Annual Report 2008 - Developmental Center of the Ozarks
Annual Report 2008 - Developmental Center of the Ozarks
Annual Report 2008 Building Blocks for Developmental Success Philosophy Developmental Center of the Ozarks is dedicated to the philosophy that individuals who are developmentally disabled are first individuals with all the privileges, rights, and responsibilities of any citizen. As part of this concept, DCO will advocate for the acceptance of individuals who are developmentally disabled into the community through education and awareness activities, the use of community sites, homes, and resources for teaching and therapy activities, and networking with other agencies and organizations to promote the full inclusion of individuals with disabilities. Our Mission Developmental Center of the Ozarks makes a positive difference in the community by providing services which enable individuals to reach and maintain their optimal level of development. Building Blocks for Developmental Success DCO Board President 2008 Board of Directors Brad Weaver Bancorp South Dear Friends of DCO, When quality is the focus, great successes happen. As the President of DCO’s Board of Directors, I’m honored to share with you this report of great successes. While our mission to help individuals with developmental disabilities learn the skills they need to live their best life seems simple on the surface, reality is that it takes the entire team – from therapists to teachers, accountants to custodians to you – to make that a possibility. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors and our dedicated staff, thank you for continuing to be part of our team. Our successes would not be possible without you. Sincerely, 2008 Vice President 2008 Treasurer 2008 Secretary Rodney Nichols Carnahan Evans Cantwell & Brown John Wanamaker BKD, LLP Tony Shalloup Morris Dock MoDoCo Belinda Langham Drury University Scott Tumlin Commerce Bank Dr. Wanda Ethan Skaggs Community Hospital Lisa Nally ACR Nally Communications Richard Vance McAlister’s Deli Lindsay French Dynamic Pilates Steve Nurnberg BevInc Co. Steve Vaught Trust Company Of The Ozarks Steve Grace, M.D. Physician - Retired Dwight Rahmeyer Trust Company of the Ozarks Becky Von Behren Greenway Recycling Malcolm Hukriede Midwest Family Broadcasting Lisa Rau Silver Dollar City Attractions Brad Weaver, President DCO Board of Directors Developmental Center of the Ozarks 2 Executive Staff Administrative Staff Denise Alvarez, B.S���������������������������Marketing Coordinator Connie Barker, B.S���������������� Early Child Care & Education Coordinator Jana Browning, RN�������������������� Greene & Christian County Adult Services Coordinator Kim Burlison, B.A.�� Adm. Assistant, Program Management Hanna Carlson������������������Administrative Assistant, Training Mary Hildebrand���������������������������������������� Accounting Clerk Wendy Jo Hill, B.A��������������������.Taney County Employment & Adult Day Center Coordinator Jong Lee, MBA��������������� Asst. Programmer/System Analyst Laura Skiles, B.S.������������������������������������������ PR Coordinator Crystal Vaughn�� Payroll Accountant/Personnell Coordinator Executive Director Building and Grounds Phillip Bollinger��������������������������������������������������� Custodian Maurice Brown���������������������������������������������������� Custodian Alicia Carlson������������������������������������������������������ Custodian Brian Carlson�������������������������������������������� Floor Technician Jeff Hogan������������������������������������������������������������ Custodian Darrell Sons��������������������������������������������������������� Custodian Allan McKelvy, M.S. in Education Director of Programming Sharon Hailey, M.S. in Guidance & Counseling Program Staff Rosemary Gonzalez, CDA Jill Ackfeld, LPN Robyn Grosenbacher, Leslie Beard, MSCFY-SLP MSCCC-SLP Samantha Bertalott Samantha Haraldson Melissa Bland Brice Hall Nancy Bracken Shalana Hall Amy Brummet, LPN Sandra Hamilton. B.S. Tara Burks, RPT Margaret Hanson Rebecca Cain Cheyanne Hicks, CDA Bridget Chayer, B.S. Marissa Hicks Jared Chester Ashley Howard Corrie Clark Janet Jenkins Jennifer Counsel Kesha Jenkins Amanda Dahl, CDA Martha Johnson Mitsu DeLong Pamela Keen Janice Dennis, CDA Amelia Keller Nicole DeVol Evelyn Kincaid, LPN Kari Done, MACCC-SLP McCayla Kendrick Amanda Drake, CDA Cara Kliewer Vince Edwards Katrina Lakey Denise Emert, B.S. Melissa Leiboult Tracie Feeney, LPN Lisa Fowler-Koeppe, OTR/L Amanda Lenz Katherine Looney Amanda Freeman Karin Gardner-Brown, B.S. Lindy Mense, B.S. Regina Meyer Candy Gentry Kayla Mills Crystal Godfrey Susan Minor Lindsey Minks Bethany Mitchell, OTR/L Sheryl Morris, LPN Connie Murphy Adriane Nelson, MSCCC-SLP Melodi Nivens, LPN DaLacey Norcross Ruth Oertle Clarisa O’Mary Vickie Pendergrass Stacy Peters, OTR/L Susan Pon, RPT Jami Porterfield, B.S. Lois Prewitt Angela Proctor Holly Rader, MSCCC-SLP Mandy Ramey Alejandro Reyna Carol Jones Yvette Rogers Mayra Rogers Kathleen Sanchez Bette Schutt, B.A. Wanda Scott, CDA Lena Semchenko Rebecca Shaver, CDA Joyce Sims, MA, OTR/L Susan Sinclair Rae Ann Smith, CDA Jeanette Stacye, CDA Autumn Stevens Maria Szendrey Ingrid Taylor Judith Taylor, RPT Molly Taylor Annette Thomas, RPT Regina Tracy, CDA Stephanie Waldron Heather Weiss, B.S. Haley Wester Dabney Whatley,MA, CCC-SL Monica Witham Bobbie Whittington Kara Williamson Rebecca Wilson Ruth Woolf Bethany Youngblood Maria Young Finance Director Mark Specht B.S. in Finance IT Director 3 Annual Report –Fiscal Year 2008 Robert Barnard Development/ PR Director Marisa DeClue B.S. in Speech Communication Physical Plant Manager Howard Davison Our History FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (UNAUDITED) JANUARY TO DECEMBER 2008 REVENUES OPERATING INCOME REVENUES Adult Services Adult Day Care Services Child Care & Early Education Therapy Services Community Support TOTAL INCOME 582,349 748,120 846,055 827,536 1,193,106 4,197,166 EXPENSES Salaries Employee Rel. Exp. Prof.& Outside Services Travel Expenses Occupancy Equipment Expenses Food Services Supplies Expense Bad Debt Staff Training Advertising Vehicle Operation Other TOTAL EXPENSES 2,875,345 440,687 30,028 41,226 236,636 81,752 109,888 196,347 1,741 11,682 13,010 76,048 81,893 4,196,283 In 1954, a small group of parents whose children had Cerebral Palsy banded together to find some help and some hope. Out of their courage and foresight emerged the United Cerebral Palsy Center of SW Missouri (today called Developmental Center of the Ozarks). What began as a single program in borrowed space now serves hundreds from four area counties each year - with five programs located in three Missouri cities. DCO Timeline • 1954 - United Cerebral Palsy of SW Missouri incorporated • 1974 - Infant Therapy Program initiated • 1978 - Adult habilitative training program originated in Greene County • 1984 - Taney County Adult Habilitation Programs established • 1986 - Christian County Adult Habilitation Programs established; renamed Developmental Center of the Ozarks to better represent individuals served • 1989 - Supported Employment Program began in Greene County • 1990 - Greene County Early Education Program expanded to include before and after preschool service and licensed as Child Care Provider; received CARF Accreditation in all three programs • 1998 - First Steps Therapy Program expanded, with emphasis on providing services in the natural environment • 1999 - Technology & Learning Center added to Greene County • 2001 - Childcare and Therapy Programs licensed to include infants and toddlers; partnership developed with Early Head Start • 2007 - DCO is primary provider of First Steps Teams in Greene, Christian, Stone, and Taney Counties Developmental Center of the Ozarks 4 Early Child Care & Education Program DCO’s Early Child Care and Education (ECCE) Program is a Accomplishments and Goals nationally accredited program, licensed by the Bureau of Child Care Learning to provide child care services for children with and without developmental disabilities, approved by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) as a private offers a wide variety of activities agency, and is a vendor for the including language stimulation, Children’s Division. motor development, self-help skill The Early Child Care and Education Program offers a daily classroom setting for infants and children six weeks through six years who require specialized programs and therapies as well as children who do not. The classroom instruction is based on a developmental model and 5 development, learning centers, and play activities. Trained staff and a full time nurse are supervised by a professional coordinator with a degree in education. “ I like that my kids get a balance of play and learning opportunities.” Parent Annual Report –Fiscal Year 2008 2008 Accomplishments ✔✔ Upgraded video cameras in the classrooms to DVD and digital. ✔✔ Developed a database for the waiting list to track openings and generate letters of notification on a monthly basis. ✔✔ Created a new ‘child friendly’ lunch and snack menu. ✔✔ Implemented a more in-depth staff training program of 30+ hours annually. ✔✔ Executed a plan to add training and staff meetings that can be attended by all staff. ✔✔ Created a biweekly newsletter for parents. ✔✔ Received a three year CARF re-accreditation. 2009 Goals ✔✔ Fill classroom openings within two weeks of availability. ✔✔ Create and implement a mentor program for new staff. ✔✔ Expand video camera system. ✔✔ All lead teachers will have a CDA (Child Developmental Credential). Therapy & Rehabilitation Services Accomplishments and Goals 2008 Accomplishments ✔✔ Developed and implemented a database to record and track evaluations and direct services. ✔✔Secured a satellite office location in Christian County. ✔✔ Added three vehicles to the department for those therapists ✔✔ ✔✔ ✔✔ traveling the farthest distances in Taney and Stone Counties. Updated affiliation agreements with universities wanting to place students with DCO Therapists. Added additional Speech and Occupational Therapists. Received three year CARF re-accreditation. 2009 Goals ✔✔ Research funding sources for older children who do not qualify for Early Childhood, Special Education Program, or have a medical need for therapy not provided by their school districts. ✔✔ Develop strategies to increase communication and contact between all therapists. ✔✔ Establish and implement a schedule to observe/monitor evaluations and therapy sessions for each therapist. ✔✔ Expand training opportunities for therapists. DCO’s Therapy Program is nationally accredited and approved by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. DCO has provided therapy services to individuals with developmental disabilities since 1954. Evaluations and therapy services are provided by licensed and/ or certified Physical Therapists, Speech/Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists and Special Instructors. Our therapists provide First Steps early intervention services to children while assisting the classroom teachers, parents, or other interested individuals to develop strategies and activities which can be integrated into the natural routines and schedules of the individual and/or family. These First Steps services are provided for children from birth to three years of age through home visits and include family/caregiver training. For those who are not part of the First Steps program, our Therapists evaluate and develop a treatment plan based on the assessed strengths and needs of the individual. This service is a more traditional therapy approach of scheduled appointments at our center. “I can’t believe how well my child has improved with therapy!” Parent Developmental Center of the Ozarks 6 Adult Technology & Learning Program The Technology & Learning Center (TLC) Program offers services to individuals who are referred by the family or Service Coordination agency. The program services provide both Center based and Community Classes, as well as Volunteer Opportunities and Personal Assistance. The TLC Program offers learning labs based on several levels of individual needs. The course choices change every four months and include activities such as computers, gardening, woodworking and pre-vocational skills. Classes and volunteer sites in the community are designed to compliment and provide opportunities for the adult learner to practice skills learned in the center based labs. They also provide an excellent opportunity for inclusive experiences. Our goals are to provide an environment in which new skills 7 Accomplishments and Goals can be learned and additional skills can be refined or relearned. We aim to increase skills leading toward personal independence, vocational preparation, and career advancement. These services are approved by the Department of Mental Health and accredited by CARF. “Everyone is wonderful! We are blessed to have DCO.” Parent Annual Report –Fiscal Year 2008 2008 Accomplishments ✔✔ Added a pre-vocational class with paid training for tasks such as bow making and shredding. ✔✔ Remodeled program area by adding a kitchen. ✔✔ Installed a hydraulic lift, electric door, and awning at south entrance. ✔✔ Reinforced internal quality assurance with emphasis on Personal Plan content. ✔✔ Received three year CARF re-accreditation. 2009 Goals ✔✔ Increase time spent in Community Integration Classes to 25%. These classes compliment the curriculum and activities in the TLC labs. ✔✔ Review Community Integration activities and survey all Community Integration class sites. ✔✔ Complete the remodeling of the board room, kitchen, and restroom. ✔✔ Complete improvements to east parking lot. ✔✔ Add video camera system throughout building. Community Employment Program Accomplishments and Goals 2008 Accomplishments ✔✔ Staff in both Greene and Taney Counties have their Employment Specialist certificates. ✔✔ Initiated Vocational Assessments with a local high school. ✔✔ ✔✔ Employed ten youth in the Taney County Summer Youth work crew. Received three year CARF re-accreditation. 2009 Goals ✔✔ Expand job opportunities for individuals with more challenging job placement needs. ✔✔ Expand enrollment in both Greene and Taney Counties through increased marketing efforts. ✔✔ Continue active involvement with local schools and community by attending IEP conferences, Transitional Vocational Assessments, health fairs, and summer youth services. ✔✔ Develop additional work crew opportunities. ✔✔ Continue efforts to increase availability of community transportation. The Employment Program is designed to assist eligible individuals obtain and maintain gainful employment through a Job Coach Model. Individuals who are older than 16 and referred through agencies such as Vocational Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation for the Blind are eligible for this program. A functional assessment of vocational interests, preferences, and skills is completed. A job placement is made in a position that matches the assessed information and for which the applicant is qualified. Employment Specialists provide training, support, and intervention in the work place to ensure a successful placement. In the group model, several individuals perform the task and are paid according to their productivity. Work crews are employed in an integrated work site and have excellent opportunities for inclusion with employees who do not have disabilities. Both individual and group models are available for employment applicants. Programs are available in Greene and Taney Counties and approved by Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Mental Health and nationally accredited by CARF. “I am extremely proud of my daughter’s program.” Parent Developmental Center of the Ozarks 8 Adult Day Center Services This program is designed to assist older persons or those Accomplishments and Goals older than 18 with developmental disabilities to maintain and retain skills of independence while participating in a stimulating, safe, and interactive environment. Scheduled activities include music, games, dancing, mild exercises (with physician approval), crafts, social activities, and quiet/leisure activities. Activities are based on an individual’s interests, choices, and needs. This program is overseen by a nurse with trained staff providing direct services. Programs are available in Greene, Christian, and Taney Counties and are licensed by the Department of Health and Senior Services. 9 Annual Report –Fiscal Year 2008 “My son even gets packed up to go to DCO on days he’s not scheduled to be there.” Parent 2008 Accomplishments ✔✔ Purchased furniture, appliances, and supplies for use in the Developmental Connections building which will house our Taney County Adult Day Center when approved for occupancy. ✔✔ Initial applications and inspections completed for occupancy of the Developmental Connections building in Taney County. ✔✔ Increased enrollment in Christian County Program. ✔✔ Greene County Program received a new TV and DVD player through grants. ✔✔ Each program (Greene, Christian, and Taney Counties) was re-licensed by the Department of Health and Senior Services. 2009 Goals ✔✔ Obtain a wheelchair accessible van for Christian County Program. ✔✔ Implement lesson plans that increase community activities. ✔✔ Develop a schedule of community awareness activities including meeting presentations and brochure distribution. ✔✔ Continue to increase enrollment in Christian County Program. Fiscal Year 2008 Donors 3M Foundation 417 Magazine Kathy Adele Joyce Aiken and Bruce Adibyazdi Affordable Autos Carrie Alcorn Tia and Gregory Aleshire Joanie Alexander All Events Rental Allegiant Air Fred T. Allen Virgie Allen Alltel AmCraft Ornamental Iron American Detection Specialists, Inc. American Legion Auxiliary #676 Andy’s Frozen Custard Anonyomous Gift Argentina Steakhouse Ashley Furniture Home Store ATA Martial Arts Ruth Auner Avanzare Leigh Babbit Jackie Bailey Bailey’s American Grille Dawnielle and Bob Baker Linda and Robert Baker Bancorp South Bank of America Bank of America United Way Campaign Luigi and Dana Barbo Lindsay Barcomb Connie and Larry Barngrover Jill and Omar Barron Tracey Barton Bass Pro-Corporate Office Bates & Associates Gerri and Bill Beauchamp Robert and Muriel Beckett Donald and Judith Beisner Bekebrede Homes LLC Brad and Carrie Benton Rachel and Rob Bergin Betsy’s Hallmark Bevinco of SW Missouri Big Whiskey’s Bijan’s Binnie Clements Guild BKD, LLP Jack Blankenship Dolly and Craig Bloom Anita and Harry Blow Sonja and Ray Blow Bruce Bloxom Steve and Susan Blumreich Chelsey and Kraig Bode Scott and Nancy Bottorf Boulevard Brewing Company Gale and Lloyd Boutwell Marci A. Bowling Patsy A. Bowling Boyd Aluminum Dina M. & Dr. John H. Brabson Karen and John Braun Chassidy and Miquel Loren and Nancy Broaddus Bronze The Tanning Salon Joyce Brooks Brown Derby Alexis and Derek Brown Cathy Brown Dale E. Brown Dale and Jane Brown Janet and Donald Brown Patricia Brown Bryan Properties Genny and Wayne Bryan Stacia Buffington Wes Buffington Dr. Rebecca D. Burrell Virginia C. Bussey Ken Butrick Pete and Kim Butrick Buxton Kubik Dodd Amy and Tyler Buzbee Linda S. Cameron Karen Campbell Candlewood Suites Canton Inn Nancy and Ron Caplinger Valerie and Floyd Carpenter Carpet Shoppe Patricia and Ken L. Carter Hannah and Paul Catlett Catt , Cole & Martin Doe’s Eat Place Terri and Roger Doman Don’s Auto Air Lawrence R. Catt Drury University Shanna Catt Dynamic Body Thomas C. Chappell Eagleburger Charlie & Mary Beth O’Reilly Deborah Debbie and Bob Eaton Family Foundation Dr. Laurie and Ben Chase Edmondson Ashley Childers Carrie Eidson and Barbara Children’s Orchard Mouse Christian Womens Fellowship Elfindale Mansion Bed & Christine & Katharina Breakfast Pauly-K Trust Elite Landscapes, LLC Thomas Clarke Elite Promotions Sherry and Matt Clay Elks Lodge #409 Brianna and Chelsea Coale Kimbra and Tracey Elliott Dan and Janelle Cobb Dusty and Lacey Emmert Kelli Coble Empire Bank Cody’s Convenience Stores Joetta and Fred Engel Jennifer and C. Ryan Cole Kari Engel Catherine Collison Carolyn and Daniel Erbert Commerce Bancshares Dawn Erickson Foundation Ernie Biggs Commerce Bank and Mike Esterl Community Foundation, Inc. Leslie Esthetiques Skincare Spa & Patty and Patrick Connell Clinics Tim Connell Dr. Wanda and Pat Ethen Cynthia and John Cook Shelley Evans Joy C. Cook Family Video Sally and Tom Cook Wilbur S. Feagan John and Susan Cooper Fedora Dwayne Copeland and Jon Feldt Beverly and James Cordonnier Denise Ferguson Family Fund Kathryn and Jim Cornett (Community Foundation) Dawn and Mike Cosby Robert L. Fitzgerald Margaret Cossette Flame Jennifer Cotner-Jones and Ruth Flitt Mark Jones Flower Merchant, Ltd. Leslie Cowen Fraternal Order of Eagles Cox Fitness Center #3934 Cox HealthPlans Christy Cravens Cravin’ Pizza Creamery Arts Center Marilyn and Don Creek Toni Creson CS & M Foundation Custom Metalcraft CW Titus Foundation D. Cloud & Company, LLC Darr Family Foundation Davis Property Management, LLC Linda and Vic Davis Anne and Warren Davis Delta Gamma Sorority Alumnae Larry and Glenna Frazier Whitney and Scott Deneen Mark and Shelley Frazier Rebecca A. Denton Fremont Hills Country Club Dianna Devore Lindsay and Justin French Sherry Reser Devore Tracy L. Frey Diane Nicholas Realtor Katherine and Hal Funk Dining by Design Fusion Consulting Matt Dionne Cheryl and Edward Dishman Leah and Kermit Gables John and Debra Gafner Dixie Stampede Gannett Foundation Kathy J. and Thomas Dodds Mark Garnett Randall O. Doennig Janet Garrett Jana D. Hutchens Emily Hutchinson Leigh and John Hutchison Charlotte and Paul Hutsell HYA Financial Corp. Heather and Randall Ince Independent Printing, Inc. Chris Ingram Interactive Hotel Solutions (IHS) Jennifer and Joel Jackson Holly and Chad Jaeger JAG Architectural Products Jim James Suzanne Janick Andy Jared Linda and Jerry Jared David and Sally Jenkins Wilma and Russel Jenkins Barbara Jensen Nancy Jester John Daly’s Murder Rock Golf & Country Club John Deere Landscapes David Johnson Kimie Johnson Johnson Family Fund (Community Foundation) Maria Johnston Jody Jones Angie and Kevin Jones Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts Debbie and Jeff Julich Jump Mania Virginia M. Kaemmerer Dustin Kelso Peggy and Tim Kepley Sidney and Kay Kerans Becky and Karl Kime Kindermusik with Ellen Claude Kinser Susan Kirby-Elayer Stacy Kirkland Mrs. George M. Klingner Jr. Laura and Gregory B. Knight Knights of Columbus #10200 Knights of Columbus, Council #9533 L. Joyce Krasser Karen and William Krittenbrink Cindy and Mike Kruse Peggy and John Kubicek KY3, Inc. Lamberts Cafe II Stacey and Scott Landrum Belinda and Jim Langham Pam Herd Hiltons of Branson & Branson Larry Snyder & Company, Inc. Sally and Kurt Larson Convention Center Law Office of Daniel B. David Hinrichs Johnson Katie and Darin Hodges Law Office of Dee Wampler Chad Holgerson Catherine and Albert Daunis Holloway Lawrence Jennifer and Aaron Holum Deborah Lawrence Barbara and Dr. Alex Hover Stephanie Lawson Dawn and Kevin Hugo Justin Lea Sissy and Marty Hurst Everett Leath Husch Blackwell Sanders Martha and Dr. Walt Gaska Alicia and Steve Gassel Ann Gentry Susan and John Gentry Sondra Gentry Mike and Shari Gerke Gilardi’s Glazers Midwest Don and Betty Golik Ann and Dr. Steve Grace Gracie’s Bridal Great Southern Bank Kathleen and Walter Green Greene County Board for the DD Carissa and Mike Greenlee Greenway Recycling, Inc. Jennifer Gregory Sara Griffin Susan and Dr. Mark Grimm Sherry and Jerry Hailey Ann Hall Annette E. Hall Karen and Harold Hall David K. Halstead Harem & Company Evelyn Harmon Kim and Patrick Harrington Dr. and Mrs. Scott Harris Sheila Harvey Dana and Rich Havens Joyce A. Hawkins Hawthorn Bank Hawthorn Galleries, Inc. Donna and Frank Hayden Kim and Scott Haymes Virginia and Richard Haymes Jill and Mike Headley Beverly and James Heckman June Hehl Bill Helfrecht Marlene and Gary Ledford Tracy Lehnert Lennie Cloud Fund (Community Foundation) Leola’s Vintage Home & Garden Bridgette and Gary Leonard Anne and Fred Lerche Amy Lewis Libby Ferguson Training Center, LLC Robert Lister Mary and Donald Little Brenda and Micheal Logsdon Linda and Roy Lorenzo Loyd’s Electric Supply Sherrill Luckie Aubrey Lumley and John E. Craig Harold and Juanita Mace Sarah Mahaffey Tiffany Maiman Malkmus Law Firm LLC Leslie and Bill Manor MarineMax Springfield Linda Marshall Keri and Tyson Martin Anne Mason Mattax-Neu-Prater Eye Center Maxon’s Linde and Colin McAllister McAlister’s Deli Jean McAllister Paula and Steve McBurnett Allison and Rob McCarville Laura and Grant McCune Vicki and Bruce McCurry RaeAnn McDonald Deborah and Mark McFatridge Andrea and Greg McKinney Karen and John McQueary Kim and Sean McQueary Mark McQueary Charles and Laura Meek Jane and Ed Mellers Merrill Lynch Metropolitan Grill Mexican Villa Mid-Missouri Bank Midwest Family Broadcast Midwest Metro Foreclosures Midwest Rug Company Jo Miles Agnes Miller Benjamin Miller Mindy and Steve Miller Sharon Miller Millwood Golf and Racquet Club Selma and Glen Milum Missouri Family Rodeo Association Missouri Foundation for Health Missouri Insulation & Supply Mitchell Drywall & Plastering Delvan Mitchell Jr. Scott C. Mitchell Mitchum Jewelers MO Sports Hall of Fame MODOCO Tonya and Bruce Monroe Donna and Bill Montgomery Martha Montgomery Donna Lee Moon Bruce Moore Catherine A. and James Moore Angela R. Morelock Jane and Dr. Dennis N. Morrison Ellen and Dr. F. Thomas Moseley Skip Motsenbocker Natalie and Bradley Mounts Moxie MSU Men’s Basketball Dave and Sarah Muegge Judy and Thomas Murphy Terri Murray Musgrave Foundation Nakato’s Nancy Rose National Art Shop National Associations of Womens Gymnastic Judges Julie A. Nelson Lori and Mark Nelson Nestle Purina PetCare Tanya and Dennis Newberry C. Dale and E.G. Nichols Melissa and Rodney H. Nichols Nixa Community Foundation Nu Essence Massage & Day Spa Linda and Steve Nurnberg Ocean Zen Tara Oetting Ollis & Company Dorothy Olson Stanley and Nancy O’Neal Bud E. Orchard Oreck Clean Home Center O’Reilly Auto Parts O’Reilly Wooten Family Fund (Community Foundation) David O’Reilly Ryan O’Reilly Kay and Roger Osborne Dolly and Pat Oshel Ozark Mountain Bank Ozark Mountain Gem & Mineral Society Ozarks Health Advocacy Foundation Ozarks Regional YMCA Dolores and Paul Palmer Paper World Parkcrest Dental Parlor Eighty-Eight Lounge Laura Parramore Jane Patterson Leigh and Craig Patterson Ryan and Kelly Patterson Patterson’s Manufacturers Agents Nancy and George Paul Developmental Center of the Ozarks 10 Ruscell and David Pavlin Carolyn Pellecchia Deanna Peltz Debbie and Jim Penn Janice and Ron Penney Robin and Rodney Pennington Pamela Petr Patty and Tyson Petty Debi Phillips Knial R. Piper Billie and Bill Pohl Posh Maternity, LLC Positive Touch Positronic Industries Mary and Paul Potthoff Ed and Suze Powell Price Cutter Charity Championship Nancy and John Price Sharon Price Angela Proctor Provence Gifts and Antiques Linda and Bryon Putman Adam and Kim Pyle Queen City Fraternal Order of Eagles #3934 Penni and Tom Quinn Roberta and Jason Rader Judge Nancy and Dwight Rahmeyer Linda and Tom Ramsey Jennifer and Jack Randolph Ilene and Don Raphael Toni Ratican Rob Rector Jerry and Jeanne Redfern Regions Bank David Reid Reynolds Plastic Surgery Virginia Reynolds Kristen and Brian Riedy Michele Risdal-Barnes and Skip Barnes Jesse M. Robertson Randall Robinson Scott N. Robison Rock’N Ribs BBQ Festival Cinda and Lynn Rodgers Phyllis Rogers Rod and Brenda Romine Ashley Ross Rotary Club of SE Springfield Tim Roth Roy W. Slusher Foundation Protima and Rabin Roy Royal Ballroom Russell Cellular Krystal Russell Nicole and Richard Russell S.B. Bon Catheryn and Tim Sallee 11 Sheila and Roger Tipling Shelley and Brian Todd Tony Roi’s Elvis Experience Jeanne and David Toombs Terry A. Touhey Tower Grove Shopping Center Town and County, Inc. Evelyn and Arnold Townsend Julie and Gil Trout Trust Company of the Ozarks Turkey Trot Turner Family Fund (Community Foundation) Sue and Doug Twigger Twilight Grille Two Men And A Truck United Way of Morris County United Way-Special Dist. Account St. John’s Clinics St. John’s Foundation for US BANK Community Health Katie and Richard Vance St. John’s Health System Kim and Trey Vance Crystal and Steve Vaughn St. John’s Medical Spa Patricia and Steve Vaught Stamina Products, Inc. Angela and Steven Star Portrait Design Vincent Antonette and Vernon Vino 100 Starks Nikki Visocky Valerie Statlar Vita Bella Homes LLC Sandra and Jack Steck Vogue Cleaners Dr. Daryl T. Steen Becky and Jim Von Heidi Stephens Behren Dr. Kelley Still Lelia Voss Dawn and Ronald Stith Sandra Walker Lisa Strauser Patricia and Larry Wallis Shannon Street Janice and Shane Wallis Brooke and Shannon Beth Wanamaker Strother Lori and John Wanamaker Paula and Stephen Carlye and Phil Stufflebam Wannenmacher Anna Sturhahn Cynthia and Robert Susan Boswell Watkins Foundation, Inc. Susan and Joel Waxman Susan Sommer-Luarca Susan and Brad Weaver Fine Art Gallery Greg Weaver Janet S. Swann Wellpoint Associate Heather and Brian Giving Campaign Swearengin Ashley and Adam West Barbara Sweet Sherilyn and Talbots Representative Ray Taney County Bunco Weter Lindsay and Aaron Tanner Pam and Delore Wetzel Nancy and Ken Taylor The Beer Company, LLC White River Valley Electric Cooperative The Billiard Factory & Jennifer and Brad White Spa Brokers The Light House Gallery Nancy White Zach Whitehead The Nest Whitlock Selim & Keehn The Skinny Improv Andrew Wiemer The Tower Club Tiffany Wilgus Joyce Thomason William T. Kemper Eldon C. Thompson Foundation Cathy Tichenor Tammy Tindle Springfield Greene County Linda Salois Park Board Carol and Luther Salonen Springfield Gymnastics & Jami and Jeff Salyers Aquatics Center Jennifer and Scott Samsel James and Barbara Sapp Springfield ReManufacturing Corporation Claudia and Randy Saul Dorothy Schaeffer Hammons and Nancy Schanda Sherry and Rod Schellack Beverly and Steve Schneider, Jr. Sarah and Earl Schrader Kelly Schultz Carol and David Scott Jackie Sego Brandi and Ben Sellenriek Sharon and Curtis Seward Marie and Dr. Bharat Shah Linda and Tony Shalloup Suzanne and Randy Short Julie and Tom Short Signature Magazine Violet and Kenneth Sims Brent and Mindy Singleton Taryn Sirna Laura and Justin Skiles Margo Skiles Smart Choice Auto Sales SMC Electric Betty and Ray Smith Gwen and David Smith Henley and Robert Smith Kay and George Smith Larry Smith Tony Smith Social Suppers Barbara and Leonard Soderstrom Sonshine Performing Arts Academy Emily Spalding Meleah Spencer Karina Spore Springfield Ballet School Springfield Business Journal Springfield Cardinals Springfield Flower Company Annual Report –Fiscal Year 2008 Dennis and Sharon Williams Loretta Williams Matthew Z. Williams Shawn and Regina Williams Beth and Edward Williamson Tammy and Brian Wilmsmeyer Jennifer Wilson Theresa A. Witt Kathy and Samuel Wittmer Mrs. & Dr. Charles Woodall Sandra and Frank Woodside Work of Art Judith and David Workman Shelby and Will Worsham Laura Wren Sarah K. Wren Jackie and Jeff Wright Martha and John Wright Pamela J. and Danny L. Yancey Jennifer and Thomas Young Michelle and David Youngblood Yu Can Tan Too DCO Annual Meeting More than 100 donors, volunteers, staff and special guests joined the festivities April 29, 2008 at Highland Springs to celebrate volunteers, shareholders and supporters of DCO’s programs and services. Parent Lynn Neidigh spoke about their experiences after their son, Jackson, was born with Down Syndrome and the triumphs DCO has helped them achieve through therapy. Outstanding Volunteer Group of the Year: Chase Bank Employees Outstanding Sponsors: Interactive Hotel Solutions 417 Magazine Midwest Family Broadcasting O’Reilly Automotive Fifth Annual Boulevard Beer Dinner We had a fabulous time at Wellington Place in the Gillioz Theater. We began with happy hour and music by Art Bentley. Then guests enjoyed a scrumptious five-course meal designed by Ryan Tiller (Dining By Design) paired with five thirstquenching Boulevard Beers. The evening concluded with a silent and live auction and additional music by Art Bentley. This was our biggest year yet! Special thanks to all who made it possible to raise more than $48,000 in support of our programs. Grape vs. Grain We held our very first Grape vs. Grain event in 2008, benefiting the DCO Endowment Fund. A five-course food and beverage pairing event was held at the home of Chris and Susan Ball of Jack Ball Architects. This great event will help ensure DCO is able to continue changing lives for many years to come. Through Grape vs. Grain we were able to raise $8,500 for the Endowment Fund! Presented by: Brewmaster Sponsor: Apprentice Sponsors: Media Partners: Sponsored by: Developmental Center of the Ozarks 12 Air Support Q102.1, Star105.1, The Cave 104.7 and Bass Country 92.9 broadcasted Air Support on June 26. DCO was represented in force and we shared with the listening audience the many ways DCO impacts families through the Early Child Care & Education program, Therapy program, the Adult Day Care, Technology & Learning Center, as well as Employment Services. We had a lot to talk about! We also talked about the online auction and other ways the community can support DCO. This year we were able to auction off several nice packages including a Branson getaway package, a golf package, $150 to Mr. Yen’s, a party package from the Elks Lodge, as well as an electric guitar. We appreciate the businesses who buy sponsorships during this time. Also, a special thanks to Midwest Family Broadcasting for making this event so successful and fresh. 4th Annual Beach Bash DCO’s 4th Annual Beach Bash was like a short trip to the tropics. Our theme of Blue Hawaii was complete with Tony Roi entertaining guests with his Elvis Experience. Guests enjoyed an island dinner buffet, silent and live auctions, as well as music and dancing thanks to The Revenge. Some of the more adventurous went home with temporary tattoos and balloon-themed corsages or hats. This event raised more than $60,000! Special thanks to all of the sponsors, attendees, committee members, auction donors, and volunteers. Thanks to you we are reaching hundreds of children, adults and families across Southwest Missouri! The Big Kahuna: Surfer Dudes: Media Sponsors: 13 Annual Report –Fiscal Year 2008 Turkey Trot A record number of 5,150 runners and walkers participated in the 14th annual Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot 5K Run/ Walk, held in downtown Springfield. The Thanksgiving Turkey Trot is one of the largest 5K races in the state of Missouri, and is the largest annual race in the Springfield metro area. Wine Walk Our 5th Annual Wine Walk was another great night of mingling and wine tasting. The newest addition of a VIP pre-event, Wine Walk Uncorked, was a great time to learn more about wine from Hank Wetzel of Alexander Valley Vineyards. We had 15 partnering locations for wine tasting and raised more than $20,000 for our programs! Thank you sponsors and participants. We couldn’t do this without you! Thanks to our great wine-tasting locations: Tonic Ultra Lounge ~ Big Whiskey’s ~Bruno’s ~ Bailey’s American Grille ~ Trolley’s ~ Ernie Biggs/Parlor 88 Lounge ~ Gilardi’s ~ Maria’s ~ Mille’s ~ Flame ~ Twilight Grille/Hyde Gallery ~ Tuscan Grill/Big Smile Photography ~ Bubbles ~ Fedora All proceeds benefit DCO and the Springfield-Greene County Park Board Scholarship Fund. Special thanks to everyone who helped make this event a success! Event Sponsors: Additional Support: Coca-Cola/Dr. Pepper, Ozark Mountain Ridge Runners, KY3, Ramey/ Price Cutter, Lifetouch Photography, & Starbucks Wine Barrel 500 Derby Restaurants, corporate partners, and spectators enjoyed some friendly competition at the Wine Barrel 500 Derby on September 21. Teams crafted their own racing machines from wine barrels and raced to the finish line. Presenting Sponsors: Supporting Sponsors: 1st Place - PaperWise Most Creative - MoDoCo Most Team Spirit - Larry Snyder & Co. Food Sponsor: Media Sponsors: Developmental Center of the Ozarks 14 Gift Wrap Booth Amazingly, 2008 was our 33rd year of the Gift Wrap Booth fundraiser! Once again, hundreds of gracious volunteers came out to the Battlefield Mall to wrap thousands of gifts. We are so thankful for the gift of time our volunteers give throughout December. We have some great groups that even cover numerous shifts when needed. Thanks to the combined efforts of our sponsors and volunteers, the Gift Wrap Booth grossed $23,000 in 2008! The booth has become one of our most visible annual fundraisers and increases the community’s awareness of the mission of DCO. Plans are already under way for this year’s event, so mark your calendars! We were excited to serve at the 9th Annual Rock ‘n Ribs BBQ Festival held April 18 and 19, 2008. Hundreds of people and 60 BBQ teams came out to support the Rotary Clubs of Springfield fundraiser. Rock ‘n Ribs is put on by area Rotarians who donate the proceeds of the event to agencies that serve children in the Ozarks. This year they distributed a total of $130,000 to area agencies, including DCO! On behalf of DCO and the Rotary Clubs of Springfield, special thanks to each sponsor and volunteer who helped make this event great! Additional thanks to Rotary for choosing DCO as a grant recipient. Price Cutter Charity Championship Presented by: DCO had the opportunity to again participate in the 18th Annual Price Cutter Charity Championship July 17-20. Thanks to our sponsors and supporters for this exciting event: Hole #5 Sponsor: Mid-Missouri Bank Pro-Am Sponsor: O’Reilly Auto Parts Banner Sponsor: Leigh Environmental Program Sponsor: Larry Snyder & Company Vendor Village: American Family Insurance Corporate Tent: Edward Jones Skybox Holders: Steve Harter & Ed Samek Media Sponsors: 15 Rock ‘N Ribs Annual Report –Fiscal Year 2008 1954 Society The 1954 Society was organized in honor of the founders and those first children served. It ensures DCO will continue to serve those in need in Southwest Missouri. United Way Day of Caring Several local businesses came out to DCO in August as part of the United Way Day of Caring. We had plenty of projects to keep them busy. They cleaned and sanitized the chairs from our Family Center, painted hallways in the TLC program area, sanded and painted all metal railings, and organized storage sheds. What a great help they were to us! Thanks to our participating volunteer partners: KY3 and Associated Wholesale Grocers. We appreciate you! Gem and Jewelry Show The 41st Annual Ozark Mountain Gem & Jewelry Show was held October 11th and 12th at the Springfield Expo Center. This family-friendly event was put on by the Ozark Mountain Gem and Mineral Society, and they graciously donated admission and auction proceeds to DCO. This year, $2,330 was donated through the Gem and Jewelry Show and $907 through the Rock Swap in July! Special thanks to the Ozark Mountain Gem and Mineral Society for your support of the programs at DCO. By joining the 1954 Society, your generosity is permanently exhibited through the many lives that will be touched and forever changed. Benefits of Membership • Your legacy will live on in the form of continued service, education and advocacy. • You will receive a lapel pin and certificate of recognition to identify your commitment to DCO. • You will receive recognition in DCO’s Annual Report and at the Recognition Luncheon. Requirements for Membership You will become a member of the 1954 Society when you indicate (in writing) that you have made an estate gift to DCO. Some gifts that qualify you for membership are: • Naming DCO in your estate plan (will or trust) • Naming DCO as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan • Establishing a charitable gift annuity for DCO • Making a gift today of $10,000 or more How to Join If you have included Developmental Center of the Ozarks (DCO) in your estate plans or would like to make a gift today of $10,000 or more, simply tell us about your plans so that we can properly thank and honor you as a 1954 Society member. 1954 Society Members: Anonymous E.O. Day Estate Developmental Center of the Ozarks 16 Cumulative Donors July 1988-December 2008 Century Club ($200,000.00+) Anonymous Anonymous CW Titus Foundation KY3, Inc. Floyd F. Lewis O’Reilly Auto Parts Benefactors Club ($75,000.00+) Battlefield Mall Christine & Katharina Pauly-K Trust Clear Channel Community Foundation of the Ozarks KOLR 10 Midwest Family Broadcast Missouri Foundation for Health Musgrave Foundation Positronic Industries Price Cutter Charity Championship Springfield Bass Club BKD Foundation Chase Elks Lodge #409 Ferguson Family Fund (Community Foundation) Pat and Dr. John Ferguson Virginia and Carol Freeman Great Southern Bank Harriett Hutchens Mahaffey Enterprises McKesson Corporation O’Reilly Wooten Family Fund (Community Foundation) Butler, Rosenbury & Partners, Inc. Janeen and Ron Byerly Debbie and C. Bradford Cantwell Citizens National Bank Clifford F. Dees Trust Commerce Bancshares Foundation Leslie Cowen Custom Metalcraft D. Cloud & Company, LLC Norma Day Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau E.O. Day Estate Founders Club ($50,000.00+) Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Charlie & Mary Beth O’Reilly Family Foundation Commerce Bank CONCO Companies Cooper Foundation Corporate Business Systems Greene County Board for the DD Millwood Golf and Racquet Club Ozark Mountain Gem & Mineral Society Silver Dollar City Foundation Springfield Southeast Lions Club Talbots Turkey Trot William T. Kemper Foundation Leadership Club ($25,000.00+) Acme Brick Company Anonymous Bank of America Foundation 17 Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Ozarks Roy W. Slusher Foundation The Contractors Tracker Marine Corporation Turner Family Fund (Community Foundation) Governors Club ($10,000.00+) 3M Foundation 417 Magazine AECI Marge and Hearld R. Ambler American Detection Specialists, Inc. Anonymous Rob and Sally Baird Judy and Mike Breeding Empire Bank Employees of Positronic Industries W. David Estes Gannett Foundation Ann Gentry Susan and John Gentry Glazers Midwest Ann and Dr. Steve Grace Greenway Recycling, Inc. Herschend Foundation JoDee and Pete Herschend Independent Printing, Inc. Interactive Hotel Solutions (IHS) Journagan Construction Knights of Columbus, Council #698 Lamar Outdoor Advertising Annual Report –Fiscal Year 2008 Tracy and Larry Lipscomb Martin Family Fund (Community Foundation) Martin Rental & Leasing McAlister’s Deli Meek Charitable Trust Meek Lumber Yard, Inc. MODOCO H.P. and Marybelle Montgomery Tim Montgomery Catherine A. and James Moore MSU Men’s Basketball National Art Shop Ozark Booster Club Ozarks Coca-Cola Dr. Pepper Bottling Company Ozarks Health Advocacy Foundation Jean and Ben Parnell Queen City Fraternal Order of Eagles #3934 RN Smith Royal Tin Street Rod Club Russell Cellular Springfield Business Journal Springfield News-Leader Springfield ReManufacturing Corporation St. John’s Clinics St. John’s Foundation for Community Health St. John’s Health System Susan Boswell Foundation, Inc. Terry O. and Mary Kay Meek Fund (Community Foundation) The Casey Associates Toombs & Company Tower Grove Shopping Center Trailiner Corporation Voss Autohaus Lori and John Wanamaker Presidents Club ($5,000.00+) A. Dean Adams American Dehydrated Foods American Legion Auxiliary #676 Bass Pro-Corporate Office Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation Burlington Northern Sante Fe Canton Inn Cody’s Convenience Stores Consumers Markets, Inc. Edgar and Chrysandra Cordivin Cox HealthPlans Virginia and Bill Darr Darr Family Foundation Davis Property Management, LLC Anne and Warren Davis Delta Gamma Sorority Alumnae Elite Promotions Karen and Jeffrey Ellis Farm & Home Savings Fraternal Order of Eagles State Ladies Auxiliary GE Community Services Fund David Giddings Kim and Patrick Harrington Jennifer and Aaron Holum Dr. John D. Hume Kathleen and Gene Hutchens Johnson Family Fund (Community Foundation) Knights of Columbus, Council #9533 KSMU 91.1FM Lake Taneycomo Elks Lodge #2597 Larry Snyder & Company, Inc. Liberty Bank Linda’s Flowers/Karl’s Tuxedo’s Connie and Charles McCord Nina and Pat McKee Mitchum Jewelers Donna and Bill Montgomery Melissa and David Montgomery Robert Montgomery Murney Associates Nixa Community Foundation Ryan O’Reilly Ozarks Antique Automobile Club Premium Beverage Sales R. Crosby Kemper Foundation/ UMB Bank Regions Bank Beverly and Steve Schneider, Jr. Springfield Striping and Sealing Springfield Underground Star Portrait Design Starbucks Coffee Company The Cruise & Travel Connection The Skinny Improv Jeanne and David Toombs Jean and John Twitty United Missouri Bank of Springfield United Way of the Ozarks US BANK Patricia and Steve Vaught Susan and Brad Weaver Kris Westmoreland White Water/HFE Tammy and Brian Wilmsmeyer WineStyles Zarcon Partnership ACR-Nally Communications Inc. Joyce Aiken and Bruce Adibyazdi Alltel American Legion Post #676 Anonymous Archimica Bancorp South Banta Foods, Inc. Bates & Associates Binnie Clements Guild BKD, LLP Mary and Judge Don Bonacker Boulevard Brewing Company Valerie and Floyd Carpenter Errett Sechler Family Fund (Community Foundation) Jerry R. Fankhauser D.D.S. Fox & Hound Restaurant Fremont Hills Ladies Golf League Lindsay and Justin French Ancel E. Fry GBP Management, Inc Norma and Frank Giddings Judy Giddings Great Sounds GTE Telephone Operations Sherry and Jerry Hailey Harem & Company Hiland Dairy HYA Financial Corp. Connie and John Johnson Kanakuk-Kanakomo Kamps Ken Gunter, State Farm Insurance Lisa and Steven Kent Susan and William Kirkman Knights of Columbus #10200 Kraft Foods USA Cindy and Andrew Lear Catt , Cole & Martin Jennifer and C. Ryan Cole Patty and Patrick Connell CoxHealth Systems CSI Industries, Inc. Dillon’s Stores Don’s Auto Air Dynamic Body Ernie Biggs Louis L. & Dorothy Coover Charitable Fund (Community Foundation) Louis Rich/Oscar Mayer Fredna and John Mahaffey Keri and Tyson Martin MCI WorldCom MECO Systems, Inc. Directors Club ($2,500.00+) Jane and Ed Mellers Mid-Missouri Bank Mike Breeding, State Farm Insurance Mitchell Drywall & Plastering Karen and Delvan Mitchell Sr. HP “Monty” Montgomery Morelock-Ross Builders Ellen and Dr. F. Thomas Moseley Mr. Yen’s Restaurant Multimedia Games, Inc. Bob Murray III Melissa and Rodney H. Nichols Northrop Grumman Ollis & Company Onward Christian Soldiers Ozark Mailing Service Ozarks JeepThing Ozarks Regional YMCA PaperWise Parkcrest Dental Price Cutter Stores Judge Nancy and Dwight Rahmeyer Summer Riley Shelly and Aaron Sachs Linda and Tony Shalloup Simmons Beautyrest Sleep Gallery Springfield Lions Clubs State Bank of Southwest Missouri Paula and Stephen Stufflebam Sunrise Rotary Club SuperCuts Susan Sommer-Luarca Fine Art Gallery The Nest The Tower Club Trust Company of the Ozarks United Way of Bergen County United Way-Special Dist. Account Vino 100 Wal-Mart Foundation Wal-Mart Store #379 White River Valley Electric Cooperative H. E. Whitener Harriet and Jack Whiting Cynthia Wyrschg Grand Givers ($1,000.00+) Aaron Wm. Sachs and Associates Acro Trailer Company AirGas All Comm Business Systems, Inc. Allied Paint Alltel Mobile Communications, Inc. AmCraft Ornamental Iron American Contract Bridge League, Inc. American Family Insurance Anonymous Ashley Furniture Home Store Avanzare Bank of America, Forsyth Jill and Omar Barron Bill Beaver Big Cedar Lodge Body FX Marci A. Bowling Patsy A. Bowling Branson-Hollister Rotary Club Wes Buffington Virginia C. Bussey Buxton Kubik Dodd Capital Bank of Southwest Missouri Captain D’s Carnahan-White Fence Company Donna and Jeff Carney Carpet Shoppe Patricia & Ken L. Carter Cartoon’s Children’s Orchard Christian Womens Fellowship Citizens Bank of Rogersville Clary’s Sandy and Stan Coffman Commerce Bank Employees Giving Fund James H. Cooper Marc R. Copeland Copy Products, Inc. Dawn and Mike Cosby Cox Fitness Center Cravin’ Pizza Daimler Chrysler Corporation Fern and Max DeForest Delta Roofing Diamond Shoppe Dining by Design Early Day Gas Engine Ladies Auxiliary Econo Lodges of Springfield Elite Landscapes, LLC Elks Ladies Auxiliary # 409 Emil Eskengren Dr. Wanda and Pat Ethen Famous People Players First National Bank Flower Merchant, Ltd. Frank Durbin, State Farm Insurance Freedom of Road Riders Mary Fry Martha and Dr. Walt Gaska George’s Pharmacy Holly and Brent Gilstrap James K. Goff Gorman - Scharpf Funeral Home, Inc. Grand Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles Great Southern Employees Fund Great Southern Travel Mary Jane and Larry Grinstead GTE GTE Employees Fund Janet and John Harp Judy Haun John A. Heitz Royce Henson Dallis Higginbotham Carolin and Billy Hixon Hogan Land Title Daunis Holloway Barbara and Dr. Alex Hover Jana and Malcolm Hukriede Husch Blackwell Sanders International Sourcing, LTD Jennifer and Joel Jackson James A. & Helen E. Lilly Trust James River Grill Linda and Jerry Jared JCPenney Home Store Pamela and Dan Jenkins Junior League of Springfield Kiwanis Club South Knights of Columbus, #6470 L. Joyce Krasser Kum & Go Lacey Bros. Retail Construction Landers Chevrolet North Hummer Belinda Langham Leigh Environmental Bridgette and Gary Leonard Lezah Stenger Fund (Community Foundation) Cherie and Rick Linder Forest W. Lipscomb Betty and Gary Lipscomb Camille and Alan Lockhart Longhorn Grill Carl Lowe Loyd’s Electric Supply Bryan Magers Malkmus Law Firm LLC Malone Finkle Echkhardt & Collins, Inc. Maxon’s Kathy and Michael McCormick Carol Sue and Morey McDaniel Allan McKelvy Charles and Laura Meek Meridian Creative Merrill Lynch Metropolitan Grill Amy and Travis Meyer Mindy and Steve Miller Mille’s Missouri Amateur Softball Association MO Sports Hall of Fame Kathy and Wayne Morelock MSU Athletics Jeanette Musgrave Nakato’s Lesha and Andy Neidert Nu Essence Massage & Day Spa Mary Beth and Charlie O’Reilly Dr. Nancy and Larry O’Reilly Pamela O’Reilly Dolly and Pat Oshel Ozark Mountain Ducks Booster Club Patterson’s Manufacturers Agents Debbie and Jim Penn Joe Penner Becky and Glen Petteway Philip Morris Companies Inc. Kerry and Scott Podliska Preference, Inc. Dr. Ed Pyatt D.D.S. Jeanne Reidle Robbins Photography Rotary Club of SE Springfield Rural Missouri Cable T.V., Inc. Jami and Jeff Salyers Samek, Fritz & Company Sam’s Wholesale Club SBC Schilling & Sellmeyer Jewell T. Schweitzer Select Risk Management Services Signature Magazine Nikki and Daniel B. Sivils Smillie Financial Services Becky and Edward Spain Kathryn and Stephen Spence Springfield Collectors Club, Inc. State Farm Missouri Regional Office State Park Marina Edi Stauffer Holly Stenger Ronald and Lezah Stenger Stereo One Brooke and Shannon Strother Sunrise Optimist Club Tal and Rosalie O’Reilly Wooten Family Foundation Taney County Bunco The Avenue The Bearded Clam The Beer Company, LLC William Zickel Company Kathy and Samuel Wittmer WMC Mechanical Marie and Mark Wood Wood Re New & Tile Too! Rosalie O’Reilly Wooten The Billiard Factory & Spa Brokers The Thicket Thompson Sales Company Tindle Mills, Inc. TJ Sales Company, Inc. Tony Roi’s Elvis Experience Touch Restaurant Trolley’s Ann and William Turner Sue and Doug Twigger Two Tigers, Inc. UMB Bank Golf Tourney United Way/Metro Chicago US Food Service Christine Vallely Katie and Richard Vance Crystal and Steve Vaughn Visually Impaired Children’s Vita Bella Homes LLC Mel Volmert Becky and Jim Von Behren Wal-Mart Foundation/Sam’s Abby and Roger Wasson Greg Weaver Lawson Weaver Westway Shopping Center, LLC Jim and Mary White Nancy and Michael A. White Tom Wiles Worldcom, Inc. LDDS Worsham & Vaughan John Wyrsch Xerox Document Solutions Sponsors Club ($500.00+) James Abbott ABC Pictures, Inc. Agrario Akers & Arney Karen and Edd Akers Allegiant Air Amber Light Motor Inn American Legion Auxiliary #220 American Legion Post #639 Andy’s Frozen Custard Applebee’s Dolores and Ernest Bailey Roberta Bailey Bailey’s American Grille Cynthia and Jay Baker Bank of America, Mountain Grove Bank of Kimberling City Joyce and Stephen Barham Libby and Bob Barnard Benefits Unlimited Developmental Center of the Ozarks 18 Comissioner Roseann and Dr. John Bentley Bevinco of SW Missouri Bijan’s Bill Meacheam, State Farm Insurance Blackwell’s Boyd Aluminum Jeresa Branstetter Bruno’s Bud’s Tire & Wheel Business Expo Gary W. Caler Candlestick Inn, LLC Cardinal Floral Supply Ann and Dan Carter Central Dodge Clarion Hotel/Classic Sports Concentra John Courtney Coyote’s Adobe Cafe Cruisin’ 66 Laura Derrick, AIA Brooke and Paul Dizmang Beverly and Charles Downs Downtown Exchange Club Elese Tagge Anthony Education Fund (Community Foundation) Kretia and Kirk Elmquist Leslie and Mike Esterl Sarah and Frank Evans, III Richard Evans Fabick Southwest Fedora 19 Flummerfelt Town & Country Forsyth Lioness Club Karen and Elvin Foster Margaret and Stephen Foucart Larry and Glenna Frazier Garage Graphics Gary Noble, State Farm Insurance Missy and Brian Gelner Diane and Mark Gelner Rick Giesen Gilardi’s Deborah and Douglas E. Goodman Susan and Dr. Mark Grimm GTE Telephone Operations Gary Hagar Kimberly Hailey Dr. and Mrs. Scott Harris Harter House Supermarket Dana and Rich Havens Erin L. Hession Regina and Joseph Hessler Highland Springs Country Club Hoffman Supply Company, Inc. Dr. Michael A. Horan Eddie House Yvette and Dr. Steve Hughes Kathryn and John Hunter Husch Blackwell Sanders Leigh and John Hutchison Heather and Randall Ince Interior Planning Consultants, Inc. Internal Medicine Associates, Inc. Bervil Ivy J. Howard Fisk Limousines J. L. DeGraffenreid & Son J. Nations, State Farm Insurance JAG Architectural Products James Trammell, State Farm Insurance Jay Key Service, Inc. Jennifer’s Home Health Agency, Inc. Jewell Thompson Schweitzer Humanitarian of the Year John Deere Landscapes John Q. Hammons Industries Martha and Joe Johnson Adam Jorgenson Justice Jewelers Teresa and Derek R. Kaelin, DDS Kids Day America Christy and Michael Kinney Karen and William Krittenbrink L & J Plumbing Supply Lakes Area Sertoma Club Belinda and Jim Langham Stacie and Scott Larson Lathrop & Gage, L.C. Law Office of Dee Wampler William Lawrence Everett Leath Lennie Cloud Fund (Community Foundation) Leola’s Vintage Home & Garden Lester Building Systems Judy Lightner Robert W. Lowe Lowe’s Jane and Dr. Hugh Lundman Harriet & Dr. Michael Luzecky Maria’s Mexican Restaurant Markim White Insurance Agency Marshall Enterprises LC Marshall Waters Woody Mattax-Neu-Prater Eye Center Jason Mayer Mayse-Earnhardt Chevrolet Allison and Rob McCarville Martha D. McLean Kim and Sean McQueary Bill Meacheam Med-Pay, Inc. Mary Kay & Terry Meek Midwest Aluminum Manufacturing Company Midwest Walking Horse Show Missouri Entertainment & Event Center Annual Report –Fiscal Year 2008 Missouri Neon Ryan Morrison Dr. Robert J. Murney Neale & Newman LLP New Shanghai Circus - Acrobats of China Robert O’Block Oreck Clean Home Center Patrick O’Reilly Orman LLC Ozark Mobile Entertainment Ozark Mountain Bank Ozark Timber Company Park Crest Assembly of God Ryan and Kelly Patterson Pearson Automotive Susan and Dr. Carlos Perez Pershing School PG Walker Pinegar Chevrolet Mark Pitts Pleasant Hope Bank Pointe Royale Price Appraisals, Inc. Adam and Kim Pyle Race Brothers Farm Supply, Inc. Radisson Hotel Sam B. Randolph Riad Authentic Mediterranean Cuisine Nancy Richardson Kristen and Brian Riedy Robert B. Murray Company Cinda and Lynn Rodgers Route 66 Music Festival S.W.E.D.G.E.&TA, Branch 16 Chuck Schmit Scrivener Oil Company Seminole Decor Center, Inc. Sharon and Curtis Seward Seymour Lions Club Marie and Dr. Bharat Shah Shirley and Jerry Shipley Julie and Tom Short Krystal and Luke Simon Violet and Kenneth Sims Skate-A-Thon - Springfield Laura and Justin Skiles Margo Skiles Skornia Medical LLC SMC Electric Doris and James Smith Springfield Amateur Softball Assoc. Springfield Brake Company Springfield Cardinals Springfield City Council Springfield Mill and Lumber Springfield Public Schools Employees Springfield Trust Company St. John’s Medical Spa St. Michael’s Stanhope, L.L.C. Steak ‘N Shake Dr. Kelley Still Surdyke Yamaha, KTM Karen and Judge Miles Sweeney Marijo and Jerry Taylor Ted E. Bear’s Toy Factory Telephone Pioneer Life Member Club Sue and Ronald Terry Text Bucks, Inc. The Daily Events Michael Thomas Tri-M Marketing United Airlines United Way of Morris County US BANK/Table Rock Lake Vincel Buick, Inc. Wal-Mart #2175 Dee Wampler Louanna and Roger Wasson Cindy and Greg Watkins Wehrenberg Design Company Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign Thomas D. Wells White’s Gateway Bowl Whitlock Selim & Keehn Dave and Susie Wieland Tiffany Wilgus Work of Art Claire is Walking Tall At 18 months Claire was showing signs of developmental delays. Her family was immediately connected with First Steps and soon began a therapy program. At 24 months Claire was diagnosed with spastic diplasia cerebral palsy. Her mom says the best thing she was told is that Claire was Claire before her diagnosis and she is still that same little girl now. Claire has now been in therapy for more than a year and has made great progress. Where before she could not walk or talk, she now has a vocabulary of at least 30 words and she’s walking tall. Developmental Center of the Ozarks 20 Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities Developmental Center of the Ozarks Therapy Program, Early Child Care & Education Program, Employment Program & Technology Learning Center Program are accredited by the Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission. United Way of the Ozarks Developmental Center of the Ozarks is proud to be a member agency of the United Way of the Ozarks. Building Blocks for Developmental Success 1545 E. Pythian, Springfield, MO 65802 • 417.831.1545 • Fax 417.831.7539 •
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