SCAHA - LAHOA Officiatine Aereement Contract
SCAHA - LAHOA Officiatine Aereement Contract
SCAHA - LAHOA Officiatine Aereement Contract TERM r The term of this agreement shall be for the 2015-201,6 and 201,6-2017 seasons. ACCOUNTABTLTTY o o I PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AND TMpROVEMENT: LAHOA is responsible for all disciplinary issues involving LAHOA officials. the right to have a member of their Executive Committee in attendance for all disciplinary hearings that are held by LAHOA. However, the LAHOA Disciplinary Committee will have the ultimate responsibility of determining what discipline will be imposed, per LAHOA's SCAHA has disciplinary guidelines. o o At the request of SCAHA's Deputy Commissioner, LAHOA will provide a Board Member or Supervisor to any SCAHA hearing. The LAHOA member will offer information and perspective and may be involved in the final decision. SCAHA's Deputy Commissioner has the right to request the temporary removal of a referee from SCAHA games for alleged egregious violations of the USA Hockey Official's Code of Conduct pending such time that a hearing can take place'involving said conduct. LAHOA shall hold in accordance with their bylaws. o LAHOA will continue the process of implementing their Development and Evaluation Program for the development of Officials. LAHOA will provide a written report to SCAHA during the months of November and February of each season regarding the status of the Development and Evaluation program. LAHOA will attend and present the status of the Development and Evaluation program at each monthly SCAHA meeting. o o Evaluation. SCAHA will work with LAHOA to develop a method for individual teams and leagues to express formal opinions on the performance of any official working their games. This helps identify problem situations as well as to open doors of opportunity for up-and-coming officials. Mentorship - The Mentor Program will be designed to link up a younger or newer official with an older or more experienced official. By doing this, a helping hand can be given to the newer official in the form of a friend, experienced ear, and a constant partner during the hockey season. This way, the insecurities and lack of confidence that newer officials experience can be addressed and these officials can work through their problems with the help of a person who has already traveled the same road. ln essence, the Mentor's role is to contribute to a positive officiating environment for the new official. SERVICES PROVIDED and GENERAL CONDITIONS o o o LAHOA will provide a scheduling service for the on-ice officials for the term of the agreement. Officiating System. LAHOA shall provide a three-man system, one referee and two linesmen. will provide a copy of the master of all game schedules to LAHOA at the same time it is made available to its member clubs. ln the event of a delay in the release of the master SCAHA schedule, SCAHA will provide the ice slots at each venue Seven (7) days in advance. SCAHA sca+{A SCAHA - LAHOA Officiatins Aereement Contract Failure to Provide Officials. lf there is a game cancellation due to lack of officials, LAHOA will be liable for actual costs of the ice slot to the home club to be verified by the SCAHA, barring acts of GOD. Either party, with 60 days advance written notice, may revaluate this contract. Termination of this contract can only occur at the end of the current season, with 60 days advanced written notice. As a part of good faith, both parties agree to negotiate prior to termination. I NDEPEN DENT CONTRACTORS o Each member of LAHOA is an independent contractor and is the sole person responsible for their tax liability. lt is LAHOA's responsibility to ensure that all referees acknowledge their status as independent contractors and LAHOA assumes all liability for the status of their member referees. FEES a Administration fees: per team per season, due in two installments, as follows for each season (See Table 2 for fees): . o 1/2 due, December 1st 1-12 due, March 1st Late scheduling fee (See Table 6) a Scheduling Exhibition games (See Table 5) a Game Cancellation Fees r Officials are paid in full if: o o Less than 7 days notice is provided to the LAHOA scheduler The officials are already scheduled and confirmed for the cancelled game Acts of God. Neither SCAHA nor its member clubs will be responsible for official's fees for games cancelled due to acts of God or circumstances beyond the control of the member clubs. Game Fees are based on the following game durations (See Table 1) . r Squirt, PeeWee, Pee Wee AA, Bantam, Bantam minute stop periods. Peewee AAA - M, Midget and Midget AA: Three (3) - 15 Three (3) fifteen (15) minute stop periods. Five (5) minute overtime / Three (3)man shootout. o o Bantam AM - Three (3) sixteen (16) minute stop periods. Five (5) minute overtime / Three (3) man shootout. Midget AAA - Three (3) seventeen (17) minute stop periods, with one ice cut. Five (5) minute overtime / Three (3) man shootout. SCAHA - LAHOA Officiatins Aereement Contract Non-standard game durations as stated above (i.e. ice cuts, intermissions, extended periods, overtime or shootouts) are not covered by this contract. A single game is defined as any game that is not immediately followed or preceded by a scheduled preseason/regular season SCAHA scheduled game. Should officials opt to work another non-SCAHA game, they are not entitled to the single game fee. However, the LAHOA scheduler is under no obligation to schedule officials working other games that are adjacent to SCAHA games. lf a crew of officials is scheduled on 2 SCAHA games that are not scheduled in adjacent slots, the officials will be entitled to one (1)single game fee if the break exceeds 30 minutes the scheduled end time of the previous game and the next game. lf the break exceeds ninety (90) minutes, the officials will be entitled to (2) single game fees. (See Table 3) Travel Fee is applicable when any official travels the mileage referred to in (See Table 4) between his/her home and the location of the game worked. This fee is limited to once-per-day / per official / per club. The maximum league travel allowance will not exceed $2S0 (fxcluding Bakersfield and Cathedral City). Any necessary travel will need to be approved by SCAHA Deputy Commissioner, Bakersfield and Cathedral City excluded. Payment: SCAHA member clubs must pay officials pursuant to this agreement. Upon submittal of all appropriate paperwork, payments to officials must be mailed to the official within 14 days of the game date or receipt of said paperwork. PLAYOFFS r o o LAHOA will coordinate with SDHRA and SCAHA to schedule all rounds of SCAHA playoffs. lf requested, LAHOA will assign venue supervisors to all rounds of playoffs with fees not covered by this contract. Fees for all playoff games will be provided to LAHOA by SCAHA within in fourteen (14) days of invoice. EXCLUSIVITY o With the exception of games played in San Diego by San Diego Clubs, LAHOA is to be the sole entity responsible for scheduling on-ice officials for SCAHA and its member clubs. This includes all pre-season, regular season, post-season, club hosted tournaments and exhibition games for each SCAHA member club. EVERGREEN o The term, fees and provisions of this agreement will be automatically renewed for the next season unless one or both of the parties provides written notice that they do not want it renewed. Notice of non-renewal must be given by December 1 of the current season. SCAHA - LAHOA Officiatine Aereement Contract Tablel-GameFees ,:Dliisro{r .I .'-,.,. Mite AD1V (Cross) ,...Ttotql $zs Beferee Linesman / came Mite (Full lce) 5os.oo S2s.oo irg.oo Squirt s87.00 Sgs.oo $26:oo PeeWee ss6:oo Sss,o,o S2s.oo Bantam Sroz.oo s4s:00 S31.oo Midget $1;z;t..oo Ssr,oo $38:oo PeeWee AA S1o7.oo S+s.oo S31.oo Bantam AA 51,zt.o::o Ssr.oo s38 oo Midget AA S136.oo Sso oo 54o:oo PgeWee AAA Srz+.oo Sso.oo S37.oo Bantam AAA SrEs.oo Sss.oo s3s.oo Midget AAA iiii iei.oo Sos.oo oo Table 2 - Scheduling Administration Fees . SSS.OO perteam SCAHA Table3-SingleGame . r Single Game Fee: Ss per official PeeWee, Bantam, Midget AAA games not eligible for single game fees under any circumstance - SCAHA Table4-Travel LAHOA Officiatins Asreement Contract Fees Travel Fee: Miles : Cost i-*.. 90 Miles S+o !20 . S5o :- - ;0 Soo 1 180+ , S70 Table 5 - Exhibition Scheduling Fees o Game Scheduling Fee 58 Table 5 - Late Game Scheduling Fees Late Notice Fee: . . . 55.00 per game with less than seven (7) day notification S15.00 per game with less than forty-eight (48) hours notification 525.00 per game with less than twenty-four (24) hours notification Agreed and Accepted Name: Position: Signature: Date: -Cf1l; Cargeralg . Commissioner, SCAHA %o; 08/26/ls Nome: Rich Ozakl Position: President, LAHOA Signature: Date: