September - Robert M. La Follette High School


September - Robert M. La Follette High School
The Lance
Volume 51, Issue 1
The Student Voice of LHS
La Follette High School, Madison, WI
Michael Brown:
A tragic shooting
surrounded in controversy.
pg. 5
It's Back To School!
A Sign that Summer is Over and Learning Begins
Off Campus Lunch:
Many of us know all the
perks, but you might want
to reconsider sometimes.
pg. 8
What Grinds Your Gears.
All the construction around
Madison has been a pain
for young drivers. pg. 7
Fun Hobby or Nasty
We all have a mooch in our
lives... pg. 14
Arts &
Some have swag, some
don't, and some take swag
way too far. pg. 12
Put Me in Coach!:
You won't saying that to
some of your old coaches
any more. pg. 10
September 2014
Rethinking how we as men use
The jort craze that swept the nation
Some basic guidelines that we
the potty.
this summer.
recommend all Freshmen follow!
Inside LHS
The Lance
2013-14 Lance Staff
Andy Porter
Put Yourself On The Edge
Take opportunities to try
new things at La Follette!
Assistant Editor:
Kaylee Hinze
By Kaylee Hinze
Copy Editor:
Preston Taalbi
With the new school year brings lots
of old, new and forgotten faces that we
used to see everyday wandering the halls.
Freshmen turn into sophomores, sophomores turn into juniors, and juniors turn
into seniors. In addition to that we get a
new group of freshmen that the upperclassmen can’t wait to throw in trash
cans (not kidding...).
The worst thing you can do as a freshman coming into a new school is be
intimidated. All the rumors you hear
like freshmen trash day or that we throw
pennies at you are sadly just rumors and
nothing more. Upperclassmen are the
last thing you should be afraid of coming
into high school. We were all freshmen
at one point and know what it feels like
to be the fresh meat of the school. “As
a freshmen I was a little nervous coming
to a new school and it can be intimidating having kids a lot older than you,
but once you spark up a conversation
Visual Arts/Photography:
Preston Taalbi
Section Editors:
Aaron Lucius- Inside LHS
Rachel Hellrood- Arts & Entertainment
Mack Arnold- Sports
Alex Wehrli- News
Rodney Poe - Feature
Mitch Cefalu- Brain Teasers
Isaiah Zintz - Opinion/Editorial
Miranda Schneider
Spring 2014 Sennett 8th Grade Interns:
Sean Martin, Maria Rodriguez, Tina
Seignarack, Sarina Vang, Diamond
Donna Kennedy
Tim Stanton, Images Plus
Images Plus, Madison, WI
Editorial Policy:
“The Lance” welcomes letters to the editor. All letters
must be signed, but may be printed anonymously at the
author’s request and/or the discretion of the editors and
All submissions are reviewed by staff prior to publication
and may be edited without written notice.
Letters may be edited to meet space requirements.
Submit letters to a “Lance” staff member, to Donna
Kennedy or to the address below.
“The Lance”
La Follette High School
702 Pflaum Road
Madison, WI 53716
Views expressed in this paper are the views of individual
authors, or in the case of the staff editorials, the editorial
board. They do not represent the views of all Lance staff
members, administration or any other MMSD employee
or board member.
Submit story suggestions/opinions to:
[email protected]
you realize upperclassmen aren’t much
different than you,” Mariah Mell (11)
said. You can’t do anything about it so
why not take the chance to put yourself
out there and meet new people.
The best thing to do is get involved
in a fall sport. That way you’ll have a
few weeks to meet some new kids and
meet a few upperclassmen. Sports are
a great way to mix in with everyone
and get you to feel comfortable around
older kids and mingle with kids you’ll
be having class with everyday. “Playing
volleyball freshmen year I met a lot of
kids in my grade and looked up to a lot
of upperclassmen. It’s a great way to
make friendships and feel comfortable
around others,” Olivia Schulte (11)
said. Clubs are also a great way to meet
kids with the same common interests as
you. LHS has a wide variety of clubs for
everyone out there so make sure you
check them out.
If you actually took the time to read
this then just remember to be yourself
and I promise you’ll meet new people.
This isn’t like high school in the movies.
Don’t be shy, put yourself out there,
you won’t regret it and you’ll meet some
amazing people along the way.
You Better Do Homework
Homework in high school is
a lot more high-stakes than
in middle school.
By Diamond Washington
No one likes homework, but that
doesn’t mean it shouldn’t get done. We
all could’ve guessed that the homework
would be harder and that we would
have more than we’re used to. Everyone
wants to hang out and have a good time
like the high school kids in the movies;
and we can do that, but we still need to
stay on top of our workloads because
if we don’t we could fall way behind.
“High school homework is more advanced than middle school homework
and it’s about double the amount. Also
The Lance
you get homework almost every night
from every class, and if you miss an
assignment it affects you a lot. So if
you don’t understand something then
ask a teacher,” said Leticia Solis (10).
Don’t be afraid to ask for help because
it could make all the difference. There’s
also tutors and homework club to get
help at after school.
In middle school they don’t expect
nearly as much as they do in high
school because you’re still “little kids”.
“In middle school they just expect you
to pay attention. In high school they
expect you to be ready and responsible
and they prepare you for life by having
higher expectations,” says Enjoyiana
Nururdin (10). You won’t get away
with slacking off. We all need to step
up our game and grow up.
September 2014
Lancer Log
September 2014
September 2
First Day of School for Freshmen
September 3
First Day of School for Upperclassmen
September 8, 15, 22, 29
Early Release Days - Dismiss at 2:22PM
September 10
Booster Club Meeting 7:00PM
September 15
Back to School Night 6:30PM
September 16
Latino Parent Night 6:30PM
September 24
LHS Blood Drive
September 26
Senior Pictures Due for Yearbook
September 26
Homecoming Pep Rally
September 26
Homecoming Game
September 27
Homecoming Dance
September 29
Senior College Application Night
September 2014
Inside LHS
Wandering Mind...
Playtime is over, it’s time to get
back to school and start hitting
the books, Sike!
By Aaron Lucius
Coming back to school after a mostly
stress free summer probably sounds
awful. All of the homework, studying
and tests being thrown at you can be
extremely stressful, especially if you
procrastinate. Now, there is no way to
completely put an end to procrastinating
on homework and studying but there are
some ways to make it happen less.
Make a checklist for everything you have
to do, and I mean everything. Focus
on the bigger things first like projects
or things that are worth more of your
grade. After a while you’ll realize that
there isn’t much left to do. Having only
little things left to do will help you feel
motivated enough to finish the last few
tasks on your list. Now you can take
pride in accomplishing your goals for
the day without stressing about a time
Take breaks. Even when you have a lot
of work to do take a break, even if it’s
just a five minute one once in a while.
These will help to greatly reduce your
stress levels. Trying to do everything at
once can cause you to get distracted easier which will make everything take even
longer. Even better, set a time where you
just do solid work (ten minutes is a good
number). Don’t think about anything
but doing your work during that time
The Lance
(this includes things like texting and just
having the television on in the background!) and soon enough your brain
will just be able to focus on that. After
those ten minutes you should still do
your work but you can be more relaxed.
You could even take a small break.
Now, if you haven’t already realized this,
the most important and most effective
way to reduce procrastination is to get
rid of all the distractions around you.
Contrary to popular beliefs, you can
actually survive without your phone.
At least for a few hours. Go somewhere
that has a quiet atmosphere such as a
library or coffee shop. It is guaranteed
that you will get work done and be
productive. Only bring a laptop if it is
absolutely necessary. But, no matter
The last way to help procrastination is—
actually, I’ll just write the rest later.
Aaron should be working hard, but instead, he’s hardly
Inside LHS
Buckle Up La Follette, We’re Back!
For the first time since
Donna Kennedy has been
our adviser, Lance Editors
return for another crack at it!
By Andy Porter, Kaylee Hinze, and Alex
Hey Lancers! It’s the editors of your
school’s newspaper and once again we
have found ourselves in a little bit of a
pickle. Normally this article is written
by the senior editor(s) who are leaving
and passing on the torch to the new
editor(s), unfortunately neither of us
were seniors last year, so you’re stuck
with us once again. We’re back and
better than ever with a new addition to
our squad. Now allow us to tell you a
little bit about ourselves.
Kaylee Hinze is the junior Assistant Editor here on the Lance, and
she has been a part of the class since
her 8th grade year when she was an
intern from Sennett. In one year she
impressed our advisor so much that
when she was considering who to
make editors two years ago, Kaylee
was an obvious candidate. She spent
the first semester of last school year
as the only editor in the class due to
Andy’s scheduling conflict. In her free
time she enjoys going to Australia
with her boyfriend, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers for
tanning sessions and visits with her
koala friends. Not to mention playing
softball, in which over the summer she
single handedly won the World Softball Championship for the team she
owns, The Frogs. “Aaron and I just
connected instantly since we’re both
so talented. Despite what everyone
says winning is everything, and I mean
everything,” Kaylee Hinze (11) said.
Andy Porter is the senior Editor in
Chief, and like Kaylee has been a part
of the class since he was an eighth
grade intern. He was a section editor
his freshmen year and always loved
the class. “The Lance was terrifying as
a 9th grader. I was the only freshmen
in a class full of primarily seniors,”
Andy Porter (12) said. Andy took the
role of E.I.C. in his junior year, but
sadly because of scheduling he wasn’t a
part of the class itself until the second
semester of last year. He’s extremely
excited for this school year and can’t
wait to improve the paper and make it
the best it’s ever been. In his free time
he still enjoys being widely respected as the world’s top Mountain Dew
critique. He also enjoys long walks
on the beach on his private island that
he won in an arm wrestling contest
against Bradley Cooper. “Yeah, it’s no
big deal. Brad and I go way back. He
wasn’t so happy that I got his Porsche
though,” Porter continued.
Now, the moment you’ve all been
waiting for. It’s time to introduce you
to our new Assistant Editor, senior
Alex Wehrli. Alex only joined the class
last school year, but his work effort
and his strong sock game impressed
us enough that we decided that he had
earned a spot on the editor staff as
well. With his rising popularity for his
famous column “Fun Hobby or Nasty
Habit?” he had go into hiding down in
Brazil over the summer. There he made
a millions when he bet on Germany in
the World Cup and actually won. Since
then he has opened his own sock shop
called The Sock Game, where all socks
are custom designed by Alex himself.
Not only that, but he also subscribed
to Sock of the Month Club and now
receives one free pair of socks every
month! “It’s always been a dream of
mine to let my voice be heard, regardless of how sarcastic and brute it is,”
Alex Wehrli (12) said, “I speak the
truth,” he continued.
So Lancers, this is who we are. We’re
your editors for the 2014-15 school
year and we’re open to feedback on the
paper. If you have any questions, problems, or critique of the paper email us
at lance@[email protected] so we can
make this the best paper you have ever
seen! See ya around Lancers!
This year’s Editors, Alex Wehrli (12), Andy
Porter (12), and Kaylee Hinze (11), hope to
make this year’s pee-per better than ever!
La Follette Special!
$20 off your next carpet cleaning!
We solve the toughest pet odor and
teen stain problems for Your carpets!
The Lance
September 2014
Chaos and Mayhem Hit Ferguson, Missouri
What actually happened
in Ferguson? The story of
the shooting of Michael
Brown and the aftermath in
By Rachel Hellrood
On August 9th, 2014 18-year-old
Michael Brown was walking unarmed
through the streets of Ferguson,
Missouri when he was shot by police
officer Darren Wilson. Not only was
Brown shot once, but Officer Wilson
shot at Brown seven times including
twice in the head killing him installing at
the scene.
There has not been a confirmed reason
of why Officer Wilson shot Brown.
Earlier on August 9th, Ferguson police
were called to a robbery in progress at a
local convenience store where security
tapes have two men who are thought to
be Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson
confronting a worker in the store before
leaving the store with cigars that Brown
allegedly stole.
At the same time as the robbery,
Officer Darren Wilson had just finished
another call that was unrelated when
he drove past Brown and Johnson.
Officer Wilson came in contact with
Brown and Johnson because they
were “walking down the middle of the
street,” Ferguson Police Chief Thomas
Jackson said. Once close enough to
Brown and Johnson, Wilson noticed
the cigars and thought that there might
be a connection to the robbery at the
convenience store.
After that, witnesses’ stories have
all differed on what truly happened
between Officer Wilson and Brown.
Some witnesses say that that Officer
Wilson made the first move at Brown
then chased him while shots were fired.
It is said that Brown had his hands up
before Wilson’s shots were fired.
Contradicting to other reports, the
Ferguson Police Department stated
that Brown pushed Officer Wilson back
in his car after Wilson tried to get out.
September 2014
Brown fought Wilson for the gun, and
a shot was fired inside of Wilson’s cop
car. Brown and Wilson then got out of
the vehicle where the shooting occurred
and ended.
Since the shooting of Brown, Officer
Wilson has been unable to be contacted
and has not said anything to the press.
Wilson has also been put on a paid
leave of absence by the Ferguson
Police Department for the time being.
The death of Michael Brown is being
investigated by the local authorizes as
well as the FBI and the U.S. Justice
Ever since Brown’s death, the town
of Ferguson has turned into a town
of protests, tear gas and numerous
businesses being vandalized. As a result
of the protests, several law enforcement
agencies have been called to Ferguson to
handle the chaos, including the Missouri
National Guard.
If you walk through the town is seems
as if you are living in an apocalyptic
movie with authorizes walking
around with bulletproof vests and gas
masks while driving armored vehicles
throughout the town.
Nightly violent protests were occurring
in Ferguson. At one point Missouri
Governor Jay Nixon imposed a curfew
on the residents of Ferguson for two
nights residents were to stay inside
their homes from midnight to five in
the morning.
But, still outraged by the events taking
The Lance
place in Ferguson seven people were
arrested the first night of curfew
along with the use of tear gas against
the protesters still out after curfew.
Protesters have even gone as far to
throw tear gas back at police.
Over the course of the protests, more
than 100 protesters have been arrested.
A majority of these arrests have been for
refusal to disperse areas in Ferguson by
police orders.
“He never intended for any of this to
happen,” Police Chief Jackson spoke
about the shooting of Brown. A trail for
Officer Darren Wilson’s is set to start
sometime in the middle of October. As
of August 20th, 2014 a grand jury has
begun debate whether Wilson should
be charged as a criminal in the death of
Michael Brown.
A protester on the streets in Ferguson, Missouri.
LHS Digest Not Just Another Trend
Introducing a new column
for all the short news
stories we feel are important
to briefly cover! Here’s what
you missed over Summer!
The ALS Ice Bucket
Challenge is hitting La
Follette! But what exactly is
the challenge?
By Rachel Hellrood
As the weather seems to finally be
getting hotter, people all around the
world are now freezin’ for a very
important reason. It appears that as of
late, one cannot open a social media site
without seeing people douse themselves
with ice-cold water. Clearly, celebrities
such as Oprah Winfrey, LeBron James,
Mark Zuckerberg, Jimmy Fallon and
Bill Gates aren’t just trying to cool off,
so what’s all of the hype about and why
are people all of a sudden willing to risk
hypothermia for this famed ALS Ice
Bucket Challenge?
Although many of you have probably
heard of or even participated in this fastgrowing fad, I will try to sum it up to
those of you who may still be confused.
In mid-July, pro golfer Chris Kennedy’s
trainer, James Whatmore, challenged
Kennedy to complete the Ice Bucket
Challenge that was already sweeping
the nation. The challenge consists of
someone pouring ice water over their
head and then “nominating” someone
else to do the challenge. Anyone who
does not complete the challenge within
24 hours has to make a donation to their
Robin Williams tragically died on
August 11th, 2014 at the age of 63 in his
home in Paradise Cay, California.
24 year old Amanda Hall was kicked in
the face by a giraffe at the Henry Vilas
Zoo after she climbed the giraffe’s fence
on August 16th, 2014. Hall was faced
with a fine of 686 dollars for harassing
zoo animals.
Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft
from 2000 to 2014 bought the Los
Angeles Clippers for 2 billion dollars
after former owner Donald Sterling was
banned from the NBA for life due to racial comments came out earlier this year.
Germany wins the 2014 FIFA World
Cup after going into overtime against
Argentina. Germany won 1 to 0 making
this Germany’s fourth win in the World
The two American that contracted the
virus Ebola while volunteering to help
control the disease in Liberia have been
released after they both received an
experimental treatment called ZMapp
at Emory University Hospital. Both
patients have completed tests that prove
that the virus is out of their system.
By Robin Mwai
favorite charity. Kennedy passed the
challenge on to his wife’s cousin whose
husband suffers from amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis – also known as ALS or
Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
Kennedy chose to donate $100 to help
fight ALS; a currently incurable disease.
After some time, the good old internet
did what it does best and this craze,
along with videos of challengers, spread
like wild fire. But what is interesting
to me is that after Kennedy donated to
the ALS Association no one decided
to donate to a different charity. That
is how the challenge officially became
known as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
Since numbers don’t lie, allow me to
present some hard evidence to show just
how powerful this trend has become.
As of August 20, of this year, The ALS
Association has received $31.5 million
in donations as opposed to $1.9 million
during the same time period last year
(July 29 to August 20). These donations
have not only come from pre-existing
donors but also 637,527 new donors.
This money is going to ALS research
and treatment for patients everywhere.
So whether you have or plan to
donated money or you are just raising
awareness through posting a video,
congratulations to everyone who have
given back to this cause. I hope that we
all continue to look for ways to give
back and do not stop getting involved
once this popular fad dies out.
Hostess Brand announces it will close
their doors to its Schiller Park Bakery
after 84 years of producing treats for the
company. Schiller Park bakery was one
of four bakeries’ left that still produced
the beloved treats.
Journalist James Foley who was abducted in 2012 in Syria was killed by
Islamic State militants in protest to US
airstrikes. Attempts were made to rescue
Foley but sadly were not successful.
The Lance
September 2014
What’s Hot
What’s Not
By: The Lance Class
What’s Hot: Cheap donuts
What’s Not: Expensive donuts
What’s Hot: AP credits
What’s Not: Summer homework
What’s Hot: Celebs
What’s Not: Celebs without eyebrows
What’s Hot: Open campus lunch
What’s Not: Walking down to
Walgreen’s and stealing a bag of Cheetos
What’s Hot: $1 waffle cones
What’s Not: Paying full price
What’s Hot: Homecoming weekend
What’s Not: Underage drinking tickets
What’s Hot: The Lance
What’s Not: Spending 10 hours of
Summer finishing it
What’s Hot: Driving to school
What’s Not: The parking lot
What’s Hot: The new escalators
What’s Not: The old stairs
What’s Hot: Being in a relationship
What’s Not: Seeing someone on the side
What’s Hot: Having some money
What’s Not: Working part time to get it
By Mitch Cefalu
•Dodge ball has been banned from
schools across North America
•Windmills always turn counter
•1.2 million students drop out of
school every year
•There was no punctuation until the
15th century
•You can throw a ball farther to the
west than to the east
•White Castle is America’s oldest
burger chain
•The first owner of the Marlboro cigarette company died of lung cancer
September 2014
Brain Teasers
What Grinds
Your Gears?
The traffic this summer and
fall has made driving around
a serious bummer.
By Robin Mwai and Kaylee Hinze
You want to know what grinds our gears
this month? Having an extra ten minutes
added on to our travel time due to the
ridiculous amount of construction around
the Madison area. Over the summer, there
have been many construction projects
that blocked off main roads and led to
confusing lane shifts. It seems that a new
project was being started each week and as
time went on no great progress was being
shown, which led to continued aggravation.
The road that got the worst of it, was the
Beltline. It appeared that lanes were being
laid randomly and getting narrower as
they went on. Confusion was guaranteed,
as lane breaks were constantly changing
and forcing divers to maneuver around
Not only was the construction everywhere, but it got kind of scary driving
down some parts. On the Beltline especially, tight lanes forced drivers closer to
the side of the road and to other cars. With
construction workers doing bigger jobs
a night, evening trips got quite tricky. “It
gets frustrating when you’re on the
Beltline at night since there’s only one
lane open. I can’t wait for construction to
be done,” Rachel Hellrood (12) said.
This annoyance not only affects drivers,
but also bikers and pedestrians. Trying to
navigate and find a safe way to get around
on foot can make for a real sticky wicket.
Although getting around the city has
been rather frustrating, it has not been
entirely useless. East Broadway was one
of the first streets to go earlier this year,
but despite the long demolition process,
the road is looking up and is for the most
part complete.
So Lancers, while you are trying to keep
your road rage in check during your commutes around the city, just know that it is
only temporary. It may be a severely annoying gear-grinder, but it will get better.
All of you who value punctuality should
consider leaving for your destination a
few minutes early, and remember, it has
to get worse before it gets better.
Everyone hates an orange traffic barrel.
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Longest Lunch In The District
As the new school year arrives
many students will be taking
advantage of our open campus
By Rachel Hellrood & Tina Seignarack
One of the great things about La
Follette is our lunch period. We have
the longest lunch in the district, 57
minutes. As if that isn’t cool enough
our lunch period is also open campus!
The open campus lunch is for all grades.
Any student can leave La Follette during
lunch. While going out can be exciting,
especially for underclassmen, it does
have its draw backs.
Don’t get me wrong, going out to
lunch occasionally can be a fun treat,
but all that eating out can add up fast.
Dropping money on lunch on the daily
can total up to about twenty dollars a
week. Though it seems cheap when you
buy it, think about the long term. “I
don’t understand how people can afford
to go out to lunch every day,” Alexis
Johnson (12) said. Another issue about
going out to lunch is you run the risk
of being tardy to class. There’s nothing
is worse than walking into your third
block and handing your teacher a blue
tardy pass while clutching your Baja
Blast from Taco Bell.
Another situation you want to avoid
is going to Walgreens at lunch. Don’t
ask questions as to why you shouldn’t
go there, just don’t. Save yourself some
time and visit La Follette’s school store,
The Lancer Zone. They offer the same
great snacks that Walgreen’s does, but
The Lancer Zone is three blocks closer.
One of the great advantages to having
a long lunch period is the amount of
things that you’re able to get done
during the 57 minutes. “You have time
to go talk to teachers and get individual
help and have time to work on things
you may have missed in class that day,”
Alyssa Ivy (11) said.
So whatever you choose to do during
your lunch period, make sure you have
fun and be safe.
Grab Your Friends and Hit The Clubs
Take a chance and get out
and get involved in school
clubs and other activities.
By Rachel Hellrood & Alex Wehrli
Throughout your high school career
you will hear educators and parents
encouraging or forcing you to get
involved in school sponsored activities.
You may think that you won’t have
any time for stuff like that between
your social life and your school work.
Fortunately though you actually do.
Your involvement will make your high
school experience more memorable and it
allow you to discover some of the hidden
treasures we have here at La Follette.
Believe it or not the majority of
involvement opportunities here happen
during the middle of the day. During
lunch is when most of La Follette’s clubs
meet. There are over 20 different clubs
offered here. We have clubs likes Key
Club, HOSA, DECA and Black Student
Union. Joining a club opens doors to
discovering new passions and making
new friends. “I think that it’s the best way
to be proactive about solving conflicts at
La Follette,” Bekah Smith (12) said, who
is a member of the Restorative Justice
Club here. Other notables here at school
include Book Club, Mathletes, Asian
Club and Art Club. We also have club
sports here like girls and boys Lacrosse
along with men’s Rugby.
Another way of getting involved here
is joining one of La Follette’s school
productions. Every year La Follette puts
on a fall play as well as a spring musical!
The Lance
The musical not only needs singers,
actors and dancers, but musicians as
well! So if you play a musical instrument
you can join the pit orchestra. These
opportunities can help you make new
friends and will no doubt expand your
One last way that you can really get
involved at La Follette is through sports.
Sports teams are a great way to not only
meet new people, but they allow you to
stay physically fit as well. Whether you
are on the freshman team or on that Var
status, being on a sports team can provide
a sense of family within the La Follette
community. “What I like about being
on a sports team here at La Follette is
the people you get to know during your
season and the fun you have with them,”
Alex Watring (12) said.
Do yourself a favor and join a club, a
sport or get involved in one our fabulous
school productions! Getting involved will
allow you to make new friends and it will
help to open your eyes to new cultures,
people, opportunities, and it will broaden
your horizons! You may find yourself
permanently bettered by it!
September 2014
Tips and Tricks to Surviving Senior Year
What to do and expect for
your final year at LHS.
By Aaron Lucius
Graduation is just around the corner.
Senior year is finally here! But, are you
actually ready to graduate? No I don’t
mean getting away from high school
and your parents but rather are you
ready to transition into the next point
in your life? College is what most of us
are going onto next and if not, you still
need to finish high school strong. No
matter what you go onto afterwards,
many things in high school will matter
for your future.
You haven’t stayed up late at night for
that essay or study for finals just to let it
all fall apart senior year. The end of your
secondary education career is coming to
an end but that’s not an excuse for you
to slack off. Work just as hard this year
as you have been for the past three years.
Colleges and other post school workplaces will look at your GPA, especially
senior year. Hold back that senioritis as
much as you can because let’s be honest,
there’s no way to not have at least a little
bit towards the end of the year. Go to
homework club or get a tutor if you
still need one. Your stress will be much
higher once you realize that your dream
college doesn’t want you anymore just
because you slacked off your senior year
Now, if you’re the exact opposite person
of someone who slacks off and instead
does everything their senior year because
they think they have to to, there’s some
good news for you too. Senior year is
supposed to be your laid back year so
take it easy a little bit. You should focus
on your academics and such but don’t
overload yourself by taking four AP
classes when you’ve never taken one.
Take what you need to for your post
high school plans. Also, don’t join five
clubs and expect to make every meeting
for them. Instead put one or two so
you’re able to go to all of those meetings
and activities.
Speaking of those clubs, whether you’re
too scared, think you’ll make no friends,
or are just lazy join at least one club or
sport during your senior year in high
school. What do you honestly have to
lose? Think about it, you won’t have to
do it next year of something bad were
to happen (which it won’t). If you like
it there’s a good chance that you’ll meet
new people and make new friends! Joining one of these can also help you in the
future with things like becoming a more
social person, which to some probably
sounds awful but in the long run it’ll
help you.
We all want to end our senior year
strong and we are all capable of doing
it. Find a medium of the things you are
capable of and stick with them. Don’t
worry about what others think of you,
as long as you have fun with what you’re
doing. Senior year can one of the best or
worst years of your life, it just depends
on how you make it.
La Follette’s Freshmen Guide to Success
The key to having a successful first week.
By Mitch Cefalu
Starting the first year of your high
school career is possibly one of the
scariest things a person can do. The first
week at La Follette is hot, full of people
twice your size, loud, and is easy to get
lost in. Time seems to stand still when
you cross the threshold of the building
the entire first week of school and the
hour and a half blocks seem like an eternity. All of this can easily take someone
who has never experienced schooling
like this by surprise and make this first
week one of the worst of your life. Even
though every student will survive, you
can save yourself lots of stress by following these tips.
September 2014
It’s going to be hot wear so something
appropriate for the heat. It’s understandable that you want to look good to your
peers, but halfway through the day when
you’re sweating so much you start sticking to desk you might regret wearing
your “nicer” clothes. It’s high school not
a fashion show anyway.
Contrary to what you see on TV and
in every other stereotypical depiction
of high school, the upperclassmen in
fact don’t instantly hate you for being
a freshman. When an upperclassman
hates you they probably have a legitimate reason to be hating. Being loud,
obnoxious, and immature will make an
upperclassman look down on you more
than anything. It’s a reason for anyone
to dislike you not just someone a few
grades above you. So please this one
goes out to everyone, just chill.
The classes may be long here, but staring
The Lance
at the clock every three seconds will
only make time go by slower. The key to
making the blocks go by fast is remembering the fact that you only have four
classes in a day. Once you realize this
then you will love the block schedule
much more than 7 periods in a day.
The only thing that you will have to deal
with on your own is memorizing the layout of the school. It’s big but there are
only a few floors throughout the entire
building. Good luck with week one and
enjoy your time here at La Follette.
It’s Madness LHS Football Starting off Strong
Fantasy Football is back
again and I bet you’re
pumped, because we all are...
By Alex Wehrli
Fantasy Football, it’s a man’s game.
Your first thought may lead you to
believe that it has to do with a bunch of
wizards and warlocks running around
with the pigskin, but no, that’s not it.
To sum it up for any noob living in the
dark, fantasy football goes like this:
You draft a team of NFL players and
every week two teams are matched up.
The teams earn points according to
their player’s performances. Then after
a weekend’s worth of games the team
with the highest score takes home the
win. It’s quite simple really.
Anyways I’m veering away from my
point. Fantasy football has become
less and less like a virtual reality game
and more and more like a true sport.
Something in ball park of NASCAR and
bowling but a sport nonetheless. Grown
men dedicate hours to this game and
because of that it tears families apart,
but the most important thing is that it
reinforces your masculinity and that’s
what really matters.
It’s very similar to Runescape. It sucks
you in and never lets you go. One day
you’re fine and the next you’re ignoring your grandmother just so you can
monitor Calvin Johnson’s performance
against the Bears. No matter how
hard you try to fight it, the game will
change you.
The zealots can definitely be annoying
but the real knuckleheads are the ones
that pay no attention to their team at
all. You’ll figure out who those people
are right around week six when four of
the players in their starting lineup have
It’s no
h o
t fun
o playing
g r against
a p h
someone who doesn’t even try. So don’t
be that guy.
“Fantasy Football is how we separate
the men from the boy’s,” Tryg Gessner
(12) said. To all you fantasy geeks out
there good luck this season and may the
game live on forever.
Why not Lancer Football?
By Rachel Hellrood
It’s that time of year again Lancers.
That’s right, high school football
is back! Whether you are finding
outrageous clothing for that night’s
theme, gearing up in your football
jersey there is no better feeling than
having your school come together as
With new head coach Scott Swanson
and a strong group of returning senior
players this year, it is fair to say
that this group will be hard to beat.
Following the tremendous success
of last year’s season the Lancers are
already off to a great start with their
first win against Sun Prairie on August
22nd. The Lancers beat Sun Prairie
28-21, the Lancers first win against
Sun Prairie since 2007. The Lancers
had an impressive first quarter after
senior quarterback Jordan Carlson
threw two touchdown passes to fellow
seniors Cortez McCree and Tanner
Hegge giving the Lancers an advantage
against Sun Prairie to begin the game.
Senior Cahleel Copus helped the
Lancers finished strong with an 80-yard
touchdown in the second quarter and
scoring the winning touchdown for the
Lancers in the last four minutes of the
game. “The win is a huge momentum
builder, that’s for sure. While we still
have a lot of work to do, I’m extremely
proud of how our team came together
and rose to the occasion,” Ryan
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Lehman (12) said.
Last year the Lancer Football Team had
their best season with a record of 7-2.
This year the team has high hopes for
the 2014 season and hopes to make it to
playoffs again. “Each person has their
own personal goals. Myself I want to
spend as much time with my brothers
as possible. As far as team goals we
have a set of checkpoints along the
season we list as ‘Lussier Cup, City
Champions, Conference Champions,
Camp Randall,” Jake Olson (12) said.
The team hopes to accomplish these
with the help from teammate Hanna
Hilgendorf, the starting kicker for
the team for the second year in a row.
Hilgendorf made all the field goals
against Sun Prairie, helping securing La
Follette’s win. She has truly become an
essential part of the Lancer’s team in
the eyes of her teammates. “Hanna is a
great teammate! She’s fun to be around
and always has a smile on her face, not
to mention she is extremely consistent
at putting the ball through the uprights.
She doesn’t try to hide who she is on
the field, if you’ve been to a game you
would know that she is probably the
loudest person on the sidelines always
screaming and cheering. We could
always have more teammates like her,”
Josh Bernhagen (11) said.
Don’t forget to come out and support
the Lancers at their next home game
on Friday, September 5th here at La
Follette against Madison West. You
won’t want to miss another game of
this promising season!
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September 2014
Whaddup Coach Choosing A Road Much Less Traveled
Say what’s up to the new Lancer
By Robin Mwai
With the Fall sports season already
underway, there has been a few new faces
joining the Lancer coaching staff. All of
these new coaches are working to improve
their teams and help make sure things run
smoothly with the recent changes.
Meet Coach Scott Swanson (Swanny)
Sport: Varsity Football
College: UW - La Crosse
While attending UWL, Coach Swanson,
played both football and tennis. He began
working as an assistant coach at La Follette in 2007, which was the last time the
football team made the playoffs prior to
the 2013 season. “I’m excited to build on
the success from last year while continuing to grow the Lancer tradition,” Coach
Swanson said.
Meet Coach Ally Kenison
Sport: Poms
College: UW - Stevens Point
Coach Kenison was a dance major at
UWSP who has taught in many dance
studios in the area. She was the dance
coach at Middleton High School. Kenison
is a former Diamond Dancer for the Milwaukee Brewers. “I’m excited to see the
dancers perform at the games, and engage
with the Madison community,” Coach
Kenison said.
Meet Coach Tarah Harms
Sport: Girls’ Volleyball
College: UW - Madison
Coach Harms was a business student at
UW-Madison, where she also played club
basketball on the side. She began coaching the Freshman Girls’ Basketball at La
Follette last year and is now the Varsity
Girls’ head volleyball coach. “I’m excited
for all the potential we have, and building
the program up while getting a few “W’s”
along the way,” Coach Harms said.
We appreciate all of these coaches stepping
up to positions that needed filling. On behalf of all the Lancer athletes at La Follette
I’d like to welcome these coaches with
open arms and wish all of them along with
their teams the best of luck this season.
Go Lancers!
September 2014
Numerous incoming Seniors
have decided to go out for
football for the first time in
their high school careers.
By Alex Wehrli
Last year the La Follette football team
put together one heck of a season. They
earned the title of city champs, finished
second in one of the most competitive
conferences in the state and they made
the playoffs for the first time since 2007.
Maybe that helps to explain the recent
influx of first year seniors joining the
squad this fall.
This year La Follette has a handful of
guys that have never played a down of
high school football. That’s not to say
they’ve just been lying around on their
butt’s the past three years. They were out
for other sports at La Follette like volleyball, hockey and even cross country. It
could be that after witnessing all of last
year’s success, these “new kids” realized
that they wanted to be a part of something special. However, some may just
be in it for a change of scenery, others
could be using it to help slingshot them
in other sports, or maybe they’re doing it
because everybody loves a football player.
Whatever the case these guys are choosing a road less traveled.
Not only do these brave individuals have
to figure out how to button up a chin
strap they’re also left with having to learn
some complex schemes and plays. “It’s a
lot to take on but I’m up for the challenge,” first year senior, Quinten Shere
It’s definitely no simple task trying
walking onto an already stacked team
but word on the street is that the added
competition is only making everyone
better. “It’s great having these guys out,
it’s a nice change of pace seeing some
new faces,” fourth year footballer Adam
Ackeret (12) said.
We’ve all seen movies like Friday Night
Lights and Remember The Titans that
capture all that is great about high school
football. So can you really blame these
guys for taking a chance and going out
for the team their senior year? It’s a bold
move, there’s no question about it.
Now make no mistake it’s pretty cool
that these first year seniors are going out
for football, but don’t let them overshadow the guys that have been putting in
steady work for four straight years.
To all our Lancer football players out
there, I wish you the best of luck and may
your season be mighty and prosperous!
The La Follette Football Squad looking cool.
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Arts & Entertainment
It’s Time to Jump Off the Swag Train
Swag so hard it hurts.
By Alex Wehrli
Today’s topic is swag.
Swag is important, but you have to do it
right. Some people don’t understand that
though... “People that try too hard with
their swag are stupid,” Nathan Schmidt
(12) said.
The biggest give away if you’re trying to
hard is any item of clothing that has swag
written on it. Believe it or not, wearing a
shirt that says “Swag On” actually takes
away from your overall swag rating. If
think you have swag, you shouldn’t need
to advertise it.
Besides the obvious “SWAG OVER
EVERYTHING” t-shirt, there are a
few other things that can make a swag
obsessed individual stand out. One of the
more obvious ones is the Jordan brand.
People think that just because it’s Jordan
it is swagtastic. Unfortunately, it’s not.
Cool, you paid, what, like thirty dollars
for those shorts? You could have just run
down to your local Walmart and picked
up a pair of And Ones for one third of the
Windbreakers are on the list too. They
look pretty sweet, however, all it says is
that you’re desperate to climb the swag
ladder. People don’t even wear them for
the purpose that they serve, which is a
As if all of that isn’t bad enough, it does
get worse. There are people in this world
that I like to call “One Brand Wonders.”
You may think you don’t know what
I’m talking about, but you do. These are
the people that wear Nike shoes, Nike
socks, Nike shorts, Nike shirts, and
Nike hats. They think they’re awesome
because they’re only wearing one brand.
Unfortunately, that’s not the case. After
a point it becomes too much and you just
look silly.
My biggest peeve with this trend is the
fact that people think that swag has to be
expensive, which is false. The thirty dollar
pair of shorts you just bought from that
outlet store seem pretty sweet now, but as
soon as you run into someone at school
wearing the same pair, you’ll think twice.
The real swag is the stuff that no one
else has. It’s not the big brand name
stuff. It’s the stuff you stumble upon at
a Saint Vinnie’s, Savors, or even at your
grandparent’s house.
It’s important to understand that real swag
comes from within. The logo on your shirt
doesn’t matter. What matters is how you
view yourself, because if you think you
have swag, then you’ve got swag.
This is How We Do It, Freshmen
The guideline of how to
survive your freshman year
here at La Follette.
By Mack Arnold
Every year the incoming freshman
think they have the right to do
whatever they please... NO. You don’t
have the right to do a lot of things.
Here are some do’s and don’ts of being
a freshman at La Follette that will
make your first year of high school
Freshman do’s…
•Get to class on time
•Take computer literacy seriously
•Your GPA does matter
•Stay on top of your homework
•Be nice to your teachers
•Check out the escalators that was
put in over the summer
•Dress appropriately
•Respect your upperclassman
•Smile and wave at everybody you see
•Remember to flush the toilet
•Use deodorant
•Do go to Summit for the free
•Buy a yearbook
•Wear crocs
•Do bring your teachers an apple
every Friday
•Do use the coupons in The Lance
Freshman don’ts…
• Don’t copy and paste
•Don’t start a food fight
•Don’t eat in the hallways
•Don’t walk to lunch
•Don’t have your parents dress you
•Don’t skip class
•Don’t date an upperclassman
•Don’t go to the path
•Don’t procrastinate
•Don’t create a log jam in the hallway
•Don’t pay upperclassman to take
you to lunch
•Don’t criticize The Lance; you
probably can’t write better
The Lance
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September 2014
Arts & Entertainment
#The #Neverending #Hashtag #Craze
In a world of social media,
hashtags have become the
annoying friend.
By Kaylee Hinze and Sean Martin
Scrolling through Twitter, we see the
occasional hashtag to end a tweet, but
with our generation hashtags have
gone a little overboard. Hashtags have
taken over Instagram, Facebook, and
even the friendly text to your bro.
When will the time come for us to put
our foot down and end the hashtag
Don’t you just hate when you’re
scrolling through Instagram and it
takes an extra 5 minutes to get past
one picture because of all the hashtags.
#beautiful #cute #love #boyfriend
#howaboutstop. News flash: it’s not
the more hashtags the more likes, its
the more hashtags the more annoying,
so quit it. Certain people also put
hashtags that are synonyms to the
one before, hypothetically someone
takes a picture of food and puts it on
September 2014
Instagram, they’ll put something like
#delicious, #tasty, #foodisgood. As
lazy Americans the less reading the
better, so take a hint and drop the fifty
hashtags. Yes, we understand once you
start it’s hard not to get carried away,
but for real guys it’s just plain weird.
You don’t have to drop the hashtags
entirely because they’re completely
essential to any good tweet, but there’s
no need for your tweet to consist of all
Now the overuse of hashtags can have
their moments. Some are used for
comedic purposes, but most of these
are just making fun of people who do
overuse hashtags. Some pictures also
have a lot of details to hashtag but a
selfie of you drinking Starbucks is not
fifty hashtag worthy. We personally
think hashtagging has gone overboard,
but maybe people have different
opinions about this, “Hashtagging
is overboard when they tell their life
story in the hashtags,” Sarina Vang (9)
But the thing that bothers us the
most is when people use hashtags in
The Lance
everyday conversation. Like when
someone does a cool backflip or
something and then you hear “#cool”
and you groan because you realize
what direction your generation is
headed. Some people manage to
use so many hashtags that people
encourage them to stop by saying,
“#stopthehashtagging”. The lesson of
this story is that there are too many
hashtags used in everyday life and
they’ve strayed from their original
purpose. #keepitshort
Mooching: Fun Hobby or Nasty Habit?
To be...or not to be...that is
the question!
By Alex Werhrli and Diamond
Mooching, it’s a controversial topic.
Some love it, some hate it. There are two
sides to every story.
Mooching is an easy way to get free
stuff. You could get a free ride to the
mall, or a free snack in the hall. I mean,
it isn’t so bad, you’re not bothering
anyone. Like seriously come on, a few
bucks, they’re your friend right? It
shouldn’t bother them to lend you a
dollar, or a few Cheetos and a bite of
their donut. Or what about asking for
a ride home after school because taking
the bus is too mainstream for your taste.
It’s not that far, you only live a few
blocks away from them, so it isn’t out of
the way.
Maybe at lunch you go and sit with your
friend and start to eat, and then they
pull out a brown paper bag with their
homemade lunch inside. It isn’t wrong
to ask for a piece of their sandwich, it’s
always nice to eat something homemade.
Besides they decided to pull it out in
front of you, therefore they shouldn’t be
irritated when you ask for some.
Say you and your friend are on your way
to Culver’s for lunch, and when you get
there, you realize you forgot your wallet
at home that morning. So you ask your
friend for a few bucks to grab a burger.
It’s not that bad to lend a friend a few
dollars. Mooching isn’t bad, it’s just
being smart. However, an opposition
does exist.
Moochers, they’re just bad people. All
they do is take, take, and take some
more. It’s sickening. It’s one thing if you
mooch off of someone and then later on
return the favor, but it’s a completely
different story if you never properly
thank them.
Mooching goes on all around us. A
prime example of this occurs at lunch
time. Hypothetically, you have a car
and you decide to go out to lunch.
More likely than not some scrub that
doesn’t have anything better to do will
follow you out to your car and get in
the backseat. As if something like that
isn’t bad enough, it does get worse.
Hypothetically, when you arrive at
your lunch destination, the scrub from
the backseat says he doesn’t have any
money. So what does backseat scrub
do? He asks you if he can borrow five
dollars. You being the “nice guy” you
are say “Sure, why not.” However, deep
down you hate this person. They just
followed you to your car without asking
and then asked you to give them money.
Will they pay you back? Probably not.
“It’s annoying. Get a job. It’s not my
fault I’m employed and you’re not,”
Alyssa Bruce (12) said.
Unfortunately we haven’t reached rock
bottom yet. Hypothetically, today is
Wednesday, and your mother packed
you a nice lunch. So while sitting in
second block you get a tad hungry and
decide to pull out the chicken biscuits
from your brown paper sack. Three
biscuits in, the guy sitting next to you
says “Are those chicken biscuits? Let me
get one.” You, being the “nice guy” you
are, give him one, although you know
he will never ever give you anything in
return. So you’re left feeling hungry and
The moral of the story here is, don’t
mooch, because no one likes a mooch,
it’s just annoying and unnecessary.
Now, given that this is a fun hobby,
nasty habit article we will turn it over
to you, the public. Is mooching a fun
hobby, or a nasty habit?
Hottest Trend of the Summer: Jorts
Get like John Cena.
By Rachel Hellrood
It was one of the biggest trends of
summer 2014: Jorts. Now I know what
you are thinking. Jean shorts for females
are typical in the summer, but that’s
not who jorts apply to. Jorts are made
for men and they proved to be one of
the hottest trends of summer 2014 and
now are one of the hottest trends for the
upcoming school year.
Named from the combination of jeans
and shorts, most of the males here at
La Follette aren’t bold enough to wear
these jorts, so summer was the perfect
time to step out of your comfort zone
and try some on. If you missed your
chance, now is the time to try them!
Now that you are feeling more confident
about wearing jorts, I’ll enlighten you
to the three different types of jorts that
you can wear; baggy jorts, tight jorts and
short jorts.
The baggy jorts are often the type of
jorts worn by little boys and dad’s whose
shirts are tucked in, but can often be
rocked by the high school age as well.
“Jorts are great for parties and any other
social gathering. We all need jorts. I love
Jorts,” Joe Hayes (12) said. These types
of jorts can often be found on celebrities
such as Pharrell Williams.
The tight jorts fit are opposite of the
baggy jorts. They are close to the skin
and are often worn by hipsters. “I don’t
know why I love jorts, but I know I love
them,” La Follette Graduate Preston
Taabli said about his jorts obsession.
The Lance
These jorts can also be called Skinny
Jorts. Styling these are quite simple,
most tight jort owners fold the bottom
of the jorts; again most common on
Short jorts are those rare jean shorts that
you hope never to see on anyone. Most
often these jorts are very unflattering
and paired with crocs and a bro tank.
These jorts can often be seen not only
in the form of denim, but also in other
colors such as red and green. These are
the rarest type of the three jort types.
If jorts aren’t your thing, that’s okay.
Not everyone can pull this style off. But
if you do think that you can rock jorts
just make sure you wear the jorts that fit
your personality the best. Can’t wait to
see jorts rocking the streets of Madison
this school year!
September 2014
When It’s Time To Go Let Nothing Stop You!
Don’t over think it.
By Alex Wehrli
The following article is intended for men
The rule was established long before any
of us were around. It is unspoken and it
is a sin to break it. However, I’m telling
you that we need to do just that.
Any male that goes to use the restroom
is aware of the every other rule, where
every other urinal is to be occupied. This
seems sensible because it allows males to
keep their distance and feel comfortable.
However, problems begin to arise the
when all of the appropriate slots become
filled. When this happens one of three
things will occur:
1.The individual will walk around the
bathroom pretending they needed to
check their hair or something until a
urinal suddenly becomes available.
2.The individual will just skip the urinals
altogether and head straight for the
3.The Individual will walk in the bathroom, see that all spots are filled and
then quickly and quietly exit like they
were never there.
It’s sad, but every single one of these
things happens on a daily basis.
With this new school year, we have the
power to spark a change that could affect generations. I’m of the mindset that
when you have to go, you have to go,
therefore I am a firm believer in filling
any urinal that is available.
Unfortunately, there are still those that
are stuck in their ways. “I am one hundred percent against changing the rule.
We men need our personal space when
we do our business. Peeing directly next
to a man is the equivalent to of showering at the local YMCA naked, purely
unacceptable,” Tanner Hegge (12) said.
Although Tanner is against everything
that I stand for, it’s important to acknowledge all viewpoints, even if they’re
different from your own.
So if you walk into a bathroom and see
that there’s a urinal available, take that
spot, regardless of if it means you’re
elbow to elbow with another dude. Keep
things simple, because when you’ve got
to go, you’ve got to go.
The Song Murdering Needs To End Now!
Why must the radio ruin all
that is good?
By Alex Wehrli
The following depicts a common experience that every teenager has gone
You hear a new song on the radio and
think “Man this is my jam!” So you
crank it up, roll down the windows and
cruise around in style. A couple of days
later your friends start talking about it
and the next thing you know that new
song is all the rage. It’s always playing
on the radio and you can’t get enough
of it. However, the stations soon decide
that they’re going to play the song every
ten minutes all day every day until you
eventually hate the song that you once
held near and dear to your heart.
“It’s like rotting away a child’s teeth
through the use of sugary candy. It’s
truly sickening,” Caden Parr (12) said.
We’ve all been through it, and it sucks,
there’s no other way to put it. We saw it
to countless songs over the summer.
Now maybe it’s just me, but I think that
the radio does it on purpose. They bait
the public into loving a song by only
playing it once in a blue moon. Slowly
but surely people start requesting to
have it played, until calls flood in every
thirty seconds. At this point the high up
radio personal decide, with a smile on
their face, to give the public what they
2229 S. Stoughton Rd.
want. They play the song all the time
until its eventual demise.
It could be that the folks working at the
radio station just get a kick out of over
playing a song, but then again maybe it’s
part of some bigger scheme. Something
tied to the illuminati…
I’m not too sure at this point. All I
know is that I really get bummed out
when something like this happens. So
I’m reaching out to you, my peers, my
teachers, and anyone tied to a radio
station, to help bring an end to this
All I’m asking is that whenever you hear
a new song on the radio that you like,
tweet about it using #savethissong. Together we can help bring an end to the
over playing of songs on the radio.
Don’t just do this for you, do it for all
the artists that have been affected by
Together we can spark a change.
Buy 3 TACOS and get 1 free TACO or 1 free soda
Buy 1 BURRITO and get 1 free TACO or 1 free soda
Buy 1 TORTA and get 1 free TACO or 1 free soda
September 2014
The Lance
Maps of LHS
Computer Media - Michael L. Walker 2006
Locker Rm
La Follette High School
Field House
702 Pflaum Road Madison, Wisconsin 53716 Ph. 204-3600
Main and Lower A&B Floor Plans
Locker Rm
Locker Rm
Boys Varsity
Locker Rm
Girls Varsity
Locker Rm
Pay Phone
Entrance 6 West
Loading Dock
Lussier Stadium
Entrance 5 North
Weight Lifting
Computer Media
Making Computer Lab
Boys Locker Rm
Girls Locker Rm
C12 Student
C17 N
A5 A6
C17 S
Entrance 13
Sennett Middle School
B14 B15 B16 B17
Entrance 10
Snack Bar
Entrance 3
Faculty -Visitor
Student Parking
Entrance 2 East
A10 A11
Non-Mobil students evacuate
left to Nichols School, corner
of Nichols and Monona Dr.
A19 A20
Security Main
TDY Phone
Main Entrance 1
Evacuation Sites:
Credit Welcome
Bus Stop
Pflaum Road
IHM Church, Corner of St. Teresa and Schofield
St. Stephen's Church, Pflaum-Nichols left on Pheasant Hill
Unity Church, Corner of Groveland & Tompkins
Glendale Elem,1201 Tompkins
Computer Media - Michael L. Walker 2006
Locker Rm
La Follette High School
Field House
702 Pflaum Road Madison, Wisconsin 53716 Ph. 204-3600
Main and Upper
Lower A&B
A&B Floor
Floor Plans
Locker Rm
Locker Rm
Boys Varsity
Locker Rm
Girls Varsity
Locker Rm
Pay Phone
Entrance 6 West
Loading Dock
Entrance 5 North
Weight Lifting
Computer Media
Gymnastics Room
Lussier Stadium
Making Computer Lab
FloorLocker Rm
Girls Locker
J 18
Sennett Middle School
Snack Bar
C17 S
G A36
A3 A38
A2 A39
A4 A37
Entrance 2 East
A9 A10A31
A23 A22
Security Main
TDY Phone
Main Entrance 1
Bus Stop
St. Stephen's Church, Pflaum-Nichols left on Pheasant Hill
Entrance 13
Upper A&B Floor Plan
Evacuation Sites:
C17 N
Non-Mobil students evacuate
left to Nichols School, corner
of Nichols and Monona Dr.
Entrance 10
Art Gallery
C12 Student
History Museum
B22 B16
B21 B20
B23 B15
B4 B35
B3 B36
B2 B37
B32B5BB33 B34
B31 B6
Entrance 3
B9 B30
Faculty -Visitor
Student Parking
Pflaum Road
IHM Church, Corner of St. Teresa and Schofield
The Lance
Unity Church, Corner of Groveland & Tompkins
Glendale Elem,1201 Tompkins
September 2014

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