by Laura Procissi


by Laura Procissi
The Makah
by Laura Procissi
If you were a Makah Indian, the forest and mountains were behind you and the
ocean was in front of you. Today, Washington and British Columbia are found
in the Makah territory.
Forests, mountains, and oceans are found in the
Pacific Northwest region. The mountain range was
so steep it cut the Indians off from the rest of the
land and made it hard to trade. The ocean and
rivers were the most important waterways for the
The weather was mostly mild in
temperature but rainy.
Natural Resources
Plant life was not that important to the Makah because there was so much food
from the sea they did not need to farm. The most important animal was fish
because it was their main food. The ocean and rivers were the most important
waterways because they used them for hunting and transportation for trading.
The Makah lived in large plank houses with many family members. These were
rectangular wooden houses lined up on the beach. The Indians used thick cedar
boards to build the houses. Some were painted with beautiful designs and some
had totem poles. The door wasn’t very high, so adults had to duck to enter. In
the 20 foot high rafters, fish hung to dry. Each family had its own small area to
put all of their things. Beautiful painted screens separated one quarter of the
room for the house chief.
The Makah caught mostly salmon, but also halibut and cod. They hunted these
fish using spears, cages, and nets. To prepare the fish to eat, they used a cooking
box made out of cedar. First they put water and fish in the box, then
continuously added hot stones to keep the fish boiling.
The Makah did do some gathering, but not much. They
gathered clams,berries,and seagull eggs. They cooked these
plants and animals by using the cedar box.
The Pacific Northwest tribes did not make baskets. The
most valuable thing you could own was a copper shield. The
Makah Indians made beautiful canoes and totem poles.
Books and Websites
If you were the Pacific Northwest Indians
Information for the Makah Indians
for watching(: