Tim kiem va nhan dinh tai lieu for 20 mins
Tim kiem va nhan dinh tai lieu for 20 mins
PHAN DINH PHONG, MD. Vietnam Heart Institute Hanoi Medical University Looking for something on the internet Is Finding needles in haystacks You may go with search engines like Google or Yahoo… And you are lucky, sometimes… ( I am feeling lucky , too) However! SO… When you are looking specifically for information about scientific biomedical research, there are more direct ways... § Open to All ‒ Free from the US National Library of Medicine (NLM), available free on the Internet since the mid-1990s. § Bibliographic with Abstracts and Links to Full Text § Comprehensive - Covers all BioMedical and Clinical topics § 5,164 Journals Indexed § > 22.000.000 Citations VS PubMed Google Biomedical haystacks only All haystacks Terms assigned by Human Indexers Machine created Controlled Vocabulary Cluster Analysis Mostly Grain Mostly Chaff How to access PubMed/ Medline? Ø Go to http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ OR simply by typing: www.pubmed.com/org Register for easy use Pubmed/Medline is HUGE ! Type: 1800:2100[dp] then SEACH (on 16 Sep 2012) 22 129 574 CITATIONS Type: 1800:2100[dp] then SEARCH (16 Sep 2011) 21 185 818 CITATIONS ~ 1 000 000 (ONE MILLION) citations updated in Pubmed in ONE YEAR IF each requires 5 minutes to read THEN you will need 1000000x5 : (365x24x60) ~ 10 (YEARS) to review them all continuously! IS IT POSSIBLE? As you type: HYPERTENSION The number of articles found will be ENORMOUS! MESH § Medical Subject Headings § An alphabetical list of medical terms § MESH makes efficient searching easy About 35% of the Medline database references provide full text Click for free fulltext About 65% of the Medline database references provide abstracts only About 65% of the Medline database references provide abstracts only What should we do??? http://www.who.int/hinari/en/ VIA 82568 About 65% of the Medline database references provide abstracts only Click on HINARI icon to get the free full text www.sciencedirect.com § ScienceDirect is one of the largest online collections of published scientific research. § Operated by the publisher Elsevier. § Contains nearly 10 million articles from over 2,500 journals and over 6,000 ebooks, book series and handbooks. www.sciencedirect.com SIGN-IN to get more fulltext Right click and save as WHICH JOURNALS are ? #1 The good one must be Peer-reviewed Most famous medical journals are peer-reviewed #2 The good one must have a high impact factor Impact Factor of a Journal Journals with high Impact Factors publish articles that are cited more often than journals with lower Impact Factors. Calculating Impact Factor # of citations in the current year for a journal # items published in the journal for the last 2 years The impact factor was devised by Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), part of Thomson Reuters. Impact factors are calculated yearly for those journals that are indexed in Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impact_factor General Medicine - 2010 General Medicine - 2010 Cardiology - 2010 Cardiology - 2012 www.nejm.org/com Free to access in Vietnam www.nejm.org/com Free to access What if you were in Vietnam not in VN? Nejm VINTAGE ORIGINAL ARTICLE ORIGINAL ARTICLE REVIEW ARTICLE PERSPECTIVE EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE AND CORRECTION http://www.thelancet.com Lancet (surgery) Lancet arch The Lancet was founded in 1823 by Thomas Wakley, a surgeon The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. http://jama.ama-assn.org Eric Topol. JAMA. 2001;286:954-959 http://circ.ahajournals.org User name: hanoi Password: ******** http://www.cardiosource.org How the Mass media impacts What else ? http://www.vnha.org.vn http://www.vnha.org.vn Many thanks! &
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