November - Robert M. La Follette High School


November - Robert M. La Follette High School
The Lance
Volume 51, Issue 3
The Student Voice of LHS
La Follette High School, Madison, WI
Adoption Awareness:
November is national
awareness month! pg. 6
Remember When...
Throwback Thursday? How about Nastalgic November!
Reliving the good
ole days:
Who doesn't love the
elementary school days?
pg. 9
What Grinds Your Gears.
Christmas in November
is a no. pg. 7
Fun Hobby or Nasty
Must do a mustache this
November. pg. 14
Arts &
Do the Hunger Games
have you hungry for more?
pg. 12
Keep on running:
The Lancer distance crew
isn't stopping until they
reach the finish line. pg. 10
November 2014
What are you doing to be in
Life is too short to be on your
Giving seniors memories that
Black Friday condition?
phone all day.
will last a lifetime.
Inside LHS
The Lance
2014-15 Lance Staff
Andy Porter
Assistant Editor:
Kaylee Hinze
Alex Wehrli
Copy Editor:
Rachel Hellrood
Aaron Lucius
Visual Arts/Photography:
Section Editors:
Aaron Lucius - Inside LHS
Christina Peterson - Arts & Entertainment
Diamond Washington/Tevin Sago - Sports
Rebekah Smith - News
Melody Krishnan - Feature
Mitchell Cefalu - Brain Teasers
Martina Seignarack/Rachel Hellrood Opinion/Editorial
Donna Kennedy
Tim Stanton, Images Plus
Images Plus, Madison, WI
Editorial Policy:
“The Lance” welcomes letters to the editor. All letters
must be signed, but may be printed anonymously at the
author’s request and/or the discretion of the editors and
adviser. Editor(s) reserve the right to disallow printing
of any or all submitted items without written or verbal
Maniachi Gives Seniors Memories
Meet a man who gives his
time to help give high school
seniors lasting memories.
By Andy Porter Tina Seignarack
As many of us know, when you reach
your senior year of high school you
finally lose that dorky, generic, and
generally pretty bad school photo. Instead you finally have a nice photo that
you’re proud of showing people, that’s
usually taken by a professional photographer, but for those who are more financially challenged, it may be a luxury
that you just can’t afford. Except here
at La Follette, no senior needed to go
without their senior picture, for a man
by the name of John Maniachi came to
save the day.
John Maniachi is a professional photographer who has worked on countless
projects for many years here in Madison. In 2009 he began working for UW
Health and takes pictures of doctors,
nurses, staff, and other needed images
for their marketing materials. These
photos can be seen on the UW’s website, billboards, magazine ads, newspapers, you name it! Not to mention the
fact that before working for UW, he
spent 12 years working for the Wisconsin State Journal (yes THE Wisconsin
State Journal). One of his most interesting projects however, is taking senior
pictures for the students of MMSD and
given his credentials, there is no better
person to do the job!
For the past seven years here at La
Follette, Maniachi has come during early
Fall to take senior pictures for those
who can’t afford them or those who just
need one taken. The best part though,
is the fact that he does it all for free and
it’s not only here at La Follette, this year
alone Maniachi took pictures for over
100 students in all four of Madison’s
high schools. But why would someone
do this? “Taking pictures for students
who wouldn’t have a chance to be in
the yearbook is a good way to give
back to the community and to help out
hard-working kids that maybe need a
little help,” Maniachi said.
Another interesting question is how
does Maniachi have time to do this with
what sounds like a pretty busy schedule?
“UW Health is very helpful with this
project. When I started at UW Health
in 2009, La Follette was the only school
that I visited. With encouragement from
my boss, I began shooting at East, West,
and Memorial as well and they are happy
to give me time for this project,” Maniachi added.
All in all, Maniachi has done great work
for his community, our school, and students all around the district. Thanks to
him 100 more seniors will have a photo
that they can look back on in ten years
and be proud of. The work he does for
us here and La Follette and in Madison
in general is the work of a man who
truly cares about others. So thank you
John! If you would like to see any of his
photos visit his website at
All submissions are reviewed by staff prior to publication
and may be edited without written notice.
Articles may be edited to meet space requirements.
Submit suggestions, ideas or comments to a “Lance”
staff member, to Donna Kennedy or to the address
“The Lance”
La Follette High School
702 Pflaum Road
Madison, WI 53716
Views expressed in this paper are the views of individual
authors, or in the case of the staff editorials, the editorial
board. They do not represent the views of all Lance staff
members, administration or any other MMSD employee
or board member.
Submit story suggestions/opinions to:
[email protected]
The Lance
November 2014
Lancer Log
November 2014
November 17
Early Release Days - Dismiss at 2:22PM
November 3
Term 1 Exams: Block 3 & 4
Dismiss at 11:55am
November 4
Beginning of Term 2
Dismiss at 11:55am
November 6-8
Fall Play 7:30PM
November 6-December 2
Key Club Holiday Food Drive
2nd Block Class Pick-up on
Tuesdays and Thursdays
November 6-8
Fall Play 7:30PM
November 12
Booster Club Meeting 7:00PM
November 14
Staff Professional Development
November 18
Latino Parent Night 6:30PM
November 19
Fall Jazz Ensemble 7:30PM
November 24
Fall Orchestra Concert 7:30PM
November 26-28
November 2014
Inside LHS
Do It For The Sticker
This is an important year to
vote, so if you’re 18 remember to do so. November 4th
is Election Day!
By Alex Wehrli
What could be more fun than buying
cigarettes, getting a tattoo, or hitting up
some raunchy club? What about voting?
It’s probably not the first thing that
comes to mind when you hit the big
one eight; however it is one of the most
substantial ways for you to exercise your
voice as a young adult.
As the year goes on more and more
students are becoming eligible to vote.
Unfortunately many are reluctant to do
so. Maybe it’s out of laziness, maybe it’s
because they’re clueless, or maybe it’s just
because they don’t care. Regardless, there
is no decent excuse to not exercise your
democratic right to vote. A democracy
only works if every voice is heard.
All you need to register is a driver’s
license or a state ID card. In total the
process only take a few minutes. After
that it’s just a matter of going to your
designated polling place, filling out your
ballet and casting your vote. If you can
manage all that you’ll receive this fun
little sticker that says ‘I voted today,’
and if that isn’t a good enough reason to
vote I don’t know what is.
It’s important though that you are a
knowledgeable voter. You should know
who the candidates are and what they
stand for. That doesn’t mean you base all
of your information on the fun little attack
The Lance
ads that run on TV all the time, no, you
should do some research online. Don’t try
to say you don’t have time for that either
because you’re most likely reading this
article in the middle of class and so you
could just as easily pull out your blackberry and look some stuff up. Ultimately you
should base your vote on what you stand
for, not your parents, not your grandparents, not your dog, but you.
Polls show that this governor’s race is
incredibly close and so either candidate
could seize the seat. One vote could swing
the election. To not take go out and exercise your right to do so would be a disservice to your freedoms as an American.
Some individuals, despite knowing how
powerful voting is, still choose not to go
out and let their voice be heard. Those
who choose to not vote have no right to
complain about the results of an election
given the fact that had the opportunity
do something about it but choose to
stand by idly.
“I’m not 18, but I would like to vote.
It’s a great privilege and no matter who
you vote for, it is important that you be
heard,” Cahleel Copus (12) said. So go
out and vote in this upcoming November
4th election and take advantage of all that
democracy has to offer.
Inside LHS
La Follette’s Time Capsule Closes Again
In 2013 LHS opened it’s
time capsule from 25 years
earlier. Now, it’s closing
By Rachel Hellrood and Aaron Lucius
Many of the students and staff here
remember when La Follette opened
the time capsule last school year
during homecoming week. What do
you envision when you think of a time
capsule? Maybe photographs, news
clipping or even notes from a class that
someone submitted. Or maybe you
think of something totally different.
That’s okay too.
Regardless of you think of, what
members of the La Follette community found when they opened the time
capsule was mostly just a lot of papers
submitted by students from 1988, when
the time capsule was last sealed. Other
things included things like VHS video
tapes and even administrative books to
show what the policies and procedures
were like back in ‘88. A lot of the stuff
from then is now placed in archives.
While a lot has changed in the past 25
years, La Follette has not. So instead of
focusing on what La Follette is like, a
majority of the items that were placed
in the time capsule reflected the culture
of the current day students. To collect new artifacts for the time capsule,
“Last school year the students from the
two AP history classes were given an
assignment to bring in something that
either represented La Follette, Madison
or themselves that also represented
society in 2014. We wanted them to
think about what people in 2038 would
be excited to think about,” Raymond
Rossing, a history teacher here at La
Follette explained.
Students got creative in this time
capsule to help represent all areas of
La Follette students. The students
submitted items that included things
such as: a list of Yo Mamma jokes, CDs
with popular music that was on the
radio, photo albums of popular places
La Follette students hung around at,
school ID cards, old phones, iPods,
swim trunks, awards and even a free
scoopie token to Culver’s with a note
attached explaining that if Culvers was
still around, that the future students
know what to do with it. There were
even things unique as a grocery list, to
see how food prices will change in the
Besides individual students submitting
objects, sports teams and organizations
also submitted items as well. The girls’
soccer team submitted a soccer ball that
was signed by all the players, while the
Statesman Yearbook donated the 50th
Anniversary Yearbook signed by the
staff members. And of course the Lance
donated one of every issue from the
2013-2014 school year to help the students of 2038 understand what issues
were important in the news and as well
as what went on here at La Follette.
“Last year I put in some music and
some information about Summerfest
in the time capsule so students know
what music in 2014 was like,” Kaitlyn
Jacobsen (12) said.
The time capsule is set to be opened
in 2038. One can only wonder what
the future students will think of the
artifacts. Some of the students may
have some trouble recognizing some
things like cell phones, iPods or almost
any electronic device. Possibly some
students may have never even heard
of Yo Mama jokes! But, hopefully this
will help them with seeing what the
past was like for high school students.
“I think it leaves a record of what life
was like at La Follette during 2013 and
2014,” said history teacher Phil Neppl.
Although there will be a plaque hanging up to dedicate the time capsule,
the exact location of it at this time is
unknown. A rumor has been going
around that it’s been placed in a hidden
crawl space behind one of the gym
walls. Only time will tell where the time
capsule is actually hidden. But for now
we can only imagine what the staff and
students at La Follette will think about
once the time capsule opens again.
Mr. Neppl goes back in time; reading artifacts
from the time capsule that was opened last
school year during Homecoming Week.
La Follette Special!
$20 off your next carpet cleaning!
We solve the toughest pet odor and
teen stain problems for Your carpets!
The Lance
November 2014
The Living Celebrate the Day of the Dead
Dia de Los Muertos is a time
to celebrate the lives of those
that have passed away.
By Diamond Washington
Dia de Los Muertos or Day of the Dead,
is a holiday that is celebrated throughout
Latin America though it is strongly
associated with Mexico, where it
originated. It is celebrated on November
1st and 2nd, though most celebrations
for the holiday start on October 31st.
It is a mix between Aztec ritual and
Catholicism, which was brought to
Mexico by Spanish conquistadors, but
this is not a history lesson.
The first of November, Dia de Los
Inocentes also know as All Saints Day,
is reserved for the children that have
passed. The second of November aka
Dia de Los Difuntos aka All Souls Day,
is more for all of the older people that
have passed.
This holiday is often confused with
Halloween, which is celebrated on the
31st of October. These two holidays
are not the same though. The day of the
dead is a celebration of death and the
afterlife whereas Halloween is a day that
forges a fear of death and those who
have passed.
On Dia de Los Muertos, there are
many traditions that take place. One
is that many create altars dedicated to
their loved ones. They place pictures
of them along with their favorite foods
and sometimes even the favorite toys
of children. They also place yellow
marigolds around them. Marigolds are
the official flower because the yellow
color is akin to the sun and represents
life and hope. Another tradition is
making special foods in honor of passed
loved ones. A common one is pan de
muerto (bread of the dead). This bread
can be molded into angels or animals and
on this occasion, bones.
The basic belief behind The Day of The
Dead is that the human soul doesn’t die.
This allows a passed individual’s soul to
travel to and from earth, allowing loved
ones to visit. Dia de Los Muertos is a bit
of a change from our usual scary, freaky,
creepy Halloween, but it’s something
new and refreshing.
Is Ebola That Big of A Threat to The US?
The Fear of Ebola is almost
as bad as the virus itself.
By Mitch Cefalu
The recent Ebola virus epidemic in
West Africa is gaining more and more
attention by the day. According to the
World Health Organization (W.H.O),
there have been over 10000 confirmed
cases total in the recent West African
outbreak and although the area has seen
many smaller outbreaks in the past, none
in the last 10 years involved more than
50 cases; the most recent is now the
biggest outbreak of the Ebola virus in
history. But is this deadly virus, with a
10 percent survival rate in impoverished
areas such as most of West Africa, and
an estimated 50 percent survival rate
in first world countries, a threat to the
United States? Or more importantly is it
a threat to us in Madison, Wisconsin?
It is common knowledge that the United
States detained and quarantined a man
during his flight home in Dallas, Texas
from Liberia in October, where he contracted the Ebola virus after visiting family. He was isolated in a local hospital
where he eventually passed away. During
his time in the hospital however, a nurse
November 2014
who claims she was wearing full precautionary gear managed to contract the
virus, and in turn has been hospitalized
but she is expected to make a full recovery. Could this set off a chain reaction
of infections? Medical officials disclose
the second case as a freak accident and
a “breach in protocol” for dealing with
these types of infections. However,
recently a doctor retuning to New York
from Guinea, which had not even a few
months before been declared a country
involved in the recent epidemic, has
tested positive for Ebola as well.
So is an Ebola related plague likely? In
Western Africa, yes without any outside
medical intervention from a foreign
country the infection will spread rapidly
and the survival rate of the infected
drop due to the lack of medical supplies,
treatments and doctors in the area. But
in United States? Most likely not, the
system we have in place for these types
of outbreaks is working or else we would
all be dying of Ebola.
Long story short, we can all stop saying
Ebola every time someone next to you
Free order of breadsticks with purchase
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Student Lunch Buffet for only $6.70
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The Lance
LHS Digest Youtubber Goes Too Far
Here’s what you’ve missed
from the month of October!
Sam Pepper crosses the line
trying to get Online laughs.
By Andy Porter
By Christina Peterson
On October 22nd, a Canadian soldier
was shot and killed while guarding
Canada’s National War Monument.
At the same time there was also gunfire inside the Parliament building. As
of October 23rd, the Canadian police
believe that a 32 year old male by the
name of Michael Zehaf-Bibeau.
If you’ve ever used the popular website
YouTube, you may know of a man
named Sam Pepper. He has formerly
appeared on a show called Big Brother,
this 25 year old British YouTuber
was known for making popular prank
videos for his YouTube channel,
which currently has just over 2 million
subscribers. Unfortunately, he has been
recently known for things that aren’t
exactly held in such a good light.
Sam has posted several videos in which
he mistreats and confuses women, using
different forms of bodily violations.
Some of these videos include, “How to
Pick Up Girls with a Lasso”, where Sam
physically restrains several women on
the street using a lasso. Many of these
women are clearly seen looking startled
and uneasy about being restrained by a
stranger. Another is named, “How to
Make Out With Strangers”, where he
forces women, on camera, into kissing
him. By the expressions and reactions
these women displayed when Sam did
that, it is obvious that they are not
okay with his behavior. Though he has
many videos containing content that
is “popularizing” harassment against
people, his latest one is the video that
has caught the most attention.
Sam Pepper recently released a video
titled “Fake Hand Ass Pinch Prank”. In
this video, he sexually violates and upsets
a number of unsuspecting women, by
using a fake hand to pinch girls bottoms.
He would put the fake hand inside of
one sweatshirt pocket and one real hand
in the other, leaving his second real hand
free and hidden within his sweatshirt. He
then would go and ask random women
for directions, when they weren’t looking
he would pop his hidden hand out of his
sweatshirt and grab their bottoms, then
quickly put it back before they could
catch him. This confuses and upsets the
women, with one woman even saying “I
don’t like that; I don’t like that”. Despite
this, he proceeded to laugh and continue
On October 6th, the Supreme Court
rejected the Same Sex Marriage appeal
from Wisconsin, meaning that as of
October 7th, same sex marriages became legal once again.
After an eight month long investigation it has been found that the University of North Carolina has been
sending at least 3,100 student athletes
through “paper classes” in order to
keep students eligible for sports. The
report stated that the scandal has been
going on for the past 18 years.
After 42 year old Omar J. Gonzales
jumped the fence and reached the
White House on September 20th, Julia Pierson the first female Secret Service Director has resigned from her
duties. Until another can be appointed Joseph Clancy will be in charge.
On October 21st, former Olympian
Oscar Pistorius, was sentenced to up
to five years in prison for the accidental shooting of his girlfriend. He was
charged with culpable homicide and
reckless endangerment with a firearm.
As of October 24th, a fourth citizen
in the US was diagnosed positively
with Ebola. Craig Spencer, a doctor
who was in Guinea treating those who
also had Ebola.
Nina Pham, the Dallas nurse who
contracted the Ebola virus has recovered and has been cleared of all
The Lance
doing it.
A short time later, Sam released
another video on his channel, this time
of a woman doing the same “prank”
to men. The next day, he posts a last
video explaining how both the previous
videos were staged and scripted, and
the people who appeared in them were
acting, and that the whole thing being
part of a “social experiment”. However,
he has yet to release any evidence that
the people in his videos had given
consent, even with all the allegations
made against him.
A few of Sam’s videos have been
removed by YouTube and/or privatized
by Sam himself, so they are no longer
able to be viewed, but the crimes still
remain. Though most people view what
Sam did as terrible, others viewed it as
the last straw. All the controversy and
publicity Sam is getting right now has
inspired several women to speak out
about crimes Sam may have committed
that aren’t exactly as public. As of
October 1st, there have been at least
six women that have came forward
and claimed that Sam had touched
them inappropriately or had on line
conversations with them that were
indecent. Some girls have posted videos
telling their stories of Sam sexually
harassing them and exposed screen
shots of conversations in which Sam
is asking girls as young as 15 to send
him nude pictures or get naked for
him over Skype. He then tells them
to keep it a secret, usually due to their
age difference. Some videos, however,
having been posted anonymously of girls
who claimed to have been raped by Sam
Pepper. They hide their faces and change
their voices so that people can’t tell who
they are. These girls have gone as far as
going to the police, but have been too
scared to further pursue the issue, due to
fear of repercussions from Sam’s fans.
Sam has been banned from attending
most YouTube conventions - such as
Vidcon and Playlist - lost his corporate
sponsorship and has apparently been
dropped from the YouTube partnership
program. Despite this, however, no legal
actions have been taken and he has yet
to be convicted of any of these crimes.
November 2014
What’s Hot
What’s Not
By: The Lance Class
What’s Hot: Black Friday sales
What’s Not: Black Friday brawls
What’s Hot: Turkey Time
What’s Not: Ruining it with Christmas
What’s Hot: Bein’ too cool
What’s Not: Bein’ too cool for school
What’s Hot: Fun Hobbies
What’s Not: Nasty Habits
What’s Hot: Graduating early
What’s Not: Graduating late
What’s Hot: Making money
What’s Not: Spending it all
What’s Hot: A tasty sandwich
What’s Not: A knuckle sandwich
What’s Hot: Blasts from the past
What’s Not: Trying to bring them back
What’s Hot: Stuffing
What’s Not: Getting stuffed
What’s Hot: FEMA
What’s Not: FEMA camps
What’s Hot: Mockingjay Part I
What’s Not: Waiting a whole year for
Part II
By Mitch Cefalu
Brain Teasers
What Grinds
Your Gears?
Christmas in November?
By Kaylee Hinze
I hate walking through the mall and seeing Christmas trees and posters already
plastered up in store fronts. Let’s be real
it’s only November. Halloween just happened a few days ago people, and Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and we
already have Christmas decorations up?
The earliest you should have any sign of
Christmas at your home or store is black
Friday. Black Friday is a great time for
people to snag early Christmas decorations or presents. Some families tend to
take down the thanksgiving decorations
the day after and replace them with
Christmas decorations. That is acceptable
as a tradition but what is not acceptable
is seeing Christmas lights, trees and bears
in stores in mid-October. If your family
is lazy or not very cheery like some, the
latest you could have your tree up is
Christmas Eve.
Hallmark is the main destroyer of Halloween and thanksgiving cheer. They skip
right to Christmas as early as possible
just to make a few bucks. Halloween and
Thanksgiving are just as important as or
maybe even more important than Christmas. “It really frustrates me because we
are just skipping over two very important
holidays,” Robin Mwai (11) said. Personally I think seeing ghosts and pumpkins
are just as special as seeing trees and presents. Hallmark needs to chill out and turn
from a 10 down to 5. Even the Hallmark
channel starts its holiday movies in early
Toyland is on full blast filling kids’ minds
with all the toys they want to put on
their wish lists this year. Toyland needs
to chillax. Kids are still going to want
your product in a month and a half when
Christmas comes around. All the nonstop
commercials and songs already pressuring
us to get ready for Christmas time makes
me not even excited for Christmas to
come. The 25 days of Christmas on ABC
family is when the celebration should
truly begin.
No one wants to buy Christmas decorations when we’re still in fall. Fall is all
about pretty autumn leaves, scary ghouls
and delicious turkeys. Not about snow,
snowmen, reindeer or Santa. So Hallmark
and other holiday stores quit rushing our
holidays and jumping right to Christmas. How do you think Halloween and
Thanksgiving would feel? NOT VERY
So slow down the chugging on the
Christmas train and let Halloween and
Thanksgiving have a chance for once.
They can be just as exciting.
•The Lion King was released on June
15th, 1994
•Slap bracelets are banned in all U.S
public schools
•The last game produced for the
Nintendo 64 was released August
20th, 2002
•The first episode of Spongebob
Squarepants aired on May 1st, 1999
•The average age of cars on the road
today in the United States is 11.4
years old
•The top song on the 2000 Billboard
end of the year chart was Breathe, by
Faith Hill
November 2014
The Lance
“Tune in This Friday at 8/7 Central”
Friday night lights wasn’t
football when we were kids; it
was Disney Channel movies
and a TV screen!
By Rachel Hellrood
Growing up in the early 2000’s was the
prime time for a young child. Collecting
the cool McDonald’s toys, buying the
newest Kidz Bop CD, or wheeling
through school on your Heelys.
Considering all the exciting hot toys and
fashion trends, there was still nothing
more exciting than when a new Disney
Channel Original Movie premiered.
For any avid Disney Channel fan, seeing
a preview for a new Disney Channel
Movie was more exciting than going
to Chuck E. Cheese’s for a birthday
party. While some of the original Disney
Channel movies were just meh, there
were a few movies that every young
child went crazy about.
There was always an excitement that
filled the halls of school when a new
movie was premiering on Disney
Channel that night. “Disney Channel
was the plug for good movies back in
the day, I wish they still made good
movies like that,” Patrick Lytle (12) said.
Movies such as Luck of the Irish, Get a
Clue, and Stuck in the Suburbs; the list
goes on and on. Other movies such as
Cadet Kelly, Cow Belles, Jump In! or
Wendy Wu Homecoming Warrior gave
us another dose of our favorite Disney
Channel stars such as Brenda Song,
Hilary Duff, Aly and AJ and Corbin
Some of the movies that we once
watched still air every Halloween
season. Yes, you know what I’m talking
about, the Halloweentown movies.
Halloweentown, Halloweentown II:
Kalabar’s Revenge and Halloweentown
High are and will forever be classics in
the Disney Channel Original Movies.
“I still get super excited in October
because I know that Halloweentown is
going to be Disney Channel again,” Alex
Watring (12) said.
There were a few movies that had
success after their premiere and went on
to produce spin-off movies. Some of the
success stories include the High School
Musical Series, The Cheetah Girls Series,
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century and the
Twitches series. “High School Musical
and the Halloweentown movies are the
greatest movies ever. I live by the High
School Musical Soundtrack,” Noelle
McNeill (12) said.
Now that you’ve recapped most of
your childhood movies, go grab some
popcorn, find them on Netflix and
transport back to your early days.
All You Need is a Mouse for Online Fun
Revisit the Online games
you played, where time
escaped you.
By Andy Porter
Remember when you were watching your
favorite shows on Disney Channel or
Nickelodeon and during the commercials
you saw one for the new game on Nick.
com? Or how about when you and your
buds all logged on to Runescape at the
same time to go on quests and kill some
goblins? Back in the day, all we needed
was a computer and a mouse, and we
could be entertained for hours!
As much as some of us would hate to
admit it, we all spent way too much time
on the Internet as kids. You could spend
hours doing the most simple, yet highly
addictive things. Sites like Neopets and
Webkinz let you take care of virtual pets.
Runescape was an Online fantasy game
where you could do almost anything,
from going on quests to teaching your
character magic, and the best part was
that it was Online so you could hang out
Online for hours with your friends.
The majority of us will probably
remember one site in particular, Club
Penguin. Club Penguin essentially was
a massive Online game in which you
created a penguin and lived life in the
penguin world. You could do anything
from regular surfing, surfing on
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The Lance
November 2014
A Day In The Life of an Elementary Schooler
Elementary School was the
time of our lives, and we
didn’t realize it until after.
By Aaron Lucius
Remember getting home from school,
grabbing a snack and sitting down
to watch cartoons? When you really
think about it, our lives have drastically changed since we were young. The
younger you were the easier you had it.
The hardest thing to do was picking who
was “it” for tag or Sardines. School was
mostly just field trips, recess, and sitting
in circles listening to your teacher read.
And the most important thing of all?
Almost no one had cell phones or other
electronic devices other than a TV, and
kids still managed to make life awesome.
It was just good old fashioned fun.
Everything in your life was fun and
games, including school. Your education
at school was probably important to
your parents, but for you, on the other
hand, it most likely wasn’t your first priority, or hardly even crossed your mind,
other than being just another daily task.
Your occasional homework was some
little science experiment or ten math
problems that maybe took five minutes,
at most. Recess was where it was at.
You’d hope it would never end. Coming
back in for reading was exciting. Who
didn’t like reading in elementary school?
There were so many books to choose
from in the library. Finally, it was time
to leave school and go onto the next part
of the day.
After your recess/painting/reading filled
morning/early afternoon, coming home
didn’t sound too bad. You had to say
goodbye to most of your friends, but
there was still plenty more to look forward to the rest of the day. As you got
home, there were a few hours before you
would go to the YMCA for practice.
And why waste those precious hours?
For now you just got home which meant
it was time to relax for a little bit. Time
to get something to eat and go watch an
episode of Spongebob or Cyberchase.
Now that your energy was rebooted it
was only a matter of time before you
were kicked outside to play. That was
never really a bad thing though since
there was so much to do. Anything from
biking around to playing hide-n-seek
with the neighbors to rolling down hills.
Endless possibilities were all around you
when you were outside!
Now, most have some sort of handheld
device that they use constantly. Most
probably don’t know what some games
are like Bubble Gum or even Ghost in
the Graveyard. While our times of this
easy life are over, we’ll always have the
memories of our childhoods.
The Grass Stain and Rice Krispie Life
Youth sports were all about
free food and blowing off
By Alex Wehrli
Whether it was soccer, tee ball, flag
football or fencing (that is, if you were
one of those kids), your parents always
tried to throw you in some sport so
you’d burn off all of your pent up energy. Who would have guessed though
that one day you’d look back and still
remember the times where you would sit
on your butt in the outfield pulling up
Back then it wasn’t necessarily about the
event itself, it was about all the other
stuff. In the early days it was exciting
slapping on the fresh jersey or uniform.
You felt good, crisp and clean cut. Two
hours later however you smelled like
sweaty kid and were covered in mud,
grass stains, and band aids.
Regardless of how the game went it
always took a backseat to the snack
November 2014
portion of the day. Where when all was
said and done Dillon’s mom would bring
over her cooler and grocery bag full of
goodies. “I mostly just did it for the free
snacks,” Emily Pederson (12) said.
Your outlook on sports changed
dramatically after you made that first
basket, scored that first goal, or got on
base for the first time. It was then that
the hunger became real. After that you
wouldn’t settle for anything less.
The coolest thing though was that youth
sports always had a positive spin. Even
if you weren’t necessarily the fastest or
the most coordinated kid you were still
out there. So what if you looked dumb
because you ran the wrong way when
you got the football for the first time;
it’s the stuff like that, that sticks with
you forever.
To conclude I would just like to say that
youth sports were pretty freaking sweet.
If you think otherwise please feel free to
take it up with me in G11.
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The Great One Boys Running to State
Wayne Gretzky is more than
just a hockey hall of famer.
By Melody Krishnan
The boys Lancer Distance
Crew hopes their hard work
pays off.
By Rachel Hellrood
With the 98th National Hockey League
season well underway, now is a great
time to acknowledge arguably the best
hockey player of all time, center Wayne
For twenty seasons, Gretzky played
hockey professionally with an incredibly
long and successful career. When he was
just 17 years old, Gretzky was signed
by Indianapolis in 1978 as an underage free agent. After his first year with
Indianapolis, Gretzky became a player
for the national hockey league. Between
then and his retirement in 1999, he was
traded several times and played for four
teams, the Edmonton Oilers, the Los
Angeles Kings, the St. Louis Blues, and
the New York Rangers.
Gretzky started young, learning to skate
at only two years old. Scoring 378 goals
during his last year of Peewee hockey,
Gretzky would continue to excel in
hockey throughout his adult career.
Gretzky holds NHL single season
records for scoring 92 goals and making
163 assists. At the conclusion of his
career, Gretzky would total 2,857 points
and 894 goals. To continue his prestigious record, Gretzky guided his team,
the Oilers, to win four Stanley Cups. He
was the recipient of 32 awards presented
by the NHL during his playing career.
Clearly very deserving of his recognition, Gretzky was inducted into the
Hockey Hall of Fame on November 22,
1999, the same year that he retired. The
NHL retired his number, 99, prohibiting any future player from sharing that
Regarding hockey, Gretzky says, “I’ve
really enjoyed being on the outside and
being a fan of the game. It’s been enjoyable for me to take a step back and just
watch like everyone else and enjoy it.”
Despite retiring over a decade ago,
Gretzky will forever be remembered as
“The Great One” and his legacy will not
be forgotten.
There is no doubt that La Follette has
one of the best boys Cross Country
programs in Wisconsin. They won
state titles in 2006 and 2007, in 2011 La
Follette graduate Chandler Diffee won
Individual Division 1 title and in 2012
they finished second at the state meet.
So it is no surprise that the team is back
at it again.
The way that cross country works is
you want the lowest amount of points
possible. Teams place their top five
runners in the race to try and run
against other top runners in the meet.
This year the Lancer Distance Crew,
otherwise known as the LDC, has been
on a tear. This year, the team is ranked
1st in the state for Division 1, and they
have finished first in every meet of their
season this far.
This has been the Lancers best season
since 2007 when they won state. Top
runners this season have included
freshman Josh Freitag, sophomore Finn
Gessner, juniors Kye Nichols, Alex
Cotter, Terrel Oliphant and Trevor
Legg. Leading the LDC this season
are captains Wayu Bedaso and Ben
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Schaefer. The team raced against last
year’s Division 1 State Championship
winners, Stevens Point who are currently
ranked second in state, and beat them
15 points. “It’s been going really well
and we haven’t had any injuries varsity
wise so far and we have all been working
and running really well together,” Alex
Cotter (11) said about the LDC’s season
so far.
The Lancers dominated at the Madison
City meet and the Big-8 Grade Level
Challenge. The Lancers won three of the
four grade level challenges, with Finn
Gessner winning for the sophomores,
Trevor Legg winning for the juniors and
Wayu Bedaso winning the grade level
challenge for the seniors. “We trained all
summer to get to this point and we all
have worked really hard to have our best
season yet,” Kye Nichols (11) explained.
The boys cross country team hopes that
all of their hard work and determination
will pay off this season as the Lancers
head to the State Conference on
November 1st in hopes of bringing
back a state title, and breaking the state
record for lowest amount of points
scored, which is 44 and is currently held
by 2007 La Follette team.
With a remarkable season under their
belt, the Lancer Distance Crew is sure
to finish their season off strong and we
know that their trip to state will be one
for the record books.
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The Lance
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November 2014
So Long, Fall Let the Shopping Games Begin
Great job to ALL fall Lancer
May the odds be ever in your
favor this Black Friday.
By Martina Seignarack
By Bekah Smith
It’s that time of year again, when all the
fall sports come to an end and some
of us have to wait a whole other year
for our sport to roll back around the
corner. It almost seems like football,
volleyball, tennis, cheer, boys soccer,
etc. started yesterday. Sadly, they didn’t.
Some of us fall athletes are sad because
our seasons are ending and we don’t
want them to. We’ll just have to hold
the agony in.
All sports had great seasons this year.
No matter how many losses or wins
there were, as a school we still did pretty well. It’s all about teamwork, support, reliability, commitment and good
sportsmanship--all things that Lancer
athletes showed this season. To begin
with, both the girls and boys volleyball
teams did a good job this year. The
girls’ freshman gray team ended their
season off with a record of 12-4 which is
pretty good for a team of freshman who
weren’t used to playing together.
The varsity football had yet another
great season, winning city champs for
the second straight year. We also saw a
very successful job for the tennis girls,
boys soccer, poms, cheer, boys and girls
cross country, among the rest. I have to
give a special mention for a VERY good
job to the varsity boys’ cross country
team for going undefeated until coming
in second place at the Conference Meet
on October 18th.
After this very good fall season, it’s
going to be hard to wait until next fall
to begin playing these sports again. In
the meantime, we will have to occupy
ourselves with other sports. Before we
start feeling gloomy, let’s start thinking
about how great this year’s season went.
So let the time fly by and next fall will
come faster than you could imagine.
Keep it up, and good job lancers! We are
all excited to see all of the Lancer talent
on display for the rest of the year. Let’s
welcome the Winter sports for this year!
Thanksgiving is always a joyous time
for Americans. It is a fun time to bond
with relatives over who can keep down
the most servings of the green bean
casserole and laughing at great uncle
Charlie’s attempt at bonding with the
young ones. Despite the tryptophan
weighing heavy on everyone’s eyelids,
some are still very much awake with
the buzz of Black Friday.
Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving where stores discount products
in order to get a jump start on the holiday shopping. But what lengths will we
have to go through this year in order to
score a snowman themed tissue cover?
What will this years shopping adventure entail?
Lancers are known to be competitive
when it really counts, “Varsity tennis
was just the warm up,” Katie Casey
(12) said. “I’m more than ready to use
my tennis elbow to throw down and
get what I want on Black Friday,” she
added. Clearly, Black Friday isn’t just a
day of shopping, it’s practically a sporting event.
Here at La Follette the hallways are
November 2014
buzzing with the excitement. Students
can be seen cross training during gym
class in preparation. Sit ups, pull ups,
and push-ups are just some ways Lancers are trying to build up their upper
body strength in order to ensure that
they can fight out even the toughest
The difference between a pair of socks
that costs $7 and a pair of socks that
costs $4.50 is quite literally monumental. Students at LHS are more
than ready to give Black Friday their
all. “I wouldn’t call myself a shopper,
I’d call myself a hunter,” Susan Mwai
(12) said. Shopping is synonymous
with the Hunger Games some would
say. “When the doors open, it’s all or
nothing. I go to the center of the store
where the valuables are and hold off
there with the career shoppers,” Mwai
said. Mwai is also a Varsity soccer player, but you don’t need to be an athlete
to throw down on November 28.
Black Friday is one of the most intense
days of the year. It’s a time when the
average bargain hunters transform
into the Michael Phelps of the shopping kind. Swimming through bins
of $6 bucket hats as if it was second
nature. Make sure if you’re planning
on venturing out on Black Friday you
take proper steps to prepare not only
physically but also mentally.
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The Lance
Arts & Entertainment
Will You Be a Part of No Shave November?
Fear the Beard.
By Kaylee Hinze
No shave November is a great way to
bring awareness to Cancer and look
great while doing it. The goal is to
grow out your hair that normal cancer
patients would’ve lost and donate the
money you would’ve spent on monthly
grooming to the American Cancer
There are multiple different looks you
could pull of this November. If you’re
wanting to go all out this November I
suggest going with a full out beard. If
growing facial hair is a struggle for you
then you might want to try something
that requires a little less hair.
“The goatee and facial hair in general
runs through my dad’s side of
the family. I believe it symbolizes
strength, power, and respect but most
importantly it keeps my chin warm in
the harsh Wisconsin winters,” Bailey
Pollard (11) said.
For you not so manly men why not try
the “soul patch”, mutton chops, the
handle bar or the cop stache. The soul
patch is a patch placed directly in the
middle of your chin. It requires almost
no facial hair at all!
Mutton chops are a delicious facial treat.
Although they were popular in the early
1900’s who says we can’t bring them
back now? The handle bar look requires
a strong stash that is both thick and
flips up. It triumphs the boring look of
a regular mustache and gives it a unique
The cop stache is a must if you are in
any way shape or form in the legal force.
No one will take you serious if you pull
them over and walk up to the car not
rocking the stache. Do all those looks
bore you? Try these fun styles that are
sure to wow anyone in your path. You
could pull of a Jack Sparrow with two
long braids hanging down from your
chin. Don’t worry, I promise your mom
will give you a hand at braiding them.
Another lady killer is the super Mario.
You’ll win over your princess peach is
no time with this look. All you need is a
mustache and a little gel.
Growing and testing out different
styles of facial hair can be fun but more
importantly it helps out a cause. The
more dudes we see walking down the
street with a sweet face full of hair the
more attention we can draw to the
cause. “I plan on participating in no
shave November, but Megan May (12)
isn’t a huge fan of my beard when it
grows out,” Hector Bon (12) said.
Support the cause and don’t shave this
November. Also don’t forget to donate
the money you saved on grooming to
the American Cancer Society!
Hunger Games Hype Taking Over Theaters!
Mockingjay Part One
Comes to Theaters.
By Melody Krishnan
The Hunger Games trilogy has surpassed
the Harry Potter series in book sales,
proving itself the most popular series of
this generation. The trilogy has sold more
than 50 million copies with sales of more
than 23 million copies of the Hunger
Games, more than 14 million copies of
Catching Fire, and more than 13 million
copies of Mockingjay.
Not only have the books been
successful, but also the movies; the first
movie played in over 4,000 theaters.
Hunger Games holds the record for the
third-best opening weekend of all time,
grossing $155 million in the United
States alone. At the end of its showing
time, the Hunger Games grossed
$691.2 million globally, while its sequel,
Catching Fire, grossed approximately
$1.2 billion globally.
Interestingly, the Hunger Games has
made the list of the 10 most frequently
challenged books of 2010 and 2013.
To challenge a book, one must write
a formal request to remove a book
from the shelves of public and school
libraries. Reasons for challenging the
book include violence, sexually explicit
content, religious grounds, and simply
stating that it is inappropriate for
specific ages. In order to make this list,
the books are popular and worth the
read. In fact, Harry Potter ended up on
banned books lists several times.
If one hasn’t picked up the book or
popped in the movie, definitely do so by
November 21st, which is the trilogy’s
next movie release date for the United
States. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay
- Part 1 “Return to District Twelve” is
expected to do incredibly well in the
box office. In fact, Abby LaBelle (12)
said, “My friend and I are going to the
midnight premiere!” The movie is PG13, 125 minutes, and hopefully answers
all the questions that viewers were left
with after Catching Fire’s cliffhanger
ending. Viewers discovered that Katniss’
District, District 12, is left in shambles
after being bombed by President Snow
The Lance
and the capitol. She feels betrayed after
finding out that Peeta was not rescued
from the arena and is now a captive of
the capitol. The movie takes place in
District 13 where Katniss will discover
what she really stands for as she fights to
save Peeta and Panem.
Masses of teenagers are predicted to flock
to the theaters in order to watch Jennifer
Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Liam
Hemsworth return to the big screen.
“I’m really looking forward to the new
Hunger Games movie. I’ve read the
books and really hope this movie lives
up to my expectations,” said Devin
Hernandez (12).
November 2014
Arts & Entertainment
The Hottest Sites on the Net
Shedding light on the most
urban social media sites of
By Christina Peterson
With all the new technology coming
out lately, certain social media sites are
growing fast in popularity. It’s a safe
guess that a lot of the people here at
La Follette use at least one social media
website a day.
Social media has a seemingly endless
amount of different websites, but some
that hold popularity over the rest. Here
is a list of the top ten most popular
social media websites, according to
1. Facebook: This site allows you create
an account and groups, add people you
know to your friends list, chat with
people and share all types of media. The
best way to explain Facebook is to try it
for yourself.
2. Twitter: This site enables you to send
and read short, 140 character messages
(“tweets”) to the public. You can also
follow people; get regular updates on
when and what they “tweet” about.
3. LinkedIn: Unlike most, LinkedIn is
based more around work and less around
play. It is a business oriented website. It
works to help you discover professional
opportunities, build your online identity
and receive the latest news to be great at
whatever you do.
4. Pinterest: This website offers you a
visual discovery of images posted by a
wide variety of people, in a wide variety
of categories.
5. Google Plus: This social network also
acts as identity service. If you can’t guess
from the name, this website is a product
of Google. It allows you to socially
interact using apps like Gmail, Circles
and Hangouts.
6. Tumblr: Here you can post and share
multimedia and flow it into a shortform blog. You can follow, as well as
be followed, by other users. But, if
following doesn’t appeal to you, you can
make your profile private, hide in the
darkened shadows of this website, and
do your own thing without interference
from other users.
7.Instagram: This helpful program allows
you to upload, “like”, and comment on
pictures. Unlike Pinterest, Instagram
photos usually only of the user and their
8.VKontakte (VK): VK’s basic set-up is
about equal to that of Facebook.
9.Flickr: Did you want to post videos
or images to a social media network?
And would you enjoy editing those
photos? How about using an Online
community to share and embed personal
photographs? If you answered yes to
any or all of these questions then you
should check out Flickr.
10.Vine: A new way to share videos,
Vine is quickly climbing up the social
media favorites. It was only released
in 2012. Vine allows you to record 6
second videos, then post them on to
the site. These videos will play on a
consistent loop. Other individuals can
watch and “revine” these videos. You
can find others videos by going to their
profiles, or looking through the group
Hopefully this gave you a few ideas for
starting up profiles on some new social
media websites, or maybe it will change
the way you use them.
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November 2014
The Lance
Only You Can Put A Stop To Pet Abuse
Putting a stop to puppy mills
one innocent puppy at a
By Kaylee Hinze
Around the holidays is when the want
for new pets is at an all-time high. I
mean come on, who wouldn’t want to
run downstairs on Christmas morning
and find a new puppy wrapped with a
bow. It is every kids dream. Although
it is nice to get a new pet the novelty
tends to wear of for most and they start
to neglect their pets and not show them
as much affection as when they first
If you every buy a new dog be sure to
check out a local humane society first
such as Dane County Humane Society.
Humane societies try their best to help
dogs and other animals find a nice home.
I know everyone’s first thought is they
want a cute puppy that’s small and new
but I promise you all dogs grow out of
their puppy phase with time. So instead
of buying a dog from a pet store where
some get their dogs from puppy mills I
suggest a humane society.
Puppy mills are large dog breeding
corporations with breeders that care
more about the profit then the wellbeing
and upbringing of the puppy. Puppies
and the dogs that are used for breeding
from tend to be neglected and they can
mess up genetic quality along the way.
This is very bad for the dog in the long
run as it can have defects its whole life
and be subject to catch more diseases.
Also having a lot of dogs contained in
one area they are most likely to catch
and spread diseases while kept there.
Humane societies make sure the animal
is up to date with all its shots and can
even spay or neuter the animal before
they hand it over to you.
By adopting an animal from a shelter
you’re not only helping the animal
you’re also helping yourself. You may
not be able to teach and old dog new
tricks but I promise they will melt your
heart. An old or middle age dog may
still have a lot of life in them, and not
to stereotype shelters they also have
puppies too. You can find just about any
kind of dog in a shelter and they have
ten times more character and experience
than a pure breed that came straight
from a puppy mill.
Not only can you save a life by adopting
a dog from the Humane Society you are
also preventing the use of puppy mills.
If no one buys dogs from puppy mills
breeders won’t have needs to keep them
going and we can eventually shut down
all puppy mills. Breeders from puppy
mills are very irresponsible and don’t
care about the needs of the dog itself.
All they want is the puppy shipped off
to a family and the fast money in their
So next time you or a friend or family
member talks about getting a new puppy
make sure you refer them to a local
humane society. You can save a life and
make some dog very happy!
Photo Credit Jenny Ryan
Times Will Change, the Parents Will Not
As teens it seems like we
are always at war with out
By Diamond Washington
Parents just don’t understand. They
think that being a teenager today is the
same as it was when they were young.
They don’t understand the pressures put
on us by all of the social media sites and
the media.
Every weekend there’s something new
to do with your friends. There are new
movies coming out and new places
opening and there are new people to
meet but then there’s your parent. You
ask to go out to the movies with a few
friends on Friday night, but you’re told
no because you went last Friday. It isn’t
fair. You’re a teenager you want to be
able to stay out till 11 o’clock at night
with your friends at the movies and then
go and spend the night at their house.
You should be able to, after all, you have
your phone and you’re not alone.
Money is a whole other thing. You
want to go to the movies but you don’t
have a job because you’re too busy
juggling school and work, so you ask
your parent for $10 to get in, a few
extra to get popcorn, and they have the
audacity to say no because, “You went
last weekend,” and if you argue back
it’s “You don’t even have a ride.” It’s a
terrible cycle.
The worst part is the entire time that
they’re telling you that you can’t go out
with you friends, they’re also telling you
The Lance
that you need to get out more. They
really make it hard for you to win with
them. They’re just being selfish they
want us all to themselves. We’re not
allowed to go to the movies but we can
go to Grandma’s 90th birthday party.
They don’t give us a choice, either sit in
the house or go to grandma’s.
Then there’s driving. When you’re about
16 years old you’re going to want to
start driving. The problem is a lot of
parents are too scared to get in a car
with an amateur driver. They don’t want
to die. Especially if they have other kids.
Once you ask them to teach you they
start thinking back to the days when
they were learning to drive and they
chicken out. Parents always want to
make things difficult, or maybe they just
love us. Who knows?
November 2014
Growing a Mustache, Fun Hobby or Nasty Habit?
People these days are substituting personalities with
mustaches. Do you have
what it takes?
By Alex Wehrli
In honor of November I’ve decided
to dissect the mustache. For some
this piece of facial hair is the sign of a
true man, for others it’s nothing but a
gross caterpillar on the upper lip. So, is
growing a mustache a fun hobby or a
nasty habit?
Hulk Hogan, Tom Selleck, Burt Reynolds and Ron Burgendy, these are just a
few of the men that truly know how to
work the stache. With so many options
ranging from the handle bar to the fu
man chu, you’re bound to find one that
suites your style. Mustaches allow you
to confidently walk into a gas station
and buy a lotto ticket with the knowledge that you won’t be carded. “I’m a
five without a mustache but a ten with
it,” James Bon (12) said. A mustache
makes a boy a man. Plus growing one
during the month of November helps
to increase cancer awareness, which is a
pretty good reason to let it grow.
Some, however, fear the stache (most
notably the general female population).
“They’re pretty gross,” Sammie Snyder
(11) said. Statistics show that the majority of high school males are incapable
of growing a wicked mustache. Most are
only able to grow nasty little peach fuzz
that can barely be classified as facial hair
(Excluding the Bon family, and Mitch
Cefalu). Maybe the real reason haters
choose to hate is because mustaches
just aren’t the style for high school guys
(Excluding the Bon Family and Mitch
Cefalu). Some might argue that the only
people capable of successfully pulling
off the stache are the full blown hipsters that roam the streets of downtown
Madison. Growing a mustache is not for
the weak at heart, because with it comes
constant hate and criticism, which could
ultimately lead to a drop in your social
Now that I’ve gotten all that off my
chest, I turn to you, the public and I ask
is growing a mustache a fun hobby or a
nasty habit?
Shut Down Your Phone, Live Life the Right Way
If you don’t think social
media and smart phones take
you away from the real world,
you’re definitely wrong.
By Tina Seignarack
There is one big topic that some of
us don’t think much about... social
isolation. There are a variety of reasons
that cause social isolation, but for this
article, I will be talking about cell phone
usage. We all know at least one person
who won’t look up from their phones
just for quick second, and even if they
do, they’ll look right back down at their
phone again. So what is the problem?
One problem that comes in my mind,
is that some people who use their cell
phones, don’t spend as much time
communicating with their peers as
they should. “I think a lot of people
are constantly on their phones rather
than having social interaction with
another person,” Liliana Avila (9) said.
You become more independent, which
is good sometimes, but I believe there
should be a balance. If there isn’t, your
independence could backfire and you’ll
be left alone. As a result of being socially
isolated, you want to spend time with
yourself in your room alone, and you
completely shut down everything that
happens around you. What is it that
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November 2014
The Lance
makes cell phones so important that
you’re pushing people away?
Text messaging, twitter, Facebook,
or any other possible social network,
can’t prevent the bullying either. There
are two sides of this particular subject
matter. The person who’s bullying
another, can be led to social isolation
and even for the person who is getting
bullied can suffer anxiety, or depression,
which can lead to suicide. Therefore,
there are many consequences that come
come out of this huge topic that we
come across.
There are ways to avoid your cell
phone, and there are ways to prevent
you from suffering social isolation.
Liliana Avila (9) thinks there’s a way
to go to help people, “Balance out
the time you’re on your phone and to
interact with people more or do more
productive things,” and that could be a
way. I think social isolation due to cell
phone usage is ridiculously mad. Some
people don’t see it in other people, but
I see it everyday happening constantly.
There should be something done about
it, because if not, maybe one day there
won’t be anything such as verbally
talking anymore. Who knows? Social
isolation can get bigger and bigger by
the second. So shut down your phone,
and live life in the best way possible.
Lancers of the Month
Athletes of the Month:
Brunker and Hunt Hit and Dive Into Success
Meet two Lancers
who not only excel
in sports but also in
By Aaron Lucius
For November’s athletes
of the month, there are two
Lancers that bring enthusiasm
and talent to not only the
court, but also into the pool;
Robert Brunker and Caitlin
Hunt. Although Brunker
played basketball freshman
year, he switched over to
volleyball junior year where
he made varsity right away,
although he had not played
before. His current position
is a middle blocker and his
6’2 figure helps a lot. “I really
like the competitiveness of
the sport and playing with
Senior Robert Brunker
Senior Caitlin Hunt
my teammates,” said Brunker (12). Along with playing
volleyball, Brunker is also a
Pride Guide, takes AP classes
and participates in orchestra
and pit orchestra. Even with
all of that, he has still managed
to maintain an amazing 3.82
GPA. With his hard work, he
hopes to get into UW-Madison or UM-Twin Cities and
major in engineering.
Swimming into success is our
second athlete, Caitlin Hurt.
Since Hunt has been swimming since kindergarten, it’s
not surprising at all that she
has been on varsity for three
years at La Follette. Although
she has swam in other races
before, her two main events
are the 50m freestyle and the
100m backstroke. “I like that
it’s individual but you’re still
part of a team,” said Hunt
(12) when she was talking
about her favorite part of the
sport. Even though swimming
is a tough sport, not only has
Hunt maintained a stunning
3.77 GPA in her four years
at La Follette, but she also
is involved in other various
school activities that include
being a part of HOSA, NHS
and being a Pride Guide.
After high school she plans on
going to college at University
of Iowa, UM-Twin Cities or
UW-Madison and most likely
wants to major in sociology.
The best of luck in the future
to our athletes of the month!
Artist of the Month:
Thornburg Plays Her Way Into Our Hearts
She took a chance
and now the odds are
in her favor.
By Bekah Smith
Art isn’t always a solid piece
of work; sometimes it can
be three dimensional such as
acting or music. November’s
artist of the month is the
very talented actress Emma
Thornburg. The Lance is
acknowledging Emma has an
outstanding actor and musician. Emma has been involved
in the play here at La Follette
for the past three years now.
Her freshman year, she went
out on a whim and tried out
for the play. Her first year
acting, she scored a lead role
as a freshman, and has been
successful ever since. “I’ve
never acted before but I’ve always been interested in acting
and thought I’d try it out.”
Clearly, trying something
new worked for her because
she excelled in acting right
away “ It was a little scary to
act my freshman year, I didn’t
even know I was good at it,
It really helped me breakout
of my shell and make new
friends” says Emma. “I like
acting because I’m able to be
someone else,” she adds. It’s
hard to get involved in such
a big production like the fall
play, but Emma fit in right
away and enjoys being around
the other members of the
Just being around Emma it’s
clear how lively and vibrant
she is. Perfect for acting and
clearly very creative. Aside
from the fall play, she also
plays viola for La Follette’s
orchestra. Thornburg participates in the pit orchestra
during the musicals as well,
“Pit orchestra is a beautiful
experience. You get to be a
part of the musical community without having to the
ability to sing or dance” she
Thornburg’s future is looking
bright. Post high school,
Thornburg hopes to either attend Cornell College in Iowa,
Austin College in Texas, or
Trinity University in San An-
The Lance
tonio Texas. Emma hopes to
major in biology and wants to
become a pediatric doctor.
We applaud Emma for all her
great talents and are more
than excited to see what the
future holds for her.
Senior Emma Thornburg
November 2014

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