Prosafe NOW 2/2007
Prosafe NOW 2/2007
ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 1 No 2 • 2007 ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 2 Splitting for future growth VISION Prosafe shall be a leading and innovative provider of technology and services in selected niches of the global oil and gas industry. MISSION By providing our clients with innovative and cost-efficient solutions, Prosafe shall maximise shareholder value and create a challenging and motivating workplace. CORE VALUES Profitability Respect InnOvation Safety Ambition Focus Environment Prosafe NOW is published two to three times a year for our employees, clients, vendors and other key audiences. Submit ideas, comments and articles for the next issue to: Karine Cosemans communications and branding manager [email protected] EDITOR Karine Cosemans Photo page 1: Bitmap Photo page 9, 10, 11: Kjetil Alsvik/Elisabeth Oltedal PRODUCTION Printers AS VISIT OUR WEB SITE RESPONSIBLE PUBLISHER Prosafe SE Stadiou Street 126 CY-6020 Larnaca, Cyprus Phone: +357 2462 2450 Fax +357 2462 2480 [email protected] The year 2007 has been yet another successful year. With a steady performance and solid order intake, we are on track to meet our targets and commitments to our stakeholders. The result for the third quarter of 2007 was Prosafe’s best-ever. Our two business divisions, Offshore Support Services and Floating Production, delivered excellent results. We have distributed a special dividend of NOK 3.75, in addition to the earlier distributed ordinary dividend of NOK 1.25 for fiscal 2006. This achievement is the result of good markets, quality assets, demanding clients and last, but not least, great efforts of all our employees. In spite of general good operational performance, we had an oil spill on the FPSO Umuroa in New Zealand. This oil spill resulted in approximately six cubic metres of oil contaminated sand along a section of the Taranaki coast. The sand has been cleaned up, and fortunately there has not been done any permanent damage. The incident has been thoroughly investigated, and we have taken the necessary measures to guard against any repeat. I would like to remind all co-workers of Prosafe’s objective to conduct its business with no adverse environmental impact. It is of the 2 greatest importance that we at all times show HSE responsibility, commitment and accountability. “Innovation” is one of our core values, and I am proud to say that we this year have had several major break-throughs for our proprietary cost-effective technological solutions. Floating Production is currently converting a Floating Drilling, Production, Storage and Offloading system (FDPSO). We will operate the FDPSO on a 7 + 8 year contract for Murphy Oil at the deepwater Azurite field in the D.R. Congo. In addition, the business division is converting an FPSO on which we will install our first-ever in-house developed disconnectable turret. This FPSO will be on a 7 + 8 year contract for Apache’s Van Gogh field offshore Australia. Floating Production’s long-term research and development efforts were also recognised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore who awarded them this year’s Outstanding Maritime R&D and Technology Award. This annual international award is given to a company for outstanding innovation in the application or research and development for the maritime industry. Offshore Support Services has also this year demonstrated a very high level of rig utilisation. The business ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 3 division secured several important new contracts and contract extensions against profitable dayrates. The market for our accommodation/ service rigs will remain good in the time to come, both in the North Sea and internationally. We are confident that our strong market position, solid track record and versatile rig fleet of dynamically-positioned and moored rigs provide an attractive basis for winning future contracts. Since our founding in 1997, we have gradually grown the company and fortified our positions within the market segments we focus on. Reidar Lund, who has been chairman of Prosafe for many years, looks in an article in this magazine back on the last decade of Prosafe’s history and shares some of his wisdom with us. Today’s Prosafe ranks as the world’s leading owner and operator of semisubmersible accommodation/service rigs, and as a leading owner and operator of floating production and storage units. The company is represented in the world’s largest offshore oil and gas provinces. Both business divisions are financially strong, have capable organisations, a global presence and solid contract portfolio. The market outlook for both business segments is bright and demand looks very firm. In order to facilitate for the best possible further development and growth for each of the business divisions, the board of directors has decided that it will be beneficial to split the company in two independent, listed companies. Prosafe will be divided into one focused Accommodation and Service Rig company and one focused Floating Production company. The split process, including listing of the two entities, is expected to be completed during the second quarter of 2008. After the split, there will be two companies that are strongly positioned to further cement their leading positions. Prosafe’s Ambassador Prize was six years ago established to recognise the efforts of a person who through the previous year in an excellent way has promoted one or several of Prosafe’s core values. This year, I had the pleasure of presenting it to Alice Ng for having distinguished herself by having in-depth knowledge and being a good communicator and a persuasive and convincing leader. Congratulations! We have also this year given a donation to SOS Children’s Villages, rather than sending Season’s Greetings cards to our business relations. We have earmarked the donation for the running of the SOS Children’s Village in Igarassú in Brazil, a village that we have supported before and that we know well. We believe that ensuring that children are given a home, care and education is the most valuable aid we can give. Greetings of the season, and my best wishes for a safe and happy New Year! Arne Austreid President and CEO Split into two companies On 24 September, we released the news that the Board of Directors had decided to commence a process of evaluating the possible effects of a split of Prosafe into two focused, listed companies. On 6 December 2007, the Board of Directors concluded that both companies, on an independent basis, will have resources and financial capacity to further develop and grow in line with previously communicated goals. As a result of the evaluation, we have initiated the process intending to split the company into two listed companies, one focused Accommodation and Service Rig company and one focused Floating Production company. The split process, including listing of the two entities, is expected to be completed during the second quarter of 2008. 3 Arne Austreid will be the CEO of the Accommodation and Service Rig company, while Bjørn Henriksen will assume the role as CEO of the Floating Production company. ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 4 Annual Safety Day 2007 Prosafe’s fifth Annual Safety Day was held on 16 October at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore. About 170 representatives from oil companies, shipyards, suppliers and Singaporean authorities, as well as Prosafe onshore and offshore managers attended and contributed to this successful day. By Karine Cosemans, communications and branding manager Ken Shepherd, director HSEQA in Prosafe Production extended a warm welcome to all attending the Safety Day and announced that this year’s topic was “human behaviour”. He stated that the Safety Day’s purpose was to share knowledge, to promote health, safety and the environment, and to try to make a difference. –It is a powerful signal, that in this room today we have so many distinguished people willing to use time to promote safe working. That gesture in itself sends the clear message that we all mean business, said Ken Shepherd. From a safety point of view, this is a challenge. Statistics show that about 80 percent of all accidents are caused by human behaviour, and not by failing procedures or equipment. Human behaviour – the main cause of incidents –Prosafe is a global company, with operations in 15 countries and employees from more than 30 nations, told Bjørn Henriksen, chief operating officer. All these employees have different personalities and different cultural backgrounds. –In order to improve safety, we have to help each other. We expect safe behaviour from all persons who are part of our business. You must know that there is management support for any person who uses the Stop Program. By stopping dangerous actions, you will save lives, save people from getting hurt and save the company reputation, concluded Bjørn Henriksen. Don’t drop the glass ball Roy Hallås, president of Floating Production related that they currently have seven vessels in operation, are conducting three major conversion projects and employ around 900 people. –The business division has clear ambitions to grow, and may in three to five year’s time employ as many as 2 000 persons, said Roy Hallås. It is important that this growth is sustainable and takes place in a controlled manner. It cannot be achieved without taking safety seriously. Arne Austreid, president and CEO of Prosafe talking with Stephen W. Balint, floating systems engineering manager in Shell’s deepwater engineering office in Malaysia. 4 Roy Hallås compared the responsibilities that we face at work and in life with a complicated juggling act. –We can think of our different responsibilities as balls. We must try to keep many balls in the air at the same time, said Roy Hallås. Some balls, representing work, budget and time, are made of rubber and will bounce back if we drop them on occasion. Some of the balls that we are juggling are made of glass. Safety ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 5 From left: David Trimble and Peter Walsh from Prosafe talking with Gregoire Lavignolle, FDPSO Manager from Murphy Oil. is such a glass ball. It will not bounce back when it falls, it will shatter and will be very difficult, if not impossible, to mend. Therefore, we must never loose safety out of sight. There is no compromise on safety Robin Laird, president of Offshore Support Services, said that working offshore means working in a dangerous environment. –We need vigilance in every minute of our working day. There is no compromise on safety. We have the systems and procedures in place to help us, but how we as individuals interact and use the system, is equally important, related Robin Laird. He referred to the behaviour of meer cats, which are always looking out for each other. –It is up to all to look out for one another, say stop when necessary, and assure that no one gets hurt. We must look out, not only for ourselves, but also for our colleagues at work, and for others in life in general, stated Robin Laird. Human behaviour quiz The next item on the agenda was a quiz in which the participants’ knowledge about the human behaviour was put to the test. The participants answered table wise a list of 22 questions. Some of the queries led to animated debates and round-the- From left: Rob Mears (Prosafe), Andre du Plessis (ABS Consulting), and three other Prosafe employees: Don Ranasinghe, Patrick O’ Rourke and Suharyadi. table discussions, and many attendees were surprised when hearing the correct answers. Update on last year’s Safety Day Regina Wang, environmental engineer, gave an update on what has happened after last year’s Safety Day which focused on “the environment”. She informed about the environmental management plans that have been made for FPSO Polvo and FPSO Umuroa, Prosafe’s newest FPSOs that commenced operations earlier this year. She informed further that Prosafe is doing an Envid (Environmental 5 identification) for the three current conversion projects, based on our scope of work once these vessels start operations. They are preparing an environmental management plan for these vessels, and there has been a review of the design to minimize unnecessary emissions in the operation phase. Top-down message –Behaviour turns systems and procedures into reality, said Ian Young, director of HSEQ in Offshore Support Services. It is not enough to have good systems in place, because performance is determined by how an organisation actually ‘acts out’ ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 6 their systems. We must establish a safety culture that stresses that there are certain ways in which we do things in Prosafe. Behavioural safety is not about changing an individual’s attitude, it is about changing the mindset of the organisation. He advised further that culture and behaviour are top-down messages. –As managers and supervisors we need to know how to behave and what to do in order to motivate our colleagues to behave safely. We must communicate our commitment and the priority that we attach to safety, listen to feedback and take action when and where required. Incident pyramid Lachlan Mckelvie, HSE manager in Floating Production reported that statistics show that as accidents get less serious, employees are more and more tempted to not report them. –In order to further improve our HSE results, we must get hold of all the information and focus on “no blame reporting”, emphasised Lachlan Mckelvie. Workshop and awards The Safety day continued with a workshop. Thereafter, the afternoon was concluded by the presentation of the Prosafe STOP Awards, the Safety in Action Award and the Annual Safety in Leadership Award to employees and leaders who throughout the previous year had distinguished themselves by doing a tremendous effort for improving the company’s HSE results. Finally, Arne Austreid, President and CEO of Prosafe awarded the Ambassador Prize (see separate article in this magazine). The day was rounded off by a social gathering and tasteful dinner at the Raffles hotel, which was a good opportunity for all to mingle with colleagues and clients from all over the world. The zero mindset and safe behaviour We regard the zero mindset both as a goal to work towards and as a way of thinking. We undertake to do what we can in working actively to avoid harming people’s life and health, the natural environment and material assets. But, how can we achieve our goal of zero incidents when slips and lapses are part of human nature? We build in robustness and fault tolerance through different forms of barriers. Traditionally, these barriers have been technical or physical. We implement extra safety valves, additional brake systems or other technical components that will become operative if there is a failure. The thought behind this is very simple: The likelihood of several components failing at the same time is smaller than the probability of one single component failing. In addition, non-physical barriers such as rules and regulations, procedures and job descriptions describe in detail describe how critical work situations must be conducted. However, we know from experience that most accidents and near-misses are due to human error rather than technical deficiencies. Although our employees observe prevailing legislation, statutory regulations and procedures at all times, we must acknowledge that hazardous conditions can arise because individuals make errors of judgement. ensure that everyone in the crew is aligned with what is about to happen. Say ’STOP’ and request a time-out if you feel unsafe - we have time to do the job safely. Say ’STOP’ when you observe unsafe acts or conditions, even though it might be difficult to challenge a colleague or a superior. Collective responsibility Systematic preventive HSE work is a high-priority line management responsibility. We expect all our managers to lead the way by setting a good example and facilitating good working conditions. An active and visible involve-ment by management is a key factor in achieving our goal of operating without injuries and accidents. Should a conflict arise between progress and safety, the latter must always be the first priority. No safety rules can be broken, and no short cuts can be taken to complete a job quickly. But, management cannot handle this challenge alone. All employees have a responsibility for performing their work in a safe manner, taking a proactive approach to reducing risk, and reporting undesirable conditions. All must contribute, take care and look after each other. Take two minutes to evaluate the risks involved in your own tasks and 6 Zero mindset The zero mindset involves a commitment to doing what we can to reduce risk and to learn from things which have gone wrong. When an accident or near-miss occurs, playing down the incident or concluding that it was a misfortune is not permitted. We follow up undesirable incidents in a systematic manner, and continue to build a culture which promotes learning. Safety for people, the environment and material assets must be created and re-created every day. ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 7 Praise for Prosafe´s R&D work Prosafe Production has been awarded this year’s Outstanding Maritime R&D and Technology Award by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. This annual international award is given to a company for outstanding innovation in the application or research and development for the maritime industry. By Karine Cosemans, communications and branding manager Prosafe Production was awarded the prize for its longstanding focus on R&D, which has resulted in innovative and cost-effective solutions. Prosafe has some seven patents to its credit in turret mooring systems, bearing systems and the alignment of their components. The International Maritime Awards dinner in Singapore was attended by more than 800 business and industry representatives, and was graced by Mr Raymond Lim, Minister for Transport and Second Minister of Foreign Affairs. Prosafe’s R&D work is based in the office in Singapore. The team working with engineering innovation consists of 30 persons, mostly engineers. –This business is very competitive and to stay ahead, you have to come up with innovative, cost-effective and challenging ideas because of the magnitude of what you are trying to develop, says Alan Hooper, R&D technical director. To stay ahead, you need to have a design that is flexible and can be used in different areas and ships in different sizes and configurations of fields because each oil field is different from the next. We designed our first turret mooring system in 1991. We have continued to further develop this technology, and have now a large portfolio of external and internal single-point mooring systems, with patented bearings, components and swivels allowing 360 degree weathervaning. Prosafe has also developed generic turret and swivel designs, which allow major maintenance without shutdown. The generic turret is a modular base design in which all components are building blocks that can be scaled up or down to meet project-specific needs. The latest achievement is the development of a disconnectable turret mooring system that allows vessels to disconnect from the buoy that is anchored to the seabed to sail away when sea conditions turn bad. This disconnectable turret is a key feature of the FPSO that is being converted for the Van Gogh field operated by Apache Energy Ltd. The field is located on the North West Coast of Australia, an area that is characterized by cyclonic activity during the summer periods. Our ability to combine our in-house designed fluid swivels with our patented turret mooring systems enables us to significantly reduce the traditional long lead time and high costs associated with such systems. The combination of long operational experience and efficient proprietary technical solutions ensures that we deliver cost-efficient solutions, tailored to the client’s specific field development. Close cooperation with the client and interaction between the engineering and operations departments contribute to continuous improvement of design and functionality and the highest level of safe, efficient and reliable operations. Historically high oil prices, the industry’s move into deep water 7 Mr Raymond Lim, Minister for Transport and Second Minister of Foreign Affairs awards the Outstanding Maritime R&D and Technology Award to Alan Hooper, R&D technical director of Prosafe Production. areas, the increased exploitation of marginal fields and the growing emphasis on fast-track developments are the main factors contributing to a very positive market outlook for FPSOs. Prosafe has the clear intention to take its part of this growing market, and will seek to use innovation as one of the ways to do so. ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 8 From humble beginnings Prosafe Offshore’s technical department has started the work with its biggest project so far – the possible refit of the Safe Caledonia. By Clive Adshead, director of technical services in Prosafe Offshore The technical department provides onshore technical support for 11 semisubmersible accommodation/ service rigs and one jack-up service rig. In 2000 one technical superintendent was the only employee. As the number of vessels in the fleet increased, the number of employees has increased correspondingly. In 2007 the technical department became a stand alone department providing full technical support to the operations department and the rig fleet. We have a permanent staff of nine persons based in Aberdeen: the director of technical services, a technical manager, a senior project engineer, three project engineers, one reliability centred maintenance (RCM) support engineer, a technical clerk and a CAD operator. This team is enhanced by two contracted project engineers and one project supervisor. In Singapore there will be a fully contracted project team of one project manager, three project engineers, one project planner, one CAD operator and one project cost controller – a far cry from the humble beginnings of one technical superintendent! Possible Safe Caledonia refit in 2010 The department has now started the work with the possible refit of the Safe Caledonia, which would be the biggest project undertaken so far. We have contracted Babcock Design and Technology (BD&T) to provide design engineering and project management services, reporting directly to our offshore technical department where one of the permanent project engineers has been allocated the role of liaising with BD&T. The main scope of the refit will be to replace the containerised accommodation and associated services and systems, the main deck cranes and the Impressions of the “new” Safe Caledonia. 8 lifeboats. However, we will also take the opportunity to improve stability and conduct upgrade work to enhance the operational life of the vessel. The result of the investment will be a Norsok standard accommodation vessel with a potential for a further 20 years operations both in the North Sea and world wide. 500 single man cabins With continual involvement and feedback from the vessel crew and onshore support groups, the accommodation design for the 500 single man cabins is now frozen. Crane design requirements have been identified and mechanical and electrical surveys on the vessel systems and equipment have commenced. BD&T have some 20 project personnel of various disciplines working full and part time on the project. We have identified a number of potential yards in Europe and a few yards in the Middle and Far East that are capable of and interested in completing the refit. If we go through with the refit, we will have exciting and busy times ahead! ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 9 Prosafe, a leader in the international market ”We have been clever, and we have been lucky.” Reidar Lund, chairman of Prosafe for many years, is in no doubt about the reason for the success of the company in the international market of floating production and flotels. Looking back on the last decade in the industry, he sees a company which has been successful all over the world. By Morten Helliesen, journalist “Ten years ago we were dependent on the North Sea. Then the long-term perspective was that if we were to grow, it had to be elsewhere than in our home market at that time. We had to use the knowledge and experience from our own growth, which we did by buying Nortrans in Singapore. That company was involved in floating production, and through this acquisition a signal was given both to our employees and owners that we were now going international. In this way we have managed to become a world leader in our niche business, floating production and flotels,” says Reidar Lund. We meet him home in Stavanger on a nice autumn day in September. He is in the company’s offices in the centre of town. In a few days he is leaving for Larnaca on Cyprus, where the head office is now located. It’s time for a board meeting and new strategic discussions about the company’s development and future. Just like Prosafe’s management, Reidar Lund is open to new growth opportunities. What is your most important task as chairman? “That is to safeguard the interests of the owners, employees and the company as a whole. When it comes to the owners, it is important to give everyone equal and correct treatment. Today’s companies have clear guiding principles for their operations, amongst others through corporate governance. These are rules governing a company and its board so that all aspects are properly attended to. So all in all the directors have done a lot of positive work in recent years,” states Reidar Lund, who was voted Chairman of the Year in Norway only a few years ago. Efficient operations, high earnings The Prosafe of today has its head office in Cyprus, while operations are managed from Singapore and Aberdeen. These locations provide the company with optimum competitive conditions internationally, according to Reidar Lund. There is also an office in Stavanger, which is, among other things, responsible for the insurance side of rigs and vessels, and the relationship with the company’s Norwegian banks. Prosafe is also listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Despite a turnover in billions of NOK the organisation is small and efficient. The philosophy has always been to run the company cost effectively. If your profits are high, it’s easy to become extravagant. The expenses can then absorb the profit, according to chairman Lund. Was it difficult to move the head office from Norway to Cyprus? 9 Reidar Lund, chairman of Prosafe. “A move like that has both practical and technical aspects. For me there has also been an emotional side to it. If our framework conditions had been comparable to our competitors, we probably would have remained in Norway. But in view of the conditions currently prevailing, it was out of the question,” he points out. ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 10 The interview with Reidar Lund was conducted in September. On 6 December, Prosafe announced that is has decided to split the company into two listed companies, one focused Accommodation and Service Rig company and one focused Floating Production company. Reidar Lund comments this as follows: “We want to ensure the best possible growth possibilities for each of our business divisions, and believe that the best way to achieve this is by splitting the company into two independent, financially strong companies. Both companies will be listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. I look forward to following their development in the years to come.” 10 ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 11 The market for Prosafe’s services is also international. And in recent years the company has become a truly international workforce. “All cultures - a wonderful fellowship. I think it’s fantastic to be part of such an environment. But still we want to be local where we operate. It is important to have an open and embracing attitude, and let the different cultures blossom,” stresses Reidar Lund. Health, safety and environment – how do you manage to keep that focus in an international company? “HSE is always a top priority. And if there is a single international message across all cultures within our company, it is the concern for safety. In addition we are very concerned with the ethical aspect, that everything is done in the correct way and according to the book. Both of these issues are well taken care of, not least because our customers are the large, international oil companies, where HSE is very much on the agenda. This helps us to keep a clear and strong focus. A competent workforce What are Prosafe’s current challenges? “Of course there are many challenges. If I were to name one, it would be that it is important for us to maintain the position we have at present within offshore support. This also involves a certain modernisation of the fleet. As to floating production, this market is characterised by lots of smaller players. This allows for consolidation, for instance through acquisitions,” states Reidar Lund, who also mentions competence as one of the biggest challenges currently facing the company. this means that companies must continuously increase their competence. This is a challenge at a time when we have to recruit people, who perhaps haven’t worked in the rig business before. Everyone needs to recruit. And when you have first employed someone you need to hold on to them. Salary is only one aspect in this process. An interesting job and a good working environment are also important. That is why we put a lot of effort into giving our workforce development opportunities.” Your mention all time high oil prices and record demand within all sectors. That hasn’t always been the situation in the industry. What is different today compared with when the oil price was $20 a barrel? “Certainly the industry has experienced downturns. The most difficult was probably in the mid-1980s. All over rigs were laid up for long periods of time. Ships were sold for next to nothing. The generation investing in the oil service business today, which doesn’t have this historical experience, does not know how bad things can be. Without wanting to stress it too much, I think the lessons learnt from that time are valuable, particularly in the current market where everything points upwards. “One thing that is vital now is to have a competent workforce at all levels. The market is booming and the oil price is at an all time high, which means very high activity. The oil companies for their part have the financial muscle and ability to start major projects, both concerning rigs and supply vessels. Exploration must increase if we are to maintain oil production in a world where more and more people want energy. All of 11 Full focus on Prosafe Where is Prosafe in 10 years? “We still have a clear strategy for growth, which means that we don’t rule out acquisitions or facilitating for growth in other ways. If we are to be able to grow further, if is important to maintain good and stable earnings.” Reidar Lund has for many years sat on several boards, but has now scaled down. This means that he is concentrating fully on his chairmanship function in Prosafe. He will be 66 this autumn. Good health, physical activity and exercise keep him in good shape. When not working he likes to play golf. And he sails. According to him golf and the sea are his favourites. But of course best of all is his family. Nothing compares to assembling everyone at home in Tananger, just outside Stavanger. “I have experienced a lot and have had an incredibly exciting life, not least thanks to all the challenges in Prosafe. What we have achieved together has been a result of hard work. My wife has also been a good support for the family and myself. It is therefore quite natural for me to say: What I have achieved has been achieved by us together, my wife and I,” concludes Reidar Lund. ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 12 Strong safety results On 21 November 2007, the Azurite FDPSO project team reached the milestone of having worked one million man-hours without having experienced any Lost Time Incident (LTI). On 30 November 2007, the FPSO Ningaloo Vision project team hit 1 099 246 manhours LTI free. experience from being an apprentice in a shipyard many years ago with the audience. –At that time injuries happened daily. The goal of zero accidents seemed totally unrealistic, but we have yet again proved that it is possible to work free of injuries. Prosafe’s project manager, Colin Crewe, and Murphy’s Gregoire Lavignolle were equally proud of this important milestone being achieved. They both agreed that teamwork around this common goal of all parties involved is now paying off. The proud Azurite project team, inclusive management representatives from Murphy Oil, Prosafe Production, Keppel Shipyard and a number of subcontractors. The Azurite FDPSO project team celebrated the achievement on 8 December at the Keppel Benoi yard in Singapore with management representatives from Murphy Oil, Prosafe Production, Keppel Shipyard and a number of subcontractors present. Abu Bakar, general manager operations of Keppel Shipyard thanked all parties involved for the efforts in making the repair and life extension and the conversion work a success. –Safety and productivity go hand in hand, he reminded his audience. Speeches were also made by a number of other senior managers. Roy Hallås, president of Floating Production, further underlined Abu Bakar’s reminder. –In addition to all the pain and sorrow that individuals, colleagues and relatives involved will suffer, injuries and other unwanted incidents such as for example fires can have a detrimental effect on a project’s delivery schedule, he said. He also conveyed the congratulations from Prosafe’s corporate management. Arne Austreid, president and CEO of Prosafe had sent the following message: –Congratulations to the FDPSO Azurite project team and also to the Keppel shipyard. The achievement of working one million man-hours without LTI proves that even in the most challenging working situations all accidents can be prevented. Safety is a core value in Prosafe, and the company has maintained a positive trend over many years. We are not resting content with these results, but will continue to work determined to bring the number of accidents down to zero on all our installations. Ken Shepherd, HSEQ Director of Prosafe Production, shared his own 12 We are proud to announce that also another conversion project, the conversion of the FPSO Ningaloo Vision, recently achieved a similar milestone. At the end of November, they had worked 1 099 246 manhours without LTI in the Keppel Shipyard Subic in the Philippines. Congratulations with this achievement, and keep up the good work! From left: Hans Kristiansen (director of projects in Prosafe Production), Faizul Haque (Azurite’s construction manager), Roy Hallas (president Prosafe Production) and Anthony Hill (Azurite’s engineering manager) inspecting the vessel in the yard. ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 13 A true Ambassador for Prosafe Prosafe’s Ambassador Prize has been awarded for the sixth time. Alice Ng’s total commitment to Prosafe and the company’s core values earned her the title of Prosafe Ambassador. By Karine Cosemans, communications and branding manager At the annual Safety Day, Alice Ng, financial controller in Floating Production was presented the highly valued Prosafe Ambassador Prize by Arne Austreid, president and CEO of Prosafe. –The core values on which our activities are based are universal: the environment, focus, ambition, safety, innovation, respect and profitability, said Arne Austreid. They guide the conduct of our overall business and the behaviour of each employee at all times. We established the Ambassador Prize six years ago in order to enhance our employees’ focus on and commitment to these core values. By awarding the prize, we acknowledge the efforts of those who distinguish themselves by promoting one or several of our core values in and excellent way. Arne Austreid emphasised that Prosafe’s core values must be at the basis of everything that is being done in Prosafe. This year’s winning proposal was submitted by WanKhum Lee, director of finance in Floating Production. She wrote the following: “I would like to nominate Alice Ng for the Prosafe Ambassador Prize this year. Below is the justification for the nomination. To be able to qualify for a good Ambassador, I believe one should possess the quality of towering personality, in-depth knowledge, be a good communicator, a persuasive and convincing leader and a patriot. Alice Ng has been with the company since its formation, diligently working her way to her current position of the financial controller of the Floating Production division. Besides having all the qualities as mentioned above, Alice has been a pillar of strength to her team, calling beyond her duties and getting involved in various aspects of the company for a common goal of bringing the company forward. With the tremendous expansion of the Floating Production division, Alice has demonstrated her commitment and ability in consolidating her team, accomplishing projects and assisting all the other departments when help is needed. She once told me she felt that she is running a Welfare and Consultancy Agency as many people always go to her for advices both on work and personnel problems. She is kind and understanding and always with a good listening ear. I’m not at all surprised that she is so popular among her colleagues. I strongly recommend that this quality and effort be recognized and am very glad to nominate her for the Ambassador Prize this year.” Arne Austreid presented Alice Ng with the sculpture of the pilot and a gift voucher. The pilot symbolises a person who guides others through unknown waters and into a safe harbour. A very happy Alice said the following when being asked what she felt about being awarded the Ambassador Prize: –I was immensely caught off-guarded by the announcement that I had been selected to be recognized for my role and contribution in Prosafe. It gave me a tremendous sense of deep sincere appreciation and recognition by 13 From left: WanKhum Lee, Prosafe Ambassador Alice Ng and Arne Austreid. management. The ambassador award has an important underlying significance on Prosafe’s core values and as an achiever I felt extremely proud to receive it. This, I am sure will encourage every employee in Prosafe to look towards this annual event and to always put their best foot forward. The pilot is now proudly positioned in my office and continuously reminds me of its significance. –Alice, thank you for being a true Ambassador for Prosafe. I wish you all the best and good luck in the future, said Arne Austreid. At the same time, I would like to take this opportunity to remind all co-workers in Prosafe once again that our success is determined by the way we do things. Our core values must be used as guiding tools. They have helped us to come where we are today, and they will guide us on the way forward. ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 14 Igarassú - a new reality for 126 children On 13 November 2007 the new SOS Children Village in the city of Igarassú, near Recife in Brazil was finally inaugurated. Two proud employees from Prosafe’s office in Brazil attended the official opening ceremony. By Gilberto Carvalho, business development manager in Prosafe Production My colleague Elizabeth Teixeira, human relations manager in Prosafe Brazil and I were so lucky to be given the chance to attend the opening ceremony and learn more about what SOS Children’s Villages does to give children in need love, education and a future. I was amazed by the caring, kindness and motivation of the program. This is not like any other institution I have come in contact with before – this is creating love. The professional mothers had each a personal memory of the struggle and success. I do not think there was one person that was not personally touched by their love and dedication. The SOS Children's Village that we visited in Igarassú comprises 14 family houses and accommodates 126 children aged from 0 – 15 years. Each house is organised like a family, with nine children in different ages that grow up as brothers and sisters and a trained professional SOS mother who is responsible for looking after the children and organising the family’s daily life. These mothers have during two years taken courses in São Paulo and have been given on the job training at a working location, before they were considered fit to take care of their own loving family. The concept of the 58 year old, worldwide represented SOS Children’s Villages is to offer a new home to children who have lost their parents or cannot live with them for various reasons. Regardless of race, culture or religion, they find a family in which they are given the love and security that every child needs for sound development. All efforts are made to re-integrate them back into their natural families. If this is not possible, they can remain in the program until adult life when they are able to stand on their own feet. Glauco, Eronido and Werberson, together with Elizabeth Teixeira, human resources manager of Prosafe in Brazil posing in front of some of the houses. 14 Maurice Van Heemstede, president of SOS Brazil told us that they place special emphasis on giving the children education and training as a preparation for life on their own afterwards. SOS Children’s Villages cooperates with companies, supermarkets and local vendors that give these young people training as a mechanic, baker, hairdresser, cook, ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 15 General view of the SOS Children’s Village in Igarassú. tailor etc. in parallel to going to high school. If the youngsters do a good job, they guarantee their employment. This ensures that the children will be able to take care of themselves when they become adults and can contribute with their competence to the local community. The families that will live in the Children’s Village in Igarassú are currently living in rental houses nearby. In the next month they will move and begin a new, safe life. The children will go to school and will have the same medical and social interaction as any other child in the city. The SOS Children's Village also includes an SOS Social Centre, which is run as a day-care centre and offers medical and dental assistance, and a small pharmacy as well as class rooms for counselling and training of adults and children. The SOS Social Centre caters to needy people from the neighbourhood. There are good public transport links and many supermarkets, bakeries, pharmacies, banks, enterprises, schools and health centres nearby to meet the needs of the SOS Children's Village community. The project in Igarassú is mainly financed by money that was raised during the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany and by the profits of a documentary film about the German Team World Cup. The other major From left: Walter Cadima, president of SOS Latin America, Gilberto Carvalho, business development manager in Prosafe Production and Maurice Van Heemstede, president of SOS Brazil. sponsor is Prosafe. Both will have commemorative plates in the complex’s administration building since the homes cannot have any advertisement – after all they are family homes. Igarassú´s SOS Children’s Village is the 15th unit in Brazil. To upkeep these wonderful programs, SOS Children’s Villages relies more on individual donations than point contribution from corporations. I plan to donate to the program myself and will invite anyone to do the same. If you wish to upkeep the work that Prosafe has begun, please visit for more information. SOS Children's Villages is an independent, non-governmental and social development organisation, which has been active in the field of children's needs, concerns and rights since 1949. Its activities focus on neglected and abandoned children and orphans, as well as disadvantaged families. If a child cannot stay with his/her biological family, his/her right to care, protection and equal opportunities should still be guaranteed. This is the basic principle according to which SOS Children's Villages carries out its 15 The commemorative plate that will be placed in the village’s administration building. activities in 132 countries and territories. SOS Children's Villages makes it possible for children to be part of a family once again by providing family-based care. SOS Children’s Villages has more than 1 800 projects in 132 countries. More than 65 000 children and youths have their home in a children’s house and about 140 000 children go to SOS kindergartens, schools and training centres. About 1.3 million children and their families receive assistance through SOS Children’s Villages’ work. ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 16 A brand new concept – the FDPSO The development of an FPSO with a compact drilling rig brings new challenges for Prosafe. By Colin Crewe, project manager Murphy West Africa Ltd is developing its Azurite oil discovery in offshore Republic of Congo to produce up to 40 000 barrels of crude oil per day. The Azurite oilfield is located in the Mer Profunde Sud block in approximately 1 400m water depth. As part of the development, Murphy has contracted to charter from Prosafe an FPSO which will be fitted with a compact drilling rig supplied by Murphy. The vessel will be a new development and has been designated as a Floating, Drilling, Production and Offloading vessel, FDPSO. During the first two years the FDPSO will drill up to six production wells and four water injection wells. Once the initial wells have been drilled and the production of oil has started, the FDPSO vessel will continue to drill additional wells as well as produce crude oil and offload the oil into shuttle tankers. The mooring system will be a “dynamic” 12 line system which will allow the vessel to be moved from well to well as required to drill each new well. After approximately two years the drilling equipment will be disassembled and removed from the vessel and the vessel will continue to operate as a normal FPSO for the life of the Azurite field. The vessel selected by Prosafe for conversion to the FDPSO is the MT Europe, a VLCC trading tanker built in 1988 by Hyundai Heavy Industries in South Korea. The vessel is now in the Keppel Benoi shipyard in Singapore undergoing repair and life extension work and work to convert it into an FDPSO. The topsides modules are being fabricated in a yard in Malaysia. In the second quarter of 2008, the completed modules will be transported from Malaysia to the shipyard for installation on the vessel and final hook-up and commissioning. The drilling equipment modules will be supplied by Murphy and integrated on to the vessel during the third quarter of 2008. The vessel will sail to the Congo in the fourth quarter of 2008 and be installed, ready for drilling early 2009. The length of the overall project schedule is longer than that for a normal FPSO due to the complexity of the vessel and the project team is operating to a very tight schedule. All personnel involved are focused on supporting the schedule and achieving the “Ready for Drilling Date”. The complexity of the vessel is increased significantly by the addition of the drilling rig as it occupies approximately 35% of the available deck space. The drilling rig is installed in the middle of the vessel and the drilling is carried out through the “moonpool” constructed through a void tank. In addition to the physical attributes of this interface, the presence of drilling operations on the FPSO results in the need to have aligned systems and procedures to ensure personnel safety and vessel integrity is maintained at all times. This is something which requires some “out-of-thebox” thinking from Prosafe’s Engineering and Operations teams who are typically used to normal FPSO working practices but are working closely with Murphy to achieve these goals. The MT Europe, a VLCC trading tanker, is being converted to an FDPSO in the Keppel Benoi shipyard in Singapore. 3D FDPSO model view. 16 ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 17 Project update – FPSO Cidade de Sao Mateus Prosafe achieved an important company milestone when it was awarded a contract for its first Gas FPSO by Petrobras in December 2006. MT Navarin is being converted to Prosafe’s first gas FPSO, the FPSO Cidade de Sao Mateus, at the Keppel Tuas shipyard. By Robert Mountjoy, project manager For this contract, Prosafe converts a VLCC sized vessel to an FPSO that will be named Cidade de Sao Mateus FPSO (CdSM). Prosafe is responsible for the engineering, procurement, construction, installation, commissioning and operation of the FPSO. The Cidade de Sao Mateus (CdSM) FPSO will be installed offshore Brazil and operated by Prosafe on 9 + 6 year contract. Gas production, compression on the FPSO and exporting to shore by subsea pipeline will fill an important part of Brazil’s expansion of its domestic gas supply. First gas export is scheduled for around year end 2008. To achieve the first gas target, the facility will depart Singapore in August 2008 and sail under its own power to Brazil. Now halfway through the project schedule, the many project challenges are being effectively handled by the Prosafe inhouse team and with solid performance from our subcontractors, the project remains on schedule. Fabrication of the facility is progressing with process modules being built in six yards in the Singapore region and with the ship undergoing 17 refurbishment and conversion works in the Keppel Tuas shipyard. Project management, engineering and procurement are all being performed in Singapore by Prosafe. Of particular interest on the CdSM project is the unusually large process topsides, which at approximately 15 000 tonnes, makes it a very large and complex FPSO. Three 15 MW gas turbine powered export compressors will export 350 mmscf of natural gas per day. The FPSO also has a full suite of the normal FPSO production capabilities. A spread mooring will hold the facility on station in 800 m water depth for 15 years. ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 18 Management appointments Anita Henry Anita Henry (born 1961) was appointed head legal counsel of Floating Production in November 2007. She joined Prosafe in June 2005 as legal advisor in the Contracts & Risks Assessment Department. She has 23 years post qualification experience and prior to joining Prosafe, held various positions including that of regional legal manager in Rockwater Offshore Contractors, Brown & Root Far East Engineers and Kellogg Brown & Root Asia Pacific, as well as practiced in two prominent Singapore law firms. Bernard Cruz Bernard Cruz (born 1957) has been hired as senior manager human resources of Floating Production. Mr. Cruz is a graduate in business and has a masters in human resources management. He has nearly 15 years of experience in the Asia Pacific region from various multinationals like Otis Elevator and Holcim where he held senior HR positions covering the Asia Pacific regions, the last being human relations director of a the global IT solutions company LogicaCMG. Helge Ystheim Helge Ystheim (born 1954) was appointed as director of bids & commercial of Floating Production in October 2007. He comes from the position as interim president of KCA Deutag Norge AS. Mr. Ystheim has over 25 years of experience within the offshore business and has held the positions of VP drilling, VP finance and VP contract and procurement in Prosafe’s earlier owned subsidiary Prosafe Drilling Services. Hans Kristiansen Hans Kristiansen (born 1947) has been hired as director of projects of Floating Production with the overall responsibility for planning and execution of projects. Mr. Kristiansen is a graduate engineer from the Gøteborg Technical Institute. He comes to Prosafe from Statoil where he has had various senior management positions during the last 22 years, the latest one being VP and project manager for the Tordis IOR project. Gilberto Carvalho Antonio Gilberto Carvalho (born 1948) was appointed as business development manager – Americas in July 2007. He has nearly 15 years of experience with business development in all sectors of the energy field, and was previously employed as business development and country manager of Conoco in Brazil, business development director for Southern Electric and senior consultant in New England Electric. Bjørn Ødegård Bjørn Ødegård (born 1957) was appointed President of Prosafe AS in Norway in August 2007. He will head the Stavanger office, which has a support function to the Prosafe group. He comes from the position of CFO of the regional hospital in Stavanger. Previous to this Mr. Ødegård worked 23 years in the oil service industry in various managerial positions for amongst others Aker Drilling, Transocean and MI Swaco. 18 ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 19 Jimmy Low Jimmy Low (born 1957) was appointed as director of finance in Offshore Support Services in September 2007. Mr. Low is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA), and has since 1978 has a number of positions in accounting and management within financial services, banking, retail and manufacturing industry sectors. He comes to Prosafe from the Michelin Group were he has had a number of roles, latest as vice president and chief fnancial officer for the Asia-Pacific region. Offshore Support Services – commercial update Prosafe Offshore has never been in such a strong commercial position. Owning 12 units worldwide and a healthy contract portfolio creates a good feeling going forward. Positive praise from clients worldwide leads to renewed and refreshed contracts, and operating ‘firsts’ demonstrates the capabilities within the organisation. By Ryan Stewart, director of contracts and risk management Over the past year I have sat in many commercial negotiations communicating our work ethic, core values and proud achievements. It is only when I sit back and reflect on, as an example the MSV Regalia’s astonishing gangway connection record at Girassol, or the complex mooring operations with the Safe Scandinavia does it sink in that we as a company have pushed the boundaries and diversified into a truly global company. Operations in Russia, Singapore, Africa, UK, Norway and US Gulf lead to the fleet being spread over many time zones and cultures; all have to be carefully coordinated and conducted to ensure all our employees and guests return home safely. As has been reported recently, Prosafe Offshore has secured a contract for the Safe Astoria. Operating offshore Sakhalin Island for two distinct periods, the first commencing May 2008 and second in May 2009, the Safe Astoria must undergo various winterisation modifications for the harsh environmental conditions prevalent in the area. This is an exciting project with many challenges but with the 19 experience gained with the Safe Bristolia in the region Prosafe Offshore is well placed to succeed. The MSV Regalia and Safe Bristolia begin 2008 with new contracts in the North Sea with Aker Kværner Offshore Partners and ConocoPhillips respectively. The Safe Concordia has secured a revised contract with Chevron in the US Gulf from August onwards and the Safe Scandinavia returns to the Norwegian Continental Shelf with Statoil. Busy times indeed! Going forward we are tendering for various contracts and marketing globally to endorse our brand. Well placed and respected in the industry we are confident that the success we have achieved can be maintained. ProsafeNow 2-07 18-12-07 14:54 Side 20 Prosafe SE Stadiou Street 126 CY-6020 Larnaca Cyprus Rather than sending traditional Season’s Greetings cards, we have decided to give a donation to SOS Children’s Villages. © istockphoto We wish you Happy Holidays
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