August 2016 - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Tomah, Wisconsin


August 2016 - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Tomah, Wisconsin
Sharing the Shepherd’s love
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Tomah Wisconsin
Pastor Mark W. Benning
Where Do We Stand?
Upon This Rock! - That was the theme of our Lutheran
Church Missouri Synod Convention held on July 9-13 in
Milwaukee. Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my
c hurch … (Matthew 16:18). That ‘rock’ is the confession of
faith that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. This
faith is built on the rock-solid truth of God’s Holy Word, given
to us in Christ and through Christ in Holy Scriptures.
Though not a delegate this time, I was able to attend several
days of our Synod Convention. The presentations, guest
speakers, devotional services, discussions and decisions
were inspiring and encouraging. More information is
available on our LCMS website, and watch for the August
issue of Lutheran Witness for a convention report.
In Christ Alone We Stand! - That was the theme of the
LCMS National Youth Gathering, a huge event that took
place on July 16-20. Tens of thousands of youth and adult
leaders from across the country and around the world
descended on New Orleans for this, the largest gathering
of LCMS youth and adults, hosted by the Synod every three
With your help, support and prayers, we sent five of our
youth and two adults to the gathering: Brittany and Caleb
Lenning, Emma Franks, Alexa Dare, and Andy Becker,
along with their leaders Heather Lenning and Amy Franks.
They say they had an amazing time there, and we look
forward to hearing more about it when they share their report
with us on Sunday, August 7.
At Good Shepherd - Together we stand on God’s Holy
Word, in Christ alone! But we’re not just standing around!
Even in August there are many opportunities for us to grow,
to celebrate our faith together, to serve our Lord and His
people. In particular, we are now preparing for our annual
Vacation Bible School, which meets each evening from
6 to 8 pm on August 7-11.
August 2016
National Youth Gathering
What an amazing time we had at the (NYG)
National Youth Gathering! We want to thank
everyone for all the support you gave us.
For the Love and generosity and the prayers.
It’s so amazing to feel how much our church
family cares about our Youth’s journey with
Christ. We will be sharing about our journey
on Sunday, Aug. 7th, and we hope you will be
able to join us. In Christ Alone!
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Mission
& Vision
Mission Statement:
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is
experiencing the Love of God through Christ by:
 Seeking God’s will through His word
 Sharing our Lord’s love and
 Serving and praising our Lord in
Vision Statement: The members of Good
Shepherd Lutheran Church, led by Christ and filled
with the Holy Spirit, reach out and witness in the
community to change lives. Visitors will feel
welcome and cared for and receive God’s Word.
For daily devotionals and other
resources, visit the Lutheran Hour
Ministries website at
Contact Information for Good Shepherd
VBS is a great way for us to gather together on the solid
rock of God’s Word, celebrate our faith in Christ alone, and
share the Good News of our Lord Jesus with all ages in a
fun variety of activities. Our VBS theme this year is
“Barnyard Roundup” – based on Psalm 23. Children will
learn that Jesus gathers us together, provides all we need,
leads us, protects us, and is with us now and forever. Plan
now to help prepare and participate in our VBS, and bring
your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors children!
Pastor’s Cell phone number: 387-9401
Yours in Christ, Pastor Mark Benning
Elder Contacts: John Ladwig 715-963-2121
Bob Pulley 372-7649
“Salz” Salzman 387-2636
E-mails for:
Pastor - [email protected]
Kathy - [email protected]
Facebook: Good Shepherd Lutheran, Tomah,
Together we serve our Lord
I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all.
But whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess. ~ Martin Luther
Debt $75.00
Average Weekly
Attendance for
the Month: 75.3
Average Weekly Offering
2016 Weekly
**“Joyful Response” is a withdrawal program set up with Lutheran Church Extension Fund. Weekly offerings/gifts
are withdrawn from your bank account and credited to GoodShep. It’s one of the ways that we can help make sure
that we are able to carry out our ministry commitments here at Good Shepherd. If you are interested in learning
more about “Joyful Response”, please contact Linda Salzman at 608-343-9220 or the church office.
Special Donation Opportunities
In no priority order. If you would like to donate
to any of these items, please designate project
on offering envelope.
Are you a SCRIP customer? It is easier than
shopping. Simply look for SCRIP cards for
the places you already shop. Order your
cards and enjoy. SCRIP is a great way to
help budget out what you are spending on
Gas, Food, Clothing and eating out. SCRIP
Cards make great gifts and it will help out
Good Shepherd!
Mite Boxes
All women/men/children who have a Mite Box at
home, please bring them back to church and
empty them on the 2nd Sunday of each month.
You can get gift cards for just about any
Check the new order sheets in the flyer
SCRIP orders are due on August 14th.
All members of Good Shepherd are welcome to
contribute to the Mission Projects of the LWML by
placing their contributions in the LARGE MITE BOX
just inside the Fellowship Hall doors at any time.
Thank you in advance for supporting God's work
Operation Christmas Child: Item for August is School Supplies Items, remember
these must fit in a shoe box.
In addition, any and all items that would be included in a shoebox gift are always
welcome. Monetary donations to aid in the shipping cost of the boxes is also
Questions, contact Katie Stampfli 608-372-0744 or [email protected]
Happy Birthday!!
The following people celebrate their
birthday this month. We thank our
Lord for His blessings... and wish
each a happy birthday!
8/2 Robert Pulley
8/4 Joshua Anderson
8/4 Amelia Conant
8/4 Zoey Conant
8/4 Brent Riffle
8/5 Kylee Johnson
8/6 Audrey Crowe
8/6 Donna Warner
8/7 Anderson (Andy) Becker
8/7 Gary Herritz
8/10 Emily Benning
8/11 Jessica Baumgartner
8/14 Charlie Noe
8/16 Brenna Krings
8/18 Bill Georgeson
Happy Anniversary
We congratulate the following
couples who are celebrating their
wedding anniversaries this month.
8/18 Linda Goad
8/20 Joe Engel Jr.
8/23 CarolAnn Peterson
8/24 Les Hackett
8/27 Treat Harkner
8/27 Jesse Murphy
8/28 Tyler Conant
8/29 Ellena Adler
8/29 Jeffrey Dupree iii
8/30 Lisa Church
8/30 Benjamin Kortbein
8/1 Dave & Barb Scardino
8/4 Gary & Kathleen Herritz
8/14 Dillin & Deb Lafferty
8/14 Steven & Lorna Mesner
8/16 Tom & Sandy Gregar
8/20 Jacob & Amanda Mallmann
8/24 Gerald & Ann Pape
8/25 Robert & Kathy Linenberg
8/28 Karl & Jane Eckelberg
May our Lord bless these couples with
His love and faithfulness!
If we have overlooked your birthday or anniversary, we apologize. To correct the oversight, please write your name and the date (include
the year) on a piece of paper and bring it to the Church Office. Thank you!
LWML Birthday
The LWML July Birthday
Luncheon will be at the
Friday, August 12 at
12pm. Please join us at
the BOG, Warrens exit,
in celebrating our August Birthdays!
If you need a ride call Doreen
Warner for arrangements.
Thank yous
Thank you
For the prayers for my niece,
Gracie Hetland.
Her Surgery went very well in
June and her recovery is also
going well.
Thank you once again.
In our Church Family:
Deb Lafferty & family
Please remember in your prayers
young people from our church family
who are away from home serving in the
U.S. Armed Forces:
Rebecca Moseley- Air Force Training
in Arizona
Isaac Preuss-Air Force Training at San
Antonia, Texas.
Nick Anderson-Deployed with his
Army unit overseas to a base in the
Good Shepherd Women
LWML Highlights
 There will be no meetings during the summer
months, watch the LWML Highlights section for
the next meeting date and time.
Important Dates:
August 7th: The Youth will be sharing
their experiences in New Orleans and
the National Youth Gathering with the
 Tomah is hosting the Spring Rally in April 2017,
we need to start thinking about this event.
 Help is needed for the Altar Guild, please consider
helping out.
 Thank you to those who helped with the kitchen
cleaning and inventory on July 14th.
Please help provide the items for
“Barnyard Roundup”
Good Shepherd will be
serving the community
dinner, Monday, August
22, starting at 4pm. If
interested in helping in
any way contact
Lorna Rosenow @
Stop by the church and pick a cob of
corn off the farm board.
All items will need to be brought to the
church by Saturday August 6, 2016.
Christian Education News
Sunday School—see you in September
Thank you to all our great teachers. Please consider
teaching next year. We are always in need, contact
Troy Lenning or Bobbi Dare for information.
VBS is here!!
We’ll see you at the “Barnyard Roundup”
August 7-11 and thanks for coming.
WORDcrafter Ministries hopes to help folks understand the scriptures with "enhanced" easy to
understand readings that have been recorded and
are available for you to listen to at your computer,
smartphone, or electronic tablet. The scriptures
being read are often the same scriptures used in
last Sunday's service or are the scriptures being
read in next Sunday's service.
In the Word
God's people continue learning and growing
in His holy Word through Bible study groups.
Sunday 10:30am– “The New Testament”
Tuesday 10:00am-"Lifelight ” The Time
Between the Testaments”
Wednesday 6:00pm– Proverbs
Friday 8:00 am- Epistle to the Romans
Listen to the readings and download a recording of
the readings and share the recording with a loved
one who has difficulties, a loved one who was
distracted during the service, or a loved one who
was unable to attend a regular worship service.
Click, listen, download, and
be nourished and blessed by God's
Women’s Monthly Bible Study
There is now a link to this
WORDcrafter on our website:
Women's Bible Study will meet at 2pm on Tuesday,
August 30 at church. Study in Women's Quarterly
Magazine, Summer addition the Third lesson.
Extra Quarterly’s are in the flyer rack.
Be in the WORD..........
come and bring a friend!
Looking for a way to be more involved?
The Greeter program is a fun way to get
to know people and only requires about 30
minutes a Sunday every 5-6 weeks. You
have total flexibility. You sign up for a time
that works into your schedule. We provide
training that you can do at your home
computer at your convenience. We meet
every few months as a group to see how
things are going and how we can improve
the program. Please sign up on the easel in
the Narthex or talk with Sandy Gregar.
Outreach Committee will meet
August 17 at 6pm
Yard Signs
We are asking members who have Good
Shepherd yard signs to display them in
their yard. If you need a new metal stake
or would like a yard sign, please contact
Sandy Gregar, Sylvia Engel or Emily
Benning. We realize some of the stakes
did not hold up well and we will be
ordering new ones. If you have a sign in
your garage and do not want to display it,
please return it to church and we will
recycle it.
YAH The YAH group this month will be
meeting August 18th at noon here at church.
Guest speakers will be Macey Mahoney and
Bernie Merchelwitz LSS (Lutheran Social
Services). The ladies are Support Brokers with
LSS and will be talking about services they
A Potluck will be prior to them speaking.
Please plan to attend.
Trustee Notice
If you see something that needs fixing tell
a trustee or leave a note in their mailbox.
Thanks Co-chairs
Tony Church & Scott Berg
Outreach Committee
Good Shepherd Board of Directors
July 19, 2016
Meeting opened at 6:02 pm by Tom Gregar.
Scripture & Prayer Pastor Benning opened with a devotion based on Matthew 16:13-20, that the LCMS Convention
was focused on, “Upon This Rock” with all that we are facing today in our world we are assured that our faith in
Christ is the rock we stand on. He concluded with prayer.
Members Present: President – Tom Gregar, Recording Secretary - Joan Anderson, Financial Secretary - Linda
Salzman, Elders – John Ladwig, Board of Trustees – Tony Church & Scott Berg, Board of Outreach-Jim Hessil,
Pastor Benning
Members Absent: Treasurer-Todd Anderson, Board of Education-Troy Lenning
Non-Board Members Present:
Secretary’s Report: Linda Salzman moved to accept the June Board of Directors’ minutes, John Ladwig 2 nd the
motion, voted on, and passed.
Reports from Boards/Committees:
LWML-SWD LWML Convention in Madison on June 24 – 25, Sylvia Engel & Joan Anderson were the voting
delegates. 2014-2016 Mite goal was met by $110 + change. Thanks to Good Shepherd Women for the last
$200 sent from the Rummage sale.
Financial Secretary Report- Linda Salzman presented Financial Secretary’s report for June. Income for June is
$14,192.43. (See attached)
Treasurer Report- No Report, Treasurer on Military duty.
Trustee- Tony Church presented the Trustees report (attached). Was mentioned that the lights in the ladies
bathroom above the sink are out, also the west side Sanctuary lights have been flashing, need to check on it.
Scott Berg shared the bids that he had gotten for the parking lot, to fix and seal cracks: Fahrner - $8,974.75,
Scott - $5,920.00, NGP - $6,600.00, Superior Asphalt - $1,950.00. Scott Berg also got a bid from Scott to chip &
seal the lot - $24,950.00. Scott Berg recommended going with Scott, he has worked with them before, very
reliable. Joan Anderson moved to go with the Scott bid $5,920.00 and to schedule for October, Tony Church 2 nd
the motion, it was voted on, and passed.
Board of Education- Linda Salzman shared the Education report (attached). VBS is August 7-11, build night July
28th @5:30pm.
Board of Evangelism/Outreach- Jim Hessil said no report, meeting is July 20th. Float for the 4th of July went well,
thanks to Salz & Linda for the use of their quiet generator.
Elders- John Ladwig presented the Elders’ report (attached). It was discussed at the Elders’ meeting to possibly put
diaper changing stations in the rest rooms. Board of Directors noted there is at least one changing table in the
nursery, it was suggested we should get a diaper Genie for soiled diapers. When Pastor is gone on vacation, the
Elders will take care of Wednesday service. Guest Pastors will be lined up before Pastor Benning leaves, Elders
need to have Guest Pastors fill out the “Guest Pastor” from and turn it into Todd.
Pastor’s Report- (see attached report) Pastor presented his June report. Rally Day was discussed, suggestion to
Board of Education to have it on September 18th, and maybe do a VBS song & game day September 11th.
A member has a piano they interested in selling for a small amount of money. A suggestion was made to put a
note in the newsletter, there may be someone that is looking for one."
Old/New Business:
Front sign fix-up was discussed, Joan Anderson had called to get an estimate from Minuteman Press, she is waiting
to hear back. Hope to have more information by next meeting.
Quarterly Voters’ meeting was discussed, shooting for October, date to be determined.
Joan Anderson shared information with the Board about VBS Express & Sonshine Travel Club. (Brochure attached).
Linda Salzman moved to adjourn the meeting, Jim Hessil 2nd, meeting adjourn and closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Next meeting is August 15th or 16th @ 6:00 pm TBD. (since the meeting it was determined to be Monday, August 15th)
Respectfully Submitted, Joan D. Anderson, Recording Secretary
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
A congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
1221 LaGrange Avenue
Tomah, WI 54660
Return service requested.
Worship times: Sunday Services @ 9am
Adult Bible Class @ 10:30am
Wednesday Worship @ 5pm