August 14, 2016 - St. Francis of Assisi


August 14, 2016 - St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis catholic community
Orange, Texas
August 14, 2016
Pope Francis Jubilee Year of Mercy
(December 8, 2015-November 20 , 2016)
Saturday, August 13
5:00 p.m.Al & Genie Deranger (L)
7:00 p.m. Michael Kent (D)
Sunday, August 14
8:00 a.m. Richard E. Pillsbury (D)
10:30 a.m. People of the Parish
Monday, August 15
No Mass
Tuesday, August 16
8:30 a.m. Will Frey (D)
Wednesday, August 17
6:30 p.m. Donald Blanchette (D)
Thursday, August 18
8:30 a.m. Kevin and David Wilson (D)
Friday, August 19
8:30 a.m. Communion Service
Saturday, August 20
5:00 p.m. Nellie Pachucca (D)
7:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 21
8:00 a.m. Joyce Poisel (D)
10:30 a.m. People of the Parish
Monday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4,
15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:67, 9-10, 13-14; 1Cor
15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28
Day: Rv 11:19a;
12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:1012, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27;
Lk 1:39-56
Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28,
30, 35cd-36ab; Mt 19:23-30
Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6;
Mt 20:1-16
Thursday: Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-15,
18-19; Mt 22:1-14
Friday: Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9;
Mt 22:34-40
Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14;
Mt 23:1-12
Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1, 2; Heb
12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
(Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace)
The Church's love for the poor is inspired by the Gospel of the Beatitudes,
by the poverty of Jesus and by his attention to the poor. This love concerns
material poverty and also the numerous forms of cultural and religious
poverty. The Church, "since her origin and in spite of the failing of many of
her members, has not ceased to work for their relief, defense and liberation
through numerous works of charity which remain indispensable always and
everywhere"… with countless works of corporal and spiritual mercy.
"Among all these, giving alms to the poor is one of the chief witnesses to
fraternal charity: it is also a work of justice pleasing to God", even if the
practice of charity is not limited to alms-giving but implies addressing the
social and political dimensions of the problem of poverty. In her teaching
the Church constantly returns to this relationship between charity and justice: "When we attend to the needs of those in want, we give them what is
theirs, not ours. More than performing works of mercy, we are paying a debt
of justice..."
Compendio de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia Católica
(Pontificio Consejo Justicia y Paz)
Amor del Iglesia por los pobres se inspira en el Evangelio de las Bienaventuranzas, por la pobreza de Jesús y por su atención a los pobres. Esta preocupación amor pobreza material y también las numerosas formas de pobreza cultural y religiosa . La Iglesia, "desde los orígenes, ya pesar del fracaso
de muchos de sus miembros, no ha cesado de trabajar para aliviarlos, defenderlos y liberarlos a través de numerosas obras de caridad, que continúan
siendo indispensables siempre y en todas partes" ... con un sinnúmero de
obras de corporales y merced espiritual . "Entre todos estos, dando limosna
a los pobres es uno de los principales testimonios de la caridad fraterna; es
también una práctica de justicia que agrada a Dios", incluso si la práctica de
la caridad no se limita a la limosna, pero implica hacer frente a lo social y
dimensiones políticas del problema de la pobreza. En su enseñanza de la Iglesia regresa constantemente a esta relación entre la caridad y la justicia:
"Cuando asistimos a las necesidades de los necesitados, les damos lo que es
suyo, no nuestro Más de la realización de las obras de misericordia, estamos
pagando una deuda de. justicia..."
John Eudes
Día de fiesta—19 de Agosto
Juan nació en una granja en Normandía, Francia. Ingresó a la Congregación
del Oratorio y, a los 24 años, fue ordenado sacerdote. A lo largo de 20
años, predicó los fundamentos de la fe a católicos no instruidos en la zona
norte de Francia, distinguiéndose por su servicio a los enfermos durante
las epidemias de la plaga. En 1643, dejó el Oratorio francés y, junto con sus
compañeros, fundó una nueva congregación de sacerdotes cuyo carisma
fue la formación de sacerdotes y de candidatos al sacerdocio. Juan
también organizó una orden de religiosas llamada la Orden de Nuestra Señora de la
Caridad para ofrecer cuidados a mujeres que habían sido prostitutas. Un siglo después
de su muerte, la Revolución Francesa suprimió algunas de las casas de los sacerdotes
pero la Congregación de Jesús y María, conocida también como los Eudistas, fue reconstruida a fin de especializarse en la educación secundaria. Juan, quien fue muy devoto
desde niño, ayudó a propagar la devoción al Sagrado Corazón y fue el primero en solicitar el establecimiento de un día de fiesta oficial. Juan fue canonizado en 1925.
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mark your Calendars:
A second St. Francis Pilgrimage to the Holy Doors will be
Saturday, September 10 from 10 a.m.-Noon at
St. Anthony’s Cathedral Basilica, Beaumont. Bring your family
and friends. Everyone is welcome to meet at the Cathedral.
Pope Francis has announced an opportunity for
Catholics to obtain a plenary indulgence during
the Year of Mercy by passing through a designated Holy Door during the Year of Mercy, or
performing one of the corporal or spiritual works
of mercy; and fulfilling the usual conditions of
having the interior disposition of complete detachment from sin, receiving sacramental Confession and the
Holy Eucharist, and praying for the intentions of the
Holy Father.
Join hundreds of
single Catholics of
all ages at the
Catholic Singles
September 30October 2, 2016,
held at the
Embassy Suites
Dallas DFW
Airport North in
Grapevine, TX.
The weekend includes talks by
speakers, music,
social events,
prayer, food, fellowship and more!
Space is limited
register now! For
more information
and to register
visit www.National
Use promo code
receive a special
discount! (Can’t
find your question
answered on the
website? Call
888.267.8885 x4.)
Registration forms for the next
St. Francis Men’s ACTS retreat, Sept. 29th - Oct. 2nd
are available by contacting Lloyd
Blanchette at 409-988-2593 or
[email protected]. Forms
also available on St. Francis website
and in the church office.
August 15 Feast of the
Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin, falls on a Monday
in 2016, and IS NOT A
St. Francis Women’s ACTS Retreat is August
18-21. Please look for the Prayer Poster in the church
foyer. When you sign up to pray for an hour you will
be praying for ALL of the women. A team member
will be present if you have any questions.
Women’s Prison Retreat
Have you attended an ACTS retreat? Are
you interested in serving on team for a Women’s
St. Kolbe Prison Retreat in Dayton,
Texas at Plane State or Henley? If so or if you’re
not quite sure, please join us for an informational
meeting Tuesday, August 16th from 7:00-8:30 at
St. Anthony Parish Center in Beaumont. The retreat
dates are Henley, February 2-4, 2017 and Plane
State, April 20-22, 2017. Serving on team is
unbelievable! You will be glad you did!
HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION. The feast of the Assump-
tion IS a day of obligation when
it falls on Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Sunday and
NOT a day of obligation when
it falls on Monday or Saturday.
Silent Retreat for Women
Sr. Adeline O’Donoghue, CCVI
The Church—a Field Hospital
Thursday - Sunday,
September 8-11, 2016
Sr. Adeline is a spiritual director and founder of the Ruah
Center at Houston’s Villa de Matel. She is a member of the
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. She will tap into
our hunger for silence, personal & community prayer in our
wonderful yet violent world.
Registration begins at 4:00 pm on Thursday, opens with a
light supper at 5:00 pm and ends with lunch on Sunday.
Cost: $295/person
$75 deposit
Pre-register by August 24
St. Francis catholic community
Orange, Texas
CEMI Fall 2016
WO1- Orientation for Ministry: Structures of
the Institutional Church
(Note: This is one of the pre-requisites for
entering Deacon Formation.)
This workshop provides a basis for helping the
participants of all ministries understand the place
of their particular ministry in the Church. It
examines the theological meaning of Church and
its Hierarchical Structure as found in the Church
Universal, National, Local (Diocesan), and Parish
levels. (1½ hours)
Rev. Michael A. Jamail, Vicar General
Thursday, September 8, 2016 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Catholic Pastoral Center, Beaumont (Assembly
C-11 Contemporary Christian Spirituality
This course explores the traditional basis of
Christian Spirituality as it developed through the
ages, the present forms of spirituality in the
Church today, and the different styles of prayer
that can help us become more open to God’s
presence in our lives. Come and learn what type
of spirituality you are most comfortable with so
you can use it to deepen your relationship with
Jesus. (10 hours - 4 sessions)
Dr. Lorraine S. DeLuca, Director
Tuesdays, September 20, 27, October 4, 11,
6:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Catholic Pastoral Center, Beaumont (Assembly
Moral Theology and Conscience
We live in a complex world where our decision
making process can be bombarded with competing points of view. What “lens” should we use
to help us navigate through the maze of challenging perspectives? This course explores the
scriptural and traditional foundations of the
Church’s Moral Teaching, its development
through the ages, moral decision-making and
conscience formation. (8 hours - 4 sessions)
Paul J. Thomas, Associate Director
Thursdays, September 22, 29, October 6, 13
6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Our Lady of the Assumption
W-120 Welcoming the Parents of New Catholics:
Home Visitation Training
What’s a parish to do after the baptism of a child?
Reach out and connect the parents more closely
to the parish. This training will prepare
parishioners to go out, visit the parents of the
newly baptized, and share what the parish means
to them and keep the connection going. Come and
August 14, 2016
learn about this new, exciting ministry and decide
if it’s for you. (2 hours - 1 session)
Dr Lorraine S. DeLuca, Director, Evangelization
and Catechesis (in English)
Jesus Abrego, Hispanic Ministry (in Spanish)
Monday, September 26, 2016
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Port Arthur (Parish Hall)
W-120 Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament,
Spending Time with Christ
What does Eucharistic Adoration mean in the life
of the Church and in the life of the people of
God? What does the Church teach about Eucharistic Adoration? What should take place during Adoration and what should not? Whether your parish
is considering beginning Adoration, or has this
practice in place, if you now participate in Adoration, or if are seeking more information before
becoming involved in this ministry, this workshop
will include how the Church values Eucharistic
Adoration, teaches and instructs through its documents what every adorer needs to know, and the
guidelines concerning parish Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament. (2 hours - 1 session)
Rosalind Sanchez, Director, Office of Worship
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Catholic Pastoral Center, Beaumont (Assembly
C-06 Psychological and Faith Development
(Note: This is one of the pre-requisites for
entering Deacon Formation.)
How do I believe? The “what” I believe is simple
enough to answer, “It is the “how” which is criti-
cal to self-understanding and to the life-giving
tension between the believer and the Church,
the individual and the community. Using James
Fowler’s model of stages, nuanced by psychology (Erickson) and morality (Kohlberg), we will
explore our inexhaustible journey of trusting
faith. (4 hours - 1 session)
Rev. Michael A. Jamail, Vicar General
Saturday, October 15, 2016
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Catholic Pastoral Center, Bmt(Assembly Hall)
Altar Flowers for
August 13/14
donated by:
Shirley Reinoehl
In thanksgiving of:
God’s blessings
Shirley & Reginald
In honor of:
Our 61st
Blessed Mother
Donated by:
Mark & Terri Frey
In memory of:
Edna Sanders
Meets the 3rd Tuesday
of each month at
6:00 p.m.
Salvation Army
Martin Luther King &
Orange, Texas
ContactMark and Lisa Francis
Have questions about CEMI Catholic Education and Ministry
Institute - Fall 2016? Contact
Diocese of Beaumont, Office of
Evangelization and
Catechesis -409-924-4300 Ext
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The economy must serve people, not
the other way around. It is therefore
necessary that an economic system
serve the dignity of the human person
and the common good by respecting
the dignity of work and protecting
the rights of workers.
La economía debe estar al servicio de
la gente y no al contrario. Por lo
tanto, es necesario que un sistema
económico sirva a la dignidad de la
persona humana y al bien común
mediante el respeto de la dignidad del
trabajo y la protección de los
derechos de los trabajadores
R.E. registration for grades
K-12 will be held after 8:00 a.m.
and 10:30 a.m. Mass on
August 28
at the
Saturday, August 13
4:00-4:45 p.m. Reconciliation
5:00 & 7:00 p.m. Mass
5:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus
Corporate Quarterly Communion
Sunday, August 14
8:00 & 10:30 p.m. Mass
8:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.– Blood Drive
Monday, August 15
No Mass
6:30 p.m. Men’s ACTS Meeting
Sunday, August 14
8 a.m. until 1 p.m.
San Damiano Center
Tuesday, August 16
8:30 a.m. Mass
5:45 a.m. Men’s Faith Sharing
6:15 a.m. Women Faith Sharing
Day and night Jesus dwells in
the Blessed Sacrament
because of his infinite love for
Today’s responsorial psalm, Psalm 40, is more familiar to us with the refrain
“Here am I, Lord.” This “Here am I” is Jeremiah’s great prophetic response to
God’s call. But today’s story of Jeremiah and the refrain “Lord, come to my aid!”
remind us that there are always two sides to following the call of God. The author
of the Letter to the Hebrews knew this, too. He reminded his readers that even
weighted down with burdens and sins, we can still persevere by keeping our eyes
fixed on Jesus, who himself knew the shame and pain of the cross, but saw beyond
it to the joy of sitting at the right of the throne of God.
Jesus himself gave the disciples a “sneak preview” of a baptism that would not
be as wondrous as the one in the Jordan that inaugurated his ministry, but would
be one of fire and anguish. Today’s words from scripture may not be terribly
soothing, but in their honesty and strength we can acknowledge the difficulties of
daily discipleship, and take comfort in the assurance of our own salvation in
Christ. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Beaumont Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Conference
The 45th Annual Conference on August 19, 2016 which will be held in Winnie, Texas at St. Louis Catholic Church. All women are welcome to attend.
The cost is $30.00 and does include Continental Breakfast and Lunch. Bishop Guillory will be officiating mass at 11:00am and we will be having two
awesome speakers, Father Kevin Badeaux and Planned Giving from the
Diocesan Stewardship Office. Our
Registrar this year is Madeline Badon (409-243-2764)and registration
checks or money order can be mailed to her at 16225 Hampshire Rd. Winnie, TX 77765.
Wednesday, August 17
6:30 p.m. Mass
7:15 p.m. Catechist Meeting
Thursday, August 18
8:30 a.m. Mass
Women ACTS Send Off
7:00 p.m. Book Club
Friday, August 19
8:30 a.m. Communion Service
Saturday, August 20
4:00-4:45 p.m. Reconciliation
5:00 & 7:00 p.m. Mass
Sunday, August 21
8:00 a.m. Mass
10:30 a.m. Women’s ACTS Return
Mass and Reception
St. Francis Census
We are updating our census. We
are asking all families to complete
a new census form so we can
update our records. New census
forms can be completed at Mass
on Aug 13/14 and August 27/28.
They are also available on the
website and in the office.
Online giving is an excellent
way to fulfill your obligation
to support St. Francis parish.
Go to:
and click the online