
November 2011
Issue #11
| Volume 18
InterBel Talk
InterBel Telephone Cooperative Newsletter
This is the 3rd newsletter story
from InterBel, in the last year on
the “nationwide” call termination
problem. There is both a good
news and bad news side to this
The bad news is that the problem
has become more common across
the country – and with InterBel as
well. We are getting more people
each month telling us they are
unable to receive calls from their
friends, family and others that live
out of state and/or out of
InterBel’s service local area.
The good news is that the FCC
has launched a task force committee to address call routing and
termination problems in rural
America. In an FCC press release,
dated September 26, 2011, they
state “Rural telephone companies
have reported a 2000% increase in
complaints between April 2010
and March 2011 regarding
incoming calls that are delayed,
never completed, of poor quality, or
lack accurate caller ID information. Failed or degraded calls not
only undermine the integrity of the
nation’s telephone networks and
frustrate consumers, but they also
pose a serious risk to public safety
and harm the rural economy.”
More good news, is Chairman
Kavulla of the Montana Public
Service Commission (PSC) also
recognized the problem in a
3-page letter he wrote to the FCC
dated September 29, 2011,
quoted in-part: “We find it
appalling that certain telecommunications providers, for economic
gain, are not routing and terminating calls for which they are being
paid to do so. We encourage the
FCC to come down hard on these
abuses, and send a strong message
not only to the underlying transitting third-party carrier but the
retail providers, who either do or
should know that they are turning
their own customer’s calls over to
underperforming third parties.
….. We appreciate the recent
decision to set up a task force on
call completion, but emphasize that
this is a problem which requires as
immediate redress as possible. We
strongly urge the FCC to take
action to address these call routing
and termination problems.
See “Call Termination” on backside
InterBel continues to receive reports from
our customers of an email being sent which
appears its coming from InterBel Tech
Support. The subject line references:
confirm your email address. And the
instructions say to respond immediately by
providing your password and that failure to
do so will render your email address deactivated.
These types of emails are fake and intended
to trick you into providing your password. If
you received an email like this and responded
to it by providing your password, then you
should change your password right away.
This can be done from our home page,
interbel.net or you can call 889-1500 for
tech support and get help.
As a safety measure you should never reply
to an email and give-out confidential information, even in cases where company logos,
phone numbers and contact information
appear to legitimize the email. For more
information on this type of
fraud do a “Google”
search on “phishing.”
MAKE the
Just grab your mouse and go - with InterBel Broadband
continued from front page..
Call Termination
These two letters (the FCC and Montana PSC) are
posted on the InterBel web site (www.interbel.com).
If you are experiencing the call termination problem,
InterBel would like to hear about it and would also
encourage you to file a complaint with the FCC and
Montana PSC. Unfortunately, the only way we are
going to get this problem behind us is through “rules
and regulation” in establishing “Quality of Service”
standards that are enforced by the FCC and PSC.
We are making steps towards this goal but it will
take time. Please continue to document and report
such incidents which you experience. The information we specifically need is: the date/time of the call;
the calling party who was attempting to call you;
their phone number and long distance carrier (which
is not always the phone company).
Randy Wilson, General Manager
Something To Ponder
History Corner
100 Years Ago
100 Years Ago in the Eureka Journal
November 17, 1911 – Rail traffic on the Great
Northern was paralyzed for about 8 hours
today by a head-on collision at Peltier’s
crossing, about two miles west of Eureka. No. 4
was due into Eureka at 8:24 a. m. and was being
pulled by a helper engine. Meanwhile, another
helper was sitting in Eureka waiting for orders.
It happened that Dr. Bogardus was going to
Rexford on a call and Engineer Anderson said
that he could get to Rexford before the
incoming freight passed that station. There is a
slight curve near the scene of the wreck and the
approaching passenger train was seen too late
to avert the accident. After setting the brakes
the engine’s crew and Dr. Bogardus made a
jump for their lives. From all appearances,
judging by the tracks in the snow, the doctor’s
leap was the most sensational and he says he
was sitting up in time to see the crash. The
doctor’s surgical case was demolished and he
had to ride back to Eureka by horseback before
he could continue on his call.
Provided courtesy of Lost Trail Publishing producer of
The Trail, www.thetrailmag.com
- “Teamwork is the ability to work together
toward a common vision. The ability to direct
individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows
common people to attain uncommon results.”
- Henry Ford
- If a house is divided against itself, that house
can not stand.
- Luke 11:17
We would like to wish everyone a very
- “The way a team plays as a whole determines its
success. You may have the greatest bunch of
individual stars in the world, but if they don't
play together, the club won't be worth a dime.”
- Babe Ruth
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