Caravaggio Airport Orio al Serio - Bergamo Italy


Caravaggio Airport Orio al Serio - Bergamo Italy
The "Caravaggio" Airport in Bergamo - Orio al Serio, 50 km from the center of
Milan, is the third Italian hub for number of passengers and the third for cargo
volumes. Periodic review of AIRES ranked it, in 2014, second in Italy for quality
of services.
The IME Group has participated, in 2014, to the renovation of the runway to
allow the adaptation of infrastructures and services to growth in passenger
movements, executing, through its subsidiary IMEMONT the services of
upgrading of the distribution system and regulation track lights and the supply
and installation of medium voltage cables.
400 km of wiring: Imemont carried out the complete replacement of the cableducts and associated wirings for a total of about 400 km in total, to modernize
the infrastructure of the local area network and track systems.
The modernization allows a saving in terms of maintenance and a better
overall efficiency.
New LED lighting on the whole track: Imemont performed the installation of
approximately 1,900 devices AVL (luminous visual aids). The new lighting of
Orio al Serio airport allows 70% energy savings compared to traditional
lighting systems. In addition to the track lights also all the lighting systems of
aid to navigation were adjusted.
Since 1978 Imemont operates within the electrical systems, designing, building
and putting into operation complete systems in high, medium and low voltage.
The company is ISO 9001: 2008, OHSAS 18001: 2007 and ISO 14001: 2004
certified and offers customers a turn-key assistance,
providing a complete package of services:
- MV / LV systems for distribution substations
- Systems for HV / MV
- Electro-instrumental
- Systems for industry and electricity companies
- Maintenance.
Caravaggio Airport Orio al Serio - Bergamo Italy