
TSRW (2.0.15 version 26054)
S3PE plugin for TSRW
What we will do in this tutorial is create glass floors (per placeble tile) from a rug. Things we will cover is how to
cut into the floor, how to add a ceilingpart to our project and how to combine the 2 into 1 workshop project
and finaly export as .sims3pack, and as a bonus how to create recolourable glass.
Before we start I would like to thank Inge Jones for finding out how this is done and sharing that information so
that more people like me, and now you ;) can learn to move past our boundry’s in object creation.
Ok let’s start!
Load your workshop (always create with the latest one) and create a new project.
Objects  Décor  Rugs choose the modern round 1x1
Make sure to put in the projectname whether you are creating the FLOOR or CEILING part, this will later on
make it easier to spot.
Fill in the fields required and click next.
And OK.
Set your price here and make sure that version is changed from 22 to 23 (otherwise you can’t see the
In the projecttab these fields must be ticked:
For the FLOOR:
Function category:
Function Subcategory:
Room Category:
Room Subcategory:
Repeat buy and has Floor cutout
No ticked boxes
Movement flags:
No ticked boxes.
Next do your project as you normaly would. Import the new mesh and texturefiles (mask, multiplier, specular*)
(* Because we are making recolourable glass you need to make sure that the alpha on the specular is white,
this will create the shine on your plane)
Now we will edit the material in the meshtab to make us some recolourable glass.
In the meshtab, click in the box were it says material, an icon with … will appear, click that to edit the materials.
In the material editor *pop up* click on the top were it says +add
And browse to add the following values
You need to repeat this step for each of the to add values.
Alpha Mask Treshold
Set this to 1
Set to edit to: 135,135,135,200* Depending on how transparent
you want your glass to be.
Edge Darkening:
Set to 0
Fresnel Offset:
Set this to 0,8
Refraction Disortion
Set to 0,1
Now: change the shader from rug to Glass for Objects, in the popup asking you if you want to fill it with the
default settings choose no.
Next we will change the settings that were there.
Remove Rug sort (rightmouse click choose remove)
Set shinyness to 10
Set the specular to 190,190,190
And change transparency to 0,5
Your material should now look like this
Click on DONE, In the pop up asking if you want to update all LOD’s answer NO.
Phew, we now have recolourable glass :D
Save your project and make sure you can later recognize it as the FLOOR!
Now create another new project , this time use the IMPORT option and browse for your FLOOR workfile.
select it and clone, make sure to enter NEW values in the boxes, and make sure to include that this is the
ceiling in the name (easier to find it)
In the project tab you can set the version to 22
And UNTICK the Objecttype: Has Floorcutout
Reimport the Mask, Multiplier and Specular you used for the floor.
As for the mesh itself, open the floormesh, flip that upsidedown (so that the “texture” would be on the
bottom) and move that up to were you need it to be. This HAS to be between 2.85 height *start of ingame
ceiling* and 2.99 *at 3.0 the next floor will start* make sure it’s still assigned to the joint and export it as the
ceiling. Import in TSRW.
Save this project and make sure you can see it’s the ceiling.
Let’s grab a drink and prepare for the next part.
Open up the CEILING again in TSRW and go to Edit (menubar) and select Project contents
In the popup select the line OBJD and write down the instancenumbers (first and second)
Now choose Export  to package and save your ceiling were you can find it again. (make sure it says
CEILING, or you might get confused)
You can cancel your Project contents in TSRW now and close the .wrk
Open S3PE and open your just saved CEILING.package
Select the OBJD and write down the TYPE (the hexvalue like 0x319E4F1D)
Close the ceiling and S3PE again.
Go back to TSRW and open your FLOOR workfile.
Go to the misc. tab
You will notice there is now a new value added named FloorMask. In here we will import our floorcutout, as we
will be cutting out the whole tile, we need a floormask that is square like 32x32, 64x64, or higher) I will use a
64x64 all black (RGB + Alpha) DTX5 interpolated Alpha DDS.
Import that into the Floormask.
Save your file again, go to the Menu, Edit, Project Contents and look for your new imported DDS for the
floormask, as this is just a 64x64 file it will probably be the DDS with the smallest filesize by selecting them one
by one, you can see in the preview which one it is. When you find it, write down the instance numbers of the
mask. When you’ve done that right click the DDS and choose  Open as .package in S3PE
S3PE will open, now also write down the type Hex (something like 0x00b2d882)
Close S3PE, TSRW will tell you the package is not updated. Click ok.
Now with all values written down, select the OBJD, right mouseclick and open as .package in S3PE
Let’s get busy now :D
We will now be linking the floorcutout to the OBJD of the floor so that when you place your floor, it will know
to cut in the floor below, and also link the ceiling to the floor, so that when you look up from the level below
your floor, you can also see a (recolourable) glass ceiling.
In S3PE:
S elect the OBJD and click on GRID
A new window will open which is the DATA GRID on the bottom you can see the TGIBlocks, click in the box next
to that and there will be an icon to press to edit (…)
TGIBlock List Editor will now open.
Click on add. Were it says type browse for the type of your floormask (see your notes) select it.
Now enter the instance number in the 3th box (where it says instance) here we have to be carefull.. you have
noted down the 2 instance numbers from TSRW, S3PE however works with the full instance, in order to get
that we have to combine our 2 instances. If your value is now for example 0x6d0c085c 0x707d2e72 you just
need to delete the 2 0x and combine the 2 like so: 0x6d0c085c707d2e72 enter that value in the instance.
Click Save and Commit.
Now do the same thing again, but now add the values of your ceiling that you wrote down.
Save and Commit again.
Now open up the data grid again and change the version from 0x00000017 to 0x00000019 this will add a value
for floor below to the OBJD, commit and open the data grid again.
Select the new line that says LevelBelowOBJDindex and select your added ceiling in there (Read as Type, Group,
Instance number to check)
Next go to the field FloorCutoutDDSIndex, in here browse in the dropdown for your added floormask.
Set the FloorCutoutBoundslenght to 1
And commit
Now close your S3PE, when asked save the file.
Back in TSRW your OBJD file has been updated. Next we (still in project content) Export  Package and make
sure to have FLOOR in it.
Close your project.
Open S3PE and open the ceiling.package
We will now edit the ceiling so that it will not show up separately in our game buycatelogue.
In your opened .package select the OBJD, click on GRID to open the Data Grid, click on the + in front of
Common Block.
Go to BuildBuyProducStatusFlags and click on the + in front.
Were it says “show in catalogue” set from true tp false using the dropdown.
Commit and close the package (and save it ofcourse)
Almost there!
We are now going to combine the 2 .packagefiles to have the floor and ceiling both in 1 new TSRW file.
We do this by first opening the FLOOR.package in S3PE
In the menu, go to resource  import  from .package and select your CEILING.package
In the import pop up select the option to reject all duplicates and click on import.
do not autosave so in the next popup answer NO
You now have a new .package with ceiling and floor combined. In the menu use save as.. and give the .package
a new name so that you will know it’s the combined one.
Close S3PE
Go back to TSRW.
Start a new project and choose to Import.
Browse for your combined.package and click next.
Give your project a new unique name also make the name for the game and description in this one and click to
You will notice you now have 2 projects in the projecttab. (floor and ceiling)
All you have to do now is save the new .wrk and export as Sims3pack.
Install ingame and have fun!