MEMOS November - Messiah Lutheran Church


MEMOS November - Messiah Lutheran Church
Messiah Memos
Issue 9
November 2010
A Preschool at Messiah?
A Preschool at Messiah
From the Pastor
Fall Stewardship
All Saints Listing,
People Feeding People
“Notes” from the Director of Music Ministries,
Children’s Liturgy
Faith Mission Board,
Martin Luther School
Hoe Down, Weight
Watchers, First
Adult Education
Youth Page—Leaf Raking,
LYO, My Group, Jr. High
Youth Group, Jann Klose
in Concert
Hope for the Homeless
Drive, Christmas Cookie
Volunteer Opportunities,
Box Top Fund Raiser
Parish Nurse, Gourmet
Family News, Young in
Spirit, Thrivent, 5th/6th
Grade Basketball
Nov. 2010 Calendar
Special Services this
Messiah Church & School is exploring the possibility of reinstating a
preschool program for the 2011-2012 school year. Presently, most all
children entering kindergarten at Messiah School have participated in
some sort of pre-school experience. The range of experience is from
day care to a structured curriculum outlined by the Ohio Department
of Education. Some students are prepared for our kindergarten program, and other students are lacking in sufficient skill development.
In light of our enrollment issues at Messiah School, this may be an audience to capture to increase enrollment, not only at the preschool
level, but also as a “feeder system” to Messiah School’s kindergarten
program and future grade levels. Another benefit would be in education programming, since our kindergarten teacher would be able to
articulate with the preschool teacher(s) areas of instruction that
would enhance success at the kindergarten level. This articulation
does not exist currently since incoming students have a variety of experiences from other preschools.
At this point we anticipate minimal costs to implement a preschool
program, since no renovation will be necessary by using the present
kindergarten room for preschool, and by moving the kindergarten
class to the present conference room (the prior sixth grade class
room). These rooms meet the requirements to house a preschool
and a kindergarten. Costs would be derived from equipment, tables,
chairs and other items.
The school lost the audience of Cleveland City workers
during the 2009-2010 school year due to the change in
residency requirements. The preschool population is an
audience that is participating elsewhere – why not at
Messiah School?
- Bob Rami
Page 2
From the Pastor—
All Saints. That’s the church name for the
first day in November and for November’s
first Sunday too. It’s an old festival with a
history reaching deep into the middle ages,
developed, I suppose, when the official list
of Christians deserving recognition and special honor got longer than any ordinary
person could keep track of. So a date got
set for honoring all of them at once.
And that’s what people did. By some accounts Martin Luther picked October 31 to
post his famous 95 Theses on a church door
because he expected church attendance on
All Saints’ Day to be especially heavy. Both
then and now, maximum exposure matters.
This could of course be a fanciful story, and
probably is.
What isn’t fanciful at all is the way Luther
and his colleagues turned the definition of
“saint” on its head. Until then it had meant
something like super-believer or Christian
star (and that’s how it’s still used in the Roman Catholic tradition). That changed the
minute people got serious again about
God’s good news as St. Paul in particular
tells it. When you read the opening lines of
his letters you’ll notice how almost all of
them are addressed to “the saints,” that is,
to ordinary people who are going through
the same struggles to trust God and behave
themselves that all ordinary people contend
with; and as you read further you’ll notice
that a few of these people are downright
Why does Paul call them saints? Because he
finds them “in Christ”; or as I’d put that to
little children, he looks at them through his
Jesus glasses. In the end the only thing that
matters about them where God is concerned is the astonishing fact that Christ the
Son of God died for them, and the other
fact, almost as astonishing, that the Holy
Spirit has gotten them to trust this, however
feebly or well.
So who or what is a saint? Answer: somebody who trusts that Christ is good and
right for her, or him. And “if anyone is in
Christ, there is a new creation. The old has
passed away. See, the new has come.”
That’s St. Paul in 2 Corinthians 5, one of the
greatest chapters in all the Bible.
Years ago, before I came to Messiah, I began to practice looking at Christian people
through the Jesus’ glasses. The more I did
it, the bigger difference it made. When you
know you’re looking at saints it changes the
way you talk to them and treat them. This
has an effect on them. Well of course it
does. Better still, when they start to look at
each other in the same light the effect
grows. New creation begins rising to the
surface where others can sense it. This is a
marvelous fact of Christian life together that
we don’t remark on often enough.
Look around this month for signs at Messiah
of God’s new creation. If you spot one or
think you do, thank God for it. Meanwhile,
remember who you’re looking at and dealing with when you come to church or rub
shoulders in other ways with fellow Jesustrusters. God calls them his saints. Make a
point of doing the same yourself. You’ll be
startled over time by the difference that
--Pr. Burce
Page 3
God’s Pledge, Our Promise: Thanksgiving Without End
Fall Stewardship Campaign
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
and his mercy endures forever.
—Ps. 118:29
Take time this week to read Psalm 118. It includes a verse that New Testament writers quoted more
often than any other: “The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the
LORD's doing, and it marvelous in our eyes."
"Guess what?" said apostles and evangelists. "We know who the Psalmist is talking about. His name is
Jesus, crucified, risen from the dead, and sitting now at the right hand of God where all things in heaven
and on earth are in his gracious care."
There's the reason of reasons for giving thanks to the Lord, and for praising his goodness, and for trusting with all our hearts that his mercy is forever.
Every year at Messiah we practice giving thanks, and we encourage each other to grow in the thanks we
give. We know that it's impossible to thank God enough for sins forgiven and the mercies of daily bread,
and for the pledge he has made never to leave us or forsake us. We can count on him without fail; and
when we trust this, how can we keep from overflowing with glad and generous thanks?
For the past couple of weeks members of our congregation have been inviting us to express those
thanks in Messiah's annual pledge drive. The commitments we make this month will underwrite the
cost of keeping the word of Christ front and center in the life of our church and school and in our personal lives as well. It will also help us do what Christ commands, and that’s to share God's promise in
Jesus with as many people as we can.
To Look for This Month:
A special presentation on All Saints’ Sunday
Commitment Sunday, Nov. 14. You’ll have an opportunity not only to prepare a pledge,
but to present before the Lord.
Follow-up Sundays, November 21 & 28. Worshipers will again be invited to offer committed support
to the Lord’s work in our congregation.
From our Stewardship Team—
Why pledge? Because God says “Give!” And when I give…
I tell God “Thank You”
Regular giving, like regular exercise, builds healthier faith
I put my money where my Christian mouth is
I help pay the cost of running our church
…and God uses our church to Draw people in, Build people up, and Send people out
for the praise of his glory in Christ our Lord.
Page 4
God’s Pledge, Our Promise (continued)
God has pledged in Christ our crucified and risen Lord—
to make all things new (Rev. 21:56)
to draw all people to himself (John 12:32)
to be waiting for us when tomorrow gets here (Matt. 28:20)
to give us what we need so we can concentrate on his work (Matt. 6:33)
Do you trust God to make good on his pledge? Then go ahead. Let the thanks overflow. Our future is in the best
of hands. For now there's a sky-high heap of good and holy work to do on Christ's behalf. Some we do together
as a congregation. Still more gets done as we go about our daily lives as God's saints in the world.
How are you planning to grow in thanksgiving next year? How can you contribute to God's work at Messiah? Pray about this.
Growing my Thanksgiving one percent at a time.
How do generous, giving Christians get that way? They go at it with faith and thought, faith in God’s
pledge to them and a thoughtful plan for growing. Many recommend the one percent plan, where
every year I strive to increase my giving by one percent of total income. So…
If my income is $45,000,
and I gave $1,035 last year,
then the amount I gave was 2.3% of income.
So this year I’ll plan to give 3.3% of income.
How much is that? $1,485.
The goal for many faithful Christians is to give 10%. Can you grow in that direction this year?
How the Fruits of our Thanksgiving are being put to God’s service
at Messiah this year
Our goal for offerings: $775,000
44% will support God’s servants at our School
28% will support God’s servants at our Church
15% will keep our facilities operating
7% will support external missions
3% will cover essential administrative expenses
2% will pay for internal ministry costs
Page 5
People Feeding People
Supporting Local Hunger Centers
Over 30 years ago leaders at Messiah, aware of
rising poverty rates in Cleveland and the growing
need for food assistance, established a program
called “People Feeding People.” The aim was to
gather funds and supplies on a regular monthly
basis and distribute them to food centers in the
city. As the program developed the leaders also
spotted a need for a hunger center right in Fairview Park. Messiah took the lead among area
churches in getting the center established in cooperation with the city. Our own Dorothy Raum
was its first director.
“People Feeding People” continues to be an option for Messiah’s giving, contributing saints,
though in recent years the program has gotten less
attention than it needs and deserves. Now two
of our members, Mary O’Connor and Eileen
Spicer, have stepped forward to address that, with
plans to advertise it on a regular basis and to
make sure that all of us get reports on how the
program is helping our neighbors in need.
So look for “People Feeding People” news in Sunday announcements and Midweek Memos, and
on our website too. The third Sunday of every
month is designated as a People Feeding People
In Memoriam
On All Saint’s Sunday, November
7, 2010 we will remember the
saints who fell asleep in the Lord
during the last year. On this
Sunday a bell will be rung in
memory of each.
Sunday, a reminder that those special gifts
of money and foodstuffs for local hunger relief
are always needed.
Let's "jump-start" the People Feeding People program at Messiah Church and School now in 2010!
As Thanksgiving approaches please prayerfully
consider a donation to People Feeding People at
Messiah! The donations will be shared with Fairview Hunger Center; Brookside; and Community
There are two ways to do this:
1) There will be a box marked as People Feeding
People near the stairs and ramp area of the
Atrium. Please leave non-perishable food items
there for delivery to those who need them.
2) A cash donation may be placed into the offering plate on Sundays.
We will be sure the food items are delivered to
those who need them and that the money gets to
the Centers as well.
Thank you!
Mary O'Connor and Eileen
Date of Death Name
Date of Birth
Salvatore (Sam) J. Costello
Robert C. Lusak
Mildred Mozolak
Austin (Tex) Hamblin
Sylvia Jallos
Naomi Lusak
Francis Pieper
Bernard Ruettger
Victoria (Vicki) G. Kalinowski 11/19/1969
Ella Amelia Schindel
Gordon Walker
“Notes” From the Director of Music
Messiah School
Children’s Liturgy
Last month, on October 17, the
1st Graders presented their Gospel Acclamation: “Glory to You,
O Lord...Praise to You, O Christ” at the 11:00
a.m. Worship service. This month, on November 21st, the 2nd Graders will present their
“Alleluia.” In January, the Middle School
Choir will sing “Glory to God in the Highest…”’
est…” in February, the 4th Graders will sing
“Lamb of God…”; in March, the 5th Graders
will sing the “Kyrie”
Kyrie” and in April the 3rd
Grade will sing “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord…”
And then, on May 22, 2011, all of these elements will be brought together with the performance of the entire Children’s Liturgy.
What makes the Children’s Liturgy unique is the
fact that the music has been written by the children of Messiah School themselves! History is
being made, and you can be a witness as we
make Music at Messiah.—Eileen Moore,
Messiah School Choral Director
Page 6
Still Wanted
Music-reading sopranos, altos, tenors, and
basses for the Messiah Choir. Low (no) pay,
high rewards -- guaranteed good seats, fabulous camaraderie, twice the prayer, flexible
scheduling! Rehearsal in the choir loft Thursday at 7 p.m. Call David Gooding at 440-4769157 for more information.
-David Gooding, Director of Music Ministries
Jann Klose Concert
Put Sunday, November 14th, at 7:00 p.m. on
your calendar!
Jann Klose, International
Singer/Songwriter from New York City, appears at Messiah in a benefit concert for the
Youth Group Mission Trip next summer. The
Youth Group is selling tickets for $10.00 and
the entire proceeds will go toward their summer mission trips. Contact Kevin Williams at
(440) 331-2405 or [email protected] to
get more information. Also see p. 10 for more
details on this upcoming concert!
Music for Tuesdays at 12:10 Fall 2010
This is a wonderful series of programs with both familiar performers and some new faces—a lot of
music that you’ll not hear anywhere else this year! The programs are held in the sanctuary and are
open to the public. Bring your brown bag lunch—we provide coffee, tea, and cookies. The programs conclude before 1:00 pm and are entirely informal…come when you can, and leave when you
must. While a donation is not turned down, it’s not obligatory.
November 2 – Diane Menges, soprano; Lucy Leszczuk, mezzo; David Gooding, keyboards; Handel,
Mozart, Rossini, Vivaldi, Mendelssohn
November 9 – Brian Bacon, baritone; David Gooding, piano; Ireland, Gurney, Warlock
November 16 – Heidi Albert, violoncello
November 23 – Mary Beth Ions, violin; David Gooding, piano
November 30 – Christopher Toth, organ
December 7 – North Coast Consort of Viols
December 14 – David Betts and Edith Yerger—Music for Celebrate the Holidays
Page 7
Faith Mission Project:
An Update
Messiah has been working with Faith Lutheran
Church, Lakewood, since 2008. Our goal is to
help the saints there continue as a worshiping,
witnessing group of Christians in service to a
densely populated suburban neighborhood. Services at Faith are being led by a team of pastors,
all of whom are members or good friends of
Messiah. Meanwhile, with the help and guidance
of Building Hope in the City, a neighborhood
outreach program called Kids of the Kingdom is
meeting three Saturdays per month with Messiah’s Julie Bacon as director.
Faith’s most pressing need is for a person with
evangelistic gifts who will be able to lead a
strong, steady, outreach program to the immediate neighborhood and the wider Lakewood community. One or two possible candidates have
recently come to our attention. Pr. Burce will be
visiting Luther Seminary in St. Paul this month to
look for more. Luther has the strongest emphasis
on mission and outreach of any ELCA seminary.
Faith presently serves the community by providing meeting space for several Alcoholics Anonymous groups and by offering a community meal
once a month to anyone who needs it. Several
Messiah members have been helping with that,
and their contribution is much appreciated.
Please keep the saints at Faith in your prayers,
asking always that the Holy Spirit will guide and
bless the effort to keep their church open as a vibrant outpost of our Lord’s saving mission.
The Clown Ministry from Messiah was a huge
part of the success at Luther Memorial and St.
Mark’s First Annual Fall Festival, held on Saturday, October 16th! The event was open to all
students, parishioners and neighbors of Old
Brooklyn. Over 150 people attended and the
Clown Ministry kids were kept busy for the full
4 hours of the
festival with face
painting and
making balloon
animals. Thanks
to Tharasa Szabo,
LMS Mission
Team Chair, for
helping to organize this event and
bringing the Clown Ministry kids under the direction of Coleen Monson to our campus. This is
just another way the saints at Messiah are serving the Lord with Messiah in the City activities.
Thank you!!
Looking for YOUR way to serve in the city? Luther Memorial is still looking for tutors for our
Thursday evening tutoring program from 6:307:30pm. The program runs on the 2nd through
4th Thursdays of each month. Tutoring includes
working with 1 or 2 children at a time on homework, reading and math skills and study habits.
You may request the age level you prefer. Rachel Shrum, wife of new pastor, Steve Shrum,
has enthusiastically volunteered to coordinate
this program and can be reached by calling the
LMS office at 216.749.5300. This is a great way
for high school students to earn service hours
and for adults to mentor a child. Several Messiah members have already signed on but we
need a few more. Please consider joining us!
Peggy Schauer, Principal and Messiah in the City
Page 8
Messiah Lutheran School Hoe Down & Dinner Event
Friday, November 12, the Messiah Lutheran School PTL is sponsoring a Family Fun Night!
Come to our Hoe Down & Dinner! Pulled Pork Dinner served 5-7 pm. Square
Dancing and Line Dancing 7-9 pm. Event held @ Messiah Gym / Fellowship Hall.
Advance tickets now on Sale: Adult $8, Youth $6 (6-12 years). Tickets are on sale
Sundays in the Atrium between services, or from the School office. Buy your tickets NOW and SAVE $2 per ticket in advance. Prices at the door will be Adult $10,
Youth $8 (6-12 years), and Children under 5 FREE. Questions? Call Joy Ellerbruch (440)
Weight Watchers meetings will be at Faith Lutheran Church
Come to Faith Lutheran Church in Lakewood on Tuesday nights at either 6 pm or 7 pm. We are
asking for anyone interested to sign up again on the sheet in the atrium. Hopefully we will be able
to start meetings in November. For more information contact Pam Sugrue at 440-716-9338.
On the weekend of November 20-21, a group of Messiah’s young people will receive their
first Holy Communion. Since the middle of September, these 5th graders have been learning
about the place at the Lord’s Supper in the life of the Church, the life of this congregation,
and in their own lives of faith.
As has been our recent practice, they will receive the Sacrament at one of our three liturgies,
beginning a life-long devotion to this gracious gift of himself that Christ offers his people.
Please remember these young people and their families in your prayers, and be sure to join in
as we celebrate our Lord’s gift of life, forgiveness, and salvation.
Owen Bruce Albers
Lisa Carolyn Bake
Kirsten Elizabeth Clark
Elizabeth Leah Coulter
Benjamin Phillip Dudra
Connor Phillip Dudra
Carleen Marie Ellerbruch
Sarah Anne Gasiewski
Madeleine Elizabeth Golden
Mary Grace Hollander
Grant Asa Howes
Cameron Dean Kinter
Adam Scott Leathers
Mark R. Leuenberger
Cupar Andrew Meikle
Colin Andrew Neumann
Jakob Ryan Norman
Joseph Steven Polyak III
David Bradley Quayle
Sophie Carmen Ratvasky
Valerie Lynn Schneider
Alexander Michael Seagro
Kristopher Enrique Warchola
Jasper David Wolf
Alexandra Nicole Zaremba
Connor Joseph-Trung Zielinski
Matthew Walter Zubin
From the Adult Education
During the Week
Page 9
Mondays, 6:30 to 8:00.
Learning Opportunities this Month
Crossways, an overview of the Bible. This is a
Sundays, 9:50 to 10:40 am
(between services)
fabulous introduction to the biblical books and
their contents, and to the main story that runs
through the Bible from beginning to end. Susan
Westcott, Instructor. Meets at Messiah Middle
School. Limited class size. Some slots are still
open. Drop a note to [email protected]
to register.
Nov. 7—Stephanie Lankhorst “How the Law can
Help when you are Sick or Dying.”
Nov. 14—Sunday Magazine
Studies with the Pastor (Commons). November
21 & 28 —Topic: “Exploring the Liturgy—Why we
use it.” - Pr. Ramirez
Women’s Study (Conference Room). This fall
Morning study with Pr. Ramirez. 10 a.m. in
the Conference Room. Topic this fall: “Hymnals,
and what they tell us about the faith of the
this study group will be working through Philip
Yancey’s best selling, award winning book, What’s
So Amazing About Grace. Open to all. Bring a
Evening study with Pr. Ramirez. 7:30 p.m.
Prayer Shawl Ministry (Music Room).
and Fellowship Hall. Oct. 31: Who is the Holy
Spirit? Nov. 7: What Does the Holy Spirit Do?
Nov. 14: How Can I Be Filled with the Holy
Spirit? Nov. 21: How Can I Resist Evil? Nov.
28: Why and How Should I Tell Others?
hands and busy hearts come together in prayer for
God’s children and the making of shawls to warm
them with. To learn more stop in, or drop a note
to Priscilla Hinsch ([email protected]).
in the Conference Room. Topic this fall: “Mary in
the New Testament and the Church’s tradition.”
The Alpha Course. 6:30 p.m. in the Commons
Bethesda Sunday Morning—a class for adults
Second Tuesday of the month—
with developmental disabilities meets in the Faculty
Room at 10 a.m. Interested in helping? Contact
Karen Ramirez, 440-895-9565.
Faith at Work. 60 minutes of study and prayer
Interested in small group study and
fellowship? Two such groups have been meetfellowship
ing for the past three years. They can help you
form a new one. Check with Pr. Burce for contact information.
at the start of a work day. 7 a.m. at the Panera
Restaurant, Center Ridge Road, Rocky River.
With Pr. Burce. This month’s topic: Following
Jesus between 8 & 5 (with help from St. Luke).
Friday mornings
9:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. Girlfriends In Faith Together (GIFT) began on Friday, September 24,
but you can still join this exciting new Bible study.
Join us for Faithful, Abundant, True – a rich study
from Kay Arthur, Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer.
This is a seven week study that challenges us to
faithfulness in troubling times, points us to essential trust in God’s ability, and teaches us to discern
truth from error in these difficult days. Contact
Karen Blackburn (440) 871-7486 or Amy Roman
(440) 331-1492 with any questions. Open to all
women – babies and preschoolers welcome!
Page 10
Messiah Senior Youth Page
5th – 12th Grade Leaf Raking
Service Project
November 6th, Noon – 4 pm.
Do you have a few hours on Saturday, November 6th, to help various families from our congregation with the huge task of raking leave? For
years the youth and parents of Messiah have provided this service. This year is no different.
Meet at Messiah at 12 noon, rake leaves until 4
pm, and then share in an early dinner at Chick-filA in North Olmsted (on the corner of Brookpark
and Great Northern Blvd). We need many
hands to complete this task. Please bring your
own rake, gloves, leaf blowers and tarps. Questions?
Contact Kevin Williams at [email protected] or 440-331-2405
Jr. High Youth Group
Jr. High Youth Group meets every first and third
Sundays here at Messiah from 3-5pm. The group
meets for in the school gym for fellowship, games
and tons of fun. This is an opportunity for children
grades 6th-8th to come together and get to know
their peers at Messiah. Neighborhood friends are
welcome. For more information please contact
Kevin at [email protected] or 440-3312405.
L.Y.O. Winter Gathering 2011
“God Reigns Over the World” is the theme for
this year’s gathering from January 7th-January 9th.
This year’s entertainment will be “Lost and
Found,” “Justin Gutwein,” and “David Williams.” Early Registration cost is $100, before November 28th with a $25 non-refundable fee. Late
Jann Klose in Concert
Registration will be $120 after December 1 with Senior High Fund Raising Event at Messiah
a $25 non-refundable fee. A registration form is
Sunday, November 14, 7 p.m.
available in the church office for anyone interested in attending. For more information please
Enjoy this pop concert while supporting Messiah’s
kwilSenior High. Tickets are on sale now from the
[email protected] or 440-331-2405.
church office and from Kevin Williams
([email protected]). Jann Klose, a GermanMy Group
born pop singer, grew up in Nairobi, Kenya and
MY GROUP meets every second and fourth Sun- Johannesburg, South Africa. As a teenager he
days at Messiah from 7:30pm-9pm. The group moved to Hamburg, Germany and was later an exmeets for a time of fun and fellowship; an op- change student at Rocky River High School. He beportunity for Senior high youths, grades 9th-12th gan studying piano and guitar while in Cleveland.
to come and get to know their peers from church You can visit Jann Klose website at http://
he proceeds of this event
and the surrounding neighborhoods. For more The
information please contact Kevin at kwil- will help fund our summer mission trips.
[email protected] or 440-331-2405.
Page 11
MY Group ~
Hope for the Homeless Drive
(December 4th- 5th 2010)
On December 4-5th Senior High Youth members
will be homeless for one night. They will be
sleeping outside on the great lawn in front of
Messiah Church to increase awareness of what it
means to be homeless men, women and children living in Cleveland. All high school students
are encouraged to support this worthy cause;
spend the night in fellowship, prayer and fun.
Members from the congregation are being asked
to support our cause by donating a few basic
essentials: men’s winter coats, scarves, gloves,
hats, socks, new packages of men’s socks and
underwear, travel size toiletries (shampoo, soap,
If you would like to donate some of these items,
please bring them to the Atrium December 5th12th. If you are available to help with distribution on December 12th, please contact Kevin Williams at (440) 333-2405 or [email protected]
Messiah School Choir
On Sunday, November 21, the Messiah School
Second Graders will be performing at the 11:00
service. Appropriate Concert Dress (white top;
dark blue, black or dark brown bottom) is required for these performances. Please note:
This is also First Communion weekend.
Child Abuse Prevention
Training, Nov. 4
All persons working with children under 18
years of age at Messiah Church and School are
required to take a course in child abuse awareness and prevention. This applies to volunteers
as well as employees. If you're an adult supervising minors in any capacity (school, Sunday
School, Sunday morning nursery, athletics, youth
group, etc.) and haven't taken the training, be
sure to sign up for a session on Thursday evening, Nov. 4, from 6:30 to 8:30. Call either the
church or school offices to sign up.
Messiah’s Fifth Annual Christmas Cookie Fundraiser
Pick up Date: Sunday, December 19
This fundraiser benefits the 2011 Senior High Youth Group Mission Trip. Please
complete the form below and turn it into the church office or call Trish Kvasnicka at (216)
509-1469 to place your order no later than Monday, December 13th. Each box holds a variety of homemade cookies (3-4 dozen), made by students/parishioners and will be sold for
$12. Cookies can be picked up and paid for on Sunday, December 19 after the 8:30 and 11
a.m. services.
# or Orders:________________ (Note: 1 order equals 3 to 4 dozen cookies)
Phone Number(s):________________________________________________
Page 12
How Can I Help? How Can
I Serve?
This month's suggestions, requests, and
Messiah's Sunday School could use some
extra help for grades 1 and 2. Your service would be a splendid gift to our children and families. For more information
drop a note to Nicole Pierse.
Helping Hands volunteers to either lead
or assist with luncheons and receptions,
especially for funerals. This is a tremendously appreciated and important ministry, a great comfort to people at a time
of grief and loss. To all who have undertaken this in the past, profound
thanks. Most of them are not available
this year because of work obligations. Your willingness to take up the
task in their stead will come as a great
gift to all of us at Messiah.
Sunday morning Hospitality Hosts, again
at Messiah. Put on the coffee pots, set
out doughnuts and refreshments. A light
but important task! You'll have lots of
help and instruction on what to do and
Music for Tuesdays volunteer to set up a
reception of coffee and cookies for the
concert series (and then clean up afterwards) - and in between, stay and enjoy
the concert!
Village Markets of Africa
A Fundraising Opportunity for Messiah
Do you have 10 - 15 hours to volunteer
for a project between now and Christmas?
Village Markets of Africa is a fair trade business that empowers artisans from Kenya to
work their way out of poverty. Messiah has
furthered this mission by volunteering to staff
the Village Markets of Africa kiosk in South
Park Mall, Strongsville located in the center
court by the down escalator across from J.B.
Robinson Jewelers. Jacob Schmalzle is in
charge of this kiosk. This is the ONLY Fair
Trade business in the mall. It is open during
mall hours, 7 days a week, Monday through
Saturday, 10 am – 9 pm and Sunday, 11 am –
6 pm.. TwentyTwenty-five volunteers have already
helped at the kiosk – can you join us? This is
a wonderful fund raising opportunity for
Messiah where we will earn a percentage of
sales. Tell your friends we will need more
help. Does this interest you? Please contact
Darlene Waugh for further details, 440-3312405 or [email protected].
Box Top Fund Raiser
Do you ever purchase products with Box Tops
and don’t know who you can give them to?
Well, Messiah is a collector of Box Tops! We are
trying to save our Box Tops for a new playground. We now have a box outside the church
office in which to drop off your box tops. You
can also pick up a list stating all of the products
that feature Box Tops. Thank you for your support.
Page 13
- Nancy Mickan, RN
With the holidays fast approaching, we
need to slow down and consider the true
meaning of Thanksgiving and Christmas. This is
a time to give thanks for all that we have received from God; food, clothing, homes, etc
and above all the gift of His Son.
Holidays are considered very stressful times.
There are things we can do to relieve stress.
Wouldn’t it be great to experience stress free
holidays? There are a number of things we can
do to reduce stress.
Begin the day with meditation and prayer.
Eat healthy food.
Be physically active – reach out to those in
Get enough sleep.
Get organized. If something doesn’t get
done, it probably won’t be missed.
Ask for help.
Acknowledge feelings and move on.
Interact with people like you.
Make time to relax and have fun.
Some things can wait until a later time.
Choose happiness. Don’t dwell on things
that make you unhappy.
Spend more time on the true meaning of the
holidays and less time on gifts and elaborate
May God bless your holiday celebrations.
I let go of the need to be in control,
and I am free.
Believing that I must control the
situation at hand may leave me feeling
tense and burdened.
Prayer helps me release these overwhelming feelings.
In prayer I remember that there
is only God,
and God is in control.
I shift my thoughts to the good
and release control.
This is not my burden to carry.
I am not in charge of other people
or situations.
I am not in control of another's life
or behavior.
I thank God for restoring me to peace.
As my thoughts quiet,
my concerns dissipate.
I gratefully affirm that with God
all things are possible.
I let go of the need to be in control,
and I am free.
Out of my distress I called on the Lord;
the Lord answered me and set me in a
broad place.--Psalm 118:5
(Daily Word – October 28, 2010)
Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans – Thrivent Choice
As you are probably aware, the Matching Gift
Program through Thrivent Financial has been
restructured. The new “Thrivent Choice” program was rolled out in September. Many of
you have received letters detailing the new
Thrivent Choice program. Eligible Thrivent
benefit members can now participate in this
new charitable grant program.
“Choice Dollars,” a Thrivent Financial for Lutherans member can help choose where
Thrivent Financial distributes part of its charitable funds among thousands of Lutheran organizations. Messiah Lutheran Church and School
are two of the approved organizations. Under
the new program, members who have Thrivent
products have an option to designate gifts
based on the member’s holdings with Thrivent.
Simply call 1-800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent
Choice” or visit
choicedollars. For more information, contact
Tim Schwede at 440-333-0320 or Jeff Holt at
With this new program change, it is no longer
necessary to write your offering checks to
“Messiah School” or designate “School” on
your offering envelope. Thank you for your
continued support with the new “Thrivent
Choice” program.
Page 14
Young In Spirit
Monday, November 15
Island Jeff & His Steel Drum Show!
Come at Noon
Remember to bring your lunch. Coffee, tea and
dessert will be provided.
All 55+ are invited!
Mark your calendars for the
next YIS event:
December 20—Christmas Party and our favorite
storyteller, Barbara Sutton
Receive the Messiah Memos
Via EE--Mail and Save a Tree
Would you be willing to receive each month’s
Messiah Memos electronically versus receiving a
paper copy? If so, please let the church office
know via email, [email protected] or
phone(440) 331-2405. You will receive a PDF
of the Memos and the calendar each month via
email. We also always post PDF files of the
Memos and calendar on our website, so you can
always access it there. By selecting this option
you will be saving paper and helping the environment. Thank you!!!
Matthew Charles Biacsi, son of Jerry and
Melissa Biacsi, on October 17, 2010
5th and 6th Grade
Girls & Boys
Signups have now begun for 5/6th grade girls
and boys basketball. Sign up forms will be
available in the church and school offices and
can be returned to either. All church and/or
school members are welcome to play. Please
complete a form and turn it in no later than
Monday, November 8.
Mary Griglak and Dan Larocco,
on October 16, 2010
Beth Pollack with Cupar, from Painesville
United Methodist Church
+ Gordon Walker +
Fell asleep in the Lord on October 10, 2010
Messiah Memos
Messiah Lutheran Church
21485 Lorain Rd,
Fairview Park, OH 44126
Phone (440) 331-2405
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Non-Profit Org.
US. Postage
Ohio 44126
Permit No. 3829
Issue 9
Drawing in to Christ . . .
Building up in Christ . . .
Sending out for Christ. . .
To the glory of God,
through the strength
of the Spirit.
Special Services this Month:
November 6/7: All Saints Sunday
We remember with thanks all who fell asleep in the Lord during the past year.
Note: Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend. Remember to turn your clocks back one hour.
November 20/21: Christ the King Sunday
First Communion for our 5th Grade Children
November 25: Thanksgiving
9:30 a.m. service
November 27/28: First Sunday in Advent
A new church year begins