
Giving a second chance
to ferals and strays
BV • CATS, Inc. started with 9 people. Now, there are approximately 30!
Our Mission Statement: To strive for cleaner, safer homes and neighborhoods in which families, felines and others
can co-exist in harmony by providing compassionate care and control of cat over-population.
BV • CATS, Inc. is a non-profit
organization that reaches out to the
countless numbers of abandoned and
stray cats living in Blackstone Valley and
surrounding communities. It began with a
goal to trap feral cats in order to prevent
them from reproducing with the ultimate
goal of reducing their numbers.
In October of 2010, Eileen R.,
President and Founder of BV• CATS,
Inc., attended the “No More Homeless
Pets” Conference in Las Vegas. The
conference was hosted by Best Friends
Animal Sanctuary of Kanab, Utah.
The goal of the conference is to achieve
no more homeless pets by educating the
public to care about animals, to spay and
neuter their cats and dogs, and to be
responsible for their welfare.
A new attitude is needed to give
quality of life to animals, not just
humans. That means to love and care for
your pets as you would family members,
to keep them safe from harm, and to
provide them with adequate veterinary
care. Spaying and neutering is essential,
followed by vaccinations that will protect
them from disease and lengthen their
The statistics are out! 1. In the United
States, four million animals are
euthanized every year. 2. For every seven
pups born in the U.S., two of them will
find forever homes, and the other five will
end up in shelters. 3. Half the kittens
born feral will die from hunger, cold,
weak immune systems, predators, neglect
or abandonment (The mother cat will
sometimes die before the kittens are
More happy, healthy cats...
When we trap feral cats, we sometimes
catch abandoned pets living among the
ferals. They join the colonies so that they
can share the same food source, in an effort
to survive.
Some of the cats we have are in foster
care awaiting new homes. Others are in
foster care awaiting placement as barn cats.
These cats are feral, but non-aggressive.
They are not used to human contact and
cannot be socialized to the extent that they
can become family pets.
Do you want to help? Right now, there
are more cats than homes available to
adopt them. BV• CATS, Inc. needs funds
to spay and neuter these cats, and to find
homes for them so tht they can have the
lives they deserve. Let’s help each other
achieve a world of ...
fewer strays and ferals.
How Can I Help?
a Donation
a Donation
Any size donation is greatly appreciated. Donations go towards spaying
and neutering, an essential step in
reducing the population of feral cats. It
also helps to pay for veterinary care
such as vaccinations, medications, and
The Story of Midori
Foster Care
When friendly cats that have joined
feral colonies are trapped, they need a
temporary home while awaiting adoption. A foster home is a place where
the cats can stay while waiting for a
permanent home.
One of the best things you can do is
give a warm, loving home to a stray.
We’ve had successful adoptions just
like Midori, and we continue to strive
to match cats with the right owners.
As you can imagine, the cost of veterinary care can often be staggering.
There are endless ways you can help
raise money so that we can give cats
the medical attention they need.
Sometimes, the simplest thing you can
do is the most helpful. By spreading
the word about BV • CATS Inc., you’re
giving lots of cats a chance for a new
life. Word of mouth could reach a
potential family for a lonely cat in
need. Who knows- spread the word!
Midori's picture was posted
at the Sutton Senior Center.
She now enjoys visiting and
socializing with all the other
After a few months, someone residents. She would like to
join them on the veranda, but
called BV• CATS, Inc. , and
soon after, Midori was moved after all, she is an indoor cat.
into a senior apartment
She is very happy with her
new owner, and her owner is
happy with her.
She could smell that there
had been another cat in this
apartment. Once she realized
that she was the only cat in
the house, she warmed up to
her new owner.
BV • CATS, Inc. always strives
for that pur-r-r-fect match, and
this was definitely one of
Do you want to be the hero of your
own happy “tail” ? Read our article
on this page to learn how you can
help make a difference to cats in
BV•CATS, Inc. would like to extend a special thank you
to Formatt Printing, North Providence, RI
for donating all materials and services to
print this Newsletter.
The Heart of a Foster Mom
In the summer of 2010, Jody
adopted Susie and Ivan, two 5
week old rescued kittens from
Libbeus Street in Woonsocket.
These feral kittens were rehabilitated by Jody, their foster mom,
and are now loving pets.
Ivan and Susie have been
mentors for Jeffrey, who is also a
rescue kitten from Woonsocket.
They have been teaching Jeffrey
how to accept and enjoy human
companionship. When asked
how Jeffrey was doing, Jody
revealed her heart as a foster
mom/pet owner. Here is what
she said.
Eileen: Jody, how is Jeffrey’s
disposition now? Is he a tame
Jody: Jeffrey is getting better by
the day. Some days he is more
friendly than others. Today has
been a very good day! He really
is a very sweet boy and I’m
feeling more confident that he is
going to make it. He is so good
for these two cats and everyone
gets along now. Ivan has been so
much more playful since Jeffrey
arrived. It has been a good thing
for everyone. Actually I think we
are all going to be very sad to see
Jeffrey leave as he’s brought such
a good presence to Ivan & Susie
who both love having him
I enjoy his antics and watching him
and Ivan chase each other around
the house. If you do find him a new
home, someone will be getting a
very special little guy. Yes, he has a
way to go yet, but I see that neat
personality and I want him to
blossom as I know he has the
potential and he is making progress. Today he was rubbing up
against my legs while I was fixing
breakfast. Tonight, he let me pet
and hold him without struggling,
so that is positive progress. We have
good days and then some days he
seems to backslide a little but he
comes back and surprises me by
coming back stronger. So no
negative reports on Jeffrey, he’s a
really neat little guy!
Eileen: By the time he is ready to
go to a home, you, Susie and Ivan
might not want him to leave. Is that
possible? I don't want to fill your
house with cats, because you have
been a valuable resource for BV
CATS . But at the same time, all of
you might be one happy family.
How do you think this is going to
turn out?
Susie and Jeffrey snuggling
together on the couch
Jody: My job is to do the best I can
for him to become the best he can
be to find his forever home. I don’t
want to hold him back if there is a
loving home that is perfect for him.
On the other hand, he is perfectly
welcome to stay as long as he wants
or needs to. I am happy to have him
here, and so are Ivan and Susie. I
enjoy being a foster mom and see
this as very rewarding and worthwhile for the kitties I am working
with. I believe what will be, will be.
If he is meant to stay with us, he will.
If he isn’t, he will find another home.
We’ll play it by ear and see what
happens... How is that? I truly
appreciate what a miracle Ivan and
Susie are when I see cats that
struggle with human trust like Jeffrey
has. Yet, I see the wall crumbling and I
know that it is just a matter of time
before he lets go of that fear and
allows himself to trust and enjoy
being loved by humans. To see this
improvement makes it all worthwhile. I realize they don’t all make it,
but the thrill of seeing it happen
tempers the thoughts of missing him
if and when he leaves. I’m just one
stop on his final journey “home”.
Community Supporters
Professional Pet Grooming
fac nd us
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fre ster lley 2.H
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We offer a full line of services
for cats and dogs!
Precious Pets Grooming
Diane Pietrantonio
(508) 883-3886
(860) 935-0304
133 Pulaski Blvd.
Bellingham, MA 02019
fax: (860) 935-0307
Your pet is my priority
Brandy Linde
Pet Stylist
92 City Depot Rd.
Charlton, NA
By Appointment Only
(508) 254-1753
1387 Thompson Road
Thompson, CT 06277
Dr. Jill Le
Shelley Dubin, VMD
Precious Furs Pet Resort
Renee Plaisance
Certified Small Animal
Massage Therapist
(508) 265-5086
Boarding, Daycare, and exceptional
Grooming of Dogs & Cats
13 Lovett Road
Oxford, MA 01540
National Certified Master Groomer
Available for Adoption
* There are many more cats looking for forever homes on our website, please visit
Quincy was born 6/08. He is a
long haired grey male cat. He likes
other cats and dogs.
Coco & K.C. are brothers
approximately 2 years old. They
are affectionate and love to be
petted. They are used to other
cats and dogs. They are bonded
and must be adopted together.
Winchester is approximately 3
years old. He is a white short hair
male with black markings who lost his
left eye to irisitis. Once he feels safe,
he will honor you with love and
Max is approximately 2 years old.
He is Ruby’s sister. He loves to have
his neck and back scratched.
Dusty was born 6/08. He is a short
haired grey male. He is friendly, and
gets along well with other cats and
Ruby is approximately 2 years old.
She is Max’s sister. She is originally
from Milford. She loves toys and is
very playful.
Timmy was born on 8/29/10. He
and Jeffrey are brothers. He needs a
loving, permanent home. He’s an
affectionate and playful boy who
enjoys hugs and being on your lap.
Jeffrey was born on 8/29/10. He
likes other cats, and is a sweet,
lovable boy.
Cats are in foster care in Worcester, Uxbridge, Sutton, Holden and Woonsocket.
All cats are indoors. Please contact Eileen at 1-508-735-5825.
Flea Market Fundraiser- 47 Salisbury Street, Woonsocket, RI ... April 30th
Adoption Day... BV United Methodist Church, 61 Linwood Avenue, Whitinsville, MA... April 30th
Yard Sale... 20 Prospect Street, Webster, MA... May 7th
Bake Sale... Mount Saint Charles, Woonsocket ... May 17th -19th
Adoption Day... BV United Methodist Church, 61 Linwood Avenue, Whitinsville, MA... May 14th
Please visit BV•CATS, Inc. website at or call Eileen at (508) 735-5825 for more information
May 22nd, 12:00 - 2:00pm
1st Annual Luncheon
& Raffle Fundraiser
being held in conjunction with
The Lodge Pub & Eatery
40 Breakneck Hill Road, Lincoln, RI
$15.00 per person
(Children: 6-12: $8.00 / 5 & under - Free!)
Includes: Pasta and Meatballs, Chicken Maryland,
Tossed Salad, Rolls, Soda, Coffee and Dessert!!
Tickets may be purchased in advance or at the
door. Contact Terri at (401) 651-6330,
Eileen at (508) 735-5825 or Christine
at (401) 405-0739.
Stray Cat
Oh, what unhappy twist of fate
Has brought you homeless to my gate?
The gate where once another stood
To beg for shelter, warmth, and food
For from that day I ceased to be
The master of my destiny.
While he, with purr and velvet paw
Became within my house the law.
He scratched the furniture and shed
And claimed the middle of my bed.
He ruled in arrogance and pride
And broke my heart the day he died.
So if you really think, oh Cat,
I'd willingly relive all that
Because you come forlorn & thin
Well...don't just stand there...
Come on in!
by Francis Witham
The Life of a Feral Cat: Facts on Ferals
Communities of feral cats can be
found in the woods, in cities, in
apartment complexes, and in
many other places. Feral cats live
anywhere they can get food. They
will eat any food they can find,
such as food in dumpsters.
Often they are sickly and thin
because they haven’t been fed
properly or received any veterinary
care. Including feral cats,
4 million animals are euthanized each year.
Once a cat reaches 6 months of age, it can produce as many as three
litters per year. With each litter having up to 4 or 5 kittens, that’s a lot of
hungry babies per year. Unless feral cats are spayed and neutered, they
will continue to breed. Statistically, half of the kittens born outside
will die.
Ferals face lots of challenges year round, but winter is particularly hard.
In extreme cold, they will become frostbitten. Food is often scarce and
they may starve.
Thankfully, BV•CATS,Inc. is helping to reduce the number of feral cats
with TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) which means that cats are trapped
humanely, neutered at a clinic, and returned to their food source.
Here are some simple steps to help homeless cats:
• If you feed stray cats, trap, spay and neuter them so that the breeding
cycle is stopped.
• Keep your own cats from becoming statistics. Keep them indoors.
Get them spayed or neutered, vaccinated and micro-chipped. If you
want your cat to have outside experiences, please consider screeningin a porch or patio, building a cattery, investing in special cat fencing,
and/or teaching your cat to walk on a harness.
• Support your local community trap/neuter/return (TNR) groups.
• Donate — even small amounts add up. Volunteer a couple of hours
a month.
• Become a caregiver for a local cat colony.
• Foster adoptable kittens or lost house cats that are rescued.
2010 Blackstone Valley
Duck Race
The Blackstone River Duck Race was a great success for the Boys and Girls
Club of Cumberland and Lincoln, RI, and also for BV•CATS, Inc.
First, let me thank Paula L'Etoile for
bringing this event to my attention,
and for attending the meeting on
behalf of BV•CATS, Inc. to learn more
about it, and how it could work as a
fundraiser for us.
The Blackstone Valley Duck Race took
place in October, 2010, during which
time Eileen was attending the "No
More Homeless Pets Conference" in
Las Vegas. Everyone back home did
their best to make it a success for
BV•CATS, Inc., and it was! We were the
fourth highest fundraiser in the Race,
raising $2830.00, half of which was
awarded to BV•CATS,Inc.!
We joined with other vendors at the
race to raise money by selling bread
baked by When Pigs Fly Bakery from
Maine. Special thanks goes to Paul's
Bakery in Millbury who helped us by
freezing the unsold bread until we
were able to sell it. (The left over bread
was later sold by Henry, Eileen, and
Terry Campbell).
T-shirts were designed by John Russo
and Dan Eisenhammer, and were
printed by Paula and Dan who sold
them at the vendor’s table.
Our group won seven of the 50 prizes,
and Carol's son sold the $2,500.00 first
prize ticket to one lucky recipient from
Concord, N.H. WAY TO GO!
I would like to thank Carol McRell of
Oxford, Henry Carter of Worcester, Mo
and Evelyn Croteau of Whitinsville,
and PaulaL’Etoile and Dan Eisenhammer
for manning the table at the vendors'
Thanks also to those who sold tickets,
Carol, Henry, Jodi, Marybeth, Connie,
Mary, Doreen, Eileen, Terry D., Terry C.,
Sheila, Paula, Dan, Hilda, Dottie
and Dee.
A Special Thanks
In lieu of flowers for Connie,
You opted to give us some money,
Cats were neutered and spayed,
Veterinarians were paid,
In memory of Beautiful Connie.
We at BV CATS, Inc. are so very grateful
for the contributions made in memory
of Constance Peter.
Thank you,
Eileen Russo, President of BV•CATS, Inc.
I‘d like to take this opportunity
to thank the following vets,
organizations, and businesses
who have given a helping hand
to BV•CATS, Inc.
Animal Care Experts, Banfield, The Pet
Hospital, Blackstone Valley Vet
Hospital, Dakin Pioneer Valley
Humane Society, Merrimac River
Feline Rescue Society, Paw Planet,
Second Chance Animal Shelter,
Second Chance Fund for Animal
Welfare, Simply Designs, SportsMinded, Sutton Animal Hospital,
The Pet Barn, Tufts.
Thank you to both Janice Hayes
and Faith Perini. Both of these fine
women invited BV•CATS, Inc. to private
party events so that we could fundraise.
We are very grateful to have been given
this opportunity.
A BIG thank you to Paw Planet
for their donation to us from the
Customer Appreciation Day! This
donation allowed us to spay and/or
neuter two cats. Over the past
year, BV•CATS, Inc. has had seven
adoptions that we can attribute
to Paw Planet!
Paula L’Etoile and Dan Eisenhammer
purchased a 1/2 page ad in
the Jesse Fontaine Concert program
on behalf of BV•CATS, Inc. What a wonderful gesture, and a great way
to raise awareness that BV•CATS, Inc.
will trap, neuter and release feral cats,
and offer tame cats and kittens for
adoption to the families of Blackstone
Valley and surrounding communities.
Please help us to provide veterinary care to these two adoptable cats...
Terrence is a friendly, stray cat found in Woonsocket
RI. He showed up at Terry’s door, and when she
opened it, he strutted right in. He is less than 1 year
old. He has one hind leg that needs approximately
$1,000.00 worth of surgery to correct his damaged
knee. He has already had treatments for facial
abcesses, as he got into a fight and couldn’t get away
due to his bad leg.
Rufus is a 1 to 2 year old friendly, stray cat found in
Northbridge MA. He has three broken canine teeth
and is in chronic pain. He needs approximately
$300.00 worth of oral surgery to relieve his pain.
All cats shown on this page are available for adoption! Please visit for more information.
Yes, I’d like to be a hero to a helpless
abandoned, stray or feral cat!
Cookie & Baby
Your tax deductible contribution will help to provide veterinary
care and fostering expenses. Thank you very much from all of us
at BV• CATS, Inc.
I would like to donate $__________
Name: _______________________________
Street: _______________________________
City: ________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
E-mail: __________________________________________