- Ukrainian Canadian Congress


- Ukrainian Canadian Congress
In 1940 the Ukrainian Canadian Congress was founded.
Ukrainian Canadians rallied together and with one voice we began sharing our
culture, experiences and identity with all Canadians.
PEOPLE LIKE YOU joined us, sharing our vision of a unified community striving
to provide a high level of leadership, coordinating activities of the community,
speaking with one united voice and promoting cultural development for the
enhancement of Ukrainian Canadians within the greater Canadian society.
Our family of organizations and branches across the country continues to grow...
YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT means that UCC can continue to impact our
community, supporting grassroots initiatives that celebrate and cultivate Ukrainian
culture in a Canadian context.
We give all Canadians opportunities to experience Ukrainian culture.
BECAUSE OF YOU UCC can unite 1.25 million Ukrainian Canadians across the
country with a shared voice. Because of you UCC can bring that voice to government
leaders, national and international agencies and to make sure that your concerns
are heard and acted upon.
Join the Ukrainian Canadian Congress as we show you how your impact extends
from local communities, throughout the provinces, across the country, and around
the world...
Image of Front Cover:
Taken during the Commemoration of the 78th anniversary of Holodomor during the National
Holodomor Awareness Week in Ottawa, Ontario. Photograph by Olenka Reshitnyk.
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT ................................................. 4-6
MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ................................. 7
STRUCTURE & STAFF ........................................................................... 8-10
MAKING A DIFFERENCE .......................................................................... 11
AUDREY'S STORY ..................................................................................... 12
PROJECT SHKOLA ....................................................................................... 13
HIGHLIGHTS ............................................................................................ 14-15
IRYNA'S STORY ............................................................................................ 16
FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM ........................................................................ 17
FINANCIALS .............................................................................................. 18-19
DONATIONS ............................................................................................. 20-34
HOW TO DONATE ..................................................................................... 35
Over the past 73 years, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress ("UCC'' or the "Congress'') has provided
outstanding leadership, coordination and advocacy for the Ukrainian Canadian community.
The Congress has kept our community strong and united by building consensus, never losing
sight of our grassroots and providing valuable services to our community. The past three years
have been a high watermark for our community and the UCC:
 UCC has been recognized as one of the top 3 most influential ethnic communities in
Canada on matters of foreign policy.
 Canada has self-recognized as the most "Ukrainian'' country outside of Ukraine.
 Unprecedented access to decision makers.
 UCC has established a permanent National Office in Canada's capital of Ottawa.
 Members of the Ukrainian Canadian community hold many prominent positions in government, the judiciary, media,
banking, business, arts, sports, healthcare and philanthropy. Most importantly, the UCC has connected these individuals
to our community through initiatives such as the UCC Advisory Council.
 Self-identification as being Ukrainian Canadian at a historical high (over 1.2 million - 2011 Census).
 Inaugural Ukrainian Day on Parliament Hill celebrating 120 years of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada.
 Canada's unwavering political and financial support for Ukraine's democratic development.
 Launch of the Tribute to Liberty project to build a Memorial to the Victims of Communism in front of the Supreme Court
of Canada next to the Parliament buildings in Ottawa.
 Holodomor Awareness and Education on the rise.
 Revived cooperation with Canada's ethnocultural communities.
UCC's principled position of constructive engagement with Ukraine has been adopted by the Government of Canada. This
has been demonstrated with large-scale election observer Missions to Ukraine for the Parliamentary Elections in 2012 and the
Presidential Elections in 2010. Ukraine is one of Canada's top 20 priority countries and Canada's International Development
Agency has earmarked approximately $20M annually to support Ukraine's democratic, social and economic development.
Looking forward, the UCC must focus on youth development, especially on creating sustainable support for the Ukrainian
Canadian Students Union, as well as reviving the UCC Parliamentary Internship Program, where recent Ukrainian Canadian
graduates can gain valuable political experience, and other mentorship and internship programs that will give recent graduates
a head start to their careers. Other projects that we will focus on include: Cradle to Grave Project - an initiative to provide
valuable services to our community across Canada, with a particular focus on new immigrants and smaller Ukrainian Canadian
centers; Memorial to the Victims of Communism - by 2015 we intend to raise between $6-8 million in funds, conduct a design
competition and construct one of the most prominent memorials in Canada; our support of people to people projects with
Ukraine such as the Ukraine Paediatric Fellowship Program- intended to improve the health of children in Ukraine by partnering
with the Hospital for Sick Children to foster an exchange of people, information and talent; we must continue to support the
people of Ukraine as they continue to struggle for human rights issues, democracy, economic prosperity and Euro-Atlantic
integration; and demand that key human rights stories in the Canadian Museum for Human Rights that are important to the
Ukrainian Canadian community are presented in an appropriate and balanced manner. The crimes of communism must be
presented through the lens of the Holodomor in a permanent gallery. The struggles and discrimination faced by early Ukrainian
settlers which has been embodied in Canada's First National Internment Operations must be featured prominently in a permanent
exhibit in the CMHR.
During our next Triennial Congress in 2016 we will be celebrating the 125th anniversary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada.
This will pave the way to the monumental 150th anniversary celebrations of Canadian Confederation. These festivities will pay
tribute to the Ukrainian Canadian community as a founding people. They helped shape Canada and its values, which are a model
for the world today.
Enhancing UCC's Professional Staff and Financial Sustainability - expectations of UCC from our community are enormous
and we are significantly understaffed to support the multitude of valuable initiatives being undertaken by UCC's National
Committees and Councils. In order to staff and support this work, UCC must significantly increase its donations and build an
endowment to support our community into the future.
I would like to recognize our community organizations for their hard work in providing valuable services to the communities
they serve. A heart-felt thanks to our donors as you fuel the work we do. Thank you to the thousands of volunteers across
Canada who contribute countless hours to ensure we service our community from cradle to grave.
UCC is fortunate to have a top-notch Board of Directors, Committees that are responsible for much of our programming, and
an Executive Committee that has demonstrated endless energy, patience and commitment - for which I am truly grateful.
Significant recognition must be given to Taras Zalusky, UCC's Executive Director, for his 24/7 work ethic and tremendous
accomplishments since joining just over three years ago as well as to our staff for their support of our activities.
I am very privileged and proud to serve our community, Canada and the Ukrainian people. Thank you to my wife Adrianna
and my children Roman, Danylo, Larysa and Olena for the support and sacrifices you make on a daily basis.
Діяльність Конґресу Українців Канади (2010-2013 рр.)
За останні 73 роки Конґрес Українців Канади ("Конґрес" або "Конґрес") забезпечив надзвичайне лідерство, координацію
та відстоювання інтересів українсько-канадської громади. Конґрес зберігав нашу спільноту сильною та об’єднаною
шляхом побудови узгіднення, не втрачаючи зв’язку з нашим корінням та надаючи цінні послуги нашій громаді.
Останні три роки Конґрес здобув значні досягнення для нашої громади в Канаді:
• Конґрес визнали однією з трьох (3) найвпливовіших етнічних спільнот у Канаді з питаннях закордонної політики
(Embassy Magazine 2013).
• Канада визнала себе як найбільш "українська" країна за межами України.
• Безпрецедентний доступ до політичних лідерів в Канаді.
• Конґрес відкрив постійний національний офіс в столиці Канади Оттаві.
• Члени українсько-канадського громади займають багато важливих посад в уряді, судовій системі, засобах масової
інформації, банківській справі, бізнесі, мистецтві, спорті, сфері охорони здоров'я та благодійності. Найголовніше, що
Конґрес підключує цих людей до нашої громади за допомогою таких ініціатив, як Консультативна рада Конґресу.
• Самоідентифікація як українського канадійця, яких зараз найбільше за всю історію (більше 1.2 мільйона – Перепис
2011 р.).
• Інагуральний український день в Парламенті Канади та святкуванні 120 річниці поселення українців у Канажі.
• Непохитна політична та фінансова підтримка Канадою демократичного розвитку України.
• Запуск проекту (Tribute to Liberty) для побудови меморіалу жертвам комунізму перед Верховним судом Канади біля
Парламенту в Оттаві.
• Підвищення усвідомлення та знання про Голодомор серед канадцями.
• Відродження співпраці з етнокультурними спільнотами Канади.
• Принципова позиція Конґресу щодо конструктивної взаємодії з Україною була прийнята урядом Канади. Це було
продемонстровано шляхом великомасштабних місій спостерігачів за виборами в Україні на парламентські вибори в 2012
році і президентські вибори у 2010 році. Україна є однією з 20 основних пріоритетних країнах для Канади і Агентство
міжнародного розвитку Канади виділило близько $ 20 млн на рік на підтримку демократичного, соціального та
економічного розвитку України.
Дивлячись вперед, праця Конґресу буде зосереджена на:
• §
Розвитку молоді, особливо на території університетів по
цілісної та стійкої підтримки Союзу Українського Студентства
всій Канаді.
Канади та
Допомога в створенні
їх філій по Канаді.
Підтримка молодих членів нашої громади, що дозволить їм робити значні внески в українському життю сьогодні та в
• Відновлення програми Конґресу стажування при Парламенті Канади. Зосередившись на нещодавніх українськоканадських випускниках, Конґрес закріпить інтернів з членами Парламенту для отримання цінного політичного
• Розвиток програм використання наставників та інтернатур, які дадуть випускникам гарний початок у їхній кар’єрі.
Проект "Від колиски до могили" (Cradle to Grave) – ініціатива для задоволення потреб нашої громади по всій Канаді із
особливим зосередженням на нових іммігрантах та невеликих українсько-канадських центрах.
Канадський музей прав людини – ключові історії з прав людини, які є важливим для українсько-канадської громади будуть
ігнорованими або маргіналізуваними в Канадському музеї прав людини коли коли двері відчиняються у вересні 2014 року.
Злочини комунізму повинні відображатись через призму Голодомору у постійній галереї. Труднощі та дискримінація, з
якою зіткнулись перші українські поселенці, які були втілені в Перших національних операціях інтернування Канади,
повинні бути яскраво відображені на постійній основі в якості експонату в Канадському музеї прав людини.
Меморіал жертвам комунізму – до 2015 року ми ми плануємо зібрати від 6 до 8 мільйонів доларів, провести конкурс
дизайну та побудувати один з найвизначніших меморіалів у Канаді.
• Підтримка прав людини, демократії, економічного зростання та Євро-Атлантичної інтеграції.
• З’єднання людей з людьми. Багатозначна ланка між українсько-канадською спільнотою та людьми в Україні.
• Гуманітарна співпраця – продовження підтримки роботи Канадсько-української фундації та пов’язаних з цим
проектів, таких як Українська педіатрична партнерська програма, спрямована на покращення здоров’я дітей в
Україні шляхом партнерства з Лікарні для хворих дітей (Hospital for Sick Children) для обміну людьми, інформацією
та здібностями.
125 річниця українського поселення та 150 річниця конфедерації Канади – Під час нашого наступного щотрирічного
Конґресу в 2016 році, ми відзначатимемо 125 річницю поселення українців в Канаді. Це передуватиме монументальному
святкуванню 150 річниці канадської конфедерації. Під час цих святкувань ми віддамо честь українсько-канадській
спільноті, як засновноположникам Канади. Вони допомогли в розвитку Канади та її цінностей, які сьогодні є моделлю для
всього світу.
Розбудова професійного персоналу Конґресу та його фінансової стабільності – очікування Конґресу від нашої громади
величезні і нам дуже не вистачає персоналу для підтримки численних цінних ініціатив, які взяли на себе національні
комітети та ради Конґресу. Для того, щоб забезпечити ці проекти персоналом та підтримати їх, Конґрес повинен значно
підвищити рівень пожертв та побудувати фонд для підтримки нашої громади в майбутньому.
Я хотів би надати признання нашими громадськими організаціями за їх важливу роботу в наданні цінних послуг у розбудові
нашої громади. Щиросердечна подяка нашим жертводавцям, оскільки ви підтримуєте те, що ми робимо. Дякую тисячам
волонтерам по всій Канаді, які вклали безліч часу в службу членам нашої громади від колиски до могили.
Конґресу пощастило мати віддану Раду директорів, Комітети, що відповідають за більшість наших програм та Виконавчий
комітет, що демонструє безкінечну енергію, терпіння та відданість – за що я безмежно вдячний. Значне визнання слід віддати
Тарасові Залуському (Taras Zalusky), Виконавчому директору Конґресу за його цілодобову робочу етику та величезні досягнення
відколи він приєднався до нас більше трьох років тому, а також нашому персоналу за їхню підтримку нашої діяльності.
Для мене дуже велький привілей та гордість служити нашій спільноті, Канаді та українському народу. Дякую своїй дружині
Адріянні та своїм дітям Роману, Данилу, Ларисі та Олені за підтримку та жертви, які ви щоденно привносите.
It is my distinct pleasure to thank you to for your interest in the work of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress
(UCC). For more than seven decades, the Congress has provided outstanding leadership, coordination and
advocacy for the Ukrainian Canadian community. We work to keep our community strong and united by
building consensus, and providing valuable services.
This year we solemnly commemorate the 80th anniversary of Holodomor, one of the greatest genocides in
human history, one which was intended to destroy the Ukrainian people.
In 2014, we will be marking the 200th anniversary of Ukraine's bard Taras Shevchenko, and 100 years since the
beginning of Canada's First World War Internment Operations.
Over the next few years we will celebrate the 125th anniversary of Ukrainian pioneer settlement in Canada on
the way to marking the monumental 150th anniversary celebrations of Canadian Confederation.
Over the past few years, we have addressed a number of important issues to our community and are shifting
focus to community development efforts in order to improve capacity and strengthen our grassroots.
A heartfelt thanks to our volunteers and donors who fuel the work we do. Thank you to the thousands of
volunteers across Canada that contribute countless hours to ensure we serve our community.
Це моє особисте задоволення подякувати Вам за Ваш інтерес до праці Конґресу Українців Канади
(КУК). Більш ніж сім десятиліть Конґрес надавав керівництво, координацію та пропаганду українській
канадській спільноті. Ми працюємо щоб підтримувати нашу громаду міцною та об’єднувати у формуванні
консенсусу та забеспечення цінних послуг.
Цього року ми урочисто відзначаємо 80-річчя Голодомору, одного з найбільш геноцидів в людській
історії, один з яких був призначений, щоб знищити український народ.
У 2014 році ми відзначатимемо 200-річчя з Дня Народження українського поета Тараса Шевченка, і
100 років з початку перших операцій інтернування в Канаді під час першої світової війни.
Протягом наступних кількох років ми будемо відзначати 125-річчя поселення перших українців в
Канаді, а також ювілейного святкування 150-річчя Канадської Конфедерації.
За останні кілька років ми розглянули ряд важливих питань спільноти, і зосереджуємося на
громадському розвитку з метою поліпшення потенціалу та зміцнення наших відносин.
Висловлюю сердечну подяку нашим волонтерам та жертводавцям які заохочують нас
до праці. Дякую тисячам волонтерам по всій Канаді, які жертвують багато часу, щоб
гарантувати, що ми облуговуємо нашу спільноту.
Taras Zalusky, Executive Director
Olenka Reshitnyk, Coordinator of Stakeholder Relations 2011/12
Marta Tkaczyszyn Coordinator of Stakeholder Relations 2012/13
806-130 Albert Street Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4
Tel: (613) 232-8822 | Fax: (613) 238-3822
Lesia Demkowicz, Administrative Assistant
Katrusia Chuchman, Financial Manager
203-952 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3P4
Tel: (204) 942-4627 | Fax: (204) 947-3882 | Email: [email protected] | Website: www.ucc.ca
Mr. Paul Grod, UCC National President, UCC Executive
Ms. Daria Luciw, Vice President, UCC Executive
Ms. Ann Szyptur, Secretary, UCC Executive
Mr. Walter Dlugosh, Treasurer, UCC Executive
Mr. Serhiy Kasyanchuk, UCC Executive / Ukr Can. Social Services
Mr. Oleh Romanyshyn, President, League of Ukrainian Canadians
Mr. Michael Hantzch, Ukrainian Canadian Prof. & Business Fed.
Mr. Slawko Kindrachuk, President UCC Saskatchewan Provincial Council
Mr. Yurij Hnatiuk, Brotherhood of Vets. Of First Ukr. Div. UNA
Mr. John Iwaniura, Canada Ukraine Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Bohdan Onyschuk, Q.C. Canada-Ukraine Foundation
Ms. Margareta Shpir, Canadian Friends of Ukraine
Mr. Eugene Ladna, Canadian Lemko Association
Mr. Ewhen Duvalko, Canadian Ukrainian Immigrant Aid Society
Ms. Renata Roman, Children of Chornobyl Canadian Fund
Mr. Eugene Czolij, Council of the Ukrainian Credit Unions of Canada
Ms. Adriana Buyniak-Willson, League of Ukrainian Canadian Women
Dr. Daria Darewych, Shevchenko Scientific Society
Ms. Mykola Koshyk, Society of Veterans of Ukr. Insurgent Army UPA
Mr. Anatoly Ciacka, UCC - British Columbia Provincial Council
Ms. Zorianna Hrycenko-Luhova, UCC - Quebec Provincial Council
Ms. Oksana Bondarchuk, UCC - Manitoba Provincial Council
Mr. Markian Shwec, UCC - Toronto Branch
Mr. Andrew Hladyshevsky, Q.C Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko
Mr. Jurij Darewych, Ukrainian Canadian Research & Documentation Centre
Ms. Olena Kit/Ms. Christine Czoli, (current) Ukrainian Canadian Students Union
Mr. Glen Tymiak, Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada
Ms. Gloria Leniuk/Ms.Sophie Manulak, (current) Ukrainian Catholic Women's League of Canada
Dr. Denis Hlynka, Ukrainian Fraternal Society of Canada
Dr. Roman Serbyn, Ukrainian Free Academy of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Taras Babick/Mr.Slawko Borys, (current) Ukrainian National Federation
Ms. Katrina Baziuk, Ukrainian Orthodox Youth of Canada
Mr. Emil Yereniuk, Ukrainian Self-Reliance Association of Canada
Mr. Jaroslaw Balan, Ukrainian Self-Reliance League of Canada
Ms. Sonja Bejzyk, Ukrainian Women Association of Canada
Mr. Yaroslava Iwasykiw/Ms.Olya Shewelli, (current) Ukrainian Women Organization of Canada (і.м .О Басараб)
Ms. Irene Mycak, Ukrainian Youth Association
Ms. Christina Sawchyn, Ukrainian Youth Association (PLAST)
ALBERTA: Barb Hlus, President
Tel: (780) 414-1624 | E-mail: [email protected] | Fax: (780) 414-1626 | Website: www.uccab.ca
BRITISH COLUMBIA: Anatoly Ciacka, President
Tel: (604) 936-6177 | E-mail: [email protected] | Fax: (604)936-6174
MANITOBA: Oksana Bondarchuk, President
E-mail: [email protected]
ONTARIO: Stefan Andrusiak, President
Tel: (416) 505-5567 | E-mail: [email protected]
QUEBEC: Zorianna Hrycenko-Luhova
Tel: (514) 481-5871 | E-mail: [email protected] | Website: www.uccmontreal.org
SASKATCHEWAN: Slawko Kindrachuk, President
Tel: 1-888-652-5850 | E-mail: [email protected] | Website: www.ucc.sk.ca
Brantford, ON: Dr. Ivan Skrypuch, President
Calgary, ON: Michael Ilnycky, President
Canora, ON: Taras Korol, President
Durham Region, ON: Father Bohdan Hladio, President
Edmonton, AB: Luba Feduschak, President
Hamilton, ON: Olya Sheweli, President
London, ON: Daria Hryckiw, President
Montreal, QC: Zorianna Hrycenko-Luhova, President
Ottawa, ON: Mykola Bilaniuk, President
Regina, SK: Ed Lysyk, President
Saskatoon, SK: Marlene Bodnar, President
St. Catharines, ON: Marika Kobzan-Diakiw, President
Toronto, ON: Oksana Rewa, President
Vancouver, BC: Yarema Kowalchuk, President
Vegreville, AB: Roman Charuk, President
Vernon, BC: Roman Chez, President
Welland, ON: Myron Groch, President
Windsor, ON: Petro Mycak, President
Winnipeg, MN: Oksana Bondarchuk, President
Yorkton, SK: Merle Maximiuk, President
NEW! Dauphin, MN: Hon. Len Derkach, President
IMMIGRATION / RESETTLEMENT COMMITTEE: Mr. Evhen Duvalko & Mr. Serhij Koroliuk
NATIONAL ART COUNCIL: Ms. Andrea Kopylech, Mr. Orest Sklierenko & Ms. Halyna Kondracki
Thank you for helping the Ukrainian Canadian Congress make a
difference in the Ukrainian Canadian Community.
2011 marked the 120th anniversary of Ukrainian pioneer
settlement in Canada and these celebrations were kicked off
in Alberta in May and continued into September of 2012. Some
highlights included: Canada's National Ukrainian Festival in
Dauphin, the Toronto Ukrainian Festival, the release of the song
Edna Star, and the first ever Ukrainian Day on Parliament Hill
featuring exhibits, artists, singers, and dancers highlighting
Ukrainian Canadian culture. This year we also commemorated
the 78th Anniversary of the Holodomor, the 25th Anniversary of
the Chornobyl nuclear tragedy in solidarity with the Japanese
Canadian community, raised $225,000 for African famine relief
and attended the opening of the Camp Spirit Lake Interpretive
Centre to commemorate those Canadians who were interned as
enemy aliens in camps across Canada during World War I.
2012 and 2013 have allowed us to continue our community and
government advocacy work: co-sponsored the "Ukraine at a
Crossroads Conference'' in Ottawa, discussing awareness on
issues concerning democracy, human rights and rule of law in
Ukraine; we facilitated two separate Teachers Conference to
help Ukrainian Canadian teachers discuss issues and resources
to help advance Ukrainian education in Canada; our National
Arts Council launched a new website to create a network for
Ukrainian Canadian artists whereby they can gain visibility and
recognition within Canada, and find creative means to continue
their artistic growth through the celebration of the Ukrainian
arts; and we traveled across the country to listen to our Ukrainian
Canadian grassroots organizations and hear their concerns and
ideas for building an even stronger community.
And our work continues...
There has been an emphasis on building up community
organizations across the country, developing provincial
branches that are thriving because communities are
engaged. UCC has been fulfilling this mandate. As a
central organization, UCC on a national level has an
increasingly important role to play vis-a-vis our position and
relationship to the federal government and its impact on
trade, economic, and human rights policies particularly
with respect to Ukraine. I feel that a lot of time, energy, and
resources need to be allocated to strengthening our central
organization for continued growth and stability of our
AUDREY SOJONKY is a community champion and a proud
supporter of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. Her work
in education and public policy research along with her
excellent organizational, planning, and strategic skills have
left a successful record of experience and board leadership
in various community service organizations. As one of
our donors, and a past UCC BC provincial president,
she shares our vision for building community. Audrey's
dedication and commitment to her work has given her solid
exposure to the different Ukrainian Canadian communities
in the Prairies, BC, nationally and internationally which
has given her insight to both the struggles and successes
of our community. Her support impacts the growth and
development of our Ukrainian Canadian community across
the country.
I see our Ukrainian culture as a culture within Canada that
is free to retain and practice its unique artistic components
because we have a strong core of individuals working
together which adds to the mosaic of our Canadian culture,
bringing a unique perspective and sensitivity to what it
means to be Canadian.
Національна Шкільна Рада КУК сприяє всебічному
розвитку україномовних шкіл в Канаді. Ми
об’єднуємо вчителів української мови через нашу
інтернет-сторінку та допомагаємо їм з педагогічними
порадами та вчительськими конференціями. Таким
чином, Шкільна Рада КУК робить свій вклад у
збереження української мови в Канаді.
At the Triennial Congress in Edmonton in 2010, the Ukrainian
Canadian Congress launched a new committee to support
Ukrainian language education across Canada. The committee has
created a resource website, and organized 2 teacher conferences.
The Shkola website is part of a wider networking project
undertaken at the initiative of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress
National in 2005. The mandate of this project is to facilitate
communication between Canadian Ukrainian community schools
in order to enable sharing of resources and information. The first
phase of this project includes this website, as well as meetings
with teachers in four cities: Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton and
Calgary. Later phases will focus on further development of this
site, in particular its resource database, as well as meetings with
teachers in other centres.
On June 15, 2013 More than 60 teachers of Ukrainian schools,
kindergartens and Ukrainian credit courses from Toronto,
Mississauga, Oakville and Hamilton attended a teacher workshop
on "Learning Together'', which was held in Toronto under the
auspices of the local Ukrainian Canadian Congress.
UCC National School Council ensures a comprehensive
development of Ukrainian language schools in Canada.
We bring together Ukrainian language teachers through
our website (www.Shkola.ca) and assist them with
pedagogical advice by organizing teacher conferences.
Thus, the UCC School Council contributes to the
preservation of the Ukrainian language in Canada.
- UCC National School Council Committee
Chair, Vlodko Boychuk
The organizer of this important event was the Ukrainian teachers
Methodology Committee of Toronto School Board, whose main
task is to improve the professional skills of teachers of Ukrainian
schools. The committee began its work a year ago. The impetus for
the creation of this committee was the UCC All Canadian teacher
conference held in Toronto in May 2012. The workshops included
sessions about the role of teacher and school organization in
the Ukrainian educational institutions; a system of evaluation
of knowledge and skills of students; the role of reading and
approaches to reading different types of literature; and learning
about the features among Ukrainian language preschool and
primary school children, including the use of the basic principles
of Montessori methods. Teachers were also introduced to the new
textbook on Ukrainian language "Мандрівка Україною", which was
created for the Ukrainian Diaspora schools by established authors
of the Institute of International Education, Culture and Relations
with the Diaspora of the Lviv Polytechnic University.

Holodomor - recognized as a genocide against the Ukrainian people by Canada and an annual Memorial Day was enshrined
in federal law and by five provincial legislatures.
Internment - Recognition in law by the Parliament of Canada of the World War I Internment Operations (1914-20), which
declared thousands of Ukrainians as "enemy aliens'' and imprisoned them in camps across Canada. UCC negotiated a formal
recognition agreement and the establishment of a $10M Educational Fund (managed by Shevchenko Foundation).
 Canada's Commitment to Ukraine - Ukraine continues to be one of
Canada's 20 priority recipients of Canada's foreign aid.
 Canada sent a large 500 person Election Observation Mission for the
Parliamentary Elections in October 2012 and well as 300 for the Presidential
elections in 2010. UCC was instrumental in securing the 500-person
election observer mission headed by Senator Raynell Andreychuk for
Ukrainian Carollers caroling for Leader of
Majesty's Loyal Opposition at Stornoway
Ukraine's 2012 Parliamentary elections.
 The Congress participated in the State visits to Ukraine of Canada's Governor General (April 2009), and the Prime Minister
Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper (October 2012). Paul Grod headed the delegation of community leaders who accompanied Prime
Minister Harper.
 UCC adopted a position to pursue a policy of engaging Ukraine at government and non-government levels, to encourage
Ukraine to continue its democratic development, and to strengthen economic stability, civil society and national identity.
 Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine - In Dec. 2009, the UCC, CUF and the Children of Chornobyl Canadian Fund (CCCF) raised
and shipped over $300,000 in humanitarian assistance (medical goods and equipment) in response to the H1N1 outbreak
in Ukraine.
 Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralymic Games - UCC in cooperation with the Ukrainian Olympic Committee, the
Ukrainian World Congress, and the Embassy of Ukraine hosted Ukraine House during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic
Games. Ukraine House hosted a number of initiatives and promoted Ukraine's presence at the Winter Games.
 Bilateral Agreements between Ukraine and Canada - UCC has been instrumental in the development of two key bilateral
agreements, namely the Youth Mobility Agreement - signed by Prime Minster Stephen Harper (October 2010) and CanadaUkraine Free Trade Agreement currently being negotiated.
We have shifted our focus to strengthen the grassroots of the Ukrainian Canadian community and further develop UCC's
organizational capacity and public profile.
 In February 2012, we opened a National Office in Ottawa to allow us to be closer to national decision makers.
 UCC President Paul Grod was recognized by Embassy Magazine (an influential
foreign policy publication in Canada) for a second year as one of the top 80 people
influencing Canadian foreign policy.
 UCC Fundraiser for African Famine Relief - In August 2011, UCC initiated a joint
fundraising campaign with the Somali community to provide famine relief to the
Horn of Africa. This campaign resulted in over $220,000 being raised. The Somalia
famine resonated with Ukrainian Canadians who remembered the world standing
silent while the Stalin-led Holodomor killed an estimated 25,000 Ukrainians each day
Senator Andreychuk and the Right Hon. PM
Harper Addressing 2012 Election Observers
in 1933.
Over the past five years UCC has organized:
 Three leadership and capacity building conferences to strengthen community
organizations in governance, fundraising and ensuring relevance to community
 Two National School conferences, several Holodomor workshops to help educators
Jars Balan, Chair, UCC Canada
to teach Holodomor education in schools throughout Canada.
Ukraine Committee with Minister of
 The "Ukraine at the Crossroads Conference'' (March 2012) - A conference on CanadaForeign Affairs John Baird
Ukraine issues examined topics such as governance, human rights, the rule of law, and media freedom in Ukraine. The
conference was well attended by community leaders, Canadian Ministers, senior politicians and public servants.
 Ukrainian Festivals - The Ukrainian Canadian community hosts Ukrainian cultural festivals in many Canadian cities and
UCC actively participates in these Ukrainian festivals.
 Building our grassroots - UCC works actively with provincial councils and branches to rejuvenate their activities. In the past
five years, UCC Oshawa was renewed as "UCC Durham Region'' and created a new branch in Dauphin and Parklands region
in Manitoba (2013). We are working with smaller communities to establish UCC branches and services in places such as
Brandon, Man., and in Red Deer, Alb. where there are many new immigrants and poor Ukrainian community support services.
 A number of other grassroots initiatives have been launched, such as the newly created National Youth Council which held
consultations on how to re-engage youth in our community and the National Ukrainian Arts Council which launched a new
social media project to connect Ukrainian Canadian artists.
 Holodomor Education and Commemoration - a priority for UCC is to raise awareness about the Holodomor. We are working
to have Holodomor included in curricula across Canada. We launched a writing competition for students (14-19) on the
Holodomor for the 80th Anniversary.

Canadian Museum for Human Rights - UCC's objective is to ensure that this new National Museum will house permanent galleries
dedicated to the Holodomor and the internment of Ukrainians in Canada during WWI when it opens its doors in 2014.
Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians - The XXIV Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians is currently being planned
(Toronto, November 2013). The Triennial Congress will bring together the leadership of the Ukrainian Canadian community to discuss
key policies and priorities of our community, establish objectives and plans for our community, and elect the leadership of the UCC.
Ukrainian Day on the Hill the UCC will host a second ever celebration of Ukrainian culture in Canada's Parliament. As part of the
day, UCC will host a series of briefings and sessions to ensure Parliamentarians and public servants in Ottawa are aware of the issues
that are important to our community. The public affairs portion will feature cultural exhibits, music, cuisine and a concert in the
Parliamentary precinct. (Spring 2014).
Recognition of Ukrainian Heritage Day with legislation passed in the provinces of Ontario and Manitoba, we hope that other provinces
will follow suit.
Black Ribbon Day - the Central & Eastern European Council annually organizes Black Ribbon Day commemorations which signify
remembrance for the victims of the crimes of the Nazi and Soviet totalitarian regimes (August 23).
Immigration - Advocating enhanced Ukrainian immigration and removal of visa requirements.
125th Anniversary of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada - In 2016, we will mark a historic milestone in Canada - the 125th anniversary
of Ukrainian pioneer settlement.
100th Anniversary of Canada's First National Internment Operations. In 2014 we will mark the centenary of the internment of
thousands of Ukrainians in 24 labour camps across Canada.
200th Anniversary of the Birth of Taras Shevchenko - will be celebrated in 2014.
UCC, the Children of Chornobyl Canadian Fund (CCCF) and SickKids Foundation (SickKids) Signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) to improve children's health in Ukraine by establishing the Ukraine Healthy Child Fellowship Program to improve health
outcomes of Ukrainian children by building capacity among Ukrainian surgeons in neurosurgery.
Culture, politics, education - UCC is the thread that
binds our commonalities. It is a unifier- it brings
together all of our organizations, each one with
its own niche, helping all to work together as one
IRYNA MYCAK is a professional communication
strategist geared to improving communications
nationally and internationally. Her professional
experience includes both the non-profit and
financial sectors developing national communication
As a member of the Board of the Ukrainian Canadian
Congress for twelve years, she chaired the Canada
Ukraine Committee. During this time she organized
three subsequent observer missions to Ukraine to
monitor the presidential elections in 2004. Iryna
is currently Chair of the National Holodomor
Awareness Committee working to promote awareness
of the Holodomor to all Canadians across Canada
as part of a growing global awareness.
It's critical that our federal government and five
provincial governments have recognized the
Holodomor as genocide. This is a result of the
dedication and commitment of UCC and our
organized Ukrainian community. As the international
campaign for Holodomor recognition continues, we
can be proud that Canada is the leading example for
many countries around the world. Our community
has the passion and vision to share the story of the
Holodomor with ALL Canadians.
The Ukrainian Canadian community is pleased to support this
project which provides crucial medical support to Ukraine's children and
technical assistance to Ukrainian physicians. On behalf of the Ukrainian
Canadian Congress, I am pleased to support this important initiative.
- Paul Grod.
In June 2013, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), Children of
Chornobyl Canadian Fund (CCCF), and Sick Kids Foundation (SickKids)
created a joint partnership to engage in a national fundraising campaign
to support the Ukraine Child Health Fellowship Program at The Hospital
for Sick Children.
UCC is proud to be working to promote national awareness and
generating new revenue for the Ukraine Healthy Child Fellowship
The purpose of the Ukraine Healthy Child Fellowship Program is to
improve the health outcomes of children in Ukraine by providing training
opportunities for Ukrainian medical professionals in specialized areas
of pediatric medicine. In its first few years, the Ukraine Healthy Child
Fellowship will focus on building capacity among Ukrainian surgeons
in the area of Neurosurgery. As the program matures, the Ukraine
Healthy Child Fellowship Program may expand into other medical areas
of pediatric specialization, and involve other Canadian Hospitals. The
core components of the Ukraine Healthy Child Fellowship Program are
two-fold: first, teams of pediatric specialists from SickKids Hospital will
travel to Ukraine to work with Ukrainian colleagues; second, a number
of Ukrainian surgeons will come to SickKids Hospital to work and learn
alongside Canadian colleagues.
Ukraine Pediatric Fellowship Program with
SickKids Hospital
The Fellowship Program will provide physicians from Ukraine with opportunities to acquire the most up to date and advanced
medical skills through intensive training in paediatric specializations at SickKids in Toronto. Teams of specialists from
SickKids will also travel to Ukraine to provide training and capacity building programs at medical centres across the country.
- Ted Gerrard
Dr. Rutka and I have just completed our first teaching visit to initiate the program in Ukraine. This exchange of expertise
and experience between Ukrainian and Canadian health-care professionals will ensure Ukrainian children with specific
and often complex health issues are better able to access the care they need. This program will provide tangible
results demonstrating the improvement of skills of Ukrainian doctors and the lives of Ukrainian children. Our first visit
was very successful and confirmed the enthusiasm and desire of Ukrainian doctors for this type of exchange.
- Dr. Myroslava Romach, project lead on the Ukraine Healthy Child Fellowship Program.
Our Ukrainian communities across Canada work hard to build current, valuable relationships with our friends and families in
Ukraine. Projects such as this allow us to help raise awareness to areas of need in Canada, and in Ukraine.
TOTAL 2013
In order to recognize contributors who have made multi - year donations in the amount of $5,000.00 +, the UCC established
the President's Circle. Members who join the UCC President's Circle receive: Recognition in Annual Reports, routine briefings
on key issues, special giving-level pin, a donor plaque and a private invitation to Annual Advisory Council Luncheon.
$150,000 Temerty, James
$43,000 Rodan Energy Solutions
$33,200 Caravan Logistics Inc.
$20,300 Huculak, Erast
$13,000 Hawryluk, Ollie
$10,000 Curlook, Dr. Walter
$10,000 Dubczak, Roman
$61998.55 Ukrainian Senior Club of Oshawa,
$10,000 Fecan, Ivan
$10,000 Ihnatowycz, Ian Family Foundation
$7,900 Roman, Eugene & Renata
$5050 Jamborko, John
$5000 Lebedin, Dr. Walter & Sonia
$5,000 Potoczny, Zenon
$1000 Shelton Petroleum
$10,000 Peterson, Stanley,
$6,000 Buduchnist Credit Union Foundation
The President's Club can by joined by multi-year donations in the amount of $1,000 to $4,999. By becoming a member of the
UCC President's Club, you receive: Recognition in Annual Reports, donor recognition certificate, preferential seating at special
events and a special giving-level pin.
$6297.30 Zalusky, Taras
$5997.90 Dusanowskyj, Adrian
$5637.51 Hantzsch, Michael
$4780.60 Szyptur, Ann
$4000 Lakusta, Maurice
$3500 Lunycz, Alex
$3260 Luciw, Daria
$3000 Coba, Roman & Olena
$3000 Pidzamecky, Taras & Ulana
$3000 Ukrainian Self-Reliance Assoc., Edmonton Branch
$2866.52 Salnick, Leslie B.
$2850 Petryshyn, Roman & Marusia
$2700 Shlapak, Fred & Irene
$2450 Holowka, Eugene & Halyna
$2371.19 Tymiak, Glen & Lena
$2290 Medwidsky, Bohdan
$2225.38 Dlugosh, Walter & Marijka Diakiw
$2150 Dzulynsky, Orest & Tetiana
$2125 Balan, Jaroslaw & Dr. Lesia Boychuk
$2100 Sochaniwsky, Andre
$2000 Blysniuk, Gregory
$2000 Chyczij, Alexandra
$2000 Czolij, Eugene & Anna
$2000 Haras, Orest & Iryna
$2000 Manastyrsky, Peter J.
$2000 Pochmursky, Alexander
$1660 Petryshyn, Walter & Marusia
$1333.28 Zakydalsky, Oksana
$1200 Fecycz, Taras
$1100 Struminsky, Eugene
$1000 Kostruba, Orest (Kostruba & Sons)
$1000 Luzskov, Igor (New Canadian Drain & Plumbing Ltd.)
$1000 Maleckyj, Andrew
$1000 Skrypuch, Dr. John
$1000 UCC Regina Branch
$1000 Ukrainian Pioneers Association of Alberta
$1500 Alberta Ukrainian Commemorative Society, $3000 Buduchnist Credit Union Ltd., $5000 Caisee populaire Desjardins
Ukrainienne de Montreal, $1000 Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce, $1200 Grod, Dr. Jaroslaw & Olya, $13,000 Hawryluk,
Ollie, $1000 Kostruba, Ewhen, $2000 Lashin, Robert R., $1000 Mary-Anne Hardy (In Memory of Mr. Peter Michalishyn), $1000
Melnyk, Roman, $1000 Prometheus Foundation, $1500 Serbyn, Jean, $1000 Shelton Canada Corp., $6000 The Ukrainian Catholic
Foundation of Canada $4830.66, Ukrainian Credit Union Limited, $1300 Wiebe, John & Kathryn, $2500 ZAK Foundation
Structure & staff – chart?
UCC CHAR & ED - GENERAL DONATIONS ................................................... $674,558.34
UCC C&E - GRANTS ................................................................................................... $341,124.00
UKRAINIAN CANADIAN GENERAL .................................................................. $119,783.55
UCC C&E AFRICAN FAMINE REFLIEF FUND .................................................. $113,100.00
UCC ESTATE DONATIONS ........................................................................................ $79,841.70
UCC C&E - HOLDOMOR FUND ............................................................................. $23,344.90
UCC C&E-CHMR ............................................................................................................ $21,605.00
UCC GRANTS .................................................................................................................. $13,938.00
UCC C&E - ESTATE DONATIONS ................................................................................. $100.00
*DONATIONS FROM 2010-2013 AS OF MARCH 31, 2013
Aftanas, E. Ronald & Lavinia
Baker, Yvan
Baranick, Jessie
Barszczyk, John & Marion
Berezniak, P.
Bidochka, M.
Bidochka, Mike
Bowman, Elaine
Bozyk, Roman & Genia
Budyk, Alexis Kochan & Nestor
Butryn, Pearl
Byca, Nina
Cherednyk, Peter & Maria
Chmilenko, Benjamin & Vera
Cybulsky, Andrey
Darewych, Jurij
Deptuch, Lillian
Diakow, Maryann Kobza & Peter
Diakunchak, Ihor & Christina
Diduch, Natalie
Dobryn, Mary
Doliszny, Ben & Mary
Evans, L.
Gula, Leonida
Hawrylyshyn, Daniel & Oksana
Hladio, Bohdan
Holowash, Lydia
Holowka, Eugene & Halyna
Howera, Nick
Ivanetz, Parania
Iwanusiw, Bozhena
Jarmus, Stephan
Johnson, Lilia
Kasyanchuk, Serhiy
Kergen, Heather
Kit, John
Kolisnyk, Roman
Komar, Nestor & V.
Konyt, Antin & Natalie
Kormylo, Catherine
Kos, George
Kovaliouk, Maria
Kowbel, Jean
Kret, Maria & Jaroslaw
Kushliak, Sonia
Kwiatkowski, Michael
Latyshko, Nicholas
Lenyk, Ostap
Martyniuk, Oksana
Matyczak, Walter & Darlene
Melnichuk, Helen
Mikitzel, Marion
Monastyrski, Taisa
Myhaluk, Stefania
Myro, Michael
Nahirny, John
Nelipa, Tamara
Newton, Irene
Nyilassy, Simon & Marlene
Onyskiw, Iwan & Anna
Ozymko, Svitlana
Petryshyn, Walter & Marusia
Pidkowich, Peter & Mary
Pochmursky, Larisa
Prestayko, Al
Prodanyk, Ann
Rewa, Oksana
Rodan Energy & Metering Solutions Inc $1,000.00
Romaniuk, Bohdan and Shirley
Romaniw, Stefan & Ursula
Romanyk, Alex or Carole
Romanyschyn, Oleh
Ross, Bill & Barb
Sabat, Mary
Schudlo, John
Semenyuk, Nadiya
Semotiuk, Ann
Serhijczuk, George & Veronica
Serray, Andrew W. & Claudia
Shymko, Yuri & Stephanie
Shysh, Alexander & Maria
Siolkowsky, Nestor
Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate
St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church $100.00
St. John Ukrainian Catholic Church
St. Mary the Protectress Senior’s Booklover’s Club
Stewart, Charles & Jean
Stewart, R. Alan
Szakacs, Paul & Helen
Szypka, Mary
Temerty, James
Tkachuk, Starr
Tomkiw, Ihor
Trojan, Anna
Trottier, Bernard
Tutecky, John & M.
Tywoniuk, Marisha
UCC Yorkton Branch
UCWL Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church
Ukrainian Canadian Women’s Council
Toronto Branch
Ukrainian Community Society of Ivan
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada,
Ukrainian Women’s Organization Of
Canada, Toronto Branch
Werhun, Sonia
White, Lida
Wiebe, John & Kathryn
Wlasenko, Olexander & Luba
Wrznesnewskyj, Borys
Yakovitch, Eugene
Zubowski, Stella
Aftanas, E. Ronald & Lavinia
Anderson, Albin & Lorraine
Andrews, Lidia Chomyk & Hartlan
Andrusyshyn, George
Andrusyshyn, John
Andryjowycz, Ludmyla
Bachek, Nellie & Peter
Badiwsky, Sophie
Bahdaj, Anna
Banera, Anna
Baran, Tom & Anne
Bartoszko, Aleksander
Bayko, Russell
Bell, Irena
Berezowsky, Jane
Berezowsky, Roman
Bezpalok, Fedir
Bidnyk, Michel & Anne-Marie
Bilanski, Mary
Blawacky, Benedict & Helen
Blysniuk, Greg
Bodnar, Dmytro & Olga
Boiwka, Julia
Borys, Diana
Brenneis, Marika
Buhel, Andrij & Halyna
Buniak, Steve
Burdyk, Olga
Burij, Anna
Buyniak, Victor O.
Central Products & Foods Ltd.
Chayka, Robert & Alice
Cherepacha, Michael
Cherniak, Iraida
Chochlacz, Jaroslawa
Cholowsky, Tania
Chomickyj, Roman
Chomynec, Fedir & Ewa
Chorneyko, Ihor & Anne
Chromej, Iwan
Chubaty, Eugene
Chucko, William & Amelia
Cybulsky, Andrey
Czich, Myron
Dackiw, Peter & Motria
Darcovich, Isabelle
Darewych, Jurij
Demko, Jozef & Julia
Diachuk, Josephine
Diakiw, Orest or Lucille
Dlugosh, Marvin
Drabik, Wasyl
Drunewych, Igor
Dubyk, Katherine
Dyda, Walter
Dymetryszyn, Teodor
Dzulynsky, Orest & Tanya
Elaschuk, George
Fedeyko, William & Justine
Fedoryshyn, Julia
Firman, John & Mary
Gawick, William & Martha
Gnazdowsky, Bill
Goral, Walter
Gorejko, Anna
Gowriluk, Sam & Ella
Gray, Jim & Sylvia
Grzenda, Frank & Elaine
Gula, Leonida
Halchuk, Jaroslaw & Sophie
Halkewycz, Maria
Halkewycz, Roman & Maria
Harasym, Maria or Olia or Anna or Andri
Harris, Edward
Hawaleshka, Ostap & Tatiana
Hawryshok, Olga
Haydey, Orest & Zennovia
Hewak, Benjamin
Hirnyj, Jaroslawa
Hirnyj, Jaroslawa
Hirnyj, Lada
Hirnyj, Lada
Hladylovych, Adolph
Hohol, Albert
Homeniuk, Anna
Hornich, Adrian & Irene
Hrinko, Walter
Hrycyna, Taras
Hrywkiw, Larry
Hudema, Anne
Huk, Anna
Huk, Bohdan & Anna
Hurko, Stefania
Iwanec, Parasia
Iwanic, Amile
Jaremy, Ilene
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia
Kalimin, Michael & Mary
Kandiuk, Nicholas & Ann Marie
Karpiak, Grace
Kawanka, Mychajlo
Keaschuk, Kathryn
Kielbasa, Rene & Janina
Kinash, Julian
Kindrachuk, Pauline
Kisil, Stefan
Klid, Bohdan & Halyna
Kocherha, Walter
Kokot, John & Antonia
Kolanitch, Walter & Mary
Kolisnyk, Roman
Komorowsky, Andrij & Lidia
Konyk, Theodore
Korolischuk, Elias & Ruth
Korolus, Wolodymyr
Kotyk, Adam & Mary
Kowalsky, Alice
Kowalyk, Alexandra
Kozorys, Marko
Krajnyk, Iwan
Krill, John & Lydia
Krueger, Katie
Kucharyshyn, John
Kurchaba, Louis & Phyllis
Kushko, CSSR, Methodius
Kuzmiuk, Rozalia
Kuzyk, Jennie
Kuzyshyn, Paul
Latyshko, Nicholas
Lepki, Michael & Mary
Leskiw, Steve
Lewchuk, Mary
Lewicki, Walter & Natalie
Liewicki, Jennie
Luchak, Michael & Tamara
Lunyk, Stefan & Anna
Lysowycz, Joseph
Lysyk, George & Orysia
Mack, Maurice
Maczuzak, Stefan
Maksymetz, Lawrence
Malaschuk, Iryna
Malish, Steve & Marlene
Manko, Joseph & Maria
Matyczak, Walter & Eva
Mazur, Maria
McKietiuk, William
Medwidsky, Wolodymyr & Switlana
Melnyk, Walter
Miller, Sheila
Moczerad, Nick & Karolina
Modny, Peter
Mohoruk, Don A. & Rose
Moleschi, Harry
Momotiuk, Harry & Irene
Moroz, Harry & Anne
Moschuk, George
Mudry, Nestor
Mykolyn, Bohdan
Mykolynskyj, Wasyl
Mysak, Orest & Mary
Nalywaiko, Wasyl
Nebesio, Maria
Nicholaichuk, Alice
Nikiforuk, Ray & Olga
Osmak, Luba
Pachkowski, Florence
Paltzat, Mary H.
Parkland Ukrainian Pioneer Association
Pawlowsky, Mark
Pawlowsky, Michael
Pelech, Ihor & Mary
Peniak, Natalia
Perun, Tekla
Petyhyrycz, Bohdan
Pidwerbeski, Wally
Pidwysocky, James
Pitts, Olesia
Pryslawsky, Roman
Pshyk, Lawrence & Mary
Puhach, Ivan & Justyna
Pylat, Slawka Gowlich & Markian
Pylypiuk, Marko & Olga
Pylypiw, Iwan
Pylypiw, Wasyl
Radomskyj, Wolodymyr
Ramsz, Maria
Rayner Agencies Ltd
Riordan, Al & Dolores
Roberts, Joyce & Don
Romaniuk, Marcia
Romaniuk, Orest & Susan
Romanow, Walter & Yvonna
Romanyschyn, Oleh
Rudzik, Michael
Ruzycki, Olga
Sadiwnyk, Nick
Sadiwskyj, Bohdan & Anna
Sajewycz, Michael & Romana
Samotulka, Alexandra
Saranchuk, Walter S. & Diane
Schilak, Alexander & Anna
Schur, Patricia
Sembaliuk, Patricia & Paul
Semeniuk, Paul & Olga
Semenuik, William & Pauline
Seniuk & Company Chartered Accountants $100.00
Senyshyn, Emil & Mary Jane
Shevchuk, Vera
Shipowick, Michael & Irene
Shumsky, Barbara and Ernest
Shyshkowich #8925, Father
Sicinsky, Maria Nina
Sirko, John & Nadia
Skocen, Stefania
Slipiec, Peter & Clara
Sluzar, Roman & Halia
Smal, Emilia
Small, Nicholas
Smerchanski, Helen
Snihurowych, Liselotte
Soroski, Michael
Spikula, William & Mary
St. James Hotel
Stadnyk, Maria
Staples, Jeanette
Stebelsky, Andrew
Steciuk, Nicholas & Stella
Stefanuk, William E.
Strutynski, Mark
Sulyma, Lelia
Sutherland, Garnette & Helen
Sweryda, Jerry
Sydoruk, Borys & Donna
Szuch, Hryhory & Paula
Szuch, Lubomyr & Maria
Szypka, Mary
Taraschuk, Ihor
Tatarniuk, Myron or Beverly
The Ukrainian Catholic Foundation
of Canada
Tkach, John
Tkachenko, Ted & Irene
Tokar, Wolodymyr
Turinski, Nicholas
Turko, Emily
UCC Canora Branch
Ukrainian People’s Home Of Ivan Franko
Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada, SUM $50.00
Ulycznyj, Michael
UWAC - Daughters of Ukraine
Veryha, Oksana
Wasyliw, Bill
Pochmursky, Larisa
Poticznyj, Michael
Potopnyk, George
Pozernick, Ron & Lynn
Prociuk, Anna
Wasyliw, Orest & Joan
Wasylyn, Lidia M
Wawruck, Walter
Weppler, Bonnie
Wevursky, Nancy
Witiw, Dmytro
Witrak-Oughton, Richard & Katherine
Woroby, Michael & Olga
Yarkun, Katherine
Zacharewycz, Maria
Zajac, Ihor & Jean
Zakaluzny, Walter
Zalusky, Taras
Zelenko, Peter Walter
Zenewych, Stefania
Zurawsky, Andrew & Irene
Abrametz, Peter A.
Abrametz, Tom
Adamko, Jim & Helen
Addamowich, Greg
Alexandruk, Michael
Amos, Bob
Anderson, Albin & Lorraine
Andreychuk, Raynell
Andruschak, John & Irene
Andryjowycz, Yurij & Olesia
Archer, Judy
Babey, Ken & Jackie
Babij, Michael
Bachynski, Walter & Mary
Bahniuk, Bohdan & Hanya
Bahrey, Maurice & Zane
Bailey, Allan
Bailey’s Funeral Home Ltd
Baker, Yvan
Balan, Lesia Boychuk & Jaroslaw
Balatsko, Stephan
Baluta, Jerry
Balych, Miron
Balyski, Ed & Deb
Baran, Bohdan & Sylvia
Barber, David
Bayda, Bohdan & Eileen
Bayduza, Stephanie
Baziuk, Luba
Baziuk, Maryann
Bazylewicz, Stephania
Beblow, Paul & Sylvia
Beesley, John
Bellamy, Robert & Elizabeth
Bennett, Donald & Mary
Bereziuk, Tanya
Berezuk, Theresia
Besdyelnyy, Serhiy
Bhardwaj, Nareshinder
Biccum, Marjorie
Bidniak, Annette
Bidulka, Johanna
Bidwell, Noelle
Bihun, Lena
Bilanski, Anna
Bilinsky, Wasyl
Bilogan, Stephen
Bilyk, Marta
Blakley, Jeanette
Blawacky, Benedict & Helen
Blysniuk, Nick & Valentina
Bobick, Edward J. & Nancy
Bodnar, Bernie & Marlene
Bodnar, Marlene
Bodnar, Rosanne
Bodnarchuk, John & Marjorie
Bohaichuk, Nestor
Bokshowan, Dorothy
Bombak, Anna
Boogies Diner
Bootsman, Ken & Marie
Boychuk, Ernest
Boychyn, Bob
Boychyn, Donald
Boyko, Adrian & Sonia
Boyko, Elizabeth
Boyko, garry
Boyko, John & Julia
Boyko, Walter
Braney, Chris
Bremner, Don & Sonia
Brenneis, Marika
Broda, Dave & Eileen
Brodziak, Lorna
Browaty, Jeff
Bryniawsky, Zenny
Budzak, Nick & Mary
Bula, Wolodymyr
Bunka, Paul
Bursey, George & Nadia
Buyniak, Victor O.
Buzowetsky, Judy
Cameron, Natalie
Campbell, Derek
Canadian Importers Ltd. Ukrainian Bookstore $45.00
Candler, Bryan
Canora Pharmacy Ltd.
Carr, MariAnne
Carrie, Colin
Chaganova, Remma
Chainiewski, Oleg Andre
Chapman, Bob
Charney, Lena
Chateau Louis
Cherkas, J.D.
Cherneski, Patrick
Cherneski, Patrick & Ruth
Chernezky, Dmytro
Chipchura, Bob
Chmilar, Ed
Cholod, Andrew & Anne
Choloniuk, Leon
Choma, Demitro
Chrapko, Metro
Christenson, Jacquie
Christie’s Funeral Home
Chrunik-Rudiak, Joyce
Chrusch, James
Chrusch, John & Angeline
Chrusch, John & Angeline
Chubry, Maurice & Olga
Chudczak, Christine
Chumer, Nestor & Alice
Ciona, Iris A.
Ciona, Mike & Marg
Ciona, Sylvia
Cipywnyk, Bohdan & Naddie
Combres, Callie
Czolij, Eugene & Anna
Czolij, Yaroslaw & Marika
Czornobaj, Eugene & Olha
Czurma, Stefan
Dacko, Ivan
Dagenais, Ophelia
Dagnone, Larissa
Danylchenko, Ivan
Darcovich, Isabelle
Davyduke, Morris & Kathy
Day, Adeline
Demchuk, Clarence & Helena
Demczuk, Bohdan & Olga
Derow, Clarence & Alice
Devrome, Robert & Christine
Diachyshyn, Ewhen & Maria
Diakowsky, Morris J. & Daria
Didula, Cindy
Dmytruk, Chrysant
Dmytruk, Rostyk
Domytrak, Walter
Donald, Richard
Doobush, Pat & Rick
Dozorec, James
Drabycz, John & Donna
Duch, Steve
Dumalski, Carol
Dumanski, Mike
Dumanski, William & Marge
Duncan, Maria
Dupuis, Eugene
Dutka, June
Dyda, Walter
Dymianiw, William & Mary
Dytyniak, Maria
Dzaman, Dmytro & Lidia
Dzenick, Russell & Johanna
Dziadyk, Andrew & Adeline
Dzialo, Bob & Melviena P.
Dziedzic, Peter
Edwards, Lilli
Edwards, Natalie
Elaschuk, George
Eleniak, Steven P. & Anne
Elkow, Dennis & Halyna
Elniski, Doug
England, Amy
Esakin, Marian
Eshenko, Luba
Eveneshen, Orest & Evelyn
Famulak, Bob & Darlene
Faryna, Rose
Faryna, Steve T. & Victoria
Fediw, MIke
Fedorowich-Berscheid, Sharon
Fedoruk, Alexandra
Fedoruk, Bella
Feduschak, Luba
Fedyna, Ivan
Feres, Margaret
Fielding, Gerald & Stephanie
Figol, Myron & Christina
Foty, George & Lesya
Franko, John
Franko, Nick & Jennie
Franko, Roma or Stefan
Franko, Roma or Stefan
Gabora, Nell
Gabruch, Laurianne
Gabrush, Dennis & Zenia
Gabrush, Shannon
Galagan, Ron
Galczyk, Steve
Ganczar, Stanley & Eileen
Garman, Rose
Gauk, Orest & Roma
Gavrilova, Lina
Gawdyda, Kathleen
Gawdyda, Orest
Gawryliuk, Garry
Geary, Muriel & Lyle
Girardin, Genevieve
Gnazdowsky, Bill
Gnyp, Olga
Goertzen, Tracy
Goodwin, John
Gordey, Gordon
Gowda, Orest & Linda
Gray, Jim & Sylvia
Greenway, Kelly
Grigorenko, Mary
Groch, Emilian & Dianna
Grod, Dr. Jaroslaw & Olya
Grod, Paul
Gruzin, Paul
Gryba, Eileen
Grytsiv, Nataliya
Gulka, Darcy
Gulka, Paul
Gulka, Peter & Anna
Guthrie, Brad & Andrea
Hantzsch, Michael & Petrusia
Harach, Paul
Harapniuk, Katharine
Harasymchuk, Sylvia
Harasymowycz, Paul
Harmatare, Rein
Harrakh, Ivan
Harras, Tony E. & Sharon
Harris, Norman
Hawraniak, John
Hawraniak, Michael
Hawryliw, Pat & Stan
Hawryluk, P & P
Hawrysh, Kate
Hawrysh, Tymofiy
Hayduk, Larisa
Henry, John
Heshka, Eugene
Heshka, Natalie
Hewryk, Stefania
Hewson, Clare
Hladio, Bohdan
Hladky, John
Hladky, Mary & William
Hladky, Nick
Hladun, Ben
Hladyshevsky, Andrew
Hladyshevsky, Myroslav
Hleck, Leo
Hlus, Brian & Barbara
Hlus, Olga
Hnatiuk, Eugene
Hnatiuk, Eugene
Hnatiuk, Joseph & Charlotte
Holinaty, Elizabeth
Holowachuk, John
Holowaychuk, Donna
Homenuk, Ann
Horobec, Vera
Howlett, Ivan & Doreen
Hrabowy, Gloria
Hrabowy, Gloria
Hrabowy, Kathy
Hruszowski, Mary
Hryckiw, Daria
Hrytsak, Anne
Huculak, Erast
Hudema, Anne
Hudson, Jayne
Humen, Mary
Humenny, Orest
Hunko, Bob
Hydeman, Wayne & Mary Ellen
Ilko, Gereluk
Ilnycky, Michael
Ilnyckyj, Andrew & Anne
Ivankiv, Petro
Iwanchuk, Andy
Iwanchuk, Andy & Ann
Iwaszko, Darlene
Jackson, Michele
Jaremtshenko, Boris
Jerry Pryshlak, Daria Kish
Johnson, V.J.
Juneau, Paul
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia
Kachur, Joseph
Kadzela, Svitlana
Kalamin, Michael
Kalnins, Pat
Kalusny, Evhen
Kalyn, Brenda
Kaminski, Wally & Anna
Kaminsky, Marlene
Kaminsky, Orest & Rosaline
Kardynal, Harry & Evelyn
Kardynal, Mike and Adeline
Kardynal, Paul & Evelyn
Karol, Tony & Elsie
Karpo, William
Kautz, Leann
Kaweski, Peter
Kawzenuk, Mike
Kaye, Chrystyne
Kaye, Olga
Kerelchuk, Rose
Kindrachuk, Slawko & Carol
Kindzersky, Jerry & Vera
King, Olive
Kisak, Eugene
Kish, Walter
Kishchuk, Boris & Marie
Kishchuk, Boris & Marie
Kishchuk, Tom & Hamlin, Joanne
Kit, John
Kiziak, Sylvia
Klid, Bohdan & Halyna
Klimchuk, Bev
Klimochko, Dennis
Klimosko, Alvena
Klopoushak, Edward
Klopoushak, Larry & Alicia
Klopoushak, Stan & Anne
Koban, Geraldine
Kobitowich, William & Phyllis
Kobrynsky, Donald McKinnon & Marusia
Kobrynsky, Lillian
Kobrynsky, Lillian
Kobylka, Mike & Olga
Kobylko, Stanley & Roseann
Kohaykevych, Ihor & Oksana
Kohut, Khrystyna
Komarnicki, Ollie & Mike
Konanec, Taras
Konarowski, Marilyn
Konopatsky, Wasyl
Kopczynsky, Shaun
Kopylech, Andrea
Korchmaryk, Bohdan
Korol, Irene Orysia
Korol, Paul
Korol, Sylvia
Korol, Sylvia
Korol, Taras & Dorothy
Korolewich, Mary
Korolischuk, Elias & Ruth
Koroll, C.L.
Korownyk, Leo
Korpan, Morris O. & Anna
Korpus, Evelyn
Korpus, Ray & Sonia
Koschman, Nick
Koschmann, Vivian & Peter
Kostenko, Steve & Marta
Kostiuk, Sam & Melody
Kostiuk, Sandra
Kostyniuk, Peter & Shirley
Kostyuk, Serhiy
Kotyk, Adam & Mary
Kouri, George
Kowalchuk, Dan & Phyllis
Kowalchuk, Victoria
Kowalsky, Alice
Kowalsky, Myron & Olesia
Kowaluk, Bohdan & Rachel
Kozak, Len
Kozak, Oksana
Koziak, Julian & Barbara
Koziak, Neil
Kozicki, Paul
Kozy, Karl
Krawchenko, Volodymyr
Krawchuk, CSSR, Thaddeus
Krawetz, Ken
Krenosky, Nadine
Krochak, Michael B. & Marie
Krushelniski, Alvena
Kryschuk, Meroslaw & Dobr. Nadia
Kryworuk, Peter
Kuc, Chester & Luba
Kuchirka, Helen
Kuchyna, Andrij
Kule, Peter & Doris
Kulycky, Yourko & Vera
Kunanec, Walter
Kuplowska, Olga M.
Kurylo, Olga
Kushko, CSSR, Methodius
Kushner, Helen
Kutash, Ihor
Kuz, Lorris
Kuzma, Oleh & Marta
Kuzmenko, Lyudmyla
Kuzyk, Bohdan
Kuzyk, Terry
Kwasny, Greg
Labach, Terry & Vera
Lacousta, Ray
Lakas, Constantine Gus
Lakusta, Maurice
Lalach, Greg - Park Funeral Chapel
Langhorst, Audrey & Bruce
Lashyn, Grace
Lastewka, Walter & Carol
Lawrence, Betti & Gerry
Leniuk, Jacob & Gloria
Leschinsky, Janice
Leskiw, Eugenia & Ron
Letwin, Annie
Lewandosky, Joanne
Lewyckyj, Jurij
Lichacz, Michael
Livingstone, Lilia & Patrick
Lozinsky, Joseph
Lozinsky, Ken
Lozowchuk, Yaroslaw
Luchak, Michael & Tamara
Luciuk, Gerald & Cathy
Luciuk, Jim
Luciw & Andrew Hladyshevsky, Daria
Luhovy, Yurij & Zorianna
Lukie, CSSR, Raymond
Luzney, Joseph or Michaeline
Lys, Helen
Lysak, Pauline & Alex
Lysak, Zenon & Pamela
Lysyk, Dmytro & Paraskevia
Lysyk, Edward & Janet
Lysyk, Edward & Janet
Lysyk, George & Orysia
Maceluch, Walter
Maciw, Bohdan & Helena
Macko, Andre
Magus, Helene
Makeechak, Phil & Teresa
Makohoniuk, William
Makowsky, Adrian
Makowsky, Boris & Mae
Makowsky, D. Mitch & Marianne
Makowsky, John O. & Thelma
Makowsky, Michael
Makowsky, Taras & Dobr. Joanne
Makuch, Nestor
Makuch, Stefan
Manastyrsky, Peter & Helen
Mandryk, Dianne
Manilla, Mathew
Marchinko, Bernard & Patricia
Marchinko, Jason
Marks, Ted
Masiuk, Emilia
Maslyk, Sylvia & Bob
Masse, Tammy
Mawani, Nick
Maybroda, Elizabeth
Mayhew, Mark
Maykut, Dmetro
Mazur, Ken
Mazur, Tony & Edna
McCutcheon, Elaine
McNie, Donald
McPeek, Doug
Meader, Sandra
Medwidsky, Bohdan
Medynsky, Stefan
Melnyk, Alex
Melnyk, Olenka
Melnyk, Stefan
Metrunec, Gerald & Anne
Mezibroski, Joe & Janice
Mialkowsky, Clem
Mialkowsky, Michael & Patricia
Miazga, Simon
Michayluk, Anne
Michayluk, Julian & Mary Ann
Michayluk, Tim & Audrey
Miller, Halyna
Milner, Catherine
Minosora, Alecia
Moisey, Cheryl
Moleschi, Harry
Morenec, Paul
Moroz, Peter
Morsky, Nick
Morwick, Bryan
Morykon, Peter
Morykon, Walter
Moskal, Yuri
Mosychuk, Harry & Esther
Mota, Wolodymyr
Mudrey, Michael
Mudry, Nestor
Mudry, Pauline
Mulak, Louis
Mulak, Stefan
Mulek, Caroly Joan
Murij, Omelan
Murphy Oil Company Ltd.
Muzh, Volodymyr
Muzyka, Russell
Mychasiuk, Wasylyna
Mykyte, Arthur & Maureen
Mykytiuk, Kathleen
Myroniuk, Nick & Olga
Mysak, David & Sonia
Mysak, Marlene H.
Nahachewsky, Andrij
Nahachewsky, Andriy
Naklowick, Irka
Nakonechny, Victor & Geraldine
Nazywalsky, Mykhajlo & Shirley
Nebozuk, Bohdan
Nelipa, Tamara
Nemish, Mary
Neo Tan, Kim
Nestorowich, Michael & Mary Ann
Nicholaichuk, Alice
Nicol, Catherine
Nicol, Robert
Nikiforuk, Ray & Olga
Niniowsky, Peter
North Winnipeg Credit Union Ltd.
Nowosad, Olga
Nowosad, Peter
Nowostawskyj, Michael
Nowytzkyj, Kateryna
Oborkowsky, Raja
Ochitwa, Miroslaw B.
Oleksyn Keenan, Terry Anne
Oleksyn, Sylvia E.
Oleksyshyn, Myron
Olenick, Adrian & Vera
Olynyk, Doris
Olynyk, Vera
Opyr, Andrea
Ortynsky, Evan & Brenda
Ortynsky, Mikaila
Ortynsky, Nestor & Jennie
Ortynsky, Stephanie
Ortynsky, Terry
Ortynsky, Terry & Linda
Ostapchuk, Gordon & Marion
Ostrowerka, Tillie
Ouellette, Jerry
Oystreck, Emmanuel
Ozipko, Korneil
Pacholok, Greg
Palenchuk, William
Paluck, Ernest & Jayne
Paluck, Holly
Panio, John & Angie
Papish, Bohdan & Eunice
Papish, Peter & Annie
Parchoma, John & Mary
Pasichnyk, Hazel
Pasieka, Kathleen
Pasternak, Stephan
Patryluk, Alex & Olynne
Paty, Judy
Pavlychenko, Lusia
Pawliw, Harry & Jenny
Pawliw, Orest & Irena
Pawliw, Sonja
Pawluk, Lynnien
Pentaluk, Morris & Lorraine
Penzie, Jennie
Perrin, Verna
Perritt, Lesia D.
Peterson, Carolyn
Petras, Anton
Petrowski, Mary
Petrowski, Teresa
Petryshyn, Walter & Marusia
Petryszyn, Walter & Maria
Piasta, Edward
Pidkowich, John
Pidperyhora, Nestor & Rosaline
Pidskalny, CSSR, Peter
Pilipow, William & Sonia
Pillipow, Don & Jenny
Pillipow, Nicole
Pillipow, Stephen & Shelley
Pillipow, Steve & Aileen
Pillipow, Zane & Cindy
Pisesky, Rudi
Pitts, Olesia
Planidin, Bob
Plawiuk, Dmytro & Paula
Plishka, Tom
Pohranychny, Henry
Polischuk, Oleh
Popeniuk, Dorothy
Popik, Barney
Popowych, Yuri & Bernadette
Porochiwnyk, Daria
Porochiwnyk, Mary
Porylo, Olga
Potts, Tom & Nadine
Powalinsky, P.
Powaschuk, James
Predy, Patrick
Prentice, Rosemary
Prezlata, Walter
Pringle, Ingrid
Prociuk, Alice
Procyshyn, Leona
Prokopchuk, John & Rosalie
Prokopchuk, Leonard & Nadia
Prokopetz, Natalie
Prokopetz, Vadim
Prokopiw, Mike & Sandra
Prokopiw, Peter & Maria
Prosky, Bill & Olga
Prystai, Metro
Pryszlak, Igor
Prytuluk, Bruce & Astrid
Pshyk, Lawrence & Mary
Puderak, Bob & Irene
Puderak, John
Puderak, John
Purich, Donald
Pylypec, Irene
Pysyk, Victor
Pyszniak, M. & O.
R.J. Dmytruk Professional Corp
Rathgeber, Doreen
Ravary, Sandra
Rayner Agencies Ltd
Redemptorist Fathers
Regehr, Murray & Vickie
Remenda, Rose
Rewa, Oksana
Richkun, Nestor
Rohachuk, Doris
Rohatynsky, Michael
Roman, Eugene & Renata
Romanish, Orest
Romaniuk, Anna
Romaniuk, Bohdan S.
Romaniw, Stefan & Ursula
Romanow, Larry
Romanow, Walter & Yvonna
Rorke, Wayne
Roslak, Maria
Roszko, Leon
Rozdilsky Law Office
Rudiak, Jerry
Rudko, Walter & Jean
Rudychuk, Darcy
Sadiwnyk, Nick
Saganski, Julia
Sajko, Mychaylo
Salewich, Bernie & Olga
Salnick, Leslie
Samborsky, Lorraine
Samcoe, Emelia
Samcoe, John & Ann
Samoil, Mary
Sarich, Steve & Janice
Savaryn, Michael
Savaryn, Peter & Olya
Savaryn, Peter & Olya
Sawchyn, Henry
Sawchyn, John & Jean
Sawyshyn, Sylvia
Schabel, Catherine
Selby, Virginia
Selvester, Wolodymyr
Sembaliuk, Patricia & Paul
Semchishen, Orest
Semchyshyn, Mark
Semeniuk, Constantine & Vera
Semeniuk, Paul & Olga
Semeniuk, William & Pauline
Semenuik, William & Pauline
Semko, Gayle
Sen, Boris & Patricia
Seniuk, Gerald & Jeralyn
Seniuk, Gerald & Jeralyn
Seniuk, Michael
Senkiw, John & Connie
Senyk, Stephen & Sandra
Serbin, Dan & Mary
Serbyn, Roman
Sereda, Daria
Serray, Andrew W. & Claudia
Shandro, Tyler
Shawaga, Bernice
Shawaga, Michael
Shawaga, Michael
Sheriff, Mark
Shevchenko, Oleksiy
Shevchuk, Yvonne
Shewchuk, Carol
Shewchuk, Judith
Shewchuk, Mary
Shewchuk, Steve & Sadie
Shinkewski, Terry & Carol
Shiplack, Eunice
Shiplack, Will
Sholdra, Maryanne
Shostak, William
Shrubsole, Orysia
Shulakewych, Yarema
Shuychyk, Roman
Silecky, Markian
Silecky, Walter
Simcisin, Lidia
Sissons, Sharron
Skakun, Ernest & Vivian
Skoreyko, Alan
Skoreyko, Mack & Stephie
Skorobohatyy, Ivan
Skrypka, Russell & Frances
Skwarchuk, Donna
Skwarchuk, Sally
Slabak, Bogdan
Slipiec, Peter & Clara
Sloboadian, Thomas
Sloboda, Lena
Smisko, Bob & Iris
Smith, Joy
Smolynec, Michael
Smycniuk, Elaine
Snihurowych, Melety & Joanne
Sokyrka, Harold & Sonia
Solomon, Ken & Mable
Solonysznyj, Anna
Solowej, Hryhorij
Soltykevych, Orest & Lesia
Soltys, John & Marie
Sopatyk, Alice
Sopatyk, William & Rose
Sopinka, Iris
Sorochan, Dan
Sorokan, Myron
Soroski, Michael
Sotnikow, Tanya
St. Andrews Men’s Club
St. John’s Institute
St. Michael’s Long Term Care Centre
Stadnyczuk, Kateryna
Stadnyk, Maria
Starchuck, Ted & Margaret
Stasiuk, Holly
Stechishin, Zenia
Steciuk, Eugene
Stecyk, Stefan
Stefaniuk, Kim
Stefaniuk, Stefan
Stefaniuk, Steve & Josephine
Stefanuk, Ernie & Jan
Stelmach, Alexander & Angeline
Stelmach, Ed & Marie
Stephaniuk, Bernard N. & Margaret
Sternig, Cameron & Donna
Stezik, Christine
Stinka, Wasyl & Anne
Storozuk, Ronald
Streibel, Mary
Striemoukhov, Sergii
Strilchuk, Irene
Stronski, John
Suchevan, Yuri
Sushko, Adolph
Swiatylo, George
Sydor, Eva
Sydorko, Millie
Sydoruk, Borys & Donna
Symchych, Stanley
Syrnick, Syl & Lucy
Syrnyk, Darcy
Sywanyk, Yaroslaw
Szewczuk, Jaroslaw
Szram, Nadija
Talanchuk, Natalia
Talpash, Orest & Lesia
Tamara Tkaczuk, Lydia Tkaczuk
Tanchak, Alan & Wendy
Tarnawsky, Andrew & Oksana
Tataryn, Bohdan V.
Tataryn, Ivanna
Tatchyn, Michael
Teterenko , Paul
Tiahur, Wasyl
Tkachuk, David
Tkachyk, George
Tkaczuk, Nadia
Todos, Roman
Tomashewski, Sylvia
Tomniuk, Eva
Topolnisky, Eugene
Toporowski, Stephanie
Trach, Lenard
Trafananko, Harold & Nadia
Tratlie, Harold
Trischuk, Bernie & MaryAnn
Trobiak, M.J.
Turpitko, Anatoliy
Tymchyshyn, Edward & Patricia
Tymiak, Glen & Lena
Tywoniuk, Nick
UCWLC Holy Ghost Parish
Uhryn (Don’s Pharmacy), Ernest
Uhryn, Ernest & Arlene
Uhryn, Oksana
Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada
Ukrainian Co-operative Association Ltd.
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada
Ulychnyj, Michael
Uzwyshyn, Audrey
Vandermeer, Tony
Viczko, Phyllis
Vogel, Mary
Wachniak, Elizabeth
Wachowich, Allan H.
Wagner, Julian
Wakshinsky Bros. Ltd.
Walkiw, Bohdan & Veronika
Wallace, Greg & Kathy
Wanchuk, Jeannette & Robert
Wandzura, Joe & Ruth
Warawa, Julian
Warchola, Adrian
Warnyca, Orest & Gwen
Wasik, Walter & Mary
Waskowic, Fred & Lorraine
Wasyliw, Orest & Joan
Wasylko, Mykola
Wasylyn, Lidia M
Wasylynka, Nick & Alice
Wasylyshen, Henry
Wawruck, Walter
Wawryshyn, Michael & Halia
Werenka, Bill
Werezak’s Pharmacy
Williams, Gloria
Wilson, Marie
Wince, Trevor
Winniczuk, Ivan
Wirtz, Paul & Andrea
Wiwchar, CSSR, Bishop Michael
Wiwchar, Robert
Wiznura, Roman
Wodwud, Roman
Wojcichowsky, Ed & Evelyn
Wolf, David
Woloschuk, Catherine
Woloschuk, Wayne & Lesia
Wood, Bruce
Woroniuk, Orest
Woytowich, Marie
Wrznesnewskyj, Borys
Wuschenny, Robert & Adeline
Wyshynsky, Petro & Anna
Yaholnitsky, Gerald
Yaholnitsky, Michael & Carol
Yakimetz, Steven
Yakymchuk, Marian
Yarotsky, Morley & Frances
Yaworski, Eileen
Yaychuk, Elaine
Yereniuk, Emil & Orasia
Yopyk, George & Slava
Yurchyshyn, Steve & Audrey
Yusypchuk, Orest
Yuzik, Zennia and Peter
Zacharewycz, Zenon
Zacherniuk, Hennadij & Olena
Zadorozny, Barbara
Zaharia, Gloria & George
Zahayko, Elizabeth
Zajac, Walter
Zakreski, Peter & Elaine
Zaleschuk, Michael
Zapisocki, Ron
Zelenko, Peter Walter
Zendran, Peter
Zisser, Helmut
Zrymiak, William
Zubryckyj, Nick
Zuk, Luba
Zukiwski, Ollie & Nick
Zukiwsky, Michael
Zukiwsky, Walter
Zwarych, Darrell
Zwarych, Joyce
Zwarych, Oksanna
Zwarych, Susan
Zwetkow, Iwan
Zwetkow, Victor
Chwaluk, Mae
Antoniw, John
Awramenko, N
Bajor, Irene
BCU Foundation
Bennet, Michaeline
Berezniak, Pawlo
Bokalo, Oksana
Brenko, Bohdan & Margaret
Byca, Nina
Canadian Friends of Ukraine
Charnetski, Emily
Chytra, Anastasia
Chytra, Zenon
Cipko, Serge
Cybulsky, Andrey
Denisko, Bill
Diakonow, Maria
Diakow, Maryann Kobza & Peter
Doliszny, Ben & Mary
Dubas, Donna
Dusanowskyj, Taras and Olga
Fedoshytko, Ihor
Feduschak, Luba
Folusiewicz, L.
Government of Canada
Gregorish, Stephen & Mary
Groch, Myron
Gulay, Oleh
Hnat, Bohdan
Holowash, Lydia
Hrabowich, Irene
Hrycajkiw, Jerry
Hryckiw, Daria
Hrycyna, Roman & Maria
Hrynkiw, Robert
Huzyk, Lydia
Ilnytzkyj, Oleh
Investors Group Matching Gift Program
Kachmar, Marshall
Kantor, E.
Kardash, J
Kit, John
Kocijowsky, M.
Konopatsky, Wasyl
Koschman, Nick
Kostiw, Bohdan
Kostruba, Orest & Irene
Kotovych, George & Halyna
Kowalik, Gregor
Krawachuk, Donna
Krawchuk, Marilyn
Kruk, Myron & Olga
Kucharyshyn, Lubov
Kuplowska, Olga M.
Kuryliw, Valentina
Kushner, Joe
League of Ukrainian Canadian Women
of Canada
Lebedin, Walter & Sonia
Leganchuk, Art & Lillian
Lehzdyn, Andriy
Luczka, Maria
Lysyk, Olena
Maksymowych, Wolodymyr
Maryn, Michael
Marzotto, Marc
Mazepa Golden Age
McLellan, Irene
Melnychuk, Marika
Mikoula, Olexandr
Milko, Helen
Miller, Sheila
Monczak, Andry & Motria
Mycak, Peter D.
Newton, Irene
Nykolyuk, Bogdan
Onyskiw, Anna
Ozymko, Svitlana
Pekaruk, Jerry
Penchak, Bill
Perko-Hrycyna, Helen
Pidzamecky, Bohdan & Angelina
Podtepa, George
Prometheus Foundation
Ratitch, Bohdana
Rolland, Darcia & Peter
Romanec, Maria
Romaniuk, Orest & Susan
Romanyshyn, Petro
Roslak, Maria
Savaryn, Michael
Savaryn, Peter & Olya
Sheremeta, Walter
Siatetska, Dzvenyslava
Siolkowsky, Nestor
Slepokura, Kay
Slevinsky, Ann
Sobon, Sonia
Sokolosky, Jason
Spivak, Nick
St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox Ladies Aux. $250.00
St. John’s Senior CYMK
Szczur, Zenon
Szczurko, Bohdan
Szeworuk, Jarowlav
Taraniuk, Oleh & Jutta
The Calgary Foundation
Tokar, Wolodymyr
Turczyk, Luba
Tutkaluk, E.W.
UCWLC, St. Volodymyr Branch
Ukrainian Canadian Congress Windsor Branch
Ukrainian Catholic Parish of the Protection
of Blessed Virgin Mary
Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of
Canada - Sts Peter & Paul Branch
Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of the
Holy Protection
Ukrainian Community Society of Ivan
Ukrainian Women’s Organization of Canada,
Windsor Branch
Ukrainian Youth Association (St. Catherines) $250.00
Ukrainian Youth Unity Centre
Vorotilenko, Tamara
Warwa, Gregory
Wasyluk, Doreen
Wasylyn, Lidia M
Wintoniak, MaryAnn
Wynarchuk, Margaret
Yavorskyj, Anatoly
Yereniuk, Emil & Orasia
Yusypchuk, Orest
Zacharewycz, Maria
Zajac, Ihor & Jean
Zolota Zhoda Seniors Association
1454388 Ontario Limited
Adamowich, Morris & Anna
Aftanas, E. Ronald & Lavinia
Alberta Ukrainian Commemorative Society$1,500.00
Alexander’s Mens Wear LTD
All Charities Campaign
Ambroziak, Olenka
Andrejchuk, Michael & Luba
Andrejczuk, Caroline
Andrejko, Teofila
Andrews, Lidia Chomyk & Hartlan
Andreychuk, Raynell
Andrijaszyn, Zeone
Andrijczuk, Leon
Andruschak, John & Irene
Andrusiak, John and Roma
Andrusiak, Steve
Andrusyshyn, George
Andrusyshyn, John
Andrusyszyn, Anna
Andrusyszyn, Iwan & Ahafia
Andryjowycz, Ludmyla
Anguish, Elsie
Antonishak, Joe
Antoniuk, Myroslaw
Antoniuk, Theresa
Antoniv, Nina
Antoniw, John
Aroniw, Jurij
Atamanchuk, Wasyl
Atamanenko, George & Gloria
Babiak, Bohdan
Babiak, Constantyn
Babiak, Peter J.
Babij, Michael
Babiuk, Eugene & Irene
Babiuk, Katherine
Bablak, Lesya
Bachek, Nellie & Peter
Bachynsky, Myron & Jaroslawa
Baczynski, Dorothy
Badiwsky, Sophie
Bahdaj, Anna
Bahyra, Wasyl & Darija
Baker, Yvan
Balan, Lesia Boychuk & Jaroslaw
Balan, Wasyl & Irene
Baluk, M.
Balych, Alex & Pearl
Balych, Miron
Balycky, Myroslaw
Banach, Myroslawa
Banit, Vira
Barabash, Andrew
Baran, Catherine
Baran, Olga
Baran, Tom & Anne
Baran, Tom & Anne
Baranowsky, Pauline
Barczak, Mykola
Barida, Cecile
Barszczyk, John & Marion
Bartkiw, Petro
Bartoszko, Aleksander
Barwinsky, Jaroslaw & Mary
Basaraba, Maria
Bashtanyk, Anastasia
Batt, Sonia
Bayda, Taras & Violet
Bayduza, Stephanie
Baziuk, Luba
BCU Foundation
Bednarsky, Tatiana
Bejzyk, Sonja
Belbas, Wasyl
Beley, Peter & Mary
Berezowsky, Ihor
Berezowsky, Roman
Bezkorowajnyj, Nina
Bezpalok, Bohdan
Bezpalok, Dmytro
Bezpalok, Fedir
Bezwaczuk, Joseph
Bidnyk, Michel & Anne-Marie
Bidulka, Jim R.
Bidwell, Noelle
Bilinsky, Virginia
Bilinsky, Wasyl
Bilogan, Stephen
Bilous, Anna
Bilous, Walter & Doris
Bilyk, Harry
Blawacky, Benedict & Helen
Blischak, R.
Blysniuk, Greg
Blysniuk, Nick & Valentina
Blyszczak, Ronald
Bochan, Eugene & Marta
Bodak, Mychajlo
Bodnar, Maria
Bodnar, Marlene
Bodnar, Marta
Bodnarchuk, John & Marjorie
Bodnarchuk, Nina
Bodnarsky, Ted
Bodnaruk, Danylo & Pelagia
Bohach, William & Katherine
Bohaczuk, Roman
Bohonos, Mychajlyna
Boiwka, Julia
Bolubash, Natalie
Bolubasz, Anna
Borejko, Roman
Borodajluk, Nykola
Borys, Juri
Borys, Wasyl
Borys, Zenon
Borysiak, Walter
Boychuk, Ernest
Boychuk, Lesia
Boychuk, Volodymyr & Orysia
Boyechko, Vincent
Boyko, Iwan
Boyko, James
Boyko, Roman
Boyko, Roman
Boyko, Roman
Bozyk, Roman & Genia
Bradshaw, Doreen
Bratziw, Wasyl
Brenko, Bohdan & Margaret
Brenko, Ivan & Emilia
Briere, Denis
Broadhead, Daria & Bud
Broadhead, Henry & Daria
Broda, Stephania
Brokopiw, Eugene
Bryniawsky, Zenny
Buchok, Michael & Stephanie
Buczynsky, Vera
Buduchnist Credit Union
Buduchnist Credit Union Ltd.
Budyk, Alexis Kochan-Budyk & Nestor
Bugera, Iris & Maurice
Buhel, Andrij & Halyna
Bulchak, Bohdan & Alexandra
Buniak, Steve
Buratynsky, Mary
Burdyk, Olga
Burij, Anna
Bursey, George & Nadia
Burtyk, Sophia
Bury, Michael & Anne
Buyachok, Michael
Bzowy, Anna
Caisse populaire Desjardins Ukrainienne
de Montreal
Canada-Ukraine Camber of Commerce
Cap, David
Cap, Eustachij
Cap, Sophia
Caravan Logistics Inc.
Carpathia Credit Union Ltd.
Cechosh, Petro & Marta
Cenaiko, Fred
Central Products& Foods Ltd.
Chabursky, Omelan
Chaikowsky, Terry & Vicki
Chainiewski, Oleg Andre
Charko, Olha
Charko-Wintoniak, Stephan & Chrys
Chayka, Walter
Chepesiuk, Martin
Cherednyk, Peter & Maria
Cherepacha, Michael
Cherepuschak, Ernie
Cherkas, J.D.
Cherniak, Iraida
Chewpa, Roman
Chez, Roman & Gail
Chipchura, Bob
Chmara, Olive
Chochla, Marvin
Chochlacz, Jaroslawa
Choloniwsky, John & Katherine
Cholowsky, Tania
Choma, Demitro
Chomiak, David
Chomiak, Steve & Hildegard
Chomickyj, Roman
Chomycz, Michael
Chomyk, J. & Rosalie
Chomyn, Andriy
Chomyn, George
Chomynec, Fedir & Ewa
Choptiany, Thor & Chrystyna
Chorney, Sophie & Steve
Chorneyko, Ihor & Anne
Chromej, Iwan
Chrunyk, Paul & Waltraud
Chrusch, John & Angeline
Chubaty, Eugene
Chubry, Maurice & Olga
Chuchman, Andrew & Katherine
Chuchra, Andrij & Maria
Chucko, William & Amelia
Chumak, Alex
Chwaluk, Zenon and Orysia
Chyczij, Alexandra
Chyz, Nina
Cikalo, Michael
Clouthier, Mery
Coba, Roman & Olena
Conway, Gordon
Crowe, Christina
Cup, Bohdan
Curlook, Walter
Cwenar, Magdalena
Cybenko, Steve & Mary
Cybulsky, Andrey
Cymbalisty, Taras
Cyncar, Orest & Nadia
Czaikowsky, Zorina
Czerny, John and Anna
Czerwinsky, Mykola
Czolij, Eugene & Anna
Czolij, Yaroslaw & Marika
Czornyj, Irene & Fronsia
Czornyj, Katherine
Czurma, Stefan
Dach, Henry
Dackiw, Peter & Motria
Danylak, Olga
Danylchenko, Ivan
Danylchuk, Bohdan
Danyluk, Michael
Darcovich, Isabelle
Darowskyj, Wolodymyr
Daschko, George
Daszko, Michael & Bridget
Davydovych, Ihor
Dawidiuk, Wasyl
Dawydiak, Walter & Olga
Dedeluk, Wasyl
Dedio, Theodore
Dedio, Walter
Dejneka, Mykola
Delvecchio, Glen & Olga
Demchuk, Wasyl & Georgette
Demianczuk, Roksolana
Demianyk, Mathylda
Deneka, Estate of Victor
Deneka, Orest & Iryna
Derbawka, B.M.
Derbish, Daria
Derkach, Marianne
Derkach, Patricia
Derkacz, Olympia
Derworiz, Norman S.
Dery, Olga
Diakiw, Orest or Lucille
Diakonow, Maria
Diakunyk, Maria
Dilaj, Anna
Dlugosh, Marijka Diakiw & Walter
Dlugosh, Marvin
Dlugosz, Zina
Dmytriw, Nadia
Dobrowolsky, Natalia
Dobrowolsky, Stefan
Dolishny, Joseph
Dolnyckyj, Irko
Domanczuk, Irena
Dorosh, Peter
Dorosiewich, Stephanie
Dousko, Catherine
Dowhan, Mary
Dowzycky, Sonia
Dozorec, James
Drabik, Wasyl
Drabycz, John & Donna
Dragan, Andrew
Dragan, Michael
Drebot, Nadia
Drobot, Olga
Drunewych, Igor
Dubik, Helen
Dubik, Katherine
Dubrowsky, Julian and Zina
Duchnij, William & Stefania
Duda, Zenon & Sophia
Dudka, Eugene & Luba
Dula, Natalia
Dumanski, William & Marge
Dumka, Wasyl
Dupelycz, Myron & Kateryna
Dusanowskyj, Adrian
Dusanowskyj, Taras and Olga
Dutka, June
Dutko, Andrew
Dyczka, William
Dyda, Walter
Dymetryszyn, Teodor
Dymianiw, William & Mary
Dytyniak, Maria
Dzalapyn, Dmytro
Dzioba, George
Dzulynsky, Myon
Dzulynsky, Orest & Tanya
Eastern Chrysler
Einarson, Terry & Nadia
Elaschuk, George
Envirotech Air (2008) INC.
Eveneshen, Orest & Evelyn
Falinski, Olga
Faryna, Rose
Faulk, S.E.
Fecan, Sandra Faire & Ivan
Fecycz, Taras
Fedchun, Gerald
Federated Insurance
Fedewicz, John
Fediw, MIke
Fedoriw, Leo & Theresa
Fedorowich, Veronica
Fedoruk, Alexandra
Fedoruk, Rose
Fedoryshyn, Julia
Fedunkiw, Stephen
Feduschak, Luba
Fesyk, Boris & Irene
Fidyk, Wasyl & Rose
Figol, Myron & Christina
Filijowycz, Wasyl
Firchuk, John & Tamara - J & T Firchuk Rentals $200.00
Firman, John & Mary
Fischer-Slysh, Maria
Fitch, Sanford
Flejtuta, Eugene
Fodchuk, Eugenia
Foremsky, Anna
Forest Glen Public School
Forys, Anastazia
Foty, George & Lesya
Franko, Ivan
Franko, Nick & Jennie
Franko, Roma or Stefan
Galadza, Peter & Olenka
Gamrat, Michael
Garbowsky, Catherine
Garnette R. Sutherland Professional Corp. $100.00
Garrity, Olena & Patrick
Gavrilova, Lina
Gavris, Anna
Gawadzyn, Roman
Gawick, William & Martha
Gawura, Pawlo
Gegar, Michael & Sophia
Geleta, Peter & Sylvia
Gella, Yoris
Gelleta, Lawrence & Marie
Gelmich, Ernie & Louise
Gelner, Kataryna
Gengalo, Borys
Gereluk, Ilko
Gereta, Roman & Pamela
Ginter, Adele
Gludish, JoAnne
Gnatowski, Markian
Gnazdowsky, Bill
Gonta, Stephen
Goral, Walter
Gorbay, John
Gorchynski, Tony
Gorejko, Anna
Goshulak, Daria
Gowda, Katherine
Gowda, Orest & Linda
Gowriluk, Sam & Ella
Goy, Luba
Grenda, Irena
Grendowicz, Anna
Grishin, Rozalie
Groch, Emilian & Dianna
Grod, Dr. Jaroslaw & Olya
Grod, Nadia
Grod, Paul
Grosko, G. Vasyl
Gruza, Murray & Lissa
Grzenda, Frank & Elaine
Gudzio, Anna
Gudzio, Lesia
Gula, Leonida
Gulak, Mike
Gulay, Oleh
Gulayets, John & Mary Anne
Gulka, Peter & Anna
Gulka, Steve & Natalie
Gully, Anna
Gut, Roman
Guzylak, Kateryna or John
Haba, Eugenia
Hajdukewych, Andrew
Halchuk, Jaroslaw & Sophie
Halitsky, Eugene & Anna
Halkiw, Mike & Anna
Haniak, William
Hankivsky, Basyl
Hantzsch, Michael & Petrusia
Hanych, John & Christine
Harapniuk, Katharine
Haras, Orest and Irene
Haras, Orysia
Harasym, Maria or Olia or Anna or Andri
Harasym, T.
Harasymowycz, Andrij & Larissa
Harasymowycz, Georges & Anna
Harasymyshyn, Mary
Hardy, Mary-Anne
Harhay, Walter
Harrakh, Ivan
Harras, Tony E. & Sharon
Harris, Norman
Hawraniak, John
Hawraniak, Michael
Hawryliw, Pat & Stan
Hawryluk, Alexandra
Hawryluk, Ollie
Hawryluk, Petro & Bohdana
Hawryluk, Sylvester
Hawryluk, Walter
Hawrysh, Kate
Hawryshok, Olga
Herman, Eugene
Heshka, George
Hirniak, Stanislawa
Hirnyj, Jaroslawa
Hirnyj, Lada
Hladky, Mary & William
Hladky, Nick
Hladun, Ben
Hladylovych, Adolph
Hladyshevsky, Alexandra
Hladyshevsky, Helen
Hladyshevsky, Myroslav
Hlewka, John
Hlibchuk, Walter & Claire
Hlynka, Dmytro
Hlynka, Myron
Hnat, Bohdan
Hnatiuk, George & Anna
Hnatiuk, Joseph & Charlotte
Hnatykiw, Joseph
Hniteckyj, John & Mary
Hoffman, Mary A.
Hohol, Albert
Hohol, Michael & Maria
Holiad, Petro
Holmstrom, Olga
Holod, Rose
Holowacky, Bohdan & Christine
Holowatyj, Stefan
Holowka, Eugene & Halyna
Holowka, Julia
Holowka, Stefan
Holowko, John & Anna
Holub, Katherine
Holub, Maria
Holuk, Maurice & Elsie
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Holyk, Mike
Homenuk, Ann
Hontscharuk, Wasyl & Maria
Hopcroft, L.
Horbal, Pawlo
Hordienko, John
Horlatsch, Stefan
Hornich, Adrian & Irene
Hornich, Adrian A.
Horobec, Fred
Horodecky, John & Myroslawa
Horodnyk, Lubomyr
Horonowitsch, T.
Hrabowy, Gloria
Hrebinnyk, Maria
Hreczany, Anthony
Hrona, Mykola
Hruszowski, Mary
Hrycak, Michael
Hryckiw, Daria
Hrycyna, Roman & Maria
Hryhor, Taras
Hryhory, Martyn
Hryniewicz, Akilina
Hryniuk, Marta
Hryniw, Michel & Maria
Hrynkiw, Mary
Hrywna, Antonina
Hrywnak, Anna
Hubar, Vera
Huculak, Erast
Huculak, Mir
Huk, Anna
Huk, Bohdan & Anna
Hukowich, Andrew
Hukowich, Andrew
Hull, Andrew & Sofia
Humanski, Sviatoslava
Humenczuk, Tania
Humeniuk, Nick & Catherine
Humenny, Orest
Hunka, Yaroslav
Hunko, Bob
Hupaliwsky, Petro & Maria
Hurko, Stefania
Husaruk, Eugene
Huzar, Maria
Hwozdulych, Boris
Hyworon, Demyan
Hyworon, Eugene
Ian Ihnatowycz Family Foundation
Ignash, Pauline
Ihnatowycz, Sylvia
Ilkiw, Steve
Ilkiw, Wasyl
Ilnycky, Michael
Ilnyckyj, Andrew & Anne
Ivankiv, Petro
Ivanochko, Ihor
Iwanec, Parasia
Iwanic, Amile
Iwanicki, Jack
Iwanus, Fedor
Iwanycky, Eugenia
Iwanyshyn, Maria
Iwanyszyn, David
J.Baran, Catherine
Jaciw, George
Jakemec, Mychalina
Jamborko, John
Jaremtshenko, Boris
Jaremy, Ilene
Jarman, Rose
Jarmus, Stephan
Jarosz, Andrij
Javni, Andrew
Jaworiwsky, Vera
Jaworski, Wasyl
Jaworsky, Anna
Jaworsky, Osyp
Jemetz, Iwan and Natalka
Jeremenko, William
Johnston, Emily
Kachaniwsky, Wasyl & Nina
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia
Kaczaniwsky, William & Nina
Kadlec, Richard and Natalia
Kadykalo, Andrew & Tina
Kalicinsky, Chrystyna
Kalicinsky, Maria
Kalimin, Michael & Mary
Kalistchuk, Anastazia
Kaloutsky, Michael and Jennie
Kaltwasser, Bernice
Kaluschny, Victoria
Kaluzny, Eugene & Irene
Kalyn, James or Elizabeth
Kaminski, Wally & Anna
Kandiuk, Nicholas & Ann Marie
Kapanajko, Olha
Kaplan, Michael & Maria
Karpenko, Kateryna
Karpiak, Grace
Karpiak, V. Betty
Karpiak, Victoria
Karpinsky, Petro
Karpishka, Roman & Stephanie
Karpiuk, George & Betty
Karpo, William
Karyczek, Lubko & Maria
Kaschuba, Anna
Kasurak, Valerie
Kasyanchuk, Serhiy
Katchmar, Olga
Katriuk, Vladimir & Maria
Katulka, Lydia
Kawanka, Mychajlo
Kaweski, Peter
Kaweski, Verle & Frank
Kaye, Olga
Kazymyra, Elizabeth
Keaschuk, Michael
Kereliuk, William & Adele
Kiebak, Bazyli & Maria
Kielbasa, Rene & Janina
Kinach, Bohdan
Kinach, Methodij
Kinarachuk, P.
Kinash, Julian
Kinash, Julian
Kindiak, Mary
Kindrachuk, Pauline
Kindred, Mary
Kindzersky, Paraskevia
Kipisz, Wolodymyr
Kiryk, Jaroslawa
Kisak, Eugene
Kiselyk, Anna
Kishka, Mikola
Kisil-Myziuk, Maria
Kit, John
Kiz, Steve
Klepak, Jules & Theresa
Klid, Bohdan & Halyna
Klimasko, Stephen & Rose
Klimochko, Dennis
Klinowski, Ksenia
Klopoushak, Edward
Klopoushak, Stan & Anne
Klymenko, Sonja
Klysh, Peter
Knight, Annie
Knight, Sandra
Kobrynsky, Lillian
Kobylko, Stanley & Roseann
Kobzan, John & Mila
Kochenash, Lydia
Kocherha, Ludmila
Kocinskyj, Ann
Kocur, Myron
Kocur, Roman
Kohut, Markian
Kokot, John & Antonia
Kolanitch, Walter & Mary
Kolasa, Emilia
Kolisnyk, Roman
Kolkin, Mary
Kolodchin, Andrea Leskiw
Kolomyyec, Ksenia
Koltalo, Eva
Komorowsky, Andrij & Lidia
Konanec, Gerald
Kondra, Olga
Kondra, Peter & Rose
Konopatsky, Wasyl
Konyk, Theodore
Kopczynsky, Shaun
Kopiak, Peter
Korbabicz, Danylo
Korbutiak, Stefan & Marta
Korchinski, Lawrence
Kormylo, John
Kornas, Walter
Korol, Ann
Korol, Irene Orysia
Korol, Taras & Dorothy
Korolewych, Martha
Korolus, Walter
Korolus, Wolodymyr
Koropecky, Motria
Korpess, Jessie
Kortschmaryk, Bohdan
Korytko, Stefan & Sofia
Kosak, Theodor & Luba
Koschman, Nick
Koschmann, Vivian & Peter
Koshlay Pineau, Olga
Kosick, Dick & Ann
Kostelnyj, Stefan
Kostiuk, Oleksa
Kostiuk, Walter
Kostruba, Orest
Kostur, Nykola & Helen
Kostyshyn, Ahafia
Kostyszyn, Myroslaw
Kosyk, Dmytro
Kotalo, Eva
Kotelko, Olga
Kotyk, Adam & Mary
Kotyk, Gerard
Kotyshyn, Orest
Kovaluk, Bohdan
Kovalyshyn, M.
Kowal, James & Anna
Kowal, Nettie
Kowal, Paul & Olive
Kowal, Petro & K.
Kowalchuk, Dan & Phyllis
Kowalchuk, Ivan & Arlene
Kowalchuk, Roza
Kowalsky, Alice
Kowalsky, Maria
Kowalyk, Alexandra
Kowalyszyn, Michael & Maria
Kowanec, Gerald
Kowch, Natalka
Kowryha, Gregory
Kozak Aluminum & Roofing Ltd.
Kozar, Stefania
Koziak, Julian & Barbara
Kozun, Olga
Kozy, Karl
Kozy, Karl - De Ville Apartments
Kozyrskyj, Anita
Krajnyk, Iwan
Kramarchuk, Bohdan or Mary
Kramer, Walter
Krawczuk, Daniel & Anna
Krenosky, Eugene & Anne
Krikewsky, Emil
Krochak, Michael B. & Marie
Kruczaj, Philip
Kruk, Myron & Olga
Krupicki, Halina
Krushelnyski, Michael & Sylvia
Krushelnyski, Stella
Kryschuk, Stella
Kryschuk, Stephanie
Krywiak, Mike
Krywiak, Petro
Kryworuk, Peter
Kuchabsky, Steven
Kucharsky, Wasyl & Eugenia
Kucharyshyn, John
Kuchyna, Andrij
Kuchyna, Anna
Kudla, Helen
Kudla, Irena
Kudla, Maria
Kukiz, Iwan
Kulahyn, Alexander
Kulchyckyj, Bohdan
Kulczyckyj, Maria
Kule, Peter & Doris
Kulik, Lucien
Kulish, Paulina
Kulishov, Oleksandr
Kulisz, Paulina
Kulycky, Yourko & Vera
Kulyk, Mykola
Kunanec, Walter
Kupchynska, Roma
Kupiak, Stephania
Kupiak, Yaroslawa
Kuplowska, Olga M.
Kurylo, Olga
Kuryluk, Irene
Kurys, Jurij
Kushko, CSSR, Methodius
Kushliak, Sonia
Kushnier, Craig
Kushnir, Mila
Kushniruk, Stephania and Mary Ann
Kutash, Ihor
Kuz, Lorris
Kuzminski, Mary
Kuzmiuk, Rozalia
Kuzmyn, Walter
Kuzyk, Jennie
Kuzyshyn, Paul
Kyj, Katrusia
Kyrzyk, Chris
Labay, Maryann
Lach, Morris & Marian
Ladna, Evhen
Lahola, Roman & Lubomyra
Lalka, Michael
Laschuk, Maria
Lashchuk, Stephen & Nancy
Lashin, Robert R.
Laskiwsky, Nadia
Lasko, Gord
Latyshko, Nicholas
Latyszewskyj, Maria
Lazor, George
Lazorko, Daria
Lazorko, Lawrence
Lazurko, Mary
League Of Ukrainian Canadians Edmonton Branch
League of Ukrainian Canadians
National Executive
League of Ukrainian Women in Canada
League Of Ukrainian Women In Canada,
Oshawa Branch
Lebed, Andre & Lydia
Lebed, Zenon
Lechman, Edward & Ann
Lee, Warren & Naomi
Lehkyj, Bohdan & Anne
Lehkyj, Jaroslaw
Lemiski, Al & Mildred
Lepki, Michael & Mary
Lepkyj, Wasyl
Leshchuk, Nickolas & Maria
Lesiuk, Jerry
Leskiw, Steve
Leskiw, Walter & Katherine
Leskiw, Wolodymyr & Nadia
Letwin, Annie
Lewandosky, Joanne
Lewchuk, Mary
Lewicki, Mike & Katherine
Lewicki, Walter & Natalie
Lewycka, Luba
Lewyckyj, Jurij
Lichacz, Michael
Lishchyna, Leonid
Lisowski, Shirley
Locska, Janet
Lohaza, Michael
Lostowsky, Petro & Halyna
Loszniowskyj, Oleh
Lozinski, Maria
Lozinsky, Joseph
Lubinsky, Anne
Lubka, Oresta and Lidia
Luchkanych, Mike & Olena
Luchkiw, Walt
Luciw & Andrew Hladyshevsky, Daria
Luciw, Nadia
Luciw, Oleh
Luciw, Wolodymyr
Lucky, Jerry & Helen
Luczenczyn, Alex & Tekla
Luhovy, Yurij & Zorianna
Luhowy, Stefan & Nina
Lunycz, Alex
Lupyczuk, Steve & Angie
Lychowyd, Anna
Lypowecky, Nadia
Lysak, Zenon & Pamela
Lysowycz, Joseph
Lysyk, Dmytro & Paraskevia
Lysyk, George & Orysia
Lysyk, George & Orysia
Lysyk, Olena
Maceluch, Walter
Machno, Ivan & Zenia
Maciw, Bohdan & Helena
Macko, Andre
Maczuzak, Stefan
Magera, Prokip
Maibroda, Wasyl
Mak, Iwan
Makar, Andy
Makowsky, D. Mitch & Marianne
Maksimowich, Bob
Makuch, David
Makuch, Stefan
Malanczyj, Vera
Malaschuk, Iryna
Maleckyj, Andrew
Malish, Steve & Marlene
Maluzynsky, Alexandra Nazarevich & Taras $100.00
Mandryk, Magda
Mandybur, Onufrij & Anastasia
Mandzij, Mykola
Mandzij, Zenon & Olga
Mandziuk, Harry
Manko, Ivan & Tina
Manko, Joseph & Maria
Marchuk, Vera
Marciniak, Anna
Marcinkow, Mary & Allen
Marcinowsky, Stephanie
Marlowe, Donald
Martiuk, Stepan & Natalia
Maryniak, Oleh
Marzotto, Titto & Serafina
Masiuk, Emilia
Maslo, Nestor & Myrosia
Matviychuk, Anastasia
Matwichyna, Vera
Matyczak, Walter & Eva
Mayer, Bohdanna
Mayer, Martha
Mayewsky, Zina
Maykut, Andrew & Emilia
Mazur, Maria
Mazurek, Maria
McKietiuk, William
Medicky, Bohdan & Luba
Medwidsky, Bohdan
Medwidsky, Wolodymyr & Switlana
Medyk, Myroslawa
Meleshko, Stefania
Melnycky, John & Anastasia
Melnyk, Alex
Melnyk, Anton
Melnyk, Dmytro
Melnyk, John
Melnyk, Pawlo & Anna
Melnyk, Roman
Melnyk, Stefan
Melnyk, Walter
Melnyk, Zenia
Menard-Markiza, Marie-Marthe
Mereniuk, Wasyl & Stefania
Metulynsky, Oksana
Mezibroski, Joe & Janice
Mialkowsky, Michael & Patricia
Michalishyn, Marika Banias & Ihor
Michalishyn, Peter & Jean
Michalyk, Antin
Michayluk, Julian & Mary Ann
Mikoula, Olexandr
Milner, Catherine
Missouri, Olive
Modny, Peter
Mohoruk, Don A. & Rose
Mohyla, John
Mojsiak, Wasyl
Mokan, Dmytro
Mokan, Ivan & Violet
Monastyrskyj, T.
Monczak, Andry & Motria
Monczak, Bohdanna
Morenec, Paul
Moroz, Harry & Anne
Moroz, Irena
Moroz, Iwan & Valentyna
Moroz, Kateryna
Morrisseau, Lorne
Morsky, Nick
Morykon, Luka & Anna
Morykon, Peter
Moschuk, George
Mota, Wolodymyr
Mruk, John
Mryniewicz, Aralena
Mucha, Terry
Mudry, Nestor
Mudryj, Josyf
Mulik, Anton
Murij, Omelan
Mushka (anon), Osyp
Muszak, Wasyl
Muz, Oresta
Muzh, Halyna
Muzyka, Lillian & William
Muzyka, Russell
Mycak, Alexander
Mycak, Peter
Mycak, Peter D.
Mychajluk, Anna
Mychajluk, Olia
Mychajlycia, Wolodymyr & Tania
Myhal, Helen
Mykolyn, Bohdan
Mykolynskyj, Wasyl
Mykytiuk, Emilia
Mykytiuk, Kathleen
Myro, Michael
Myroniuk, Nick & Olga
Mys, Mykola & Mary
Mys, Mykola & Mary
Mysak, Orest & Mary
Mysak, Peter
Mytko, Orest & Lesia
Nadwidnyj, Petro
Nakonecznyj, Michael
Nalywaiko, Wasyl
Narozniak, Taras
Nativity Of The Mother Of God Ukrainian
Catholic Church
Nazarevich, Alann
Nazarewich, Lesia
Nazywalsky, Mykhajlo & Shirley
Nebesio, Andrij
Nebesio, Maria
Nebozuk, Bohdan
Nebozuk, Roman
Nelipa, Ludmyla
Nestorowich, Michael & Mary Ann
New Cavalier Motor Inn
Newediuk, Stephen & Helen
Nicholaichuk, Alice
Nikifortchuk, Irene
Nikiforuk, Nick & Helen
Niniowsky, Peter
Noriak, Maria
Nosyk, Yuri & Maria
Nowosad, Olga
Nowosad, Peter
Nowosiadly, Pearl
Nychka, Mary Irene
Nykoruk, Michael
Nyszczot, Peter
Oborkowsky, Raja
Ogrodnik, Anne
Okrainytz, Rose
Olenick, Adrian & Vera
Oleynik, William
Olineck, Peter
Olynyk, Jerry & Sasha
Olynyk, Marta
Olynyk, Nadia
Olynyk, Vera
Omelchenko, Barbara
Onukywycz, Sofia
Onyschuk, Bohdan
Onyszchuk, Mario & Anastasia
Orescan, George
Orgodnik, Anne
Ortynsky, Nestor & Jennie
Osadchuk, Roman
Oschypko, Gregoire & Maria
Osidacz, Eugene
Osmak, Andrew
Ostapchuk, Petro
Ostapiuk, Michael & Sophia
Ostrowerka, Tillie
Ostrowskyj, Osyp
Ozymko, Svitlana
Pachkowski, Florence
Pachkowsky, Alex
Padyk, Olha
Palamartchuk, Jaroslawa
Palinsky, Eustachij
Paltzat, Mary H.
Paluck, Holly
Panasiuk, Nellie
Pankiw, Jaroslawa
Papirchuk, Walter & Katerina
Papish, Bohdan & Eunice
Parfeniuk, Kateryna
Parij, Marian & Helena
Parkasewych, O.
Pasieka, Kathleen
Pasij, Natalie
Paska, Ivanka
Paslawka, Maria
Patroniak, Stanley
Patykewych (anon), Mary
Pavliuc, Nicolae
Pawelko, Anna
Pawlowsky, Anastasia
Pawlowsky, Mark
Pawlowsky, Michael
Pawlowsky, Susan Boulter & Myroslaw
Pawluch, Anthony & Sonia
Pawlus, Kataryna
Peczeniuk, Sonia
Pedenko, Victor & Halina
Pekaruk, Jerry
Pelech, Stephan & Maria
Pendzey, Luba
Perfecky, Leo & Maria
Perozak, Morris
Perun, Osyp
Perun, Tekla
Petelycky, Steve
Peterson, Stanley
Petluch, Irena
Petrenko, Peter
Petrenko, Terry
Petruk, Martha
Petrycky, Bohdan & Eugenia
Petryk, Anna
Petrykiw, Nick
Petrykiw, Peter & Eudokija
Petryshyn, Roman & Marusia
Petryshyn, Walter & Marusia
Petryszyn, Walter & Maria
Petyhyrycz, Bohdan
Pevny, Irena & George
Phyllis’ Catering
Pich, John
Pidhirnyj, Myroslava
Pidkowich, Peter & Mary
Pidwerbeski, Walter
Pidwysocky, James
Pidzamecky, Bohdan & Angelina
Pidzamecky, Taras and Ulana
Pilay, Anna
Pilipowicz, Slavek & Irene
Pineau, Olga
Pirie, Paul H.
Pisockyj, Stefan
Pitts, Olesia
Pityk, Walter
Pizycki, Ben
Pizyckyj, Walter & Irene
Plawiuk, Dmytro & Paula
Pocalujko, Maria
Pochmursky, Alexander
Pochmursky, Larisa
Pociluyko, Emil
Poczynok, Michael & Pat
Pohranychny, Henry
Polityka, Alexander & Rose
Polityka, Gregory
Poluha, Jean
Popiel, Jan
Popiwczak, Nick
Popovich, Fedor & Maria
Porylo, Olga
Potichnyj, Peter & Tamara
Poticznyj, Michael
Potopnyk, George
Pozernick, Ron & Lynn
Pressey, Orest
Prevost, Nadine
Prezlata, Walter
Primak, George
Prociuk, Anna
Prociw, Michael
Prociw, Teodor & Maria
Prockiw, Hryhorij
Procyszyn, Sam
Prodan, Dmytro & Jaroslawa
Prodanyk, Ann
Prof Altius Management
Prokaziuk, John
Prokop, Magera
Prokopchuk, John & Rosalie
Prokopchuk, John & Rosalie
Prokopetz, Vadim
Prokopiw, Peter & Maria
Prosvita Reading Association
Prybyla, Michael
Prychidny, Natalka & Richard Ste. Marie
Pryemsky, Mary
Pryshlak, Michael
Prystupa, Mike & Frances
Pshyk, Lawrence & Mary
Pudelsky, Kataryna
Puhach, Ivan & Justyna
Purich, Donald
Putko, Ivan
Putko, Jaroslaw
Puziak, Roman & Stephanie
Pylat, Walter
Pyluk, Lydia
Pyluta, Marta
Pylypchuk, G.
Pylypchuk, Ludmyla
Pylypiuk, Marko & Olga
Pylypiw, Iwan
Pylypiw, Wasyl
Pyndilira, Michael & Teodora
Pyrozak, Ivan & Vera
Pyszniak, M. & O.
R.J. Dmytruk Professional Corp
Radelicki, Adriana
Rakowsky, Walter
Ramsz, Maria
Ratajski, Gregory
Ratuski, Anne
Ratynski, Frances
Rayner Agencies Ltd
Rebec, Mychailo
Rebizant, Stefan & Maria
Replansky, Marta
Reshitnyk, Michael
Richkun, Nestor
Riopka, John
Rizok, E.
Roberts, Joyce & Don
Rodan Energy & Metering Solutions Inc
Rohachuk, Doris
Roman, Eugene & Renata
Romancyshyn, Roman
Romancyshyn, Zenon
Romaniuk, Anna
Romaniuk, Anna
Romaniuk, Anna
Romaniuk, Bohdan and Shirley
Romaniuk, Boris
Romaniuk, Orysia
Romaniuk, Steven & Maria
Romaniw, Michael
Roman-Kuczera, Helena
Romanow, Walter & Yvonna
Romanyk, Alex or Carole
Romanyschyn, Oleh
Romanyshyn, Anna
Romsa, Gerald
Roots & Images
Roslak, Maria
Roslycky, Myroslaw
Rotko, Steve
Royik, Nick and Mary
Rozumnyj, Prof Jaroslaw & Oksana Rozumna $80.00
Rudko, Walter & Jean
Rudnytsky, Alexandra
Rudyk, Anna
Rudzik, Michael
Rusnak, Glenn & Anne
Russin, Fred & Geraldine
Ruzycky, Myron
Rybak, Delmira
Rybka, Kateryna
Sabara, Olha
Sadiwnyk, Nick
Sadiwskyj, Bohdan & Anna
Sagan, Edward
Sahaidak, Anne
Salmaniw, Walter
Salnick, Leslie
Samborski, Jennie
Samcoe, Emelia
Sametz, Olga
Samoil, Mary
Samojlenko, John & Walentyna
Samotulka, Alexandra
Savaryn, Peter & Olya
Sawadsky, Patricia
Sawchuk, Mike
Sawdyk, George & Lida
Sawka, Stephan
Sawyshyn, Sylvia
Scales, Sally
Schabel, Mary
Scharabun, Maria
Schdowka, Alex
Schewtchenko, Ivan J.
Schilak, Alexander & Anna
Schmidt, Martha
Schulha, Nadia
Schur, Alexandra
Schur, Henry & Jean
Schur, Patricia
Selby, Virginia
Selvester, Wolodymyr
Sembaliuk, Patricia & Paul
Semcesen, Jaroslav & Lesa
Semchishen, Orest
Semchyshyn, Pearl
Semeniuk, Paul & Olga
Semeniuk, William & Pauline
Sen, Boris & Patricia
Seniuk, C.A., Michael
Senyshyn, Emil & Mary Jane
Serbin, Dan & Mary
Serbyn, Jean
Serbyn, Marika
Serbyn, Roman
Serhijczuk, George & Veronica
Serray, Andrew W. & Claudia
Shack, Stanley
Shadorsky, Ewhen & Ann
Sharaburak, George & Sylvia
Shawaga, Michael
Shelegon, Julia
Shelton Canada Corp.
Shepertycky, Martha
Shevchuk, Vera
Shewciw, Roma
Shipowick, Michael & Irene
Shlapak, Fred and Irene
Shpytkovsky, W.A.
Shulhan, Wasyl
Shumovsky, Helene
Shust, Steve & Alexandra
Shwec, Hryhory & Olga
Shwec, Michael
Sicinsky, Maria Nina
Sidorenko, Taras
Sidorenko, Walter
Siermy, Joseph
Sirko, John & Nadia
Sirko, Peter
Sirsky, Borys & Mary
Siurko, Anne
Skalnyj, Mychajlo and Anna
Skocen, Anna
Skocen, Anna
Skocen, Stefania
Skoratko, Meke & Anna
Skorobohacz, Dmytro
Skrypnyk, Ostap & Marta
Skrypnyk, Yaroslaw & Sofia
Skrypuch, John
Slawych, Wasyl
Slipiec, Peter & Clara
Sloboda, Lena
Slobodian, Domenica
Slogan, Joseph
Sluzar, Roman & Halia
Sluzar-MacIntyre, Vera
Smal, Emilia
Small, Nicholas
Smerchanski, Helen
Smereczynsky, Ulana
Smolak, Maria
Smolynec, Michael
Smyk, Maria
Snihurowych, Liselotte
Sobko, Joseph & Stefania
Sochaniwsky, Andre
Sochaniwsky, Daria
Sochaniwskyj, Wolodymyr & Lesia
Sochocky, Chrystyna & Mathew
Sojonky, Audrey
Sokil, George
Sokolsky, Zorianna
Solonysznyj, Anna
Solowej, Hryhorij
Soltykevych, Orest & Lesia
Soltykewych, Stephanie
Soltys, Mike
Sopatyk, William & Rose
Sorobej, Lidia
Sorokan, Myron
Soroski, Michael
Spikula, William & Mary
Spivak, Nick
Sribnyj, Michael
St. Barbara’s Pharmacy Limited
St. Josaphat Councill #4138
St. Joseph’s Ukrainian Catholic Church
St. Volodymyr’s Library & Archives
Stachnyk, Walter & Anna
Stadnyczuk, Kateryna
Stadnyk, Margaret
Stadnyk, Teresa
Stan, John
Stanko, Steve
Starkiewicz, Frank
Staruschak, John
Stebelsky, Andrew
Stebelsky, Ihor & Anne
Stebelsky, Maria
Stec, Aleksander
Stechishin, Zenia
Steciuk, Eugene
Steciuk, Nicholas & Stella
Stefaniuk, Stefan
Stefanuk, William E.
Stepaniuk, Jan
Stephen, Alan G. & Anne
Stezik, Christine
Storzuk, Bernie & Bernice
Stratichnuk, Nykola
Strilchuk, Irene
Struminsky, Eugene
Strutynski, Mark
Stupak, Steve & Kathy
Styran, Doris
Suchowyj, Olha
Suchyj, Mychajlo
Sukmanowsky, Anna
Surzycia, Maria
Sus, Natalia
Suslow, Michael
Suszko, Bohdan
Sutherland, Garnette & Helen
Sweryda, Jerry
Swiatylo, Wasyl & Julia
Swidersky, Michael
Swidnicki, Michael
Swityk, Wasyl E.
Swoboda, Roman & Mary
Swoboda, Wasyl & Maria
Swynar, Maria
Sydor, Eva
Sydorko, Millie
Sydoruk, Borys & Donna
Sydoruk, Wasyl & Kateryna
Sydoryshyn, Walter
Syrko, Gregory
Syrowicky, Michael
Szakacs, Paul & Helen
Szeptycky, George & Maria
Szewciw, Tekla
Szkambara, Steve & Marika
Szklar, J. & Lubomyra
Szmihelsky, Taras & Irena
Szpak, Jessie
Sztelma, Anton
Sztyk, Georges
Szuch, Hryhory & Paula
Szuchewycz, Bohdan
Szumskyj, Leontina
Szwec, Eugenia
Szwec, James & Stella
Szymucha, Wasyl
Szypka, Mary
Szyptur, Hania
Tabaka, Rosalia
Taraniuk, Oleh & Jutta
Taraschuk, Ihor
Taratuta, Jeannie
Tarnavskyj, Alexandra
Tarnawsky, Andrew & Oksana
Tatarniuk, Myron or Beverly
Tatarsky, Zenon & Christina
Tataryn, Bohdan V.
Tatchyn, Maria
Tchir, Semen & Stefania
Teliszewsky, Andrij & Irene
Temerty Family Foundation
Temerty, James
Temko, Olga
Teply, John
Terepa, Ivan & Bridget
Teresa Bendall, Theodore Dedio
Teslevic, Michael & Maria
Tiahur, Wasyl
Tkach, John
Tkachenko, Ted & Irene
Tkachuk, Vera
Tkaczuk, Nadia
Tkaczyk, Jaroslaw & Ola
Todosijczuk, Demitrius
Toews, Roxolana
Tokar, Wolodymyr
Tomashewski, Sylvia
Tomiuk, Nadia
Tomkiw, Ihor
Tomko, Oksana
Topolinski, Lorne & Judy
Tracz, George S.
Trafananko, Harold & Nadia
Trimpolis, Peter
Trojan, Andrey Cybulsky & Daria
Trojan, Anna
Tron, Alexander & Mariya
Trush, Stefan
Tucka, Julia
Turko, Emily
Twerdun, Diane
Tymchyshyn, Edward & Patricia
Tymiak, Glen & Lena
Tymoschenko, Walter
Tyschenko, Mykola
UCC Canora Branch
UCC Ottawa Branch
UCC QC Provincial Council
UCC Yorkton Branch
UCWLC Holy Ghost Parish
Uhryn (Don’s Pharmacy), Ernest
Ukrainian Canadian Congress Windsor Branch
Ukrainian Canadian Foundation Of
Taras Shevchenko
Ukrainian Canadian Social Services Inc.
Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood Eparchial
Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada $200.00
Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood Of
St. Michales
Ukrainian Community Society of Ivan
Ukrainian Credit Union Limited
UKrainian Credit Union Limited
Ukrainian Mutual Benefit Association of
St. Nicholas of Canada
Ukrainian National Federation West
Toronto Branch
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. George
880 Saint-Antoine Street
Ukrainian Pioneers Assosiation of Alberta $1,000.00
Ukrainian Senior Citizen Zustrich Club
Ukrainian Women’s Association,
Hanka Romanchych Branch
Ukrainian Women’s Association,
Lesia Ukrainka Branch
Ukrainian Women’s Organization Of
Canada, Toronto Branch
Ukrainian Women’s Organization of
Canada, Windsor Branch
Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada
Ulychnyj, Michael
United Ukrainian Credit Union Ltd.
United Way of Toronto
United Way of Winnipeg
Usick, Mary
Ustynskyj, Harry G.
Usyk, Iwan
Valkenburg, Daria & Pieter
Veryha, Oksana
Wachowich, Allan H.
Waclawski, Jean
Waganka, Walter & Luba
Wagner, Julian
Wakulin, Mike
Waligunda, Olga
Walker, Christine
Wall, Alex
Wallace, Greg & Kathy
Wandzura, Joe & Ruth
Warenycia, Katherine
Warywoda, Walter & Marika
Waschenko, Nicholas & Nadia
Waschuk, Eugene & Marta
Washchuk, Tania
Washchyshyn, Myron
Washchyshyn, Peter
Wasylinko, Andre
Wasylkewycz, Wolodymyr & Josepha
Wasyluk, Maksym
Wawruck, Walter
Wawrykow, Dennis & Seffie
Welykopolsky, Jerry
Wenger, Andrew & Pearl
Wengreniuk, Nick
Wereshchak, Caroline
Werhanowsky, Vera
Werhun, Sonia
Wiebe, John & Kathryn
Wilson, Marie
Wilura, John & Ludmyla
Winnicki, W. Roman
Winniczuk, Ivan
Wintoniak, MaryAnn
Witiuk, Anna
Witiw, Dmytro
Witrak-Oughton, Richard & Katherine
Wiwczaruk, Wasyl & Stephanie
Wladyka, Mary
Wlasenko, Olexander & Luba
Wodwud, Roman
Wodzicky, Maria
Woitowich, Steve
Wojnarowycz, Irena
Wojtow, Joseph
Wolanskyj, Urania
Wolf, Vicki
Wolostchak, Joseph
Women’s Ukrainian Association
Wookey, Carol
Worcholak, Katarzyna
Worobetz, Nick and Margaret
Woroby, Michael & Olga
Woroby, Tania
Woron, Mykola & Pearl
Wowczuk, Walter & Nellie
Wowk, John
Woychyshyn, John & Julia
Woynarowsky, Eugene
Wozniak, Omelan
Wozniak, Wolodymyr & Anna
Wynnycky, Nadia
Wynnyckyj, John & Iroida
Wynnyckyj, Marta
Wyshynsky, Petro & Anna
Wysocznanskyj, Mychajlo
Wyval, Stefania
Yacey, Lida
Yakimow, Ernie & Olive
Yaremchuk, Ellias A. & Irene
Yaremovich, Sam
Yarkun, Katherine
Yarovenko, Christina
Yaychuk, Elaine
Yereniuk, Emil & Orasia
Yereniuk, Roman & Anastasia
Yurchyshyn, Steve & Audrey
Yusypchuk, Orest
Zabolotny, Nicholas & Aksana
Zacharewycz, Maria
Zacharewycz, Zenon
Zachary, Olga
Zacherniuk, Hennadij & Olena
Zack, Nadia
Zahara, Natalia
Zaharewycz, Zenon
Zajac, Eva
Zajac, Ihor & Jean
Zajcew, Maria
Zakaluzny, Walter
Zakarow, Peter
Zakydalsky, Oksana
Zalusky, Taras
Zamonsky, Harry
Zastawnyj, Mary & Ewstachey
Zawadsky, Zenon
Zawerucha-Swyntuch, Mykola & Olha
Zayachkowski, Walter
Zelem, Halyna
Zeleney, Irene
Zeleniak, Peter & Anna
Zelenko, Peter Walter - Zelenko Electrique ENR $490.00
Zeleny, Geraldine
Zelisko, Bohdan or Myra
Zendran, Peter
Zenewych, Stefania
Zimrose, Alex & Mary
Zmurko, Maria
Zolota Zhoda Seniors Association
Zoloti Vorota Seniors Club
Zrymiak, Jaroslaw
Zrymiak, William
Zubryckyj, Nick
Zuk, John
Zuk, Susan
Zukiwsky, Michael
Zurawsky, Andrew & Irene
Zwanko, Wasyl
Zwetkow, Iwan
Zwonok, Stephania
Zwozdesky, Willy
Zyla, Daniel
Zyla, William
Zyla, William & Natalka
Zylawy, Zachary & Mary
Government of Canada
Ukrainian Canadian Foundation Of
Taras Shevchenko
Haniak, William
Kardynal, Harry & Evelyn
Kobrynsky, Lillian
Korpess, Jessie
Kostruba, Ewhen
League Of Ukrainian Canadian Women
League Of Ukrainian Canadians Edmonton Branch
Lewchuk, Mary
Machno, Ivan & Zenia
Maczuzak, Stefan
Mazur, Maria
Melnycky, John & Anastasia
Mikolynsky, Lesia
Noriak, Maria
Osidacz, Eugene
Parkland Ukrainian Pioneer Association
Petluch, Irena
Pitts, Olesia
Prairie Cottage Perogies
Rodan Energy & Metering Solutions Inc $30,000.00
Sipco OIl Limited
St. Joseph’s Ukrainian Catholic Church
Tokar, Wolodymyr
UCC Brantford Branch
UCC Canora Branch
UCC Regina Branch
Ukrainian (St. Catherines) Credit Union Ltd. $250.00
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Regina Branch
Ukrainian National Federation,
West Toronto Branch
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Ukrainian People’s Home Of Ivan Franko
Ukrainian Reading Association Prosvita
Ukrainian Self Reliance Assoc.
Edmonton Branch
Ukrainian Senior Citizen Zustrich Club
Ukrainian Seniors Club of Oshawa
Wakshinsky Bros. Ltd.
Wasyliw, Orest & Joan
Yevshan Communications Inc.
Zoloti Vorota Seniors Club
Government of Canada
Aroniw, Jurij
Baczynski, Dorothy
Balych, Miron
Bihun, Peter & Dianna
Bohdanec, Ivan
Bohna, Bogdan & Oksana
Bratziw, Wasyl
Brenneis, Marika
Brotherhood of Veterans, 1st Division UNA $100.00
Brotherhood of Veterans, 1st Division UNA $400.00
Buduchnist Credit Union Ltd.
Buhel, Andrij & Halyna
Caisse populaire Desjardins Ukrainienne
de Montreal
Central Products& Foods Ltd.
Cherednyk, Peter & Maria
Cherniak, Iraida
Chochlacz, Jaroslawa
Drabik, Wasyl
Dzalapyn, Dmytro
Ginter, Adele
Gulka Enterprises Limited
Dacko, George
Kulchyckyj, Emilian
Kupycz, Annie
Malanczuk, Elsa
Nowosad, John
The UCC is dedicated to supporting and promoting the needs
of the Ukrainian Canadian community for the benefit of future
generations. To achieve our goal, we need your financial
assistance. The following, outlines some of the various
opportunities that are available to those who wish to contribute
financially to the Congress. All contributions are sincerely
appreciated and help us to address a wide range of needs in the
commu nity. There are many ways to donate to the Ukrainian
Canadian Congress:
WILLS AND BEQUESTS: Gifts from an estate may be in the form
of a fixed amount, percentage or residue. Suggested wording for
your will: "I give and bequeath the sum of $
(or "the residue
of my estate remaining'') to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress or
the UCC Charitable & Educational Trust''.
LIVING BEQUESTS: Your gift can be acknowledged and
put to use during your lifetime. Watch your donation make a
difference. Cash, property or other personal assets can also
be donated to the Congress or Trust as a way to demonstrate a
commitment to the promotion and preservation of the Ukrainian
community in Canada.
LIFE INSURANCE POLICY: You can assign an existing life
insurance policy to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, naming
the Congress or Trust as both the owner and the beneficiary of
the policy. Tax receipts for donations to the Trust are issues for
the approximate cash value of the policy. You can purchase a
new life insurance policy with the Congress or Trust serving as
both owner and beneficiary of the policy. The donor makes the
annual tax de-duction premium payments to UCC or the Trust.
DESIGNATED FUNDS: A Designated Fund represents a sum of
money set aside within the Congress or Trust for a special or
designated purpose. The annual income earned from investing
the capital of each Designated Fund is disbursed in accordance
with the instructions of those establishing such a fund to the
designated beneficiary of the fund. These can include a specific
cause, project or area of interest. A Designated Fund provides
an opportunity for an individual, family, organization or
institution to make a lasting contribution to the community and
carry its name into perpetuity.
UCC presents cheque to President of UNICEF in
the presence of Somali Canadian leadership
Official Opening and Blessing of the UCC
National Office in Ottawa (Feb 2012)
If you would like to speak with us about providing a donation to UCC
please call 613.232.8822 or email [email protected]
* Only donations given to the UCC Charitable & Educational Trust will
receive a tax receipt.
* Un-receipted donations are accepted by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress
[email protected] | www.ucc.ca