Creating Jerseys Previews Tutorial for NBA Live 2005-08


Creating Jerseys Previews Tutorial for NBA Live 2005-08
NBA Live 2005-08 Editing: Creating Jersey Previews
NBA Live 2005-08 Editing: Creating Jersey Previews
This tutorial will help you create Jersey Previews for use in NBA Live 2005-08 for the PC. The
Jersey Previews are used by the game on the ’jersey selection’ screen. Without this image the jersey will be
blank. If you have created a jersey or downloaded a jersey that needs a preview, then this tutorial will show
you how to create one. You will need to know how to use a graphic editing program to be able to
understand this tutorial. I will use Paint Shop Pro 9 as an example. Photoshop users and users of other
graphic programs should be able to follow along easily. This tutorial was originally written for NBA Live
2005 and has been updated for NBA Live 08. All versions of NBA Live since 2005 use the same method
for jersey previews.
Programs and Files Needed
Paint Shop Pro –
Adobe Photoshop –
FshX – import/export FSH files.
BigGUI – extract/import files into VIV and BIG files.
Download from -
tools section
Downloaded or created uniform
DBF editor – such as CDBF for Windows or DB Commander.
Hex editor – such as Hex Editor 2.3 – free download from -
Programs Possibly Needed
A program to extract downloaded files such as ZIP files or RAR files.
WinZip -
WinRAR -
Windows XP has a zip/unzip program built in.
Installing Jersey Patches Tutorial by Bassman58 – 2005 Jersey
Patches section
Creating Jerseys Tutorial by Bassman58 - 2006 Jersey Patches
Crappystuff’s Jersey Creation Tutorial - 2007 Jersey Patches section
uses Adobe Photoshop
Sources For Files
NBA Live Series Center (NLCS) -
Step 1 - Research
You will need to have a uniform that has already been created. You can create your own or download one.
Please refer to my Creating New Jerseys Tutorial available at NLCS for making new jerseys. For that
tutorial I created an ABA Spirits of St. Louis uniform from 1974-76. I used the Phoenix Suns home
NBA Live 2005-08 Editing: Creating Jersey Previews
practice uniform as a base. I used the Suns uniform because it had the correct color and font for the uniform
numbers. I will use this uniform preview as the base for the Spirits. I have a temporary folder on my
desktop named “aaa”. You must also need to know what two and four character abbreviations will be used
for your uniform. These abbreviations can be found by looking at the teams.dbf file. The Charlotte
abbreviations are ‘ch’ and ‘char’. The uniform previously created is named charc74h.viv. This is a classic
1974 home uniform. Copy this file to the “aaa” folder.
Step 2 – Export using BigGUI
Start BigGUI and open the jerseys.viv file. The original file is in the X:\ NBA Live 2005\fe folder. (same
folder for NBA Live 08) I keep a copy in the “aaa” folder. Highlight the jerseys~ph~ph_pr1h.big file, then
click on export. Save this file to the “aaa” folder. Using BigGUI open the jerseys~ph~ph_pr1h.big file.
Highlight the four files in the left-hand window. Then click on Export and save to the “aaa” folder.
Go to the “aaa” folder. Rename the five Phoenix files. You need to replace the old two character
abbreviation with the new abbreviation. Rename jerseys~ph~ph_pr1h.big to jerseys~ch~ch_c74h.big.
Rename ph_pr1h.apt to ch_c74h.apt, ph_pr1h.const to ch_c74h.const, ph_pr1h.ebo to ch_c74h.ebo and
ph_pr1h.fsh to ch_c74h.fsh. In my Installing Jersey Patches tutorial I explain the use of these abbreviations
for the naming convention. Please consult that document if necessary.
Next start your hex editor. You will need to replace all references to ‘ph_pr1h’ with ‘ch_c74h’. Open the
ch_c74h.ebo file. Scroll to the bottom of the file. You will see eleven references to the Phoenix files. See
picture below.
Click on the “P” for the first instance on the right-hand side. Using the keyboard and the scroll arrows
replace the characters. Position the cursor over the old character and type the new character. In this case
you need to replace the “p” and “pr1” with “c” and “c74”. See picture below. Do not change any other
NBA Live 2005-08 Editing: Creating Jersey Previews
When you are done, save the file and close the hex editor.
Open the charc74h.viv file using BigGUI. Highlight the charc74h.fsh file in the left-hand window. Click on
Export and save the fsh file to the “aaa” folder. If you have created your own uniform you should already
have this file.
Step 3 – Extract Uniform using FshX
Start FshX and open the charc74h.fsh file. Click on Texture/Export. Save the file as charc74h.bmp (not a
DDS file) in the “aaa” folder.
You should now have the following files in your folder.
Step 4 – Create uniform preview image
Start Paint Shop Pro and open the charc74h.bmp file. Create a new 256 X 256 X 16Million image with a
transparent background. Save this file as preview.psp (or.psd or .pspimage). Go back to the uniform BMP
image. Using the selection tool create a rectangle from the upper left corner to the middle of the right arm
hole to just above the waistband. See picture below with the added green highlight.
NBA Live 2005-08 Editing: Creating Jersey Previews
Copy this selection (ctrl-C) and paste it as a new layer (ctrl-L) in the preview.psp image. Re-size this layer
(not the whole image) by 70%. Rename this layer ‘front’. Next create a selection for the back of the jersey.
See the picture below.
Copy this selection (ctrl-C) and paste it as a new layer (ctrl-L) in the preview.psp image again. Re-size this
layer by 70%. Rename this layer ‘back’. Move this layer below the ‘front’ layer. Turn off the ‘front’ layer.
Using the eraser and/or background eraser remove the excess from around the neck and arms. See picture
below. I changed the background to yellow so that you can see better.
NBA Live 2005-08 Editing: Creating Jersey Previews
Next mirror this layer. This will flip the image left to right. This step is not always necessary when you
have a symmetrical jersey. This layer will be used for the back of the jersey. You may need to partially
paint over this section if needed.
Next turn off this layer and turn on the ‘front’. Remove the excess from this layer also. See picture below.
Position the back so that the sleeves line up. This section is actually the inside of the jersey. You may want
to delete any overlap from the ‘back’ layer that shows around the arm trim. Save the file. Save a copy of the
file as x.png to the “aaa” folder. This name is not important. It’s just easy to type in latter.
Basically you are done editing. You can merge the two layers and add a border or a feather around the
edges of the jersey. Here are some examples using a chartreuse border just so you can see the effect. You
probably would use a dark gray for a border. Look at an EA preview to see the effect.
2 pixel border
12 pixel feather
NBA Live 2005-08 Editing: Creating Jersey Previews
Step 5 – Import preview using FshX
Start FshX. Open the ch_c74h.fsh file. In the left-hand window click on 34 (256x256). You should now see
the jersey in the right-hand window.
Click Texture/Import. In the File Name section type “x.png” (without the quotes) then click on Open. The
new uniform should now be showing. The PNG file should have a transparent background.
Click on File/Save.
Step 6 – Import preview using BigGUI
Open BigGUI. Open jerseys~ch~ch74h.big. Next import the four files that will replace the original Phoenix
files. These files are ch_c74h.apt, ch_c74h.const, ch_c74h.ebo, and ch_c74h.fsh. Now highlight the four
Phoenix files and click on Delete (Red X). Click on Yes. Next click on Rebuild (Blue R) four or five times,
until the offset column stops changing.
Step 7 – Copy the file for use in the game
Copy the jerseys~ch~ch_c74h.big files to X:\NBA Live 2005\sgsm. Substitute the folder name for other
versions of NBA Live.
Start NBA Live 2005. Load the roster if needed. Select you team, Charlotte in this case. Choose the
uniform you just made and verify it looks correct. At this point in time you can’t modify the position of the
uniform number, so therefore the number may not look correct in the preview.
NBA Live 2005-08 Editing: Creating Jersey Previews
Research – know the 2 and 4 character abbreviations and which file to use as a base.
Export jerseys~xx~xx_zzzz.big from jerseys.viv file using BigGUI.
Export 4 files from jerseys~xx~xx_zzzz.big using BigGUI.
Rename 5 files to new name.
Hex edit EBO file. Replace characters with new characters.
Export FSH file from uniform VIV file using BigGUI.
Export BMP file using FshX.
Create the new uniform preview using PSP and save as a PNG file.
Import new PNG file back into FSH file using FshX.
Import new FSH files back into BIG file using BigGUI.
Copy the file to the sgsm folder.
Run game. Load roster (if needed). Select the new jersey. Verify that preview looks correct.
Remember that you can not move the position of the number.
Here are some Harlem Globetrotter Jersey Previews that I made.