Inside - Panacean Energy
Inside Overview of Indian Power System for May-2016 - - - - - - - - - - - PXIL & IEX Trading summary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deviation Charges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reactive Energy Charges For DD & DNH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Power Sector Activities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All India List of Elem. Commissioned during the FY 2016-17- About Panacean - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Panacean IT Services - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 4 July-2016 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 1 O V E RVI EW OF INDIAN POWER SY STEM FOR MAY-2016 All India Installed Capacity (MW) as on 31-05-2016 All India Installed Capacity (MW) as on 31-05-2016 Region Thermal Nuclear Hydro RES Total Northern 51195.76 1620.00 18246.78 8630.13 79692.67 Western 83218.42 1840.00 7447.50 15314.92 107820.84 Southern 44359.00 2320.00 11558.03 18154.12 76391.15 Eastern 30812.87 0.00 4289.12 475.39 35577.38 2044.30 0.00 1242.00 263.72 3550.02 NorthEastern Islands ALL Sector 40.05 0.00 0.00 11.10 51.15 211670.40 5780.00 42783.43 42849.38 303083.21 Peak Demand of DD & DNH May-16 Generation (MW) Peak Demand (MW) Peak Met (MW) DD 304 DNH 753 Utility Central 76296.76 State 101760.94 Private 125025.51 Total 303083.21 Surplus/Deficit (-) (MW) (%) 304 0 0 753 0 0 Read More… All India Plant Load Factor (PLF) in (%) Sector May-15 May-16 Central 77.07 74.33 State 59.28 57.13 Private 57.48 57.04 ALL India 64.16 62.24 Read More… List of Transmission Lines Commissioned/Ready for Commissioning During May-2016 Highlights of WR Grid for MAY-2016 • Maximum Peak Demand Met: 46886 MW • Energy Consumption: Total Energy Consumption in the month of May-2016 was 31589 MUs and the Maximum of 1068.1 Sector Voltage Level (KV ) No. of Lines Maximum Unre- stricted demand was 47298 MW and Average Peak Unrestricted demand was 42486 MW. • Frequency Profile: System frequency as Pvt. Total State 765 400 220 765 400 220 400 230 220 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 8 12 List of Substations Commissioned/Ready for Commissioning During May-2016 MUs/day on 18.05.2016. • Unrestricted Demand: Central Sector Voltage Level (KV ) No. of Substations Central Pvt. Total State 765 400 220 765 400 220 765 400 230 220 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 14 per IEGC band is 49.90 Hz to 50.05 Hz. Maximum, Minimum & Average Frequencies 50.44 Hz, 49.56 Hz & 50.00 Hz were respectively observed. • Voltage Profile: Maximum Voltage was Region-wise Power Supply Position (Demand & Availability) in May-2015 & May-2016 Energy (MUs) Demand Region Deficit /Surplus (%) Availability May-15 May-16 May-15 May-16 May-15 May-16 • Hydro Generation: Total hydro generation Northern 29989 30924 28609 30472 (4.6) (1.5) of Western Region was 820.00 MUs at an Western 29822 30532 29744 30511 (0.3) (0.1) average of 26.45 MUs/day in the month of Southern 24168 25310 23702 25307 (1.9) (0.0) Eastern 10969 11255 10874 11238 (0.9) (0.2) North Eastern 1286 1227 1086 1169 (15.6) (4.7) All India 96234 99248 94015 98697 (2.3) (0.6) observed on 400 KV Karad Line is 436 KV. May-2016. • Wind Generation: Total wind generation was 2161.00 MUs at an average of 69.72 MUs/day in the month of May-2016. Region-wise Peak Demand / Peak Met in May-2015 & May-2016 • Solar Generation: Total Solar generation Power (MW) was 310.00 MUs at an average of 10.00 MUs/day in the month of May-2016. • Open Access Transaction Details Region May-2016: Intra-regional: 426 & 1070.22 MUs. No. of approvals & Energy Approved in Inter-regional: 18 & 153.52 MUs. D Read More… Deficit /Surplus (%) Peak Met May-15 May-16 May-15 May-16 May-15 May-16 Northern Western 48364 43530 47160 45369 45276 43232 46639 44957 (6.4) (0.7) (1.1) (0.9) Southern 37537 39456 36530 39340 (2.7) (0.3) Eastern 17934 18102 17841 17957 (0.5) (0.8) North Eastern 2573 2487 2185 2401 (15.1) (3.5) All India 145274 147558 140296 146321 (3.4) (0.8) for No. of approvals & Energy Approved in Peak Demand Note 1: Bracket value ( ) indicates deficit in %. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 4 July-2016 Note 2: Data is taken from CEA website. Read More… 2 POWER TRADING Emergence of IT has helped to create massive E-Commerce platforms in every walk of life. One such E-Commerce platform for transiting electricity for physical delivery, fine tuning daily requirements, sale of residual generation, optimal utilization of generating resources at marginal cost of production etc. has been made possible through the commencement of Power Exchanges. For more information about IEX visit (; For more information about PXIL visit ( PXIL & IEX Trading summary JUNE2016 PXIL IEX MCP (₹/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) 109011.28 - 11639.38 11246.00 3685186.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3318.00 57.00 370.00 3600.00 32.00 32.00 8.93 37.85 2296.88 4.04 3.90 MCP (₹/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) Total 25731.00 Min 0.00 Max Avg MCP (₹/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) 5903909.90 - 3146966.10 3247130.86 5179.38 899.50 3207.10 3143.18 7894.93 12771.28 3413.00 5910.96 6379.00 5118.31 8199.88 2312.07 4370.79 4509.90 MCP (₹/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) MAY2016 Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) Total 200348.00 194911.87 - 160347.00 81901.00 3424744.72 5736440.60 - 2928712.55 3082531.71 Min 1.25 1.50 2180.00 1.25 1.25 3044.95 4933.10 724.87 2636.25 2879.35 Max 231.25 231.25 5710.00 231.25 187.00 6967.38 11167.18 3548.05 5815.62 5750.65 Avg 67.32 65.49 2568.89 53.88 27.52 4603.15 7710.27 2320.39 3936.44 4143.19 REC Trading Session June-2016 DD & DNH: OPEN ACCESS DETAILS Trader Company PXIL IEX Particular Non-Solar Solar Non-Solar Solar Total Sell Bid (REC’s) 4,441,681 672,116 8,745,523 2,869,142 Total Buy Bid (REC’s) 67,064 15,366 350,362 35,649 Clearing Price (₹/Certificate) 1,500 3,500 1,500 3,500 Cleared Volume (REC’s) 67,064 15,366 350,362 35,649 NTPC trades Un-Requisitioned Surplus power at IEX RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATE MECHANISM (REC) FROM JULY-15 TO JUNE-16 X- Months Y– 1(REC) = 1 MWh For the first time, NTPC - the Maharatna Public Sector Undertaking which owns and operates almost 47,178 MW generation capacity has traded in Un-Requisitioned Surplus (URS) power from four of its prominent thermal generating stations: Vidhyanchal, Unchahar, Rihand and Dadri Power at IEX. The Central Generating Stations are scheduled on a day-ahead basis. Usually, generating stations offering cheaper power are fully scheduled by States. In case the State does not wish to utilize the power, the power remains un-requisitioned and unsold. To facilitate utilization of such un-requisitioned power, the Ministry of Power in its amendment of the National Tariff Policy carried out in January 2016, incorporated enabling provisions to allow the central generating companies trade their URS power. Going forward, other Central Generating stations like NHPC, Neyveli Lignite, etc. are also expected to participate in the market to sell their un-requisitioned surplus, creating a new opportunity for the markets. Read More ... PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 4 July-2016 Read more.. 3 DD User Click to get UI Report DEVIATION CHARGES DNH User Click to get UI Report DD-Deviation Charges DNH-Deviation Charges Drawl (MUs) Schedule (MUs) 404.66 392.90 5.82 17.59 408.51 99.62 48.30 45.87 0.41 2.85 69.63 6.07 20-06-2015 to 26-06-2015 43.19 42.70 1.54 2.04 35.25 5.36 13-06-2016 to 19-06-2016 48.58 45.91 0.22 2.88 98.69 1.84 13-06-2015 to 19-06-2015 44.97 44.55 0.91 1.33 41.38 11.90 Date Cumulative Total up to May-16 20-06-2016 to 26-06-2016 UI Drawl (MUs) Under Over Drawl Drawl UI Charges(₹. Lakh) PayaReceivable ble Date Drawl (MUs) Schedule (MUs) UI Drawl (MUs) Under Over Drawl Drawl Cumulative Total up to May-16 1011.85 1028.60 20.13 3.38 76.67 356.17 120.73 123.43 2.74 0.05 0.86 54.81 107.33 108.64 2.81 1.49 15.18 13.60 13-06-2016 to 19-06-2016 120.52 122.85 2.52 0.18 5.06 43.58 13-06-2015 to 19-06-2015 111.19 111.52 1.30 0.97 23.20 27.77 20-06-2016 to 26-06-2016 20-06-2015 to 26-06-2015 DD DNH FY 2015-16 (All Freq Hz) Under Drawl in MU's Over Drawl in MU's UI Rate in April 4.57 (5.65) May 8.94 June FY 2016-17 (All Freq Hz) Over Drawl in MU's UI Rate in ₹ /Unit Under Drawl in MU's (7.87) 4.06 (6.33) (3.25) (2.17) (1.96) 1.76 (11.26) (2.47) 4.32 (7.58) (4.34) - - - July 2.68 (10.03) (3.10) - - - Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 1.69 2.97 4.03 4.12 3.51 (13.68) (12.77) (6.12) (5.98) (6.30) (2.48) (3.33) (1.32) (0.68) (1.48) - - - Jan 3.94 (6.93) (1.76) - - Feb 1.19 (7.42) (1.80) - Mar 1.93 (11.90) (2.16) Total 43.90 (96.53) (2.67) Month Month ₹ /Unit FY 2015-16 (All Freq Hz) UI Rate Under Over in Drawl in Drawl in ₹ /Unit MU's MU's Month (0.03) (0.02) (0.01) (0.01) (0.02) (0.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (16.62) (31.43) (17.11) (16.71) (16.70) (17.64) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FY 2016-17 (All Freq Hz) UI Rate Over in Drawl in MU's ₹ /Unit Under Drawl in MU's April 9.15 (6.07) (0.41) 10.21 (1.07) (2.02) May 11.39 (3.42) (2.13) 9.92 (2.31) (1.25) June July 8.35 (6.03) 1.08 (3.55) (1.56) - - 8.94 - Aug 5.47 (3.99) (2.07) - - - Sept 6.02 (4.09) (2.15) - - - Oct 6.82 (2.49) (2.32) - - - Nov 8.27 (1.66) (2.19) - - - Dec 9.63 (0.92) (2.44) - - - - Jan 7.93 (1.53) (2.18) - - - - - Feb 4.98 (2.11) (1.32) - - - - - - 5.82 (17.59) (2.62) Mar Total 7.05 94.01 (4.09) (39.95) (1.26) (1.83) 20.13 (3.38) (1.67) - DNH DD FY 2015-16(<49.7Hz) Under Over UI Rate Drawl in Drawl in in MU's MU's UI Charges (₹. Lakh) PayaReceivable ble FY 2016-17(<49.7Hz) Under Over UI Rate Drawl in Drawl in In MU's MU's April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 - Mar 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - Total 0.01 (0.09) (18.24) 0.00 0.00 0.00 FY 2015-16(<49.7Hz) Month April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total FY 2016-17(<49.7Hz) UI Rate Over In Drawl in MU's ₹ /Unit Under Drawl in MU's Over Drawl in MU's UI Rate ₹ /Unit Under Drawl in MU's 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 (0.01) (0.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.02) 12.66 (5.63) (7.70) (8.01) (8.11) 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3.52) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Note: Bracket Value ( ) indicates the negative value(-ve). PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 4 July-2016 4 REACTIVE ENERGY CHARGES FOR DD & DNH DD-High Voltage DD-Low Voltage GUJARAT FY 2016-17 ISTS Vapdal Vapdbl Dok-diu Una-diu Mgr-Vap HV Total in (MVARh) Cumulative Total MVARh till May-2016 0.00 0.00 369.40 263.40 4678.20 Cumulative Total Charges in (₹) till May-2016 0.00 0.00 48022.00 34242.00 20-06-2016 to 26-06-2016 0.00 0.00 203.10 Charges in (₹) 0.00 0.00 13-06-2016 to 19-06-2016 0.00 Charges in (₹) 0.00 GUJARAT Total Vapdbl Dok-diu Una-diu Mgr-Vap LV 4045.40 0.00 0.00 0.30 2.10 56895.90 56894.10 608166.00 525902.00 0.00 0.00 39.00 273.00 7396467.00 7396233.00 20.10 1.80 181.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6397.60 6397.60 26403.00 2613.00 234.00 23556.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 831688.00 831688.00 0.00 244.30 6.90 215.10 22.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8046.20 8046.20 0.00 31759.00 897.00 27963.00 2899.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1046006.00 1046006.00 DNH-High Voltage GUJARAT FY 2016-17 ISTS Vapdal DNH-Low Voltage ISTS Vapdad Bldkdl Bld-Sil Kpd-Vap HV Kdl-Vap HV Total in (MVARh) Cumulative Total MVARh till May-2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 1299.50 1835.00 Cumulative Total Charges in (₹) till May-2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 162437.50 20-06-2016 to 26-06-2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 Charges in (₹) 0.00 0.00 13-06-2016 to 19-06-2016 0.00 Charges in (₹) 0.00 GUJARAT ISTS Total Vapdad Bldkdl Bld-Sil Kpd-Vap LV Kdl-Vap LV 4147.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 10486.10 (4609.30) 5876.80 229375.00 539175.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1363193.00 (599209.00) 763984.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1961.60 816.10 2777.70 0.00 2275.00 9612.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 255008.00 106093.00 361101.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 60.70 65.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 2107.50 967.30 3074.80 0.00 0.00 26625.00 41587.50 8541.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 273975.00 125749.00 399724.00 Note: The REC chargers has been revised to 13 paisa/KVARh from Apr-2016 as per reference IEGC Regulation-Clause 6.6 released on 28th Apr,2010 Read More... Note: Bracket Value ( ) indicates the negative value(-ve). Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) IPDS at a glance IT Enablement – Phase II Total sanctioned - 1405 towns • • IT Enablement extended to 2600 additional towns Rs. 2600 cr provision under IPDS Expectations from Discoms Completion of IT enablement of balance 183 towns, submission of DPRs for IT Enablement – Phase II States with all towns Go-Live To focus on Post Go-live data, Feeder Monitoring J & K, Bihar, Jharkhand, TN, States with partial towns Go-Live Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, but progressing Mizoram, Goa < 10% towns Go-Live/work not Rajasthan, Odisha, Pudu, Arunaawarded chal, Nagaland Read More.. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 4 July-2016 5 POWER SECTOR ACTIVITIES • • • • • • • CERC Meeting of Validation Committee for the Application Peri- • od from 1st July, 2016 to 30th September, 2016 for implementation of CERC (Sharing of Inter-State Transmis- sion Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010. • MNRE Ministry amended Guidelines for installation of prototype wind turbine models Shri Piyush Goyal Launches “SURYAMITRA” Mobile App • on 8th June, 2016. NSM - Best Practices Guide - Implementation of StateLevel Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic Programs in India Government Launches Scheme for setting up 1000 MW CTU- connected Wind Power Project • Addendum - Implementation of National Biogas and Manure Management Programme (NBMMP) during the financial year 2016-17 for 12th five year plan - Administrative Approval dated 30.06.2014 – Reg. MNRE sets Target of Setting up One Lakh Family type • Biogas Plants for FY 2016-17 With an objective to provide clean gaseous fuel for cooking and organic bio-manure as a by-product, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has allocated to the States /UTs an annual target of setting up one lakh family size biogas plants (1 • m3 to 6 m3capacity) for the current year, 2016-17. • • • • • • • • • • • • CEA Details of Functional Requirements of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) JERC Petition No. 202/2016: Application for direction to be issued on the Respondent to treat certain assets as part of the Transmission asset and to be taken out of the assets of DNHPDCL Thursday, July 14, 2016 Review of Cross Subsidy Surcharge Determination notified in Hon’ble JERC Tariff Order dated 06.04.2016 for Daman & Diu, under Regulation 74 of JERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2009 . M/s Wellknown polyester. Petitioner Thursday, June 9, 2016 Petition for seeking approval of Hon’ble JERC for determination of additional surcharge payable by Open Access Consumers availing power under Open Access as per JERC (Open Access in Transmission and Distribution) Regulations, 2009 Thursday, June 9, 2016 Draft of the Amendments in the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa & Union Territories (except Delhi) (Multi- Year Distribution Tariff) Regulations, 2014. Miscellaneous Siemens wins ₹. 978 crore order for India-Bangladesh power link CLP India and Suzlon form JV for 100 MW Telangana solar project World's tallest solar tower to come up in Israeli desert List of institutes and organization offering Suryamitra • Skill Development programs NISE one day Workshop on "Prospects for Start-ups in • Solar Energy Technologies" to be held on 12 July 2016 Once completed in late 2017, the Ashalim Tower will rise to IEX Karnataka Government revokes Section 11 of Electricity Act 2003; Generators will now be able sell power under open access outside the State • Power Ministry India & USA Signs MoU To Enhance Cooperation on Energy Security, Clean Energy & Climate Change Shri Piyush Goyal Releases Book ‘The World in 2050Striving for a more just, Prosperous and Harmonious Global Community TWO YEARS ACHIEVEMENTS AND INITIATIVES Ministry of Power, Coal and New & Renewable Energy (e-Book) Union Power Minister Piyush Goyal appeals for electrifying all households in the country-says farmers must have adequate timely power All States Agree to Provide Power to all Households by May 2017-Two Day Meeting of State Power Ministers Concludes in Goa on 17th June, 2016. All India 4 Digit Number “1921” Launched for Consumer Complaints for Power on 17th June, 2016. Cabinet approves extension of timeline for taking over 50% of Outstanding Debt of DISCOMs Six States/UTs signed 24×7 “Power For All” documents during two days states Power Ministers Conference held on 16-17th June ,2016 at Goa. Andhra Pradesh joins “UDAY” scheme ; on 25th June would derive an overall net benefit of Rs 4400 crore through “UDAY” • • • • • • • • • • 240 meters (787 feet), taller than Paris's Montparnasse Tower and London's Gherkin, according to the Israeli government and the consortium building it. Comprehensive policy to revive hydro projects on cards: Shri. Piyush Goyal Ujala project: Bihar just above 5 'underperforming' states Tata Power's arm bags solar project in Maharashtra Shortfall in solar RPO compliance a challenge: ICRA Government extends timeline for states to join UDAY scheme Tata Power Wins 30 MW of Solar Projects in Maharashtra. India a key growth market with focus on renewables: Rajiv Mishra, MD, CLP India Hydrogen Energy Fuel Cell In India- A Way Forward Hartek Power targets doubling of solar projects to 500 MW this fiscal Wind energy companies slam Gujarat proposal on central subsidy MNRE ropes in Germany-based KfW Development Bank to fund two floating solar projects • The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has initiated a study to assess the potential of floating solar parks in India. It has roped in Germany-based KfW Development Bank to build two large floating solar projects in Maharashtra and Kerala at an initial investment of about Rs 300 crore. • India to get over $1 billiion from World Bank for Modi's solar goals Note: Click on Head lines for More Info PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 4 July-2016 6 POWER SECTOR ACTIVITIES CONT.. • • SunEdison likely sell Andhra wind power plant to Sitec RE Riding solar-powered bicycle, IIT innovator reaches Jodhpur With a concern for depleting conventional energy resources and promoting solar energy as an alternative to this impending crisis, an IIT Mumbai alumnus Sushil Reddy has set off on a 7000 km long journey through five states of the country with his three friends on a solar-powered electric bicycle. • RE capacity addition to reach 72% of peak demand in Tamil Nadu At present, the state has an installed capacity of over 8,300 • around LED bulbs — total LED bulbs distributed state-wise, and what it means in terms of energy and cost saving. • Indian Navy to harness solar, ocean energy • Solar-powered Trains to be a Reality Soon The Indian Railways has initiated steps to run solar-powered locomotives on mainline routes, a move that could reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. Maharashtra, largest power-producing state in the country lags in solar power • • Hartek Power completes Chandigarh’s first commercial solar project at the tech park in Kishangarh. India won’t need extra power plants for next three years, says government report • • • • • • • • • • BHEL commissions 520 MW thermal power unit in AP on 1st June, 2016. India Publishes Online Solar Rooftop Calculator and Application Resource Solar-powered Ferry to Debut in Sunlit Kerala 100 MW Solar Park coming up in Jammu Bharat Electronics Establishes 8.4 MW Wind Energy Power Plant at Harappanahalli AP Govt Constitutes SPV for Energy Efficient Initiatives • Andhra Pradesh government on Wednesday constituted a joint venture special purpose vehicle ‘AP State Energy Efficiency Development Corporation Limited’ (APSEEDCO Ltd) along with APTransco, APGenco, APDiscoms, Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) and AP government, to implement energy efficiency initiatives in more effective manner in the state. • • India all set to Produce First Li-ion Batteries Govt lines up over ₹.16k crore to support rooftop solar projects The World Bank has committed a loan of $620 million, with the Power Finance Corp (PFC) have shifted focus to renewable projects and are offering attractive terms. • • • Azure Power setting up solar plants with 150 MW capacity in Punjab Adani Green Energy may tie up with SunEdison for $2 billion solar foray NHPC plans 600 MW solar project at Koyna dam in Maharashtra Note: Click on Head lines for More Info PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 4 Tata Power may rope in funds to push renewables growth Tata Power may bring on board strategic investors to fund growth in its renewable energy business, its chief executive Anil Sardana said. • Renewable energy ministry prepares draft national wind-solar hybrid policy The policy aims to provide a framework for promotion of large grid connected wind-solar PV system for optimal and efficient utilization of transmission infrastructure and land. • • • • • Gujarat distributed 30 lakh LED bulbs in 19 days Siemens bags Rs 78 crore order from Power Grid Corp of India 30% Subsidy on Rooftop Solar Unit in Surat India’s SECI Tendering for 450MW Solar in Maharashtra Average costs for solar and wind electricity could fall 59% by 2025: IRENA Crisil, Teri, PwC vying for consultant's job in MNRE • Eight entities, including Crisil, Teri and PwC are in race to become consultant for New and Renewable Energy Ministry for vetting proposals for small hydro projects of up to 25 MW. Asian Development Bank and the New Development Bank pledging $500 million and $250 million, respectively. • NTPC poised to cross 50,000 MW capacity in current fiscal Government announces policy to make Delhi 'solar city' Arunachal likely to allow developers to opt out of 34,260 MW hydro projects US-based Westinghouse to build six nuclear power plants in India AMPLUS Solar Gets National Excellence Award from Government of India for Rooftop Project Development US Firm 8minutenergy to Build Solar Facility in India ABB links 648 MW solar project at Kamuthi with national grid Adani group wins bid to set up a 100 MW solar unit in Chhattisgarh Cheaper, easier loans for green energy projects • Power sector financiers Rural Electrification Corp (REC) and The glut-like situation is a result of the previous government’s initiatives to boost electricity generation, coupled with high investor interest the sector had witnessed. Central ministries to pledge to produce 5,000MW solar power How Modi government's LED programme hopes to emerge as a win-win from consumer point of view If we just Google Ujala Dashboard, we will get all the stats • 10 states generating solar power, Maharashtra stood at fifth position with power generation at a meagre 379MW. India’s cumulative installed capacity has reached to 5,130MW, with installed capacity of 1,385MW set up during the current fiscal. Rajasthan stands first in the country with 1,264MW, followed by Gujarat (1,024MW), Madhya Pradesh (679MW), Tamil Nadu (419MW), Maharashtra (379MW) and Andhra Pradesh (357MW). • • MW of non-conventional energy which is about 40 per cent of the total capacity installed, including the conventional sources of thermal and hydro. As per the statistics released by the central government for top • • List of Abbreviations • • • • • July-2016 RE SPV TERI ICRA IRENA : Renewable Energy : Special Purpose Vehicles : The Energy and Resources Institute : Information and Credit Rating Agency : International Renewable Energy Agency 7 ALL INDIA LIST OF ELEMENTS COMMISSIONED FY 2016-17 DURING THE All India List of Substations Commissioned during All India List of Transmission Lines Commissioned May-2016 during May-2016 765 KV Akola-Ektuni S/C 400 KV KWPCL-Kotra I & II D/C 400 KV Kotra-Lara I & II D/C 400 KV BALCO-Dharmjaigarh S/C 400 KV Bableshwar-Ektuni I & II D/C 400 KV LILO of Meerut - Kaithal at Baghpat (Ckt-II) D/C 400 KV Roorkee - Saharanpur line (Quad) (Ckt-I) D/C 400 KV Athena Singhitarai- Raigarh Pooling Station (near Kotra) D/C 400 KV 400 kV Aurangabad II (Thaptitanda)- 765 kV Aurangabad-III (Ektuni) (Ckt 3 & 4) D/C 220 KV Baghpat - Baghpat (PG) S/C 220 KV Kharagpur - Egra D/C 220 KV LILO of 2nd Ckt Shahbad - Pehowa at Durala D/C 220 KV LILO Of Ferozepur - Talwandi Bhai line at Sadiq D/C 220 KV LILO of Ranasan - Karamsad at Barejadi S/S D/C 220 KV Sahupru- Bhelupur D/C 220 KV Tap on Babhaleshwar - Chalisgaon for Kopergaon S/S (Ckt-II) D/C 765/400 KV Ektuni (ICT-I) 1500 MVA 400/220 KV Balipara (ICT-II) 315 MVA 400/220 KV Mandola S/s (Aug.) ICT-III (Replacement of 315 MVA by 500 MVA) 400/220 KV Saharanpur S/S 630 MVA 220/132 KV Azamgarh (Gug). 160-100) 220/132 KV Baghpat S/S 220/132 KV Bhelupur 220/132 KV Egra S/S 220/132 KV Kaul S/S 220/132 KV Moradabad (Aug.) (160-100) 220/132 KV Nighasan S/S 220/132 KV Sonta S/S (ICT-I) 220/110 KV Singapuram S/S (ICT-I) 220/110 KV Gurubarapally S/S (2nd Auto Tr.) All India No. of Generators Commissioned during FY 2016-17 (till May-2016) Thermal Month Hydro Nuclear W R N R NE R E R S R W R N R NE R E R S R W R N R NE R E R S R April-16 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 May-16 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 4 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All India No. of Line Reactors (LR), Transmission Lines (T/L), Substations (S/S) and Bus Reactors (BR) Commissioned for FY 2016-17 (till May-2016) 765 KV 400 KV 230 KV 220 KV Total * Month LR T/L S/S BR LR T/L S/S BR LR T/L S/S BR LR T/L S/S BR LR T/L S/S BR April-16 0 4 1 0 0 18 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 12 0 0 46 16 0 May-16 0 1 1 0 0 15 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 10 0 0 29 14 0 FY 2016-17 till May-2016 0 5 2 0 0 33 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 22 0 0 75 30 0 Note 1: Data is taken from CEA and NLDC websites. Note 2: No data for Branch Reactors (BR) and Line Reactors (LR) for the month of May-2016. * Data is taken up to 220 KV in this table. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 4 July-2016 CEA : Read more... NLDC: Read more... 8 POWER SYSTEM SOLUTIONS THAT WORK FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Can You Imagine a World Without Power? …Because, we can’t. We, at Panacean Energy Solution are committed to our core values integrity, excellence, enriched innovation and stand committed to nurture our talented work force and continually enhance our local insights and global perspective to bring about paradigm shift in the Indian Power Sector, through providing real solution. We assist you to understand impact of Electricity Regulations applicable to you by providing tailor made gist of the new regulatory developments on case to case basis. With nation-wide experience of our team, and also with the valuable experience of handling overseas projects, we can assist you in planning and operations of your system. Why Panacean? Because….We Can Energize Your Business We’re extremely serious about being your power solution advocate. We envision an Indian Power Sector enriched with solutions to enhance its capability to ensure quality power to end consumers with reliability, efficiency and economy on ethical grounds through providing “IT and network” solutions to different segments of Indian Power Sector. Maximize long-term return to Owner. Our Clients Prefer Working Directly With Us Because we arm them with valuable resources for contract negotiation. We help them manage the minutest detail behind their big business decisions. Panacean Energy Solution More Power to You PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN l Volume 3 l Issue 4 l July-2016 l 9 Area of Services Assistance in Energy Accounting Open Access implementation, operation and management Resources optimization in transmission and distribution business Training in system operation Support in Regulatory matters Renewable Energy Power System Studies Utility Load Forecast Transmission and distribution planning Reactive Power Optimization Fault MVA calculation and improvements GPS/GIS Asset Mapping Load survey Street light survey Policy making Implementation of Electricity Act 2003 and State Regulations Operation and maintenance of substation Power System Training PSS®E Training Power Procurement under Case-I and Case-II bidding Tender Preparation and Management Project Management Consultant UI Management Drawl and Generation schedule optimization Regulatory Support DPR preparation for submission to JERC / CEA. IPDS Scheme UDAY Scheme Smart city Implementation Techno commercial feasibility of substation Techno-commercial feasibility of transmission line T&D CAPEX optimization Distribution business optimization Transmission business optimization Optimal power scheduling for system operators PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Distribution Sector Electricity Department of Daman and Diu DNH Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. Transmission Sector Power Services Area of Clients Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company Ltd. Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. Electricity Department of Dadra and Nagar Haveli Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd. Generation Sector Detailed Project Report preparation Feasibility Study for Renewable Power Generation EPC of Solar Power O&M of Renewable Power Plant Operation Essar M.P. Power Ltd. Ind-Barath Power Others Energy Efficiency Energy Audit Development of State Designat- ed Agency Development of State Nodal Agency Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Alok Industries Abhijeet Ferrotech Ltd. Reliance Industries Ltd. Macquarie Infrastructure IXORA Construction ICRA Management and Consultancy Services Reach us at Corporate Office Gala No: 7-8,Ground Floor, Aadharshila Building, Mahajan wadi, Penker pada, Mira Road (E), Thane - 401104 Phone: +91 22 2896 9047 IT Services Software for Transmission and Distribution Companies Regulatory Information Management System Complaint Management System Customer Care Centre Standard of Performance Document Management System ERP for Power Company Energy management system l Volume 3 l Issue 4 l July-2016 Registered Office 1501, Pacifis B, lodha Aqua CHS ltd., Opp. Thakur Mall, Mahajan Wadi, Mira Road(E), Thane 401107, Maharashtra. l 10 IT Services As a software development service provider, Panacean strives to provide our customers quality application development services and web development services that help them to remain in step with their competitors. 1 Regulatory Information Management System The web application which provides you Reliability Indices (RI), Standard of Performance (SOP), UI Management, Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment (FPPCA) calculation and Power Purchase bills managements to maintain the system secure and reliable. 2 Complaint Management System The CMS web application which provides Complaints Registration, Allocation and Completion in various complaint centers of utilities. All the complaints receiving at each complaint center can register at any time by using CMS software. By this we can know the standard of performance of the entire system from any where. The CMS also provides the Feeder Outage management for all 11 KV, 66 KV and 220 KV feeders in each substation of utility. By this it can be easily known the reliability of the entire system. There by improving the reliability of the system by taking necessary actions on factors affecting reliability of the system. The RIMS and CMS applications are successfully implemented for utilities Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN l Volume 3 l Issue 4 l July-2016 l 11 IT Services 3 Store Management The Store Management web application provides to manage entire material management in your stores effectively. The features of this application are material issue approvals, material return details, list of store users, Employee details and category wise material entries. So, the best application which fulfill your store requirements is “Store Management”. 4 GPS Mapping of Assets All assets of a distribution Utility such as Substation, Transmission lines, feeders, transformers are geographically mapped on google maps to provide a geographic overview of a utility’s assets. Specific tabs are provided for each asset to view, edit and add assets on day to day basis. Also date wise reports facility is provided to generate detailed reports of a utility’s assets. Zone PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN l Volume 3 l Issue 4 l July-2016 l 12
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