Katalog - Enviros


Katalog - Enviros
Ministry of Environment
of the Czech Republic
Catalogue of suppliers of energy efficiency
and renewable energy related technologies
and services from the Czech Republic
Katalog proizvod--aãa opreme i usluga
u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja
obnovljivih izvora energije iz Republike âe‰ke
With specific focus on the Republic of Serbia
Sa posebnim akcentom na republiku Srbiju
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application
of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency
in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od stranEnviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Presnos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija
u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kor‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikanosti
u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“ U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
History of astronomical clock at the Prague Old Town Hall dates back to 1410.
This cultural monument and technical masterpiece represents tradition and mastership of Czech craftsmen.
Istorija astronomskog ãasovnika na staroj zgradi Op‰tine u Pragu datira jo‰ iz 1410. godine.
Ovaj kulturni spomenik i tehniãko remek delo predstavlja tradiciju i savr‰enstvo âe‰ke izrade.
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the
application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources
and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with
cooperation of Dekonta d.o.o. Belgrade
Ministry of Environment
of the Czech Republic
Razvijen od stran Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Presnos iskustava u primeni
modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kor‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije
i poveçanje energetske efikanosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“ u saradnji
sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
This Catalogue was developed within the project „Transfer of Experiences in the Application of
Advanced Environmental Technologies for the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and Improvement
of Energy Efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“. The project is being
implemented by company ENVIROS, s,r,o, in the years 2006 – 2007 with support from Czech
Republic Development Cooperation and under supervision of the Ministry of Environment of the
Czech Republic. The project aims to reduce negative impact of the energy production
and consumption on the environment in Central Serbian Region of ·umadija and the City
of Kragujevac and its key objectives are:
1. Assessment of energy saving and renewable energy sources potential in the region.
2. Development of Action Plan for higher use of renewable energy sources and increasing of energy efficiency including
identification of concrete projects in the region.
3. Transfer of experiences, facilitation of transfer of technologies from Czech producers, training of local experts and
activities aimed at increase of public awareness.
The economic cooperation between Czech Republic and Serbia could rely on long-term tradition of mutual political, economic,
cultural, research and other cooperation between nations of former Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. If we focus on the field of
energy production and utilisation, the position of Czech and Slovak suppliers of heavy machinery (boilers, turbines, generators,
power plants, industrial equipment etc.) was very strong in the South-Eastern Europe in the past years. In the current time,
these products could be complemented by wide range of products and services related to protection of environment, energy
savings and utilisation of renewable energy. In this area, Czech producers and suppliers could benefit not only from the long
long-term tradition of business relations with Serbia, but also from geographical position, high quality of the products and competitive prices.
We hope that this Catalogue will contribute to establishment of new business relations between partners in the Czech Republic and Serbia and also to improvement of energy efficiency and utilisation of renewable energy in Serbia.
Jaroslav Jakubes, ENVIROS, s.r.o., Prague, Project Manager
Ovaj katalog je razvijen u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi
Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti
u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. Projekat je sproveden od strane firme ENVIROS s.r.o.
tokom 2006 – 2007 uz podr‰ku Agencije za razvoj Republike âe‰ke i Ministarstva za‰tite Ïivotne
sredine. Projekat je usmeren ka smanjenju negativnog uticaja proizvodnje i potro‰nje energije na
Ïivotnu sredinu, u regionu ‰umadije i grada Kragujevca. Kljuãni ciljevi su:
1. Procena moguçnosti za u‰tedu energije i kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije (OIE) uregionu.
2. Izrada akcionog plana koji promovi‰e veçe kori‰çenje OIE i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti ukljuãujuçi identifikaciju
konkretnih potencijalnih projekata u regionu.
3. Prenos iskustava i informacija o tehnologijama proizvod--aãa, trening lokalnih eksperata i aktivnosti usmerene ka
podizanju op‰te svesti.
Ekonomska saradnja izmed--u republike âe‰ke i Srbije se moÏe oslanjati na dugogodi‰nju tradiciju zajedniãkih ekonomskih, politiãkih, kulturnih, istraÏivaãkih i drugih veza izmed--u biv‰e âehoslovaãke i Jugoslavije. Ako se fokusiramo na polje proizvodnje
i kori‰çenje energije, pozicija âe‰kih i Slovaãkih proizvod--aãa te‰ke opreme (kotlovi, turbine, generatori, termoelektrane, industrijska oprema itd.) je bila veoma jaka u Jugoistoãnoj Evropi u prethodnim. Danas, ovi proizvodi bi mogli biti zamenjeni ‰irokom lepezom proizvoda i usluga vezanih za za‰titu Ïivotne sredine, u‰tedu energije i kori‰çenje OIE. U ovoj oblasti, âe‰ki proizvod--aãi bi mogli da imaju koristi ne samo zbog dugogodi‰nje tradicije u poslovnim odnosima sa Srbijom, veç i zbog geografskog poloÏaja, visokog kvaliteta proizvoda i konkurentne cene.
Nadamo se da çe ovaj katalog doprineti uspostavljanju novih kontakata izmed--u partnera u âe‰koj republici i Srbiji, i takod--e unapred--enju na polju energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja OIE u Srbiji.
Jaroslav Jakubes, ENVIROS, s.r.o., Prag, ·ef projekta
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy
related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Energy savings in buildings, energy sources and systems of energy distribution
Fossil fuel fired boilers and burners
Hot water accumulation tanks
Radiators and systems of distribution of heat and hot water
Thermal insulation of systems of distribution of heat and hot water, pre-insulated piping systems
Local heaters and other heating bodies
Air-conditioning and ventilation systems, waste heat recuperation
Heat exchangers, heat delivery stations
Circulation pumps, expansion tanks
Measurement and regulation systems, energy management systems
Fossil fuel based CHP units and CHP systems
Energy efficient industrial equipment
Complete supplies of power and heat sources
Renewable energy technologies and systems
Photovoltaic cells, panels and systems
Thermal solar collectors and systems
Heat pumps
Wind turbines
Small hydo power plants
Fireplace stoves, fireplace inserts and other local sources using biomass
Central heating boilers using biomass
District heating systems using biomass
x x
CHP systems using biomass
x x
Biogas stations
CHP systems using biogas, sewage and landfill gas
Technologies for production of fuels from biomass (woodchips, pellets and briquettes, drying of biomass etc.)
x x
x x
x x
x x
Consulting and other services in energy and environment
Energy policy and legislation
Local and regional energy planning
Energy management in municipalities
Measurement and monitoring (thermovision, air-tightness etc.)
Energy management in industry, Monitoring & Targeting
Research and development, application and transfer of new technologies
Energy audits, feasibility studies
x x
Project design and engineering services
Consulting in project development, management and financing of projects
Consulting in waste management
Consulting in air protection
Consulting in transformation and privatisation
Consulting in water supply and waste water management
Consulting in environmental management, IPPC
Translation and interpretation
Other consulting services
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske
efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
U‰tede energije u zgradama, izvori energije i sistemi za distribuciju energije
Kotlovi i gorionici na fosilno gorivo
Rezervoari tople vode
Radiatori i sistemi za razvod tople vode
Toplotna izolacija sistema za distribuciju tople vode, predizolovane cevi
Individualni grejaãi i grejna tela
Sistemi za provetravanje i klimatizaciju, i rekuperaciju otpadne toplote
Razmenjivaãi toplote i toplotne podstanice
Cirkulacione pumpe i ekspanzione posude
Sistemi merenja i regulacije, i upravljanja potro‰njom
Sistemi za kogeneraciju bazirani na fosilnim gorivima
Energetski efikasna industrijska oprema
Kompletno snabdevanje energetskih objekata
Tehnologije i sistemi za kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije
Fotoelektriãne çelije, paneli i sistemi
Toplotni solarni paneli
Toplotne pumpe
Male hidroelektrane
x x
x x
x x
x x
LoÏi‰ta i peçi na biomasu
Kotlovi za centralno grejanje na biomasu
Sistemi daljinskog grejanja na biomasu
x x
Sistemi za kogeneraciju na biomasu
x x
Stanice za biogas
Sistemi za kogeneraciju koji koriste biogas, otpadne vode ili deponijski gas
Tehnologije za proizvodnju goriva iz biomase (opiljci, peleti, briketi, su‰ena biomasa itd.)
Konsultantske i ostale usluge iz oblasti energetike i za‰tite Ïivotne sredine
Energetska politika i regulativa
Lokalno i regionalno planiranje energetike
Upravljanje energijom u op‰tinama
Merenje i praçenje (termovizija, zaptivenost itd.)
Upravljanje energijom u industriji, monitoring i predvid-anje
IstraÏivanje i razvoj, primena novih tehnologija
Energetski auditi, bilansi, studije izvodljivosti
x x
Projektovanje i inÏenjering
Konsultovanje u oblasti razvoja projekata, upravljanju I finansiranju
Konsultovanje u upravljanju otpadom
Konsultovanje u oblasti zagad-enja vazduha
Konsultovanje u procesu transformacije i privatizacije
Konsultovanje u oblasti snabdevanja vodom i upravljanju otpadnim vodama
Konsultovanje u oblasti za‰tite Ïivotne sredine, IPPC
Prevodilaãke usluge
Ostale konsultantske usluge
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Energy savings in buildings, energy sources
and systems of energy distribution
U‰tede energije u zgradama, izvori
energije i sistemi za distribuciju energije
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
ALTEKO, s.r.o.
Pod Cihelnou 454
267 24 Hostomice pod Brdy
+420 311 584 102
+420 311 584 511
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
The Company ALTEKO produces air conditioning machinery. The
residence and production premises of the Company are situated 40 km
southwest from Prague in Hostomice pod Brdy, a small town at the foot
of the Brdy mountains.
Kompanija ALTEKO proizvodi ured--aje za klimatizaciju. Poslovne
i proizvodne prostorije kompanije su sme‰tene u mestu Hostomice pod
Brdy, 40 km jugoistoãno od Praga.
The Company was founded in 1991 and at its foundation it relied on longterm experience of their owners concerning the development, production
and testing in air-conditioning. The main strategy of the Company has –
since the very beginning – been the production of air-conditioning
equipment with a large added value that is especially appreciated by its end
user. Within the certificated control system according to the ISO 9001:
2000 norm by the TUV certification company, emphasis is placed i.a. on the
selection of input material and components. The biggest suppliers include
SIEMENS, VOESTALPINE, BELIMO and other companies. Due to the quality
of products and continuity of care of the customer, the Company has –
since its foundation – won fame among air-conditioning producers in the
domestic market and some other countries where its goods are exported.
More on the sites www.alteko.cz.
air-conditioning units with heat retrieval (pic.1)
Kompanija je osnovana 1991. godine na temelju iskustva svojih osnivaãa
u oblasti razvoja, proizvodnje i ispitivanja opreme za klimatizaciju. Glavna
strategija firme od njenog osnivanja je proizvodnja opreme za klimatizaciju
po meri krajnjih kupaca. U okviru sistema upravljanja kvalitetom prema
zahtevima ISO 9001 : 2000 sertifikovanom od strane sertifikacione kuçe
TUV, akcenat je stavljen na izbor ulaznih materijala i komponenti. Najveçi
dobavljaãi su izmed-u ostalih SIEMENS, VOESTALPINE, BELIMO i drugi.
Zahvaljujuçi kvalitetu svojih proizvoda, kompanija je od osnivanja stekla
dobru reputaciju na domaçem i inostranom trÏi‰tu gde se njeni proizvodi
izvoze. Vi‰e podataka moÏete naçi na internet sajtu www.alteko.cz.
sistem klimatizacije sa povratom toplote (slika.1)
centrifugalni ventilatori (slika.2)
paketni sistem za ventilaciju i klimatizaciju sa
povratom toplote (slika.3)
RFC,RFE and RFC-PR centrifugal fans (pic.2)
ventilating and air-conditioning unit-built systém
with heat retriveal (pic.3)
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
ERDING, a.s.
Kosmákova 28
615 00 Brno
+420 545244 874
+420 545244 874 kl.13
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
1. Energy services
Energy management
Facility management
Comprehensive energy services
Operation of energy equipment
Power production, distribution and trade
Project activity
1. Usluge iz energetike
Upravljanje energijom
Upravljanje postrojenjima
Sveobuhvatne usluge iz oblasti energetike
Vod-enje energetske opreme
Proizvodnja, distribucija i trgoina energijom
Projektne aktivnosti
2. Implementation of constructions
Energy constructions
Engineering constructions
Building constructions
Environmental constructions
Gas stations
Technical facilities in buildings
Project activity
2. Izgradnja konstrukcija
Energetska postrojenja
Izgradnja objekata
Objekti za za‰titu Ïivotne sredine
Gasne stanice
Tehniãka postrojenja u zgradama
Projektne aktivnosti
3. Pre-insulated pipelines
Pre-insulated pipelines
Project activity
3. Predizolovani cevovodi
Predizolovani cevovodi
Projektne aktivnosti
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
KORADO, a.s.
Bfií HubálkÛ 869
560 02 âeská Tfiebová
+420 465 506 111
+420 465 533 126
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
KORADO, a.s. produces steel panel radiators RADIK, special radiators
KORALUX and design radiators KORATHERM.
KORADO, a.s. proizvodi ãeliãne panelne radijatore RADIK, specijalne
radijatore KORALUX i dizajnirane radijatore KORATHERM.
The panel radiators RADIK are intended for installation in the central
heating systems of buildings with a highest allowable operating pressure of
10 bar and maximum allowable operating temperature of 110 °C. They are
intended for single-tube or double-tube heating systems with pressurized
circulation or some with gravity-fed circulation.
Panelni radijatori RADIK su namenjeni za ugradnju u sistemima centralnog
grejanja sa maksimalnim dozvoljenim pritiskom do 10 bar, I maksimalnom
dozvoljenom temperaturom do 110 °C. Namenjeni su za dvocevne
I jednocevne sisteme sa prirodnom ili prinudnom cirkulacijom.
The special radiators KORALUX are intended primarily for the heating of
bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, living rooms, offices, and entry and
communication areas in residential and public buildings. They can be used
in hot-water heating systems with pressurized or gravity-fed circulation.
Flat panel radiators KORATHERM are a new product line which
considerably extends the portfolio of decorative and design radiators
produced by KORADO. Line-shaped, horizontally or vertically oriented heat
profiles can be arranged into many types. The offered colour range together
with a variable solution of connection of these radiators to the heating
system will certainly satisfy the requirements of even the most demanding
The new plant KORADO is the most modern factory for the production of
radiators in Europe. Its modern and sophisticated organization on the area
of 30 000 m2 enables further increase of production capacity whenever
Specijalni radijatori KORALUX su prvenstveno namenjeni za grejanje
kupatila, toaleta, kuhinja, dnevnih soba, kancelarija I prolaznih prostorija
u stambenim I javnim objektima. Koriste se u toplovodnim sistemima sa
prirodnom ili prinudnom cirkulacijom.
Ravni panelni radijatori KORATHERM su nov proizvod koji znaãajno
doprinosi na polju estetike u proizvodnom programu firme KORADO.
Linijski oblikovani, horizontalni ili vertikalni mogu biti oblikovani u vi‰e
razliãitih tipova. Veliki izbor boja I razliãite moguçnosti postavljanja
prikljuãaka zadovoljavaju zahteve I najprobirljivijih kupaca.
Nova fabrika KORADO je najmodernija za proizvodnju radijatora u Evropi.
Moderna i savremena organizacija prostora veliãine 30 000 m2 omoguçava
dalje poveçanje proizvodnih kapaciteta.
KORADO, a.s. poseduje ISO 9001:2000 sertifikat.
KORADO, a.s. is holder of the ISO 9001:2000 certificate.
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
Lersen CZ, s.r.o.
Chotynû 182
463 34 Hrádek nad Nisou
+420 482 723 699; gsm: +420 736 483 057
+420 482 723 532
[email protected]; [email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
Our products:
1. Warm air heaters for use in various industrial and civil buildings,
warehouses, work-shops, supermarkets etc. And also for airconditioning.
• The AIRMAX AI gas-burning warm-air heaters of heating capacity
of 15 to 62 kW with axial fan. Heaters of 24 to 62 kW heating capacity
with radial fan, filter and flange for simple ductwork installations. IP 45.
• The AQUAMAX AQ hot water air heaters with axial fan. Heating capacity
of 12 to 42 kW usable for heating and ventilation. IP 44.
Na‰i proizvodi:
1. Grejaãi vazduha za upotrebu u razliãitim industrijskim i stambenim
objektima, skladi‰tima, radionicama, marketima... kao i za klimatizaciju.
• AIRMAX AI gasni grejaã kapaciteta od 15 do 62 kW sa aksijalnim
ventilatorom. Grejaãi od 24 do 62 kW toplotnog kapaciteta sa
radijalnim ventilatorom, filterom sa ramomza jednostavnu kanalsku
instalaciju. IP 45.
• AQUAMAX AQ toplovodni grejaãi sa aksijalnim ventilatorom. Toplotnog
kapaciteta od 12 do 42 kW upotrebljiv za grejanje i ventilaciju. IP 44.
2. Infrared radiant panels for heating use in various industrial and civil
buildings, warehouses, work-shops, supermarkets etc., especially with
high roofs.
• INFRAMAX IMD NG gas infrared radiant panels/heaters. The length of
radiant tubes is 6 or 9 m. Radiated capacity is 10 – 20 kW.
• PENTA gas infrared radiant panels/heaters. U type: length 4 – 12m and
radiated capacity 16 – 48 kW. I type: length 6 – 20m and radiated
capacity is 12 – 40 kW.
2. Infracrveni zraãeçi paneli za grejanje u razliãitim industrijskim i
stambenim objektima, skladi‰tima, radionicama, marketima posebno sa
visokim plafonima.
• INFRAMAX IMD NG gasni infracrveni zraãeçi paneli. DuÏina zraãeçih
cevi je 6 ili 9 m. Toplotni kapacitet je 10 – 20 kW.
• PENTA gasni infracrveni zraãeçi panel. „U“ tip: duÏina 4 – 12m, zraãeçi
kapacitet 16 – 48 kW. „I“ tip: duÏina 6 – 20m, zraãeçi kapacitet
12 – 40 kW.
3. Central regulation for regulating of heating to be used with warm air
heaters and radiant panels. With help of PC or touch-screen you can
control heating, functioning and consumption of heaters. The
consumption is 15% lower in comperison to local regulation. It enables
to work in zones and fully automatically.
3. Centralna regulacija za regulisanje grejanja koja se moÏe koristiti sa svim
grejaãima. Pomoçu PC-ja odnosno touch-screen kontrola upravlja se
grejanjem i potro‰njom grejaãa. Potro‰nja se na ovaj naãin smanjuje za
15% u odnosu na lokalnu regulaciju. Ovo omoguçava da se radi po
zonama i potpunu automatizaciju.
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
Unitherm s.r.o.
Vedlej‰í 25, ã. p. 88
466 04 Jablonec nad Nisou
+420 / 483 306 350; +420 / 483 705 587
+420 / 483 705 583
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
Ultrasonic heat meters KAMSTRUP – made by Danish company and
KAMSTRUP-ENERGI A/S designed for the truthful measurement of the
heat energy with high display resolution (0,01 °C). Intended for
hydrothermal district heating systems, especially for local heating plants
or heat exchanger stations or domestic delivery stations.
Ultrazvuãni meraãi toplote KAMSTRUP – proizvedeni u danskoj
kompaniji KAMSTRUP-ENERGI A/S projektovani za taãno merenje
toplotne energije sa displejem visoke rezolucije (0,01°C). Amenjeni za
daljinske sisteme grejanja, pogotovo za lokalne toplane ili podstanice ili
u domaçinstvima.
Burners OILON – made by Finnish company Oilon OY offering quality
engineering solution tested for a long-time by northern conditions. The
burners are produced in 400 modifications from capacity 10 kW till
63 MW: The burners burns natural gas, propane and bottled gas, light fuel
oil and heavy fuel oil, gas wastes, liquid and pasty wastes.
Hot water storage tanks SANICUBE –combination of a hot water calorifier
and a flow water heater. On this unprecedented construction the
advantages of the SANICUBE are based. The hot water storage can be,
heated by a stainless steel heat exchanger containing heating water
(eg. oil-, gas- and solid fuel boilers or off-peak electricity or solar
collectors), by electric immersion heater (2–4–6 kW) or by an
air-water-heat pump
Air heaters NIVOLAIR – different from traditional systems allowing
a permanent circulation of a large quantity of of air at amall flow rates
which is warmed up by a few degrees. The warm air circulates to the lower
parts of the heated space. The spaces are heated up equally, with constant
air humidity and without perception of "draught".
Gorionici OILON – proizvedeni u finskoj kompaniji Oilon OY nudi kvalitetna
re‰enja testirana za ugotrajan rad u severnim uslovima. Gorionici se
proizvode u 400 varijanti kapaciteta od 10 kW do 63 MW: Gorionici koji
rade na prirodni gas, propan i gas iz boca, lako loÏ ulje, mazut, otpadne
gasove, teãne i muljevite otpade.
Rezervoari tople vode SANICUBE – kombinacija kalorifera na toplu vodu
i protoãnih grejaãa. Rezervoar tople vode se moÏe grejati razmenjivaãem od
nerd-ajuçeg ãelika sa toplom vodom (npr. Nafta, gas, ãvrsto gorivo, bazni
kotlovi, solarni kolektori), elektriãnim potopljenim grejaãima (2–4–6 kW) ili
toplotnim pumpama tipa vazduh-voda
Grejaãi vazduha NIVOLAIR – razliãitih od tradicionalnih sistema koji
omoguçavaju konstantnu cirkulacijuvelike koliãine vazduha pri niskim
protocima, ãime se zagrevanje vr‰i za nekoliko stepeni. Topao vazduh
cirkuli‰e ka donjim delovima grejanog prostora. Prostori se zagrevaju
podjednako uz konstantu vlaÏnost i bez oseçaja promaje.
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
ZDB GROUP a.s., Závod topenáfiská technika VIADRUS
Bezruãova 300
735 93 Bohumín
+420 596 083 050
+420 596 082 808
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
VIADRUS heating technology division there is a part of joint-stock
company ZDB GROUP. With 600 employees it is the one of the main
production parts of the company, whose tradition stretch to 1885 year.
VIADRUS ogranak za grejanje je deo kompanije ZDB GROUP. Sa 600
zaposlenih predstavlja jedan od glavnih proizvodnih delova kompanije
sa tradicijom jo‰ iz 1885 godine.
The very first cast iron heating products were cast iron radiators – its
production started in 1890 to replace those imported from United States.
The first boiler sections were casted in 1920. Our own iron guarantees high
efficiency, reliability and life time of VIADRUS boilers and radiators. There
are water heaters consistent by design with boilers VIADRUS, clasicc and
decorative cast iron radiators, hot water boilers for gas, liquid and solid
fuels (including wood and wooden pellets), fireplace inserts and tile stoves
in production programme.
Another product group includes OEM cast iron boiler sections and boiler
bodies as well as other heating and non-heating commercial castings made
of grey cast iron (EN-GJL-150 or EN-GJL-200). We deliver OEM boiler
sections and bodies successfully both on domestic and foreign markets.
In order to satisfy requirements of our customers, in 2002 we established
processional management system and introduced five product lines –
boilers up to 50 kW, boilers over 50 kW, cast iron radiators, custom-made
castings from grey cast iron and custom-made castings from steel and
non-ferrous metals.
Division is from 1993 owner of quality control system certificate according
to ISO 9001 and since 1997 environmental control system according to
ISO 14001
Prvi liveni proizvodi su bili liveni radijatori ãija je proizvodnja poãela 1890
kako bi se zamenili oni uvezeni iz SAD. Prvi kotlovi su izliveni 1920. Na‰e
sopstveno gvoÏd-e garantuje visoku efikasnost, pouzdanost i Ïivotni vek
VIADRUS kotlova i radijatora. Postoje grejaãi koji po dizajnu prate
VIADRUS, klasiãne i dekorativne livene radilatore toplovodne kotlove na
gas, teãno i ãvrsto gorivo (ukljuãujuçi drvo i drvene pelete), loÏi‰ta i peçi
u proizvodnom programu.
Druga grupa proizvoda ukljuãuje OEM livene sekcione kotlove i kuçi‰ta kao
i druge grejne i negrejne odlivk od sivog liva (EN-GJL-150 or EN-GJL-200).
Isporuãujemo OEM sekcione kotlove i na domaçe i na strano trÏi‰te.
Kako bi zadovoljili zahteve na‰ih klijenata, 2002 smo ustanovili sistem
upravljanja procesom i uveli 5 proizvodnih linija – kotlovi do 50 kW, kotlovi
preko 50 kW, liveni radijatori, odlivci prema zahtevu od sivog liva, ãelika ili
obojenih metala.
Odeljak je od 1993 ima sertifikaciju za kontrolu kvaliteta prema ISO 9001
a od 1997 i ISO 14001 za za‰titu Ïivotne sredine
The VIADRUS products are in Serbia offered through a local
PORTAL D.O.O. - Grejna tehnika
Negotinski put B.B.
19000 Zajeãar, Srbija
tel. : +381 019 42 42 – 44, fax: +381 019 42 42 – 45
e-mail:[email protected]
VIADRUS proizvodi se u Srbiji prodaju preko lokalnog distributera:
PORTAL D.O.O. - Grejna tehnika
Negotinski put B.B.
19000 Zajeãar, Srbija
tel. : +381 019 42 42 – 44, fax: +381 019 42 42 – 45
e-mail:[email protected]
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
VHS BRNO, a.s.
Masná 102
602 00 BRNO
+420 548 423 660
+420 548 213 184
[email protected]
Description of activities, supplies and services :
InÏenjering, projektovanje i savetovanje :
Engineering, Projection and Consultancy:
- Engineering,
- Projection works
- Consultancy and consultation activities regarding heating, biomass and
geothermal systems etc,
- Financial support, supplies of capital equipment.
InÏenjering, projektovanje i savetovanje:
- inÏenjering
- projektni radovi
- Savetovanje i savetovanje orijentisano na grejanje, biomasu i geotermalne
sisteme itd.
- Finansijsko savetovanje, obezbedjivanje finansijskog pokrivanja
District heating:
- Heat exchangers
- Piping – for hot water & steam (pre-insulated and standard)
- Valves and fitting
- Boiler stations, (gas, biomass, heavy oil, coal)
- Cogeneration units
Grejna tehnika:
- stanice izmenjivaãa
- Cevovod – za vrelovodno&parno ( preizolirano i standardno)
- Armature i fitinzi
- Kotlarnice (plin, biomasa, mazut, ugalj)
- Kogeneracione jedinice
Gas supply:
- Regulating stations (high pressure, middle pressure, low pressure)
- Underground regulating stations,
- Delivery stations
- Piping systems (PE or steel),
- Pressure tanks,
Industrija gasa:
- Regulacione stanice (za visok, srednji i nizak pritisak)
- Podzemne regulacione stanice
- Stanice distribucije
- Gasovodni cevovod ( PE ili ãelik)
- Posude pod pritiskom
Technological units:
- Sewerage plant,
- Filter plants
- Pumping stations (waste & drinking water)
- Piping systems (PVC, PP, PE , steel, stainless)
- Systems for measure and regulation
Tehnolo‰ke celine:
- Stanice za ãi‰çenje otpadnih voda (âOV)
- Filtracione jedinice i jedinice za ãi‰çenje
- Benzinske pumpe (otpadna & pitka voda)
- Cevni sistemi (PVC, PP, PE , ãelik, antikorozivni)
- Sistemi za merenje i regulaciju
Waste management:
- Waste dumps, rehabilitation of dumps
Stovari‰ta otpada - komunalna:
-Stovari‰ta otpada
Own products:
- Steel works (stainless and classic steel)
- Segmental elbow-pipes
- Manufacturing of accessories for piping systems
- âeliãne konstrukcije
- Segmentni cevni lukovi
- Proizvodnja opreme za cevne sisteme
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Renewable energy technologies
and systems
Tehnologije i sistemi za kori‰çenje
obnovljivih izvora energije
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
Apex Euro s.r.o.
Rokycanova 12
615 00 Brno
+420 548 214 695
+420 548 214 696
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
The design work, supply and installation of solar and heating systems.
We offer solar systems from the following main components:
Projektovanje, snabdevanje, i instalacija solarnih kolektora. U na‰oj
ponudi su sistemi sledeçih karakteristika:
• Roof collectors EURO-SOL FI for integration into the roof.
• Collectors EURO-SOL FA for installation on flat roofs.
• Facade collectors EURO-SOL FF. Thanks to wide selection of colors and
sizes, collectors could be integrated into the facade and architectural look
of the building
• Modular collectors EURO-SOL FM-S and EURO-SOL FM-W – for installation on sloping and flat roofs or open space – the true „Allrounder“.
• Solar hot water tanks Pro-Clean with spherical heat exchanger
• Heat pumps MACH VHM 8,3 kompakt 300
• Krovni kolektori EURO-SOL FI koji se integri‰u u krov.
• Kolektori EURO-SOL FA za instalaciju na ravni krovovima.
• Fasadni kolektori EURO-SOL FF. Zahvaljujuçi ‰irokom izboru boja i veliãina
kolektori se lako uklapaju u arhitektonski izgled zgrade
• Modularni kolektori EURO-SOL FM-S i EURO-SOL FM-W za instalaiju na
kosim i ravnim krovovima – potpuno univerzalan.
• Solarni rezervoari tople vode Pro-Clean sa sfernim razmenjivaãima toplote
• Toplotne pumpe MACH VHM 8,3 kompakt 300
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
âKD Blansko Wind, a.s.
Gellhornova 1
678 18 Blansko
+420 516 404 219
+420 516 417 126
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
CKD Blansko Wind
CKD Blansko Wind supplies turnkey deliveries of the 1 and 3MW wind
turbines. This advanced technology is based on the cooperation agreement
with the Finish wind turbines producer WinWinD.
The turbines use an advanced technology Multibrid® which combines the
reliability of the modern direct drive and the compactness of the traditional
high speed gear system.. This is a new patented solution. The heart of this
system is a planetary gear and low speed synchronous generator (90%
slower). This concept brings even 80% less components. Combines the
reliability of a modern direct drive and the compactness of the traditional
high speed gear system. Main advantage in comparison with standard
solutions is high reliability, the system is also very maintenance friendly
(average annual reliability is 97.65%).
CKD Blansko Wind
CKD Blansko Wind instalira po principu „kljuã u rke“ turbine snage 1 i 3
MW. Ova napredna tehnologija je bazirana na kooperaciji sa Finskim
proizvod-aãem WinWinD.
Turbine koriste naprednu tehnologiju Multibrid® koja kombinuje pouzdanost
modernog direktnog pogona i kompaktnost tradicionalnih sistema sa
reduktorom. Ovo novo re‰enje je patentirano. Srce ovog sistema je
planetarna menjaãka kutija i nisko brzinski sinhroni generator (90% sporiji).
Ovaj koncept donosi smanjenje broja komponenti za oko 80 %. Glavna
prednost u odnosu na tradicionalne sisteme sa transmisijom je
i jednostavno odrÏavanje i visoka pouzdanost (proseãna pouzdanost je
CKD Blansko Wind offers WinWinD wind turbines especially for the Czech
and Slovak Republic as well as for the neighbouring territories. The
company is certified according to ISO 9001:2000
Multibrid system
The rotor hub is connected to the gearbox casing using a play-free bearing
(1). The bearing transfers the rotor loads directly to the main casing,
keeping the whole drive train free from deformation and rotor loads. The
planetary gear (2) increases the rotating speed modestly and transfers the
torque to the low speed permanent magnet generator (3). All connection
flanges are round and concentric, resulting in clearly defined borders. This
design philosophy eases assembly and results in a well-defined load
distribution. The frequency converter transfers the full generator power. As
a result the machine can use also low wind speeds with optimum low
rotational speed, and there is no need for slip rings as with a double-fed
generator solution. The rotational speed of rotor is controlled by three
independent electric pitches (4).
CKD Blansko Wind nudi WinWinD vetrogeneratore posebno za âe‰ku
i Slovaãku, kao i za susedne zemlje. Kompanija ima uveden sistem kvaliteta
prema ISO 9001:2000.
Multibrid® system
Rotor je povezan sa kuçi‰tem menjaãa kori‰çem leÏaja bez zazora. LeÏaj
prenosi optereçenje od rotora direktno na glavno kuçi‰te odrÏavajuçi ceo
pogonski mehanizam rastereçenim i sigurnim od deformacija. Planetarni
prenosni mehanizam poveçava lagano brzinu obrtanja i prenosi obrtni
momenat na niskobrzinski generator od stalnog magneta. Sve spojnice
i ivice su okrugle i postavljene koncentriãno jasno razdvajajuçi granice. Ova
filozofija olak‰ava sklapanje i obezbed-uje dobro raspored-eno optereçenje.
Frekventni regulator prenosi punu snagu generatora. Kao rezultat toga,
ma‰ina moÏe da radi i pri malim brzinama vetra sa optimalnom brzinom
rotiranja, i nema potrebe za kliznim prstenovima kao kod double-fed. Brzina
okretanja rotora je kontrolisana sa tri nezavisna elektriãna rgulatora.
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
CZ-elektronika s .r.o.
Velké nám. 130
500 02 Hradec Králové
+420 491 477 021
+420 491 470 531
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
Development, production and sale of complete grid-connected PV systems
marketed under name pesos and SunFlex. Product line including:
Razvoj, proizvodnja i prodaja kompletnih PV sistema predstavljenih pod
imenom pesos i SunFlex. Proizvodna linija ukljuãuje:
Inverters – pesos PVI250T, pesos PVI2300, pesos PVI3500, pesos
Invertere – pesos PVI250T, pesos PVI2300, pesos PVI3500, pesos
Tracking units – SunFlex SF-2, SunFlex SF-18, SunFlex SF-40
Jedinice za praçenje – SunFlex SF-2, SunFlex SF-18, SunFlex SF-40
Accessory – U-f Guard, pesos PCLog, pesos SunFlex monitor.
Dodatni pribor – U-f Guard, pesos PCLog, pesos SunFlex monitor.
In field of PV modules main partner of world’s biggest producer – SHARP
Co. Product line including:
U oblasti PV modula je glavni partner najveçeg svetskog proizvod-aãa –
SHARP Co. Proizvodna linija ukljuãuje:
Monocrystalline PV panels – 170 – 180Wp;
Monokristalni PV paneli – 170 – 180Wp;
Polycrystalline PV panels – 158 – 165Wp
Polikristalni PV paneli – 158 – 165Wp
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
EKOL, spol. s r. o. Brno
Kfienová 65
602 00 Brno
+420 543 531 701
+420 543 242 912
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
The key activity is focused on full services in power engineering. Our
basic principle is: the customer is always offered the optimum option of
the respective solution.
Kljuãna aktivnost je bazirana na kompletnim uslugama u oblasti
upravljanja el. energijom. Na‰ osnovni princip je: ponuditi klijentu uvek
najpovoljnije re‰enje za njegov problem.
At present, especially cogeneration and tri-generation technological designs
find acceptance, but at the same time, standard boiler technologies, heat
exchanger plant equipment are refurbished; and last but not least, there is
a great boom of biomass technologies after the accession to the European
Union. We try to cover all the latest trends in the field of our business and
offer complete services for investment projects on the market.
The Power Engineering Division has, therefore, included construction
activities in its business – especially the construction of industrial halls
including technological equipment.
U dana‰nje vreme, koncepti sa kogeneracijom i trigeneracijom nalaze na
prijem, ali u isto vreme, klasiãni kotlovi, razmenjivaãi toplote i druga
oprema se remontuju. Na kraju, ali ne najmanje vaÏno je razvoj tehnologija
z kori‰çenje biomase nakon pridruÏivanja EU. TeÏimo da pratimo najnovije
trendove i ponudimo kompletnu uslugu za investicione projekte na trÏi‰tu.
Odeljenje za energetiku je stoga uvelo i grad-evinske aktivnosti u svoje
poslovnje, posebno konstruisanje industrijskih hala sa tehnolo‰kom
Basic Services and Products of Power Engineering Division:
• Conceptualization – technically-economic studies and analyses
• Project preparation – all stages of project documentation
• Project implementation – complete supplies and/or sub-supplies
• Long-term operation and service of equipment – warranty and postwarranty service, possibility of operating the technologies supplied
• Warm water, hot water and steam/gas boiler houses - output ranges
between 10 kW and 50 MW
• Co-generation units – electrical power 10 - 5000 kW, incl. all accessories
• Heat exchanging stations - output range as required
• House transfer stations incl. accessories
• Natural gas boilers
•Biomass boilers – incl. technological equipment for preparation of
biomass mixtures for firing
• Heat distribution – internal and external piping, valves & fittings, storage
•I&C, electrical power tapping – switchboards, cable routes, transformer
•Construction activities incl. Groundworks heat duct refurbishment, supply
of pre-insulated and standard piping, building of industrial halls
• Combined supplies of boilers, co-gen units and heat-exchanging stations
• Solid fuel boilers – wood, coal
Osnovne usluge I proizvodi odeljenja za energetiku:
• Generalni projekti – tehnoekonomske analize
• Priprema projekta – svi stadijumi pripreme projektne dokumentacije
• Implementacija projekta – kompletna nabavka i/ili kao podugovaraã
• Dugoroãno kori‰çenje i servisiranje opreme u garantnom i vangarantnom
roku, analiza za moguçnost kori‰çenja raspoloÏive tehnologije
• Kotlarnice za toplu ili vrelu vodu – izlazne snage od 10 kW do 50 MW
•Jedinice za kogeneraciju – elektriãne snage 10 - 5000 kW, ukljuãujuçi sve
prateçe alate i opremu
• Razmenjivaãe toplote – prema zahtevu
• Toplotne potstanice ukljuãujuçi prateçu opremu
• Kotlovi na prirodni gas
• Kotlovi na biomasu – ukljuãujuçi tehnologije za pripremu biomase za
• Prenos toplote – cevovodne instalacije i armatura, rezervoari
• I&C, strujne kontrolne table, regali, transformatori
• Grad-evinski radovi ukljuãujuçi rekonstrukcije toplovoda, postavljanje
predizolovanih i standardnih cevovoda, gradnja industrijskih hala
•Kotlovi na kombinovana goriva, jedinice za kogeneraciju, i topotne
• Kotlovi na ãvrsta goriva – drvo i ugalj
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
17. listopadu 984,
252 63 Roztoky
+420/233 910968, +420 233 910 969
+420/233 910970
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
We offer:
• Kaplan turbines
• Pelton turbines
• Francis turbines
• Complete equipment for small hydropower
Mi nudimo:
• Kaplan turbine
• Pelton turbine
• Francis turbine
• Kompletnu opremu za male hidroelektrane
Over 300 projects in 20 European countries
Preko 300 projekata u 20 zemalja Evrope
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
V‰ehrdova 560/2,
118 00 Prague
+420 222 517 055
+420 222 517 060
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
Design, project and engineering company HYDROPOL delivers following
solutions for renewable energy:
• ideas and projects analysis
• design and engineering of power plants
• technology and machinery supply
• full-scale project management
• turnkey projects realisation
• consulting in renewables inclusive photovoltaic
• rehabilitation of existing power plants
• construction of new power plants
• financing of power plants development
• power plants in drinking water and irrigation systems
Kompanija HYDROPOL za projektovanje I inÏenjering nudi sledeça
re‰enja za obnovljive izvore energije:
• Ideje I analize projekata
• Projektovanje elektrana
• Isporuka opreme
• Potpuno upravljanje projektom
• Realizacija po sistemu “kljuã u ruke”
• Konsultovanje u oblasti obnovljivih izvora ukljuãujuçi I fotoelektriãne çelije
• Rekonstrukcija postojeçih elektrana
• Izgradnja novih elektrana
• Finansiranje razvoja elektrana
• Elektrane u sistemima za navodnjavanje I pitke vode
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
KV Venti s.r.o
Nejdecká 562
357 36 Chodov
+420 352 605 405
+420 652 666 142
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
KV VENTI focuses on:
• search for new locations for construction of wind turbines
• measurement of the wind speed in specific locations
• specification of suitable locations for the construction of WTs
• preparation of project feasibility studies
• finding out the possibilities of connections to the electrical network
• preparation of background materials for the construction of WTs
• elaboration of prospectus for the construction of wind turbines
• elaboration of project documentation for the construction of wind turbines
including building licence
• realisation of projects on key
• energy audit of projects of construction of wind turbines
• technical-operating service of wind parks or particular wind turbine by
using software know-how of German company concerned with operation
of wind turbines in Germany
• help to our partners, who are also investors, with providing loan including
guarantee (interest from 3,5 %, the length of loan up to 14 years)
• providing insurance of wind turbines with insuring the drop- out of
production up to 6 months
• providing servicing of WTs in cooperation with partner organisation
KV VENTI je specijalizovan za:
• Potrgu za novim lokacijama za izgradnju vetroturbina
• Merenje brzine vetra na specifiãnim lokacijama
• Specifikaciju pogodnih lokacija za izgradnju vetroturbina
• Izradu studija opravdanosti
• PronalaÏenje moguçnosti za prikljuãenje na elektromreÏu
• Pripremu tehniãke dokumentacije za izgradnju vetroturbina
• Pripremu prospekta za izgradnju vetroturbina
• Izrada dokumentacije za izgradnju vetroturbina ukljuãujuçi i grad-evinsku
• Realisation of projects on key
• Energetski bilans projekta izgradnje vetroturbine
• Tehniãko odrÏavanje parkova vetrogeneratora kori‰çenjem softvera
nemaãke kompanije koja se time bavi u Nemaãkoj
• PruÏanje pomoçi partnerima i investitorima u vidu pozajmica (kamatna
stopa od 3,5 %, duÏina otplate do 14 godina)
• Osiguranje turbina sa osiguranjem od ispadanja iz proizvodnje do
6 meseci
• Servisiranje vetroturbina u saradnji sa partnerskim organizacijama
Considering the fact, that the company is not a representative of any
manufacturer of any wind power station, we carry out the choice of the
wind power station type for each location according to economic indicators
of the wind power station in the particular location.
Our company is able to provide all the services listed above, either in the
Czech Republic or abroad.
Imajuçi u vidu ãinjenicu da kompanije nije predstavnik nijednog
proizvod-aãa, imamo moguçnost izbora vetroturbine prema svakoj
pojedinaãnoj lokaciji u skladu sa ekonomskim indikatorima svake lokacije.
Na‰a kompanija moÏe sve navedene usluge da ponudi kako u âe‰koj, tako
i u inostranstvu.
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
OPOP spol. s.r.o.
Za‰ovská 750
757 01 Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí
+420 571 675 240
+420 571 675 211
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
OPOP is producer of solid fuel boilers (steel) for coal and biomass,
stoves, fire place stoves and bath stoves.
OPOP je proizvod--aã kotlova na ãvrsto gorivo za sagorevanje uglja
i biomase, i razliãitih vrsta peçi.
The wide model range of our products allows customers to select a boiler
of suitable output that guarantees utilization of the highest possible
efficiency, and thereby maximum economical boiler operation, which
means making the minimum environmental impact. All boilers are equipped
with an automatic output controller, water inlet thermometer and
·irok izbor modela omoguçuje klijentima da izaberu kotao odgovarajuçih
karakteristika koji garantuje kori‰çenje uz maksimalnu moguçu efikasnost
i time i ekonomiãnost ãime se obezbed-uje i minimalan uticaj na Ïivotnu
sredinu. Svi kotlovi su opremljeni automatskom kontrolom snage,
i manometrima i termometrima na ulazu sa vodene strane.
• Our key products are boilers for brown coal and wood in capacity range
of 12 kW up to 49,5 kW.
• We also offer pyrolitic boiler for brown coal and wooden pellets
(16-20mm) with capacity up to 35kW.
• Pellet boiler units Bio Comfort and Boink are designed to be used with
wooden pellets 6-8mm with an efficiency of 93%. This boiler is delivered
as a set of boiler, burner, screw feeder and tank. Pellet boilers are
produced in capacities 16, 24 and 30 kW.
• We are also producing stoves for wood at the range of 8 kW and 10kW
and bath stoves for warming up water for bathing.
• Na‰i najvaÏniji proizvodi su kotlovi na mrki ugalj I drvo kapaciteta
od 12 kW do 49,5 kW.
• Takod-e, nudimo pirolitiãke kotlove za mrki ugalj i drvene pelete
(16-20mm) kapaciteta do 35kW.
• Kotao za pelete Bio Comfort i Boink su projektovani za upotrebu sa
drvenim peletima 6-8mm sa efikasno‰çu do 93%. Ovaj kotao se
isporuãuje u kompletu sa gorionikom, puÏnim transporterom,
i rezervoarom. Kapaciteti ovih kotlova su u rasponu 16, 24 and 30 kW.
• Takod-e, proizvodimo, peçi za drvo u rasponu od 8 kW do 10kW I peçi za
zagrevanje sanitarne tople vode.
TraÏimo poslovne partnere u Srbiji!
We are looking for Business Partners in Serbia!
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
U Habrovky 247/11,
140 00 Praha 4
+420 577 222 502, +420 608 822 872
+420 577 222 502
[email protected],
www.strojexport-trade.cz, www.strojexport-trade.eu
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
Company STROJEXPORT TRADE PRAHA, a.s. has a long tradition and
history. It provieds a complete range of renewable resources of energy
and in particular with wind power plants of medium size and
photovoltaic stations in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Kompanija STROJEXPORT TRADE PRAHA, a.s. ima dugu tradiciju i
bogatu istoriju. Ona pruÏa kompletan spektar usluga iz sektora
obnovljivih izvora energije, posebno elektrana srednje veliãine,
fotoelektriãnih stanica u Republici âe‰koj i inostranstvu.
We ensure complete projects and consultancy in this area inclusive of
production of wind and photovoltaic power plants and complete turn-key
We provide very cost effective patented technology of the production and
treatment of water from any source WITHOUT USE OF ANY CHEMICAL
MEANS. This technology is absolutely unique, new, having no analogy all
over the world. We offer our solution if there is local lack of drinking water
or water is unsuitable for drinking due to high content of extraneous
substances, contamination, content of nitrates and nitrites, phosphates and
bacteria (such as LEGIONELLA), organic impurities, unpleasant odor etc.
The solution of all problems can be found in one small sized system
„LEDVINA – K“,(KIDNEY K) made of stainless steel treating the water to
drinking water up to baby water standard. – always with elimination and
any additional treatment by chemical means. It captures all colloid
impurities up to 1 micron (99,99%).
Mi obezbed-ujemo projekte u potpunosti ukljuãujuçi i proizvodnju i izgradnju
vetroturbina i fotoelektriãnih elektrana po sistemu „kljuã u ruke”.
Obezbed-ujemo efikasnu tehnologiju za tretman voda iz bilo kakvog izvora
BEZ KORI·åENJA HEMIJSKIH AGENASA. Ova tehnologija je apsolutno
nova, jedinstvena u svetu. Na‰a re‰enja nudimo ukoliko postoji nedostatak
pitke vode, ili ako je voda neprikladna za piçe zbog visokog sadrÏaja stranih
materija, zagad-ena nitratima i nitritima, fosfatima i bakterijama (kao ‰to je
LEGIONELLA), organske neãistoçe, neprijatan miris... Re‰enje svih
problemaje u u malom sistemu „LEDVINA – K“,(KIDNEY K) napravljenom
od nerd-ajuçeg ãelika kojim se voda tretira i dovodi na nivo upotrebe za
bebe. – uvek uz eliminaciju i dodatni tretman hemijskih sredstava. ZadrÏava
sve koloidne neãistoçe do veliãine 1 micron (99,99%).
Application of the “LEDVINA – K“:
• wells for households and local wells
• treatment of water from public distribution systems (chlorinated, malodorous)
• water of rivers, ponds, dams, reservoirs and other sources of slack and
running water
• supply of drinking water for rescue workers at unexpected catastrophes
and emergency situations
• supply of drinking water to military operations, temporary camps
• supply of drinking water to the food industry, hospitals, industry technologies requiring quality water
• circulatory regime of waste waters free of crude impurities
• regeneration of industrial water and water for central heating
• effective protection against carbonate deposits or incrustations
Upotreba “LEDVINA – K“:
• Bunari za kuçnu i lokalnu upotrebu
• tretman vode iz sistema snabdevanja (hlorisana, lo‰eg mirisa)
• reãna voda, bare, brane, rezervoari i drugi izvori stajaçih i tekuçih voda
• snabdevanje pitke vode za spasioce u neoãekivanim uslovima i hitnim
• snabdevanje pitkom vodom vojnih kampova
• snabdevanje pitkom vodom za prehrambenu industriju, bolnice, i drugu
industriju kod koje se zahteva voda visokog kvaliteta
• reÏim cirkulacije otpadnih voda oslobod-enih sirovih neãistoça
• regeneracija industrijskih voda iv ode za centralno grejanje
• efikasna za‰tita od naslaga kamenca
Ceo process tretmana vode i dovod-enja na nivo pitke vode se odvija
potpuno bez agresivnih hemikalija!
Entire process of water treatment to drinking water runs absolutely with the
elimination of any aggressive chemicals!
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
VACUSOL s.r.o.
Bukov 7
Dolní RoÏínka 592 51
+420 566 567 531
+420 566 567 531
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
Production of vacuum tube solar collectors
Proizvodnja vakum cevi solarnih kolektora
The vacuum solar panel VacuSol uses the photothermal transformation
of sunrays for heating transfer fluid. The panel consists of fifteen glass
tubes which are contained within a supporting frame. Air is drawn out
from the glass tubes - the vacuum in the tubes significantly reduces
heat losses and increass efficiency of the collector. The tubes contain
a copper absorber which is covered with a material of superior quality to
absorb sunrays. The thermal energy is carried from the absorber via
“heat tubes”, which are filled with a highly volatile matter (this matter
evaporates at rather low temperature), into an expander, where it
transfers its thermal energy to the non-freezing transfer fluid. The
created thermal energy may be further used in a heat exchanger; it is
not recommended to use the solar panels to heat household or pool
water directly.
Vakumski solarni paneli VacuSol transformi‰u svetlosnu energiju
sunãevih zraka u u toplotnu preko radnog fluida. Panel se sastoji od 15
staklenih cevi koje su sastavljene u jedan ram. Vazduh je isisan iz cevi
ãime su znaãajno smanjeni gubici i poveçana efikasnost kolektora. Cevi
su sastavljene od bakarnog apsorbera koji je pokriven materijalom koji
je takvog kvaliteta da izuzetno apsorbuje zrake. Toplotna energija se
odvodi iz apsorbera preko toplotnih cevi koje su napunjene lako
isparljivom teãno‰çu, u expander, gde predaje svoju energiju drugom
radnom fluidu otpornom na smrzavanje. Predata toplotna energija se
dalje moÏe koristiti u razmenjivaãu toplote. Nije preporuãljivo da se
koristi direktan sistem sa solarnim panelima.
Why to install vacuum tube solar collectors Vacusol:
• Greater total efficiency (up to 10% greater in the summer months
and up to 80% greater in the winter months) than the classic flat solar
panels.Save 55 – 75% of total cost associated with heating water
for household use.
• Save 25 - 40% of total cost associated with heating a house.
• Longer period of use per year.
• Fast and easy installation.
• No alteration of roofing during installation.
• Low weight simplifying installation on the roof.
• The space between individual tubes results in better wind resistance
than a flat solar panels, therefore a simpler supporting frame is sufficient.
• Possibility to install additional panels.
• Damage to individual tubes does not reduce operation of the panel
as a whole.
• Possibility to replace individual tubes during operation.
• Temperature on the surface of the glass tube is equal to the ambient
• Each tube can be turned by +- 35° should the original orientation
be less than ideal.
• Will resist hail due to favourable ratio of glass thickness to tube diameter.
• Requires minimal operation and maintenance demands.
• Has long life due to the high-grade material used.
• All components are recyclable.
Za‰to instalirati vakumske solarne panele Vacusol:
• Velika ukupna efikasnost (do 10% veça u letnjim mesecima i do 80%
veça u zimskim mesecima od klasiãnih panela. ·tedi 55 – 75% ukupnih
tro‰kova povezanih sa grjanjem vode za domaçinstvo.
• ·tedi 25 – 40% ukupnih tro‰kova vezanih za zagrevanje kuçe.
• DuÏi period kori‰çenja tokom godine.
• Brza i jednostavna instalacija.
• Nema pomeranja krovnog pokrivaãa tokom instalacije.
• Mala teÏina pojednostavljuje instalaciju.
• Razmak izmelu cevi rezultira u boljoj otpornosti na vetar od ravnih
solarnih panela, otuda, manja konstrukcija je potrebna.
• Moguçnost ugradnje dodatnih panela.
• O‰teçenja pojedinih cevi ne umanjuje funkcijonalnost panela kao celine.
• Moguçnost da se zamene pojedine cevi tokom rada.
• Temperatura povr‰ine stakla je jednaka ambijentalnoj.
• Svaka cev se moÏe zaokrenuti za +- 35° ukoliko je potrebno.
• Otporna na udare zbog dobrog odnosa debljine zidova i preãnika cevi.
• Zahteva minimalno odrÏavanje.
• Ima dug Ïivotni vek zahvaljujuçi visokokvalitetnim materijalima.
• Sve komponente su reciklabilne.
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
VERMOS s.r.o.
Generála Svobody 1197/3
KromûfiíÏ 767 01
+420 573 339 110, +420 603 867 338
+420 573 339 110
[email protected], [email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
Solar collectors
Solarni kolektori
The vacuum tube solar collectors with full copper absorber with a selective
absorbing layer. The vacuum of the tubes significantly reduces the losses of
heat of the collector into the surrounding area. The collector is tested
against mechanical damaging, e.g. by hailstorm. The collector has
a modular design with a low total weight for the easier manipulation during
the installation on the roof of the building. The exchange of the tubes is
quick and simple and without any disturbing of the function of the collector
and of the vacuum of the other tubes.It is designed for systems with
pumps as well as without pumps. The collector is designed to be able to
work for the whole year - it must always be filled with a non-freezing fluid
determined for for use in solar equipment. The orientation of the collectors
towards the south, southwest eventually southeast. Posswible to use in any
inclination - the collectors can be hanged up directly on the front of the
building or on the terrace or on the loggia of the house.
Vakumske cevi solarnih kolektora sa bakarnim absorberom i selektivnim
absorbujuçim slojem. Vakuum u cevima znaãajno smanjuje gubitke
kolektora. Kolektor je testiran na mehaniãka o‰teçenja, npr. Oluje. Kolektor
ima modularn dizajn i laku konstrukciju za lak‰u i jednostavnu montÏu na
krovu. Zamena cevi je brza i jednostavna bez poremeçaja u radu celog
sistema. Projektovani su za sisteme sa prirodnom i prinudnom
cirkulacijom. Kolektor je projektovan da radi tokom cele godine – uvek
mora da bude napunjen antifrizom odred-enim za tu namenu. Orjentacija
kolektora trba da je prema jugu. Moguçe je koristiti pod bilo kojim nagibom
– mogu se okaãiti bilo na zid zgrade, bilo na terasu ili krov.
Solar accumulation tanks
The accumulation tanks determined for the heating of the warm service
water in a solar system. The water is heated in a tank by copper heat
exchanger and accummulated according to the principle of energy
accumulation. The tanks could also serve as a preliminary heating for
a bivalent heat source. The through-flow system secures that the water
does not deteriorate by standing in the tank (danger of the multiplication of
bacterium), or by overtaking the contamination from the tank. Tanks are
designed to operate without need of cleaning and maintenance - there are
no corrosion and sediments. The guarantee for the tanks is 10 years. The
producer has a certificate of the State Test Control Institute in Brno. The
assembly of the tank is patented.
The main advantage of our solar accummulation tanks is that they are
built as a compact unit, incuding circulation pump and electronic control of
the solar loop, expansion vessel and necessary accessories. This type of
the tank is designed for the full automatic running of pump driven solar
system. A simple tank designed for the systems without the pump is
offered as well. The chosen concept brings an advantage in the simple, and
therefore inexpensive assembly of the whole solar system. The assembly is
simple – it could be done by a handy person according to the instruction.
Solarni akumulacioni rezervoari
Akumulacioni rezervoari su projektovani za grejanje sanitarne tople vode.
Voda je grejana bakarnim izmenjivaãima i akumulirana. Rezervoari mogu da
sluÏe i kao primarni grejaãi u sistemima sa alternativnim grejanjem.
Protoãni sistem obezbed-uje da voda ne kvari stajanjem u rezrvoaru
(opasnost od razmnoÏavanja bakterija), ili preuzimanjem zagad-enja iz
rezervoara. Rezervoari su projektovani da rade bez ikakvog odrÏavanja.
Garancija na rezervoare je 10 godina. Proizvod-aã ima sertifikat ima drÏavne
kontrole Instituta iz Brna. Sklop rezervoara je patentiran.
Glavna prednost na‰eg solarnog rezervoara je ‰to sukompaktni i izgrad-eni
u kompletu sa cirkulacionom pumpom, i elektronskom kontrolom
cirkulacionog kruga, ekspanzionog suda i ostalih elemenata. Ovaj tip
rezervoara je namenjen za potpuno automatski rad sa prinudnom
cirkulacijom. Jednostavan rezervoar za rad sa prirodnom cirkulacijom je
takod-e u ponudi. Izabrani koncept donosi prednost u jednostavnom
i jeftinom sistemu. Sklop je jednostavan – moÏe se instalirati prema
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
TEDOM s.r.o.
V˘ãapy 195, 674 01 Tfiebíã
674 01 Tfiebíã
+420 568 837 111
+420 568 837 100
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
• Cogeneration based on gas piston engines
• Used fuels: natural gas, bio-gas, landfill gas
• Power range: 8 – 2000 kW
• More than 1500 installations in 30 countries.
• Over 90 MWe of installed power capacity worldwide
TEDOM postrojenja za kogeneraciju
• Kogeneracija bazirana na gasnim klipnim ma‰inama
• Kori‰çena goriva: prirodni gas, bio gas, deponijski gas
• Raspon snage: 8 – 2000 kW
• Vi‰e od 1500 instalacija u 30 zemalja
• Preko 90 MWe instalisanih kapaciteta ‰irom sveta
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
TTS eko s.r.o.
PrÛmyslová 163
674 01 Tfiebíã
+420 568 837 611
+420 568 840 035
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
Our activities
• Warm or hot water boilers feed by woody biomass (woodchips, bark,
sawdust) with heat outputs from 0.5 to 8 MW for district heating and
industrial applications.
• Warm or hot water boilers for straw-bales combustion with heat outputs
from 2 to 5 MW;
• CHP units for combined electricity and heat production from wood based
on ORC technology (Organic Rankine Cycle);
• Natural gas boilers;
• Pressure vessels and heat exchangers;
• Fabrication of steel components according to customer documentation
Na‰e aktivnosti
• Toplovodni i vrelovodni kotlovi pogonjeni drvenom biomasom (opiljci,
kora, piljevina) toplotnog kapaciteta od 0.5 do 8 MW za daljinsko grejanjei
industrijske aplikacije.
•Toplovodni i vrelovodni kotlovi za sagorevanje balas lame toplotnog
kapaciteta od 2 do 5 MW;
• Postrojenja za kogeneraciju koja koriste drvo ili organski otpad;
• Kotlovi na prirodni gas;
• Razmenjivaãi toplote i sudovi pod pritiskom;
• Proizvodnja ãeliãnih konstrukcija prema specifikaciji klijenta
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Energy savings in buildings, energy sources
and systems of energy distribution
Konsultantske i ostale usluge iz oblasti
energetike i za‰tite Ïivotne sredine
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
CITYPLAN spol. s r.o.
Jindfii‰ská 17
110 00 Praha 1
+420 221 184 211
+420 224 922 072
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
CITYPLAN Ltd. is a multidisciplinary professional consulting,
engineering, design and planning firm established in 1992, offering
experience in a wide range of projects in the field of energy,
transportation, civil and environmental engineering, including economic
and financial analysis. We have served clients in both the public and
private sector, including utilities, municipalities, counties, universities
and non-governmental organizations.
CITYPLAN Ltd. Je multidisciplinarno preduzeçe za projektovanje,
konsalting, i inÏenjering osnovano 1992. godine sa iskustvom u raznim
projektima u oblasti energetike, transporta, gradjevinarstva, za‰tite
Ïivotne sredine, ukljuãujuçi ekonomske i finansijske analize. Na‰i
klijenti su iz javnog i iz privatnog sektora ukljuãujuçi javna komunalna
preduzeça, op‰tine, okruzi, univerziteti, i NVO.
CITYPLAN Ltd. is a privately owned firm with a staff of 55 professionals,
providing services to wide range of clients. Combining decades of
experience by highly skilled professionals together with leading computer
technologies, CITYPLAN Ltd. is known nationally and internationally for its
award winning, innovative solutions to each client challenges.
From 1999 onwards, CITYPLAN Ltd. is officially ISO 9001 certified to give
excellent quality service to its clients and other organizations it is working
with. CITYPLAN Ltd. has structured its resources to address the dynamic
changes in today’s Czech economy. Our services are specially tailored to
meet our clients’ specific objectives.
We have served clients in both the public and private sector including
governments, utilities, municipalities, universities and non-governmental
organizations. Our clients include European Union, governments of Czech
Republic, Denmark, and Austria, USAID, Czech Ministry of Environment,
Czech Energy Agency, Austrian Energy Agency and other domestic and
foreign companies.
A wide range of services covers the issue of energy audits, energy
concepts and projects or other development plans for municipalities, cities
and regions. It also focuses on the assessment and improvement of the
impact of ventures, construction projects and concepts and the processing
of feasibility studies and business ventures. We perform economic analyses
and market value appraisals of enterprises.
Our experts cover a wide range of professions in the energy and
environmental sectors. A team of highly qualified experts creates
a comprehensive base in the field of energy, building physics, technical
building provisions, mechanical engineering, ecology, water management,
waste management, strategic management and economics.
CITYPLAN Ltd. Je privatna kompanija sa 55 zaposlenih koja pruÏa usluge
‰irokom spektru razliãitih klijenata. Kombinujuçi godine uskustva i visoko
struãne kadrove sa vodeçim kompjuterskim tehnologijama, CITYPLAN Ltd.
Je poznat na nacionalnom i internacionalnom nivou po svojim nagradivanim inovativnim re‰enjima okrenutim svakom zahtevu klijenta.
Od 1999, CITYPLAN Ltd. Je sertifikovan prema standardu ISO 9001 kako bi
obezbedio visok kvalitet usluga svim svojim klijentima. Resursi CITYPLAN
Ltd. Su strukturirani tako da odgovaraju dinamiãnoj situaciji sa kojom se
susreçu u âe‰koj ekonomiji. Na‰e usluge se prilagod-avaju potrebama
svakom pojedinaãnom klijentu.
Na‰i klijenti su iz javnog i iz privatnog sektora, ukljuãujuçi javna komunalna
preduzeça, op‰tine, vlade, univerziteti. Med-u najznaãajnijim se izdvajaju EU,
Vlade republike âe‰ke, danske i Austrije, USAID i druge domaçe i strane
·irok spektar usluga pokriva energetske bilanse, razvojne planove za
op‰tine, gradove I regione. Takod-e, akcenat je na proceni opasnosti od
udesa, grad-evinskim projektima, i studijama izvodljivosti i poslovnim
rizicima. Vr‰imo i ekonomske analize i procene vrednosti preduzeça na
Na‰i eksperti pokrivaju ‰irok spektar u oblasti energetike i za‰tite Ïivotne
sredine. Visoko kvalitetni struãnjaci ãine znaãajnu bazu u oblasti energetike,
grad-evinske fizike, ma‰instva, ekologije, upravljanja vodama, upravljanja
otpadom, strate‰kog upravljanja i ekonomije.
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
Dekonta d.o.o.
Generala Mihajla Nedeljkovica 112
11070 Belgrade, Serbia
+381 11 3017 741
+381 11 3111 762
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
DEKONTA d.o.o. Environmental Services is a private, joint-venture
company, operating as a part of Dekonta group (www.dekonta.cz). It
provides broad range of environmental consulting and engineering
services, with 7 years of experience in rendering independent consulting
services to public and private clients in the region of CEE.
DEKONTA d.o.o. je privatno preduzeçe, koje posluje kao deo Dekonta
grupe (www.dekonta.cz). Mi pruÏamo ‰irok spektar konsultantskih
i inÏenjerskih usluga u oblasti za‰tite Ïivotne sredine sa 7 godina
iskustva u pruÏanju usluga klijentima i iz privatnog i javnog sektora
u regionu centralne i istoãne Evrope.
Curently, Dekonta employs 15 skilled engineers, experts in different brunch
of environmental consulting, and 2 technicians. All our staff members are
fluent in English. Above permanent employees, Dekonta has a wide network
of reliable external associates, also experts, thus covering full range of
DEKONTA d.o.o. is positioned as leading Serbian environmental consulting
company and is providing consultancy services throughout the region of
Central and Eastern Europe, with projects peformed in Croatia, Slovenia,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Bulgaria.
Trenutno, Dekonta zapo‰ljava 15 iskusnih inÏenjera, specijalista u razliãitim
oblastima za‰tite Ïivotne sredine, i 2 tehniãara. Svo na‰e osoblje teãno
govori engleski jezik. Osim stalno zaposlenih, Dekonta ima i ‰iroku mreÏu
spoljnih saradnika, takod-e eksperata, ‰to joj omoguçava da pokriva
kompletan dijapazon usluga u oblasti za‰tite Ïivotne sredine.
DEKONTA d.o.o. je pozicionirana kao vodeçe konsultantsko preduzeçe
u Srbiji i pruÏa usluge u celom regionu Centralne i Istoãne Evrope, sa
uspe‰no realizovanim projektima u Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji,
Makedoniji i Bugarskoj.
Services that Dekonta can offer cover following:
• Environmental due dilligence (phase I and II)
• Remediation of soil and ground waters
• Consultancies in communal waste management
• Hazardous waste management
• Environment Impact Assessment
• Chemical accident risk assessment
• Introducing EMS according to ISO 14001
• Ground waters research and exploration works
Usluge koje ekonta pruÏa su:
• Auditing – procene stanja Ïivotne sredine
• Remedijacija tla i podzemnih voda
• Studije upravljanja komunalnim otpadom
• Upravljanje opasnim otpadom
• Studije o Proceni uticaja na Ïivotnu sredinu
• Procene opasnosti od hemijskog udesa
• Sistemi upravljanja za‰titom Ïivotne sredine
• IstraÏivanje i upravljanje resursima podzemnih voda
DEKONTA d.o.o. has an extensive record of successful cooperation with
well established foreign consulting companies. As subconsultants and lead
contractor it has been actively involved in implementation of a number
environmental projects including prestigious programs financed by
European Community, World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development. On basis of long lasting cooperation with reputable
western consulting companies, DEKONTA d.o.o. had gained a high level of
expertise in project related to environmental aspects of industrial activities.
DEKONTA d.o.o. ima uspe‰nu saradnju i sa uspe‰nim stranim
konsultantskim kompanijama. Kao podkonsultanti i vodeçi ugovaraã, bili
smo aktivno ukljuãeni u izvod-enje mnogih projekata ukljuãujuçi prestiÏne
programe finansirane od strane Evropske Unije, Svetske Banke, EBRD.
Zahvaljujuçi dugoroãnoj saradnji sa uglednim stranim konsultantskim
firmama, DEKONTA d.o.o. je tekla visok nivo struãnosti u projektima
industrijskih aktivnosti vezanim za Ïivotnu sredinu.
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
ENVIROS, s.r.o.
Na Rovnosti 1
130 00 Praha 3
+420 284 007 499
+420 284 861 245
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
ENVIROS, s.r.o., based in Prague, Czech Republic is a leading
consulting company providing assistance mainly in the field of energy,
environmental and business consultancy in the Czech Republic, Central
and Eastern Europe, but also other parts of the world.
ENVIROS, s.r.o., sme‰ten u Pragu, âe‰ka republika, je vodeça
konsultantska kompanija koja pruÏa pomoç uglavnom na polju
energetike, konsultantskih usluga u polju za‰tite Ïivotne sredine
I biznisa kako u republici âe‰koj, centralnoj I istoãnoj Evropi, tako
I u drugim delovima sveta.
The majority stakeholder of ENVIROS, s.r.o. is the UK based ENVIROS
Group, one of the leading environmental service companies with almost
400 staff worldwide.
ENVIROS, s. r. o., currently employs 25 permanent qualified experts of
diversified experience and background and, in addition to that, has an
access to a range of external specialists. The key activities of ENVIROS,
s.r.o. cover mainly the following areas:
• Energy and environmental strategy, policy, legislation, support
programmes and action plans for international institutions, state, regional
and local authorities;
• Regional & municipal energy plans incl. assessment of impacts on the
• Energy audits in industry, commerce, public and housing sector, feasibility
studies, technical and environmental due-diligence;
• Energy and environmental management consultancy for local, regional,
industrial clients, energy management systems implementation in
industry and large buildings;
• Delivery of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) application
and legal consultancy to industry;
• Energy efficiency and energy supply studies and projects for industry;
• Market research and technology transfer.
Experts of ENVIROS, s.r.o. have so far worked in many developing
countries and countries with economy in transition on various projects
financed by international institutions, and grants provided by various
governments and European Commission. From the geographical point of
view, the key areas of operation of Enviros, s.r.o. are the Czech and Slovak
Republics and other Central and Eastern European countries. The company
track record, however, covers also several successful projects in Balkans
(Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro incl. Kosovo, Macedonia),
former Soviet Union, China, India, South-East Asia and Africa.
Kompanija je deo ENVIROS grupe ãiji je veçinski vlasnik sme‰ten u Velikoj
Britaniji. Kompanija ukupno zapo‰ljava preko 400 radnika u svim svojim
ENVIROS, s.r.o., trenutno zapo‰ljava 25 eksperata razliãitih profila I ima
mreÏu spoljnih saradnika. Kljuãne aktivnosti ENVIROS, s.r.o. su u sledeçim
• Energetske I ekolo‰ke strategije, politika, regulative, programi podr‰ke,
izrada akcionih planova za med-unarodne institucije, drÏave, I lokalne
• Regionalni I op‰tinski planovi za procenu uticaj ana Ïivotnu sredinu
• Energetski bilansi u industriji, privredi, javnom I privatnom sektoru,
studije izvodljivosti, tehniãke I ekolo‰ke procene stanja
• Konsultantske usluge lokalnim, regionalnim I industrijskim klijentima,
uvod-enje sistema za upravljanje energeijom u velikim zgradama I industriji
• Uvod-enje IPPC dozvola I pravne konsultantske usluge u industriji
• Studije o energetskoj efikasnosti I projekti za industriju
• Ispitivanje trÏi‰ta I prenos iskustava
Eksperti ENVIROS-a su do sada radili, u mnogim zemljama u razvoju
I zemljama sa ekonomijom u tranziciji, na razliãitim projektima finansiranim
od strane med-unarodnih institucija, vlada drugih zemalja i evropske
Komisije. Sa geografskog stanovi‰ta, kljuãna podruãja delovanja ENVIROS
s.r.o. su âe‰ka, Slovaãka, i druge zemlje Centralne i Istoãne Evrope. Firma
je radila i nekoliko uspe‰nih projekata u zemljama Balkana (Rumunija,
Bugarska, Srbia i crna Gora ukljuãujuçi Kosovo, Makedonija), Biv‰i
Sovjetski Savez, Kina, Indija, Jugoistoãna Azija, Afrika.
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
Grossman Consulting
PrÛmyslová 1098/1
500 02 Hradec Králové
+420 774 696101
+420 49 5592795
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
Grossman Consalting offers consulting services for Czech a Serbian
companies. The quality of our services is based on many years of very
good and lasting cooperation with the public authorities and with
enterpreneurs in both Serbia and the Czech Republic.
Grossman Consalting nudi konsalting usluge za ãe‰ke i srpske
kompanije. Kvalitet na‰ih usluga zasnovan je na dosada‰njoj veoma
uspe‰noj saradnji sa subjektima javne uprave i privatnim sektorom sa
obe strane.
We can offer not only theoretical knowledge but broad practical experience
gained during long-term residence in Serbia. Seeking out potential projects
suitable for development programs with Czech participation
Na‰a znanja nisu samo teoretska, zasnivaju se na praktiãnim iskustvima
steknutim tokom dogogodi‰njeg boravka u Republici Srbiji. PronalaÏenje
projektnih ideja za razvojne programe sa uãe‰çem srpskih i ãe‰kih
• Project requests processing
• Finding new project partners
• Cooperation with regional and municipal authorities
• Establishment of new companies
• Finding the most suitable location for enterpreneurs
• Carrying out the purchase and leasing of holdings and real estate
• Investment activities consulting
• Location and selection of new staff
• Legislation consulting
• Cooperation during project preparation and realization (EU Programs,
international development aid)
• Marketing services and market analysis
• Finding and authenticating suitable business partners
• Organisation of business meetings and branch workshops
• Interpreting and translation services
• Izrada aplikacionih formulara
• PotraÏnja projektnih partnera
• Saradnja na pripremi i realizaciji projekata (inostrana razvojna saradnja,
programi EU, i dr.)
• Saradnja regiona, op‰tina
• PronalaÏenje i provera odgovarajuçih poslovnih partnera
• Usluge marketinga i analize trÏi‰ta
• Osnivanje firmi
• PronalaÏenje ogovarajuçe lokacije za delovanje privrednih subjekata
• Posredstvo u kupovini, izdavanja zemlji‰ta i nekretnina
• Posredstvo u realizaciji investicionih namera
• PronalaÏenje i izbor radnog osoblja
• Konsalting sa ciljem ispunjenja zakonske regulative, svih uslova
predvidjenih zakonskom regulativom
• Organizovanje poslovnih pregovora, struãnih seminara, uãe‰ça na
• Usluge tumaãenja i prevodjenja
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
ORGREZ, a.s.
Hudcova 76
Brno 657 97
+420 541 613 210
+420 541 613 380
[email protected]
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
Consulting services, development, diagnostics, engineering, technical
and commercial services for power engineering and industry in the
field of production, distribution and consumption of energy and
environmental protection, technological, ecological and energy audits
and due-dilligence.
Konsultantske usluge, razvoj dijagnostika, inÏenjering, tehniãke
i finansijske usluge u upravljanju energijom u polju proizvodnje,
distribucije, i potro‰nje, energetski, tehnolo‰ki i ekolo‰ki elaborati.
• Guarantee tests and measurement, official measurement of emissions.
• Transformer oils regeneration.
• Consultancy in waste mamagement.
• Garancijska merenja i ispitivanja, zvaniãna merenja emisija.
• Regeneracija transformatorskih ulja.
• Konsultantske usluge u polju upravljanja otpadom.
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Company Name | Ime kompanije:
Street Address | Adresa:
City | Grad:
Phone | Telefon:
ROSIVA ·umperk s.r.o.
Hrabû‰ická 134
788 13 Vik˘fiovice
+420 583 280 754
+420 583 280 753
[email protected]
ROSIVA Šumperk
äumperk s.r.o.
Description of activities, products and services:
Opis aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga:
Proexport marketing services and products
Proexport marketing services and products
Consulting, advisory and marketing services for exporters and investors
for companies and institutions from the Czech Republic and Serbia:
• Provision of information about local legislation
• Locating investment opportunities and their realization
• Locating suitable projects, which can apply for development programmes,
with participation of Czech companies
• Marketing services and Market research
• Locating and verifying suitable business partners
• Maintaining business relations
• Organizing business transactions
• Assistance in establishing companies and representative offices
• Intermediation of legal services
• Translations and Interpretation
• Advertising and publishing offer/demand
Konsalting, savetodavne i marketing usluge za izvoznike i investiture za
kompanije iz âe‰ke i Srbije:
• Pribavljanje podataka o lokalnoj regulativi
• Identifikacija investicionih prilika i njihova realizacija
• PronalaÏenje pogodnih projekata, koji se mogu prijaviti za razvojne
programe sa uãe‰çem ãe‰kih kompanija
• Usluge marketinga i istraÏivanje trÏi‰ta
• PronalaÏenje adekvatnih poslovnih partnera
• OdrÏavanje poslovnih veza
• Organizacija poslovnih transakcija
• Pomoç pri osnivanju kompanija i predstavni‰tava
• Posredovanje u pravnim poslovima
• Usluge prevod-enja
• Reklamiranje i izdavaãke usluge
All our services - their range, direction, processing rate, form and language
of final report, etc. – are optimized with respect to the needs and
requirements of our clients. Do not hesitate to tell us your vision.
ROSIVA ·umperk s.r.o operates the economic portal
www.NEWBALKAN.com, where published information is available in Czech,
English and Serbian. The foundation of the portal is up-to-date economic
information primarily from Serbia and Montenegro. The portal publishes
information about privatization, legislation, fairs and exhibitions and other
events, and displays presentations of regions, towns and companies from
the Czech Republic and Serbia.
Sve na‰e usluge – njihov raspon, pravac, dinamika, forma i jezik su
optimizovani u skladu sa potrebam na‰ih klijenata. Molimo i vas da nam
date svoje mi‰ljenje.
ROSIVA ·umperk s.r.o void ekonomski portal www.NEWBALKAN.com gde
se objavljuju informacije na ãe‰kom, srpskom, i engleskom jeziku.
Osnivanje portala je aÏurno sa podacima uglavnom iz Srbije i Crne Gore.
Portal objavljuje podatke o privatizaciji, regulative, sajmovima,
predstavljanjima i drugim dogad-ajima, i daje podatke o regionu, gradovima
i kompanijama iz republic âe‰ke i Srbije.
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with cooperation of Dekonta, d.o.o. Belgrade
Razvijen od strane Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Prenos iskustava u primeni modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kori‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije i poveçanje energetske efikasnosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“. U saradnji sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd
Suppliers of energy efficiency and renewable energy related technologies and services from the Czech Republic
Dobavlajãi energetske opreme i usluga u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i kori‰çenja obnovljivih izvora energije iz âe‰ke Republike
Developed by Enviros, s.r.o. within the frame of project „Transfer of experiences in the
application of advanced environmental technologies for the use of renewable energy sources
and improvement of energy efficiency in the ·umadija Region and the City of Kragujevac“ with
cooperation of Dekonta d.o.o. Belgrade
Ministry of Environment
of the Czech Republic
Razvijen od stran Enviros, s.r.o. u okviru projekta „Presnos iskustava u primeni
modernih tehnologija u za‰titi Ïivotne sredine uz kor‰çenje obnovljivih izvora energije
i poveçanje energetske efikanosti u ‰umadijskom okrugu i Gradu Kragujevcu“ u saradnji
sa Dekonta, d.o.o. Beograd