m - New Jersey Courier


m - New Jersey Courier
E S T A B L I S H E D 1850.
Toms River, N. J., Thursday Afternoon, April 25, 1895.
\ I jB E i y r 0 . M A R T IN .
A tto rn ey
o l ic it o r in
Empire Shoe Store
C h a n c e ry .
Cor. Greenwich A Dey Sts., New York.
T om s River, N. J.
Has a Special Sale of Ladies’ and
Gent/s Hand-made Shoes for $1.90,
wide and narrow toes.
In order to
accommodate onr customers when
ordering shoes we will purchase any
other goods desired, at the lowest
prices. B e st care and prompt at tern
tion to all orders received by mail.
H O L M E S B IR D S A L L ,
J *
A t t o r n e y a t L aw ,
M a s t e r and E xa m in e r in C hanoery
an d N o t a r y P d b u o .
o f f i c e o n m a in s t r e e t , o p p o s i t e
N. D, K end all
C o u n sel o r
Ma s t e r
O f f ic e
Books,: Stationery: and
F a n cy : Goods
C h ancery ,
Jewelry, Silverware, Silver Novelties:
T oeqo River, N. J . New York and Philadelphia M im ing
and Evening Papers.
Subcriptions received for papers and
T A W O F F IC E S .
magazines at publishers’ rates.
Orders fo r Jewelry or Silverware not
in stock will receive careful at­
S hreeve ' s B uilding ,
M a in S
144 E a st S tate S t r ee t , T renton .
T "\ R
d sI
D ffli-s S
D E N T IS T ,
Office Days—Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Teeth extracted without pain by Anteathetlc
applied to gumB.
Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails,
Class, etc., Doors, Sash, Blinds and
Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Lime, Ce­
ment, Brick, etc., etc.
C ontractor of P lastering and
Lowest prices
OtKce a n d Y ard on Hay S t r e e t ,
B a r n e e a t N. J .
B rick - L aying.
Repairing neatly and promptly done. All
work guaranteed. Estimates or advice given
w'th pleasure.
i u m a c k ’s Y a rd
W atchmaker and J eweler ,
etc., a Specialty.
Cement and Brick, Doors,
Main S tre e t, near Water, Toms River
lowest prices for cash.
A P A T T E R SO N ,
VanHise Building, Washington S t.,
Gilt-Edged Class of Goods
Yon should visit
Tom s Biver, N. J .
f i t , GROCERY
Y. V E E D E R .
B l a c k sm ith
W h ee l w r ig h t S h o p s
All work promptly attended to Id first
class style. Water street, Toms River.
Bacaessor to V e e d k r & E
Where Satisfaction is generally given to all cus­
tomers. Ladies’ Shampooing a specialty, done
br Mrs. Hudson.
L Y S S E S S . G RA N T,
T onsorial A r t is t ,
water st r e e t , toms r iv e r , n. j .
E V i B ltlN L E Y ,
x t r a c t e d w it h o u t
a in
G e o . T. C r o o k
W ate r P o w er.
There are at present ou this watershed but
12 mills a t 9 mill sites, with an aggregate of
288 net horse-power. In 1850, we find 19 mills
aud Manchester and Pbrenix Iron furnaces
usiDg power on the stream and Its brauches.
Here, as elsewhere in ibis portion of the 8tatc,
this decadence of water-power is dne to the
exhaustion of the timber-snpply, causing the
abandonment of Baw-miils and to the change
of conditions in the iron industry, which
caused the abandonment of the small charcoal
furnaces. Owing to the configuration of the
lower valley, the opportunity for the develop­
ment of water-power are exceptionally good
on this stream. At the crossing of the high­
way from Toms River to Manchester, a
development very similar to that at Millville
would furnish 25 feet fall with a pond 4 5 miles
long and half a mile wide. The drainage area
is 129 square miles, and we estimate the power
for 9 months ut 12.9 borse-power per foot fall,
or 322 horse-power day and night, which, with
the poudage mentioned, would give 644 boi se­
l l e r for 12 hours daily. This power, in the
very driest season, would never fall below 198
horse power for 12 hours daily. Ju st above
the confluence of Ridgeway Branch, the avail­
able power of the stream is 5.8 horse power
per foot fall, and 15 or 20 feet fall could be
readily developed. At White’s bridge, the
stream will furnish 4 5 horse-power per foot
fall, and facilities are good for developing 15
feet fall. %
On Ridgeway Branch, at the site of the old
Pbmuix furnace, about one mile above the
mouth, 6.4 horse-power per fool fall Is available,
and 15 or 20 feet could be readily developed
At Manchester pond, on Union branch, we
istimate 2 1 horse-power per foot fall, there
being 14 fe c i fali with good pondage, so that
abont 00 horse-power is available for 13 hours
dady during 9 months of the year.
On Daveuporl Branch, at Van 8choick‘s
mill, we estimate 3.4 horse-power per foot fall,
or twice this for woifeing hours for 9 months
of the year.
It will be seen that Toms river presents
exceptionally good facilities for developing
water-power, and an aggregate of 1,000 horse­
power could be easily obtained.
Cowperthwait* Exchange,Tom * River
Open every day (except Sunday) from 7.80 a. m.
to B p. m.; Saturdays, from T a. m. to 1* midnight.
(Formerly VanHise & Son)
Main & Washington S ts., Toms River
A full line of High Grade
Staple and Faucy Groceries,
Provisions, Flour, Feed, Etc.
Te e t h E
E stablished 1 8 7 7 .
O p p o sit e the O cean H ouse.
F o r a New and
H A R N E S S M A K ER ,
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered. Am
also sole proprietor for Ocean County
of the new local amosthetio
‘O D O N TU N D E R ”
that is applied to the gums for pain­
less extraction. Write for testimonials.
Shop in B an k Building, Main Street,
W A R ETO W N , N. J .
Tom s River, N. J .
I f you desire Life, F ire , or Marine
Shaving, Hair Cutting m latest fashions, sham­ Insurance, or wish to buy good
pooing, Mustache Dyeing. Ladles’ Hair Trimming
country real estate.
Waretown is
a specialty.
oDe of ibe most attractive and bealtby
villages along the Jersey shore and
O A M U E L C. B A I L E i,
cottages or other desirable property
Dealer In
be purchased or rented for low
prices and easy termH. My insurance
business was established in 1871 and
The Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York
Corner Main and Washington Streets,
is the best life insurance in the world.
Tom* River. N. J .
B D W. SN Y D E R ,
* 1
171 Broadway (1st Floor), New York
Aleo, Island Heights, N. J .
Property of all Kinds sold on commission. Semi
fWGarmentB cut and made to order In the beat written
description with terms and lowest price.
manner at ahort notice
Exchanging of country for city property a special­
ty. Give me a cail.
g A M T JE L S . T A IL O R ,
and Hot Water Heating. Particular
attention paid to oat of town work.
LA KEW O O D , N. J .
S p e c i i l i s t in H o u se H
eatin g
akewood ,
N. J .
L a r g e V a r ie ty o i
Mattings, Floor and Table
Oil Cloths, Linoleums
Window Shades, etc., a t Low Prices
can uc fo u n d at
W a te r
S t ., T o m a
water courses being everywhere bordered by
strips of cedar swamp, and the uplands from
40 to 60 feet higher and wooded with the
characteristic pine, growth of this section. On
the lower portion of the water-shed, there is
a little variation in the topography. The
stream and Us branches are bordered by fiats
half a mile or less In width, from which the
uplands rise quite abruptly at first by steep
banks about 30 feet high. Fuilher b »ek, the
uplands rise from 60 to 80 feet above Uie stream
valley. Ouly 6 per cent, ol the water shed Is
cleared o f timber.
The w ater is of the same general character
as the other streams o f this group We es­
timate the total How at Toms River bridge at
170,000,000 gallons daily during the average
year, and the minimum How at 27.500,000
nations dally. The whole water-shed has a
supplying capacity, with storage, of 112,000,000 gallons dally.
Above the confluence o f Ridgeway Branch,
the stream drains 58 square miles and has an
average flow of 61.400.000 gallons dally, a
minimum flow of 9 900,000 gallons daily and a
capacity, with storage, to supply 33.750,000
gallons daily.
Ridgeway Branch Is the pilncipal affluent
and rises near Collier's Mills, on the west line
of Ocean county. It flows southeast by east,
joining Toms River 3 5 miles above the village.
It drains 64 9 square miles and baa an average
flow of 67,500,000 gallons, a minimum of 10,900.000 gallons and will supply, with storage
37.200.000 gallons daily.
Union Branch is the principal affluent of
Ridgeway , which It joiDs 2 miles above the
mouth. This brunch drains 30 square miles and
has an average flow of 31,200,000 gallons daily,
mloituudi o l 5.040,000 gallons daily and, with
storage, will supply 17,220.000 gallons daily.
Davenport Branch drains 84 square miles.
It has an average flow o f 35,300 000 gallons, a
miuimuin o f 5,720,000 gallons and a capacity,
with storage, to supply 71,400 000 gallous
Sash and Blinds.
flow a t West Creek village pond, 12000.000
1000 Horse-Power Daily.
Could b e Secured b y Harit«-n»inK Tonis
Tuckerton Creek—13 horse power; area
drained, 11 9 square miles; average daily flow,
R i v e r - o t h e r R oo d S ite s.
6,800,000 gallons.
Professor John C. Sm ock, 8tate Geologist,
E ffe ctu a l P o w e r and I ta V alue.
has Issued a volume o f reports on the Slate
As is well known the turbine wheel of today
Water Supply, eompi'c.l by C. C. Vermeule the
consulting engineer o; the Geological survey will secure from 70 to 80 per cent, of the
It depJs extensively with the question o f water theoretical hoi sc-power; and yet, lu the pre­
supply fo r drinking purposes and also of onr paration of these reports, many available site*
water power—which the report shows is have bceu ovei looked so that the total amount
largely running to waste, particularly In the of power that could actually be obtained from
southern shore counties. We quote the follow­ the streams of our county would doubtless sur­
ing from the report in regard to Toros River— pass the theoretical amount given above.
its figures are more eloquent than anything we (F o r instance, nothing is said In the report
could pen concerning the possible development about Jake's branch which runs the Diamond
flour mills at this place )
of our water power.
rt is further shown that, the rental value per
, ». J ...
"fw i kV w .
horse power ot water-power varlos from a
This stream rises a t Clarksburg, near the
minimum of $7 50 in New England to a
source of the Assanpink aDd Millstone, lu Mon­
maximum of (5 0 per theoretical horse-power
mouth county, and Hows southeast to the head
In New Jersey.where the highest rates prevail,
of tide at Toms River village, a distance of
ranging from (30 to (50.
miles in a direct line. Thence eastward, 5
W hat will be doue to develop this great
miles to Barnegat bay, the river extends as a
natural wealth, and who will do it?
shallow estuary, from 5 to 10 feet deep and
aOoui 2 a i J e wida a t th o woiuU, tietaic prac
Is a Black Dog Unlucky?
tlcally an arm of Baruegat bay. The water­
shed lies almost entirely upon the Tertiary
S a d C ase o f a T o o C onfiding C anine W ho
sand and gravel, and has an area of 163 8
h a d Once Knitted the A ir o f a News­
square miles. The upper portion resembles
p a p e r S a n ctu m .
the more southerly streams of this group, the
W ater su p p ly .
Opposite Railroad D e p .t, Tom s River.
Repairing o f Watches, Jew elry, Spectacles,
R iv e r
t tt h e r Ocean C o u n t> S tre a m s.
W Your attention is invited to my new branch
of Musical Instruments, Strings and Oolfiie
“ Is a black dog unlucky,the same as a black
ca t?” That is the queftion which is wastlug
away the gray muiter of editor Haslett and bis
stuff o f Democrat employes and causing
wrinkles to develop on their foreheads. But,
hist—say nothing to one of them about It.
More wise would It be to beard the lion In his
den, or to atk William T. McKaig of island
Heights, who stole his good steed ; better by
far it were for him that had temerity to breaiho
aught o f this in the presence o f one of- the
Democrat staff, that a millstone were tied
about bis neck and that he be cast Into the
middle o f the Old Pond.
L ast week, some sporting admirer of the
Democrat presented Editor Haslett with a fine
specimen of a Black Purp. Now the open
season for Spring Poets was about over and the
editor saw that there was likely to be a scarcity
of nutritions diet for both his faithful Offlce
L'at and the Black Purp, unless one or the
other was saci iliced. A newspaper without au
offlce c a t was not to be thought of—so the
Black Purp had to go. A kind friend, who
was driving down shore, agreed to lose it be'
tween here and Forked River and did so.
T he day after, one of the Democrat staff—
who asks no odds of any wheelman In this
vicinity tor speed — pedaled down to Forked
He niudo the trip down in 36 minutes
aud ju s t sufficiently “ limbered u p " bis mus­
cles to feel' like riding ; and on his way back,
he thought to beat bis pace down.
All weut well till Bay ville was reached,when
from somewhere that Black Purp appeared on
the scene. Barking and wagging his tall In
delight, he made for his friend.
A th u d -----—
The newspaper man picked himself up from
the roadway, cut and bleeding. His first care
was for bis wheel; then he looked at the dog.
ft was the Identical Black P u rp ; but It was
Som e think the Black Purp, having once
gotten a whiff of printers’ ink—like everyone
else who is unfortunate enough to once get
that tain t in his blood—wauled to be taken
back to the Democrat sapetam. Others assert
that in despair over his cruel abaudonment.tbe
Black Purp cast himself In front of the wheel
and so met his death, in order that he might
hereafter haunt the Democrat office and thus
be revenged.
As another member of the staff was thrown
from bis wheel, disabling his machine and
injuring himself the same day and on the same
road, the Democrat office holds to the last
theory and Is asking the question that heads
this strange tale from real life.
The Tie That Binds.
S e c re t
So ciety C o u lp G ath e red
a n d Th ere.
New York Fashions.
Hlghtstown will bond the town to build
A m tu a rlM . S p rin g C apes. P a r a s o l* . water works.
Easter millinery may be termed fantastic,
J . Harley Compton has moved to Belmar
eo many dlvera colors and materials are from New Egypt.
grouped with such abandon, and very light­
The Corinthian y a c tt club at Atlantic City
weight rough straw hats In white o r colors, held their drat rare for 1895 on last Thursday.
have more thau fulfilled all predictions regard­
Two persons were arrested at Red Bank last
ing their popularity, being not uufrequeutiy
week for using profaue language on the street.
Covered to such, an extent with flowers, that
Abou, three hundred unclaimed express
only an Inch o r two of the brim is visible;
then again the sole trimming is a c'U 'ter of packages were auctioned off at Long Braticb
ostrich feathers and roses; this style applies last week.
for the most part however to shaperturning up
“ t one side, At present tbe ''Continental,"
and two or three varieties of the Napoleon
shape are in especial prominence; but as the
season advances, larger shapes will tie more
generally worn, aud on young persons, tilted
tx> one side, with crushed roses under the
brim. Pale green straws trimmed with violets,
llliws-or the-valley, awd white l v » , wUk
youthful faces beneath, are thoroughly bar
monlouM, aud white rough straws aud Dresden
rlbbou. are the very personification of sitn
T h e T erm G in g h a m
Conveys no adequate idea of the novel
patterns and lovely color combinations In
cotton good-*, classed under thia head; such
perfect imitations ot crepons, chine silks,
dotted or striped wools, th at the Illusion Is
only dlt-pelled by close examination. Stripes
are lu great predominance, particularly tbe
beautiful Dresden sir,pea. and these lovely
little fljia l sprigs in " a l l over" style,
quite as charming as when arranged lu single
file, fl inked on either side by a narrow plaincolored stripe.
T a ffe ta b ilk s
Illustrate a sim ilar fancy for small des’gus,
and here again, strip-s are most iu favor,
changeable hues with very minute dots, reappealing in various modifications of last
season’s styles Plalded silks afford a contrast
in brll|! wiey o f color and design to any others,
and are in great demand for waists, or for
sleeves and front on dark crepons, or fronts
for Eton j ickets
A rtific ia l F lo w e rs
Brighten up or disfigure costumes (as the
case may be) to an unprecedented extent, and
the usual Easter *' craze” for violets, Is supple­
mented by au almost rqual one, for crimson
roses, which are moiu generally becoming,
because less trying.
G reat discrimination
should be used iu wearing flowers ou a collar
or cape, by persons no longer young, as tbe
contrast is sometimes painfully apparent. The
newest collar is shaped much like a clergy­
man's stole, the ends falling straight down to
tbe waist, and flushed oft with white or black
luce, and a cluster of rosebuds or violelB,
which are also placed at Intervals on the
collar. A handsome’vest front or yoke is
absolute necessity, and here tbe blouse frout Is
most apropos, filling up the space left by the
open collar.
Buiween Immense sleeves,
shoulder trimmings, luce collars, fluffy fronts
aud short jackets, bud Indeed must be the
figure that canuot now be made to look at
least presentable.
T h e En e m tile
Of many spring capes is marred by an over­
plus of trimmings—a second floating cape or
very deep collar, with an exceedingly full neck
garniture, produces a bristling effect, opposed
to anything like a graceful outline.
blaik or colored silk ruchmgs exaggerate thin
fault, therefore plain satiu covered by jetted
lace is a rust to tbe eye.
All F a s h lu n a b le M a te ria ls
Clayton Robbins Gets a Berth.
A council of the Daughters of Liberty Is
being organised among the patriotic Ladles of T h e E x -S h e rlft Is A ppoluted One o f the
F lah a n d G am e W ard en s.
Hon. Abram Lower of Point Pleasant, State
The Stale Fn*li and Game Commission have
Councilor of the O. U. A. M., recently In­
appointed fl-h and game wardens, aa follows;
stituted Starry Flag council at Keyport.
G. Hilton. Cape M ay; Jam es Hunt and
The Supreme Lodge, Knights of Pythias, has William Gulbendge, Camden; William G.
sued the City National B&nk of Fort Worth, Wise, Burlington ; George Ricardo, Bergen ;
Tex., fo r (150 000 deposits and Interest due the Joseph L. Tooker, Jr., Middlesex; Clayton
order. The bank failed April 5. and Is now in Robbins, O cean; Charles A. Shrlner, Passaic;
the hands of receivers.
Samuel H. Call&ban, Salem ; Jacob V. Hcnder8tate Councillor P . Hall Packer, of the sbot, Sussex ; Henry Sc-bneider and Louis H.
Junior Order United American Mechanics, baa Babbit, Atlantic; George H Slone, Somerset;
designated the week beginlng May 26ih, in Edward Hill, Warren ; John R. Rellley, Essex;
which services In memory of the dead members Benjamin F . Denston and Charles B. Platt;
of Ibe Order may be held.
Gloucester; George W. Dunham, Hunterdon.
No appointments were made for Morris,
On Ju n e 14ih next the Grand Lodge of In ­
struction of New Jersey of the Free and Ac­ Mercer, Luton. Hudson, Cumberland or Moncepted Masons will meet at Long Branch. All month, but s» ven more wardens are to be
the lodges in the Fourth Masonic District, will named. Charles A. Shrlner. of Paterson, was
slide Chief Fish and Game Protector.
be present on that occasion.
t'n r la im e d L e tte r * .
L e ticia addressed to tbe following persons
remained unclaimed a t the Toros River Post
Offlce for the we*-k ending on Monday ;
Jo h n Webb, &>q.
Miss Maggie Talm age.
W. A. fleury.
Miss Bell Scbodeld.
Miss Bessie Edwards.
Miss A ntooelte-------- ?
News Notes From Noaraby.
Easter will lurry. Cottons. Taffeta Silks.
And styles seem concentrated In parasols—
plain, nurrow stripes, changeable or chine
effects, very bright pluids, perforations worked
lu black on colors, plain white silk and chiffon
ruffles, or black chiffon on all fashionable hues,
are leadlug styles, A stylish fancy is to drape
parasol ribs in silk, with either (1 iwers or deep
black lace points In the Intervening spaces ; or
on white silk, garlands of piuk rosebuds or
Violets depend from tbe rosette at the top. in
some cases almost covering the parasol; but it
goes without «»>iiig that flower parasols are
beet adapted te carriage or piazza use.
Vebona Ci.ahke
H ere
number of tbe members of Magnolia
Council. No. 101. J r . O. IT A. M of Tom.
River, paid a fraternal visit to Laurel Council,
No. 98, of Lakewood oo Friday evening la s t ;
and a t tbe request o f Laurel Council took tbe
floor and initiated six candidates. Laurel
Council has now oo hand fourteen elected can­
didates and a number of applications.
VO LU M E 45— NUM BER 30
W h « t T h e y R ig h t P la n t.
The wagon m ak e r-A a axle tree.
Tbe blue bloods—A family tree.
The shivering [K jjr—A fir tree.
The carpenter —A pi >ne tree
The epieaie—A spice tree.
The AuaimTr g trl—A beach tree.
The victim of stale jokes—A chestool tree.
The college a th le te - A rowan tree
A dude—A spruce tree.
The schoolteacher—A birch tree
The politician —A plum tree.
The old fo lk s—A roof tree
Married couples -A pear tree.
The melancholy—A pi&e tree.
The children—A Christmas tree.
According to the new naturulls itiou law, no
person can bo naturaliz >d within thirty days
of an election.
Miss Harriett 8 Arnold of Lakewood, re­
cently lost two shares of Lakewood Trust
Company stock.
The Tuckerton M. E . 8 uml ay-school had an
attendance of 239 on Earter Sunday—the
1i a / g n l )o lou r years.
Arthur A. Zimmerman has joined the ranks
of the benedicts; the young lady being Miss
Grace Riley of Troy, N. Y.
The sea has been so rough of late that the
pound flshormen have been unable to drive the
poles for holdlug their fishing nets.
A new law Imposes a fine of (300 for any
man not a member of the National Guard
wearing any of the insignia of the organiza­
The jury in the case of Leeds vs Haslett and
Muller, editors of the Atlantic City Journal,
for libel, failed to agree npon ft verdict after
being out 11 Louis.
A marine insect only about a half inch long
Is preyiug upon shad this year. Fishermen
say that It bores loto the intestines, oftentimes
killing Us victims.
The following have been elected trustees of
tbe West Creek Methodist church i O. C.
Crauiner, P. R. Sprague, C. A. Seaman, J . H.
Kelly and W. L. Pbaro.
Two members of a travelling theatrical com­
pany picked up two valuable diamonds on tbe
beach at Asbury Park recently. The larger of
the stoues was worth over (600.
Atlantic City talks of having connection with
New York city this summer by means of the
Iron Steamboat Company's fleet, running to
the ocean pier as they do at Long Branch.
iulernal Revenue Collector Butcher o f the
First New Jersey District reports that his office
has received 1500 returns from persons wftoa.-e
liable to tbe income tax. It Is probable that
tbe number In his district will amount to 2000.
Governor Werts has officially sanctioned the
cavalry troop recently organized at Red Bank
and It will he mustered In next Wednesday
night. It will bo knowu ns Second Cavalry
Troop, N. G. N. J , and will received an ap­
propriation of (15,000 from the state.
The delegates appointed to the general as­
sembly to be held in Pittsburg In May, by tbe
Presbytery of Monmouth a re: Ministers, Rev.
Maitland Alexander, of Long Branch, and Rev.
O. W. Wright ot Baruegat. The elders are
Jam es Steen ot Eatonlown, aud Dr. Hall of
The Camden Dally Telegraph has this to say
about one who Is not unknown in this vicinity :
Lawyer Phll'p 8. Scovel, of Bordentown, bus
of late been prominently mentioned as a
candidate for Law Judge ol Burlington county,
which Important office must be filled this fall
under the new law. Mr Scovel practices law
lu tins city and he not only stands high at the
bar, but his brother lawyers all admit that he
possesses a judicial temperament and mind,
and being affable, brainy, self possessed and a
close student, he meets all the requirements of
judgeship, and Burlington county Re­
publicans could not do better than nominate
and elect lilin.
C. E. County Union.
C h r is tia n E n d e av o r N o rlctlcs Hold
C onvention o n N a'u rd sy .
A comity convention of Christian Endeavor
workers wa« held on Saturday last, at the
Baptist church In this town, and a county
union organized. Delegates were present from
eight societies. Exercises were as follows :
At 10 80 A. M , devotional exercises led by
Rev. J J . t ’oale of Toms River.
Address of welcome, Rev. John Scott of
Turns River.
Response. Rev. O. W. Wright, of Barnegat.
At 1 15 r m , devotional services were led by
Rev. 8. G. Webb of New Gretna.
Organization of county union.
Reports from societies represented.
Reports of commltlees aud election of onivers
'• Local unions,” by Rev. W. G. Wedemeyer
of Lakewood.
Tbe Juniors," Rev. S. G. Webb, Miss
Brown of Lakewood, and Miss Horner of
Turns River.
’ ’ The Pledge,” Rev. J . J . Coale.
• The prayer meeting,” E. M. VanNote of
Long Branch.
3 minute addresses* by A. C Martin, Esq.,
of Toms River and Mrs.T. C. Parsons of Island
Heights, President of tbe Ocean county W. C
T. U.
Officers elee’ed are as follows:
Harry M. Bunnell of Toms River, president.
Presidents ol each society to serve as vicepresidents of tbe Union.
Miss Janet F. Brown of Lakewood, secre­
Edward Downey of BarrsvlIIe, treasurer.
Correspondence committee — Rev. O. W.
Wright ..f Barnegat, assisted by corresponding
secretaries of local societies.
Pi e.w com m ittee-W . BunU Havens of Toms
River, assisted by corresponding secretaries of
local societies.
Look oat committee—Rev. 8 G. Webb of
New Gretna, Mrs. Todd of Lakewood, Miss
Mary E. Downey of Barrsville.
The next meeting will be held at Lakewood
on Tuesday, Jan e 18ib, next.
The report shows the available water power
from other Ocean county streams to be as
follows, fo r 12 hours dally, 9 months m each
K t n n PINK R m i i .
•-----D U L I I l l -----Meiedecook R iv er-307 horse power; area
W. C. T. U. Convention.
H is staled that four steam pilot boats of
drained. 7 3 .9 square m iles; average da*.r flow
to be built to take tbe place of A M e m l-A n n u a l G a i h e r t n g tn he H eld a t
at Bnrrsvilie 76,800 000 gal loos.
S U R G E O N S and D E N T IS T S
Owen Shows, a Hy*m street lad, has a pair the sailing vessels of the Bandy Hook and New
B a rn e g a t.
Cedar C r e e k -*24 horse power; area drained.
Offlce, Bergen's Stable. L A K E W tS B , N. J .
Jersey fleets. One of tbe boats will remain
55 9 square milest average daily flow at Cedar of ca rrie r pigeons that bold tbe record just
Alw A « l « l P A R K .
The semi-anneal convention of the Woman s
Creek village bridge. 58,000.000 gallons.
C4U> »>y mall or telegraph promptly at tended to.
From Foundation Brick. Lime and
big ocean lin en . Another will lie off Barnegat Christian Temperance Union of Ocean county
Forked River, north branch —20 borae power; distanca of tea m ils *-In thirteen mmntes.
Cement to Finishing Touch of Paint.
j for tbe trade from southern ports Tbe third wili be held at Barnegat tomorrow, 26th test.
Cedar and Oak Boat Boards, Spars.
area drained. 14.7 rqoare miles ; average flow
T he l »u aI R e s a le
Faint, Varnish and Nails.
i will remain close outside Sandy Hook to take Morning session at It o'clock sad afternoon
Forked River village bridge, 15 300.000
at 2, will be in tbe Presbyterian ehorcb.
F or years sod years tbe merchant worked, |pilot* frost outgoing vessels The fourth will
Routine work of tbe roe ven i ion will be con­
W D D D .
i gallons daily.
S u l something was amtes;
|crai« »rouod between Fire Inland and BanteC I V I L E N G IN E E R .
Mannabawkin Creek -2 4 horsepow er: area
ducted and reports be received Trom the local
Fencing, Drain Pipe, Fertilisers, Etc.
Tbe proflu that his business showed
g *J to supply pilots to vet sets whies the others
drained. 19 7 square m iles; average flow at
L nioss. A paper on ,r Saffrage ” is expected
L a so ia ,
N ew je b s e y . |
W ere abont tbe sire of this !
TOMS RIV ER. If. J . | Mannabawkin pood 11 2X0 600
gailoBS daily.
from H r- Mary D Bradley of T a c k c io a ; aed
< ™ «“ t
recitations by Miss G G. Moore of Point Pleas­
P 1,iJ. eutrA tiau.
rrAsiug. Afld per-1
B e t a t last be leernwrto advertise.
I area drained. 21 square m iles; average daily
V ™ 1- * . At p a e p i& c tn n tm a m t f r a t y . i
The Weekly Crop Bulletin o f it * New Jersey ant. Evening session at 7 90 in the M. E .
And did it welt, f wfc.
ty a* R aw . <m Tu—4a. . m P award.*.j
Weather Service, for the season o l 1895, will ebarefa, to be addressed by R *r. Anna 8baw,
WILLIAM F. POTTS of Lake- Those who sever read the sdreriL*«-ffie»t* i* So th at now his profit* every year
he resameti ne Tuesday.
Tih. Farmer* obs of th? s o rt ek>qroret ot femaie platform
Are abont the rtse o f m is:
I thank my friends for their Iwood is now ready to do anything in j tbeir oew«p*pers miss more iber prwume
desiring to forward weekly reports will be
Jonathan Kcnieoo. of Boiao. Worth C o . Iowa. I
faratefeed with suitable portal cards upon
Datronage of last year, and will
bad been troabled with rb*imatfero in hi* |
lotting. Windmills ereeted Orders wbo
r’l In k. ■ P T ^ tH js p j the Director, N*w Brunswick,
lk , arms and shosidef. rewd u ;ieas ra ss*
continue to supply them with !left at B. A- Gnliek's. Toms River, ta
=e' dt4
paper about bow a prom merit German
-------- ,’ O . . te ttar h * !» * . m tfc,, ^
i ‘ ! » « « ra n a e rt
.b .
r » » l »n
r f r e r ta in , e U la *4 I „
oi r t. MartssE bad been c
Ice Cream, Confectionery sod jwill receive prompt attention.
He procured house witoout Cburoberlahi’a Cough Remedy^ * * r**WTUB* eTC* * * *•«
wse& te fill oat
to-r rm edw a h »,e ™«ene* a
ibe same aserlkius, asd t
' R,
OWB h “
»■ »o re than half the house is Leeds!!
tbe report once each
fruits. Liberal terms made with
f T
" ’* 1. ? * - j P r -_Kl^ ’1
e i l - c sat * : I in s s S a .- * . Lwds. iow*.
A Eelghboa aa * ' '
with rbeuront!
Churches and Societies.
boa«e and
e»*»c k>
do tbe e m k l___
by taking Chamber-1
5? . ^, SM t? *hieh
w are
«* m
a nettor*
Dron-fae* Remerfv Ii
lr ' » " I P
t e }M
S J rt ewred
S them
* ?p
“ In
r -s maoentfv. and that U k - -n f-rT --■»
j wu_
,- . ■
------ nees tie attack s a t be — rt r i iTrd '
** . * i
™ ” rteteH-t fr r them as i the dealer wine#
^ * and *safe
for ■by u k te t o s
« 4e fo m m Z
'" • r e a l screw nb wtfl h* «-*■# *s »-a
*e# the disease appear ^ 5 sad 3 6 ----- -------i draggis*
.* y C . * MatM*
I for
! thea. f l d i at c 5 . um hh' Drag
^Correspondence Solicited.
K. K . BRA N T
E v ery th in g
for B uilding
P L U M B IN G .
!N e w
Newspaper i
jJersey sBook f jobj
Waretown, New Jersey. Courier
A convention of the Sunday-schools of Brick
township was held In the Presbyterian church
on Wednesday afternoon and evening, April
I7tb. The afternoon session opened at. three
o'clock and was presided over by Rev. Dr.
Cunningham, pastor. R ev. E. M. Ferguson,
Secretary of tbe 8tate Sunday-school Associa­
tion, responded to the pastor’s address o f wel­
come, and explained tbe benefits of township
Sunday school organization.
He also ad
dressed the teachers ou "Serviceable teaching,"
and iu the evening spoke ou the history o f the
Sabbath-school movement In this country.
Several Interesting addresses were delivered by
Rev. Groves W. Drew, Dickerson Moore, Dr.
,Sfcwt v A V»t. *?>. ‘ItevSxhvn
former Stato Secretary. The superintendents
of the Sunday-schools represented gave rc
ports of tbeir work. A resolution was passed
directing Julius Foster, tbe township secre­
tary, to call a meeting of tbe pastors and
superintendents to complete t:io organization
ol the township for more effective Sundayschool work.
St. Mary’s Episcopal church lias a boy choir
Miss Carrie Webber, tbe favorite youDg
actress, who makes this place her home, w h s
recently married to Sam uel Lewis of Scranton,
A special Behool meeting will soon bo called
to consider the advisabilty of extending the
time o f payment of tbe school house bonds
which fall due this year.
Ilarry C. Shoemaker attended tbe celebra­
tion of bis mother's 8 ls t birthday last Thurs­
day lu Philadelphia.
The Epworth League o f the M. E. church Is
to bo reorganized.
Somo of our North R iver shad fishermen re­
port the toothsome fish as uuduly scarce.
Chairman Thomas Graham of the Councils
committee on streets, h as graveled Richmond
avenue at a oost of (4 0 0 and made a flue road­
way of that thoroughfare.
AB lile y B. Pearce has moved back from Bay
Tbe road between this place and Lakewood
haB been greatly Improved by tbe Brick town­
ship committee—many thanks, gentlemen 1
Improvements are being made at tbe Cedars,
which will soon be occupied by the Conklin
family for the summer.
A. Bchlegel and fam ily of Jersey City are
noW lu their Forman avenue cottage.
The Misses Wales who havo been wintering
In Ohio, are at their river front cottage,
Angoon lodge.
A. O. S. Havens, our real estate agent, Is a
bnsy man during the spring months aDd has
already leased a number o f eottages: Joseph
Slevin, jr . ( ot Brooklyn takcB the Morse cot­
tage on Ocean avenue ; the Sisters o f All
Saints from Philadelphia, will use tbe Clark
homestead at West Point Pleasant for their
noble ch arity ; and Mr. llolwog of New Y ork,
has rented a Forman avenue cottage.
A successful entertainment for the needle­
work Guild which was managed by Mrs. Fran­
cis P. Freeman, was given te the Laurel m the
Pines on Thursday evening last. Tbe pro­
gram included dramatic recitations by Miss
Evelyn Hilliard, songs sung by Mackeuzle
Gordon, tbe tenor, and piano solos played by
Grace Kingsley. In additloo to Mrs. Freeman
the patronesses were Mrs. Clarence C. Curtiss,
Mrs. Jam es Converse, Mrs. George Stockiy,
Mrs. Fred Sterry and Mrs. Samuel S. Beard.
A party of prominent officials o f the New
Jersey Central Railroad spent Sunday a t the
Lakewood, Including General Superintendent
Jacob OlhauBen, William V . Clark, soperln1
ol iW Bomber//
; W. 11. l e a die, superintendent of the Central Division,
and G. W. Twining, superintendent o f the
Lehigh aud Susquehanna Division.
Mrs. J . A. Underbill has sold her home ou
Prospect street to Mrs. M. Austin of Baltimore,
who arrived last week. Mrs. Underhill and
Miss Underbill left last week to make their
home In New York for the future,
The rage for whecilug has gained full sway
in Lakewood, the road around the lake Is
thought as near perfect as possible for a road
to be, and every day not actually etormy finds
avast arrqy of cyclers abroad. Clarence H,
Shinn's school for riders, which iie has carried
on in the old silk mill, is perhaps responsible
lu some degree for the prevalence of this
healthful fad.
Rev. W . N, Dunuell of All Saints church,
New Y ork, who held services in the old school
house here before there was a church In the
place (then Bergen Irons W orks) has been a
recent guest.
The Ocean County Hunt Club held a drag
hunt toward Furmlngdalc last Saturday.
Until Ju n e 1st, the Laurel bouse will remain
open. T he Lakewood and Laurel-ln-the-pines
will close sooner.
The children of Jasper Lynch can claim the
distinction of bolug lineal descendants o f
Edward Shippeu, Philadelphia’s first Mayor.
Arthur Hyde boasts a number of pet alliga­
tors, which he brought trom Palm Beach,
Clarence Shinn was best man at the wedding
of Harry Garrison and Miss Mary E . Height,
which occurred at Christ church, Allaire, on
Wednesday of last week.
Jo e Shoverdown of tbe " yellow ja c k e t ” has
struck for higher wages. Tommy 8oveiis takes
Ills place.
Three of our boys were brought before Mayor
Butler for trespass but were discharged upon
their promise of good behavior.
The subject of Rev. J . F . Cordova's rem arks
ou a recent Sunday evening was " Echoes of
our annual conference.” I t proved very in­
Mr. and Mrs. George Parker have returned
from Camden where they have been visiting
We arc glad to be able to report that Mrs,
Larason, Mrs. Mathis, G ertie Fox aud Clinton
Simpson are all Improving lu health.
Our painters are all exceedingly busy getting
our cottages ready for tbe coming season.
R. B. Eagle of the Englesidu has his garden
well under way.
William Hewitt, the energetic foutidei
North Beach Haven, has moved down for the
summer-from Philadelphia.
Leonard Blackman has moved his fam ily to
Soa Haven where he Is employed In the Life
saving service.
8. It. Cowpcrlhwaite, Thomas Cale and It.
McCunney have had business to attend in
Philadelphia during the week.
W. P. Harvey and wife arrived Saturday last
for tbe season. Mr. Harvey broaght three
horses with him and has already started bis
milk route.
Arbor Day (tomorrow) will bo celebrated
with appropriate exercises by Principal J . H.
Colvin and his public school pupils.
Insurance adjusters appraised the damage
done to the Tuckerton Railroad engines by the
engine house Are at (3500, The engines are
to be repaired by the Baldwin Locomotive
works, Philadelphia.
Mate street looks the better and is the better
fo r a coating of gravel. Nothing clso equals
good roads, gentlemen of the Township com mittce.
Lakeside Council, No. 24, J r . O. U. A. M .,
recently paid Mrs. Ireland, widow of the late
C. A. Ireland. (250 death benefits.
Tho base ball season Is opening up In this
Fires did considerable damago In the neigh­
borhood of Port Republic, Atlantic county,
last week.
Painters, tinsmiths and other mechanics,
have been renovatiqg the Carleton house,
which is to be conducted by 8qalre W. 8 .
Steelman as a Temperance hotel.
8omc o f our fishermen arc engaged te fishing
at Bay Side on the Delaware.
Repairs have been made to the Stiles cottage
on Church street.
B R O o ic V IL L E .
Samuel Lawrence has returned home after
a short visit with his brother, J . p. Lemmon.
Mrs. P. A. Couch spent Sunday with her
mother, Mrs. J . VV. Reeves.
Miss Minnie Morey spent Suuday with her
sister, Miss Hattie.
Mrs. Jen n ie Dunlap, accompanied by her
daughters, Miss Edna and Laura Dunlap, haB
returned to her home te Philadelphia, after
a ten days visit with her brother, I. N. Couch.
J . M. Collins, accompanied by Hiram Parker,
returned home on Sunday after a fliort visit at
Brown's Mills.
William Reeves, jr ., returned home on
Wednesday, after a lengthy visit with relatives
at Brown's Mills.
John Couch of Waretown, was te town
one day recently.
Postmaster Couch Is the possessor of a flr.e
and handsome bay roadster.
Samuel Lemmon has purchased a new horse.
CapL J . T. Fox has been doing substitute
duty a t Bonds Life-saving station 111 place of
George Mathis who has been sick. Mr. Mathis
Is again at work and C apt. T ilt Is at home.
A painter from the c ity of Philadelphia i*
at work upon the boats o f Dr. E. H. W illiams.
Charles Gibbs and daogbter of Mt. Holly are
visiting at tbs Reach Haven house, Mr, Gibb*
will probably assist Mrs. Mulholland In the
Mrs. A. J . Cranmer, the Mannabawkin
management of the said bonne the coming butcher, has opened a riiop in this town.
Dr. E W. Lawrence, owner of the Clarence
house, Is Improving tbe same by removing the
BA Y H E A D ,
small porch from the front to the rear, and
erecting a new porch along tbe entire end.
Counsellor John M, Dickinson, o f Trenton,
He also purposes to remove tbe front fence,
who spends the summer months here,will have
leaving the yard in a grass lawn. The alter­
a new yacht this season. The boat which Is
ations will add greatly to the appearance of
cat rigged, was designed by A. Carey 8m lib,
the property.
of New Yotk, and is being built by Amo*
Abram L. Fort has purchased a Dl Majestic
Lewi*, of Cedar Creek. I t wil! be 28 feet over
bleyde of John Predmore, jr .
all, and about 22 feet on tbe water line. An
Anna L. Shaw, the woman's suffragist
open cabin which can be removed for racing,
will cover the fore part o f tbe pit. The boat aod Temperance orator, will address the
which will be launched about the middle of Woman's Christian Temperance convention
which meets here tomorrow night.
May. will sail under tbe flag of the Bay Head
A preliminary meeting for tbe purpose of
Yacht Club, of which Mr. Dickinson is Vice
a lodge of the Daughters of
Liberty will be held here on Monday evening
W. M. Applegate will build a forty foot next.
additloo to his stable; mod it is said th at he
will engage In the livery basisefs.
Noah E, Jeffrey Is m aking improvements to
his residence.
j Postmaster C. L. Rogers is painting bia house
An addition is being bu ilt to tbe Dr. Nob!# j Md store,
cottage by contractor Jo n .
Larry C onerm has put a new roof oo h *
The Holland cottage has been repainted.
house aod put up a new front fence.
Mrs. 8pencer of E lisabeth, has leased the
Our road overseer is grading the Toms River
Harris cottage on Mount street.
Borne of tbe other roads seed tee
The annual election o f directors of the Bay scraper badly.
Head Artesian Water company will be held
Peter Hodges has painted bis Pine street
here on Saturday afternoon next, 2?th inst.
Miss Clara DeWltt, a trained nurse in tbe
Homeopathic Hospital, Philadelphia, is visit­
The sunken wreck of the schooner Marion F. ing her m o u id . 3fr«. H. M. DeW ltt.
Sprague is yet eaoring trouble. On the 20th
Alexander Morton is nutting 0p a sew fence
the schooner Howard B. Peek, from
Providence for Philadelphia, struck what is around bis Union avenue cottage rveor*ied*bv
supposed fa have been this wreek and carried
awav her i ibboora aod b ;adgrer. Two roasts
Ex Sheriff C. L. Holman commenced work
* carried away from the wreck.
on bis Faqaa bags, giving employment to a
number of men and boys.
Bonis Havens of the county m t was im
wn on Sunday.
From a letter written by Rev. J . Guader»an,
of Dtotoadafe. Mich . we are permitted to make
* * * * * W e a th e r F o r e c a s t * .
tat* e x tra ct: “ f have w hesitation In recc-n
mending Dr. King's M Sh Discovery, aa the res»!fe were almost taarreloBS !a tbs case of rot
W httelw as pastor o f the BapUrt Chare£
And ibee the next w
at Reeves Janette# she was brought down with
The cold-wa'
rscuroowro SBceerdiog La Grippe, Terrible
paraayism* oi swnghiaf wonid test hoars with
s a f e fuei f j 'BM-lLtt to d 1 w ; ig .j m U *h» M .M
if He. !±scc back. Epr*U« «
MS swrrtre them. A friend recommended Dr. There te wo better iinhwem
B * t ‘» S r * Discovery ; s i u quick to Ss over IOC* bodies of it this
----- highly satisfactory nreM it*.'- Trial
d e b e =s«l it. J , f
beules fret
* a* s iL g MasaSs^ Bregfltore. SegChicago, lit. I- t S* fag
! 91 OB.
Mathis Druggist
New Jersey Courier.
Supreme Court Acts on the Petition
for a Rehearing,
' i l l b e Present, end I t Is
Hoped nod n ellered by Official* o f tb s
Trensary D epartm ent T h at ths Rehear­
ing W ill be (I r a n M
The usual practice w ith regard to peti­
v ertising... tions
for rehearing is to grant them upon
..Business Energy..
And it never fails to
win both the confidence
and Trade of the public
A W O R D to the wise, etc.
The State Railway Map.
The remarkable ca*e and celerity of action
with which the Senate investigating couiudiu-c
exposes one after another the corrupt Jobs
that have been for years past draining the
Slate treasury through the connivance or with
the active assistance of bu te officials, is the
cause of ceaseless anxiety on the part of many
public men. No one can foretell where the
lightning will next strike. Senator Voorhcc*
and the committee, Instead of using their
position to manufacture ami-Democratic cam­
paign materia! us was predicted by the Demo­
cratic press, are receiving encomiums for their
nonpartisan procedure. Like the irishman ut
Bonny brook fair, who struck wherever be saw
a head, they arc hammering at every piece of
Jobbery that shows its head in the Htme’s
accounts. Counsellor Corbin masters all the
evidence contained In vouchers, check books,
etc., and with skillful questionings builds up
the structures of cumulative testimony upon
these foundations.
Tuesday the State railroad map, prepared
by Col. John T. Van Clecf, secretary of the
State Hoard of Assessors, and J . B. Belts, the
secretary of the State Board of Education, was
under fire. In 1887 this map first came out. it
was not made from origlual surveys, but was
draughted by VauUeef and Betts (accor ding
to their own testimony) from thc maps Issued
by the railroad companies, with the State
Geologist's survey ns a basis. J t was prepared
as a supplement to the Htato Assessors' report;
and the State paid not only for the labor on
map tut also for the draughting table, rules,
etc., used in drawing it. I t boro the imprint
of Betts & V auCleef, but the first edition was
lithographed by Thomas & Wylie of Elizabeth,
at a cost to lire publishers of 8050. As the
State paid $1500 for this edition, Betts A VanClecf must have made a clean profit of $850
This was repeated up till 1804, ihe number
of maps varying, but the cost aggregating over
$11,000. I h e plates from which the maps were
printed were not revised and the newly con­
structed railways added, until 1892; and since
then no revisions or corrections have been
made. It also transpired that the printers who
at various times received the contract for the
8tate Assessor’s report, handed In the bill for
theic maps to the Slate, and on being paid,
passed)) on to Col VanCieef after deducting
10 per cent, commission.
Each year these bills were put in and paid
without any authority, so far as the committee
could find. Several of the late editions were
printed at Comptroller Hcppenhcluier's estab­
lishment in New York city.
Tho affairs of the Delaware Bay and Maurice
Oyster Association were also given a shaking
W estern Farm ers Migrating South.
B altimore ., A pril 26.—In addition to
the tra c t of 100,000 acres In (ieorgla to bo
taken by western colonists, a telegram to
Tho Southern S tates Magazine an now rices
tho salo of a 16,000 acre tract of farm ing
land in Tw iggs county, Ga., to another
colony, supposed to be Pennsylvanians,
while a Dakota com pany reports th a t it
has completed arrangem ents for settlin g
6,000 penplo tm a 60,000 acre tract in Texas.
This company w rites th a t a great m any
farmers in Dakota and tho adjoining states
are preparing to move south.
finding i u way In to e v e r * hmtsefeetd a n th e
d eath s!
,l4t Bridgeport *' KUl0,,’ Ifof(oU; 8ld »Pr *< for
Heurv p Havens, Walton. N Y; aid apr 83 for Vs
Howard A Hunt, Hieeliuan N Y; aid spr 88 for Vs
^ P o rtla n d s* r s i1* * '
la * hlan(1 Light for
H A 4 Bieuderman, Lee, arr Boothbay april 84
Henry Parker, cranmer, New Haven; aid apr 81
for Norfolk
Helen Hoabroack, Hprrgue, arr N Y aprli 80
nuJ i0 Kden. Lewi*, Phlla; old april 1» for
iry MuttNY
i®{J* I Williams, Leek, arr Perth Amboy apr 84
John M Brown. Brown, Perth Amboy; cld apr 24
for Wilmington
F ^
Iw JP baro, Taylor, arr N Y april 83
■ U I1" 10.?/ Soper. N Y; aid april 88 for Va
J Uolmea Birdaall, Blrdaall, arr Boston apr 83
John B Banning, Hprague, Baltimore; aid apr 23
for Portsmouth
James B Ogden, Dotlilday, arr Fall River apr 23
John J Ward, VauCieaf.NorfollijMid apr 88 for N Y
J B VanDusen, Lear, Bcotland;ald apr 83 for Phila
J J Little, Matthews, Vineyard Ilaven; aid apr 28
for Keiinebunkport
J C Clifford, Mills, arr N Y april
James D Dewei, Curtis,Hi
lor Boston
James c Beecher, Smith, arr Phila april 22
J ° h New'flavenUjl1’AU<ler"°n’ 1l“:cl<1 °Fr|t 28 for
fare of the Globe: R tX A I a K . H ;« the bee*
Liniment on the market, o f the handled* and
thousand* of bottle* need, net one wore has
'been said arainsi It. bat all is arsis*.
This is Wbat it is for
For the speedy Retie road Care of RheumatiMB
Neuralgia, Bnr.se*, Sprats*, ffeadache.Toothache. Stiff Joints, earn*, Sca ds, Cow.Frewed
Feet, Sore Throat. Swe ltags, cramp*, or pam
In any port ot the body; and awed In tern a lly
S « g * 2 = -.5 = * * = -
5 *
Imported Suitings,
Berge. granite and crepe-ground weaves
with neat figures of peculiar designs that
make them winsome.
38 inch, 11
At 65c a yard.
$ i.
35 weaves and color play are shown;
you'd think the looms were rioting from
the mixes tbej've made. Can't show
their beauties m }ast black and white.
47 inches wide.
a yard.
A wider range of pretty weaves, sprin­
kled with such designs as coffee beans,
cubes, polka dots and other designs.
40 and 42 inches; upwards lo 58
At $ j the yard.
Little higher grade ot wool and weave,
with a prominence of crepey ground
effects. A broad bid tor ail tastes. 42
to 44 Inch; 40 styles.
At $1.25 the yard.
Higher grade of wool find figures; the
mohair designs give most the brilliancy
of silk. Rich taffeta and surah weave,
with now and then a favorite diagonal.
52 inch, 40 styles.
French Taffeta Plaids, 75c.
say we have more Harness on
show than any other Harness
store in Philadelphia and lower
prices rule.
It seems impossible to state
our case fully in the papers.
If you are interested we’ll be
glad to have you write.
John W
a n a m a k er.
Counter after counter is
given over to the seiiing of j
Cotton Dress Stuffs as they!
y v ir t u e
sta te
w r it o f
f ie r i
facias, 10 me directed, issued out of the
Court of Chancery of New Jersey, 1 will sell at
public vendue, on
Friday, the 31it Day of May A.D. 1895,
Between the hours of twelve and five o’clock In
the afternoon of said day, to wit, at two o'clock,
at the hotel of Cowdrick A Cook, Toms River, in
the County of Ocean ami Htate of New Jersey, all
that tract or parcel of land and premises herein­
after particularly described, situate, lying and
being In the Township of Manchester, In the
County of Ocean and State of New Jersey, being
on the northwesterly side of the New Jersey
Southern Railroad, and about one mile north­
easterly from Woodmansie station.
Beginning at a stak. .he third and northwest
corner of the lot c«uveyed by Anthony Bullock to
Richard A. Leeker. by deed bearing even dale
herewith, and In the fifth line of the tract of
which the hereby granted premises are a part,and
from said stake running along the fifth line ac­
cording to the former position of the needle (l)
north forty-four degrees and fifteen minutes west
nineteen chains and forty-four links to the fifth
corner of the aforesaid tract of land; thence along
the fourth line of the same (2) north forty-five
minute*, east seventeen chains and thirty-five
links to a stake in said line; thence (8) north
elglily-nlae degrees and fifteen minutes west
twelve chains and thirty-five links to a stake;
Bridge, thirty-three chains ami sixty links distant
northwesterly from the intersection of the
westerly line of Rlcoard A. Leeker’s lot and the
middle of said toad; thence (S) south fifty-six de­
grees and seven mlnutea east thirty-three chains
and sixty links along the middle of said rood to
said line of Richard A. Leeker’s iot; thence (6)
along the same north thirty-three degrees and
fifteen minutes east seven chains and fifteen links
to the place of beginning, containing fifty-three
acres ami fourteen hundredths of.an acre of land,
be the same more or less, being the same prem­
ises conveyed to Dennis Kennedy by Anthony
Seized as the property of Charles Kennedv and
other*, defendant*, and taken In execution at the
suit of Anthony Bullock, complainant, and to be
sold by
Master In Chancery of New Jersey,
Dated April 13. lH9ft.
pr’g fee, $18.73
I I r i l N V J O s e w in g m a c h in es
We never had a larger stock.
and see them in the fancy wood.
Organs 5, 6, 7 and 7^ octave, just
We sell them for about
20 different manufacturers.
been in the trade for aboot 23 years,
O h 1 Dnr.
General Mana«er.
Death o f Ex-Senator Wilson.
F a ir f ie l d . Ia., A pril 84.—Ex-United
S tate s Sen ato r Ja m es F . W ilson died a t
j hi®home here from paralysis of the brain,
( a g « i 66. Beath had been expected daily
for the past week. He had never recov■
fm ro en attack of grip two years ago
Iu 1869 President G rant offered Mr. W il
son a place in his cabinet as secretary of
state, to succeed Elisha B . W ashburns, ap­
pointed m inister to F ran ce, but Mr. W il•on perem ptorily refused to accept the po­
sition second hand.
advice or instructions respecting the
goods we handle.
low as $36.
New organs as
All goods guaranteed.
T o m s R i v e r , N. J .
W A G O N C O M P A N Y ’S
- TVy*1- R* e » ~ ia e a . L a « e .
asd ManureSpriakwr*
ail grades and qaaPttes.
xa onr score.
RjfmS&r price*.
3 6
S T R E E T .
Umourwsx. ‘> r r R » u . * * » I \ * r n m o a .
Fashion says it is “ good form.”
Columbia Bicycles
Model 42 C olumbia has been especially designed
for the many 'LtutrC ,...o ’prCtcr to *<ui km ckerbockers rather than'cumbersome skirts.
Ladies’ wheels also in H artford Bicycles at lower
prices— f 80, $00, >50.
S end f o r
C a ta lo g u e.
F ree a t an y
C o lu m b ia
A gen cy , o r
by m a il fo r
tw o a -v e n t
s ta m p s .
B oston
N ew Y o r k
C h ic a g o
S an F ra n c is c o
P ro v id e n c e
B u ff a lo
handsome paper dolls, showing ladies' bicycle costumes by
designers, w.U be mailed for five 2-cent stam pi
The above Line o f Unequalled W heels for sale by
at his W ater Street Grocery Store, Toms River
4 a>
Y / \Q f ^ Y S
All Glasses of Sailing and Steam V ach u Conet meted Loin t! e
Latest Designs. SparB for sale in ihe r ngh nr finished in
first class manner. Yachts for Sale or to H ire. P u re Manilla
Bope. Crockett’s Spar Varnish. B est Copper Paints. White
Lead, Oils, Mixed Paints, Eto. I sell and use only The Best.
Photographs I 600. S.. SECOND ST.
h e
lo v e jo y
B R O T H E R S ,
®ricJt.®<*blPPe(i Py .r aU or water to all parts of the country, on short notice, a t lowest cash
^ ^ i a a r s a a s s B S j - . aud
m ic m
fo r
Toms River, IN. J.
1 arge and Complete Assortment at
A. G
dw ard
u l ic k
Has now in store a large and well s e M e d stock o f Stove
Heaters, R anges, Hollow-ware o f all kinds,Tin-w are,W ood an
Iron Pumps, Sinks, e tc ., which he offers at reduced rate:
“ Quick Sa les and Sm all Profits.”
a s h in g t o n
S t .,
a in
T O M S R IV E R , N
T h o m a s R o b e rts
One Store
w ii h
One Idea.
Agent for
The Aermotor Co.’s
.Steel Tower
No oilier store of equal magnitude
coniines it sell exclusively to Chil­
dren's needs.
Tanks, E tc.
Plum bing, Steam
fitting, Well dril­
ling a specialty.
No other store originates so many
exclusively Children’s styles.
No other store carries so large an
assortment of exclusively Chil­
dren’s Clothing.
Made in all grades of material, from
the same new and desirable pat­
terns, we offer a range of prices
that will cover the fancy of the
most exacting, and the necessi­
orocptiy attended to.
ties of t he most economical.
Also Dealer in Tin
aDd Sheet Iron Ware,
Stoves, and Heaters,
Ranges, Cntlery, Glas,
w a r e . Queensware,
Furnitn re,Tin roofing,
etc. All orders for
new work, or repair
ing.car tings or bricks
for stoves, ranges, elc.
Please give me a call.
Main Street , Toms River
'Orders solicited by mail and prompt at­
tention given.
■ o r * ', n .oo.
youths ’,
t i . 7*.
% r ,T ir « i« ■£> ■ !«, s m » , TM! br
—- --C * • mccs «a tne *»
F r iiv
IB aa<]
r>* ite Oreicty of «*cs&, to make ttie taxes asressed ia Use year l*M. la tke Township of Phuns.ed is told co ast; on unimproved and unteoaste*!
lands sad on ;#•••»* tenanted 8 ; uersons not tbe
iavfai proprietor* woo are aasM* to pa* M»#
t*xe* cf ihe nan proprietors respectively, tfee j
sabarriher will on
Hard Times!
Wednesday, the 15th day of S a y
_____Tk* • * S « O a m . Cm
t t ts
I■ »
A . C. H IR S C H ,
T O * ** K I V t lt .N . j .
\3 .
* Fiat Cm f U M m
r a w NUCE,s s o u s ,
sext, u the boor of « r. a . at the towsnmp office
oad ott*r veefittHe
____ __
» s of tbe nnoemamed pnsnoas *o taxed as afens
coats annexed u
new models for women’s use in—
6o-6a West 33d St., N. Y.
Public Sale of Timber.
Physicians recommend bicycling.
And we take back, or exchange
anything not satisfactory.
X X Quality X X
P R IC E $ 3 0 .0 0 .
Women =
Two Clever Thieve* Steal 932,000 In B ills
In Broad Daylight.
P l a in f ie l d , N. J . . A pril 25.- T h e F ir s t
N ation al bank was robbed of $22,765 on
Monday. I t is thou ght tho theft w as com ­
m itted w hile there were b u t two clerk s in
tho bank, when a stranger entered and
engaged them in conversation while a con­
federate reached the v au lt through tho di­
rectors’ room.
The robbery was discovered w hen the
cashier, F r a n k s . R unyon, was preparing
to close the bank for the day. T he money
was in tw o packages. One contained $20,000 in new bills aud the other $2,765 in
m u tilated bills. A ll of tho bank employes
were im m ediately questioned, aud it was
found th a t a t the noon hour only tyvo
clerks had teen a t their posts.
A t th c fron t of the hank, receiving de­
posits, w as David N. R unyon. His win­
dow is a t the short end o f an L shaped cor­
ner and faces the m ain street. T h e long
end of the L fronts on a narrow po&sago
leading to the directors’ room in the rear
of the bank. The counter is topped w ith
fixtures of scratched glass. A delbert V ail,
a clerk, was alone on the wickets. A
stranger cam e iu with a big sheet of paper
on w hich was w ritten a list of notes, and
engaged V ail in conversation.
I t is
thought tho robbery w as com m itted then.
The bank officers believe th a t tho robbery
w.'is tho work of professionals. T he affair
has ju s t leaked out, the ch ief of police not
having been notified u n til yesterday a fte r­
we are well prepared to give you
Buggies, Carriage*, Carta, Traps and
all W heel'd Vehicles.
Bright coiored Plaids nverpiakled with '
contrasting colore g. sfik. oe s light rep­
like ground. Favorite color coosbio- . $00 Farm and Contractors’ Wagon*
auon for fsney waists Hcaree eTereand Carta on hand.
where bst here, and a qaalitv that has
Fifteen choice com- ;
M A S T E l’S SA L E
W ashington , A pril 25.—E x act official
Inform ation has te e n received an to G reat
B r ita in 's belligerent steps In N icaragua.
B ritish troops are to he landed at Cor'.nto,
the custom houses are to be occupied by
the B ritis h forces, and B ritish forces are
to exercise the fu nctio ns of collectors of
custom s.
A t th e sam e tim e N icaragua local com­
m erce Is to be crippled by a blockade. T he
lim it of tim e allowed N icaragua to yield
expires today, and the blockade, land in g
of troops aud seizure o f custom s is to be­
gin im m ediately thereafter.
The understanding is th a t the blockade
w ill begin tomorrow unless N icaragua
yields to the demands iu every p articular.
There is good reason to believe th a t the
demands will not bo altered, reduced or
compromised in the sligh test p articu lar,
cne o f the main purposes of G reat B rita in
being to adm inister ale sso n to N icaragua,
and indirectly to all southern republics as
to B ritish methods o f redress.
The m aneuvers will probably be a “ pa­
cific blockade,” as heretofore explained,
care bein g taken to brin g N icaragua com ­
merce to a standstill, and yet leave for­
eign comm erce as free as ever. I t Is said,
however, th a t N icaragua's coast com m erce
is very sm all, so th a t G reat B r ita in 's pa­
cific fdockade ;nay develop into a more
forcible move in order to m ake It effective.
A s to the landing of B ritis h m arines a t
C orinto, w hich is now understood to be
part o f the program, it is stated by officials
th at th is w ill not m enace or endanger the
interests of the United S tate s or other for­
There is good reason to believe th a t N ic­
aragua is not likely te> yield, bu t will a l­
low B ritis h troops to occupy C orinto in
order th a t conspicuous attention m ay be
drawn to w hat is regarded by N icaragua
as an invasion of the Monroe doctrine.
N icaragua’s hopes now are alm ost entire./
centered on W ashington. I t is not be­
lieved, however, th at Dr. Guzman has su c­
ceeded as yet in elicitin g the intervention
of the U nited States.
C orinto is the heaviest import point in
N icaragua. The im ports there for 1891-92
were $6,000,805, while all im ports to other
points did not exceed $500,000. I t is evi­
dent from this why the B ritish chose Coriuto for their stroke. A lm ost one-half of
the im ports a t C orinto are from G reat
B r lla lu , so th at the B ritish seizure of tho
custom houses will resu lt in their receiv­
ing the custom s dues from B ritish m er­
ch ant ships.
T he B ritish im ports for 1891-92 were
$2,132,601; those of the U nited States cam e
second, at $1,497,650; G erm any, $1,042,055;
F rance, $998,144. The rest of the im port
trade w as with neighboring South and
C entral A m erican countries.
A s the
Corinto im ports average about $500,009
m onthly it would not Luke long for G reat
B ritain to appropriate tb e $75,000 indem ­
nity demanded.
o t i c e i «* m e m e r y g i v e n that the
subscriber who claims to be tenaut In com­
mon of the equal undivided one third part of all
the land and real estate whereof Adeline Buzby
died seized, lo wit: Ihe same laud ami real esiate
conveyed by Charles K. James to Adeline Buzby
by deed dated the sixth day of July a . D. 1889,
and recorded lo the Ocean County Clerk’s Office,
in Book lftfi of Deeds, page 863. etc. Situate at
Whitings, In the township of Manchester. In the
County of Ocean and State of New Jersey.' Eliza
K. IJuzby. a minor over the age of fourteen years,
and Allred A. Buzby, a minor under the age of
fourteen years, temg each entltieu to the equal
undivided one-third part thereof. And whereas
Andrew Buzby was the husband of Adeline Buzby
in her life tirne.and ny virtue thereof has an estate
by curtesy In the said Und ami re <1 estate
Notice Is also hereby given that In case com­
missioners are appointed by the eald court for the
purpose aforesaid, and In case said commissioners
so appointed should report to said court that they
cannot divide said lands and real estate at the
t- rm at which this application Is made, then upon
the coming in of said report the subscriber will
make application for the sale of such lands and
M odjmka Expelled from W aru w .
real estate free and discharged *f said estate by
L ondon , April 2 5 .- A dispatch from
says that the R ussian governm ent
Ami notice is hereby further given that at tne
time aud place aforesaid of the application for the has expelled Mine. M odjeska, the well
appointment of commissioners, application will known actress, from W arsaw, ow ing to a
be made to appoint a guardian adlltem for the
violent speech she made against R u ssia at
Light Road Harness, honestly baud made; ' iuors heretofore named in this notice.
M. FLORENCE SI.!MM. Chicago. In the speech she said : "M en
best leather. $25 to $50 * set.
have deserted Poland, bu t her women have
Handmade Harness, genuine Rubber
Mountlugs, $16 50.
stood guard a t the gates of their country.
N O T IC E .
Light Road Harness, sewed on Camp­
I t was she who preserved patriotism aud
bell lock stitch machine; imitation
honor in spite of tflberia, and w hat is
rubber mountings. $10 50.
Notice is hereby given that the annual worse, th e lash, to the everlasting disgrace
had a complaint Id three years. The
eetlng of the stockholders of the Tuckertou
repair men say they'd rather rip up and Long Beach Building, Laud aud Improve of the R u ssian governm ent. O urenem ies
hand sewing than this best machine mem Association for the election of nine m ake a great m istake if they think they
work. If they could use as heavy and director*, will be held at the office of H. A. have destroyed us.” T he speech Was deliv­
hard twisted thread on machines as in Drake, E*q.. No. 137, Market 8 t., Camden. N. ered to th e world's congress of representa­
hand-making you’d almost count it J . on Thursday, the ninth day of May, 1805, tive women.
at 12 05 o'clock i*. m.
$3 more for this same style with genuine
T . T. P b ic b .
Macro's Death Confirmed.
Rublxr Mountings $13 50.
H avan a , April 25.—Captain G eneral
8urrey Harness:
M artinez de Campos isd bp lav ing e x trao r­
Nickel-plated mounting. $25.
Holid nickel mounting. $35
dinary activ ity in visiting different places
Silver-plated mountings,$40and npto$T5
on the island. On Tuesday he was at GiLight Double Harness, nickel plate
b»ra, on the north coast of the province of
mounting*, or imitation rubber: handstockholders of the Tuckerton Railroad Co. (limi­ San tiago de Cuba, whence he proceeded on
sewed. #35.
ted) will be held at the office of H, A. Drake. Esq., an express train to H olguin. E arly yes­
We’ve finer and finer up to $125
Imported U p Robes. #7 50 to $15; in No. 127 Market street, Camden, N. J ., on Thurs­ terday m orning ho arrived at N uevltas,
small checks, plaids, plain blue, green, day, the 9th day of May, 1895. at 12 o’clock noon, province of Puerto Principe, and a t 11
for the elecH » of nine directors, ami for other o'clock he was at the city of Puerto P r in ­
American-made Rotes, plaids and plain, business.
cip e . Iu the afternoon he returned to
$ 1.25 to #8.
Nuevitas. He will shortly leave th at city.
T. T. Pbick,
Horse Sheet*. 65c to #2 75
Secretary. Two insurgents why have surrendered
Cooilng Blankets, square. #1.50 to $4
confirm the reports of the death of Jo se
Maceo, the rebel leader.
People who ought to know
Crepe Brilliants.
Prettiest one* are French; ten color mixes
of *i!k-#nd woo!, mosth silk, green,
gray, blue, tan. brown; olive and tint*
of each, with silvery threads of silk.
$2 50 where yowll find them at all. $ i
Them are Yankee-mode; the loom• e . twisting tbeir brightest thought*
into woof and weft. Hilk-aiwi-wooi.
with a bit of Orientalism in the designiag. $1 85
H n r v r l’ a P i l l c the after-dinner pill aod
■ I v Va i 9 * 1 1 1 9 family cathartic. 25c.
J ohn p , THttohi* son, Solicitor.
Leather clear through. Har­
ness wanters walk through the
shoe store half forgetting that
the Basement right below
them holds the most complete
Harnessstore in town. There’s
not a skip in the readiness to
supply all the road and stable
needs. The finest Harness
we carry regularly in stock is
$250 a double set.
You’r e
English-made and Americanmade side by side to choose
from. But you needn’t buy
the ready-made; we’ll turn out
anything you need— the finest
mountings alone costing as
much as the best ready-made
Harness we show.
Weave of fine stripe* in two colored mix­
tures with figures like grates of wheat |
strewn over.
Fanny Ched't,
Taffeta. Merge and Granite ground, with
dashes and Hplashes of tinv and medium
size figures. 38 Inches; 10 Blylea.
$ 1.
“ ;
ARCHER—At New Egypt, April 23, 18P6.
Abraa Arebar.
MATHEWS—At Forked Riyar, Apnl 24. !
* 3 5 , Mrs. Abbic wife of Cay* F o m a s Math* i
Cirs, aged CDje o n ,
leading us to double the space
for black goods selling— but
that didn’t hint of the readi­
ness, for it might have been
very small before it was dou­
bled: but it wasn’t, and now
four sections are loaded with
all that’s wantable in blacks.
Here’s one— sixty feet of coun­
ter, with four times that much
shelf room just lull o f Fiyureil
Black Goods ot all worth}’
grades— 37 t-zc to $2.50 a
At 50c a yard.
Two colored weave of siik-aud wool,
making a mottled ground with little
tuft* ot the wool peeping through—but
Mirt hit or tin** ; there's a care for deMgns
BLACK dress goods
Bought enough new stulis
last week to stock a fair-sized
store— and still the piles grow
smaller; buying more now;
always in the market for what­
ever is rich in interest.
And the selling goes mer­
rily on. Oftener than not our
regular prices arc below thc
most extravagant reductions
the papers tell you o f— they
ought to be; for big buying
lets us name the price very
Suffering— In
Hood’s^ Cures
Viking, Dotlilday, arr Fall River apr 23
Figured Brilliant,
Gastric Dyspepsia
Half-wool Challis.
Htepnen Morris, Dutch, N Y; sld apr 23 for Va
Hainuel h Hharp, ai r N Y apr 24
HHThorp, Pearce, Phila; sl.i «pr 24 for Boston
Stephen J Fooks, cranmer, Phlla; cld apr 22 for
New Ilaven
Twilight, Preumore, arr Providence apr 24
Thomas a Ward, Lyman, arr h Y apr 23
1 Harris Kira, Curtis, N Y; sl.l apr 23 for Va
Three Marys, Birdsall. Phllajsld apr 28 for Boston
YanN.meAKing.New Ilaven; cld april 21 for
Something on the order of grandmother's
I>e H< ige; prettier ibo’; a bit heavier;
the twill more closely woven, It s worth
ihe room we give it—and It's her* in fire
qualities and two widths. AH the tint*
of green and brown.
46 inch. 80c. flCc/UV, 76c.
48 Inch, $1 a yard
M r . K. A . G r a u
Haineaville, N . J .
Bicycling for
Unless Nicaragua Yields a t Oaee to tb e Ul­
tim atum British Troops W ill be Lauded,
the Custom House# W ill be Occupied and
D atle* Collected.
For the ooting dress or for the little foiks’
knockabout suits; strong and service­ B u t H o o d 's S a r s a p a r i l l a G a v e R e lie f.
“ For th re e y e a n I had Been troubled
able; pretty, too. The maker thought
the retail price would be 10c and should with an inw ard pain from th e sm all o f my
be to count him a profit.
bark to th e p it o f m y stom ach. T h e d o c­
P rin ted D elain e, 8c.
tor pronounced my com plaint g astric dys­
The designer took bis idea from high pepsia. In A pril I suffered more th an ever
priced wool cheviot* in mottled effects, and could scarcely get about. O ften a t
and then the finisher mode them feel night I w ould have to w alk the floor, and
like wool. Altogether a good im ita­
tion ; ail cotton, and the maker (eii* us sometimes I thou ght th ere m ust be a
they are last colors. A mouth ago they
T u m o r In M y S t o m a c h
they retailed at I2Wc: our price to-day
or som ething w hich any m edicine would
Is 8e; 86 inch.
fall to enre. F in ally th e flvsf; o f M ay I
commenced t o take Hood’s .‘Sarsaparilla.
All American made, but a touch of French When I had th e first bo ttle h alf used I be
in tne priniiag and weaving. The sur­
prise i* the price; always sold at 18c gan to feel better. I have now taken sev­
until this opening at 12J^c; a few eral bo ttles and am happy to state th a t I
yards of ribbon to barmouize with the
flowers and you've a pretty Hammer
am feeling w ell, m uch be tte r than I hav*
lor years, and I am now able to do a goof
day’s w ork . I would say to all sufferer*
who have any ailm ent o f th e stomach taka
Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” E . A . G e a l , Ilaines
W e ’ve told of your needs vllle, New Je rse y .
W ant* to M arry Carl Drown*.
M assillon , O., April 25.-M is s Alameda
W illiam s, claim ing Canton as her home,
visited M assillon in quest of Carl Brow ne,
the late lion tenant o f General Coxcy's
army. Miss W illiam s said she answered
Brow ne's advertisem ent for a wife, and
also sent Urowno lior picture. She now
wants to know w hether Browne is liiearne sto r perpetrating a joke. Miss W ill­
iams seems anxious to mnrry.
This is Why it is
WISEMAN—KELLY—At West Creek. April !
14, 1305, by Rev. J. A. Mar Stella. Joebna W b e -:
man and Mias Elvira Kelly.
I)rets Cheviot, 5c.
fci ibfi VVaiunl Street Theatre bpxi w..-k I. .o r . T h l S l o W h p r A I t l'o
<o xtlrlct lo lh.1 bm™ .11 l o ,,r , of|0j jhow i, | 1
1 0 ” 0 0 1 0 111 I S
and there i? surely none more, fanny on the
In every household quite rostra'
To accept all b!e**iBg9 to aaukted sent,
stage than has been written by that prince of
( onll Und this Mathis' Liniment.
fun-makers, Charles Hoyt, In his '• A trip to
Chinatown.” The following week. Dickens'
immortal work. “ Oliver Tw ist," will be given
Mathis’ Qwarter-Doiksv Family Liniment is
at the Walont Street Theatre.
_____ M A R R ? ~AG E 8.
(Jeer 20 styles at 4c
Ocer 40 styles at Sc.
Thin, filmy fabrics with a big lot of good­
ness at little coat. Two dress lengths
for less than a dollar of one kind ; and
the 8c goods is at a saving of nearly
half from the original price.
CO Cranmer, Mathis, 8cotlaad:sld *pr ao for N Y
Came 1, Godfrey,Phlla; cld april H for charleston
H. Bacaiey, Townsend, arr New York apr K
*j V Wehrum. Cavalier, arr N Y spr n
Calvin B Orcatt, Pearce, arr Boston apr 83
Casaie P Bronson. Bennett, arr Boston aurll 83
Charles W Alcott, Leek, N Y; aid apr w for Va
Daniel Brown, Bennett, arr N Y apr 83
Erastu* WIman. Harris, Norfolk- gld ar.r -<<
New Iliitven
Kilos Ho**, Lewis, arr Hyannia apr 84
Bmm* L Cottlngnom.Homers.arr Baltimore apr *4
B J Hamilton. Tilton, arr N Y spr 83
Tllotnp*oo, arr Newport News
Bdwm K Elm,Lowery,Pcotlan<t;ald spr to for N Y
fiai City, Falklttburg, Phils; tld opr 1» fur Boston
Francis Bhunert, Gifford, arr Phils spr 84
F A T Ljpton, Loagstreet, S Y aid spr 83 for Hai­
ti mere
Fanny II 8tewart,Lane.N Y.sid apr *3 for Norfolk
Fanny Tracy, Tilton, arr N Y apr 83
Grace Van Dnsen, Lees, arr N V spr S3
Grade D Chambers, Norfolk; aid apr 83 for N Y
Grace aeymoor, Holmes, arr Phlla april 83
’ira^ j ° bucl,anan, Green, arr Portsmouth april
George Bailey, Curtis, Baltimore; aid apr as for Hi
Georges 8 I
Geo W Anderson, Cole, arr Richmond apr 88
George R Vreeland, arr Richmond apr w
tl0184th n n,u,B8om* Golmea.ar New London spr
Printed Lawns.
Agnes Maun lug. Hyere, arr Portsmouth apr t t
A J Bentley. Inman, arr Bermuda Hundred apt- It
Albert I'haro, Hannan, arr Boston apr f t
Bsnj A Van Brant, Pearce, arr Boston apr!) w
Blanche Hopkins, 1’ivla, Aahepoo; eld apr is for
Bertha F Walker, Curtis, arr Charleston april ;§
Litas B te e t Cranmer, Bridgeport; ala for Norfolk
W VAU°n,s Pomt,,eCkWOrlh’ 1 '“ la: clU a,,r 18,or
Wilson Jt lliiiiinig, arr N Y apr 23
2H!!*™ S Konzel. Hoper, N Y; sld apr 23 for —
... . . ’J" 1. 11 Baliey,Laue,arr Vineyard Haven apr 22
W D Hilton, Horner, arr N Y apr 20
Zaocheu* Sherman, Cliamhers, Norfolk; cld apr 20
for New Uaien; passed Hell Gate 24
General McCook's Nticocssor.
IIA K K *.
W ashington , A pril 25.—General Wesley Bark J !> Peters, Townaend. Ban Francisco; cld
M erritt, whose appointm ent as m ajor gen­
april 24 for Comax
eral of tho army, to succed Gouerai M c­
Cook, retired, was announced last night,
has been in the service since entering
W est P o in t academy In 185a. Of the great
cavalry leaders In tho Union army, viz:
Sheridan, Cooke, Pleasanton, Grierson,
P uilad klpbia .M ondaT, April 22, 18B5.
Btonem au, W ilson, M erritt, Ktlputrifck,
Custer, Buford, G regg and Devin, General
M erritt Is the only one still in active scr
This is What it is
GIFFORD—iff Beach H a.cu.tu Mr,and Mr*
Thomas E. Gifford, a son.
VANN O TE-A t Point Pleasant, April 15, to j
M rjm d Mrs. Z.P. VanNote, ■ daughter.
Nicaragua Must Pay the Cash In­
demnity Demanded.
tion of daintiness and beauty
you’ll welcome heartily.
And stili we sell Cotton
Stuffs at 4c.
Fall River spr „
Carle, Fniia; eld spr » for Alim's
the m otion of one o f th e members of the
court who has concurred in the decision
already made, but it would appear from
the course taken in th e present instan ce
that none of the ju stice s felt disposed to
make such a motion, and that the arrange­
ment now announced w as hit upon as a
compromise. Ju stice Jackson , therefore,
will virtually come into the case as an
umpire. In the m eantim e the original de­
cision w ill be allowed to stand as the law,
and it is understood th a t the full te x t of
the chief ju stice's opinion wlil soon bo
given to the public.
Nothing is known as to whether or not J °h?o? N*y ' lA,vclan,,’ WlBnington N C cld apr 28
thc rehearing, if ordered, will take place James H Parker, charleston; sld apr 21 for N Y
I II latt,French,Delaware Breakwater passed
at this term of court. Ordinarily the court Johnout
apr 18 for Cay Francis
would take a recess from May 0 for two Job li Jackson, bprague.arr New London apr 24
weeks, and then ad jo u rn until next, Octo­ Lillie FaJklnburgh,Loveland, Hampton Roads; aid
apr 28 for N Y
ber, but it Is within its discretion to con­
J Lewis, Ulgbee, Richmond; sld for Phila via
tinue tho term indefinitely, and it is not LidaBermuda
apr 22
impossible th at it m ay be extended in tho ■ Lydia B Cowperthwalt, arr Htomngton apr 20
sv.-nt a rehearing is decided upon.
Lyman M Law, Blake, arr Providence apr 23
The news of the actio n of tho court w as Lydia Middleton, Bunnell,New York;ald apr 22 for
received a t the treasury departm ent w ith
much satisfaction , especially as it was Marlon K Rock hill, Anderson, N Y; sld apr 23 for
announced th at Ju s t ic e Jackson would be Maria Pierson, Lipplnoott. arr N Y apr 23
present and tako p art In the determ ina­ M A Tyler, Burden, arr N V apr 23
Mattie Newman. Loveland, arr N Y april 23
tion of tho question. T ills order o f the Mary
Manning, Burr, arr Boston *pr 23
court is regarded by som e of tho olTiclals Marjory Browu,Osborn, Hampton Roads; cld apr
18 for I’loviUouue
as nim ost conclusive th n t a rourgumont
will lio granted.
SJe1!!® ^ v.ra,ff' Dolraes, arr I’liila apr 84
W llowiett, Hliarp, charleston; cld apr 80
W itho ut any positive knowledge on the Neillo
for Baltimore
subject it booiiih to l>e tho general belief
NClHfor N Y°w,,ur^' >“ »g. Charleston; sld april 24
that Ju s tic e Jack so n is predisposed in fa ­
vor of tho constitutionality of tho law. 0 H Brown, Brown, arr Providence apr 24
and lienee would bo very likely to vote for P T Barnum, Blake, arr New tendon april 28 for
Allyn's Point
a rehearing. A oehenrlug is earnestly de­
sired by tho income ta x officials, iw, w ith Rob Roy, Parker, arr N Y apr 22
Raymond T Mauli, arr Providence apr 84
ft fu ll bench, there nocogsiirlly w ill t e a
I) Foil, Loveland. Phlla; cld for Galveston
full m ajority for or ag ain st tho law, which Sarah
apr is
would certainly have tho effect of doing Hnoeiiaae, Darby, arr N Y apr 80
away w ith the vast am ount of litig atio n Harah J Vaughn, Vaughn, arr N Y april 23
SuohffhL Green,paused Hell Gale,Phila for Halem
now promised.
No Danger o f an Indian ('prising.
O maha , April 25.—A special from The
Bee’s m an hurriedly sen t to tho W inn e­
bago reservation to ascertain the tru th as
to the rum ors of n probable uprising says:
W ill T e s t t h e W e r t * L a w .
“ There is no danger o f lig ht with the In
•Bans as a result o f loading reservation
M afford Township * H igh License E le c ­ lands by white settlers. Much had blood
has been engendered, but at no time has it
tion to Come b efore the Court a.
reached the proportions of im m inent dan­
Colonel Butter of Bridgeton, has been ger of uprising.”
granted a writ of certiorari by Judge Van
MlnUter D* Lome Arrive*.
Syckel to lest thc constitutionality of Sccllooa
4 to 8 inclusive of the Wert* license law. The
Nkw Y o rk , A pril 2 6 .-T h « Spanish
case comes up from Stafford township in this strainer Panam a arrived at Q uarantine at
county, where the license fee was fixed at 8*10 last night, afte r a rapid though un­
$2000 by the special election of lost summer. eventful run of three days and fifteen
The hotels there never before paid a license hours from Havana. Am ong the passon
gers on board is M. Dupuy de Lome, the
exceeding $100.
The case in torests every Spanish m inister to W ashington.
township Jn the Stale ami particularly those in
our reality that hare voted for high license.
New Yorker* W ant Canada Annexe*.
It will be argued at the June term of the
A l b a n y , April 2 6 —Mr. O'Gnnly pre­
Supreme Court
sented to the house a petition to congress
and a resolution fav oring the annexation
of Canada to tho U nited States The res­
Theatrical Notes.
olution was adopted.
W alnu t S tre et T h e a tr e , P h ilad e lp h ia.
Next week will probably be the last oppor­
tunity of witnessing H oyts " A trip to China­
town " in its best expoettton and with the prin­
The greatest agent e'er wo* seat
For cure of human ailment
cipal members of the original company, that
I* Mathis' Family Liniment.
Philadelphians will have. Its representation
THE M0VEMENT8 OF OCEAN were never sold before. There’s
an aristocracy in cottons;
65 and 75c a yard in recogni­
PubllMlie* by
N 1W JERM KY C O I'V I E l P IB L IftH IN ii
W asiiihgton , A p ril 24. — The U nited
f f * . I , P lM h tr.
C h t i. T. P a t t r r H n . States supremo court, through Chief J u s ­
tice F u lle r, made the following order in
regard to the petitions for a rehearing in
Ofllec. f^ w p e r tb tr a lt’i E x ch an g e ,
the Income tax question : ‘ T h e consider­
O'ftn THI POST o m c i.
ation o f the two petitions (the Income tax
T o m s R iv e r , O c e a n C o u n t y , N . J. 'petitions) for rehearing Is reserved until
-------j Monday, May 6, when a fu ll bench is ex(Onecopy i year................ .
f t 00 peeled, and in that even t two counsel on
T2&MS.—-<one copy 6 month*................... i 00 j„ j® w ill be heard a t th a t tim e.”
ion® copy * months...... . ..........
A lthough thc order doCH not explicitly
payable* in advanee.
I* , state, it means th a t argum ent w ill be
----------------- ------------------ ------------------------- heard, no t on the m e rits of the Income tax
In accordance with the United States P ostal question itself, b u t on the question
I avcs. all papers will he continued until ordered whether or not there sh all be a rehearing
•topped. An order to slop the paper must be of the su its heretofore decided. T h is ara c c a i.ip a M wfft aU a r r m r a p , M x n c i * Ute guml.n t, It |» e x a c t e d , will include tba
order * « ! not te I axyntasl.
cttc „ t to which t h . re h e a r!,,* ,h»U go.
The course adopted by the court is a
most unusual one, and gentlemen fa m il­
iar with its procedure for many years can
T xanhibnt Ad v ir ti 8« i i * kt «. — Twelve line* recollect bu t one Instance in which a lik e
(one inch space,) Ta cents one insertion. Koch action has been taken, and that was in the
additional insertion, 25 c en ts.
seventies. The decision of the court to
permit an oral argum ent on the motion
GnrxRAL a d vskti 8 in(3. — Oor rates w ill be for a rehearing in these cases was not a r­
made known upon application at th is office rived a t un til yesterday, and this action
either personally or by letter.
was based upon Inform ation received by
L * oal A dviktihxmxth. —At rates allowed by the chief ju stice direct from Ju stice Ja c k law.
son indicating the probability of his lielng
C«NT-A-WoHn Auvxktiskmknth.—On local page
one cent a word for each insertion. The popular able to attend upon the sitting of the
court early in May.
local advertising scheme.
I t is understood th a t the decision of the
J ’.Hferta' a i the Post Office a t Tom s R iv e r court to depart from its alm ost unbroken
custom of deciding upon the advisability
a s second-class m a il matter.
of rehearings w itho ut inviting fu rth er
suggestion from counsel than is contained
in brief w ritten statem en ts is due to the
Thursday Afternoon, April 26, 1895. appreciation which the mem hers have of
the vast Im portance o f the income tax
cases and to their deHiro to have it under­
stood by the public th a t they uro not dis­
posed to place any o te ta cle in the way of
the fu lle st possible presentation of the
Is ever regarded by thc
public as evidence of
^ t a n a m a l u r ’s .
] » 2 $ p * r .wewemee*
Soled and heeled (nail worn)
Men s 65c.; Ladies’ 50c.
• L A D IE S Hand Sewed, Men s $ 1 .00.
In fS 9 * ^
Ail work guaranteed A Nc. 1.
Always on hand ; prices to W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
suit bird times. Also, made A lio
to order, best material, finest
workmansiiip, prices right.
I F w T iik lim ii
A , C. H IR S C H
New Jersey Courier.
T M t H IVF.K. N. J ,
Interesting Talk of Your Friends
Tutttidaj Afternoon. April 26, 1895-
Prof. F. A. North spent Tuesday in Trenton.
School Notes.
The Loss of the Sarah S. Ridgway.
Monthly reports are sent to parents this
Th^ president of the ulnmni has called a
meeting of the association at 8 45 i\ m ., Mon­
day, April JiOth, a l the school house.
The graduating exercises of the high school
will be held iu the M. E . church, on the even­
ing of Ju ne 13th. The names of those in­
tending to graduate are, Janie Veeder, Heleu
Cambnrn, Fannie Johnson, Georgia Hudson,
Ethel Britton and Lillie Britton.
The officers of the debating society for this
week a re : Charles Anderson, president; Es­
trella Townsend, vice-president; Frank Pierce,
secretary; Georgia Hudson, critic; ju dges—
Fannie Johnson, Harry Manolt, Helen (Jamburn, Frank Simpson, May Fuller, The ques­
tion for debate is, " Resolved, that works ol
nature are more beautiful than the works of
a rt."
Leader for the affirmative, Bertha
Grover; for the negative, Lillie StiJlaway.
H ttll o f Honor lo r A pril.
High 8cbool—Janie Veeder, Lillie Britton,
Bertha Grover, May Fuller, Edith Imlay,Percy
Grover, Lina Birdsall, Lillie Sliiiaway.
Grammar School—William Parent, Clarence
James, Benjamin Johnson, May Irons. David
Veeder, Marguerite Striker.
Intermediate—Leland Qaslett,Ralph Grover,
Tlllie Robinson.
Second Primary—Frankie Britton, Eddie
Harris, Eva Attison.
First Primary—Nettle Britton, Harry Harris,
Laura Peudle.
F o u r Men (M t —O th ers T a k e t o t h e
B o a t * an d R each I .an d A lte r F o u r
D ay *.
Highsct of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U . S. G ov’t Report
Capt. N. P. Sjorgrmi of the Bark Sarah 8,
Mrs Gilbert tlaukins has moved to Ocean
Ridgway (In which Mrs. M. E. Townsend of
Washington street, aud her two daughters
A* the title indicate*, Ado*, a r e accepted in thia
J . 8. Storms w a s up from Barneaat on
were part owners) jurlved In Philadelphia oo
colum n a t in* rate o f a cent a word f w each Monday.
Tuesday. While the fact of the Rldgway’s lews
insertion F ifteen w ord* o r under, 15 cenJ».
has been published before lu these columns,
Mrs. George Millikan Is visiting in the
J^ A D IE S ’ CAPES, all colors. At COIIEN’S.
Quaker City.
now for the first time is the story of the wreck
made known.
Riley Phifer of Hornerstown, was one of
BY COAL. Ours are under cover: consumer
The Sarah 8 Ridgway left New Castle, N. 8.
doesn't pay tor water. All coals screened.
Saturday’s visitors.
Irish Patriot's Mother Found llleadW., January 13th, last, bound to Singapore,
Friday, A pril 19.
William Reed of Camden, visited friends In
tng and Unooueolous.
laden with bituminous coal. Nothing unusual
Hon. Robort U. Wlokllffe, ex-governor
fjp H E Latest Style Hats for men at COHEN’S.
town last Thursday.
, N. J . , A p ril 20.— Mra. cf Louisiana, died at Shelby villa, Ky.,
occurred until January 26th, when high winds
Miss Hope Fischer has been spending some
set in, and from that time until January 29th Delia T . S . P arnell, m o th er of tho late yesterday afternoon.
OR RENT—Pharo boose on Wasblnirton 8t„
Charles Stow an. Paruoll, w ho liv es a t
days in Philadelphia.
it blew a llviDg hurricane.
C aptain General de Campos, o f Cuba,
Ironsides, overlooking the D elaw are river,
On the 39th the bark had six feet of water In hear liore, w as found blooding and uncon- issues a proclam ation to a ll rebels who
Mr. and Mrs. E . W. Perry leave town this
fJp H B shoe stock la complete at COHEN’S.
ber hold, and the efforts of the men a t the . selous by C harles Casey, son o f the farm er surrender a t once uxoeptlug the lundora.
morning for a Southern town.
W . C. P. Breckinridge is a candidate for
pumps failed to prevent Us gaining.
who has ch arge of the farm a t Ironaldee.
■71VEN1NG PAPERS. Why wait till morning,
Charles Brackenrldge of New York city,
J l i when yon can get all the n»ws the evening
As a last resort, in order to keep the veesel I Mr8- P u rn ell was found ly in g beside a the United States senate from Kentucky,
to oppose the re-elcctlon of Senator Black­
before In the papers served by William C. Doxseyt spent Sunday with his mother.
from capsizing, it was found necessary to ca t S no® w lth her fnce Rnd heftd oovered w ith burn.
Albert Cross, a Long Island telegraph oper­
ENERAL Merchandise at
«W .J the r a n t., Bed .t ie r thl. . . . don, .h e
f" u« d
M rs. H annah Darby, aged 84, who lived
the rail road track nearby—h er pocketbook
J . B. JONES. Waretown. ator, was Id town on Saturday.
became, o f courte, nnm»hBKe.ble. th e e abe m laalog and papers aoatterod lii all dtreo- alone at Converse, Ind., w as found dead
old stock at COHEN’S.
began to make dangerous leeway toward the lions. H elp whs obtained, an d she was w ith lior eyes burned o u t and her body
resident, was in town yesterday.
reefs off Burnett Heads, aud every effort to carried to tho house of P a rm e r Cosoy. Dr. badly burned. Tho supposition ia th at she
LUMBING and Steamdtlug.
t^ud sail to jury masts was made but w ith iW - H. Shipps, who w as h astily sum- w as tortured fo r hor mouey.
Capt. E. H. Chambers of Waretown,was
Saturday, A pril 90.
little success,
j maned, m ade an exam ination and found
one of Monday’s visitors to town.
Charles K . K nox, tho w ell know n New
On February 5th a still worse storm cam e; J httt’ bo8ldes several bru ises about the
T UMBER—Lowest prices for cash Easy terms
Miss Flora Davis has returned home after
MA of payment at
died in th a t city yesterday,
n i me heavy aeas .wept overboard three
“ “ ™ n“ h,“f k “ ‘“ “ r a t a l wound
spending the winter in Cape May.
aged 77.
k LL new goods at COHEN’S.
mea, m jurlo* . fourth ao that he lived h a, a
John Fischer and Miss Lillie Adams are visit­
B y the collapse of a d errick iu Chloogo
few hours.
The boats, which had been
T he aged woman rem ained unconscious P n trlck H arvey; H enry B la k e und W ill­
ing at New Gretna and Tuckerton.
OR RENT—Desirable offices over the bank.
damaged by the fall of the masts, were patched u n til last evening, but is as y e t unable to iam M cCollion wore killod and e ig h t others
Inquire of JOHN AUMACK. Toms River.
Mrs. Hettie Vanuote has been spending a
up with canvass, and as soon as the sea fell a throw any lig h t on the affair. Dr. Shipps Injured.
A rb or D ay.
few days with her mother, Mrs. Borden Irons.
little, the crew left the vessel. Capt. Sjorgren found h er still suffering from tho effects
I t is stated on good au th o rity th a t tho
of concussion o f the brain an d shook, bu t P rln o o o f W ales will vlBit Newport, R . I.,
There has been considerable preparation for set fire to the bark as be left her.
Mrs. N. B . Sheaff and her daughter, Miss
For four days and nights in a rough sea, no sym ptom s havo yet developed p o inting th is summer, and w ill rem ain fo r the in­
spout Sunday at Etwood Slaw- Arbor Day. A large uumber of pieces will be
OR SALE. A farm at BayvUle. rt. j . is
acres; T# cranberry b o g ; 7% fine tillable ter’s.
spoken and sung, trees will be planted, the eaptalu, his wile and fifteen seamen kept to fractu re of tho skull. I n view o f hor ternatio nal yacht rucos.
land, rice Apy-Jo orchard: a g.-,od two story
advanced age and the loss o f blood, it ia
M rs. P aru o ll, the aged m o th er of the
" 'tfouae. H room* ; bam, etc. The cranberry crops
Clayton Grover formerly of this town, has speeches made aud there will be inarching by .Boat la thu two pttetad boat, bafora thay I iinpowlbiu hv W a a a the outcom e of tho
late Charles Stew art P a rn e ll, th e Irish pa­
of 1894 netted $s«o. For full particulars enquire
been elected Game Constable at Isllp, Long the children. The exercises will begin at 2 reached Burnett Headlands on the coast of ertso.
of JOS. T. MEAD * SON, Rahway, N J.
triot, was wuy7ii/u a n d m bbed near her
o’clock Friday afternoon in the High School Queensland*. From there they journeyed to j I t has been loarnev! th a t th e old Indy, UUJU„
home nonr Bordontowu, N. J .
W hen
room; and will be as follows :
■FURNITURE, Carpets,Mattlngs,Baby Coaches,
Sydney, where a report of the disaster was while in th is city, visited th e hardware ! nicked ui> she w as iinm nsnim is
Dr. Stulls of Long Branch, F. T . Jones,
■? etc.—new stock—at COHEN’S.
Welcome 8ong, by the school choir.
made aud the wornout sailors were taken in store of S a i m ol E. B u rr a u d tendered a probably die
Miss Fogarty and Miss Sterling of Lakewood,
$10 ch eck in payment of a b ill o f about 13. V
. „
l w a y s a full line of first class Groceries,
Reading the Governor’s Arbor Day proclam a­ charge by the proper officials.
Floor and Feed, to be found at COHEN’S
A fter receiv 'tig hor change she le ft for her
Monday, A pril 3».
tion and passages of Scripture, by Principal
The Sarah 8. Ridgway is said to have been
There wore severe earth qu akes on F rihome, w alk in g along tho railroad truoks,
Elegant 40
and Mrs. John Scott are a t their old North.
OR SALE—A turbine water wheel nearly new
uninsured. 8he was owned by Jacob E. Ridg­
duy a t Tashkend, A siastlo R u ssia.
where tho assault was doubtless made.
Inquire of CHARLES WAINBIGHT, Diamond home, Meriden, Connecticut this week. Mrs.
way of Philadelphia, and the Townsends of
Jo h n N. Stearns, a loading temperance
Mills, Toms River.
Tw o tram p s wore arrested on suspicion
Scott will make a prolonged stay.
by Bertha Grover.
this place; and was built in WilmlDglon, Del., yesxerdny, bu t os they proved to know advocate, dlod a t his homo in Greenpoint,
La<1,e8’ Trimmed Hats at
Long Branch Record:
Rev. and Mrs.
Recitation, "S p rin g Buds,” by Clarence July, 1877. For some time she was sailed by noth ing o f tho r.ssault tlioy wore roloaaed. L. I., aged 60.
COSEN’S. Cheaper than ever.
George Reed, of Island Heights, were the James.
Ex-C ongressm an
N. Swooney, tho
P h il a d e l p h ia , A pril 23.—D r. T ho m as
the late Capt. Byram B. Townsend.
ANTED—.-’’hipments of brant, and shore guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. De Nyse, of
S. K . M orton, of this city , who w as in m ost prom inent law yer o f w estern K en­
Sioging, " Arbor Day,” by the whole school.
birds, plover, snipe, large and small yellow
K y., aged 68.
legs Boston is a good market for good game.
At Hymen’s Altar.
stated today th at if Mrs. P a ru o ll livos she
Send for shipping cards to D. A. DUNBAR, 10 A
R ussia, F ran co and Ita ly havo united in
Mre. Alonzo Hyers and her sister, Miss Essie Mary Thompson, Albertha Yales, Florence
10 Farneuil Hall Market, Boston.
. 6t30
will be perm anently deranged. H e said a dem and on Ja p a n ag ain st accession by
Sutton, returned home from a visit to Norfolk, Striker, Emma Bickens, Mollie Becker, Lydia Capt R o b e r t IV, B e n n e tt an d Mltm H a r­ th a t th is alm ost invariably follow s con­
th a t power of C hinese territo ry . There Is
Va., on Saturday. Mrs. Samuel Hyers, who Pitlenger, Offie liobiuson, Tom Sutherland,
r ie t R . V an note M arried a t B a r n e g a t .
cussion o f tho brain accom panied by in­ no offensive and defensive allian co between
aecouipauied them, arrived home on Tuesday. John Grovor, Willie Hyers, Eddie Goble,
Capt. Robert W. Bennett and Miss Harriet sensibility . In his opinion i t is not un­ Ju p an and C hina, as reported.
Ralph Grover, Otto Irons.
Sam uel E . A ym ar wus arrested in Now
R. Vannote plighted their wedded troth at likely t h a t the old lady’s wondorful vital­
Recitation, "T h e Daffodils,” by Cora Davis. Barnegat on Wednesday, 24th inst. The cere­ ity w ill save her life? Sh e is 86 years old, Y o rk , on his own confession, fo r embozAmong Our Churches.
Short Pithy Bits of Home News,
Recitation, "T h e morning glory’s dis­ mony took place at the residence o f the briue’i bu t had be not known otherw ise he w ould kling $20,000 from tho Shoo and Leather
not liavo takon hor to be m ore than 56.
covery " by Willie Bickens.
bank. Ho is a brother-in-law o f Seeley,
C hrist (Episcopal) C hurch.
New moon last night.
parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Vannote, at
B ohdbntown , N. J . , A p ril 24.— Mrs. now doing tim o for robbing tho sam e bank.
Singing, " Birch tree " by the whole school. high noon ; and was performed by Rev. O. W.
2d Sunday after Easter, April 28. Holy com­
P arn e ll is now iu a critical condition. She
Buds show on fr a il trees.
Tuesday, A pril 93.
munion at 7 30 a . m. Matins, litany and
Wright o f the Barnegat Presbyterian church. had several convulsions yesterduy and has
Green things are growing.
Notices o f ovlotlon have been nerved upon
sermon at 10 30. Snnday-Bchool at 2.30 p. m. Hyers from Union school.
The bouse was darkened and artificial lights grown m u ch weaker. T h e convulsions delinquent tenants a t P u llm a n , Ills,
Almost honso cleaning time.
Recitation, ‘ ‘A useful possession," by Laura were used. The bridal pair stood beueatb
continued throughout tho day, and at
Evensong at 7 30.
I n a fig ht botwoon a M exican bu ll and
Leaves are begin Ding to appear.
St. Mary’s Guild will meet at the residence Peudle.
bell of white roses and smilax. Miss Ethel m id n igh t M rs. Parnell w as so inuoh an A frican Hon at M onterey, M exico, the
Recitation," The little fir-trees," by Eddie Gowdy of Toms River, the bride’s cousin, w u b worse th a t tho physicians in attend an ce
The mercury climbed to 71® on Saturday.
despaired o f her life. T h ey said they bu ll was victorious, thou gh te rrib ly lac­
April 29th, at 8 00 p. m .
the maid of honor; her brother, Harry Van- would n o t be surprised if she did not liv e erated.
School boys are counting the days till
Singlug, " Arbor Day," by the whole school. note, acted as best man.
A sociable, under the auspices of St. Mary’
A t Quincy, F la ., the house of Jo e R o b ­
through th e night. T he couuty officials
Recitations, "T h e plea of the trees," by G ueGuild of Christ church, will be held at the
The bride wore a gown of white mall, cut’ are b ein g urged by tho citiz e n s to offer u inson was destroyed by a supposed incen­
Christ (Episcopal) church edifice is being residence of Mrs. G. H. Aumack, Washington sie Apgar, Lonnie Pease, Fred Probst,Clarence
low at the ueck, aud covered with an over reward fo r tho arrest o f the assa ila n t of diary fire. Three of R o b in so n 's children
street,- on Tuesday evening, May 7th. The James, Reed Tilton, Sidney Harris.
dress of white lace. She carried a bouquet of the aged woman, but tho officials nro slow
Solo, " The blue bird," by Cornelia Fuller.
F ra n k H ow ard P oor, serv in g a y ear's
Spring fever set in this week in a m
coutribulious are for the benefit of the public
lilies of the valley, and wore a circlet of the in noting on the case.
seuteuco fo r forgery in tha M assachusetts
Singing, " Arbutus song ” by the whole school.
virulent form.
reading room and circulating library,
same flowers interwoven m the lace about her
Recitation, " Building the canoe," by Walter throat and gathered iu a knot a t the left THE NEW JERSEY INQUISITION. reform atory, has fallen h e ir to $16,000,000
cordial invitation is extended to all persons
In most every business the blotter plays
through th e death o f a w ealth y Novoda
interested in this project. During the evening Applegate of Cedar Grove school.
absorbing part.
shoulder. The bridesmaid wore white figured A State Official Who Furnished
Map* m ine owner.
Recitation, " The earliest crocus,” by Bertha
satin, wltiu u'lace collaret, and carried a bou­
Frank Williams has the yacht Viking hauled the comic pantomime—" BeDjamin and Mary Hudson.
Alonzo Sn ider, aged 65, lias been ex­
W ithout Authority.
Jane’’—will be performed.
quet of pink roses.
out on Cedar Point.
T renton , April 24.—The souate investi­ pelled from the Socond B a p tist ch urcli of
Recitation, "T h e veteran soldier," by Harry
The bride was the recipient of many hand­ gating committee took up the question Chicago. In an official capuoity he robbed
M ethodist E p isco p al.
The first straw hat and the first butterfly
some gifts, among them being a costly watch of tho printing of tho reports of tho state the ch urch of $ 10,000, tak e n from collec­
At the business meeting of the Epworth
were both noted last Friday.
Singing, " Arbor Day march," by whole
and chain from the groom. After the cere­ board or assessors and the furnishing of tions und pow ren tals. H e w ill not be
League on Tuesday evening, officers were school.
1. W. Carmichael is making improvements
mony a dainty wedding dinner was served; maps tlierowith.
elected for the ensuing six months as lollows:
Wednesday, A pril 24.
Flower song, by Oilio Hulse, Iantha Irons, and the happy pair left for Washington, D. O.,
to his cosy home on Maiu street.
I t w as show n th at the to ta l nu m ber of
W. H. Fischer, president.
W illiam Moscrisklo and S ta n is la u s StopEdward Iron is haviog his Mala street
on the alternoon train. Capt. Bennett, who
Miss Florence Fischer, first yice president.
41,000 and th a t they had been billed to tho eck, m iners, were k illed by a f a ll of coul
Minnie Sherman, Naltle Britton, Harry Fuller,
residence and music rooms repainted.
commands the schooner Blanche H. King, is
Mrs. Anna Packer, second vice-president.
state by tho different co ntracto rs who a t P ittsto n Ju n ctio n , Pa.
Hudson Sutherland, Harry Harris.
a well known seaman ; while the bride is one printed th e reports, altho u gh the m aps
No matter how popular a young girl may be,
Miss Julia Smith, third yice-president.
Tho postofflee at N yack, N. Y ., was en­
Recitation, " The violet,” by Emma Demp­ of .Barnegat’s social favoiites.
nobody “ misses” her after she is married.
were no t called for by the specifications.
Rosteen Walton, fourth vice-president.
tered by bu rglars during tho nlgij,t, and
in money and stam ps tak en .
San rises tomorrow at 5.07 and sets at 6 40,
Song, " The oriole's nest,” by Sallie Robin­
residence a t Barnegat, with all modem im­ Colonel J o h n T.^YanC leof,secretary o f the
T o escape bein g sen t to th o H ouse of the
Fred W. Robbins, treasurer.
making a day 18 hoars and 42 minutes long.
son, Tillie Robinson,
board of assessors, paying h im the sam e Good Shepherd 10-year-old J u l i a Gross
The early prayer meeting of the Epworth
Recitatiou, “ Flowers,” by Frankie Brittou.
Some one has estimated that the fisheries of
In addition to tho friends of the bridal couple price as w as charged tho sta te , loss a 10 jum ped from a fourth sto ry window in
Singing, " Massa's m the cold ground," by
New Jersey bring a revenue of $3,035,890 per League next Sunday evening will be led by Miss
Irooa Barnegat there were present: Miller per cent, discount. C on tractors swore th a t New Y o rk and was killod.
Jaffa Smith.
the whole school.
their a u th o rity for fu rn ish in g the m aps
Governor M orton, o f Now Y o rk , granted G . W . C O W P E R T H W A IT
Vannote o f Malaga,-N. J . ; Mrs. Jam es G.
was C olonel V an Cleef him self, and th a t
P re sb y te ria n .
Recitation, "T h e ’ apple tree," by Gracie
Joseph Alsheimer is rnakiug improvements
Gowdy, Misses Laura,Ethel and Carrie Gowdy, they had billed tho maps to th o state and a reprieve o f one week to D r. B u ch an an ,
Preaching on Sabbath morning at 10.30,
to his Lien street property—among other
Miss Vannote, Mrs. 8. R. Applegate and W. paid the m oney over to V a n C leef, loss the tho condemned wifo poisoner. H o will bo
electrocuted n e x t Wednesday.
Recitation, " The cats’ concert," by Max
topic, "Garments always white and head
things erecting a new fence.
Burtis Haveus of Toms R iver; Mrs. O'Leary, com m ission.
never lacking oinment.”
M ajor E . C. Dawes, brother o f ox-ConColonel V a n Cleef adm itted th a t he had
Miss Carrie Vannote, Miss Kate O’Leary and
White Balls of yachts are noted occasionally
grossm an R . R . Dawes, an d a prom inent
Singing, " S ta r spangled banner,” by the
Sabbath-school at 11.45 a . m .
Waller C. O’Leary of Lakewood ; Sen. and furnished tho inups charged ag ain st the m em ber o f tho Loyal Legion, died in C in ­
on the river—some of the early ones having
put their craft in commission.
Mrs. G. T . Cranmer of Trenton, and others.
n ati shortly afte r m id n igh t th is m orn­
Recitatiou, " Longing,” by Leona Applegate
p. m., topic, " communion with C hrist.”
Where ho hod tho maps printed. W hen cin
Judson Harris has constructed six flat
asked if he thou ght it w as r ig h t fo r him ,
Preaching on Sabbath evening at 7.30, topic, from Cedar Grove school.
Thursday, A pril
bottomed row boats a t odd hours thia winter
Recitation, " Use of flowers,” by Lillie Sliiia­
What the judgment will reveal.
T lllie R ausch, 6 years old, died in New
and says he is not through yet.
the w itness nnswered th a t th e map wan
F i r s t Hap11 1.
Charles F . Jones Io b I a valuable horse from the resu lt o f a year and a h a lf’s work, and Y ork from eatin g "A p r il fo ol” candy
Teachers’ examination for first, second and
given her by a playm ate.
Recitation, " Hill and valley," by Claude
Next 8uuday evening will be the monthly
pneumonia. He purchased the animal at Long th a t ho th ou gh t ho wus en titled to tho
third grade certiflcaies on Friday and Saturday
T he Domooratio sta te exooutlveeonnnltprofits o f his industry. A t th is point the
consecration meeting of the Christian EaBranch and had only owned it a few days.
of next week, at the high school room, Toms
teo of M ississippi stand 18 to 5 fo r free and
Addresses by visitors.
deavor and will be presided over by Miss Lena
Mrs. Hayes' little boy Leon is out of danger
unlim ited coinago of sliver.
Singing, " America,” by all.
Apgar; topic, "Communion with Christ.”—
and the doctor says he can leave his room soon. questioning of Mr. V an C leef u n til next
Heavy rain and hail sto rm * visited
Marching and tree planting.
At the sale of lots on Horner street, belong
John 14:18-23.
John Letts bas rented the Moore property,
I n m any
Mr. C orbin nex t directed h is attentio n southeast T e x a s yesterday.
ing to the Edward Allen estate, the property
The hour of all the week-day meetings has
and we are all expecting to see the buildings to the Delaw are Bay and M aurice Cove plocos fences wore battered down.
was bought in bulk by James A. Gullck of been changed from 7.30 p . m . to 7.45 p. m .
and fields greatly improved.
Oyster association, which, un der the law
Thirty-tw o of tho 112 m em b ers of the
Nearly every morning we have frost or ice, authorizing its existence, is directed to pay Now Y ork C oat M an u factu rers’ associa­
On Monday afternoon New Egypt lost
The Baptists will hold a dollar sociable at
another one of her old and respected citizens hat the days so far this week have been quite into tho state treasury all receipts from li­ tion havo signed tho scale dem anded by
Principal Gray Resigns
censes of oyster boats in excess o f $2,000 a the strik in g workmen.
the residence of A. C. B. Havens on Thursday
by the death o f Abram Archer. The deceased
Modelino Pollard, who recovered a $ 15,Early in the evening the planets and constel­ year. T ills. Mr. Corbin said, hod not been
evening, May 2d, for the benefit of the Baptist His Position In th e P o in t P le a s a n t School was a member of the Red Men and Odd Fellows.
done for tw o years a t least. T h is m atter 000 verdict in her damago su it ag ain st Col­
church. Refreshments will be served.
and Leaves the V illa g e .
The primary cause of his death was a rapture
may coine up again on Tuesday next.
Breckinridge, w ill sail for Europe on
mire the starry heavens can derive great pleas­
A Junior Christian Endeavor Society Is
A. B. Gray of Geneseo, N. Y „ who has been of a blood vessel of the neck a few years ago,
.Saturday us tho companion o f a lady who
being organized by the Presbyterian church, Principal of the Point Pleasant Borough school and it was only a question o f time when death ure from their observations.
is to m ake a fo u r y ears’ trip around tho
There was quite a brisk fire in the swamp
with Miss Martie Horner as Superintendent since the fall of 1893, according to a news dis­ wonld occur. On Friday morning -be was
above the resldeuce of Judge Jones last Tues­
and Mrs. E . Jam es Irons as assistant.
patch from that place, left the town hurriedly taken to bis bed and death soon followed
T rf .nton , A pril 20. - V ic e C hancellor STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS.
Two forest fires were burning between this and in disgrace on Tuesday morning of this In politics the deceased was a Republicans and
Em ory has imposed a fine o f $25 and costs
great damage was done.
place and Lakewood on Tuesday. A fortnight week. Gray was about 21 years old when he was a candidate of that party for township
upon Sh eriff Sorviss, of M iddlesex county, Closing Quotations of the New Y ork and
Ph iladelphia Esclutngee.
for not com plying with a w rit o f tho court
of dry weather with continuous winds have first came to Point Pleasant, but was highly offices at different times, and although he was
chancery directing th a t ex-A ssom bly
NSW YonK. April 2l.~Th„ bull movement
made the woods just right for burning.
recommended by the Superintendent of the unable to overcome the heavy Democratic
man Je r n e e be takon in to custody and In the stock market, which haa been in force
Antrim VanHise's residence at the corner of
P e rso n a lis-e o n d u rte d T o u rs to W a sh ­ held u n til he paid alim ony due his wife. for some weeks past, has occasionally shown
a reactionary tendency, bnt has not met with
WasUington street and Hooper avenue, has was a graduate. Although young be proved bis ticket aDd at one lime was only defeated by
in g to n , D. C. v ia P e n n sy lv a n ia R a il­ The sheriff contended th a t the w rit was a serious setback before today, i t must not
a narrow margin of 6 votes.
been transformed by the brush of W. E. to be an excellent teacher and kept the scholars
fau lty and void.
be understood, however, that the entire mar­
road s
George L. Shinn, oar leading merchant, is
Buuueil. Buff with white trimmings—colonial
E go H a r b o r C it y , N. J . , A p ril 24.—A ket haa Riven way. but It U a fa c t that the re­
siderable factor in the winter social life of the doing quite a business in bis line.
No true American should fail to see Wash
colors—were used.
sult of today’s trading is a depreciation in
Joseph Thompson has opened a cash grocery, Ington, the Nation’s Capital, and the series of forest Are started yesterday tw o squares values, (’losing bids:
town, organizing a dancing class for the young
from the w ell b u ilt portion o f th is city,
This evening the Christian Endeavor Society
W. N. Y. St Pa..... nu
people, which he taught himself. 8o well was floor and feed store on Cbnrch and Main three-day tours via the Pennsylvania Railroad, ami burned throughout the day. Tho Lehigh
of the Baptist cbnrcb and the Epworth League
5 3* Erie........................ je fl
he thought of, that a few months ago be was streets, in the store owned by Rachel E . Bean. under their perfect personally -conducted tour­ building o f A ndrew B lectn er w as burned R e a d in g .......... • 16K I).. L. A W ....... ...]5s
of the M. E. church, will be given a reception
John 8. (Jollier, onr new butcher, is keeping ist system, offers an opportunity for a trip un­ to the ground, and the a d ja c e n t building St. Paul.......... . •6 1 * West Shore.......... layu
made the Superintendent of the Sunday-school
in Cowperthwalt hall by the C. E. Society of
N. Y. C entral..... uhu
der the most favorable circumstances.
of F . Sch u lz was saved w ith difficulty. Lehigh N'av..., • 46
at the Episcopal church of St. Mary's by the a fine grade of beef.
the Presbyterian church.
N. Y. A N. E . ■■ 89
Lake Erie & W... ‘AM
The C atholic ch urch was threatened, but New
There will be an Epworth League sociable
But two more tours of this seaoon’s series
Jersey Ce ■ ®4Ji Del. A Hudson 128
Sheriff Chambers on Friday removed John
Rumors regarding Gray’s conduct came up on Friday evening in the M. E chapel.
m ain-the next leaving New York and Phila­ hard work by the firemen saved it. The
Shay and Andrew Fulton to the State prison at from lime to time, but he was so popular with
With her new street lamps, New Egypt will delphia May 2d ; the last leaving those points origin of tb e fire is a mystery.
General M arkets.
Trentou, where they will serve one and two all and had created such a favorable impression have reason to feel that she is going ahead.
May 23d.
T ren to n , April 25.- S a m u e l K . W ilson,
P h ila d elph ia . April 24.- H o u r in light deyears each. Mary W itte! was taken to the of himself, that they were regarded as idle
The rates, including accommodations at the m illionaire woolen m anu facturer! niand; winter super., $3.10^2 20; do. extras
2 winter family, $2.J|0Rz g.y
8tate hospital on Monday,
gossip. On Monday, however, the rumors
Washington's best hotels, are $13 50 from New whose employes have been on striko for Pennsylvania roller, straight. $2 75jfc3- west'
the past seven weeks for tho restoration
A meeting of the Alnmnl Association of the were crystalized into evidence; and Gray,
York and $11.50 from Philadelphia; propor­
heat firm, higher,
of the second 10 per cent, redu ction made with 65Qc. bid and * '* * :.W asked
for April.
One night last week George Richard Pohi tionate rates from other points.
Toms River high school will be bela at the
beu confronted by the testimony, immediately
In their wages lost fall, m et a delegation
school house on Monday afternoon Dext (20th wrote oat bis resignation and left on the first caught seven rata in one trap at one setting of
Detailed itinerary will be sent on application of tb e strik in g weavers yesterday and con Corn quiet, easier, with ftltfc. bid and 53c
•aked fw A p ril. Oat* dull. we*k. with MWc!
lost ) at 3.45 o’clock, to elect officers for the train of the next morning.
to Tourist Agent, 1106 Broadway, New York, ■ented to their demands. T h e m ills wiil bid and 8644c «lre-l for April. Hay ateady;
William Mahony aDd wife visited their farm or Room 411, Broad Street Station, Philadel­ resume operations next M onday. A bout good to choice timothy. $!8g|].T30. Beef flea,coming year and to determine upon a fitting
and expect to rebuild in the near future. phia.
■even hundred imperatives w ork for Mr.
celebration at the time of the Jone commence­
clty ” tra India mess, $17
Forest Fires are Here,
019 50. Pork quiet Lard easy: western steam,
W ilson.
Right, brother, with the prospects of W alitce
*<.15. Butter quiet; western dairy. 8t$!8lfc.T h e B o u n c e r B r o k e Hie fthonider.
B r id g e t o n , N. J , April 28 —Tw o more do. creamery. l&aaOc.: factory, 0311c.: Elgin*!
Owing to the illness of Capt E. M. Lonan, Narrow E scap e e f to w n y s c h o o l House Applegate’s building opposite Lane Applegate.
New York
Willow Glen soon wilt become known. Many
A colored man iu the employ of Ellis John­ arrests were made for the recen t highway *0c.; imitation creamery,
County Superintendent of Schools, and bis
- B i g F ir e N ear Lakew ood.
impiovements have been made and in particn- son of New Egypt, was arrested Tnesdey by robberies and store burglaries in this sec­ dairy, l<»&18c.; do. creamery, a * . ; Pennsyl­
consequent inability to make bis customary
vania creamery prints, fancy, 23c.; do. choice
On Wednesday morning a fire was discovered lar on the cranberry bog now owned ty Surro­
constables e n trie s and Theodore Robbins oo
tour of inspection among the schools of the by some of the pupils of Gowdy school house
Prints Jobbing
gate Wardell. Onr village will soon appear in a complaint made by Ridgway Lippincott, the county ja il on n charge of b ein g im p li­ at 24'327c. Cheese steady for »;!d; New York
vouoty, be has commissioned Peter Tilton who la the limber that surrounds the school, and
ita Sunday drees. No talk yet of incorporating bartender a t the American house. The colored cated in the robberies. E llsw o rth Brow n terge, * 111* 0.; small. 7 ® ll* c .; part skims S
wi!l visit the schools in his stead, beginning beading directly toward it. Gustavos Voigt,
and J o h n ?m ith were tak en from the ®
weaker; New York and Pennsyl­
but-------man was in the hotel the previous Saturday ■chooner J . S. W illiam s w hen she re­ vania, 14VeH«c ; western fresh,
next week.
the teacher, with some of the larger boys
By the by, Director Voorbees h&6 forwarded evening and became so noisy that he was turned from Baltimore. Revolvers, knives southern, I2*(*l3c.
Oar "D ev il” has gone into the chicken- started to fight it, sending the smaller children all materials and books needed for experiments
ordered to ieeve. bnt be refnsed to go, and in and o ther property stolen from the store*
raWng business and (as usual with everything and girls out on oil skies to secure aid. to be conducted by X . G. Pobl for the State
L iv e S tock M a rk e t*.
the effort to get him out George Malone, ’ be of Sam uel Tom linson and o thers were
he undertakes) he has begun with improve­ Farmers in the vicinity responded quickly with Agricnltnral Experiment bnrean. Hope some­
N*w Yokk , April 24.—Reeves active, higher:
hostler, fell and broke his shoulder. A bear­ found in th e ir bnnks.
native ateere, poor to prime. $4.5o3 «j.V Tex’
ments on the old style. The sample of his shovels; and the fire was stopped. Had it thing new may be learned.
ing was had before Justice Bresson, and
P a te r so n N. J . , April 2 2 - T wo tram p* aaa. $4.3flao; oxen. $SM »6.40; boils. $3 1V»
new breed that he is showing has four le g s - not been for the prompt work, the school
By reqaeat o f the citizens in Ibis neighbor­ Johnson v b bound over for appearance at walked up to the house of T ho m as Sm ith , $4.15; dry sows. $2^4. Calve* active, higher
two in the Banal position and two more grow- boose most have been destroyed. This makes hood, semi occasionally some news may arrive
a section forem an on the Delaw : r e , L ack a­ poov to prime veal*. I3&S 50. Sheep and lambs
the September term of court.
»ag ap out of the back. This advantage will three fires in less than a week which hare been at your sanctum ; may it find pleasure in yoor
wanna and W estern raliroad.near Signac, MUve. higher; UMhorn sheep, poor to good.
* * r» lambs, ordinary to choice.
readily be appreciated by al! persons who have started in the wood about the Gowdy school, eyes.
four m ile* w est of here. One o f them en gSAQSf-g,a*clipped
do.. $5.W44hS Vi
Uied growing garden vegeUbles or flowers and aad they are evidently the work of an in­
gaged M rs. Sm ith in conversation after firm; inferior to choice, $st?a m.
Why can yoa buy jo u r granite monuments begging fo r some food. H is companion
raising chickens simultaneously, as when the cendiary, no other theory being tenable. If
*A » T b n n . F l . A pril t t .—
disappeared. Mrs. Sm ith gave the tram p lower: prime, $5.9*&f!; good. ft.Sn&o 33. balls
new and improved chicken gets tired of the guilty parties are discovered they are
granite and marble works at Tom« River, than some food. Meanwhile his com panion had
. » « ■ * « W » - H -*« i r . r r : W ill.
scratching with one pair of feet, it caa flop iik e ij to raffnr the law's foil penalty.
Mrs. Abigail Mathews, wife of Capt. Forman yon can elsewhere ?
stolen in to the house and escaped with ***»*!—■>'»<*»» m n lo f.lr
o?er and use the other set—Urns saving time
A large fire raged on the east side o f Lake- Mathews, died on Wednesday morning, 34th
H i I sn Shr.,
$2,000, M r. S m ith 's saving* fo r thirteen y j F V K - W A ;
nod accomplishiBg ranch more in a day.
wood on Tuesday afternoon and was driven by mat., aged about 00 years. She waa ooe of
? *”: T r “ " * * " ’* « "« . *>***».
westerly wind toward Bnrrsvlffe- On onr well known townspeople and will be mnefe onr New England quarries and the foreign
T h e Vf M at C t a k
Wednesday the wind shitted to eonUteast
missed. She leaves three children ; B. F rank, not of wholesale dealers as many do.
le w *
• t e f r a te to r C a t v t l t h a t
t h a rk In th e m w lh W M t
Ob Thtirwfev m n U . 1««» iha CTVU* P1; k
r c r s a c , jr ., m si H im Flora Mathew*. The
Ever7 jo b m warranted strictly first «•<«=« in
TW t t i t s» ! t¥ ! , tbe world F o r C t,.
* l toe Wash ingtooTlreel residence of Miss
r j ® * J»o»«s. Mrs. Laura Kemble woo the
fl.it Rl.—.m P e w F m ei Tetter
rarely destroy the sense of
Madr a t e r r A rrested fa r l a r g l a r y .
at ner late reticence.
j pgj
•acles prime—a pair o f sterling silver boa boa
Cb.ppeA H u n . (A IIM S m . C ore., u d ,n
The gentlemen's prize—a silver grip
Mue Lii he, daughter of Capt. Joseph H oteea, j
---------------------------------------- when entering it through the a boom serf see*. * * ' * * " ! " « » . •«» p o .iti.e l, e r a Wee. o>
tng-w as won by Mr. E W. Perry.
be same person as Salvatore Nlttote, late of bns been spending the Easter holidays at borne. !
T h o C ose of D r. W M c m e r .
So rt articles sho«M n e w he m e * except on f ° f V
<1 !• fleerMteed lo ( i n
She is a poptl a t 8t. Mary'* school, BorOortop. ■ In the ease of Rev. Howard T Widdemer preverifwioM t r o a repwUble phyUeaee, as the p erfc« u n V a e
or er—e j r e f
■■eimhl i a t C M svtEe.
after aererely catting Mrs. Tony Gall ia a free
O l e e * r e e l, per W i. Poe epie b ,
Sunday was a tad day for wheels and wheel- j *b o * M recently dismimed
damage they will do h tea fold to the food yew
The Epworth League o f the Cassvilie M. E. tight a t Forked Elver) bsa been » ir « » d at
a is this vicSe.ity as s
as JM i J
a * O m P m b jw i u rbtrefe of M o n a s poartMy dartre from them. Hail s Catarrh
chares w«l boid * M ta Sociable at the res*
a and at tenet
«w *e of W. u VsnHise ia Casseilfe on Taes- ■Long Branco, charged wan being i k e amber
t a t i t ,.
I V k ttj t i t M w n o .ll P m b jt o r j, tfe
Cure manufactured by F . J . Cbewey A t o .,
X K E T O fQ F O R I K
evening. April * x h
I ol the mute borglerhn o ln « t b u t o n . A
—. o! Ikt r in t Sotfei, k m d n jtM 10 I
Toledo. O ., eoetaies no mercury mad u
'■search resaitisg In Ssdlsg rateable* b&lsegfag
e Brand of New Jersey.
\ zu rsx"y, acting directly sp ra A t Wood wad
kuha, .i nhp id Frixer Price of Loag
! to the Wester reft cottage, wbleh war recently
iscows retraces o
f the » u r a li a* ttee ;;t e £ S a ifs
the aaanaw* o f ««M»
Cent-a-W ord Column
Light, graceful, strong, exquisitely
designed—(it for a King or Queen.
Ab so l u t e l y p u r e
FOUR MODELS, $85 and $100
page Catalogue for postage
Monarch Cvcle Mfe Co
e a st e r n w a reh o u se
Ths C, F . Quyon Co., Ltd.
it Exchange
We Always Give You
J Carpets
The Best J groceries
Value I Millinery
D ry Goods
Money B oots, S hoes
|T able W are
for Your
Our Spring line of Shoes all complete
Goodby to dull and dreary W inter
Prices to Suit the
Times I
Wu are showing fo r this Season an unusually attractive stock
of New Goods— Nets Spring Styles in every Department.
A n elegant line of Men’s Neckwear. Latest Style Rats
and Caps. New Styles Men’s, Youths' and Boys’ Clothing.
Our stock of Dry Goods is fu ll— Choice and Seasonable
Goods. An Elegant Line of Ladies' Capes, from $2 up.
French Millinery
A cull is respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed at
A. C. H IR SC H ’S
Agency for Demorest’s $19.50 Sewing Machine
I Hi^TDocs One-half o f die
Insurance in Ocean County.
H O L M A N ’S I W H Y
Insurance Agency
lOlTlS River, ]\l6W Jersey j
v A1 1
It's the Oldest; insures
y°u R ight; P ays Losses
I Promptly, and Never Lets
your Policy R U N OUT.
p a ia m p flii
t t i i k t b
^ ^ F f i f i R M i T WIT1 N I E I A fig.
wee* te
- - » * aad tea cents In aumpe. Oar ee-
Boor, rs* M*
— Hta l i w
im tj
a.** •
Thn in te
rm la i n .' I « >
Co-, H. I m s a s , ¥. V . Taylor. A. B . Stoat,
S- Tsekdr Welch M d otbere wfe - wire rafefeed .
Several wagon loads of pan
Examination of Teachers
In two days killed 9$ brent. « cense
TMot Umttm Sroihsf,
regie s s w s f e
Cwpsithwiit Sx:hs:j8,T!-
Hssisy, Say a, R a 101. a . t
a « tr X o n n o , f n -
y» it?
* * *
Advertising in
Brings the Best
Valued Endorsement, AFTER THE BATTLE.
Is tb s tim e to go to that man and toll him
how profligate Newton oame, through con­
version, to bo a world mnuwuul preacher
righteousnaw. Now ta the tim e to tell
th a t iiian th at m ultitude* who have been
SrifAOHTK ogg, N. Y.—It it Ignorance rather REV. DR. TALMAGE’S SERMON AT T H E
pounded with all the flails of sin and drag­
than anything elae that makes life miserable,
ged through all tho sowers of pollution at
but Ignorance of the value of Dr. David Ken
l\TW E V E / f y
last have risen to positive dom inion of
nedy's Favorite Remedy does aot exist In
Thr Eloquent Pread ier o a Ia flu c c a , Tetwp- moral power.
You do not te ll him th a t, do you? No.
Schagnilcokc to-day, as blood medicine and
tatlon and the W iles o f th a W orld-M w ry Y ou aa” to h im : “ I>mn you money? No.
nerve Ionic It standi supreme. One of tbe
o t the Good Angel and the Bad.
You .
down. You w ill have to go to
PIONEER NEW SPAPERj)P OCEAN CO. principal reasons for its popularity come* from
tbedegK. Ixind you a dollar? I would not
the great benefit oar fellow torwnsman. Andrew
N ew Y o r k , April 21.— There la no d im ­ lend you 0 cents to keep you from the g al­
Slpperley derived from 1U use. Mr. Sipperley inution in the vuitt iiumljerH thAt ameinble
lows. Y ou are debauched. G et o u t of
has suffered for je a n past, with a chronic kid­ from Sunday to Sunday to listen to th e my sight now. Down. Y o n w ill have
ney trouble, freqaeot billons attacks, and at eloquent aermoim o f Ile v . JJr. Talmaffe. to stay down.” And th u s those bratacd
New York and points north,
A. M.
Today he choao for hia su tiject "A fte r ilie and bettered men arc som etim es accosted
New York and all points north of Manchester intervals with violent neuralgia in tbe bead
fi.«J A. M. 1.46 and S.80 P. M.
and (ace. Up to last fall he rarely knew a B a ttle ," th e t^xt aeleefod Iteing I Sam uel by those who ought to lif t them up. Thu s
Manchester, Hayvuie, Cedar Creek, Forked
xxxi, 8, "A n d it came to ptum on the m o r­ the hurt, vertigo o f hope Is taken from
Hirer, Waretown, oolnta between Mancneiter
row, when the Phllhrtinee cAnie to atrip
and Bridgeton, 9.66 A M.
of the good Dr. Kennedy’s Favorite Kemedy the slain, th a t they found Saul and hia them. T h u s those who ought to go and
lift and rove them are guilty of stripping
Philadelphia, Washington, Southern and
Western mates, points between Toma Hirer and had accomplished, determined to have him use three norm fallen in M ount G ilhoa."
tho stain.
Camden, Island Heights, Trenton and Southern IL la writing about his sickness, Mr. SlpperSome o f you were a t So u th Mountain o r , Tho point I w ant to mako is th is; Bln
Jersey T.26 A. M. 3 45 P. M.
Shiloh, o r B a ll's B lu ff, o r Gettysburg, on is hard, cruel and merciless. Instead of
Points between Seaside Park and Point Plea­ ley said:
sant, sac AM .
" For several years 1 wss subject to attacks northern orponthern side, and I ask you if helping a m an up it helps him down, and
of kidney trouble and grave], which was at­ there 1man y rodder sig h t than a battlefield when, lik e Haul and his comrades, you lie
8.46 P. I
with most excruciating palo. but since after the guns have »>lopped firing? 1 on tho field, i t w ill com e and steal your
Silrerton and Burrarllle 8.00 A. M. dally.
walked 8cross the field o f Antletam jn s t
Keglatered mail. Pdtu A. M.
I began tbe use of Dr. David Kennedy's Favor­ after the conflict. T he scene was so *lck - sword and helm et and shield, leaving you
ite Remedy I have bad no serious trouble, and rning I sh all not deaeriJx) it. Kvcry valu- j to the ja c k a l and crow.
H o ta ir * W o r k .
my general health is greatly Improved. 1 able th in g had been tak e n from the lxxliea j
New York and Phiiadelphta, 8.06 A. M.
Philadelphia, Camden, Island Ileignu, etc., know of a great many people about here who of the dwwl, fo r there a re always vultures
B u t tho world and solan do not do all
10.27 A. M., DM P. M.
their work w ith the outcast and abandonw hltlugs and Tackerton, and polnta between have used Favorite Remedy, and in every Id. hovering over and around aliout an army,
•*1. A respectable im penitent m an comm
11.01 A. M.
stance benefit has followed. One of tbe officers and they pick up th e watches and th e
to die*. Ho is flat on his back. He could :
New York and all polots north, Forked Hirer,
of the Albany N. Y. Hospital recently said, in
Bridgeton, etc, 11.07 a . M.
not get up If the house was on fire. Adroit- j
New York and all polnta north of Manchester, speaking of Favorite Kemedy: *•I know of Its
4.19 P. M.
great medical value, sod to my knowledge it coats, applying them t o their own usee. cwt medical sk ill and g entlest nursing ;
New York and points north of Manchester 6.48 cores tbe dlBeaees for which It is prepared.”
Tho dead m ake no resistance. So there havo boon a failure. He has come to his
P .M .
Tbe great value of Dr, David Kennedy's are alw ays cam p follow ers going on and tart hour. W hat crx*s rotan do for such
Siiverton and Bnrraville, 4. 80 P. M„ daily.
Favorite Kemedy lies in ibe (act that it dis pfter an arm y, as when S c o tt went down a m an? Why, bo fetches up a ll the Inapt, throb. H e brought Lazarus to life ; he
Registered mall, 11.07 A.M.
solves the excess of uric acid In Ibe blood. into Mexico, nn when Napoiixm nmrchtid disagreeable and harrowing things In bis brought Jo in t s ’ daughter to life ; ho
Such ailments as rheumatism, neuralgia, ner­ up toward Moscow, as w hen Von Moltkn life. H e says: “ Do you rem ember those brought the young m an o f Nain to life,
Corrected, Octo^tr 16, 1894.
vousness, and the sickness peculiar to women
chances you bail for heaven and missed and these are three proofs anyhow that he
all come from this one cause. Favorite Kero went to Sedan. There is a sim ilar scene in •
them? Do you rem ember a ll those lapse* can bring yon to life.
edy dissolves this acid, tbua caring tbe disease my text.
In conduct? Do yon remembtir all those
When the P h ilistin es cam e down on the
W h e r e H aul L a y D e a d .
In cases of scrofula, diabetes and Brlgbt's dis­
jpK N N M YLYA N IA R A IilO A D ,
words and thoughts and ac­ field, they stepped between tho corpses,
ease. It has cured where other treatment* Lave
Sau l and h is army had been horribly c u t !
to pieces. M ount Gilboa w as ghostly w ith tions? D o n 't rem ember them , eh? I 'll and they polled over the dead, and they
P h ilad elp hia an d L o n g B ran ch D ivision,
tiie dead. O n tho m orrow tho stragglers make you rem em ber them .” And then took away everything that w as valuable,
T im e T a b le A dopted Oct. 1&, 1MIM.
■aino on to the field, an d they lifted the ho takes all tho past and empties i t on and so i t was w ith the people th at follow­
S H E R IF F ’S S A L E .
latchot of tho helmet from under the ch in th a t deathbed, as the m ailbags are emp­ ed afte r the arm ies a t Chancellorsville,
tho dead, and they picked up the swords tied on tb e portoflice floor. T he man is sick. and a t P ittsb u rg Landing, and a t Stone
For Camden and Philadelphia, 7.48 a. m., 4.06
l i n e r , .i a * l a l A tla n ta, str ip p in g th e ululu,
r . m. w<“ik days.
and /tent f i'tcin on their knee to test th e j l l a c a a f t o t gof nw ay (t\mi tlu-iu.
For Berkeley, 10.80 A. a ., week days.
Issued out of the Court of Chancery of the temper of tho metal, and they opened th e I Then tho m an Bays to rotan; “ You b u t the northern and southern women—
For Island Heights, io.au a. m., 6.64 r. m. week state of New Jersey and to me dir. cted, I win sell
w allets and counted tho coin. Saul lay have deceived me. Y ou told me that all God bless them 1—cam e on the field with
at pabile vendue on
For New York, rla Berkeley and Bay Bead
dead along tho ground, e ig h t or nine feet would be well. You said there would 1m; basins and pads and towels and lin t and
Junction, 10 30 a. m., week days.
T U E S D A Y , A P R I L 3 0 , 1895,
in length, and I suppose tho cowardly ! no trouble a t the last. Y ou told me if 1 cordials and C hristian encouragement,
For Point Pleasant, Sea Girt, Asbnry Park and
At the Hotel of Cowdrick A Cook, In the village Ph ilistines, to show th e ir bravery, leaped ] did so and so you would do so and so. and tho poor fellows th a t lay there lifted
Long Branch, lo.ao a. h ., week days.
For Tuckerton, Beach Haven and Barnegat of Toms River, In the County of Ocean ami wiut*- upon tho trun k o f h is carcass and jeered Now you corner me, and hedge me up, up th e ir arm s android , “ Oh, how good
City, via Whitings, 7.48 a. m„ and 4 06 r. M., wee, of New Jersey, between the hours of 12 a. and 5 a t the fallen slain and whistled through and submerge m e in everything evil.” tlia t does feci since you dressed i t ! " and
o’clock p. M. on said day, the following described
the m outh of his helm et. Before night “ Ha, h a !” says rotan. “ I w as only fooling others looked up and said, “ Oh, how you
real estate:
you. I t is m irth for mo to see you suffer. m ake mo th in k o f m y m o th er!" and oth­
For New York, Il.lu a . m. week days.
Ail the tracts or parcel* of land and premia a, those corm orants had taken everything
For Island Heights and Toms Kiver, a.iti r. m. hereinafter particularly described, situate, lying valuable from tho field. “ And it cam e to I havo been for 30 years p lo ttin g to get you ers roid, “ T ell tho folks a t home I died
week days.
and being In the Towushlp of Jackson. In the pars on tho morrow w h en the Ph ilistines ju st where you are. I t is bard for you now. th in k in g about th e m ,” and another look­
I t will be worse for you a fte r awhile. I t ed up am i roid, “ Miss, w on’t you sing me
county of Ocean and State of New Jersey.
i. Beginning at a red oak sapling, marked came to strip the slain thut they found pleases me. L ie still, sir. Don’t flinch or
For Toms River, Berkeley and way polnta, onNo
four side* with a blaze aud one notch above and Haul and h is three sons fallen in M ount shudder. Gome, now, I w ill tear off from a verse o f ‘ Home, Sw eet H om e,’ before I
2.45 p. m. week days.
die?” A nd then the tattoo was sounded,
one below each blaze, belBg the northeast corner G ilboa."
of land belonging to Joseph Hires ami Elisha
Before I get through today I will show you tho last rag o f expectation. I will and tho h ats were off, and tho service was
For Toms Hirer, 8.30 a. m., 4.00 r. M. week Morris, tbai was formerly I’eter Barber’s ; I hence you th a t tho same process is going on nil rend away from your soul the last hope. read, “ I am the resurrection and the life,”
I north seventy-three degrees west, twenty-two
chains; thence 2 south thirty degrees west, twen­ the world over and every day, and th a t I will leave you bure foe the beat ing of tiie and in honor of tho departed tho muskets
storm. I t Is m y business to strip tho slain ." were loaded and tho command given:
ty-seven chains; 8 south eighty-eight degrees and
For Toms River and intermediate stations, at forty-five minutes east, twenty-four chains aud when men have fallen rot mi and tiie
While m en are In robust health, and "P resent. 1 F ir e !"
12.10 p. m., week days.
seventy links; 4 north thirty degrees east, twenty world, so fa r from jiity in g them or help­ their digestion Is good, and their nerves
A nd thcro w as a sh ing le set up a t the
chains to the place of bcglnn.ng. Containing ing them, go to work remorselessly to toko
J . R. WOOD,
Gen. Pats. Agt.
superintendent fifty acres and sixty-eight hundredths of au acre, what little thcro is left, th u s stripping the are strong, they th in k their physical head of tho grave, w ith tho epitaph of
stilct measure Excepting and reserving out of slain.
strength will get them safely through tho "L ie u t e n a n t ------ in the Fourteenth Mas­
There are tens of thousands of young last exigency. They roy It Is only coward­ sachusetts reg u lars,"o r "C a p t a in ------ In
tract,which la known as “The Red Tavern Tract,"
formerly ••Barber's Tavern," now belonging to men every year com ing from the country ly women who are afraid a t the last und the F ifteen th regim ent of South Carolina
N EW JEK M EY NO LTM BB.1 D IV ISIO N . Michael Krrlckann.
And so now across this
our great cities. They come with bravo cry out for God. "W a lt till I come to die. volunteers.”
No 2 Beginning at a stone, planted for a
A n th racite C oal uaed exclusively, Inaur corner, distant one chain and fifty links west irom hearts and grand expectations. Tho coun­ I will show you. You w on't hear mo pray, groat field of moral and spiritual battlo
Ing CleanilncNN and C om fort.
the main road leading from namuri Reynolds to try lads s it down In th e village grocery, nor call for a m inister, nor w ant a chapter tho angels of God como w alking among
read m e from tho B ib le .” B u t after the tho slain, and thero uro voices o f comfort,
said IJarin r's tavern, also distant eight chains and
T h ro u g h Coaches t o New Y ork —Reducer thirty links on a •nurse north forty-five deg ees with their foot on tho iron rod around tho man has been three weeks In a sickroom and voices o f hope, and voices o f resurrec­
and thirty nilnnies west from a white oak tree rodhot stovo in the evening, talking over Ills nerves are not so steady, and his world­
H ates, «|ulck T im e , w ith, h o t one
tion,and voices o f heaven.
standing at said Barber'* old Ice bouse and about tho prospects of tho you ng man who has
ch ange of C a r s , to P h ilad e lp h ia.
seventy.I'VK links w>u>b of the said tavern door; gone off to tho city. Tw o or three of them ly companions are not anywhere near to
A Dilemma.
thenco running 1 north one degree and thirty
cheer him up, und ho Is persuaded th at he
T im e T a b le In e ireet tiec. 3 , lb fM .
One n ig h t I row a tragedy on tho corner
minutes went, twenty-four chains; 2 sooth elghty- think th a t perhaps he m ay get along very m ust q u it life. His physical courage is
eignt degrees and thirty minutes west, thirteen well and succeed, b u t th e most of tlium
Houston street. A young
chains; x sou'h one degree and thirty minutes prophesy fnllnro, for i t is very hart’, to a ll gone.
man, evidently doubting as to which direc­
For NEW YORK, Elisabeth and Newark, all east, twenty-four mains; 4 north eighty-eight de­
Too Late.
tion ho had better take, his h at lifted high
rail, at 7.08 and 10.08 a. m.. h.os and o.oo r. a. gree and thirty minutes east, thirteen ct.alus to think th a t those whom wo know In l>oylie ju m ps a t tho fall o f a teaspoon in a enough so th a t you could see ho had an
For BAKNKOAT, at 9.10 and 11.07 a. M. 4.18 the place of beginning, containing thirty-one hood will ever mako a n y gnsat success In
saucer. Ho shivers a t tho idea of going intellig ent forebead, stout ch est; ho had
acres and twenty hundredths of au acre, str ut tho world.
and 7.CI r . «.
away. Ho says: "W ife, I d o n't think my a robust development. Splendid young
BANK, etc., T.««, iu.os, A, a . 8.09, and 6.60 r.w.
No. a. Beginning at the third corner of a tract
infidelity Is going to tako inn through. For
For EATONTOWN, LONG URa NCH, e«C„ of thirty-one acres and twenty-hundredths .if an
B u t our young m an has a fine position God’s sako, d o n't brin g up the children man. Cultured young m an. Honored
7.08 and lo.Os a. a ., 3.»« aud ft.wi p. a.
acre, returned to Andrew Beil on the kih day of
young m an. Why did ho stop there while
For ATLANTIC CITY, GLASSBORO, WIL August, 1«», recorded In Book H. 16, page *6. now in a dry goods store. T h o month is over. to do as I have done. I f you feel like It,
belonging to John flyers; thence l north thirty- He gets h is wages. Ho is not nocustomod I wish you would road a verse or two out so m any wero going up and down? Tiie
LI AMSTOWN, etc., at 7.08 a . a. and » .(« p . a.
fact Is th a t every m an has a good angel
For v is e l a n d , uit IDG Eto n , etc., Cumber­ live degrees west, sixteen chains and twenty to havo so much money belonging to h im
of Fan n ie's Habhath school hymnbook or and a had angel contending for tho mas­
land and Maurice River Branch, at J.ua A. a . and links; 2 wist sixteen chains sod eighty links; 8
8.08 r. a .
south twenty degree* wen. eight eh« * ami fifty self. Ho is n llttlo excited ami does not Now T estam en t.” B u t rotan breaks in
For PHILADELPHIA, via Winslow Junction, links; 4 south sixty-three degrees cart, twenty- know exactly w hat to do with It, am i he nnd says: “ You havo alw ays thought re­ tery of his spirit, and there w as a good an ­
gel and ft bwl angel struggling with that
two chains aud fiftr links; s south twenty degrees spends It ill some places where ho ought
at 7.08 a. a. and i.u* r. a.
west, thirty-eight chains; 6 north eighty-three de­ not. floon there come up now companions ligion trasli and a lie. Don’t give tip at young m an’s soul at the corner o f Broad­
grees and twenty mluutea east, thirty-seven
tho last. Besides th at you cannot, In tho
Leave NEW YORK, foot of Liberty 8t., N. K. chains; 7 north ulue d<green weal. Ililt teen chain*; and acquaintances from tho barrooms and hour you havo to live, get off on that way and Houston stroot.
via all rail,at 4.30 and 8.16 a . a.,l.46and4.40 r.a . a south eighty-eight degrees and thbty minutes the saloons o f tho city. Soon that young
“ Como with m e,” roid th e good angel.
track. Dio us you lived. With my great " I w ill take you home. I w ill spread my
Leave NEWARK, Broad St., at 8.22 A. u.,l.e6 west, thirteen chains; * north one degree and
and 4.40 p. m.
thirty minutes west, twenty-four chains to the m an begins to waver in the battle of tem p­ block w ings 1 shut out th a t light. Die in
Leave PHILADELPHIA, Piers South Wharvea place of beginning. Containiru one hundred and tation, and soon Ills soul goes down. I n a darkness. I rend away from you th at last w ings over your pillow. I w ill lovingly
Delaware River, at S J0 a . a . and 4.15 e. u.
five 92-100 acres, alt id measures.
few m onths or few years ho lias fallen. vestige of hope. I t is m y business to strip escort you all through life under supernat­
Leave ATLANTIC CITY, at 8.16 a . a. 4.uo P. a.
No. 4 Beginning at the third comer of a tract
ural protection. I w ill bless every cap yon
Leave RED BANK, at 6.40 and *.4ft a, n, 2.67 of nity four acres,returned to Andrew Bob on the Ho Is morally dead. H o is a mere corjiso tho sla in .”
drink o u t of, every couch you rest on, ev­
and s.5o p. a.
UUi day of August, ihua, recorded In Book S tB, of w hat ho onco was. Tho hnrpios of sin
A m an who had rejected Christianity
!.***«• LONG BRANCH, N. J . B., at 6.27 ami page. VBI, called *■ l erriue's wood lot;" -------- ■ snuff up tho tain t and oonio on tho field.
ery doorway you enter. 1 w ill consecrate
and thought it nil trash cam e to die. Ho
0.35 A. a.,
and 5.ao r , a.
north tlft>-i]lnv degrees and fifteen Minutes east,
your tears when you weep, your sweat
Leave EATONTOWN,at 6.5<i and 0.56 A. a.,and thirteen chains and ten links; * east eight chains His garm ents gradually give out. He has was In the sweat- o f a great agony, and hin
whou you toil, and a t tho lo st I w ill hand
8.07 and 6.68 e. a.
aud elghtv-llnks; 8 norm fourteen chains and fifty pawned his watch. I lls health Is failing wife said, “ We hud better have some
over your grave Into tho hand of the bright
Leave LAKEWOOD, at 7.40 and 10.88 a. a . 8.40 links; 4 aonth eighty-three degrees and thirty, him. H is credit perishes. Ho Is too poor
prayer.” “ Mary, not a breath of t h a t,” angel of a Christian resurrection. In an ­
and 6.28 p. a.
eight minutes weal, tweutv chains and ten links;
Leave MANCHESTER, at 7.65 and 10.60 a. a., 6 north twenty degrees an I fifteen minutes east, to stay in tho city, anil ho is too poor to he said. “ Tho lightest word of prayer swer to your father’s petition and your
4.oo and 6.40 p. a.
thirty-eight chains; 6 south eighty eight degrees pay his way homo to tho country. Down, would roll back on mo lik e rocks on a
mother’s prayer I havo been sent of the
Leave BARNEGAT, at 6.85 and 9.80 A. M„ 2.80 west, two chains; 1 south twenty degrees and down! Why do tho low fellows of tho city
drowning man. I havo come to the hour liord out o f heaven to bo your guardian
and 5.15 p. a.
thirty-nine minutes west, fifty chain*; * south now stick to hint so dowdy? I h It to help
forty degrees and thirty-nine mluutea east, ten him bock to a moral and spiritual life? of tort. I hud a chance, hu t I forfeited It. spirit. Come w ith m e,” roid tho good
I believed in a liar, and he has left m e In
Geu'J bupt.
Uen'l 1‘aaa. Agt. . naiuM to the place of •egiiuiing. Containing
thirty-live acres aud elghty.thre* hundredths of Oh, no; 1 w ill tell you why they stay; they the lurch. Mary, bring mo Torn Paine, angel in a voice o f unearthly symphony. I t
an acre, strict measure.
was music like that which drops from a
are Ph ilistines stripping the slain.
th at book th a t I sworn by and lived by,
f | H I C K K E T O N H A 11,110AD.
The four above described tracts, containing !n
Into of heaven when a seraph breathes on
and pitch i t into the fire, and let it burn
the aggregate, one hundred and ninety-two and
In e ffe r t o n . i s , i n v i .
seventy-one hundredths of an acre, more 01 less. stands a m an who once had a beautiful and burn as I myself shall wHinbttrn.” It. “ No, n o ,” said the had angel. "C om e
home In th is city. H is house had elegant And then, w ith the foam on his lip and with me. 1 have something better to offer.
Seized as the properly of Delmrah A. Gnwdy
and Lillie dowdy, defendant*, and taken In exe­ furniture, his children were beautifully his hands tossing wildly In tho nir, lie Tho wines I pour are from chalices of be­
cution at the suit of William Cox, complainant, clack Ills name was synonymous with ho n ­ cried o u t: “ Blackness o f darkness! Oh, witching carousal. Tho dance I lead is
and to be sold by
over floor tessellated w ith unrestrained In­
or and useful iiohm, hut e vil habit knocked
Leave Tuckerton, 7.08, a, m. 8.15, p. u.
FRANK M. CHAMBERS, Sheriff. at his fron t door, knocked a t his back door, my God, too la te !" And tho spirits of dulgences. There is no God to frown on
J . Hoi.mss BiHOHALi.,8nllcitnr.
Leave West Creek, 7.tift a. u. P 28 r. u.
darkness whistled up from tho depth and
knocked a t his parlor door, knocked at Ills wheeled around and round him , stripping tho temples of sin where I worship. Tito
Dated March 23 1*96.
iPr's fee, $19.54.
Leave Manuahawkin, 7.23 a. m., h.4ii p . m.
skies are Italian . The paths 1 tread arc
Lea*-: Bai(legal, 7.84 a. m„ aud 8.67 P. u.
bedroom door. Where is the pinno? Sold tho slain.
Arrive at Whitings, H.04 a. ■„ and 4.2a r. u.
through meadows, daisied and prlmrosod.
to pay the rent. Where Is the lint rack?
Sin is a luxury now. I t Is exhilaration
Arrive at New York la.nc aud v.»6 p.
c . k . It.
Bold to m eet the butcher's bill. Where are now. I t ta victory now. B u t after aw hile Conte w ith nte.” Tho young m an hesi­
Arrive at New York I S.43 a, a.. 7.28 p. u. P. It. K
Arrive at Trcntan 10.06 A. M., 6.48 P. a., P. R. R,
tho carpets? Bold to got bread. Where Is It is collision. I t Is defeat. I t Is exter­ tated at a tim e when hesitation was ruin,
Arrive at Philadelphia *.40 a, a., 6.no r. a.
tho wardrobe*? Bold to get rum. Whore m ination. It Is Jackal ism. I t is robbing and tho bad angel smote the good angel
until it departed, spreading w ings through
are the daughters? W orking their fingers
Issued out of the Court of Chancery of the off In trying to keep tho family together. the dead. I t is stripping the slain. Give tho starligh t upward and away until a
Leave New York (Central K. K. of New Jerae?)
It up today—givo it tip. Oh, how you have
■ jjmtog
4.Bo a. m. and 1.80 p. a.
door (lashed open in tho sky, and forever
faave New York,(P. R. R.) 1.00 p. a.
boon cheated on, my brother, from one
i,eave Trenton, 7.41 a. a., 2.63 p, a.
Who Is th at going up the front steps of thing to another I All these years you the wings vanished. T hat was the turn­
TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1895,
Leave Philadelphia (P. It. K.) at s.30 A, a . and
th at house? T h at Is n creditor, hoping to have 1hh*ii under an evil mastery that you ing point in th a t young m an’s history,
4.00 p. a.
for, the good angel flown, ho hesitated no
At the Hotel of l owdrmk A O >ok, In the village find some chair or I hhI th a t has not been
Leave Whitings, 10.10 a. a., B.i* p. a.
of Toms River, lb the County of Ocean and male lev let 1 upon. Who o re those two g en tle­ understood not. What have your compan­ longer, b u t started on a pathway which is
Leave liarnegat, lu.42 a. a., and 6.10 r. a.
ions done for you? What have they done
of New Jersey, between the hours of U u. and 5
Leave Maunahawkln, lu.6a a. a., and 6.21 r. a
o'clock r . M. on said dav, the following described men now going up tho fron t steps? Tito for your health? Nearly ruined It by en beautiful a t tho opening, bu t Masted at
Leave West Creek, tl.oo a. a., and ti.32 r. a
real estate;
one Is a constable; tho o ther is the sheriff. rousal. What hnvo they done for your for- j tho last.
Arrive at Tuckerton, 11.12 a. a., aud 6.40 p. a.
E f f e c t ( if t h e C h o ic e .
All that farm trai t of land and premises con- Why do they go there? T he unfortunate is
sisUngof two parcels on which William II. Kmlev, morally dead, socially dead, financially tune? A lm ost Mattered It by spendthrift- I The l«ul angel, leading the way, opened
U. P. A P. Agt.
behavior. W hat have they done for your
•Ic.easel, resided at the time of his death, and
whereof he died seized iu fee situate, tying and dead. Why do they go there? I will tell reputation? Alm ost ruined it with good gate afte r gate, and ut each gato the rend
being on the south side of the road leaiilng fr< m you why the creditors, and tho constables, men. What havo they done for yottr Im­ became rougher and tho sky more lurid,
jp F . M B K R T O * I t H H IH T S T O W N H. K
Mount Holly in Moumoulh Court House, partly hi and the sheriffs go them . They are some
mortal soul? Almost insured Its over­ ami what was peculiar as the gate slam ­
the township of Upper Freehold, in the Countv of
T h tU n io n T ra m p u r ta tio n C o ., L e a s e e s .
med shut it canto to with a ja r th at Indi­
Monmouth and partly In me township of Pliim- on their own account, and some on a c ­ threw.
Stead, in the county of Ocean, Iu the state of count of the law stripping tho slain.
cated th at it would never open. Passed
T im e T a b le In E ffe c t O rt. 1 3 , 1 3 9 4 .
O n t o S h ip w r e c k .
New Jersey, and according to the title pa|»er«
each portal, there was a grinding of locks
bounded and described as follows;
You are hastening on toward the con­ and a shoving of bolts, and th e scenery
For Philadelphia, 7.88 and 11.16 a a, 7.61 r a. guily and corner to Blchard sexton's land runniti*
on either side of tho read changed from
Bund.\Ts7.iis a a.
(II north twcnt>-eighl degrees, west one chain most eloquent men th a t ever stood in the stop and think, but It is only for a mo­ gardens to deserts, und tho Ju n e nir be­
For Toms River, 7.68 and 11.16 a a.
fitly links to a stone; thence on north »ixt»-tlve house of representatives, said in his last ment, and then you will tramp on, and at
For New York, ».ai a . a.
degrees Uitrty minutes west three chains fifty- moments: “ This is the end. la m dying the close of this service you will go out, came a cu ttin g December blast, and the
nine links to a stone in the Monnioum road; —dying on a borrowed lied, covered b y n and tho question will lie, “ How did yon bright w ings o f the l»ad angel turned to
Leave Philadelphia, 6.80 a a, 12.80 and «.oo r a. thence ( 8 ) along sakl road south sixty-four de­ borrowed sh w t, in a honae built by public like the serm on?" And one man w ill sackcloth, and the eyes of light lxvnmo
grees and thirty minutes west tot ty-two chains
Sundays 6.00 p a.
links to Croaswiek Creek; thence (»> up charitv. Ilury mo under th at tree In the say, “ I liked it very w e ll," and another hollow w ith hopeless grief, and the foun­
Leave Tuiui River, 8.5B P a.
said creek the setetal course* tuereof to an elm middle o f tho field, when* I shall not be man will say, “ I didn't like It a t all. ' but tains th a t at the start had tossed with
Ltave New York. 4.80 and M0 r. a.
WM. BURTIS, Superintendent tree In Samuel Sexton's line; theooe(D along *a d crowded, for I have l>eon crowded all my neither o f the answers will touch the tre- i wine poured forth bubbling tears and
W. 8. CltAPlY, d e a l Passenger A Freight Agent. Hns north three degrees east ihtrteen chain*
sixty-four links to a Atone; (*) north eighty-four life ." When* were tho Jolly politicians momlotis fact, that, if im penitent, you are foaming blood, and on tiie right side of
the road there was a serpent, and the man
degrees east forty-seven chains and iftv link* to and the d i c t a t i n g com rade* who hod lwen going at 30 knots an hour toward ship
^ J H B M A P E A K B A O H IO K O I I t,.
a stone corner to Richard Sexton’s: thruce (7)
said to the bad angel, “ What Is that ser­
wreck. Yea, you are In a battle where you 1
north one 4 -free cast tbrse chains any four litu* with him laughing at h|a Jokes, applaud
pent?" and tho answer was, "T h a t Is the
W e st and Mouth v ia W ash in g to n . D. C. to a stone; (S| north eighty-six degree* west Ing hU eloquence and plunging him into Will fall, and while your surviving rela­ serpent o f stin g in g rem orse." On the left
twenty chairs and any links to a pm oat; « north sin? They havo left. Why? His money tives will take your rem aining estate, and
The P. F. V., a solid trkln of Pullman vestibule sirty-nine degrees >hirvy minutes west t .o chain* is gone, h is reputation Is gone, hi* w it Is the cemetery will take your body, the tnes side the. rood there was a lion, and the
sleepers, dining car and dally coaches. New flft v link* to s water oak; tin) north sixty f,
g°ne, h i* clothe* ore gone, everything is rengcr* of darkness will take your soul man nsked tho had angel, “ What is that
York to Cincinnati and Louisville, via. Washing­ degrees west seven rbstn* sevisty-nne links
lion?" and the answer was, " T h a t is the
ton, without extra fare, have New York ny the place of beginning, t ’onuinlng fifty-seven gone. Why should they stay any longer? and uome and go nl*out you stripping the i
lion of a ll devouring despair.’’ A vulture
Pennsylvania Railroad, fl r. a.; Trenton. 6.*s r. acres and twenty perch, more nr lesc
They have completed th eir work
They stain
aforeflew through tho sky, and tho man asked
a .; Philadelphia, 7.so r. a.; arrives Cincinnati,
6 r. a . next day; loatsvllle, * 16; 8t. Louis, 7.or Beginning al a stake by ta ash '>u*h In the e.tgr
had angel, "W h at is th at vulture?"
Them is another way. however, of doing sla in --! adm it It " On what battlefield, |
next morning, giving direct connections to point*
beyond. Cincinnati expre»s,daily, except Sunday, of the croaswiek Creek corner o the atxive tract that SAtnu work. Here is a man who, nty brothers? Bv whnt weapon? “ Pol­ and the answer was, “ That is the vulture
w aiting for the carcasses of th e stain ."
leaves New York, 8 a. a.; Philadelphia, lo.fh a. formerly Kamuei Railev's Und; ih«u<- kl) alotig through bis stn, Is prtrOrate. Hearknowl- luted im ag in atio n ." says oue man.
Washington, 2 r . a .; arriving at Clncinuau at said Kuiler's line sonth seveniv-three -legrres
west twenty-one >-buns to a stone; (•) aoa'li flftv- rdgvs th at he has done wrong. Now is toxicating liq u o r," says another man. A nd then the m an began to try to pull off
7.68 a. a. aud St. Louis a.au r. a. next day.
First-class limited rates from Toms River to six degrc-« we*4 iwenty-four mams along said tho tim e fo r you to go to th at man and row “ Mv own hard h e a rt," says another man. him tho folds of something that had
Kmlev'* Hue to a wnlte oak; >ti south nine degree*
wound hint round and round, and ho said
Cincinnati,|16; Louisville, lt.fioSt. Louis, f i l l . * ; west
twelve chain* along ssai K«py's line to ’'Thousand* »>f people have been as far Do you realise this? Then Ic o n ic to tell to the had angel, "W hat is D th a t twists
Ban Francisco, 687.00 Through tickets and t«gf*g e checks at all principal Pennsylvania R.R. Raiiitiei Rogers ime; (*> aioag said Rogers' line pstray a* you arn and got Iwtck." Now is you tlvtf the omnipotent Christ is ready to me in th is awful convolution?” and the
offices. For fnrther Information, maps and time souin seventeen degrees east sixteen ami one- I he tituw for you to go to that man and walk o r r iw s th is battlefield and revive and
table*, write Frank McConnell, Passenger Agent htif chain* to a stake .-..roer to w iiiism ft Kni ev tell him o f the omnifiotcnt grace of God— finusritate and resu m ** your dead soul, answer was. " T h a t is the worm that n**vand Rog-ra’ land; (5) s- utk ttoiTU degrees east
K I Broadway, N Y .
along sat t Iniiev'» line nea- twenty-three -hams that is sufficient for a t i v poo? soul Now lx** him take your hand ami rub away e r d ie s ." And then the m an said to the
to a water oak • aading by Btttngie H«n. it) •M*wn Is the tim e to go |o te ll him how sw earing the nnnibm <s; your head and lutho off bad ang el: "W hat does all this mean? I
- aaid creek the avvermi roor-es tnereof to the dohn Ban y an , through th e grace of God.
J J A M t H A W k lY & L 6 U RK t l tl M.K.
the ach ing; you? heart and stop its w*ld trusted in what you said a t the corner ©f
ce of beginning •ouiainiog by an es- muton two
Broadway and Houston street. I trusted
Bleed and for»y-«re acres more or leas. Being qftt’rwar-4 canm to fh»» rohrotal Htv S . >w
!■ Effect Wet. 18, 1 8 6 1 .
U all, and why have you thus deceived
t * r u r c a ll a * m tftorasen."
•ame tracts of land devised by safd WMJIatE It
Pll#« ! P ile* I I t r h ln s P iles I
ley. deceased, in and by Ms :a*t vm » , i iestastmpl* *ppty " S w it x s ’m u.kvxKNT." No in­ Tno?" Then tho last dsoepOoi* fe ll off the
oirBi u> ms wi'iow Mary M. Kmley. nuject to the
Sr Uptons -U.MM*re; tstaesr ttcktaf snJ sUng- tern* l m e d ic in e required. C om .etter. **,-«««« Charmer, and it said: " J was sent forth
payment of a certain annul He* hereinafter
i f ; wort s* r .:r*t; to n *- t»j *-r*u *i g. it si- ftcti, nl- *niptton* os tbe face, kaad*. o.tee kT
7.«» ....
New York.
n.68 __
aamed and which John K Wain became aetxeit of eW «( to coutlnur. ;«ax<rs fan®, which often ! e * * ! n s ? h - s k in ciesr. wtjlw *nd keaiUtt' tm from the p it to destroy your soul. I watch­
4.ee sin
».eo a..v
ny .leed rmat John P. Hutchinson, Maater la
*ad wcersie. "*co<aiigr verv »•orr. swatwsy »reet h e s lin x an d c u ra tiv e p o w ers a re possessed ed m y chance for many a long rear. When
6.25 lo.Bfi
7.18 9.XI
Chancery on fore, kwara asd sale of Mid premise* O in t u b w t- s—
to p
l u h i r i-------h’tortln*.
f *-v i h
■s th
—r ------It* At* tiy no o th e r remedy. As* your .Interim for you hesitated that night on Broadway, I
6.40 11.13 Bamegat city Juactlon 7.«w 8 17
subject aa aforesaid to m*d aa&omes.
alerrsikm. aa* (nnost <aar* rrnos** thr tumor* S w *T *» W PtWT VWT.
I>mg Beach
gained my triumph. Now you are here.
or M m « . tor
4 oorad’s
Ha, h a! You are here. Come, now. let
defendants., and tah«n in execaima m (he raft of
HarTey cedars
Ufl AU these two chalices erf fire and drink
Club Honwr
James 9 . HartahocajS al .rooip'siBAiiU^ad to be
* .»
—sd by
7 - * ....
Barnegat City
together to .larkness and I r e la n d death.
e b M i p p i V Sp rH W *i
. . . . 11.24
FRANK M. CBAMBER b . 9*erkt.
Oh, young man, w ill the
rerefaily c re p a m l R * iomIIm . n v -J f<* ytan in H a il! H a il!"
f. H, G askill. Solicitor.
. . . . II
8pray Beach
. .
private p rw ttre mm) fo r over th irty
by the giwd angel sent forth by C hrist o r the bod
Dared Apm a, tma.
(pr‘s tce,|iAS6.
. . . . 11.38 North Beach Haves
people w ith en tire *acc**a. Every
Beach Haven
angel sent forth by sin get the victory over
te *»
a special e a r * t<*
your soul? Their wings are interlocked
L A. LEE, Gen. Mi
^ • I I C E TO A B 6 IA T RBl-'K* 6 .4 S T * .
th is moment above you, contending for
1 -F e v e r * . Cas_
, __
your destiny, os above the Apennines
‘J W * r « . . Worm F w e *. W.____ . . . . . . . .
IN C H A N C E R Y O ff H E W J E R S E Y .
eagle and condor fight mid-sky. T h is hour
1 - f p R l l M , 4amt,
Ta Bertha «. Shiver* **d im »f Stuvera.
4 IH arrh em . to rhfMrm n* A.iaiw ......
may deride your destiny.
S ^eapew
By rtrtoe at u order of the i nurt at Chancery
I H N f f ? * ’ < olds. Bn o . h tik
Ml in New
at Mew Jersey, s t o n t i i * asy ot the t o r h*r«J S S ,“ k 5 C
S - 7 p s n il(U ,' T;w*ttacto. T*jf ire hn
T»»e Old O k k n B a c k e t.
V B e s t s r h r t , S r t 8*sd|dw T«r %o .
S t . S - S i d . 2 0 t h A 2 1 s t S t * , sad Chart** CoaAeit are o m to a m S i, an? roc
" T h e Old Oaken B u c k e t" was written
« - i other* are Aefeu-lMto. you ore >e«oired teap1 6 D i s p e p s i * . E f l w s n s f n n i| iitliu
tortbes*!. of C AKB.LAGE81 ilO B sF .S , mm4 I»*r
P*cod,asaw« or detoar to (hr bin of taM r a d g y r h M to teoto th re e d a y * earlier th aa it c m
by Woodworth, a printer o f New York
J| - * i p » r p « r 4 o rP a ia fa l P r r tto i
H ARNfSAN—New and Rerond-hand/
complaisant, oa nr before the »4»h day of Mar t o h ed f r o a r t o * to ( t o ■ p ’ ro p o 'iT k i w * * k ! t « . A
I t t T k h e * . Too Pro fare
|bd o f ahnort every .Alter A m erican city.
rep o a# w ira , o > r * « i n * r e r e ltM
I S -C ra a p . L * r r * « i t i« . r
*» g tfa t o t o S t « t t n r r T m i i f t o F t * * . next, or toe said Mu su i he token aa MOtemsd to r th e fa ir r e x and
Not far from the printing office where be
yunem t o t o * moot w riter*.
14-N al* Rhewre, yrmpet
JtK Y A. W O D E I U T H . ~
The reM s® ♦* flt#4 to farrei.we • um
was employed there was a dram«bon
1 A -B h e a re a ti« r e ,
i* j
____ _
I T |4 » 6 H P R t ( * | ? L R
wlrieh he frequented, and one hot summer
p —M a l a r i a , rt>Bh, F ever aod A n *
6® the tareeer. * * r ,^ » r -*• prefesme**! mas who
totem . *m he strolled In there and railed
» f p ;a r r h . bdtvenre. Oo« In the He
J * " 10
prem pu. »a tJ Arrears y powtet.
M -W h M « l4 < C * « t l .. ....... .........
fc ? brandy. I t was poured out, and os he
h « t o * M ( t o im t to k m a * r p gafly p ap er,
f f t ? f a r fre e u s t z
^FsOMflWw gW W fliJe ------the glass he remarked to a brother
- C e n t r e B eh iiit?
P M W to r 6 M T I I E L o r n
jprintet. “ T h e r e * nothing lik e that "
6 i» « .
-T r t s a r y B e a k i e t s ..................... .
te w w rk , * . j
"T e a , there is. responded the other. “ A
t o r e T h r e a t . 9 « t o - H a n t o rig
rfrink o f cool well water from the oId oak
» « C* f
ren in
3k M l y y y k x u x u t ^ # * * * b}^ 1 » flffer T h e !
N t * R e f c r i r rr» o B H I r .
^ •a b w t o th at b a r e * t ? **»*■
> y * * f , prw * to r e *
o t m m - mt M m *
J— «
Woodworth n o t back iei iite printing *rfF M M t a a M t B w M w r A p r i l , N N . Cww
t c ^ sat down a t a
aad began to wnta,
* * * * * t o e t o e a r - * to » e tw o p a p e r v - t t e
f r a a a M t o M a te y o to w a m ,tto th e to m to n w
6 * i in the eeurse of the afternoon finished
h em e | « p r r * - t h B o ffer h a s a r e to e a e —
_ . . . . wm
in mi n m a i a . . l i v i a a
g. The a a * te b * K ialL sark . aad
Do w t l e k t .
goto ta y * w n k m
jh e in ftla d y V th a t w ritten te r " A r a b i a
swre, se tse f'ccwiws, Tttae fevre, N. J.
for 3 5 s cents
Every pipe slumped
Dukes Mixture ° r < ^ >
2oz. P
Tbe Sentinel of Freedom
Chronic Diarrhoea!
is cured by the use o f our Pills, specially I t s P r a c t i c a l V a lu e P ro v e d l a G e rm a n
prepared and sold in yellow wrappers.
Make sure o f this. If they don’t, write I T h e U nited S tate s consul a t C hem nitz
us fully, and we’ll send a special pill has been much impressed w ith the im por­
that will, at the same price. This is ta n t place which drawing holds In the
some trouble, b u tI schools o f Germany, and has sum m arized
Dr. Deane’s
D A I N T cracks.— I t
often costs m ore to prepare a
house fo r repainting th at h as been
painted in the first p lace with cheap
ready-m ixed paints, than it would
to have painted it twice with s tric t­
j the results of h is observation^ in a report
ly pure w hite lead, groun d in
| w hich has ju st been published by the s ta te
j d ep artm en t
linseed oiL
“ I never knew the value o f d raw in g ,”
I ho write**, “ till I cam e to Germ any. A t
arc prepared to cure. Yellow wrapper* when j M annheim its m eaning a s an essentia!
bowels are loose, white when constipated,
' p art o f a German education had ju s t begun
aj teats at tirogfist*". Send to mUh a tree *a»p>l to dawn on me. I row its im portance to
tho jew elry trado a t rfo r z h d m . T h e m ore
Kingston, New Yore.
1 I studied the question of Germ an ednc-aj tion, especially technical education, th e
forms a perm anent base for repaint­
|m oro drawing I found. I t is the beg in n in g
ing an d never has to b e burned of
A M other o f Pigs Utilised the W ings o f o and end o f all technical education.
| “ A good knowledge of draw ing m ak es a
R ooster to Her Advantage.
scraped ofT on accou n t o f scaling
B . J . Lloyd <f F ran k lin county, Tenn..
or crack in g . I t is alw ays sm ooth
has a row. Toward the end of la st full this o ther branch. I t is believed here th a t to
row, w ith her litte r of young pigs, was bo able to mako or build anything, one
and clean . T o b e sure o f gettin g
turned into the orchard to pick up a pre­ m u st bo able first to draw it. Then, again,
strictly p u re white lead, purchase
carious livelihood as best she could from a draw ing m echanic can carry homo e x a ct
the stray fru it th a t might drop from tho
this b ra n d :
trow. She m anaged to m ake a pretty only In Chemnitz, b u t In every city I hav«
creditable scuffle o f it between her glean­ visited o n the continent, and m ore espe­
in g of the fallen fru it and her rath er per­
sistent rooting, b u t there cam e a time draftsm en to expositions and fairs for th e
For Colors.—National Lead Co.’* Pure
White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can
when tho fru it ceased to fail w ith any de­ purpose o f copying designs, new m achines,
to a 25-pound keg of Lead and mix your own
gree o f prodigality, for the wimple reason etc. H ow well they have done th eir w ork
paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching
I is Been in the m anufactures o f A ix la Chath at thfere was none left to drop.
shades, and insures the best paint that it is pos*
sible to put on wood.
Now, ono day when the season was pret­ ! pelle, Crefeld, Plauen. Leipsic, C hem nitz,
Send us a postal card and get our book on
ty well spent end the old row with iter F ra n k fo rt and B erlin.
paints and color-card, free; it will probably save
steady rooting and her unsatisfied longing
you a good many dollars.
fo r the fru it th a t L ad passed w as in much ! seen in th e many hours devoted to i t from
th e roine condition, she chanced to observe : the kindergarten to tho university. No
on tiie topm ost bough of a tree a b ig ripe other study in technical schools gets so
led apple. F ir s t site made a dash at the m any hours or more careful Instru ction .
tru n k of tho tree, hoping to shake the ap­
ple from the lim b, a s site had done m any a day schools It is the sam e thing—draw ing,
ono during th e season. B u t tho tree was drawing, draw ing! I t 1? an aid rath e r
o f suffering, when 35 cents J
an old one, and h er strength w as inade­ titan an in ju ry to tho memory. I t tra in s
will buy a bottle of
quate to move it. This no doubt non­ tho m ind as well as th e eye. I t is us gro at
plused her to a certain extent, b u t she
showed no outward sign of failure. With or m athem atics. I t is the very essence of
a persistence w orthy a nobler cause, she both. Ono is alw ays dealing w ith rela
iw-tds.Vr*!! uxasAvwtaeft YmnWcrifty against Yhii nwm-M ad­ A'kvoa, w\B.V.\t\«
jo in in g tree, th in k in g no doubt th a t she ness. Resides, a sense c . i h o luurmottUma
m ight givo it a shake which could be trans­
“ W hat I w ant to point o u t is it s p rac­
m itted from lim b to lim b to it s neighbor
t ill tho apple was finally dislodged. B u t It tic a l value. T he agents of houses in the
w as no go. T he apple held on, though its U nited States who haunted the halls o f
tw ig did waver a little under the poor role in R oubaix, Lyons and Troyes 10 or
20 y ears ago now come to C hem nitz,
bow ’s repeated exertions.
A bout th is tim e a sprightly gam e roost­ Plauen, Crefeld, Gera and Glnuchau. I t
as form erly four weeks in Lyons or for Sore Throat, Cramp3, Choler, sporting h is first plumes, chanced to
t o d hta way In to the orchard, and., of Troyes and one or two days a t C hem nitz. t r h M o r b u s , " R h pvvrr.xt w m , N e u course, took possession o f it w ith ns lordly C reiekL o r Pitmen. Now It in fo u r w eeks
nn a ir as if it had been arranged under his hero und dfc-ys in the F ren ch textilo c e n ­ ralgia, and Pains of all kind*.
imm ediately ju risdiction and fo r his espe­ ters. I do not roy th a t th is rem arkable
cia l benefit. Meanwhile tho sow began to ohango is entirely due to draw ing and de­
eye him a little dubiously. Sho was fa­ signing, b u t I do claim th a t a very largo
D o m e stic A n im als need
m iliar enough w ith tho feather trib e to part o f it Is. N or am I alone in roy belief
know th a t they had the advantage o f her th a t draw ing m ay 1st an excellent-' s u b sti­
above her own native heath, and site had tu te for logic and m athem atics, for I found
no notion of g ivin g away to the rooster her a fte r I had begun th is report books p u b ­
Inform ation concerning tho whereabouts lished in Germany co n tain in g th e sam e
o f the apple. Instead, however, site set to ideas.
*‘ Tho best au x iliaries to tho im ag in atio n
work rooting hero and there in an appar­
ently aimless m anner, bu t really and truly or fan cy are the different styles o f d raw ­
Ono author claim s it as tho best aid
th a t she m ight divert the rooster into
searching for worm s in tiie fresh turned to technical sk ill for train in g tho eyes, th e
There w e re 3, 134,934 Packages o f
soil, so thut tho coast would be clear for best help to an appreciation o f o b je c tiv e
H i r e s ’ R o o t b k e r sold in 1894,
her to pursue her investigations in regard and perspective forms and th e apprecia­
tion o f lig h t and shadow. I t is also r e ­
to tiie apple.
w hich m ad e 15,675,735 g allon s,
Suddenly a happy thought scented to
or 3 I 3»494,7oo glasses, suffi­
tako possession of iter. R ushing back to — to m ental measuring. Goethe, tho stand ­
cie n t to give every m an, wo­
the tree she called her pigs around her, ard o f w hat is l»est and m ost beau tiful In
man an d ch ild in th e U nited .
and by sundry g ru n ts and squeals, which
S ta te s , five glasses each —did
wo are as yet unprepared to tran slate lit­ approving of drawing as a part o f educa­
erally, confided iter design to them . A t
you g e t you r sh are? B e sure
“ ‘ Considering tho im portance o f draw ­
least I ju dge th is to bo the case, for imm e­
and g e t som e th is year.
diately they, w ith one accord, united with in g as a part o f un education, ono g e ts
her in giving such a succession o f startlin g tho assurance and conviction th a t his e n ­
squeals th at a t first tho .voting cock was joy m ent o f tho physical world is beautified
■cared w ithin an in ch of his haughty life. and increased thereby. T he en tire world
I t took all tho courage which ho possessed o f form and color opens Itself to him . A
to prevent his fleeing ignominiously, hut new sense (organ) awakens, which receives
he stood his ground tremblingly, as if he the liv eliest impressions. Ono learns to
expected “ every m inute would 1k» the appreciate nature, to value, love and ren e x t,” as the old woman roid. Meanwhile jolco over Its beauties.’
Tiut ou& t. hikes in., ruo.
“ I alw ays find technical teachers e n ­
tho racket among tho hogs was unabuting,
and tho rooster's curiosity getting tiie bet­ th u siastic over tho subject. I know w hnt
te r of his trepidation he ventured a little opinions m anufacturers hold in regard to
R I.Y ’N
nearer to ascertain tho cause o f the com­ it ; I know how eagerly the creations o f I
motion. T ills w as the cue for renewed French fancy (fantasio) and im ag inatio n
Crsam Balm C a t a r r H
energy on t ho p art of the sow and her are copied hero and made cheaper than in
I* q u ic k ly
dutifu l fam ily. Throwing a deal more Franco and sold a ll over the world. B y and I
vigor in to her voice, site turned her eyes by w ith a wider development of th is a r t,
l lmitses the
skyward, whereupon tho pigs threw a deal Germany will not need to go to F ran ce for I
moro vigor into th e ir 12 voices and turned Ideas. W ith tho power to p u t down on p a ­ I Nasal PaHtraRM,
their eyes also skyward. Tills proved too per th e myriad form s found in th e forests Allays Pal n and
much for tho rooster, so he chipped in a and fields, to m ake com binations, to d e­ i Inflammation,
lively staccato and turned h is eyes sky­ pict things soon by the m in d 's eye, w ill 1 Meal* t h e Store*
Protect* the
ward. A s he did so, the gleam of" the rod com e novelties and perfect independence.”
Membrane Prom
apple loomed up beneath the blue, and —New Y ork Times.
Aditlonal Cold.
the m ystery was solved.
Kentore* the
With a preparatory flapping o f his glossy
Senses o f Tnste
D i s r a e l i -* M a r v e lo u s C a r e e r .
anti Sm ell.
wings and a crow that alm ost failed to
W ith th e dawn of a new era in E n g lish
quaver tho proud cock mounted the liough
politics in 1833 D israeli’s strenuous pub lic i t v i l T o u e e
and made his way confidently through the
life began, and when, h alf a century later, A particle is applied into each nostril and is agree
leaves to tho coveted apple. Ho clucked
ho had had his fill of life and honor, m en able. Price 50 cts. at drugglsto or by mail.
and gurgled complacently to him self as
ELY BROTHERS, 66 warren st..Sew York.
began to appreciate how fu ll the in terv en ­
ho went, showing in every movement with
ing years had boon of indom itable strife,
what contem pt he held the poor hogs that
devoted to the gradual conquest o f the ear
P A ft« ? E R ’S
were still gazing upward and would have
of th e house of commons, of tho confidence
fu ll benefit of his exhibition of superiority.
Ctcttnwf and hrantific* the hair.
of th e Conservative party, o f the good w ill
a luxuriant growth.
When the apple w as at length reached, he
N e v er P a lis to B ea to re G ra y
of th e sovereign and o f tho support o f th e
H a ir to I ts Y o u th fu l C olor.
gave one crow, loud and long, to herald nation.
Cure* frali) .liwn-i i St hair tailing.
h is victor}-, and dived his beak a half inch
60c,and6 1-Wat Druggisti
A ll these were finally won, and th is e x ­
down into its mellow check, when lo ! the
traordinary child of Israel, whoso an ces­
rosy red apple, w ith all its luciousness,
tors were unhappy refugees hunted from
w as down in the m idst of the squealing Spain to Venice, whose im m ediate for
Weak Lungs, Debility, Indigestion, Pain, Take In time. 60eta.
bears wero poor im m igrants in to a L o n ­
is s s s t 'cJc ser
Tho old bow looked up softly ns her
don suburb, sat him self down in tho seat
teeth su nk d«>ep in to tho apple “ and wink
of the ch ief of the houso o f Stanley, die
ed her other ey e.” — St. Louis Republic.
tated his w ill to the proudest aristocracy
on earth, posed as the representative o f tho A M agazine brim fail of practical ideas Iro m
h ard w are m e n . The cream of 7000 brains. li«
E ng lish race among the assembled powers pages. Only fi.no a year. Send f c for copy.
Some tim e ago a man took it upon hlm- of Europe, took Great B rita in Into tho D I’. M A I . I . K T T , Pu b , 78 ite a tie st , N ew Y o r k
■clf to assert th a t the modern wom an has hollow o f his hand, clothed n nation bouforgotten how to blush. This imputation tlquiero w ith im perial purple, le ft behind
w as launched a t fem ininity in general him a cause identified with his nam e and
A. S. BARNES & CO., 56 E 10th 8 t . N. Y .
w ith so much bitterness and asperity that a party strong enough to defend it anti U
ono m ight gather therefrom th a t blushing finally sank Into a grave sm othered w ith
is a virtue, and th a t not to blush Ls crim ­ flowers by the hands of tho people and W A N T E I 9 — A F E W W A K E K O O K A t t B N T S
In this and adjoining Counties for
inal, W hatever th e connection between surmounted by a m emorial inscribed by
th is sudden heightening of color and inno­ tho hand of the queen. T h e Napoleonic
cence in the cast* o f women, however, the era o f marvels furnishes no exam ple m ore A.bran’ new L ook by Rev F ra n d i* E C l a r k ,
blush is «'onsidored a sign o f grace by rom antic o f the trium ph o f individual c a ­ Pre»’to f the United 8oc. of Christian Endeavor.
best chance in make money ever offered to all
men. Cynics have always m aintained that pacity over hostile conditions.— Nineteent h The
who want profitable work. A good Ag'-nt In this
women can cry at anything and a t a mo­ Century.
vicinity can can $100 a month. Distance No Hin­
drance for We Pay Frelght,Wive Credit, Premium
m en t’s notice, and it is indeed pretty well
Cories. Free outfit, and Exclusive Territory. For
known th at m any actresses can squeeze
Coal Mining.
particulars, write to A. U, W oKTH IlkC TO N
out real tears nightly a t tho proper mo­
A peculiar fact was lately pointed o u t J k ( • . , H a r t f o r d , C o n n .
m ent, but blu shin g is more difficult to ac­ by th e president o f the M anchester Geolog­
quire as an art.
TUTU* A For Breakfast, prepared from
ical society— namely, th at although m uch
Blushes are evidently considered as Im­ has lieen done to improve th e operation o f U J L l L M i L A ' fUfornla white Wheat I)elicions. Economical. Grocers
portant by the generality of men. F or in­ coal cu ttin g tho colliers’ pick rem ains e x ­
John T.Cuttlng Co.,153 Duane 8t.,N Y
stance, to call a man "a n unblushing actly w hat it lias been for tho past ce n ­
scoundrel" is a d istinct slur on his char­ tury, and, ns to coal cu ttin g m echanism s,
acter, and to te ll another that you blush not a single machine of tho k ind is a t
for him used a t ono tim e to bo a pretty work In th e M anchester district today. A s 1204, Lima. O.
common form of insult. Even now the to m otive power and the three methods of
phrase “ we blush to relate” is to be found driving— viz, steam, compressed a ir and
In our daily newspapers. The jtoet Young
electricity— the president considered steam
lays it down in h is “ Night. Thoughts’’ to b e im practicable, b u t m uch w as to be
th a t “ the man who blushes is not quite a said in favor of compressed a ir as to l»eing
brute. ’ ’ Darwin’s oljscrvations determined safe as w ell as helping to cool and v e n ti­
the fact that blu shin g Is confined to the late the workings, b u t tho loss in tra n s­
m i
human species.— Philadelphia Press.
m ission is very great. On tho other hand,
C O P Y R I G H T S .^
electrical transm ission involves a loss of
Tb« Confederate BattleHog.
not m ore than 5 per cent, and now th a t
and an honest opinion, writ* to
MLSN de (CO., whoTnave had nearly fifty yean'
Speaking o f General Jo hnston, I am re­ the difficulty from sparking has b w n over­
erperien.ee In the patent business. Communlcsminded of the explanation he oncegn**eme com e it must b e regarded as th e m otive
tlona strictly confidential. A Handbook o f InTnrmatlon eo n oem m a P a t e n t s and bow to o bo f tho origin of the Confederatebnttleflng: power of the future. A novel m achine
tain them sent free. Also a catalo gu e Of m ech an ­
“ A t the battle of B u ll R u n ." roid he. “ the foniblningth ese two forces has been introics! and scientific books rent free.
P « e n t s ta
•star* and liars’ proved a failure because Sucod. I t has, in a word, th e advantages
they were so m uch like the U nion colors. of compressed nir. while the actual m otive
Indeed liuth arm ies mistook th eir enemies fo w er is electricity. The m echanism Is,
for friends and vice versa. A fter the bat
briefly stated, a cu tter l>ar drill and an
tie I resolved to discard this flag and called tleetrie motor connected by su itab le gear­
for each regiment to procure it s state col­ ing, and in doing its work only th e m in i,
ors. T his they were not able to do, and I c u m of dust is produced.
Mkod the army fo r nevr designs. Among
O N w
those presented one by General Beauregard,
w as chosen, and I altered th is onlv in C h am b er! ton’s B y e and S k in O in tm e n t
Is a certain cm for Chronic Sore Eves,
m aking it square Instead of oblong, Thja
flag was afterw ard adopted by th e C on fab Granulated Eye L Is, Sore Nipples, Piles,
Tetter, Salt Rheum and Scald Head,
erate arm ies generally. It "was a Greek
crosB of blue on a m l field, w ith white 25 oents per box. For sale by druggists.
Dyspepsia Pills
Strictly Pure
White Lead
“John T . Lewis & Bros.”
Vvliat is the Use
Magic Oil.
“ It Works like a Charm”
IB H P B p tp
ar Journey Around the W
Writers W
mkCAvtAiO, I
UP ES W D nk Pu Tm ?
stars on the blu e b a r s ." H u s flag, b y the
TO H O B S S ’ O W N S B S .
— U
way. was designed by a Colonel Walton of
F o r putting a horre in a fine heelthv con­
Louisiana and by hint presented to General dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders.
Beauregard - K ate Field’s Washington
They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure
Joss o f appetite, relieve constipation, correct
A M alm Spelling toatoh,
kidnev disorders and destroy arum*, giving
A spelling book o f the date o f 1881 was new ltfie to an old o r over worked horse. 2f»
leeted from w hich to demoralize roeil- cento
F o r atoe by <
g m-itch In Monmouth. B u t it w m
Jiearir two hours before “ porphyry” gave
“ T rw at th o s e w b a h a v e t r i e * ”
ih o knockout blow .—Augusta J o n n a L
c? n^ d boareeaera asd dlfflcolty Iu
!* * * * ■ * • I »l»o io a great exteat Um hear
F w t v e r F ifty Y e a n
me. By fbe ose of Ely s Cream B a la dropMas. Wikslo« > Sooraise S n t r r O n be e n need pm* of mocow hto reared, voice and b e a r iS
iTLqT? ..* ft? Te*ra by romoa. of
r ,j b*ve erraut im proyed.-J. W. Davidson
A M jto law . Monmouth III
^ ^
wM w T
rew .
It s o o th e* to e ran**, s o fte n s t o n a n ,
I osed E ij't Cream Balm for catarrh and Q
4 ! ‘ P «*L c a * w w ttxl
*w ! a u T t o
hare rerehed great benefit. I believe it a safe
, h w ni M M m th e poor
m ^
H m
I t r J e su ffe re r iaw aruito*> ».
t o D r a g g is o iffi
« . Fr* * * r- B°cbe«er, N. J .
Twenty-ire em oTa b Z
tie . B e s a - e a a d * k f o r “ M r*. W i m i o W s r o r * £
P rie e o fE ly ‘6 Cream Balm 5s flftv reafe
t a « SrtU B . t e e ra v e n o ortser X!b 4
per package.
Making the Most of
BTEEL ro o fin g W an le d -'S a le sm e n I
We warn a 9gw w m te aeT? a r M e e
at n*nEnd Si Pi NO.
U ffto M i, firs
eata*wM O S to a P n d ,
* rise for terms a»d trernar? to
’a e ia S t *-
H A W K S M tH IS K ltY C O .
* , %■
n Br r snn r up Toar h k rea
o w L za a w
U w T