VOCAL 78 rpm Discs FRANZ (FRANTISEK) PÁCAL [t]. Leitomischi, Austria, 1865-Nepomuk, Czechoslovakia, 1938. First an orchestral violinist, Pácal then studied voice with Gustav Walter in Vienna and sang as a chorister in Cologne, Bremen and Graz. In 1895 he became a member of the Vienna Hofoper and had a great success there in 1897 singing the small role of the Fisherman in Rossini’s William Tell. He then was promoted to leading roles and remained in Vienna through 1905. Unfortunately he and the Opera’s director, Gustav Mahler, didn’t get along, despite Pacal having instructed his son to kiss Mahler’s hand in public (behavior Mahler considered obsequious). Pacal stated that Mahler ruined his career, calling him “talentless” and “humiliating me in front of all the Opera personnel.” We don’t know what happened to invoke Mahler’s wrath but we do know that Pácal sent Mahler a letter in 1906, unsuccessfully begging for another chance. Leaving Vienna, Pácal then sang with the Prague National Opera, in Riga and finally in Posen. His rare records demonstate a fine voice with considerable ring in the upper register. -Internet sources 1858. 10” Blk. Wien G&T 43832 [891x-Do-2z]. FRÜHLINGSZEIT (Becker). Very tiny rim chip blank side only. Very fine copy, just about 2. $60.00. GIUSEPPE PACINI [b]. Firenze, 1862-1910. His debut was in Firenze, 1887, in Verdi’s I due Foscari. In 1895 he appeared at La Scala in the premieres of Mascagni’s Guglielmo Ratcliff and Silvano. Other engagements at La Scala followed, as well as at the Rome Costanzi, 1903 (with Caruso in Aida) and other prominent Italian houses. He also appeared in Mexico and the Phillipines. Among the leading baritones of his era, Pacini’s only records were a few for Fonotipia. 9500. 11” Fonotipia 39002/39008 [XPh12/XPh17]. PAGLIACCI: Prologo (Leoncavallo) / ANDREA CHENIER: Un di m’era di gioia (Giordano). 2. $35.00. REGINA PACINI [s]. Lisbon, 1871-Buenos Aires, 1965. Born of a musical family, Pacini made her debut in 1888 at the San Carlo in Lisbon as Amina in Bellini’s La Sonnambula. She also appeared at La Scala, Covent Garden (with Caruso), Rome, Warsaw and St. Petersburg. In Buenos Aires, 1907, Pacini wed the Argentine Diplomat Marcelo de Alvear and then retired from the stage. From 1922 through 1928 she was first lady of Argentina, her husband having been elected President. Pacini was still living during the reign of another more recognized Argentine presidential wife, Evita Peron. 3192. 11” Plum Parlophone Odeon PO 138 [XPh2053/XPh2059]. BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Una voce poco fa (Rossini) / MAGIC FLUTE: Non paventar (Mozart). From orig. 1906 Fonotipia matrices. Just about 1-2. $20.00. JOSÉ PALET [t] 3503. 12” Spanish acous. Disco Gram. DB 713 [S-03173v/S-03169v]. HUGUENOTS: Stringe il periglio [Act IV Duet]. First copy of this I’ve seen. Two sides. With PAOLA ALBERTINI [s]. Some inherent surface waves and depressions (harmless). 2-3. $20.00. 3249. 12” Spanish acous. Disco Gram. DB 720 [S-03185u/1184aj]. LA TEMPESTAD: Salve (Chapí) / WILLIAM TELL: Duo Act I (Rossini). Side two with INOCENCIO NAVARRO [b]. Rare. Tiny lbl. stkrs. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $20.00. 3650. 12” Red acous. Vla 6393. MEISTERSINGER: Canto del examen (Wagner) / LA TEMPESTAD: Salve (Chapi). Small lbl. stkr. side two. Just about 1-2. $10.00. IMRE PALLÓ [b] 1586. 10” PW Plum Czech HMV AM 1687 [BW2109-I/BW2110-II]. HÁRY JÁNOS: Bordal. Creator performance./ TÖLEM A NAP (both Kodály). Side one orch. dir. Rékai Nàdor. Side two piano acc. Otto Herz. Just about 1-2. $25.00. ROSETTA PAMPANINI [s] 3160. 12” PW Red Eng. Columbia D14703 [WBX214/WBX225]. GIULIANO: La nenia del vago usignolo / FRANCESCO MERLI [t]. GIULIANO: La dolce madre che me benedisse (Zandonai). 1928 opera. Scarce item. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3849. 12” Late Blue It. Columbia GQX 10282 [WBX830-2/WBX831-1]. L’AMICO FRITZ: Duetto delle ciliege (Mascagni). Two sides. With DINO BORGIOLI [t]. Lbl. stkrs. over top half of labels. Excellent pressing. Few lightest mks. Cons. 2. $8.00. CHARLES PANZÉRA [b] 1244. 10” Red PoW VdeSM DA 5015 [OLA5111-1/OLA5112-1]. COLLOQUE SENTIMENTAL (Debussy, orch. Beydts) / LE GALOP (Duparc, orch. Decruck). Orch. dir. Jean Fournet. Very tiny lbl. scr. side two. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3155. 12” Blk. Disque Gram. W861 [CFR79-I/CFR88-I]. NOCTURNE (Franck) / SUR UN VIEIL AIR (Bordes). Few small mks., 2. $20.00. 185 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 3358. 12” PW Red Disque Gram. DB 4868 [2PG180-2/2PG182-2]. NOCTURNE (Franck, orch. Guy Ropartz) / CHANSON DE LA NUIT DURABLE (de Séverac, orch. Piero Coppola). A desert island record. Excellent pressing, few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 3788. 12” PW Red Disque Gram. DB 4971 [2LA259-I/2LA260-I]. CHANSON TRISTE / LE TEMPS DES LILAS (both Chausson). Orch. dir. Piero Coppola. Just about 1-2. $15.00. ANTONIO PAOLI [t]. 1871-Ponce, PR, 1946. Judging from remarks by colleagues who heard him (as quoted in the 1972 article on Paoli by Jesus M. López in The Record Collector, Vol. XXII, Nos. 1-2), Pa-oli’s must have been one of the most remarkable dramatic tenor voices of his era: “Paoli was one of the greatest dramatic tenors in the world of his time – and of this time, too” (Lazaro). “Paoli was one of the greatest singing actors I have ever seen in my life” (Piccaluga). [After “O Paradiso” in l’Africana] “sounded the most stupendous ovation I have heard in my fifty years [as a chorister] at La Scala” [Enrico Neni]. “I sang with Paoli several times. His high notes sounded so loud that to sing with him you had to know the music well, as otherwise you had no chance to hear the orchestra” [Manfredo Polverosi]. Reported soprano Elvira de Hidalgo, “Let me tell you that during my long life I have not heard a better Otello than his and believe me I have heard a lot of Otellos”. 1451. 10” Red ’08 Pats. Vla 91078 [10521b]. SAMSON ET DALILA: Figli miei, v’arrestate (Saint-Saëns). Just about 1ANTONIO PAOLI 2. $10.00. 1488. 10” Mauve HMV AGSA 22 [1180AH/10521b]. DEJANIRE: Viens, o toi dont le clair visage (Saint-Saëns) / SAMSON ET DALILA: Figli miei, v’arrestate (both Saint-Saëns). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3250. 12” Red vinyl Vr 92049 [1178c]. IL TROVATORE: Miserere (Verdi). With CLARA JOANNA [s]. Orange Victor label affixed mostly missing. Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $20.00. 3592. 12” White lbl. Vla 88240 [1260c]. OTELLO: Dio, mi potevi (Verdi). Piano acc. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3342. 12” Red Vla 89136 [1215½c]. PAGLIACCI: Un grande spettacolo! (Leoncavallo). With GAETANO PINI-CORSI [t], FRANCESCO CIGADA [b], GIUSEPPE ROSCI [b]. VrBk. One small ND about ¼” from end, otherwise just about 1-2. $8.00. 2901. 12” Red Vla 89148 [1186c]. WILLIAM TELL: Che finger tanto (Rossini). With FRANCESCO CIGADA [b]. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2813. 12” Red Vla 89149 [1187c]. WILLIAM TELL: Troncar suoi di (Rossini). With FRANCESCO CIGADA [b], ARISTODEMO SILLICH [bs]. VrBk. One small lbl. rub, otherwise as new. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3028. 12” Red Vla 8051 [1186c/1187c]. WILLIAM TELL: Che finger tanto / WILLIAM TELL: Troncar suoi di (Rossini). Both with FRANCESCO CIGADA [b]. Side two also with ARISTODEMO SILLICH [bs]. Rare doubling. Very minor lbl. spotting. One tiny scr., surface otherwise just about 1-2. $25.00. 2777. 12” Gold PW Vr HRS 2007 [1179c/329aj]. SAMSON ET DALILA: Sprezza i ceppi d’Israel (Saint-Saëns) / HUGUENOTS: Bianca al par di neve (Meyerbeer). Orig. 1907/1911 Italian Grammofono matrices. As new, as would be most listings with this grading, i.e. just about 1-2. $20.00. 186 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs ISABELLA PAOLI [s]. Firenze, 1863?–Bologna, 1903. Paoli began her career in 1878 in operetta. Blessed with both beauty and vocal talent, she quickly became a great success. She subsequently appeared in opera, an early performance having been in Valencia, 1889, as Elsa in Lohengrin. Heard in a number of Italian theaters, including the Politeama in Genoa, the Dal Verme in Milano, and the Mercadante in Naples, Paoli gained considerable attention, both for her on stage performances and her prima donna behavior with related scandals and eccentricities. She died as a result of complications following surgery while engaged to sing Gioconda at the Duse Theater in Bologna. Judging from her records, she was one of the great dramatic sopranos of her era. Her four extremely rare records (four Zonophones, one issued with two different takes) were recorded the year of her death. How fascinating it is that we are able to recall through records a voice stilled for over 110 years! 2721. 10” Blue Disco Zonofono X-1841. FORZA DEL DESTINO: Pace, pace mio Dio (Verdi). Minor PB may cause slightest sound. An unusually clean copy, cons. 2-3. $2500.00. GRAZIELLA PARETO [s]. Barcelona, 1889-Rome, 1973. Making her debut at the age of sixteen in Barcelona as Micaela in Carmen, Pareto gained quick success. In 1908 she appeared at the Teatro Regio, Parma, as Amina in Bellini’s Sonnambula and also made her first recordings. Heard in other Italian houses, she subsequently appeared in Buenos Aires and Havana. Her La Scala debut was in 1914 and she first sang at Covent Garden in 1920, in both instances as Gilda in Rigoletto. New venues in the 1920s included the Chicago Opera and Monte Carlo. She was married to composer Gabriele Sibella. 2627. 10” acous. VdeSA DA 772 [BS2252-I/BS2260-I]. MI NIÑA (Guetaris) / ESTRELLITA (Ponce). Piano acc. Federico Longás. Lbl. stkr. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $75.00. 2628. 10” acous. VdeSA DA 781 [BS2250-II/BS2251-I]. LA PASTORATA [Canço de Nada] / L’HEREU RIERA; BON CASSADOR (Canciones catalanas). Piano acc. Federico Longás. Lbl. stkr. Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $75.00. 3909. 12” Red “A” plate Vr 76009 [1389c]. LUCIA: Quando rapita in estasi (Donizetti). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2809. 12” Red HMV 2-054082 [3284c]. LA TRAVIATA: Dite alla giovine (Verdi). With MATTEO DRAGONI [b]. Never doubled. Only form of issue. Cons. 2. $20.00. 3840. 12” Late Red VdP DB 176 [2733f/546i]. RIGOLETTO: Lassù in ciel. With TITTA RUFFO [b] / MARIA GALVANY [s], RUFFO [b]. LA TRAVIATA: Dite alla giovine (both Verdi). Just about 1-2. $6.00. ELIZABETH PARKINA [s]. Kansas City, MO,1882Colorado Springs, CO, 1922. Parkina studied in Paris with Marchesi at the advice of Nellie Melba, who heard her in 1896. Her debut was in 1902 at the Paris Opéra Comique as Lakmé. It was as Musetta in La Boheme with Melba and Caruso that Parkina made her Covent Garden debut. She toured Australia in 1905 with great success. Sometime in the 1907-08 period she appears to have abandoned her career as a result of ill health. She resided in Europe until the beginning of the World War in 1914, returning then to Kansas City. Her death, a result of pulmonary tuberculosis, occurred in 1922 at a sanatorium in Colorado near the home of a brother. Her few, attractive London G&Ts are keenly sought by collectors. 2478. 10” Blk. London G&T 3515 [5056b]. VILLANELLE (dell’Acqua). Piano acc. Few LGTs and rubs, otherwise very clean, cons. 2-3. $60.00. ARMIDA PARSI-PETTINELLA [ms]. Rome, 1868Milano, 1949. Having made her debut in 1893, ParsiPettinella was heard frequently at La Scala and throughout Italy in major roles (Dalila, Ulrica, Eboli, etc.), as well as in Buenos Aires, London, Paris and Madrid. At the Academy of Music in New York, 1896, she created Madelon in the U.S. premiere of Giordano’s Andrea Chenier. She was one of the major mezzo-sopranos of the period. Her last years were spent at the Verdi Casa di riposo in Milano. Parsi-Pettinella recorded only for Fonotipia. ELIZABETH PARKINA 9542. 11” Fonotipia 39645/39646 (XPh1949/XPh1818-2]..LES HUGUENOTS: Vaga donna / LES HUGUENOTS: No, no, giammai (Meyer-beer). Superficial light rubbing, cons. 3. $15.00. 187 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs TANCREDI PASERO [bs] 2394. 10” Blk. Viva-Tonal Columbia 2214-D [WB-1259-1/WB1262-1]. FAUST: Serenata (Gounod) / LA BOHÈME: Vecchia zimarra (Puccini). Just about 1-2. $12.00. ADELINA PATTI [s]. Madrid, 1843 Craig-y-nos Castle, Wales, 1919. While Victor originally sold records of Patti using a special label and charging a premium price, the American issuance of these discs was evidently not enthustically endorsed by that company. Calvin Child, head of Victor’s recording laboratory, wrote in 1906 to a colleague at the British G&T Company, “Personally, I was greatly surprised at the sale of the Patti records, and also at the apparent continued demand for them. To me, they were the saddest things I ever listened to, not from a recording standpoint, which I think is mighty good, but from the fact that the voice shows that it is worn and old, and is such a painful contrast to what it was.” There is no doubt that the voice, breath control and support documenting Patti at the age of 63 were not what they had been even a few years earlier, but there is enough left of the Patti sound and the stylistic elements displayed in these fascinating sonic documents to provide at least fleeting glimpses of one of the 19th century’s most celebrated vocal artists. ADELINA PATTI 2907. 12” White lbl. HMV mat. 678c. ‘TWAS WITHIN A MILE O’ EDINBORO TOWN (Hook). Unpublished version. Recorded 1906 as a remake of matrix 557f, 1905, although it was never issued. Just about 1-2. $75.00. 3553. 12” Red Vla 95029 [539f]. HOME, SWEET HOME (Payne-Bishop). Piano acc. Cons. 2. $7.00. 3146. 12” Red ’08 Pats. Vla 95030 [553f]. MARTHA: The Last Rose of Summer (MooreFlotow). Piano acc. IMs. Surface just about 1-2. $8.00. 3378. 12” Red Vla 95033 [540f]. OLD FOLKS AT HOME (Foster). Piano acc. Lightest NR on lbl. Surface just about 1-2. $8.00. 3354. 12” Red Vla 95035 [545f]. KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN (Crouch). Piano acc. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3203. 12” Red Vla 95039 [541f]. DON GIOVANNI: Batti, batti (Mozart). Piano acc. Excellent late ‘30s pressing. Vr bk. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 4006. 12” Pink Hist. HMV 03056 [543f]. FAUST: O Dieu! Que de bijoux (Gounod). Piano acc. Sir Landon Ronald. Not a re-recording (as are many of the HMV issues). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3662. 12” Silver PW Vr IRCC 17 [684½c/690c]. LA CALASERA (Yradier)./ NELLIE MELBA [s]. ELAINE: L’amour est pur (Bemberg). From 1906 G&T matrices. Both sides first editions. Just about 1-2. $30.00. 3352. 12” PW Silver Vr IRCC 33 [547f/538f]. AVE MARIA [Bach-Gounod) / PUR DICESTI (Lotti). Side one with Marianne Eissler [violinist]. Piano acc. Landon Ronald. Side one first edition. Just about 1-2. $25.00. TINO PATTIERA [t] 1307. 10” Gold acous. Brunswick 15019 [7320/7324]. IL TROVATORE: Di quella pira (Verdi) / LA GIOCONDA: Cielo e mar (Ponchielli). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2888. 12” Green acous. Polydor 78548 [1052½as/1187m]. FORZA DEL DESTINO: In dieser feierlichen Stunde. With MICHAEL BOHNEN [b] / CLAIRE DUX [s], JOSEPH SCHWARZ [b]. RIGOLETTO: Sprich nie mit einem Armen (both Verdi). Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3773. 12” Blk. PW HMV EJ 217. LA BOHÈME: O süssestes Mädchen / LA BOHÈME: Sind wir allein? (Puccini). Both with MARIA MÜLLER [s], Berlin State Opera Orch dir. Leo Blech. Recorded live during a Dec., 1927, performance. For some unknown reason the artists’ names do not appear on the labels. Tiny lbl. stkr., Just about 1-2. $15.00. 188 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs JULIUS PATZAK [t] 2280. 10” Green PW Polydor 23918 [2637BH/ 2642BH]. DAS HAT KA GOETHE G’SCHRIEB’N (Sioly) / MEI MUATTERL WAR A WIENERIN (Gruber). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2300. 10” Green PW Polydor 23918 [2637BH/ 2642BH]. Same as preceding listing. Very lt. rubs, 2. $6.00. 2274. 10” Purple Brunswick 53058 [6146½GDS/ 6147½GDS]. LIEDER DER LIEBE (berab. V. Markgraf). Two sides. Just about 1-2. $8.00. PIERO PAULI [t] 3919. 12” Red Orth. Vla 11408 [2M208-II/2M209II]. FAUST: Sono qui! [First Act Duet]. Two sides. with CARLO ZAMBELLI [bs]. Scarce Victor issue. Cons. 2. $15.00. ROSE PAULY-DREESEN [s] 3913. 12” Red Decca G-25860 [XXB8166/ XXB8168]. THE EGYPTIAN HELEN: Bei jener Nacht / THE EGYPTIAN HELEN: Zweite Brautmacht! (R. Strauss). Orch. dir. Fritz Busch. Just about 1-2. $12.00. PAUL PAYAN [bs]. 1878-1959. A pupil of JULIUS PATZAK Jacques Isnardon at the Paris Conservatoire, Payan made his debut at the Opéra-Comique, 1907 in Charpentier’s Louise. Over decades he sang dozens of roles there and appeared in many premieres, including La Habanera (Laparra), Macbeth (Bloch), La Lépreuse (Lazzari) and Marouf (Rabaud). He was also a guest with the Chicago Opera (1922-23) and at Covent Garden (1928), as well as in Buenos Aires. 9476. 11” Brown Odeon 111184/111209 [XP5644/XP5477]. SOUVIENS-TOI DU PASSE (Vargues) / LA CHANSON QUI NOUS A BERCES (Fock). Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3419. 12” Blk. acous. SR Disque Gram. W150 (032175/032224) [01755v/02177v]. FAUST: Nuit de Walpurgis (Gounod) / HAYDÉE: A la voix séduisante (Auber). Gen. 2. $12.00. 3235. 12” Blk. acous. Disque Gram. W345 (032349/032350) [3479c/3489c]. LA CLAVECIN (Paulin) / OUVRE TES YEUX BLEUS (Massenet). Cons. 2 $15.00. 3071. 12” Blk. acous. Disque Gram. W623 [CL181-II/CL182-II]. ROBERT LE DIABLE: Ah! honnête homme! / ROBERT LE DIABLE: Le bonheur est dans l’inconstance (Meyerbeer). Both with YVES TINAYRE [t]. Couple MGTs side two, cons. 2. $15.00. GIANNA PEDERZINI [ms] 3686. 12” PW Italian Disco Grammofono DB 1539 [CM1323-II/2F386-I]. CARMEN: Final Scene (Bizet). In Italian. Two sides. With RENATO ZANELLI [t]. Few small rubs, cons. 2. $12.00. 2967. 12” Plum Parlophone-Odeon (Cetra) R.30020 [2-70527/2-70259]. RISURREZIONE: Dio pietoso (Alfano) / L’ARLESIANA: Esser madre è un inferno (Cilèa). Orch. dir. Ugo Tansini. IMs. Just about 1-2. $10.00. ANDRÉ PERNET [bs] 3350. 12” Red Disque Gram. DB 5044 [2LA1827-1/2LA2257-I]. HUGUENOTS: Conjuration / HUGUENOTS: Bénédiction des Poignards (Meyerbeer). Orch. and chorus dir. Eugène Bigot. Couple lightest mks., cons. 2. $8.00. MARGHERITA PERRAS [s] 3240. 12” PW Red Vr (gold print) 12328 [2RA1855-I/2RA1856-I] IL PENSIEROSO: Sweet Bird (Händel). With Hanz Frenz [flute] / ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO: Welcher kummer (Mozart). Orch. dir. Bruno Seidler-Winkler. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 189 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs AURELIANO PERTILE [t]. A number of first rate Pertile pressings are included below. 2158. 10” Brown Shellac Purple acous. Pathé Actuelle 15123 [N84842/ N84843]. NERONE: Scendi, scendi / NERONE: No, nel tuo cuor sangue uman non pulsa (Boïto). Scarce creator recording. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1972. 10” Brown Shellac Purple acous. Pathé Actuelle 15145 [N86903/N86905]. MEFISTOFELE: Giunto sul passo estremo / MEFISTOFELE: Dai campi (Boïto). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2369. 10” Blue elec. Odeon M.6029 [XXPh5776/Pho5961]. LA CAMPANA DI SAN GIUSTO (Dovretti-Arona) / VIENI! (Denza). Very lt. lbl. rubs side one, cons. 2. $15.00. 1014. 10” Red late VdP 1008 [BF2350-I/BF2357-III]. MATTINATA (Leoncavallo) / NON T’AMO PIÙ (Tosti). Excellent late pressing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2248. 10” Red late ‘30s Italian Disco Gram. DA 1185 [BM1448-I/BF3707-II]. ANDREA CHÉNIER: Come un bel dì di maggio (Giordano) / ADRIANA LECOUVREUR: La docissima effigie (Cilèa). Excellent pressing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1259. 10” Red VdP DA 1197 [BF3724-2/BF3725-III]. NON ME SCETA / AMMORE CANTA (both Murolo-Tagliaferri). Both from film La Città cangra. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1971. 10” Red PW HMV DA 1197. Same as previous listing but British pressing. Cons. 2. $10.00. 2635. 10” PW Red Disco Grammofono DA 1198 [BF3719-II/BF3723-I]/ SERENATA ANTELUCANA (De Simone) / ADDIO, BEL SOGNO (Murolo-De Curtis). Rare, short lived issue. One one tiny scr. and one lightest superficial (scuff) scr., 2. Side two cons. 2. $50.00. 2916. 12” Red acous. Fonotipia 74934/74935 [XXPh5491-2/XXPh5492-2]. NERONE: Questo ad un lido fatal / NERONE: Ecco la Dea si china (Boïto). Creator performances. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 3396. 12” Green acous. Odeon F5531 [XXPh5666-2/XXPh5680-2]. BALLO IN MASCHERA: La rivedrò nell’ estasi / BALLO IN MASCHERA: È scherzo od èd follia (Verdi). With INES MARIA FERRARIS [s], LUISA BERTANA-BASSI [ms], ANTONIO RIGHETTI [b], CHASE BAROMEO [bs]. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3635. 12” Green acous. Odeon F5541 [XXPh5491-1/XXPh5492-1]. Same as preceding listing (item #2916) but later Odeon pressing and different takes. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3678. 12” Green acous. Odeon F5542 [XXPh5495-1/XXPh5496-1]. LUCIA: Fra poco / LUCIA: Tu che a Dio spiegasti (Donizetti). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3971. 12” Green acous. Odeon F5545 [XXPh5672-2/XXPh5673-1]. IL TROVATORE: Di quella pira / IL TROVATORE: Ah si, ben mio (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2958. 12” PW Red elec. Fonotipia 120047 (N.510) [XXPh5960/XXPh5959]. TROVATORE: Mal reggendo / TROVATORE: Oh, giusto cielo! (Verdi). With IRENE MINGHINICATTANEO [ms]. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2689. 12” PW Red elec. Fonotipia 120066 (N.6573) [XXPh5942/XXPh5971]. MIA SPOSA SARÀ LA MIA BANDIERA (Rotoli) / L’ULTIMA CANZONE (Tosti). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3706. 12” Green Odeon N6573 [XXPh5942/XXPh5971]. Sames as preceding listing (item #2689). Later pressing. Both in equally fine condition. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3874. 12” Late Red VdP DB 1111 [CD4759-I/CD4773-IIT1]. LUISA MILLER: Quando le sere al placido (Verdi) / MANON LESCAUT: No! … pazzo son! … guardate! (Puccini). The unnamed baritone on side two who sings the ship captain’s concluding phrases is APOLLO GRANFORTE. Fine pressing. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3973. 12” Late Red VdP DB 1208 [CF2459-II/CF2458-II]. LA GIOCONDA: Cielo e mar (Ponchielli) / LA FORZA DEL DESTINO: O tu che in seno (Verdi). Beautiful pressing. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3261. 12” Late Red VdP DB 1281 [CM834-I/CM835-I]. MANON LESCAUT: Tu! Tu! Amore (Puccini). Two sides. With MARGARET SHERIDAN [s]. Thrilling performance. Few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $8.00. 3317. 12” Late Red VdP DB 1289 [CM844-III/CM845-II]. ANDREA CHÉNIER: La morte nostra [final scene] (Giordano). Two sides. With MARGARET SHERIDAN [s]. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3626. 12” Red PW HMV DB 1402 [CM1450-II/CF2471-I]. ELISIR D’AMORE: Una furtiva lagrima (Donizetti)/ OTELLO: Si pel ciel (Verdi). Side two with BENVENUTO FRANCI [b]. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 190 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2929. 12” Late Red VdP DB 1479 [CF3545-IV/ CF3617-II]. LA BOHÈME: Che gelida manina (Puccini) / MARTHA: M’appari (Flotow). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3972. 12” Late Red VdP DB 1480 [CF3695-II/ CF33677-I]. LA FAVORITA: Spirto gentil (Donizetti) / WILLIAM TELL: Ah! Matilde, io t’am (Rossini). Side two with BENVENUTO FRANCI [t]. Excellent pressing, just about 1-2. $8.00. 3498. 12” Red Orth. Vla 7065 [CF2458-II/ CF2459-II]. LA FORZA DEL DESTINO: O tu che in seno (Verdi) / LA GIOCONDA: Cielo e mar! (Ponchielli). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3554. 12” Blk. German Telefunken F105 [026482/026498]. OTELLO: Niun mi tema / OTELLO: Monologo (Verdi). Orch. dir. Alberto Erede. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3638. 12” Green Austrian Telefunken SKB 3303 [026499/026500]. OTELLO: Act III Duet (Verdi). Two sides. With GINA CIGNA [s]. Lt. superficial rubs, cons. 2-3. $12.00. NOËME PÉRUGIA [s]. Nice, 1903-Netherlands, 1992. A celebrated concert artist (referred to variously as a soprano or mezzo), Pérugia was a particularly noted interpreter of 20th century French song, in company with such artists as Pierre Bernac, Eliette Schenneberg and Madeleine Martinetti. Among the works she created was Honegger’s Saluste du Bartas. She was a noted teacher, first in France and later in the Netherlands. 1813. 10” Red French Disque Gram. DA 5008 [OLA-4440-1/OLA-4441-1]. DANS LA FORÊT DE SEPTEMBRE, Op. 85, No. 1 / LE DON SILENCIEUX, Op. 92 (both Fauré). Piano acc. Irene Aitoff. Just about 1-2. $12.00. ELISA PETRI [s] 9512. 11” Fonotipia 92945/92946 [XPh4852/XPh4851]. CELEBRE AGNUS DEI (Bizet) / L’ARCOLAIO (Usiglio). Side two only recording? Side one 2. Side two cons. 2. $35.00. 3970. 11” Gold late ‘30s HRS 1024 [XPh1533/XPh2334]. FALSTAFF: Recit … Quand’ero paggio (Verdi). With ANTONIO MAGINI-COLETTI [b] / VICTOR MAUREL [b]. AU TEMPS DU GRAND ROI (Tosti) Just about 1-2. $40.00. RENA PFIFFER [s] 1379. 10” Purple elec. Brunswick 53002. ICH LIEBE DICH (Grieg) / DIE NACHT (Rubinstein). Just about 1-2. $10.00. NINO PICCALUGA [t]. Casorate, 1890-Milano, 1973. Having made his debut in Novara as des Grieux in Puccini’s Manon Lescaut, Piccaluga, for the next two decades, appeared as a leading tenor throughout Italy, as well as in South America. Particularly admired by composer Riccardo Zandonai, Piccaluga was heard with Rosa Raisa in the La Scala premiere of that composer’s Una Partita in 1933. In his later years, Piccaluga resided at the Verdi Casa di riposa in Milano. 1312. 10” Blue acous. Odeon B3740 [XPh5281/Pho5298]. MANON LESCAUT: Guardate pazzo son (Puccini) / IL TROVATORE: Di quella pira (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2368. 10” Blue acous. Odeon B3742 [XPh5275-2/XPh5282]. LA FANCIULLA DEL WEST: Ch’ella mi creda / LA FANCIULLA DEL WEST: Ch’ella mi creda (Puccini). Couple minor mks., cons. 2. $12.00. 1599. 10” Green elec. Odeon M.6042 [Pho6206/Pho6207). MANON LESCAUT: Donna non vidi mai / MANON LESCAUT: Guardate, pazzo son (Puccini). Cons. 2. $12.00. 1436. 10” Blue elec. Odeon M6044 [Pho6213/Pho6214]. MANON LESCAUT: Fra voi belle (Puccini) / IL TROVATORE: Di quella pira (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3511. 12” Blue U.S. Fonotipia 53202 [XXPh5272]. PAGLIACCI: No, Pagliaccio non son (Leoncavallo). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 191 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs ALFRED PICCAVER [t]. Long Sutton, Lancs. England, 1884-Vienna, 1958. While British by birth, Piccaver was raised in Albany, NY, and in his later teenage years was employed at Edison’s laboratory in Menlo Park, NJ. He was one of eight accepted among the six hundred contestants for the newly established Metropolitan Opera school in 1905, where he remained under the tutelage of Mme. Jaeger for two years. Taken abroad in 1907 with nine other members of the Metropolitan Opera school, he was the only one to have secured an important engagement, as he was almost immediately hired by the Prague Opera as Gounod’s Romeo. From 1910 through 1937 he was a distinguished member of the Vienna Opera. Supposedly his colleague on the Vienna stage, Maria Jeritza, “had not given Piccaver her wholehearted recommendation [on personal matters rather than artistic] when her advice was sought by the Metropolitan officials” (according to a newspaper clipping), Jeritza then being a superstar of both Vienna and the Metropolitan. As a result, Piccaver did not sing in New York and he and Madame, although often sharing the Vienna stage, were on less than cordial terms from then on. Piccaver resided in England during World War II and eventually returned to Vienna, where he taught. His only American operatic appearances were with the Chicago Opera during the seasons of 1923-25. 1676. 10” Orange Eng. Decca M.424 [CG4288-3/CG4305-2]. HAUNTING PERFUME (Tucker) / MACUSHLA (MacMurrough). Piano acc. Couple lt. scrs. side two should be superficial. 2. $7.00. 2953. 12” Purple SS U.S. Odeon 52901 [XXB6155]. LUCIA: Tu che a Dio spiegasti l’ali (Donizetti). In Italian. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2872. 12” Brown SS Odeon 76958 [XXB6162]. LA FAVORITA: Una vergine (Donizetti). One rub, otherwise just about 1-2. $12.00. 2739. 12” Brown shellac acous. Vocalion 38016 [1378as/1379as]. MEISTERSINGER: Preislied / MEISTERSINGER: Am stillen Herd (Wagner). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3864. 12” Red acous. Polydor 72884 [1603as/1389as]. ADDIO (Tosti) / LAURITZ MELCHIOR [t]. TRÄUME (Wagner). Just about 1-2. $50.00. 2871. 12” Blue SS Vox *3026 [99A]. CARMEN: La fleur (Bizet). In French. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2870. 12” Blue SS Vox *3027 [100A]. PAGLIACCI: Vesti la giubba (Leoncavallo). In Italian. IMs. Two LGTs, couple MGTs, cons. 2. $10.00. 2745. 12” PW Blk. Polydor 66858 [1480BM/1481BM]. FAUST: Il se fait tard (Gounod). Two sides. With MARGIT ANGERER [s]. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3442. 12” PW Blk. Grammophon 66891 [1613½BM/1614BM]. LOHENGRIN: Gralserzählung / LOHENGRIN: Lohengrins Abschied (both Wagner). Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $10.00. ERNA ALMA PIELKE [ms]. Pielke was a student of Samuel Margolis (later Robert Merrill’s teacher) for several years, beginning in 1921. Her operatic debut seems to have been with the Montréal Opera. She appeared in Germany in the 1926-28 period with the Bremen Staatsoper as Amneris, Azucena and Erda, receiving “warm praise” from the German press. What subsequently became of her seems not to be known. 1318. 10” Green Viva-Tonal Columbia 5150-F [W1083452/W108346-2]. DU LIEBES AUG! / MUTTERSEELEN ALLEIN (Austrian Folk Songs). With EVA LEONI [s]. Cons. 2. $15.00. 3278. 12” Green VT Columbia 55095-F [W205658-3/ W205659-1]. LANG, LANG IST’S HER / S’MAILÜFTERL [Folk Songs). With EVA LEONI [s]. Zither acc. Just about 1-2. $15.00. ERNA ALMA PIELKE CAROLINA PIETRACEWSKA [c] 4045. 12” Red Vr 76005 [1479¾c]. BALLO IN MASCHERA: Re dell’ abisso (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $12.00. REGINA PINKERT [s] 3190. 11” Gold Odeon HRS 1022 (39241/39341) [XPh438/XPh308]. DON PASQUALE: Tornami a dir che m’ami (Donizetti). With ALESSANDRO BONCI [t] / BONCI [t]. ELENA E PARIDE: O del mio dolce ardor (Gluck) Excellent pressing, just about 1-2. $25.00. 192 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs EZIO PINZA [bs] 1269. 10” Red acous. Vla 1130. MEFISTOFELE: Son lo spirito (Boito) / LA FAVORITA: Non sai tu (Donizetti). Side two with ROBERTO D’ALESSIO [t]. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1281. 10” Red acous. Vla 1131. NORMA: Ah! del Tebro (Bellini) / LA FORZA DEL DESTINO: Il santo specio (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2036. 10” White acous. HMV VA 70 [BE-1216-2/Bk1822-2]. LA FAVORITA: Non sai tu (Donizetti). With ROBERTO D’ALESSIO [t] / FAUST: Ebben? che ti pare? (Gounod). With ARISTODEMO GIORGINI [t]. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2174. 10” Red late RCA Victor 10-3256. ROBERTA: Yesterdays (Kern)/ KNICKERBOCKER HOLIDAY: September Song (Weill). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2175. 10” Red late RCA Victor 10-3427. THE WIND IS A WOMAN (Jones) / THE LITTLE OL’ STATE OF TEXAS (Cahn-Brent). With The Sons of the Pioneers. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3180. 12” Red Scroll “Z” shellac Vr 8097 [takes 2/1]. FORZA DEL DESTINO: La Vergine degli angeli (Verdi). With ROSA PONSELLE [s] / ROSA PONSELLE [s], GIOVANNI MARTINELLI [t]. IL TROVATORE: Miserere. A perfect pressing. Just about 1-2. $6.00. 3924. 12” late Red VdP DB 1087 [CVE87323-4/CVE-37825-2]. I VESPRI SICILIANI: Dormirò sol nel manto regal / DON CARLOS: O tu Palermo (both Verdi). Highly recommended performances. Excellent pressing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3769. 12” Red Orth. Vla 6709. Same as previous listing (item #3924) but original Victor issue. Highly recommended performances. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 4041. 12” Red PW (gold print) Vr 6710. ROBERT LE DIABLE: Suore che riposate (Meyerbeer) / LE CAÎD: Air du Tambour Major (Thomas). Great pressing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3571. 12” Red Orth. Vla 8104. FORZA DEL DESTINO: Final scene (Verdi). Two sides. With ROSA PONSELLE [s], GIOVANNI MARTINELLI [t]. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 3697. 12” Red PW (gold print) Vr 8111 [takes 1/2]. AIDA: Temple Scene (Verdi). Two sides. With GIOVANNI MARTINELLI [t]. Just about 1-2. $6.00. 3099. 12” Blk. vinyl RCA Victor Test Pressing mat. CVE-51979-2. REQUIEM: Confutatis (Verdi). Unpublished. Just about 1-2. $50.00. 3092. 12” Blk. vinyl. RCA Victor Test Pressing mat. CVE-59746-1. IL TROVATORE: Abietta zingara (Verdi). Unpublished. Just about 1-2. $50.00. 2884. 12” PoW Blue Columbia 72751-D [xco39794-1/xco39795-2]. LE COR (Flégier) / AU PAYS (Holmès). Both in French. Just about 1-2. $8.00. POL PLANÇON [bs] 2085. 10” Red London G&T 2-2666 [1921g-c]. PHILÉMON ET BAUCIS: Couplets du Vulcain (Gounod). Raised lbl. (quite clean). Couple LGTs, harmless inherent pressing depressions. Good copy. 3. $50.00. 1190. 10” Red Monarch 91015. LE CAID: Air du Tambour Major (Thomas). Very decent copy. Couple LGTs, one inherent pressing flaw (harmless … in all copies), 3. $35.00. 1992. 10” White lbl. Vla 81033 [B-991]. STABAT MATER: Pro peccatis (Rossini). Tiny lbl. stkr., cons. 2. $8.00. 2172. 10” White lbl. Vla 81035 [B-990]. ROMÉO ET JULIETTE: Couplets de Capulet (Gounod). Cons. 2. $10.00. 1693. 10” Red Monarch 81038 [B-1051]. FAUST: Le veau d’or (Gounod). The label is bright and in perfect condition but there is surface graying. 4-5. $7.00. 1905. 10” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 81040 [B-992]. FAUST: Sérénade Méphistophèles (Gounod). Piano acc. Superb copy. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2086. 10” Red Monarch 81040 [B-992]. Same as previous issue (item #1905) but orig. 1903 pressing. Very clean label. A few LGTs, otherwise just about 2. $8.00. 1581. 10” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 81065 [B-2338]. DINORAH: Chant du Chasseur (Meyerbeer). Piano acc. Very lt. NR on lbl., otherwise just about 1-2. $8.00. 193 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2404. 10” White lbl. Vla 81078 [B-2335]. LE SOUPIR (Bemberg). Piano acc. VrBk. One tiny PB. Just about 1-2. 15.00. 1159. 10” Red Vr 81087. DAMNATION DE FAUST: Chanson de la puce (Berlioz). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1830. 10” Red Vr 81087. Same as preceding listing (item #1159). Superb condition, as above. One small IM. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1098. 10” PW Silver Victor IRCC 133. CREDO (Faure) / MARTHA: Che mi dira (Flotow). Side one piano acc. From orig. 1905/1908 Victor matrices. The best available surfaces. Just about 12. $25.00. 1783. 10” PW Silver Victor IRCC 185. DAMNATION DE FAUST: Devant la Maison (Berlioz) / FAUST: Le veau d’or (Gounod). Piano acc. From orig. 1904/1905 Victor matrices. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 1100. 10” PW Silver Victor IRCC 157. EMBARQUEZ-VOUS (Godard) / SI TU VEUX, MIGNONNE (Massenet). Piano acc. From orig. 1904/1905 Victor matrices. As above, the best available surfaces. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 2379. 10” Mauve HMV AGSA 22 [B-990/BERNESTINE SCHUMANN-HEINK and POL 1050]. LE CHALET: Arrêtons-nous PLANÇON on tour with the Met ici (Adam) / ROMÉO ET JULIETTE: Allons! jeunes gens! (Gounod). From orig. 1904 Victor matrices. Few minor mks., cons. 2. $12.00. 7900. 12” White lbl. Vla 85018 [C-871]. LA SONNAMBULA: Vi ravviso (Bellini). 1903 piano acc. Wonderful copy. Just about 1-2. $35.00. 3038. 12” Red vinyl Vr 85019 [C-873]. LE CAÏD: Air du Tambour Major (Thomas). 1903 piano acc. Excellent pressing, needless to say. Just about 1-2. $40.00. 2972. 12” White lbl. red vinyl Vla 85023 [C-989-3]. LE LAC (Niedermeyer). Piano acc. Rare. 1904 Victor matrix. Just about 1-2. $35.00. 3494. 12” Red GP ’04 Vr 85023 [C-989-3]. Same as previous listing (item #3038). Small lt. superficial scr. One bump about ¼” will sound, otherwise 2. $12.00. 2741. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 85077 [C-2337]. MAGIC FLUTE: Qui sdegno non s’accende (Mozart). Piano acc. Superb copy. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3275. 12” White lbl. Vla 85082 [C-2321]. THE SEASONS: Air du Laboreur (Haydn). Piano acc. Small lbl. stkrs. and writing on lbl. Surface cons. 2. $15.00. 2789. 12” White lbl. Vla 85124. ÉTOILE DU NORD: O jours heureux (Meyerbeer). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3386. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 85126. MIGNON: Berceuse (Thomas). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3376. 12” PW Silver Vla IRCC 49. LA SONNAMBULA: Vi ravviso (Bellini) / DON CARLOS: Elle ne m’aime pas (Verdi). From orig. 1903/1907 Victor matrices, side one piano acc. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 3581. 12” PW Silver Vla IRCC 94. MIGNON: Del suo cor (Thomas) / LE LAZZARONE (Ferrari); LE FLIBUSTIER (Georges). From orig. 1908/1905 Victor matrices, side two with piano. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 4009. 12” PW Silver Vr IRCC 102. LE VALLON (Gounod) / CHARLES GILIBERT [b]. BERGERETTE; MARGOTON (both arr. Weckerlin). Both piano acc. From orig. 1905/1907 Victor matrices. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 194 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs JEAN PLANEL [t]. Montélimar, France, 1903-1986. Jean studied at the Marseille Conservatoire with Louise Grandjean (voice) and Paul Vidal (composition). Upon graduation in 1931 he won the Premier Prix de Chant and became one of France’s most noted concert and oratorio artists. He was frequently heard with the Lamoureux, Colonne and Pasdeloup Orchestras and also created works by leading French composers of the time, such as Milhaud, Charpentier, Poulenc, Tailleferre, and Messiaen, among others. In 1933 he won the Grand Prix du Disque, while in the same year his brother, Robert (1908-1994) won the Grand Prix de Rome in composition. 2403. 10” PW Green Pathé PG 32 [CPT -1236-1/CPT-1237-1]. A COLOMBINE / SÉRÉNADE A BETTINE (both Robert Planel). Orch. dir. G. Andolfi. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2295. 10” PW Blk. Pathe X.93113 [203818-MCI/203819-MCI]. NUIT CHARMANTE (Sudessi) / NAPLES (d’Hack). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1945. 10” PW Blk. Pathé PA 1248 [CPT-3379-1/CPT-3380-1]. MON BEAU SAPIN (arr. Hamelle) / VOICI NOËL, O DOUCE NUIT! (arr. Hamelle). Minor lbl. stain side two, one tiny rub, otherwise just about 1-2. $10.00. DAVID POLERI [t]. Philadelphia, 1921-Hawaii, 1967. A student of Alberto Sciaretti, Poleri made his debut in Chicago, 1949, with the San Carlo Opera as Gounod’s Faust and 1951 with the NYC Opera as Alfredo in La Traviata. In 1954 he created the leading tenor role of Michele in Menotti’s The Saint of Bleeker Street in New York (in English) and the following year at La Scala (in Italian) and, in addition, appeared at Glyndbourne, Edinburgh, the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino and various other operatic festival sites. His death occurred during a sightseeing helicopter crash in Hawaii. He evidently had quite a temper, as in singing in Carmen with Gloria Lane at the Chicago Lyric Opera, he “stalked off the stage in the final act, snarling “Finish it yourself!” at the conductor (with whom he had had a tiff). Miss Lane thereupon sang both his part and hers and ended up committing suicide by stabbing herself with her thumb instead of a knife. His son, also David, is an active operatic tenor today. 1605. 10” Red late RCA Vr 10-3856. ONE NIGHT OF LOVE (Kahn-Schertzinger) / SOME DAY MY HEART WILL AWAKE (Novello). Just about 1-2. $10.00. MATHILDA POLI SKA-LEWICKA [s]. Warsaw, 1881-St.-Sauver-des-Monts, Canada, 1968. Her debut was as Musetta with the Boston Opera in 1909. She then appeared in Lviv and Krakow and later the Vienna Volksoper and in Hamburg. Her home base during the 1914-1931 period, seems however to have been with the Warsaw Opera, where she was particularly noted for the principal soprano roles in Halka and Aida. 2432. 10” Syrena-Electro 20284/20317 [3346/6375]. HALKA: Jako od wichru krazew polamany / BR. SZULCA dir. ORCH. HALKA: Mazurka, Act III (Moniuszko). Cons. 2. $25.00. 2602. 10” Syrena-Electro 20287/20288 [3341/3341]. HALKI [sic]: O mój male li (Moniuszko). Two sides. Cons. 2. $40.00. TINA [ERNESTINA] POLI-RANDACCIO [s] 3916. 12” Red elec. Fonotipia O.512 [120072/122074] [XXPh6066/XXPh6058]. LA GIOCONDA: Già ti veggo (Ponchielli). With IRENE MINGHINI-CATTANEO [ms], VITTORIO FULLIN [t], GIOVANNI INGHILLERI [b], ANTONIO RIGHETTI [bs] / LA SCALA CHORUS and ORCHESTRA. GIOCONDA: Feste, pane (Ponchielli). Cons. 2. $10.00. 3831. 12” Green elec. Odeon N-6646 [XXPh6408/XXPh6409]. IL TROVATORE: Act IV duet (Verdi). Two sides. With GIOVANNI INGHILLERI [b]. Harmless rim bump, otherwise just about 1-2. $12.00. SALVATORE POLLICINO [t] 1300. 10” acous. Fonotipia 152581/152534 [Pho5432/Pho5514]. MANON LESCAUT: Il lampionaio (Puccini). With OLGA GUERRIERI [s], BERETIN [t] / MANFREDO POLVEROSI [t]. FALSTAFF: Dal labbro il canto (Verdi). Side one made almost immediately (see below). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 1166. 10” acous. Fonotipia 152581/152032 [Pho5432/Pho5461]. MANON LESCAUT: Il lampionaio (Puccini). With OLGA GUERRIERI [s], BERETIN [t] / MARIANO STABILE [b]. VAMPA D’AMURI (Cuscinà). While Guerrieri is given label credit as the soprano on side one, the matrix is signed by Giuseppina Baldassare-Tedeschi. The matrix is correctly Pho 5465 (while Pho5432 appears on the label). Michael Henstock’s Fonotipia Recordings gives the matrix as 5465 with the second tenor as ALFREDO MATTEOLI. Cons. 2 $12.00. 195 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2008. 10” acous. Fonotipia 152708/152709 [Pho5682-II/Pho5683]. DEJANICE: Romanza di Admeto [Mio bianco amor] (Catalani) / DON CARLOS: Io l’ho perduta (Verdi). Only recording side one? Side one 2. Side two few harmless lt. mks., 2-3. $15.00. 3690. 12” acous. Fonotipia 74248/74247 [XXPh5448-2/XXPh5447-2]. NERONE: Ecco la Dea si china (Boïto) / INES LOMBARDI [ms]. NERONE: E il mio Nume e l’adoro (Boïto). Side one cons. 2. Side two TN and couple small LSSs, 2. $12.00. MANFREDO POLVEROSI [t] 2924. 12” Red acous. Fonotipia 74223/74224 [XXPh5305/XXPh5304]. IL MATROMONIO SEGRETO: Pria che spunti in ciel (Cimarosa) / MANON: La tua non è la mano chi mi tocca (Massenet). Side two with GINA BALDASSARE TEDESCHI [s]. IMs. Cons. 2. $15.00. ROSA PONSELLE [s] 1978. 10” Blue acous. Columbia 2014-M [79971-3/78615-8]. MANON LESCAUT: In quelle trine morbide / MARGARET ROMAINE [s]. BOHÈME: Quando m’en vo (both Puccini). Side one take (with recitative) available only on this rare double-side issue. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1194. 10” Red acous. Vla 1013. CARMÈ (De Curtis) / MARIA, MARÍ (Di Capua). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2316. 10” Red Scroll “Z” shellac Vr 1098. THE ROSARY (Nevin) / A PERFECT DAY (Jacobs-Bond). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2227. 10” Red EE Vla 1164. LUNA D’ESTATE / ‘A VUCCHELLA (both Tosti). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1721. 10” Red Scroll “Z” shellac Vr 1319. SONGS MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME (Dvo ák) / SINCE FIRST I MET THEE (Rubinstein). Just about 1-2. $8.00. ROSA PONSELLE 1841. 10” Red PW (gold print) Vr 2053. SI TU LE VOULAIS (Tosti) / A L’AIMÉ (de Fontenailles). Piano acc. Romano Romani. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3711. 12” TC Columbia 49925 [take 3]. RACHEM (Mana-Zucca). In Hebrew and Yiddish. Excellent surface material. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 4182. 12” Columbia Test Pressing 49925 [take 2]. Same as previous listing (item #3711) but unpublished (and otherwise unknown) take. Few digs, scratches, some greyed grooves, one stuck groove. 6. $25.00. 3490. 12” TC Columbia 49935 [take 1]. HOME, SWEET HOME (Bishop). Excellent lam. surface. Few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $8.00. 3489. 12” TC Columbia 98058 [take 1]. WILLIAM TELL: Selva opaca (Rossini). Excellent urface. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3807. 12” Gold Flags Columbia 68000-D[98059- /98062- ]. AFRICAINE: Figlio del sol (Meyerbeer) / LA BOHÈME: Mi chiamano Mimi (Puccini). Superficial rubs, gen. 2-3. $10.00. 3130. 12” Blue acous. Columbia 5095-M [49569-5/49571-2]. TOSCA: Vissi d’arte / MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Un bel di (both Puccini). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3107. 12” Blue acous. Columbia 7033-M [49859-2/98051-1]. FORZA DEL DESTINO: Pace, pace mio Dio / IL TROVATORE: Tacea la notte placida (both Verdi). Lbl. stkr., one small (½”) superficial scr. side two, otherwise just about 1-2. $25.00. 3761. 12” Blue acous. Columbia 7066-M [98063-6/98092-1]. PAGLIACCI: Stridono lassù (Leoncavallo) / AIDA: Ritorna vincitor (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $25.00. 196 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 3730. 12” Purple acous. Columbia 9010-M [49734-1/49922-2]. AIDA: O terra addio (Verdi). With CHARLES HACKETT [s] / IL TROVATORE: Mira, di acerbe lagrime … Vivrà, contende il giubilo (Verdi). With RICCARDO STRACCIARI [b]. Very lt. superficial rubs, 2. $20.00. 3927. 12” Purple acous. Columbia 9010-M [49734-1/49922-2]. Same as preceding listing. Lbl. stkr. side one. Cons. 2. $15.00. 3652. 12” White acous. heavy vinyl Columbia AF 1 [98093-1?/98096-3]. LOHENGRIN Elsas Traum (Wagner) / LA JUIVE: Il va venir (Halévy). First and only editions. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3098. 12” White lbl. heavy vinyl acous. RCA Vr Mat. C-29446-2/C-29447-2. AIDA: Pur ti riveggo / AIDA: Là tra foreste vergini (Verdi). With GIOVANNI MARTINELLI [t]. 1924 unpublished matrices. Pressed on a very hard vinyl, probably around 1950. It’s not known how many were pressed or for what reason. Just about 1-2. 3252. 4005. 3572. 3142. 3468. 3735. 3180. 3571. 3637. $15.00. 12” White acous. HMV VB 73 [C-29446-?/C29447-?]. Same as preceding listing (item #3098) but shellac pressing. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 12” Blue acous. HMV ABHB 3. AIDA: La fatal pietra / AIDA: O terra addio (Verdi). With GIOVANNI MARTINELLI [t]. First and only additions from 1924 Victor acoustic matrices. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 12” Red acous. Vla 6474. OTELLO: Salce, salce / OTELLO: Ave Maria (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 12” White lbl. SS vinyl acous. RCA Vr test pressing 6496-A [C-317091]. LA GIOCONDA: Suicidio! (Ponchielli). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 12” Red Scroll “Z” shellac Vr 6509. CARRY ME BACK TO OLD VIRGINNY (Bland) / MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME (Foster). With Male Quartet: Franklyn Baur [t], Lewis James [t], Elliott Shaw [b], Wilfred Glenn [bs]. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 12” Red Orth. Vla 6711. GOODBYE (Tosti) / SERENADE (Tosti). Side one with orch. Side two harp acc. by Francis J. Lapitino. Nice copy, few lightest mks. Cons. 2. $8.00. 12” Red Scroll “Z” shellac Vr 8097 [takes 2/1]. IL TROVATORE: MiROSA PONSELLE and LUCIANO PAVAROTTI serere. With GIOVANNI MARTINELLI [t] / FORZA DEL DESTINO: La Vergine degli angeli (Verdi). With EZIO PINZA [b]. A perfect pressing. Just about 1-2. $6.00. 12” Red Orth. Vla 8104. FORZA DEL DESTINO: Final scene (Verdi). Two sides. With GIOVANNI MARTINELLI [t], EZIO PINZA [bs]. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 12” White HMV VB 3 [CVE-35464-T1/CVE-35465-1]. LA VESTALE: Tu che invoco / LA VESTALE: O nume tutelar (Spontini). Just about 1-2. $6.00. GIACINTO PRANDELLI [t] 1964. 10” Green Cetra TI 7049 [52913-II/52914]. MANON LESCAUT: Donna non vidi mai (Puccini) / RESURREZIONE: Piangi (Alfano). Orch dir. Arturo Basile. Just about 1-2. $12.00. YVONNE PRINTEMPS [s] 1974. 10” acous. Blk. Disque Gram. P-369 [20887u/20889u]. LE COSAQUE (Moniuszko) / QUAND LES PAPILLONS (Vercolier). Piano acc. Small PB, gen. 3. $15.00. 1440. 10” PW Blk. Disque Gram. P-835 [BS4392-I/BS4393-II]. LA GRAND DUCHESSE DE GÉROLSTEIN: Dites-‘ui qu’on j’a remarqué (Offenbach) / ARIETTE DE CLORIS (Lulli). Small lbl. stkr. Excellent late ‘30s pressing. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 197 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs ROBERT RADFORD [bs] 3479. 12” Red Orth. Vla 9654 [Cc7634-II/Cc7715-II]. THE CREATION: Rolling in foaming billows (Haydn) / MESSIAH: Why do the nations? (Händel). Few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $8.00. ROSA RAISA [s] 1470. 10” Vertical Aeolian-Vocalion 30010 [668]. CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Voi lo sapete (Mascagni). Some LGTs, otherwise 3. $35.00. 2323. 10” Brown shellac Vocalion 30165 [7032]. NIGHT (Russian Folk Song). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3837. 12” Brown shellac Vocalion 52031 [7142]. THE CRUCIFIX (Faure). In French. With GIACOMO RIMINI [b]. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3851. 12” Brown shellac Vocalion 70036 [11187/11190]. MEFISTOFELE: L’altra notte (Boïto) / MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Un bel di (Puccini). Very fine copy. One small (harmless) mk. side one, few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $15.00. 3981. 12” Brown shellac Vocalion 70039 [11192/11095]. ERNANI: Ernani, involami / IL TROVATORE: Mira, di acerbe lagrime (Verdi). Side two with GIACOMO RIMINI [b]. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 3201. 12” PW Silver Vr IRCC 202 [2M1445-2/2M1446-2]. LA GIOCONDA: Suicidio! (Ponchielli) / CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Voi lo sapete (Mascagni). Label signed by Raisa. 1934 Italian masters (not otherwise issued in U.S.). Just about 1-2. $15.00. ROSA RAISA and famed film cowboy TOM MIX EDMUND RAMBAUD [t] 1934. 10” Blk. PW French Columbia DF 44 [WL2108-1/WL2110-3]. LES MILLIONS D’ARLEQUIN: Sérénade (Drigo) / CELEBRE SERENATA (Toselli). Few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $10.00. 1643. 10” Blk. PW French Columbia DF 97 [WL2277-2/WL2278-1]. PAYSAGE / L’HEURE EXQUISE (both Hahn). Particularly beautiful performances. Piano acc. Maurice Faure. Just about 1-2. $12.00. CARLOS RAMIREZ [b] Tocaima, Columbia, 1916-Miami, 1986. Vocally at home in opera and show biz, Ramirez was an exceptionally popular singer in the 1940s-50s. He studied with Emilio Murillo and made his debut on the radio in 1928. In the 1940s he appeared successfully in several films, including Bathing Beauty with Esther Williams. A recording of highlights from Il Barbiere di Siviglia, issued by Victor around 1942 (also featuring Hilde Reggiani and Bruno Landi), was a best seller. Despite an enviable income at the height of his career, Ramirez lost most of it gambling. A prolonged final illness left him in poverty. 2284. 10” Red Vr 4545. FRENESÍ / PERFIDIA (both Alberto Dominguez). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1844. 10” Purple late RCA Vr 83970. ROMANCE ESPAÑOL (Tarraza) / AMÉRICA IMMORTAL (Carvajal). Just about 1-2. $15.00. ANTENORE REALI [b]. Verona, 1897-Milano,1960. His debut was in Verona, 1921, as Rigoletto. He subsequently performed leading dramatic roles in most of the principal Italian theaters, including La Scala, the Naples San Carlo, La Fenice and the Rome Opera. Outside of Italy he seems to have been heard only in Belgium and Holland. 198 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 3550. 12” Orange Cetra 25128 [2-70921-II/2-70922]. GIOCONDA: O monumento (Ponchielli) / LA FANCIULLA DEL WEST: Minnie della mia casa (Puccini). Just about 1-2. $20.00. HEINRICH REHKEMPER [b]. Schwerte, 1894-Munich, 1949. After working for a period as a machinist, Rehkemper studied singing in Hagen, Düsseldorf and finally Munich. His debut was in Colberg, 1919, and then he sang for a period as a leading baritone at Stuttgart. From 1925 he was with the Munich Staatsoper, where he achieved great popularity and musical success. He was equally at home on the concert stage and was considered one of the great lieder interpreters of his era. During World War II, in addition to singing, Rehkemper taught at the Mozarteum in Salzburg. 2198. 10” PW Blue elec. Polydor 90019 [1484bk/1489bk]. DER LEIERMANN / DIE NEBEN-SONNEN (both Schubert). Piano acc. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2310. 10” PW Blue Polydor 90022 [1498bk/ 1499bk]. DAS ROSENBAND / DER MUSEN-SOHN (both Schubert). piano acc. Few lt. rubs, 2. $15.00. 2311. 10” PW Green Polydor 23148 [1689BH/ 1690½BH]. NICHT MEHR ZU DIR ZU GEHEN, Op. 32, No. 2 / DIE BOTSCHAFT, Op. 47, No. 1] (both Brahms). Piano acc. Michael RauHEINRICH REHKEMPER in Humperdinck's Die cheisen. Cons. 2. $15.00. Königskinder 1737. 10” PW Green Polydor 23149 [1685BH/ 1688BH]. AUFTRAG / DER RATTENFÄNGER (both Wolf). Piano acc. Michael Raucheisen. Few light mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 2312. 10” PW Green Polydor 23150 [1686BH/1687BH]. ZUR JOHANNISNACHT, Op. 60, No. 5 / IM KAHNE (both Grieg). Piano acc. Michael Raucheisen. Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 4214. 12” Blk. acous. Polydor 65701 [917as/922as]. TANNHÄUSER: O du mein holder Abendstern / PARSIFAL: Die Stunde nach (both Wagner). Couple small mks. side one, otherwise just about 1-2. $50.00. 4215. 12” Blk. acous. Polydor 66003 [1729as/1730as]. MENTRE TI LASCIO O FIGLIA (Mozart). Two sides. Few minor rubs, 2. $40.00. 4216. 12” Blk. acous. Polydor 66004 [1731½as/1732as]. PROMETHEUS (Hugo Wolf). Two sides. Just about 1-2. $50.00. 3799. 12” Blk. acous. Polydor 66004 [1731½as/1732as]. Same as previous listing (item #4216). 2. $40.00. 4213. 12” Blk. acous. Polydor 66006 [1057av/1058av]. ORPHEUS / ERLKÖNIG (both Schubert). Just about 1-2. $60.00. 3215. 12” Blk. acous. Polydor 66006 [1057av/1058av]. Same as preceding listing (item #4213). Lightest rubs, one lightest superficial scr. Cons. 2. $50.00. 4212. 12” Blk. acous. (?) Polydor 66536 [1306av/1308av]. FRÜHLINGSGLAUBE / STÄNDCHEN (both Schubert). Piano acc. Waldemar Liachowsky. First matrix letter (“a”) indicates acoustic (electrics begin with “b”). Piano sounds acoustic but voice is bright with audible silibants. Few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $40.00. 2786. 12” PW Green Polydor 27186 [874Bi/875Bi]. DER FEUERREITER / STORCHENBOTSCHAFT (both Hugo Wolf). Piano acc. Michael Raucheisen. Great record. Just about 1-2. $20.00. PAUL REIMERS [t] 1732. 10” Blue acous. Vr 45062. TO MARY (Maud V. White) / PHYLLIS UND DIE MUTTER (Folk Song). IMs. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 199 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 1800. 10” Red Vr 87182. DU, DU LIEGST MIR IM HERZEN (Pax, arr. W. Berger). With ALMA GLUCK [t]. Just about 1-2. $6.00. 1148. 10” Red PW (gold print) Vr 1746. DU, DU LIEGST MIR IM HERZEN (Pax) / ACH, WIE IST’S MÖGLICH DANN (Thuringian Folk Song). With HULDA LASHANSKA [s]. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1563. 10” Red Scroll “Z” material Vr 3050. STILL WIE DIE NACHT (Böhm) / STÄNDCHEN (Schubert). With HULDA LASHANSKA [s]. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3963. 12” Blue Victor 55045. STÄNDCHEN (Schubert) / PAUL ALTHOUSE [t]. AIDA: Celeste Aida (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $7.00. MARIA REINING [s] 3041. 12” Red Wartime Electrola DB 5694 [2RA5342-I/2RA5343-I]. FRIEDERIKE: Warum hast du mich wachgeküßt? / EVA: Im hemlichen Dämmer … Wär es auch nichts als ein Augenblick (Franz Lehár). Orchestra dir. by the composer. Just about 12. $20.00. ALBERT REISS [t] 2893. 12” Mauve HMV AGSA 12 [C-7075/ 273ac]]. BARTERED BRIDE: Ich weiss Euch einen lieben Schatz (Smetana). With JOHANNA GADSKI [s] / EMMY DESTINN [s]. DALIBOR: Wär’ es wahr? (Smetana) Side one piano acc. From orig. Victor 1909/ G&T 1907 matrices. Side two unpublished (except for very limited IRCC issue). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 4020. 12” Red Pats.. “A” plate Vr 74235. SIEGFRIED: Zwangvolle Plage! (Wagner). Text label on verso. Just about 1-2. $8.00. MAURICE RENAUD [b]. Bordeaux, likely 1861-Paris, 1933. Born Maurice Arnold Croneau, Renaud studied in Paris and Brussels, making his debut at La Monnaie in Brussels, 1883, remaining to 1890. He was in the world premieres there of Reyer’s Sigurd and the same composer’s Salaambô. 1890 marked his OpéraComique debut. From then on he was heard at various points throughout the world, including New Orleans, the Metropolitan and Manhattan ALBERT REISS at stage entrance of old Met Operas, Covent Garden, the Paris Opéra, St. Petersburg, Berlin and Monte Carlo. He was wounded in the 1st World War, and he then retired from opera and from singing entirely in 1919, appearing in a silent film the following year. He was noted for the beautiful timbre of his voice as well as his sense of style and acting skills. Mary Garden described him as “one of the greatest artists in the world”. 1584. 10” Blk. Flush Paris G&T 32079 [714g]. GUILLAUME TELL: Prière (Rossini). Superb copy, lightest superficial scr., cons. 2. $75.00. 2305. 10” Blk. Flush Paris G&T 32079 [714g]. Same as previous listing (item #1584). One pressing ridge (bump) about ½” may cause lt. sound, one minor lbl. scr., otherwise exceptionally clean, cons. 2. $50.00. 2674. 10” Blk. Flush Paris G&T 32081 [716g]. LE ROI DE LAHORE: Air (Massenet). It’s amazing how good the French recording process was in this 1901 period. One TN, one lt. superficial scr. (more a rub). Lovely copy, cons. 2. $75.00. 2082. 10” Blk. London G&T 2-2706 [2111]. CARMEN: Air du Toréador (Bizet). Couple LGTs, lbl. stkr., 3 or better. $35.00. 2639. 10” Blk. Paris G&T 2-2713 [2112nb]. DAMNATION DE FAUST: Sérénade (Berlioz). Label in perfect shape. Some (sounding) LGTs, otherwise 3. $35.00. 200 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 1801. 10” Red Vr 91067 [5735o]. TANNHÄUSER: O douce étoile (Wagner). Just about 12. $6.00. 1171. 10” Red Vla 614. LE SOIR (Gounod) / TANNHÄUSER: O douce étoile (Wagner). ’06 Paris G&T matrices. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3312. 12” Blk. Disque Gram. W117 [865i/873i]. TANNHÄUSER: O douce étoile (Wagner) / WILLIAM TELL: Sois immobile (Rossini). Heavy raised rim pressing. One TB, just about 1-2. $12.00. 3601. 12” Blk. Disque Gram. W119 [872i/01254v]. HAMLET: Comme une pale fleur (Thomas) / MARCEL JOURNET [bs]. LOHENGRIN: Prière (Wagner). Fine heavy raised rim pressing. Small lbl. stkr. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3884. 12” Red PW Hist. HMV D857 [871i/872i]. FAVORITE: Léonore viens (Donizetti) / HAMLET: Comme un pale fleur (Thomas). Just about 1-2. $12.00. ELISABETH RETHBERG [s] 1389. 10” Purple acous. Brunswick 10124. ICH LIEBE DICH (Grieg) / CANZONETTA (Loewe). Very attractive performances. IMs. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 1059. 10” Purple elec. Brunswick 10256. BELIEVE ME, IF ALL THOSE ENDEARING YOUNG CHARMS (Moore) / HOME, SWEET HOME (Payne-Bishop). In English. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 1782. 10” Gold elec. Brunswick 15145. DER NUSSBAUM [THE NUT TREE] (Schumann) / AVE MARIA (Schubert). Piano acc. Frederic Persson. Side two violin obb. Max Rosen. Side one small lbl. stkr., lt. rubs, just about 2. Side two cons. 2. $8.00. 1033. 10” Gold elec. Brunswick 15148. MURMELNDES LÜFTCHEN (Jensen) / DU BIST WIE EINE BLUME (Rubinstein). Piano acc. Dan Lieberfeld. Side two violin obbligato by Fredric Fradkin. Perfect copy. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 1149. 10” Purple Viva-Tonal G-4068-M [Be9004/Be9005]. GYPSY BARON: So elend und so treu (Strauss) / MARRIAGE OF FIGARO: Heilge Quelle (Mozart). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3880. 12” Brown/Blk. acous. Odeon O-8010 [XXB6566/XXB6570]. DER ZIGEUNERBARON: Zigeunerlied der Saffi (Johann Strauss) / DER SYLPHE DES FRIEDENS (Mozart). Rare! Just about 1-2. $50.00. 3904. 12” Gold acous. German Brunswick (Polydor pressing) A73028 [50065]. TOSCA: Vissi d’arte / MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Un bel di (both Puccini). Excellent pressing, few lightest mks. Cons. 2. $15.00. 3651. 12” Red Scroll “Z” shellac Vr 6831 [CWR1329-II/CWR1330-II]. TANNHÄUSER: Dich teure Halle / LOHENGRIN: Elsas Traum (both Wagner). Berlin State Op. Orch. dir. Fritz Zweig. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3411. 12” Red Scroll “Z” shellac Vr 7106 [CWR1332-II/CWR ? ]. AIDA: O patria mia / AIDA: Ritorna vincitor (Verdi). Berlin State Opera Orch. dir. Fritz Zweig. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 4172. 12” Red Scroll “Z” shellac Vr 7393. OTELLO: Salce, salce / OTELLO: Ave Maria (Verdi). Beautiful pressing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3565. 12” Red Orth. Vla 7472. IL RE PASTORE: L’amerò sarò costante (Mozart) / DON GIOVANNI: Batti, batti o bel Masetto (Mozart). Side one with Jacob Zayde [vln]. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3680. 12” Red PW (gold print) Vla 7472. Same as previous listing (item #3565). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3986. 12” Red late VdP DB 1341 [CVE-40707-2/CVE-40708-2]. AIDA: Pur ti riveggo / AIDA: Là, tra foreste vergine (Verdi). With GIACOMO LAURI-VOLPI [t]. Excellent pressing. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3987. 12” Red late VdP DB 1458 [CVE-49709-2/CVE-58609-1]. AIDA: Ah! no fuggiamo / AIDA: Ma dimmi: per qual via (Verdi). With GIACOMO LAURI-VOLPI [t] (both sides). Side two also with GIUSEPPE DE LUCA [b]. Just about 1-2. $8.00. FANÉLY REVOIL [s]. Marseille, 1906-Annonay, 1999. Her first work was as a secretary, but she soon entered the Marseille Conservatore, taking courses in singing and acting. Her stage debut was in Audran’s Gillette de Narbonne in Montpellier, 1928 (which also marked her farewell to the stage). Through the 1930s and ‘40s she was active in both opera and operetta, creating roles in both genres. 2442. 10” PW Plum Disque Gram. K-7648 [OLA-874-1/OLA-875-2]. VALSE PÉTILLANTE / MAMAN-BERCEUSE CHANTÉE (both Maurice Yvain). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 201 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs AURÉLIE REVY [s]. Kaposvár, Hungary, 1879-Toronto, 1957. Révy studied singing in Budapest, where she made her debut in 1897. Further studies took place in London, and she then appeared there with the Carl Rosa Opera and at Covent Garden. She was later a guest at La Scala and she was heard throughout Europe as (among other roles) Marguerite in Faust, Nedda, Elisabeth in Tannhauser, Carmen and Aida, the last two somewhat surprising, considering her lyric voice on records. In 1911 she was appointed director of the Berlin Komische Oper, no doubt one of the first women in such a position. She was also successful in operetta roles. 2497. 10” Blk. Berlin G&T 43817. TRAVIATA: 1.Akt, 2.Teil, Mit der Freude Blumenkränzen [Sempre libera] (Verdi). Small harmless PB, few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $50.00. LOUIS RICHARD [b] 2420. 10” Red PW Eng. Columbia RF 28 [WLB89/WLB117]. HAMLET: Chanson Bachique (Thomas) / ABEN HAMET: Unidentified aria (Theodore Dubois). Side one few lt. scrs. here and there could cause some ticks, otherwise both sides 2. $8.00. CORINNE RIDER-KELSEY [s]. Leroy, NY, 1877-Toledo, OH, 1947. A major U.S. AURÉLIE RÉVY concert and oratorio soprano, Rider-Kelsey credited her success to her primary teacher, Frederick Torrens, as well as to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Toedt. and by 1900 she was making a strong reputation, soon participating in major Festivals. She had success as Micaëla in Carmen at Covent Garden, 1908, but “hated the artificiality” of opera and decided that she would then concentrate just on recital and oratorio work. Later in her career, which lasted through the 1930s, she replaced “Kelsey” with the name of her second husband, Lynnel Reed. Much of her time was also occupied with teaching 3097. 12” PW TC Columbia A5754 [37321`-4/37324-7]. CHANSON PROVENÇALE (dell’Acqua) / ANGEL’S SERENADE (Braga). Side one in French. Cons. 2. $8.00. 3045. 12” PW Blue Columbia elec. 5071-M [W98213-1/W98231-2]. THEODORA: Angels Ever Bright and Fair / SEMELE: O Sleep, Why Dost Thou Leave Me? (both Händel). Excellent later ‘30s pressing. Cons. 2. $12.00. JOSEPH RIJAVEK [t] 1740. 10” Dk. elec. Edison Bell Z1082 [12055/12056]. L’ULTIMA CANZONE (Tosti) / MANON LESCAUT: Donna non vidi mai (Puccini). Side one cons. 2. Side two harmless hair edge crk. into grooves about ¼”, lbl. NR, cons. 2-3. $7.00. GIACOMO RIMINI [b]. Verona, 1888-Chicago, 1952. Rimini made his debut in Verona in 1910 after having prepared in that city’s Conservatory. He met and sang with Rosa Raisa in Verdi’s La Battaglia di Legnano at the Teatro Colón in 1915. He joined Raisa with the Chicago Opera in 1916, and they married in 1920. Raisa appears to have insisted Rimini be booked wherever she sang. Likely most companies were glad to oblige as his presence would strengthen their baritone wing. Later in his career he moved from serious to buffo parts and made a complete recording in the 1930s of Verdi’s Falstaff. Raisa was to have joined him in this recording, but pregnancy at the time prevented her from doing so. According to a friend who had been a protégé of Raisa, Rimini was very much a male chauvinist. At one time, to close a discussion in which Raisa and Rimini were disagreeing, she recalled Rimini turning to Raisa and telling her she should shut her mouth and open it only for singing. Raisa, on the other hand, was pleasantly passive and found such comments amusing. 2383. 10” Brown shellac Vocalion 30146 [7176?]. RIGOLETTO: Si, vendetta (Verdi). With EVELYN SCOTNEY [s]. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 1632. 10” Brown shellac Vocalion 30149 [7101]. OTELLO: Brindisi (Verdi). Just about 12. $10.00. 3837. 12” Brown shellac Vocalion 52031 [7142]. THE CRUCIFIX (Faure). In French. With ROSA RAISA [s]. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 202 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 3917. 12” Brown shellac Vocalion 52049 [10486]. TARANTELLA NAPOLITANA (Rossini). Orch. dir. Gennaro Papi. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3981. 12” Brown shellac Vocalion 70039 [11-95/111925]. IL TROVATORE: Mira, di acerbe lagrime (Verdi). With ROSA RAISA [s] / RAISA [s]. ERNANI: Ernani, involami (both Verdi). Side two with GIACOMO RIMINI [b]. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. GABRIELLE RITTER-CIAMPI [s] 2995. 12” Art-Label Pathé X.7194 [N201901-1/201902-2]. FRÜHLINGSSTIMMEN (Strauss) / FEDIA (Camille Erlanger). Piano acc. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $35.00. PAUL ROBESON [bs] 1076. 10” PW gold print Blk. Victor 20068. SWING LOW, SWEET CHARIOT / NOBODY KNOWS THE TROUBLE I’VE SEEN (both arr. L. Brown). Piano acc. Lawrence Brown. Few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $7.00. 1843. 10” PW “Z”-type shellac Scroll Vr 20604. EZEKIEL SAW DE WHEEL / HEAR, DE LAM’S A-CRYIN’ (both arr. L. Brown). Piano acc. Lawrence Brown. Just about 1-2. $18.00. 2188. 10{ PW Plum HMV B.2948 [Bb14351-II/Bb15802-I]. DE LIL’ PICCANINNY’S GONE TO SLEEP (Johnson) / SONNY BOY (DeSylva, Brown & Henderson). Gen. 2. $15.00. 1598. 10” Plum HMV B.8219 [OB5906-II/7425-I]. ST. LOUIS BLUES (Handy) / THE BANJO SONG (Sydney Homer). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1866. 10” Plum HMV B.8219 [OB5906-II/7425-I]. Same as preceding item (#1598). Few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $7.00. ANTONIO ROCCA [t]. Rocca made his debut at the Paris Gaité-Lyrique in 1908 as Gérald in Lakmé, singing there Turiddu as well. He also appeared at the Paris Opéra-Comique, according to one clipping with “sensational success” and with the Chicago Opera. 2421. 10” Red SS Critona 1027. LA FANCIULLA DEL WEST: Ch’ella mi creda (Puccini). Scarce NY label. 2. $15.00. WILHELM RODE [b] 1313. 10” PW Blk. Polydor 62649 [529bm/ 530bm]. MEISTERSINGER: Fliedermonolog (Wagner). Two sides. Orch. dir. Manfred Gurlitt. Just about 1-2. $12.00. MARCELLA ROESELER [s] 3138. 12” Blk. acous./elec. Polydor 66160 [2148as/50be]. FRÜHLINGSTRAUM (Schubert) / MAINACHT (Brahms). Side one is acoustic and side two is an early electric, judging from the matrix numbers. Just about 1-2. $35.00. ANTONIO ROCCA JOSEPH ROGATCHEWSKY [t] 2415. 10” PW Brown French Columbia BF 10 [WL-3904-1/WL-3905-1]. HYMNE DES PEUPLES ALLIÉS (Narci) / AUX MORTS POUR LA PATRIE (Février). Tiny lbl. stain side two. Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $12.00. 3962. 12” Blk. Viva-Tonal Columbia 50146-D [WLX-89/WLX-90]. LE ROI D’YS: Aubade (Lalo … credited here as Delibes) / PEARL FISHERS: Je crois entendre encore (Bizet). Rogatchewsky concludes his gorgeous performance of side one with a softly spoken “Voilà” (“There you have it.”). Few light mks., cons. 2. $7.00. Cantor DAVID ROITMAN [t] 4114. 12” Green Columbia E5258 [59746-1/59747-1]. UVDIVRAI KODSHECHO / L’DOR V’DOR NAGID GODLECHO (both D. Roitman). Excellent laminated surfaces. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 203 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs FRANCES ROSE [s] 9522. 11” Brown Odeon 99241/99242 [XB4363/XB4364]. CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Gott sei mir gnädig. With IDA VON SCHEELE-MÜLLER [ms] / CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Als Euer Sohn [Voi lo sapete] (Mascagni). Disc 10/11 from the complete 1910 Odeon recording. Just about 1-2. $15.00. ANNE ROSELLE [s]. Hungary, 1893 (more likely 1888)-Florida, 1989. Born Anna Gyenge (and under which name her first recordings were made), Roselle studied in Hungary, where she made her debut in The Merry Widow, 1904, with the composer, Franz Lehár, conduct- ing. She married in 1911 and sailed with her new husband to America, there studying with William S. Brady. In New York she again appeared in operetta with a Hungarian company. Her career then moved to New York movie houses and Scotti’s touring opera company. Her Met debut was as Musetta in 1920, but she remained with the company only two seasons, as she was offered no major roles. She returned to Europe in 1925 and the following year created for Dresden the title role in the ANNE ROSELLE preparing for Philadelphia Elektra, 1931 German premiere of Puccini’s Turandot. Other important career events were Marie in the American premiere of Berg’s Wozzeck in Philadelphia, 1931, along with other roles that season including Elektra, Aida, and Elsa. Her subsequent career included performances with (inexplicably) mostly small, local New York opera companies and some radio broadcasts. Thanks to the late Jim McPherson’s research on Roselle in The Record Collector (Vol. 47, No. 4), we know that Roselle taught at the New York College of Music (1942-56) and then in Lakeland, Florida at Florida Southern College. The last traced performance of her was as Bloody Mary in a Lakeland Little Theatre production of South Pacific in 1965. 1931. 10” Blue Continental C-5037 [S3296/S3297]. TREES (Rasbach) / DU BIST WIE EINE BLUME (Schumann); SELIGKEIT (Schubert). Piano acc. Lt. rubs, 2. $8.00. IDA ROSELLI [ms] 1638. 10” Blk. Vr 52429 [7566b]. LA FAVORITA: Bei raggi (Donizetti). Cons. 2. $8.00. Cantor JOSEF ROSENBLATT [t]. Near Kiev, 1882-Palestine, 1933. Born of a Cantor father, young Yossele was singing as a member of his father’s choir from the age of four. It was at the time against the tenets of the Orthodox faith for an unmarried man to accept a cantorial position, so at the age of 18 (the youngest possible) he wed and became a Cantor in Hungary, then Presberg and following this, America. When 14, he successfully tried his hand at cantorial composition, some of his works having become so popular, Rosenblatt stated, “that even old chasanim of repute adopted them.” In America he reached his peak in popularity through an exclusive five-year contract with Columbia Records and then one with Victor. He was also offered by Campanini for the Chicago Opera the role of Eleazar in La Juive for a then huge sum, an offer he turned down for religious reasons. He did accept concert tours however, becoming very successful singing both Jewish and Yiddish repertoire, as well as the occasional Western concert pieces. He was particularly proud of being referred to as “the Jewish tenor”, rather than by his nationality. “What Harry Lauder is to the Scotch and John McCormack to the Irish, I want to be for the Jews.” 2399. 10” Blk. acous. Vr 17449. JEHI ROZON [ROSCH CHODESCH]. Two sides. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3171. 12” Green acous. Columbia E-5172 [59531-1/59532-2]. YALEH / HINENY HEONY (Hebraic Prayers). Excellent laminated mid-‘20s pressing. One LGT side two, lt. rubs, cons. 2-3. $12.00. VLADIMIR ROSING [t] 2498. 10” Blk. Russian Amour 4-22674/4-22675 [Ho725ab/Ak16846]. NATURE MORTE (Jakobson); HEBREW SONG (Glinka) / MATTINATA (Leoncavallo). Piano acc. Rare early Rosing issue. Just about 1-2. $60.00. 1687. 10” Brown Shellac Vocalion 60052 [01962/01970]. YEREMOUSHKA’S CRADLE SONG (Moussorgsky) / THE CLOCK (Sachnovsky). Piano acc. Frank St. Leger. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 204 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2830. 12” Red HMV 2-022000 [Ho834c]. PIQUE DAME: Forgive me, bright celestial vision (Tschaikowsky). Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 3059. 12” White Parlophone test pressing Mat. XE.6939-2. CRADLE SONG (Moussorgsky). Piano acc. The Record Collector Discography gives the issued take as 1, so this is apparently an unpublished version. Lt. superficial rubs, 3. $30.00. ARCHANGELO ROSSI [bs]. Ferentino, 1857-Milano, 1907. A very humorous (at least I find him so) buffo who made his Met debut in La Boheme, 1903, as both Benoit and Alcindoro. His other roles during his Met tenure included Don Pasquale, Dr. Dulcamara, Masetto and the Sacristan in Tosca. He had been in San Francisco touring with the Metropolitan Opera during the disastrous earthquake of 1906 and it left him in a state of increasing “emotional distress”. On Feb. 16, 1907, he participated in Don Pasquale, which turned out to be one of the strangest presentations in Met history. The first scene of act one was completely omitted. Rossi appeared in the second act but sang it entirely seated in a chair. It was announced that he was indisposed and that the remainder of the opera would be sung without a Don Pasquale. The act turned out to be tenor Andreas Dippel singing Ernesto’s Serenata, “Com’ è gentil” and then soprano Marcella Sembrich concluded the opera by rendering Arditi’s completely unrelated waltz, Parla. Shortly after, Rossi or the management cancelled the rest of his season. He returned to Italy and in June of 1907 committed suicide “in a moment of desperation”. –Information from Jim McPherson’s article in The Record Collector, Vol. 46, No. 1. 3435. 12” Blk. GP ’04 “A” plate Vr 31411 [C-2508-2]. IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Manca un foglio (Rossini). Nice copy. 2. $12.00. 3683. 12” Blk. Vr 68155 [C-2508-2/628c]. IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Manca un foglio / GIUSEPPINA HUGUET [s]. IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA Una voce poco fa (Rossini). Lt. superficial rubs, side one 2, side two cons. 2-3. $10.00. GIULIO ROSSI [bs]. Rome, 1862-Varese, 1934. His debut was in Parma, either 1886 or 1887, and in 1889 he gave successful performances in South America. He subsequently appeared in a number of major Italian houses, including La Scala (1892 and 1894, again in 1903) and the Rome Costanzi (1894) as well as in Spain and St. Petersburg. His Metropolitan Opera debut was in 1908, and he remained on the roster for eleven seasons. In 1931 he became a resident of the Verdi Casa di Riposo where he lived until his death three years later. Rossi’s repertoire was of major roles in most houses except the Met, where he was limited to mainly secondary parts, the principal roles going usually to Adamo Didur. 1280. 10” Blk. Vr 63404 [8004b/8064b]. LUCREZIA BORGIA: Vieni, la mia vendetta (Donizetti) / MARIA GRISI [s], ANDREA PERELLO DE SEGUROLA [bs]. HUGUENOTS: Nelle notte io sol qui veglio (Meyerbeer). Just about 1-2. $35.00. HELGE ROSWAENGE [t] 1658. 10” PW Plum HMV DG 6165. BALKANLIEBE: Heimatland / BALKANLIEBE: Barcarolle (Rudolf Kattnigg). Creator performances. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3191. 12” Green PW Grammophon 27278 [1218Bi/1217½Bi]. LES HUGUENOTS: Potpourri (Meyerbeer). Two sides. Side one turns out to the the complete “Plus blanche“ sung by Roswaenge. Side two includes the complete “Nobles Seigneurs” sung by HEDWIG JUNGKURTH [s]. Both sides are preceded and concluded by various orchestral bits from the opera. Odd record! Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3415. 12” Blk. PW Polydor 66819 [724Bi/725Bi]. AIDA: Gia i sacerdoti adunasi (Verdi). Two sides. In German. With EMMI LEISNER [c]. Few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $12.00. 3445. 12” PW Blue Polydor 95451 [1187½Bi/1639BM]. CARMEN: Ich seh’ die Mutter dort. With HEDWIG DEBICKA [s] / FELICIE HÜNI-MIHACSEK [s], WILLI DOMGRAFFASSBAENDER [b]. CARMEN: Dies Menge im Gedränge (Bizet). Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $10.00. 3174. 12” Red Austrian HMV DB 4524 [2RA2852-2/2RA2851-2]. TROVATORE: Ah si, ben mio … Di quella pira (Verdi) / CARMEN: Air de la fleur (Bizet). Both in German. Excellent pressing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3953. 12” PW Red HMV DB 4623 [2RA3426-I/2RA3427-2]. KÖNIGSBALLADE: Ewig muss ich dein Gedenken / KÖNIGSBALLADE: Euren König will ich Friesen (Wille). Creator record. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3000. 12” Red Wartime Electrola DB 5563 [2RA4461-2/2RA4462-2]. LIFE FOR THE TSAR: Brüder, folgt mir / WILHELM STRIENZ [bs]. LIFE FOR THE TSAR: Reit. und Arie des Iwan Sussanin (Glinka). Rare issue, quickly discontinued during WW II when Germany broke their treaty with Russia. Just about 1-2. $60.00. 3324. 12” Red Wartime Electrola DB 5580 [ORA4599-I/ORA4586-1]. EUGEN ONEGIN: Wohin seid ihr (Tschaikowsky) / AIDA: Holde Aida (Verdi). As above, rare. Few lt. rubs, 2. $60.00. 205 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 3822. 12” Yellow Deut. Grammophon 15099 [490½GS/491¾GS]. DIE GROSSE SÜNDERIN: Immerzu singt dein Herz meinem Herzen zu / DIE GROSSE SÜNDERIN: Das Lied vom Leben des Schrenk (Eduard Künneke). Side one with TIANA LEMNITZ [s]. Very attractive music, very much in the style of the best of Lehár. Creator performance. Just about 1-2. $12.00. CLOTILDE ROVIRA [s] 2152. 10” Green Zonophone 13181. LA CHAVALA: Canción (Fernandez-Shaw). Piano acc. IMs. 3-4 but no apparent greying. $7.00. CHARLES ROUSSELIÈRE [t]. St. Nazare, 1875-Jone-les-Tours, 1950. Having made his debut in 1900 in Béziers in the premiere of Gabriel Fauré’s Promethée, Rousselière then appeared at the Paris Opéra the same year as Saint-Saëns’ Samson. From there on he reigned as one of France’s principal tenors for over two decades. In addition, he was heard in South America, Italy and at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. His recordings were in two groups, the first in the 1903-06 period (for the most part) and then electrics in the late 1920s. 9493. 11” Blue SS Disque Beka Ideal Symphonie10117. MIREILLE: Duo de Magali (Gounod). With CHARLOTTE AGUSSOL [s]. Piano acc. Nice copy. Couple small PBs, 2. $60.00. 9494. 11” Blue SS Disque Beka Ideal Symphonie 10119. ROMÉO ET JULIETTE: Ange adorable (Gounod). With CHARLOTTE AGUSSOL [s]. Piano acc. 2. $60.00. TITTA RUFFO [b] 1708. 10” Pink Gram. Con. 54360 [10906b]. PURITANI: Suoni la tromba intrepida (Bellini). With ANDREA PERELLO DE SEGUROLA [bs]. Cons. 2. $10.00. 1348. 10” Blk. Opera Disc 2-52520 [9060b]. CHARLES ROUSSELIÈRE LA TRAVIATA: Di Provenza il mar (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1290. 10” Blue Opera Disc 2-52555 [4733h]. RIGOLETTO: Miei signori (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1710. 10” Pink Angel Pre-Dog Gram. 2-52622 [10898½b]. HAMLET: Spettro infernal (Thomas). Cons. 2. $8.00. 2219. 10” Pink Dog Gram. Con. 2-52680 [9229e]. NON PENSO A LEI (Ferradini). Very tiny internal scr., cons. 2. $8.00. 2351. 10” Pink Angel Pre-Dog Gram. 2-52686 [9228e]. CHATTERTON: Tu sola a me rimani (Leoncavallo). Cons. 2. $8.00. 1012. 10” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 87113. BALLO IN MASCHERA: Alla vita (Verdi). Early “B” plate. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1085. 10” Red Vr 87121. NON PENSO A LEI (Ferradini). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2164. 10” Red ’12 Pats. Vr 87121. Same as preceding listing. Slightly earlier pressing. Cons. 2. $7.00. 1335. 10” Red ’12 Pats. “A” plate Vla 87123. SUONNO È FANTASIA (Capolongo). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2322. 10” Red “A” plate Vr 87137. THAÏS: Aime fanciullo ancora (Massenet). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 1103. 10” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 87150 [9224e]. MERIGGIATA (Leoncavallo). Great copy of this scare item. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 2352. 10” Red Vla 87360. FALSTAFF: Quand’ ero paggio (Verdi). VrBk. Cons. 2. $5.00. 206 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2042. 10” Red Vla 817. L’AFRICAINE: All’ erta, Marinar! (Meyerbeer) / ANDREA CHÉNIER: Son sessant’ anni (Giordano). Excellent performances, side one unaccompanied. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1767. 10” Red Vla 819. FAUST: Serenata Mephistopheles / FAUST: Rammenta i lieti di quando (Gounod). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1327. 10” Red Vla 820. EL GUITARRICO (Perez Soriano) / NOVEMBRE (BourgetTrémisot). Side one in Spanish, side two in French. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1180. 10” Red Vla 824. ZAZÀ: Zazà, piccola zingara / ZAZÀ: Buona Zazà (Leoncavallo). Lbl. scrs. side one (superficial). Just about 1-2. $5.00. 1308. 10” Red Vla 934. THAÏS: Aimé fanciullo ancora / THAÏS: Aria Alessandria (Massenet). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 1011. 10” Red Vla 935 [10897b/10898½b]. HAMLET: Spettro Santo / HAMLET: Spettro infernal (Thomas). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2129. 10” Red Vla 938. TOSCA: Cantabile di Scarpia (Puccini) / DON GIOVANNI: Fin ch’ hand al vino (Mozart). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1493. 10” Red Vla 963. THE DEMON: Arioso (Rubinstein) / DAMNATION DE FAUST: Serenade (Berlioz). Side one in Russian. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1363. 10” Red Vla 985. HAMLET: Essere o non essere [To be or not to be] / HAMLET: Apparizione dello Spettro (Shakespeare). Scarce spoken recording. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1914. 10” Red Vla 1070. LE CREDO DU PAYSAN (Goublier) / LAKMÉ: Lakmé, ton doux regard (Delibes). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2144. 10” Red ORth. Vla 1388. VISIONE VENEZIANA (Brogi) / SUONNO ‘E FANTASIA (Capolongo). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2043. 10” Red Orth. Vla 1460. SEI MORTA NE LA VITA MIA! (Costa) / E CANTA IL GRILLO (Billi-Bicci). Slightest lbl. stains side one. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1587. 10” Mauve HMV AGSA 10. FORZA DEL DESTINO: Urna fatale / NABUCCO: Tremin gl’insani (both Verdi). 1914 Victor masters, side one only edition other than signed HRS. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 1625. 10” Mauve HMV AGSA 16 [10897b/10898½b]. HAMLET: Spettro santo / HAMLET: Spettro inferno (Thomas). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2640. 10” White HMV elec. test pressing, mat. OB.5467-1. PANURGE: Chanson de la Touraine (Massenet). In French. Piano acc. Rec. 25 Nov. 1933. Only known copy (originally Ruffo’s own). Couple LGTs, gen. 3. $1000.00. 3907. 12” White lbl. Vla 92038 [1318c]. DON CARLOS: Per me giunto (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 3331. 12” Red Vr 92042 [1329c]. HAMLET: Monologo (Thomas). Just about 1-2. $6.00. 3717. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 92501 [1328½c]. IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Dunque io son (Rossini). With MARIA GALVANY [s]. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 3563. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 92504 [550i]. LA FORZA DEL DESTINO: Le minaccie (Verdi). With EMMANUELE ISCHIERDO [t]. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3745. 12” Red Vr 88527. I DUE GRANATIERI (Schumann). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 3767. 12” Red “B” plate Vla 88660. ERNANI: O de’ verd’ anni miei (Verdi). VrBk. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 3433. 12” Red acous. Vla 6262. ANDREA CHÉNIER: Nemico della Patria (Giordano) / AFRICAINE: Adamastor (Meyerbeer). Seems to be new. Just about 1-2. $6.00. 3938. 12” Red acous. Vla 6406. FAUST: Dio possente (Gounod) / CARMEN: Toreador Song (Bizet). New? Just about 1-2. $6.00. 3537. 12” Red “Z” shellac later ‘30s Vr 8045. OTELLO: Si pel ciel. With ENRICO CARUSO[t] / OTELLO: Credo (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3842. 12” Late Red VdP DB 175 [2735f/02535v]. RIGOLETTO: Cortigiani / RIGOLETTO: Deh! non parlare al misero (Verdi). Side two with GIUSEPPINA FINZI-MAGRINI [s]. Just about 1-2. $6.00. 3840. 12” Late Red VdP DB 176 [2733f/546i]. RIGOLETTO: Lassù in ciel. With GRAZIELLA PARETO [s] / LA TRAVIATA: Dite alla giovine (both Verdi). With MARIA GALVANY [s]. Just about 1-2. $6.00. 3841. 12” Late Red VdP DB 402 [C-23946-2/C-25217-1]. RIGOLETTO: Pari siamo / FALSTAFF: L’onore! … ladri! (both Verdi). Excellent pressing. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 207 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 3878. 12” Mauve HMV elec. AGSB 49 [CVE-37319/CVE-37321]. FORZA DEL DESTINO: Solenne in quest’ ora (Verdi) / GIOCONDA: Enzo Grimaldo (Ponchielli). Both with BENIAMINO GIGLI [t]. Both first and only editions. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 4049. 12” Mauve HMV elec. AGSB 56 [CVE-37320/CVE58119]. LA BOHÈME: Ah, Mimì, tu più (Puccini). With BENIAMINO GIGLI [t] / GIGLI [t]. PEARL FISHERS: Mi par d’udir ancora (Bizet). Both first and only editions. Just about 1-2. $20.00. KENNERLEY RUMFORD [b] 1846. 10” Blue acous. Eng. Columbia D1532 [A1970/A1844]. THE HOLY CHILD (Easthope Martin) / SEA FEAVER (Ireland). Piano acc. Just about 1-2. $12.00. GERTRUD RUNGE [s] 1590. 10” Blk. ’12 Pats. Vr 65270 [15574b/15575b]. PAGLIACCI: Nedda-Silvio Duet (Leoncavallo). Two sides. With ROBERT LEONHARDT [b]. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1627. 10” Blue Baby-Record 3728/3729. PARLA (Arditi) / ROBERT LE DIABLE: GnadenArie (Meyerbeer). Side one in Italian. Some LGTs, 3. $10.00. 2867. 12” Grey acous. Polyphon 50011 [4as/5as]. FREISCHÜTZ: Wie nahte mir der Schlummer (v.Weber). Two sides. Nice copy of this scarce item. Few MGTs, 2. $20.00. GERTRUD RÜNGER [s] 3446. 12” Red Bruns.-Polydor 95052 [318G0/ 319GO]. MACBETH: Sleepwalking Scene / DON CARLOS: O don fatale (both Verdi). In German. Excellent Columbia late ‘30s pressing. Just about 1-2. $12.00. CÄCILIE RÜSCHE-ENDORF [s] 2989. 12” Brown Odeon 76070/76069 [XXB4916/XXB4895]. TANNHÄUSER: Gebet der Elisabeth (Wagner) / FRIEDA HEMPEL [s]. MAGIC FLUTE: Zum Leiden bin ich auserkoren (Mozart). Orch. dir. Edouard Künneke. Lbl. tear side two. Cons. 2. $20.00. GIANNINA RUSS [s]. Lodi, 1873 – Milan, 1951. Russ studied at the Milan Conservatory and made her debut in Bologna, 1903, as Mimì and at La Scala, 1905, as Aida. Aside from the major Italian houses, Russ was heard at Covent Garden, 1904, and the Manhattan Opera in 1907. Her roles covered a variety of repertoire with emphasis on dramatic parts and included Norma, Gioconda, Santuzza, Abigaile, Elvira, Leonora and Amelia, among many others. She taught in later years, her pupils having included Margherita Grandi and Clara Petrella. CÄCILIE RÜSCHE-ENDORF 9478. 11” Fonotipia 69077 [XPh ]. TRISTAN UND ISOLDE: Morte d’Isotta (Wagner). Two sides. Just about 1-2. $75.00. 9310. 11” White lbl. Fonotipia 92842/92843 [XPh4225/XPh4226-2 ]. LA WALLY: Sei tu che domandasti la mia mano / LA WALLY: L’Hagenbach qui? (Catalani). With DOMENICO VIGLIONE BORGHESE [b]. Both sides, handwritten labels, erroneously identify the opera as Adriana Lecouvreur and the baritone as Mario Sammarco. Couple MGTs side one. Gen. 2. $20.00. 3163. 12” Col.-Fonotipia 74002/74003 [XXPh456/XXPh1981]. AIDA: Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamante (Verdi) / AIDA: Su dunque (Verdi). Piano acc. With ANTONIO MAGINI-COLETTI [b]. Just about 1-2. $35.00. 3290. 12” Col.-Fonotipia 74002/74003 [XXPh456/XXPh1981]. Same as preceding listing. 2. $25.00. 208 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs ELENA [ZBOINSKA-] RUSZKOWSKA [s]. Lvov, 1877-Cracow, 1948. Ruszkowska first appeared in her native Poland in the last year of the 19th century. She subsequently was heard in Lvov, Lemberg, Warsaw and Krakow and then appeared in various Italian theaters, including La Scala. Other venues included the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, the Vienna Hofoper, the Prague National Opera, her repertoire featuring parts such as Aida, Isolde, Leonora (Forza del Destino) and the Marschallin in Der Rosenkavalier. Through the 1920s she was a leading soprano with the Warsaw Opera. Following a radio concert in Poland, 1938, she retired to Krakow, where she taught. Ruszkowska’s beautiful voice was recorded by Zonophone, Edison (cylinders), the Gramophone Company and Odeon. 3112. 12” White lbl. Vla 89121 [1867c]. TOSCA: Amaro sol per te (Puccini). With EGIDIO CUNEGO [t]. Record is numbered 88274 in the matrix. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 2887. 12” Brown acous. Polish Odeon XX 8????/AA64015 [XXWa73/XXWa75]. AIDA: O patria mia (Verdi) / EUGENJUSZ MOSSAKOWSKI [b]. TRAVIATA: Di Provenza (Verdi). Both in Polish. Orchestra (both sides) dir. Arthur Rodzinski [Artura Rodzi skiego]. An exceptional rarity. Most of both labels missing. Perhaps it was some sort of special or test pressing.. Cons. 2. $200.00. BASIL RUYSDAEL [bs]. Jersey City, NJ, 1888-Hollywood, CA, 1960. Ruysdael made his debut in de Koven’s Robin Hood, 1906 and made other appearances with the Savage Opera Company before going to Germany where he sang leading roles in Teplitz and Aachen. From 1910-18 he was with the Metropolitan Opera, appearing in parts such as Hunding in Die Walküre and in the premieres of operas such as Mona (Parker) and The Canterbury Pilgrims (de Koven). Some more work in Germany followed WW I, and then Ruysdael became interested in radio and films. He was a noted radio announcer in the 1930s-‘40s and appeared in films such as The Coconuts (1929, with the Marx Brothers) and Blackboard Jungle (1955), as well as the 1955 TV series, Davy Crockett. His only records were a few rare sides for Vox in 1922. 3750. 12” Red acous. Vox *03272 [819A/ 835A]. MAGIC FLUTE: In diesen heil’gen Hallen / MAGIC FLUTE: O Isis und Osiris (Mozart). Side one just about 1-2. Side two few lt. rubs, IMs. Cons. 2. $40.00. BASIL RUYSDAEL LEONIE RYSANEK [s] 3085. 12” Red Electrola DB 11591 [2RA-7687-1/2RA7688-1]. CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Easter Scene / RUDOLF SCHOCK [t] with LISELOTTE LOSCH [s]. CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Scene, Chorus and Brindisi (Mascagni). In German. Orch. dir. Wilhelm Schüchter. Rare late 78 issue. Couple rubs, otherwise just about 1-2. $20.00. THALIA (MYTARAKI) SABANIEVA [s]. Born in Athens, 1895, Sabanieva was raised by her parents in Odessa. Her early studies were with Mme. Sophie Cehanovska (I believe the mother of baritone George Cehanovsky) in St. Petersburg. She made her debut in St. Petersburg around 1914. After the Revolution, she returned to Greece. Appearances then followed in Athens. Following tours of France, Spain, Portugal and Italy, she made her Metropolitan Opera debut in 1923, stepping in at the last minute as Cio-Cio-San for an ailing colleague (Delia Reinhardt). For the next twelve seasons she appeared at the Met in a variety of roles, including Mimi, Micaela, Gretel, and Juliette. She was teaching in New York in 1938, although her subsequent activity doesn’t appear in reference sources. Her sister, Anna Criona (wife of tenor Dimitris Kryonas), is her duet partner on all four of her recorded sides. Two of the four sides are from Pique Dame, sung in Greek, an interesting combination of her cultural heritages. 3516. 12” Red Orth. Vla 9303. PIQUE DAME: It is evening (Tschaikowsky) / AT THE SEASHORE (Grodsky). Both in Greek and both with ANNA CRIONA [s]. Looks new. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3957. 12” Red Orth. Vla. 9303. Same as preceding listing (item #3516). Gen. 2. $10.00. 209 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs ANTONIO SABELLICO [bs]. Campo Verde, 1858-Rome, 1934. He appears to have made his debut around 1880. His career, which lasted until 1927, took him to dozens of Italian theaters including the San Carlo in Naples and the Rome Costanzi. He also appeared in South America (1906-07), Bucharest, St. Petersburg, Cairo, and in the U.S. at the New Orleans Lyric Theater in February of 1910, as well as in Seattle and Oakland with a touring company. Included in his repertoire were most major Italian roles such as Don Basilio, Padre Guardiano, Colline and Oroveso (in Norma), citing only four of several dozen. Despite his career of almost fifty years and the attractive lyric quality of his voice shown on the record below, Sabellico’s discography lists only four Zonophone and four Pathé recordings, all made in 1903. 2712. 7” Green Zonophone 92039 [124k]. LA BOHÈME: Vecchia zimarra (Puccini). Small scr. (should be harmless) last ¼”, one TB, gen. 2-3. $150.00. ERNA SACK [s] 1065. 10” PoW Grey Telefunken A 2669 [23412/23413]. SO VERLIEBT WIE HEUT’ WAR ICH NIE / LACHWALZER (Alois Melichar). Both from film Nanon. Lt. mks., 2. $6.00. 1079. 10” Red Fr. PoW Telefunken RA 2.035 [21274/21275]. GASPARONE: Canzonetta (Millöcker) / LA FOLLETTA (Marchesi). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3770. 12” Blue PW Telefunken E1772 [020466/020467-1]. MARTHA: Den Teuren zum versöhnen (Flotow) / PARLA (Arditi). Orch. dir. Hans Schmnidt-Isserstedt. Note that with Telefunken, a -1 following the take number refers to a second take. Just about 1-2. $10.00. EMILIO SAGI-BARBA [b]. Barcelona, 1876-1949. Early in his career he was active in South America and from the start specialized in zarzuelas and operettas. He premiered at least 100 zarzuelas (possibly the 1926 work represented below). In 1914 Sagi-Barba wed soprano Luisa Vela, a frequent stage partner and with whom he would continue to appear on stage until his retirement in 1932. Sagi-Barba was also known for his work in opera, singing a variety of Italian roles, usually in Spanish. 1483. 10” Red ’08 Pats. Vr 61211 [514y]. JUGAR CON FUEGO: Coro de Lacos (Barbieri). With chorus. 2. $10.00. 2303. 10” Red ’08 Pats. Vr 61187 [Ho36ab]. LA GUERRA SANTA: Romanza (Arrieta). 2. $10.00. 1192. 10” Blk. Orth. Vr 80737 [BS2475-1/BS-2480-1]. LA PASTORELA: Romanza de lal Renunciación / LA PASTORELA: Dúo (Torroba y Luna). Side two with LUISA VELA [s]. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3346. 12” White HMV elec. VB 50 [CJ619-II/CJ620-II]. MARINA: Duo / MARINA: Brindis (Arrieta). Both with MIGUEL FLETA [t]. Just about 1-2. $6.00. HENRI SAINT-CRICQ [t] 1651. 10” PW Green Pathé X.0694 [N202302/N202303]. PEARL FISHERS: Je coris entendre encore (Bizet) / CARMEN: La fleur (Bizet). Just about 1-2. $12.00. EMANUELE SALAZAR [t] 2816. 12” Green VT Columbia 52058X [WBX562/WBX567]. TANNHÄUSER: Racconto (Wagner) / AGNUS DEI (Bizet). Couple lt. rubs, cons. 2. $25.00. 3178. 12” Green VT Columbia 52058X [WBX562/WBX567]. Same as preceding listing (item #2816). Small lbl. stkr., ½” internal patina side two (should be harmless), few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $20.00. ALFREDO SALMAGGI [t]. Felice, Italy, 1886-Brooklyn, 1974. After mandolin and voice studies in Italy, Salmaggi emigrated to the U.S. and managed to secure work as an assistant conductor with the Boston Opera in 1909. Facts about his early years vary. One clipping gives his birth place as Aquila in 1887 and that he was a pupil of Mascagni and Antonio Cotogni, probably unlikely. Most of his work from then on was teaching singing until he began producing opera “for the people” at the Brooklyn Academy in 1915. In 1933, he founded the New York Hippodrome Opera company. There, Salmaggi (described by Time Magazine as “a long haired, high strung Italian … who carries Caruso’s silver headed cane”) gave New York low priced opera. The huge Hippodrome was often filled for his productions such as Aida, which featured elephants, camels, and singers mostly on the way up or the way down. I remember playing the piano for a tenor auditioning for him very late in his career in Brooklyn. Cav. Salmaggi wasn’t hard to miss with his flowing hair, white jacket and cane. A vision from another world! (See page 253 for photo.) 2719. 10” Blk. Victor 69095. ‘O MARE ‘E MARGELLINA (Falvo) / TRA LE SIEPE (Lama). His only issued recording. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $75.00. 210 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs SALVATORE SALVATI [t] 2476. 10” Blue elec. Odeon B.3773 [Pho5794/Pho5798]. PEARL FISHERS: Mi par d’udire ancora (Bizet) / PAGLIACCI: O Colombina (Leoncavallo). Just about 1-2. $15.00. MAFALDA SALVATINI [s]. Baia (near Naples) 1888-Lugano, 1971. A student of Pauline Vierdot-Garcia and Jean de Reszke, Salvatini apparently made her debut in Germany in 1908 and remained among the leading sopranos there from her debut in 1908 until her retirement in 1932. Although she performed throughout Germany and in Austria, Paris, Belgium, France, Holland, and Latvia, she appears never to have performed at theatres in her native country. In 1926, she was Berlin’s first Turandot. After leaving the stage, Salvatini lived in retirement in the Swiss canton of Ticino. She was the mistress of Adolphus Frederick VI, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, from 1908 until his suicide in 1918, with whom she had two sons: Horst Gérard and the set and costume designer Rolf Gérard. – mostly Internet sources 2839. 12” Dk. Blue PW Odeon O-7535 [XXB7625-2/XXB-7626-2]. TURANDOT: In questa reggia (Puccini). In German. Two sides. Orch. dir. Fritz Zweig. Small lbl. stkr. Few lt. rubs, 2. $12.00. MARGHERITA SALVI [s] 2700. 12” PW Blue Chilean Odeon 216001 [XXB7999/XXB8000]. LAKMÉ: Aria delle campanelle (Delibes) / DINORAH: Ombra leggera (Meyerbeer). Orch. dir. Frieder Weissmann. Small lbl. stkrs., few LGTs, otherwise excellent cons. 2. $12.00. [GIUSEPPE] MARIO SAMMARCO [b]. Palermo, 1867 [or 1868)-Milan, 1930. His debut was as Valentin in Faust in Palermo, 1888. Between 1895 and 1913 he was heard several seasons at La Scala. His international career included Covent Garden (debut in 1904 as Scarpia), the Manhattan Opera in New York (1907-10), and the Boston and Chicago Opera Companies (1909-1913). He was also a success in South America and Spain. His operatic creations included the leading baritone roles in Andrea Chenier (La Scala, 1896), Zazà (Milan Teatro Lirico, 1900), Franchetti’s Germania (La Scala, 1902), Mugnone’s La vita Brettone (1905, Naples San Carlo) and d’Erlanger’s Tess (San Carlo) as well as Victor MARGARITA SALVI Herbert’s Natoma (Chicago, 1911) and (1912) Wolf- Ferrari’s I gioielli della Madonna. One of the leading baritones of his era, Sammarco also participated in a number of local premieres and important revivals. His pupils included Giovanni Inghilleri, Paul Schöffler and Alexander Sved. 1266. 10” Red Vr 87082. PEARL FISHERS: Del tempio al limitar (Bizet). With JOHN MC CORMACK [t]. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 4036. 12” Maroon PW Parl.-Odeon PXO 90 [XXPh3369/XXPh3840]. RIGOLETTO: Pari siamo (Verdi) / RICCARDO STRACCIARI [b]. ZAZÀ: Zazà, piccola zingara (Leoncavallo). Side two conducted by the composer. Couple tiny rubs side two, otherwise just about 1-2. $12.00. 2775. 12” Pink Dog Gram. Mon. 2-052017 [3754f]. OJE MARENA (Costa). Piano acc. Percy Pitt. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 2791. 12” White Gram. Test 2-052044 [5191f]. LUCIA: Cruda funesta (Donizetti). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3682. 12” Blue Opera Disc 76206 (2-052031) [4313f]. PAGLIACCI: Prologo (Leoncavallo). Nice copy, few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 3167. 12” Green Schall. Grammophon 85094 (2-052011/2-052010) [3744f/3752f]. BALLO IN MASCHERA: Eri tu / OTELLO: Credo (Verdi). In Italian. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 2795. 12” Red Czech HMV DB 609 [3752f/Ho202af]. OTELLO: Credo (Verdi) / I GIOIELLI DELLA MADONNA: Apri la bella la finstrella (Wolf-Ferrari). Excellent heavy raised rim pressing. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 211 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2807. 12” Red Pats. Vla 88260 [3752f]. OTELLO: Credo (Verdi). Rare Victor issue. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3990. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 89042. RIGOLETTO: Tutte le feste … Si, vendetta (Verdi). With MARCELLA SEMBRICH [s]. Just about 1-2. $15.00. Sir CHARLES SANTLEY [b] 2815. 12” acous. Eng. Columbia 360 [6114/6283]. TO ANTHEA (Hatton) / THE ROSARY (Nevin). Both piano acc. Fine mid-‘20s pressing. Few lighest rubs, cons. 2. $15.00. Mme. EMMA SARDA [s]. Mme. Sarda, born in Malta, was the wife of baritone Alberto de Bassini (1847-19??). She was on the Covent Garden roster in 1878, sharing the role of Amina in La Sonnambula with Adelina Patti. Her husband-to-be also appeared there the same season. Sarda and de Bassini married in New Orleans sometime around 1883, according to an article by de Bassini. The next trace of Mme. de Bassini is nineteen years later. She, Mr. de Bassini and their daughter, Vera de Bassini, were the vocal soloists in a 1902 Carnegie Hall concert, Mme. Sarda singing a duet from Don Giovanni with her husband and “D’amor sull’ ali rosee” from Il Trovatore. The same year, she and her husband, mezzo Elvira Frankel (who recorded with Chalia for Victor in 1901), tenor Sig. Miceli and pianist Clemente de Macchi (brother of soprano Maria DeMacchi) gave a concert in the resort town of Sharon Springs, NY. The paper announcing the evening’s doings at the town’s pavilion stated that this company of artists was “the most distinguished ever to visit Sharon Springs.” In 1900, Mme. Sarda recorded, in addition to the selection below, Ben Bolt and the “Rondo” from Lucia . Likely de Gogorza had something to do with her coming to the Zonophone studio, as he followed the soprano in catalogue sequence. 2702. 7” pre-label Zonophone L9158. BOHEMIAN GIRL: Then you’ll remember me (Balfe). Greying, 5, but thoroughly playable. $60.00. ADA SARI [s]. 2881. 12” Red acous. No-Dog Gram. 73011 [949½az/950½az]. LUCIA: Regnava nel silenzio / LUCIA: Chiari, oh Dio, ben chiari (Donizetti). Side one just about 1-2. Side two few rubs, 2. $15.00. 3391. 12” PW elec. Plum Czech HMV AN 678 [2L155-II/2L156-I]. FRÜHLINGSSTIMMEN WALZER (Strauss) / RIGOLETTO: Caro nome (Verdi). Both in German and both with piano acc. by Prof. Ch. Cerné. Few lt. mks., 2. $15.00. BIANCA SAROYA-ONOFREI [s]. Germantown, PA, 1893-San Francisco, 1981. Saroya was born Alma Weisshaar of German-American parents. She adopted Bianca Saroya early on and would not divulge her original name throughout her life. She reported to have been discovered by Leopold Stokowski, another famous artist with a somewhat enigmatic background. Saroya claimed she was 16 at the time she appeared under Stokowski’s direction with the Philadelphia Orchestra. She must have chopped a few years off her birth year, as Maestro Stokowski hadn’t begun work with the Philadelphia Orchestra until October, 1912. In any case, Saroya studied for an operatic career, but her first big success seems to have been in operetta in 1916 on Broadway with John Charles Thomas in a revival of deKoven’s The Highwayman. The reviewer described her voice as “a pure soprano, clear as crystal”. She appeared through most of the subsequent years of her performing career with various touring opera troupes, notably the San Carlo BIANCA SAROYA-ONOFREI Opera, often in the company of tenor Dimitri Onofrei, whom she married in 1923. That same year she sang leading roles with the San Francisco Opera in their inaugural season. While much of her repertoire was of standard parts, one particular exception was the creation of the title character in the American premiere of Eugene Goossens’ Judith with the Philadelphia Grand Opera in 1929. A Time Magazine reviewer depicted her as “satisfactorily bloodthirsty” in the gruesome role. Saroya and Onofrei performed in Europe and South America in the 1920s as well. Following their retirements, both artists taught at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and then privately in San Francisco. 2157. 10” Red elec. Fonotipia B3710 [Jo1469-2/Pho6038]. TOSCA: Vissi d’arte (Puccini) / E. CISBANI [ms]. UN BALLO IN MASCHERA: Re dell’ abisso (Verdi). Side one tiny lbl. tear, a couple MGTs, gen. 3. Side two 2-3. $25.00. 212 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs ANNA SASSONE-SOSTER [s]. 1896 - Milano 1969. Her vocal studies took place in Milano with Mo. Venturini and her debut at the Milano Teatro Lirico, 1918, as Suzel in l’Amico Fritz. Her career continued until at least 1941 in roles such as Gilda, Adina in Elisir d’Amore, Nedda, Mathilde in William Tell, Mimì and one of her most repeated parts, Lucieta in Wolf-Ferrari’s I quattro Rusteghi. 1713. 10” Pink Italian acous. Pathé Actuelle 15133 [N86778/N86779]. TRAVIATA: Duetto 2o acte (Verdi). Two sides. With FRANCO JZAL (IZAL)[b]. Cons. 2. $12.00. 2070. 10” Pink brown shellac acous. Italian Pathé Actuelle 15187 [N88271/N88272]. TURANDOT: Tu che di gel sei cinta / TURANDOT: Signore ascolta (Puccini). Just about 1-2. $15.00. BIANCA SCACCIATI [s] 3793. 12” Late PoW Dk. Columbia GQX 16502 [WBX220/WBX212]. ANDREA CHÉNIER: La mamma morta / MARIANO STABILE [b]. ANDREA CHÉNIER: Un dì m’era di gioia (Giordano). Nice pressing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 4023. 4023. 12” PW Green Viva-Tonal Columbia 52078-X [WBX482/WBX483]. RUY BLAS: Gran Duetto, Acto 3 (Marchetti). Two sides. With FRANCESCO MERLI [t]. Just about 1-2. $15.00. ÉMILE SCAREMBERG [t]. Besan-çon, 1863-1938. Another of the exceptional tenors exclusive to Fonotipia-Odeon, Scaremberg began his musical life as a French horn player in a regimental band. It was the director of that organization who suggested that Scaremberg study voice. This he did in Paris for four years with Charles Nicot. He made his debut in 1893 at the OpéraComique in Grétry's Richard Coeur-de-Lion. During the rest of the 1890s through 1907, Scaremberg was heard in a number of the French provincial houses, as well as at Covent Garden, in Moscow and at la Monnaie in Brussels. His Paris Opéra debut was as Lohengrin in 1903, and of this performance one reviewer stated: "He has a good, sonorous voice, with the required compass for a tenor of grand opera, uses it with skill and taste, and [he] possesses the figure and [acting] ability at present essential for success on the lyric stage." He suddenly lost his voice in 1907 (the cause of this tragedy not being clear) and then retired to his native Besançon, where he taught until his death. 2662. 11” French Fonotipia 39176/ 39187 [XPh672/XPh661]. SIGURD: Entrée de Sigurd (Reyer) / LOHENÉMILE SCAREMBERG GRIN: Ah, respirons (Wagner). Side one worn groove on Scaremberg’s first note, couple LGTs, otherwise no reproduction problems, 2-3. Side two cons. 2. $175.00. 2661. 11” French Fonotipia 39185/39188 [XPh750/XPh664-4]. AFRICAINE: O Paradis (Meyerbeer) / ROMÉO ET JULIETTE: Scène du Tombeau (Gounod). Piano acc. Beautiful singing, particularly side two. Odeon numbers rubber stamped over Fonotipia numbers. Side one gen. 2. Side two few TNs and one ND (few ticks), otherwise 2-3. $250.00. 2653. 11” Fonotipia 56051/Odeon 56206 [XPh728-4/XP. ? ]. ROMÉO ET JULIETTE: Madrigal (Gounod). With GEORGETTE BREJEAN-SILVER [s] / BREJEAN-SILVER [s]. LA BOHÈME: On l’appelle Mimì (Puccini). Side one has a French Fonotipia label while side two bears a brown Odeon label. Side one excellent condition, cons. 2. Side two two MGTs, lbl. stkr. partially torn, light surface mks., 2-3. $500.00. 2723. 14” Fonotipia 86001 [XXPho91]. FAUST: Lasse-moi contempler (Gounod). With GEORGETTE BRÉJEAN-SILVER [s]. Piano acc. What gorgeous singing! A beautiful copy. Could there be still another existing as fine? One lt. line is in the stamper and is harmless. Cons. 2. $2000.00. 213 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs LINA SCAVIZZI [s]. Ascoli Picena, 1898 - ? . Her debut was at La Fenice, Venice, 1919, as Giorgetta in Il Tabarro, for which she was chosen by Puccini. Most of her repertoire was of verismo style roles, such as Tosca, Santuzza, Maddalena, Francesca da Rimini and Mimì although, oddly, Lucia is also listed among her performed roles. Through her final performances, which seem to have been in 1932, she was heard in various Italian houses as well as Budapest, Egypt and seasons (1924, 1928) in Australia with the WilliamsonMelba Company. Scavizzi’s only recordings were some late acoustic and early electrics for Italian Columbia. 2114. 10” Blk. Viva-Tonal Columbia 1952M [WB1715/WB1717]. ADRIANA LECOUVREUR: Io sono l’umile ancella / ADRIANA LECOUVREUR: Poveri fiori (Cilèa). Two small PBs, lt. rubs. Gen. 2. $7.00. ELIETTE SCHENNEBERG [c] 3444. 12” PoW French Col. LFX 690 [CLX2448-1/CLX2449-1]. TROIS PSAUMES (Arthur Honegger). Two sides. Piano acc. by the composer. Just about 1-2. $15.00. ELSE SCHERZ-MEISTER [s]. 1909- LINA SCAVIZZI 1977. A prominent Swiss concert soprano, Scherz-Meister was noted in oratorio, particularly Bach, as well as being a respected interpreter of then-contemporary music. In 1941, Scherz-Meister had been the dedicatee of Honegger’s Petit Cours de morale and also had been a leading interpreter of music of Othmar Schoeck. 3672. 12” Red Swiss HMV DB 10085 [OZA1257/OZA1258-2]. TROIS POÈMES DE CLAUDEL (Honegger). Piano acc. Kurt Rothenmüller. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $12.00. 2937. 12” Red Swiss HMV DB 10086 [OZA1259/OZA1260]. SALUSTE DU BARTAS: La Château du Bartas; Tout le Long de la Baïse; Le Départ / La Promenade; Nérac en fête; Duo (Honegger). Piano acc. Kurt Rothenmüller. Few light mks., cons. 2. $12.00. PIERO SCHIAVAZZI [t]. Caligari, 1875-Rome, 1949. A scholarship student at the Pesaro Conservatory, then under the direction of Mascagni, Schiavazzi found a particular connection with the music of Mascagni who, in turn, greatly admired his work. His debut was as the Lamplighter in the 1898 Rome Opera world premiere of Mascagni’s Iris, soon taking the principal tenor role of Osaka. He was a leading tenor in Mascagni’s 1902 American tour, singing Turiddu in Cavalleria Rusticana and Osaka in the American premiere of Iris. In 1907, he appeared at the Milano Teatro dal Verme, 1907 in Mascagni’s Amica, the first performance in Italy, the premiere having been with Rousselière and Farrar in Monte Carlo. He also was in the first La Scala performance of Alfano’s Risurrezione, 1906, and the world premiere of Zandonai’s Conchita, 1911. Schiavazzi’s final performance was in 1931 as Canio in Pagliacci at the Caligari Teatro Massimo. In August, 1909, he shot himself (so one unidentified clipping reports) in the Milan Hotel Metropole for reasons not stated, but successfully returned to the stage after recuperating. 9508. 11” Fonotipia 39327/39334 [XPh340/XPh357]. AMICA: Io passer, tutti i dì / L’AMICO FRITZ: O Amore (both Mascagni). Couple small scrs. Side one should be superficial, one very tiny edge flake this side only just to raised rim ring, otherwise gen. 3. $50.00. AKSEL SCHIØTZ [t] 2873. 12” Red HMV DB 5239 [2CS1620-1/2CS1621-1]. MESSIAH: Comfort Ye / MESSIAH: Every Valley (Händel). The ideal performance of both. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2748. 12” Red HMV DB 10511 [2CS3191-1/2CS3192-1]/ DON QUICHOTTE À DULCINÉE: Chanson Romanesque; Chanson Épique / Chanson à boire; JEANNETON (Ravel; last a folk song arr. by Ravel). Piano acc. Herm. O Koppel. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 214 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs TITO SCHIPA [t] 2048. 10” Red acous. Vla 929. QUIÉREME MUCHO (Roig) / A LA ORILLA DE UN PALMAR (Ponce). Fairly uncommon acoustic version, soon replaced. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2091. 10” Red acous. Vla 952. CHI SE NNE SCORDA CCHIÙ (Barthélemy) / NAPULITANATA (Costa). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2128. 10” Red acous. Vla 965. IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Se il mio nome (Rossini) / IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Ecco ridente (Rossini). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1273. 10” Red acous. Vla 1063. PESCA D’AMMORE (Barthélemy) / SERENATA MEDIOE-VALE (Silvestri). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1021. 10” Red Scroll “Z”-type shellac Vr 1099. RIGOLETTO: La donna è mobile (Verdi) / O SOLE MIO! (di Capua). Just about 1-2. $8.00. TITO SCHIPA 1892. 10” Red Orth. Vla 1181. QUIÉREME MUCHO (Roig) / A LA ORILLA DE UN PALMAR (Ponce). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1162. 10” Red Orth. Vla 1217. HIMNO NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA (Nuñez-Sindici). Two sides. Rare. Only form of issue. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 2361. 10” Red PW (gold print) Vr 1308. DON GIOVANNI: Dalla sua pace / DON GIOVANNI: Il mio Tesoro (Mozart). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 1032. 10” Red Orth. Vla 1451. THE SUNSHINE OF YOUR SMILE (Ray) / NAUGHTY MARIETTA: Ah, Sweet Mystery of Live (Herbert). In Spanish. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1283. 10” Red Orth. Vla 1534. MARIA, MARI (di Capua) / OJOS LINDOS Y MENTIROSOS (Schipa). Only form of issue side one. Seems to be a “Z” pressing. Tiny lbl. tear side two with some dried scotch tape residue (apparently a small lbl. over the trademark was once taped on), few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $15.00. 1143. 10” Red PW (gold print) Vr 1545 [BM1358-I/BM1359-II]. MANDULINATA A NAPULE / ‘A CANZONE D’E STELLE (both Tagliaferri). Nice pressing. Superficial rubs, 2. $8.00. 1150. 10” Red Orth. Vla 1633. LA CUMPARSITA (Rodriguez) / CONFESIÓN (Amadori). “Z” type shellac. Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $12.00. 1585. 10” Red PW (gold print) Vr 1755 [takes 8/10]. RIGOLETTO: E il sol dell’ anima (Verdi) / DON PASQUALE: Tornami a dir (Donizetti). With AMELITA GALLICURCI [s]. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 1790. 10” Red PW Scroll “Z”-type shellac Vr 3056. DON PASQUALE: Notturno (Donizetti) / RIGOLETTO: E il so dell’ anima (Verdi). With AMELITA GALLI-CURCI [s]. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 1679. 10” Red HMV DA 1088 [BM1336-II/BM1346-II]. NINNA-NANNA (Benelli) / FA LA NANA, BAMBIN’ (Sadero). Orch. dir. Carlo Sabajno. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1019. 10” Red HMV DA 1596 [OBA2181-I/OBA2182-II]. SE TU MI PARLI D’AMOR (Galdieri) / BIMBO MIO (Adami). Small lbl. stkr. taped on. Small crayon mk., otherwise just about 1-2. $8.00. 1067. 10” Red late VdP DA 5354 [OBA2472-II/OBA2474-II] COMME FACCETTE MAMMETA? (Gambardella) / CANZONA APPASSIUNATA (Mario). Excellent late pressing, as new. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1020. 10” Red HMV DA 5357 [OBA2731-II/OBA2733-I]. SE CANTA IL MARE (Scotto) / MARIU (both Scotto). From film Terra di fuoco. Small lbl. stkr. taped on. Small crayon mk., otherwise just about 1-2. $8.00. 1298. 10” Maroon Durium DC.16583 [D.4660/D.4661]. CHI SE NNE SCORDA CCHIU’ (Barthélemy) / FUNICULÌ, FUNICULÀ (Denza). Very late Schipa (1950s). Side one couple rubs, cons. 2. Side two just about 1-2. $12.00. 215 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2773. 12” Red acous. Vla 6465. MIGNON: Addio, Mignon! / MIGNON: Ah! non credevi tu (Thomas). Uncommon late acoustic. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3469. 12” Red Scroll “Z” shellac Vr 6601. CANCIÓN ANDALUZA (Palacios) / Ay-AY-AY (Perez-Frèire). One small ND side one (four ticks), some superficial rubs and lt. scuffs. Great surfaces. 2-3. $8.00. 3369. 12” Red Orth. Vla 6632. ALMA DE DIOS: Canción Húngara (Serrano) / LA PARTIDA (Alvarez). Uncommon. Small lbl. stain one side, partially removed small sticker the other. Surface in excellent condition, few lightest mks. Cons. 2. $15.00. 3810. 12” Red Orth. Vla 7583. L’ARLSIANA: Lamento di Federico (Cilèa) / PRECE (Schipa). Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $8.00. 3828. 12” Red Scroll “Z” shellac Vr 8068. LA BOHÈME: Death Scene (Puccini). Two sides. With LUCREZIA BORI [s]. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 3908. 12: Red late acous. VdP DB 811. [C-27994/C-30910]. LA SONNAMBULA: Son geloso (Bellini) / LUCIA: Verranno a te (Donizetti). With AMELITA GALLI-CURCI [s]. Beautiful pressing, as clean as Victor “Z” pressings. Just about 1-2. $8.00. HEINRICH SCHLUSNUS [b] 2000. 10” Red acous. Schall. Grammophon 70704 [2236ax/2237ax]. DON GIOVANNI: Serenata (Mozart) / GLÖCKCHEN DES EREMITEN: Einlage: Soldatenart von Franz Abt (Maillart). Small lbl. stkr. side one, otherwise just about 1-2. $20.00. 1949. 10” Blk. acous. Schall. Grammophon 62365 [14106r/14120r]. RUHE MEINE SEELE / ZUEIGNUNG (both Richard Strauss). Both accompanied by the composer. 2. $25.00. 1484. 10” PW Blk. elec. Grammophon 62641 [1507bk/1508bk]. FORZA DEL DESTINO: Man nennt mich den schwarzen Studenten / IL TROVATORE: O dürfte ich es glauben (both Verdi). One very lt. (superficial) NS side two, otherwise cons. 2. $10.00. 1865. 10” PW Blk. elec. Polydor 62645 [1585bk/1605bk]. FRÜHLINGSGLAUBE / AN SILVIA (both Schubert). piano acc. Franz Rupp. Cons. 2. $8.00. 1257. 10” PW Blue Polydor 90177 [113db/114db]. MINNELIED (Brahms, Op. 71, No. 5) / STÄNDCHEN, Op. 105, No. 1 (both Brahms). Piano acc. Franz Rupp. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1845. 10” PW Blk. Polydor 90201 [3339½BH.8/3340BH.8]. MAHNUNG (Hans Hermann) / LIEBESFEIER (Weingartner). Small lbl. stkr. side two. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 3270. 12” Red acous. Polydor 72780 [479as/740as]. L’AFRICAINE: Dir, o Königin / L’AFRICAINE: Wie hat mein Herz geschlagen (Meyerbeer). Top copy, wonderful singing. Scarce. Just about 1-2. $40.00. 2756. 12” Gold PW EE Brunswick 50117 [64bm/129bm]. PAGLIACCI: Prologo (Leoncavallo) / BALLO IN MASCHERA: Eri tu? (Verdi). In German. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2753. 12” Gold PW Brunswick (Columbia pressing) 90104 [236bv/239bv]. ADELAIDE (Beethoven). Two sides. Piano acc. Franz Rupp. Superb pressing. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3034. 12” Yellow Deut. Grammophon 68119 [2234-2GS/2235-2GS]. I VESPRI SICILIANI: In Glanz un Pracht regier’ ich hier (Verdi) / DON CARLOS: Posas Tod (Verdi). Few rubs, cons. 2. $8.00. 2763. 12” Yellow Deut. Grammophon 68131 [2232GS/2233GS]. TRAUM DURCH DIE DÄMMERUNG, Op. 29, No. 1 / LIEBESHYMNUS, Op. 32, No. 3 (both R. Strauss). With Berlin Staatsoper Orch. dir. Gerhard Stenger. Just about 1-2. $10.00. ERIK SCHMEDES [t] 2110. 10” Blk. Angel Pre-Dog 4-42160/4-42161 [13835u/13836u]. WERTHER: Was bin ich aufgewacht / WERTHER: O wie süss (Massenet). Couple MGTs. Two rubs side one. 2 or better. $12.00. 2381. 10” Blk. Wien G&T 3-42501/3-42563 [749r/4274L]. NORMA: Mit Adalgisa Hand in Hand (Bellini) / DER TEMPLER UND DIE JÜDIN: Du stolzes England freue dich (Marchner). One minor PB, cons. 3. $15.00. 3613. 12” Blk. Dog Gram. Monarch 044143/044144 [01197v/01198v]. GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG: Zu neuen Taten. With LUCIE WEIDT [s] / GRETE FORST [s], HERMINE KITTEL [c], LEO SLEZAK [t], ARTHUR PREUSS [t], LEOPOLD DEMUTH [b]. MEISTERSINGER: Quintet (both Wagner). Excellent copy, couple MGTs, just about 1-2. $20.00. 216 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs JOSEPH SCHMIDT [t] 1317. 10” Plum Swiss HMV JK 2439 [BLR5591I/BLR6083-II]. IL TROVATORE: Lodern zum Himmel! (Verdi) / MARTHA: Ach, so fromm (Flotow). Excellent pressing. Few lightest rubs. Cons. 2. $12.00. 1141. 10” PW Red German Parlophon B.48807 [133715/133716]. MATTINATA (Leoncavallo) / SANTA LUCIA (Gordigiani). Excellent pressing. Lt. superficial rubs, 2-3. $7.00. 2486. 10” Green (blue shellac) Columbia G-5308-F [131093-1/131094-1]. BUONA NOTTE, SCHÖNE SIGNORINA / IN DEINEN AUGEN LES’ ICH EIN MÄRCHEN (both Max Niederberger). Orch. dir. Otto Dobrindt. Few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $10.00. RUDOLF SCHOCK [t] 3085. 12” Red Electrola DB 11591 [2RA-76871/2RA7688-1]. CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Scene, Chorus and Brindisi (Mascagni). With LISELOTTE LOSCH [s]./ LEONIE RYSANEK [s]. CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Easter Scene (Mascagni). In German. Orch. dir. Wilhelm Schüchter. Rare late 78 issue. Couple rubs, otherwise just about 1-2. $20.00. LOTTE SCHÖNE [s] 2688. 12” Red elec. HMV DB 1562 [CLR6358-II/CLR6359-II]. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR: Arie der Frau Fluth (Nicolai). Two sides. Orch. dir. Leo Blech. Scarce. Very fine copy. Cons. 2. $15.00. 2955. 12” Blk. PW Electrola EJ 422 [CL4547-I/CLR4645-II]. MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Un bel di / MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Death Scene (Puccini). In German. Orch. dir. Leo Blech. Side two an especially touching performance. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 3027. 12” Blk. PW Electrola EJ 669 [CLR5348-I/CLR5349-I]. MANON: Leb’ wohl / MANON: Nunzet die jungen Tage (Massenet). Orch. dir. Leo Blech. Another highly recommended disc. Very small lbl. stain side one, otherwise just about 1-2. $25.00. FRIEDRICH SCHORR [b] 1862. 10” Purple acous. Brunswick 10160. LINDENBAUM, Op. 89, No. 5 (Schubert) / DIE EHRE GOTTES AUS DER NATUR (Beethoven). Cons. 2. $10.00. 2252. 10” Gold acous. Brunswick 15088. DON GIOVANNI: Serenata (Mozart) / CZAR UND ZIMMERMAN: Sonst spielt’ ich mit Scepter (Lortzing). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1595. 10” Blk PW Czech HMV ER 344 [Bb19307-II/Bb19308-II]. TRAUM DURCH DIE DÄMMERUNG (Strauss) / ICH GROLLE NICHT (Schumann). Piano acc. Ivor Newton. Lt. rubs. 2. $12.00. 1816. 10” Blk. PW HMV EW 86 [Bb19307-II/Bb19308-II]. Same as previous listing. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 4099. 10” White lbl. (one side only) HMV EW 87 [BR2492-III]. TANNHÄUSER: Als du im kühnen Sange (Wagner). Orch. dir. Albert Coates. Few lt. rubs. 2. $15.00. 3789. 12” Blk. acous. Polydor 65646 [8az/5az]. MAGIC FLUTE: Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen / MAGIC FLUTE: Bei Männern (Mozart). Side two with EMMY HECKMANN-BETTENDORF [s]. Just about 1-2. $40.00. 4176. 12” PW Red Scroll “Z”-type shellac Vr 6788 [CDR4700-II/CDR4701-III]. RHEINGOLD: Abendlich strahlt [Finale of opera] (Wagner). Two sides. Orch. Berlin State Opera Orch. dir. Leo Blech. Excellent pressing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3382. 12” PW Red (gold print) Vr 7473 [CLR5409-II/CLR5410-II]. AM MEER (Schubert) / WANDERLIED (Schumann). Piano acc. Dr. R. Jager. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 217 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2843. 12” PW Red Vr 7681 [2B530-I/CR2495-I]. MEISTERSINGER: Abendlich glühend. With LAURITZ MELCHOR [t] / MEISTERSINGER: Aha! da streicht die Lene (Wagner). Just about 1-2. $10.00. RICHARD SCHUBERT [t] 2853. 12” Blk. acous. Schall. Gram. 65643 [29an/181av]. DIE WALKÜRE: Winterstürme / TRISTAN UND ISOLDE: Wohin nun Tristan scheidet (both Wagner). Couple MGTs side one, cons. 2. Side two just about 1-2. $15.00. ELISABETH SCHUMANN [s] 3008. 12” Blk. acous. Polydor 65580 [274as/275as]. ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO: Durch Zärtlichkeit und Schmeicheln / ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO: Welche Wonne (Mozart). Beautiful copy. Trademark area neatly blacked out for import purposes. IMs. Just about 1-2. $75.00. 3017. 12” Blk. acous. Polydor 65654 [269as/270as]. MARRIAGE OF FIGARO: Neue Freuden / MARRIAGE OF FIGARO: Ihr, die ihr Triebe (Mozart). An excellent copy indeed. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $75.00. 3088. 12” Blk. acous. 65811 [1258as/1260as]. MARRIAGE OF FIGARO: Rosen arie / MAGIC FLUTE: Ach, ich fühl’s (both Mozart). Just about 1-2. $75.00. 2935. 12” Red “Z” shellac Scroll Vr 7076 [Cc8377-III/Cc8404-I]. MARRIAGE OF FIGARO: Voi che sapete / DON GIOVANNI: Batti, batti (Mozart). Charming performances. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3287. 12” Red “Z” shellac Scroll Vr 7209 [CW1909-II/CW1912-II]. DIE HEILIGEN DREI KÖNIGE AUS MORGENLAND (Strauss) / JOSUA: O hätt ich Jubals Harf (Händel). Vienna State Op. Orch. dir. Karl Alwin. Few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $10.00. ERNESTINE SCHUMANN-HEINK [c] 2327. 10” B&S IRCC 3143. WIE EIN GRÜSSEN, Op. 18 (Mehrkens) / ROSALIA CHALIA [s]. STAR OF THE NORTH: Barcarola (Meyerbeer). The original copy from which this Chalia transfer was taken is also offered elsewhere in this catalogue. RRs from 1900/1901 Zonophones. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1138. 10” B&S Columbia 1382 [take 1]. DER TOD UND DAS MÄDCHEN (Schubert). Few minor rubs, exceptionally clean. Cons. 2. $300.00. 4204. 10” B&S Columbia 1382 [take 1]. Same as preceding listing (item #1138). Bright label. First groove (leading to announcement) sticks but I can’t see any reason for it doing so. Perhaps stylus experimentation will help. Gen. 3. $150.00. 1131. 10” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 87013. DER TOD UND DAS MÄDCHEN (Schubert). Lt. lbl. scrs. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1220. 10” Red Vla 87094. A CHILD’S PRAYER (Brandon-Harold). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2167. 10” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 87129. WHEN THE ROSES BLOOM (Reichardt). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 1403. 10” Red Vla 87168. BONJOUR, SUZON [GOOD MORNING, SUE] (Delibes). In English. Only form of issue. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 1798. 10” Red Vr 87170. IM KAHNE, Op. 60, No. 3 (Grieg). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1963. 10” Red Vr 87171. THE ROBIN SINGS IN THE APPLE TREE, Op. 47 (MacDowell). Only form of issue. Cons. 2. $10.00. 1175. 10” Red Vr 87172. ALLAH (Geo. W. Chadwick). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2283. 10” Red Vla 87337. IF I FORGET (Thompson). Just about 1-2. $6.00. 2265. 10” Red Vla 836. STILL WIE DIE NACHT (Bohm) / TREUE LIEBE (German Folk Song). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 1818. 10” Red acous. Vla 1045. TRAUM DURCH DIE DÄMMERUNG, Op. 29, No. 1 (Strauss) / SAPPHISCHE ODE, Op. 94, No. 4 (Brahms). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3101. 12” Red vinyl Vla 85094 [C-2976-2]. SAMSON ET DALILA: Mein Herz (Saint-Saëns). This extremely rare 1908 take had a very short term issue. I’ve only seen one copy of an original. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 3334. 12” Red ’06 GP Vr 85112. RINALDO: Lascia ch’io pianga (Händel). Cons. 2. $10.00. 218 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 3405. 12” Red Vla 88095. LE PROPHÈTE: Scène de la prison [Part 2] (Meyerbeer). One of those “desert island discs”. Spectacular! Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3084. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 88381. VON HIMMEL HOCH DA KOMM’ ICH HER’ (Luther). Gleaming pressing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2987. 12” PW Silver Vr IRCC 93. LE PROPHÈTE: O prêtres de Baal [Prison Scene, Part 1] (Meyerbeer) / SAPHO: O ma lyre immortelle (Gounod). From orig. 1907/1909 Victor matrices. Just ERNESTINE SCHUMANN-HEINK minus a chauffeur about 1-2. $20.00. 3533. 12” Red elec. PoW RCA Vr 6723 [takes 3/1]. STILLE NACHT (Gruber) / WEINACHTEN [CHRISTMAS] (Humperdinck). Side one with Stewart Wille [organist]. Side two with orchestra. The takes used were issued only on PoW pressings. Nice copy. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $6.00. 3854. 12” Red Orth. Vla 7107. GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG: Höre mit sinn / RHEINGOLD: Weiche, Wotan (both Wagner). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2848. 12” Red PW SS National Vocarium TNV-123 [CS-046633]. SPEAKS TO A MOTHER ABOUT CHILDREN (1935); NELLIE MELBA [s]. COVENT GARDEN FAREWELL, London, June 8, 1926). With spoken introductions. Just about 1-2. $15.00. LEO SCHÜTZENDORF [bs]. Cologne, 1886-Berlin, 1931. A member of a family of singers, his brothers Guido, Kothner, Alfons and Gustav all had professional careers. Leo studied in Cologne and made his debut in Düsseldorf in 1908. After engagements in Krefeld, Darmstat, Wiesbaden and Vienna, he joined the Berlin Staatsoper in 1920. In nine years he made 445 appearances in a repertoire of 47 roles, including Baron Ochs, Boris, Beckmesser, Méphistophélès and Wozzeck, which he created in 1925. He was a great success in Der Bettelstudent at the Metropol Theater, Berlin, but as he had not obtained leave from the Staatsoper he was dismissed. This lead to a serious breakdown and his death. He was a versatile artist, as much at home in tragic roles as in comic ones. – Harold Rosenthaur, Grove Opera Dictionary 3951. 12” Blk. acous. Polydor 65816 [418az/419az]. BORIS GODOUNOV: Ich hab’ erreicht das Höchste / BORIS GODOUNOV: Huh! War das schwer (Moussorgsky). IMs side one, otherwise just about 1-2. $40.00. JOSEPH SCHWARZ [b]. Riga, 1880-Berlin, 1926. Following studies in Vienna and Berlin, Schwarz made his debut in Linz, 1902, as Amonasro in Aida. After appearances in Riga, Graz and St. Petersburg, he sang with the Vienna Volksoper and then made his debut at the Vienna Hofoper, 1909, as Count de Luna in Verdi’s Il Trovatore. In 1915, Schwarz first appeared with the Berlin Opera. He began a two-season tenure with the Chicago Opera in 1921 where he was extremely successful. During this period he wed wealthy widow Clara Sielken. A prolonged honeymoon causing missed performances resulted in his Chicago Opera contract being terminated. He was first heard at the Paris Opéra in 1923 and at Covent Garden, 1924, these appearances and his Chicago debut all as Verdi’s Rigoletto. He seems to have been engaged by the Metropolitan Opera for the season of 1925-26 and also made trial records for Victor. He became ill in 1924, however, and most of his subsequent stage appearances were in concert rather than opera. He died in 1926 following kidney surgery. 2050. 10” Blue Opera Disc 74590 (54485) [14075r]. GUARDA CHE BIANCA LUNA (Campana). With HERMANN JADLOWKER [t]. In Italian. One tiny mk. and one small rub, otherwise just about 1-2. $15.00. 2056. 10” Red acous. Schall. Grammophon 70691 [19024L/1120ar]. TROVATORE: Vivrà contende il giubilo (Verdi). With CLAIRE DUX [s] / CLAIRE DUX [s]. BOHÈME: Quando m’en vo (Puccini). Both in German. Small lbl. stkr. Minor rubs, 2-3. $12.00. 219 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2880. 12” Pink acous. Parlophon P.330 [27010/2-7012]. TROVATORE: Il balen / LA TRAVIATA: Di Provenza (both Verdi). In German. IMs. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3295. 12” Pink acous. Parlophon P.330 [2-7010/2-7012]. Same as previous listing (item #2880). Excellent later surface material. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $20.00. 2866. 12” Acous. Girl & Gram. acous. Parlophon P.1670/P.1676. WILLIAM TELL: Sohn knie nieder (Rossini) / THE DEMON: Kind weine nicht (Rubinstein). Really tiny rim flake side two nowhere near grooves, scarcely noticeable. Cons. 2. $25.00. 3294. 12” Red acous. SS Schall. Grammophon 72531 (042496) [956m]. BALLO IN MASCHERA: Eri tu (Verdi). In German. Cons. 2. $12.00. 3956. 12” Red acous. SS Schall. Grammophon 72537 (042510) [1032m]. JOSEPH SCHWARZ O KOMM’ IN TRAUM (Liszt). Piano acc. IMs. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 2806. 12” Red acous. Polydor 72534 (043501/043502) [1029m/1030m]. AFRICAINE: Dir, Königin / AFRICAINE: Wie hat mein Herz (Meyerbeer). Gorgeous copy. Just about 1-2. $35.00. 2758. 12” Red acous. Polydor 72537 (042438/042510) [1032m/1267m]. O KOMM’ IM TRAUM (Liszt) / CARO MIO BEN (Giordani). A perfect copy of one of those “must have” records! Just about 1-2. $40.00. 2757. 12” Red acous. Schall. Grammophon 72674 (042538/042539) [1404s/1405s]. TANNHÄUSER: Blick’ ich umher / TANNHÄUSER: Lied an den Abendstern (Wagner). Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3292. 12” Red acous. SS Schall. Grammophon 72712 (052439) [1409s]. ZAZÀ: Zazà, kleine Zigeunerin (Leoncavallo). In Italian. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2765. 12” Red acous. Polydor 72931 (044315/2-054056) [1387s/1389s]. PEARL FISHERS: Der Tempel Brahmas strahlt (Bizet) / LA FORZA DEL DESTINO: Solenne in quest’ ora (Verdi). With HERMANN JADLOWKER [t]. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 2888. 12” Green acous. Po.ydor 78548 [1187m/1052½as]. RIGOLETTO: Sprich nie mit einem Armen. With CLAIRE DUX [s] / TINO PATTIERA [t], MICHAEL BOHNEN [b]. FORZA DEL DESTINO: In dieser feierlichen Stunde (both Verdi). Just about 1-2. $20.00. VERA SCHWARZ [s] 3001. 12” PoW Odeon O-8815 [XXB8111-3/XXB8206]. ZIGEUNERLIEBE: Es liegt in blauen Fernen (both Lehár). With RICHARD TAUBER [t] / TAUBER [t]. FREDERICKE: O Mädchen, o Mädchen Very attractive duet. Scarce. Small lbl. stkr. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. ELISABETH SCHWARZKOPF [s] 2776. 12” Blue Telefunken E3115 [025121/025122]. DAS LAND DES LÄCHELNS: Querschnitt [Medley](Lehár). Two sides. with RUPERT GLAWITSCH [t]. Orch. dir. Walter Lutze. Early Schwarzkopf. Just about 1-2. $15.00. EVELYN SCOTNEY [s]. Near Melbourne, 1886-London, 1967. Scotney studied originally in Australia and was recommended by fellow Australian Nellie Melba to her teacher, Mathilde Marchesi, with whom Scotney worked in Paris, 1910. This was followed by a period with Tosti in England. She then appeared with the Boston Opera, making her debut as Lucia in 1912. She married Boston bass Howard White (1882-1919) and toured with him in concert for several seasons, both in America and Australia. Following White’s untimely death during the 1918-1919 220 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs influenza epidemic and Scotney’s own severe bout with that illness, she returned to opera following her recovery, making her debut at the Met in 1919, where she remained two seasons. Her career continued thereafter for a number of years, primarily in recital. 2383. 10” Brown shellac Vocalion 30146 [7176?]. RIGOLETTO: Si, vendetta (Verdi). With GIACOMO RIMINI [b]. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2343. 10” Blk. PW elec. HMV E.494 [Bb11631-IV/Bb16649-V]. WHERE THE BEE SUCKS (Arne) / BID ME DISCOURSE (Bishop). Piano acc. Gerald Moore. Cons. 2. $10.00. 4032. 12” Blk. PW elec. HMV D1435 [Cc6328-II/Cc12168-II]. RIGOLETTO: Caro nome (Verdi) / ROMÉO ET JULIETTE: Je veux vivre (Gounod). Just about 1-2. $12.00. ANTONIO SCOTTI [b] 1197. 10” Red ’08 Pats. Vla 81022 [B-878]. FAUST: Dio possente (Gounod). Piano acc. Fine pressing. Very lt. scuffs (harmless), just about 2. $12.00. 2336. 10” Red GP ’04 Vr 81041 [B-877]. LA SONNAMABULA: Vi ravviso (Bellini). Small lbl. stkr. Couple small PBs. Gen. 2. $10.00. 1247. 10” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 81063 [B-2236]. LA MANDOLINATA (Paladilhe). Piano acc. Also a fine pressing. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3022. 12” Red DeLuxe 85017 [C-878]. FAUST: Dio possente (Gounod). Beautiful “A” plate pressing. One tiny mk., slightest lbl. fade, otherwise just about 1-2. $20.00. 3021. 12” Red ’08 Pats. Vla 85031 [C-1094]. RIGOLETTO: Deh non parlare al misero (Verdi); DON GIOVANNI: Fin’ch’ dal vino (Mozart). Piano acc. 1904 recording. Fine pressing. Cons. 2. $15.00. 3389. 12” Red ’07 GP Vr 88122. TOSCA: Cantabile Scarpia (Puccini). Small LSS, few lightest rubs. 2. $7.00. ANTONIO SCOTTI 3440. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 88282. FAUST: Morte di Valentino (Gounod). With Met Chorus. IMs. One small PB. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3434. 12” Red Vr 89002 [C-3181-2]. DON PASQUALE: Pronta io son (Donizetti). With MARCELLA SEMBRICH [s]. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3012. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 89014 [2nd iss. take]. MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Ora a noi (Puccini). With GERALDINE FARRAR [s]. Just about 1-2. $6.00. 3509. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 89064. DON CARLOS: Dio che nell’ alma (Verdi). With ENRICO CARUSO [t]. Few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $8.00. 3510. 12” Red GP ’07 Vr 96001. RIGOLETTO: Quartet (Verdi). With MARCELLA SEMBRICH [s], GINA SEVERINA [ms], ENRICO CARUSO [t]. Cons. 2. $8.00. 3785. 12” Red 8014. MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Amore o grillo / MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Ve lo dissi (Puccini). Both with ENRICO CARUSO [t]. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2825. 12” PW Silver Vr IRCC 190. DON CARLOS: Per me giunto (Verdi) / ELISIR D’AMORE: Come paride (Donizetti). Pressing No. 1. From orig. piano acc. 1905 Victor matrices. Just about 1-2. $25.00. IRMGARD SEEFRIED [s] 2764. 12” Red Electrola DB 7703, DB 7704 [ORA5781-3/5782-2, 5783-2/5784-1]. PSALM 112 (Händel). Four sides. Orch. & Chorus dir. T. B. Rehmann. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 221 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs GIUSEPPE SEGURA-TALLIEN [b]. Barcelona, 1880-Near Genoa, 1927. His debut was in Barcelona at the Teatro Liceo, 1905. He was first heard at Milan’s La Scala in 1908 as the Father in Louise, directed by Toscanini, and then appeared in Bologna in the premiere of Alfano’s Il Principe Zilah. He also had great success in South America, particularly at the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires. Only a few records of his voice exist, both scarce and desirable. 9502. 11” Fonotipia 92170/92171 [XPh3088/XPh3099]. LA FAVORITA: A tanto amor (Donizetti) / LA GIOCONDA: O monumento (Ponchielli). Two small PBs side two (lt. sound), otherwise 2. $35.00. META SEINEMEYER [s] 3132. 12” Eng. Parlophone E10901 [2-21278/2-21281]. LIEBESTRÄUME, No. 3 (Liszt) / DIE NACHT (Rubinstein). Orch. dir. Frieder Weissmann. Excellent laminated pressing. One rub side one, otherwise just about 1-2. $10.00. JOHANNES SEMBACH [t] 1179. 10” Orange acous. Columbia E3139 [43939-1/44620-2]. DER LENZ (Hildach) / DER ASRA (Rubinstein). 2. $10.00. 3359. 12” acous. Red Vox *3015 [43A/ 46A]. DIE WALKÜRE: Winterstürme / MEISTERSINGER: Am stillen Herd (Wagner). Just about 1-2. $15.00. MARCELLA SEMBRICH [s] 1788. 10” PW Silver Vr IRCC 8. LA SONNAMABULA: Ah! non giunge META SEINEMEYER (Bellini) / LILLIAN BLAUVELT [s]. I VESPRI SICILIANI: Bolero (Verdi). Piano acc. From orig. 1904/1905 Victor matrices. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3037. 12” Red DeLuxe 85038 [C-1954]. DON GIOVANNI: Batti, batti (Mozart). Unusually fine original copy. One TB, cons. 2. $40.00. 3450. 12” Red GP ’04 Vr 88021. LUCIA: Mad Scene (Donizetti). 2. $8.00. 2728. 12” White lbl. Vla 88101. HALKA: Gydyby rannem (Moniuszko). Nice copy, very lt. rubbing, 2. $15.00. 3025. 12” Red GP ’07 “B” plate Vr 88107 [1st issued take]. MERRY WIDOW: Dolce amor (Lehár). Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3725. 12” Red GP ’08 “B” plate Vr 88142. LINDA DI CHAMOUNIX: O luce di quest’ anima (Donizetti). Excellent copy, few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $12.00. 3866. 12” Red GP ’08 “C” plate Vr 88143. I VESPRI SICILIANI: Mercè, dilette amiche (Verdi). Few lt. mks., one tiny harmless bump. 2. $10.00. 4027. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 88388. TALES FROM THE VIENNA FOREST (Strauss, trans. La Forge). Just about 1-2. $12.00 3935. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 88390. COMIN’ THRO’ THE RYE (Scottish Air). Nice early pressing, lightest mks., cons. 2. $8.00. 3434. 12” Red Vr 89002 [C-3181-2]. DON PASQUALE: Pronta io son (Donizetti). With ANTONIO SCOTTI [b]. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2798. 12” Red GP ’07 Vr 89010. HAMLET: Doute de la lumière (Thomas). With EMILIO DE GOGORZA [b]. Most later pressings have a “swish” for an inch which this early pressing doesn’t. One MGT at end, otherwise 2 or better. $15.00. 3990. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vla 89042. RIGOLETTO: Tutte le feste … Si, vendetta (Verdi). With MARIO SAMMARCO [b]. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 222 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 3510. 12” Red GP ’07 Vr 96001. RIGOLETTO: Quartet (Verdi). With GINA SEVERINA [ms], ENRICO CARUSO [t], ANTONIO SCOTTI [b]. Cons. 2. $8.00. 3960. 12” Red Vla 6288. LA SONNAMBULA: Ah, non giunge (Bellini) / DON GIOVANNI: Batti, batti (Mozart). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3466. 12” Red Vla 6290. PURITANI: Qui la voce … Vien diletto (Bellini) / NORMA: Casta diva … A bello a me ritorna (Bellini). Just about 1-2. $8.00. FELIX SENIUS [t]. Königsberg, 1868-1914. Senius spent much of his youth in St. Petersburg, where, in 1872, his father became a bank director. He first worked in his father’s bank and sang in charity concerts. His first lieder concert was in 1900 as well as his debut in oratorio as tenor soloist in Händel’s Messiah. He was exceptionally successful in concerts given in Russia, Scandinavia and Germany. He settled in Berlin in 1906 and was considered one of the most successful concert singers from then until his tragic death in 1913, a result of a banquet given in his honor by his native city. He died of fish poisoning contracted that evening. Conductor Sir Henry J. Wood succinctly summarized Senius’s talent: “He had a beautiful tenor voice and an artistic delivery”. His few records are rare and particularly desirable. 2828. 12” Anker E.9508 [04853/04974]. TRAUUNGSGESANG (Ries).With CLARA SENIUS-ERLER [s] / JULIA CULP [c]. DU BIST DIE RUH’ (Schubert) Just about 1-2. $50.00. 2899. 12” Anker E.9575 [04976/04981]. O KOMM’ IM TRAUM (Liszt) / ST. PAUL: Sei getreu bis in den Tod (Mendelssohn). Piano acc. side one B. Weyersberg. Small lbl. stkr. Lt. superficial rubbing. 3. $60.00. 2876. 12” Anker E.9601 [04975/04978]. SO LASS UNS WANDERN (Brahms). With CLARA SENIUS-ERLER [s] / COSI FAN TUTTE: Un’aura amorosa (Mozart). IMs, tiny lbl. stkr., just about 1-2. $75.00. [ERNEST] TILKIN SERVAIS [b]. 1888-1961. Servais studied with Richard Barthélemy, a composer and coach/accompanist for Caruso. Servais’ career covered the 1911-1945 period. While Belgium was his artistic home, he also had success at Covent Garden as well as in Paris, Monte Carlo and Buenos Aires. 1980. 10” Blk. acous. Disque Gram. P-618 [BP297-II/BT1880-II]. DAMNATION DE FAUST: Chanson de la Puce / WILLY TUBIANA [bs]. DAMNATION DE FAUST: Certain rat (Berlioz). Tiny lbl. stkr. Cons. 2. $15.00. 1777. 10” White elec. HMV VA 54 [BF3304-IT1/BF3316-II]. LA MUETTE DE PORTICI: L’amour sacre de la patrie! (Auber). With FERNAND ANSSEAU [t] / JEAN ÉMILE VANNI-MARCOUX [bs]. PANURGE: Touraine est un pays (Massenet). Side two piano acc. Just about 1-2. $8.00. MARGARET SHERIDAN [s] 2281. 10” Irish HMV IR 307 [Bb9291-VII/Bb9403-IIA]. DANNY BOY (Weatherly) / I KNOW WHERE I’M GOING (arr. Hughes). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2974. 12” Red late VdP DB 981 [Cc9381-VA/Cc9390-II]. MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Un bel di (Puccini) / OTELLO: Ave Maria (Verdi). Side one not part of her Butterfly set. Couple minor rubs, cons. 2. $10.00. NIKOLAI A. SHEVELEV [b]. 1874-1929. 2495. 10” Blk. Russian Amour 4-22693/4-22694 [18623b/18625b]. BALLADE (Moussorgsky); DON GIOVANNI: Serenata (Mozart) / ALSATIAN BALLADE (Ippolitov-Ivanov). Piano acc. The Mozart is sung in Italian, the others in Russian. Rare. Nice copy, few minor rubs. 2. $60.00. V. SHUSLIN [b] 1739. 10” Red Orth. Vla 4073. EUGEN ONEGIN: Prince Gremin’s Aria (Tschaikowsky). Two sides. Possible ULC side two, otherwise cons. 2. $10.00. MARGARETE SIEMS [s]. 2896. 12” Blk. Dog Schall. Gram. 65200 (043179/044186) [02303c/02302c]. ROSENKAVALIER: Monolog der Marschallin / ROSENKAVALIER: Hab’ mir’s gelobt (Richard Strauss). Creator performances. IMs. Beautiful copy. Just about 1-2. $100.00. 3372. 12” Girl & Gram. Parlophon P.574/P.575. LES HUGUENOTS: Arie der Königin (Meyerbeer). Two sides. A famed spectacular performance and great rarity. Cons. 2. $400.00. 223 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 4100. 12” Purple Parlophone E10362 [P575/7719]. HUGUENOTS: Dies einz/ge Wortlein Liebe [Arie der Königen Liebe, Part II] / FRITZI JÖKL [s]. HUGUENOTS: Song of the Page (Meyerbeer). Side one just about 1-2. Side two lt. rubs, 2. $200.00. ALESSANDRO SILVESTRI [bs]. Padova, 1851, Alessandria (near Turin), 1922. His debut was in Padova, 1867, at the age of sixteen. So successful was he that he quickly became known as one of Italy’s leading basses. His La Scala debut was in Il Guarany in 1881, and in 1884 he created the role of King Philip in Verdi’s revised version of Don Carlos. In addition he was heard in almost all of Italy’s major opera houses as well as being an important operatic figure in South America, Spain and Russia. His career lasted for about forty years. The late vocal historian and record collector John Freestone stated in 1952 that Silvestri’s records “must be immensely rare, if exisiting at all. I myself have never seen or heard one, and I do not know anyone who possesses any.” His daughter, Bice Silvestri, also recorded for Zonophone. 2722. 10” Blk. Disco Zonofono X-499. IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: La calunnia (Rossini). There are some greyed forward grooves and incidental ticks. I’d say it looks 5 but honestly plays better. $1750.00. GIULIETTA SIMIONATO [ms] 1046. 10” Plum HMV HN 2145 [OBA6155/OBA6156]. IL SALUTO DI BEATRICE / COME QUEL FIOR (both F. P. Neglia, rev. Renzo Bossi). Probably her rarest record. Piano acc. Renzo Bossi. Small lbl. stkr. Few harmless small spots side one, cons. 2. $25.00. JULIETTE SIMON-GIRARD [s]. Paris, 1859-Nice,1954. A famed operetta star, SimonGirard created the leading roles in Les Cloches de Corneville (1877), Madame Favart (1878), and dozens of other works well into the twentieth century. 2087. 10” Blk. Paris G&T 34018 [1918-F]. LA MASCOTTE: Duo des Dindons (Audran). With JEAN DELVOYE [b]. Beautiful copy. Few harmless inherent pressing depressions. Just about 1-2. $60.00. MARTIAL SINGHER [b] 2141. 10” Red Florilège 102 [2.337/2.309]. CHANSON DE LABOUR / RENÉE MAHÉ [ms]. CHANSON DE LA LUNE (Early French Music). Side one unaccompanied. Side two with viol. Just about 1-2. $8.00. Cantor GERSHON SIROTA [t] 2646. 10” Pink Russian Favorite 1-75599/ 1-75606 [4092-o/4099-o]. TSADIK KATONER / VECHOSOR SOTON (Hebraic Prayers). Few MGTs, just about 2. $25.00. LEO SLEZAK [t]. Moravia, 1873-Austria, 1946. A pupil of baritone Adolf Robinson, Slezak made his debut in Brno, 1896. His greatest successes began with his Vienna Hofoper debut in in 1901, for which he was selected by Mahler. He subsequently was a valued artist at Covent Garden and the Met, his principal roles at the latter having been Otello, Manrico, Siegfried, Tannhäuser, Lohengrin and Walther. Slezak’s 6’4” frame commanded almost as much attention on stage as did his remarkable voice. In later years, he appeared in character roles in 1930s films. His son, Walter, was also a popular character actor in German and later in U.S. films. 9466. 11” Brown Odeon 38002/38042 [Vx1442/XV52]. QUEEN OF SHEBA: Erzählung der Assad (Goldmark) / AIDA: Temple Scene (Verdi). Side two with WILHELM HESCH [bs]. LEO SLEZAK Announced by Slezak. Piano acc. Side one cons. 2. Side few MGTs, 2. $20.00. 9517. 11” Dk. Blue Odeon X25994/X25995 (O-5497) [XB5675-2/XB5672-2]. HUGUENOTS: Ihr Wangenpaar / LE PROPHÈTE: Herr, dich in den Sternankreisen (both Meyerbeer). Excellent late pressing. Lbl. Stkrs. Cons. 2. $25.00. 224 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2169. 10” Blk. Wien G&T 42852 [964x-N1-2z]. ERNANI: Arie des Ernani (Verdi). Few LGTs, 3-4. $12.00. 2170. 10” Blk. Wien G&T 2-42593 [821z]. LE PROPHÈTE: Triumphgesang (Meyerbeer). 1903 piano acc. Superficial lt. scuffs, 2-3, but absolutely no needle wear. Perfectly clean (2.0 or smaller stylus suggested). $15.00. 2190. 10” Blk. Dog Gram. Concert 3-42346/3-42419 [6958b/6840b]. QUEEN OF SHEBA: Matische Töne / QUEEN OF SHEBA: Auffrittslied des Assad (Goldmark). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1768. 10” Orange Opera Disc 13951 [690r/10850u]. DIE WEISSE DAME: Komm’, o holde Dame (Boieldieu) / CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Abschied vom der Mutter (Mascagni). IMs, small lbl. stkrs. Surface side one just about 1-2. Side two gen. 2. $8.00. 2120. 10” Orange Opera Disc 13970 [11155u/13048u]. AIDA: Holde Aida (Verdi) / IL TROVATORE: Ständchen (Verdi). Couple lightest mks., cons. 2. $10.00. 2446. 10” Blk. Wien G&T 44241 [854z]. DER FREISCHÜTZ: Terzett (v.Weber). With BERTHA FÖRSTER-LAUTERER [s], HERMIONE KITTEL [c]. Beautiful copy. Bright label, few harmless light inherent pressing indentations, otherwise just about 1-2. $150.00. 1919. 10” Blk. Wien G&T 44241 [854z]. DER FREISCHÜTZ: Terzett (v.Weber). With BERTHA FÖRSTER-LAUTERER [s], HERMINE KITTEL [c]. Same as preceding listing (item #2446). Some LGTs, one harmless patina from rim in about ½” (grooved side only), otherwise 3. $40.00. 1961. 10” Blk. Wien G&T 44256 [882z]. LOHENGRIN: Act II Finale (Wagner). With WILHELM HESCH [bs]. Few MGTs, 2. $15.00. 1962. 10” Blk. Wien G&T 3-42265/3-42298 [6848b/6849b]. VERSCHWIEGENE LIEBE (Wolf) / STÄNDCHEN (Strauss). Piano acc. Lt. rubs, 3. $15.00. 1746. 10” Red Vr 61202 [10858u]. CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Siciliana (Mascagni). Few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $7.00. 1588. 10” Red ’12 Pats. Vr 61203 [10815u]. LOHENGRIN: Nun sei bedankt (Wagner). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2228. 10” Red Vr 64113 [11155u]. AIDA: Holde Aida (Verdi). Very lt. NR on lbl., otherwise just about 1-2. $8.00. 2121. 10” White HMV VA 3 [690b/11129u]. DIE WEISSE DAME: Komm’, o holde Dame (Boieldieu) / MEISTERSINGER: Fanget an (Wagner). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 2122. 10” White HMV VA 22 [11809u/14585u]. DIE STUMME VON PORTICI: Schlummerlied (Auber) / QUEEN OF SHEBA: Mägische Töne (Goldmark). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 2165. 10” White HMV VA 57 [884z/10862u]. LOUISE: O Gesang von Paris (Charpentier) / WILLIAM TELL: Die Sonne strahlt [Finale Act IV] (Rossini). Side two with ELISE ELIZZA [s], GRETE FORST [s], HERMINE KITTEL [c], GERHARD STEHMANN [t], FRIEDRICH WEIDEMANN [b]. Orig. 1903/1907 G&T matrices. Most VA/VB issues are pressed from original metal parts. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1275. 10” Green elec. PW Polydor 21692 [1520bk/1540bk]. DE LENZ (Hildach) / DER MOND STEHT ÜBER DEM BERGE (Brahms). Side one orch. dir. Manfred Gurlitt. Side two with piano. Few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $15.00. 1274. 10” Red elec.PW Grammophon 21848 [1536bk/1537bk]. ZUEIGNUNG / ICH TRAGE MEINE MINNE (both R. Strauss). Piano acc. Heinrich Schacker. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1982. 10” Yellow elec. Deut. Grammophon 26507 [1538bk/1539bk]. TRAUM DURCH DIE DÄMMERUNG / FREUNDLICHE VISION (both R. Strauss). Piano acc. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2952. 12” Red SS U.S. Odeon Am43008 [XXB ? ]. LA JUIVE: Rachele, allor che Iddio (Halévy). Lt. NR on lbl. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 3613. 12” Blk. Dog Gram. Monarch 044143/044144 [01198v/01197v]. MEISTERSINGER: Quintet. With GRETE FORST [s], HERMINE KITTEL [c], ARTHUR PREUSS [t], LEOPOLD DEMUTH [b] / LUCIE WEIDT [s], ERIK SCHMEDES [t]. GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG: Zu neuen Taten (both Wagner). Excellent copy, couple MGTs, just about 1-2. $35.00. 3015. 12” Blk. acous. Polydor 65773 [1241as/1245as]. NACHT UND TRÄUME (Schubert) / MAGIC FLUTE: Bildnis-Arie (Mozart). Side one piano acc. Few tiny mks. side one, cons. 2. Side two just about 1-2. $15.00. 225 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2931. 12” Blk. PW elec. Polydor 66797, 66798 [502be/503be, 504be/505be]. TANNHÄUSER: Romerzählung (Wagner). Four sides. Orch. dir. Manfred Gurlitt. Sides vary from just about 1-2 to cons. 2. $15.00. 2949. 12” Yellow elec. Deut. Grammophon 15446 [506be/507be]. STÄNDCHEN / UNGEDULD (both Schubert). Piano acc. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3646. 12” Yellow elec. Deut. Grammophon 15446 [506be/507be]. Same as preceding listing (item #2949). Few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $10.00. 3473. 12” Blue elec. Polydor 95182 [1112bm/1113bm]. LOHENGRIN: In fernem Land / LOHENGRIN: Mein lieber Schwan (Wagner). Orch. dir. Manfred Gurlitt. Just about 1-2. $12.00. DMITRI SMIRNOV [t] 2145. 10” White acous. HMV VA 49 [Bb100-2/ Bb304-1]. RIGOLETTO: La donna è mobile (Verdi) / IL TABARRO: Hai ben ragione (Puccini). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 2641. 10” Red elec. HMV DA 762 [Bb6596II/Bb6597-I]. BERCEUSE (Gretchaninov) / LILACS (Rachmaninoff). Piano acc. Lt. superficial rubs, 2-3. $15.00. 2618. 10” Brown elec. Russ. Parlophone B.23400 [37955/37956]. NON M’AMATE PIÙ (Tosti) / BEFORE MY WINDOW, Op. 26, No. 10 (Rachmaninov). Piano acc. and side one violin obbligato. Rare. Cons. 2. $350.00. 3926. 12” White lbl. HMV 022143 [434½s]. PEARL FISHERS: Je crois entendre encore (Bizet). Just about 1-2. 30.00. 2697. 12” White lbl. HMV 022218 [2475c]. DEMON: On desire’s soft fleeting wing (Rubinstein). Just about 1-2. $50.00. 3151. 12” White lbl. HMV 022271 [2543c]. PRINCE IGOR: Daylight is fading away (Borodin). Just about 1-2. $50.00. DMITRI SMIRNOV 3928. 12” White lbl. HMV 022334 [2853c]. RUSSLAN AND LUDMILLA: There is a deserted land (Glinka). Just about 1-2. $30.00. 3781. 12” White lbl. HMV 2-022024 [Cc3211-I]. CHANSON GEORGIENNE (Rachmaninoff). Beautiful pressing. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 3932. 12” White lbl. HMV 052373 [02451½b ]. ELISIR D’AMORE: Una furtiva lagrima (Donizetti). in Italian. Just about 1-2. $30.00. 3094. 12” White lbl. HMV 052410 [2846c]. IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Se il mio nome (Rossini). In Italian. Just about 1-2. $30.00. 3093. 12” Cream elec. PW Odeon O-9107 [2-21611-3/XXRu615]. SONG OF THE VOLGA BOATMAN (arr. G. Dudkewitsch) / SADKO: Hindulied (Rimsky-Korsakov). Side one piano acc. Just about 1-2. $175.00. LEONID SOBINOV [t] 2711. 7” Berliner 22275 [2662]. PRISONER OF THE CAUCASUS: I await deliverance from torments (Cui). One of his rarest records. Startlingly realistic for a 1901 recording. Remarkably fine condition, gen. 2. $1000.00. 2771. 12” Hist. No. 2 Red HMV DB 891 (022138/022202) [1980c/2215½c]. WERTHER: Pourquoi me réveiller (Massenet) / DON PASQUALE: Outcast and friendless … Refuge in some far land (Donizetti). In Russian. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2854. 12” Hist. No. 2 Red HMV DB 892 (022197/022244) [2213c/2517c]. HALKA: The wind wails in the trees (Moniuszko) / DURING THE BALL, Op. 38, No. 3 (Tschaikowsky). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 226 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs OIVA SOINI [b]. 1893-1971. Finnish opera singer, opera director and professor, Soini studied at the Helsinki Music Institute and then continued vocal studies in Berlin. From 1921 to 1952 he was associated with the Finnish Opera. During this period he also taught at the Helsinki Conservatory and 1939-1963 served as director of the Sibelius Academy. His operatic repertoire included more than 80 roles. 1717. PW Plum elec. HMV X3135 [BE1532-II/BE1537-II]. KORAALI 21 (Luther) / TIETÄJÄT (Cornelius). Just about 1-2. $12.00. CRISTY SOLARI (CRISTOS SOLARIS) [t]. Smirna, 1888-Rome, 1974. Of Greek, Turkish and Italian ancestry, Solari studied with, among others, Antonio Cotogni and made his debut at the Teatro Sociale, Mantua, as Arturo in I Puritani, a role he repeated frequently. In addition to many houses in Italy (although not La Scala), Solari was heard in Holland and Buenos Aires. One source indicates that he also made dance band recordings for Italian Columbia in the late 1920s as Franco Lary. 2113. 10” PW Plum elec. Eng. Columbia D5698 [WB1494/WB1508]. MARTHA: M’appari (Flotow) / DON PASQUALE: Cerchero lontana terra (Donizetti). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2001. 10” PW Plum elec. Eng. Columbia D5700 [WB1509/WB1525]. BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Se il mio nome (Rossini) / LUCIA: Tu che a Dio (Donizetti). Just about 1-2. $12.00. ROSARIO SOLER [s] 4185. 10” Blk. acous. Vr 65787 [5455h/ ? ]. EMIGRANTES: ¡Alhambra, Alhambra, qué Hermosa eres! (Calleja-Barrera)/ BARCELONA MUNICIPAL BAND. LA ZORRA (Furés). Just about 1-2. $12.00. GABRIEL SOULACROIX [b]. 1853 (or 1852) – 1905. He made his debut in Brussels, 1878, and appeared there in a variety of roles, some creations, through 1885. He then became a member of the Paris Opéra-Comique, also taking leading roles at Covent Garden and Monte Carlo, including parts such as Iago, Figaro, Escamillo, Ford, among others. His sudden death in 1905 was at the high point of his career. 9308. 11” Brown Odeon 33430/33226 [33430-3/33226-3]. LA FAVORITA: Pour tant d’Amour (Donizetti) / HENRI WEBER [b]. LES CLOCHES (M. Legay). Piano acc. Tiny lbl. stkr. side one. 2-3. $15.00. HINA SPANI [s] 1227. 10” Red Orth. Vla 4197 [BM1584-II/BM1585-II]. DIA DE FIESTA (Ugarte) / CANCIÓN DEL CARRETERO (Buchardo). Scarce. Orch. dir. Gino Nastrucci. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3574. 12” Red late VdP DB 1163 [CF1625-II/CF1627-I]. FAUST: Ei m’ama (Gounod) / LA WALLY: Ebben? Andrò sola e lontana (Catalani). A great record and an excellent pressing. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3959. 12” Red Orth. Vla 7206 [CF1625-II/CF1627-I]. Same as preceding listing (item #3574). Lbl. stkr. side one. Cons. 2. $10.00. MARGARET SPEAKS [s] 1692. 10” Red PW (gold print) Vr 4524. SERENADE (Paul Nordoff); SOUNDS (Gustav Klemm) / A HOUSE LOVE MADE FOR YOU AND ME (Eric Coates). Piano acc. Alderson Mowbray. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2413. 10” Yellow Metrolite MGM 30328. LITTLE HOUSE O’ DREAMS / THE HILLS OF KERRY (both Oley Speaks). A few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $8.00. JANET SPENCER [c] 1485. 10” White lbl. Vla 64200. THE MOON DROPS LOW [from American Indian Songs] (Cadman). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 227 MARGARET SPEAKS VOCAL 78 rpm Discs D. T. SPRISHEVSKAYA [s] 1770. 10” Red Orth. Vla 4098. MAZEPPA: Maria’s Lullaby / IOLANTHE: Iolanthe’s Aria (both Tschaikowsky). Just about 1-2. $15.00. MARIANO STABILE [t] 3793. 12” Late PoW Dk. Columbia GQX 16502 [WBX212/WBX220]. ANDREA CHÉNIER: Un dì m’era di gioia / BIANCA SCACCIATI [s]. ANDREA CHÉNIER: La mamma morta (Giordano). Nice press-ing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. ELEANOR STEBER [s] 3345. 12” PW (silver print) Vr 18088. CHÈRE NUIT (Bachelet) / CHANSON TRISTE (Duparc). Piano acc. James Quillian. What beautiful performances! Just about 1-2. $8.00. SUZANNE STEN [ms]. Eberswalde, 1908-New York, 1995. Sten studied in Berlin and made her debut in Breslau, 1930, as Azucena in Il Trovatore. She was also a member of the Deutsches Theatre in Prague. As Sten was Jewish, her career in Germany ended in 1933 for all practical purposes, but she remained there and continued singing with the Theater des Jüdischen Kulturbundes in Berlin from 1935-1938. In 1938 she emigrated to the U.S. and found work MARIANO STABILE immediately on the radio and in concert. She made her operatic debut with the San Francisco Opera in 1940 as Amneris and sang elsewhere in the U.S. in opera and concert. Following the War she appeared at the Vienna Staatsoper and later taught at Juilliard. She was married to pianist Leo Taubman. 2074. 10” Blue Microphone Columbia 17264-D [co25748-1/wco26893-2]. AUF FLÜGELN DES GESANGES / SULEIKA (both Mendelssohn). Piano acc. Leo Taubman. Small lbl. stkr. Just about 1-2. $8.00. HORACE STEVENS [bs] 3838. 12” Blue acous. British Vocalion K-05186 [03934/03935]. A VOICE BY THE CEDAR TREE / O THAT ‘TWERE POSSIBLE; O LET THE SOLID GROUND; GO NOT, HAPPY DAY (all A. Somervell). Piano acc. Stanley Chapple. Scarce. Very fine copy. Cons. 2. $15.00. EBE STIGNANI [ms] 2954. 12” PW Blue Eng. Columbia D18030 [WBX127/WBX122]. LA GIOCONDA: L’amo come il fulgor / LA GIOCONDA: A te questo rosario (Ponchielli). Both with GIANNA ARANGI-LOMBARDI [s]. Side two also with GIUSEPPE NESSI [t], ARISTIDE BARACCHI [b]. Just about 1-2. $12.00. ROSINA STORCHIO [s] 9319. 11” Red ‘30s Odeon HRS 1018 [XPh1501/XPh1513]. LINDA DI CHAMOUNIX: O luce di quest’anima (Donizetti) / EUGENIO GIRALDONI [b]. OTELLO: Era la notte (Verdi). Excellent pressing from orig. Fonotipia matrices. Just about 1-2. $30.00. RICCARDO STRACCIARI [b]. 9506. 11” Fonotipia 92426/92427 [XPh3759/XPh3758-2]. LA GIOCONDA: Pescator, affonda l’esca / LA SCALA CHORUS. LA GIOCONDA: Feste e pane (Ponchielli). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1936. 10” TC Columbia 79701 [take 2]. MATTINATA (Tosti). Excellent laminated pressing. IMs. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 228 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2019. 10” Purple acous. Columbia 4009-M [A1864/A1879]. ANDREA CHÉNIER: Son sessant’ anni (Giordano) / TOSCA: Già mi dicon venal (Puccini). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2867. 10” Purple acous. Columbia 4009-M [A1864/A1879]. Same as preceding listing (item #1151). Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $12.00. 1766. 10” Purple acous. Columbia 4028-M [A1922/A1926]. DAMNATION DE FAUST: Canzone della pulce / DAMNATION DE FAUST: Su queste rose (Berlioz). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1215. 10” Purple Viva-Tonal Columbia 4901-M [WB-1529/WB-1530]. PAGLIACCI: Prologo (Leoncavallo). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 1958. 10” Purple acous. Eng. Columbia X324 [A1889/A1890]. DAMNATION DE FAUST: Serenata (Berlioz) / TANNHÄUSER: Allor che tu (Wagner). Side one cons. 2. Side two one MGT, gen. 2. $10.00. 2029. 10” Purple acous. Eng. Columbia X332 [A1901/A1903]. OTELLO: Brindisi / OTELLO: Sogno (Verdi). Few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $12.00. 2018. 10” Purple acous. Eng. Columbia X333 [A1922/A1926]. DAMNATION DE FAUST: Canzone della pulce / DAMRICCARDO STRACCIARI NATION DE FAUST: Su queste rose (Berlioz). Few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $12.00. 4036. 12” Maroon PW Parl.-Odeon PXO 90 [XXPh3369/XXPh3840]. ZAZÀ: Zazà, piccola zingara (Leoncavallo)./ MARIO SAMMARCO [b]. RIGOLETTO: Pari siamo (Verdi) Side one conducted by the composer. Couple tiny rubs side one, otherwise just about 1-2. $12.00. 3730. 12” Purple acous. Columbia 9010-M [49922-2/49734-1/49922-2]. IL TROVATORE: Mira, di acerbe lagrime … Vivrà, contende il giubilo With ROSA PONSELLE [s] / PONSELLE [s], CHARLES HACKETT [t]. AIDA: O terra addio. Very lt. superficial rubs, 2. $20.00. 3927. 12” Purple acous. Columbia 9010-M [49734-1/49922-2]. Same as preceding listing. Lbl. stkr. side one. Cons. 2. $15.00. 2915. 12” Purple acous. Columbia 9023-M [AX960/AX981]. TANNHÄUSER: O tu bel’ astro (Wagner) / AGNUS DEI (Bizet). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3567. 12” Purple Viva-Tonal Columbia 9905-M [WBX152/WBX153]. ERNANI: O sommo Carlo (Verdi) / TOSCA: Te Deum (Puccini). Few lt. rubs, 2. $7.00. JANET LOUISE STEVENSON [s] 1644. 10” EE Purple Personal 302-2. DIE TOTE STADT: Marietta’s Lute Song (Korngold). Piano acc. Lois Townsley Brown. The company name is “Personal”, made by the Electric Recording Laboratories, New York City, from the sound I would guess around 1925. Title and artist information penned in. 3. $8.00. WILHELM STRIENZ [bs-b]. Some scarce issues, all in excellent condition. 1594. 10” Plum PW Electrola EG 3445 [ORA612-3/ORA689-1]. LACRIMAE CHRISTE (Bohm) / DER SCHLISISCHE ZECHER (Reissiger). Piano acc. Bruno SeidlerWinkler. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2022. 10” Plum PW Electrola EG 3430 [ORA702-2/ORA703-2]. DEUTSCH SEIN, HEISST TREU SEIN (Palm) / FLIEG, DEUTSCHE FAHNE, FLIEG (Steiner). Cons. 2. $12.00. 2155. 10” Plum PW Electrola EG 6821 [ORA3870-1/ORA3871-1]. STERNELIED (Kneip) / SING MIR DAS LIED NOCH EINMAL (Strecker). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 229 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2156. 10” Plum PW Electrola EG 7035 [ORA4325-2/ORA4328-2]. MATROSENLIED (Niel) / VATER, ICH RUFE DICH (Himmel). Cons. 2. $12.00. 2108. 10” Plum PW Electrola EG 7114 [ORA4464-2/ORA4583-1]. WENN DIE BARKASSEN (Behr) / ANTJE, MEIN BLONDES KIND (Niel). Cons. 2. $12.00. 2021. 10” Plum PW Electrola EG 7158 [ORA4904-2/ORA4903-2]. TAPFARE, KLEINE SOLDATANFRAU (Strässer) / SOLDAT IN POLEN (Klingsporn). Orch. and Chorus dir. Bruno Seidler-Winkler. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 3000. 12” Red Wartime Electrola DB 5563 [2RA4462-2/2RA4461-2]. LIFE FOR THE TSAR: Reit. und Arie des Iwan Sussanin (Glinka) / HELGE ROSWAENGE [t]. LIFE FOR THE TSAR: Brüder, folgt mir (Glinka). Rare issue, quickly discontinued during WW II when Germany broke their treaty with Russia. Just about 1-2. $75.00. GRETE STÜCKGOLD [s] 2440. 10” acous. Vox 2007 [2007B/ 2008B]. IRISH SLUMBER SONG (E. Newton) / A SPRING SONG (F. Levin). Piano acc. Both in English. Just about 12. $25.00. 3802. 12” acous. Blk. No-Dog Gramo-phone 65596 [353as/354as]. ICH GING MIT LUST DURCH EINEN GRÜNEN WALD (Mahler) / MOR-GEN (Strauss). Side one few lt. mks. and lbl. rubs, 2. Side two one long rub mark (harmless), few other lt. mks., 2-3. $12.00. ELISA STÜNZER [s] 1793. 10” EE Blue Polydor 90011 [495bf/ 496bf]. THERESE (Brahms) / VERSCHWIE-GENE LIEBE (Wolf). Piano acc. Joh. Heidenreich. Few lt. rubs. 2. $10.00. ELSIE SUDDABY [s]. Leeds, 1893- Radlett, Herts., 1980. Suddaby studied voice with Sir Edward Bairstow and made her concert debut in London, 1917. She soon became a celebrated concert and oratorio artist, appearing throughout the U.K. and in the Netherlands. Her career continued into the 1950s. GRETE STÜCKGOLD 3482. 12” PW Plum HMV C.1742 [Cc12025-IIIA/Cc16987-1A]. MESSIAH: Rejoice greatly / ACIS AND GALATEA: As when the dove (both Händel). Just about 1-2. $10.00. MARIE SUNDELIUS [s] 2117. 10” Blue Aeolian-Vocalion 30104 [5740]. AVE MARIA (Bach-Gounod). Lt. rubs, 2. $8.00. 3265. 12” Gold Vertical Aeolian-Vocalion 54018 [1438]. ÉLÉGIE (Massenet). Very scarce, as are all vertical Vocalions. Few MGTs, lt. rubs, 2-3. $12.00. 3186. 12” Brown Shellac Vocalion 70025 [6573?/8205]. LA BOHÈME: Mi chiamano Mimì (Puccini) / LOHENGRIN: Elsa’s Dream (Wagner). One rub side two, otherwise just about 1-2. $12.00. CONCHITA SUPERVIA [ms] 1092. 10” Maroon PW Parl.-Odeon RO 20154 [So4908/KI-4398-2]. LA FARRUGA (Turina) / CLAVELITOS (Valverde). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1302. 10” Maroon Parl.-Odeon RO 20165 [So6059/KI-4399-3]. LAS HIJAS DEL ZEBEDEO: Carceleras (Chapi) / AY-AY-AY (Osman Perez-Freire). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1226. 10” Blue Odeon M6060 [Pho6453/Pho6454]. IL GALLO / PREGHIERA DELLA SERA (Gennai). Charming children’s songs with spoken introductions by Supervia. Conducted by the composer. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 4200. 10” Blue Odeon M6061 [Pho6451-2/Pho6459]. FILASTROCCA DELL’ASINO / LA SCARPETTA E LA NEVE (Gennai). More children’s songs with spoken introductions by Supervia. Conducted by the composer. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 230 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 1413. 10” Blue Odeon M6063 [Pho6042-2/ Pho6043]. LA ZINGARELLA (Paisiello) / SE TU M’AMI (Pergolesi). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 1404. 10” PW Red French Odeon 188.809 [KI-4397/KI-4398-2]. EL RELICARIO (Padilla) / LAGARTERANAS (Guerriero). Minor rub side one, otherwise just about 1-2. $15.00. 1099. 10” Red Decca P-G-20464 [So7717/ So7725]. EL PAÑUELO DE LUNARES: Canción Andaluza (Alonzo) / BÉSAME [HABANERA] (Godes). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2299. 10” White lbl. SS Parlophon-Odeon RO 20186 [LO 3003-1]. SHOULD HE UPBRAID (Bishop). Piano acc. Ivor Newton. Slightly raised coin-sized area (should be harmless). Otherwise just about 1-2. $8.00. 2842. 12” Red PW French Odeon 123694 [XXS4618/XXS4619]. FIOR DE ESPAÑA / EL NIÑO JUDIO (both Luna). Small lbl. stkrs., just about 1-2. $20.00. ISABELLA SVICHER [s] Firenze, c. 1865- ? . Active in Italy from her 1885 debut CONCHITA SUPERVIA in her home city into the early 1900s, Svicher sang the major coloratura heroines in operas such as Lakmé, Lucia, Rigoletto, La Sonnambula and I Puritani. She appeared at the Berlin Kroll Oper (1889), in South America, Mexico City and a number of Italian houses including the Teatro dal Verme and the Teatro Lirico in Milan. Her few records (G&T and Pathé, plus the virtually unknown Odeon below) are all rare. 2659. 11” Odeon 99735/97765 [XP ? / ? ]. IL BACIO (Arditi) / MARGUERITE HERLEROY [s]. BERGER T AVOIX M’APPELLE [Thème varié] (Saint-Saëns). Rare. Couple grey grooves end side one, otherwise cons. 2. Side two tiny internal scr. causes five or six isolated ticks. Cons. 2. $250.00. GLADYS SWARTHOUT [ms] 4197. 12” Acetate 33 1/3 cut inside-out. AIDA: Ritorna vincitor (Verdi). From WABC broadcast 6/7/1942. Same material on both sides. Label signed “To Dick, Always, Gladys”. In spoken announcement, Swarthout mentioned that she had begun her career as a lyric soprano and had sung Aida then. Looks very clean, cons. 2, but apparently transferred from another source which was a bit noisy. $15.00. GIUSEPPE TACCANI [t]. Milano, 1885-1959. A pupil of Lelio Casini, Taccani made his debut as Giordano’s Andrea Chenier in Bologna, 1905. While he never appeared at La Scala, he was heard in most of the major Italian houses as well as in Buenos Aires, Madrid, Barcelona and in New York with the Manhattan Opera. He retired in 1940 and subsequently taught in Milano. 1228. 10” Blk. GP ’08 Vr 52503 [10635b]. HERMES: Miriam fa core (Attilio Parelli). Orch. dir. by the composer. Rare. Nice copy, lt. rubs. 2. $50.00. 1674. 10” Blk. Vr 63394 [10872b/8007b]. JANA: Si dannato morrò (Virgilio) / EMILIA CORSI [s]. PEARL FISHERS: Temer non so per me (Bizet). Side one piano acc. by the composer. Small lbl. stkr. side one. ULCs under lbl. only side two. Otherwise just about 1-2. $30.00. 4044. 12” Blk. Pats. Vr 68304 [1253c/582c]. HERMES: S’io t’amo (Attilio Parelli). With CARMEN MELIS [s] / GIUSEPPINA PICCOLETTI [s]. PEARL FISHERS: Siccome un di (Bizet). Side one conducted by the composer. Side two particularly lovely lyric soprano voice. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $25.00. FERRUCCIO TAGLIAVINI [t] 2964. 12” Orange Cetra 25050 [2-70443/2-70444]. AMICO FRITZ: Duetto delle ciliege (Mascagni). With MAGDA OLIVERO [s]. Two sides. Ideal performance. Excellent late pressing. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 231 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs FRANCESCO TAMAGNO [t] 2206. 10” Red Vla 95006 [3013-R]. IL TROVATORE: Di quella pira (Verdi). VrBk. IMs. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2375. 10” Red Vla 95007 [3014-R]. LE PROPHÈTE: Sopra Berta l’amor mio (Meyerbeer). RCAVrBk. Excellent late ‘30s pressing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. OTTO [HASSELBAUM] TAMINI [t]. 1880 - ? . Son of a German father and Italian mother, Tamini was originally a banker and was supposedly convinced by Lilli Lehmann to seek a career in opera. At that point he adopted his mother’s maiden name, Tamini, as his surname in place of Hasselbaum. He appeared with the Vienna Volksoper and then developed a career in England, appearing in concert under Beecham’s baton. In 1911, Tamini secured his British Certificate of Naturalization. This was revoked in 1918 for “false representations” as to his address. In 1919 he spearheaded a project in Berlin for a huge opera house in which he invested “a large part of his fortune”. What became of this project isn’t known. In the later 1920s he appears to have settled in Laredo, Texas, singing and teaching. 3343. 12” Blk. Dog Gram. Monarch 042189 [2790f]. LOHENGRIN: O Elsa, nur ein Jahr (Wagner). In German. Small lbl. stkr., IMs. Cons. 2. $15.00. 3344. 12” Blk. Dog Gram. Monarch 042190 [2786]. DIE WALKÜRE: Siegmund’s Liebeslied (Wagner). Small lbl. stkr., IMs. Surface just about 1-2. $15.00. JOACHIM V. TARTAKOV [b]. Odessa, 1860- Leningrad, 1923. A student of Camillo Everardi in St. Petersburg, Tartakov began his career in the provinces. At the age of 16 he appeared in concert with no less a pianist than Anton Rubinstein. His operatic debut was in St. Petersburg in 1877 (if the information I have at hand is correct). By 1884 he had gained sucess at the Marinsky Theater, the Kiev Opera and several other houses. He was a friend of, and highly regarded by, Tschaikowsky and incorporated that composer’s major baritone roles and songs into his repertoire. In addition, he was noted as Rigoletto, Rubinstein’s Demon, Tonio in Pagliacci and Germont in La JOACHIM V. TARTAKOV Traviata. After his retirement from opera he continued as a recitalist and teacher. His death was the result of an automobile accident. His few records are among the major Russian rarities. 2611. 10” Blk. Russian Zonophone X-123. BARCAROLLE (Gounod). Earliest form of the Russian Zonophone label. Lovely singing (probably in key of E, about 66 rpm]. A top rarity. Remarkably clean copy. One harmless tiny scr., cons. 2-3. $2000.00. RICHARD TAUBER [t] 2176. 10” Orange U.S. Odeon elec. 10428 [Be5321/Be5329]. ACH, WIE IST’S MÖGLICH DANN / HEIDENRÖSLEIN (Volkslieder). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2247. 10” Orange U.S. Odeon elec. 10431 [Be5322/Be5328]. DU, DU LIEGST MIR IM HERZEN / NUN LEB’ WOHL, DU KLIENE GASSE [IN DER FERNE] (Volkslieder). Few lightest rubs., cons. 2. $8.00. 1617. 10” Purple Viva-Tonal Columbia G-4055-M [BE6493/BE6495]. STILL WIE DIE NACHT (Bohm) / ES MUSS EIN WUNDERBARES SEIN (Liszt). Orch. dir. Ernst Haucke. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1063. 10” Plum Parl.-Odeon RO 20382 [CE8914-2/8915-2]: ROSALIE: Rosalie / ROSALIE: In the Still of the Night (Cole Porter). In English. Delightful performances. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 232 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 1370. 10” Plum Parl.-Odeon RO 20534 [CE11301-3/CE11302-1]. WHITE CHRISTMAS (Irving Berlin) / WHERE THE BLUE BEGINS (ParrDavies). Side two from film Jenny Jones. Charming rendition of Berlin’s perennial Christmas favorite. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1369. 10” Plum Parl.-Odeon RO 20545 [CE11574-1/CE11615-1]. NEVER SAY GOOD- BYE / PEDRO THE FISHERMAN (both Purcell-ParrDavis). From film The Lisbon Story. Side two one of Tauber’s most enjoyable “crossover” records. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2742. 12” acous. Purple U.S. Odeon 5039 [XXB6441/XXB6847]. ZUEIGNUNG (Strauss) / ÉLÉGIE (Massenet). Piano acc. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3018. 12” acous. Brown Odeon O-8035 [XXB6490-2/XXB-6491]. DICHTERLIEBE: In wunderschönen Monat Mai; Aus meinen Tränen sprießen; Die Rose, die Lille, die Taube / DICHTERLIEBE: Wenn ich in deine Augen; Ich grolle nicht (Schmann). Piano acc. Small lbl. stkrs. Excellent surfaces. Couple lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. RICHARD TAUBER 3086. 12” acous. Brown Odeon O-8037 [XXB6839/XXB6840]. FRÜHLING ZOG EIN (Carl Beines) / IST KÜSSE DEINE LIPPEN (Maurice Rudolph). Piano acc. Dr. Carl Besl. Excellent pressing. Two MGTs, just about 1-2. $15.00. 3006. 12” acous. Brown Odeon O-8039 [XXB6963/XXB6966]. DIE PRINZESSIN / ICH LIEBE DICH (both Grieg). Piano acc. Dr. Carl Besl. Excellent surface material. Few minor mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 2898. 12” acous. Brown Odeon O-8069 [XXB6914/XXB6915]. A NIGHT IN VENICE: Sei mir gegrüßt, du holdes Venezia / A NIGHT IN VENICE: Treu sein, das liegt mir nicht (J. Strauss). Orch. dir. Erich Wolfgang Korngold. Lbl. stkrs. Cons. 2. $15.00. 3803. 12” acous. Brown Odeon O-8211 [XXB7147-II/XXB7153]. HEIMLICHE AUFFORDERUNG / STÄNDCHEN (Strauss). Side one piano acc. Clemens Schmalstich. Side two with orch. One tiny pimple side one, few lt. rubs. 2. $15.00. 2749. 12” acous. Brown Odeon O-8230 [XXB6549/XXB6550]. DER ROSENKAVALIER: Arie das Sängers (Strauss) / DIE WALKÜRE: Liebeslied (Wagner). Side one in Italian. Beautiful glassy surface. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 2780. 12” PW Brown elec. Odeon O-8307 [XXB7639/XXB7630]. DER ZAREWITSCH: Warum hat jeder Frühling / DER ZAREWITSCH: Hab’ nur dich allein (Lehár). Both with CARLOTTA VANCONTI-TAUBER [s]. Small lbl. stkrs., just about 1-2. $15.00. 2783. 12” PW Brown elec. Odeon O-8308 [XXB7631/XXB7632]. MARISKA: Lied und Czardas (Lehár) / DIE ZIRKUSPRINZESSIN: Zwei Märchenaugen (Kálmán). Incorrect lbl. side one. Small lbl. stkrs., just about 1-2. $15.00. 2746. 12” PW Brown elec. Odeon O-8365 [XXB8100/XXB8103]. TIEFLAND: Traumerzählung / TIEFLAND: Wolfserzählung (d’Albert). Small lbl. stkrs. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2781. 12” PW Brown elec. Odeon O-8380 [XXB8131/XXB8132]. DIE ROSE VON STAMBUL: Ein Waltzer muß es sein (Fall) / DAS DREIMÄDERLHAUS: Was macht glücklich (Schubert). Both with CARLOTTA VANCONTI [s]. Small lbl. stkrs. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 233 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 3001. 12” PoW Odeon O-8815 [XXB8111-3/XXB8206]. FREDERICKE: O Mädchen, o Mädchen / ZIGEUNERLIEBE: Es liegt in blauen Fernen (both Lehár). Side two with VERA SCHWARZ [s]. Very attractive duet. Scarce. Small lbl. stkr. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 2996. 12” Blk. & Gold acous. Odeon O-9016 [XXB6737/XXB6844]. TOSCA: Recondita armonia / TOSCA: E lucevan le stelle (Puccini). In German. Excellent late glassy surface. Few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $15.00. 2732. 12” Red Odeon elec. O-9174 [XXB7133/XXB8133/XXB8134]. DER RASTELBINDER: Wenn zwei sich lieben (Lehár) / DER ZIGEUNERBARON: We runs getraut (Strauss). Both with CARLOTTA VANCONTI [s]. Excellent pressing. Just about 12. $12.00. 2957. 12” Red PW acous. French Odeon 123559 [XXB6738/XXB6842]. MAGIC FLUTE: Dies Bildness (Mozart) / CARMEN: Air de la fleur (Bizet). In German. Excellent pressing. Just about 1-2. $15.00. ALFREDO [ALFIO] TEDESCHI [t]. San Fratello, Messina 1882- Milan 1967. Tedeschi (Tedesco in the Met Annals) made his debut in Asti, 1902, as Elvino in La Sonnambula. For the next twenty years he appeared in leading lyric tenor roles in many of Italy’s provincial theaters. In 1923 he made his La Scala debut as Arturo in Lucia. He also sang at the Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires, appearing in 1928 as the Fisherman in the house premiere of Stravinsky’s Le Rossignol. His North American debut was at the Met in 1926, where he remained through 1935. Principal parts were done there, such as Turiddu, Almaviva and Elvino in La Sonnambula, but most of the 45 roles he sang were comprimario parts. His career continued in Italy until at least 1945. In his final years he resided in the Verdi Casa di Riposo in Milan. 1624. 10” Dk. Blue Beka-Grand 42333/42213. ELISIR D’AMORE: Una furtiva lagrima / IVO ZACCARI [t]. ELISIR D’AMORE: Un sol’ istante (Donizetti). Same aria both sides but different verses. Side one TN, small lbl. stkr., 2-3. Side two couple lt. scrs. (should be superficial), 3. $10.00. LAURE TESSANDRA [c] 3805. 12” Red PW Odeon 123027 [XXP7043-2/XXP7044-1]. AIDA: Pour render ta sentence[Act IV] (Verdi). Two sides. With RENÉ VERDIÈRE [t]. Orch. dir. Henri Defosse. Just about 1-2. $12.00. LUISA TETRAZZINI giving a lunchtime concert for HMV factory workers, 1920 LUISA TETRAZZINI [s]. Firenze, 1871-1940. Tetrazzini’s career, which began in Firenze, 1890, included great success in South America, Russia and the Western U.S. It wasn’t until her 1907 Covent Garden debut (as Violetta in La Traviata) that she became an “overnight sensation”. A debut with Hammerstein’s Manhattan Opera and a recording contract with the Gramophone Company followed, and these records plus those made for Victor fairly soon after made her a household name. She had also recorded five sides for Zonophone in San Francisco, 1904. Her operatic career ended in 1913, but she continued appearing in concerts through 1934. 2686. 12” White (shellac) HMV mat. Ho552c. FAUST: Aria dei gioielli (Gounod). Unpublished, except for vinyl Historic Masters HMB 23. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $35.00. 234 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2751. 12” White vinyl HMV 053225 [3079f]. CARNEVALE DI VENEZIA [Part I] (Benedict). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3073. 12” Blue Opera Disc 76726 (2-053059) [Ac5164f]. LA TRAVIATA: Ah, fors’ è lui (Verdi). As new (just to remind readers that’s what the grading indicates). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3744. 12” Red Vr 88292. CARNIVAL OF VENICE, Part 2 (Benedict). Such a beautiful copy! Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3141. 12” Red Pats. “B” plate Vla 88298 [2175f]. DINORAH: Ombra leggiera (Meyerbeer). Text label on verso. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 4040. 12” Red Pats. Vla 88301. BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Una voce poco fa … Io sono docile (Rossini). Text label on verso. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3449. 12” Red Vr 88349. THE SWALLOWS (Cowen). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3370. 12” Red Vr 88504. I VESPRI SICILIANI: Mercè, dilette amiche (Verdi). Very lt. rubbing, gen. 2. $7.00. 2978. 12” PW Silver Vla IRCC 26 [C-11447/5145f].. RIGOLETTO: Quartet (Verdi). With JOSEPHINE JACOBY [c], ENRICO CARUSO [t], PASQUALE AMATO [b] / EMMY DESTINN [s], LOUISE KIRKBY LUNN [c]. AIDA: Ebben, qual nuovo fremito (Verdi). Side one first U.S. edition. Just about 1-2. $30.00. 2983. 12” PW Silver Vla IRCC 27 [Ac5166f/Ac5170f]. LAKMÉ: Candida Durga (Delibes) / AIDA: Ritorna vincitor (Verdi). She really did sing Aida in her early days. Label autographed by Tetrazzini. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 3755. 12” PW Scroll “Z”-type shellac Vr 7883 [2B5032-I/2B5033-I]. BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Una voce poco fa (Rossini) / RIGOLETTO: Caro nome (Verdi). Superimposed electrically recorded orchestra dir. Lawrance Collingwood. Tetrazzini was the only singer other than Caruso who was accorded this “honor” (if that’s the right word). This annoyed Ruffo, who asked Victor why his acoustic records weren’t likewise being restored. Just about 1-2. $8.00. MAGGIE TEYTE [s] 2461. 10” Tey Tone (shellac) No. 8 [PRLB]. SLUMBER SONG (Frank White). With string quartet and piano: Pouquet, Hugo Rignold [vlns], Wise, Anthony Pini [cello], Richards. Likely recorded around 1934. Probably some sort of vanity issue, perhaps for the composer? Much more talent at work here than the music deserves. 2-3. $25.00. CONRAD THIBAULT [b] 2289. 10” Red “Z” shellac Vr 1677. PLAISIR D’AMOUR (Martini) / NOVEMBRE (Tremisot). Piano acc. Martha Halbwachs. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3131. 12” Red “Z” type shellac Vr 11830. GYPSY JOHN (Clay); MY HEART’S IN THE HIGHLANDS (Courtney); THE MEETING OF THE WATERS (Irish Folk Song); SALUTE TO THE KING (Johnstone) / PASSING BY (Purcell); TWO DARK EYES (Franz); MARY OF ARGYLE (Nelson). Piano acc. Myrtle C. Eaver. Just about 1-2. $10.00. GEORGES THILL [t] 1018. 10” Blk. Viva-Tonal Columbia 2685-D [WL434-1/WL674-1]. WERTHER: J’aurais su ma poitrine (Massenet) / PAGLIACCI: Vesti la giubba (Leoncavallo). In French. Looks fresh from the press. Just about 1-2. $12.00. GEORGES THILL 1060. 10” Blue PW Fr. Columbia 7015 [WL704/WL705]. LES ANES DU CAIRE (Nerini) / DANS LA FORÊT (de Fay]. Piano acc. Georges Van Parys. Uncommon. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 235 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 4058. 12” Green Viva-Tonal Columbia 52064-X [WBX495/WBX497]. ANDREA CHENIER: Improvviso (Giordano) / TURANDOT: Nessun dorma (Puccini). In Italian. Gleaming copy. Just about 1-2. $30.00. 3790. 12” Blue French Col. LFX 336 [CLX1735-2/CLX1747-1]. SADKO: Chant Indoue (Rimsky-Korsakov) / LE ROI DES AULINES [DER ERLKÖNIG] (Schubert). In this performance, the phrases quoting the father and the child are sung by other voices: HENRI-BERTRAND ETCHEVERRY [bs] and CLAUDE PASCAL [boy soprano]. Orch. dir. Eugène Bigot. Just about 1-2. $15.00. JOHN CHARLES THOMAS listening to his voice on a Vocalion Phonograph. The cord extending from the machine to his hand (named a “Graduola”) controls the volume JOHN CHARLES THOMAS [b] 1714. 10” Brown Shellac Aeolian-Vocalion 20001 [5960]. APPLE BLOSSOMS: Little Girls, Good-Bye (Jacobi-Kreisler). 2. $7.00. 1916. 10” Brown Shellac Vocalion 30133 [7734]. TOMMY LAD (Margetson). Cons. 2. $7.00. 2490. 10” Red Shellac Vocalion 30135 [7736]. ON THE ROAD TO MANDALAY (Speaks). Label signed by Thomas. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 1096. 10” Gold elec. Brunswick 15166. NOCTURNE (Curran) / MY MESSAGE (d’Hardelot). Label signed by Thomas. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 1461. 10” Gold elec. Brunswick 15167. DUNA (McGill) / THE FORTUNE TELLER: Gypsy Love Song (Herbert). Label signed by Thomas. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 1744. 10” Red “Z” shellac Vr 1525. TREES (Rasbach) / HOME ON THE RANGE (Guion). Few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $8.00. 1106. 10” Red PW Vr 2054. SING A SONG OF SIXPENCE (Malotte) / COMUS: Preach Me Not Your Musty Rules (Arne); A LITTLE SONG OF LIFE (Malotte). Piano acc. Carroll Hollister. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 4050. 12” Brown SS Shellac Vocalion 52024 [8109]. I PAGLIACCI: Prologo (Leoncavallo). Cons. 2. $8.00. 2729. 12” Brown Shellac Vocalion 70019 [7671/8956]. ELIJAH: It is Enough (Mendelssohn) / THE HOLY CITY (Adams). Couple small rubs side two, otherwise just about 1-2. $12.00. 4171. 12” Gold acous. Brunswick 50071. BALLO IN MASCHERA: Eri tu (Verdi) / HÉRODIADE: Vision fugitive (Massenet). Cons. 2. $10.00. 236 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 3929. 12” Blue acous. PW Polydor 595019 [matrices of Bruns. 50071]. HÉRODIADE: Vision fugitive (Massenet) / BALLO IN MASCHERA: Eri tu (Verdi). Erroneously identified on the label as an electric recording [electro Polyfar]. Excellent pressing, just about 1-2. $15.00. 3187. 12” Red PoW Vr 11-8568. CHANSON TRISTE (Duparc) / NON È VER (Mattei). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 4039. 12” Blk. vinyl Vr mat. PCS-072012-1. E’EN AS A LOVELY FLOWER (Frank Bridge). Piano acc. 1942 recording. Unpublished. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3747. 12” White lbl. vinyl Westinghouse SS Unnumbered (matrix HD4-MC-7135-2). THE LORD’S PRAYER (Malotte). With orch. and chorus. Limited edition of 200. Label signed by Thomas. Reverse RCAVrBk. Superficial scuffs, gen. 3. $12.00. MOSTYN THOMAS [b]. Blaina, Wales, 1896-1984. Originally Thomas James Thomas, Mostyn worked as a youth in the coal mines. His voice was discovered at the Ammanford Eisteddfod, and the Blaina community raised money to send him to Italy for musical studies. His debut was as Tonio in Pagliacci at the San Carlo, Naples, in 1929. In addition he was successful at Covent Garden and the Milan Teatro dal Verme, but he chose to move to the U.S. Here he toured with the San Carlo Opera for many seasons and appeared with a number of other companies as well, such as the Steel Pier Opera in Atlantic City, NJ. He married a millionairess widow, and they resided in Hollywood for a period next door to actress Jane Russell. His career continued into the 1950s, and it was consistently marked with excellent reviews for both his singing and acting. His few records, made early in his career, are scarce. 3360. 12” Dark PW Columbia DX 234 [WAX5888/WAX5889]. FRIEND! (Davies) / THE THREE COMRADES (Hermann). Few MGTs side one, cons. 2. $20.00. KERSTIN THORBORG [c] 2477. 10” Blk. PW Odeon O-11971 [Be10380/Be10383]. ORFEO: Ach, ich habe sie verloren (Gluck) / SAMSON ET DALILA: Sieh’ mein Herz (Saint-Saëns). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2936. 12” Red PW (gold print) Vr 16969. SAPPHIC ODE, Op. 94, No. 4 (Brahms); WEYLA’S SONG (Wolf) / HARK, HARK, THE LARK (Schubert). Piano acc. Leo Rosenek. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2735. 12” Red RCA Vr 11-9022. HERBSTLIED; SONNTAGSMORGEN / WASSERFAHRT; LIED AUS RUY BLAS (all Mendelssohn). Both with HULDA LASHANSKA [s]. Piano acc. George Schick. Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $8.00. EDNA THORNTON [c] 2754. 12” Blk. acous. HMV D.120 [Ho3364af/Ho3366af]. IL TROVATORE: Perigliarti ancor / IL TROVATORE: Ai nostril monti (Verdi). In English. With WALTER HYDE [t]. Side one lt. rubs, 2-3. Side two 2. $8.00. LAWRENCE TIBBETT [b] 2290. 10” Red “Z” shellac Vr 1238. DRINK TO ME ONLY WITH THINE EYES (Jonson) / BELIEVE ME IF ALL THOSE ENDEARING YOUNG CHARMS (Moore). Lt. rubs, cons. 2. $7.00. 3749. 12” Blk. Vitrolac (vinyl) Victor white lbl. CVE-51116-3. TOSCA: Te Deum (Puccini). Takes 2 and 4 were issued, but apparently not this take. Just about 1-2. $40.00. 4174. 12” Red Scroll “Z” shellac Vr 6587 [takes 3/2]. PAGLIACCI: Prologo (Leoncavallo). Two sides. Superb pressing. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 3830. 12” Red Scroll “Z” shellac Vr 8124 [takes 2/5]. TOSCA: Te Deum (Puccini) / CARMEN: Chanson du Toréador (Bizet). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 3762. 12” Red (gold print) PW Vr 15642. SIMON BOCCANEGRA: Dinne alcun là non vedesti (Verdi) / SIMON BOCCANEGRA: Plebe, patrisi (Verdi). Both sides with ROSE BAMPTON [s]. Side two also with GIOVANNI MARTINELLI [t], LEONARD WARREN [b], ROBERTS NICHOLSON [b]. Mint. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 4191. 12” SS Blue Private Pressing “For My Friends” (see label photos). PAGLIACCI: Vesti la giubba (Leoncavallo). Orch. dir. Alfred Newman. Center start. Pressing No. 1. Pressed from original stamper, Wax No. 1378-10 for the 20th Century Fox film Metropolitan (1935). Unused take? Label signed by Tibbett. One mark, cons. 2. $50.00. 4192. 12” SS Blue Private Pressing “For My Friends”. PAGLIACCI: Prologo (Leoncavallo). Orch. dir. Alfred Newman. Center start. Pressing No 1. Pressed from original stamper,Wax No. 1378-7 for the 20th Century Fox film Metropolitan (1935). Unused take? Label signed by Tibbett. Just about 1-2. $50.00. 237 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 4193. 12” SS Blue Private Pressing “For My Friends”. LAST NIGHT WHEN WE WERE YOUNG (Harburg-Arlen). With CARROLL WEISKOPF [s] (not mentioned on label). Center start. Pressing No 1. Pressed from original stamper, Wax No. 1378-41 for the 20th Century Fox film Metropolitan (1935). Despite having been written for the film, this song was cut from the final film version. Label signed by Tibbett. Clean, but lightest wear last few grooves. 2. $50.00. MARIE TIFFANY [s]. Chicago, 1880-New York, 1948. Born Marie Berg of Norwegian parentage, Tiffany married court reporter Willis N. Tiffany in 1900 and resided with him for 16 years in California, where she was a soloist at the First Presbyterian Church of Pasadena. In 1916 she moved to New York City to advance her career, where she soon became a member of the Metropolitan Opera from 1916 through 1928, singing mainly comprimario roles. She was in a number of Met premieres including Puccini’s Il Trittico in 1918, appearing in roles in all three operas. In addition, she and Mr. Tiffany divorced in 1922, and she then married William A. Brophy, an investment banker and director of the Brunswick Company. Tiffany recorded for Victor (trials, 1918), Edison (1918), Okeh (vertical, 1919) and Brunswick (1920-30). 1438. 10” Gold elec. Brunswick 15197. LITTLE GREY HOME IN THE WEST (Löhr) / PALE MOON (Logan). Side one with Fredric Fradkin [vln]. Just about 1-2. $12.00. BERGLJOT AALRUD TILLISCH [c]. Mrs. Tillisch was an active concert singer in the midWestern U.S. Norwegian communities. She was well received as this 1914 concert review indicates: “Mme. Aalrud Tillisch has a voice of exceptional beauty, pure, mellow, and appealing; she is toneperfect and her enunciation so distinct that every syllable is clearly heard. She possesses the art of singing to the heart of her listener (not only to the ear), and with little or none of the usual dramatic posturing and gesticulation she puts her very soul into the song until she seems to be a living and component part of the song itself. From beginning to end her every note struck responsive chords in the audience, and her concert cannot but linger long in the memory of all who heard her. We have heard many singers, even the most famous, but none have impressed us more, or sung themselves so thoroughly into our hearts. The entire program can be likened to a beautiful string of perfect pearls.” 2468. 10” Blk. acous. Vr 63618. AA, OLA, OLA, MIN EIGEN ONGE (Vegaardsheien) / ASTRI! MI ASTRI (Hanson). 2. $12.00. YVES TINAYRE [t] 3072. 12” Blk. acous. Disque Gram. W623 [CL181-II/CL182-II]. ROBERT LE DIABLE: Ah! honnête homme! / ROBERT LE DIABLE: Le bonheur est dans l’inconstance (Meyerbeer). Both with PAUL PAYAN [bs]. Couple MGTs side two, cons. 2. $15.00. ARMAND TOKATYAN [t]. Ploodiv, Bulgaria, 1894-Pasadena, CA, 1960. Born Tocatlian, his last name was modified, “at the request of his Impresario”. [It didn’t help me much, for I originally pronounced it “To-ka-TY-an” instead of “To-KAT-yan”]. He was raised in Egypt where “he sang in cafés to favorable response.”. In his later teenage years, he was sent to Paris by his father, supposedly to apprentice in the tailoring business. Instead he performed in various Parisian Left Bank locations, mostly as a popular and folk singer. Returning to Egypt, he became a star in operetta. He began serious vocal studies in Milano, 1919, and was ready for his debut there as Des Grieux in Massenet’s Manon. This was followed with touring as a leading tenor in Antonio Scotti’s U.S. touring opera company. Tokatyan first sang at the Metropolitan Opera in 1923, and he remained a leading lyric tenor with that company until 1946. In 1940 he was Canio in the first opera (first act only) telecast from the Met. During his career he also appeared in a number of European houses, including the Berlin Staatsoper, London’s Covent Garden and the Prague Opera. He taught in later years, one of his pupils having been mezzo-soprano Grace Bumbry. 3839. 12” Red Shellac Vocalion 70008 [12163/12186]. FAUST: Salut, demeure (Gounod) / MANON: Ah! Fuyez, douce image (Massenet). Few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $15.00. 3438. 12” Red Orth. Vla 7183. ANDREA CHÉNIER: Un dì all’ azzurro spazio (Giordano) / FANCIULLA DEL WEST: Ch’ella mi creda (Puccini). Just about 1-2. $10.00. RHEA TONIOLO [ms]. Perugia 1892 - Milano 1974. Her debut appears to have been in 1918 at the Politeama in Monza as Leonora in La Favorita and her farewell likely as Amneris at the Teatro Verdi in Fiume. During the interim she appeared in principal roles with many smaller Italian companies, in the Netherlands and at various points from 1923 to 1927 in the U.S. Here she appeared with traveling companies in a number of cities. One review posted in Musical America, 1925, mentioned that her singing in Boston as Carmen, “was admirable and fully merited the applause bestowed upon it. Histrionically, she was less convincing. She had the misfortune to fall on the stage during the second act, but was undismayed by the contretemps and continued as though nothing had happened.” 4046. 12” Pink acous. Parlophon P.1605 [2-6488/2-5944]. LA GIOCONDA: Vedrem fra poco tramontar (Ponchielli). With ANTONIO CORTIS [t] / COSTA MILONA [t]. LA BOHÈME: Ebben no, non lo son (Puccini). Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $20.00. 238 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs FANÝ TORRESELLA [s]. Tiflis, 1856-Rome, 1914. A pupil of her father, choral director Antonio Torresella, Fany made her debut in Trieste in 1876. The next twenty-eight years she appeared internationally as a leading coloratura, singing roles such as Elvira (in I Puritani), Lucia, Lakmé, Marguerite de Valois in Les Huguenots and Philine in Mignon. She also was noted in lyric repertoire, particularly in then contemporary operas such as Puccini’s La Boheme and Le Villi, Mascagni’s Le Maschere (which she premiered in Turin, 1901), Leoncavallo’s I Medici and Massenet’s Cendrillon. She made her farewell to opera in 1904 as Gilda to Ruffo’s Rigoletto, although she appeared in concerts for several more seasons. Conductor Tullio Serafin stated that the three greatest soprano voices he heard in his life were those of Rosa Ponselle, Maria Callas and Faný Torresella. 2649. 10” Dark Blue Disco Reale (Zonofono) X-482. RIGOLETTO: Caro nome (Verdi). She starts talking immediately after the last note (although I don’t know if what she says can be deciphered). Note that I listed this same copy for a much lower minimum several years ago. It has since returned here with the winning bidder’s collection and was won for considerably more than the present minimum bid. An unknown record, missing the Bayly-Kinnear Zonophone Discography, Bauer and so on. Something hot was pressed in an area of the outer margin not affecting grooves and just touching label. Small orig. lbl. stkr. Greying, 5-6, but (dare I say this?) it plays considerably better than it looks. $2500.00. WILLY TREFFNER [t] 2467. 10” Plum PW HMV EG 6613 [ORA3468-II/ORA3469-I]. DIR NUR GEHÖRT MEIN HERZ (Marischka-Bixio) / SO VERLIEBT WIE HEUT’ WAR ICH NIE (Meilchar). Orch. dir. Bruno Seidler-Winkler. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 4188. 12” Brown Electrola EG 7289 [ORA5819-1/ORA5820-1]. MANINA: Ich such’ im jeder Frau Manina / MANINA: Kurz ist der Mai (Dostal). Lbl. stkrs., IMs, cons. 2. $12.00. GIUSEPPE TRICARICO [t]. Sparanise/Caserta, 1886- ? . The earliest discovered performance by Tricarico was in 1900 as Edgardo in Lucia at the Teatro Bellini in Naples. From then until 1914 appearances were listed in a number of smaller Italian houses in dramatic roles such as Otello, Rhadames, Canio, Manrico and Pollione. He moved to the U.S. in 1914 and performed with companies in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, among other locations, and taught in New York City. What became of him after 1920 hasn’t been traced. He made only a very few sides for Columbia in Italy and one Edison trial cylinder (on Marston CDs). - Internet (Roberto Marcocci). 2321. 10” Green Notes Columbia E2150 [41768-1/41916-1]. OTELLO: Niun mi tema / ICILIO CALLEJA [t]. OTELLO: Ora e per sempre (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $20.00. WILLY TUBIANA [bs] 1835. 10” PW Blk elec. Disque Gram. P-847 [BS3413-II/BV266-II]. LA TRUITE, Op. 32 (Schubert) / PAYSAGE (Hahn). Piano acc. Just about 1-2. $12.00. RICHARD TUCKER [t] 2393. 10” Orange late Columbia 40487 [co53049-1A/co53050-1A]. FAITH ALONE (Secunda-Ziffer) / SOMEONE IS WATCHING (Lopez). Very rare late 78 issue. First I’ve ever seen it. Just about 1-2. $15.00. ALAN TURNER [b] 2470. 10” Blk ’08 Pats. Vr 16006. THE WHITE SQUALL (Barker) / HAROLD JARVIS [t]. STANDARD O’ THE BRAES O’ MAR (Dewar). Uncommon. Just about 1-2. $8.00. EVA TURNER [s] 3786. 12” Blk. Viva-Tonal Columbia 50100-D (WAX3928-2/WX3929-3]. GIOCONDA: Suicidio (Ponchielli) / TOSCA: Vissi d’arte (Puccini). Recorded in Central Hall, Westminster. Orch. dir. Sir Thomas Beecham. Harmless 1” mark (stain?) side two, few lightest mks., cons. 2. $6.00. 239 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs KAMILA UNGROVÁ [s]. Kou im, 1887-Prague, 1972. Having studied in Prague, Ungrová made her debut at the National Theater in 1906. Her repertoire was international in scope, but she was particularly associated with the operas of Smetana, including in 1927 the 1000th performance of The Bartered Bride. She retired in 1928 and subsequently was a noted teacher, following World War II being appointed a professor of the Prague Academy of Musical Art. 1924. 10” Green Zonophone X-103431/X-103432 [5207L/5208L]. THE BARTERED BRIDE: Ten lásky sen / THE BARTERED BRIDE: Aria Ma e ky (Smetana). Cons. 2. $20.00. UMBERTO URBANO [b]. 1640. 10” PW Blk. Electrola EW 55 [Bk3016-II/Bk3017-II]. CANTA PE’ ME (De Curtis) / SERENATA (Tosti). Lt. rubs, cons. 2. $25.00. 2683. 12” Red acous. Polydor 72970 [2171as/2173as]. DINORAH: Sei vendicata assai (Meyerbeer) / ANDREA CHÉNIER: Monologo di Gérard (Giordano). Tiny lbl. stkr., lt. rubs, gen. 2. $40.00. 3319. 12” PW Blk. Electrola EJ 369 [Ck3013-I/Ck3014-II]. I PURITANI: Ah! per sempre / I PURITANI: Bel sogno beato (Bellini). Light area of rubs near rim side two, otherwise cons. 2. $15.00. JACQUES URLUS [t] 4043. 12” PW Silver Vr IRCC 91 [606m/2390c]. FIDELIO: Euch werde Lohn (Beethoven). with MELANIE KURT [s], PAUL KNÜPFER [bs]./ KURT [s]. DIE WALKÜRE: Der Männer Sippe (Wagner) / From orig. 1912/1911 Berlin Gram. matrices. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 3715. 12” Maroon elec. Parl.-Odeon PXO 104 [XXB7046-3/XXB7098-2]. LE CID: O Souverain (Massenet) / LOHENGRIN: In fernem Land (Wagner). One minor rub, otherwise just about 1-2. $35.00. DIMITER UZUNOV [t]. Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 1922-Vienna, 1985. After graduating from the Theological School of Sofia he began vocal studies, first as a baritone and then as a tenor. His debut was as Werther in 1947. In the 1950s and ‘60s he was particularly active, appearing at the Met, Covent Garden, the Paris Opera, the Bolshoi and the Vienna Opera in repertoire such as Florestan, Manrico, Chénier, Calaf, Canio, Rhadames and Otello. He continued singing at Vienna until 1980, toward the end in comprimario roles. 2428. 10” Yellow Supraphon 10317 [81109-OV/81110-OV]. PIQUE DAME: Herman’s 3rd Act Aria (Tschaikowsky) / NIKOLAI GIAUROV [bs]. DEMON: 3rd Act Aria (Rubinstein). In Russian. Cons. 2. $15.00. 2427. 10” Yellow Supraphon 17594 [81105-OV/81107-OV]. PAGLIACCI: Vesti la giubba (Leoncavallo) / CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Mamma, quel vino è generoso (Mascagni). In Italian. Just about 1-2. $15.00. GIUSEPPE VALDENGO [b] 1715. 10” Purple Cetra IT 1176 [51243/51278]. CHITARRA ABRUZZESE (Tosti) / GALLIANO COCCHI [t]. 1916-1986. LA NINNA NANNA DELL’AMORE (Mariotti). 2. $10.00. ALESSANDRO VALENTE [t]. Turin, 1890-London, 1958. Valente was brought to London in 1911 to cover London Hippodrome performances of Cavalleria Rusticana. His first opportunity to sing in public, however, was in variety (vaudeville) at the London Coliseum, where he sang as Alex Vallo. He subsequently toured England with the Castellano Opera Company, but he soon departed from the company and returned to more profitable variety work. After the First World War, Valente became more involved with his talents as a mechanic and inventor. The success of his work in these areas (including inventing a curtain stretcher) permitted him to return to singing. He recorded in Italy with conductor Carlo Sabajno, although there was considerable animosity between these two artists. Valente did do a small amount of operatic stage work, but it was through his recordings that he became well known. Readers are referred to an excellent article on Valente by Alan Bilgora in Vol. 34/1-2 of The Record Collector magazine. 1009. 10” PW Plum Electrola EG 1609 [BM921-II/BM922-IV]. MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Addio fiorito asil (Puccini) / L’AFRICAINE: O Paradiso (Meyerbeer). Small lbl. stkrs. 2. $12.00. 3602. 12” PW Green elec. Disco Grammofono S5340 [CF1636-II/CF1637-I]. SLY: Un orso in Musoliera / SLY: Io non sono un buffone (Wolf-Ferrari). Orch. dir. A. Semprini. Tiny lbl. stkr. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 240 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs FRANCESCO [FRANK] VALENTINO [b]. 2347. 10” PW Plum Eng. Columbia CQ 184 [WB3384/WB3387]. RIGOLETTO: Cortigiani / RIGOLETTO: Miei Signori perdono (Verdi). Lt. rubs, lbl. stkrs. 2. $15.00. NINON VALLIN [s] 2481. 10” Green elec. Pathé X.3460 [N202442/N202443]. CANCIÓN; POLO / EL PAÑO MORUNO; ASTURIANA (all de Falla). Piano acc. G. Gandolfi. Cons. 2. $8.00. 2084. 10” Red Decca 20118 [KI-1607-2/KI-1608-2[. EL AMOR BRUJO: Canción del Amor Dolido / EL AMOR BRUJO: Canción del Fuego Fatuo (de Falla). One TB, cons. 2. $7.00. 2194. 10” Red Decca G-20504 [KI-1618-2/KI-1619-2]. L’HEURE EXQUISE / SI MES VERS AVAIENT DES AILES (both Reynaldo Hahn). Piano acc. by the composer. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1052. 10” Red Decca G-20507 [KI-3481-2/KI-3482-2]. LES ÉTOILES / LA DÉLAISSÉE (both Hahn). Piano acc. by the composer. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1051. 10” Red Decca G-20508 [KI-3483/KI-3484]. ÉTUDES LATINES: Lyde / ÉTUDES LATINES: Tyndaris (both Hahn). Piano acc. by the composer. While Decca wasn’t noted for its good quality shellac, those Deccas listed herein (unless otherwise indicated) haven’t any inherent surface problems such as pimples or roughness. Lt. 1758. 1492. 1053. 2443. 1807. 1808. 3456. rubs, 2. $7.00. 10” Red Decca G-20541 [KI-2776-2/KI-2777-2]. CANTILÈNE DE LA JEUNE FILLE PERDUE; CHANT ANDALOU / GRANADINA (all Joaquin Nin). Acc. by the composer. 2. $7.00. 10” Red PW Fr. Odeon 188.694 [KI-2778-II/KI-2779-II]. MONTAGNARDE / LE CHARDONNERET AU BEC D’OR (both Nin). Acc. by the composer. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 10” Red PW Fr. Odéon 188.739 [KI-3479-I/KI-3480-II]. LE PRINTEMPS / L’AIR (both Hahn). Piano acc. by the composer. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 10” Blk. PW Pathé X.93136 [E204032/E204036]. LA TEMPÊTE / LE PETIT MORTE (both Hippolyte Ackermans). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 10” Green PW Pathé PG 37 [CPT1264-1/CPT1265-3]. PERUVIAN INDIAN SONGS [I] (harm. D’Harcourt). With René LeRoy [flute], Pierre Jamet [harp]. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 10” Green PW Pathé PG 38 [CPT1266-3/CPT12671 ]. PERUVIAN INDIAN SONGS [II] [harm. d’Harcourt). With René LeRoy [flute], Pierre Jamet [harp]. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 12” Red PW Odeon 123.507 [XXP6520-1/XXP65212]. LOUISE: Duo du 4e Acte (Charpentier). With JULIEN LAFONT [bs] / LAFONT [bs]. LOUISE: Berceuse. Cons. 2. $8.00. ERNEST VAN DŸCK [t]. Antwerp, 1869-Berlaar, 1923. Before beginning a singing career, van Dÿck studied law and journalism. He then became a vocal student of Saint Yves-Bax in Paris and make his debut in 1887 at the Théâtre Eden in the French premiere of Lohengrin. He prepared further with Felix Mottl and then sang Parsifal at the Bayreuth Festival in 1888. He subsequently became a member of the Vienna Opera and also was a guest at Covent Garden, one visit there in 1897 including the world premiere of Kienzl’s Der Evangelimann. 1898 marked his Metropolitan Opera debut as Tannhäuser, also singing during his appearances there the next four seasons Loge, Tristan, Siegmund, Faust and Des Grieux. One of his last performances was the title role in the 1914 Parisian premiere of Parsifal. 9532. 11” Fonotipia (Columbia) Vinyl 39101 [XPh539]. DU BIST WIE EINE BLUME (Schumann). Pressed in the early 1960s from a 1904 Fonotipia stamper then still remaining in the U.S. Columbia vault from ERNEST VAN DŸCK earlier use by IRCC. Several other such items were pressed at the same time (see Maurel and Lilli Lehmann) and supposedly the parts were then destroyed. Pressings were said to have generally been three in total. Cons. 2. $100.00. 241 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs ELISABETH VAN ENDERT (BÖHM) [s]. 1876-1956. A protégé of legendary Dresden conductor Ernst van Schuch, Van Endert made her debut in Dresden in 1907, in 1909 having appeared in the world premiere of Strauss’s Elektra. In 1910 she moved to the Berlin Hofoper, where she remained until 1913, returning for a period in the 1920s. Her next artistic home was the Charlottenberg Opera, where she was on the roster until 1921. She appeared in the U.S. in concert, making her debut in New York as soloist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1914 and toured Europe as a concert singer in the 1920s. Van Endert’s first husband, composer Adolph Böhm, shot himself in 1911 after two years of marriage, following an affair. Her second husband, Leo Curth, was the director of Electrola Records. During the early 1930’s, Van Endert taught singing in Berlin, leaving for the United States in 1935 as her husband was Jewish. During that period she lived in New York City, moving to Zurich in the later 1940s. Van Endert’s varied repertoire included such roles as Micaëla, Marguerite, Octavian, Elisabeth, and Rosalinde. 1712. 10” Green acous. Polydor 14402 [18874Lb/18879Lb]. WANDERERS NACHTLIED / LIEBESBOTSCHAFT (both Schubert). Piano acc. Lt. rubs. 2. $8.00. CYRENA VAN GORDON [c] Camden, OH, 1893, 1896 or 1897-New York City, 1964. Born Cyrena Sue Pocock, she adopted the stage name van Gordon. Studying with Louise Dotti, she made her operatic debut in 1913 as Amneris. For the next quarter century she was a leading operatic and recital artist, Chicago having remained her home base for many years. She appeared in concert throughout the U.S. and in opera regularly in Chicago, as well at the Met, in Philadelphia and with the San Francisco Opera. She was attractive visually, tall and statuesque. Among her acclaimed roles were Venus, Ortrud, Azucena, Laura in La Gioconda, Dalila, Ortrud and even Brünnhilde. 1030. 10” Blk. Viva-Tonal Columbia 132-M [W142232-6/W142238-5]. FROM THE LAND OF THE SKY-BLUE WATER (Cadman) / HOMING (Del Riego). Side one orch. acc. Side two piano acc. Robin Hood Bowers. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3689. 12” Silver Flags acous. Columbia 60000-D [98074-9/98075-7]. SAMSON ET DALILA: Printemps qui commence (Saint-Saëns) / LE PROPHÈTE: Ah, mon fils (Meyerbeer). Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $10.00. ELLISON VAN HOOSE [t]. Murfreesboro, TN, 1868-Houston, TX, 1936. His vocal studies were with Isadore Luckstone in New York, and in Europe with Fidèle König, Jean de Reszke and Antonio Cotogni. 1897 marked his official debut as the tenor soloist in Händel’s Messiah in New York with the NY Oratorio Society in Carnegie Hall. In 1903 he created the solo tenor part in the American premiere of Elgar’s Dream of Gerontius. In addition, he toured as an assisting artist with both Melba and Sembrich. From 19081911, Van Hoose appeared in Germany, singing operatic roles in Mainz, Wiesbaden, Leipzig and Berlin. He also was a soloist with the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra under Nikisch. The season of 1911-12 he appeared with the Chicago Opera, making his debut as Manrico in Il Trovatore. Italian appearances, according to one clipping, included the Rome Costanzi and the Pergola in Florence. From 1915 until his death, Van Hoose was musical director of the Houston, TX, First Presbyterian Church, also conducting other choral groups in Houston as well as teaching voice. 2823. 12” White lbl. Vla 74035 [C-2796-2]. O COME WITH ME IN THE SUMMER NIGHT (van der Stuckien). Label a bit soiled. Surface couple lightest rubs, cons. 2. $15.00. JEAN-ÉMILE VANNI-MARCOUX [bs] 2473. 10” PW Plum Disque Gramophone K-7796 [OLA134-1/ OLA135-1]. LA BELLE TRAVERSÉE: Un soi, une heure (Marc Berthomieu) /ROBERT MACAIRE: La belle étoile (Guillaume de Saix). Orch. dir. Edouard Bervily. Small lbl. stkr. Just about 1-2. $15.00. VANNI-MARCOUX as Boris Godounov 2496. 10” PW Red Disque Gram. DA 935 [BTR3153-II/BTR3154-I]. DON QUICHOTTE: Écoute mon ami [Act 5] / DON QUICHOTTE: Sancho, je t’ai promis naguerre (Massenet). Two sides. Orch. dir. Piero Coppola. Small sticker pulled from label side two. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 242 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 1777. 10” White HMV VA 54 [BF3316-II/BF3304-IT1]. PANURGE: Touraine est un pays (Massenet) / FERNAND ANSSEAU [t], TILKIN SERVAIS [b]. LA MUETTE DE PORTICI: L’amour sacre de la patrie! (Auber). Side one piano acc. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3152. 12” Red acous. Disque Gram. DB 925 [CT1862-I/CL235-II]. PLAISIR D’AMOUR (Martini) / MA POUPÉE CHÉRIE (de Séverac). Piano acc. Piero Coppola. Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $35.00. 2817. 12” Red elec. Disque Gramophone DB 1175 [CT4094-II/CT4147-I]. PLAISIR D’AMOUR (Martini) / MA POUPÉE CHÉRIE (de Séverac). Piano acc. Piero Coppola. Excellent mid-‘30s pressing. Just about 1-2. $25.00. URSULA VAN DIEMAN [s] 3329. 12” Red Scroll “Z”-type shellac Vr 11884 [CLR4209-IIA/CLR4211-II]. LAUDATE DOMINUM (Mozart) / AVE MARIA (Mendelssohn). With Siegfried Ochs dir. Berlin Philharmonic Choir. Just about 1-2 $8.00. DORIS VANE [s] 3134. 12” PW Blue Eng. Columbia LX 78 [WAX5093/WAX5179]. BRONWEN: Cradle Song / CLAUD POWELL dir. SYMPHONY ORCH. BRONWEN: Funeral March (Joseph Holbrooke). Minor scr. side one, few small mks., small lbl. stkr., cons. 2 $15.00. ANTON VAN ROOY [b] 3016. 12” Red ’08 Pats. Vla 92062. LOHENGRIN: Dank, König, dir (Wagner). Just about 1-2. $8.00. I. S. VASILEVITCH [t] 1639. 10” Blk. Victor 69440 [7484L/7529L[, LA JUIVE: Rachel, quand du Seigneur) / M. N. PRZHEBILETZKAYA [ms]. ZULEIKA (Rubinstein). Both in Russian, piano acc. Russian Zonophone matrices. Few MGTs side two, 2. $15.00. 1230. 10” Blk. Victor 69569 [7486L/7555L]. TOSCA: E lucevan le stelle (Puccini) / ANDREI A. DERZHAVIN [bs]. HUGUENOTS: Chorale (Meyerbeer). Both in Russian and piano acc. Russian Zonophone matrices. Side one has a label translation: “Aria Pre-Mortuary Kovaradosi”. Capable tenor, first rate bass. 2. $15.00. NATALIE N. VECHOR [s] 2064. 10” PW elec. Plum HMV EK 95 [OG552-I/OG551-II]. CZAR’S BRIDE: Air de Marthe / GEORGE POZEMKOVSKY [t]. SADKO: Air de Sadko (both RimskyKorsakov). Just about 1-2. $12.00. LUISA VELA [s]. Tuéjar, Spain, 1884-Polop de la Marina, Spain, 1938. Having both exceptional temperament and a remarkable voice, Vela was one of the major 20th century zarzuela stars. She studied at the Valencia Conservatory with Maestro Torregrosa, making her debut in the zarzuela Jugar con Fuego. She subsequently developed a huge repertoire, encompassing most of the major zarzuelas of which she premiered a number as well. Early in her career she married the celebrated baritone Emilio Sagi-Barba, their son Luis Sagi-Vela becoming a noted singer as well. Vela was greatly admired by composer Manuel de Falla, and she was chosen by him to premiere his Siete Canciones Populares Españolas in 1915. Two years earlier she created the role of Salud in the Spanish premiere of the same composer’s opera, La Vida Breve. 1192. 10” Blk. Orth. Vr 80737 [BS2475-1/BS-2480-1]. LA PASTORELA: Dúo. With EMILIO SAGI-BARBA [b] / EMILIO SAGI-BARBA [b]. LA PASTORELA: Romanza de lal Renunciación (Torroba y Luna). Just about 1-2. $20.00. EMILIO VENTURINI [t]. 1878-1952. A lyric tenor particularly noted for character roles, Venturini made his debut in Italy in 1900, appearing in the Turin premiere of Mascagni’s Le Maschere in 1901. His La Scala debut was in 1903 as Froh in Das Rheingold. The same year he appeared there in the world premiere of Giordano’s Siberia. His career subsequently included Covent Garden, the Met, the Chicago Opera and again La Scala, from 1921 through 1948. His other creations were Prince Yamadori in Madama Butterfly (revised version 1904), Rutger in Zandonai’s I Cavalieri di Ekebù and the following year, 1926, Pang in Puccini’s Turandot. 1268. 10” B&S Columbia 10100. LA SONNAMBULA: Prendi l’anel ti dono (Bellini). Piano acc. Very fine copy. Cons. 2. $12.00. 1419. 10” PW Blue Eng. Columbia D1663 [WB2372/WB2375]. TURANDOT: Terzetto delle Maschere [Ping, Pang, Pong] (Puccini). With GIUSEPPE NESSI [t], ARISTIDE BARACCHI [b]. Two sides. Venturini and Nessi were creators of their roles in the 1926 LaScala world premiere. Small lbl. stkr. Hairline internal (harmless) patina (about 1½”) side two, barely visible, otherwise cons. 2. $7.00. 243 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs RENÉ VERDIÈRE [t] 1582. 10” Red PW Odeon 188.055 [KI-3229-1/KI-3942-2]. OTELLO: Tout m’abandonne (Verdi) / SIGURD: Un souvenir poignant (Reyer). Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $10.00. 3805. 12” Red PW Odeon 123.027 [XXP7043-2/XXP7044-1]. AIDA: Pour render ta sentence [Act IV] (Verdi). Two sides. With LAURE TESSANDRA [c]. Orch. dir. Henri Defosse. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3806. 12” Red PW Odeon 123.035 [XXP7257-2/XXP7258-2]. L’ATTAQUE DU MOULIN: Le jour tombé (Brunneau) / SAMSON ET DALILA: Air de la meule (Saint-Saëns). Minor lbl. stain side two, otherwise just about 1-2. $10.00. PAUL-HENRI VERGNES [t] 3105. 12” Red PoW Odeon 123.803 [XXP7302-1/XXP7303-1]. PEARL FISHERS: Duo du 1er Acte (Bizet). Two sides. With ARTHUR ENDRÈZE [b]. Just about 1-2. $12.00. ALICE VERLET [s] 1351. 10” Blue ’08 Pats. Vr 45006 [5933h/5960h]. LAKMÉ: Pourquoi dans les grands bois (Delibes) / LUCETTE KORSOFF [s]. MIGNON: Polonaise (Thomas). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2908. 12”. Blk. Dog Gram. Monarch 2-033000. LE CONCERT À LA COUR: Noël (Auber). Cons. 2. $15.00. MARY VERRIOTIS [s]. As she recorded for Parlophon, Fonotipia and Vox in the earlier 1920s, Verriotis must have had a career or have shown much promise, although information regarding her work is difficult to find. She did sing Brünnhilde at the Rome Costanzi in 1922 opposite Amadeo Bass. . Hopefully a reader will be able to supply some further details. Despite her obscurity, her records are in great demand among collectors. 4057. 12” Red acous. Fonotipia 74221/74222 [XXPh5267/XXPh5268]. SUOR ANGELICA: Tutto ho offerto alla Vergine / SUOR ANGELICA: Senza mamma (Puccini). Just about 1-2. $75.00. LOUIS VERSTRAETEN [b] 2233. 10” Blk. Bruxelles G&T 2-32962 [2225 C.S.]. LA CHANSON DES GAS D’IRLANE (Holmès). Small scr. first ½” could tick lightly, otherwise cons. 2. $35.00. GINA CIAPARELLI VIAFORA [s] 3336. 12” Red GP ’07 Vr 74116. IL TROVATORE: Tacea la notte placida (Verdi). Uncommon. Just about 1-2. $12.00. ANASTASIA D. VIALTZEVA [ms]. 1871-St. Petersburg, 1913. She was a remarkably successful operetta star and a concert singer of gypsy songs. It was only natural that her vocal and physical attractions should lead to opera, and she undertook with success the roles of Carmen and Dalila. Vialtzeva was one of only three Russin singers accorded Red Seal status when these celebrity records were first produced in 1901, the others having been Figner and Mei-Figner (to be followed shortly after by Chaliapin). Some reference works indicate her death as the result of leukemia, but Vivian Liff, in his notes for a CD issue containing Vialtzeva selections, states, “She committed suicide after rejection by her lover, and the crowds at her funeral probably outnumbered those at Princess Diana's nearly a century later.” 2610. 10” Blk. Russian Zonophone X-143. LA PERICHOLE: Je t’adore brigand (Offenbach). Earliest form of the Russian Zonophone label. Small harmless pressing indentation. 3-4. $400.00. REGINA VICARINO (REINE ANNETTE VICARINO) [s]. New York, 1887-Haines, Alaska, 1957. 1405. 10” Blue acous. Claxtonola 80056 [127/128]. RIGOLETTO: Caro nome (Verdi) / MAGIC FLUTE: Queen of the Night’s Aria (Mozart). Cons. 2-3. $12.00. FRANCESCO VIGNAS (VIÑAS) [t] 9523. 11” Fonotipia 92897/92898 [XPh4766/XPh4767]. TANNHÄUSER: Inno a Venere / TANNHÄUSER: Col cor contrito (Wagner). Minor surface indentations should be harmless, 2-3. $40.00. 2658. 11” Fonotipia 69125/69126 [XPh ]. DER FREISCHÜTZ: No, non soffrir (v.Weber). Two sides. His rarest Fonotipia. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $500.00. 244 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs MIGUEL VILLABELLA [t] 8026. 10” PW Green Pathé X.93002 [N250114/N250116]. PAYSAGE D’OR / AMOUR INQUIET (both Maïotte Almaby). Interesting female composer. Just about 1-2. $15.00. JO VINCENT [s] 3210. 12” PoW Blk. Eng. Columbia D17214 [WFX216-2/WFX217-1]. LA CLOCHE (SaintSaëns) / NON CREDO (Charles M. Widor). Recorded in Central Hall, Westminster. Just about 1-2. $8.00. LOUISE B. VOIGT [s]. Apparently from New York, Louise Voigt had a series of “concert triumphs" in Berlin and had been offered “a most advantageous” contract from the Berlin Royal Opera, as well as by Conried for the Metropolitan. She chose not to accept these offers because of the death of her husband, after which she retired for a period. In resuming her career, primarily in the Midwest U.S., it was as an oratorio soloist and as a guest with the large German-American Sängerfests. At one such event it was noted that her voice carried “to absolute perfection … over a chorus of 5000 in fortissimo”(!). In 1913, Voigt was guest soloist at a special fund raising concert at the Armory on 25th St. and Lexington Avenue in New York where “twelve to fourteen thousand people” heard her sing “Dich teure Halle” with Victor Herbert conducting an orchestra comprised of 150 principal players from the NY Philharmonic, NY Symphony, Metropolitan Opera and the Victor Herbert Orchestra. “Mme. Voigt’s voice easily filled the immense auditorium,” noted a reviewer, “and she was warmly applauded”. Her only recordings are the two sides for Victor listed below. [Quotes from period newspaper/magazine articles.] 2863. 12” Blk. acous. Vr 68473. TANNHÄUSER: Dich, teure Halle (Wagner) / FREISCHÜTZ: Leise, leise, fromme Weise (v.Weber). Just about 1-2. $15.00. FRANZ VÖLKER [t] 1867. 10” Green PW Polydor 21041 [438½bh/439bh]. IN MEINER HEIMAT (Hildach) / ICH LIEBE DICH (Grieg). Piano acc. J.. Heidenreich. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1868. 10” Green PW Polydor 22645 [523BT/525BT]. DAAS LIED DER LIEBE HAT EINE SÜßE MELODIE (Meisel) / WENN MAN VERLIEBVT IST (Lander-Marbot). Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $8.00 1392. 10” Purple PW (Col. pressing) Brunswick 53089 [5507BR/5508BR]. GIUDITTA: Du bist meine Sonne / GIUDITTA: Freunde, der Leben ist lebenswert (Lehár). Just about 1-2. $10.00. EVA VON DER OSTEN-PLASCHKE [s] 2418. 10” Blk. Dog Con. Gram. 2-43408/4-42513 [1450½ak/1416ak]. DER KUHREIGEN: Lied der Blanchefleur / KURT FRIEDRICH [t]. DER KUHREIGEN: Gesang des Primus Thaller (Kienzl). Side one scr. will tick first ½”, minor lbl. scr., otherwise both sides of this rarity cons. 2. $25.00. 2691. 12” Brown Odeon 80066/80067 [XXB5405/ XXB5406]. ROSENKAVALIER: Mir ist die Ehre wiederfahren / ROSENKAVALIER: Mit ihren Augen voller Tränen (Strauss). Both with MINNIE NAST [s]. Rare creator recording. Couple tiny pinpoint scrs. One lt. scr. side two from inner land area into about ¼” of grooves should be harmless. 2. $150.00. 4194. 12” Blk. Dog. Schall. Gram. 65239 (044183/044184) [2304c/2305½c]. DER ROSENKAVALIER: Ist ein Traum / DER ROSENKAVALIER: Mit ihren Augen (Strauss). With MINNIE NAST [s]. Creator performance. Cons. 2. $75.00. 2860 12” Blk. Dog Schall. Gram. 65202 (043196/043197) [2295c/2296c]. LOHENGRIN: Einsam in trüben Tagen / LOHENGRIN: Elsas Gesang an die Lüfte (Wagner). Cons. 2. $20.00. SAVELI WALEVITCH [t/b]. Russia, 1879-Illinois, 1963. Announcement for a concert given at Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, NY) in 1928 states that he “has sung in Paris and other musical cities of Europe”, and a concert in Auburn, NY, mentions that he was assisted by his wife. It appears that Mr. Walevitch became a naturalized U.S. citizen. 1716. 10” Blk. Orth. Vr 20-81252. TECHUDO TCHUDIESSA [MANY WONDERS OF THE STEPPES] / LIOUBOLIOU [WHY DO I SO MADLY LOVE YOU?] (Russian Gypsy Songs). Just about 1-2. $8.00. EDYTH WALKER [ms/s] 2698. 12” Blk. Dog. Schall. Grammophon 043146/043147 [453s/454s]. DIE ALLMACHT (Schubert). Two sides. Piano acc. Excellent copy. Couple small lbl. stkrs. Side one just about 1-2. Side two couple rubs (scuffs), two LGTs, cons. 2. $100.00. 245 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs NORMAN WALKER [bs] 3268. 12” Yellow English Decca X.176 [OCA329-1/OCA330-1]. DYLAN: Sea King’s Song (Holbrooke) / THE CHILDREN OF DON: Noden’s Song (both Joseph Holbrooke). A few lt. superficial scrs. side two, otherwise cons. 2. $10.00. CARLO WALTER [bs]. Venice, 1872- ? . His debut appears to have been in 1894 at the Teatro Petrarca in Arezzo, and he subsequently appeared in dozens of Italian theaters. In 1903 his La Scala debut was as Fafner in Das Rheingold and in 1926 he created Timur in the La Scala world premiere (1926) of Turandot. The year before he had been in the La Scala premiere of Zandonai’s I Cavalieri di Ekebù. He was a familiar voice in South America as well and in Spain at the Teatro Reale. The last performances traced were in 1931 as Sparafucile at La Scala. Despite his importance, Walter made only a few records for Columbia around 1912-13. 1965. 10” Maroon Eng. Columbia D4570 [42209/ 42210]. SALVATOR ROSA: Di sposo, di padre / SALVATOR ROSA: E il foglio in segnerò (Gomes). Gen. 3. $15.00. ERIKA WEDEKIND [s] 2911. 12” Blk. Dresden G&T 043063 [107s]. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR: Arie der Frau Fluth (v.Weber). Couple minor LGTs, otherwise superb condition, just about 1-2. $150.00. CARLO WALTER LUCIE WEIDT [s]. Silesia, 1880-Vienna, 1940. Weidt studied with her father, a Kappellmeister and composer, and with Rosa Papier. From 1903 to 1926 she was a principal member of the Vienna Opera sharing major Wagner roles with Anna Bahr-Mildenburg. In 1911, she was Vienna’s first Marschallin in Der Rosenkavalier, and she created the role of the Nurse in the 1919 Vienna premiere of Strauss’s Die Frau ohne Schatten. In addition to her success in Vienna, Weidt appeared in Milan (where she was the first to sing the role of Kundry in Parsifal), Munich, the Metropolitan Opera and in Buenos Aires. 3613. 12” Blk. Dog Gram. Monarch 044143/044144 [01197v/01198v]. GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG: Zu neuen Taten. With ERIK SCHMEDES [t] / GRETE FORST [s], HERMINE KITTEL [c], LEO SLEZAK [t], ARTHUR PREUSS [t], LEOPOLD DEMUTH [b]. MEISTERSINGER: Quintet (both Wagner). Excellent copy, couple MGTs, just about 1-2. $35.00. REINALD WERRENRATH [t] 1885. 10” Blk. Vr 17290. SUMMERTIME (von Reuenthal) / WHEN THE NIGHTINGALE SHALL SING (de Coucy). Uncommon. Cons. 2. $8.00. 1603. 10” Red Vla 64712. CRUCIFIX (Faure). With JOHN MC CORMACK [t]. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 3144. 12” Purple ’12 Pats. Vr 70099. SWEETHEARTS: The Angelus (Herbert). With CHRISTIE MACDONALD [s]. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $12.00. 4019. 12” Purple Victor 70103. FORZA DEL DESTINO: Solenne in quest’ora (Verdi). In Italian. With LAMBERT MURPHY [t]. Just about 1-2. $6.00. 3115. 12” PW elec.Red (gold print) Vr 6583. GUNGA DIN (Kipling-Charles G. Spross) / BOOTS (Kipling-Felman). Inner margin crayon markings (radio station copy). As new. Just about 1-2. $10.00. CAROLINA WHITE [s] 3159. 12” Gold SS Columbia HRS 1012 [30870-2]. ROBERT LE DIABLE: Roberto, tu che adoro (Meyerbeer). Excellent pressing. Just about 1-2. $15.00. CLARENCE WHITEHILL [b] 1084. 10” Red Vr 64519 [B-16130-3]. ICH GROLLE NICHT, Op. 48, No. 7 (Schumann). Never doubled. Scarce. Small lbl. rub. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3699. 12” Red ’12 Pats. “A” plate Vr 74305. DIE WALKÜRE: Wotans Abschied, II Teil (Wagner). IMs. Lt. rubs, 2. $7.00. 246 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs T. FOSTER WHY [bs] 3387. 12” PW White IRCC 5013. LE CAID: Air du Tambour-Major (Thomas). Piano acc. Greta Why. RCAVrBk. Recorded specifically for IRCC circa 1940. Label signed by Why. Two very tiny and lt. scr. clusters about an inch in from rim. Should be superficial. Otherwise as new. Just about 1-2. $8.00. WALTER WIDDOP [t] 3164. 12” White lbl. SS HMV D-1833 [Cc18619-IV]. THE DEATH OF NELSON (Braham). Lightest rubs. Cons. 2. $10.00. HELENE WILDBRUNN [s] 3078. 12” Red acous. Schall. Gram. 72685 (043312/043335) [773as/1104as]. CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Voi lo sapete (Mascagni) / TOSCA: Vissi d’arte (Puccini). In German. Few MGTs side one, cons. 2. $30.00. EVAN WILLIAMS [t] 1380. 10” White lbl. Vla 5291. LOVE ME AND THE WORLD IS MINE (Ball). Issued under the nom-du-disque HENRY EVANS. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 2078. 10” Red GP ’06 Vr 64086 [take 1]. QUEEN OF SHEBA: How frail and weak a thing is man (Gounod). The recitative to the aria “Lend me your aid”, although here just stated as “Lend me your aid”. The aria was actually issued as Victor 64096. There are three issued takes of this. Cons. 2. $8.00. 1629. 1620. 1628. 2482. 3082. 3941. 3458. 3224. 3043. 3114. 3185. 3954. 3955. 10” 10” 10” 10” Red Pats. Vr 64102. LITTLE BOY BLUE (Nevin). Just about 1-2. $7.00. Red Vla 64217. RETURN OF SPRING (Schumann). IMs. Cons. 2. $7.00. Red ’12 Pats. Vr 64280. JEAN (Harry Burleigh). Just about 1-2. $7.00. Blk. G&T 3-2416 [3437e]. LOVE ABIDING (Jordan). Piano acc. Scarce. Replaced shortly after by 12” Victor version with orchestra. $20.00. 12” Red ’07 GP Victor 74094. LOVE SHALL BE LORD (Corbett). Unusual for Victor recordings, the speed changes noticeably toward the end. Short catalogue life. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Vr 74119, CROSSING THE BAR (Willeby). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 12” Red Vr 74128. MARTHA: Like a Dream (Flotow). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 12” Red “A” plate ’08 Pats. Vr 74150. ELISIR D’AMORE: A furtive tear (Donizetti). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 12” Red Vr 74410. THE CROSS (Harriet Ware). Scarce. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 12” Red Vla 6320. OPEN THE GATES OF THE TEMPLE (Knapp) / THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM (Adams). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 12” Red Vla 6323. HYMN OF PRAISE: Sorrows of Death / ST. PAUL: Be Thou Faithful (both Mendelssohn). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 12” Red Vla 6324. JUDAS MACCABAEUS: Sound an Alarm (Händel) / STABAT MATER: Cujus animam (Rossini). Cons. 2. $7.00. 12” Red Vla 6368. PRODIGAL SON: How Many Hired Servants (Sullivan) / SAMSON: Total Eclipse (Händel). Just about 1-2. $8.00. CONSTANCE WILLIS [c]. 1894-1940. A prominent English mezzo/contralto, Willis was an experienced singer both in concert and in opera, having sung with the British National Opera Company and at Glyndebourne. She was also on film as Katisha in The Mikado (1939). 1967. 10” Blue Eng. Aeolian-Vocalion X-9596 [03747X/03863]. GYPSIES (Graham Peel) / THE MONKEY’S CAROL (Charles Villiers Stanford). Piano acc. Stanley Chapple. Lt. rubs. 3. $12.00. TIESTE WILMANT [b]. Lodi, 1859-1937. Wilmant (who is given on the labels below as “Wilmant’s”) made his debut in Chiari, 1878, in Lucia. His career included seasons at La Scala, where he sang principal baritone roles in Catalani’s Loreley and Puccini’s Manon Lescaut (189394) as well as Alberich in the Italian premiere of Siegfried and Iago in Otello (1899-1900). Wilmant created the role of Marcello in the world premiere of Puccini’s La Boheme at the Teatro Regio in Turin, 1896. His only records were four sides for Zonophone made in 1903. 2614. 10” Blk. Disco Zonofono X-1895. ROI DE LAHORE: O casto fior (Massenet). 3. $500.00. 2637. 10” Blk. Disco Zonofono X-1896. TOSCA: Ella verra (Puccini). Probably the first recording of this portion of the score. 4, but mostly scuffing. Plays well. $300.00. 247 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs H. LANE WILSON [b] 1911. 10” Blk. London G&T 3-2888 [9964b]. IOLANTHE: Sentry Song (Sullivan). Cons. 2. $15.00. FRITZ WINDGASSEN [t]. Lennep, 1883- Murnau, 1963. He was first in the German navy, continuing his interest in singing as an avocation until being heard and praised by Prince Heinrich of Prussia. After subsequent training in the Bernuth Conservatory in Hamburg, he made his debut in 1909 in Harburg. He subsequently appeared in Bremen, Hamburg and the Court Theater in Kassel, where he met and married coloratura soprano Vali von der Osten (sister of soprano lyric soprano Eva van der Osten). From 1923-1945 Windgasssen was a leading tenor with the Stuttgart Opera, where he increasingly specialized in Wagnerian roles. He was also in much demand as a concert and lieder performer, giving his farewell to the concert stage in Stuttgart in 1949. After retiring, he taught at the Stuttgart College of Music, his pupils having included the bass Gottlob Frick. His son was the noted Wagnerian tenor Wolfgang Windgassen. 2020. 10” Blk. acous. Polydor 62498 [2099ax/ 2104ax]. ÜBER NACHT / HEIMWEH (both Hugo Wolf). The label credits him in error as a baritone. Piano acc. Just about 1-2. $25.00. HERMANN WINKELMANN [t]. Braun- schweig, 1849-Mauer, 1912. After studing in Paris and then Hannover, Winkelmann made his debut at the Hoftheater in Sonderschausen as Manrico in Il Trovatore (1874). While his most important world creation was surely Wagner’s Parsifal (Bayreuth, 1882), he also created the title role in Rubinstein’s Nero (Hamburg, 1879) and was Jean in the German FRITZ WINDGASSEN premiere of Massenet’s Hérodiade, 1883. He began an important tenure with the Vienna Hofoper in 1883 and was Vienna’s first Tristan (1883) and Otello (1888). Winkelmann later taught and was active in concert and oratorio as well. 1694. 10” Blk. Favorite 1-25077/1-25097 [2307-f/2436-f]. TANNHÄUSER: Loblied der Venus (Wagner) / ALEXANDER HAYDTER [bs]. HUGUENOTS: Geheiligt sei die Rache (Meyerbeer). Piano acc. Clean looking but there’s sounding graying. Visually gen. 2, but sounds 4-5. $35.00. JOSEPH WINOGRADOFF [b]. Vilna, 1866-Israel, 1936. Winogradoff, born in Russia, appeared at Covent Garden in 1890 as Frère Laurent in Gounod’s Romeo et Juliette, also featuring Nellie Melba and Jean and Edouard de Reszke. He was with the Russian Imperial Opera (the Bolshoi) around 1901, alternating with Tartakov. His American debut was in concert in New York at the Hippodrome, 1920, under the sponsorship of Sol Hurok. Musical America stated that his voice was “fresh, full, resonant, manly and even throughout its long range-one of the best baritone voices newly heard here in a long time. His production is excellent and there is freedom and flexibility in his singing. He is an artist – though, with his peculiar appearance [not further explained], into just what niche in American musical life he will fit is difficult to say.” He toured for the next few years and eventually settled in Brooklyn where he served as a Cantor. In 1934 he moved to Israel. 2460. 10” Blk. acous. Vr 73164. DER FILOSOF [THE PHILOSOPHER] / ICH BIN A BALABGOLE [I AM A DRIVER] (Yiddish Folk Songs, prob. arranged by N. Shilkret). In Yiddish. Scarce. Wonderfully spirited performances. 3-4, but only a few LGTs. $15.00. HERBERT WITHERSPOON [bs] 2469. 10” Red ’08 Pats. Vr 64151. ROLLING DOWN TO RIO (Edward German). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2386. 10” Red ’08 Pats. “A” plate Vr 64151. Same as preceding listing (item #2469). 2. $8.00. 1998. 10” Red Pats. “A” plate Vr 64212. LE MULETIER DE TARRAGONE (Paul Henrion). Lt. rubs, just about 2. $8.00. 248 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2844. 12” Red ’08 Pats. “A” plate Vr 74192. STABAT MATER: Pro peccatis (Rossini). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3819. 12” Red Vr “C” plate Vr 74192. Same as preceding listing (item #3844), slightly later pressing. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2772. 12” Red Pats. “A” plate Vr 74207. I VESPRI SICILIANI: O tu Palermo! (Verdi). Text label on verso. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 3855. 12” Red Vr 74348. DER LINDENBAUM, Op. 89, No. 5 (Schubert). Piano acc. Rosario Bourdon. Lt. rubs, 2. $7.00. 3708. 12” Red Vr 74417. ONE SWEETLY SOLEMN THOUGHT (Ambrose). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3763. 12” Red Vr 74505. JUDAS MACCABAEUS: Arm, Arm, Ye Brave! (Händel). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2846. 12” Red Vla 74513. SCIPIO: Hear Me! Ye Winds and Waves! (Händel). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3526. 12” Red Vla 6326. MESSIAH: The trumpet shall sound /MESSIAH: Why do the nations so furiously rage together? (Händel). In original dealer sleeve. Just about 1-2. $8.00. MARCEL WITTRISCH [t]. Antwerp, 1901- Berlin, 1955. Born of German parents residing in Belgium, Wittrisch studied in the conservatories in Munich and Leipzig and then in Milan and made his debut in Halle, 1925, in Hans Heiling. From 1929 through 1944 he was a featured tenor with the Berlin State Opera. As a guest he made highly successful appearances at Covent Garden, La Scala, and the Munich and Vienna Operas, and appeared at Bayreuth, 1937, as Lohengrin. He was also a popular figure in musical films and operetta. 1152. 10” PW Plum HMV EG 2706 [OD1334-II/OD1335-II]. COUNTESS MARITZA: Komm Zigany / COUNTESS MARITZA: Grüss mir mein Wien (Kálmán). Nice copy, few lightest rubs, cons. 2. $8.00. 2480. 10” PW Plum Electrola EG 3656 [ORA-1305-1/ORA-1306-2]. DAS KLEINE HOFKONZERT: Einen Sommer lang (Nick) / DIE GEIGE WEINT (Wismar). Orch. dir. Bruns Seidler-Winkler. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2449. 10” PW Plum HMV EG 3872 [ORA1742-I/ORA-1743-I]. BRÜDER STRAUBINGER: Küssen is keine Sünd / DER LACHENDE EHEMANN: Fein, fein schmeckt un der Wein (both Eysler). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1160. 10” PW Plum HMV EG 6111 [ORA2331-IA/ORA2332-IA]. ICH LIEBE DICH / WEINE NICHT, BRICHT EINE SCHÖNE FRAU DIR DAS HERZ (both Marischka-Stoltz). Both from film Zauber der Bohème. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2851. 12” Plum HMV EH 619 [CD9180-I/CD9181-I]. DIE ZIRKUSPRINZSESSIN: Zwei Märchenaugen (Kálmán) / DER ZAREWITSCH: Wolgalied (Lehár). Lbl. stkrs. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3320. 12” Red Swiss HMV DB 1946 [2D1579-3/2D1581-1]. MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Love Duet (Puccini). Two sides. Scarce Italian language version. With DUSOLINA GIANNINI [s]. One minor mark., otherwise just about 1-2. $15.00. 2859. 12” Red late Austrian (?) HMV DB 4408 [2D938-2/2D939-1]. BOHÈME: Wie eiskalt ist dies Händchen (Puccini) / CARMEN: Hier an dem Herzehn neu geborgen (Bizet). Just about 1-2. $10.00. FLORA WOLFF [c]. Flora Wolff Van Westin was active in Singapore in 1917 where performances at the Dutch Club and other area venues were noted in the press. Advertising promoted her as ”of the New York Metropolitan Opera”, but this seems not to have been the case. 2103. 10” Blk. Star-Record 772/4108. XERXES: Largo (Händel) / AVE MARIA (BachGounod). Probably Beka masters. Small lbl. stkrs. Side one small PB, couple MGTs, gen. 2. $12.00. ELLEN BEACH YAW [s]. Boston Corners, NY, 1869-Covina, CA, 1947. A student of Mme. Bjorksen in New York City, where Yaw worked as a law secretary, Yaw was noted as the possessor of an “extremely high voice” and was considered a “musical freak”. Wishing to appeal to “a discriminating public”, she went to Paris and studied with Mathilde Marchesi. Appearing in Rome, she changed her name for a time to Elena Elvanna. In London she was selected by Sir Arthur Sullivan to create the leading soprano role, Sultana Zubedyah, in his opera, The Rose of Persia. She was, however, replaced by Isabel Jay as a result of her shaky performances. In 1907 Yaw sang one Lucia at the Met, claiming that she had been offered by them a contract but had turned it down as she was expecting an engagement at the Vienna Hofoper (which apparently 249 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs never materialized). The reviews of her Met performance made much about her slender form (Tetrazzini was the competing Manhattan Opera’s Lucia) and how, collapsing after the Mad Scene in her white gown, Yaw appeared as a spilled “saucer of milk”. Little mention was made of her voice. Yaw’s personal life was also colorful. She married a former cowboy in 1907 and he joined her, at least for a period, in West Covina, CA, at her Lark Ellen Ranch. She constructed there the Lark Ellen Bowl as a performance venue for the town. Also named in her honor were the Lark Ellen Elementary School, the Lark Ellen Railroad Station, the Lark Ellen Newsboys’ Home (in Los Angeles), and the Lark Ellen “Fountain of the Birds”. Lark Ellen Avenue, one of the main West Covina thoroughfares, was likewise named for her. She also established the Lark Ellen League to bring concerts to hospitals and jails. Yaw retired from active concert touring in 1928 but continued to sing sporadically up to the year of her death, spending much of her time teaching and in charitable pursuits. Her few records were for Berliner (1899), Victor (1907), Edison (1913) and Rex (c. 1913), and private electrical recordings. 2016. 10” White lbl. Vla 64079. SWISS ECHO SONG (Eckert). Small LSS, cons. 2. $20.00. 3046. 12” Red ’08 Pats. Vr 74090. LAKMÉ: Où va la jeune Hindoue (Delibes). Beautiful copy, just about 1-2. $20.00. 4037. 12” Mauve HMV AGSB 66. PERLE DU BRÉSIL: Charmant oiseau (David) / LUCIA: Mad Scene (Donizetti). Both from orig. 1907 unpublished Victor matrices. Just about 1-2. $15.00. IVAN W. YERSHOV [t] 2608. 10” B&S Columbia 35472 [take 1]. TANNHÄUSER: Song to Venus (Wagner). His only Columbia title not also recorded for G&T. Very decent copy. Slightly roughish (harmless) surface, few LGTs. 3. $400.00. EMMA ZACCARIA [ms] 1991. 10” Blk. ’12 Pats. Vr 62105 [7312b/7351b]. BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Il vecchietto cerca moglie / EMILIO PEREA [t], ANTONIO PINI-CORSI [bs-b]. BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Pace e gioia (Rossini). Just about 1-2. $12.00. MARIA ZAMBONI [s] 1309. 10” PW Blue elec. Eng. Columbia D1572 [WB1014/WB1015]. TURANDOT: Signore ascolta / TURANDOT: Morte di Liù (Puccini). Zamboni created the role of Liù in the La Scala world premiere of Turandot, 1926. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 3645. 12” Green It. Columbia GQX 10158 [WBX92/WBX93]. FAUST: Duetto d’amore (Gounod). Two sides. With DINO BORGIOLI [t]. Just about 1-2. $10.00. RENATO ZANELLI [b/t] 2149. 10” Red Vla 64832. PAGLIACCI: Prologo, Part II (Leoncavallo). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2148. 10” Red Vla 64922. LA WALLY: T’amo ben io! (Catalani). VrBk. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1896. 10” Red Vla 64972. MADRIGAL DE MAI (Nitke). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1898. 10” Red Vla 66013. MARIANINA (Ferri). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2301. 10” Red Vla 878. AY-AY-AY (Perez-Frière) / EL RELICARIO (Padilla). Cons. 2. $8.00. 2302. 10” Red Vla 880. LA SPAGNOLA (Di Chiara) / LOS OJOS NEGROS (Alvarez). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1990. 10” Red Vla 916. MAMMA (Gastaldon) / IL SOGNO (Tosti). IMs. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3687. 12” PW Red HMV DB 1339 [CM981-I/CM985-II]. ANDREA CHÉNIER: Improvviso / ANDREA CHÉNIER: Si, fui soldato (Giordano). Orch. dir. Carlo Sabajno. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3732. 12” PW Red HMV DB 1439 [CM977-I/CM1321-V]. OTELLO: Ora e per sempre addio /OTELLO: Una vela! … Esultate! (Verdi). Side two with NELLO PALAI [t], ENRICO ROGGIO [b], GUGLIELMO MASINI [bs]. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3686. 12” PW Red Italian Disco Grammofono DB 1539 [CM1323-II/2F386-I]. CARMEN: Final Scene (Bizet). In Italian. Two sides. With GIANNA PEDERZINI [ms]. Few small rubs, cons. 2. $12.00. 3299. 12” Blk. vinyl RCA Vr test pressing 7020-B [CM972-I]. OTELLO: Niun mi tema (Verdi). Superficial rubs and scuffs, gen. 2-3. $7.00. 250 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs A. ZELINSKAYA [s] 1731. 10” Red Orth. Vla 4066. SNOW MAIDEN: Clouds Plotted with Thunder (RimskyKorsakov) / THE MERMAID: Olga’s Song (Dargomyzsky). Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1738. 10” Red Orth. Vla 4096. SNEGUROCHKA: Song of the Shepherd Lehl (RimskyKorsakov). Two sides. Possible ULC side one, cons. 2. $12.00. GIOVANNI ZENATELLO [t]. Verona, 1876-New York City, 1949. His debut was in 1898 as a baritone, singing Silvio in Pagliacci. The next year he took over Canio from an indisposed colleague during a performance of the same opera and continued as a tenor for the remainder of his career. He first appeared at La Scala the season of 1902-03 and during his tenure there created the leading tenor roles in the world premieres of Giordano’s Siberia in 1903 and Puccini’s Madama Butterfly, 1904. In 1903, an angered Toscanini threw down his baton and left La Scala during a Zenatello performance of Un Ballo in Maschera when the audience became insistent on a tenor encore. Zenatello, however, remained at La Scala through 1907. He also was well received in Buenos Aires, at Covent Garden, and in the U.S. with the Chicago, Boston and Manhattan Operas. He later taught and served as an impresario and was responsible for hiring Maria Callas for the Verona arena in 1947, the beginning of her international success.He was particularly known for his Otello, others of his roles having included Rhadames, Don Jose and Faust. 1557. 11” Fonotipia 39509/92567 [XPh1637/XPh4032]. MEFISTOFELE: Fin da stanotte (Boïto). With Contralto MARIA GAY picking out notes for her ADAMO DIDUR [bs] / LINA PASIhusband, GIOVANNI ZENATELLO NI-VITALE [s], RINALDO GRASSI [t]. MEFISTOFELE: Dimmi se credi (Boïto). Cons. 2. $15.00. 2663. 11” Fonotipia 69109/69110 [XPh4409/XPh4567]. MATTINATA (Leoncavallo) / DU BIST DIE RUH’ [CALMA GENTILE] (Schubert). Both in Italian. Side one with orch., side two piano acc. Side one graying, 4. The rare side two an excellent cons. 2. $250.00. 9486. 11” SS Fonotipia 92610 [XPh4051]. LA FORZA DEL DESTINO: O tu che in seno agli’ angeli (Verdi). Cons. 2. $15.00. 9453. 11” Fonotipia 92212/92605 [XPh3373/XPh4089]. ANDREA CHENIER: Improvviso (Giordano) / MANON LESCAUT: Donna non vidi mai (Puccini). Cons. 2. $20.00. 9327. 11” Fonotipia 92751 / 92752 [XPh4407/XPh4408]. GERMANIA: No, non chiuder gli occhi vaghi / GERMANIA: Studenti, udite (Franchetti). Rare. Cons. 2. $75.00. 9315. 11” Plum PW Parl.-Odeon PO 107 (92608/92759) [XPh4049/XPh4070]. OTELLO: Ora e per sempre addio / OTELLO: Si, pel ciel (Verdi). Side two with PASQUALE AMATO [b]. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 2656. 11” Fonotipia 92865/92866 [XPh4680/XPh4541]. SIBERIA: T’incontrai per via (Giordano) / SERENATELLA (Montanari). Side one creator performance. Zenatello’s rarest Fonotipia (first copy I’ve ever seen). Label stamped with original price (see label photo). Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $500.00. 2230. 10” Blk. Milano G&T 52711 [3139-R]. DAMNATION OF FAUST: Addio notte soave (Berlioz). Remarkably clean copy. Just about 1-2. $75.00. 1769. 10” Red Orth. Vla 1399. MANON LESCAUT: Ah! Manon, mi tradisce (Puccini) / TOSCA: O dolci mani (Puccini). On side two contralto MARIA GAY (Mrs. Zenatello) sings Tosca’s phrases uncredited. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 1923. 10” Mauve HMV AGSA 3. Same as previous listing (item #1769). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1842. 10” Red Orth. Vla 1433. PAGLIACCI: Un tal gioco (Leoncavallo) / ANDREA CHÉNIER: Sì fui soldato (Giordano). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 251 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2826. 12” Blue U.S. Fonotipia 52801 [XXPh3371]. OTELLO: Morte di Otello (Verdi). Lt. rubs, 2. $10.00. 3811. 12” TC Columbia A5359 [30890-1/30891-1]. TOSCA: E lucevan le stelle (Puccini) / OTELLO: Niun mi tema (Verdi). Good surface material. Lt. rubs, 2. $8.00. 3285. 12” White HMV VB 8 [CR501/CR502]. OTELLO: Questa è una ragna. With LUIGI CILLA [t], GIUSEPPE NOTO [b] / OTELLO: Morte d’Otello (Verdi). Recorded during Covent Garden performance, 1926. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3639. 12” Red PW It. Disco Grammofono DB 955 [CR501/CR502]. Same as preceding listing (item #3285). Early pressing. Cons. 2. $8.00. 3286. 12” White HMV VB 17 [CR496/CR497]. OTELLO: Mio signore / OTELLO: Ora e per sempre addio (Verdi). Both with GIUSEPPE NOTO [b]. As, above, from 1926 Covent Garden performance dir. by Vincenzo Bellezza. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 3406. 12” Red Orth. Vla 7314. CARMEN: Sei tu? [Final Duet] (Bizet). Two sides. With MARIA GAY [c]. In Italian. Such excitement, particularly from the earthy Carmen! Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3630. 12” White HMV VB 43. Same as previous listing (item #3406) but later repressing. Just about 1-2. $8.00. ALICE ZEPPILLI [s]. Menton, France, 1885-Pieve di Cento, Italy, 1961. Zeppilli was born of Italian parents, and her father had been a conductor in Monte Carlo. He sent Alice to Italy for vocal study with Elettra Callery-Viviani, who also taught Claudia Muzio. Zeppilli made her professional opera debut in Milan in 1901 at the age of 16 as Stella in the world premiere of Giacomo Orefice's Chopin. In 1904 she appeared at the Opéra de Monte-Carlo as Gilda in Giuseppe Verdi's Rigoletto opposite Enrico Caruso as the Duke and Roger Bourdin in the title role. From 1907 to 1910 Zeppilli was a member of the Manhattan Opera Company in New York, where she made her United States debut as Olympia in The Tales of Hoffmann. From 1910 to 1914 Zeppilli was a member of the Chicago Opera Company, with which she notably performed the role of Lygie in the first United States staging of Jean Nouguès's Quo Vadis in 1911 and created the role of Rosaura in the world premiere of Attilio Parelli's I dispettosi amanti in 1912. Some of the other roles she sang with the company included both Antonia and Olympia in The Tales of Hoffman, Cio-Cio-San in Madama Butterfly, Gilda, Marguerite de Valois in Les Huguenots, Marguerite in Faust, Micaela, Musetta, Nedda, Ophélie in Ambroise Thomas' Hamlet, Santuzza, Susanna, Violetta, Zerlina in Don Giovanni, and the title roles in Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari's Il Segreto di Susanna, Victor Herbert's Natoma, and Puccini's Tosca, among others. In 1913 she married Giuseppe Alberghini, a cellist in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. In 1909-1910 Zeppilli also performed at the Opéra-Comique, where she made her debut as Lakmé and was also heard as Manon. While there she studied singing further with soprano Rose Caron. In 1914 she appeared at the Royal Opera House in London as Nannetta, Susanna, Musetta, and Oscar in Verdi's Un Ballo in Maschera. In 1917-1918 she was with the Teatro Costanzi in Rome, where she performed the roles of Alice Ford in Falstaff, Mimì and Cio-Cio-San. In 1919 she was heard at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples. Zeppilli continued to perform in recitals and on vaudeville and radio in New York City up until 1930. After that, she and her husband divided their time between homes in New York, Monte Carlo, and Pieve di Cento. Zeppilli taught in both New York and Monte Carlo while her husband continued to work for a variety of orchestras including that of the Metropolitan Opera. Her most famous pupils were soprano Lily Pons and Broadway actress Doretta Morrow. After her husband's death in 1954, she settled permanently in Pieve di Cento. Despite her exceptional career, Zeppilli made only one disc. – From Wikopedia. 1442. 10” Silver Flags Columbia S-48 [19805-1/19806-1]. TALES OF HOFFMAN: Doll Song (Offenbach) / MANON: Gavotte (Massenet). Labels reversed. Excellent pressing. Side one two small rubs and minor (harmless) discoloration patch, otherwise just about 1-2. $20.00. NICOLA ZEROLA [t]. Naples, 1876-New York, 1936. His debut was in Trieste, 1898, and he was heard in various European theaters. In 1907 he first visited the U.S. and in 1908 appeared for a season with the Manhattan Opera. 1910-11 he was with the Philadelphia-Chicago Opera and 1911-12 with Hammerstein’s London Opera House. At the Metropolitan Opera he appeared during the season of 1920-21 in a Sunday night concert and as Canio, and, finally, a gala testimonial concert for Andreas Dippel. More than twenty celebrities in addition to Zerola were featured that evening, including Lydia Lipkowska, Riccardo Stracciari, Ellen Beach Yaw, Alice Nielsen, Margaret Matzenauer and Nellie and Sara Kouns. Zerola subsequently appeared with various smaller New York City companies. His voice was often compared to that of Tamagno in dramatic intensity. One of his last performances seems to have been at Carnegie Hall in a benefit evening in the late 1920s featuring the first act of the opera Vanna by Salvatore Virzi, a member of the Metropolitan Opera Chorus. Conductor Giuseppe Creatore refused to direct the second act, supposedly as a result of insufficient rehearsals. 1352. 10” Red Vr 64206. PAGLIACCI: Un tal gioco (Leoncavallo). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 252 VOCAL 78 rpm Discs 2185. 10” Red Vr 64206. Same as preceding listing (item #2185). IMs. Cons. 2 $10.00. 1108. 10” Blue Vr 45217. PAGLIACCI: Un tal gioco / PAGLIACCI: Vesti la giubba (Leoncavallo). Excellent late pressing. Just about 1-2. $20.00. 1773. 10” Blue Vr 45217. Same as preceding listing (item #1108). Gen. 2. $15.00. 1774. 10” Blue Vr 45218. IL TROVATORE: Deserto sulla terra / IL TROVATORE: Di quella pira (Verdi). Note that side two is take 2 while the Red Seal version (87045 or 64170) is take 1. Cons. 2. $20.00. 1772. 10” Blue Vr 45219. OTELLO: Ora e per sempre addio (Verdi) / L’ALBA NASCENTE (Parelli). Gen. 2. $15.00. 2363. 10” Green PW Victor HRS 2006. SAMSON ET DALILA: Figli miei (Saint-Saëns) / RICCARDO MARTIN [t]. MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Amore o grillo (Puccini). From orig. 1910 Victor matrices. Side one some lt. rubs, gen. 2. Side two just about 1-2. Side two some lt. rubs, gen. 2. $10.00. ROSINA ZOTTI [s]. Imola, 1883-Paralboino, 1973. She studied at the Liceo Musical of Bologna and made her debut in 1910 at the Comunale in Bologna in Götterdämmerung. In 1913, at the Naples San Carlo, she and Burzio shared the role of Fleana in the Italian premiere of Leoncavallo’s I Zingari, which had originally been heard for the first time at the London Hippodrome a year earlier. Aside from appearing in various Italian houses, Zotti traveled with touring companies in Central and South America. She also visited the western U.S. at various points in the ‘teens through 1922 with the La Scala ROSINA ZOTTI as Cio-Cio-San Grand Opera Company (not connected with Milan’s opera house), one of her main roles there and elsewhere Cio-Cio-San. Other parts in which she was frequently heard included Mimì, Nedda and Micaëla. In the 1930s she performed with a touring marionette theater in New York and undoubtedly in many other locations. 9505. 11” Brown Odeon 110227/110228 [XM1790/XM1791]l I ZINGARI: Discioglietelo prima / I ZINGARI: Zingaresca (Leoncavallo). The only recordings of these excerpts? Cons. 2. $35.00. Alfredo Salmaggi (see page 210) preparing an elephant chorister for one of his spectacular AIDA performances at the Hippodrome in the 1930s. 253
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