Use and Care Manual for above model(s) - Products
Use and Care Manual for above model(s) - Products
o ElectricCooktopwith Griddle Conten@ Apphce Re@stration DeluxePlug-inStice Unit 2 13 ~gTips We and ~eardng 11 12-14 ConsumerServices ControlSettinm 19 6,10 8,9 8,9 CookingGuide Cook\wmeTips 4 5 Ener~SavingTips Features 10 Gridde Ins@ation 16,17 Modeland SerialNumbers ProblemSolver Stie~ hstructions warran~ GEAnswerCentera 80~62620flfl GEAppliances 2 15 3,4 BackCover Help US help YOU... Beforeusingyourcooktop, readthisbookmrefully. 1~is intendedto help you operate and maintainyour newcooktop properly. Keep it handyfor answersto your questions. If yell don’tunderstandsomething or need morehelp, write(include yourphonenumber): ConsumerAffairs GE Appliances AppliancePark Louisville,KY 40225 Writedownthemodeland serialnumbers. You’llfiid themon a labelon the wire cover underthe maintop.It is visiblewhen the maintopis raised. These modeland serialnumbers are dso on the ConsumerProduct OwnershipRegistrationCard that came with yourcooktop.Before sendingin this card, pleasewrite these numbershere: ModelNumber SefialNumber Use these numbersin any correspondenceor servicecalls concerningyou cooktop. 2 If youreceiveda damagedcooktop... Immediatelycontactthe dealer(or builder)that soldyou the cooktop. Save time and money. Beforeyou request service... Checkthe ProblemSolverin the backof this book.It listscausesof minoroperatingproblemsthatyou can correctyourself. To obtainservice,seethe w ConsumerServicespageinthe backofthisbook. e We’reproudof our serviceand wantyou to be pleased.If for some reasonyou are not happywith the serviceyou receive,here are three stepsto followfor firther help. FIRST,contactthe peoplewho servicedyourappliance.Explain whyyou are notpleased.h most cases,thiswill solvethe problem. NEXT,if you are sti~ not pleased, writeall the detils-including yourphonenumber-to: Manager,ConsumerRelations GE Appliances ApptiancePark Louisville,KY40225 F~ALLY, if yourproblemis still not resolved,write: MajorApplianceConsumer ActionP-ael 20 NorthWackerDrive a Chicago,~ 60606 o IMPORTANTSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read all instructions beforeusingtiis appliance. o $ Whenusingelectrical “ pliances,basicsafety @ ecautionsshouldbefollowed, includingthefollowing: *Usethisapplianceonlyforits intendeduseasdescribedinthis manual. s Besureyourappliance is “ properlyinstalledand .’ grounded bya qualified technician inaccordance withthe providedinstallation instructions. cDon’tattempttorepairor replaceanypartofyour cooktopunlessit isspecifically recommended inthisbook.All otherservicing shouldbereferred toaqualifiedtechnician. eBeforeperforming any service,DISCONNECT THE COOKTOP POWERSUPPLY ATTHEHOUSEHOLD DISTRIBUTION PANELBY e REMOVING THEFUSEOR WITCHING OFFT~ BREAKER. @ IRCUIT o Do not leave e~ild~n alone childrenshouldnotbeleftalone orunattended inanareawherean appliance is inuse.Theyshould neverbeallowedtositor stand onanypartoftheappliance. oDon$tallowanyonetoclimb, standorhangonthecooktop. “CAUTION: ITEMSOF INTEREST TOCHILDREN SHOULD NOTBESTORED INCABINETS ABOVEA COOKTOP—CHILDREN CLIMBING ONTHE COOKTOP TOREACH ITEMSCOULDBE SERIOUSLY INJURED. ● Never wearloose-fitting or ,hanginggarmentswhileusing ‘theappliance. Flammable aterialcouldbeignitedif e broughtincontactwithhot surfaceunitsandmaycause severeburns. ● Useonlydrypotholders— moistordamppotholders , onhotsurfacesmayresultin bumsfromsteam~ Donotletpot holderstouchhotsurfaceunits. Donot’u~ea toweldr other ~ buky cloth-in-place ofa’pot holder. ~ ~ ‘~ eNevkruseyourappliance’for warming . . orheatingthe“room. 0 Do-not storeflammable ~ materials ‘netir-the’cooktop. o Keep hood andgreasefilterS cleantomaintaingoodventing avoidgreasefires;.~.~ ● Donotletcooking greaseor otherflammable materials~~ acc-ulate ontheucooktop. ” . ‘Donotuse wateron@@e’ fires.Neverpickupa flaming pan.Smotherfhuningpanon surfaceunitbycoveringpan completely tith well-fitinglid, cookiesheetorflattray.~~: ,~aminggreaseoutsidea:pan can’be’put outbycovetifigwith bakingsodaor,if available, a m@ti=purpose-d~ chemicalor foamtypefireextinguisher.~ ● Donottouch sutiace@ts.” Thesesurfacesmaybehotenoughtoburneventioughthey aredarkincolor:Duringand afteruse,donottouch,or:let clofiingorother,flammable. materialscontactheatingareasor ~easnearbyheatingareas;allow sufficienttimeforcooling,fi~st. Potentially hotsurfacesinclude thecooktopand,areasfacingthe Cooktop. ‘ .. . . ● When cwkingpork,follow thedirections exactlyandalways c~k themeattoanintcrnd temperature ofatleast170%. Thisassuresthat,intheremote possibility thattrichinamaybe presentinth~meat,it wilibe killedandthemeat.willbesafe toeat, , ● Useproper pansize-This appli~ceisequippedwithone ormoresurfaceunitsofdifferent size,Selectcoo~~e-havingflat bottomslargeenoughtocover thesurfaceunitcoil.Theuseof undersized cookwarewillexpose apotii6nofthesurfaceunitto directcontactandmayresultin ignitionofclothing,Proper relationship ofcookwareto butierwillalsoimprove efficiency. ● Never leave surfaceuni~ unattended athighheat settings. -130ilover causes smokingandgreasyspillovers thatmaycatchonfire.” . ●.Besuredti~~ansandvent dutharenot,coveredandare @@lace. ~eir absenceduring coo~ngcoulddamagerange ptis andw@n~. ‘,,.’. ~. o Don9t tisealumin’~foilto linedrippans.Misusecould resultin-ashock,firehazardor. damagetothscooktop.~ ● Onlycertain ‘typesofglass, glass/cera&c, eatihenware or otherglazedcontainers are suitableforcooktopservice; othersmay‘breakbecauseofthe suddenchang~, intemperature. (SeeCooting.Guide.for suggestions.] ‘ . (co~lti~tued nextpage) .’ .,, @ 3 .. —— IbqPOIC~ANTSAFETYmSTRUCTIONS e Usecookwareof mediumweigh{ aluminum,with{ight-tittingcove andflat bottoms whichcomple~el+ coverthe heatedportionof the surfaceunit. withoutextendingovernearbysurfaceunits. s Cook freshvegetableswith a minimumamountof waterin a coveredpan. cookware. eKeepan eyeonfoods being-fried it HI or mDw mheats, removethe Ufit.Cleancooktop with caution. Ifa wetspongeorclothisused towipespillsona hotcooking area,becarefulto avoidsteam burn.Somecleanserscan producenoxiousfumesif appliedtoa hotsurface. e Don’t immerseor soak removablesurfaceunik. Don’t @Alwaysheatfat~~0~iy9 and watchasit heats. whenevei pwible toprevent ove~heatingfat beyondthe “smoking p~i~t. “ INST-RUCTIONS .+ .. - . ,. ,$ -.:.,. ~ putthemin a dishwasher. @~~~d$for f~ing shouad beas dry as possible.Frostonfrozen foodsormoistureonfreshfoods cancausehotfattobubbleup andoversidesofpan. —,. .—— ,.’ .’ ,- ~a. . . ., eWatchfoodswhen bringingthem quicklyto tooting temperaturesat high heat. Whenfoodreaches cookingtemperature,reduceheat immediatelyto lowestsettingthat will keep it cooking. @Use residualheat whenever possible.For example,when cookingeggsin the shell,bring water and eggsto boil, then turn to OFF position“andcoverwith lid to completethe cooking. @Alwaysturn surfaceunitOFF beforeremovingcookware. ~When boilingwaterfor tea or coffee,heat only amountneeded. It is not economicalto boil a containerfull of water for one or two cups. Featuresof YourCooktop \ \ GdddleCover ‘ 6’ m “’ &. &_& 4 ModelJP620N, JP621BN i FeatureIndex — Explained on page 1 Modeland SerialNumbers (On controlhousinginsideburnerbox) 2 2 Infinite-HeatControls 6 3 GriddleControl 10 4 Plug-InDeluxeSurfaceUnits (WO 8’~Two 6“) 13 5 Griddle & 10, 12 $ Controls InfiniteHeatControls I GuideforUsingHeats I I @o 00 MEDIUM Lo Yoursurfaceunitsand controlsare designedto giveyou an itilnite choiceof heat settingsfor surface unitcooking. At boti 0~ and HI settings,there is a slightniche.Whenturningthe controlknob eitherclockwiseor counterclockwiseto one of these positions,you will feel the control “click” into the niche. Whencookingin a quietkitchen, you may hear slight “clicking” sounds—anindicationthatthe heat settingsyou selectedare being maintained. Switchingheatsto highersettings alwaysresultsin a quickerchange than switchingto lowersettings. HI-Bring waterto boil, MEDIUM ~—Fast fry,pan broil; maintainfast boilon largeamount of food. MED-Saute and brown;maintain slowboil on largeamountof food. MEDIUMLWook after startingat HI; cookwith little waterin coveredpan. LO-Maintain serving temperatureof mostfoods. NOTE: 1. At HI or MEDIUMHI, never leavefood unattended.Boilovers causesmoking;greasyspillovers may catch fire. 2. At LO or MEDIUMLO, melt chocolate,butteron smallelement. How toSettheContnls Step 1: Graspcontrolknob and push down. I 00” 00 I \7● Step 2: ~rn the knobto desired heat setting. Control mustbe pushedin to set only fromOFFposition.When controlis in any positionother than OFF,it maybe rotated withoutpushingin. Be sure you turn the controlknob to OFF whenyou finish cooking. An indicatorlightwill glow when a surfaceunit is on. 6 Questions& Answem * Q.MayI can foodsand reserveson mysurfaceunits? 6 . Yes,butonly use cookware ‘designed for ctinningpurposes. Checkthe manufacturer’s instructionsand recipesfor preservingfoods.Be sure canneris flat-bottomedand fits over the centerof the surfaceunit. Since canninggenerateslargeamountsof steam,be ctarefulto avoidbums fromsteamor heat.Canning shouldonlybe doneon surface units.See “Home CanningTips” in thisbook. Q. Can I covermy drip pans withfoil? A. No. Cleanas recommendedin CleaningGuide. Q. CanI use specialcooking equipment,like an orientalwok on any surfaceunits? A. Cookwarewithoutflat surfaces is notrecommended.The life of yoursurfaceunit can be shortened e and the cooktopcan be damaged rom the high heat neededfor this “ pe of cooking. Q. Whyam I not gettingthe heat I needfrommy units even thoughI have the knobson the rightsetting? A. After turningsurfaceunitoff and makingsure it is cool, checkto makesure that unitsare securely fastenedinto the surfaceunit receptacle. SafetyTipsforF~ing Q. Whydoes my cookwaretilt when ~placeit on thesuflace unit? A. Becausethe surfaceunitis not flat. Makesure thatthe “feet” on your surfaceunitsare sitting tightlyin the cooktopindentation and the drip pan is flat on the cooktopsurface. Q. Why is the porcelainfinishon my cookwarecomingo~ A. If you set your surfaceunit higherthanrequiredfor the cookwarematerial,and leaveit, the finishmay smoke,crack,pop, or bum dependingon the pot or pan. Also, a too high heatfor long periods,and smallamountsof dry food, may damagethe finish. . AIWayS heatfat slowlyandwatch itwhileitheats, Usefoodas dryaspossible, ● Froan foodswithfrostor fresh foodswitha lot of moistureon themcan causehotfat to bubble overthe pan sides. ● Don’tfill the pantoo full of fat or it may spilloverthe pan sides whenthe food is added. ● Alwayswatchfoodfryingat high or medium-highheats. ● Use a deep fat thermometer, wheneverpossible,to avoid overheatingfat—pastthe smoking point. , ● Keepthe cookingarea ke from greaseaccumulation. ● Be sure you know thecorrect procedurefor puttingout a grease fire. 6 ,. ., ,.. .,, I ,, Coohg Guide C~kware ~ps 1. Usemedium-orheavy-weight cwkwm.Aluminum cookware conducts heatfasterthanother L metals.Castironandcoatedcast ironcookwareis slowto absorb heat butgenetily cooksevenlyat lowor mediumsettings,St*l pans maycookunevenlyif notcombined with othermetals. , , 2. Toconservethemostcooking energy,pansshouldbe flaton the bottom,havestraightsidesandtight 3. hp Fat Frying,Do not overfill kettlewith fat that may spillover whenaddingfood.Frosty foods e unit.A panthatextendsmorethan an inchbeyondtheedgeof tie drip pantrapsheatwhichcauses diswlorationrangingfromblueto darkgraY on chromedrippans. -. keep coo~p clean from accumulatedgrease. fittinglids.Matchthesimofthe saucepan tothesiu of tic stiace bubblevigorously. Watchfoods @ingathightemperatures and o Cookware cooking Dimtiom andSettfagto Coxn~leteCookia~ Covered saucepan HI. In coveredpanbringwaterto boilbeforeaddingted. ~DIUM LO or LO,thenadd cereal.Finishtimingaccording to packagedirections. Cocoa Uncovered saucepan HI. Stirtogetherwateror milk,cocoaingredients. Bringjust to boil, Cerealsbubbleandexpandas theycook use largeenough saucepanto preventtiliover. Milktills overrapidly. MED,to cook 1or 2 minutesto completelyblendtheingredients. Watchas boilingpoint approaches. coffee Percolator HI. At fit perk switch heatto LO. MEDIUMLO to maintaingentle but steadyperk. Covered saucepan HI.Covereggswithcool water. Coverpan, cookuntilsteaming. Friedsunny-sideup Covered skillet MEDIUMHI. Meitbutter, addeggs andcoverskillet. Friedovereasy Uncovered skillet HI. Melt butter. Poached Covered skillet HI.In coveredpan bringwaterto a boil. HI.Heat butteruntiliightgolden in color. MEDIUMLO.CookOpiy3 to 4 minutesfor soficooked;15 minutesfor hardcooked. Continuecookingat MEDIUM HI untilwhitesarejust set, about3 to 5 moreminutes. ~DIUM LO,thenaddeggs. Whenbottomsof eggshavejust se~carefullyturn overto cook the otherside. MEDIUMLO.Carefuliyadd eggs.Cookuncoveredabout5 minutesat MEDIUMHI. MED.Addegg mixture.Cook stirringto desireddoneness. DirectionsandSettingto Start Food Cereal Cornmeal,grits, . oatmeal Eggs Cookedin shell Scrambledor omelets Uncovered skillet Co-enta Percolate8 to 10minutesfor 8 cups,lessfor fewerCUDS. If Youdo not coverskiile~ b&teeggswithfat to cook topsevenly. a 9 Removecookedeggs withsiottedspoonor pancaketurner, Eggscontinueto set slightly &r cooking.Foromele~ donot stir lastfew minutes. Whense~foldin half. Fruits Covered saucepan HI. In coveredpanbringhit and waterto boil. MEDIUMLO.Stiroccasionally andcheckforsticking. Freshtiifi Use 1/4to 1/2cup waterperpoundof hit. Driedfruit:Usewateras packagedirects.Time dependson whetherfruithas beenpresoaked.If no~allow moretimefor cooking. Meats, Poultry Braised:Pot roasts of beef,lambor veal; porkSandchops Covered skillet HI.Melt fag thenaddmeat. Switchto MED~M HI to brownmeat.Addwateror otherliquid. MEDIUMLO.Simmeruntil forktender. Meatcanbe seasonedand flouredbeforeit is browned, if desired.Liquidvariations forflavorcouldbe wine,fruit or tomatojuice or meatbroth. Timing:Steaks1to 2 inches: 1to 2 hours.Beefstew:2 to 3 hem. Potroasti2Xto 4 hours. Uncovered skillet HI. Preheatskillet,thengrease slightly. MEDNM HI or MED.Brown andcookto desireddoneness, turningoveras needed. Panfryingis bestfor thin steaksandchops.If rare is des~ prehdt skilietbefore addingmeat. Pan-tied: Tender chops;thin steaksup to 3/4 inch;minute steaks;hamburgers; franksand sausagq thinfish fillets 8 e e RIGHT e% e OVER1n m WRONG 1= Cookware e e I)lrectionsandSettingto StartCooking DirectionsandSettingto CompleteCooking Comments FriedChicken Covered skillet Hf. Melt fat. Switch to MED~M HI to brownchicken. LO.Coverskilletand cookuntiltender. Uncoverlastfew minutes. Forcrispydrychicken,cover onlyafterswitchingto LO for 10minutes.Uncoverand cook,turningoccasionally for 10to 20 minutes. Pan-friedBacon Uncovered skillet Sauteed:Lesstender thinsteaks(chuck, round,etc.);livev thickor wholefish Simmeredor stewed meat;chicken;corned beefismokedpork; stewingbeefi tongue;etc. Covered skillet MEDIUMHI. In cold skille~ arrangebaconslices.Cook just until startingto sizzle. HI. Melt fat. Switchto MED to brownslowly. MED.Cook,turningover as needed. . LO. Coverandcookuntiltender. A moreattention-fr= methodis to startandcook at MED. Meatmaybe breaded or marinatedin sauce beforefrying. Covered Dutchoven, kettleor large saucepan HI.Covermeatwithwater andcoverpanor ketile, Cookuntil steaming. LO. Cookuntilforktender. (Watershouldboilslowly.)For verylargeloads,mediumheat maybe needed. Addsaltor otherseasoning beforecookingif meathas not beensmokedor otherwisecured. Melting Chocolate,Butter, Marshmallows Small uncovered saucepan. Use small heatingarea LO.Allow9 to 12minutes to meltthoroughly. Stirto smooth. LO. Toholda continuous warmtemperature Whenmeltingmarshmallows, addmilkor water. Pancakesor FrenchToast Skilletor griddle HI. Heat skillet2 to 3 minutes. Greaselightly. MED.Cook 1to 3 minutesper side, lightlylift edgeto checkbrowning. Thickbattertakesslightly longertime.Turnover pancakeswhenbubbles rise to surface. Covered largekettle or pot HI.In coveredkettle,bring saltedwaterto a boil,uncover and addpasta slowlyso boiling doesnot stop. MEDIUMHI. Cookuncovered untiltender.Forlargeamounts, HI maybe neededto keep water at rollingboilthroughoutentire cookingtime. . Use largeenoughkettleto preventboilover.Pasta doublesin sizewhencooked. PrWsureCooking Pressure cookeror canner HI.Heatuntilfirstjiggle is heard. MEDIUMHI for foods cooking10minutesor less.” MEDfor foodsover 10minutes. Puddings,Sauces, Candies,Frostings Uncovered saucepan HI. Untilmixture beginsto steam. MEDIUMLO. Stirringfrequently. Stirfrequentlyto preventsticking. Covered saucepan HI. Measure1/2to 1 inch waterin saucepan.Add salt andpreparedvegetable. $ ~lered saucepan,bring . HI. Measurewaterand salt as above.Addfrozenblock of vegetable.In covered saucepanbringto a boil. HI. In skillet,meltfat. MED.Cook 1pound10to 30 or moreminutes,depending on tendernessof,vegetable. Uncoveredpanrequiresmore waterand longertime. LO. Cookaccordingto time on package. Breakup or stir as needed whilecooking. MED.Addvegetable. Cookuntildesired tendernessis reached. ~ overor stir vegetableas necessaryforevenbrowning. LO.Coverandcook accordingtotime. Tripleinvolumetier cooking. Timeat MEDIUMLO. Rice: 1 cuprice and 2 cups water—25minutes. and4 CUPS Grits: 1 CUP grits water-40 minutes. asta Noodlesor spaghetti Vegetables Fresh Frozen Covered saucepan Uncovered Sauteed:Onions; greenpeppers; skillet mushrooms; celery,etc. RiceandGrifi Covered saucepan J HI.Bringsaltedwaterto a boil. I ~ Cookershouldjiggle 2 to 3 timesper minute. -9 Howto UseYourGridde Beforeusingthe SilverStone@ griddlefor the first time,condition the surfaceby wipingit withtwo or moredropsof cookin oil.To preservetheSilverStone5 finish, useonlyTeflon@ coatednylonor woodenspatulasand spoons. Neverusethe griddlesurface as acutting —board. Whenpreheatingthe griddle,turn the griddleknobto 6 for about5 minutesor untila drop of water bounceson the griddle.Thenturn the knobto therecommended setting.Do not overheatthe griddle.Itwillheat quicklybut coolslowly. Use the chartbelowas a guideto settingthe griddle. NOTE: Overa periodof time, minorscratchesand some ~ discolorationmay appearin the SilverStone@coating. This willnot affectthe coo~g performanceor the no-stick finish. GfiddleCookingGtide Food I Control Setting a ~otecontrol settingsinpictureabov.) I 8 First Side (Minutes) SecondSide (Minutes) I SpecialInstructions Bacon MED 5 5 Chops MEDIUMHI 3-4 3-4 Preheatandgreaselightly,if desired. Browneachside. Eggs,fried MED~ LO 2-3 2-3 Preheat5 minutes.Greaselightly, if desired. FishSteaks,l-in. MEDIUMHI 15 15 Preheat 10minutes. MED 5-6 5-6 Preheat5 minutes.Greaselightly, if desired. 6-8 Preheat 10minutes. FrenchToast n 1 Hamburgers,l/2-in. I MED I ~, brownevenly. 1 6-8 I HamSlice, l/2-in. MEDIUMHI 7-8 7-8 Preheat,if desired. Pancakes MEDIUMHI 1% lx Preheat 10minutes.Greaselightly, if desired. m 1 Rolls,Sandwiches Sausage Keepwarm-toas~ rolls, waffleslightlycovered 10 I MEDIUMHI MED LO I t . . I Preheat10minutes.Browneachside. Preheat,if desired.W, brownevenly. ,) HomeCanning~ps Canningshouldbe done on surfaceunib only. * Potsthatextendbeyond 1 inchof rfaceunit’strim ringare not @ commendedfor mostsurface cooKlng.However,whencanning with water-bathor pressurecanner, large-diameterpotsmay be used, Thisis becauseboilingwater temperatures(evenunderpressure) are not harmfulto cooktop surfacessurroundingsurfaceunit. HOWEVER,DO NOTUSE LARGEDIAMETERCANNERS OR OTHERLARGEDIAMETER COOKWAREFOR FRYINGOR BOILINGFOODSOTHER THANWATER.Mostsyrupor saucemixtures—andall typesof @ing-cook at temperatures muchhigherthan boilingwater. Suchtemperaturescould eventuallyharm cooktopsurfaces surroundingsurfaceunits. ObserveFollowingPoin6 in Canning 1. Be surecannerfits overcenter of the surfaceunit.If yourcooktop or its locationdoesnot allow cannerto be centeredon surface unit,use smalleradiameterpots for goodcanningresults. 2. Flat-bottomedcannersmust be used.Do not use cannerswith flangedor rippledbottoms(often foundin enamelware)becausethey don’tmakeenoughcontactwith the surfaceunitand taketoo long to boil water. RIGHT WRONG CAUT1ON: Safemnning requiresthat harmfil microorganhm are destroyedand that thejars are sealedcompletely,Whencanning foods in a water-bathcanner,a gentlebut steadyboil m~t be maintainedcontinuouslyfor the requiredtime.Whencanning foodsin a pressurecanner,the pressuremustbe maintained continuouslyfor the required time. Afteryou haveadjustedthe controls,it is veryimportantto makesure the prescribedboilor pressurelevelsare maintined for the requiredtime. 3. Whencanning,use recipes and proceduresfrom reputable sources.Reliablerecipesand proceduresare availablehorn the manufacturerof yourcanner; manufacturersof glassjars for canning,such as Ball and Ker, and the UnitedStatesDepartment of AgricultureExtensionService. 4. Rememberthatcanningis a processthat generateslarge amountsof steam.Toavoidbums fi-omsteamor heat,be careful whencanning. NOTE:If yourcooktopis being operatedon low power(voltage), canningmay takelongerthan expected,even thoughdirections havebeencarefully”followed.The processtime willbe shortenedby: (1) usinga pressurecanner,and (2) startingwith HOTtap waterfor fastestheatingof largequantities of water, ,. Lift-UpCooktop Cleanthe areaunderthe cooktop often. Built-upsoil, especially grease,may catch fire. Be sure all surfaceunitsand the grillelementareturnedoff beforeraisingthe cooktop.After cleaningunderthe cooktopwith hot, mild soapywaterand a clean cloth,lowerthe cooktop.Be carefulnot to pinchyour fingers+ Whendone,replacethe support rod and carefullylowerthe cooktopand pressinto place.Make surethe strikesfit in the catchesto fastenthe cooktopintoplace.Then: 1. Replacethe griddleliner. 2. Replacethe grillelement. Keepingthe elementas nearly horizontalas possible,graspit with bothhandsjust abovethe terminal. Checkto be surethe terminalis centeredin the receptacle,then pullfirmlytowardyou to ensure completecontact.The element supportbar shouldfit in the rear notchesof the griddleliner.See illustrationat theleft. 3. Replacethe griddle,withthe greasewell to the rear of the unit. 4. Replacethe cover. ControlKnobs The cooktoplifts up so the cooktop and areaunderneathcan be cleaned. Beforeliftingthe cooktop: 1. Removethe coverby pressing down on one comer. 2. Removethe griddle. 3. Removethe grill element. Checkthe grillelementto be certainit is cool.To removethe grill element,grasp it withboth handsnear the elementterminal receptacle.Pull it firmlytoward the rear, away from you,keepingit horizontal.Do not pull it upward untilit is fullydisconnectedfrom the terminalreceptacle. 4. Removethe griddleliner. 5. The four cooktopunits consistingof the elementsand reflectorbowlsmay be removed by followingthe directions”onthe nextpage, but it is not necessary. To raise the cooktopgrasp at the front and lift up. Raisethe support rod into placeto supportthe cooktopwhilecleaning. 12 Thecontrolknobsmayberemoved forcleaning. Toremoveknob,pullit straightoff the stem.If knobis difficultto remove,placea thincloth(likea handkerchief)or a pieceof string underand aroundthe knobedge and pull up. Washknobsin soapand waterbut do not soak.Avoidgettingwater downinto the knobstemholes. Locatethe moldedrib insidethe knob,Pit the moldedrib of the knobinto thecleargrooveon the e knobstem, “ PorcelainEnamelFinish (on modelsso equipped)-’ Theporcelainenamelfinishis sturdy butbreakableif misused,Thisfinish is acid-resistant.However,any acid foodsspilled(suchas fruit juices,tomatoor vinegar)should not be permittedto remainon the finish.See specificinstructionsin the“CleaningGuide.” BrushedChromeFinish (on modelsso equipped) Cleanthe brushedchrometop with warm,soapywateror an all-purpose householdcleanerand immediately dryit witha clean,softcloth.Take careto dry thesurfacefollowingthe “grain.”Tohelppreventfinger marksaftercleaning,spreada thin filmof babyoilon thesurface. e Wipeawayexcessoil witha clean, softcloth.A goodappliancewax willhelpprotectthisfinish. 9 Mol SpringC Toreplaceknob,locatethe groove in each side of theknob stem.One of the groovescontainsa spring clip and the othergrooveis clear. e Cm md Clwinirmg e a Cleanthe areaunderthedrip ptirings often,Built-upsoil, especiallygrease,maycatchfire. o tnakecleaningeasier,plug-in DeBux~PIu*In Ud@ nitsare removable. tiution:Besureallcontrols Sre turnedtoOFFnd surfa~units toIIfi are cool Mfore attempting or remove them. Afterremovinga plug-inunit, removethe drip pan/rings.Wipe aroundthe edgesof the surface unitopening.Clean the area below the unit. Rinseall washedareas witha damp cloth or sponge. All cookingsurfacesare the plugin type. Lift a surfaceunit about 1“above the trimring-just enoughto grasp it—andyou can pullit out. Do notlifta sutiaceunitmore than1.” K you do, it may not lie fiat on the trim ring whenyou plug it back in. Repeatedliftingof the plug-in unit morethan 1“ abovethe trim ring can permanentlydamage thereceptacle. Toreplacea suflace unit: ~Placethe drip pan/ringinto the surfaceunitcavityfoundon top of the cooktopso the unitreceptacle canbe seenthroughthe openingin the pan. ● Insefi&e tefin~s of the s~ace unitthroughthe openingin the drip pan and~ntothe receptacle. QGuidetie surfaceunit into place so it fits evenlyinto the trim ring. CAUTION cDo not attemptto cleanplug-in surfaceunitsin an automatic dishwasher. ● Do not‘~erse plug-instiace” unitsin’liquidsof any.@nd. . ● Do notbend the plug-insurface unitplug terminals. ● Do not attemptto clean,adjustor in any way repairthe plug-in receptacle. — — 13 . t“ . t Cleting Guide ,- Note:Letcooktop coolbeforetou~ingorhandling. -- par@ >. Part GeneralDirections ControiKnobs ● MildSoapandWater Pulloffknobs.Wa$hgentlybut do not soak,Dry andreturncontrolsto cooktop.Avoidgettingwaterdownintothe knobstemholes.See additionalinstructions in theCareandCleaningsection. Outiide Finish ● Soapand Water Wash,rinse,andthen polishwitha dry cloth.DO NOTUSE steel wool, abrasives,ammonia,a~ids,or commercialovencleanerswhichmay damagethefinish. Metal, including Brushed Chrome PorcelainEnamel PaperTowel Dry Cloth c Soapand Water Avoid cleaning powders or harsh abrasives which may scratch the” enamel. If acids should spill on the cooktop while it is ho~ use a dry paper towel or cloth to wipe up right away. When the surface has coold, wash and rinse. For other spills, such as fat smatterings,etc., wash with soap and water when cooled and then rinse. Polish with a dry cloth. ● ● Spattersand spillsbum awaywhensoilsare heated.At end of meal,heat soiledsurfaceunitsat HI. Ut soilburnoff “abouta minute,”thenswitch surfaceunitsto OFF.Avoidgettingcleaningmaterialson coils.Wipeoff any cleaningmaterialswithdamppapertowelbeforeheatingsurfaceunit. Let cookingunitcoolcompletelybeforehanding, DO NOT immersesurfaceunib in any kindof liquid. Deluxe Surface Unit Coils . . Chrome-Plated DripPansunder DeluxeSurface ● uNts 0Soapand Water Sti~-BristledBrush e Soap-Ellled,: ScouringPad Griddle ● Cleanas belowor in dishwasher.DONOTCLEANIN SELF-CLEANING OVEN;theywilldiscolor.Wipeaftereachcooking,so unnoticedspatter @ willnot “bumon” nexttime youcook.Toremove“burned-on”spatters, use,anyor allcleaningmaterialsmentioned.Rublightlywithscouring o padto preventscratchingof surface. MildSoapandWater .,. ., Washandrinseor cleanin dishwasher.DO NOTCLEANIN SELFCLEANINGOVEN.Do notuse‘scouringpadsor abrasivecleaners. .,.!“ ,. ,.., ,.$’ ., ,.. .’ 14 ,. . 6 — POSSIBLE CAUSE ANDREMEDY DEL= SURFACE ~ITS DO NOT WORKPROPERLY *Difficultymay be in the maindistributionpanelof your housecausedby a blown ovencircuitfuse,a trippedovencircuitbreaker,the main fuse or the main circuit breaker,dependingon natureof the powersupply.If a circuitbreakeris involved,reset it. If @econtrolbox uses fuses,the ovenfuse (a cartridge-type)shouldbe changed BUTONLYBY SOMEONEFAMILIARWITHELECTRICALCIRCUITS.If, after performingone of theseprocedures,the fuse blowsor circuitbreakertripsagain,call for service. NOTE:Apartmenttenantsor condominiumownersshouldrequesttheirbuilding managementto performthischeckbeforecallingfor service. Drip pans are not set securelyin the cooktop. *Surfaceunitcontrolsare notproperiyset or wrongsurfaceunit controlis set for unit you are using. @Surfaceunitsare not pluggedin solidly. ● U you need,toll free: GE AnswerCenter@ 8~.626.2000 consumerinformationservice — ● Installationbtructiom IMPORTANRLeavetheseinstructionswiththeappliance. OW~R: KeepWeseimtruction$forfuturewe. -- 13tf Fig, 2 B Max, Depth 1 I I I ‘1 I I 1 I I Cutoutand Cooktop K~l Wzl Dimensions.SeeTable1 MinimumClearancesto AdjacentConstruction 1#- TOOIS Needed The followingtoolsare neededto installyour new cooktop. ● 1/8”drill bit ● Electricor hand drill *Flat bladedscrewdriver c Pencil s Ruleror tape measureand straightedge e Handsaw or sabersaw Location SeeFigures 1 and 2 and Table 1 for all rough-inand spacing dimensions.Thesedimensions mustbe met for safe use of your cooktop. MinimumClearances to be Maintained: 2“ betweencutoutrear edge and wall”behindcooktop. 3~” betweencutoutfrontedge and counterfront edge. 30”betweencooktopand nearest unprotectedoverheadsurface. 7“betweenthe cutout’sleftedge_ andthe sidewallto a heightof 18“. 7“ betweenthecutout’srightedge and the sidewallto a heightof 18”. II . 1111Ill . e kportant: Toeliminatetherisk of bfis or fwewhenreachingover surfaceburners,cabinetstorage e spaceabovethe cooktopshouldbe avoided.If cabinetstoragespaceis to be providedabovethecooktop, therisk can be reducedby installing a rangehoodthat sticksout at least 5“ beyondthe frontof thecabinets. Cabinetsinstalledabovea cooktop maybe no deeperthan 13“.See figure2. >. : Table1 I DIMENSIONS A B c D .p . . 35%” 20%” 331X6” 18’%6” 19~6° - I F 33%” G 16’%6” H ~!t J, 2“min. 3%”min. .K 9 16 -— ., ., Werecommendthatyou havethe electricalhookupof yourcaoktop doneby a qualifiedelectrician. e Havethe electricianshowyou hereyourdisconnectis l~*ated. e fl) yourElectricCompanyandask whichcodesapplyin yourarea.if themarenocodes,youmustfollow theNATIONALELE~R,ICAL CODE,ANSMPA NO.70-1987. Youcangeta copyby writing: NationalFire Protection Association BatterymarchPark Quincy,MA 02269 ~ If you fail to wire yourcooktopin accordancewith governingcodes, you may createa hazardous condition. Usea three-wiresizeof No. 8 copper wire protected with a 40 amp fise or circuitbreakerfor both208Y/120Voltand 120/240 volt electrical systems. Do not use aluminumwiringto connectyour cooktopto the householdcircuit. eforeinstallingthe cooktopor a ovingit to anotherlocation,have e electricianverify: @ ‘. That your home is provided with adequate electrical service. ● That the addition of the cooktop will not overload the household circuit on which it is used. Cut the openingin the countertop. The electricalpowertothe Installthe cooktopin the cutout owning. Note:If the cooktop is beinginstalledin a blindcounter {onewith no cabinetopening below),wireconn~tions mustbe madebeforeputtingthe cooktop cooktop Sllpp~~ line mUSt be Shut off w~e tineconn~tionsare beingmade.FaUum todosocould resultinsetiowi@~ ord~th. intothecutout. Fig.3 ; ‘. --- withcabinet structure at front +-” ----”” e Whenmakingthewirecomections, usetheentirelengthof conduit provided(4 ft.).Theconduitmust notbeCUL Connectthered and blackleads from the cooktopconduitto the correspondingleadsin the junctionbox. Ad *P Thebaregroundwirein theconduit is connwtedto thecooktopframe. ConnWttheotherendof thiswire to a properlygroundedcoldwater pipeor useanotherapproved groundingmethod. A white(neutral)wireis notneeded for this cooktop.The white lead from the householdelectrical supply canbe tapedandterminatedin the junctionbox. Be sureto maintaincutout dimensionsand minimum clearancesas shownon previous page.Tominimizechippingof the countertopyou can applymasking tapebeforeyou make the cut. Installan approvedjunctionbox whereit will be easily reached throughthe front of the cabinet wherethe cooktopwill be located. Thecooktophas 4 feet of conduit. ~ORTANfi The junctionbox mustbelocatedwhereit willallow considerableslackin theconduit -for serviceability.SeeFig3. 17 Whatever your questionaboutanyG major appliance, GE Answer Center” information service is available to help. Y[>urcall–and your questionwill be answered promptly and courteously. And you can call any time. GE Answer Center@service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. AGE consumer service professional will provide expert repair service, acl~ecluled ata timethat’sconvenient SOI- you. ManyGE ConsumerService company-opel~tedlocationsoffer u sei~ticetodayor tomorrow,or at urconvenience(100 ‘7:00p.m. ;veekdays, 2:00p.m. Saturdays).our factoly-t.rainedtechnicians knotvyourapplianceinsicleand out-so mostrepairscan be handled injustone visit.- ,./ . ,, ,“ .,” ,“ - You can have the secure feeling that GE Consumer Service will still be there after your warranty expires. Purchase a GE contract while your warranty is still in effect and you’ll receive a substantial discount. With a multipleyear contract, you’re assured of future service at today’s prices. Telecommwication Device for the Deaf hdividu~ qu~led to service their own appliances can haveneeded parts or accessories sent directly to their home. The GE parts system provides access to over 47,000 parts. ..and all GE Cjenuine Renewal Parts are fttlly warranted. VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted. User maintenance instructions contained in b boo~et cover procedures titended to be performed by any Wer. Other servickg gener~y sllotid be referred to qu&ed sertice persomel. Caution rnmt be exercised, sbce improper servicing may cawe unsafe operation. =’=%.-””=”.” SEC’IIHA-a -“ - ,-! Upon request,GEwillprovideBraille contrclsfor avarietyof GEappliances and a brochure to assistinplanninga barrier-freekitchenfor personswith limitedmobility.To obtaintheseitems, freeof charge,call800.626.2000. Consumerswithimpairedhearing or speech who haveaccessto a TDD or a conventionaltele~~ewrilermay call800-TDD-GEAC(800-S33-4322) to requestinformationor service. — YOUR BUILT-INCOOKTOP WARRANTY Savepr~ofof originalpurchasedate suchas yoursalesslip or canmlledcheckto establishwarrantypedod, WHATIS COVERED WHATIS NOTCOVERED FULLONE=YEAR WARRA~ Foroneyearfromdateof original purchase,we will provide,freeof charge,partsandservicelaborin yourhometo repairor replaceany pan afthe cmHop thatfails becauseof a manufacturingdefect. isextendedto This warranty ( the originalpurchaserandany succeedingownerfor products purchasedforordinaryhomeusein the48 mainlandstates,Hawaiiand Washington,D.C.InAlaskathe warrantyis thesameexceptthatit is LIMITEDbeoauseYoumustpayto ship the productto-tie serviie shop or fortheservicetechnician’stravel coststo yourhome. Allwarrantyservicewillbe provided by our FactoryServiceCente~ or by ourauthorizedCustomerCare@ ~o~~wrsduringnormalworking . Shouldyourapplianceneed service,duringwarrantyperiod or beyond,call800-GE-CARES (800-432-2737). Servicetripsto yourhometo teach you howto usethe product. ReadyourUseandCaremateriai. If youthenhaveanyquestions aboutoperatingthe product,please contactyourdealeror our ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe addressbelow,or call,tollfree: s Replacementof housefusesor resettingof circuitbreakers. . Failureof theproductif it is used for otherthanitsintendedpurpose or usedcommercially. ● Damageto productcausedby accident,fire,floodsor actsof God. GEAnswerCenter” 800.626.2000 consumerinformationservice s improperinstallation. If youhavean installationproblem, contactyourdealeror installer. Youare responsiblefor providing adequateelectrical,gas,exhausting and otherconnectingfacilities. WARNOR IS/VOTRESPONSIBLE FORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ● Somestatesdo notallowthe exclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,sothe abovelimitationor exclusion may notapplyto you.Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegalrights,andyou mayalsohaveotherrightswhichvay fromstateto state. Toknowwhatyour legalrightsare in yourstate,consultyourlocalor stateconsumeraffairsofficeor yourstate’sAttorneyGeneral. Warrantor:GeneraiEiectricCompany if furtherheip is neededconcerningthis warranty,write: Manager—ConsumerAffairs,GE Appliances,Louisviiie,KY 40225 I Part No. 164D2092P091 I I Pub. No. 49-8063 I MNL150 (345275) Rev. 2 I [4-92 CG JP620N JP621B b @