
website: http://www.holyfamilyfranklinton.com
July 20, 2014 ◊ Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rev. Peter Hammett, OSB
Sacramental emergencies
Mass Intentions
7/19 5 pm
(985) 237-0972
(985) 839-4040
Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm
Parish Email
[email protected]
Mailing Address
1220 14th Avenue
Franklinton, LA 70438
(corner of Bickham St. and 14th Ave.)
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil: 5 pm
Sunday: 8:30 and 11 am
La Misa en Español: 5 pm
Armand and
Eunice Bolotte
†Christof and
Constance Bolotte
†Harold Carriles
†Ariel Erwin
†Marilyn Galivan
†Ulysses and
Emily Guidry
†Eugene Guidry
†Souls in Purgatory
7/20 8:30 am †Ariel Erwin
†Bertha Lambremont
†Mildred Martin
†Deceased Members
of Bateman, Herbert,
and Weidenbacker
7/20 11 am
7/21 6 pm
(el último domingo de cada mes)
7/22 No Mass
Weekday Masses
Monday and Wednesday: 6 pm
Thursday and Friday: 9 am
7/23 No Mass please pray for
Fr. Peter’s eye surgery
(no weekday Mass on Tuesday)
Saturday 3:30 - 4:15 pm
Eucharistic Adoration
First Friday of every month
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Director of Religious Education
and Baptismal Seminar
Renée Herbert: (985) 630-1121
Please contact Fr. Peter at least
6 months in advance of your
planned wedding date.
7/24 9 am
†Dorothy Corceller
7/25 9 am
†Winston Gagnard
7/26 5 pm
†Harold Carriles
†Ariel Erwin
†Mildred Martin
†Souls in Purgatory
7/27 8:30 am Parishioners
7/27 11 am
†Peggy Bateman
†Hilda Kreamer
Lost and found
A copy of Divine Intimacy was
found several weeks ago in the
church. We’ve got it in the office
for you.
In your kindness, please
remember in your prayers:
Etienne Allano, Rita Anderson,
Royce Arthur, Lauren Authement,
Mickie Ayo, Janet Baham, Leo Baracco,
Dot Baldassaro, Manette Bateman,
Tommy Benison, Jimmy Bergeron,
Alanna Bernard, Darryl Bonner,
Shanna Bolotte, Bondi Family,
Faye Boyd, Billie Burley, Jeanne Clesi,
Tommie Clemons, Linda Comeaux,
Robert D’Aquin, Eddie Elliott, Paul Elzey,
Dorothy Estave, Jean Felton,
Jacob Fiorello, Jamie Fleetwood,
Mike & Elaine Gaillard, Diane Gennusa,
Frank Gennusa, Louise Griffin, Gueldner Family, Ruby Guthrie,
Harris, Melvin & Pat Hebert, Richard
Henry, Renée Herbert,
Cody Hilburn, Coby Holden, Ann Hunt, Vickie
Jambon, Lynnie Kass,
Kepley, Christina Lachney, Jeff Lewis,
Howard Lambremont,
Ed Logan,
Tina & Henry Lirette,
E.J. Lugo,
Edward Magee,
Mark Malbrough, Gwen Meariman, John Moragas, Curtis Neal,
Gary Nunemacher, Tina Nunemacher, Catherine
Olivier, Craig Painter,
Elizabeth Penton, Versey Peterson, Hank Ryan, Emily
Sampey, Lee Stall, Danny Sanders,
Woodrow Schilling, Joshua Skalinder,
Nora Sylvest,
Cecilia Tanet, Diana
Tanner, Joyce Ullo, Kaye Varnado,
and all Americans serving in our military
* new to prayer list
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn
from July 20-26 for
lasting peace in the Holy Land
by anonymous request
** Schedule change**
What is a Synod?
Does it concern me?
A Synod (pronounced sin’ ud) is a
meeting of the clergy, religious, and
laity for the purpose of gathering feedback to advise the bishop on priorities
for ministry, policy, and pastoral care.
Local gatherings are being held all over
the Archdiocese, with Archbishop
Aymond attending them all. Plan on
attending the gathering on Tuesday,
August 19, 7 pm, at Mary Queen of
Peace Church in Mandeville. Your
input is valued.
There will be no 6 pm Mass on this
Wednesday, July 23, due to Fr. Peter’s
cataract surgery that morning. This is the
only anticipated cancellation this
week. The church will be open during
the day on Wednesday, as usual.
Upcoming Events
Fr. Peter’s class on the
Psalms 9:30 am
NO MASS TODAY - please
pray for Fr. Peter’s eye surgery
KC Breakfast Fundraiser
9:30 am
¡Gracias! Merci! Efharisto! Toda!
La Misa en Español 5 pm
Robert and Carol d’Aquin would like
to thank everyone for your prayers
during Robert’s recent illness. He’s
on the mend and looking forward to
getting the all-clear to resume his
usual activities very soon.
Combined Councils Mtg
6:30 pm
First Friday Eucharistic
Adoration 9:30 am-4:30 pm
Fr. Peter’s class on the
Psalms 9:30 am
Mahalo! Grazie! Asante! Danke!
You’ve got mail (at least, that’s the plan)
Service with a :)
We’re working on updating the parish
email contact list. We promise not to
clutter your inbox; we’re just hoping to
facilitate urgent communications.
We ask each parishioner who uses
email to please send a quick email to
the parish, at the email address below.
To those who have responded: Thanks
for your help. To those who haven’t
yet: Please do so as soon as you’re
able; it’ll be much appreciated!
We are in immediate need of ushers
for all Masses. If you would like to
offer your service, please contact
the office or Judy Rabuffo, 839-4563.
Stewardship Corner
Last week’s collection:
Building Fund total:
Thank you for your generosity.
Do you know
someone who
might be searching for a new
closeness to God?
Perhaps someone
who is just curious
about the Catholic
Church? Then use
the enclosed flyer
to invite them to
our friendly inquiry sessions. Don’t know
anybody searching? Then pray and take
a couple of flyers anyway (extras on the
back table) to keep with you -- you never
know who God might put in your path,
relying on you to reach out. We’ll begin
with coffee and dessert on Tuesday,
August 26 at 6:30 pm in the hall. For
more information, contact the church
office, 839-4040, or Eddie Boudreaux,
A little thoughtfulness will go a
long way
We do like seeing each other here at
church, but we should be aware that
before Mass some arrive early to use
this time for prayer. These may be
the only quiet moments of someone’s
week. Please be considerate and
maintain a reverent quiet in church,
especially before Mass. Thank you.
Top 10 reasons why we need a new church building (Part 3):
4. If Franklinton continues to grow even at its present moderate rate, we can
expect an increase in the size of our Catholic community. This will necessitate a
larger church as well as enlarged facilities for the parish hall.
3. A new church would allow reconfiguration of our entire parish plant
operations (church orientation, parking, hall facilities, classrooms and office space).
2. The church will only age, and given the confluence of the above needs,
continually sinking money into repairs is not a responsible use of our resources.
And the #1 reason why we need a new church building is ...
> > > more next week >