Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
2013 FULL CATALOGUE Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Matters today Matters tomorrow… CONTENTS Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Mission Statement Undergraduate Program Graduate Program Research Areas Faculty and Staff Laboratories and Centers Campus Map and Contact METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF METALLURGICAL & MATERIALS ENG. The department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering in METU was established in 1966. It currently holds 355 undergraduates and 58 masters and Ph.D. students. In addition to core program, the department offers minor programs in metal production and ceramics. The infrastructure of the department is wellestablished and it can respond the needs of the proposed research with the assitance of the service laboratories. In addition to the general service laboratories, each faculty member holds research laboratories specialized to their area of research. The primary research areas of focus in these laboratories are: • • • • Biomaterials Ceramic and Inorgnanic Materials Computational Material Science Energy and Environment • • • • Biomaterials Polymers & Nanocomposites Metallurgy Ceramic and Inorganic Materials Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at METU Structural Materials Electronic-Magnetic Materials Structural Materials Metallurgy Polymers and Nanocomposites Computational Material Science Energy and Environment ElectronicMagnetic Materials ( MISSION STATEMENT The Department’s mission is to carry out educational programs to graduate high quality, nationally and internationally recognized engineers with strong backgrounds in materials related scientific and engineering problem-solving methods. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM The Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering is concerned with the generation and application of knowledge on engineering materials. It comprises such aspects as the extraction and refining processes, synthesis and processing of materials, factors affecting the internal structure of solids, methods of altering the structure and properties of materials and factors affecting the materials behavior in service. The undergraduate curriculum comprises a core program that emphasizes principles basic to all these classes of materials. It builds upon courses on physics, chemistry and certain aspects of solid mechanics with a series of courses on internal structure of solids covering both chemical and physical aspects and structure-property relations. From the fifth semester on, the core curriculum addresses to career opportunities in metallurgical and materials engineering. These include the metal industries, ceramic industries and other small scale industries that normally deal with a variety of materials. In addition to its solid core program department offers various technical elective courses on various aspects such as nanomaterials, energy, biomaterials, extractive metallurgy, electrical, magnetic and optical properties of materials. Students take capstone design project in their senior year, by pursuing a real world engineering application. GRADUATE PROGRAM Graduate programs in METE are designed to present the students with systematic development of the fundamental scientific and engineering principles underlying materials phenomena and process operations. The department offers 3 types of graduate programs • M.S. • Ph.D. • Integrated Ph.D. Program Course Requirements: M.S. students are required to take minimum of 7 courses apart from a Master's thesis. Program involves 3 compulsory courses, seminar and the remaining courses are restricted electives which are taken by the student in close cooperation with their advisors. For the Ph.D. Degree, an additional 7 courses and a Ph.D. thesis should be successfully completed. In integrated Ph.D program, the students are required to take a minimum of 14 courses in addition to Ph.D. thesis. CURRICULUM UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM FIRST YEAR Second Semester First Semester MATH 119 Calculus with Analytic Geometry MATH 120 Calculus for Functions of Several Variables PHYS 105 General Physics I PHYS 106 General Physics II CHEM 111 General Chemistry I CHEM 112 General Chemistry II ME 105 Computer Aided Eng. Grap METE 102 Introduction to Metallurgical and Materials Engineering IS 100 Introduction to Information Technologies and Applications ENG 102 English for Academic Purposes II ENG 101 English for Academic Purposes I SECOND YEAR Fourth Semester Third Semester METE 201 Material Science I METE 202 Material Science II METE 203 Thermodynamics of Materials I METE 204 Thermodynamics of Materials II MATH 219 Introduction to Differential Equations METE 206 Materials Laboratory CENG 230 Introduction to Computers and C Programming METE 208 Chemical Principles of Material Production ENG 211 Academic Oral Presentation Skills ES 223 Statics and Strength of Materials METE 215 Materials Processing Laboratory Restrictivel Elective UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM THIRD YEAR Sixth Semester Fifth Semester METE 301 Phase Equilibria METE 302 Principles of Solidification METE 303 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials METE 304 Fundamentals of Mechanical Shaping METE 305 Transport Phenomena METE 306 Chemical Metallurgy I METE 307 Metallography METE 308 Physical Metallurgy CHEM 468 CHEM 220 Polymeric Materials or Organic Chemistry METE 310 Material Characterization Nontechnical Elective Nontechnical Elective FOURTH YEAR Eighth Semester Seventh Semester METE 401 Materials Engineering Design I METE 403 Phase Transformations Technical Elective x 4 METE 407 Chemical Metallurgy II Free Elective METE 451 Ceramic Materials METE 400 Summer Practice Technical Elective x 2 METE 402 Materials Engineering Design I UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM Elective Courses METE 411 Chemical Metallurgy of Steel METE 455 Elect. Mag. & Optic Properties of Materials METE 414 Steels and Steel Production Techniques METE 456 Surface Properties of Materials METE 416 Fuels and Furnaces METE 460 Engineering with Polymers METE 417 Computer Application in Metallurgy METE 462 Residual Stress in Mater. Process. METE 418 Unit Operations and Pretreatment Process METE 464 Heat Treatment of Metals METE 421 Glass Science and Technology METE 466 Powder Metallurgy METE 422 Structural Ceramics and Ceramic Composites METE 468 Welding Metallurgy METE 433 Materials for Organic Electronics METE 470 Composite Materials METE 434 Principles of Ceramic Processing METE 472 Corrosion and Oxidation of Metals METE 435 Foundry Laboratory I METE 474 Failure Analysis METE 436 Foundry Laboratory II METE 477 Testing & Evaluation of Materials METE 441 Melting and Casting METE 478 Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials METE 443 Computer Modeling and Simulations in Materials Science and Engineering METE 487 Thin Films and Its Applications METE 444 Electronic and Magnetic Ceramics METE 488 Materials Research II METE 451 Ceramic Materials METE 482 Special Topics: Mater. For Organic Electronics The undergraduate degree program of Metallurgical and Materials Science & Engineering Department of METU is currently accredited by Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. GRADUATE CURRICULUM M.S and Ph.D Courses METE 501 Thermodynamics of Materials METE 503 Mathematical Methods in Materials Research I METE 506 Kinetics of Processes in Materials METE 580/590 Prethesis Seminar /Seminar 4 Elective Courses GRADUATE CURRICULUM Elective Courses METE 504 Mathematical Methods in Materials Research II METE 528 Computer Applications in Materials Science METE 505 Fracture METE 529 High Strength Alloys METE 507 Advanced Crystallography and Diffraction METE 532 Selection of Materials Against Corrosion and Oxidation METE 508 Advanced Optical Techniques METE 538 Advanced Solidification METE 509 Physics of Materials I METE 539 Near Net Shape Processing METE 510 Physics of Materials II METE 540 Phase Stability in Alloys METE 511 Advanced Powder Metallurgy METE 544 Properties of Glass METE 512 Advanced Ceramic Engineering METE 545 Atomistic Computer Modeling of Mat. METE 515 Composite Materials METE 546 Nanostructured Materials METE 516 Production of Ferroalloys METE 550 Solar Cells METE 517 Gas Metal Reaction METE 555 Processing and Properties of Nanocomposites METE 518 Physical Chemistry in Process Metallurgy METE 560 Polymer Nanocomposites METE 520 Process Analysis in Metallurgical Reaction Systems METE 565 Structure of Materials METE 521 Advanced Foundry Techniques METE 580 Prethesis Seminar METE 522 Bioceramics METE 590 Seminar METE 525 Extractive Metallurgy of Copper METE 600 Ph.D. Thesis METE 527 Advanced Chemical Metallurgy RESEARCH AREAS RESEARCH AREAS The research on metallurgy is one of the cornerstones of the departmental scientific point of view. The main studies on this area includes: heat treatment of steels, brazing, compact and spheroidal graphite cast irons, squeeze casting, pressure die casting, thixocasting, alloy powder extrusion for high temperature, thermochemistry of molten oxide and molten salt systems, molten salt and aquous electrometallurgy, iron-steel making, extractive metallurgy, hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy, pretreatment processes and mineral processing, waste treatment and utilization. Laboratories for specialized research in this area of study: Foundry, Metal Process. & Automotive Materials Laboratory Hydrometallurgy Laboratory Pyrometallurgy Laboratory Thermochemical and Electrochemical Materials Processing Laboratory The research activities on electronic and magnetic materials is rapidly growing in the department. Studies on electronic and magnetic materials cover: sensors, piezoelectric devices, ceramic semiconductors, magnetic and magnetocaloric materials, lead-free piezoelectric and ferroelectric thin films, oxide thermoelectric materials for power conversion magnetic properties of nanostructured materials for enhanced MRI, large area, transparent and flexible electronics, solar cells, light emitting diodes. Laboratories for specialized research in this area: Electromagnetic Materials Laboratory Nanomaterials and Devices Laboratory Novel Alloys Laboratory Surface Sciences Research Laboratory The pursuit for alternative energy resources has been lately become an international concern. The department of METE does not stay disregardful for this subject and it focuses on the following area of research: advanced magnetic materials, lithium-ion, Ni-MH, leadacid and silver-zinc batteries, hydrogen storage alloys and compounds, electrochemistry of materials, leadfree materials, dye sensitized solar cells for renewable energy applications, conductive electrode surface preparation for DSSCs and supercapacitors. Laboratories for specialized research in this area: Energy Storage Devices Laboratory Energy Storage Materials Laboratory Nanomaterials and Devices Laboratory Novel Alloys Laboratory Surface Sciences Research Laboratory Laboratory for Structure and Dynamics in Metals Thermochemical and Electrochemical Materials Processing Laboratory The department has extensive research capability in ceramic processing and characterization. This covers both traditional and modern ceramics. Examples of the on-going projects are: production, properties and characterization of ceramic materials, glasses and glass ceramics, cements, ceramic matrix composites, tribology, cements, bioceramics, calcium phosphates, glass surfaces, interfaces and coatings and solgel chemistry (silicates, organic-inorganic hybrid systems). Laboratories for specialized research in this area: Ceramic Engineering Laboratory Materials Chemistry Laboratory Computational material science has become a major tool in most areas of material research. Activities in the department in this area include a variety of topics such as: void growth in integrated circuits under electromigration condition, phase stability of intermetallic alloys; ab-initio molecular dynamics, reverse Monter-Carlo simulations, finite element methods, computer simulation of heat treatment & welding, computational thermodynamics, thermal analysis and casting simulations. Atomic Nano Micro Macrostructure Laboratories for specialized research in this area: Computer Simulation Laboratory Energy Storage Devices Laboratory Foundry, Metal Pro. & Automotive Materials Laboratory Novel Alloys Laboratory Laboratory for Structure and Dynamics in Metals Thermodynamic Studies Laboratory Research in bio/organic materials covers synthesis and processing of bioactive ceramics, hydroxyapatite and a variety of bioglass formulations. The development of bioactive coatings and surfaces to interact with biomolecules such as bacteria, proteins, DNA are also in progress. Current projects involve Ti-foams, the development of coatings doped with metallic nanoparticles for a variety of functions; e.g. magnetic or antibacterial, bioceramics and dental materials. Laboratories for specialized research in this area: Ceramic Engineering Laboratory Photocatalytic Materials Laboratory Studies on structural materials usually refers to the microstructure-mechanical property relationship from nano to macro length scales. Examples of researches conducted at METE can be stated as: bulk amorphous/nanocrystalline alloys, solid state phase transformations, nano-multilayer composites, NDT, residual stresses; heat Treatment of steels; failure analyses, fatigue crack growth, fracture and fatigue behavior of railway rails and wheels, aluminum matrix composites and ceramic matrix composites. Laboratories for specialized research in this area: Foundry, Metal Pro. & Automotive Materials Laboratory Electromagnetic Materials Laboratory Laboratory for Structure and Dynamics in Metals Mechanical Testing Laboratory Novel Alloys Laboratory 2A Attributed primarily to their extraordinary properties, polymers constitute an important part of the research in the department. Examples of conducted studies are: development of polymer based nanocomposites for engineering applications, bio-inspired composites, biomedical materials and large area, transparent and flexible electronics. Laboratories for specialized research in this area: Materials Chemistry Laboratory Nanomaterials and Devices Laboratory Polymers and Nanocomposites Laboratory FACULTY AND STAFF METE FACULTY AND STAFF Faculty AKDENİZ Vedat: Ph.D. Open University AYDINOL Mehmet Kadri: Ph.D. METU BOR Şakir: Ph.D. METU DURUCAN Caner: Ph.D. Pennsylvania State Uni. DERİCİOĞLU Arcan Fehmi: Ph.D. Tokyo University GÜR, Cemil Hakan: Ph.D. METU GÜRBÜZ Rıza: Ph.D. METU İMER Bilge: Ph.D. University of California Santa Barbara KALAY Yunus Eren: Ph.D. Iowa State University KALKANLI Ali: Ph.D. Open University KARAKAYA İshak: Ph.D. McGill University KAYNAK Cevdet: Ph.D. METU MEKHRABOV Amdulla.: Ph.D. Lom. Moscow State Uni. ÖGEL Bilgehan: Ph.D. METU ÖZENBAŞ Macit: Ph.D. METU ÖZTÜRK Abdullah: Ph.D. University of Missouri ÖZTÜRK Tayfur: Ph.D. Cambridge University TOPKAYA Yavuz: Ph.D. McMaster University ÜNALAN Hüsnü Emrah: Ph.D. Rutgers University YENER Kuru: Ph.D. Max Planck Institute Emeritus ANKARA Alpay: Ph.D. Imperial College ATALA Haluk: Ph.D. University of Birmingham DORUK Mustafa: Ph.D. Tech. Hochschule Darmstadt GEVECİ Ahmet: Ph.D. METU SELÇUK Ekrem: Ph.D. University of Sheffield SEVİNÇ Naci: Ph.D. M.I.T. OĞURTANI Tarık Ömer: Ph.D. Stanford University TİMUÇİN Muharrem: Ph.D. University of Missouri Rolla Research Associates TAN, Cengiz Mehmet YILMAZ, Serkan Staff ESKİYAZICI, Hamdiye EVLER, Sevilay ÖZDEMİR, Arif Atalay ÖZDEMİR ARSLAN, Ebru ŞAHİN, Önder SITKI, Levent TÜRE, Salih YANARDAĞ, Cemal YAPICI, Erdoğan YILDIRIM, Yusuf M. Vedat Akdeniz Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-205, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 5934 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D.: The Open University, UK (1989) M.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Bulk Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Alloys, Metallic Glasses Alloy Design and Development, Advanced Magnetic Materials, Intermetallics, Rapid Solidification Selected Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. M. Yıldırım, M.V. Akdeniz, A.O. Mekhrabov, Effect of Ternary Alloying Elements Addition on the OrderDisorder Transformation Temperatures of B2-Type Ordered Fe-Al-X Intermetallics, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Physical Metallurgy and Metarials Science, 43A (6), 1809-1816, 2012. N. Duman, A.O. Mekhrabov and M.V. Akdeniz, Microalloying effects on the microstructure and kinetics of nanoscale precipitation in Ni-Al-Fe alloy , Intermetallics, 23, 217-227, 2012. M. Aykol, M.V. Akdeniz and A.O. Mekhrabov, Solidification behavior, glass forming ability and thermal characteristics of soft magnetic Fe-Co-B-Si-Nb-Cu bulk amorphous alloys, Intermetallics, vol. 19, 13301337, 2011. M. Aykol, A.O. Mekhrabov and M.V. Akdeniz, A generalized polytetrahedral cluster approach to partial coordination numbers in binary metallic glasses, Philosophical Magazine, vol. 91(22), 2985-3005, 2011. M. Aykol, A.O Mekhrabov and M.V. Akdeniz, Nano-scale Phase Separation in Amorphous Fe-B Alloys: Atomic and Cluster Ordering, Acta Materiala, 57, 171-181, 2009. M. V. Akdeniz and A. O. Mekhrabov, Impurity-Driven Nanocrystallization of Zr-Based Bulk Amorphous Alloys, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 8, 894–900, 2008 Novel Alloys Design and Development Laboratory (NOVALAB) Mehmet Kadri Aydınol Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-103, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 2523 E-mail: [email protected] Hydrogen dissociation on FeTi surface Research Experiences: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Ph.D.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey (1994) M.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials: Ab Initio Methods, Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Energy Storage Materials and Devices: Lithium-ion, Ni-MH, Lead-acid and Silver-Zinc Batteries, Hydrogen Storage Alloys and Compounds. Electrochemistry of Materials: Corrosion of Materials and Corrosion Testing and Control. Selected Publications 1. A. Izanlou, M.K. Aydınol, “An ab initio study of dissociative adsorption of H2 on FeTi surfaces”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35, pp. 1681, 2010. 2. F.G. Şen and M.K. Aydınol, “Atomistic simulation of self-diffusion in Al and Al alloys under electromigration conditions”, Journal of Applied Physics, 104, pp. 073510, 2008. 3. M.K. Aydinol, J.V. Mantese and S.P. Alpay, “A Comparative Ab Initio Study of the Ferroelectric Behaviour in KNO3 and CaCO3”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 19, pp. 496210, 2007. 4. G.H. Aydoğdu and M.K. Aydınol, “Determination of Susceptibility to Intergranular Corrosion and Electrochemical Reactivation Behaviour of AISI 316L Type Stainless Steels”, Corrosion Science, 48, pp. 3565, 2006. 5. G. Ceder, Y.M. Chiang, D.R. Sadoway, M.K. Aydinol, Y.I. Jang, B. Huang, “Identification of cathode materials for lithium batteries by first-principles calculations”, Nature, 392, 694-696, 1998. Energy Storage Devices and Battery Laboratory Synthesis of LiMnPO4 battery cathode material EIS spectra of Ni-MH battery Charge-discharge profile of Li-ion battery Şakir Bor Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-302, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 5937 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey (1981) M.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Ti Alloy foam by powder metallurgy Solid State Phase Transformations Transmission Electron Microscopy Shape Memory Alloys Titanium Foams Produced by Powder Metallurgy Selected Publications 1. İ. Nakaş, A.F. Dericioğlu ve Ş.Bor, Fatigue Behavior of TiNi Foams Processed by Magnesium Space Holder Technique, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volume: 4, 20172023, 2011. 2. Z. Esen, E.T. Bor and Ş. Bor, Characterization of Ti–6Al–4V Alloy Foams Synthesized by Space Holder Technique, Materials Science and Engineering: A , 528 , 3200-3209, 2011. 3. T. Aydoğmuş and Ş. Bor, Phase Transformation Behavior of Porous TiNi Alloys Produced by Powder Metallurgy Using Magnesium as a Space Holder, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 42, 2547-2555 , 2011 4. T. Aydogmus, Ş. Bor, Processing of porous TiNi alloys using magnesium as space holder, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds , 478, Issue: 1-2, 705-710 , 2009. 5. Z. Esen, Ş.Bor, Processing of titanium foams using magnesium spacer particles, Scripta Materialia , 56, 5, 341-344, 2007. Shape Memory Alloys Laboratory SEM micrograph of Ti alloy foam TEM of precipitates in TiNi SMA Arcan F. DERICIOGLU Associate Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-105, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 5941 E-mail: [email protected] Research Experiences: National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan Institute of Industrial Science, Tokyo, Japan Ph.D.: The University of Tokyo, Japan (2002) M.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation with Matter, Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Materials, High Frequency Transformer Materials, Optical and Optomechanical Composites, Nanostructured Multilayer Composites, Natural Composites, Bio-Inspired Composites, Interfaces, Mechanical Properties. Selected Publications 1. Dericioglu A. F., Naumov P. and Tanaka Y., “Templated deposition of porous fullerene-C60 in the interior of siliceous sponge spicules as a biogenic microvessel,” Journal of Materials Research, vol. 27, no. 22, 28512857 (2012). 2. Dericioglu A. F., Liu Y. F. and Kagawa Y., “Extensive deformation behavior of an all-oxide Al2O3-TiO2 nanostructured multilayer ceramic at room temperature,” Journal of Materials Research, vol. 24, no. 11, 3387-3396 (2009). 3. Ekiz O. O., Dericioglu A. F. and Kakisawa H., “An Efficient Hybrid Conventional Method to Fabricate NacreLike Bulk-Nano-Laminar Composites,” Materials Science and Engineering C, vol. 29, no. 6, 2050-2054 (2009). 4. Tan E., Kagawa Y. and Dericioglu A. F. , “Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Potential of Si-C Based Ceramic Woven Fabrics,” Journal of Materials Science, vol. 44, no. 5, 1172-1179 (2009). 5. Dericioglu A. F., “Effect of Microstructure on the Mechanical Behavior of Reactive Magnetron Sputtered Al2O3/TiO2 Multilayer Ceramics,” Materials Transactions, vol. 49, no. 11, 2714-2722 (2008). Electromagnetic Materials Laboratory Caner Durucan Associate Professor (Vice Chair) Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-306, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 5840 E-mail: [email protected] Research Experiences: The Pennsylvania State University, USA Ph.D.: The Pennsylvania State University, USA (2003) M.S.: The Pennsylvania State University, USA B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Biomedical Materials, Bioceramics, Calcium Phosphates Glass Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Sol-Gel Chemistry (silicates, organic-inorganic hybrid systems) Selected Publications 1. O. A. Yildirim, C. Durucan, Effect of precipitation temperature and organic additives on size and morphology of ZnO nanoparticles, Journal of Materials Research 27(11), 1452-1461, 2012. 2. C. Durucan, B. Akkopru, Effect of calcination on microstructure and antibacterial activity of silver containing silica coatings, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part B – App. Biomats; 93B (2): 448-458, 2010. 3. D. Isik, M. Ak, C. Durucan, Structural, electrochemical and optical comparison of tungsten oxide coatings derived from tungsten powder based sols, Thin Solid Films, 518(1):104-111, 2009 4. N.P. Mellott, C. Durucan, C.G. Pantano, M. Guglielmi Commercial and laboratory prepared titanium dioxide thin films for self-cleaning glasses: Photocatalytic performance and chemical durability, Thin Solid Films 502 (1-2), 112-120, 2006. 5. C. Durucan, P.W. Brown, “Alpha-tricalcium phosphate hydrolysis at and near physiological temperature”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 11, 365-371, 2000. Materials Chemistry Laboratory C. Hakan Gür Professor (Department Chair) Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-101, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 5916 E-mail: [email protected] *Director of Welding Tech. & Non-Destructive Testing Res./Appl. Center Research Experiences: BAM-Berlin Ph.D.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey (1995) M.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Nondestructive Testing and Materials Characterization; Welding; Determination of Residual Stresses; Heat Treatment of Steels; Computer Simulation of Heat Treatment & Welding Selected Publications 1. Handbook of Thermal Process Modelling of Steels, 2009 CRC Press, Eds: C.H.Gür, J.Pan 2. E. Tan, A.A. Kibar, C.H.Gür, Mechanical and Microstuctural Characterization of 6061 Aluminum Alloy Strips Severely Deformed by Dissimilar Channel Angular Pressing, Materials Characterization, 62, 391397, 2011. 3. S. Bayramoglu, C.H.Gür, I. Alexandrov, M.M. Abramova, Characterization of Ultra-Fine Grained Steel Samples Produced by High Pressure Torsion via Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Analysis, Mater Sci Eng A 527, 927-93, 2010. 4. S. Savaş, C.H.Gür, Monitoring Variation of Surface Residual Stresses in the Shot Peened Steel Components by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Method, INSIGHT – J British Inst of NDT 52 672-677, 2010. 5. K. Davut , C.H.Gür, Monitoring the Microstructural Evolution in Spheroidized Steels by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Measurements, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 29 241-247, 2010. 6. I. Yelbay, I. Çam, C.H. Gür, Non Destructive Determination of Residual stress State in Steel Weldments by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Technique, NDT&E International 43, 29-33, 2010. Welding and Non-Destructive Testing Rıza Gürbüz Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-206, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 533 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey (1987) M.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Failure Analyses, Fatigue Crack Growth, Fracture and Fatigue Behavior of Railway Rails and Wheels, Mechanical Testing Selected Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Çavuşoğlu Yeliz, Şahin Erdal, R. Gürbüz, Fatigue Resistance of 2 Different CAD/CAM Glass-Ceramic Materials Used for Single-Tooth Implant Crowns, Implant Dentistry, Volume 20, Number: 5, 374-378, 2011 A.E. Varlı, R. Gürbüz, Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of 6013 Al-Alloy at different Aging Conditions in Two Orientations, Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci. 30, 381-386, 2006. R. Gürbüz, A. Kalkanlı, H. Gönenç, Effect of Cu alloying on fatigue life and fatigue crack growth behaviour of ductile cast irons, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol 43, No:1, 137-144, 2004. R. Gürbüz, F. Sarıoğlu, Fatigue crack growth behavior in Al alloy 7475 under different aging conditions, Materials Science and Technology, Vol.17, 1539-1543, 2001. B.Ögel, R. Gürbüz, Microstructural Characterization and Tensile Properties of Hot Pressed Al-SiC Composites Prepared from Pure Al and Cu Powders, Materials Science and Engineering: A301, 213-220, 2001 R. Gürbüz, S.P. Alpay, The Effect of Coarse Second Phase Particles on Fatigue Crack Propagation of An Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy, Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, Vol.30, No.11, 1373-1376, 1994. Failure Analyses Laboratory Bilge İmer Assistant Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-105, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 5849 E-mail: [email protected] Research Experiences: UCSB, USA Ph.D.: University of California Santa Barbara, CA, USA. (2006) M.S.: University of California Santa Barbara, CA, USA. B.S.: University of Pittsburgh, PA – USA (Transferred from Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Research Interest Thin film material (functional coatings, device structure) growth; Bulk crystal growth; Device and nano-structured materials processing, simulation and testing Patents 1. U.S. patent # 20060270076 ”Defect Reduction of Non-polar {11-20} a- and {1-100} m-plane GaN with Single-Step Sidewall Lateral Epitaxial Overgrowth (SLEO)”, Bilge Imer, James S. Speck, Steven P. DenBaars 2. U.S. patent # 20060270087 “Growth of non-polar (1-100) m-plane GaN with Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD)”, Bilge Imer, Shuji Nakamura, James S. Speck, Steven P. DenBaars, Selected Publications 1. “Improved Quality Non-polar a-plane GaN with Sidewall Lateral Epitaxial Overgrowth (SLEO)”, Bilge Imer, James S. Speck, Steven P. DenBaars, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 88, Number 6-061908, February 2006 2. “Stability of m-plane GaN films grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)”, Bilge Imer, Feng Wu, Michael D. Craven, James S. Speck and Steven P. DenBaars, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No. 11, 8644, November 2006 3. “Polarization anisotropy in GaN films for different nonpolar orientations studied by polarized photoreflectance spectroscopy”,(Pranob Misra, Udo Behn, Oliver Brandt and Holger T. Grahn) from Paul-Drude-Institut fur Festk¨orperelektronik, Berlin, Germany (Bilge Imer, Shuji Nakamura, S. P. DenBaars and J. S. Speck) from UCSB, Applied Physics Letters. Vol.88,Number 161920, April 2006 4. “Improved quality nonpolar a-plane GaN/AlGaN UV LEDs”, Bilge Imer, Matt Schmidt, Ben Haskell, Barry Zhong, Kwang-choong Kim, Feng Wu, Tom Mates, Stacia Keller, Shuji Nakamura, James S. Speck, and Steven P. DenBaars, Physica Status Solidi-a, Vol. 205, Issue 7, pp. 1705-1712, July 2008 Crystal Growth and Device Processing Yunus Eren Kalay Assistant Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-104, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 2525 E-mail: [email protected] Research Experiences: Ames Laboratory US DOE Argonne National Laboratory US DOE Ph.D.: Iowa State University, USA (2009) M.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Scanning and transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy, synchrotron X-ray scattering Experimental, and numerical analysis of phase transformations under far-from equilibrium conditions Glass and nanocrystal forming metallic alloy systems crystal Selected Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. J. Hwang, Z.H. Melgarejo, Y.E. Kalay, I. Kalay, M.J. Kramer, D.S. Stone, P.M. Voyles, Nanoscale Structure and Structural relaxation in Zr50Cu45Al5 Bulk Metallic Glass, Physical Review Letters, 108, 195505, 2012. Y.E. Kalay, I. Kalay, J. Hwang, P.M. Voyles, M.J. Kramer, “Local Chemical and Topological Order in Al-Tb and its Role in Controlling Nanocrystal Formation”, Acta Materialia 60, 994-1003, 2012. Wang N., Y.E. Kalay, R. Trivedi, Eutectic to Metallic Glass Transition in the Al-Sm System, Acta Materialia , 59, 6604-6619, 2011. M. Kanapathipillai, Y. Yusufoğlu, A. Rawal, Y.Y. Hu, C.T. Lo, P. Thiyagarajan, Y.E. Kalay, M. Akınç, S. Mallapragada, and K. Schmidt-Rohr, Synthesis and Characterization of Ionic Block Copolymer Templated Calcium Phosphate Nanocomposites, Chem. Mater, 20 (18), 5922-5932, 2008. Y.E. Kalay, L.S. Chumbley, I.E. Anderson, and R.E. Napolitano, Characterization of Hypereutectic Al-Si Powders Solidified Far-From-Equilibrium Conditions, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, volume 38, 14521457, 2007. Structure and Dynamics in Metals Microscopy and X-ray Analyses Laboratory 2Å amorphous Ali Kalkanlı Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering A-202, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 5929 E-mail: [email protected] Research Experiences: The University of Nottingham, UK Ph.D.: The Open University Milton Keynes, U.K (1993) M.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Steel insert reinforced Al-based composite gun parts produed by pressure die and squeeze casting Sponsored by Turkish Ministry of industry and MKE CGI Engine block casting, thermal analysis and simulation Aluminum matrix composites, squeeze casting, pressure die casting, thixocasting, alloy powder extrusion for high temperature, aluminum extrusions for car chasis, tool steel casting, heat treatment and brazing, compact and spheroidal graphite cast irons, thermal analysis and casting simulation Selected Publications 1. A. Changizi, A. Kalkanlı, N.Sevinc., Production of in situ aluminum–titanium diboride master alloy formed by slag–metal reaction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Issue 2, 12, 237-240, 2011. 2. A. Çetin, A. Kalkanlı, Numerical simulation of solidification kinetics in A356/SiCp composites for assessment of as-cast particle distribution , Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 209, Issue 10, 4795-4801, 2009. 3. A. Çetin, A. Kalkanlı, Effect of solidification rate on spatial distribution of SiC particles in A356 alloy composites, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 205 1–8, 2008. 4. O. Elmabrouk, A. Kalkanlı, E. Selçuk and A. Çetin, Oxygen Potential Values to Produce Compacted Graphite Cast Iron, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol 47, No 2, 173-186, 2008. 5. A. Çetin, A. Kalkanlı, Effect of solidifcation rate on spatial distribution of SiC particlesin A356 alloy composites(Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol 205, Issue 1-3, 26, 1-8, 2008. Foundry, metals process. & automotive materials Lab. Al 6061 chasis GFRC body electic and diesel car development Sponsored by Turkish Ministry of industry and ERTEX İshak Karakaya Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Room: E-214 Phone: +90 (312) 210 2533 E-mail: [email protected] Research Experiences: McGill University, Montreal, Canada Royal Military College, Kingston, Canada Ph.D.: McGill University, Canada (1985) M.Eng.: McGill University, Canada B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Hydrodynamics of gas bubbles in electrolytic Magnesium production Nano sized W powder produced by electrochemical reduction Research Interest Anode Tip Angle (degree) Thermochemistry of molten oxide and molten salt systems, Molten salt and aquous electrometallurgy, High temperature corrosion, Computational thermodynamics Selected Publications 1. A. Sultan, İ. Karakaya and M. Erdoğan, influence of water vapor on high temperature oxidation of steels used in petroleum refinery heaters, “Materials and Corrosion”, 63, 2 (2012) 119–126. 2. Emre Ergül, İ. Karakaya, Metehan Erdoğan, Electrochemical decomposition of SiO2 pellets to form silicon in molten salts, “Journal of Alloys and Compounds”, 509 (2011) 899–903. 3. M. Erdoğan, İ. Karakaya, Electrochemical Reduction of Tungsten Compounds to Produce Tungsten Powder, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 41B (2010), 798-804. 4. T. Örs, S. Tan, T. Öztürk and İ. Karakaya, Synthesis of Fe-4.6 wt% B alloy via electro-deoxidation of mixed oxides, “J Mater Sci. 44, (2009) 3514–3519. Erratum, “J Mater Sci” 44, (2009), 4210. 5. G. Demirci and İ. Karakaya, Electrolytic magnesium production and its hydrodynamics by using an Mg-Pb alloy cathode, “Journal of Alloys and Compounds”, 465 (2008) p. 255-260. 6. İ. Karakaya, M. Erdoğan, M., CA 2703400 A1 Production of tungsten and tungsten alloys from tungsten bearing compounds by electrochemical methods, Canadian Intellectual Property Office, 30.04.2009. TEMP Thermochemical and Electrochemical Material Proc. Lab. Electroformed shield for cooled infrared detectors TEMP Thermochemical and Electrochemical Material Processing Laboratory Research Group Cevdet Kaynak Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-303, Middle East Technical University Phone: + 90 (312) 210 5920 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey (1994) M.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Development of Polymer Based Nanocomposites for Engineering Applications Selected Publications 1. A.C. Ozkaraca and C. Kaynak , Contribution of Nanoclays to the Performance of Traditional Flame Retardants in ABS, Polymer Composites 33 (3) , 420-429, 2012. 2. N.A. Isitman, M. Aykol, and C. Kaynak , Interactions at Fiber/Matrix Interface in Short Fiber Reinforced Amorphous Thermoplastic Composites Modified with Micro- and Nano-Fillers, Journal of Materials Science 47 (2) , 702-710 , 2012. 3. N.A. Isitman and C. Kaynak , Nanostructure of Montmorillonite Barrier Layers: A New Insight into the Mechanism of Flammability Reduction in Polymer Nanocomposites, Polymer Degradation and Stability 96 (12) , 2284-2289, 2011. 4. G.I. Nakas and C. Kaynak, Use of Different Alkylammonium Salts in Clay Surface Modification for Epoxy-Based Nanocomposites, Polymer Composites 30 (3), 357 -363, 2009. 5. C.C. Tasan and C. Kaynak, Mechanical Performance of Resol Type Phenolic Resin / Layered Silicate Nanocomposites, Polymer Composites 30 (3), 343 -350, 2009. 6. C. Kaynak and O. Cagatay, Rubber Toughening of Phenolic Resin by Using Nitrile Rubber and Amino Silane, Polymer Testing 25 (3), 296-305, 2006. 7. C. Kaynak, A. Arikan, and T. Tincer, Flexibility Improvement of Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy by Using a Liquid Elastomer, Polymer, 44 (8), 2433-2439, 2003. Polymers and Nanocomposites Laboratory Amdulla O. Mekhrabov Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-304, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 5936 E-mail: [email protected] Research Experiences: Lomonosov Moscow State University,USSR Tokyo University, Japan University of California, USA Dr.Sc.: Tbilisi State University, Georgia (1989) Ph.D.: Lomonosov Moscow State University, USSR (1978) B.S.: Azerbaijan State University, Azerbaijan Research Interest Alloy-Design; Metal&Alloy Physics; Computational Materials Science; Intermetallics; Atomic/Magnetic Ordering; Bulk Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Materials; Metal-Hydrides&Hydrogen Storoge Materials; Magnetic&Magnetocaloric Materials; Nanoalloys Selected Publications 1. M. Yıldırım, M.V. Akdeniz and A.O. Mekhrabov, Effect of Ternary Alloying Elements Additions on the Order Disorder Transformation Temperatures of B2-Type Ordered Fe-Al-X Intermetallics, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, vol. 43A, 1809-1816, 2012. 2. N. Duman, A.O. Mekhrabov and M.V. Akdeniz, Microalloying effects on the microstructure and kinetics of nanoscale precipitation in Ni-A-Fe alloys, Intermetallics, vol. 23, 217-227, 2012. 3. M. Aykol, M.V. Akdeniz and A.O.Mekhrabov, Solidification behavior, glass forming ability and thermal characteristics of soft magnetic Fe-Co-B-Si-Nb-Cu bulk amorphous alloys, Intermetallics, vol. 19, 13301337, 2011. 4. M. Aykol M., A.O. Mekhrabov and M.V. Akdeniz, A generalized polytetrahedral cluster approach to partial coordination numbers in binary metallic glasses, Philosophical Magazine, vol. 91(22), 2985-3005, 2011. 5. M. Aykol, A.O. Mekhrabov and M.V. Akdeniz, Nano-scale Phase Separation in Amorphous Fe-B Alloys: Atomic and Cluster Ordering, Acta Materiala, vol. 57, 171-181, 2009. Novel Alloys Design and Development Laboratory Personal Web Page Bilgehan Ögel Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-204, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 5930 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey (1990) M.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Microstructure-Property Relationships Failure Analysis and Heat Treatment of Metals Powder Metallurgy Selected Publications 1. M. Ubeyli,R.O. Yildirim , B.Ogel, Investigation on the ballistic behavior of Al2O3/Al2O24 laminated composites, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 196, 356-364, 2008. 2. M. Ubeyli, A. Acir, M.S. Karakas , B, Ogel Effect of Feed Rate on Tool Wear in Milling of Al-4% Cu/B4Cp Composite, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 23, 865-870, 2008. 3. M. Ubeyli, R.O. Yıldırım and B. Ogel, On the comparison of the ballistic performance of steel and laminated composite armors, Materials and Design, 28, 1257-1262, 2007. 4. B. Ogel, R. Gurbuz, F. Bedir, Age Hardening Behaviour and Mechanical Strength of Al-TiC Composites Produced by Conventional Hot Pressing Method. Metall, 7-8, 459-462, 2005. 5. M. Ubeyli, R.O. Yıldırım, B. Ogel, On the drop-weight testing of alumina/aluminum laminated composites, Sadhana, 30, 673-686, 2005. A. Macit Özenbaş Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-305, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 2532 E-mail: [email protected] Research Experiences: Materials Research Institute, Princeton University, NJ, USA Max Planck Institute for Metal Research, Stuttgart, Germany Ph.D.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey (1981) M.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Dye sensitized solar cells for renewable energy applications, Magnetic nanoparticles for enhanced MRI, Lead-free piezoelectric/ferroelectric thin films, Oxide thermoelectric materials for power conversion Selected Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Cosar, K.C. Icli, H.I. Yavuz, M. Ozenbas, Photovoltaic performance of bifacial dye sensitized solar cell using chemically healed binary ionic liquid electrolyte solidified with SiO2 nanoparticles, Electrochimica Acta, 87, 425-431, 2013. M. Ghaffari, B. Cosar, H.I. Yavuz, M. Ozenbas, A.K. Okyay, Effect of Au nanoparticles on TiO2 nanorod electrode in dye sensitize d solar cells, Electrochimica Acta, 76, 446-452, 2012. S.O. Yılmaz, M. Ozenbas, M. Yaz, “FeCrC, FeW, and NiAl Modified Iron-Based Alloy Coating Deposited by Plasma Transferred Arc Process”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 26, 722–731, 2011. V. Kayasu, M. Ozenbas, “The effect of Nb doping on dielectric and ferroelectric properties of PZT thin films prepared by solution deposition, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 29, 1157-1163, 2009. A.E. Eken, M. Ozenbas, “Characterization of nanostructured magnetite thin films produced by sol-gel processing” J. of Sol-gel Science and Technology, 50, 321-327, 2009. O. Acarbas, M. Ozenbas, “Preparation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles by Microwave Synthesis and Their Characterization,” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 8, 655-659, 2008. Surface Sciences Research Laboratory Abdullah Öztürk Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering E-120, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 5932 E-mail: [email protected] SEM images of TiO2 powders Ph.D.: University of Missouri Rolla, USA (1991) M.S.: University of Missouri Rolla, USA B.S.: Istanbul Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Production, Properties, and Characterization of Ceramic Materials, Glasses and Glass Ceramics, Cements, Ceramic Matrix Composites, Biomaterials, Dental Materials, Tribology, Cements, Photocatalytic materials Selected Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A. Öztürk, and M. Timuçin, Silicon Carbide Particle Embedded Magnesium Oxychloride Cement Composite Bricks for Polishing of Porcelain Stoneware Tiles. Adv. Appl. Ceram., 110, 400-408, 2011. K. Soysal, J. Park, S-H. You, D-W. Shin, and A. Öztürk, Preparation and Photocataltic Activity of ApatitePrecipitated TiO2, J. Cer. Proc. Res.,12, 176-182, 2011. J. Park, S-H. You, D-W. Shin, and A. Öztürk, Tribological Behavior of Alumina-added Apatite-wollastonite Glass-ceramics in Simulated Body Fluid Mat. Chem. Phys., 124, 113-119, 2010. J. Park, G. Pekkan, and A. Öztürk, Friction and Wear Behaviour of Selected Dental Ceramics, Surf. Rev. Lett., 16, (5), 653-661, 2009. C. Vakıfahmetoğlu, J. Park, F. Korkusuz, A. Öztürk, and M. Timuçin, Production and Properties of ApatiteWollastonite Ceramics for Biomedical Applications, Interceram, 58, (2-3), 86-90, 2009. J. Park, A Öztürk, S-H. You, S-S. Park, W-T. Bae, and D-W. Shin, Effect of Microstructure on the Tribological Properties of Apatite-Wollastonite Glass Ceramic, J. Cer. Proc. Res., 9, 230-233, 2008. Glass Science and Technology Laboratory Photocatalytic Materials Laboratory Atomic structure of soda-lime – silica glass. Tribometer Tayfur Öztürk Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-203, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90- (312) 210 5935 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D.: Cambridge University, UK (1978) B.S.: Istanbul Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Energy Storage Materials, Metal hydrides Hydrogen separation membranes, Nanoporous materials Nanostructred materials via thin film processing and mechanical milling Nanopowder synthesis via thermal plasma Selected Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. G. Çakmak, Z. Karoly, I Mohai, T. Öztürk and J. Szépvölgyi “The processing of Mg-Ti for hydrogen storage; mechanical milling and plasma synthesis“ Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 35 10412-10418 2010. H. Akyıldız T. Öztürk “Hydrogen sorption in crystalline and amorphous Mg-Cu thin films“ J Alloys and Compounds, 492 745-750 2010. R. Ölmez, G. Çakmak, T. Öztürk, “ Combinatorial search for hydrogen storage alloys: Mg-Ni and Mg-Ni-Ti “, Int. J. of Hydrogen Energy 35 11957-11965 2010. S. Tan, T. Örs, M. K. Aydınol, T. Öztürk and I. Karakaya “ Synthesis of FeTi from mixed oxide precursors “ J Alloys and Compounds 475 368-372 2009. M. Güvendiren, E. Baybörü and T. Öztürk Effects of additives on mechanical milling and hydrogenation of magnesium powders, Int. J of Hydrogen Energy 29 491-496 2004. O. Yazar, O.; T. Ediz and T. Öztürk Control of macrostructure in deformation processing of metal/metal laminates, Acta Materialia 53 375-381 2005. Energy Storage Materials Yavuz A. Topkaya Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering E-218, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 2538 E-mail: [email protected] Research Experiences: MINTEK, Hydrometallurgy Division, S.A Mineral Research & Exploration Institute, Metallurgy Section, Turkey Ph.D.: Mc. Master University, Canada (1974) B.S.: Sheffield University, England Research Interests Extractive Metallurgy in general; Hydrometallurgy, Pyrometallurgy, Pretreatment Processes and Mineral Processing, Use of Computers in Extractive Metallurgy, Waste Treatment and Utilization Selected Publications 1. Investigation of Effect of Colemanite Addition on Copper Losses in Matte Smelting Slag, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 51, 157-169, 2012. 2. High Pressure Acid Leaching of a Refractory Lateritic Nickel Ore, Minerals Engineering, 24, 1188-1197, 2011. 3. Mechanochemical and Volume Combustion Synthesis of ZrB2, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 29, 601-607, 2011. 4. Hydrometallurgical Processing of Nontronite Type Lateritic Nickel Ores by MHP Process, Minerals Engineering, 24, 396-415, 2011. 5. Catalytic Effect of Alkaline Earth Oxides on Carbothermic Formation of Hexagonal Boron Nitride, Ceramic Int., 35, 2271-2275, 2009. 6. Zinc and Lead Extraction from Çinkur Leach Residues by Using Hydrometallurgical Method, Hydrometallurgy, 93, 45-50, 2008. 7. Recovery of Germanium and Other Valuable Metals from Zinc Residues, Hydrometallurgy, 92, 87-94, 2008. Mineral Processing Laboratory Hydrometallurgy Laboratory Hüsnü Emrah Ünalan Associate Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering D-102, Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 5939 E-mail: [email protected] Photo detector Nanowires Research Experiences: University of Cambridge, UK Ph.D.: Rutgers University, USA (2006) B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Large Area, Transparent and Flexible Electronics Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes Solar cells, Light Emitting Diodes, Supercapacitors, Batteries and Photodetectors Selected Publications 1. P. Hiralal, H.E. Unalan, G.A.J. Amaratunga, Nanowires for Energy Generation, Nanotechnology 23, 194002. 2012. 2. E.S. Ates, H.E. Unalan, Zinc Oxide Nanowire Enhanced Multifunctional Coatings for Cotton Fabrics, Thin Solid Films, 520, 4658, 2012. 3. S. Coskun, B. Aksoy, H.E. Unalan, Polyol Synthesis of Silver Nanowires: An Extensive Parametric Study, Crystal Growth & Design 11 4963, 2011. 4. B. Ozdemir, M. Kulakci, R. Turan, H.E. Unalan, Silicon nanowire – Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)poly(styrenesulfonate) heterojunction solar cells, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 113510, 2011. 5. B. Ozdemir, M. Kulakci, R. Turan, H.E. Unalan, Effect of Electroless Etching Parameters on the Growth and Reflection Properties of Silicon Nanowires, Nanotechnology 22, 155606, 2011. 6. P. Hiralal, S. Imaizumi, H.E. Unalan, H. Matsumoto, M. Minagawa, M. Rouvala, A. Tanioka, G.A.J. Amaratunga, “Nanostructure enhanced all-solid, flexible batteries, ACS Nano 4, 2730, 2010. Nanomaterials and Devices Laboratory Solar cells Yener Kuru Assistant Professor Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering E-212 Middle East Technical University Phone: +90 (312) 210 5911 E-mail: [email protected] Research Experiences: Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany MIT, USA Ph.D.: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research and Stuttgart University, Germany (2008) M.S.: Sabanci University, Turkey B.S.: Middle East Technical University, Turkey Research Interest Size-Dependent Properties in Metals and Oxides; In Situ X-Ray Diffraction; Residual Stress and Texture Analyes in Thin Films; Chemical Expansion in Complex Oxides; Novel Properties at Interfaces Selected Publications 1. Kuru Y, Jalili H, Cai Z, Yildiz B, Tuller HL, Direct Probing of Nano-Dimensioned Oxide Multilayers with Aid of Focused Ion Beam Milling, Advanced Materials, 23 (2011) 4543-4548 2. Cai Z, Kuru Y, Han JW, Chen Y, Yildiz B, Oxygen Vacancy-Driven Surface Electronic Structure on Strained La0.8Sr0.2CoO3 Thin Films at High Temperature, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133 (2011) 17696-17704 3. Kuru Y, Bishop SR, Kim JJ, Yildiz B, Tuller HL, Chemomechanical Properties and Microstructural Stability of Nanocrystalline Pr-Doped Ceria: An In Situ X-Ray Diffraction Investigation, Solid State Ionics, 193 (2011) 1-4 4. Kuru Y, Wohlschlogel M, Welzel, Mittemeijer EJ, Large Excess Volume in Grain Boundaries of Stressed, Nanocrystalline Metallic Thin Films; Its Effect on Grain-Growth Kinetics, Applied Physics Letters, 95 (2009) 163112 5. Kuru Y, Wohlschlogel M, Welzel U, Mittemeijer EJ, Non-Ambient X-Ray Diffraction Residual Stress Analysis of Thin Films: Tracing Nanosize-Related Effects on Thermoelastic Constants and Identifiying Sources of Residual Stresses, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 41 (2008) 428-435 6. Kuru Y, Welzel U, Wohlschlogel M, Mittemeijer EJ, Crystallite Size Dependence of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion in Thin Metal Films, Applied Physics Letters, 90 (2007) 243113 Size Dependent Properties in Metals and Oxides LABORATORIES & CENTERS Electromagnetic Materials Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arcan Dericioğlu General Information: The group is focused on interaction of electromagnetic waves with matter, microwave processing of bulk and surface composites, electromagnetic interference shielding potential of multilayer composites as well as optical and mechanical characterization of ceramic composites, synthesis and characterization of textured barium ferrite ceramics and developing pathways for the processing of “bioinspired” polymer matrix composites. Equipment: High Temperature Sintering Furnaces Microwave Sintering Furnace Dry Heat Sterilizer Vacuum Drying Oven Conventional Hot Press Cold Isostatic Press Ball Mill Tape Caster Planetary centrifugal homogenizing mixer High shear mixer Titration system Vector Network Analyzer Free Space Measurement Setup Energy Storage Devices and Battery Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Kadri Aydınol General Information: The group is focused on the design, production and characterization of secondary batteries based on Lead-Acid Ni – MH batteries and Li – Ion batteries. Equipment: Hettich Centrifuge Retsch PM400 Planetary Ball Mill MBraun Unistar Glove Box Retsch RM200 Retsch PM200 Carbolite Chamber Furnaces Carbolite Split Furnaces Carbolite Bottom Loading Furnace Memmert Vacuum Drying Oven with Pump Module Memmert Humidity Chamber Freeze Dryer Berghoff High Preactor Indutherm Mini Casting Unit Solartron Multistat Princeton VersaStat Energy Storage Materials Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Tayfur Öztürk General Information: SM laboratory deals with energy storage materials and the related areas. The main activity of the group is directed towards metal-hydrides of low stability, i.e. compounds capable of storing and releasing hydrogen near ambient condition, suitable for gas-solid and electrochemical storage of hydrogen. The research group is primarily dealt with the synthesis of nanostructured materials using a variety of techniques i.e. mechanical milling, thin film processing and thermal plasma. Activities in the related fields cover hydrogen separation membranes and nanoporous materials. Equipment: Vacuum/pressure (up to 10 bar) induction melting system (Linn High Therm) Ball mills (SPEX and Fritsch planetary ball mill) Glove Box (MBraun Unistar) Magnetron Sputtering System (with 3-sputtering and 3-thermal evaporation source Nanovak) Induction plasma system with nanopowder reactor (Tekna 30 kW) Spark discharge generator (Palas GFG-1000) Sievert’s PCT instrument Gas Permeability Tester Potentiostat/Galvanostat (Amatek) Hydrometallurgy Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Yavuz Topkaya General Information: The research group is mainly focused on the mineral processing and hydrometallurgical extraction of various metals from their ores. In addition to metal extraction processes, purification of resultant leach solutions and recovery of the valuable metals from these solutions are among the research studies. Throughout these studies, the optimum process parameters for the maximum metal recoveries are mainly determined for industrial applications. Equipment: 2 liter Parr Titanium Autoclave, Column and Agitative Leaching Systems, Jaw and Roll Crushers, Ball and Disc Mills, Pulverizer, Jig, Shaking Table, Magnetic Separator, Flotation Units, Vacuum Pumps and Filtration Units, Analytical Balances (various capacity), Sieve Analysis Set-up, Microscopes, Drying Ovens and Various Muffle and Tube Furnaces, Hot Plates with Contact Thermometers, and pH Meters, Solvent Extraction Unit. Materials Chemistry Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Caner Durucan General Information: A procesing laboratory specializing in low-temparature materials synthesis by chemical routes, suited for sol-gel processing of ceramics and glasses and coatings; hybrid bio/inorganic, organic/inorganic materials. Equipment: FTIR Spectrometer (Perkin Elmer Frontier, equipped with PIKE GladiATR Reflection, PIKE 80Spec, Specular Reflectance tools) UV-Vis Spectrometer (Varian Cary 100 Bio) Isothermal Titration Calorimeter (TAM Air, 8 Channel Calorimeter and TAM Air Thermostat) Viscometer (Brookfield DV-E) Coating equipment (Laurell WS-400B-6NPP-LITE spin coater, Bungard RDC15 dip coater) General Laboratory equipment/appliances: A wet laboratory suitable for use of organic precursors, with water purification systems (DI-water), equipped with hot plates, mixers, drying ovens, furnaces, ambient and atmosphere controlled box and tube furnaces, ultrasonic baths and horn, homogenizators, pH meters, centrifuges Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Assist. Prof. Dr. Y. Eren Kalay General Information: Scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, scanning/transmission electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and various specimen preparation techniques. Equipment: Jeol JEM-2100F UHR/HRP Transmission Electron Microscope (200 kV) FEI 430 Nano Scanning Electron Microscope (30 kV) Jeol 6400 Scanning Electron Microscope (40 kV) Bruker S8 TIGER X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer Rigaku DMAX 2200 X-Ray Diffractometer (3 kW rated output) Fishione Electro polish Fischione Ion Mill Fischione Plasma Cleaner Gold/Carbon Coater Dimpling Grinder Nanomaterials & Devices Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Assoc. Prof. Dr. H. Emrah Ünalan General Information: The group is focused on the synthesis and solution processing of semiconducting and metallic nanowires/carbon nanotubes and exploiting their novel properties in flexible devices. Devices of interest include, but not limited to solar cells, light emitting diodes, batteries, supercapacitors, transistors and photodetectors. Equipment: 2-inch AIXTRON-Nanoinstruments, Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) system 3-source physical vapor deposition (PVD) system MBraun Unistar Glove Box Computer controlled 1-inch CVD system Spectrometer/photometer/Integrated sphere Light sources/UV lamps Sourcemeters/picoammeter Various other materials chemistry tools (spin coaters, tip/bath sonicators, dip/spray/ultrasonic spray coaters, ultrapure DI water generator, pH meters, vacuum furnace, high/low temperature furnaces) Novel Alloys Design and Development Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Amdulla Mekhrabov & Prof. Dr. Vedat Akdeniz General Information: In brief, the research group is highly focused on design, development and analysis of multicomponent intermetallic and metallic glass alloy systems which include nanoalloys, bulk amorphous and bulk nanocrystalline alloy systems. These studies are mostly supplemented with modeling and simulations to reveal atomistic mechanisms governing structure-property-performance relationships for metallic alloys. The computational tools involve several workstations with first-principle calculation softwares such as abinito and Medea-Vasp, Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo packages and in-house electronic calculation, simulation and data analyses algorithms. The research group has a solid background in theoretical investigations of order-disorder and related phenomena in binary and ternary alloy systems. Equipment: Edmund Bühler Arc-Melting and Suction Casting Equipment. Centrifugal Casting Equipment Setaram Setsys Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) ADE Magnetics EV/9 model Vibrating Sample Calorimeter (VSM) Fritsch Pulveristte 7 Plenatary Ball Mill Muffle and Elevator Furnaces Various other tools (incubator, centrifugation, ultrasonic cleaning, magnetic stirrer, balances, optical microscope, grinding and polishing discs) Photocatalytic Materials Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Abdullah Öztürk General Information: The group is focused on the synthesis and production of photocatalytic materials and evaluation of their photocatalytic properties. The studies of interest include self cleaning applications, dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC), antibacterial coatings, dental materials. Equipment: Retsch PM100 Planetary Ball Mill Hanil Fleta 5 Centrifugal Seperator Scinco S-3100 Spectrophotometer UTO Instruments Autoclave CSM Instruments Pin-on-disk type Tribometer Light sources/UV lamps Various other materials chemistry tools (spin coater, high/low temperature furnaces, ultrasonic probe, ultrasonic cleaner) Polymers and Nanocomposites Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Cevdet Kaynak General Information: The group is focused on the production and characterization of various polymer based nanocomposites by using industrially-compatible processing methods for engineering applications such as cable industry, electrical appliances industry, automotive industry, etc. Equipment: Laboratory scale twin-screw extruder for compounding Laboratory scale injection molding device for shaping Laboratory scale compression molding device for shaping Ball milling and screening system Various mechanical and magnetic mixers Various ultrasonic mixers and ultrasonic homogenizer Various vacuum ovens for drying Various high/low temperature furnaces Various precision balances Water purification system pH meter and centrifuge Pyrometallurgy Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Ahmet Geveci General Information: Pyrometallurgy Equipment: Vertical Tube Furnace (max. 1700 oC) Horizontal Tube Furnace (max. 1700 oC) Muffle Furnace (1500 oC) Muffle Furnace (1100 oC) Analytical Balance (max. 850 g) Oxygen Prob (Oxygen Analyzer) (0.21 – 10-20 atm.) Shape Memory Alloys and Titanium Alloy Foams Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Şakir Bor General Information: The group is focused on the production, processing and investigation of the relationship between mechanical properties and microstructure of shape memory alloys and porous titanium alloys for biomedical applications. Equipment: Rolling Mill: F.lli Cavallin M.2200 Plate-Thread Rolling Mill, 15 mm to 0.1 mm thickness Hydrolic Press: 30 tons Melting and Casting Unit: Linn, High Frequency Melting & Casting Unit, Vacutherm-3.3-Titan Atmosphere controlled tube furnaces for heat treatment and sintering Structure and Dynamics in Metals Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Assist. Prof. Dr. Y. Eren Kalay General Information: The research group is primarily focused on understanding the dynamical evolution and structural hierarchy at different length scales and controlling the phase selection mechanisms under farfrom-equilibrium conditions in metallic systems. Area of interest include, but not limited to, amorphous and nanocrystalline metallic alloys, lead-free solders, RE-free magnets, superaustenitic stainless steel and single crystal growth. Equipment: Quartz/Pyrex sealing system Thermal-shock Instrument (-35 °C – +250 °C) Various other tools (high precision balance, high/low temperature furnaces, specimen preparation tools) Surface Science Research Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Macit Özenbaş General Information: In Surface Science Research Laboratory (SSRL), the research is concentrated on production and characterization of micron-and nanoscale inorganic and metallic structures to be integrated into microelectronic, optical and mechanical systems, solar cells and thermoelectric modules. Equipment: Computer controlled ferro electric tester (Radiant), mercury probe Controlled atmosphere tube furnace (Alser ) Keithley 740 scanning thermometer , Keithley 238 high current source, Keithley 182 sensitive digital voltmeter, LakeShore 336 temperature control unit, 4 point measurement system Various other materials chemistry tools (spin coaters, tip/bath sonicators, ultrasonic spray coaters, ultrapure DI water generator, rotary evaporator) Microwave oven (Milestone Roto-Synth) High pressure reactor (Amar Equipments lab.) 4 zone belt furnace (Dyesol). Lamination unit (Dyesol), substrate cleaning system (Dyesol) 3-ball mill (Fritsch), 3 roll mill (Exakt) Sputtering unit (Baltec) Thermochemical and Electrochemical Materials Processing Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. İshak Karakaya General Information: Thermochemical and Electrochemical Materials Processing (TEMP) Laboratory is devoted to do research and development on materials (ppp) production, processing and properties that involve thermochemical and electrochemical applications. The theoretical and the experimental work on different kinds of energy exchanges accompanying production and processing reactions of materials are covered in thermochemical studies. Molten salt electrolysis, electrodeoxidation and electrowinning processes for metal production and electroforming, electroplating, electromachining and electropolishing in aqueous solutions are covered in electrochemical studies. Equipment: GAMRY Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA Reference 3000 Agilent N6700B Power Supply Lindberg Vertical Split Tube Furnace Electrobalance-CAHN1000 Gas mixing and analyzing equipment pH meters, high temperature furnaces, vacuum pumps, hot plates Foundry, Metal Processing and Automotive Materials Laboratory Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Ali Kalkanlı General Information: This laboratory is equiped with casting, forging , rolling , thermal analysis system during solidification and semi industrial scale heat treatment furnaces . Equipments are available to study processing of both industrial alloys and metal matrix composites for automotive, defence and machine industry. The research students are sponsored by government research funds such as TUBİTAK and State Planning Organization DPT, matching funds San-Tez Projects. Equipment: 25 (İndemak) and 100 Kg (İnductotherm steel capacity induction furnace 15 Kg steel capacity vacuum induction melting (Elphiac Balzers) 18 Kg steel capacity Motor generator Magnethermic induction furnace 200 Tons capacity pressure die caster 15 Tons capacity thixocaster Centrifugal casting machine 100 Tons/ 70 Tons Vertical hydraulic double action press multiple purpose for squeeze casting hot forming and powder pressing. 300 Kg aluminum melting resistance furnace Sand muller 20 Kg aluminum capacity fuel fired furnaces for non ferrous alloys Forced convection tempering furnace (600 0C max temp) Atmosphere controlled Heat treatment furnace with ( Cracked ammonia atmosphere -1200 0C max temp) Optical emission spectrometer WAS Foundrymaster Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Rıza Gürbüz Tests Performed: Tension Test High Temperature Tension Test Macro Hardness Tests: Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers Fracture Toughness Tests: KIC , CTOD Charpy Impact Test Fatigue Test Bend Test Compression Test Weld Qualification Tests Stress Corrosion Cracking, SCC Test Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Test Corrosion Fatigue Test Creep Test Strain Measurement Equipment: MTS 810 Servo-Hydraulic Universal Testing System (100kN) DARTEC 9500 Servo-Hydraulic Universal Testing System (250kN) Instron 5582 Universal Testing Machine (100kN) Instron 5565A Universal Testing Machine (5kN) SCHIMADZU Tension-Compression Testing Machine (10kN) TINIUS OLSEN Impact Testing Machine(300J) EMCO Universal Digital Hardness Testing Machine Creep and Fatigue Testing Facilities ALŞA Tension-Compression Machine (60 tons) Polymer Impact Tester(5-25J) Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arcan Dericioğlu General Information: General metallography practices and heat treatment processes. Equipment: Knoop Microhardness Tester Mechanical and Electrolytic Polishers Macro and Micro Etching Machines Cutters Automated Grain Size, Aspect Ratio, Volume Fraction, Nodule Count and Graphite Size Distribution with Clemex Image Analysis System Muffle and Tube Furnaces (operate under vacuum and atmosphere) Salt Baths Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Vedat Akdeniz Prof. Dr. Cevdet Kaynak General Information: Thermal analysis practices. Equipment: Setaram Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) 131 Thermal Analyzer (operate between -170°C and 600°C) Setaram SETSYS TG-DTA/DSC Thermal Analyzer (for simultaneous TG and DTA/DSC measurements, operate up to 1650°C) Neutromag Digital Centrifugal Casting Machine (operate under controlled atmosphere) SEIKO Instruments Inc. DSC and TGA Equipment: Lathes Milling Machine Surface Grinding Machine Shaping Machine Drills Welding Equipments Welding Technology and Non-Destructive Testing Center Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. C. Hakan Gür Welding Technology and Non-Destructive Testing Center Equipment: Hybrid-plasma arc welding system; Conventional welding equipments for gas welding; Manual metal arc welding, MIG/MAG, TIG and Spot Welding; Hot Cracking (MVT) and Cold Cracking Testing (implant) Facilities; Digital (4) and analog (7) ultrasonic test devices; Phased-array device; Radiography (4 X-ray units: 150-420 kV); Magnetic particle testing (7 magnetization equipment, universal bench) Penetrant testing systems; Mechanical test equipment (tension, bending, hardness, impact) METU CAMPUS Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Middle East Technical University Dumlupınar Bulvarı 06800 Ankara / Türkiye Telephone +90(312)210-2511 Fax: +90(312)210-2518 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Follow METE @
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