Volume 4, Issue 1 - Lewis County Schools


Volume 4, Issue 1 - Lewis County Schools
The Patriot Times
V O LU M E 4 , IS SU E 1
S E PT E M BE R 2 4 , 2 0 1 3
Red, White, & News!
School Cookie Dough and Magazine Fundraiser is Back!
On September the 10, the school started a fundraiser to sell magazines and cookie
dough. If you sell seven items from the “small book”, you get to take a monkey out of a
box. If you pick a mailman monkey, you get to take a slingshot monkey with money inside—anywhere from one to 20 dollars!
The main prize for selling at least four items is a party in the gym. The party includes laser tag, an inflatable obstacle course, and a game truck! If you sell eight items,
you get to come to the gym early and do all the games before
everyone else does. When you sell sixteen items, you get to run
around in a giant hamster ball! If you sell twenty items, you get
to shoot a slingshot cow into the basketball hoop. If you make a
lay-up, you get five dollars. If you make a foul shot, you get ten
dollars. If you make a three-pointer, you get twenty dollars. Last
but not least, a half-court goal earns you fifty dollars! Even if
you don’t make your shot, you still get five bucks. If you sell
more than twenty items, you get another slingshot cow for every
ten extra items you sell. The party will be on October 10th!
Good luck selling and helping our school raise funds!
Patriot News Staff—Fall 2013
The Patriot News is created by eighth grade students, who are specially chosen for scoring well on Star tests.
This year we will have two different staffs, one for each semester. The staff meets each morning in the library
during SPL with Ms. Kaia. They write articles and columns, take pictures, and edit the final copy of the newspaper. This semester’s students include: Brandon Mccue, Skylar Metz, Luke Dublin, Ike Petty, Blaine Jones,
Samantha Westfall, Kelsie Allman, Lauren Farnsworth, Sydney Fikes, Maddie Burchett, Jenna Sprouse, Braylen
Hughes, Shane McCord, Avery Post, Amber Gains, Drew Rodgers, Amber Watson, and Robbie Hull.
V O LUME 4 , ISSUE 1 S E PT E MBE R 2 4 , 2 0 1 3
of the
Austin Snider
Zoriah Henline
Favorite Color— Blue
Favorite Food— Ribs
Favorite Teacher— Mrs. Davis
Best Friend— Chris King
School Activities— Band
Brothers or Sisters— Four sisters
Hobby— Guitar
Favorite Color— Green
Favorite Food— Pizza
Favorite Teacher— Mrs. Hinkle
Best Friend— Lanie Horner
School Activities— No
Brothers or Sisters— One
brother and one sister
Hobby— Basketball
What Do You Want to Learn in School This Year?
Cory Gould: Math
Destiny Bishop: History Chase Wyant: Science
Patriot Illustrated
Thursday, September 12, 2013:
Last night the Patriot football team traveled to Bridgeport for an extremely hard game. Unfortunately, we lost 26-6. Joseph Rubio, a
kick-return star received the kick-off and went all the way home for a touchdown! Let’s hope for a beat-down at Lumberport next week.
Also last night, the Patriots soccer team was visited by the private school Notre Dame. They walked off the field tired and exhausted with a score of 8-0, Patriots. Team scores were made by Hunter Mitchell, Cody White, Bryson Lipps, and Logan Longball.
Tonight we would like to wish the Patriot volleyball team good luck against Kasson here at the home of the Patriots. Let’s fight
hard and hopefully defend our house with a win.
Let’s wish the Patriot boys soccer team good luck tonight at Buckhannon
Friday, September 13, 2013:
Last night the junior varsity volleyball team won against Kasson Middle School. Way to go! However, after a long struggle, the
Varsity team didn’t quite manage to pull out the win. Hey, let’s have better luck next game.
Also, the girls’ soccer team fought a hard fight at Buckhannon, but couldn’t quite walk away with a win. With a score of 6-2, Buckhannon ended the fight, Sarah Post scoring both goals for the Patriots. Way to go! Sadly, the boys’ soccer team also lost with a final score of
5-1 Buckhannon. Cody White scored the only goal. Good job, Cody! Good luck next game and may the presence of optimism fill you all.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013:
Yesterday, the Lady Patriot volleyball team traveled to Lumberport. The JV team was successful, but sadly, the Varsity team could
not come home with the win.
Both soccer teams played Elkins last night. The boys’ soccer team couldn’t get the win.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Today, we would like to wish the best of luck to our volleyball team. They will be playing Buckhannon here at RLBMS. Let’s defend our home!
Tomorrow, the Patriot football team will travel to Lincoln High School to take on the Lumberport Eagles. Good luck and smash
them up!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Sadly, yesterday, both volleyball teams lost to Lumberport when they arrived here at home. Thanks to the volleyball teams for going all-out and not walking off the court knowing that they could have done better.
Tonight the Patriot football team will travel to Lumberport. Let’s hope they can avenge the volleyball team.
Teacher of the Week: Mrs. Jones
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Animal: Dog
What she finds most challenging about teaching? “I find
making sure the students are ready for the next grade
level is the most challenging.”
Famous person that she has met: Tina Turner
The most incredible place she has been: Disney World
Mrs. Jones teaches 7th
grade math.
Book Review: Confessions of a Murder Suspect
My book review is about Confessions of a Murder Suspect written by James Patterson and
Maxine Paetro. It is set in a penthouse near Central Park in New York City. The main character’s
name is Tandy Angel. She has a twin brother named Harrison, often called Harry, a little brother
(although not so little) named Hugo, and an older brother Matthew, often called Matty.
Tandy and Harry, the fourteen-year-old twins are completely opposite. Tandy is fiery and
fierce; she doesn’t settle for anything less than what she wants. Harry is shy and doesn’t like to give
his input. He enjoys playing the piano and painting. Hugo and Matty are both outstandingly strong
and athletic. Matty plays football and has won a Heisman trophy.
The plot begins when the children’s parents are found dead in their room. Tandy and her parents had gotten into an argument that evening. The children were supposedly fast asleep when the
deaths occurred. Being that the building they live in has top-notch security, the children and their
caregiver Samantha are considered suspects. Throughout the book, Tandy writes out little confessions for the reader to read. That is why it is called Confessions of a Murder Suspect. Tandy goes out
on a limb trying to find evidence to prove that she, her siblings, and Samantha are all innocent.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It is full of suspense and twists and turns in the plot. I enjoyed the differences in the characters. It had a well-thought-out and well-written plot. Confessions
of a Murder Suspect kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the whole book. I would recommend
this book to anyone who wants a good read.
Written by Jenna Sprouse
Ask Phoebe
Hey everyone! We are taking over writing the exciting column “Ask Phoebe”.
You can find the “Ask Phoebe” box in the library on the check-out desk. Put your questions in and we will be happy to help. Please don’t get angry or feel left out if your question does not get picked. We pick the questions at random. We are very excited and we
are looking forward to a great year for “Ask Phoebe”. We ask that you do not send in
any silly questions. We are happy to help, but don’t send silly questions that you already
know the answer to. If we draw one of those out of the box, we will simply trash it and
get a different question. Here is the first question submitted by a student.
Dear Phoebe,
I am failing all of my classes. Help.
—Worried Student
Answer: What you need to do is study and try your best to
succeed. Guessing doesn’t get you anywhere. Pay attention
closely in class and if necessary, take notes on the things
you think are important.
—The New Phoebe
Game Review: Devil May Cry 3
Review by: Brandon McCue and Robbie Hull
Game Question of the
Name all nine sectors or character
groups in Team Fortress 2?
Devil May Cry 3 starts out as
an old legend of a demon who
betrayed his own kind. His
name is Sparda. You play as
one of his sons Dante. You
battle your evil demonic
brother Vergil. At the beginning, you start with two weapons, a sword called Rebellion
and two guns, Ebony and
You battle many bosses in
this game. The first boss is
the three-headed dog Ceberus, the big bad bulldog
at the top. You battle a lot
of evil demons that will
destroy you if you get too
close. Beware!
Around The School
This issue’s question is: In what grade’s hallway are rules for a great year?
Submit your answers and where the answer can be found in the box at the library circulation desk. Be
sure to sign your full name, too. One correct answer will be chosen and the winner can choose a prize
from the school store.
Breakfast, Books, and Brains Club
Do you have a big exam coming up on
Friday and just can’t find the time to study for
it? Do you ever need to just take an AR test, but
never have time to in any of your classes? Do
you enjoy playing games and earning prizes?
Well, then you should come down to the Breakfast, Books, and Brains Club, sponsored by the
National Junior Honor Society. It is held on the
new side of the cafeteria from 7:15 until 8:00
every morning.
The club offers homework help, AR tests,
study help, and brain games. You can also eat
your breakfast while you are there. To our faithful members who come daily we will offer special prizes. For every ten visits you make to the
Breakfast, Books, and Brains Club, you will receive a prize of your choice. The NJHS would
love to see you around and help out. Come join
the fun and learn something, too!
Interesting Facts
More than 99 percent of the species that have ever existed are now extinct!
Olive oil and garlic are real ice-cream flavors.
More men are color-blind than women.
The Hawaiian alphabet has only 13 letters.
Male woodchucks are called He-Chucks; females are called She-Chucks.
Avery Post chose these facts from the book:300 Weird But True Facts

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