Samabula Gospel Chapel


Samabula Gospel Chapel
Samabula Gospel Chapel
“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your family.” Acts 16:31
Our Vision:
Our Mission:
“His commands: our first concern”
28 Belo St., Samabula. P.O. Box 3936, Samabula, Suva, Fiji.
Phone: (679) 338 3571
E-mail: [email protected]
Dearly Beloved
Peace and joy to you from our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus. Real joy is never something that originates from within: it must
come from without. Searching for joy within is like searching for the ocean within a droplet of water. Perhaps this is why so many
of us have a difficult time finding joy at Christmas. Bite into a Christmas cake, and you might enjoy it. Open a shiny package, and
you might delight in what you find inside. But joy; true and pure is so much more than enjoyment. We want to share our joy
with you this Christmas and the marvellous work God is doing among His people at Samabula Gospel Chapel and beyond.
1. Sunday School and Youth
Classes for 2012 were as follows:
2- 6
Class Roll
Mere Goundar, Bhavishna Chand
Luta Naidu; Rebekah Chand
Jocelyn Chand; Maisea Nareki
Douglas Chand; Nilesh Goundar
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Mother’s day theme, Palm Sunday
and Easter themes, Gospel of Matthew
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Mother’s day theme, Palm Sunday
and Easter themes, Gospel of Matthew
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Heroes of the Bible
Jesus’ Final Week (13 lessons); Judges (12 lessons); Acts
The majority of the children attend regularly. We had few children join us in the second
half and having Sister Maisea back with us for 6 weeks from Indonesia whist on semester
break was great help for Jocelyn. The highlight for this second half will be the Christmas
production by the children to the community on 22 December followed by dinner and
carols by candlelight.
The youth meetings on Friday evenings saw growth as well with up to 30 young people
attending regularly. The youth group has been ably led by Douglas, Thomas, Mariah,
and Eliki and Lata who bring the young from Narere. A highlight was the combined
fellowship at Bethany Assemblies of God church in Nabua where Thomas preached and
our youth performed skits and items.
2. On the Family Front
Thomas and Melinda Wong welcomed their first child; baby Rosie Wong, on 6 August.
The baby was dedicated to the Lord at the chapel on 21 October.
Elder Caleb and his dear helpmeet
Rose Ludwig celebrated their 18
wedding anniversary at the chapel. It was a wonderful time of
celebration and fellowship for all with fun, food and games.
3. Emmaus Bible School
The day classes held on Tuesdays and Thursdays continued with Cal, Mase
and Ielemia. The Wednesday evening class was able to complete the
Biblical Hermeneutics course. We were invited to the Asia-Pacific
conference held in Malaysia but due to the unavailability of funds did not
attend. Courses were completed by the assembly in Rakiraki: Sesarina,
Seema and Prem Lata. Brother Joe Philip (North Dallas Bible Chapel) who
visited in October was able to take tutorial sessions with the Tuesday and
Thursday group.
4. Mailbox Bible Club
29 youth from the Navosai Methodist Church and 10 youth from Emmanuel
AOG Church in Navua completed the Love, dating and marriage course.
Certificates were presented to them. The assembly is currently doing Course
1: A Country Called Heaven at the Lal’s place on Wednesday evenings. We
hope to finish the Course in Jan 2013.
5. Ladies Fellowship
The ladies continued with their sewing classes and visitation program. The
highlight was hosting a wedding shower for Soko (Waqa and Alowesi’s
daughter) who got married on 16 August; and baby shower for Sister Daisy
while her mum was here from Shanghai as well as her husband Wayne’s mum,
Aunty Phyllis from Savusavu.
New Members
The second half of the year saw 3 new families joining the fellowship: Ajendra and
Anita Pratap together with daughter Ashmeeka; Cal Sakiasi with her 4 children; and
the Lal family, Rakesh and Aruna with children Shirley and Kaushin. A bible study is
being held at the Lal family home on Wednesday evenings using Mailbox Club Course
1. Both children gave their life to the Lord at the study and the fellowship is being
7. Visiting Speakers
Visiting speakers that encouraged believers through their messages, gifts and
fellowship included Stephen Grant from Scotland (July 11-17), Joe Philip from USA
(Sept 8-17) and Ashley Crampton from NZ-Sigatoka Gospel Chapel. (November 25).
First up, brother Stephen visited for the second time and spoke on 1 Corinthians 13:
the Love Chapter. We were able to organise fellowship meetings for him in Suva as
well as in Lautoka and this was the best series of messages we have heard on the
subject. Brother Stephen’s visit also led to introduction and establishment of links
with the publication, Precious Seed, a magazine to encourage the study of the
scriptures, the practice of New Testament church principles and interest in gospel
work in the UK and abroad. Consequently we are being regularly sent 20 copies of
their magazine for distribution in Fiji and are grateful for biblically sound and
scholarly articles that are deeply encouraging.
Brother Joe Philip visited for the third time for a round of evening meetings on the
subject of the Resurrection. During the day he ministered in Gospel High School. 92 students made public commitments to the
Lord in the High School assembly and individual class sessions; 3 teachers made public commitments to the Lord and 1
rededicated her life; 6 students were interested in baptism but parents denied permission and 2 students were baptised along
with new members Ajendra and Anita Pratap as well as Ronika at the Chapel on 16 September.
In addition to this work, and through brother Joe’s support the Lord
enabled us to start a discipleship class for the Gospel High School students
who made commitments
and there are currently
116 students enrolled in
this class at two levels:
Basic Christian Training
and Advanced Christian
Training. This will take
them through over 29
weeks of discipleship
training in various Biblical
truths to mature them in
the faith. All this ministry
openings is an amazing experience of the mighty power of God. We are hoping
to extend Joe Philip’s ministry to include the assemblies in Tuvalu and Nauru in
As brother Joe was celebrating a milestone in his life, SGC threw a special party for him. It was surprise evening filed with fun,
games, food and honouring our brother for his commitment to the things of God. A tour of the west was also organised for
brother Joe. The teaching ministry at Ba and Lautoka assemblies were very encouraging and also at Samabula as well. We are
grateful to Lautoka Gospel chapel for hosting the speakers, Ba Gospel Chapel for faithfully attending and providing the lovo lunch
each time and Sigatoka Gospel Chapel for joining us for the fellowship.
On 30 September brother Graham Clark spoke at the Chapel. He is an
elder from Tamaki Community Church in New Zealand who was in Fiji on
mission with beloved Aunty Naomi (Tamaki Community Church) and
Cherry (Ngaire Avenue Bible Chapel) McKinnon, May Albrecht
(Manurewa Gospel Chapel), Lois Finlay (Ngaire Avenue Bible Chapel) and
Elaine Forbes (Tamaki Community Church). Elaine’s husband, Bruce and
son had visited on an earlier mission with Aunty Naomi some years ago.
On 25 November Uncle Ashley Crampton, his dear wife Aunty Gillian and
two brothers from Sigatoka Gospel Chapel, Dhurup and Navi
fellowshipped with us. Uncle Ashley spoke on Philippians 3.
8. Visitors
 In July former members Donald and Kelly Ram visited from USA. Kelly has since given birth to a baby boy.
 On 5 August we had Derryl Bloomfield and his wife, David Begg; and Stanley and Sala Hanif visit and fellowship with us.
We also had brother Dhurup from Sigatoka Gospel Chapel on the day.
 On August 19 we had brother Robert Lal form Sydney Australia and his family fellowship with us.
 In September the chapel hosted the missions team from NZ: Graham Clark, Naomi and McKinnon, May Albrecht, Lois
Finlay and Elaine Forbes. They spent two weeks revitalising the Gospel Primary School library and sewing uniforms for
the students at the Gospel School for the deaf as well as supplying new linen and towels for the deaf hostels.
 Former member, brother Vijay Prasad visited the assembly on 21 November and joined us for prayer and Bible study.
9. Tracts
Uncle Mahend and Aunty Sharmila Prasad with the help of others lead this
The tracts are distributed in: hospitals, health centres,
educational institutions, homes and to tourists on cruise ships as well as
during festivities (e.g. Easter, Christmas, Diwali, Eid). Tracts have been
distributed to 11 cruise ships this second half and we produced 50,000
copies the tract: Rebirth of a Yogi, Rabi Maharaj’s story. The Hibiscus
festival and similar festivals in the west were popular distribution points
for the tracts as well.
10. Campus Crusade for Christ
More than 30 Suva based labourers
including staff and students from
University of the South Pacific Student
Life were sent on mission trips to
Samoa, Nadi, and Vanuatu in August.
More than 200 presentations of the
Gospel were made and this fostered
partnership with former Student life
leaders, churches and indigenous
believers. The students enlarged their vision of God and the need to be involved in mobilizing
more labourers in the Pacific and beyond.
Caleb, Rose and the family prepare for their move to Guam in April 2013 after 11 years in Fiji.
SGC loses a loving and caring shepherd and exemplary family. May God raise up more godly
elders in the assembly to help oversee the Lord’s work.
11. Mission to Tova, Rakiraki
SGC is committed to working in partnership with Brother Tomasi and his dear wife to progress the work in Tova. Two youth,
Joshua and Nimmo went on mission Rakiraki, during the August school holidays. Future mission efforts will combine Bible
teaching with practical support and community service (e.g. constructing flush toilets, farm work, etc.).
12. Farewell
The assembly farewelled (Nov 18) Uncle
Ray and Aunty Jeanette Wilkinson who
returned to Australia for health reasons.
The beloved couple were a wonderful
addition to the fellowship and are dearly
missed. Their ward, Ronika was baptised
by Uncle Ray and what a joy to see
spiritual children taking important steps in
obedience and maturing in the Lord.
Ronika continues to fellowship with us at
We also farewelled Daisy’s mum, Mrs Fenfang Li who was visiting from Shanghai to help Daisy during the birth of baby
Waynetta Irava.
13. Narere
Two fulltime workers, Eliki Lalauvaki and Thomas Wong
continue to receive regular support from the assembly for
the work in Narere. Youth meetings are combined with
Samabula. In Late June two tragic events occurred in
Narere. A fire totally destroyed the home of child member
Amitesh; the other being the death of beloved member,
Vinita’s mum who is in the presence of the Lord. SGC
contributed to the needs of the families at these times.
14. Nauru
The assembly continues to meet on Sundays for worship as
well and prayer and Bible study in the evenings. A priority
for SGC is to source and send bible teachers to encourage
the assembly in 2013.
15. Other News
Sunday morning ministry includes: expository study of
Nehemiah by Nilesh and topical study on
missions/evangelism by other speakers. Thus far Nehemiah Chapter 5 has been covered.
Wednesday evening prayer and Bible study continue to provide
essential mid-week fellowship. It is an encouragement to see
more attending and the answers to prayer. God is working in
and through His people as they seek His face and study His
With the support of the Hot Bread Kitchen and others we were
able to assist 5 students at Gospel Primary School with Term 2
fees as well as many students in other schools. This is the
practical support we can provide to the Gospel schools apart
from the advisory role we play in the governance of the schools
through the committees.
Devotions continue to be emailed out every week day to just
over 500 people who in turn forward these to their contacts. An essential part of the ministry of the assembly there’s
regular feedback from the readers: those who are encouraged as well as those who disagree with the messages. At least
people are reading the messages and critically reflecting on them and their lives.
During the Goundar family holiday to NZ in October, Nilesh was able to hold two bible teaching sessions with the home
group led by Saiyad and Rubina Irshad, former members of SGC. The couple are active in ministry and leadership at the Life
Church in Auckland. The family will be spending Christmas in Fiji so will be fellowshipping at SGC.
Assemblies abroad or anywhere for that matter need encouragement and visiting
speakers and itinerant teachers can provide this as the Lord leads. Thus,
conceptualised at brother Pradeep’s (elder Burwood Gospel Chapel) home in July
this year Nilesh was invited to speak at a Fiji fellowship gathering hosted by
Burwood and Concord Brethren assemblies in Sydney, Australia. Our deep gratitude
to brothers Pradeep and Tanga for convening the fellowship meeting.
The Saturday evening
was well attended by
former members and
friends of SGC and
other assemblies in Fiji (e.g. Kushma Dutta, Shiu Mani and
family, Edward Lalabalavu, Carl Simpson, Tanga and Vijay
Poonan, Vijen and Madhu Lal, Kanti) as well as by saints of
Pakistani, Indian, Korean and Middle Eastern origin and
sparked fresh interest in the Lord’s work in Fiji and support
for it through missions and other avenues.
Consequently Concord assembly is planning a mission in 2013. Nilesh’s other preaching commitments whilst in Sydney
(Nov 17-19) included preaching at the Sunday morning, afternoon and evening services in Burwood and Concord
assemblies. An invitation has been issued by Burwood Gospel Chapel for similar fellowship ministry and bible teaching
meetings in April 2013. Our deep gratitude to brother Pradeep for his on-going support for the work in SGC.
For women in disadvantaged communities a bra is often unobtainable or unaffordable. Hence with support from we were able to facilitate gifting of 4 bras each to girls in the Gospel Deaf Hostels as well as to our
female members at Narere church. Our deep gratitude to the Uplift Project for this support.
16. Highlights for 2013
 3 visit by Brother Stephen Grant, itinerant Bible teacher and elder at Bridge of Weir Assembly, Scotland
 4 visit by Brother Joe Philip, itinerant Bible teacher and evangelist from North Dallas Bible Chapel , USA. We are
hoping to extend the ministry to assemblies in Nauru and Tuvalu.
 Mission trips to Tova, Rakiraki, Seqaqa in Vanua Levu, and the Pacific islands of Tuvalu, Kiribati and Tokelau. Pacific
Islands missions will be spearheaded by sister Judy Rokomasa.
 Mission team from Concord Community Church, Sydney, Australia
17. Projects that need your prayers and financial support
 Literature ministry (Tracts, Emmaus and Mailbox Bible Courses)
 Mission and Church planting in Tova, Rakiraki, Seqaqa in Vanua Levu, and the Pacific Islands of Tuvalu, Kiribati and
Tokelau (Bibles, educational resources, household items, clothes, hymn books, Sunday School teaching materials,
 SGC floor tiles (early 80’s) need changing and other urgent maintenance works at the chapel and the chapel house.
Our deep gratitude to all for praying and providing financial and other support. This means a lot to us and is confirmation that
we serve a providing God, Who knows exactly what we need and mobilises resources around the world to help His church/
people. It also connects us and reminds us that we are not alone. You are in our hearts as we are in yours.
May 2013 bring the
warmth of home and
fellowship to you; the
cheer and goodwill of
friends; the faith and
hope of a childlike
heart; and the love of
our Saviour, the Lord
Jesus Christ and God's
peace and joy to you.