Engrade Parent Letter - Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School!


Engrade Parent Letter - Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School!
 Online Grading Now Available at CKMS! Aloha Parents and Students, August, 2015 The teachers at Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School will again be using an online gradebook for grade keeping purposes this school year. An online gradebook will allow you to check up on your child’s grades anytime, anyplace, using the Internet with your home/work computer, smartphone or tablet. We have chosen to use Engrade, a program used currently by Kauai High School so if you have a child attending KHS, you may already be familiar with it. Attached is a slip of paper that includes your child’s login information. To create an account go to: http://www.engrade.com/students You’ll see this: In #2 above, you’ll see the words “sign up for a free student account here.” That’s a link that you want to click on. It’ll take you to a window that looks like this: Enter in your access code provided on the slip of paper attached to this letter. Once you enter in the access code, the window will change to this: Be sure to type in the code EXACTLY as it’s listed on your paper. You’ll enter in your name, email, create a unique username and password, and then select if this will be a student or parent account. You’ll need to click to check the next two boxes agreeing to their terms of service, and then press the “Create My Account” button. That’s it!! From then on, you’ll just need to go to www.engrade.com to login with your username and password. If you have a mobile device, you can use m.engrade.com and access grades that way. Do not lose/misplace your password once you create it. The school is not able to see your passwords and your account will have to be deleted and recreated if you lose it. Engrade Parent/Student Login Information Please sign and return this last page of the instructions so that we can be assured that this information did make it home. Student Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Student Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Parent Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Advisory Teacher: __________________________________________________________________ Please note that mid-­‐quarter progress reports will not be sent home anymore because grades will be updated by teachers every two weeks. We will continue to send home report cards at the end of each quarter. If you have any questions regarding a grade in a class, please contact that specific teacher. If you have any problems logging in to Engrade, please contact your child’s advisory teacher. He/she will be able to assist you. Mahalo for your continued support!