1 Module 2 –Offline Marketing - Template 6


1 Module 2 –Offline Marketing - Template 6
 Module 2 –Offline Marketing -­ Template 6 – Networking Mindset Piece: Cycle of Quitting [email protected] | www.revenuebreakthrough.com | 1-800-208-0913
Methods of Marketing – Making Connections [email protected] | www.revenuebreakthrough.com | 1-800-208-0913
Online and Offline Marketing – Becoming Omni-­Present [email protected] | www.revenuebreakthrough.com | 1-800-208-0913
Networking – The 3 Kinds Networking Events [email protected] | www.revenuebreakthrough.com | 1-800-208-0913
NETWORKING: Connecting, Relating and Giving The purpose of networking is to get you out and about meeting people. Don’t think of it as hunting for prospects, or it can get really old, really quick. Just think of it as getting your energy and purpose out into the world so people can see it. That way you can begin helping people right away (note, you can’t meet people if you stay inside all day). • 1. Types of Networking Events o Formal Networking Events  Where to Find Events: Events by Local Organizations • Examples include: o NAWBO – National Association of Women Business Owners o Step-­‐Up – Step Up Women’s Network o Meet-­‐Up o Networking for Professionals o In New York: Bernardo’s list has all the networking events in the area. Subscribe to it at www.bernardoslist.com. o In other cities, try looking at your local chamber of commerce. o Also, ask people at the events which ones they go to and what they like. You also may find someone you like at the events to be your networking buddy.  Sample Script: • Hi, I run a business where I help young women from the age of 19 – 25 figure out their perfect career choice is. I work with women to figure out what their true purpose is and then we work on a strategy to help them locate job prospects or figure out a way to start their own company. • Ask if they would like to receive some free gifts and then put them on the newsletter.  ACTION: Go to some formal networking events and see how you do. Keep in mind that you are looking for the 3 Kinds of People Outlined above. [email protected] | www.revenuebreakthrough.com | 1-800-208-0913
To START: Get on all the e-­‐mail lists of the groups that interest you. When they e-­‐mail events out, put the events on your calendar. Decide at the beginning of each week which event you would like to visit. o Formal Networking: Networking Organizations that you join and attend weekly:  These groups are excellent for new business owners because you can gain a lot of confidence from joining these groups. Members become your friends and allies and you learn how to speak in front of a group and explain what you do in terms that they understand. • Examples include: o BNI o Gotham Networking o Women who Launch 
ACTION: You may want to simply visit one of these groups and experience the atmosphere. You can even substitute in the groups for free for a long time. • To START: Most of these groups allow you to visit a chapter to start with. Visit many chapters until you find one that you really fit with. Don’t join the first one you visit and you may want to wait at least 3-­‐6 months to join these groups. o Informal Networking – 1 Event Per Week  Parties, Meetings, Events, Get Togethers, Yoga Parties – Anywhere where your target market hangs out  Conversation Script: • Use your pitch: o I help women in their 30’s and 40’s find more health and satisfaction in their lives.  Connect with people and open up a dialogue, get into what is going on with them. Offer Did You Knows and Advice. Pull someone into your area of expertise.  Ask if they would like to receive a free gift? Then put them on your newsletter. 
[email protected] | www.revenuebreakthrough.com | 1-800-208-0913
ACTION: Be on the lookout for these types of events. Go to them. If you find events that go nationally, post them on the forum for the group. Get out there and make it your goal to go to one event per week. o Enrolling Conversations – 1 Conversation a Week  At least once a week, place a call or have a conversation with a friend, family member or someone that you just about what you do.  Sources of these conversations: • Wherever you, whatever you do, you’re a business owner. • Take advantage of every moment whether you are standing in line or on the subway 
2. Who You Are Looking For At Networking Events o Four kinds of people you are looking for in networking:  1. Support Network – potential friends, acquaintances, and other business owners who could support you in your business needs. • Writers, marketing experts, assistants, etc.  2. Referral Partners – other business owners who could serve as referral partners for your business, sending clients your way.  3. Clients – people who would be interested in buying your services. Note: these people are rare at general networking events and often require a sales process or relationship before they will buy from you. 
4. Leads for Speaking Events -­‐ o ACTION: Look for all four types of associates and be open to meeting all new people for any and all reasons. •
3. What To Do At The Networking Events: o Connect with 3 People at Every Event o Leave your stuff at the door – Do the Centering Ritual o Charisma, Charm and Fun are everything. o Use your charm, intuition, empathy and understanding to make the person in front of you feel comfortable. [email protected] | www.revenuebreakthrough.com | 1-800-208-0913
o Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there – especially if the person in front of you is shy. o Use Some Coaching or Advice to Your advantage  “Did you know that it’s actually easier than you think to meet a guy you really like? Here’s why.” o Dress Appropriately for the event  Always dress to represent your brand  If you are going to stand out, stand out in a good way. Don’t get noticed for something odd . o When you Arrive:  Always greet the person organizing the event and introduce yourself and spend some time chatting with that person. Often that person is very well connected and can help you in the future.  Scan the room and get clear on your intentions for the month (i.e. I am attracting three new clients this month). Then, from a place of abundance go to the person who you feel like you should speak to first. Continue in this fashion.  If it is easier, pick someone who looks more nervous than you and begin speaking to him/her. They will be thankful. o While you are networking:  Always be thinking about how you can help the other person.  Be the connector, introducing people to one another in the room. o When you collect business cards:  Write the next action you will take with that person on the back of their business card: • Newsletter • Set Up for a meeting • Connect with someone else • What kind of people are good to refer to them • Thank you e-­‐mail – Let’s Keep in Touch o Questions to ASK for an informal event:  General conversation about eating, health, business, relationships – whatever you’d like to focus on  Ask about their family, friends, recent vacations  Ask about movies or entertainment  Make an effort to connect with them  If they seem interested, ask if they would like to get some free goodies and then put them on the newsletter. [email protected] | www.revenuebreakthrough.com | 1-800-208-0913
o Questions to ASK for a formal event:  How did you get started?  What made you decide to do X?  What is your favorite thing about your profession X?  What kinds of people are good to refer to you? • You may want to write that down on their business card.  How can I best help you?  What is the best way to talk about your business with other people?  How long have you lived here? •
o General Tips:  Determine what kind of events are good for you. Is it better to do sit-­‐down lunches and get to know people? Or is it better for you to do events where you stand around and talk to people? Pick events that suit your business and personality. For most service businesses, I find that the events where you can sit and talk to people create more leads and opportunities.  Standing by the food table is always good, you’ll meet lots of people there. Just don’t focus on eating, focus on meeting . 4. Following Up After the Networking Events: o Put all of your contacts into your database – you can get a student or intern to do this for you eventually. o I use Mac Address book which connects with Mac Cloud – but any electronic address book is fine as long as you can see it online as well. Google is great as well. o Do your follow-­‐up within 3 days of the networking event o Follow-­‐up by: see scripts below  Put them on the newsletter  Setting a phone or coffee meeting with them (always suggest meetings in your neighborhood first)  Potential Client – Set up an initial session with them o Rule for if they don’t get back to you:  Follow up 3 times – 2 e-­‐mails and one phone call  If they don’t respond, put them on your “hot list”. This is the list that you’ll contact first before your next event. Homework: • February Challenge: 6 Sales Conversations with Potential Clients + Book a Speaking Event o Part One: [email protected] | www.revenuebreakthrough.com | 1-800-208-0913
Conduct 6 sales conversations with potential clients. We are taking the training wheels off now and you are going to the races!  Now it’s time to get out there and start meeting potential clients and inviting them to have sales conversations with you.  See the scripts below and in the get 3 clients in 30 days handout. o Part Two:  Book your first speaking event. This can be anything from standing in front of a book group to speaking in the living room with a group of friends to doing a real speaking event. It doesn’t have to be conducted in February, but must be conducted before April 31st. 
o Post the names of the people and dates of the conversations + the date of your speaking event and where it is on FB by 5:00 on March 1st. o The reward? Yet another useful tidbit to keep you rocking and rolling in the mail. o Don’t you just love these gifts in the mail? Beats bills by FAR! SCRIPTS!
[email protected] | www.revenuebreakthrough.com | 1-800-208-0913
What to say when you walk into a networking event:
Hi, I’m Monica. I work with corporate professional women who are tired,
overwhelmed and are at war with their bodies. I help them find simple ways to be
healthy and balanced without sacrificing their lives.
Response: Great. How Do You Do that?
I have a proprietary 4-step system that I take people through over the course of 6
months. The first step to working with me is to o a weight loss breakthrough session.
Invite to a session in person:
The first step in working with me is to do a Revenue Breakthrough session with me. It is
a session that will help you get really clear on where your business is now, what your
ideal business looks like, what is getting in the way of keeping you there, and some
coaching around how to get you there. You’ll leave the session inspired and motivated to
move forward. Do you have a minute now to get something on the calendar?
Response to question: “What do we do during the session?”
During your session, we will:
Get really clear on where your health is now and what your ideal body
would look like
What your challenges have been around losing weight in the past and
how to overcome them now.
Create a clear step-by-step plan on how to get to your ideal weight,
without deprivation or struggle.
Whether you decide to work with me or not, you will leave the session feeling inspired
and motivated to move towards your goals and better health.
Invite to a session over e-mail – for Follow-Up to one person you met:
It was great to meet you at the event the other night. As you know, I am a weight loss
coach. I help women lose that extra belly fat and finally it into their jeans again. There
are so many women struggling with losing weight and hating their bodies and it doesn't
[email protected] | www.revenuebreakthrough.com | 1-800-208-0913
have to be this way. Losing weight is so about so much more than just what we put into
our bodies, which is why I'd like to invite you to a free Weight Loss Breakthrough
During your session, you will:
Get really clear on where your health is now and what your ideal body would look
What your challenges have been around losing weight in the past and how to
overcome them now.
Create a clear step-by-step plan on how to get to your ideal weight, without
deprivation or struggle.
Whether you decide to work with me or not, you will leave the session feeling inspired
and motivated to move towards your goals and better health.
Click here and choose a date and time that works for you:
Insert timetrade link- www.timetrade.com
With much appreciation,
[email protected] | www.revenuebreakthrough.com | 1-800-208-0913