perils Australia Peril Codes Code Description PAL All licensed perils PEF Bushfire (Australia Bushfire Model) PES Earthquake — shake only PPH Precipitation flood PSH Hurricane storm surge PWH Tropical cyclone only New Zealand Perils New Zealand Peril Codes Code Description PAL All licensed perils PES Earthquake — shake only AIR Client Confidential 194 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide K Validation Rules for Unknown Construction/Occupancies Construction Code A Construction Code B Occupancy Code Result unknown unknown unknown Imports successfully, assigning “General Commercial” as the occupancy code. known unknown unknown Assigns Construction A to Construction B and imports successfully unknown known unknown Assigns Construction B to Construction A and imports successfully known known unknown Imports successfully unknown unknown known Imports successfully known unknown known Imports successfully unknown known known Imports successfully known known known Imports successfully AIR Client Confidential 195 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide L Construction Class Codes Construction class codes play an important role in helping determine the vulnerability of the risks (in the record) to the various perils. Support for construction classes varies by country as indicated in the table. Note See Appendix K on page 195 for import rules for unknown construction/unknown occupancy combinations. U.S. and Canada Construction Class Codes U.S. and Canada Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Unknown 100 Unknown Wood 101 Wood frame (modern) 102 Light wood frame 103 Masonry veneer AIR Client Confidential 196 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide U.S. and Canada Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class 104 Heavy timber 108 Masonry Concrete Steel 15 15 Hale construction (indigenous Hawaii) 111 Masonry 112 Adobe 113 Rubble stone masonry 114 Unreinforced masonry—bearing wall 115 Unreinforced masonry—bearing frame 116 Reinforced masonry 117 Reinforced masonry shear wall—with mrf 118 Reinforced masonry shear wall—without mrf 119 Joisted masonry 131 Reinforced concrete 132 Reinforced concrete shear wall—with mrf 133 Reinforced concrete shear wall—without mrf 134 Reinforced concrete mrf—ductile 135 Reinforced concrete mrf—non-ductile 136 Tilt-up 137 Pre-cast concrete 151 Steel Valid only for the Hawaii earthquake and tropical cyclone models AIR Client Confidential 197 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide U.S. and Canada Construction Class Codes Category Special Code Construction class 152 Light metal 153 Braced steel frame 154 Steel mrf—perimeter 155 Steel mrf—distributed 181 Long-span 16 Semi-wind resistive 16 Wind resistive 17 Unknown glass 17 Safety glass 17 187 Impact resistance glass 191 Mobile homes 192 Mobile homes — no tie down 193 Mobile homes — part tie down 182 183 185 186 Mobile Homes 194 Bridges Mobile homes — full tie down 18 Conventional — multiple span bridges 18 Conventional — continuous bridges 18 Major bridges 201 202 203 Not valid for the U.S. Earthquake model. Valid only for the plate glass module of the AIR U.S. Hurricane model; used in conjunction with occupancy code 306 or 311. 18 Not valid when peril is Severe Thunderstorms (PWX). 16 17 AIR Client Confidential 198 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide U.S. and Canada Construction Class Codes Category Pavements Code Railroads 19 Highways 19 Runways 19 Concrete dams 19 Earth fill dams 19 Alluvium tunnels 19 Rock tunnels 19 Cut and cover tunnels 19 Underground liquid tanks 19 Underground solid tanks 18 On ground liquid tanks 18 On ground solid tanks 18 Elevated liquid tanks 18 Elevated solid tanks 19 Underground pipelines 18 At-grade pipelines 18 Masonry chimneys 18 Concrete chimneys 18 Steel chimneys 204 205 206 Dams 211 212 Tunnels 213 214 215 Storage Tanks 221 222 223 224 225 226 Pipelines 227 228 Chimneys 231 232 233 19 Construction class 19 Not valid when peril is Hurricane (PWH) or Severe Thunderstorms (PWX). AIR Client Confidential 199 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide U.S. and Canada Construction Class Codes Category Towers Code Electrical transmission — conventional 18 Electrical transmission — major 18 Broadcast towers 18 Observation towers 18 Offshore towers 18 Residential equipment 18 Office equipment 18 Electrical equipment 18 Mechanical equipment 18 High-technology equipment 18 246 Trains, trucks, airplanes etc. 250 Railway Property 251 Pumping stations 252 Compressor stations 234 235 236 237 238 Equipment 241 242 243 244 245 Miscellaneous 18 Cranes 18 Conveyor systems 19 Canals 19 256 Earth retaining structures 257 Waterfront structures 258 Offshore structures 259 Transit Warehouse 260 Marine Hull 253 254 255 AIR Client Confidential Construction class 18 200 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide U.S. and Canada Construction Class Codes Category Code Automobiles Boats & Yachts Boats & Yachts (Marine Craft) Construction class 261 20 Automobiles 265 21 Pleasure boats and yachts 22 Pleasure boats and yachts – Power boats 22 Pleasure boats and yachts – Sail boats 266 267 Mexico Construction Class Codes Mexico Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Unknown 100 Unknown Wood 101 Wood frame (modern) Masonry 111 Masonry 112 Adobe 113 Rubble stone masonry 114 Unreinforced masonry—bearing wall 116 Reinforced masonry 120 Confined Masonry There is a Standard Auto damage function and an Auto Dealer damage function; use in conjunction with occupancy class 300 for Standard Auto, and use occupancy class 312 or 313 for Auto Dealer. For all other perils, use 261 in conjunction with occupancy class 300 and Height 0 (Unknown). 21 Only supported for U.S. Hurricane model and Australian Cyclone model. Supported for all occupancy types except 400 series; however, best practice is to use with occupancy class 354. Only supported for Coverage A. 20 AIR Client Confidential 201 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Mexico Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Concrete 131 Reinforced concrete 132 Reinforced concrete shear wall—with mrf 133 Reinforced concrete shear wall—without mrf 137 Pre-cast concrete 139 Reinforced concrete MRF 140 Reinforced concrete MRF w/ URM 151 Steel 152 Light metal 153 Braced steel frame 156 Steel MRF 157 Steel frame w/ URM 158 Steel frame w/ concrete shear wall Steel Mobile Homes Automobiles 22 191 261 Mobile homes 22 Automobiles When modeling Autos, AIR recommends using 261 in conjunction with occupancy class 300 and Height 0 (Unknown). AIR Client Confidential 202 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Gulf of Mexico Construction Class Codes Gulf of Mexico Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Offshore 800 Unknown 801 Caisson 802 Compliant Tower 803 Fixed Jacket Platform 804 Jackup 805 Mini Tension Leg Platform 806 Drill Rig 807 Semi-Submersible Floating Production System 808 Drill ship 809 SPAR Floating Production System 810 Submersible Production System 811 Underwater Production Units, Completion Units, and Templates 812 Tension Leg Platform 813 Well Protector Caribbean Construction Class Codes Caribbean Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Unknown 100 Unknown Wood 101 Wood frame (modern) 102 Light wood frame AIR Client Confidential 203 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Caribbean Construction Class Codes Category Masonry Code Construction class 103 Masonry veneer 104 Heavy timber 111 Masonry 112 Adobe 113 Rubble stone masonry 114 Unreinforced masonry—bearing wall 115 116 Concrete Unreinforced masonry—bearing frame 23 Reinforced masonry 117 Reinforced masonry shear wall—with mrf 118 Reinforced masonry shear wall—without mrf 119 Joisted masonry 120 Confined Masonry 131 Reinforced concrete 132 Reinforced concrete shear wall—with mrf 133 Reinforced concrete shear wall—without mrf 134 Reinforced concrete mrf—ductile 24 Not valid for Caribbean Earthquake model. To model bunker construction in the Caribbean Hurricane model, use the following Occupancy and Construction combinations: 302-131: For single-family residential homes. Use 306 for single-family homes of reinforced concrete that are not bunkers. 303-131: For apartment buildings that are bunkers. Use 306-131 for public housing or apartments that are not bunkers. 305-131: For public housing or government buildings that are bunkers. Use the regular government occupancy for non-bunker government buildings. 23 24 AIR Client Confidential 204 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Caribbean Construction Class Codes Category Steel Special Mobile Homes Code Construction class 135 Reinforced concrete mrf—non-ductile 136 Tilt-up 137 Pre-cast concrete 151 Steel 152 Light metal 153 Braced steel frame 154 Steel mrf—perimeter 155 Steel mrf—distributed 156 Steel MRF 158 Steel frame w/ concrete shear wall 181 Long-span 182 Semi-Wind Resistive 183 Wind-Resistive 191 Mobile homes 192 Mobile homes — no tie down 193 Mobile homes — part tie down 194 Automobiles 25 261 Mobile homes — full tie down 25 Automobiles When modeling Autos, AIR recommends using 261 in conjunction with occupancy class 300 and Height 0 (Unknown). AIR Client Confidential 205 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Central America Construction Class Codes Central America Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Unknown 100 Unknown Wood 101 Wood frame (modern) 102 Light wood frame 103 Masonry veneer 104 Heavy timber 111 Masonry 112 Adobe 113 Rubble stone masonry 114 Unreinforced masonry—bearing wall 115 Unreinforced masonry—bearing frame 116 Reinforced masonry 117 Reinforced masonry shear wall—with mrf 118 Reinforced masonry shear wall—without mrf 119 Joisted masonry 120 Confined Masonry 131 Reinforced concrete 132 Reinforced concrete shear wall—with mrf 133 Reinforced concrete shear wall—without mrf 134 Reinforced concrete mrf—ductile 135 Reinforced concrete mrf—non-ductile 136 Tilt-up Masonry Concrete AIR Client Confidential 206 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Central America Construction Class Codes Category Steel Special Mobile Homes Code Construction class 137 Pre-cast concrete 139 Reinforced concrete MRF 140 Reinforced concrete MRF w/ URM 151 Steel 152 Light metal 153 Braced steel frame 154 Steel mrf—perimeter 155 Steel mrf—distributed 156 Steel MRF 157 Steel frame w/URM 158 Steel frame w/ concrete shear wall 181 Long-span 182 Semi-Wind Resistive 183 Wind-Resistive 191 Mobile homes 192 Mobile homes — no tie down 193 Mobile homes — part tie down 194 Automobiles 26 261 Mobile homes — full tie down 26 Automobiles When modeling Autos, AIR recommends using 261 in conjunction with occupancy class 300 and Height 0 (Unknown). AIR Client Confidential 207 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide South America Construction Class Codes South America Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Unknown 100 Unknown Wood 101 Wood frame (modern) Masonry 111 Masonry 112 Adobe 113 Rubble stone masonry 114 Unreinforced masonry—bearing wall 116 Reinforced masonry 120 Confined Masonry 131 Reinforced concrete 132 Reinforced concrete shear wall—with mrf 133 Reinforced concrete shear wall—without mrf 137 Pre-cast concrete 139 Reinforced concrete MRF 140 Reinforced concrete MRF w/ URM 151 Steel 152 Light metal 153 Braced steel frame 156 Steel MRF 157 Steel frame w/URM 158 Steel frame w/ concrete shear wall 191 Mobile homes Concrete Steel Mobile Homes AIR Client Confidential 208 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide South America Construction Class Codes Category Automobiles Code 261 27 Construction class Automobiles Europe Construction Class Codes Europe Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Unknown 100 Unknown Wood 101 Wood frame (modern) 103 Masonry veneer 111 Masonry 112 Adobe 113 Rubble stone masonry 114 Unreinforced masonry—bearing wall 115 Unreinforced masonry—bearing frame 116 Reinforced masonry 117 Reinforced masonry shear wall—with mrf 118 Reinforced masonry shear wall—without mrf 131 Reinforced concrete 132 Reinforced concrete shear wall—with mrf Masonry Concrete 27 When modeling Autos, AIR recommends using 261 in conjunction with occupancy class 300 and Height 0 (Unknown). AIR Client Confidential 209 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Europe Construction Class Codes Category Steel Mobile Homes AIR Client Confidential Code Construction class 133 Reinforced concrete shear wall—without mrf 134 Reinforced concrete mrf—ductile 135 Reinforced concrete mrf—non-ductile 136 Tilt-up 137 Pre-cast concrete 138 Pre-cast Concrete with Shear Wall 139 Reinforced concrete MRF 140 Reinforced concrete MRF w/ URM 151 Steel 152 Light metal 153 Braced steel frame 154 Steel mrf—perimeter 155 Steel mrf—distributed 156 Steel MRF 157 Steel frame w/ URM 158 Steel frame w/ concrete shear wall 191 Mobile Homes 192 Mobile homes no tie down 193 Mobile homes part tie down 210 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Europe Construction Class Codes Category Automobiles Code Construction class 194 Mobile homes full tie down 261 28 Automobiles India Construction Class Codes India Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Unknown 100 Unknown Wood 101 Wood frame (modern) Masonry 111 Masonry 112 Adobe 113 Rubble stone masonry 114 Unreinforced masonry—bearing wall 120 Confined Masonry 131 Reinforced concrete 132 Reinforced concrete shear wall—with mrf 133 Reinforced concrete shear wall—without mrf 139 Reinforced concrete MRF 140 Reinforced concrete MRF w/ URM Concrete 28 When modeling Autos, AIR recommends using 261 in conjunction with occupancy class 300 and Height 0 (Unknown). AIR Client Confidential 211 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide India Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Steel 151 Steel 152 Light Metal 153 Braced steel frame 156 Steel MRF 157 Steel frame w/ URM 158 Automobiles 261 Steel frame w/ concrete shear wall 29 Automobiles Japan Construction Class Codes Japan Construction Class Codes Category Code Unknown 100 30 Wood 101 Wood frame (modern) Masonry 111 Masonry 114 Unreinforced masonry – bearing wall 116 Reinforced masonry 131 Reinforced concrete 132 Reinforced concrete shear wall—with mrf Concrete 29 30 Construction class Unknown When modeling Autos, AIR recommends using 261 in conjunction with occupancy class 300 and Height 0 (Unknown). Use in conjunction with occupancy class 381. AIR Client Confidential 212 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Construction Class Codes Category Steel Composite AIR Client Confidential Code Construction class 133 Reinforced concrete shear wall—without mrf 137 Pre-cast concrete 138 Pre-cast concrete w/ shear wall 139 Reinforced concrete MRF 151 Steel 152 Light metal 153 Braced steel frame 156 Steel MRF 158 Steel frame w/ concrete shear wall 159 Steel reinforced concrete 160 Steel long span 161 M: Fire-resistant reinforced concrete apartments and masonry dwellings 162 T: Fire-resistant non-apartment dwellings including reinforced concrete, masonry, and steel 163 H: Other Residential Dwellings (buildings other than M, T) 164 1: Fire-resistant reinforced concrete and masonry buildings 165 2: Semi-fire-resistant and steel buildings 166 3: Other Commercial Dwellings (buildings other than 1, 2) 171 A: Reinforced Concrete, Steel with Fire Insulation Dwellings 172 B: General Steel Dwellings 173 C: Wood Frame with Fire Insulation Dwellings 174 D: Other than A, B, C; or General Wood Dwellings 213 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class 175 SP: Reinforced Concrete Buildings 176 1: Steel with Fire Insulation Buildings 177 2: General Steel Buildings 178 3: Wood Frame with Fire Insulation Buildings 179 4: Other than SP, 1, 2, 3; or General Wood Frame 245 Miscellaneous High-technology equipment 246 31 Trains, Trucks, Airplanes 247 32 Thermal Power Plant 250 33 Railway Property 257 Automobiles Marine Cargo Waterfront structures 259 34 Transit Warehouse 260 35 Marine Hull 261 36 Automobiles 270 37 Carpool 37 General and Containerized Cargo 271 Use in conjunction with occupancy class 353, 355 and 356. Use in conjunction with occupancy class 384. 33 Use in conjunction with occupancy class 352. 34 Use in conjunction with any of the following occupancy classes: 300, 313, 322-325, or 327. 35 Valid for the Japan Earthquake Model only; will return zero losses if used with the Japan Typhoon Model. Use in conjunction with occupancy class 314, 354 or 381. 36 When modeling Autos, AIR recommends using 261 in conjunction with occupancy class 300 and Height 0 (Unknown). Not supported for Fire Following (PEF). 37 Use in conjunction with occupancy class 354. 280-286 and 290-296 are the combustible and noncombustible equivalent versions of 270-276. 31 32 AIR Client Confidential 214 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Construction Class Codes Category Code Heavy Cargo 37 Refrigerated Cargo 37 Dry Bulk Cargo 37 Liquid Bulk Cargo 37 General/Unknown (Japan EQ and Typhoon) 37 Combustible: Carpool 37 Combustible: General and Containerized Cargo 37 Combustible: Heavy Cargo 37 Combustible: Refrigerated Cargo 37 Combustible: Dry Bulk Cargo 37 Combustible: Liquid Bulk Cargo 37 Unknown: Combustible (Japan EQ) 37 Non-Combustible: Carpool 37 Non-Combustible: General and Containerized Cargo 37 Non-Combustible: Heavy Cargo 37 Non–Combustible: Refrigerated Cargo 37 Non-Combustible: Dry Bulk Cargo 37 Non–Combustible: Liquid Bulk Cargo 37 Unknown: Non-Combustible (Japan EQ) 272 273 274 275 276 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 AIR Client Confidential Construction class 37 215 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide China Construction Class Codes China Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Unknown 100 Unknown Wood 101 Wood frame (modern) Masonry 111 Masonry 112 Adobe 113 Rubble stone masonry 114 Unreinforced masonry—bearing wall 120 Confined Masonry 131 Reinforced concrete 132 Reinforced concrete shear wall—with mrf 133 Reinforced concrete shear wall—without mrf 139 Reinforced concrete MRF 140 Reinforced concrete MRF w/ URM 151 Steel 153 Braced steel frame 156 Steel MRF 157 Steel frame w/ URM 158 Steel frame w/ concrete shear wall Concrete Steel AIR Client Confidential 216 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide China Construction Class Codes Category Automobiles Code 261 38 Construction class Automobiles Southeast Asia 39 Construction Codes Southeast Asia Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Unknown 100 Unknown Wood 101 Wood frame (modern) Masonry 111 Masonry 112 Adobe 113 Rubble stone masonry 114 Unreinforced masonry—bearing wall 116 Reinforced masonry 120 Confined masonry 131 Reinforced concrete 132 Reinforced concrete shear wall—with mrf 133 Reinforced concrete shear wall—without mrf 134 Reinforced concrete mrf—ductile 137 Pre-cast concrete Concrete 38 39 When modeling Autos, AIR recommends using 261 in conjunction with occupancy class 300 and Height 0 (Unknown). Southeast Asia region includes Indonesia, Philippines, and Taiwan. AIR Client Confidential 217 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Southeast Asia Construction Class Codes Category Steel Code Construction class 138 Pre-cast concrete with shear wall 139 Reinforced concrete MRF 140 Reinforced concrete MRF w/ URM 151 Steel 152 Light metal 153 Braced steel frame 154 Steel mrf—perimeter 156 Steel MRF 157 Steel frame w/ URM 158 Steel frame w/ concrete shear wall 159 Automobiles 261 Steel reinforced concrete 40 Automobiles South Korea Construction Codes South Korea Construction Class Codes 40 Category Code Construction class Unknown 100 Unknown Wood 101 Wood frame (modern) When modeling Autos, AIR recommends using 261 in conjunction with occupancy class 300 and Height 0 (Unknown). AIR Client Confidential 218 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide South Korea Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Masonry 111 Masonry 112 Adobe 113 Rubble stone masonry 114 Unreinforced masonry—bearing wall 116 Reinforced masonry 120 Confined Masonry 131 Reinforced concrete 132 Reinforced concrete shear wall—with mrf 133 Reinforced concrete shear wall—without mrf 137 Pre-cast concrete 138 Pre-cast concrete w/ shear wall 139 Reinforced concrete MRF 140 Reinforced concrete MRF w/ URM 151 Steel 152 Light metal 153 Braced steel frame 156 Steel MRF 157 Steel frame w/ URM 158 Steel frame w/ concrete shear wall Concrete Steel AIR Client Confidential 219 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide South Korea Construction Class Codes Category Automobiles 41 Code Construction class 159 Steel reinforced concrete 261 41 Automobiles When modeling Autos, AIR recommends using 261 in conjunction with occupancy class 300 and Height 0 (Unknown). AIR Client Confidential 220 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Australia/New Zealand Construction Codes Australia/New Zealand Construction Class Codes Category Code Construction class Unknown 100 Unknown Wood 101 Wood frame (modern) 102 Light wood frame 103 Masonry veneer 104 Heavy timber 107 Lightweight cladding 111 Masonry 112 Adobe 113 Rubble stone masonry 114 Unreinforced masonry—bearing wall 115 Unreinforced masonry—bearing frame 116 Reinforced masonry 117 Reinforced masonry shear wall—with MRF 118 Reinforced masonry shear wall—without MRF 119 Joisted masonry 120 Confined masonry 121 Cavity double brick (not supported in New Zealand) 131 Reinforced concrete 132 Reinforced concrete shear wall—with MRF 133 Reinforced concrete shear wall—without MRF 134 Reinforced concrete MRF —ductile Masonry Concrete AIR Client Confidential 221 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Australia/New Zealand Construction Class Codes Category Steel Special Mobile Homes AIR Client Confidential Code Construction class 135 Reinforced concrete MRF — non-ductile 136 Tilt-up 137 Pre-cast concrete 138 Pre-cast concrete with shear wall 139 Reinforced concrete - MRF 140 Reinforced concrete MRF w/ URM 151 Steel 152 Light metal 153 Braced steel frame 154 Steel MRF —perimeter 155 Steel MRF —distributed 156 Steel MRF 157 Steel frame w/ URM 158 Steel frame w/ concrete shear wall 159 Steel reinforced concrete 181 Long-span 182 Semi-wind resistive 183 Wind resistive 191 Mobile homes 192 Mobile home with no tie-downs 193 Mobile home with partial tie-downs 194 Mobile home with full tie-downs 222 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Australia/New Zealand Construction Class Codes Category Automobiles Boats & Yachts (Marine Craft) Code Construction class 261 42 Automobiles 265 43 Pleasure boats and yachts 43 Pleasure boats and yachts – Power boats 49 Pleasure boats and yachts – Sail boats 266 267 When modeling Autos in CLASIC/2 and Touchstone, AIR recommends using 261 in conjunction with occupancy class 300 and Height 0 (Unknown). Not supported for Fire Following (PEF). Only supported for Australian Cyclone model and U.S. Hurricane model. Supported for all occupancy types except 400 series; however, best practice is to use with occupancy class 354. Only supported for Coverage A. 42 43 AIR Client Confidential 223 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide M Construction Class Descriptions This appendix describes the AIR codes used to define the type construction in the risks reported in a record. Codes are separated into sections based on the following classes: • • • • • • • • • • • Unknown Construction (code 100) Wood Construction (codes 101-104, 107-108) Masonry Construction (codes 111-121) Concrete Construction (codes 131-140) Steel Construction (codes 151-160) Japan Composite Construction (codes 161-179) Special Construction (codes 181-187) Mobile Home Construction (codes 191-194) Bridge Construction (codes 201-203) Pavement Construction (codes 204-206) Dam Construction (codes 211-212) AIR Client Confidential • • • • • • • • • • • Tunnel Construction (codes 213-215) Storage Tank Construction (codes 221-226) Pipeline Construction (codes 227-228) Chimney Construction (codes 231-233) Tower Construction (codes 234-238) Equipment Construction (codes 241-247) Miscellaneous Construction (codes 250-260) Automobile Construction (code 261) Marine Craft Construction (codes 265-267) Marine Cargo Construction (codes 270-296) Offshore Asset Construction (codes 800-813) 224 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Unknown Construction Unknown Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 100 Unknown The construction class is not known. If the construction and occupancy codes for a location are both Unknown, CLASIC/2, Touchstone, and CATStation will assign the occupancy code General Commercial. Wood Construction Wood Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 101 Wood Frame (Modern) Wood frame (modern) structures tend to be mostly low rise (one to three stories, occasionally four). Stud walls are typically constructed of 2x4 or 2x6 inch wood members vertically set 16 or 24 inches apart. These walls are braced by plywood or by diagonals made of wood or steel. Many detached single and low-rise multiple family residences in the United States are of stud wall wood frame construction. 102 Light Wood Frame Light wood frame structures are typically not built in the United States but would be found in other countries such as Japan. In Hawaii, this classification would include single wall (studless) construction framed with light timber trusses. 103 Masonry Veneer A wood-framed structure faced with a single width of non-load-bearing concrete, stone or clay brick attached to the stud wall. 104 Heavy Timber Heavy Timber structures typically have masonry walls with heavy wood column supports, and floor and roof decks are 2-3 inch tongue-and-groove planks. 107 Lightweight Cladding Non-structural cladding and linings (e.g., fiber cement, plywood) used in lightweight construction that uses timber or light gauge steel framing as the structural support system. Currently supported only for locations in Australia and New Zealand. 108 Hale construction Indigenous Hawaiian construction. Supported only for the AIR earthquake and tropical cyclone models for Hawaii. AIR Client Confidential 225 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Masonry Construction Masonry Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 111 Masonry Use this option when the exterior walls are constructed of masonry materials, but detailed construction information is unavailable or unknown. 112 Adobe Adobe construction uses adobe (clay) blocks with cement or cement-clay mixture as mortar. The roof consists of a timber frame with clay tiles, or in some cases metal roofing. 113 Rubble Stone Masonry Rubble stone masonry consists of low-rise perimeter load bearing walls composed of irregular stones laid as coursed or uncoursed rubble in a cement mortar bed, with floor and roof joists constructed with wood framing. 114 Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Wall Unreinforced masonry buildings consist of structures in which there is no steel reinforcing within a load bearing masonry wall. Floors, roofs, and internal partitions in these bearing wall buildings are usually of wood. 115 Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Frame Unreinforced masonry is used for infill walls of buildings with a bearing frame. In this structure type, the masonry is intended to be used not to support gravity loads, but to assist with lateral loads. 116 Reinforced Masonry Reinforced masonry construction consists of load bearing walls of reinforced brick or concrete-block masonry. Floor and roof joists constructed with wood framing are common. 117 Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall (with MRF) Reinforced masonry construction consists of load bearing walls of reinforced brick or concrete-block masonry. Reinforced masonry buildings with “Moment Resisting Frames” carry lateral loads by bending. “Shear Walls” are continuous reinforced brick, or reinforced hollow concrete block walls extending from the foundation to the roof and can be exterior walls or interior walls. 118 Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall (without MRF) Reinforced masonry construction consists of load bearing walls of reinforced brick or concrete-block masonry. “Shear Walls” are continuous reinforced brick, or reinforced hollow concrete block walls extending from the foundation to the roof and can be exterior walls or interior walls. 119 Joisted Masonry Masonry exterior walls with roof of combustible materials on non-combustible supports. 120 Confined Masonry Confined masonry is a construction system in which plain masonry walls are confined on all four sides by reinforced concrete or reinforced masonry members. The walls themselves, however, carry all of the gravity and lateral loads. Currently supported only for locations in Australia, the Caribbean, Central America, China, Mexico, New Zealand, South America, South Korea, and Taiwan. AIR Client Confidential 226 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Masonry Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 121 Cavity Double Brick An unreinforced masonry construction type composed of two layers of bricks, common in many cities in Australia. Currently supported only for locations in Australia. Concrete Construction Concrete Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 131 Reinforced Concrete Reinforced concrete buildings consist of reinforced concrete columns and beams. Use this if the other technical characteristics of the building are unknown. 132 Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall (With MRF) Building constructed with reinforced concrete columns and beams, as well as reinforced concrete floor and roof. “Moment Resisting Frames” carry lateral loads by bending. “Shear Walls” are continuous reinforced concrete extending from the foundation to the roof and can be exterior walls or interior walls. 133 Reinforced Concrete Building constructed with reinforced concrete columns and beams, as well as reinforced concrete Shear Wall (Without MRF) floor and roof. Reinforced concrete Shear Walls are continuous reinforced concrete, extending from the foundation to the roof and can be exterior walls or interior walls. This category typically consists of buildings, with a concrete box structural system with shear walls. The entire structure, along with the usual concrete diaphragm, is typically cast in place. 134 Reinforced Concrete MRF – Ductile Buildings constructed with reinforced concrete columns, beams, and slabs. Moment Resisting Frames carry lateral loads due to earthquakes by bending. This kind of structural system can sustain large deformations, and absorb energy without brittle failure. 135 Reinforced Concrete MRF – Non-Ductile Buildings constructed with reinforced concrete columns, beams, and slabs. Moment Resisting Frames carry lateral loads due to earthquakes by bending. These structures have insufficient reinforcing steel embedded in the concrete and thus display low ductility. 136 Tilt-Up Tilt-up buildings are constructed with reinforced concrete wall panels that are cast on the ground and then tilted upward into their final positions. These wall units are then anchored to the foundation and attached to each other. The roof and floor decks are typically wood. More recently, the wall panels are fabricated off-site and trucked in. These buildings tend to be one or two stories in height. AIR Client Confidential 227 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Concrete Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 137 Pre-cast Concrete The pre-cast frame is essentially a post and beam system in concrete in which columns, beams and slabs are prefabricated and assembled on site. 138 Pre-cast Concrete with Shear Wall The pre-cast frame is essentially a post and beam system in concrete in which columns, beams and slabs are prefabricated and assembled on site. Lateral loads due to earthquakes are carried by castin-place concrete “shear” walls. Currently supported only for locations in Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, and Taiwan. 139 Reinforced Concrete MRF A building constructed with reinforced concrete columns, beams, and slabs. “Moment-resisting frames” carry lateral loads due to earthquakes by bending. Information on the reinforcing steels is not sufficient to determine the building’s level of ductility. Currently supported only for locations in China, Japan and Southeast Asia. 140 Reinforced Concrete MRF with URM Reinforced concrete columns and beams form “moment-resisting frames” to carry lateral loads due to earthquakes. Unreinforced masonry walls are used as infills between the columns to add lateral load resistance, but are not intended to serve as gravity load-bearing elements. Currently supported only for locations in China, Japan and Southeast Asia. Steel Construction Steel Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 151 Steel Steel frame buildings consist of steel columns and beams. Use this if the other technical characteristics of the building are unknown. 152 Light Metal Light metal buildings are made of light gauge steel frame and are usually clad with lightweight metal or asbestos siding and roof, often corrugated. They typically are low-rise structures. 153 Braced Steel Frame Buildings constructed with steel columns and beams that are braced with diagonal steel members to resist lateral forces. AIR Client Confidential 228 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Steel Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 154 Steel MRF – Perimeter Buildings constructed with steel columns and beams that use only the frame members on the periphery of the structure to carry lateral loads. The internal beams and columns only carry the gravity load to the foundation. 155 Steel MRF – Distributed Buildings constructed with steel columns and beams to carry lateral loads distributed throughout the building. The diaphragms are usually concrete, sometimes over steel decking. This structural type is seldom used for low-rise buildings. 156 Steel MRF Steel MRF buildings consist of structural steel columns and beams. Lateral loads due to earthquakes are carried by the “moment-resisting frames,” but the locations of the moment-resisting frames in the building are unknown. Currently supported only for locations in Central America, China, Japan and Southeast Asia. 157 Steel Frame with URM Structural steel columns and beams form “moment-resisting frames” to carry lateral loads due to earthquakes. Unreinforced masonry walls are used as infills between the columns to add lateral load resistance, but are not intended to serve as vertical load-bearing elements. Sometimes the steel frames are completely hidden in the masonry walls. Currently supported only for locations in Central America, China, Japan and Southeast Asia. 158 Steel Frame with Concrete Structural steel columns and beams form exterior frames, but the joints are not designed for moment resistance. Lateral loads due to earthquakes are carried by reinforced concrete “shear” walls. The Shear Wall concrete walls are continuous from the foundation to the roof. Currently supported only for locations in Central America, China, Japan and Southeast Asia. 159 Steel Reinforced Concrete Structural steel sections (beams and columns) are encased in reinforced concrete. The encased structural steel columns are sometimes discontinued in the upper portions of the buildings, making the columns in the upper floor regular reinforced concrete columns. Currently supported only for locations in Australia, Japan, New Zealand and Southeast Asia. AIR Client Confidential 229 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Steel Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 160 Steel Long Span Steel long-span buildings create unobstructed, column-free spaces greater than 100 feet for a variety of activities or functions. These include activities where visibility is important for large audiences (e.g. auditoriums and covered stadiums), where flexibility is important (e.g. exhibition halls and certain types of manufacturing facilities), and where large movable objects are housed. Two-hinge (made of a single member hinged at each end) and three-hinge (made of two members hinged at each end and at the meeting point at the crown) trussed arches are widely used. Currently supported only for locations in Japan. Japan Composite Construction Japan Composite Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 161 M: Fire-resistant reinforced concrete apartments and masonry dwellings New residential fire code; concrete, concrete block, masonry, stone, fire-resistant dwellings. T: Fire-resistant nonapartment dwellings including reinforced concrete, masonry, and steel New residential fire code; steel, semi-fire-resistant. 162 163 H: Other Residential Dwellings (buildings other than M, T) Currently supported only for locations in Japan. Currently supported only for locations in Japan. New residential fire code; other dwellings. Currently supported only for locations in Japan. 164 1: Fire-resistant reinforced New commercial fire code; concrete, concrete block, masonry, stone, fire-resistant dwellings. concrete and masonry Currently supported only for locations in Japan. buildings 165 2: Semi-fire-resistant and steel buildings AIR Client Confidential New commercial fire code; steel, semi-fire-resistant. Currently supported only for locations in Japan. 230 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Composite Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 166 3: Other Commercial Dwellings (buildings other than 1, 2) New commercial fire code; other dwellings. 171 A: Reinforced Concrete, Steel with Fire Insulation Dwellings Main structure (column, beam, and floor) is constructed of concrete or steel covered with noncombustible material. Roof and external walls are built using nonflammable material. 172 B: General Steel Dwellings (1) External walls consist of any one of the following: concrete, concrete material, brick or stone masonry. Currently supported only for locations in Japan. (2) Steel structure with external walls of nonflammable material or covered with noncombustible material. 173 C: Wood Frame with Fire Insulation Dwellings (1) Wood frame with external walls of any of the following: cement or mortar plating, stone pitching or tile hinging. (2) Steel structure that does not come under Class B . Excluding building with external walls of boarding and/or synthetic resin hanging and/or cloth hanging. 174 D: Other than A, B, C; or General Wood Dwellings Building other than Class A, B, and C. 175 SP: Reinforced Concrete Buildings Main structure (column, beam, and floor) is constructed of concrete and all external walls are of any one of the following: concrete, concrete material, brick, or stone masonry. 176 1: Steel with Fire Insulation Buildings (1) Main structure (column, beam, and floor) is constructed of concrete, or steel covered with noncombustible material. Roof and external walls are built using nonflammable material. (2) Main structure (column, beam, and floor) is constructed of wood and/or steel covered with noncombustible material. Roof and external walls are built of or covered by nonflammable and/or semi-nonflammable material. Column, beam, floor and external walls are to be resistant against the heat under normal fire conditions for at least 1 hour. AIR Client Confidential 231 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Composite Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 177 2: General Steel Buildings (1) External walls consist of any one of the following: concrete / concrete block / brick / stone masonry. (2) Steel structure with external walls of nonflammable and/or semi-nonflammable material or covered with noncombustible material. (3) Main structure (column, beam, and floor) is constructed of wood and/or steel covered with noncombustible material. Roof and external walls consist of or are covered by nonflammable and/or semi-nonflammable materials. Column, beam, floor and external walls to be resistant against the heat under normal fire conditions for at least 45 minutes. 178 3: Wood Frame with Fire Insulation Buildings (1) Wood frame (and not applicable to Class 1 or 2) with external walls of nonflammable and/or seminonflammable material or covered with noncombustible material. (2) Steel structure that does not come under Class 1 or 2. Excluding building with external walls of boarding and/or synthetic resin hanging and/or cloth hanging. 179 4: Other than SP, 1, 2, 3; or General Wood Frame Buildings other than Class SP, 1, 2, and 3. Special Construction Special Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 181 Long Span Building constructed with steel frame and metal siding and roof of wood or other combustible material. Typically gymnasiums or auditoriums. 182 Semi-Wind Resistive A building for which a licensed engineer does not design the structure, but an attempt is made to build in accordance with an accepted wind building code; code compliance is not assured. Some engineering input may have occurred. Most of the details in a wind resistive structure are found in a semi-wind resistive structure, but not all components are wind resistive. This construction type is currently not valid for the U.S. Earthquake model. AIR Client Confidential 232 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Special Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 183 Wind Resistive A structure that was designed by a licensed engineer to comply with the wind code. Characterized by the presence of properly sized wind-resistant connectors, adequate bracing, and a continuous load path from the roof to the foundation (i.e., the roof is tied to the walls, the floors are attached to each other, and the walls are tied to the foundation). This construction type is currently not valid for the U.S. Earthquake model. 185 Unknown glass Use this construction code for the U.S. Hurricane plate glass module when the type of glass is unknown. This construction type is valid only for the plate glass module of the U.S. Hurricane model; use only in conjunction with occupancy code 306 or 311. 186 Safety glass Safety glass includes fully tempered and laminated glass. Fully tempered glass is created by heating common annealed glass uniformly to make a high-strengthened glass. Laminated glass is made by sandwiching a plastic sheet between two glass panels, which prevents shattering and helps maintains the integrity of the building envelop even after its breakage. This construction type is valid only for the plate glass module of the U.S. Hurricane model; use only in conjunction with occupancy code 306 or 311. 187 Impact resistance glass Impact-resistant glass similar to laminated glass (as described above), which has been tested to resist breakage from flying debris during hurricanes. Impact-resistant glass is typically thicker than safety glass and is packaged as unit which includes a special frame. This construction type is valid only for the plate glass module of the U.S. Hurricane model; use only in conjunction with occupancy code 306 or 311. AIR Client Confidential 233 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Mobile Home Construction Mobile Home Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 191 Mobile Homes Represents a weighted average of tie-down types, including no tie-downs. Use this code for a mobile home (manufactured home) when the tie down information is unknown. 192 Mobile home with no tiedowns Use this code for a mobile home (manufactured home) with no anchoring systems present. 193 Mobile home with partial tie-downs Use this code for a mobile home (manufactured home) when the tie-downs are either over-the-top ties or frame ties, but not both, or with fewer ties than recommended by the manufacturer. 194 Mobile home with full tiedowns Use this code for a mobile home (manufactured home) when the anchoring system uses both overthe-top ties and frame ties. Typically, ten frame ties and seven over-the-top ties are required for full tie down in singlewide mobile homes. Bridge Construction Bridge Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 201 Conventional - Multiple Span Bridges Bridges having multiple simple spans with each span being less than 500 feet. These bridges may be constructed of concrete, steel, or timber. Valid for the U.S. and Canada only, but not when peril is Severe Thunderstorm (PWX); use in conjunction with occupancy class 300. 202 Conventional - Continuous Bridges having continuous spans of less than 500 feet. These bridges may be constructed of concrete, steel, or timber. Valid for the U.S. and Canada only, but not when peril is Severe Bridges Thunderstorm (PWX); use in conjunction with occupancy class 300. 203 Major Bridges AIR Client Confidential Bridges having individual spans of 500 feet or more. These bridges may be constructed of concrete, or steel. Valid for the U.S. and Canada only, but not when peril is Severe Thunderstorm (PWX); use in conjunction with occupancy class 300. 234 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Pavement Construction Pavement Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 204 Railroads Railroads of any kind used to carry trains 205 Highways Concrete, asphalt, or gravel highways 206 Runways Concrete or asphalt airport runways Dam Construction Dam Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 211 Concrete Dams Poured in place reinforced concrete dams 212 Earthfill Dams Dams constructed from earth Tunnel Construction Tunnel Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 213 Alluvium Tunnels Tunnels that were drilled through unconsolidated sedimentary deposits and then typically lined with concrete 214 Rock Tunnels Rock Tunnels are lined or unlined tunnels that were drilled through rock 215 Cut and Cover Tunnels Tunnels that were constructed by cutting a trench, installing a liner, and then covering the liner with earth AIR Client Confidential 235 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Storage Tank Construction Storage Tank Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 221 Underground Liquid Tanks Underground tanks that are designed to hold liquids 222 Underground Solid Tanks Underground storage tanks that are designed to hold solid material 223 On Ground Liquid Tanks Above ground storage tanks located on the ground surface that are designed to hold liquids 224 On Ground Solid Tanks Above ground storage tanks located on the ground surface that are designed to hold solid material 225 Elevated Liquid Tanks Storage tanks located above the ground surface that are designed to hold liquids 226 Elevated Solid Tanks Storage tanks located above the ground surface that are designed to hold solid material Pipeline Construction Pipeline Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 227 Underground Pipelines Pipelines located under the surface of the ground 228 At Grade Pipelines Pipelines located at the surface of the ground Chimney Construction Chimney Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 231 Masonry Chimneys Masonry chimneys over 30 feet high 232 Concrete Chimneys Reinforced concrete chimneys over 30 feet high 233 Steel Chimneys Steel chimneys over 30 feet high AIR Client Confidential 236 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Tower Construction Tower Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 234 Electrical Transmission – Conventional Steel towers under 100 ft high designed to hold up electrical transmission lines 235 Electrical Transmission – Major Steel towers over 100 ft high designed to hold up electrical transmission lines 236 Broadcast Towers Steel towers designed to carry radio, TV, or cell phone transmission equipment 237 Observation Towers Elevated towers designed for people to look out of such as airport control or fire observation towers 238 Offshore Towers Offshore towers are towers with a platform that are anchored to the ground under the ocean Equipment Construction Equipment Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 241 Residential Equipment Residential furnishings including furniture, and appliances 242 Office Equipment Office furniture, file cabinets, PCs etc. 243 Electrical Equipment Non high tech electrical equipment other than electrical equipment included as part of the function of the building 244 Mechanical Equipment All equipment not otherwise classified in a building 245 High Technology Equipment Sensitive equipment easily damaged by shaking 246 Trains, Trucks, Airplanes Any type of train, truck or airplane AIR Client Confidential 237 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Equipment Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 247 Thermal Power Plant Thermal power plants are energy centers that convert heat energy into electrical energy. In Japan, heat is usually generated by fuel, coal or nuclear. Plants typically include components such as boilers (or reactors), gas turbines, pumps, generators, cooling towers, power transmission lines, substations, transformers, bushings, circuit breakers/switches, waste management facilities, and building structures supporting operation of the plant or for administrative purposes. Valid for Japan only; use in conjunction with occupancy class 384. Miscellaneous Construction Miscellaneous Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 250 Railway Property Railway properties are composed of major components of railway systems, which include railway stations, railway tunnels, railway bridges, railway tracks, and cables along the tracks but excluding trains. 251 Pumping Stations Pumping stations are structures with mechanical devices that are used typically when a fluid material must be raised from a low point to a point of higher elevation, or where the topography prevents downhill gravity flow. 252 Compressor Stations Compressor stations are structures with mechanical devices that are used for increasing the pressure of a gas by mechanically decreasing its volume. 253 Cranes A machine for raising, shifting, and lowering heavy weights by means of a projecting swinging arm or with the hoisting apparatus supported on an overhead track 254 Conveyor Systems Devices used for moving loose material (typically on a belt, on rollers or in an auger). 255 Canals An artificial waterway of any depth used for draining or irrigating land or for navigation. 256 Earth Retaining Structures Earth retaining structures taller than 20 feet high 257 Waterfront Structures Wharves or docks built next to the shore of navigable waters so that ships may receive and discharge cargo and passengers or walls of artificially enclosed basins into which vessels are brought for inspection and repair. AIR Client Confidential 238 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Miscellaneous Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 258 Offshore Structures A structure that is anchored to the ground under the ocean. 259 Transit Warehouse Transit warehouses are often referred to distribution centers that temporarily store various commodities for further distribution, including wholesale stores. The commodities can be light (e.g., food, drug, light fabrication of clothing, high technology electricals) and heavy (e.g., heavy construction machineries). Warehouses are typically one story steel frame or SRC (steel reinforced concrete) construction with high ceilings. Most of the commodities are well packed, and can be stacked during storage. 260 Marine Hull Marine hull insurance covers the hull and machinery of a vessel. Specific ports or docks include loading or unloading (port risk), under construction (builders’ risk) and repair (repairing risk). Automobile Construction Automobile Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 261 Automobiles Typically a four-wheeled automotive vehicle designed for passenger transportation. Marine Craft Construction Marine Craft Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 265 Pleasure Boats & Yachts Typically privately-owned boats which can be used for recreation, fishing, or cruising. This description is meant to exclude commercial vessels such as cargo ships or tugboats. Use this construction code if the boat’s Power/Sail classification is unknown. 266 Pleasure Boats & Yachts, Power Boats A pleasure boat which is powered only by a motor (no sails). 267 Pleasure Boats & Yachts, Sail Boats A pleasure boat which is capable of being powered by wind through the use of sails. Boats which have both sails and a motor should be modeled under this code. AIR Client Confidential 239 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Marine Cargo Construction Marine Cargo Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 270 Carpool Open areas close to harbors where thousands of cars are gridded before being shipped on Personal Car Carriers (PCCs). If you know that a particular exposure is combustible or noncombustible, you should use the combustible or noncombustible versions of these codes instead. See 280-285 and 290295. 271 General and Containerized Cargo Cubicles 8 ft. in width, 8.5 ft. in height and 20 or 40 ft. in length in which commodities are packed. Cubicles are usually stacked on ships, trains or airplanes for long-distance transportation. If you know that a particular exposure is combustible or noncombustible, you should use the combustible or noncombustible versions of these codes instead. See 280-285 and 290-295. 272 Heavy Cargo Heavy cargos are usually heavy machinery that can’t be fitted into a standard container, such as jackup and semi-submersible rigs, dredging equipment, luxury yachts, offshore production modules and sub-sea structures, construction machinery, container cranes, and harbor equipment, and complete factories. Vessels used for this type of cargo are usually semi-submersible heavy lift ships, conventional heavy lift ships, tow barges and dockships. Heavy cargo is sometimes containerized. If you know that a particular exposure is combustible or noncombustible, you should use the combustible or noncombustible versions of these codes instead. See 280-285 and 290-295. 273 Refrigerated Cargo Refrigerated cargo is similar to general containerized cargo, but with additional cooling equipment to keep commodities fresh. Commodities are commonly fruits and frozen goods. This type of containerized cargo requires an external source of power to maintain a temperature-controlled environment. If you know that a particular exposure is combustible or noncombustible, you should use the combustible or noncombustible versions of these codes instead. See 280-285 and 290-295. 274 Dry Bulk Cargo Dry bulk cargo refers to bare solid materials such as coal, metal ore, lumber, and grains. If you know that a particular exposure is combustible or noncombustible, you should use the combustible or noncombustible versions of these codes instead. See 280-285 and 290-295. 275 Liquid Bulk Cargo Liquid bulk cargo refers to bare liquid material such as oil, liquefied natural gas, and liquid chemicals. Liquid bulk cargo is generally stored in tank farms on shore. If you know that a particular exposure is combustible or noncombustible, you should use the combustible or noncombustible versions of these codes instead. See 280-285 and 290-295. 276 General/Unknown General/Unknown. This is supported for both the Japan Earthquake and Typhoon models. AIR Client Confidential 240 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Marine Cargo Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 280 Combustible: Carpool Open areas close to harbors where thousands of cars are gridded before being shipped on Personal Car Carriers (PCCs). 281 Combustible: General and Containerized Cargo Cubicles 8 ft. in width, 8.5 ft. in height and 20 or 40 ft. in length in which commodities are packed. Cubicles are usually stacked on ships, trains or airplanes for long-distance transportation. 282 Combustible: Heavy Cargo Heavy cargos are usually heavy machinery that can’t be fitted into a standard container, such as jackup and semi-submersible rigs, dredging equipment, luxury yachts, offshore production modules and sub-sea structures, construction machinery, container cranes, and harbor equipment, and complete factories. Vessels used for this type of cargo are usually semi-submersible heavy lift ships, conventional heavy lift ships, tow barges and dockships. Heavy cargo is sometimes containerized. 283 Combustible: Refrigerated Cargo Refrigerated cargo is similar to general containerized cargo, but with additional cooling equipment to keep commodities fresh. Commodities are commonly fruits and frozen goods. This type of containerized cargo requires an external source of power to maintain a temperature-controlled environment. 284 Combustible: Dry Bulk Cargo Dry bulk cargo refers to bare solid materials such as coal, metal ore, lumber, and grains. 285 Combustible: Liquid Bulk Cargo Liquid bulk cargo refers to bare liquid material such as oil, liquefied natural gas, and liquid chemicals. Liquid bulk cargo is generally stored in tank farms on shore. 286 Unknown marine cargo, Combustible Unknown marine cargo, Combustible. This is supported for the Japan Earthquake model. 290 Non-Combustible: Carpool Open areas close to harbors where thousands of cars are gridded before being shipped on Personal Car Carriers (PCCs). 291 Non-Combustible: General and Containerized Cargo Cubicles 8 ft. in width, 8.5 ft. in height and 20 or 40 ft. in length in which commodities are packed. Cubicles are usually stacked on ships, trains or airplanes for long-distance transportation. AIR Client Confidential 241 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Marine Cargo Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 292 Non-Combustible: Heavy Cargo Heavy cargos are usually heavy machinery that can’t be fitted into a standard container, such as jackup and semi-submersible rigs, dredging equipment, luxury yachts, offshore production modules and sub-sea structures, construction machinery, container cranes, and harbor equipment, and complete factories. Vessels used for this type of cargo are usually semi-submersible heavy lift ships, conventional heavy lift ships, tow barges and dockships. Heavy cargo is sometimes containerized. 293 Non–Combustible: Refrigerated Cargo Refrigerated cargo is similar to general containerized cargo, but with additional cooling equipment to keep commodities fresh. Commodities are commonly fruits and frozen goods. This type of containerized cargo requires an external source of power to maintain a temperature-controlled environment. 294 Non-Combustible: Dry Bulk Cargo Dry bulk cargo refers to bare solid materials such as coal, metal ore, lumber, and grains. 295 Non–Combustible: Liquid Bulk Cargo Liquid bulk cargo refers to bare liquid material such as oil, liquefied natural gas, and liquid chemicals. Liquid bulk cargo is generally stored in tank farms on shore. 296 Unknown marine cargo, Non-Combustible Unknown marine cargo, Non-Combustible. This is supported for the Japan Earthquake model. Offshore Asset Construction Offshore Asset Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 800 Unknown The platform construction class is not known. 801 Caisson Caisson platforms utilize large diameter caissons to support a single well completion with a minimal deck. The deck is capable of supporting limited production, control equipment and navigational aids. Caisson platform completions are limited to water depths of 100 feet or less. 802 Compliant Tower Compliant Towers consist of narrow, flexible towers and piled foundations that can support a conventional deck for drilling and production operations. Unlike fixed platforms, Compliant Tower withstand large lateral forces by sustaining significant lateral deflections and are usually used in water depths between 1,000 and 2,000 feet. AIR Client Confidential 242 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Offshore Asset Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 803 Fixed Jacket Platform Fixed platforms consist of jackets (a tall vertical section made of tubular steel members supported by piles driven into the seabed) with a deck placed on top, providing space for crew quarters, a drilling rig, and production facilities. Fixed platforms are economically feasible for installation in water depths up to 1,500 feet. 804 Jackup Jackups are platforms that can be jacked up above the sea using legs that can be lowered like jacks. These platforms, used in relatively low depths, are designed to move from place to place, and then anchor themselves by deploying the jack-like legs. 805 Mini Tension Leg Platform Mini Tension Leg Platforms (MTLP) are floating platforms of relatively low cost developed for production of smaller deepwater reserves that would be uneconomic to produce using more conventional deepwater production systems. They can also be used as a utility, satellite, or early production platform for larger deepwater discoveries. 806 Drill Rig Drill rig 807 Semi-Submersible Floating Production System Semi-submersible floating production platforms have legs of sufficient buoyancy to cause the structure to float, but weight sufficient to keep the structure upright. These rigs can be moved from place to place and ballasted up or down by altering the amount of flooding in buoyancy tanks. They are generally anchored by cable anchors during drilling operations, though they can also be kept in place by the use of dynamic positioning. Semi-submersible can be used in depths from 200 to 6,000 feet. 808 Drill ship Drill ships are maritime vessels that have been fitted with drilling apparatuses. They are most often used for exploratory drilling of new oil or gas wells in deep water, but can also be used for scientific drilling. They are often built on modified tanker hulls and outfitted with dynamic positioning systems to maintain their position over a well. Drill ships are able to drill in water depths of over 6,500 feet. 809 SPAR Floating Production System SPARs consist of a large diameter single vertical cylinder supporting a deck. They have typical fixed platform topsides (surface decks with drilling and production equipment), three types of risers (production, drilling, and export), and hulls moored with taut caternary systems of six to twenty lines anchored into the seafloor. SPARs are generally used in water depths up to 3,000 feet. AIR Client Confidential 243 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Offshore Asset Construction Class Descriptions AIR Code Category Description 810 Submersible Production System Floating vessels, usually used as mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs), which are supported primarily on large pontoon-like structures submerged below the sea surface. The operating decks are elevated 100 or more feet above the pontoons on large steel columns. Once on the desired location, this type of structure is slowly flooded until it rests on the sea floor. After the well is completed, the water is pumped out of the buoyancy tanks, the vessel refloated and towed to the next location. Submersibles operate in relatively shallow water, since they must rest on the seafloor. 811 Underwater Production Subsea System ranges from single subsea wells producing to a nearby platform, FPS, or TLP to Units, Completion Units, multiple wells producing through a manifold and pipeline system to a distant production facility. These and Templates systems are presently used in water depths greater than 5,000 feet. 812 Tension Leg Platform Tension Leg Platforms consist of a floating structure held in place by vertical, tensioned tendons connected to the sea floor by pile-secured templates. Tensioned tendons provide for the use of a TLP in a broad water depth range with limited vertical motion. Larger TLPs have been successfully deployed in water depths approaching 4,000 feet. 813 Well Protector Well head protection structures. AIR Client Confidential 244 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide N Occupancy Class Codes The primary codes for occupancy classes define the type of activity carried out in the risks reported in a record. Use the best possible occupancy class code from the following lists. Support for occupancy classes varies by country as indicated in the tables. Note See Appendix K on page 195 for validation information for unknown construction/unknown occupancy combinations. U.S. and Canada Occupancy Class Codes U.S. and Canada Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Unknown 300 Unknown Residential 301 General residential 302 Permanent dwelling: single-family 303 Permanent dwelling: multi-family AIR Client Confidential 245 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide U.S. and Canada Occupancy Class Codes Category Commercial Industrial AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 304 Temporary lodging 305 Group institutional housing 306 Apartments/Condos 311 General commercial 312 Retail trade 313 Wholesale trade 314 Personal and repair services 315 Professional, technical and business services 316 Health care services 317 Entertainment and recreation 318 Parking 319 Golf courses 321 General industrial 322 Heavy fabrication and assembly 323 Light fabrication and assembly 324 Food and drug processing 325 Chemical processing 326 Metal and minerals processing 327 High technology 328 Construction 329 Petroleum 330 Mining 246 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide U.S. and Canada Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Restaurants 331 Restaurants Mercantile 335 Gasoline stations 336 Automotive repair services and carwashes 341 Religion and nonprofit 342 Churches 343 General services 344 Emergency services 345 Universities, colleges and technical schools 346 Primary and secondary schools 351 Highway 352 Railroad 353 Air 354 Sea and inland waterways 355 Aircraft Hangars 361 Electrical 362 Water 363 Sanitary sewer 364 Natural gas 365 Telephone and telegraph 371 Communication 372 Flood control 373 Agriculture Public Education Transportation Utilities Miscellaneous AIR Client Confidential 247 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide U.S. and Canada Occupancy Class Codes Category Industrial Facility 44 Code Occupancy class 400 Unknown 401 Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General 402 Automotive manufacturing 403 Fabricated metal products 404 Industrial and commercial machinery and equipment 405 Transportation equipment assembly 406 Pulp/Paper and allied products manufacturing 407 Textile mill products 408 Lumber and wood products (except furniture) 409 Stone/clay/glass/ceramics products 414 Light Fabrication and Assembly – General 415 Furniture and fixtures 416 Apparel and finished products from fabrics 417 Print/publishing and allied industries 418 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 419 Leather and leather products 420 Electronic and other electrical equipment (except computer equipment) For use with the AIR U.S. Earthquake and Hurricane models, AIR Earthquake Model for Hawaii, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for Hawaii, AIR Hurricane Model for Central America, AIR Hurricane Model for Caribbean, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for India, AIR Earthquake Model for Japan, AIR Typhoon Model for Japan, and the AIR Australia Earthquake and Tropical Cyclone models. If used with any other peril, will be mapped back to a 300 series occupancy code (except for Sprinkler Leakage; you must duplicate your locations using a 300-series code to get Sprinkler Leakage losses). 44 AIR Client Confidential 248 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide U.S. and Canada Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 421 Measuring, analyzing, and controlling instruments 422 Photographic, medical and optical goods 423 Watches and clocks 424 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 425 Tire manufacturers 429 Food and Drug Processing – General 430 Food and kindred products 431 Tobacco products 432 Pharmaceutical plants 433 Biological Products (except diagnostic) – Medicinals/Botanicals/Biomedical 434 Wineries 438 Chemical Processing – General 439 Chlorine plants 440 Vinyl plants 441 Light hydrocarbon or aromatics plant 442 Plastics plants 443 Chlorhydrin plants 444 Fertilizer plants 445 Cement plants/Cement Mills 446 Other chemical and allied products 449 Metal and Minerals Processing – General 450 Primary metal industry 249 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide U.S. and Canada Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 451 Steel Mills 452 Smelters 455 High Technology – General 456 Semi-conductor and related devices 457 Electronic computer devices 458 Computer storage devices 459 Electron tubes 460 Printed circuit boards 463 General building/construction contractors 464 Heavy constructions 465 Special trade contractors 470 Mining – General 471 Mining operations 472 Metal mining 473 Coal mining 474 Mining/quarrying – Non-metallic mineral (except fuels) 475 Oil Refinery Systems – General 476 Hydro-Electric Power Systems – General 477 Thermo-Electric Power Systems – General 479 Electric Substation 480 Potable water Systems – General 481 Waste water treatment Systems - General 250 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide U.S. and Canada Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 482 Gas Processing Systems – General Mexico Occupancy Class Codes Mexico Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Unknown 300 Unknown Residential 301 General residential 302 Permanent dwelling: single-family 303 Permanent dwelling: multi-family 304 Temporary lodging 305 Group institutional housing 306 Apartments/Condos 311 General commercial 312 Retail trade 313 Wholesale trade 314 Personal and repair services 315 Professional, technical and business services 316 Health care services 317 Entertainment and recreation 318 Parking 321 General industrial 322 Heavy fabrication and assembly Commercial Industrial AIR Client Confidential 251 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Mexico Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 323 Light fabrication and assembly 324 Food and drug processing 325 Chemical processing 326 Metal and minerals processing 327 High technology 328 Construction 329 Petroleum 330 Mining Restaurants 331 Restaurants Public 341 Religion and nonprofit 342 Churches 343 General services 344 Emergency services Education 345 Universities, colleges and technical schools Transportation 351 Highway 352 Railroad 353 Air 354 Sea and inland waterways 361 Electrical 362 Water 363 Sanitary sewer 364 Natural gas Utilities AIR Client Confidential 252 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Mexico Occupancy Class Codes Category Miscellaneous Code Occupancy class 365 Telephone and telegraph 371 Communication 372 Flood control 373 Agriculture Gulf of Mexico Occupancy Class Codes Gulf of Mexico Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Offshore 900 Unknown 901 Oil production only 902 Gas production only 903 No production 904 Oil and gas production 905 Drilling 906 Workover 907 Ready Stacked 908 Waiting on Location Caribbean Occupancy Class Codes Caribbean Occupancy Class Codes AIR Client Confidential 253 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Category Code Occupancy class Unknown 300 Unknown Residential 301 Permanent dwelling: single-family 303 45 Permanent dwelling: multi-family 304 Temporary lodging 305 Group institutional housing 306 Apartments/Condos 311 General commercial 312 Retail trade 313 Wholesale trade 314 Personal and repair services 315 Professional, technical and business services 316 Health care services 317 Entertainment and recreation 318 Parking 319 Golf courses 321 General industrial 302 Commercial Industrial General residential 45 To model bunker construction in the Caribbean Hurricane model, use the following Occupancy and Construction combinations: 302-131: For single-family residential homes. Use 306 for single-family homes of reinforced concrete that are not bunkers. 303-131: For apartment buildings that are bunkers. Use 306-131 for public housing or apartments that are not bunkers. 305-131: For public housing or government buildings that are bunkers. Use the regular government occupancy for non-bunker government buildings. 45 AIR Client Confidential 254 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Caribbean Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 322 Heavy fabrication and assembly 323 Light fabrication and assembly 324 Food and drug processing 325 Chemical processing 326 Metal and minerals processing 327 High technology 328 Construction 329 Petroleum 330 Mining Restaurants 331 Restaurants Mercantile 335 Gasoline stations 336 Automotive repair services and carwashes 341 Religion and nonprofit 342 Churches 343 General services 344 Emergency services 345 Universities, colleges and technical schools 346 Primary and secondary schools 351 Highway 352 Railroad 353 Air 354 Sea and inland waterways Public Education Transportation AIR Client Confidential 255 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Caribbean Occupancy Class Codes Category Utilities Miscellaneous Industrial Facility 46 Code Occupancy class 355 Aircraft Hangars 361 Electrical 362 Water 363 Sanitary sewer 364 Natural gas 365 Telephone and telegraph 371 Communication 372 Flood control 373 Agriculture 400 Unknown 401 Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General 402 Automotive manufacturing 403 Fabricated metal products 404 Industrial and commercial machinery and equipment 405 Transportation equipment assembly 406 Pulp/Paper and allied products manufacturing 407 Textile mill products For use with the AIR U.S. Earthquake and Hurricane models, AIR Earthquake Model for Hawaii, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for Hawaii, AIR Hurricane Model for Central America, AIR Hurricane Model for the Caribbean, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for India, AIR Earthquake Model for Japan, AIR Typhoon Model for Japan, and the AIR Australia Earthquake and Tropical Cyclone models. If used with any other peril, will be mapped back to a 300 series occupancy code. 46 AIR Client Confidential 256 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Caribbean Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 408 Lumber and wood products (except furniture) 409 Stone/clay/glass/ceramics products 414 Light Fabrication and Assembly – General 415 Furniture and fixtures 416 Apparel and finished products from fabrics 417 Print/publishing and allied industries 418 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 419 Leather and leather products 420 Electronic and other electrical equipment (except computer equipment) 421 Measuring, analyzing, and controlling instruments 422 Photographic, medical and optical goods 423 Watches and clocks 424 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 425 Tire manufacturers 429 Food and Drug Processing – General 430 Food and kindred products 431 Tobacco products 432 Pharmaceutical plants 433 Biological Products (except diagnostic) - Medicinals/Botanicals/Biomedical 434 Wineries 438 Chemical Processing – General 439 Chlorine plants 257 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Caribbean Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 440 Vinyl plants 441 Light hydrocarbon or aromatics plant 442 Plastics plants 443 Chlorhydrin plants 444 Fertilizer plants 445 Cement plants/Cement Mills 446 Other chemical and allied products 449 Metal and Minerals Processing – General 450 Primary metal industry 451 Steel Mills 452 Smelters 455 High Technology – General 456 Semi-conductor and related devices 457 Electronic computer devices 458 Computer storage devices 459 Electron tubes 460 Printed circuit boards 463 General building/construction contractors 464 Heavy constructions 465 Special trade contractors 470 Mining – General 471 Mining operations 258 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Caribbean Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 472 Metal mining 473 Coal mining 474 Mining/quarrying – Non-metallic mineral (except fuels) 475 Oil Refinery Systems – General 476 Hydro-Electric Power Systems – General 477 Thermo-Electric Power Systems – General 479 Electric Substation 480 Potable water Systems – General 481 Waste water treatment Systems - General 482 Gas Processing Systems - General Central America Occupancy Class Codes Central America Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Unknown 300 Unknown Residential 301 General residential 302 Permanent dwelling: single-family 303 Permanent dwelling: multi-family 304 Temporary lodging 305 Group institutional housing 306 Apartments/Condos AIR Client Confidential 259 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Central America Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Commercial 311 General commercial 312 Retail trade 313 Wholesale trade 314 Personal and repair services 315 Professional, technical and business services 316 Health care services 317 Entertainment and recreation 318 Parking 319 Golf courses 321 General industrial 322 Heavy fabrication and assembly 323 Light fabrication and assembly 324 Food and drug processing 325 Chemical processing 326 Metal and minerals processing 327 High technology 328 Construction 329 Petroleum 330 Mining Restaurants 331 Restaurants Mercantile 335 Gasoline stations 336 Automotive repair services and carwashes Industrial AIR Client Confidential 260 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Central America Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Public 341 Religion and nonprofit 342 Churches 343 General services 344 Emergency services 345 Universities, colleges and technical schools 346 Primary and secondary schools 351 Highway 352 Railroad 353 Air 354 Sea and inland waterways 355 Aircraft Hangers 361 Electrical 362 Water 363 Sanitary sewer 364 Natural gas 365 Telephone and telegraph 371 Communication 372 Flood control 373 Agriculture Education Transportation Utilities Miscellaneous AIR Client Confidential 261 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Central America Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Industrial 47 Facilities 400 Unknown 401 Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General 402 Automotive manufacturing 403 Fabricated metal products 404 Industrial and commercial machinery and equipment 405 Transportation equipment assembly 406 Pulp/Paper and allied products manufacturing 407 Textile mill products 408 Lumber and wood products (except furniture) 409 Stone/clay/glass/ceramics products 414 Light Fabrication and Assembly – General 415 Furniture and fixtures 416 Apparel and finished products from fabrics 417 Print/publishing and allied industries 418 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 419 Leather and leather products 420 Electronic and other electrical equipment (except computer equipment) For use with the AIR U.S. Earthquake and Hurricane models, AIR Earthquake Model for Hawaii, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for Hawaii, AIR Hurricane Model for Central America, AIR Hurricane Model for the Caribbean, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for India, AIR Earthquake Model for Japan, AIR Typhoon Model for Japan, and the AIR Australia Earthquake and Tropical Cyclone models. If used with any other peril, will be mapped back to a 300 series occupancy code 47 AIR Client Confidential 262 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Central America Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 421 Measuring, analyzing, and controlling instruments 422 Photographic, medical and optical goods 423 Watches and clocks 424 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 425 Tire manufacturers 429 Food and Drug Processing – General 430 Food and kindred products 431 Tobacco products 432 Pharmaceutical plants 433 Biological Products (except diagnostic) Medicinals/Botanicals/Biomedical 434 Wineries 438 Chemical Processing – General 439 Chlorine plants 440 Vinyl plants 441 Light hydrocarbon or aromatics plant 442 Plastics plants 443 Chlorhydrin plants 444 Fertilizer plants 445 Cement plants/Cement Mills 446 Other chemical and allied products 449 Metal and Minerals Processing – General 263 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Central America Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 450 Primary metal industry 451 Steel Mills 452 Smelters 455 High Technology – General 456 Semi-conductor and related devices 457 Electronic computer devices 458 Computer storage devices 459 Electron tubes 460 Printed circuit boards 463 General building/construction contractors 464 Heavy constructions 465 Special trade contractors 470 Mining – General 471 Mining operations 472 Metal mining 473 Coal mining 474 Mining/quarrying – Non-metallic mineral (except fuels) 475 Oil Refinery Systems – General 476 Hydro-Electric Power Systems – General 477 Thermo-Electric Power Systems – General 479 Electric Substation 480 Potable water Systems – General 264 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Central America Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 481 Waste water treatment Systems - General 482 Gas Processing Systems - General South America Occupancy Class Codes South America Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Unknown 300 Unknown Residential 301 General residential 302 Permanent dwelling: single-family 303 Permanent dwelling: multi-family 304 Temporary lodging 305 Group institutional housing 306 Apartments/Condos 311 General commercial 312 Retail trade 313 Wholesale trade 314 Personal and repair services 315 Professional, technical and business services 316 Health care services 317 Entertainment and recreation 318 Parking 319 Golf courses Commercial AIR Client Confidential 265 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide South America Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Industrial 321 General industrial 322 Heavy fabrication and assembly 323 Light fabrication and assembly 324 Food and drug processing 325 Chemical processing 326 Metal and minerals processing 327 High technology 328 Construction 329 Petroleum 330 Mining Restaurants 331 Restaurants Mercantile 335 Gasoline stations 336 Automotive repair services and carwashes 341 Religion and nonprofit 342 Churches 343 General services 344 Emergency services 345 Universities, colleges and technical schools 346 Primary and secondary schools 351 Highway 352 Railroad 353 Air Public Education Transportation AIR Client Confidential 266 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide South America Occupancy Class Codes Category Utilities Miscellaneous Code Occupancy class 354 Sea and inland waterways 355 Aircraft hangars 361 Electrical 362 Water 363 Sanitary sewer 364 Natural gas 365 Telephone and telegraph 371 Communication 372 Flood control 373 Agriculture Europe Occupancy Class Codes Europe Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Unknown 300 Unknown Residential 301 General residential 302 Permanent dwelling: single-family 303 Permanent dwelling: multi-family 304 Temporary lodging (valid for the European Wind model only) 305 Group institutional housing 306 Apartments/Condos 307 Terraced Housing AIR Client Confidential 267 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Europe Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Commercial 311 General commercial 312 Retail trade 313 Wholesale trade 314 Personal and repair services 315 Professional, technical and business services 316 Health care services 317 Entertainment and recreation 318 Parking 319 Golf courses 321 General industrial 322 Heavy fabrication and assembly 323 Light fabrication and assembly 324 Food and drug processing 325 Chemical processing 326 Metal and minerals processing 327 High technology 328 Construction 329 Petroleum 330 Mining Restaurants 331 Restaurants Mercantile 335 Gasoline stations 336 Automotive repair services and carwashes Industrial AIR Client Confidential 268 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Europe Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Public 341 Religion and nonprofit 342 Churches 343 General services 344 Emergency services 345 Universities, colleges and technical schools 346 Primary and secondary schools 351 Highway 352 Railroad 353 Air 354 Sea and inland waterways 355 Aircraft hangars 361 Electrical 362 Water 363 Sanitary sewer 364 Natural gas 365 Telephone and telegraph 371 Communication 372 Flood control 373 Agriculture Education Transportation Utilities Miscellaneous AIR Client Confidential 269 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Europe Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 374 Green House 375 48Valid 48 Forestry for Sweden, Norway, and Finland only. Must be used in conjunction with unknown construction code (100). Not supported for Coverage C or D. AIR Client Confidential 270 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide India Occupancy Class Codes India Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Unknown 300 Unknown Residential 301 General residential 302 Permanent dwelling: single-family 303 Permanent dwelling: multi-family 304 Temporary lodging 305 Group institutional housing 306 Apartments/Condos 311 General commercial 312 Retail trade 313 Wholesale trade 314 Personal and repair services 315 Professional, technical and business services 316 Health care services 317 Entertainment and recreation 318 Parking 319 Golf Courses 321 General industrial 322 Heavy fabrication and assembly 323 Light fabrication and assembly 324 Food and drug processing 325 Chemical processing Commercial Industrial AIR Client Confidential 271 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide India Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 326 Metal and minerals processing 327 High technology 328 Construction 329 Petroleum 330 Mining Restaurants 331 Restaurants Mercantile 335 Gasoline stations 336 Automotive repair services and carwashes 341 Religion and nonprofit 342 Churches 343 General services 344 Emergency services 345 Universities, colleges and technical schools 346 Primary and secondary schools 351 Highway 352 Railroad 353 Air 354 Sea and inland waterways 355 Aircraft hangars 361 Electrical 362 Water 363 Sanitary sewer Public Education Transportation Utilities AIR Client Confidential 272 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide India Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 364 Natural gas 365 Telephone and telegraph 371 Communication 372 Flood control 373 Agriculture 381 Construction/Erection Risks Residential 382 Construction/Erection Risks Commercial 383 Construction/Erection Risks 384 Construction/Erection Risks 400 Unknown 401 Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General 402 Automotive manufacturing 403 Fabricated metal products 404 Industrial and commercial machinery and equipment 405 Transportation equipment assembly 406 Pulp/Paper and allied products manufacturing 407 Textile mill products Miscellaneous Industrial Industrial Facility 49 For use with the AIR U.S. Earthquake and Hurricane models, AIR Earthquake Model for Hawaii, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for Hawaii, AIR Hurricane Model for Central America, AIR Hurricane Model for the Caribbean, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for India, AIR Earthquake Model for Japan, AIR Typhoon Model for Japan, and the AIR Australia Earthquake and Tropical Cyclone models. If used with any other peril, will be mapped back to a 300 series occupancy code. 49 AIR Client Confidential 273 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide India Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 408 Lumber and wood products (except furniture) 409 Stone/clay/glass/ceramics products 414 Light Fabrication and Assembly – General 415 Furniture and fixtures 416 Apparel and finished products from fabrics 417 Print/publishing and allied industries 418 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 419 Leather and leather products 420 Electronic and other electrical equipment (except computer equipment) 421 Measuring, analyzing, and controlling instruments 422 Photographic, medical and optical goods 423 Watches and clocks 424 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 425 Tire manufacturers 429 Food and Drug Processing – General 430 Food and kindred products 431 Tobacco products 432 Pharmaceutical plants 433 Biological Products (except diagnostic) Medicinals/Botanicals/Biomedical 434 Wineries 438 Chemical Processing – General 274 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide India Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 439 Chlorine plants 440 Vinyl plants 441 Light hydrocarbon or aromatics plant 442 Plastics plants 443 Chlorhydrin plants 444 Fertilizer plants 445 Cement plants/Cement Mills 446 Other chemical and allied products 449 Metal and Minerals Processing – General 450 Primary metal industry 451 Steel Mills 452 Smelters 455 High Technology – General 456 Semi-conductor and related devices 457 Electronic computer devices 458 Computer storage devices 459 Electron tubes 460 Printed circuit boards 463 General building/construction contractors 464 Heavy constructions 465 Special trade contractors 470 Mining – General 275 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide India Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 471 Mining operations 472 Metal mining 473 Coal mining 474 Mining/quarrying – Non-metallic mineral (except fuels) 475 Oil Refinery Systems – General 476 Hydro-Electric Power Systems – General 477 Thermo-Electric Power Systems – General 479 Electric Substation 480 Potable water Systems – General 481 Waste water treatment Systems - General 482 Gas Processing Systems – General Japan Occupancy Class Codes Japan Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Unknown 300 Unknown Residential 301 General residential 302 Permanent dwelling: single-family 303 Permanent dwelling: multi-family 304 Temporary lodging 305 Group institutional housing 306 Apartments/Condos AIR Client Confidential 276 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Commercial 311 General commercial 312 Retail trade 313 Wholesale trade 314 Personal and repair services 315 Professional, technical and business services 316 Health care services 317 Entertainment and recreation 318 Parking 319 Golf courses 321 General industrial 322 Heavy fabrication and assembly 323 Light fabrication and assembly 324 Food and drug processing 325 Chemical processing 326 Metal and minerals processing 327 High technology 328 Construction 329 Petroleum 330 Mining Restaurants 331 Restaurants Mercantile 335 Gasoline stations 336 Automotive repair services and carwashes Industrial AIR Client Confidential 277 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Public 341 Religion and nonprofit 342 Churches 343 General services 344 Emergency services 345 Universities, colleges and technical schools 346 Primary and secondary schools 351 Highway 352 Railroad 353 Air 354 Sea and inland waterways 355 Aircraft hangars 356 Aircraft at ramps or boarding gates (to be used with 246 for EQ Fire Following) 361 Electrical 362 Water 363 Sanitary sewer 364 Natural gas 365 Telephone and telegraph 371 Communication 372 Flood control 373 Agriculture 381 Construction/Erection Risk 382 Construction/Erection Risk Education Transportation Utilities Miscellaneous Residential AIR Client Confidential 278 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Commercial 383 Construction/Erection Risk 384 Construction/Erection Risk 400 Unknown 401 Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General 402 Automotive manufacturing 403 Fabricated metal products 404 Industrial and commercial machinery and equipment 405 Transportation equipment assembly 406 Pulp/Paper and allied products manufacturing 407 Textile mill products 408 Lumber and wood products (except furniture) 409 Stone/clay/glass/ceramics products 414 Light Fabrication and Assembly – General 415 Furniture and fixtures 416 Apparel and finished products from fabrics 417 Print/publishing and allied industries 418 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products Industrial Industrial Facility 50 For use with the AIR U.S. Earthquake and Hurricane models, AIR Earthquake Model for Hawaii, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for Hawaii, AIR Hurricane Model for Central America, AIR Hurricane Model for the Caribbean, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for India, AIR Earthquake Model for Japan, AIR Typhoon Model for Japan, and the AIR Australia Earthquake and Tropical Cyclone models. If used with any other peril, will be mapped back to a 300 series occupancy code. 50 AIR Client Confidential 279 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 419 Leather and leather products 420 Electronic and other electrical equipment (except computer equipment) 421 Measuring, analyzing, and controlling instruments 422 Photographic, medical and optical goods 423 Watches and clocks 424 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 425 Tire manufacturers 429 Food and Drug Processing – General 430 Food and kindred products 431 Tobacco products 432 Pharmaceutical plants 433 Biological Products (except diagnostic) - Medicinals/Botanicals/Biomedical 434 Wineries 438 Chemical Processing – General 439 Chlorine plants 440 Vinyl plants 441 Light hydrocarbon or aromatics plant 442 Plastics plants 443 Chlorhydrin plants 444 Fertilizer plants 445 Cement plants/Cement Mills 446 Other chemical and allied products 280 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 449 Metal and Minerals Processing – General 450 Primary metal industry 451 Steel Mills 452 Smelters 455 High Technology – General 456 Semi-conductor and related devices 457 Electronic computer devices 458 Computer storage devices 459 Electron tubes 460 Printed circuit boards 463 General building/construction contractors 464 Heavy constructions 465 Special trade contractors 470 Mining – General 471 Mining operations 472 Metal mining 473 Coal mining 474 Mining/quarrying – Non-metallic mineral (except fuels) 475 Oil Refinery Systems – General 476 Hydro-Electric Power Systems – General 477 Thermo-Electric Power Systems – General 479 Electric Substation 281 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Japan Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 480 Potable water Systems – General 481 Waste water treatment Systems - General 482 Gas Processing Systems - General 486 International ports (Japan EQ model) 487 Domestic ports (Japan EQ model) China Occupancy Class Codes China Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Unknown 300 Unknown Residential 301 General residential 302 Permanent dwelling: single-family 303 Permanent dwelling: multi-family 304 Temporary lodging 305 Group institutional housing 306 Apartments/Condos 311 General commercial 312 Retail trade 313 Wholesale trade 314 Personal and repair services 315 Professional, technical and business services 316 Health care services Commercial AIR Client Confidential 282 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide China Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 317 Entertainment and recreation 318 Parking 319 Golf courses 321 General industrial 322 Heavy fabrication and assembly 323 Light fabrication and assembly 324 Food and drug processing 325 Chemical processing 326 Metal and minerals processing 327 High technology 328 Construction 329 Petroleum 330 Mining Restaurants 331 Restaurants Mercantile 335 Gasoline stations 336 Automotive repair services and carwashes 341 Religion and nonprofit 342 Churches 343 General services 344 Emergency services 345 Universities, colleges and technical schools 346 Primary and secondary schools Industrial Public Education AIR Client Confidential 283 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide China Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Transportation 351 Highway 352 Railroad 353 Air 354 Sea and inland waterways 355 Aircraft hangars 361 Electrical 362 Water 363 Sanitary sewer 364 Natural gas 365 Telephone and telegraph 371 Communication 372 Flood control 373 Agriculture 381 Construction/Erection Risks Residential 382 Construction/Erection Risks Commercial 383 Construction/Erection Risks Industrial 384 Construction/Erection Risks Utilities Miscellaneous AIR Client Confidential 284 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Southeast Asia 51 Occupancy Class Codes Southeast Asia Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Unknown 300 Unknown Residential 301 General residential 302 Permanent dwelling: single-family 303 Permanent dwelling: multi-family 304 Temporary lodging 305 Group institutional housing 306 Apartments/Condos 311 General commercial 312 Retail trade 313 Wholesale trade 314 Personal and repair services 315 Professional, technical and business services 316 Health care services 317 Entertainment and recreation 318 Parking 319 Golf courses 321 General industrial Commercial Industrial 51 Southeast Asia region includes Indonesia, Philippines, and Taiwan. AIR Client Confidential 285 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Southeast Asia Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 322 Heavy fabrication and assembly 323 Light fabrication and assembly 324 Food and drug processing 325 Chemical processing 326 Metal and minerals processing 327 High technology 328 Construction 329 Petroleum 330 Mining Restaurants 331 Restaurants Mercantile 335 Gasoline stations 336 Automotive repair services and carwashes 341 Religion and nonprofit 342 Churches 343 General services 344 Emergency services 345 Universities, colleges and technical schools 346 Primary and secondary schools 351 Highway 352 Railroad 353 Air 354 Sea and inland waterways Public Education Transportation AIR Client Confidential 286 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Southeast Asia Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 355 Aircraft hangars 361 Electrical 362 Water 363 Sanitary sewer 364 Natural gas 365 Telephone and telegraph 371 Communication 372 Flood control 373 Agriculture 381 Construction/Erection Risks Residential 382 Construction/Erection Risks Commercial 383 Construction/Erection Risks Industrial 384 Construction/Erection Risks Utilities Miscellaneous South Korea Occupancy Class Codes South Korea Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Unknown 300 Unknown Residential 301 General residential 302 Permanent dwelling: single-family 303 Permanent dwelling: multi-family 304 Temporary lodging AIR Client Confidential 287 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide South Korea Occupancy Class Codes Category Commercial Industrial Restaurants AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 305 Group institutional housing 306 Apartments/Condos 311 General commercial 312 Retail trade 313 Wholesale trade 314 Personal and repair services 315 Professional, technical and business services 316 Health care services 317 Entertainment and recreation 318 Parking 319 Golf courses 321 General industrial 322 Heavy fabrication and assembly 323 Light fabrication and assembly 324 Food and drug processing 325 Chemical processing 326 Metal and minerals processing 327 High technology 328 Construction 329 Petroleum 330 Mining 331 Restaurants 288 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide South Korea Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Mercantile 335 Gasoline stations 336 Automotive repair services and carwashes 341 Religion and nonprofit 342 Churches 343 General services 344 Emergency services 345 Universities, colleges and technical schools 346 Primary and secondary schools 351 Highway 352 Railroad 353 Air 354 Sea and inland waterways 355 Aircraft hangars 361 Electrical 362 Water 363 Sanitary sewer 364 Natural gas 365 Telephone and telegraph 371 Communication 372 Flood control 373 Agriculture 381 Construction/Erection Risks Public Education Transportation Utilities Miscellaneous AIR Client Confidential 289 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide South Korea Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Residential 382 Construction/Erection Risks Commercial 383 Construction/Erection Risks Industrial 384 Construction/Erection Risks Australia and New Zealand Occupancy Class Codes Australia and New Zealand Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class Unknown 300 Unknown Residential 301 General residential 302 Permanent dwelling: single-family 303 Permanent dwelling: multi-family 304 Temporary lodging 305 Group institutional housing 306 Apartments/Condos 311 General commercial 312 Retail trade 313 Wholesale trade 314 Personal and repair services 315 Professional, technical and business services 316 Health care services 317 Entertainment and recreation 318 Parking Commercial AIR Client Confidential 290 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Australia and New Zealand Occupancy Class Codes Category Code Occupancy class 319 Golf courses 321 General industrial 322 Heavy fabrication and assembly 323 Light fabrication and assembly 324 Food and drug processing 325 Chemical processing 326 Metal and minerals processing 327 High technology 328 Construction 329 Petroleum 330 Mining Restaurants 331 Restaurants Mercantile 335 Gasoline stations 336 Automotive repair services and carwashes 341 Religion and nonprofit 342 Churches 343 General services 344 Emergency services 345 Universities, colleges and technical schools 346 Primary and secondary schools 351 Highway 352 Railroad Industrial Public Education Transportation AIR Client Confidential 291 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Australia and New Zealand Occupancy Class Codes Category Utilities Miscellaneous Industrial 52 Facilities Code Occupancy class 353 Air 354 Sea and inland waterways 355 Aircraft hangars 361 Electrical 362 Water 363 Sanitary Sewer 364 Natural Gas 365 Telephone and Telegraph 371 Communication 372 Flood control 373 Agriculture 400 Unknown 401 Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General 402 Automotive manufacturing 403 Fabricated metal products 404 Industrial and commercial machinery and equipment 405 Transportation equipment assembly For use with the AIR U.S. Earthquake and Hurricane models, AIR Earthquake Model for Hawaii, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for Hawaii, AIR Hurricane Model for Central America, AIR Hurricane Model for the Caribbean, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for India, AIR Earthquake Model for Japan, AIR Typhoon Model for Japan, and the AIR Australia Earthquake and Tropical Cyclone models. If used with any other peril, will be mapped back to a 300 series occupancy code. The 400-series occupancies are valid for Australia only; does not apply for New Zealand. 52 AIR Client Confidential 292 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Australia and New Zealand Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 406 Pulp/Paper and allied products manufacturing 407 Textile mill products 408 Lumber and wood products (except furniture) 409 Stone/clay/glass/ceramics products 414 Light Fabrication and Assembly – General 415 Furniture and fixtures 416 Apparel and finished products from fabrics 417 Print/publishing and allied industries 418 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 419 Leather and leather products 420 Electronic and other electrical equipment (except computer equipment) 421 Measuring, analyzing, and controlling instruments 422 Photographic, medical and optical goods 423 Watches and clocks 424 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 425 Tire manufacturers 429 Food and Drug Processing – General 430 Food and kindred products 431 Tobacco products 432 Pharmaceutical plants 433 Biological Products (except diagnostic) - Medicinals/Botanicals/Biomedical 434 Wineries 293 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Australia and New Zealand Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 438 Chemical Processing – General 439 Chlorine plants 440 Vinyl plants 441 Light hydrocarbon or aromatics plant 442 Plastics plants 443 Chlorhydrin plants 444 Fertilizer plants 445 Cement plants/Cement Mills 446 Other chemical and allied products 449 Metal and Minerals Processing – General 450 Primary metal industry 451 Steel Mills 452 Smelters 455 High Technology – General 456 Semi-conductor and related devices 457 Electronic computer devices 458 Computer storage devices 459 Electron tubes 460 Printed circuit boards 463 General building/construction contractors 464 Heavy constructions 465 Special trade contractors 294 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Australia and New Zealand Occupancy Class Codes Category AIR Client Confidential Code Occupancy class 470 Mining – General 471 Mining operations 472 Metal mining 473 Coal mining 474 Mining/quarrying – Non-metallic mineral (except fuels) 475 Oil Refinery Systems – General 476 Hydro-Electric Power Systems – General 477 Thermo-Electric Power Systems – General 479 Electric Substation 480 Potable water Systems – General 481 Waste water treatment Systems - General 482 Gas Processing Systems – General 295 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide O Occupancy Class Descriptions This appendix describes the AIR occupancy codes used to define the type of activity carried out in the risks reported in a record. Codes are separated into sections based on the following classes: • • • • • • • Unknown Occupancy (code 300) Residential Occupancies (codes 301-307, 382) Commercial Occupancies (codes 311-319, 383) Industrial Occupancies (codes 321-330, 384) Restaurant Occupancies (code 331) Mercantile Occupancies (codes 335-336) Public Occupancies (codes 341-344) AIR Client Confidential • • • • • • Education Occupancies (codes 345-346) Transportation Occupancies (codes 351-356) Utility Occupancies (codes 361-365) Miscellaneous Occupancies (codes 371-381) Industrial Facility Occupancies (codes 400-482, 486-487) Offshore Asset Occupancies (codes 900-908) 296 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Unknown Occupancy Unknown Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category 300 Unknown SIC2-Digit Description The occupancy is unknown Residential Occupancies Residential Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit 301 General Residential General Residential is a composite of all other Residential Occupancies. This occupancy code can be selected if the user has no specific information about the risk. 302 Permanent dwelling: single family Single unit detached dwellings usually occupied by a single family. 303 Permanent dwelling: multi family Multiple unit dwellings usually occupied by more than one family. 304 Temporary Lodging 305 Group Institutional Housing Residential units under institutional control. Examples include college dormitories, nursing homes, and retirement centers where medical care is incidental. 306 Apartments/ Condominiums Attached, multi-unit housing usually occupied by one family per unit. 307 Terraced Housing Attached residential unit. Commonly found in Europe, e.g., United Kingdom. 382 Construction/ Erection Risks Residential construction/erection risk is an under-construction building that is intended for a general residential occupancy. 70 Description Commercial establishments known to the public as hotels, motels, motor hotels, or tourist courts primarily engaged in providing lodging or lodging and meals to the general public. This category includes hotels that are operated by organizations for members only. Also, establishments primarily engaged in renting, such as boarding houses, lodging houses or rooming houses. Currently supported only for locations in China, India, South Korea, Southeast Asia (Earthquake and Typhoon), and Japan (Earthquake and Typhoon). AIR Client Confidential 297 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Commercial Occupancies Commercial Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category 311 General Commercial 312 Retail Trade SIC2-Digit Description General Commercial is a composite of all other Commercial Occupancies. This occupancy code can be selected if the user has no specific information about the risk. 52 – 59 Retail stores including those establishments that sell building materials and hardware, general merchandise, food, apparel and accessories, home furniture, furnishings and appliances, prepared food and drinks. Automotive dealers, gasoline service stations, motorcycle, boat and recreational vehicle dealers. Other retail such as drug stores, liquor stores, bookstores, used merchandise, jewelry stores and piece goods stores. Also includes non-store retailers and fuel dealers. For all exposures in the U.S., Canada, the Caribbean and exposures covered for wind in Europe, restaurants (331) and gasoline stations (335) have separate occupancy codes. In other regions, use 312 for these occupancies. 313 Wholesale Trade 50 – 51 Includes wholesale distribution of durable goods including motor vehicles and parts, home furnishings, lumber and construction materials, professional and commercial equipment, metals and minerals, electrical goods, hardware, plumbing and heating equipment, machinery, equipment and supplies and other miscellaneous durable goods. Also includes wholesale distribution of non-durable goods including paper and paper products, drugs, apparel, groceries, farm-product raw materials, chemicals, petroleum and petroleum related products, alcoholic beverages, and other miscellaneous non-durable goods. 314 Personal and Repair Services 72, 75, 76 This occupancy class includes personal services such as laundry and dry cleaning services, beauty and barbershops, shoe repair shops, photographic studios and funeral services, automotive rental and leasing, automotive repair shops, other automotive service including carwashes and miscellaneous repair-services. For all exposures in the U.S., Canada, the Caribbean and exposures covered for wind in Europe, use code 336 rather than 314 for automotive repair services and carwashes. In other regions, use 314 for these occupancies. AIR Client Confidential 298 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Commercial Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit Description 315 Professional, Technical and Business Services 60 – 67, 73, 81, 87,91,93 – 97 Occupancies involved in the financial industry including depository institutions, nondepository credit institutions, security and commodity brokers, dealers and exchanges, insurance carriers, insurance agents and brokers, real estate and other investment offices. Business services such as advertising agencies, consumer credit reporting agencies, mailing services, reproduction services, commercial art services, building cleaning and pest control services, equipment rental/leasing operations, employment agencies, computer programming, and computer rental/maintenance services. Also included in this occupation class are legal services, engineering and architectural services, accounting services, research and development services and management/public relations services. Executives offices, legislative bodies and government offices are included in this occupancy class as are: government establishments engaged in finance and taxation, in environmental quality and housing programs, in the administration of economic programs including transportation, communications and utilities, agriculture, space and technology, national security and internal affairs, as well as government establishments engaged in human resource programs such as public health, veterans affairs, education and social and human resources. 316 Health Care Services 80 Occupancies include medical, surgical and other health services including clinics, laboratories, hospitals and other health services. 317 Entertainment and Recreation This occupancy class includes motion picture production and distribution facilities including motion picture theaters and video tape rental establishments, dance studios, theatrical production (other than motion picture), bowling centers, sports clubs, physical fitness facilities and amusement parks, museums, art galleries, arboreta, botanical and zoological gardens. 78,79,84 For all exposures in the U.S., Canada, the Caribbean, Japan and exposures covered for wind in Europe, use code 319 rather than 317 for golf courses. In other regions, use 317 for golf courses. 318 AIR Client Confidential Parking 75 Automobile Parking Facilities 299 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Commercial Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit Description 319 Golf Course 79 Golf courses and related buildings and facilities. Valid for all exposures in the U.S., Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, and exposures covered for wind in Europe. In other regions, use code 317 for golf courses. 383 Construction/ Erection Risks Commercial construction/erection risk is an under-construction building that is intended for a general commercial occupancy. Currently supported only for locations in China, India, South Korea, Southeast Asia (Earthquake and Typhoon), and Japan (Earthquake and Typhoon). Industrial Occupancies Industrial Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category 321 General Industrial 322 Heavy Fabrication and Assembly AIR Client Confidential SIC2-Digit Description General industrial is a composite of all other industrial occupancies. This occupancy code can be selected if the user has no specific information about the risk. 08,09, 24, 26, 30, 32, 35, 37, 99 Includes commercial fishing, hunting and trapping, operation of timber tracts, tree farms, forestry, nurseries and related activities, establishments engaged in the cutting of timber and pulpwood. Includes the manufacture of: furniture and other wood products, of pulps from wood and other sources, tires and various other rubber and plastic products, glass products, cement, structural clay products, pottery, concrete and gypsum products, cut stone and abrasive and asbestos products. Includes the manufacture of industrial and commercial machinery and equipment such as engines and turbines, farm and garden machinery, construction and mining equipment, metalworking machinery, special industry machinery, general industrial machinery, computer and office equipment, refrigeration machinery and miscellaneous industrial machinery. Also includes the manufacture of motor vehicles, aircraft and aircraft parts, ship/boat building and repair, railroad equipment, motorcycles and bicycles, guided missiles, space vehicles, and transport equipment. 300 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit Description 323 Light Fabrication and Assembly 22, 23, 25, 27, 31, 39 Occupancies involved in the preparation and manufacture of yarn, thread, twine and cordage, in the manufacture of fabrics, carpets and rugs, in the dyeing and finishing of fiber, yarn and fabrics. Includes the manufacture of apparel, felt goods, lace goods, non-woven fabrics, miscellaneous textiles, and textile products. Includes the manufacture of household, office and restaurant furniture and of office and store fixtures. Occupancies involved in the publishing and/or printing trade and in service industries related to the printing trade. This occupancy class also includes tanning, currying and finishing of hides and skins, manufacturing of finished leather and artificial leather products, of jewelry, musical instruments, dolls, toys and other miscellaneous manufacturing. 324 Food and Drug Processing 325 Chemical Processing 28 Establishments involved in the manufacture of basic chemicals including acids, alkalis, salts and organic chemicals and of chemical products that are to be used in further manufacturing including synthetic fibers, plastic materials, dry colors, and pigments. Includes the manufacture of finished products used for ultimate consumption including drugs, cosmetics and soaps, and products used as supplies in other industries including paints, fertilizers and explosives. 326 Metal and Mineral Processing 33, 34 Includes the smelting and refining of metals, the manufacture of castings, other basic metal products, nails, spikes, insulated wire and cable, the production of coke, the fabrication of metal products including metal cans, tin ware, hand tools, cutlery, general hardware and metal forging. 327 High Technology 36, 38 Includes occupancies involved in the manufacture of machinery and supplies for the generation, storage transmission, transformation and utilization of electrical energy including electricity distribution equipment, industrial apparatus, household appliances, electrical lighting and wiring equipment. Includes manufacturing instruments for measuring, testing, analyzing and controlling, optical instruments and lenses, surveying and drafting instruments, hydrological, meteorological, navigational, surgical, medical, ophthalmic and photographic equipment. Also included are watches and clocks. AIR Client Confidential 20, 21 Includes food and beverage manufacturing and processing and the manufacturing of cigarettes, cigars, chewing and smoking tobacco. 301 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit Description 328 Construction 15 – 17 This occupancy includes general contractors and builders of residential, farm, industrial, commercial and other buildings, as well as general contractors involved in heavy construction including highways, streets, bridges, tunnels, etc. Also included are special trade contractors including painting, electrical work, carpentry work, plumbing, heating, roofing, etc. 329 Petroleum 29, 46 Establishments involved in petroleum refining, in the manufacture of paving and roofing materials, of compounding and lubricating oils and greases. Also includes the transportation of petroleum and other commodities, other than natural gas, through pipelines 330 Mining 10, 12 – 14 Includes mining and exploring for metallic and nonmetallic minerals, mining and preparation of coal. Includes the extraction of oil from sand and shale and the production of natural gasoline. 384 Construction/ Erection Risks Industrial construction/erection risk is an under-construction building that is intended for a general industrial occupancy. Currently supported only for locations in China, India, South Korea, Southeast Asia (Earthquake and Typhoon), and Japan (Earthquake and Typhoon). Restaurant Occupancy Restaurant Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit Description 331 Restaurant 58 This occupancy includes restaurants, fast food centers, café and bars. Valid for all exposures in the U.S., Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, and exposures covered for wind in Europe. In other regions, use code 312 for restaurants. AIR Client Confidential 302 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Mercantile Occupancies Mercantile Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit Description 335 Gasoline Station 55 Retail establishments selling gasoline for use in motor vehicles, including associated retail stores and service bays. Valid for all exposures in the U.S., Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, and exposures covered for wind in Europe. In other regions, use code 312 for gasoline stations. 336 Automotive Repair Shops and Carwashes 75 Includes carwashes and motor vehicle repair and service businesses that do not also sell gasoline. If the repair service is part of a gasoline station, with gasoline pumps under a canopy, use occupancy 335. Valid for all exposures in the U.S., Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, and exposures covered for wind in Europe. In other regions, use code 314 for these occupancies. Public Occupancies Public Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit Description 341 Religion and Nonprofit 86 Includes organizations operating on a membership basis for the promotion of the interests of their members. Included are organizations such as trade associations; professional membership organizations; labor unions and similar labor organizations; and political and religious organizations. 342 Church 343 Government – General Services 91 Includes offices of executives, legislative bodies, and general government offices, not elsewhere classified. 344 Government – Emergency Services 92 Includes government establishments engaged in justice, public order and safety. AIR Client Confidential Establishments of religious organizations operated for worship, religious training or study, government or administration of an organized religion, or for promotion of religious activities. 303 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Education Occupancies Education Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit 345 Universities, Colleges 82 and Technical Schools Description Establishments providing academic or technical instruction. Also included are establishments providing educational services such as libraries, student exchange programs, and curriculum development. For all exposures in the U.S., Canada, the Caribbean and exposures covered for wind in Europe, use code 346 for primary and secondary schools. In other regions, those occupancies are included in 345. 346 Primary and Secondary Schools 82 Includes institutions engaged in instruction at primary and secondary level. Valid for all exposures in the U.S., Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, and exposures covered for wind in Europe. In other regions, use code 345 for these occupancies. Transportation Occupancies Transportation Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit Description 351 Highway 41, 42 Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing highway passenger transportation and establishments furnishing highway passenger terminal or maintenance facilities. 352 Railroad 40 Includes establishments furnishing transportation by line-haul railroad, and switching and terminal establishments. 353 Air 45 Establishments furnishing services incidental to transportation, such as forwarding and packing services, and the arrangement of passenger and freight transportation. 354 Sea and Inland Waterways 44 Businesses engaged in freight and passenger transportation on the open seas or inland waters, and establishments furnishing such incidental services as lighterage, towing, and canal operation. Also includes excursion and sightseeing boats, and water taxis. AIR Client Confidential 304 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Transportation Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category 355 Aircraft Hangars SIC2-Digit Description Aircraft parking facilities. Valid for exposures in the U.S., Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, and exposures covered for wind in Europe. In other regions, use code 353 for aircraft hangars. 356 Aircraft at Ramps/Gates Aircraft at ramps or boarding gates. Valid for exposures in Japan, To be used with 246 for the Earthquake-Fire Following model. Utility Occupancies Utility Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit Description 361 Electrical Utilities 49 Establishments engaged in the generation, transmission, and/or distribution of electric energy for sale. Includes electric power generation, transmission, or distribution. 362 Water Utilities 363 Sanitary Sewer 49 Establishments primarily engaged in the collection and disposal of wastes conducted through a sewer system, including such treatment processes as may be provided and establishments primarily engaged in the collection and disposal of refuse by processing or destruction or in the operation of incinerators, waste treatment plants, landfills, or other sites for disposal of such materials. 364 Natural Gas 49 Establishments engaged in the transmission and distribution and/or storage of natural gas for sale. 365 Telephone and Telegraph 48 Includes establishments primarily engaged in providing paging and beeper services and those engaged in leasing telephone lines or other methods of telephone transmission, such as optical fiber lines and microwave or satellite facilities, and reselling the use of such methods to others. AIR Client Confidential Establishments primarily engaged in distributing water for sale for domestic, commercial, and industrial use. 305 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Miscellaneous Occupancies Miscellaneous Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit Description 371 Communication 48 Includes establishments furnishing point-to-point communications services, whether intended to be received aurally or visually; and radio and television broadcasting. 372 Flood Control 373 Agriculture 07 Establishments primarily engaged in performing soil preparation services, crop services, veterinary services, other animal services, farm labor and management services, and landscape and horticultural services, for others on a contract or fee basis. 374 Green Houses 01 Includes establishments (e.g., farms, orchards, greenhouses, nurseries) primarily engaged in the production of crops, plants, vines, and trees (excluding forestry operations). This major group also includes establishments primarily engaged in the operation of sod farms, and cranberry bogs; in the production of mushrooms, bulbs, flower seeds, and vegetable seeds; and in the growing of hydroponic crops. Government establishments primarily engaged in regulation, planning, protection and conservation of air and water resources; solid waste management; water and air pollution control and prevention; flood control; drainage development, and consumption of water resources; coordination of these activities at intergovernmental levels; research necessary for air pollution abatement and control and conservation of water resources. Currently supported only for locations in Europe. 375 Forestry Currently supported only for locations in Sweden, Norway, and Finland. 381 Construction/ Erection Risks Miscellaneous construction/erection risk is a composite of all buildings that are under construction. This occupancy can be selected if the user has no specific information about the occupancy type. Currently supported only for locations in China, India, Japan and South Korea. AIR Client Confidential 306 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Occupancies Industrial facility occupancies are for use with the AIR U.S. Earthquake and Hurricane models, AIR Earthquake Model for Hawaii, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for Hawaii, AIR Hurricane Model for Central America, AIR Hurricane Model for Caribbean, AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for India, AIR Earthquake Model for Japan, AIR Typhoon Model for Japan, and the AIR Australia Earthquake and Tropical Cyclone models. If used with any other peril, these occupancies will be mapped back to a 300 series industrial occupancy code. Industrial Facility Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category 400 Unknown Industrial Facility A composite of all other industrial facility occupancies. This code should be selected if you have no specific information about the industrial facility risk. 401 Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General Includes manufacturing and processing of automobiles, fabricated metals, machinery/equipment for industry, transportation equipment, pulp/paper and allied products, textile products, lumber and wood products, and stone/glass/clay/ceramics products. 402 Automotive manufacturing In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 401, Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General. 403 Fabricated metal products In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 401, Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General. 404 Industrial and commercial machinery and equipment In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 401, Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General. 405 Transportation equipment assembly In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 401, Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General. 406 Pulp/Paper and allied products manufacturing In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 401, Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General. 407 Textile mill products In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 401, Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General. 408 Lumber and wood products (except furniture) In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 401, Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General. AIR Client Confidential SIC2-Digit Description 307 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category 409 Stone/clay/glass/ ceramics products In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 401, Heavy Fabrication and Assembly – General. 414 Light Fabrication and Assembly – General Includes manufacturing and processing of furniture/fixtures, apparel, printing/publishing/allied products, rubber, miscellaneous products, leather/leather products, electronic/other electronic equipment (except computer equipment),measuring/controlling instruments, photographic/medical/optical goods, watches/clocks, tire manufacturers, and miscellaneous manufacturing industries. 415 Furniture and fixtures In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 414, Light Fabrication and Assembly – General. 416 Apparel and finished products from fabrics In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 414, Light Fabrication and Assembly – General. 417 Print/publishing and allied industries In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 414, Light Fabrication and Assembly – General. 418 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 414, Light Fabrication and Assembly – General. 419 Leather and leather products In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 414, Light Fabrication and Assembly – General. 420 Electronic and other electrical equipment (except computer equipment) In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 414, Light Fabrication and Assembly – General. 421 Measuring, analyzing, and controlling instruments In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 414, Light Fabrication and Assembly – General. 422 Photographic, medical and optical goods In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 414, Light Fabrication and Assembly – General. AIR Client Confidential SIC2-Digit Description 308 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category 423 Watches and clocks In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 414, Light Fabrication and Assembly – General. 424 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 414, Light Fabrication and Assembly – General. 425 Tire manufacturers In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 414, Light Fabrication and Assembly – General. 429 Food and Drug Processing – General Includes food and beverage manufacturing and processing and the manufacturing of cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, pharmaceuticals, biological products, wineries, and smoking tobacco. 430 Food and kindred products In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 429, Food and Drug Processing – General. 431 Tobacco products In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 429, Food and Drug Processing – General. 432 Pharmaceutical plants In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 429, Food and Drug Processing – General. 433 Biological Products (except diagnostic) Medicinals/Botanicals/ Biomedical In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 429, Food and Drug Processing – General. 434 Wineries In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 429, Food and Drug Processing – General. 438 Chemical Processing – General Establishments involved in the manufacture of basic chemicals including acids, alkalis, salts and organic chemicals and of chemical products that are to be used in further manufacturing including synthetic fibers, plastic materials, dry colors, and pigments. Includes the manufacture of finished products used for ultimate consumption including drugs, cosmetics and soaps, and products used as supplies in other industries including paints, fertilizers and explosives. AIR Client Confidential SIC2-Digit Description 309 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category 439 Chlorine plants In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 438, Chemical Processing – General. 440 Vinyl plants In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 438, Chemical Processing – General. 441 Light hydrocarbon or aromatics plant In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 438, Chemical Processing – General. 442 Plastics plants In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 438, Chemical Processing – General. 443 Chlorhydrin plants In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 438, Chemical Processing – General. 444 Fertilizer plants In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 438, Chemical Processing – General. 445 Cement plants/Cement Mills In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 438, Chemical Processing – General. 446 Other chemical and allied products In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 438, Chemical Processing – General. 449 Metal and Minerals Processing – General Includes the smelting and refining of metals, the manufacture of castings, other basic metal products, nails, spikes, insulated wire and cable, the production of coke, the fabrication of metal products including metal cans, tin ware, hand tools, cutlery, general hardware and metal forging. 450 Primary metal industry In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 450, Metal and Minerals Processing – General. 451 Steel Mills In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 450, Metal and Minerals Processing – General. 452 Smelters In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 450, Metal and Minerals Processing – General. AIR Client Confidential SIC2-Digit Description 310 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category 455 High Technology – General Includes occupancies involved in the manufacture of machinery and supplies for the generation, storage transmission, transformation and utilization of electrical energy including electricity distribution equipment, industrial apparatus, household appliances, electrical lighting and wiring equipment. Includes manufacturing instruments for measuring, testing, analyzing and controlling, optical instruments and lenses, surveying and drafting instruments, hydrological, meteorological, navigational, surgical, medical, ophthalmic and photographic equipment, semi-conductor, computer/electronic devices and allied products. 456 Semi-conductor and related devices In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 455, High Technology – General. 457 Electronic computer devices In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 455, High Technology – General. 458 Computer storage devices In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 455, High Technology – General. 459 Electron tubes In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 455, High Technology – General. 460 Printed circuit boards In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 455, High Technology – General. 463 General building/construction contractors This occupancy includes general contractors and builders of residential, farm, industrial, commercial and other buildings, as well as general contractors involved in heavy construction including highways, streets, bridges, tunnels, etc. Also included are special trade contractors including painting, electrical work, carpentry work, plumbing, heating, roofing, etc. 464 Heavy constructions In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 463, General Building/Construction Contractors. 465 Special trade contractors In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 463, General Building/Construction Contractors. 470 Mining – General Includes mining and exploring for metallic and nonmetallic minerals, mining and preparation of coal. Includes the extraction of oil from sand and shale and the production of natural gasoline AIR Client Confidential SIC2-Digit Description 311 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category 471 Mining operations In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 470, Mining – General. 472 Metal mining In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 470, Mining – General. 473 Coal mining In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 470, Mining – General. 474 Mining/quarrying – Non-metallic mineral (except fuels) In version 14.0, this occupancy code is represented by occupancy code 470, Mining – General. 475 Oil Refinery Systems – General An oil refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful petroleum products, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas. Oil refineries are typically large sprawling industrial complexes with extensive piping running throughout, carrying streams of fluids between large chemical processing units. Establishments involved in petroleum refining, in the manufacture of paving and roofing materials, of compounding and lubricating oils and greases. Also includes the transportation of petroleum and other commodities, other than natural gas, through pipelines. 476 Hydro-Electric Power Systems – General Establishments engaged in the generation, transmission, and/or distribution of electric energy for sale. Includes electric power generation, transmission, dams, or distribution. 477 Thermo-Electric Power Systems – General Establishments engaged in the generation, transmission, and/or distribution of electric energy for sale. Includes electric power generation, transmission, or distribution. 479 Electric Substation Substations generally contain one or more transformers, and have switching, protection and control equipment. Circuit breakers are used to interrupt any short-circuits or overload currents that may occur on the network. Substations here do not have generators, although a power plant may have a substation nearby. A typical substation will contain line termination structures, high-voltage switchgear, power transformers, switchgear, surge protection, controls, grounding (earthing) system, lightning arrester, and metering. Other devices such as power factor correction capacitors and voltage regulators may also be located at a substation. AIR Client Confidential SIC2-Digit Description 312 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category SIC2-Digit Description 480 Potable water Systems – General Establishments primarily engaged in distributing water for sale for domestic, commercial, and industrial use. 481 Waste water treatment Systems - General Establishments primarily engaged in the collection and disposal of wastes conducted through a sewer system, including such treatment processes as may be provided and establishments primarily engaged in the collection and disposal of refuse by processing or destruction or in the operation of incinerators, waste treatment plants, landfills, or other sites for disposal of such materials. 482 Gas Processing Systems – General Establishments engaged in the transmission and distribution and/or storage of natural gas for sale. 486 International ports For use with AIR Earthquake Model for Japan. 487 Domestic ports For use with AIR Earthquake Model for Japan. Offshore Asset Occupancies Offshore Asset occupancies are for use with the AIR U.S. Hurricane Model for Offshore Assets only. Offshore Asset Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category 900 Unknown The offshore platform occupancy is unknown. 901 Oil production only Offshore platforms that produce oil only. 902 Gas production only Offshore platforms that produce gas only. 903 No production Offshore platforms that do not produce oil or gas. 904 Oil and gas production Offshore platforms that produce oil and gas. 905 Drilling Platforms used for drilling. 906 Workover Platforms that repair or stimulate existing production wells for the purpose of restoring, prolonging or enhancing the production of hydrocarbons. AIR Client Confidential SIC2-Digit Description 313 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Offshore Asset Occupancy Class Descriptions AIR Code AIR Category 907 Ready Stacked Rigs that are not under contract but generally are ready for service. 908 Waiting on Location Waiting on location. AIR Client Confidential SIC2-Digit Description 314 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide P Note Location Detail Codes The location detail record is supported only for U.S. Hurricane (US HU) including Hawaii Tropical Cyclone (HI TC), U.S. Severe Thunderstorm (US ST) including sub-perils straight-line wind, tornado, and hail, U.S. Wildfire (US WF), U.S. Earthquake (US EQ), U.S. Inland Flood (US FL), Canada Earthquake (CA EQ), United Kingdom Inland Flood (UK FL), Germany Inland Flood (GM FL), United Kingdom Coastal Flood (UK CFL), Japan Earthquake (JA EQ), and Australia Wildfire (Bushfire) (AS WF). Each field in this record supports only a subset of these perils, as noted by the Perils column. AIR Client Confidential 315 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description SealApprove US HU Seal of Approval. This feature Enter a number 0-3: accounts for the level of professional • 0 = Unknown/default engineering attention given to the • 1 = Fully Engineered design of a structure. Applies only Structure when a known year is provided. • 2 = Partially Engineered Structure • 3 = Minimally Engineered Structure HI TC US ST Valid Options Comments Note: This feature will not affect losses if the Year Built value in the corresponding Location record is Unknown. Fully Engineered Structure. The structure has been designed by a Professional Engineer, who is required by the local jurisdiction to seal the calculations and drawings Partially Engineered Structure. The structure has been inspected by a Professional Engineer and found “deemed-to-comply” with the respective building code. The local jurisdiction does not require the Professional Engineer to seal the calculations Minimally Engineered Structure. The structure does not satisfy any of the conditions mentioned above AIR Client Confidential 316 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options IrFloorOfInterest US FL Floor of Interest: Identifies the floor concerned, if coverage is not for the entire building. Replacement values (building, contents, and BI) as well as policy terms should be entered for the floor of interest and not the whole building. Enter a numeric value: HI TC US ST UK FL GM FL UK CFL • • • • • • AIR Client Confidential Comments Different floors of the building experience -1 = Basement (for use with varying degrees of damage. The nature of the AIR Inland Flood Model damage experienced by each floor can for the United Kingdom only) also be different. or Cellar (for use with the Note AIR Inland Flood Model for For the Hurricane peril, this Germany only) field should be used in 0 = Unknown/default (or no conjunction with the floor of interest) Terrain Roughness and 1 = Ground floor Adjacent Building Height 2 = First floor above the ground floor features. 3 = Second floor above the ground floor etc. 317 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrBldCond US HU Building Condition: A qualitative description of building condition based on visual inspection Enter a number 0-3: The external appearance of cladding and maintenance give a qualitative estimate of expected performance. HI TC US ST US EQ CA EQ JA EQ • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Average 2 = Good 3 = Poor Earthquakes: Buildings with signs of distress or duress such as cracking due to aging and ground settlement or overloading or cracking due to damage from previous earthquakes are likely to experience additional damage during an earthquake. Hurricanes: Buildings with signs of distress or duress are likely to experience additional damage during a tropical cyclone. Some examples of these signs are: an aging roof, exterior walls, or cladding; loose roof tiles or chimney damage; or damage from previous tropical cyclones. AIR Client Confidential 318 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments Pounding (previously IrProximity) US EQ Pounding: Distance to the nearest structure, which if not adequate, can cause the two structures to collide during earthquake shaking Enter a number 0-5: This factor usually concerns high-rise buildings in densely built areas like business districts of cities. If the gap between adjacent tall buildings is not adequate, there is potential danger of the two structures colliding during earthquake shaking; this phenomenon is known as “pounding effect.” CA EQ JA EQ • • • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = 0-0.25 m 2 = 0.25-0.5 m 3 = 0.5-1.0 m 4 = 1.0-2.0 m 5 = > 2.0 m Severe damage may occur when the floors of the buildings are at different elevations, and the impact of one building's floors can destroy the columns in the adjacent building. The field was previously named IrProximity. IrTreeExposure US HU HI TC Tree Exposure: Describes the tree hazard around the building US ST IrSmallDebris US HU HI TC US ST IrLargeMissile US HU HI TC US ST AIR Client Confidential Small Debris Source: Describes the potential of small debris in a radius of 200 feet Large Missile Source: Describes the potential of large missiles in a radius of 100 feet Enter a number 0-2: • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = No 2 = Yes Enter a number 0-2: • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = No 2 = Yes Enter a number 0-2: • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = No 2 = Yes Trees snap in strong winds, and can damage adjacent buildings. Small debris, such as roof gravel, trash bins, or tree branches may be picked up by high wind and breach window glass. Small debris can be carried to all elevations at high wind speed. Garden furniture, or wood planks or studs dislodged from nearby buildings may become missiles at high wind speed and breach the building envelope. 319 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrTerrainRoughn ess US HU Terrain Roughness: Describes the terrain conditions Enter a number 0-4: This field should be used in conjunction with the Average Adjacent Building Height feature. HI TC US ST • • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Terrain Type A 2 = Terrain Type B 3 = Terrain Type C 4 = Terrain Type D Type A. Large city centers with at least 50% of the buildings having a height in excess of 70 ft (21.3 m). Use of this exposure category shall be limited to those areas for which terrain representative of Exposure A prevails in the upward direction for a distance of at least 0.5 mi. (0.8 km) or 10 times the height of the building or other structure, whichever is greater. Possible channeling effecent building will be taken into account. Type B. Urban and suburban areas, wooded areas, or other terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions having the size of single-family dwellings or larger. Use of this exposure category shall be limited to those areas for which terrain representative of Exposure B prevails in the upwind direction for a distance of at least 1,500 ft. (460 m) or 10 times the height of the building or other structure, whichever is greater. Type C. Open terrain with scattered obstructions having heights generally less than 30 ft (9.1 m). This category includes flat, open country and grasslands. AIR Client Confidential 320 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Type D. Flat, unobstructed areas exposed to winds flowing over open water for a distance of at least 1 mi. (1.61 km). This exposure shall apply only to those buildings and other structures exposed to the winds coming off the water. Exposure D extends inland from the shoreline a distance of 1,500 ft (460 m), or 10 times the height of the building or structure, whichever is greater. IrTerrainRoughn ess (continued) IrAdBldHeight US HU Enter a number: US ST Average Adjacent Building Height: Describes average height of buildings adjacent to the building of interest N/A Building Orientation: 0 = default Not currently supported. Enter 0. Enter a number 0-8: Shape is critical for the performance of a structure, especially for large commercial buildings. In general, simple regular forms like squares and rectangles perform better than combinations of those, such as L and T shaped buildings. The sharp corners in these complex shapes are vulnerable. HI TC IrBldOrientation Comments • • 0 = Unknown/default N = Numeric value indicating the number of stories This field should be used in conjunction with the Terrain Roughness feature. Describes the orientation of the building IrShape US EQ CA EQ JA EQ AIR Client Confidential Building Shape: The overall shape of the building’s footprint • • • • • • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Square 2 = Rectangle 3 = Circular 4 = L-shaped 5 = T-shaped 6 = U-shaped 7 = H-shaped 8 = Complex 321 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrTorsion US EQ Torsion: Layout of structural elements that can lead to torsional loads Enter a number 0-3: Wedge-shaped buildings and corner buildings are typical examples in which the lateral load-resisting components in a building are placed asymmetrically. This leads to torsional forces being induced when the building is shaken, which can lead to significant damage. CA EQ JA EQ IrSoftStory US EQ CA EQ JA EQ Soft Story: Describes a structural weakness at any floor • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Symmetric 2 = Asymmetric 3 = Corner building Enter a number 0-2: • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = No 2 = Yes The weakness is usually in the lateral load resisting capacity of the floor and can often result in total (pancaking) collapse of the floor. In residential buildings, it is most often found in the first floor due to large openings or garages. In multi-story buildings, it can be present at any floor although a large number of case histories exist with collapse of the first floor. Note AIR Client Confidential Soft story will only be enabled if the number of stories (field 33 on the location record) is 2 or greater 322 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrStrucIrreg US EQ Structural Irregularity: Enter a number 0-5: CA EQ Irregularity in such things as floor plan, structural components, uneven weight distribution, etc. • • • Such structural irregularities can lead to catastrophic collapse of properties as witnessed in the Mexico City and Kobe earthquakes. JA EQ • • IrSpecial US EQ CA EQ JA EQ AIR Client Confidential Special EQ-Resistant Systems: Earthquake-resistive systems installed in building 0 = Unknown/default 2 = Vertical Offset 3 = Non-uniform Floor Area (e.g., sudden change in floor area along the height) 4 = Discontinuous Shear Wall (i.e., main load resisting components are not provided in a regular, symmetric pattern) 5 = Heavy floor (placement of heavy equipment on higher floors) Note The Regular (1) value is no longer supported, and if used, will be mapped to Unknown/default (0) upon import. Enter a number 0-3: • • • • Some new commercial buildings (mainly in California & Japan) have special 0 = Unknown/default devices/design elements to resist 1 = Base isolation earthquake loads. Structures with special 2 = Viscoelastic dampers design have performed satisfactorily in 3 = Other energy dissipaters recent events such as Northridge. 323 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils IrRetrofit US EQ JA EQ 1 Description Valid Options Comments Retrofit Measures: The building or some components may have been retrofitted to resist earthquake loads Enter a number 0-7: A properly retrofitted structure can resist earthquakes even though the original structural form had weaknesses. • • • • • • • • IrRoofGeometry US HU HI TC US ST Roof Geometry: Describes the shape of the roof Enter a number 0-10: • • • • • • • • • • • AIR Client Confidential 0 = Unknown/default 2 1 = Bracing of cripple walls 2 = Bracing of parapets 3 = Bracing of soft-story 4 = Foundation anchorage 3 (bolting) 5 = Glass/window strengthening 6 = Tilt Up 7 = General 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Flat 2 = Gable end without bracing 3 = Hip 4 = Complex 5 = Stepped 6 = Shed 7 = Mansard 8 = Gable end with bracing 9 = Pyramid 10 = Gambrel 1 Reserved for future use in Japan Earthquake Model. 2 For U.S. Earthquake (M11): If you want to use the Bracing of cripple walls (1) option, Crawlspace/cripple wall (4) must be selected in Foundation Type (IrFoundation). 3 For U.S. Earthquake (M11): If you want to use the Foundation anchorage bolting (4) option, Gravity/Friction (4) must be selected in Building-Foundation Connection (IrBldFndConn). Geometry of the roof affects the intensity of wind pressures and the resulting uplift resistance. 324 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrRoofPitch US HU Roof Pitch: Addresses the roof slope Enter a number 0-3: Low pitch roofs have greater uplift forces acting on the roof as compared to high pitch roofs. HI TC US ST IrRoofCover US HU HI TC US-ST US WF AS WF Roof Covering: The nature of material used to cover the roof • • • • = = = = Unknown/default Low (<10°) Medium (10° to 30°) High (> 30°) Enter a number 0-11: • • • • • • • • • • • • AIR Client Confidential 0 1 2 3 Damage to the roof covering can result in significant water damage to the interior of the building and contents. 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Asphalt shingles 2 = Wooden shingles 1 11-Hurricane Wind-Rated Roof 3 = Clay/concrete tiles Coverings entry is not applicable with 4 = Light metal panels Australia Bushfire peril. 5 = Slate 6 = Built-up roof with gravel 7 = Single ply membrane 8 = Standing seam metal roofs 9 = Built-up roof without gravel 10 = Single ply membrane ballasted 11 = Hurricane Wind-Rated 1 Roof Coverings . 325 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrRoofDeck US HU Roof Deck: Material and construction type of the roof deck of building Enter a number 0-8: Roof decks transfer the roof loads to the underlying joists and purlins. Damage to the roof deck results in the breach of the building envelope resulting in significant building and interior damage. HI TC US ST US EQ CA EQ JA EQ • • • • • • • • • IrRoofCoverAttch US HU HI TC US ST IrRoofHailImpact Resistance US-STHail Roof Covering Attachment: Enter a number 0-4: Nature of the connections used to secure the roof covering to the roof deck • • • • • Hail impact-resistant roof: Enter a number 0-4: UL2218 Standard • • • • • AIR Client Confidential 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Plywood 2 = Wood planks 3 = Particle board/OSB 4 = Metal deck with insulation board 5 = Metal deck with concrete 6 = Pre-cast concrete slabs 7 = Reinforced concrete slabs 8 = Light metal 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Screws 2 = Nails/staples 3 = Adhesive/epoxy 4 = Mortar 0 = Unknown/non-impactresistant 1 = Class A (least impactresistant) 2 = Class B 3 = Class C Class D (most impactresistant With respect to seismic performance, the weight of the roof can be critical. It is not desirable to make the roof heavy because it induces higher lateral forces in the structure during shaking. Damage to the roof can result due to the improper attachment of the roof covering to the underlying roof deck. UL2218: Impact Resistance of Prepared Roof Covering Materials defines 4 classes of prepared sheets of panels installed in overlapping rows on roofs. Only applies to sub-peril Hail 326 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrRoofDeckAttch US HU Roof Deck Attachment: Nature of the connections used to secure the roof deck to the underlying roof support system Enter a number 0-7: Damage to the roof can result due to the improper attachment of the roof deck to the underlying roof support system. HI TC US ST • • • • • • • • IrRoofAnchorage US HU HI TC IrRoofBuilt US HU HI TC US-ST AIR Client Confidential Roof Anchorage: Nature of connections used to secure the roof support systems to the walls Year Roof Built: The year the roof was put in place 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Screws/bolts 2 = Nails 3 = Adhesive/epoxy 4 = Structurally connected 5 = 6d nails @ 6” spacing, 12” on center 6 = 8d nails @ 6” spacing, 12” on center 7 = 8d nails @ 6” spacing, 6” on center Enter a number 0-7: • • • • • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Hurricane Ties 2 = Nails/Screws 3 = Anchor bolts 4 = Gravity/friction 5 = Adhesive epoxy 6 = Structurally Connected 7 = Clips Enter a year: • • 0 = Unknown/default NNNN = Four-digit numeric value indicating the year in which the roof was built Roof anchorage establishes a load path to transfer wind loads from the roof to the walls. Hurricane straps provide such an anchorage. With age, roofs lose their strength to resist wind loads and hence are more vulnerable. 327 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrWall US HU Wall Type: Materials used for external walls of the building Enter a number 0-9: Different types of wall materials offer varying degrees of resistance to windinduced lateral loads. Breaches in the wall can result in internal pressure buildup. HI TC US-ST US EQ CA EQ JA EQ IrWallSiding US HU HI TC US-ST US EQ US WF CA EQ JA EQ AS WF Wall Siding: Materials used for weathering protection of walls • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Brick/unreinforced masonry • 2 = Reinforced masonry • 3 = Plywood • 4 = Wood planks • 5 = Particle board/OSB • 6 = Metal panels • 7 = Pre-cast concrete elements • 8 = Cast-in-place concrete 9 = Gypsum board Enter a number 0-7 • • • • • • • • AIR Client Confidential 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Veneer brick/masonry 2 = Wood shingles 3 = Clapboards 4 = Aluminum/vinyl siding 5 = Stone panels 6 = Exterior insulation finishing system (EIFS) 7 = Stucco With respect to seismic performance, some wall forms can contribute to increasing the lateral-load capacity of a building while others tend to act independently when shaken. Wall sidings offer protection from wind and rain. Different types of wall siding materials have varying degrees of wind load resistance. Breach in wall sidings can expose wall to wind and rain, resulting in water intrusion and internal pressure buildup. Different types of cladding materials offer varying degrees of resistance to earthquake induced lateral loads. Veneer and stone-panels in particular are more susceptible to falling off in an earthquake. 328 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrGlassType US HU Glass Type: Type of glass used in building Enter a number 0-5: Different glass types have varying degrees of resistance to wind loads and debris impact. HI TC IS-ST IrGlassPercent US HU HI TC Glass Percent: The percent area of the walls covered by glass US-ST IrWindowProt US HU HI TC US-ST AIR Client Confidential Window Protection: Describes the nature of wind protection systems used • • • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Annealed 2 = Tempered 3 = Heat strengthened 4 = Laminated 5 = Insulating glass units Enter a number 0-4: • • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Less than 5% 2 = Between 5% and 20% 3 = Between 20% and 60% 4 = Greater than 60% Enter a number 0-3: • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = No protection 2 = Non-engineered shutters 3 = Engineered shutters The greater the percent of glass in a wall, the greater the vulnerability to damage, in general. Protecting the windows can reduce the potential damage to a building. 329 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrExteriorDoors US HU Exterior Doors: Describes the nature of the exterior doors in the building Enter a number 0-6: Exterior doors are weak in resisting wind loads and so is the frame that holds the doors. They deflect considerably under high wind loads and thus fail. HI TC • • • • • • • AIR Client Confidential 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Single width Doors 2 = Double width Doors 3 = Reinforced single width doors 4 = Reinforced double width doors 5 = Sliding doors 6 = Reinforced sliding doors 330 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrBldFndConn US HU Building-Foundation Connection: Connection type between the structure and foundation Enter a number 0-6: Transfers the vertical and lateral loads on the building to the foundation during wind events. HI TC US-ST US EQ CA EQ JA EQ 1 For Industrial Facilities (locations in the U.S. with an occupancy class between 400 - 482), this field represents the anchorage of equipment at the facility. • • • • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Hurricane ties 2 = Nails/Screws 3 = Anchor Bolts 2 4 = Gravity/Friction 5 = Adhesive/Epoxy 6 = Structurally Connected Critical in single-family dwellings made of wood-frame and tilt-up construction. Loss of anchorage between building and foundation has been a common type of failure in California earthquakes. For Industrial Facilities (locations in the U.S. with an occupancy class between 400 - 482), enter one of the following values to indicate the equipment anchorage: • • • 0 = Unknown 4 = Unanchored 6 = Anchored 1 Reserved for future use in Japan Earthquake Model. 2 For U.S. Earthquake (M11): Gravity/Friction (4) must be selected if you want to use the Retrofit Measures (IrRetrofit) option Foundation anchorage bolting (4). AIR Client Confidential 331 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrFoundation US EQ Foundation Type: The form of construction of the building foundation Enter a number 0-12: Single-family dwellings are often built on basements or on shallow foundations. Most mid-rise buildings are built on mat foundations. High-rise buildings tend to be supported on pile-foundations. Piles are generally better performers in earthquakes. US FL JA EQ CA EQ UK FL GM FL UK CFL • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Masonry basement 2 = Concrete basement 4 = Crawlspace—cripple 1 wall (wood) 5 = Crawlspace—masonry Note The Masonry Wall (3) value (wood) is no longer supported, and 6 = Post & pier if used, will be mapped to 7 = Footing Unknown/default (0) upon 8 = Mat/slab import. 9 = Pile 2 10 = No basement 1 For U.S. Earthquake (M11): 11 = Engineering foundation Crawlspace/cripple wall (4) must be 12 = Crawlspace—raised selected if you want to use the Retrofit (wood) Measures (IrRetrofit) option Bracing of cripple walls (1). 2 For the United Kingdom and Germany inland flood models, only values 0, 1, 2 and 10 are applicable. Also note that 10 is not applicable for the U.S. Earthquake model. AIR Client Confidential 332 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrIntPartition US HU Internal Partition Walls: Enter a number 0-5: HI TC Describes the nature of the interior partition walls • • • • • • Internal partitions, when effective, can protect the interior of the building when the building envelope is breached. US ST US EQ JA EQ 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Wood 2 = Gypsum boards 3 = Plastered masonry 4 = Brick 5 = Other The amount of loss caused by damage to internal partition walls depends on the type of materials used to construct them, such as masonry or gypsum board. Heavy, brittle materials, such as unreinforced brick masonry, have been known to experience great damage during an earthquake. If the building is breached at low hazard levels, then internal wall materials may protect some contents from wind or surge damage. However, at higher wind speeds, internal partition walls may fail, causing further structural or debris damage. AIR Client Confidential 333 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrAttachStruct US HU Wall Attached Structures: Enter a number 0-8: HI TC Components of a property that are not an integral part of the main building but are physically attached to it • • Attached structures are often more vulnerable than the main building especially if there is inadequate anchorage. US ST • • • • • • • IrAppurtStruct US HU Appurtenant Structures: Enter a number 0-7: HI TC Components of a property that are not an integral part of the main building and are not connected to it • • • • • • • US ST • AIR Client Confidential 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Carports/ Canopies/Porches 2 = Single Door Garages 3 = Double Door Garages 4 = Reinforced Single Door Garages 5 = Reinforced Double Door Garages 6 = Screened Porches/Glass Patio Doors 7 = Balcony 8 = No attached wall structures 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Detached garage 2 = Pool enclosures 3 = Shed 4 = Masonry boundary wall 5 = Other fence 6 = No appurtenant structures 7 = No pool enclosures With respect to seismic performance, unreinforced masonry chimneys, as an example, generally collapse even under moderate levels of shaking. Under significant wind loads, wall attached structures may experience heavier damage than the main structure. They may also become dislodged and create a breach for wind or floodwaters, or become flying debris themselves. Appurtenant structures may require a different treatment in analysis from the main building. For example, the masonry boundary wall can collapse under moderate shaking whereas the woodframe house it surrounds may remain undamaged. A pool enclosure may provide protection of a recreational pool from everyday wind and sun exposure. However, if winds are high enough to damage the main building, a pool enclosure may become flying debris and increase the amount of damage. 334 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IrMechSystem US HU Roof Attached Structures: Description of the mechanical and other equipment on top of roofs Enter a number 0-13: Attached structures are often more vulnerable than the main building especially if there is inadequate anchorage. HI TC US-ST • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Short Column US EQ JA EQ AIR Client Confidential 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Chimneys 2 = A/C Units 3 = Skylights 4 = Parapet Walls 5 = Overhang/Rake (8-36 in.) 6 = Dormers 7 = Other 8 = No Attached Structures 9 = Overhang/Rake (< 8 in.) 10 = Overhang/Rake (> 36 in.) 11 = Waterproof membrane/ fabric 12 = Secondary water resistance (e.g., bitumen tape) - Yes 13 = Secondary water resistance – No Short Column: Indicates whether Enter a number 0-2: there are short columns in a building • 0 = Unknown/default • 1 = No • 2 = Yes This applies to old concrete structures in which the full height of some columns has been restricted by spandrel beams or infill walls. If some of the columns along the perimeter are shorter than the adjacent columns, there is high chance that the shorter column can no longer bear the loads for which they were originally designed. 335 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Bldg Ext Opn US EQ JA EQ 1 Description Valid Options Comments Building Exterior Opening: Indicates the percentage of exterior walls that are open (i.e., have windows or doors) Enter a number 0-2: A shear wall with many openings for windows and doors has less resistance to earthquake loads. Buildings whose walls are more than 50% open are evaluated as having less seismic resistance than they would otherwise. • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Less than 50% of wall open 2 = More than 50% of wall open 1 Reserved for future use in Japan Earthquake Model. Ornamentation US EQ JA EQ Equipment US EQ JA EQ Water Heater US EQ JA EQ 1 Ornamentation: Describes the amount of decorative elements attached to the exterior of a building Equipment: Describes the level of equipment bracing in a building. Enter a number 0-3: • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = None 2 = Average 3 = Extensive Enter a number 0-3: Decorative elements may fall during an earthquake. Examples include unreinforced or unbraced parapet walls or entryway roofs, which can break off during excessive shaking. 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Well-Braced 2 = Average Bracing 3 = Unbraced Anchoring mechanical and electrical equipment to the floor or bracing them against structural elements can resist damage. Vibration isolators (springs) are not as effective. In addition, piping should be braced to restrain the movement. Water Heater: Indicates whether the Enter a number 0-2: water heater in a building is braced • 0 = Unknown/default • 1 = Braced • 2 = Unbraced If the water heater in a residential building is not properly secured, it can topple during earthquakes and cause damage, to both itself and any part of the structure underneath it. • • • • 1 Reserved for future use in Japan Earthquake Model. AIR Client Confidential 336 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments Redundancy US EQ Redundancy: Indicates whether there are multiple lateral load resisting elements (frames or shear walls) in a building Enter a number 0-2: Redundancy provides additional reinforcement against earthquake damage. JA EQ Brick Veneer US EQ JA EQ 1 Brick Veneer: Indicates the percentage of external walls that are brick veneer. • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = No 2 = Yes Enter a number 0-4: • • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = >90% 2 = <50% 3 = <25% 4 = None Note: For Canada EQ and U.S. EQ only, 1 = Yes and 2 = No. For Japan EQ, values are as documented in Valid Options column. The masonry of brick veneer is typically unreinforced and is likely to crack and come loose when subjected to ground shaking. Therefore, buildings with this type of exterior siding are more likely to experience direct damage from repair of the masonry, and possible indirect damage due to repair of adjacent components that may be damaged caused by falling debris from the veneer. This code should be used in conjunction with the 03 masonry veneer con code. Default represents 75%. 1 Reserved for future use in Japan Earthquake Model. AIR Client Confidential 337 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Tall One-Story US EQ Tall, One Story: Indicates the height Enter a number 0-3: of a one-story building • 0 = Unknown/default • 1 = <= 20 ft • 2 = > 20 ft • 3 = > 40 ft Single story buildings that are taller than typical one-story structures (e.g., churches, gymnasium, auditoriums, etc.) have been observed to experience more damage. The majority of the seismic weight of the building (the building’s roof) is further from the ground, which may induce larger overturning forces. The structure may also contain slender elements that may be more likely to experience buckling failure modes. Tanks: Indicates whether there are rooftop tanks on the adjoining higher buildings Rooftop tanks on adjoining, higher buildings are a falling hazard during earthquakes. JA EQ Tanks Chimney Column Basement AIR Client Confidential US EQ US EQ JA EQ Chimney: Indicates whether a building has a chimney and, if so, what its height in feet is Column Basement: Connection between columns and basement for SRC and steel construction. Indicates whether basement support columns are embedded. Valid Options Enter a number 0-2: • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = No 2 = Yes Comments Enter a number 0-4: • • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = No 2 = Yes, height <= 2 ft 3 = Yes, height <= 5 ft 4 = Yes, height > 5 ft Enter a number 0-3: • • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Mixed 2 = Non-Embedded 3 = Embedded 338 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments Multi-Story Hall JA EQ Multi-Story Hall: Indicates the presence of a multi-story hall in a building. Enter a number 0-2: Multi-story halls cause the unequal distribution of external forces among floors and columns. This causes stress to concentrate in some of components, which makes buildings more vulnerable to earthquake damage. Lattice Welding JA EQ JA EQ Transition in SRC JA EQ Cold Formed Tube JA EQ Web Type of Steel: Type of web for H-shaped steel. Welding: Accounts for the quality of welding in a building. Transition in SRC: Indicates whether the transition from SRC to RC in columns of SRC construction is a smooth one. Cold Formed Tube: Indicates the presence of cold formed tubes in steel structures. • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = No 2 = Yes Enter a number 0-3: • • • • Influences the ductility of a structure. 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Full Web 2 = Grid 3 = Lattice Enter a number 0-2: • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = On-Site 2 = In-House Enter a number 0-2: • • • 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Smooth 2 = Non-Smooth Enter a number 0-2: 0 = Unknown/default 1 = No Cold formed tubes, which are formed via cold processing, can lower building ductility. 2 = Yes AIR Client Confidential 339 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments IS Value JA EQ IS Value: A measure of the total seismic performance of a building, which accounts for all characteristics that affect the response of a building to an earthquake. Enter a number 0-6: This value is based on seismic performance evaluation guidelines. 0 = Unknown/default 1 = Less than 0.3 2 = 0.3 – 0.45 If this modifier is used, all other modifiers are disabled. 3 = 0.45 – 0.55 4 = 0.55 – 0.65 5 = 0.65 – 0.75 6 = 0.75 – 0.85 7 = 0.85 – 1.0 8 = 1.0 – 1.25 9 = Greater than 1.2 Custom Flood Zone AIR Client Confidential GM FL Custom Flood Zone: Defines a set of locations as part of a Custom Flood Zone. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. If 0 is used, it assumes no zone has been defined and all locations are included for analysis. Defining this modifier for a location helps to filter the locations defined with custom zones to be included in the analysis. This is especially useful if only certain zones can be included for protection. You can specify flood zones by clicking the Ellipsis button next to the Inland Flood peril selection in the Analysis Options dialog box. 340 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Custom Standard GM FL of Protection US FL (SoP) Description Valid Options Comments Custom SoP: For buildings that are protected by a custom flood protection system (e.g., levee, flood walls), Enter a number 1-10,000: Germany Flood: The methodology used in AIR models to account for flood protection is based on return periods, thereby accounting for the Standards of Service of those flood protection measures. Helps increase the flood protection for single risks (e.g., large industrial facilities), based on return periods. Germany Flood: 0 = Default of 0 or a value less than return period of protection in AIR model will base the losses on AIR defaults. U.S. Flood: -999 = Default value. No other negative values allowed. Number of US FL Basement Levels Number of Basement Levels: Used 0 = Unknown/default in conjunction with masonry or 1, 2, 3, etc. = Levels of concrete basement foundation basement types. Non-negative numeric value indicates number of basement levels. This feature is valid in conjunction with IrFoundation = 1, 2 only. For occupancies 301-303, only one level of basement is supported (other user input values will be overridden with 1). Basement Finish Type AIR Client Confidential US FL Basement Finish Type: Used in conjunction with masonry or concrete basement foundation types. Numeric value indicates if basement is finished or unfinished. U.S. Flood: For U.S. Flood, this is the height (in feet) of the custom flood protection system above the ground surface. Note: Cannot be imported via UPX. If number of basement levels is greater than 1, and if IrFoundation = 1, then it is assumed to be a concrete basement for all further purposes (since a masonry basement is assumed not to have more than 1 level of basement). For levels of basement beyond 4 levels, the models treat them identically (to that of 4 levels). 0 = Unknown/default Note: Cannot be imported via UPX. 1 = Unfinished basement Finished basements have interior features like drywall, plaster, insulation, and flooring, and contain more valuable contents than unfinished basements. 2 = Finished basement 341 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Custom Elevation (CE) US FL Custom Elevation: Elevation of the Elevation in feet local ground surface (numeric field in -999 = Unknown/Default feet), which will override the underlying modeled digital terrain elevation. Comments Note: Cannot be imported via UPX. A non-zero entry of CE value will override underlying model DTM elevation. Elevation of the grade (local ground surface) with respect to the datum (NAVD88) nature of finish in basements of buildings Base Flood Elevation (BFE) US FL Base Flood Elevation: FEMA defines BFE as “water surface elevation corresponding to a flood having a 1% probability of being equaled or exceeded in a given year.” Essentially, this is the water elevation (in feet) expected for the 100-year flood. Elevation in feet Note: Cannot be imported via UPX. -999 = Unknown/Default This assumes that the house has its lowest floor (including basement) at the BFE (according to FEMA). BFE cannot be less than local grade elevation since both are measured with respect to NAVD88. If BFE < local grade elevation, BFE = Unknown. Note that the value in First Floor Height (FFH) will override BFE. First Floor Height US FL (FFH) First Floor Height: Height above the grade of the first floor in the building. Height in feet above grade. -999 = Unknown/Default This overrides the BFE setting. That is, if both BFE and FFH are provided, FFH will be used and BFE will be ignored. Service Equipment Protection Service Equipment Protection: Indicates if plumbing, mechanical, or electrical equipment is protected or unprotected in the floodable parts of the basement. 0 = Unknown /Default Note: Cannot be imported via UPX. AIR Client Confidential US FL 1 = Protected for flood by being elevated and/or flood proofing 2 = Unprotected for flood – not elevated and not flood proofed 342 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments FIRM Compliance US FL FIRM Compliance: This field is an indicator of the compliance of the building with the FEMA flood zone requirements in design and construction. 0 = Unknown/Default Note: Cannot be imported via UPX. 1 = Yes 2 = No Reserved for Future Use This field acts a placeholder for Future Implementation Content Vulnerability US FL Content Vulnerability: This field reflects the relative vulnerability of the contents exposed to flooding for the chosen occupancy.ability. 0 = Unknown/Default/Moderate Note: Cannot be imported via UPX. 1 = Very Low 2 = Low 3 = High 4 = Very High AIR Client Confidential 343 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Location Detail Codes Code Perils Description Valid Options Comments Project Phase US HU Project Phase: Identifies the vulnerabilities during different phases of construction Enter a numeric value: If the user selects 0, no builder’s risk will be applied (i.e., building is completed, meaning regular risk is assumed). If unknown, enter 0. HI TC US EQ • • • • • • • Project Completion % US HU HI TC US EQ Project Completion %: Percentage complete (defined as the % of project completed with start of the policy) 0 = No builder’s risk/default 1 = Phase 1 – Foundation & Substructure 2 = Phase 2 Superstructure 3 = Phase 3 – Walls & Roofing 4 = Phase 4 – Interiors, Mechanical (Conveying, Plumbing, HVAC, Fire Protection), Electrical, Furnishings, Misc. 5 = Average Project Loss – Average project loss over the duration of project 6 = Worst Loss – Project phase when the loss potential is highest 0-99% This only applies to Average Project Loss (Phase 5). If no builder’s risk is selected or other phase losses are selected, the % completion entry will be ignored. The Project Completion % is by the cost of the project. AIR Client Confidential 344 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Q Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Comp Name Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 1 Air Handling Unit 101 Basic 102 Unanchored 103 AIR Client Confidential Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 108 Unknown 201 Anchored Poor Anchored 202 Unanchored 104 Vibration Isolt Concern 203 Unknown 105 Duct Support Concern 204 Salt 106 Rigid Attachment Concern 205 Fresh 107 Interact Concern 301 Basic 2 3 Comp Name Analyzer Battery 345 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Comp Name Subcomp Code Subcomp Name Chargers 302 Unanchored 303 Poor Anchored 304 Load Path Concern 305 Pounding Concern 306 Interaction Concern 307 Unknown 401 Basic 402 Unanchored 403 Poor Anchored 404 No Battery Spaces 405 No Long Cross Bracing 406 No Battery Restraint 407 Interaction Concern Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code 6 4 Battery Racks 7 4 Battery Racks 408 Unknown 5 Boilers 501 Anchored 502 Unanchored 503 Unknown 504 Unanchored or Poor Anchored 8 AIR Client Confidential Comp Name Chillers Chimneys Stacks Chlorination Equip Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 505 Inadequate Flex on Seismic Displacement 506 General Facility 601 Basic 602 Unanchored 603 Poor Anchored 604 Vibration Isolation Concern 605 Piping Support Concern 606 Interaction Concern 607 Unknown 701 Masonry 702 Concrete 703 Steel 704 Unknown 705 Refinery 706 Chemical Plant 801 Anchored 802 Unanchored 346 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code 9 Comp Name Chlorine Cells 10 Circuit Breakers AIR Client Confidential Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 803 Unknown 901 Unknown 902 Unknown Salt 903 Unknown Fresh 1001 MV Anchored 1002 MV Unanchored 1003 MV Unknown 1004 LV Anchored 1005 LV Unanchored 1006 LV Unknown 1007 Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 1014 Live Tank GE 230 kV Model GE ATB4 6 1015 Live Tank GE 230 kV Model GE ATB7 1016 Live Tank GE 500 kV Model GE ATB 1017 Live Tank Other 500 kV 1018 Dead Tank 230 kV SF6 1019 Dead Tank 230 kV Oil 1020 Dead Tank 230 kV Modern 1021 Live Tank 500 kV Westinghouse HV Anchored 1022 Live Tank 500 kV Puffer 1008 HV Unanchored 1023 Dead Tank 500 kV Model SF6 1009 HV Unknown 1101 Anchored 1010 Unknown 1102 Unanchored 1011 Unknown Salt 1103 Unknown 1012 Unknown Fresh 1104 Unknown Salt 1013 Old Cogenel 500 kV 1105 Unknown Fresh 1106 Basic 11 11 Comp Name Compressor Compressor 347 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code 12 13 14 Comp Name Compressor Station/Pumping Plants Control Panels Cooling Towers AIR Client Confidential Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 1108 Poor Anchored 1109 Vibration Isolation Concern 1110 Rigid Attachment Concern 1111 Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 1403 Mounted On Vibration Isolation WO Lateral Support 1404 Sign Of Deterioration On Members Interaction Concern 1405 Unknown 1201 Anchored 1409 Chemical Plant 1202 Unanchored 1501 Low Seismic 230 kV 1203 Unknown 1502 Medium Seismic 230 kV 1301 Basic 1503 High Seismic 230 kV 1302 Unanchored 1504 Composite Column 230 kV 1303 Poor Anchored 1505 Low Seismic 500 kV 1304 Suspect Load Path 1506 Medium Seismic 500 kV 1305 Pounding Concern 1507 High Seismic 500 kV 1306 Inflexible Attachment 1508 Composite Column 500 kV 1307 Interaction Concern 1509 Unknown 1308 Unknown 1601 MV Anchored 1401 Wood MultiCells 1602 MV Unanchored 1402 No Regular Inspection 1603 MV Unknown 1604 LV Anchored 15 15 16 Comp Name Coupled Capacitor Coupled Capacitor Current Transformers 348 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code 17 Comp Name Dams AIR Client Confidential Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 1605 LV Unanchored 1606 LV Unknown 1607 Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 1705 Unknown 1801 LV Anchored HV Anchored 1802 LV Unanchored 1608 HV Unanchored 1803 LV Unknown 1609 HV Unknown 1804 MV Anchored 1610 Unknown 1805 MV Unanchored 1611 Low Seismic 230 kV 1806 MV Unknown 1612 Medium Seismic 230 kV 1807 HV Anchored 1613 High Seismic 230 kV 1808 HV Unanchored 1614 Composite Column 230 kV 1809 HV Unknown 1615 Low Seismic 500 kV 1810 Unknown 1616 Medium Seismic 500 kV 1811 500 kV Vertical 1617 High Seismic 500 kV 1812 230 kV Vertical 1618 Composite Column 500 kV 1813 230 kV Horizontal 1701 Concrete Gravity 1901 Anchored 1702 Rock Fill 1902 Unanchored 1703 Earth Fill 1903 Unknown 1704 Concrete Arch 2001 Basic 18 18 19 20 Comp Name Disconnected Switch Disconnected Switch Dist Circuit Distribution 349 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code 21 22 23 Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Name Subcomp Code Subcomp Name Comp Code Comp Name Subcomp Code Subcomp Name Panels 2002 Unanchored 24 Equipment Content 2401 Office 2003 Poor Anchored 2402 Hi-Tech Lab 2004 Pounding Concern 2403 Vehicles 2005 Interaction Concern 2404 Office Hi-Tech Lab 2006 Unknown 2405 Unknown 2101 Anchored 2406 Critical Equip 2102 Unanchored 2407 General 2103 Unknown 2408 Critical Equip Salt 2201 Conventional Lower Than 100 ft 2409 Critical Equip Fresh 2410 Chemical Plant 2202 Major Tower Higher Than 100 ft 2501 Basic Electric Equipment Electricity Transmission Towers Electric Power Backup AIR Client Confidential 25 Fans 2203 Wood Concrete 2502 Unanchored 2204 Steel 2503 Poor Anchored 2205 Unknown 2504 Vibration Isolation Concern 2301 Anchored 2505 Motor Differential Displacement 2302 Unanchored 2506 Duct Support Concern 2303 Unknown 2507 Rigid Attachment Concern 2304 Refinery 2508 Interaction Concern 350 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code 26 27 28 Comp Name Filter Gallery Flares Furnace Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 2509 Unknown 2601 Anchored 2602 Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 2906 General Facility 3001 Anchored Unanchored 3002 Unanchored 2603 Unknown 3003 Unknown 2701 Guyed Cooled Condenser 3004 Unknown Salt 2702 Guyed Heated Condenser 3005 Unknown Fresh 2703 Derrick 3006 Poor Anchored 2704 Unknown 3007 Vibration Isolation Concern 2801 Anchored 3008 Rigid Attachment Concern 2802 Unanchored 3009 Differential Displacement 2803 Unknown 3010 Interaction Concern 2804 Unknown Salt 3101 Anchored 30 31 Comp Name Generators Large Horizontal Vessel 28 Furnace 2805 Unknown Fresh 3102 Unanchored 29 Gas Turbines 2901 Anchored 3103 Unknown 2902 Unanchored 3104 General Facility 2903 Unknown 3201 Anchored 2904 Unknown Salt 3202 Unanchored 2905 Unknown Fresh 3203 Unknown AIR Client Confidential 32 Large Motor Operated Valves 351 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Comp Name Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 33 Large Vertical Vessel w/ Formed Head 3301 34 34 Lightning Arrester Lightning Arrester AIR Client Confidential Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Subcomp Code Subcomp Name Anchored 3415 500 kV Low Seismic 3302 Unanchored 3416 500 kV Medium Seismic 3303 Unknown 3417 500 kV High Seismic 3304 General Facility 3418 Composite Column 500 kV 3401 MV Anchored 3501 Cranes 3402 MV Unanchored 3502 Conveyor Systems 3403 MV Unknown 3503 Unknown 3404 LV Anchored 3504 Chemical Plant 3405 LV Unanchored 3601 Basic 3406 LV Unknown 3602 Unanchored 3407 HV Anchored 3603 Poor Anchored 3408 HV Unanchored 3604 Suspect Load Path 3409 HV Unknown 3605 Pounding Concern 3410 Unknown 3606 Interaction Concern 3411 230 kV Low Seismic 3607 Unknown 3412 230 kV Medium Seismic 3701 Anchored 3413 230 kV High Seismic 3702 Unanchored 3414 Composite Column 230 kV 3703 Unknown 35 36 37 Comp Name Loading Structure MCC Mechanical Equipment 352 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Comp Name Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 38 Motor Driven Pumps 3801 39 40 Motors Open Frame Structure AIR Client Confidential Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Subcomp Code Subcomp Name Anchored 4011 Steel Plant Light Load Long 3802 Unanchored 4012 Steel Plant Light Load Trans 3803 Unknown 4013 Steel Plant Medium Load Long 3901 Anchored 4014 Steel Plant Medium Load Trans 3902 Unanchored 4015 Steel Plant Heavy Load Long 3903 Unknown 4016 Steel Plant Heavy Load Trans 3904 Unknown Salt 4017 Braced 3905 Unknown Fresh 4018 UnBraced 4001 Light Load 4019 Chemical Plant 4002 Medium Load 4101 At Grade 20 ft 4003 Heavy Load 4102 At Grade 40 ft 4004 Unknown 4103 At Grade 60 ft 4005 Steel Dock Light Load Long 4104 At Grade Unknown 4006 Steel Dock Light Load Trans 4105 Elevated 4007 Steel Dock Medium Load Long 4106 Under Grade 4008 Steel Dock Medium Load Trans 4107 Unknown 4009 Steel Dock Heavy Load Long 4108 Refinery 4010 Steel Dock Heavy Load Trans 4109 Chemical Plant 41 41 Comp Name Pipelines Pipelines 353 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Comp Name Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 42 Pipe Racks 4201 Steel Light Load 4202 Steel Medium Load 4203 Steel Heavy Load 4204 Concrete Light Load 4205 Concrete Medium Load 4206 Concrete Heavy Load 4207 Steel 4208 43 Pipes AIR Client Confidential Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 4302 Above Ground No Lateral Support 4303 Above Ground Questionable Vertical Support 4304 Above Ground Short Stiff Brace Attached Long Flex Head 4305 Above Ground Inadequate Flex 4306 Above Ground May Impact Rigid Structure Ele Concrete 4307 Buried in Poor Soil 4209 Unknown Light Load 4308 3 in x 20 ft Span 4210 Unknown Medium Load 4309 3 in x 40 ft Span 4211 Unknown Heavy Load 4310 3 in x 60 ft Span 4212 Unknown 4311 6 in x 20 ft Span 4213 Height/Width ratio > 1.5 4312 6 in x 40 ft Span 4214 Height/Width ratio between 1.01.5 4313 6 in x 60 ft Span 4215 Height/Width ratio < 1.0 4314 12 in x 20 ft Span 4216 Chemical Plant 4315 12 in x 40 ft Span 4301 Above Ground Basic 4316 12 in x 60 ft Span 4317 18 in x 20 ft Span 43 Comp Name Pipes 354 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code 44 45 45 Comp Name Plant Electric Equipment Plant Equipment Plant Equipment AIR Client Confidential Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Subcomp Code Subcomp Name Comp Code Comp Name Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 4318 18 in x 40 ft Span 46 4601 Anchored 4319 18 in x 60 ft Span Plant Mechanical Equipment 4602 Unanchored 4320 26 in x 20 ft Span 4603 Unknown 4321 26 in x 40 ft Span 4604 Chemical Plant 4322 26 in x 60 ft Span 4701 Low Seismic 230 kV 4323 36 in x 20 ft Span 4702 Medium Seismic 230 kV 4324 36 in x 40 ft Span 4703 High Seismic 230 kV 4325 36 in x 60 ft Span 4704 Composite Column 230 kV 4326 Unknown 4705 Low Seismic 500 kV 4401 Anchored 4706 Medium Seismic 500 kV 4402 Unanchored 4707 High Seismic 500 kV 4403 Unknown 4708 Composite Column 500 kV 4404 General Facility 4709 Unknown 4405 Chemical Plant 4801 Unknown 4501 Anchored 4802 Unknown Salt 4502 Unanchored 4803 Unknown Fresh 4503 Unknown 4804 Anchored 4504 Refinery 4805 Unanchored 47 48 Potential Transformer Power Plants 355 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Comp Name Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 49 Pressurized Reactors 4901 Unknown 50 Process Control Equipment 5001 Anchored 5002 Unanchored 5003 Unknown 5004 Unknown Salt 5005 Unknown Fresh 5101 Height/Diameter = 4.3 5102 Height/Diameter = 10.7 5103 Height/Diameter = 22.0 5104 Unknown 51 Process Towers Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code 53 54 51 Process Towers 5105 Chemical Plant 52 Pumps 5201 Anchored 5202 Unanchored 5203 Unknown 5204 Unknown Salt 5205 Unknown Fresh 5206 Horizontal Pump 55 AIR Client Confidential Comp Name Rectifiers Roads Rails Sediment Flocculation Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 5207 Basic 5209 Poor Anchored 5210 Vibration Isolation Concern 5211 Pump Displacement 5212 Piping Support Concern 5213 Interaction Concern 5214 General Facility 5301 Unknown 5302 Unknown Salt 5303 Unknown Fresh 5401 Railways Highways Runways 5402 Unknown 5501 Basins 5502 Baffles 5503 Paddles 5504 Scrapers 5505 Anchored 5506 Unanchored 356 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code 56 56 57 Comp Name Silos Silos Switchgears Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 5507 Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Subcomp Code Subcomp Name Unknown 5802 LV Unanchored 5601 Steel 5803 LV Unknown 5602 Concrete 5804 MV Anchored 5603 Unknown 5805 MV Unanchored 5604 Steel Fill Empty 5806 MV Unknown 5605 Steel Fill Half 5807 HV Anchored 5606 Steel Fill Full 5808 HV Unanchored 5607 Concrete Fill Empty 5809 HV Unknown 5608 Concrete Fill Half 5810 Unknown Anchored 5609 Concrete Fill Full 5811 Unknown Unanchored 5701 Basic 5812 Unknown 5702 Unanchored 5813 Unknown Salt 5703 Poor Anchored 5814 Unknown Fresh 5704 Suspect Load Path 5901 On Ground Liquid Anchored 5705 Pounding Concern 5902 On Ground Solid Anchored 5706 Interaction Concern 5903 On Ground Anchored, Liquid Filled Level > 80% 5707 Unknown 5904 5801 LV Anchored On Ground Unanchored, With Liquid Filled Level > 80% 59 59 58 Substations AIR Client Confidential Comp Name Tanks Tanks 357 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Comp Name Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 5905 Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Subcomp Code Subcomp Name Unknown, With Liquid Filled Level > 80% 5920 On Ground Steel Height/Diameter <= 70% 5906 On Ground Anchored, With Liquid Filled Level < 50% 5921 On Ground Steel Height/Diameter >= 70% 5907 On Ground Unanchored, With Liquid Filled Level < 50% 5922 On Ground Steel Liquid Filled Level < 50% 5908 Unknown On Ground tank With Liquid Filled Level < 50% 5923 On Ground Steel Liquid Filled Level >= 50% 5909 Unknown Anchored 5924 All Other Steel Liquid Filled Level >= 50% 5910 Unknown Unanchored 5925 5911 On Ground Filled Unknown Anchored Steel Liquid Filled Level >= 50% 5912 Under Ground Liquid 5926 Steel Unanchored all Tanks 5913 Under Ground Solid 5927 5914 Elevated Liquid Unanchored Steel Liquid Filled Level < 50% 5915 Elevated Solid 5928 Unanchored Steel Liquid Filled Level >= 50% 5916 Concrete on Ground Anchored 5929 5917 Concrete on Ground Unanchored Unanchored Steel Liquid Filled Level >= 60% 5930 Unanchored Steel Liquid Filled Level >= 90% 59 AIR Client Confidential 5918 Steel on Ground Anchored 5919 Steel on Ground Unanchored Comp Name Tanks 358 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Comp Name Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 5931 Elevated Steel on Rock w/ No Seismic Design Height/Diameter < 0.75 5932 Elevated Steel on Soil w/ No Seismic Design Height/Diameter < 0.75 5933 5934 Elevated Steel on Soil w/ Seismic Design Height/Diameter < 0.75 Comp Code 59 Comp Name Tanks Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 5941 Vertical Anchored Poor Anchored 5942 Vertical Anchored Non Ducted Anchored 5943 Vertical Anchored Attach Piping Too Rigid to Withstand Displacement 5944 Vertical Anchored Stainless Steel 5945 Vertical Anchored Fiberglass 5946 Anchored Atmospherical Steel Liquid Filled Level Near Full 5935 On Legs Basic 5936 On Legs Unanchored Or Poor Anchored 5947 Anchored Atmospherical Steel Liquid Filled Level >= 50% 5937 On Legs Anchored to Skid Unattached 5948 Unanchored Atmospherical Steel Near Full 5938 On Legs Attached Piping Too Rigid to Withstand Displacement 5949 Unanchored Atmospherical Steel Fill >=50% 5950 Pressurized Horizontal Steel Tanks 5951 Generic Tank Height/Diameter < 0.6 Filled Level <=33% 5939 5940 AIR Client Confidential Elevated Steel on Rock w/ Seismic Design Height/Diameter < 0.75 Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes On Legs Undersized Legs for Tank Weight Vertical Anchored Basic 359 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code 60 60 Comp Name Transportation Asset Transportation Asset AIR Client Confidential Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 5952 Generic Tank Height/Diameter < 0.6 Filled Level 34-66% 5953 Generic Tank Height/Diameter 0.6 -1.0 Filled Level <=33% 5954 Generic Tank Height/Diameter 0.6 -1.0 Filled Level 34-66% 5955 Generic Tank Height/Diameter > 1.0 Filled Level All Depth 5956 All Height/Diameter Depth 66100% 5957 Unknown 5958 Anchored 5959 Unanchored 5960 Refinery 5961 Chemical Plant 6001 Anchored 6002 Unanchored 6003 Unknown 6004 Docks 6005 Loading Structure Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code 61 Comp Name Transformers Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 6006 Pavement 6007 Rails 6008 Freight Cars 6101 LV Anchored 6102 LV Unanchored 6103 LV Unknown 6104 MV Anchored 6105 MV Unanchored 6106 MV Unknown 6107 HV Anchored 6108 HV Unanchored 6109 HV Unknown 6110 Unknown 6111 Unknown Salt 6112 Unknown Fresh 6113 1 Phase 230 kV 6114 3 Phase 230 kV 6115 1 Phase 500 kV 360 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code Comp Name Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Subcomp Code Subcomp Name Comp Code Comp Name Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 6116 3 Phase 500 kV 63 Valves 6301 Basic 6117 Basic 6302 Cast Iron Impact Potential 6118 Unanchored 6303 Independent Operation Support 6119 Poor Anchored 6304 Rigid Attachment Concern 6120 Pounding Concern 6305 Interaction Concern 6121 Poor Load Path 6306 Unknown 6122 Interaction Concern 64 Wells 6401 Unknown 6123 Coils Not Firmly Restrained 5 Buildings 6501 Critical Equipment 62 Tunnels 6201 Alluvium 6502 General 62 Tunnels 6202 Rock 6503 Unknown 6203 Cut Cover 6504 General Facility 6204 Bored Rock Tunnel Poor to Average 6505 Heavy Industrial 6506 Light Industrial 6205 Cut Cover Alluvial Tunnel Poor to Average 6507 Food Drug Processing 6508 Chemical Processing AIR Client Confidential 6206 Bored Rock Steel RC Tunnel Good Quality 6509 Metal Mineral Processing 6207 Cut Cover Alluvial Tunnel Good Quality 6510 HighTech 6208 Unknown 6511 Construction 361 UNICEDE®/px Data Exchange Format Preparer’s Guide Industrial Facility Component and Subcomponent Codes Comp Code 66 66 Comp Name Tank Farms Tank Farms AIR Client Confidential Subcomp Code Subcomp Name 6512 Petroleum 6513 Mining 6601 Anchored 6602 Unanchored 6603 Unknown 362 About AIR Worldwide AIR Worldwide (AIR) is the scientific leader and most respected provider of risk modeling software and consulting services. AIR founded the catastrophe modeling industry in 1987 and today models the risk from natural catastrophes and terrorism in more than 90 countries. More than 400 insurance, reinsurance, financial, corporate, and government clients rely on AIR software and services for catastrophe risk management, insurance-linked securities, detailed site-specific wind and seismic engineering analyses, and agricultural risk management. AIR is a member of the Verisk Insurance Solutions group at Verisk Analytics and is headquartered in Boston with additional offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, please visit http://www.air-worldwide.com.