INSIDE: “Corte Madera Centennial”


INSIDE: “Corte Madera Centennial”
June, July & August 2016
Corte Madera-Larkspur
July Fourth Parade & Festival
Monday, July 4th
“Corte Madera Centennial”
Start Time: 10:30am
Begins: Redwood High School, Larkspur
Ends: Corte Madera Town Center
The parade will feature many incredible bands including the famous Corte Madera Town Band,
McIntosh Pipe Band, and the Freedom Band.
Time: 9 am – 5 pm • Place: Corte Madera Town Park
A large selection of artists and artisans, including some of our very own crafters from the Twin Cities.
There will be fine art, photography, pottery, jewelry, glassware and more.
Entertainment on Main Stage will be from 1 to 5pm and will include “Wonder Bread 5.”
Zip Line, Obstacle Course, Carnival games, Bounce Houses, and Arts &Crafts.
Our vendors will serve up hamburgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, kettle corn, pizza, ice cream and more.
Sponsored by
Corte Madera Inn, Corte Madera Town Center,
Jay Siegan Presents, Union Bank and The Village at Corte Madera
Letter from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Countywide Mixer at Hopmonk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Letter from Town Council Liaison . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Welcome New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Thank you to Silent Auction Donors . . . . . . . . . . . 4
New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Corte Madera Centennial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,
Fourth of July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Age-Friendly Corte Madera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Thank you from Larkspur/
Corte Madera School District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
News from The Village at Corte Madera . . 9,
Town Center Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
News Around Town . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,
11 & 12
129 Corte Madera Town Center
Corte Madera, Ca 94925 • 415-924-0441 .
The Chamber is now on Facebook
Visit us at www .cortemadera .org
or email us at chamber@cortemadera .org
Like us on Facebook
For more information visit
Please visit and like our page!
June, July & August 2016 • Corte Madera Connection
Meeting & Events Calendar
June, July & August 2016
June 2
Mixer at Mini of Marin • 5:30 - 7:00pm
June 7
Board of Directors Meeting • 12pm
June 10-12
Centennial Weekend 100
Celebrating Corte Madera’s 100th Birthday
June 19
Father’s Day
July 4
Corte Madera/Larkspur
4th of July Parade & Festival
July 14
Joint mixer San Anselmo, San Rafael,
Sausalito, San Rafael and Hispanic Chambers •
HopMonk Tavern • 5:30-7:30p .m .
August 2
Board of Directors Meeting • 12pm
A Letter from President of the
Corte Madera Chamber of Commerce
Jim Parrott, President
Well I sure can’t believe
that we are already half way
through our centennial year.
We still have a lot of great
events coming up including
our huge Centennial
“Weekend 100” over the
June 10-12 weekend.
The 10th will include a
Centennial Weekend Kick
off dinner and games at
the Community Center.
On Saturday the 11th there
will be a Family Fun Day,
including lunch courtesy
of the The Village at Corte
Madera, the Town Band
and Hall School Chorus
in the Town Park. Later
that night there will be
fireworks and music by the
Jimmy Z Band over at The
Village at Corte Madera
with refreshment provided
by The Rotary. On Sunday
the 12th we’ll have the Police
vs. the Fire department old
time ballgame and Chili
Cook-off. The first Summer
Sunday Concert at Piccolo
Pavilion will take place
on the 12th as well. The
concerts, sponsored by the
Corte Madera Community
Foundation, all summer long
are free and a great way to
wrap up your week. Keep an
eye on the Chamber’s website
or at
to find out more about these
and other upcoming events.
We‘ve already had a
number of fun mixers. I’d
like to thank Marin Luxury
Cars, Pig in A Pickle, and
the Corte Madera Inn
for hosting our mixers so
far this year. We were at
Mini of Marin for our June
mixer. You’re missing out if
you’re not attending these
mixers. They are a fun way
to network and make new
friends or catch up with old
ones. The food has been
great and there is always
a good selection of wine.
Mixers and most of our
events are always free!
We had our State of the
Town luncheon also at the
Corte Madera Inn. We have a
lot to be proud of in our new
Mayor Sloane Bailey and all
our other Town Department
Heads and their teams. We
all learned a lot about where
our town has been, where it
is right now and where it’s
going, or at least a plan of
where they might take it. I’d
like to thank Sloan, David
Bracken, Adam Wolff, Todd
Cusimano, Scott Shurtz
and George Warman for
their contributions and
insights about our town.
And thanks to Valerie Pitts,
Superintendent of Larkspur/
Corte Madera School
District. If you’ve never
attended a State of The Town
Address, you should put it on
your calendar for next year.
We always learn a lot about
where we work and live.
The Margarita’s at the
Fundraiser were really good
and impeccably concocted
by our own Christine
Bohlke and served by Adam
Wiatrak, Kevin Jones and
yours truly. We had some
fun items to bid on and I’d
like to thank all our business
community that made
donations to the fundraiser.
Restoration Hardware was
extremely generous. If you
didn’t attend you missed an
opportunity to get inside the
old Peppermill/Max’s/Best
Lil Pork House restaurant
building for perhaps the last
time. There are always a
whole lot of great bargains to
be had as well. Many thanks
to the Corte Madera Inn for
allowing us access into that
iconic building.
Also on May 22nd was the
Corte Madera Centennial
Vintage Car show at Marin
Luxury Cars. At this time
that event hasn’t occurred but
I’m going and I’ll bet there
will be lots of great cars to
see. There are a lot of town’s
people working on putting
all these events together. As
you can imagine, it’s not
an easy task and you can’t
fall back on any previous
experience, this is our first
100 year celebration. Please
support the effort of so many
who have been working
for months to make this
centennial a huge success.
Our June 2nd Mixer was
at Mini of Marin. We hope
you came by to see all the
new models of Mini’s and
continued on page 4
June, July & August 2016 • Corte Madera Connection
From the Desk of the Town Council Liaison
Carla Condon, Liaison to the Corte Madera Chamber of Commerce
We’re already midway in
our Town’s Centennial year.
There are countless activities
planned in celebration of
Corte Madera’s 100 year
birthday and I hope you’re
taking advantage of the great
times being offered. For
details of future events and
photos of past events, please
visit www.cortemadera100.
In case you hadn’t heard,
we are so happy to welcome
home former Manager of
Town Center, Stan Hoffman.
Macerich has named Stan
as the new Manager of The
Village at Corte Madera.
The Village couldn’t be in
better hands. We’re delighted
to have Stan back as a beloved
member of our community.
The upcoming 4th of July
celebration is coming up soon
and is bound to be greater
than ever this Centennial
year. I encourage you to
consider participating in this
annual event. Everyone’s
welcome, even your pets!
Consider making it a family
or neighborhood event. If
you don’t want to be a part of
the parade, please don’t miss
being a spectator. The parade,
overseen and coordinated by
our Chamber of Commerce
Executive Director, Julie
Kritzberger, draws over
15,000 spectators a year. Not
only do we have one of the
largest parades in the Bay
Area, but loads of arts and
crafts, food and games are
offered throughout the day in
Town Park.
Age-Friendly Corte
Madera and the Centennial
Committee will be honoring
our Town’s nonagenarians
and centenarians on August
28th. If you know of any
residents aged 90 or more,
please pass along their contact
information to me so that
they may be included.
In September, David
Bracken, will be stepping
down from his position as
Town Manager, and we are
hoping he will continue
to assume the positions of
Director of Public Works
and Town Engineer, as he
has been doing. Prior to
this publication, the Town
Council was negotiating
terms with Todd Cusimano,
current Chief of the Central
Marin Police Authority
to become our new Town
Chief Cusimano has
proven, effective management
experience, leading the
CMPA, the first consolidated
cities police department in
the State of California. He
is skilled in fiscal practices,
having developed a complex
funding formula to charge
Corte Madera, San Anselmo
and Larkspur individually,
fairly and equitably for
services provided. As a result,
we have seen increased
patrol officers in our Town
in addition to a reduction
in expense to our General
Fund. Not only does Chief
Cusimano know our Town
well, but he would make the
transition seamless.
The Town Council is
imposed with the hiring
of only two positions
comprising the Town Staff:
Marin County Council of Chambers
Town Manager and Town
Attorney. I personally believe
that we were exceptionally
fortunate to have someone as
capable, experienced and wellqualified as Todd Cusimano
interested in the position.
As always, our Public
Works staff is keeping our
Town looking beautiful.
Our hanging baskets are
blooming in profusion and
this dedicated staff is always
working hard to maintain
our Town’s infrastructure and
Please don’t hesitate
to contact me with any
questions or concerns. If
you haven’t already, please do
enjoy the festivities planned
for our Centennial year.
Carla Condon,
Corte Madera Town Council,
[email protected]
Invites You to a
Countywide Networking Opportunity
Hundreds of businesses and community organizations you need
to grow your network…in just one place!
Thursday, July 14, 2016 • 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Admission: $5 for members; • $20 non-members
No RSVP necessary, pay at the door • Cash & Checks Only
Have FUN while meeting hundreds of other Marin County businesses, from Corte Madera,
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Marin, Novato, Mill Valley, San Anselmo, San Rafael,
Sausalito and Tiburon.
June, July & August 2016 • Corte Madera Connection
Silent Auction Thank You’s
New Members
Eating Recovery Center of California – Regene P. Ross
770 Tamalpais Drive Suite 210, Corte Madera, CA 94925
415-496-4700 • [email protected]
Eating Recovery Center
is an international center for
comprehensive, best-in-class
eating disorders treatment for
female and male adults, adolescents and children struggling with anorexia, bulimia,
binge eating disorder and
other unspecified eating disorders. Eating Recovery Center
offers Inpatient, Residential,
Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient and Outpatient levels of care within
our programs throughout the
Allstate/Barbara Crocket
Archrival Sports
Bank of Marin
Bay Club
Best Western Pier Point Inn
Blake’s Auto Body
Body by X
Corte Madera Fire Dept.
Corte Madera Inn
Courtyard Marriott
Dr. Armel
Dry Creek Inn
Il Fornaio
Joanie’s on Magnolia
Karen Fournier Piano Lessons
Keith Passaretti
Kim’s Orchids
Laser Center of Marin
Louis Thomas
Margaret Deedy/
Coldwell Banker
Marin Acura
Marin Convention & Visitor’s
Marin Luxury
Michael Stars
Minuteman Press
Mt Tam Racquet Club
Nick’s Cove
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Novato Oaks Inn
NOW-New om World
Orcutt Chiropractic
Pacific’s Baseball
Panda Room
Phyllis Galanis
Pig in a Pickle
Restoration Hardware
Rich Sigberman Illustrator
Sunglass Galleria
Tamalpais Paint & Color
The Counter Burger
The Village
Tub Tim
Western International
William Sonoma
Led by Certified Eating
Disorder Specialist, Karen
Schneller, and overseen by
a multidisciplinary team of
experts, Eating Recovery
Center, California – Bay Area’s
IOP incorporates Dialectical
Behavior Therapy (DBT),
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), as well
as experiential therapies like
movement and art therapy to
empower the client to reclaim
meaning and purpose in his/
like to be involved please
contact Julie at the Chamber
continued from page 2
of Commerce office at 415meet new people and sample
924-0441. There are also
some great food and drinks.
sponsorship opportunities
Come to think of it, what
available so if you want to get
could be better than to have
your business name in front
a free opportunity to meet
of a whole lot of people this is
new people to promote your
your chance! Call Julie.
business, to help others
As we jump into the second
promote their businesses
half of the year I would like to
while all the time being able
invite everyone to check out
to look at new cars, eat and
drink. We hope it’s a win win our almost monthly Mixers
to not only meet and network
with other business people
We are going to have a
in Corte Madera but also
great 4 of July parade and
party in the park this year too people from our surrounding
Marin County neighbors.
with Wonder Bread 5 as our
We sponsor events with
headliner band for the day.
Way to go Julie! We will have other Chambers as well as
a Countywide mixer that
all the art, game and food
is very well attended and
booths again. If you would
be interested in volunteering affords anyone in attendance
some time during the day, we a great opportunity to
network in an even larger
could sure use it. We don’t
community. The food at that
need anyone for very long,
just an hour or two, so if you’d event is always great and the
her life. Dietary monitoring,
nutrition education, and supported meals are included in
the program.
Eating Recovery Center,
California – Bay Area IOP can
be a meaningful step in a patient’s treatment continuum,
serving as a step-down level of
care helping to foster a positive transition into activities
of daily living for patients
upon discharging from partial
hospitalization programs.
IOP can also be leveraged as a
direct-admit level of care for
patients requiring additional
support in an outpatient setting that allows them to remain engaged with their lives.
drink selection is plentiful.
The front door of our
Chamber office in the Town
Center is always open to
members and the general
public. We get lots of “out
of towners’ coming into pick
up maps, restaurant and
visitors guides to learn about
our community or just to
find a good place to eat. For
our Chamber of Commerce
members, please stop in to
pick up an attractive tile
plaque commemorating your
membership in our Chamber.
I hope to see you at our
Centennial events, the 4th of
July Parade and Festival in the
Park or at one of our many
mixers. Please let me know if
you have any ideas of how we
can make the Corte Madera
Chamber of Commerce
more valuable to you and our
Have a great summer!
June, July & August 2016 • Corte Madera Connection
Save The Date – Corte Madera Centennial Events
June 12
September 14
Fred Astaire Night
Many of us remember the
great 1930’s musical films
with Fred Astaire and Ginger
Rogers. However, most of us
would be surprised to learn
that Fred’s stage career began
as early as 1905. Fred, together
with his sister, Adele Astaire,
starred in a very successful
vaudeville act through the
August 28 – Corte Madera Honors Its Elders
In recognition of their spirit,
inspiration and endurance, the
Corte Madera Town Council
will celebrate all those town
residents who are 90 or more
years old at “Corte Madera
Honors 2016” on Sunday
afternoon, August 28 from
2:30 until 4:30 pm at the
Corte Madera Community
Center. As we commemorate
Corte Madera’s own 100th
birthday, our nonagenarians
and centenarians hold a special
place of honor as a living
connection to our past. Be sure
to come tip your hat to our
notable Corte Maderans!
Come at 6:30pm and enjoy
a very special live show
highlighting the career of Fred
and Adele before sound came
to film in 1930. Frederick
Hodges, noted musical expert
of this era, will play and sing
many of the hit songs Fred and
Adele actually performed. You
will see pictures of the theaters,
posters and newspaper clips
from then. It will be a very
entertaining show, and a
wonderful opening to the
Ray Simpson Dance Band
season that begins right after
the Fred Astaire program
ends. The Lions Club will be
selling drinks before and after
the program, and everyone is
encouraged to stay and dance
for the rest of the evening. It’s
all at the Community Center.
Centenial Events
continued on page 8
Weekend 100! Events and Activities
Celebrating Corte Madera’s
with free admission for everyone
6:00 - 9:00
Family Fun NIght at Community Center with Free
Italian Dinner for first 200 to reserve at 415-927-5072.
Wine, Beer, Soft Drink Sales (by Lions Club.)
Display of Time Capsule Contents from 1991 Diamond
Jubilee, Trivia Contest and Family Games
10:00 -12:00 Yoga Classes on the Grass (by YOGASMOGA)
10:00 to 11:45 Community Bike Parade (by David Macpherson)
11:00 - 2:00
Old-Time Games for Kids (by Parks & Rec Dept)
11:00 - 3:00
Free Fun Photos at Impressions Photo Booth
11:30 - 1:00
Free Hot Dog Lunch (courtesy of The Village)
11:30 - 2:00
Beer, Wine, Soft Drink Sales (by Lions Club)
Group Photo of Everyone
(assemble north of baseball area)
2:00 - 2:45
Hall Middle School Band & Chorus
(outdoor stage area)
Official Centennial Ceremony (outdoor stage)
Birthday Cake in Patio (courtesy of Town Center)
Town Band Concert (outdoor stage area)
7:00 - 9:15
Jimi Z and The Great Band (near Banana Republic)
7:00 - 9:30
Hot Drinks & Cookies (sold by Sunrise Rotary Club)
Fireworks (by Town of Corte Madera & The Village)
12:00 - 1:00
Chili Cook-off (by Volunteers - free samples, judging)
12:00 - 3:00
Beer Sales (by Lions Club)
12:00 - 3:00
Hamburger Sales (by Parks & Rec Dept)
12:30 - 3:30
Ice Cream Cups (by Lapperts)
12:30 - 1:30
Pre-Game Entertainment (by Chamber of Commerce)
1:30 - 3:30
Old Time Ball Game - Firefighters vs Police
Exciting Attractions Between Innings!
5:00 - 6:30
Sunday Concert - Ruth Gerson at Piccolo Pavilion in
Old Corte Madera Square
June, July & August 2016 • Corte Madera Connection June, July & August 2016 • Corte Madera Connection
Fourth of July Parade and Celebration 2016
Floats Needed for Fourth of July Parade
The Best Western
Corte Madera Inn
Excellent promotion and PR for Businesses and Organizations
Enter the parade and promote your business or organization! Last year’s parade
and festivities drew around 15,000 people! We invite and encourage you to have a
float in this year’s parade. The theme this year is “Corte Madera Centennial” and we
hope the participants get creative and have some fun with it. There will be floats from
business and community groups. Participation in the parade is an excellent means of
promoting your business or organization in the community while having a great time.
The parade leaves Redwood High School at 10:30am. on Monday July 4th
winding through downtown Larkspur until it reaches Corte Madera Town Center.
We hope you will join us in making this year’s parade an unforgettable experience!
For an application or more information please go to
is proud to be a sponsor of this year’s parade and festival.
Our team wishes you and your family a safe and enjoyable
week end, and look forward to seeing you at the parade!
Thank you, Corte Madera Chamber of Commerce for
making this remarkable event happen each year!
The chamber is seeking volunteers to help support the 4th
of July parade and festival. The event will be attended by over
15,000 residents in Corte Madera and Marin. Interested
volunteers should contact Julie at the Corte Madera Chamber
office 415-924-0441 or e-mail us at [email protected].
We need volunteers to help in several different capacities such as
parade monitors, carnival game booths, and tickets sales.
Special Thanks to our Sponsor
Town Center
Corte Madera
our proud sponsor
wishes you a
Happy 4th of July
Volunteers Needed on
the 4th of July
Convertibles needed!
Be a Sponsor for the 2016 Corte Madera/
Larkspur Fourth of July Parade and Festival
If you are interested in driving dignitaries in your convertible in this year’s
Fourth of July parade, we need you! Please call the Chamber
for more information at
(415) 924-0441.
Our event is one of the biggest Fourth of July Events in Marin County and draws a
record crowd to the Corte Madera Town Park! Great marketing opportunity to gain
exposure within the community! Opportunity to have your name included in a special
insert in the Twin Cities Times along with the Chamber newsletter.
Sponsor a Carnival Game Booth!
Sponsor and operate a Carnival Game Booth! This is a great way for you and your
employees to organize a community project and have personal contact with our residents.
You would be in charge of running the game booth by supplying the manpower. Great
opportunity to display your banner and provide promotional items to give away.
Cost: Free
Have your banner on the side of our main stage. This is a
fantastic way to promote your business.
Cost: $500
The Village at Corte Madera is
thrilled to be a sponsor of Corte
Madera’s 4th of July Festival. The
Village team wishes you a safe and
joyous day, and we look forward to seeing everyone come
together to celebrate this monumental year.
June, July & August 2016 • Corte Madera Connection
Centenial Events continued from page 5
September 25
Old-Fashioned Ice Cream
Social in Menke Park
Celebrate the pleasures of days
gone by at the Centennial Ice
Cream Social sponsored by the
Corte Madera Women’s Club on
September 25 from 1 to 4 pm at
historic Menke Park in Old Corte
Madera Square. A special Lappert’s
ice cream is being created for the
Centennial and served at this event,
along with home-baked cookies, penny
candy, popcorn, root beer, iced tea, and
Enjoy live music by the “Raspberry
Jam Band” at Piccolo Pavilion and
admire the classy antique vehicles on display. There will be oldtime games for kids on the lawn, including gunnysack races,
beanbag toss, spoon relays, and a ‘fish pond’ -- with prizes for
everyone. Come early, come late, just be sure to come. Bring your
friends, too. There’s free admission for all. Wear something that
adds to the early 1900s theme, if you can. It’s a great way to spend
a Sunday afternoon!
Corte Madera is Reflected in Word, Song, and Photos
The spirit of Corte Madera is captured in a new town song
and video on YouTube that can be accessed at
Gy1_S7UQdps. It’s an exciting addition to our Centennial
celebration now underway, in full flourish! Enjoy it and share
it for years to come. It’s great fun! Thanks to those who put it
together (you’re in the credits!) Congratulations, Corte Madera!
We have the best small town in Marin!
News from Age-Friendly Corte Madera
There is a lot brewing
for the Age-Friendly Corte
Madera (AFCM) task
force. To garner additional
data for their upcoming
strategic action plan, they
continue with focus groups
in community gatherings.
AFCM also mentors
other cities in Marin still
seeking the World Health
Organization’s Age-Friendly
designation, but keeps their
focus on improving our
community for our older
The joint Central Marin
Police Authority/AgeFriendly Corte Madera
R.U.O.K. service (providing
automated daily contact
for at-risk seniors) is in the
final stages before launch.
If you are aware of anyone
who might be helped by this
connection, please contact
CMPA Administrative
Assistant Zaneta Feleo at
(415) 927-5150 to supply
their name, number and
address, and a contact
person’s name and number.
Corte Madera Lions
Club and Rotary Club of
Marin Sunrise continue to
provide quarterly assistance
with small household
projects. Both service
clubs are pleased to offer
these events that have been
warmly received by many
grateful seniors. Please email
agefriendlycortemadera@ to request help
at the next scheduled service
Progress continues towards
a separate Twin Cities Village,
an innovation designed to
help those in our community
age safely and successfully in
their own homes. In addition
to providing members
assistance with home projects
and rides, a large component
of all Marin Villages is the
opportunity to participate
in educational, recreational
and social events to help stay
active and engaged. Visit for
more details.
Age-Friendly Corte Madera
is proud to have recently
been awarded a grant from
the Elizabeth E. Bettelheim
Family Foundation. All
financial support helps
AFCM realize their visions
of an intergenerational
center, a speakers series and
many other community
As part of its mission to
reduce barriers, AFCM
encourages participation
in Cycling Without
Age, a program allowing
seniors to “feel the wind
in their hair” and share
the experience with
younger folks while riding
a three-wheeled trishaw.
For more information,
see Facebook.Com/
and CyclingWithoutAge.
Sonoma County
continues to seek AFCM’s
guidance as they broaden
their own community
efforts. Our three Marin
County Age-Friendly cities
are pleased to act as mentors
for Sonoma County’s new
Age-Friendly Community
Please join AFCM
on Sunday afternoon,
August 28, for the second
annual Corte Madera
Honors, recognizing all
the nonagenarians and
centenarians in our town.
If you know someone 90
or over, please provide
their name for this honor
at 415.480.9758 or
Remember to check out
org for events, moneysaving tips and multiple
local resources.
Shop, Play, Eat & Stay
in Corte Madera
June, July & August 2016 • Corte Madera Connection
News From The Village at Corte Madera
The Village at Corte Madera to Inrtoduce Design
Enhancements Including New Food Options &
Shared Public Space
Center Court Enhancement Project
The Village at Corte Madera
is in the preliminary stages of
incorporating sophisticated
design elements and physical
enhancements to the Center
Court area of the shopping
center. The inspiration for
this project is to bring a sense
of shared public space by
introducing several food and
retail kiosks in a beautiful
open air setting. The plan will
also entail the removal of the
tower as it lacks the necessary
accessibility provisions.
Utilizing sustainable
landscaping, reclaimed
materials, and refined design,
the improved area will serve
as a common gathering
place, while capturing
valuable rainwater to cultivate
surrounding plants. The
engaging space will include
fixed and movable seating for
lounging and dining.
The kiosk placement will
preserve the pedestrian flow
through the center and will
offer convenient access from
all entry points. Measures
will be taken to ensure gentle,
accessible slopes throughout
center court. The proposed
kiosk and plant palettes will
be simple and restrained,
utilizing contemporary forms
and referencing existing
materials in place at the
“We invite the public
to come by the Center to
look at renderings of the
proposed plans and view
the story poles in center
court,” Stan Hoffman, Sr.
Property Manager at The
Village at Corte Madera said.
“Additionally, the community
is welcome to stop by The
Village at Corte Madera
management office to ask
questions and share their
opinions with us.”
WE did it!
WE did it – LCMSD Parcel Tax Passes at the Polls
Dear LCMSD Residents and
Business Partners:
It is with appreciation and
gratitude that we announce
the passing of Measure A
with 68.02% of the vote (2/3
was needed to win). The
passage of this local funding
measure demonstrates
the strong support for our
schools by the community.
With these funds we can
continue providing and
improving upon the quality
educational programs
our children receive in the
LCMSD schools.
Measure A replaces the
To Advertise in the
Contact Julie Kritzberger
at (415) 924-0441
existing tax as of July 1, 2016.
The duration is 8 years. This
local funding will remain
in the district and will not
be subject to state budget
cuts. Once again, we thank
you for your commitment
to our schools and students.
! Please contact the school
district office if you have any
questions at ltarantino@ or 415-9276960 X 2.We look forward
to our continued work
Valerie Pitts, Ed.D.
Superintendent LarkspurCorte Madera School District
June, July & August 2016 • Corte Madera Connection
Town Center Corte Madera Update
News around Town
Summer Fun with Corte Madera Parks
and Recreation Department
Register for Summer Programs Today!
Get ready for a summer
filled with fun for the whole
family as we come together
to celebrate Corte Madera’s
Centennial! In addition to
special community events,
we have dozens of summer
camps to keep the kids busy;
classes for adults including
tennis, capoeira, and dog
training; free educational
programs for seniors; day
trips; and more. Take a look
at what’s coming up!
Summer Camps
Starting in June and
running all summer long,
our weekly summer camps
offer something for everyone,
including art, basketball,
remote control cars, flag
football, soccer, aikido,
tennis, Lego engineering,
and more!
Summer Playground is an 8
week day camp for children
ages 5-12, with a variety of
activities including group
games, theme weeks, sports,
arts and crafts, special guests,
and field trips. We also have
a Counselor in Training
program for teens ages 1315. Sign up today!
Shop, Play, Eat & Stay
in Corte Madera
Centennial Weekend
Join us for FREE, familyfriendly events throughout
the June 10-12 weekend to
celebrate Corte Madera’s
100th birthday!
Family Fun Night
Friday, June 10th from
6:00-9:00 pm at the Corte
Madera Community Center
and features delicious
dinner, games, and activities.
Starting at 10:00 am on
Saturday, June 11th, enjoy
old-time games, a bike
parade, free lunch (for the
first 500 people) and a Town
Band concert in Corte
Madera Town Park.
Book Swap for Adults
Do you have any gently
used books just sitting on a
shelf collecting dust? Bring
in up to five books and take
five “new to you” books
home! Thursday, June 2nd
& August 11th from Noon1:00 pm at the Corte Madera
Community Center.
Father-Son Luau BBQ
Dads and sons will have a
blast kicking off the summer
with food, attractions, and
games! Friday, June 17th from
6:30-8:30 pm at the Corte
Madera Community Center.
Tickets are $20/person.
Senior Programs at
the Library
We’re partnering with
the Corte Madera Library
to bring seniors three
informative presentations
this summer. Programs are
held at the Corte Madera
Library and admission is
• How to Prevent Fraud,
Scams and Identity
Theft, A Presentation by
Oak Dowling of Marin
County’s Financial
Abuse Specialist Team:
June 20th from 10:3011:30 am
• Maximizing Your
Memory, A Presentation
by the Alzheimer’s
Association: July 18th
from 10:30-11:30 am
• Advance Care
Planning for the End
of Life: What Every
Senior Needs to Know,
A presentation by David
Magnus, PhD, Director
of the Stanford Center
for Biomedical Ethics:
August 15th from 10:30
4th of July Fun Run
Come out for this fun
pre-parade activity hosted
by the Twin Cities. The race
will start at 10:00 am at
Piper Park and end at Corte
Madera Town Park for a
race length of 1.7 miles. $15
registration fee includes a
T-Shirt. Strollers Welcome!
Summer Movie Nights
on the Patio
Enjoy a warm summer night,
snacks, and a free screening
of Goonies (movies are
continued on page 11
June, July & August 2016 • Corte Madera Connection
News around Town
subject to change) on
August 19th at 8:30 pm
on the Corte Madera
Community Center patio.
Day Trips
Join us for a day of fun
exploring local attractions
and meeting new friends!
All trips leave from and
return to the Corte Madera
Community Center (times
depend on traffic). Special
treats are included.
• Roaring Camp
Railroads: Enjoy a ride
into the past on a 19th
century steam train. June
15th from 8:30 am-4:30
pm. Registration is $65
per person.
• Japanese Tea Garden:
Experience a day of natural
beauty and tranquility. July
15th from 8:30 am-3:00
pm. Registration is $38
per person.
• River Rock Casino: Enjoy
a day of fun at the casino.
August 9th from 8:30 am4:30 pm. Registration is
$35 per person; the casino
provides $20 in match play.
Big Band Dances
The 17-piece Ray
Simpson Big Band plays
music of the ‘30s, ‘40s, and
‘50s. Come let loose and
dance the night away! Takes
place on the second
Wednesday of every month
from 8:00 pm-10:00
pm at the Corte Madera
Community Center.
Admission is FREE and
snacks are provided.
Upcoming Big Band
Dances: June 8, July 13 (no
dance in August).
Come join our group
of active older adults in a
friendly game of BINGO
every Thursday from 9:30
am-11:45 am at the Corte
Madera Community Center.
Snacks and refreshments are
Lunch Club for Seniors
Every Thursday the Good
More News From The Village at Corte Madera
The Village at Corte
Madera is excited to
introduce Talbot’s new store,
now located next to The
North Face near Macy’s. The
store opened for business
on May 10 in the former
LOFT space. Other center
changes include Banana
Republic moving to a new
space next to Boca Pizzeria.
The new store is set to open
on June 10. Pottery Barn will
move back to their original
space near Anthropologie
after a temporary move
for renovation on June 10,
as well. We invite you to
come see the new stores and
stay tuned for more center
updates in the near future!
Shop, Play, Eat & Stay in Corte Madera
Earth Fairfax provides a
delicious, well-balanced
meal at the Corte Madera
Community Center. Come
enjoy fresh food and good
company! Every Thursday
from Noon-12:45 pm.
People 60 and older pay a $3
suggested donation for the
meal; for those under 60, the
cost is $6.
For more information
or to register: visit www., call
415-927-5072, or stop by
the Community Center
at 498 Tamalpais Drive.
Office hours are MondayThursday 8am-5pm. And
be sure to “like” us on
Facebook for updates.
Board of Directors
Jim Parrott
California Auto
Gary Stymus
Vice President
Corte Madera Inn
Margaret Deedy
Keith Passaretti
Coldwell Banker
PC Consulting Group
Tori Puliz
Christine Bohlke
Nothing Bundt
Marin Convention
& Visitor Bureau
Kenneth L .
Valinoti, Esq .
Bill Hester
Kevin Jones
Laser Center of Marin
Of Counsel
Bill Blackburn
Hotel Consultant
Adam Wiatrak
Western International
Dr . RIchard
Carla Condon
Liaison to the Corte
Madera Chamber of
Editor: Julie Kritzberger • Design & Layout: James Anderson
June, July & August 2016 • Corte Madera Connection
News around Town
Message From the Corte Madera Fire Department
Corte Madera Residents
FREE CHIPPER WEEKEND • June 25 & 26, 2016
Dispose of your brush, branches, and dead vegetation. Bring them to:
The gravel overflow parking lot on Redwood Highway
(North of Nordstrom at The Village at Corte Madera)
Saturday and Sunday, June 25 & 26, 2016 • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
To provide a more “fire-safe” Corte Madera
For the safety of our workers, some regulations:
Collection is for “vegetation” waste only. No lumber, appliances, trash,
metal objects, batteries, hazardous waste, etc. will be accepted.
Stumps and poison oak will not be accepted.
Any small plant material that has been pulled out by the roots must be free of rocks and
dirt or it will not be accepted.
No wire or metal of any kind may be mixed with the yard waste.
Proof of Corte Madera residency is required.
Fireworks of all kinds are illegal
throughout Marin County
Violators will be prosecuted and may be
responsible for all suppression costs if a
fire is started as a result.