Master Projects @ Philips Research


Master Projects @ Philips Research
Master Projects @ Philips Research Arle%e van Wissen Philips Research December 7th 2015 Two focused companies 10 Royal Philips Philips LighDng HealthTech LighDng soluDons October, 2015 Philips Research Philips Research 100+ years of delivering meaningful innova4ons 18 October, 2015 Philips Research Introducing Philips Research -­‐ anno 2015 101 Annual research budget ~1% of Philips turnover ~500 projects per year years Global presence: Over 55% founded Europe, North America, China, India Brazil and Africa of total 130.000 in 1914 (3 major labs, 5 satellites) ~1.700 Research employees across the globe Philips patents 50
naDonaliDes Some insights on how we operate We target health care customer and consumer needs along the health conDnuum Healthy living PrevenDon Diagnosis Treatment Home care Help people to Enable people to Ensure first Dme Enable more Support recovery live a healthy life manage their right diagnosis effecDve and chronic care in a healthy own health with personalized therapies, faster at home home and adapDve care recovery and environment pathways beYer outcomes Monitoring, informaDcs and connected care Improve populaDon health outcomes and efficiency through integrated care, real-­‐Dme analyDcs and value-­‐added services CollaboraDon with the VU •  Bachelor students •  Master students •  PhD students 7 Previous projects: Social Data AnalyDcs Maurits Bleeker A research project to invesDgate the influence of social interacDons on people's physical and cogniDve states. CombinaDon of learning from data and modeling human behavior. •  Do emoDons spread through groups? •  Do social interacDons posiDvely influence mood? •  Are people physically more acDve when they are together? •  Are we able to idenDfy who someone is interacDng with from social signals? 8 Individual Social Data:
recognizing social signals
between 2 persons
Group Social Data:
annotated social graph
Previous projects: Virtual PaDents Sascha Slisser A research project aimed at developing realisDc virtual paDents for simulaDon-­‐based training of health coaches. CombinaDon of knowledge representaDon, dialog systems and 3D modeling. 9 Current interests/subjects •  Virtual Coaching •  Hybrid Coaching (Human-­‐Computer InteracDon) •  Human Modeling –  Physical –  Lifestyle –  Psychosocial •  Digital Behavior Change IntervenDons •  ConversaDonal Systems •  (Social) Data AnalyDcs 10 Example Research QuesDons Is it possible to automaDcally tag the content of short textual intervenDons? Can we use moDvaDonal interviewing to automaDcally deduce the (value of) psychosocial determinants of behavior? Can we use a virtual What unobtrusive coach/communicaDon How c
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e ways of measuring system to determine a used t
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oaching can we use to gain person’s current plans that are both robust (values of) more insights into and adapDve? determinants of (the reasons for) a behavior? person’s behavior? How can we idenDfy the effects of How can we idenDfy the effort it specific content in intervenDons on takes for someone to make a behavior or behavioral determinants? parDcular change? Interested? Want to know more? •  [email protected] •  [email protected] •  [email protected] 12