Summer 2010 - Canadian Association for Williams Syndrome
Summer 2010 - Canadian Association for Williams Syndrome
SUMMER NEWSLETTER 2010 Conference 2013 S ummer is here! Time for Change! Plans to be made! Spring arrives and we think of cleaning the yards up, planting the gardens and crops and getting ready for summer. Spring also seems to be when the most physical moves happen to families, or at least this is when I see the most houses go up for sale on the market and then all of the sold signs start appearing. As we go through these changes in life they become annual “transitions”. Our families are also going through transitions at this time of year. Families who have children/youth in school are preparing for the next step. In education, is it a grade transition, is it a school transition, or is it a transition into adulthood – looking at employment or post secondary options? Are our sons or daughters ready to move out and be included in the community we live in? Even our typical family members are looking at those same transitions and then I think we start thinking as to how these moves are going to affect the rest of the family at home. Either way we, as families, always seem to be in transition which, in a lot of ways is a natural occurrence but for some of us it feels like it happens way too often. Inside ue... this Iss 3 5 13 In this newsletter, you will find an article from the STEP by STEP document (which is available on line) for youth with disabilities. This document on transitions is written by the Cerebral Palsy Association in Calgary but is a very generic document. The document can be a very useful “tool”. It may not be for everyone but it is there as a resource. Now for a bit of an update. My first year as President is over, man did it go by fast! I am not sure that I have followed through on all of the duties of the President of CAWS but I am working on it and will enjoy the opportunity to represent you for another year. I have had the mentorship of Diane and Gloria, thank goodness for that. National CAWS Week – I had a meeting arranged with my local MP to continue the work that Diane began on the National CAWS Week but we had to cancel due to the MP being called back to Ottawa. We haven’t been able to reschedule to date but hopefully soon there will be some time available. CAWS sent out a music survey in partnership with JB Music as a follow up from the conference and we await the next step. CAWS Contacts Helpful Resources Bulletin Board Summer newsletter June 4 6 14 Across the Country AGM meeting minutes Donation Form Mike (membership) and I continue to work on the membership and to work on figuring out the best way to link everyone. A work in progress! CAWS Directors held the annual general meeting on June 24 by conference call. Thank you to the directors and members that joined the meeting. You will find the minutes in this issue. I am very excited to announce the location of the 2013 CAWS Family Conference will be Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Now the planning and fund raising starts… I continue to have opportunities to communicate with many families across Canada and recently with a young lady from Alberta, Jenny Parkins. Jenny made contact regarding her brother and a video that she has put together. I am very impressed that she took her passion and put it to work. This video is part of a competition and she hopes that many people will visit the video, if she is the winner she will donate a portion of the winning to CAWS. Her video has made the top 20 and will be posted on the website: Voting starts on July 12. Take some time to visit the website and vote for Jenny – she will inspire you. Toonies for Time ... the impossible takes a little longer for the dream Help support CAWS awareness Interested in selling Toonies for Time hearts to help support CAWS? Contact Orvella at 403.649.5604 or [email protected] “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Chinese philosopher Laozi Everyone enjoy your Summer! Orvella Small President Dream Makers Consider becoming a Caws Dream Maker Summer newsletter June ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT Orvella Small Box 5025 High River, AB T1V 1M3 (403) 649-5604 (403) 652-0716 [email protected] PAST PRESIDENT Diane Reid 209 Inverness Park SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3K6 (403) 257-3581 (403) 660-2155 [email protected] TREASURER David Olson 248B East 21st. Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 3B6 (604) 990-7718 [email protected] EDITOR/SECRETARY Gloria Mahussier 19 Pereverzoff Place Prince Albert, SK. S6X 1A8 (306) 922-3230 (306) 922-3457 (fax) [email protected] MEMBERSHIP Mike Mahussier 19 Pereverzoff Place Prince Albert, SK. S6X 1A8 (306) 922-3230 (306) 922-3457 (fax) [email protected] VIDEO LIBRARIAN Barbara Morawski-Bergeron (514) 697-0178 [email protected] CONTACTS MUSIC CAMP COORDINATOR Basia Morawski-Bergeron 102 MacDonald St. Kirkland, QC H9J 3Z7 (514) 697-0178 [email protected] Alberta Jaimie Tinling 32 Cascade Place Cochrane, AB T4C 1G6 (403)855-1115 (403)837-7408 [email protected] British Columbia Cindy Sanford Box 26206 Richmond, BC V6Y 3V3 (604) 214-0132 [email protected] Manitoba Position Vacant Volunteer required MB Convenor for Family Events Lucille Beaudin Box 30 St. Eustache, MB R0H 1H0 (204) 353-2551 [email protected] Youth Correspondent Sheena Small [email protected] Visit our website Nova Scotia Anne Louise Desrosiers 1675 Cambridge St. Halifax, NS B3H 4A5 (902) 422-0270 [email protected] New Brunswick Marianne Mepham 44 Calais Crescent Lower Coverdale, NB E1J 2K9 H: (506)384-9426 W: (506)860-2374 Marianne.Mepham-Newton [email protected] Newfoundland April Williams 1680 A Torbay Rd Torbay, NL A1K 1H2 (709)437-7596 [email protected] Ontario Monique & John Plessas 163 Wolverleigh Blvd. Toronto, ON M4C 1S1 [email protected] Quebec Postion Vacant Volunteer required Saskatchewan Kelly Fraser 3434 Eagle Crescent Prince Albert, SK S6V 7N5 (306) 922-3783 [email protected] Nunavut/N.W.T. Position Vacant Volunteer required IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO fiND OUT M ORE ABOUT THE ROLE OF A PROVINCIAL CONTACT contact Orvella Small, CAWS President If you would like to volunteer in your province, call your Provincial contact person. Summer newsletter June ACROSS OUR Saskatchewan New Provincial Contact My name is Kelly Fraser and I am your new Saskatchewan contact for CAWS. My family and I live in Prince Albert. My husband James (carpenter), son Donovan (11 yrs), daughter Lexi (9 yrs – has WS), son Tyson (7 yrs) and daughter Kirtsen (4 yrs) and myself (an Educational Assistant) love living up north where you have access to a dozen lake and campgrounds within an hour drive. We love the outdoors! My daughter Lexi was diagnosed on Mother’s Day, 2001. She was only 8 1/2 months old at the time. We were very thankful to have a diagnosis after many hospital stays and her constant weight loss and lack of development. We now knew why. It was a rollercoaster of emotions when we first heard of her diagnosis and still is to this day! She has had a feeding tube since 9 months old. She is starting to learn how to eat solids foods but it is a long struggle for her. She now only needs the tube when she gets sick and we need to keep the nutrients in her. I guess it does come in handy at times. Medications that taste gross can just go straight into the tube and she doesn’t have to taste them. Lexi is now in grade 2. She did two years of kindergarten and two years of grade one. She will now move along with this classroom and do a modified program as needed. She is fully integrated into our neighbourhood school and has an EA (Educational Assistant) that is with her full time to help. In her spare time she enjoys going to a girl’s group. She started in Sparks and has now moved up to Brownies. They sing songs, work towards badges and do crafts. She LOVES it. We have attended the last two CAWS Family conferences and had a blast. We were able to meet other families and learn new things. We quite enjoyed talking to friends and families that are going through the same things. Lexi enjoys seeing all of the people COUNTRY she knows. This year she met a good friend from B.C. named Riley. They write back and forth to each other and she can’t wait to get mail from her “just like me” friend!! It is very cute. I am hoping to get everyone together in the of summer of 2011. If you have any suggestions for place, events, activities or you have a place you would like to volunteer for us to use as a gathering spot, please don’t hesitate to let me know. It would be nice if I could get everyone to email me their contact information so I can have a list of whom to contact when we have the details figured out. If you could include the ages of the children it would be easier to plan things as well. Thanks. If you have any questions, new families you know of, or suggestions please feel free to call or email me. We are always eager to meet new families and always excited to see the ones we already know. My information is: 3434 Eagle Crescent Prince Albert, Saskatchewan S6V 7N5 (306) 922-3783 [email protected]. Please write “Williams”in the subject line so if it goes to my junk mail I will know to forward it and mark it as safe. Thanks. Hope to hear from everyone soon. Kelly, James, Donovan, Lexi, Tyson and Kirsten Summer newsletter June Visit our website HELPFUL RESOURCES CAWS Youth Correspondent Hey everybody! Guess what – I think most of you know I have a candy store called, Sheena’s Sweets and Such, at least my mom always talks about it. Well, this past January I paid off my loan for my business 6 months early. YIPPEE! I have volunteered to be the CAWS Youth Correspondent. I would really like to hear what some of you are doing out there? Tell me your story! You can submit it to [email protected] and I will respond to you in the next newsletter or you can send a story right to Gloria at [email protected] and she will let me know you sent something in. Stay Sweet ! Sheena Small from High River Visit our website The Saskatchewan Association for Community Living has an online tranisition handbook, “School to Life Transition - 5 Steps to Successful Planning”. Transitions Transition is the adjustment, development and change experienced when an individual moves from one phase in their life to another. Transition planning is necessary for youth with disabilities to ensure that they access all necessary supports to fulfill their needs and to familiarize themselves with the programs, services and information available within their respective communities. If you are a young person moving toward adulthood – or a parent, teacher or a friend of one, this manual is designed to help you. The activities in the process must be coordinated among and by everyone involved. The activities must be designed to produce an outcome. The young person select goals for adulthood, and the activities and services in the plan are designed to reach these goals – whether employment (integrated, supported, ndependent), higher education, vocational training or independent living or community participation that confer maximum independence for the young person. The outcome must be based on the individual’s needs, preferences and interests. The activities in the process can include instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school, adult living objectives, functional vocational evaluation, and, when needed daily living skills. A well-managed transition plan gives young people with disabilities the chance to have the greatest possible independence, competence, enjoyment and participation in life. The document includes outlines of when to do what and is very helpful. You can access the document at http://www.cpalberta. com/ToolsForLifePDF/ StepByStep.pdf. It is free to download and use it as a guide. You can access the handbook through the website: www.sacl. org or for a copy, telephone: (306) 955-3344. Summer newsletter June ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Canadian Association for Williams Syndrome Thursday, June 24, 2010 Members present: Basia Morawski-Bergeron, Gloria Mahussier, David Olson, Yves Pheoret, Diane Reid, Cindy Sanford, Orvella Small Regrets: Mike Mahussier, Basia Morawski-Bergeron, Sheena Small, Marianne Mepham-Newton, April Williams, Kelly Fraser The annual general meeting was held via telephone conference call. A quorum being present, Orvella Small, Chairperson called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM and welcomed everyone. 1. Adoption of Agenda Moved: Cindy Sanford Seconded: Yves Pheoret That the agenda be adopted as distributed. Carried. 2. Adoption of AGM June 2009 meeting minutes Moved: Diane Reid Seconded: David Olson That the annual meeting minutes held June 25, 2009 be adopted as distributed. Carried. 3. Reports Upon motion duly made it was unanimously resolved that the members do hereby ratify and confirm all the director’s and officer’s acts and proceedings during the fiscal year ended December 2009. Moved: Gloria Mahussier Seconded: Yves Pheoret 4. Presentation of Financial Statements Moved: David Olson Seconded: Diane Reid That the financial statements be accepted as distributed. Carried Signing authorities for the 2010 – 2011 fiscal year Motion: That the signing authorities of the Canadian Association for Williams Syndrome be Orvella Small, Chairperson, Diane Reid, Past Chairperson, David Olson, Treasurer, Cindy Sanford, Director. Any two of the above listed may sign on behalf of the association. Moved: Gloria Mahussier Seconded: Yves Pheoret 5. Election of Directors Nominations were opened. The following persons were elected to act as directors of the Association until the close of the next Annual General meeting. Orvella Small President Diane Reid As Past President Gloria Mahussier As Secretary David Olson As Treasurer Cindy Sanford BC contact . Summer newsletter June 6. Auditor Moved: David Olson Seconded: Cindy Sanford That the appointment of an auditor of the Association be waived effective for the current fiscal period of the Association. Carried. 7. Bylaws Moved: Diane Reid Seconded: David Olson That the Bylaws of the Association be reviewed and revisions to be presented at the 2011 Annual General meeting. O. Small and Y. Pheoret offered to lead the bylaw review. 8. OTHER BUSINESS: o Brochure G. Mahussier is developing a new brochure. Y. Pheoret will do the French translation of the new brochure. o Fundraising The topic of Planned Giving was discussed. O. Small will discuss financial implications with D. Olson. o Family Conference 2013 Motion: That the 2013 conference be held the first weekend of August 2013, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Moved: Gloria Mahussier Seconded: Diane Reid o Membership Motion: That provincial contacts or CAWS families can request subsidies from the Chairperson to host local events to increase CAWS awareness. Moved: Diane Reid Seconded: David Olson CAWS will run a pilot project in Ontario over the coming year to develop membership so that families can be connected. Y. Pheoret and O. Small will lead the pilot project. o Newsletter The “Toonies for Time” hearts will be included in the newsletter membership mailout. o CAWS Awareness Day/Week O. Small is working on this event. o Website Terri McKenny continues as webmaster. Motion: That a place for online donations be added to the CAWS website. Moved: Diane Reid Seconded: Yves Pheoret o Registered Disability Savings Plan O. Small will send information to be placed in the newsletter. 9. Orvella Small adjourned the meeting at 6:45 PM. Carried. Orvella Small, Chairperson Gloria Mahussier, Secretary Summer newsletter June SUPPORT CAWS My differences My face may be different But my feelings the same. I laugh and I cry And take pride in my pains. To God I’m no different. His love knows no bounds. It’s those here among you, In cities and towns That judge me by standards That man has imparted. But you I have chosen To help me get started. For I’m one of the children, Unique and so few, That came here to learn The same lessons as you: That love is acceptance, It comes from the heart. We have the same purpose But not the same start. Summer newsletter June Dream Makers Helen Deckert Kitchner, ON Bronze sponsor Wandrienna Everdiena Shibley Calgary, AB Silver sponsor Sharon McColl Edmonton, AB Silver sponsor Marianne & David Newton Lower Coverdale, NB Silver sponsor Jim & Diane Reid Calgary, AB Platinum sponsor We would like to help make dreams come true by committing to CAWS Dream Maker Level of ___________ for a total of $__________ __ in celebration of or __ in memory of (please submit your story separately with photos if possible and elaboration of the occasion ) __________________________________________________________ DATE NAME PHONE # Address: __________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ Summer newsletter June Family Dream Maker Level Dollar Amount Platinum $2000 & Up Family Rewards $1000 a year for 2 years Recognition on CAWS website Your story in newsletter (CAWS will help you to write your story) Hotel room for 2013 Family Conference 3 nights (Conference room rate) Gold $2500 $500 a year for 5 years Recognition on CAWS website Hotel room for 2013 Family Conference 1 night (Conference room rate) Sponsor on Conference T-shirt Silver $1000 $200 a year for 5 years Your story in newsletter (we will help) Recognition on CAWS website Award Trophy for CAWS Canadian Idol (CAWS to provide trophy) Bronze $500 $100 a year for 5 years Your story in newsletter (we will help) Recognition on CAWS website Summer newsletter June Your gifts are what keeps us active and operating. CAWS would like to gratefully thank individuals for their recent contributions. Thank you. In memory of Johanna Mary Reid (Jodi’s grandmother) who passed away January 4, 2010 * James & Joy Storey of Sherwood Park, AB * Wayne & Irene Welsh of Rocky Mountain House, AB * Norman Welsh of Rocky Mountain House, AB * Juanita & Terry Davies of Rocky Mountain House, AB * Diane & Kevin Olmstead of Rocky Mountain House, AB * Hilda Welsh of Innisfail, AB * Rita Steele of Drayton Valley, AB * City of Powell River on behalf of Karen Prentice * Adela Griffith of Innisfail, AB * Anna Pulsifer and co workers of Karen Prentice * Dianne & Albert Tink of Condor, AB * Susan & Charles McCallum of Powell River, BC * Colleen O’Hara of Delta, BC * Duane & Susan Mather of Calgary, AB * Claude & Janice Albert of Warburg, AB Your gifts are what keeps us * Allan & Nancy Gruninger of Warburg, AB active and operating * Barb & Harold Lesser of Camrose, AB * Betty Paukstat of Warburg, AB * Madeleine Dressler Thank you for supporting CAWS. Francoise Trudel of Aylmer, QC for Toonies for Time. Thank you for all your efforts and thanks to the following for filling out our Hearts....lets show the world. * Chantal & Auerrui * May Chow * Tyrrne Wilson-Om * Sophie * Mirela * Angelique Lucas-Witte * Simon Bryan * Esther Liulo * Ghazala Amir * Chandra Suchak * Ela Raposo * Joy Raymer Toonies for Time hearts sold by Barbara Morawski brought in an incredible donation amount for CAWS. Wow Barbara -- thanks for all your efforts and getting out there to spread CAWS awareness. Summer newsletter June Donatons received In Loving Memory of Joanne Reid Jodi Reid’s Grandmother Hilda Welsh Duane & Susan Mathers Ria Steele James & Joy Storey City of Powell River Wayne & Irene Welsh Adela Griffith Norman Welsh Anna Pulsifer & coworkers of Karen Madeline Dressler Diane & Albert Tink Susan & Charles McCallum Collen O’Hara Betty Paukstat Diane & Kevin Olmstead Allan & Nancy Gruninger Barbara & Harold Lesser Summer newsletter June Claude & Janice Albert Juanita & Terry Davies BULLETIN ADDRESS CHANGES BOARD COLUMN CONTRIBUTIONS Please send your contributions for future newsletter features to : Gloria Mahussier 19 Pereverzoff Place Prince Albert, SK. S6X 1A8 Phone: (306)922-3230 Fax: (306)922-3457 E-mail: [email protected] Please send your address changes and corrections to: Mike Mahussier 19 Pereverzoff Place Prince Albert, SK S6X 1A8 phone: 306-922-3230 fax: 306-922-3457 [email protected] Across the Country: A column to share with families events across the country and encourage parents to write about accomplishments their child or sibling has made in regards to the individual with WS. Achievements, no matter how great or small, can be enthusiastically shared! Happenings July 7 - 10, 2010 2010 National Convention will be held at the Ballpark Hilton, St. Louis, MO August, 2013 CAWS Family Conference Saskatoon, Saskatchewan What is happening in your province? Give your Provincial Contact a call! Helpful Resources: Resources such as video tapes, computer software, games, books, etc., that parents or the family’s interagencies have found to be helpful in assisting our children meet developmental milestones and achieve specific learning concepts. Medical/Educational information: Articles concerning research and information pertaining to ongoing projects on medical and education issues. Youth Voice: A page to place and share works by individuals with WS, be it an art sample, a photo, an essay, poem, stories, etc. Website Bulletin Board: Ask a question or share information. Please forward your bulletin board contribution to [email protected] with the words, “Bulletin Board” in the subject line of your email. Please allow one week for your posting to appear on the bulletin board. All questions to be posted will be edited and reviewed before posting. Have you ordered yet? DID YOU KNOW? When you order through the QSP magazine program, over one-third of the subscription price “stays at home” to support CAWS programs. Visit and enter our Group # 17436 to place your order. CAWS newsletter is published quarterly. Due to limited space, we may not be able to print every item received. We report items of interest relating to WS and will provide a forum for other items of interest. CAWS does not promote or recommend any therapy, treatment, professional system, etc. We reserve the right to edit all material. Visit our website NEXT SUBMISSION DEADLINE Please support our national fundraiser. Summer newsletter June October 15, 2010 THANK YOU from the editor: Thank you to Weyerhaeseur Canada, Prince Albert Division for the paper for this printing of the newsletter and to those that sent in contributions. The deadline for next issue is October 15, 2010. Gloria Mahussier Your gifts are what keeps us active and operating. CAWS would like to gratefully thank individuals for their recent contributions. Thank you. Lloyd & Beverley Findlay of Danville, QC a tribute to their granddaughter Amy-Lynn. on the occasion of our granddaughters birthday. Happy Birthday Amy-Lynn! Donation made Mark Slater of Toronto, ON a donor-designated gift via Canada Helps. Donation made via United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta, Donor Choice Program. Donation made via Ontario Employees’ & Pensioners’ Charity Fund of Toronto, Ontario Barbara & Gordon Kizuik of Clandeboye, MB on the occasion of Alysia Roy’s birthday on October 21st. Happy 16th Alysia! Mary and Rene Malo of Pine Falls, MB on the occasion of Travis Mahussier’s birthday on May 14th. Kojo Tuula & GS Burrard via The Hydrecs Fund of Vancouver, BC Nancy De Corte of Toronto a donor-designated gift via United Way of Greater Toronto. Orvil Swayze of Carnduff, SK (Sheena Small’s grandpa) donated in honour of his granddaughter and her accomplishments. Way to Go, Sheena! You Go Girl! Gingerbread House Tickets sold via Sheena Small raffle at her store. Gingerbread sleigh & reindeer donated by Diane Reid. Thank you Sheena for all your work and thank you Diane for your beautiful creation. DONATION FORM Attached is my cheque payable to CAWS in the amount of: As a memorial to _____________________ A tribute to __________________________ On the occasion of ____________________ (Birthdays, Anniversary, Graduation, etc.) Donations to the Canadian Association for Williams Syndrome are tax deductible. Canada Customs & Revenue Agency #879205516 RR001. All donations may be forwarded to: CAWS National Office, P.O. Box 2115, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3T5 Thanks for your support! Summer newsletter June
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Box 30
St. Eustache, MB R0H 1H0