January 2015 - Zion Lutheran Church


January 2015 - Zion Lutheran Church
Wedding Coordinators:
Cari Terrio-Johnson
Home: 879-6769
Jean Terrio
Home: 878-4983
Kathy Mills
Music Director:
Gretchen Chelseth
Home: 879-2684
Mike Mills
Office Staff/Newsletter:
Jody Acers
Home: 879-0113
Administrative Assistant:
Savannah Caspersen
Pastor Loren & Pastor Linda
Home: 879-6111
Sunday Morning Worship
9:30 am
*Featuring “Spark Sunday”
for kids
Coffee Fellowship
Following Service
Zion Family Worship
5:00 pm ~ Supper
5:30 pm ~ Faith formation/
6:30 pm~ Worship
Worship Schedule
1000 Washington Avenue
Cloquet, MN 55720
FAX 878-1329
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:00 am-12:00 pm
Zion Lutheran Church
Zion Lutheran Church
1000 Washington Avenue
Cloquet, MN 55720
***Change Service Requested***
Zion Newsletter
January 2015
Volume 15, Issue 1
Happy New Year...
I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year.” Give me a light that I
may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied:” Go out into the
darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you
better than light and safer than a known way.”
(Credit given to Guideposts Magazine)
January 2015 Participants
Altar Guild:
Dear Friends in Christ:
Sometimes, without meaning to, the church can be too helpful. Some
times, without trying to, the church can come off as the “expert.” Sometimes,
without even realizing it, the church can take over responsibilities best left to others. Let me give you
an example. As pastors, for many years we took part in the annual presentation of the Bibles to young
people in our congregations. The Education Ministry would set the date. Letters would be sent out.
During that special service, young people would be invited forward to receive a Bible. And as pastors,
and on behalf of the church, we would place Bibles in the hands of these young people.
Sounds perfectly reasonable, doesn’t it? And yet, it put the church in a position that was never
intended. When parents bring their children to be baptized they make promises about how they will
raise their child in the Christian faith. They promise, “To live with them among God’s faithful people; To bring them to the Word of God and the Holy Supper; To teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the
Creed, and the 10 Commandments; To place in their hands the Holy Scriptures; and To nurture
them in faith and prayer.
The church asks parents to promise to place in their childrens’ hands the Bible. Then the
church, in a sense, shoves parents to the side and does it for them. Yet, we know that the most important faith teachers for our children are their parents. It is the role of the church to support our parents, to provide resources, and to provide opportunities for faith formation.
This past fall, Zion began to implement a new “Faith Formation Plan of
Action.” This comprehensive plan takes a look at what we are already doing for our young people and
their parents. It then looks at what we want to be doing for parents and children and how we can
achieve those goals.
In November a special session was held for parents and students in 2nd and 3rd grade. These
young people and their parents spent time with the pastors talking about the importance of the Bible
and how we can use the Bible in our lives. When the time to present Bibles came, parents and students
were invited forward. Parents took the Bibles, made the sign of the cross on the Bible and placed it in
their child’s hands.
The way we do First Communion has also changed. We now leave it up to the parents (who
made the Baptismal promise) to decide when their child is ready to take Communion. The pastors and
youth director have been available to talk to students and parents and discuss the sacrament. But the
decision rests, where it should rest, in the hands of the parents.
In the upcoming month we will put more information about the “Faith Formation Plan of Action” on the website. But let me share with you goal of Zion’s “Faith Formation Plan of Action:” The
goal is to walk with parents and children as they grow in faith. To provide resources, discussion
opportunities, and instruction in the faith. To encourage our parents and students to grow as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Linda
Communion Assistants (9:30 am) :
January 4th:TBA
January 8th: TBA
Lectors(9:30 am):
January 4th: TBA
January 11th: TBA
January 18th: TBA
January 25th: TBA
Cantors(9:30 am):
January 4th: Naomi Palmquist
January 11th: Carrie Preiner
January 18th: Rhonda Johnson
January 25th: Robin Johnson
Ushers (9:30 am):
January 4th: Arnelda Southworth, Don Kronemann
Ray & Ginny Hatinen
January 11th: Kevin & Ruth Boedigheimer,
Todd & Pam Erickson & Family
January 18th: The Frosig Family
January 25th:Dick & Nancy Stevens,
Barry & Vivian Bergquist
Coffee Servers:
January 4th: Need Volunteers
January 11th: June & Tony Altringer
January 18th: Need Volunteers
January 25th: Need Volunteers
January 4th: Mackenzie Stevenson &
Hailey McCauley
January 11th: Noah Strand
January 18th: Need Volunteers
January 25th: Need Volunteers
Video Camera:
January 4th:TBA
January 11th: Gabby Napper
January 18th: Gracie Chartier
January 25th: Andy Acers
January 4th: Ray & Ginny Hatinen
January 11th: Jeromy & Jennifer Graham
January 18th: Tom & Jane Anderson
January 25th: Barry & Vivian Bergquist
January 4th: Barry & Vivian Bergquist
January 11th:Need Volunteer
January 18th: Sandy Raisanen
January 25th: Jackie Nelson
Sparks Teachers:
January 4th: TBA
January 11th: TBA
January 18th: TBA
January 25th: TBA
Find us on Facebook! Search Zion Lutheran
Church Cloquet MN.
Thank YOU!
2015 giving Envelopes will be available in the Narthex
later this December. As you pick your envelope up, please consider
delivering those envelopes of friends and neighbors to help the
church save on postage (it costs almost $4 to mail one packet).
Also, why not make it easy. Enrollment forms for Simply Giving are
available in the Zion office for those who wish to “direct deposit”
their offering. It’s fast, easy and saves on postage!
“NOISY OFFERING” raised $318
to benefit Feed
My Starving Children. That money
will provide 1,448
meals to hungry
everyone for your
Annual Meeting
Zion Lutheran Church
Sunday, February 1st, 2015
After the 9:30 am worship service
*Grab a cup of coffee and join us in the Social Hall !
***Committee and group reports are due in the Zion Office
January 25 for processing into the official
Annual Report Booklet.
St. Lucia...Letting our lights shine!
The St. Lucia celebration again delighted the kids
and helped all of us transition into the Christmas
Season by shining their light. Thanks to all the
kids for your participation! This year, Madison
Running was St. Lucia.
FOR SALE: Looking for some “unique storage options”? The Zion
office is selling a cabinet that they no longer need. It is made out of
sturdy metal and has many shelves and drawers. There is a safe, but the combination is unknown. Come
see it in the office! Best Offer takes it home!
Many thanks to our Zion family for the thoughtfulness and generosity you
showed us this past Christmas Season. We are always thankful for the
many cards and gifts we receive, the greatest gift being the friendship and
good cheer of the people of Zion. Happy New Year, and with our thanks,
Pastor Linda and Pastor Loren Schumacher
Youth Update—January 2015
As January has made her appearance, there is much to do, much to anticipate, and so much to
be thankful for. In keeping with tradition, perhaps many of you made resolutions for 2015,
goals to achieve, or tasks to accomplish. I have done a great deal of thinking, visioning, and discerning about goals and dreams for the youth and families here at Zion, and the arrival of
2015 gives me a sense of great excitement for all that lies ahead.
Unlike goals I might set for myself, the resolutions I have listed for my role here at Zion are
less concrete, less tangible. Personally, I expect myself to eat healthier, drink more water,
practice gratitude, use my time more wisely, and generally practice better self-care. In my –
and our—call to serve with and alongside the youth here at Zion, my goals are rooted in relationships: to listen well, to be present, to open and invite conversations around life, faith, &
justice, and more than anything else, and to remind the youth that they are loved unconditionally and completely.
My call to serve in youth ministry is not one that I take lightly. It is a job, yes, but more than
that, it is a vocation to be in relationship with kids, their families, and a part of their community. If there is anything I know about relationships it is that they are inherently beautiful….and
messy, often unpredictable, and challenging. Working with teenagers as they learn about their
faith epitomizes all of that. The questions are rarely easy to answer, scheduling events is
nearly impossible, and the challenges facing our teenagers are sometimes beyond the realm of
my comprehension. There are days where I feel less than qualified to serve in this way. But
(and I find that with faith, there nearly always is a “but”), being in community with these youth
is a privilege, a huge responsibility, and one of the greatest joys of my life. In those moments
when I feel inept or unprepared, I can listen. I can be present with these kids, and I can remind them of the great love that God has for them, and the love that this congregation has
for them.
You and I share this job as the youth director. Perhaps that is a surprise to you, but it is absolutely true. While my role is to show up, teach confirmation, attend sporting events or plays,
plan events, and stay up far too late on youth retreats, our call is the same: to love and support
the youth and families here at Zion. We do this in countless ways, each with our own gifts and
Perhaps you have already made your resolutions for 2015, but I urge you to add one more, and
that is to ask yourself how you can continue to practice love and relationship with the youth
and families at Zion. I continue to give thanks for this congregation and for the many ways we
practice youth ministry together.
Zion Memorial Gifts
We remember the following people through gifts of
support to the mission and ministry here at Zion.
In Memory of: Marie Ogren
Given by: Gary & Mae Nelson, Barry & Vivian Bergquist, Loren & Linda Schumacher
In Memory of: Jim Yorston
Given by: June & Tony Altringer, Paul & Alice Holm, Bev Kinghorn, Don Kronemann, Jan
Pauna, Terry & Vicki Anderson, Arnelda Southworth, Ailie Otterson, Ray & Karla Tatro, Steven & Barb Brandt, Barry & Vivian Bergquist, Loren & Linda Schumacher
In Memory of: Rol Otterson
Given by: Don Kronemann, Vicki & Terry Anderson, Jan Pauna, Pauline Roberts, Dorothy
Mettner, Barry & Vivian Bergquist, Loren & Linda Schumacher, Dick & Nancy Stevens, Bev
Kinghorn, Paul & Alice Holm, Friends of Kevin Otterson, June & Tony Altringer, Gary & Mae
Nelson, Velda Beck, Robin Johnson, Tom & Nancy Martinson, Glada Kermeen, Harlan &
Sharon Huso, Dan & Naomi Palmquist & Family, Ed & Kathy Blascyk, Jackie Nelson, Ray &
Ginny Hatinen & Family, Doris Raun, Rol & Ilene Bromberg, Ed Ballman, Dave & Jan Fitch,
Rin Marden, Betty Jane Davis, Martha Withoff, Frank Asperheim, Tom & Jane Anderson, Don
& Shirley Magnuson, Billy & Sandy Raisanen, Bob Nelson, Ervin & Dorothy Seppala, Greg &
Rondi Frosig & Family, Jim & Elaine Mayrand, Tom & Linda Mettner, Wally Otterson, Barbara
Dunstan, Marv & Patty Durkee, Debby Johnson, Ruth I. Maijala, Ruth E. Maijala, John &
Elaine Smith, Eric & Allison Smith & Family, Mike & Jenny Ballard & Family, Peter & Kristen
Willcoxon & Family, tom Maijala, Jim & Maxine Maijala & Families, Elvie Latvala & Families,
Lorraine Bodie & Sons, Gary & Cindy Nelson, Ron & Lois Johnson, Keith & Sheila Depre,
Charlene Dahl, Ardelle Purcell, Frank & Carol Chalberg, Sharon Holte, John Buytaert, Eileen
Johnson, Ken & Marilyn Tvedt, Andy Coathup & Mary Alice Beckrich, Brad & Carol Anderson,
Marvin & Kathy Braun, Glen Hietala, Myrt Radford, Arnelda & Karla Southworth, Sandy
In Memory of: Steven Johnson
Given by: Barry & Vivian Bergquist, Loren & Linda Schumacher
In Memory of: Paul Napper
Given by: Barry & Vivian Bergquist
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