2013/5773 Annual Report - Jewish Federation of New Hampshire


2013/5773 Annual Report - Jewish Federation of New Hampshire
2013/5773 Annual Report
Building a Jewish Future for New Hampshire
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
The New Hampshire
Jewish Reporter
Year in Review
As the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire enters a period of transition, with new
leadership ahead, a review of the past year
indicates that the organization continues to
meet vital needs within the New Hampshire
Jewish community while serving as a bridge,
connecting our statewide Jewish community
with world Jewry.
Helping Jews In Need
A major function for any organized Jewish community from the days of the Bible to
today is to focus upon Jews in need. Mel
Spierer has been the social worker for the
Federation for over 15 years. He reports that
this year, he has provided assistance to approximately 40 Jewish individuals and families from throughout the state. This number
has grown year to year, possibly due to the
economy and increased need, but likely also
due to the increased visibility of the Federation throughout the state. Spierer indicates
that the needs of our community members
have grown more complex, requiring sophisticated assessment and referral services
meant to promote well-being. Assistance
provided ranges from food to access to
health care and linkage with other specialized professionals and programs.
Often the Federation collaborates with
temples in providing assistance. The Temple
Taxi, launched in collaboration with Temple
Israel and Temple Adath Yeshurun in Manchester, was less successful. While community members have liked that the service was
made available, there have been few riders.
Building a Connected Community
The Federation has continued and expanded efforts to communicate with the
Jewish community through multiple channels including the Jewish Reporter monthly
newspaper, synagogue newsletters, the Federation web page (www.jewishnh.org), Facebook, Twitter, E-News, LinkedIn, presentations at temple boards, and any way that we
can get our message out. The web page remains dynamic, not just sharing who we are,
but highlighting upcoming events and programs and maintaining a community calendar for the statewide Jewish community. An
active Reporter Committee is dedicated to
improving the quality of our newspaper. Fran
Berman continues as editor of The Reporter.
Collaboration and Support for Temples
In the past year, over $50,000 in direct
support was given to temples in New Hampshire, primarily through Hebrew school funding, the Campaign for Jewish Needs matching grant incentives, and mini grants. This
year mini grants were went to multiple temPAGE A2
ples, including Temple Beth Abraham, Congregation Ahavas Achim, The Upper Valley
Jewish Community, Temple B’Nai Israel, and
Temple Beth Jacob. In addition, a grant was
given to the Board of Rabbis for the collaborative AJ Levine program.
Cultural and Community
This past April, the New Hampshire Jewish Film Festival (NHJFF), in its fifth year, enjoyed its most successful season yet. Under
the leadership of Linda Gerson and Pat Kalik
with support of a committee of over 20,
NHJFF presented a program that included
showings in Manchester, Merrimack, Concord, Keene, Hanover, and for the first time,
Portsmouth. More than 1,200 people attended the films. Plans are already under way to
prepare for the 2014 season.
In addition to the NHJFF, several other
cultural and community programs took place
in multiple locations. This was the first year
for a collaboration with the Boston Jewish
Music Festival (BJMF). Two BJMF performances took place in New Hampshire, at
Temple Beth Abraham in Nashua, and at
Temple Israel, Portsmouth, in collaboration
with the two temples and the Greater Seacoast UJA. Another musical highlight was
the Coffee House program featuring local
Jewish musicians. Two Coffee House Nights
were held at the Bridge Café. The Jewish
Professional Network (JPN) continues to
thrive, with an expanded committee and
new attendees. Speakers included Lew
Feldstein, Joe Reilly, Art Solomon, and Howard Brodsky.
Two Holocaust-related programs were
presented: the Kristallnacht observance,
which included a walk from the Federation to
Temple Israel, Manchester, and the Auschwitz Museum exhibit and opening, presented in collaboration with Rep. John Cebrowski and Rep. Cindy Rosenwald from the
State of New Hampshire House of Representatives. The program and exhibit took place
at the State Library, adjacent to the State
Capitol building.
Anti-Semitism in New Hampshire
Sadly, every year the Federation must
respond to anti-Semitism in our communities. Last year saw the successful effort to
rename Jew Pond. This year, the Federation
worked with the Anti-Defamation League to
facilitate a peer education program at John
Starks High School designed to train peer
leaders in battling discrimination and intolerance. The Federation, through its Community Relations Council Director, Ari AlexenThe New Hampshire
berg, responded in print to several newspaper articles that were anti-Semitic in nature.
The Federation also was active in reaching
out to New Hampshire political party leadership when candidates with documented anti-Semitic writings were invited to speak in
our state.
Children and Families
The Federation Preschool and the PJ Library program continue to serve families
with young children. Kindergarten returned
to the Federation building in Manchester in
2011-2012, grew during the current year,
and is expanding again for 2013-2014. Overall, the Preschool maintains a healthy enrollment and a reputation for quality while facing the challenge that many families with
young Jewish children now live in Bedford or
elsewhere outside the traditional North End
of Manchester.
Israel and World Jewry
The Jewish Federation of New Hampshire is part of a North American network of
over 150 federations. Our national organization, Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), takes a leadership role in issues
facing world Jewry. In addition to helping
Jews in need around the world, JFNA partners JAFI, JDC, and World ORT fund or operate programs in Israel dedicated to serving the most needy. Federation was also
active within Israel during discussions of
“Who Is a Jew” and in working with Natan
Sharansky, who is seeking a way to support
egalitarian Jewish observance in Israel at
the Western Wall for women. Our efforts to
inform the community about these issues
have been met with criticism by some
community members.
Unfortunately, the past year remained a
challenging one for Israel in terms of safety
and security. The Federation Director and our
JCRC Director had opportunities to meet with
members of our state’s Congressional delegation to thank them for their efforts to support Israel. In addition, a rally was held last
fall to support Israel during a time of crisis
due to ongoing missile attacks from Gaza.
Closer to home, our shlicha, Inbar Keren,
worked diligently throughout the state with a
primary focus of bringing Israel to our Jewish
community. She implemented a successful
Tu B’shevat program that included multiple
seders at area temples and raised money for
trees, which were later planted in our Sister
City of Hof Hacarmel. Inbar also put together
a wonderful Israel Independence Day program, bringing in community members from
throughout New Hampshire.
Jewish Reporter
Committed Board and Volunteers
This year in review highlights only some
of the many activities of the past year. One
feature in common with all of these activities is that they require a significant volunteer component to be successful. Each year,
hundreds of people volunteer in some way
with the Federation. Each Board member
also contributes strongly. Each JFNH Board
member is required to serve on a committee in addition to their board service. These
volunteer efforts have enabled the Federation to accomplish a great deal with a fairly
limited core staff consisting of a director,
office manager, and part-time accountant
and office support staff with assistance
from our shlicha.
A Challenge for Campaign and Diversifying Income
The Federation is grateful to the many
donors and volunteers who supported the
Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs. The
Campaign had a wonderful kick-off at the
new Labelle Winery featuring mentalist Sidney Freedman. The fact cannot be avoided
that the campaign continues to decline as
larger donors continue to depart our community. We also face the challenge that younger
people are not moving here in large numbers, and many of our children find their futures lie beyond New Hampshire. Our Federation is in no way unique in these challenges.
We have responded by diversifying income
and decreasing spending. The Federation remains fiscally sound, with an endowment
that is three times larger than our annual
spending. The Federation has opened an income stream by utilizing earnings from the
Foundation while leaving the corpus intact.
Additional funds have become available
through a successful corporate fundraising
initiative and the collection of program fees
for our events.
A Look Toward the Future
It has been a privilege to lead this organization, which strives to support and maintain
Jewish life. As Dan Cohen prepares to assume the Presidency of the Federation and
an interim director is being sought, the Federation plans to embark upon a strategic
planning process. We believe that the organization remains in strong hands with the current and incoming Board. As with all organizations, there will be changes, challenges,
and opportunities. May we go from strength
to strength.
Lou Schwartz, President
Jeff Fladen, Executive Director
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
Board of Directors 2012-2013
Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Board of Directors
Past President
VP-Public Relations
VP-Human Resources
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Endowment Rep
1 Year Term
3 Yrs Ending 2013
3 Yrs Ending 2014
3 Yrs Ending 2015
Lou Schwartz
Michael Rosenblum
Bob Feldmann
Norm Kushner
Dan Cohen
Anat Myers
Judy Wolff
Linda Gerson
Jay Madnick
Elsa Conrad
Michael Rosenblum
Rob Wofchuck
JoAnn Meyers
Miri Shpindler
Pat Kalik
Audrey Steinberg
Steven Zedeck
Steve Soreff
David Salzberg
Jeffrey Crocker
Jennifer Cannon
Roberta Brayer
Debbie De Passe
Michael Bornstein
Mimi Goldman
Jerry Fleischman
Nancy Frankel
Alan Kaplan
Davida Rubin Baker
Bud Baron (1)
Judith Jolton (1)
Community Representatives
Rabbi Levi Krinsky: Chabad Lubavitch of NH
Joel Baron, Elsa Conrad: Congregation Betenu
Rabbi Bryna Milkow, Sarah Finne-Sandler: Etz Hayim Synagogue
Rabbi Beth D. Davidson, Lee Hill: Temple Adath Yeshurun
Rabbi Jonathan Spira-Savett, Eitan Zeira: Temple Beth Abraham
Rabbi Robin Nafshi, Shaun Moore: Temple Beth Jacob
Rabbi Amy Loewenthal, David Butler: Congregation Ahavas Achim
Rabbi Hannah Orden, Marsha Ostroff: Temple B’nai Israel
Rabbi Eric Cohen, Stephen Saulten: Temple Israel
Stephen Borofsky: Temple Meyer David
Rabbi Edward Boraz, Richard Abel: Upper Valley Jewish Community
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
The New Hampshire
Jewish Reporter
Budget Overview
Operating Income/Expense
Campaign Revenue
Corporate Sponsorship
Preschool Occupancy Revenue
Interest Income
General Office Donation
Preschool Revenue
The Reporter Revenue
Cultural/Community Revenue
Campaign-Fundraising Revenue
Community Relations Revenue
Individual & Family Services Revenue
Senior/Community Outreach Revenue
Leadership Dev-Educ Revenue
Youth Programming Revenue
Israel Experience Revenue
Campership Program Revenue
Shaliach Program Revenue
Sister City Revenue
Total Income
Federation Office
Preschool Expenses
The Reporter Expenses
Cultural/Community Expenses
Campaign-Fundraising Expenses
Community Relations Expenses
Ind. & Family Services Expenses
Senior/Community Out. Expenses
Leadership Dev-Educ Expenses
Youth Programming Expenses
Israel Experience Expenses
Campership Program Expenses
Shaliach Program Expenses
Sister City Expenses
Allocation Expenses
Total Allocation Expenses
Contingency Reserve
Total Expense
Net Operating Income
Other Income/Expense
Other Income
Campaign Endowment Fund
Previous Years Surplus
Net Other Income
Net Income
The New Hampshire
Jul 2011 - Jun 2012
Jul 2010 - Jun 2011
Jewish Reporter
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
2011-2012 Revenue & Expense
JFNH Revenue 2011-2012
JFNH Expense 2011-2012
Other Income
Cultural & Community
Overseas/Israel Programs
The Jewish Reporter
Hebrew School & Other
Local Alloc.
Other Programming
Personnel Expense
Israel & Camp Grants
General & Administrative
Campaign Pledges
Cultural & Community
Foundation Support
The Jewish Reporter
Revenue Chart
Campaign Pledges
Foundation Support
The Jewish Reporter
Cultural & Community Programs
Other Income
Expense Chart
Personnel Expense
General & Administrative
The Jewish Reporter
Cultural & Community Programs
Israel & Camp Grants
Overseas/Israeli Programs
Hebrew School & Other Local Alloc.
Other Programming
Mission Statement
“The Jewish Federation of New Hampshire
promotes Jewish continuity by enhancing and expanding
a connected and vibrant Jewish community
in New Hampshire, Israel, and around the world.”
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
The New Hampshire
Jewish Reporter
Foundation Report
General Trust Funds
I.A. Brodie Fund
E.M. Chase Fund
General Trust Fund
Ethel & Saul Greenspan Fund
M. A. Kaplan Fund
Louis Miller Family Fund
Hyman Reingold Fund
J. Morton & Miriam Rosenblum Fund
Max Rovner Fund
Sidney Samuels Fund
Alex Shapiro Fund
HAB Shapiro Family Fund
Harvey Winneg Fund
Campaign Endowment Fund
Capital Reserve Fund
Donor Designated Funds
Etta Berman Educational Fund
Muriel & Edward Broad Preschool Scholarship Fund
Andrew Cohen Scholarship Fund
Annebelle & Arnold Cohen Fund
Zelma & Ben Dorson Senior Fund
Jennie & Mandel Eluto Education Fund
Maurice Foster Senior Fund
Monroe & Ruth Jaffe Fund
Theodore & Charlotte Krentzel Fund
Saul Sidore Senior Fund
William R. Silverman Fund
Singer Family Fund
Winneg Family Education Fund
Gary & Irma Wallin Young Leadership Fund
Zvi & Debby Cohen JFGM Film Festival Fund
Paul & Fran Gordon Family Fund
Irving & Bernice Singer Teen Israel Experience Fund
Kushner-Tumen Fund
Philanthropic Funds:
Children’s Enrichment & Education Fund
Annebelle & Arnold Cohen Tribute Fund
Solomon Family Fund
Krentzel, Muskat & Forgosh Family Philanthropic
PACE Trust Funds
Joan & William Green Pace Fund
Sidney Samuels Pace Fund
Theodore & Charlotte Krentzel Pace Fund
Max Rovner Pace Fund
Lee & Jeffrey Forgosh Pace Fund
Muriel & Edward Broad Pace Fund
Dorothy Goodstein Pace Fund
Barbara & David Stahl Pace Fund
Goldstein Pace Fund
Saul & Ethel Greenspan Pace Fund
Custodial Trust Funds
Temple B’Nai Israel of Laconia
Temple Beth Abraham
The New Hampshire
Jewish Reporter
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
2012-2013 Campaign Honor Roll
Gary Singer
Jeffrey Singer
Robert Singer
Stephen Singer
Michael Sydney
Richard and Fran Winneg
Richard and Janet Cohen
Jeffrey Forgosh
Dan Muskat
Irwin Muskat
Robert and Joyce Selig
Edward Broad
Larry Eckman
Michael and Evelyn Miller
David Stahl
Iyamoro Baker and Davida Rubin-Baker
Howard Brodsky
Daniel and Tiffany Cohen
Gary Lindner
Michael Rosenblum
Al Sandler and Sarah Finne-Sandler
Mark Silverstein
Stephen Camann
Luis Englander
Louis Fink and Pamela Grich
Jeffrey and Shirley Ginn
George and Sally Newman
Marc and JoAnn Rubenson
Louis Schwartz
Barry Scotch
Bertram Silver
Martin Wolff
Walter and Eleanor Angoff
Robert and Debra Feins
Joel and Margy Friedman
Bernard Gasser
Samuel and Miriam Goldman
Michael Goldsmith
Philip and Carolyn Hollman
Daniel and Joy Monfried
Jay and Sue Niederman
Milton and Edith Novak
Donald Silverman
Norman and Sue Stahl
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
Jeremy and Deborah Berger
Michael and Roberta Bornstein
Bernard and Elaine Brody
Steven and Karen Cohen
Robert and Marsha Feder
Jeff Fladen
David and Davi-Linda Friedman
Gary and Mara Friedman
Harold and Merle Hochman
Philip Katz
David Krupnick and Darlene GaynorKrupnick
Richard and Nancy Kudler
Mark and Julie Le Doux
Stuart Needleman
Elliott and Judith Pritikin
Raymond Saidel
Michael and Sheila Satzow
Rabbi Joshua Segal
Roi and Miri Shpindler
Steven Shulman
Robert Stahl
Abner Taub and Liliane Sznycer
Saul Taube
Ralph Baer
Judson Belmont
Stephen Bogursky
Charles Broad
William and Carol Cohen
George Eckman
Martin and Ann Fabian
Michael and Debby Fedder
Robert and Marcia Feldmann
David Freedman and Laura Kahn
Alan and Elizabeth Gaby
Ernest and Loretta Greenberg
Mark and Kathleen Gross
Daniel Guttman and Lisa Ferrisi
Bruce Harwood
Matthew Henken and Hilary Ryder
Jay and Marjorie Hodes
Robert and Judith Jolton
Jeffrey and Evelyn Kantor
Douglas and Sarah Katz
Henry and Melissa Lipman
Stanley and Jane Locke
Jay Madnick
Brian Moroze
Patrick and Alma O’Grady
David and Leslie Ossoff
David and Elaine Penchansky
Sol Rockenmacher
George and Joan Segal
Alex Granok and April Shaw
Steven and Fran Short
Joel and Elaine Silberberg
The New Hampshire
Steven and Jane Silberberg
Lewis and Miriam Silverman
William Siroty
Rick Sirvint and Roberta Gordenstein
Joseph Smiga
Stephen Soreff and Peggy Tucker
Melvin and Rachel Spierer
Rabbi Jon and Laurie Spira-Savett
Barry and Audrey Steinberg
Howard and Ann Sukany Suls
Adam and Catherine Tanzer
Jeremy and Cheryl Waldman
Carl Wallman
Eitan and Gabriele Zeira
Gerald Zidle
Richard Abel and Roberta Berner
Martin and Susan Baroff
Leonard and Rita Benjamin
Elliott Berry and J.C. Harvey
Rabbi Edward and Shari Boraz
Jeffrey and Jennifer Cannon
Andrew and Jennifer Cheifetz
Steven and Jane Cohen
Gregory and Deborah De Passe
Bruce and Nancy Dorner
John Echternach and Judith Englander
Jeff and Carole Eisenberg
Saul and Thelma Ellerin
Lorne and Nona Fienberg
Richard B. Friedman
David Goldman
Alan and Rebecca Green
David and Barbara Green
Jim and Missy Haas and Family
Steven and Alyse Kanter
Alan Kaplan
Ed and Roberta Klopfer
David and Sandra Kochman
Bernard and Bernice Kramer
Eugene Lesser and Jennifer Starr
Mark and Cheryl Liebling
Daniel Marcus and Sharon Gunsher
Steven and Susan Paris
Thomas and Vivian Prunier
Fred Rosenblum
Gary and Merryll Rosenfeld
Lawrence and Robin Rubin
Alan and Eleanor Rudnick
Larence and Michele Gaier Rush
David and Vera Sacks
Sanford and Rivka Sadja
David Salzberg
Steven Scudder and Donna Palley
David and Lisa Shechter
Moshe Shpindler
Corey and Lori Siegel
Daniel and Debbie-Ann Sklar
Jewish Reporter
Gary and Carol Sobelson
Lon Sunshine
Ken and Amanda Weintraub
Ray and Nancy Widrew
Mark and Susan Zankel
Steven and Amy Borne
David and Maxine Abels
Mark and Laura Aronson
Yeshayahu and Chantal Artsy
Alexander Asch and Rabbi Jennifer Marx
Michael and Michele Bank
David Barnes
Sheldon Baron
William Barry III
Daniel and Diane Becker
David and Lisa Bellman
Corey Belobrow and Gretchen Witt
Joel and Mary Berman
Paul and Alyse Bettinger
Henry and Pat Biagi
Paul and Elaine Bieber
Ian Bier and Paula Diamond
Howard and Marilyn Bookman
Stephen Blatt and Faith Minard Blatt
Steven and Pam Blotcky
Neil and Judy Blume
Ray and Lori Boelig
Richard and Lisa Bonneau
Stephen and Linda Borofsky
Michael and Ronay Bovarnick
Samuel and Sara Brest
Spencer and Carol Brody
Gary and Barbara Broom
Alan and Sharon Burgess
Sanders and Rowena Burstein
Bryan and Ami Cadugan
Bill and Mary Cavanaugh
Richard Chase
Michael and Lisa Claire
Arthur and Ruth Cohen
Jeffrey Cohen
Jim and Terri Cook
Jeffrey and Martha Crocker
Douglas and Isabel Danforth
Christopher and Amy Delone
Mark and Sandy Dickens
Scott and Colleen Dickman
Ethan and Florence Dmitrovsky
Stephen Dolman and Donna Lenz-Dolman
Robert Dorf
Andrew Dunn
Mark and Susan Edelstein
Robert and Michelle Elfenbein
Roger Elkus
Jerry and Elaine Ellner
2012-2013 Campaign Honor Roll
Leonard Epstein and Diane Clark-Epstein
Samuel and Olga Fain
Steven and Alison Falk
Paul and Arlene Fishbein
Alan and Tina Fishow
Jerry and Sharon Fleischman
Stephen and Ann Foster
Barry and Dru Fox
Lee and Roberta Freedman
Bennett Freeman
Alan and Nancy Friedberg
Roger and Kathryn Frieden
Rabbi Edward and Janice Friedman
David Frydman and Jennifer Patterson
Joel and Melody Funk
Mathew Gatzke and Sandra Crystall
Daniel and Linda Gerson
Timothy and Katy Gibney
David Gintzler
Samuel and Ellen Gold
Ronald and E. Sandra Goldberg
Carl and Eileen Golden
David Goldstein
Ken and Rhoda Goodman
William and Jane Goodman
Gary and Lynn Goodnough
Arthur and Irene Gordon
Donald and Carol Gorelick
Mark and Elaine Granoff
Leonard and Elinor Green
Carl and Sandy Greenbaum
Michael and Fay Greenberg
Harris and Avis Greenstone
Harold and Charlotte Gross
Daniel and Kasia Grossman
Richard Grossman
Brook Haberman
John and Elizabeth Halper
Denis and Sheryl Hammond
Michael and Ruth Harris
David and Claire Helfman
Howard and Robin Helrich
Lee Hill and Ellen Groh
Ed and Stacey Hilston
Burton and Suzanna Hyman
Floyd and Hope Inman
Ron Janowitz
Wane and Lee Joselow
Jay and Cheryl Kahn
Michael and Beverly Kahn
David and Lea Kamen
Aaron and Deborah Kaplan
Michael Kasten
Malcolm and Selena Katz
Newton and Arlene Kershaw
Ira and Elaine Kinsler
Robert and Atara Kirsh
Jeff and Michelle Klein
Rabbi Barry Krieger and Alice Passer
Rabbi Levi Krinsky and Shternie Krinsky
Herbert and Marion Kummel
Bruce Labitt and Elinor Schwartz
Marc and Dominique Lapin
Barry and Bonnie Leshin
Jeffrey and Serena Levine
Mark and Lynda Levine
Howard Levy and Dana Neitlich
Stephan Lewy
Martin and Jean Lorrey
Carlos and Cheryl Mainmer
Paul Mansback and Leslie Rifkin
Jeff Meyers and Amy Ignatius
Shaun and Stacey Moore
Myron and Zee Morse
Robert and Gena Moses
Robert and Lisa Orenberg
Craig and Stacey Oshkello
David and Fredda Osman
Richard Osofsky
Barry and Dorothy Perlow
Bruce and Wendy Platt
Stanley and Janet Pollack
Todd Poret and Sidney Mitchell
Robert and Sharon Posnick
Edward and Rose Pound
Eric and Heidi Pound
Joel and Daniella Preminger
John and Roberta Ravoll
Dennis and Shannon Richmond
David Riese and Eva Bak
Robert and Kimberly Rimalover
Philip Roizin
Arnold Rocklin-Weare
Ken and Jodi Roos
Arthur and Maureen Rosen
Jay and Barbara Rosenfield
Harry Rosenstein
Steven and Karen Rothstein
Albee Budnitz and Vivian Rowe
Ralph Rudnick
Barry and Debra Sack
Brady Sadler
Marc Sadowsky and Devra Cohen
Jack Saunders
Alan and Laurie Schechter
John and Jill Schiffman
Michael Schloss
Steven Schwartz and Paula LeonardSchwartz
Joel Schwelling and Joan Izen
Robert and Elizabeth Segal
Albert and Sonia Shamash
Charlie and Michelle Sherman
Richard and Dorothy Sherman
Stuart and Amy Sherman
Jeff and Ann Silverstein
Steve ans Susan Simonoff
Eliot Sirkin
The New Hampshire
David and Rebecca Sky
Lewis and Debrah Snapper
Gary and Kelly Solomon
Gerald and Anita Sonis
Noel and Trish Spear
Howard Spitz and Pat Trionfo-Spitz
Richard Stahl
Ernest and Pamela Swersky
Mitchell and Arlene Taranow
Ariel and Nancy Tobi
Andru Volinsky
Leonard and Debbie Waldman
Martin and Dorothy Warshaw
Peter and Karen Wasserman
Terre Weisman
Jeffrey and Sharon Weiss
John and Christie Wheeler
Kenneth Wilner
Morton Wise
Rob Wofchuck
Steven and Shari Zedeck
Steven and Judy Zeichner
Anonymous (2)
$1 - $99
Linda Abels
Jerold and Janet Abramson
Jeff and Rachel Achber
Jeffrey and Phyllis Adams
Richard and Lisa Adams
Ira and Jodi Adler
Seth and Karen Aframe
Jonathan Kane and Arlene Agosto
Douglas and Jane Allen
Eliot and Regina Andler
Bernard and Elaine Ash
Alfred and Bernice Beitz
Martin Bender and Nancy Webster
James and Judith Berger
Bruce Berk and Becky Shahan-Berk
Jay Berman
Norman and Stephanie Berman
Robert and Toby Bersak
Douglas and Christine Blais
Harvey and Elaine Bloom
Thomas and Aura Blouin
Mort and Joyce Blumenthal
Jeffrey and Wendy Boxer
The Bratter-Gronblom Family
Joseph and Elaine Braverman
Gordon and Andrea Buchin
James and Cynthnia Burrows
David Butler
Emil and Sonia Campeanu
Arnold and Faith Canner
Randall Carmel
Lawrence and Ellen Casey
Steven and Jeanette Chasin
Steve and Denise Chazin
Jewish Reporter
Andrew and Deborah Cohen
Rabbi Eric Cohen
Gary and Bonnie Cohen
Larry Cohen
Michael and Saundra Cohen
Richard and Carol Cohen
Stewart and Claudine Cohen
Jerry Cohn and Carol Bernhard
Ken Cohn
David Conley
David and Nancy Court
Chris and Sharon Curole
Yehuda and Amy Daskal
David and Anita Deifik
Robert and Paige Duncan
Martin & Michelle Dunn
Jeremy Dzen and Corin De Chirico
Ira and Linda Edelman
Elliot and Kathleen Eisenberg
Mark and Callista Epstein
Rick and Harriet Fingeroth
Mark and Amy Finkelstein
Bennett and Rosanne Fisch
Joseph Foster and Marissa Baltus
Paul and Betsy Franks
Jacob Freedman
Kevin and Susan Frewert
Kenneth Fuld
Sean and Melissa Gaffney
Spencer and Lenore Ganzell
Ben and Laura Garber
Darren and Stacy Garnick
Kevin and Kelly Garnick
Paul and Barbara Garnick
Haywood and Carol Gelman
Andrew and Joanne Gersten
Roy and Elaine Ginsberg
Douglas and Marsha Glance
Michael and Judith Glick
Gary and Dawn Glynn
Bryan and Amy Goldstein
Leon and Ronnie Goldstein
Mark Goldstein and Andi Axman
Marc and Louise Gomes-Casseres
Joshua Gordon and Lisa Shapiro
Louis and Ann Greenberg
Michael and Anne Greenberg
Elliott and Pam Greenblott
David and Julie Griffiths
Richard and Marlene Grosky
Jon and Janet Gross
Steven and Helena Guttman
Steven and Claudia Haime
Matthew and Ellen Harrington
Bruce and Michelle Harrison
Steven and Christine Heifetz
Jerard and Karen Herman
Alan and Marilyn Hoffman
Tyrus and Linda Houston
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
2012-2013 Campaign Honor Roll
Keith and Laura Hrasky
Jay and Beth Hudson
Thomas and Robyn Jacobs
Andrew and Nancy Jaffe
Joel and Hyla Jaffe
Stanley Juda
David and Bryna Kamin
Jonathan Kane and Arlene Agosto
Stephen and Kim Kantor
Michael and Tricia Kapiloff
Donald and Nancy Kaplan
Ron Kaplan
Martin Kass
Joel and Diana Katz
Robert and Phyllis Katz
Fred and Amy Kelley
Jon Kelly
George and Cheryl Kessler
Norman and Alice Kinsler
Sam and Leslie Kirshman
Matthew Klain
Paul and Audrey Knapp
Randy and Carmen Kosow
Alexander Kupchik
David Landsman z”l and Hilda Landsman
John and Allison Leary
Peter and Shelley LeCours
Alex Leibowitz
Matthew and Kathy Levin
Eli and Aimee Levy
Steven and Susan Levy
Larry and Sheryl Liberman
Henry and Terri Lipman
Mayer and Patricia Lipman
Irving and Susan Lipschitz
James L’Italien
Cliff Lopate
Joe and Karen Lukeman
James and Carol Lurie
Richard and Deborah Lutsk
Aaron Madnick
Harold and Karen Manning
Everett and Brenda Marder
Scott and Carolyn Martin
Barry and Tina Mason
Ralph Medina
Stephen Meltzer
Arnold and Reva Miller
Ross and Amy Moldoff
Allan Moses
Donald and Elizabeth Moskowitz
Jeff and Shari Moskowitz
Louis and Francine Mroz
Joel and Fran Naidus
William and Sharon Olender
Les and Sue Orenstein
Fredric and Deni Oven
Dennis and Sally Parcels
Barrie and Barbara Ann Paster
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
David and Linda Pastor
Jeffrey Pastor and Donna Rosenstock
Steve Houran and Linda Peck
Alvin and Jeannette Popovsky
Todd and Lisa Porter
James and Ellen Prendergast
Howard and Rosalyn Price
Eric Ratinoff and Nicole Leapley
Sidney and Eileen Regen
Samir and Amanda Rezaoui
Rabbi Louis and Connie Rieser
Carl and Adele Robertson
Carey and Missy Rosenberg
Richard Rosenberg and Linda
Leon and Sandra Rosenblum
Alan and Lisbeth Rosenfeld
Michael Rosenfeld
Samuel and Esther Rosenzweig
Jack Ruderman and Amy Messer
Leonard and Mariane Ruvinsky
Jerald Sandler
Paul and Rosalind Sandler
Christopher and Alyse Savage
Chuck and Lisa Schadick
John and Susan Scheinman
Barry and Sylvia Scherr
Howard and Susan Schiff
Dennis and Kerry Schneider
Michael and Sandra Schneider
Bradley and Hillary Schrank
Jonathon Schwartz and Lisa Sheiman
David and Ellen Segal
Leonard Seidenberg
Gary and Susan Seidner
Mark and Linda Selesnick
Jerome and Joan Seligman
Girard and Sharyn Sevigny
Paul and Marion Shapiro
Harvey Shepard and Kathy Brownback
Paul and Susan Sherr
Michael and Marni Silverstein
Paul and Carol Smolenski
Warren and Patricia Sommers
Jerry and Sharon Spivak
Craig and Cynthia Starkman
Hebert and Diann Steinberg
Richard and Sonja Steinberg
Arthur and Sue Ann Stern
Robert and Carol Sternberg
Richard and Doreen Stonner
Patrick and Helayne Talbott
Scott and Sheryl Tedford
Samuel and Betty Tobias
Howard Tocman
David Toub and Phyllis Shapiro
Robert and Chong-Cha Treitel
James and Barbara Tullis
Jere and Marsha Turner
The New Hampshire
Joel Varnick
Abe and Roberta Visser
Terence and Beth Watterson
John and Dina Weber
Bruce and Carol Wechsler
Stephen and Patricia Weiner
Jerry and Rose Weinrieb
Robert and Judith Weisner
Michael and Arielle Welch
Norman and Roberta White
Kenneth and Rayline Williams
Adam and Sarah Wolff
Michael and Sroythong Wolfson
Glenn and Mary Wuellenweber
Ted Yegerman
Michael Yellin and Debra Garlin
Richard and Lisa Young
Howard and Gay Zibel
Anonymous (3)
Lee Forgosh
Charlotte Krentzel
Margery Muskat
Bernice Singer
Rochelle Lindner
Susan Needleman
Stephanie Wolf-Rosenblum
Rabbi Beth Davidson
Judith Wolff
Pamela Baldassarre
Rachel Davidson
Pam Englander
Nancy Frankel and Mary Atwell
Fran Gordon
Pauline Gottschalk
Patricia Kalik
Ruth Kleinfeld
Louise Allard
Muriel Broad
Elizabeth Eckman
Marilyn Flynn
Ellen Gordon
Susan and Mark Israel
Beth Ann Salzman
Karen Satz
Deborah Stone
Jewish Reporter
Janice Belmont
Jane Bogursky
Roberta Brayer
Gwen Eckman
Toni Gasser
Laurie and Theodore Medrek
Nancy Moore
Cathy-Lynn Locke Schwartz
Barbara Scotch
Karen Silverstein
Bernyce Taube
Honey Weiss
Nancy Zidle
Helen Arnold
Paula Chessin Clayman
Linda Ferris
Michelle Goldman
Carolyn Gordon and David Webb
Rochelle Heit
Frances Shapiro
Esther Shpindler
Elizabeth Spindel
Deborah Bailin
Selma Berman
Roslyn Block
Carol Bonow
Kathy Brodsky
Nancy Jo Chabot
Elsa Conrad
Susan Crupi
Barbara Davidson
Mildred Eisman
Claire and Jack Fabian
Linda Feinberg
Stephanie Flynn
Sylvia Friedmann
Jeanne Gerard
Madelaine Gilmartin
Miriam Gitterman
Jeanette Goldberg
Michael and Susan Golden
Amy Goldstein
Arnold and Alice Goldstein
Susan Grodman
Evelyn Hammerman
Susan Hankin-Birke
Pam Hausler
Marcia Herson
Helen Honorow
Dardana Hoyt
Mia Jacobson
Charlotte Kapiloff
Andrea Waxler Kaplan and Elliott Kaplan
Emilie Kaplan
2012-2013 Campaign Honor Roll
Sheryl Rich Kern
Anne Licciardello
Donna Malkin
Doris Marks
JoAnn Meyers
Monday Morning Mahjongg Group
Ellen Musinsky
Rabbi Robin and Cantor Shira Nafshi
Shelly Osborne
Selma Pastor
Jill Pelunis
Debra and Michael Pignatelli
Linda Rockenmacher
Audrey Rondo
Jeanne Good Rubenson
Rhoda Rudnick
Stella Scheckter
Sylvia Schwartz
Judith Shapiro
Roberta Silberberg
Paula Silver
Susan Smith
L. Renee Solomon
Marsha Starkeson
Jessica Stern
Joanne Taube
Jane Taylor
Diane Toth
Peggy Weisman
Rona Zlokower
Isadora Zlotowicz
$1 - $99
Esther Deborah Abner
Sarita Abrahams
Karen Alper
Karen Anderson
Dina Berger
Roberta Blades
Paula Blank
Jane Boyer
Rita Bradshaw-Beyer
Lisa Brand
Shelley Brass
Renee Brenner
Lessa Brill
Sylvia Broady
Stephanie Brooks
Barbara Brown
Jean Buck
Harriett Cannon
Nancy Cantor
Janet Cerniglia
Dina Chaitowitz
Rona Challant and Charlotte Rabinovitz
Marlene Chamrin
Ruth Chevion
Barbara Choquette
Annette Cohen
Ellen and Alan Cohen
Pamela and Jay Cohen
Helen Colby
Heather Conchado
Gayle Crane
Evelyn Davidson
Joan Diamond-Rego
Cheryl Dolin
Gloria Dublin
Barbara Dunkin
Ryana Dykes
Betty Edmondson
Jezadiah Eisenberg
Debra Eisner
Judy Eliasberg
Barbara Feinberg
Pauline Feuerstein
Mindy Fitterman
Elenore Freedman
Blanche Friedman
Shirley Garrett
Linda Gerson
Beth Goldberg
Sandra R. Goldberg
Judith Goldsmith
Herta Grabstald
Ruth Granoff
Marilyn Greenspan
Marlene Grossman
Esther Hanauer
Lauren Harris
Margery Harrison and Guillermo Zeballos
Bella Haykinson
Matalida Hirsch
Ferne Huntermann
Elissa Kahn
Carol Kaplan
Bertha Kaufman
Frances Keefe
Amy Kirschner
Roseanne Kramer
Dorothy Krasner
Carol Kraus
Meredith Kropp
Annette Kurman
Marilyn and Melvin Lezberg
Colleen Lillstrang
Leatrice Levy
Melanie Ludwig
Rebecca MacLennan
Rhonda Madnick
Sandra McCurdy
Linda McGrath
Sylvia Metz Milden
Anat and Duane Myers
Barbara Olson
Cynthia Onigman
Rabbi Hannah Orden and Don Moskowitz
Lori Pawlowski
The New Hampshire
Rachael Pick
Barbara Pine
Benette Pizzimenti
Michele Plotkin
Eleanor Porter
Carol Pressman
Elaine Rabinovitz
Tina Ramsey
Noa Rembiszewski-Lewy
Lyra Riabov
Michele Richmond
Irina Rombe
Marilyn Rosen
Reva Rovner
Joyce Russell
Janet Samuels
Brenda Schadick
Reghina Scharf
Rachel Schor
Thelma Seidenberg
Carol Settino
Arlene Shapiro
Tabitha Shore
Esta Shriber
Dorothy Silber
Linda Singer
Lesley Stein
Miriam Plonsky
Mary Lisa Vann
Pam Weinrieb
Jane Holly Weintraub
Marcia White
Stacy Whittier
Corri Wilson
Yvette Yeager
Daniella Yitzchak and James Moon
Helayne Young
Marilyn Zifrin
UBS Financial Services
YourCause LLC
Other Donations
In memory of Nona Fienberg’s father,
Norman Davis
Richard Abel and Roberta Berner
In honor of Jeffrey and Lee Forgosh
Mary and Scott Fizpatrick
In memory of May Gruber
Jeff Fladen
In honor of Alice Krasner’s 100th birthday
Charlie and Michelle Sherman
In memory of Sheldon Krensky
Isadora Zlotowicz
In memory of Rabbi Krinsky’s mother
Robert Treitel
In memory of Francis J. O’Gara Jr.
Jon Barton
In honor of the Jewish Reporter
Miriam Plonsky
In memory of Jonathan L. Samen
Ellen Fienberg
In memory of Anna Wheeler
Ira and Cheryl Jacobs
Barbara and Jay Rosenbield Family Fund
Benjamin Cohen Trust
David G. and Barbara J. Stahl Fund
Dorothy Goodstein PACE Fund
Forberg Law Office
GE Foundation
Goldstein PACE Fund
Greenspan Foundation
Joan and William Green PACE Fund
Liberty Mutual
Manchester Community Theatre Players
Maurice and Rhoda Miller Endowment Fund
Max Rovner PACE Fund
Muriel R. and Edward Broad Charitable Fund
Saul and Ethel Greenspan PACE Fund
Sidney Samuels PACE Fund
Theodore and Charlotte Krentzel PACE Fund
Jewish Reporter
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
2013/5773 Shem Tov Award Recipients
The Shem Tov (good name) awards were created by the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire to recognize volunteers from organizations across New Hampshire who have provided outstanding service to the Jewish community. The recipients below were nominated by their respective organizations.
Community Meals Network.
Dina has been on the Etz Hayim Synagogue Board of Directors for one year. Previously,
she served on Etz Hayim Synagogue Education Committee for two years.
Barbara Bailey - Congregation Betenu
In addition to supporting Congregation Betenu in all activities, Barbara is passionate about helping children. In her career as an Occupational Therapist, Barbara has worked primarily with children, currently with the Hudson Public Schools.
Barbara can always count on her family for support in her
synagogue endeavors. She teams up with Elaine Schwartz on
the education committee and as a volunteer in the religious
school. Barbara has co-chaired the Tu B’shevat Seder at Congregation Betenu for more than 20 years. She is instrumental
in organizing, sorting, schlepping, and selling at the Congregation’s fall yard sale, and she is always available when the
congregation or a member needs a helping hand
Norma and Lester Cohen – Congregation Ahavas Achim
Barbara Bailey
Sheldon “Bud” Baron - Temple Adath Yeshurun
Natalie and Bud moved to Manchester in 1963. Shortly after, they joined Temple Israel, and within the first year Bud was
elected to the Board of Directors. He was a member of the
Board for 10 years, during which time he was the recording
treasurer, budget chairman (the total budget was $39,000),
and president. He also served on the Jewish Community Center Board for several years until its dissolution.
In 1977, after a merger attempt, Natalie and Bud joined
Temple Adath Yeshurun, where he became a member of the
Board in the first year and served for 15 years straight until
Sheldon “Bud” Baron
term limit rules kicked in. At various times after his first stint,
Bud served another 6 or 7 terms. For the past 32 years continuously, Bud has had a lot of enjoyment serving on both the TAY Brotherhood Board and the
Ritual Committee.
In addition to the above, Bud presently serves on the Auction Committee and the steering
committee of Seniors Forever Young. In the past year, Bud, sat on the Federation Board and
the Federation Budget and Allocations committee. In his other life, for 19 years, Bud was a
member of the Board and Treasurer of the Northern New England Association of Personnel
Consultants. When you tie the whole package together, Bud says, “It was gratifying.”
Dina Michael Chaitowitz - Etz Hayim Synagogue
Dina is a lawyer and Chief of Appeals at the U.S. Attorney
Office, Boston – Federal Prosecutor for District of Massachusetts.
She has been Class Parent for approximately three years
for her son Sam’s Hebrew School class. In their B’Nai Mitzvah
year, she helped organize a group project in which a band of
seven students went to various area nursing homes to play
music for the residents.
Elijah’s Table (ET) is an Etz Hayim community project in
which the synagogue prepares and serves a monthly supper
to the folks of Derry. Dina has created and maintains the ET Dina Michael Chaitowitz
Blog (https://freemealsinderry.blogspot.com), which provides
information on the times, dates, and locations of free meals that are available in the Londonderry/Derry area; the blog also posts photographs of the meals, the guests, and the volunteers. Dina creates and distributes the monthly electronic sign-up sheet that organizes the
food donations for the monthly free meals, and notifies local newspapers of the event. She
cooks for and serves at the monthly meal.
She participates in the local Community Meals Network, which meets and shares information about the needs of the hungry in the area, and publishes a calendar approximately every six months that sets out the free meals provided by organizations within the
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
The New Hampshire
Norma and Lester Cohen joined Congregation Ahavas Achim when they moved to Keene
in 1981 and have been active supporters ever since. For the
past 32 years, Lester has read the Haftorah at every High Holiday Service. Their children, grandchildren, and now their
great-grandchildren are involved in Ahavas Achim. Norma was
very active in the Sisterhood program, raising funds for repairs and decorations in the building over the years.
The Cohens are considered by many to be the matriarch
and patriarch of Ahavas Achim’s Jewish community and have
presided over a lifetime of Jewish events and fundraising activities, both in New Hampshire and at their winter home in
Norma and Lester Cohen
The Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at
Keene State College is named for the Cohen family.
Bob Feldmann – Jewish Federation of New Hampshire
Bob Feldmann moved to Londonderry in 1999 with his wife, Marcia, and daughter, Molly.
A month after arriving, Deena was born, and then Eli was born two years later. Bob and his
family have been active members of Temple Beth Abraham
and Chabad Lubavitch, and all three of their children attended
the JFNH Preschool. When the kids got older, they were all
onstage in productions in the JFNH Theatre, with Marcia and
Bob in supporting roles behind the scenes.
Bob attended Rochester Institute of Technology, where he
received a BS in Mechanical Engineering. This was followed
by four years as a training officer in the U.S. Army at Aberdeen
Proving Grounds in Maryland. After that, Bob went to work as
a design engineer at General Motors in Dayton, OH, where he
Bob Feldmann
worked for Inland/Delco Products/Delco Chassis/Delphi Chassis until 1999. While in Dayton, he earned an MS in Materials
Engineering at University of Dayton. Since 1999, Bob has worked as a design engineer at
Freudenberg-NOK/Vibracoustic/TrelleborgVibracoustic in Manchester.
Bob is being recognized today for his service to the Jewish Federation of NH, where he
has been a Board Member since 2004. Bob served as Treasurer for two years and has
been on the Planning & Allocations Committee for the past nine years, which he chaired
for seven years. He has served on the Building Committee and the Executive Director
Search Committee.
Bert Freedman - Temple Israel, Portsmouth
Bert is a second-generation member of Temple Israel,
Portsmouth. His children, Nathan and Elana, were both Bar/
Bat Mitzvah in the temple, the same temple where Bert himself was made Bar Mitzvah (his son had the same Haftorah)
and where he and his wife Deb were married. His mother is
still a member as well. Bert lives in Portsmouth and owns
George & Phillips Sporting Good in Exeter, NH, a family-owned
business for 93 years.
Bert has served on the temple Board of Directors for many
years, and he has been a member of committees including
Capital Campaign, Financial Oversight, Social Events, and
Bingo. He also ran the Annual Meeting Dinner for many years.
Jewish Reporter
Bert Freedman
2013/5773 Shem Tov Award Recipients
Katy Gibney – Temple Beth Jacob
Aida Koocher – Temple Israel, Manchester
Katy was raised on Long Island and graduated from Adelphi University with a BSRN. She has been married to Tim for
23 years. They have four children: Jacob, Rose, Jera, and
Sam. Katy was instrumental in gathering together a community of like-minded friends and families, called Community
WithOut Walls. It has coalesced into nearly 40 families who
gather for open-mic nights with potluck dinners. Within the
CWOW community, Katy helped start Nature’s Child, a group
of mothers who homeschool their children.
Katy is the Nurse at Camp Glen Brook during their summer and winter programs. Katy loves music and is a very caring and compassionate human being. Currently, Katy is training to become a Certified Music Practitioner.
Since 1988, Aida Koocher has been an integral member of
Temple Israel. Her history of volunteer service began with her
leadership of the Junior Congregation in 1999. She went on to
contribute to the continuation of the Book of Life, which is
used during Yizkor services. Aida’s involvement with the Kol
Israel publication has kept Temple members connected.
Aida is a past and current member of the Board of Directors. During this time she has served as Treasurer and CoPresident of Temple Israel. Her most recent endeavor has
been serving Religious School Committee Chair. Prior to this,
Aida Koocher
Aida taught at the former Community Religious School. When
the institution dissolved, Aida felt strongly about continuing to
provide Conservative religious education to Jewish youth. This led to the inception of Temple
Israel’s current Religious School. The school is now a well-established pillar of the temple
and an important part of many members’ lives.
Although she is originally from New Jersey, Aida has built a wonderful life in Salem, NH,
with her husband, Edward, and their son, Nathan, who is currently finishing his junior year at
the University of Pennsylvania. Outside of the Temple, Aida still dedicates her life to helping
others. She has been a speech and language pathologist in the Salem School District for the
last 33 years, working with preschool and elementary school children with a wide variety of
needs. Aida has a passion for the people in all aspects of her life and those that she serves.
She truly exemplifies the qualities the temple seeks when selecting a Shem Tov recipient.
Katy Gibney
Bob Goldberg – Temple Israel, Portsmouth
Bob has always been an active participant in his Jewish
community, serving on the board of directors and as president
of his prior congregation in California. Currently residing in
Greenland, NH, he and his wife Marjorie of 61 years have been
members of Temple Israel Portsmouth for 23 years. They have
two sons and two daughters. After a long and storied career in
air pollution control, Bob is enjoying retirement.
Bob was instrumental in inaugurating recycling in Somersworth, NH, and served as a selectman there, and he is a volunteer at NHPTV. Bob is a regular at Saturday morning services, and he helps organize the Tuesday minyan each week.
Bob Goldberg
Bob served on the Board of Directors for six years and held
the positions of treasurer and financial secretary. He currently serves on the temple’s Ritual
Committee. Bob has been a key member of Brotherhood as well as treasurer for over 15
Carol E. Kraus - Monadnock Havurah
Patricia Kalik – Jewish Federation of New Hampshire
Pat Kalik moved to New Hampshire in 1984 with her family after purchasing Executive Exchange, a local Manchester
call center and answering service. Pat grew up in New Rochelle, NY, and graduated from Cornell University with a BS in
Food Science. Then Pat spent seven years working in the ski
industry. Pat has two children, Lisa and Daniel. Lisa is 36 and
is a primary care physician in New York City. Daniel, age 32,
lives in Washington, DC, and works as the Director for Political
Affairs for J Street.
Pat is currently the president of Professional Teledata, a
Patricia Kalik
telecommunications company located in Manchester. Professional Teledata is a provider of software to call centers and
answering services. Pat has been a member of Temple Adath Yeshurun since arriving in
Manchester and is currently a Board member of the Jewish Federation. Pat has acted as the
co-chairperson of the New Hampshire Jewish Film Festival for the past two years and is
planning to continue her active role in this exciting cultural event. Pat’s love of cinema and
desire to bring great Jewish films to our community has helped make the festival a success.
The New Hampshire
Carol was greatly influenced by being immersed in the
world culture of New York City as she was growing up. Her
parents’ escape from Nazi Germany gave her a sensitivity to
the persecution of ethnic groups everywhere.
Carol attended college in West Virginia and lived most of
her adult life in Boston. She worked as a medical and psychiatric nurse, and raised a son from El Salvador since his infancy. She was an active member at Congregation Eitz Chayim in
Cambridge, MA.
Five years ago Carol moved to Peterborough, NH, where
Carol E. Kraus
she lives in a cohousing community with an expanding CSA. A
portion of the CSA crops are donated to underprivileged families. She has been actively involved in the Monadnock Havurah and has served on the Board
of the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire.
Carol has a passion for arts of all kinds, especially drawing, painting, and writing, and
she occasionally dabbles in these arts herself. She has been and still is a frequent museum
visitor and concert goer in the Monadnock area as well as in Boston and NYC.
Carol loves the concept of healing of body, mind, and spirit. For many years she practiced
as an RN in the Boston area. She studied massage therapy, Reiki, and the Trager approach
and has maintained her Trager Practitioner’s certificate since 2002. She works with the dying through the local hospice, HCS.
Jewish Reporter
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
2013/5773 Shem Tov Award Recipients
Betty Lauer - Upper Valley Jewish Community
David Riese - Etz Hayim Synagogue
It is 1938. Berta Weissberger, 12 years old, lives in Hindenburg, Germany, with her mother and older sister. Her father has
already left for America, and the family is awaiting the arrival
of their American visas. These hopes and plans are destroyed
at the end of October 1938, however, when Jews are rounded
up, loaded onto trucks, and driven to the Polish border. They
are forced to cross a river into Poland and ordered, “Keep
walking and do not turn back. Anyone attempting to turn back
will be shot.”
So begins Berta’s terrifying odyssey in Nazi-occupied PoBetty Lauer
land. For the next seven years, while living a life of constant
vigilance and fear, Berta grows into womanhood, moving from
town to town under assumed identities. She later marries an American serviceman, moves
to the United States, and raises her family.
Most remarkably, to this day Betty Lauer exemplifies the strength, resilience, hope, and
faith that enabled her to survive and to go on to a rich Jewish life, which she seeks to pass
on to the next generations.
David, his wife, and their two children are long-time members of Etz Hayim Synagogue. David is a mechanical engineer
for Raytheon. Besides being on the Board of Directors for two
years, David was in charge of building maintenance from
2008 until 2012. David is also very active in the Boy Scouts of
He is a regular at Elijah’s Table (an Etz Hayim community
project in which the synagogue prepares and serves a monthly supper to residents of Derry who are in need of a warm
meal), where he assists with set-up, serving, and clean-up
along with his family.
David is the type of person who is always smiling and
ready to lend a helping hand around the synagogue.
Stacey Moore - Temple Beth Jacob
Stacey grew up in Hauppauge, NY, and has been married
to Shaun for 27 years. She has three children: Sarah, Cameron, and Collin. Stacey was a preschool teacher for many years
before moving to her present job of preparing corporate training materials for sales people.
Throughout her life, Stacey has helped others. If something needs to be done, she just does it. If she is not leading or
working with a group of volunteers around Concord, you can
find her taking care of some detail at Temple Beth Jacob. Stacey is also a regular cast member of the Manchester Community Players.
Stacey Moore
Jack Resnick - Chabad Lubavitch of New Hampshire
Jack was born and raised in Manchester, NH, married his
lovely wife Eileen in 1963, and was involved in many businesses over the years. He ran a silk screening business making signs with the late Armand Zaner and also worked for
Murray Levy in a TOY 7 Hobby store in Manchester and Concord, NH. When his father fell ill in 1976, Jack, together with
his wife, Eileen, took over the Tiny Totland Baby Furniture and
Toy store, which had been established by his dad, Joseph
Chickie Resnick, in 1946. The store had a presence on Elm
Street in Manchester. Working with Eileen, Jack added stores
Jack Resnick
in South Portland, ME, and later in Portsmouth, NH . Their son
Mark joined the Baby/Teen Superstore Baby Furniture after
graduating from the University of Hartford, Conn. Jack and Eileen had the operation for five
years before it closed in 2010 after three generations and 65 years in business.
Since the inception of the daily minyan at Chabad Lubavitch, Jack has made himself
available any day, at any time, to join and help make a minyan. He is always available to
share and provide ideas and knowledge based on his many years of experience. In recognition of his devotion and willingness to always help out at Chabad Lubavitch, Chabad nominates him as a Shem Tov awardee.
Jack looks forward to celebrating his 50th Wedding anniversary with Eileen shortly. Jack
and Eileen have two sons and four grandchildren.
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
The New Hampshire
David Riese
Michael Rosenblum – Jewish Federation of New Hampshire
Michael, who served as JFNH President from 2009 to
2011, was first president from outside Manchester. A Board
member of Temple Beth Abraham in Nashua for over 20 years,
he has served as President, TBA Section Campaign Chair, and
Treasurer, currently serving his second stint in this role. He
has also served on various nonprofit boards, including the
American Heart Association and (currently) the Nashua Airport Authority. Before moving to New Hampshire in 1988, Michael worked for CPA firms, served as an accountant for
Lender’s Bagels, and was the controller of New Haven Legal
Michael Rosenblum
Assistance. He has served as Executive Vice President for the
NH Automobile Dealers Association for 25 years.
Born in the Bronx and raised in Levittown, Long Island, Mike is a graduate of Northeastern University. As a youth, he was very involved in AZA (now BBYO) and spent a summer
volunteering on Kibbutz Maoz Chaim in Israel’s Jordan Valley. Lifelong friends made on that
trip introduced Mike to Stephanie, his wife of 34 years. They have two grown daughters: Ariel, coordinator of Syracuse University’s London gap year program, lives in the U.K. with
husband, Arriel Eder; Raissa, an analyst for Cisco, lives in Jerusalem with husband, Uziel
Hacohen. This has given Mike and Stephanie a great reason to visit Israel and our sister region, Hof Hacarmel. In Mike’s spare time, he enjoys skiing and photography, and he is a
certified general aviation pilot with over 1,000 flight hours. He also volunteers his time flying
medical patients to long-distance appointments thru the nonprofit organization Angel Flight.
Elaine Schwartz - Congregation Betenu
In addition to supporting Congregation Betenu in all activities, Elaine is passionate about helping children. Elaine was the
preschool teacher for many years.
Elaine can always count on her family for support in her
synagogue endeavors. She teams up with Barbara Bailey, and
both women are active on the Education Committee and volunteer in the religious school. Elaine has been co-chairing the
Tu B’Shevat Seder at Congregation Betenu for more than 20
years. She is instrumental in organizing, sorting, schlepping,
and selling at the Congregation’s fall yard sale. Also, she is always available when the congregation or a member needs a
helping hand
Jewish Reporter
Elaine Schwartz
2013/5773 Shem Tov Award Recipients
John Weber – Temple Israel, Manchester
Shari Zedeck – Temple Beth Abraham
John and his wife, Dina, moved to Bedford from western
Pennsylvania in 1984. They joined Temple Israel shortly thereafter and have been members ever since. All three of their
children (Jason, Evan, and Margreta) were Bar and Bat Mitzvah at Temple Israel.
John converted to Judaism in 2002 under the tutelage of
Rabbi Jacob Rosner. He soon became active in Temple Israel,
joining the board in 2003 and assuming the duties of Treasurer in 2004. He has continued as Treasurer of Temple Israel
ever since.
John Weber
John is semi-retired from BAE Systems in Nashua and enjoys various athletic activities including running, biking, and
water and snow skiing with his family.
John is truly a member of the Temple Israel family and remains stalwart in making himself available for Temple activities. He is always there when we need him, and we are proud
to honor him with the Shem Tov award.
Shari has made TBA her second home. She has served the
congregation in numerous roles, including years on the Temple Board of Directors and as its Secretary. While others
dodged some hefty assignments, Shari willing accepted the
mantle of leadership and undertook many tasks essential to
the stability of TBA. Her contributions to the School Board
helped to improve the depth and breadth of offerings to our
students. She completed extensive research and data compilation that resulted in the School Director’s position becoming
Shari Zedeck
For several years Shari handled all of the financial management for our USY chapter and served as a valued advisor
to the Youth Director. Her long hours of work helped to assure the continuing good works of
our USY chapter.
Shari’s dedication to Sisterhood is remarkable. As a member she worked in many capacities and served as the head of the College Outreach Program that mailed TBA updates
and traditional Jewish holiday foods and goodies to college students during the academic
year. As Sisterhood Co-President, she instituted new ideas and programs such as BABKA, the
monthly book club, and joint social/fund raising programs with the Men’s Club. She continues to serve, behind the scenes, in this position.
Although her work for our congregation sounds like a full-time job, she actually works in
the outside world. Shari is employed by Compuware, a large business software company,
where she is the Director of Product Management, leading teams in Lexington, MA, Detroit,
and overseas. Previously she was Vice President of NaviNet, a medical software company in
Cambridge, MA. She worked at Hewlett Packard in various marketing management roles for
over 13 years.
Theodore “Ted” Yegerman – Temple Adath Yeshurun
Ted has had years of service to Temple Adath Yeshurun
Brotherhood and the entire TAY community. He has an unmatched ability to bring joy to every single person he shares a
room with. He is a generous donor to Temple Adath Yeshurun’s
fundraising auction.
Theodore “Ted” Yegerman
2013/5773 Irma and Gary Wallin Young Leadership Award
Davida Rubin-Baker
Davida Rubin-Baker is a native of South Florida. After graduating
from Brandeis University with degrees in Psychology and Philosophy,
she got her J.D. from Boston College Law School and practiced commercial real estate and affordable housing for a short time before making the decision to stay home full-time to parent her growing family.
Davida and her family moved to Bedford, NH, in 2004.
Even before the move, Davida sought to connect to the Jewish
community in NH and came to visit both the Jewish Federation and the
Jewish Federation Preschool, where all four of Davida’s children ended
up spending some of their formative years. Currently, the Bakers are active members of
Temple Beth Abraham, and her children attend the temple’s religious school.
Feeling grateful for the opportunities that she and her family have had to be part of New
Hampshire’s Jewish community, Davida was excited to help play a role in keeping NH’s Jewish community vibrant and engaged. In the fall of 2011, Davida began to serve on the JFNH
Board of Directors; soon after joining the Board, Davida organized a commemoration event
for Kristallnacht.
In early 2012, Davida became chair of the Preschool Task Force, a committee estab-
lished by the Federation Board to make a recommendation regarding the status of the preschool in the event of a potential future building sale. After much research and analysis, the
committee determined that the preschool had the potential to operate on a break-even basis
after an initial subsidy if it was required to rent space at a future time.
While serving as chair of the task force, Davida also became head of the Preschool Committee and currently serves as a liaison between the Preschool and the Federation Board.
Last year Davida focused on making the Preschool more visible to the community and in that
spirit organized an event to bring circus performer Troy Wonderle to perform at the school.
The event was open to the public and as a result, many new faces came to the show, had a
great time, and most importantly, had a chance to learn more about the high-quality early
education experience offered by the Preschool.
Davida recently joined the advisory counsel for the Cohen Center for Holocaust and
Genocide studies at Keene State College. With a commitment to remembering the lessons of
the Holocaust and helping to prevent future genocide, Davida is enrolled in the center’s 2013
Summer Institute, an intensive, residential week-long educational experience. She hopes
that her participation in this institute will help her prepare meaningful future programming
for the greater community.
Previous Winners of the Irma and Gary Wallin Young Leadership Award:
1984 Nancy Zidle
1985 Lee Forgosh
1986 Jeffrey Forgosh
1987 Richard Kudler
1988 Steve Solomon
1989 Marc Shapiro
1990 Jeanne Good Rubenson
1999 Norm Kushner
2000 Susan Grodman
2001 Sarah Denmark
2001 Adam Solender
2002 Marc Gilman
2003 Lisa Schechtman
2004 Amy Wolf
1992 Jane Silberberg
1993 Gary Singer
1994 Randi Greene
1995 Robert Feins
1996 Gary Lindner
1997 Joy Sydney
1998 Ellen Spinner
The New Hampshire
Jewish Reporter
2005 Julie Taub
2006 Stacey Rozen
2008 Rob Wofchuck
2010 Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett
2011 Anat Myers
2012 Dan Cohen
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
Keeping you connected
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
The New Hampshire
Jewish Reporter
Shlicha’s Year in Review
The shlida’s
role is to create a bridge between
New Hampshire
and Israel. In my time here I
tried to
show Israel through my story and my
connection to Judaism. I visited preschools,
Hebrew schools, teen groups, Hillel groups,
adult groups, and much more. The photos on
this page
give you a little taste of my year.
Inbar Keren
The New Hampshire
Jewish Reporter
Sivan-Tammuz 5773 • June 2013
Addendum and Corrections to the 2012-2013 Honor Roll
Barry and Audrey Steinberg
Eileen Beckhardt-Freedman
David Salzberg and Elissa Barr
Shirley Shapero
Andrew and Tracy Rosen
$1- $99
Stanley and Daryl Banner
Eliot and Leslie Paisner
Corporate / Foundation
The Judy and Thomas Oxman Charitable Fund
Addendum to the 2013/5773 Shem Tov Award Recipients
Ellen Covici
Shem Tov Award –Manchester Chapter of Hadssah
Ellen is a certified Kindergarten teacher with 34 years of experience in the field of
Early Childhood Education. She grew up in Newton, MA, and attended Boston
University. She graduated from Wheelock College, in Boston, MA with a BA degree in
Elementary Education and a BS degree in Early Childhood Education. She moved to
Dallas/ Fort Worth area of TX in 1977, and taught kindergarten and first grade for 30
She recently retired from teaching in the public schools, and moved back home to be
closer to her family. As luck would have it, the Federation Preschool was looking to
once again start a kindergarten program. She has been the kindergarten teacher of
the JFNH preschool for 2 years.
Ted Yegerman
Shem Tov Award –Temple Adath Yeshurun
Ted was born in Williamsburg, Brooklyn at Midnight on Sunday, July 4th, 1926. The
holiday was celebrated on Monday the 5th. His mother told him he was a 4th of July
baby and he didn’t argue. Not too many people argued with his mother! It was only in
his later hears that he realized his birth certificate reads July 5th! Hey, that’s between
the government and his mother. Williamsburg was a Jewish enclave in 1926, so his first
language was Yiddish. Meaning, he didn’t speak English! Both his parents were shoe
workers and they moved to where the work was. He was definitely at a disadvantage
speaking Yiddish in Somersworth, NH and South Berwick, ME. Eventually, the family
moved back to Williamsburg. Ted attended Eastern District High School, (so did Red
Auerbach). He graduated from City College of New York with a degree in business after
doing his bit in Europe during World War Two. Ted worked in Manhattan, was
transferred to Philadelphia, and then to Manchester. He worked for Arms Textile, (now a
parking lot). Arms stands for “Alvin, Robert, Morris, Stanley Sheer”. They were the
owners. Ted’s wife raised two children here, Richard and Barbara. Later in life he
married Ruth Berger and together they raised their grandson, Christopher Berger.
Ruth died in 1999. Chris and Ted are still together. Ted’s friends at TAY are always there for him. Life is good!
Ted has served the Temple Adath Yeshurun Brotherhood and the entire TAY community for many years. He has
an unmatched ability to bring joy to every single person he shares a room with. He is a Raconteur par
excellence, who shares his humor generously with the entire community. Ted is a generous donor to Temple
Adath Yeshurun’s fundraising auction, and was the 2008 TAY Brotherhood Man of the Year.