cmp sales catalog - Civilian Marksmanship Program
cmp sales catalog - Civilian Marksmanship Program
Issue II 2012 012 CMP SALES CATALOG LETTER FROM CMP CHAIRMAN DEAR CMP CUSTOMERS, AFFILIATED CLUBS AND SUPPORTERS, It is my pleasure, as the new chairman of the board of directors of the Corpora on for the Promo on of Rifle Prac ce and Firearms Safety, Inc., commonly known as the Civilian Marksmanship Program, to address you today and thank you for your con nuing support of our opera ons. I am honored to follow in the footsteps of Mr. Charles Maddox, who served as our first and only Chairman for our first 15 years of existence as a federally cons tuted, private, not for profit corpora on. Charlie Maddox and I worked together closely for many years. One of my du es as vice chairman was to lead the strategic planning efforts of the corpora on. (The full board of directors recently par cipated in a strategic planning exercise which will lead the CMP in new and exci ng direc ons.) Mr. Charles Maddox served 15 years as our first and only Chairman as a federally consƟtuted, private, not for profit corporaƟon. Mr. Maddox is also pictured on the front cover holding an M1 Garand at the CMP Store in Anniston, Alabama. At our October mee ng, the CMP Board of Directors appropriately designated Mr. Maddox as Chairman Emeritus. He con nues to serve on the board of directors where we will con nue to make use of his exper se and experience. Mr. Cris Stone, a long- me CMP board member, was elected to serve as Vice Chairman, filling my previous posi on. vast network of nearly 5,000 affiliated clubs and at our facili es in Anniston, Alabama, and Camp Perry, Ohio. Children and adults from 4-H, Scou ng, Junior ROTC and spor ng clubs benefit from CMP training, guidance, materials and support each year. The CMP proudly operates two state-of-the-art indoor Marksmanship Centers which currently serve thousands of airgun compe tors, and are hos ng trials for final selec on of the U.S. Olympic airgun compe tors for the 2012 Games in London. For more than 100 years the CMP has joined forces each summer with the Na onal Rifle Associa on and the Ohio Na onal Guard to present the Na onal Matches at Camp Perry. Thousands of the world’s finest compe tors con nue to assemble to safely par cipate in clinics, pistol matches and rifle compe ons to determine the best of the best. None of these programs and events could have flourished without the leadership and commitment of Mr. Maddox, who saw great promise in the CMP mission in 1996 when the CMP was given the responsibility of carrying out the tasks previously managed by the Office of the Director of Civilian Marksmanship, or DCM as it was commonly known. As our country has grown, so have the responsibili es that come with the safe handling of firearms and marksmanship. With an emphasis on youth, we remain commi ed to our mission of providing safe, instruc ve and rewarding programs that benefit our customers, affiliated club members and supporters. I enthusias cally look forward to serving you and this fine organiza on. I thank Mr. Maddox and our Board of Directors for the opportunity to advance the rewarding mission of the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Sincerely, Judith Legerski, Chairman The CMP has come a long way in its first 15 years, from its humble origins as an en ty of the United States Army at Camp Perry, Ohio. Our presence in Anniston, Alabama, began in a small, unheated warehouse with a handful of employees. We are now one of the na on’s leading providers of firearms safety, marksmanship instruc on and shoo ng compe ons, with an emphasis on youth, as mandated by the U.S. Congress. Revenue generated from the sales of surplus government rifles funds programs reaching thousands of ci zens and members of the Armed Forces in 50 states through a 2 Ms. Judith Legerski Chairman Mr. Cris Stone Vice Chairman CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP CMP SURPLUS RIFLES Some op o ons may not be readily available and orders o will be placed on backorder and filled on a first come basis. Prices in effect at me of shipment will be charged. Customers are no fied of price changes before orders are filled. Over 4,500 shoo ng clubs and other associa ons are currently aaffiliated with the CMP. For a more detailed lis ng of aaffiliates, please see the Ordering Instructhis catalog. ons in thi If you have any difficulty in finding an affiliated club, contact the CMP at 256-835-8455 or check please con the club lis ngs on (Clubs). SURPLUS SU SURP RPLU LUSS RIFLES RIFL RI FLES ES The surplus rifles offered for sale by the CMP are drawn from Army storage. Depending on type and model, manufacture dates range from om the early 1900s for some M1903s to as late ass 1990 for some .22 caliber rifles. Just as they vary in age, they also vary in condi on and amount unt of use. Some appear to be new or barely used, while others show plenty of ba le scarss and character (dings and dents). Some off the se, later models appear to have had li le use, while others could have served on ac vee d duty, been loaned to our allies, and used as ceremonial rifles by veteran’s organi-ols za ons or as drill rifles in our high schools ece and colleges. Each one is an authen c piece of American history. MEMBERS OF CMP AFFILIATED ORGANIZAONLY MEM TIONS MAY PURCHASE SURPLUS RIFLES, PARTS, OR AMMUNITION FROM THE CMP. AMMUNIT CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY A completed Cer ficate of Authen city accompanies each rifle purchased from the CMP. OTHER FIREARMS HANDGUNS: The CMP does not have any handguns for sale. M14 RIFLES: The CMP does not have any M14s for sale. The CMP rou nely receives small quan es of different models of .22 cal and .30 cal rifles. The small quan es received make it imprac cal to list these items in a printed catalog. As we receive new items, we list them on our website and send an email no fica on to all subscribers. CMP personnel inspect and repair many of the rifles received from the Army in a ‘not ot ready for issue’ condi on. Even though some repairs are performed, ed, our customers must recognize that these rifles are sold in a wide spectrum of condi ons. We highly recommend that our customers have the rifles disassembled and thoroughly cleaned and carefully examined by a competent gunsmith prior to any a empt to load or fire the rifles. We urge everyone who does not currently have Internet access to make arrangements with a friend or rela ve to subscribe to our e-mailing list on CMP’s Volunteer program is a great way to in mately view and par cipate in CMP’s Inspec on and Repair process. For more informa on, visit our web site at h p:// CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP 3 CMP SURPLUS RIFLES Remembering American Sacrifices for Freedom and Country m1 garand u.s. rifle, caliber .30 John Garand’s rifle was the single most significant small arms development in the history of modern warfare. No other rifle in this na on’s on s history so outclassed that of its adversaries. adversaries The accuracy, reliability, ruggedness and most of all, firepower, could not be matched by any of the Axis powers during WWII. It performed with dis nc on during WWII, Korea and the early days in Vietnam. In the past ten years, the M1 Garand, regardless of condi on, has also become a very hot collectors’ item and sound financial investment, as evidenced by the steady growth of the Garand Collectors Associa on to over 15,000 members in just the past few years. The popularity of the M1 Garand con nues to grow as hundreds of new Garand “Fun” Matches are being held all across the USA each year. Over the past 65 years, most M1 rifles have been arsenal rebuilt, refinished, rebarreled or repaired at least once and o en several mes. Most will show signs of service (o en considerable) and replacement of various parts. They are seldom encountered with all original parts and original finish as delivered from the manufacturer. Such “original” rifles, even in well-used condi on, are highly prized by collectors. Each M1 Garand rifle sold by CMP is an authen c U.S. Government rifle that has been inspected, headspaced, repaired if necessary and test fired for func on. Each rifle is shipped with safety manual, eight-round clip and chamber safety flag. Selec on only guarantees the receiver was produced by the manufacturer listed. All other parts may have been produced by other manufacturers. Orders are filled on a first-come first serve basis. Rifles of all grades are packed for shipment purely by “luck of the draw”. RIFLES DO NOT HAVE IMPORT MARKS. M1 GARAND SERVICE GRADE: GOOD TO VERY GOOD CONDITION. Most of these rifles have been rebuilt at least once while in military service and will likely have some parts from other manufacturers. Rifles may have some foreign parts. Metal may exhibit worn and mixed colors of the parkerized finish; there may be some minor pi ng on the metal parts; wood may be Walnut, Birch, Beech or other variety and will be basically sound, but may have some minor hairline cracks, dings, scratches and gouges; wood may not match in color or type of wood; wood may be original, original replacement, or current manufacture. Bores will be generally good but may have minor imperfec ons; the barrel crown may be nicked, but the muzzle will gauge less than three (3) and the throat erosion will gauge less than five (5). The bore meets the criteria for a Garand being issued for overseas duty in WWII. Please check the M1 Garand page on (Sales) for manufacturer op ons, pricing, current availability, and order-ship me. Prices start at $625, depending on manufacturer. M1 GARAND FIELD GRADE: FAIR TO GOOD CONDITION. Field grade rifles meet the descrip on of the Service Grade shown above, except for the following: Bores will be generally good, but may be dark or have other minor imperfec ons; barrel muzzle or crown may be rough and muzzle may gauge more than a three (3) on a muzzle gauge. Wood will generally have more character (dings, dents, gouges, etc.) than a Service Grade and will not be new manufacture. Please check the M1 Garand page on (Sales) for manufacturer op ons, pricing, current availability, and order-ship me. Prices start at $525, depending on manufacturer. M1 GARAND CORRECT GRADE: VERY GOOD TO EXCELLENT CONDITION. Correct Grade rifles show li le wear or use. Parts are all correct for date of manufacture with 85% or be er overall original metal finish. The stock and hand guards will be Walnut and correct for the rifle but may have a few dings, dents, minor scratches and marring of the wood finish. Stocks will have the appropriate original inspector’s cartouche. The rifle bore will be very good with no defects and with a throat erosion less than four (4) and muzzle wear of two (2) or less. Not available in WWII serial number ranges. This grade has only been available for short periods of me every few years in very limited quan es. Please check the M1 Garand page on (Sales) for manufacturer op ons, pricing, current availability, and order ship me. Prices start at $1,150, depending on manufacturer. M1 GARAND COLLECTOR GRADE: EXCELLENT CONDITION. Collector Grade rifles show almost no wear or use. Parts are all correct for date of manufacture with 95% or be er overall original metal finish. The stock and hand guards will be Walnut and correct for the rifle but may have a few dings, handling marks or small scratches. Stocks will have the appropriate original inspector’s cartouche. The rifle bore will be excellent with no defects and with a throat erosion less than three (3) and muzzle wear of two (2) or less. Rifles in this grade frequently appear unfired and may even s ll be coated in preserva ve. Data sheets prepared by CMP armorers are included in the bu trap of each Collector Grade Rifle. This grade has only been available for short periods of me every few years in very limited quan es. Not available in WWII serial number ranges. Please check the M1 Garand page on (Sales) for manufacturer op ons, pricing, current availability, and order-ship me. Prices start at $1,595, depending on manufacturer. M1 GARAND SPECIAL GRADE: EXCELLENT (PRISTINE) CONDITION. (See photo at the top of the page). This is a completely refurbished rifle consis ng of an original M1 Garand receiver, new produc on Criterion barrel, new produc on American Walnut stock and hand guards, and new web sling. Receiver and most other parts are refinished USGI, but some parts may be new manufacture. This grade is usually available. Please check the M1 Garand page on (Sales) for current availability and order-ship me. Prices start at $995. 4 CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP CMP SURPLUS RIFLES A .308 spacer block is installed to prevent the loading of a .30-06 round into the chamber. m1 garand special grade (.308) M1 GARAND SPECIAL GRADE (.308): EXCELLENT (PRISTINE) CONDITION. (See photo above). This is a completely refurbished rifle consis ng of an original M1 Garand Springfield receiver, new produc on Criterion barrel, new produc on American Walnut stock and handguards, and new web sling. Receiver and most other parts are refinished USGI, but some parts may be new manufacture. A .308 spacer block is installed to prevent the loading of a .30-06 round into the chamber. Please check the M1 Garand page on (Sales) for current availability and order-ship me. Prices start at $995. OTHER U.S. MILITARY SURPLUS RIFLES NOTE: CMP does periodically receive other U.S. military rifles such as the M1917, Krag, M1903, M1903A3, M1 carbine as well as U.S. military .22 caliber rifles such as the Remington 541X, 40X, 513T, Mossberg M44 and M144, Winchester Models 52C & D, and others. These rifles are scarce and are only available for short periods of me and in very limited quan and current availability. es. Please check the rifle pages on (Sales) for pricing VISIT THE CMP STORES IN ALABAMA AND OHIO Meet the CMP staff! Select from hundreds of rifles on display daily! The CMP Stores offer over the counter purchase of rifles, ammuni on, tools, iinstruc onal materials and CMP memorabilia. The CMP North Store is located iin Building 2500 on Camp Perry (Port Clinton) OH 43452 and is open 8:30 AM tto 4:00 PM Wednesday through Saturday. The CMP South Store is located at 3 3016 Red Morris Parkway, Anniston AL 36207. Opera ng hours for the CMP SSouth Store are Wednesday through Saturday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Purchase eeligibility requirements are the same as for mail-order. Notary located on site. SStores accept cashiers checks, personal checks, money orders, cash, Visa, M MasterCard, Discover and American Express. CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP 5 AMMUNITION AND MORE Surplus and Commercial Ammuni on **NEW** Lots Received Daily The CMP does offer surplus and commercial ammuni on in .22LR caliber, .223 caliber, .308 caliber, 30-06 caliber and other calibers when available. Because availability is not always assured and because of frequent fluctua ons in price, ammuni on is not listed in this catalog. Please see the Ammuni on page on (Sales). Tools and Gauges The CMP does occasionally receive and sell a few tools and gauges that are used on the rifles we sell. These items can be purchased through our EStore at The M5A1 bayonet was manufactured for the M1 Garand rifle. Manufacture began in 1953 and con nued into the 1970s. The M8A1 scabbard was used with several model bayonets and was manufactured from 1944 to 1970, both by the USA and by other countries. PB002 bay Issued (used) - good to very good condi on (bayonet and scabbard). Thesee used bayonets normal wear on the finish and most of the scabbards are covered in some type of preserva ve. Bay Bayonet do show no ormal we ay ay Scabbard may be of original foreign manufacture (not current reproduc is US manufacture. Sc duc on). Bayonet Model M5A1 with M8A1 Scabbard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 IT ITEM # PB002 Garand Bayo Used/Good condi on. These bayonets have been converted/cut down to 10 inches in length from previous 16” Model 1905s which were manufactured as early as 1906 06 and as late as 1943. Bayonets and scabbards are in good condi on exhibi ng scratches, s, dents, dings and rust. Blade, bu on and handle of bayonet are not broken and no parts are missing. The scabbard may be of foreign manufacture, discolored, painted and/or cut down to match bayonet length. Bayonet and scabbard show expected wear for age of item and may be coated in preserva ve. ITEM # PB003 Series Bayonets Garand Bayonet Model M1 Modified (Shortened) with Scabbard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 PB004 PB003 Knife PB003 Spear Used/Good condi on. These model M1 bayonets (10” length) were manufactured in the US 1943-1945. Bayonets and scabbards are in good condi on exhibi ng scratches, dents, dings and rust. Blade, bu on and handle of bayonet are not broken and no parts are missing. The sscabbard may be of foreign manufacture, discolored, painted and/or cut down to match bayonet length. Bayonet and scabbard show expected wear for age of item and may be coated in preserva ve. ITEM # PB004 Series Bayonets Garand Bayonet Model M1 with Scabbard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 Manufactured for the M1 Carbine. Unknown manufacturer and unknown markings. Fair to poor condi on. No scabbard. ITEM # PB005UNK Bayonets M1 Carbine Bayonet without Scabbard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 PB006 Bayonets. Original 16” bayonets manufactured between 1906-1922 and 1942-1943. Used/Good condi on. Prices range from $150.00 - $250.00. PB006 6 For all bayonets, please see the CMP website at (Sales) for details. CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP BARRELS, STOCK SETS AND CMP ONLINE Newly Manufactured Replacement Barrels The CMP has contracted with manufacturers for the produc on of replacement barrels for the M1 Garand, 1903 and 1903A3 Springfield, 1917, Krag rifle, Krag carbine, and M1 carbine. Assembly and headspacing by a qualified gunsmith is required. Not all models are always in stock. For current availability, pricing, and ordering informa on, please visit the CMP Estore link at (Sales). M1 Garand Sto Stock Sets Newly l manufactured f d iin the h U U.S.A. S A off A American i Black l kW Walnut l with i h oilil finish. i h Closely Cl l resembles bl USGI M1 1 Garand G stocks in fit and finish. No bulky areas or unsightly metal to wood fitment when compared to current commercial offerings. Includes stock, hand stamped with CMP cartouche, front and rear handguards, all pre-fi ed to insure easy assembly. ITEM # 082M M1 Garand Stock Set with New Reproduc on Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $149.95 M1903 M1903 and M1903A3 Stock Sets M1903A3 Newly manufactured M1903 and M1903A3 stock sets, with CMP cartouche, American Walnut construc on with matching handguard. ITEM # 086 ITEM # 087 M1903 Stock Set “C” stock configura on (pistol grip) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $164.95 M1903A3 Stock Set “C” stock configura on (pistol grip) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $164.95 CMP ONLINE CMP Programs, Sales and Compe ons The CMP maintains a large, detailed website as a primary means of communica ng with cons tuents. This web site may be viewed at h p:// The CMP also maintains an email subscriber list for updates primarily devoted to CMP programs, sales and compe ons. CMP EStore Many of the items CMP sells may be purchased and tracked online. To purchase online and also to subscribe to periodic sales related updates, customers should register by following the instruc ons for “new user” on h p:// Please note that some rifles may be reserved online, but purchase must be made through mail order or in person. Prior to purchase of rifles and ammuni on, customers must provide proof of U.S. ci zenship and membership in a CMP affiliated club or organiza on. Proof can be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 256-835-3527. CMP Forum The Forum is a great way to communicate with the CMP Staff and other forum members, ask for advice or simply ask ques ons about any of the topics listed. To log onto the CMP Forum, go to CMP Online Auc on The CMP Auc on Program is used to sell very rare or otherwise unique rifles. Items are listed for 10-14 days, with bidding closing on Sunday a ernoons. CMP usually has only 6-10 items listed for auc on at any me. Informa on is available at cmpauc h p://cmpauc CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP 7 JUNIOR RIFLE PURCHASE PROGRAM The CMP Junior Rifle Purchase Program is set up to help schools, clubs, junior teams and camps obtain suitable rifles for use in teaching marksmanship to juniors and new shooters and help them overcome the financial challenges of ge ng their programs started. For details on this program, please visit TARGET AIR RIFLES See the “CMP Air Rifle” page at for current pricing and ordering informa on. Addi onal airguns are listed on the CMP website. ITEM # DAISY M853C Daisy M853 Air Rifle .177 Caliber Pneuma c Air Rifle • 5899 Rear Sight Assembly • 99Z/163912-000 Fron Front nt Sight Inserts • Three Bu Stock Inserts • 1.25” Nylon Sling ITEM # DAISY M888 Daisy M888 Air Rifle .177 Caliber Pneuma c Air Rifle • 5899 Rear Sight Assembly • 99Z/163912-000 FFront Sight Inserts • One 5862 CO2 2.5 oz. Cylinder • 5860 Rail with Bracket and Thumb Stop Screw Sc • Three Bu Stock Inserts • 1.25” Nylon Sling Creedmoor NMAR .177 Caliber / 4.5mm Air Rifle The legendary world-class performance of an Anschütz rifle with the look and feel of an M16A2. • Anschütz 8001 Barreled Ac on and 5065 Trigger • Machined Aluminum Receiver Sleeve,, Front Sight Housing, Carry Handle and Handguard • Genuine Bushmaster Bu Stock, Pistol Grip, Sling Swivels, Front Sight Post and Rear Sight Anschütz Model 8001 Air Rifle .177 Caliber / 4.5mm Air Rifle • Anschütz 6834 Sight Set • Fu Fully Adjustable Trigger • Fastest Lock- me Available • Adjustable Cheekpiece and Bu plate plat • Blue Laminated Stock with Engraved CMP Logo SMALLBORE RIFLES See the “Smallbore Rifle” page at for current c pricing and ordering informa on. Anschütz Model 1903 Standard Target .22 Caliber Bolt Ac on Single Shot • Anschütz 6834 Sight Set • Available with Right or Le Hand Stock • Engraved CMP Logo on Bu stock Signed Dealer FFL Required for Purchase Savage Mark I/Mark II FVT .22 Caliber Bolt Ac on • Savag Savage g AccuTrigger • Black Synthe c Stock with Sling Stud • Williams Receiver Sight • Hooded Front Si Sight • Mark II includes 5 Round Detachable Magazine Signed Dealer FFL Required for Purchase 8 CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP CMP UNIVERSAL ORDER FORM CMP Sales Catalog - 2012 Issue II PURCHASE IDENTIFICATION _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Print last, first and middle name Race Sex _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth (month, day, year) City/State of Birth Height Weight _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Residence Street Address (not P.O. Box) City State Zip Code _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Shipping Address (if different) City State Zip Code _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Telephone Applicant Email Address Customer I.D. (if known) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Social Security No. (optional) Club/State Association LIABILITY AGREEMENT/ NO-WARRANTY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In consideration for the approval of my application to purchase a rifle, parts, accouterments, ammunition and/or components through the Civilian Marksmanship Program, I hereby agree to: 1. Waive any claim against the corporation for the promotion of rifle practice of firearms safety, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents and contractors (collectively, “CPRPFS”) for any personal injury, loss, damage or expense that I might incur arising from the use of this rifle, parts, accouterments, ammunition and/or components, and 2. Defend, indemnify and hold the CPRPFS harmless from any claim of a third party arising from the use of this rifle, parts, accouterments, ammunition and/or components including any expense incurred by the CPRPFS in defending, investigating or settling such a claim. I agree that this agreement and legal issues arising from the sale of this rifle, parts, accouterments, ammunition and/or components to me shall be governed by the law of the state of Ohio; and that if any provision of the agreement or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this agreement or the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall be unaffected. I further agree that this agreement shall be binding upon my executors, administrators, trustees, personal representatives and assigns. I also acknowledge that the rifle which I am applying to purchase is a military surplus arm in used condition and is sold to me strictly “AS IS”, WITH NO WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. I understand that: 1. This rifle may not function properly or be safe for me to use in the condition in which I receive it. 2. This rifle is not to be fired until it has been disassembled and cleaned, thoroughly examined by a competent gunsmith familiar with its internal mechanism and safety features, and any unserviceable parts replaced or other deficiencies corrected. 3. The use of ammunition that does not meet U.S. military standards in this rifle can be dangerous. Applicant Signature Date Applicant Name (please print) NOTICE: We cannot process this order unless you complete, sign and submit pages 1A and 2A, and 3A, and the checklist on page 4A – “WITH EACH ORDER” – even if you are a repeat purchaser. CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP 1A CMP UNIVERSAL ORDER FORM CMP Sales Catalog - 2012 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify under penalty of law that my name is: And I reside at: in the City of: and State of: I further certify that I: a. am a citizen of the United states 18 years of age or older; b. am not under indictment in any court for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year; c. have not been convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year; d. am not an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, or narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance; e. am not a fugitive from justice; f. have not been adjudicated mentally defective or committed to a mental institution; g. have not been discharged from the armed forces under dishonorable conditions; h. am not an alien illegally in the United states and I am not a non-resident alien; i. am not subject to a court order applicable to me under 18 U.S.C. §922(g)(8), restraining me from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of such partner; j. have not been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence applicable to me under 18 U.S.C. §922(g)(9), including any misdemeanor conviction involving the use or attempted use of physical force committed by a current or former spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim or by a person with a similar relationship to the victim; k. will not be in violation, by reason of my receipt or possession of a rifle, of any state law or published ordinance applicable where I reside; l. have not been convicted of any federal or state felony or violation 18 U.S.C. §922, and am not a member of any organization that advocates the violent overthrow of the United states government. I further certify that I am a current member of a gun club or state association presently affiliated with the CMP (or that I am a parent or guardian of a junior shooter under the age of 18 who is a member), and that I am purchasing this rifle for my (or my junior shooter’s) personal use. I hereby consent to allow the CMP to submit the information I have supplied with my application to the FBI national instant criminal background check system (NICS) to verify that I am not prohibited from buying this rifle, and I authorize the FBI to inform the CMP of the result. I acknowledge that this sale is further subject to final approval by the CMP within its sole and absolute discretion. Applicant Signature Date State of County/City of Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of Notary Public: 2A 20 My commission expires CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP CMP UNIVERSAL ORDER FORM CMP Sales Catalog - 2012 Issue II NOTE: Please make copies of this blank form for future use. PURCHASER / SHIP TO INFORMATION _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your Name Your Customer I.D. (if known) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address City State Zip Code _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Shipping Address (if different) City State Zip Code _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Applicant Email Address Date _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Club/State Association ITEM / QUANTITY INFORMATION ITEM Item Description Quantity SHIPPING AND HANDLING CHARGES Rifles ..................................................................................Add $24.95 for each rifle ordered Barrels & Receivers ..................................... Add $9.95 for each barrel or receiver ordered Ammunition ......................................Add per case/can charges as shown in catalog listing Parts, Memorabilia, Publications ............................... Add $6.95 for orders under $100.00 Add $8.95 for orders $100.00 and over Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico .........................................................Call for shipping charges DONATE TO THE CMP TODAY! The CMP is a federally chartered 501(c)(3) corporation that places its highest priority on serving youth through gun safety and marksmanship activities that encourage personal growth and build life skills. All donations are tax-deductible. If you would like to donate to the CMP, please fill in the amount in the box labeled “Donations”. Price Each Total Price Subtotal OH Residents add 6.75% AL Residents add 10% Sales Tax Shipping & Handling Donation Today! Enter a gift amount Total METHOD OF PAYMENT (COD orders NOT Accepted) Check or Money Order, No. Credit Card: О Visa Card No. Personal checks are accepted. О Mastercard О Discover О American Express Expiration Date Cardholder’s Signature Completed order forms and payment should be mailed to: CMP Sales Dept, 1401 Commerce Blvd, Anniston, AL 36207 Your check will be deposited when the order is received. All orders shipped via FedEx, adult signature required. Please allow 30 days for delivery, unless otherwise specified for the item ordered. Prices subject to change without notice. We will notify customers of significant price changes before filling orders. Payment by personal check will delay order processing by up to 14 days over orders paid by credit card, money orders or cashiers checks. Credit cards are not charged until order is processed. CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP 3A CMP UNIVERSAL ORDER FORM CMP Sales Catalog - 2012 CHECKLIST To avoid delays in processing your order, please complete this checklist and submit it with pages 1A and 2A and 3A and the documentation specified in the ordering instructions. О Proof of U.S. Citizenship and Age. (For acceptable documents, please see paragraph 1 on the Ordering Instructions pages). О Proof of Current Membership in a CMP Affiliated Organization. (Please see paragraph 2 on the Ordering Instructions pages). О Proof of Participation in a Marksmanship or other Firearm Related Activity. (Please see paragraph 3 on the Ordering Instructions pages). О Your State or locality requirements laws: Firearm Owners Identification Card (FOID) required for NJ and IL. NJ residents must have rifles shipped to NJ state licensed dealer. Copy of dealer’s state license and shipping information must be provided with rifle orders. (Please see paragraph 4 on the Ordering Instructions pages). О Completed, signed and included Page 1A of this Order Form. This page provides with the information we need to conduct the NICS background check and is also the Liability Agreement and No-Warranty Acknowledgement. This page is required each time you place an order with the CMP. О Completed, signed, and included Page 2A of this Order Form. Please be sure to complete the top section and sign the certification each time you place an order with the CMP. Notary may not always be required. (Repeat customers, please see paragraph 6 on the Ordering Instructions pages.) О Completed, signed, and included Page 3A of this Order Form. This page tells us what items you are ordering and also provides us with your payment information. О Payment in the form of personal check, cashiers check or money order – unless payment is made by authorizing credit card charges on Page 3A of this Order Form. О Send the competed Order Forms, your payment and all necessary enclosures to: CMP SALES 1401 COMMERCE BOULEVARD ANNISTON, AL 36207 Regretfully, your order cannot be processed without submission of all of the items on this checklist. Failure to submit any required documents or information will result in substantial delay of your order. REPEAT CUSTOMERS – NOTE: If you have previously submitted proof of citizenship and age and proof of participation in marksmanship or other firearm related activity, you need not supply them each time you order, but we would appreciate you marking those items on this checklist as “previously provided”. The same applies to proof of membership in affiliated organizations, unless what you provided to us previously has expired, in which case a copy of a current club card must be provided with the order to avoid delays. Your assistance in completing this checklist is sincerely appreciated by the CMP staff. 4A CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP CMP ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS TO PURCHASE A RIFLE FROM THE CMP, A PURCHASER MUST PROVIDE PROOF OF: ✔ U.S. Ci zenship and Age and ✔ Membership in a CMP Affiliated Organiza on and ✔ Par cipa on in a Marksmanship or Other Firearms Related Ac vity 1. U.S. Ci zenship and Age: You must provide a copy of a U.S. birth cer ficate, passport, proof of naturaliza on, or any official government document that shows birth in the U.S. or otherwise states ci zenship as U.S. A drivers license is proof of age, but IS NOT proof of U.S. ci zenship. A copy of a military ID (ac ve, reserve, guard, re red) will serve as proof of U.S. ci zenship. A copy of Law Enforcement ID (ac ve or re red) will serve as proof of U.S. ci zenship. 2. Membership in CMP Affiliated Organiza on: You must provide a copy of your current membership card or other proof of membership. This requirement cannot be waived. The CMP currently has over 2,000 affiliated organiza ons located in many parts of the country. Membership in many of these organiza ons costs $25.00 or less and can be accomplished online. A lis ng of affiliated organiza ons can be found by clicking on our “CLUBS” tab on our web site at If you have any difficulty in loca ng a club, please contact the CMP at 256-835-8455 or by emailing custserve@odcmp. com. We will find one for you. In addi on to shoo ng clubs, the CMP also has several special affiliates. Membership in these organiza ons sa sfies our requirement for purchase. These special affiliates include: • Congressionally chartered veterans’ organiza ons such as the VFW, AL, DAV, MCL, etc. • U.S. Military services (ac ve or reserves), Na onal Guard, to include re rees. Copy of ID required. • Law Enforcement departments and agencies and Law Enforcement organiza ons and associa ons (to include LEO re rees). Copy of ID required. Note: Club membership IS required for purchase of rifles, parts, and ammuni on. Club membership is NOT required for instruc onal publica ons or videos or CMP memorabilia. 3. Marksmanship or other Firearms Related Ac vity: You must provide proof of par cipa on in a marksmanship related ac vity or otherwise show familiarity with the safe handling of firearms and range procedures. Your marksmanship related ac vity does not have to be with highpower rifles; it can be with smallbore rifles, pistols, air guns or shotguns. Proof of marksmanship par cipa on can be provided by documen ng any of the following: • Current or past military or law enforcement service. • Par cipa on in a rifle, pistol, air gun or shotgun compe on (provide copy of results bulle n). • Comple on of a marksmanship clinic that included live fire training (provide a copy of the cer ficate of comple on or a statement from the instructor). • Dis nguished, Instructor, or Coach status. • Concealed Carry License. • Firearms Owner Iden fica on Card that includes live fire training. • FFL or C&R license. • Comple on of a Hunter Safety Course that included live fire training. • Cer fica on from range or club official or law enforcement officer witnessing shoo ng ac vity. A form for use in comple ng and cer fying your range firing can be downloaded from the CMP web site at h p:// • No proof of marksmanship required if over age 60. Proof of club membership and ci zenship required for all ages. NOTE: Proof of marksmanship ac vity is only required for purchase of rifles. 4. Legal Eligibility to Purchase a Firearm: The informa on you supply on your applica on will be submi ed by the CMP to the FBI Na onal Instant Criminal Check System (NICS) to verify you are not prohibited by Federal, State or Local law from acquiring or possessing a rifle. Your signature on the Purchaser Cer fica on por on of the purchase applica on authorizes the CMP to ini ate the NICS check and authorizes the FBI to inform CMP of the result. IMPORTANT: If your State or locality requires you to first obtain a license, permit, or Firearms Owner ID card in order to possess or receive a rifle, you must enclose a photocopy of your license, permit, or card with the applica on for purchase. Rifle shipments to New Jersey must be made to a NJ State licensed dealer. You must provide a copy of the dealer’s license with your order form. Ordering Instruc ons con nued on next page . . . CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP 9 CMP ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Ordering Instruc ons con nued from previous page . . . 5. Order Form and Purchaser Cer fica on and Agreement: If you think you may purchase addi onal rifles in the future, we recommend you make several extra copies of the blank forms for use in placing future orders. Customers should complete all three pages of the order form and sign it before a notary. Except as explained in the next paragraph, orders received without notarized signature will not be processed. 1. 2. Complete the Order Form and sign the Liability Agreement. 3. Mail order form to CMP. Parts, ammuni on and memorabilia orders may also be faxed to the CMP at 256-831-8331. Send the completed Order Forms, your payment and all necessary enclosures to sa sfy items 1-5 above, to: CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM ATTN: RIFLE SALES 1401 COMMERCE BOULEVARD ANNISTON, AL 36207 Rifles may only be purchased mail order or in person at our Camp Perry and Anniston store. Rifles and receivers may not be purchased online, by phone, by email, or by fax. Parts, ammuni on, and memorabilia orders may be faxed to 256-831-8331 or emailed to [email protected], providing payment and all ordering informa on is provided. 6. Repeat Customers: If you have completed CMP Purchaser Cer fica on and Agreement to buy a rifle from the CMP, signed before a Notary Public, you may for a period of three (3) years therea er submit an applica on to purchase addi onal rifles, parts or ammuni on without having the Purchaser Cer fica on and Agreement notarized – provided that the “sold to” and ‘ship to’ addresses remain exactly the same. All orders - TO INCLUDE REPEAT ORDERS – must include SIGNED pages 1a, 2a (with or without notary) and 3a. The checklist on page 4a is provided for customer convenience. Rifles may only be purchased by mail or in person. We cannot accept faxed, emailed or phone orders for rifles or receivers. A er three years, or at any me an address changes from the last notarized order, a new Purchaser Cer fica on and Agreement must be notarized. Please note that once an order is submi ed, we will only ship rifles to the ‘ship to’ address on the order form. Customers may not change the ‘ship to’ address without submi ng a new notarized order form. 10 TO PURCHASE MILITARY SURPLUS PARTS OR AMMUNITION FROM THE CMP A PURCHASER MUST: Be a U.S. ci zen and be a member of a CMP affiliated organiza on. You must provide proof of U.S. ci zenship AND club membership. This requirement cannot be waived. CLUB MEMBERSHIP IS NOT REQUIRED FOR PURCHASE OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS OR MEMORABILIA. SHIPPING & HANDLING / PAYMENT / SALES TAX Shipping and Handling: Rifles: Add $24.95 for each rifle ordered. Barrels and Receivers: Add $9.95 for each barrel or receiver ordered. Ammuni on: Add per can/case charges as shown in catalog for type of ammo ordered. Parts, Memorabilia, Publica ons: Add $6.95 for orders under $100; add $8.95 for orders $100 and over. Method of Payment: Cashier’s Check, Money Order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX and personal checks are accepted. Payment by personal check may delay order processing. COD orders are not accepted. Sales Tax: Ohio residents add 6.75% tax; Alabama residents add 10% tax. Damaged Shipments: When merchandise received in a FedEx shipment is found to be damaged at the me of delivery, no fy driver to ini ate a claim at that me. Should damage be found a er the driver has le , please report all damage to CMP South at 256-835-8455. We will arrange for return of the material to us. Please hold original packaging to support any claims that may be filed. CMP will replace damaged material. Se lement payments are made to CMP and not the consignee. CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP SHOOTING ACCESSORIES Top-Grip Shoo ng Gloves Rifle sold separately Full finger or open finger styles, for right or le hand. CMP Hard H d Rifle Case C New rifle case for a single scoped rifle MADE IN THE USA by Plano for CMP. The case is made of GI green molded plas c and features a patented PillarLock system for extra strength and crush resistance. Each case is custom molded with the CMP logo with stars and stripes on each side. The interior foam rubber is of special dimensions to hold your rifle extra snugly to help it survive rough handling. The case also features four black, contoured and recessed latches, padlock points, steel hinge pins and a molded handle. This case is large enough to hold one M1, 1903 Springfield, 1917 Enfield or an 1898 Krag rifle. S&H $10.95 per case. ITEM # PC006 Made of leather with top-grip rubber, this glove is designed to eliminate slippage when locked in posi on. Ample padding gives maximum protec on from sling. Available in le or right hand in Small, Medium, Large and X-Large sizes in full finger and open finger. With CMP logo. ITEM # 828-N037 Full Finger Glove - Right or Le Hand SR, SL, MR, ML, LR, LL, XLR, XLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $43.95 ITEM # N034 Open Finger Glove - Right or Le Hand SR, SL, MR, ML, LR, LL, XLR, XLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34.95 CMP Hard Rifle Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00 48 Inch So Sided Sid ded dR Rifl ifl fle e Case Case Scoped single rifle so sided zippered blue nylon case, with carry handle and shoulder sling. With CMP logo screen printed on the side of the case. ITEM # 846 So Sided Rifle Case - Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 Basic Cloth B Shoo ng Coat CMP CM MP b blue in color with CMP Games Gam mes Logo. The basic set-in sleeve sslee designed shoo ng coat coa is made out of CMP blue blue polyester/co on twill material. The body, elbow, mate m shoulder and pulse pads sho are ar textured rubber for slip contact during p resistant re shoo ng and by 1/4 inch felt an nd backed b for padding. are nylon quick padding Front closures clo release buckles with adjus ng straps for close body fit. Available in sizes: Adult S-M-L-XL-XXL – in either le handed or right handed. ITEM # 827-B011 37 Inch So Sided Carb Carbine bine C Case ase So sided carbine zippered case, red nylon, with carry handle and shoulder sling. With CMP logo screen printed on the side of the case. ITEM # 847 So Sided Carbine Case - Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 Chamber Safety Flags C ITEM # 244 Per Dozen $3.99 Other shoo ng accessories including Ot slings, cleaning kits, scopes and more may be found at the CMP EStore at Cloth Shoo ng Coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ $75.00 Basic Roll-Up Shoo ng Mat CMP blue in color with CMP Games Logo. This basic mat is made from a riaal water resistant marine finished material with extended textured rubber pads and double jute padding on upper half lf of mat for elbow placement. Interior jute padding provides protec on for the shooter in the shoo ng posi ons.. The new webbing with side lock buckles less provides ease of securing the mat when en n rolled up. Dimensions: 29 1/2” X 68”. ITEM # 825-B040 Roll-Up Shoo ng Mat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65 $65.00 00 CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP 11 CMP JUNIOR SUPPORT CMP Supports Numerous Junior Marksmanship Programs While it’s clear that the development of today’s youth will have a direct effect on the growth of shoo ng sports in the future, the CMP also recognizes the impact junior programs have on young people as future leaders. It is the CMP’s mission to promote firearms safety and marksmanship with an emphasis on youth, backed by a vision that every youth in America will have an opportunity to par cipate in its programs. The CMP provides mul ple opportuni es for juniors to get involved in firearms safety and marksmanship programs including clubs and organiza ons like 4-H, Boy Scouts of America, USA Shoo ng, American Legion and Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) to name a few. Each year, and at no cost to their commands, several thousand junior compe tors par cipate in JROTC service championships which begin with postal qualifying matches, con nue with overall service championships and culminate with the Na onal JROTC Air Rifle Championship. In support of the JROTC programs, which include cadets of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force, the CMP budgets more than $150,000 for higher educa on scholarships for JROTC and high school shooters each year. The CMP also provides financial assistance for eligible members of junior highpower rifle teams that compete in the Na onal Trophy Rifle Matches during the annual Na onal Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio. become ac vely involved in highpower service rifle compe on. For qualified junior shooters, CMP provides travel assistance for compe tors who live a considerable distance from Camp Perry. Juniors are also exempt from entry fees at the annual Na onal Rimfire Sporter Match held at the Eastern, Western and CMP Na onal Games in North Carolina, Arizona and Camp Perry, respec vely. The Rimfire Sporter Match is a very exci ng entrylevel compe on for junior and adults who can par cipate by using their favorite .22 caliber, off-the-rack plinking rifle. Each year, more than 12,000 junior compe tors take advantage of the CMP’s indoor Marksmanship Centers at Camp Perry, Ohio and Anniston, Alabama. The twin facili es house 80 10-meter, stateof-the-art computer-scored firing points for three-posi on air rifle and air pistol. In addi on to hos ng championships and monthly matches, each marksmanship center is open for public shoo ng twice a week. The marksmanship centers are also home to annual summer air rifle camps where hundreds of juniors assemble each year to hone their skills under the supervision of veteran coaches and collegiate shooters. The CMP also publishes the quarterly On The Mark magazine dedicated to junior compe ve shoo ng. The hard-copy and electronic magazine features news stories, training features, photographs and lots of informa on about shoo ng opportuni es for junior shooters and their coaches. If you are a junior, or the parent or guardian of a junior interested in learning firearms safety and Our Vision This program was developed to support marksmanship skills, contact CMP, the junior highpower service rifle That Every Youth in America Has the a CMP-affiliated club or JROTC programs of CMP-affiliated state program in your community. Opportunity to Par cipate in Firearm Safety associa ons and clubs and to For more informa on, log onto encourage junior shooters to and Marksmanship Programs 12 CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP CMP PROGRAMS CMP PROGRAMS The mission of the Civilian Marksmanship Program is to promote firearm safety and marksmanship training for U.S. ci zens with an emphasis on youth. CMP programs provide safety and marksmanship training resources for junior and senior shoo ng clubs, JROTC units, 4-H Shoo ng Sports clubs, school and college shoo ng teams, Boy Scout camps, summer youth camps, state rifle & pistol associa ons and a wide variety of other organiza ons. To most effec vely deliver its programs, to avoid duplica ng exis ng programs and to promote synergy among all shoo ng sports organiza ons, the CMP cooperates closely with other na onal shoo ng sports and youthserving organiza ons that promote marksmanship and youth training. The number of youth directly and indirectly served ved by the CMP con nues to expand. Over 1,000,000 youth are now reached annually by CMP marksmanship training and educa on ini a ves. They are enrolled in affiliated clubs, par cipate in marksmanship instruc on or compe on through JROTC units, belong to 4-H Shoo ng Sports clubs, take part in rifle programs at BSA or other youth summer camps or are ac ve in other youth marksmanship programs supported by or affiliated with the CMP. When the adult members or leaders of these affiliated groups and the parents and immediate family members of the yyouth also are counted,, it is likely that CMP programs reach more than two million people a year. A lis ng of all CMP Programs and their descrip on is available on the CMP website at: NATIONAL RIFLE AND PISTOL MATCHES The CMP, along with the NRA and the OHNG, hosts the Annual Na onal Rifle and Pistol Matches at Camp Perry, Port Clinton, Ohio every July and August. There are many events for compe ve shooters to a end as well as clinics such as the Small Arms Firing Schools for beginner shooters. For more informa on on the Na onal Matches, contact the CMP Compe ons Department at 419-635-2141 ext 1101 and 1114 or email compe [email protected]. A detailed list of events is also posted on the CMP web site at h p:// CMP CEREMONIAL RIFLE PROGRAM The CMP proudly supports the U.S. Army’s TACOM Life Cycle Management Command’s Sta c Display and Ceremonial Rifle program by servicing and shipping M1 Garand rifles to eligible organiza ons for ceremonial purposes, at no cost to the ggovernment. CMP armorers inspect, repair, test fire, install blank firing adapters and ship ceremonial M1 Garand rifles for TACOM at no charge. The CMP has been providing volunteers to inspect and repair ceremonial rifles at veteran organiza ons, when feasible, since 2003. fea TThe following organiza ons may request ceremonial M1 Th Ga G Garand rifles by contac ng TACOM directly: law enforcement aag agencies, veterans’ associa ons, honor guards of na onal cce cemeteries and ac ve military, Na onal Guard and reserve un u units. The Secretary of the Army may condi onally lend or do d donate not more than 15 excess M1 Garand rifles to an eligible or organiza on. For more informa on about TACOM’s Ceremonial Rifle Program, contact them by mail at: U.S. Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command ATTN: AMSTA-LC-LEAD, M/S: 419 6501 East 11 Mile Road W Warren, MI 48397-5000 VFW Post 2480 Port Clinton, Ohio By email at DAMI_Dona [email protected] or by fax to ((5 (586) 282-7128. CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP 13 CMP MEMORABILIA CMP Logo Gear CMP Logo Sweatshirts CMP Logo Baseball Capss Quality caps with go, embroidered CMP Logo, available in red, tan, green reen een and d black. black bl k ITEM # 504 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 $10.00 00 Addi onal CMP Memorabilia items are available at the CMP EStore at h p:// With CMP logo, available in green, gray and navy. Available in sizes Small through XXL. ITEM # 502 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 CMP Logo T-Shirts With screen printed CMP logo.. n Available in green, gray and navy, in sizes Small through XXL. Without pocket . . . ITEM # 503 $15.00 0 With pocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITEM # 514 $1 $15.00 $15 5 00 CMP Instruc onal DVDs CMP Marksmanship Instruc onal DVDs C If you’ve y ever wanted to learn from the legendary Army Marksmanship Unit’s key instructors, now is your chance. These 3 new DVDs were produced by the CMP in coopera on with the no U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit. The BASIC RIFLE MARKSMANSHIP DVD walks you through U. everything you need to know about shoo ng a rifle, from safety to accoun ng for the wind ev at long range. The CLOSE QUARTERS MARKSMANSHIP DVD includes in-depth classroom ins instruc on, a dynamic set of range drills and the tools necessary to excel at high speed close range shoo ng. The SQUAD DESIGNATED MARKSMAN DVD teaches what it takes to make ra co consistent hits on target at long range and how to take the knowledge saving lives on the ba le field home. Basic Rifle Rifle Marksmanship DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITEM # 784DVDBRM $6.95 Close Quarters Marksmanship DVD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITEM # 784DVDCQM $6.95 The Squad Designated Marksman DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITEM # 784DVDSDM $6.95 CMP Mind Over Ma er Instruc onal DVDs Produced by the CMP in coopera on with the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, these are great teaching ng tools for new or experienced shooters to review and improve their shoo ng techniques. Each begins with th a nine-minute safety presenta on that can be used to instruct new shooters on proper safety and range ge procedures. Also covered are equipment, accurizing, match prepara on and much more. 95 CMP Highpower Service Rifle DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITEM # 770DVD $34.95 CMP Bullseye Pistol DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITEM # 771DVD $34.95 95 CMP Applica ons & So ware C TThe CMP currently offers three Apps for shoo ng sports; The CMP Scoring App,, the t MyGunDB: CMP Edi on and the NM Collector So ware - CMP Edi on. Each h download supports the Civilian Marksmanship Program. For more informa on, visitt d h p:// 14 CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP CMP EVENT SCHEDULE CMP GAMES EVENTS 21 Jul 22 Jul 2-4 Aug 13-16 Oct TBA 2013 4-7 May 2013 Rimfire Clinic Rimfire Match Na onal CMP Games Events Western CMP Games CMP Games - Oklahoma Eastern CMP Games Camp Perry – Port Clinton,, OH Camp Perry – Port Clinton,, OH Camp Perry – Port Clinton, OH Ben Avery – Phoenix, AZ Oklahoma City, OK Camp p Butner – Butner,, NC HIGHPOWER EVENTS 27-29 Jul 27-29 Jul 27-29 Jul 30 Jul-3 Aug 17 Oct 18-21 Oct Rifle Small Arms Firing School CMP/USMC Junior Highpower Clinic CMP/Remington Advanced Highpower Clinic Na onal Trophy Rifle Matches Highpower Rifle Shoo ng Clinic Western Creedmoor Matches Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Ben Avery–Phoenix, AZ Ben Avery–Phoenix, AZ AIR GUN EVENTS 11-15 Jun 18-22 Jun 23-24 Jun 23-25 Jun 26-28 Jun 29 Jun-1 Jul 2-3 Jul 3-5 Jul 6-8 Jul 8-13 Jul 10 Jul-4 Aug 16-20 Jul 23-27 Jul 30 Jul-3 Aug 22 Sept 20 Oct 27 Oct 17 Nov TBA 2013 TBA 2013 TBA 2013 CMP Junior 3P Air Rifle Summer Camp CMP Junior 3P Air Rifle Summer Camp CMP Junior Standing Air Rifle Camp Na onal JO 3PAR Sporter Championship NRA Na onal Air Rifle Championship Na onal JO 3PAR Precision Championship CMP Junior Standing Air Rifle Camp Daisy Air Rifle Championship Progressive Posi on Air Pistol Championships Junior Air Rifle Outreach Clinics Na onal Matches Air Gun Events CMP Junior 3P Air Rifle Summer Camp CMP Junior 3P Air Rifle Summer Camp CMP Junior 3P Air Rifle Summer Camp CMP Monthly Air Gun Matches CMP Monthly Air Gun Matches CMP Monthly Air Gun Matches CMP Monthly Air Gun Matches Camp Perry Open Dixie Challenge Na onal JROTC Championship A Anniston, it AL AL Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Anniston, AL Anniston, AL Anniston, AL Anniston, AL Rogers, AR Anniston, AL TBD Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Anniston, AL Anniston, AL Anniston, AL Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH & Anniston, AL Anniston, AL Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH & Anniston, AL Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Anniston, AL Anniston, AL PISTOL PI ISTO OL EVENTS EV VEN NT 8-9 Jul 10 Jul 15 Jul TBA 2013 TBA 2013 Pistol Small Arms Firing School Pistol Warm-Up Match Na onal Trophy Pistol Matches CMP Pistol Events Eastern CMP Pistol Events Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Oklahoma City, OK Camp Butner–Butner, NC TTRAINING EVENTS E Early August 8 8-9 Sept 22-23 Sept 2 12 Oct 1 1 14 Jan TTBA 2013 TTBA 2013 TTBA 2013 Addi onal Clinics held during the Na onal Matches GSM Master Instructor Course GSM Master Instructor Course GSM New Shooter Clinic CMP State Directors Workshop GSM New Shooter Clinic Garand Maintenance Clinic GSM New Shooter Clinic Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Anniston, AL Camp Perry–Port Clinton, OH Ben Avery – Phoenix, AZ Las Vegas, NV Oklahoma City, OK Oklahoma City, OK Camp Butner–Butner, NC Visit Vi it th the h CM CMP MP website to search for Upcoming Events in your state. For more informa on on the CMP Events listed above, visit or email [email protected] or call (419) 635-2141. CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM CELEBRATING 109 YEARS OF MARKSMANSHIP 15 PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM PAID PORT CLINTON OH Permit 600 P.O. Box 576 Port Clinton, OH 43452 Civilian Marksmanship Program 1401 Commerce Boulevard / Anniston, AL 36207 Tel: 256-835-8455 / Fax: 256-835-3527