paceletter - Port City Pacers


paceletter - Port City Pacers
News & Information for Members of the Port City Pacers Running Club
Port City Pacers
April 2012
Volume XXXIV, Number 9
Mobile, Alabama
Table of Contents
Online Race Results
Grand Prix Standings
PCP Board ………..……......2
Promotion Commotion…….3
Race Announcements
Local Runners at Boston...…4
Richard Overby Grant……..5
Mar Board Meeting Minutes 6
Training Runs/Walks……....7
Links to Other Web Sites
of Interest
Recipe Corner…....…………7
Corporate Cup……………...8
Advertising Rates
Old Mobile Volunteers…......9
State Records……….………9
ATR Thank You…………...10
PCP Race Calendar……....11
Old Runners Never Die…..11
Race Calendar…………….12
Running Groups/Clubs.…..13
Frequent Runner Number..14
Membership Application…15
The PACELETTER is emailed
electronically and by mail monthly to
approximately 700 members. If you
are submitting flyers, please give us
100 flyers and an electronic copy in
All materials must be camera-ready
and received by the 10th of the month
prior to first insertion issue.
The prepaid rates are:
Business Card
$100 per year
¼ Page
$25 per issue
½ Page
$40 per issue
Full Page
$75 per issue
2011/2012 PCP Officers
Jon Bowie
Vice President
Gary Beeler
Joy Brewer
Course Marshal
David Dutton
Joe McReynolds
Promotions/Corporate Cup
Will Wright
Roy Seewer
Wanda Smith
Race Coordinator
Kenny Pfeiffer
Race results found on the following web sites:
Volunteer Coordinators
Cecilia Newsome
Cathy Randall
Past President
Richard Leonard
ATR Race Director
Peggy Olive
April 2012
Page 2
Promotion Commotion
By Will Wright
When questioned about his
incredible success, Bill Gates,
founder of Microsoft, offered
these 11 philosophical insights
to anyone starting out. They are
worth considering for any life
endeavor you undertake, even
running or walking:
(1) Life isn't fair - get used to
it. We are not all created with
equal abilities when it comes to
running. Some are gifted with
speed and endurance while
others improve their skills with
disciplined and wise training.
Remember, the pain of
discipline is usually less than the
pain of regret. The fact that you
are exercising for health, fun,
camaraderie, and other personal
desires puts you at the head of
the class. PR means personal
(2) The world doesn't care
about your self-esteem; it
expects you to accomplish
something before feeling good
about yourself. Every time you
cross the finish line you are a
winner and you should feel good
about yourself. "Showing up"
for a training run or a race is a
commendable lifestyle. To be
successful, you have to show up
everyday, mentally, emotionally,
and physically. Exercise enables
you to be fit for the task at hand.
(3) You won't make $100,000 a
year or be a vice president
with a cell phone right out of
school. You have to earn it.
You have to train to run or walk
fast and far. It takes discipline,
work, consistency, and time, but
the rewards are worth it.
Nowhere are we more than
experiments of one as when we
carry running past our youth!
April 2012
(4) Do you think your teacher
is tough? Wait till you have a
boss - he's not tenured.
Learning to run and race can be a
school of hard knocks. Soreness
and injuries are a part of life for
the runner, but so are fitness,
energy, sound sleep, longer life,
and improved immunities to
most diseases. There are very
few things in life that are easy.
You must push through the
frustration and look at the gain
beyond the pain. Concentrate on
how good you're going to feel
once you've finished the task.
(5) Flipping burgers isn't
beneath you; your
grandparents called it
opportunity. You have to crawl
before you walk and walk before
you run. Running and walking
can be lifelong sports. Victory is
moving beyond the notion that as
we get older we leave all the
good things behind.
(6) If you mess up, it's not your
parents' fault. Blame yourself;
you made your bed so lie in it!
But learn from your mistakes;
there is always another race.
Make a change and monitor the
outcome. Seek help from others
and be honest about your current
(7) Your parents weren't
always boring; it came from
feeding you, cleaning your
clothes and paying your bills.
So before you rush out to save
the rain forest from the
"parasites" of your parents'
generation, try delousing your
own cupboard. In other words
clean up your life and get on
with it. Someone else can't
exercise for you. We hate to
admit we have fears because we
think they are a sign of
weakness. But fear is a sign of
humanity; only fools are not
afraid. You've heard it said,
"Courage is not the absence of
fear, it's moving ahead in spite of
our fears."
(8) Some schools may have
abolished winners and losers,
but life hasn't. They may have
eradicated "failing
grades" and given you as long
as you want to get the right
answer. This bears no
resemblance to reality. For
every action there is a reaction.
people do absolutely nothing
with their lives. They simply
exist, taking up space and using
air. They make no contribution
with their lives. Their hours are
consumed by meaningless
activity or no activity at all.
Running and racing always give
you a start and finish. An old
African Proverb states " Who
would want to live on this earth
and not run on it?"
(9) Life isn't divided into
semesters. You don't get
summers off. Employers aren't
interested in helping you "find
yourself"'; you do that on your
own time. Challenge yourself to
run a marathon. The real you will
be made known at mile 21! If
you fail to plan, you're planning
to fail. You need to designate
some specific time slots each
week for the things you need to
do, like exercise. Whatever it is,
put it on your calendar. And if
it's a big task, break it down into
small pieces; you can run that
marathon when you do that.
continued on page 4………….
Page 3
……….continued from page 3
(10) Unlike television, real
people actually have to leave
the coffee shop and go to work.
As was mentioned in Item 2, you
have to show up. What do you
make excuses about? The
number one excuse I hear is,
"When things settle down, then
I'm going to ...." Things will
never settle down. You must
make a choice to prioritize what
is important. One of the most
popular words in America is
"easy." If it's easy, we like it. If
it's hard, we don't like it. Can
you imagine a best seller titled,
"Ten Difficult Steps to Change
Your Life" or "Fifteen Difficult
Ways to Get in Shape"? No one
would be interested!
(11) Be nice to nerds; chances
are, you'll end up working for
one someday! Enough said!
Local runners at Boston Marathon 2012
The following list of local finishers were under six hours. John
Brigham (was 17th overall), Kenneth Pfeiffer, Barry Tucker, Mark
Rice, Robert Staples, Gregory Yeager, Jamie Waldhour, Joe Weaver,
Andra Bruce (1st local female), Larry Wayne, Chris Lawson, Paul
Baswell, Susan Montgomery, Freda Rambo, Samantha Gardner and
Joseph Paulus.
ATR 2012
ATR 2012
April 2012
Page 4
Richard Overbey Children’s Fitness Grant
Allentown Elementary and Semmes Middle Schools were the winners of the Richard Overbey grant this year.
Allentown Elementary School will use the funds to purchase equipment to promote fitness and increase
participation in all PE classes. They will purchase stopwatches, a circuit trainer audible workout timer and
possibly a measuring tool for height and weight. One of Allentown’s goals is to be a “Healthy Fitness
Demonstration School” for the Alabama physical fitness assessment. This requires the school to have 60
percent of the population scoring at or above the healthy fitness zone on all four test items (one mile run, 90
degree push-up, partial curl up and the V sit-and-reach). Investing in the proper equipment to assess fitness
levels will make their goals easier to achieve. The physical education program at Allentown Elementary plans
to teach fitness principles to children and encourage students to use the principles learned well into
Semmes Middle School will use the funds to develop “We Run SMS”: Semmes Middle School Running Club.
The purpose of this club will be to offer a way for adolescents to get physically active and show pride in self,
school and community. It will teach responsibility by allowing students to set their own goals. “We Run
SMS” members will be asked to select a minimum of three racing events to participate in during the school
year. In addition, the Azalea Trail Run will be one mandated race for all members. Funds will be used to help
with race registration, the purchase of shoe charms for members for each 10 miles completed and for t-shirts
to wear at events. By seeing how dedicated the school and club are to the cause of better health and fitness,
Semmes Middle School hopes to be an inspiration to other people and clubs to begin their own personal
stride for better health and fitness.
ATR 2012
ATR 2012
Azalea Trail Run photos
courtesy of Cathy Randall
April 2012
Page 5
Port City Pacers Board Meeting
March 6, 2012
The Port City Pacers Board meeting was held on March 6, 2012, at the Pacer Clubhouse.
Present: Jon Bowie, Gary Beeler, David Dutton, Cecilia Newsome, Cathy Randall, Will Wright,
Peggy Olive, Kenny Pfeiffer, Wanda Smith, Joy Brewer and Richard Leonard. Absent: Joe
McReynolds and Roy Seewer
Jon Bowie called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
Minutes from the February 7, 2012 Board meeting were reviewed. Peggy Olive made motion to
approve, Rick Leonard seconded and minutes were approved by all.
Treasurer's Report David Dutton read the Treasurer's Report, it was discussed and Peggy
Olive made motion to approve the report, Gary Beeler seconded and accepted by all.
Past President Report Richard Leonard – nothing new to report.
Membership Report Joe McReynolds – Membership 427, Head of Household 289,
Dependents 138
Programs Report Roy Seewer – Not present.
Race Coordinator Report Kenny Pfeiffer – Nothing new to report.
Newsletter Report Wanda Smith – Nothing new to report.
Vice President Report Gary Beeler – Truck runs ok, Ricky Leonard cleaned the truck up after
the BOMB.
Registration: Peggy Olive – BOMB report emailed.
Promotions Report Will Wright – Nothing new to report.
President's Report Jon Bowie – Nothing new to report.
Course Marshal (Need to have vacancy filled.)
Volunteer Coordinator Report Cecilia Newsome & Cathy Randall – Nothing new to report.
Old Business
ATR will be held 3/24/2012. Some of the sponsors include AOC & Chick Fil A.
Old Mobile 8k – This will be the last year at Ft. Conde due to overhead costs to secure the
course. Next year may be a different location.
Nominating committee – in the process of setting up a meeting for nominations. Board elections
are held at Do It in the Bush.
This meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 6:58 p.m. The next meeting at the Pacer
Clubhouse is scheduled for April 3, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
ATR 2012
April 2012
Page 6
Training Runs/Walks
6:00 pm Heroes Sport’s Bar and Grill, Dauphin St. Downtown
6:30 pm Cottage Hill Park Runners – Meet by the Tennis Center, 4-6
miles at 7 – 9 minute mile pace
5-5:30 pm Blue Bell Bombers
Commerce Park near Blue Bell Plant off Rangeline Rd.
Variable distances depending on pace
5:45 pm Mellow Mushroom at the Loop – 5K run, all abilities,
discounted beverages at Mellow Mushroom at the Loop, for info.
6:00 pm Team Spiridon
McGill H.S. track Bayside 5-6
Workout begins @ 6PM....arrive early enough to warm-up beforehand
6:00 pm - Bay Area Runners, Fairhope Library, westside parking lot,
all paces/distances
6:30 pm Cottage Hill Park Runners – Meet by the Tennis Center, 4-6
miles at 7 – 9 minute mile pace
Quick Zita
1 – 8 oz pkg zita or small tube pasta
1 - 28 oz can diced tomatoes, undrained
1 – 26 oz jar spaghetti sauce
1 – 16 oz pkg smoked sausage, sliced
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup small curd cottage cheese
Cook pasta according to pkg directions,
drain and return to pan. Stir in tomatoes,
spaghetti sauce and sausage. Heat
thoroughly. Stir in cottage cheese and
1cup mozzarella cheese. Top with
remaining 1 cup mozzarella cheese.
Cover and heat over medium heat for
2-5 minutes or until mozzarella is melted.
6:00 pm Picklefish on Old Shell Road
6:30 pm Cottage Hill Runners – Track at University of South Ala
5:00-5:30 pm Blue Bell Bombers
Commerce Park near Blue Bell Plant off Rangeline Road
Variable distance depending on pace
6:00 pm Team Spiridon / Bay Area Runners
Daphne - Centennial Park……variable distances and pace
6:30pm Cottage Hill Park Runners – Meet by the Tennis Center, 4-6
miles at 7 – 9 minute mile pace
7:00 am (summer) Springhill College, Stewartfield Mansion
6:00 am – Blue Bell Bombers
Commerce Park near Blue Bell Plant off Rangeline Road (longer
6:00 am – Cottage Hill Runners – Cottage Hill Park
(usually a 10 mile run from park to USA and back)
6:00 am Team Spiridon / Bay Area Runners Fairhope Pier varied
pace, 4-22 miles
ATR 2012 volunteers
Please email Wanda Smith at [email protected] for any
corrections or additions. Thank you!
April 2012
Page 7
Corporate Cup
We have completed 14 races with 239
participating in the 35th Azalea Trail Run 10K. Our
last race of the season is the Do It In the Bush 5K on
May 12; it is also the Pacer's Charlie Spencer
Memorial Scholarship fund raiser. Plan to support both
with your presence and contribution.
Since the best nine of the fifteen races are
used to determine final standings, there is still one
more opportunity to improve your position. Several of
the Divisions have some close competition for the top
three spots.
Our average runners per race is 143, and
Standings based on all 14 races along with
Participation Leaders are as follows:
1. Bombers
2. Spring Hill Baptist Church -- Participation Leader
3. Bay Area Runners
4. Team PE
5. Port City Pacers
6. Sheriffs
1. Mobile Police
3. Hargrove and USA tied -- Hargrove Participation
5. Saraland YMCA
6. Evonik
April 2012
By Will Wright
1. Bodies By Cindy
2. Daily Access Corp -- Participation Leader
3. Dupont
4. PEI
5. Ingalls
6. The SSI Group
1. Minshew Electric
2. Dayspring Baptist Church
3. White-Spunner
4. Providence Hospital -- Participation Leader
5. Thyssen Krupp
6. Omni Fitness
1. Austal -- Participation Leader
2. American Tennis courts
3. Mitternight
4. Ameriprise Financial Services
5. Virginia College
6. Airbus
The final race along with finishing line duties (passing
out of Corp. Cup finishers' cards) is as follows: 15. Do
It In the Bush 5K - May 12 - Personal Edge Fitness
Please note the Corporate Cup Standings and
Division Results are posted on the Port City Pacers
web site. Go to the PCP home site and click on
Corporate Cup.
Page 8
Thank you to all
Old Mobile
Richard Leonard
Rodney Brown
Victor Birch
Jean Mattics
Leon Mattics
Peggy Olive
David Dutton
Lou Felis
Joe McReynolds
Gary Beeler
Cathy Randall
Mike Harwell
Jolene Harwell
Seth Harwell
Shannon Moore
John S
John Griffin
Marin Sequest
David Wilder
Cindy Leonard
Kathryn Dubuisson
Leon Dubuisson
Joan Williams
Cammie Wayne
Celia Newsome
Lu Willis
Gwyn Howard
Fran Barbar
Jack Presnall
Bill Bramblett
Rickey Reed
By Will Wright
State records continue to fall. David Jeffrey lowered his
own Half Marathon record for age 69 with a 1:31:18 at
the First Light Half Marathon; he also lowered his own
5K record for age 69 with a 20:10 at the Maranatha 5K.
Having turned 70 in March, he is now attacking records
for that age, the first being the Azalea Trail 10 K with a
41:06. Others notching records at the recent ATR 10 K
were Stone Smith, age 6, 47:38; Luise Mitchell, age 75,
1:11:22; and Jo Morris from Birmingham, age 79,
1:28:47. Congrats to all!
Chick fil A @ ATR
If you know of someone who
volunteered and was left off the
list, please let us know. We do
want to recognize everyone.
April 2012
Page 9
Thank you to ATR Race Director, Peggy Olive for another great ATR!
Thank you to everyone who supported the Azalea Trail Run through
volunteering and participating.
ATR 2012 start
April 2012
Page 10
Old Runners Never Die; They Just Smell That Way!
Port City Pacers Race
Aug 9, 2011
Chickasabogue 2 Miler
80 year old Dewayne Morris of Birmingham and 74
year old Will Wright meet before the recent Azalea
Trail Run. Dewayne is one of Birmingham's finest and
holds 26 state records for many distances at ages 72
and above. It is with rugged determination forged by
age and wisdom and mixed with a healthy passion for
living that will allow these two to see this running life
to the end.
Sep 10, 2011
Hurricane Run 5k
Nov 19, 2011
Turkey 10 Miler & 5k
Dec 10, 2011
Holiday Half & 8k
Feb 18, 2012
Battle of Mobile Bay 5k
Mar 24, 2012
Azalea Trail Run
10k, 5k, Fun Run
Tune in every Thursday morning at
6:50 AM for the Port City Pacers
Report on WNSP radio.
Apr 14, 2012
Old Mobile 8k
May 12, 2012
Do It In The Bush 5k
April 2012
Page 11
May 2012
Lions Club Tunnel Vision 5k Mobile, AL
Fiesta Run 10k/5k
Pensacola, FL
McIntosh 5k
McIntosh, AL
Dothan Fire Dpt Fit to Fight Dothan, AL
Sunset Stampede 5k
Navarre, FL
Do It In The Bush
Mobile, AL
Marine Aviation 5k
Gulf Shores, AL
St John’s Sunset 5k
Pensacola, FL
End of Watch 5k
Dothan, AL
Chickasaw Freedom 5k
Chickasaw, AL
Pursuit of Fun 5k
Gulfport, MS
School’s Out 5k
Lucedale, MS
Eglin AFB Gate to Gate
Eglin AFB, FL
Mercedes Benz Cotton Row Huntville, AL
June 2012
Billy Bowlegs Midnight Run 5k
Gary McAdams SandShaker 5k
Chevron Charity Run 5k
Lulu’s Hot Trot 5k
Father’s Day Race 2 M
Ram Run 5k @ Oak Mtn State Pk
Alligator Trot 5k
Natural Girls 5k
Ronald McDonald Firecracker 5k
Red Cross Run 5k
8 AM
8 AM
8 AM
8 AM
6:30 PM
8 AM
8 AM
6 PM
8 AM
8 AM
8 AM
8 AM
7:30 AM
7 AM
Fort Walton, FL 10 PM
Pensacola, FL
7:30 AM
Pascagoula, MS 8 AM
Gulf Shores, AL
7:30 AM
New Orleans, LA
8 AM
Pelham, AL
8 AM
Florala, AL
8 AM
Mobile, AL
8 AM
Pensacola, FL
7:30 AM
Fort Walton, FL
7:30 AM
July 2012
Wesson Memorial 2M
Ocean Springs, MS
Festival of San Fernin 2M
Pensacola, FL
Spillway Classic Train Run Norco, LA
8 AM
9 AM
8 AM
August 2012
Bushwaker 5k
Pensacola, FL
7:30 AM
September 2012
Bayfest 5k
Mobile, AL
8 AM
April 2012
Page 12
Port City Pacers
P O Box 6427
Mobile, AL 36660
Little Red Hen Productions
Peggy Olive
[email protected]
Auburn-Opelida Running
& Track Association
P O Box 975
Auburn, AL 36831
Bay Area Runners
P O Box 2161
Daphne, AL 36526
Dothan Runners Club, Inc
P O Box 887
Dothan, AL 36302
Gulf Coast Running Club
P O Drawer 3569
Gulfport, MS 36505
Huntsville Track Club
8811 Edgehill Dr
Huntsville, AL 32502
April 2012
Mississippi Track Club, Inc
P O Box 1414
Ridgeland, MS 39157
New Orleans Track Club
P O Box 52003
New Orleans, LA 70152
Northwest Florida Track Club
Pensacola Runners Association
P O Box 10613
Pensacola, FL 32524
River Region Runners
P O Box 6350
Montgomery, AL 36103
Tennessee River Athletic Club
P O Box 1019
Florence, AL 35631
Tuscaloosa Track Club
Box 860005
Tuscaloosa, AL 35486
Page 13
Frequent Runner Number
By Peggy Olive
Do you participate in two of more local races produced by the Port City Pacers or Little
Red Hen? Do you get writer’s cramp when filling out applications for friends, family, and
multiple races? Want to save time when registering for a race? Do you want to reduce the
possibility of your name being skipped when the Grand Prix or Corporate Cup points are being
assigned? Have you ever noticed that your penmanship worsens as the closing of day of race
registration nears?
Apply for a Frequent Runner Number (FRN). It’s FREE. The mission of the FRN is to
reduce errors and save time. Once you have been assigned your unique FRN, all you will need
to do when registering for a race is fill in your last and first names, write your FRN on the
address line, mark your event, and sign the waiver. Yes, of course, you will still need to pay the
race entry fees. Give it a try. If you don’t want an FRN, or if you forget your FRN, no harm –
no foul – you can still fill in all the info as usual.
Application for Frequent Runner Number
Last Name: __________________________ First Name: _______________________
Current Age: ________
Sex: _____
Date of Birth: _______________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City, State & ZIP: ________________________________________________________
Best Contact Phone Number: ______________________________
Emergency Contact Number: ______________________________
Race Walker:
Preferred T-Shirt Size:
PCP Member: Yes
Corporate Cup Team Name:
Mail completed applications to: Frequent Runner Number; PO Box 6976; Mobile, AL 36660
or drop off the completed application at the Port City Pacer office (358 Morgan Ave.), McCoy
Outdoor (Spring Hill Ave., Mobile), or Running Wild (Fairhope Ave, Fairhope) or email the
completed applications to Peggy at [email protected].
April 2012
Page 14
April 2012
Page 15