BCLB - Benzie County


BCLB - Benzie County
Benzie County Land Bank
2014 Tax Delinquent Foreclosure …….. 10791 Main Street, Honor, MI
Front and Rear, now let’s go inside.
Terry Money BCLB member was project manager and chief facilitator of reclamation negotiations.
December 2014 the Benzie County Land Bank purchased this tax foreclosure property from the Benzie County Treasurer,
Michelle Thompson, for back taxes $62,658. The DEQ the summer of 2013 removed the fuel tanks and cleaned up a majority
of the contamination, leaving about a truckload of contaminate around the foundations.
An ad was placed on Craig’s List, it took a couple of months but the garage was removed from the site. Most of the building
materials were salvaged by Dan Smith of Traverse City. Three 30 yard American Waste dumpsters were filled during the tear
Larry’s Tire was contracted to remove the piled up tires 488 car tires, 11 truck & 1 oversized. $1,101. And they loaded the
truck on 1/28/15.
Three men from Larry’s Tire and 2 trustees of the BC Hilton made quick work of the tire pile, 2 hours and it was gone.
Marlene Wood the Benzie County Recycling Coordinator, scheduled the pickup and oversaw the project.
One more project done, many more on the list.
August 27th, 2015, AJ’s Excavating was chosen for demolition of the remaining building, $26,880.
October 2, 2015, A proposal for redevelopment of the property submitted by Jerry Corey was approved by BCLB members.
More to come.