Church Holy Trinity Catholic


Church Holy Trinity Catholic
Catholic Schools
Catholic Church
March 25, 2012
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Cycle B
Gaudium Et Spes
The joys and hopes of the people of God
Pastoral Center and
Parish Mailing Address
3826 Gilbert Ave., Dallas, TX 75219
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9am- 5pm
FAX 214-526-3477
Evening/Weekend voicemail 214-526-4506
Parish Pastoral Care
[email protected]
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Diocese of Dallas information
Parish Staff
Fr. Donald J. Ours, C.M.
Ext. 225
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Tino Tran, C.M.
Ext. 226
Senior Priest In Residence:
Fr. Tony Ruiz, C.M.
Ext. 238
Diaconal Ministry:
Deacon Don Forbrich
Ext. 227
Deacon John Paul Kelly
Deacon Michael J. Bolesta
Pastoral Associate for Pastoral Care:
Elia Meyers
Ext. 223
Parish Business Manager:
Thecla Tybor
Ext. 235
Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation:
Elizabeth Delgado
Youth Minister:
Ext. 239
Mike Stratman
Parish Liturgist:
Benny Ruiz, Jr.
Ext. 272
Ext. 237
Music Ministry:
Jay Terpstra
Ext. 240
Dir. Of Stewardship and Development:
Suzy Williams, CFRE
Ext. 230
Roberto Alvarez
Ext. 222
Director of Parish Communications /
Assistant to the Pastor:
Maria Farrell
Ext. 234
Parish Secretary:
Alejandra Faz
Ext. 221
Safe Environment:
Linda Lopez
Ext. 228
School Principal:
Elizabeth Hawkins
Holy Trinity Center:
Melvin Melle, Managing Director
Patricia Rodriguez and Beatrice Carter,
Case Managers
Society of St. Vincent de Paul:
Bruce Toplek
Bible Study:
Jeanie Essl
Mike and Liz Bassett
[email protected]
Beyond Sunday - Young Adults
(Parishioners in their 20s and 30s):
Christina Rossini [email protected]
Friends of Holy Trinity Catholic School:
Anthony and Sheila Madigan Levatino
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
“The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified” (John 12:23 NABRE).
Jesus’ entire life was lived for the Father’s glory and for our salvation, but at the center
of it all was the mystery of his passion, death, and resurrection. Together we call these
the Paschal mystery. Paschal means Passover or Easter.
So far our Lenten journey has focused on our own struggle with sin and evil.
As God told Cain, “sin lies in wait at the door: its urge is for you, yet you can rule over
it” (Genesis 4:7 NABRE). Through the spiritual disciplines of fasting, prayer, and
almsgiving (charity), we have tried to master sin. I must confess that I have not fully
succeeded. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. But even that means Lent has been
good. Once again I am forced to admit my need for a savior. “The hour has
come…” (John 12:23a NABRE).
The hour for what? “Now is the time of judgment on this world; now the ruler of this
world will be driven out. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to
myself” (John 12:31–32 NABRE). Now is the hour of salvation. Liturgically we are on the
verge of the holiest of all times, Holy Week. We are invited not to simply remember, but
to enter into the Paschal mystery, to be with Jesus. Our own efforts fade. Our focus
shifts to Jesus: who he is, what he does, what he means “for us men and our
salvation” (Niceno-Constantinopolitan creed). “Behold the wood of the Cross, on which
hung the salvation of the world. Come, let us adore” (Good Friday liturgy).
Deacon Mike
Next Faith Formation Lecture: Please join the Adult Faith Formation Team, Sunday,
April 15th at 9:30 in Trinity Hall to welcome Danielle Hanneken of Holy Trinity Parish.
She will present:
"Opening to the Presence of God"
What does that mean and how are we to do this?
Psalm 46:10 "Be Still and Know that I am God" - This simple wisdom is an invitation
given to you by God. It is a call to set aside all activity, rest in silence, and come into an
intimate relationship with the Beloved. In Danielle's presentation, she will explore with
us one way to consent or say yes to this call.
Good Friday, April 6
Stations of the Cross
Palm Sunday, April 1
Saturday: 5:00 pm in English
Sunday: 8, 9:30*, 11 am, 5 pm in English,
12:30 pm in Spanish
Gather on the driveway between the
church and Community Life Center for the
procession into church 10 minutes before
each Mass (except 8 am on Sunday.)
* Please note that Mass will be held at
9:30 am for ease of traffic.
Wednesday, April 4
Reconciliations: 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the
Holy Thursday, April 5
The Lord’s Last Supper
7:00 pm
12:00 pm (Eng)
1:00 pm (Span)
The Lord’s Passion
3:00 pm (Eng)
7:00 pm (Span)
Trinity Teens Stations of the Cross
5:00 pm (English)
Holy Saturday, April 7
Easter Vigil
8:00 pm
There are no confessions and no 5:00 pm
Mass on Holy Saturday.
Easter Sunday, April 8
8:00, 9:30*, 11:00 am,11:15 am
Contemporary Mass in the CLC (English)
12:30 pm (Spanish)
There will be NO 5:00 pm Mass on Easter
* Please note that Mass will be held at
9:30 am for ease of traffic.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Dallas, Texas
The Uptown Catholic Community
Thanks to Toshio Sato for sharing his thoughts on Lent and his journey
into the Church with us on Sunday, 11 March. And thanks to Fr. Tony
for his wonderful talk on Lent this past Sunday.
March 25: Mike Bassett will be sharing his thoughts on Lent.
Remember that there will be a race on the morning of 03.25.12 so
getting to the Church is going to be a challenge.
April 1: Deacon John Kelly will discuss the Easter Triduum
Remember, the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, April 1, will be at 9:30 a.m. for that day
only. Breaking Open the Word will begin after dismissal as usual; however, the RCIA
session will probably not start until 10:40 a.m. and finish around 11:40 a.m. Please plan
On Saturday, April 7, we will meet for breakfast in Trinity Hall at 8:30 a.m., followed by
rehearsal in the Church from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. We will then meet back in
Assembly Room [where we meet every Sunday] at 6:45 p.m. to prepare for the Mass at
8:00 p.m. Have you family members arrive at the Church EARLY for the Easter Vigil
Please note the Mass schedule changes for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. The
9 am Mass will be held at 9:30 to alleviate traffic congestion in the parking lot. In
addition we will have an 11:15 am Mass in the CLC on Easter Sunday. We will NOT
have a 5 pm Mass on Easter Sunday.
HT CENTER Volunteers needed: The Holy Trinity Center is in need of
volunteers. The Center is open Monday thru Friday 9am-4pm. We have
two available shifts for volunteers, 9 am to 12 noon or 12 noon to 4 pm.
Shifts are flexible. All volunteers must be screened through Safe
Environment prior to volunteering. Front desk duties include greeting
Holy Trinity
clients, answering phone, retrieving and filing files, and making copies.
Pantry duties include sorting and shelving food and toiletry items,
distributing food and personal care items to clients, re-stocking shelves. We also have
volunteers who prefer to shop for us. If this sounds interesting to you or someone you
know, please call us at (214) 521-3719 and ask to speak to Laura Steen-Patterson or
email her at [email protected].
Grateful Fed Dinner: The next Grateful Fed dinner will be on Thursday March 29th at
6:30 pm at Texas Land and Cattle Steak House, 3130 Lemmon Avenue, Dallas 75204 If
you would like to attend, please RSVP to Maureen or Robert Eason by March 27,
[email protected] (with grateful fed on the subject line) or Maureen 214-8265335.
Beyond Sunday is Holy Trinity Catholic
Church's community of young adults, single and
married, in their 20s and 30s. We seek to share
our faith beyond Sunday Mass through spiritual,
service, and social activities. For more information and to sign up for the email list,
please check out the website:, or email
[email protected].
Upcoming Events:
Sunday, March 25: Dinner following the 5 pm Mass. We meet on the patio.
Wednesday, March 28: Mid Week Mass, 7:30 pm in the church. Join us for drinks at
The Quarter after!
Sunday, April 1: Dinner following the 5 pm Mass. We meet on the patio.
Daily Mass: 12:10 pm in the Church
Stations of the Cross:
Friday, 6:00 pm (English)
7:00 pm (Spanish)
March 25, 2012
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has
determined that the following practice shall
prevail in the United States. Fasting shall be
observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
by all those between the ages of 18 and 60.
Fasting is defined as two small meals and one
main meal per day with NO snacking inbetween. Abstinence from meat is to be
observed on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of
Lent by all who have celebrated their 14th
Sacramental information
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday
3:30 - 4:30 pm or daily by appointment
Anointing of the Sick: Celebrated on
the first Saturday of the month at 6:00 pm.
Please call the Dir. Of Pastoral Care, 214526-6356 for hospital visitation, anointing
and/or communion for parishioners
confined to their homes.
Baptisms: Celebrated communally on
the second Sunday of every month at
2:30 pm. Preparation classes are held on
the third Saturday of the month. Parents
and godparents must attend a class.
Parents must register by visiting the
Pastoral Center during normal business
Weddings: Catholics wishing to be
married at Holy Trinity should contact the
Pastoral Center to register for marriage
preparation sessions at least 6 months
before the desired wedding date.
Wakes and Funerals: Call the Pastoral
Center or the Dir. Of Pastoral Care.
Vocations: Contact our Vincentian
Vocation Director, Fr. David Nations, C.M.
at vocations@vincentian .org
Información de Sacramentos
Sacramento de Reconciliación: sábado
de 3:30 p.m. a 4:30 p.m. o diariamente
con cita.
Unción de Enfermos: Se celebra el
primer sábado de cada mes a las 6:00
p.m. Por favor llame a la directora de
Cuidado Pastoral al 214-526-6356 para
visitas a hospitales, unción o comunión
para feligreses confinados en sus casas.
Bautismos: Se celebran en grupo el
tercer domingo de cada mes, durante la
Misa de 12:30 p.m., menos durante la
Cuaresma. Los padres deberán
inscribirse llamado al Centro Pastoral,
214-526-8555, lunes - viernes, 9 a.m. - 5
p.m. y asistir la preparación el sábado
antes del domingo de bautizo.
Bodas: La persona católica que solicite
matrimonio debe normalmente estar
registrada en la parroquia por lo menos
nueve meses. Seis meses antes de la
boda propuesta, deberá comunicarse al
Centro Pastoral.
Velorios y Funerales: Llame al Centro
Pastoral o a la directora de Cuidado
Vocaciones: Escriba al director de
vocaciones, Padre David Nations, C.M. a
[email protected]
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Cycle B
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Irving Convention Center
at Las Colinas
Hosted by:
Most Reverend Kevin J. Farrell
Honorary Chairs:
Jan and Thom Schliem
Actor & Singer
John Schneider
Make Your Reservations Today!
Questions? Contact 972-267-LIFE (5433)
Our next
Taizé Prayer
Holy Trinity Catholic School
students have recently
begun using a trial
subscription for a computerbased supplemental Math
program. They are able to
do this with our new HP Elite laptop
computers which travel from classroom to
classroom on a recharging cart. We are
very grateful to parishioners of Holy Trinity
Church whose contributions to purchase
the computers and support of our recent
Trinity Tiger Gala raised enough money to
buy the supplemental Math program. With
these tools, we hope to see improved
competencies in math skills and
understanding of math concepts. Thank
you Holy Trinity!
Registration for the 2012-2013 school year
continues. If you know a friend, co-worker,
or family member who may be interested in
a quality Catholic education for a child 3
years old to 8th grade, please tell them
about our school. Tours are available and
our next open house will be Friday, April 13
from 7:30-10:00 AM. Please call the school
office for details, 214-526-5113.
will be on Tuesday, April 10, at 7:00 pm in the Church.
Please join us for this beautiful experience of meditative prayer.
Trinity Teens
Lent is a time of self sacrifice, a dying to ourselves for the sake of growing closer to God, and becoming the individual he
has intended each of us to be. May we see this season as a source of Hold On Pain Ends. Taken from Daily Inspirations
Upcoming Events:
Trinity Teen Station of the Cross rehearsals: Do you want to learn more about the Passion of Christ? Walk in His place.
Rehearsal begin March 24th at 12:00pm-1:00pm. Students have the opportunity to earn 30hrs of community service for this production.
Tuesday, March 27th: Middle School Trinity Teens “Ice Cream social” Come learn how to make ice cream in a ziplock bag. We will be
meeting in the Assembly Room at 6:30pm
Thursday, March 29th: Retreat planning meeting at 6:30pm-8:00pm in the Pastoral Center conference room.
Tuesday, April 3rd: High School Trinity Teens “The power of music and Art” We will meet in the Assembly Room at 6:30pm. Join us for
fun, fellowship and faith. Snacks provided.
Volunteer Opportunities:
We are looking for about 10 adults to be chaperons/group leaders at our Confirmation Retreat on Saturday, April 14th. Please contact
Mike Stratman if you are interested.
Are you interested in supporting Trinity Teens, but you aren’t sure what to do? Here is your chance! I’m looking for individuals, couples,
or families to sponsor our simple meals for Tuesday night meetings. This could mean anything from cooking up something simple or
ordering pizza along with something like chips and cookies for snacks. Alternatively, you could make a donation of $40 to cover the
meal for about 15 teens. YOU WILL BE MAKING A DIFFERENCE
Mike Stratman, Youth and Confirmation Coordinator
[email protected] 972-510-3376
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Dallas, Texas
The Uptown Catholic Community
March 25, 2012
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Cycle B
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Dallas, Texas
The Uptown Catholic Community
Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas,
…“Ha llegado la hora para que el Hijo del Hombre sea glorificado”… (Juan
12:23 Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana de Hoy, NBLH). La vida entera de Jesús fue
vivida para la gloria del Padre y para nuestra salvación, pero en el centro de todo esto
está el misterio de su pasión, muerte y resurrección. En conjunto les llamamos el
Misterio Pascual. Pascual significa Pascua Judía o Pascua de Resurrección.
Hasta ahora la jornada de Cuaresma se ha enfocado en nuestra propia lucha
con el pecado y la maldad. Según Dios le dijo a Caín, “Si haces bien,” […] “el pecado
yace a la puerta y te codicia, pero tú debes dominarlo.” (Génesis 4:7, NBLH). Por
medio de las disciplinas de ayuno, oración y limosna (caridad), hemos tratado de
dominar el pecado. Debo confesar que no he tenido éxito del todo. A veces gano y a
veces pierdo. Pero aun así, esto significa que la Cuaresma ha sido buena. Una vez
más estoy forzado a admitir me necesidad de un salvador. “ha llegado la
hora…” (Juan 12:23ª NBLH).
¿La hora de qué? “Ya está aquí el juicio de este mundo; ahora el príncipe de
este mundo será echado fuera. Pero Yo, si soy levantado de la tierra, atraeré a todos
a Mí mismo.” (Juan 12:31-32 NBLH). Ahora es la hora de la salvación. Litúrgicamente
estamos al borde de tiempo más santo de todos, la Semana Santa. Estamos invitados
a no simplemente recordar, sino a entrar en el Misterio Pascual, a estar con Jesús.
Nuestros esfuerzos propios se desvanecen. Nuestro enfoque cambia hacia Jesús:
quién es Él, qué hace él, qué quiere decir él “por nosotros, los hombres, y por nuestra
salvación” (Credo de Necea). “Mirad el árbol de la cruz, donde estuvo clavada la
salvación del hombre. Venid a adorarlo.” (Liturgia del Viernes Santo).
Diácono Mike
Miércoles, 4 de abril
Confesiones: 7 - 8:30 pm en la iglesia
Jueves Santo, 5 de abril
La Ultima Cena del Señor 7:00 pm
El segundo sábado de cada mes
tendremos confesiones en Español, 3;30 4:30 pm in la Iglesia.
¡Viernes de Pescado
Frito! Acompañe al Coro de
Holy Trinity el viernes 30 de
marzo de 5:30 - 7pm en el
Centro Comunitario. ¡Todos
están invitados!
Escuela de Holy Trinity: Inscripciones para
el año escolar 2012-2013 continúan. Si
usted conoce a un amigo, un compañero de
trabajo, o un miembro de su familia que esta
interesado en un educación Católica para su
hijo(a) de tres años al octavo grado, por
favor dígales de nuestra escuela. Pueden
visitar nuestra escuela o pueden venir a
nuestra próxima casa abierta el viernes, 13
de abril de 7:30 a 10:00 AM. Por favor llame
a la Oficina Escolar para más detalles al
(214) 526-5113.
durante la
Por favor, tenga en cuenta los cambios de horario de Misa el Domingo de Ramos
y el Domingo de Resurrección. La Misa de 9 a.m. será a las 9:30 a.m. para ayudar
alivia la congestión del trafico en el estacionamiento. Además tendremos una Misa a
las 11:15 a.m. en el Centro Comunitario el Domingo de Resurrección. No tendremos
Misa a las 5 p.m. el Domingo de Resurrección.
Domingo de Palmas, 1 de abril
Sábado: 5:00 pm
Domingo: 8, 9:30*, 11 am, 5 pm (ingles)
12:30 (español)
Reunir en la calzada entre la iglesia y el
Centro de la Comunidad de Vida para la
procesión a la iglesia 10 minutos antes de
cada misa (excepto las 8 am del
* Cambio de horario de Misa.
SOLAMENTE hoy Domingo de Palmas.
March 25, 2012
Viernes Santo, 6 de abril
Vía Crucis
12:00 p.m. (Ingles)
1:00 p.m. (Español)
La Pasión del Señor 3:00 p.m. (Ingles)
7:00 p.m. (Español)
Vía Crucis presentado por Trinity Teens
5:00 p.m. (Ingles)
Sábado de Gloria, 7 de abril
Vigilia Pascual
8:00 p.m.
No habrá confesiones y no tendremos
Misa a las 5pm.
Domingo de Resurrección, 8 de abril
8:00, 9:30*, 11 a.m.,
11:15 a.m. Misa Contemperaría en el
Centro Comunitario (Ingles)
12:30 p.m. (Español)
No habrá misa a las 5pm el Domingo de
* Cambio de horario de Misa.
SOLAMENTE hoy Domingo de
Misa Diaria: 12:10 p.m. en la Iglesia
Vía Crusís: Viernes, 6:00 p.m. (Inglés)
7:00 p.m. (Español)
La Conferencia Estadounidense de Obispos
Católicos ha determinado que la siguiente
práctica se llevara acabo en los
EEUU. Ayunar será observado el Miércoles
de Ceniza y Viernes Santo por todos
aquellos que han cumplido 18 años de edad
y aquellos que aun no han cumplido 60 años
de edad. Abstinencia de carne será
observada el Miércoles de Ceniza y todos
los viernes durante la Cuaresma por todos
aquellos que han cumplido 14 años de edad.
Bienvenidos Nuevos Feligreses:
Bienvenidos a su parroquia de Holy Trinity
todos los nuevos feligreses y visitantes. Les
recordamos que es importante ser miembros
registrados de la Iglesia. Si aun no esta
inscrito como miembro de la Iglesia los
invitamos a tomar un sobre de inscripción
localizados en las puertas de salida de la
Iglesia. Regresen su forma de inscripción
por correo o en persona a la Oficina
Dominical o al Centro Pastoral.
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Sat., March 24
5:00 pm
Sun., March 25
8:00 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
5:00 pm
Mon., March 26
12:10 pm
Tues., March 27
12:10 pm
Wed., March 28
12:10 pm
7:30 pm
Thurs., March 29
12:10 pm
Fri., March 30
9:00 am
12:10 pm
Sat., March 31
5:00 pm
Sun., April 1
8:00 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
5:00 pm
Cycle B
Jer 11: 18-20; Jn 7: 40-53
Charles Elms +
Jer 31: 31-34; Heb 5: 7-9; Jn 12: 20-33
Russell O’Conor +
Misa Communitaria
Is 7: 10-14, 8: 10; Heb 10: 4-10; Lk 1: 26-38
Orphelia Mikamona
Nm 21: 4-9; Jn 8: 21-30
Saul Meza +
Dn 3: 14-20, 91-92, 95; Jn 8: 31-42
Nelda Genna +
Young Adults of HTCC
Gn 17: 3-9; Jn 8: 51-59
Sr. Dominica Slawuta, SSMI, +
Jer 20: 10-13; Jn 10: 31-42
Students of HTCC
Raeber Family (living and deceased)
Jer 31: 31-34; Heb 5: 7-9; Jn 12: 22-33
Tom Brookshear
Mk 11: 1-10; Is 50: 4-7; Phil 2: 6-11; Mk 14: 1 - 15: 47
Edgar A. Treadaway, III
Joe Russo
Ruth Ann Kelly +
Misa Communitaria
Mary Keenan +
Amount in
1st Sunday in March
Weekly Average
(7/1/2010 to 1/31/2012)
Upcoming Second Collections:
April 6:
April 28/29:
Holy Land
Catholic Home Missions Appeal
Sun., March 25
8:00 am 8th Grade Pancake
Breakfast, TH
9:00 am First Communion Parent
Mtg., HTCS Café
9:30 am Children’s Faith
Formation, HTCS
10:00 am RCIA, SCAR
10:45 am Teen Faith Formation,
CLC 202
11:30 am Spanish Usher Mtg, HTC
3:30 pm Happy Hour Group
Practice, CHURCH
Mon., March 26
6:30 pm ESL, CLC 202, HTC 203,
7:00 pm Centering Prayer Group,
7:00 pm Oak Lawn Band
Rehearsal, TH
8:00 pm Beyond Sunday Bible
Study, BRDRM
Tues., March 27
5:00 pm Brownie Troop Leaders
Mtg., HTC 205
5:30 pm Junior GS, HTCS Café
5:30 pm Trinity Teens, SCAR
5:30 pm HTCS Cub Scouts, CLC
7:00 pm Coro Hispano, TH
Wed., March 28
10:00 am Bible Study, HTC 204
11:00 am HTCS Newspaper Club,
HTC 203
12:10 pm OA Meeting, BRDRM
4:00 pm HT Choir Rehearsal,
5:00 pm HTCS Soccer Practice,
5:30 pm Cub Scout Mtg., TH
6:00 pm St. Vincent de Paul
Society, HTC 204
6:00 pm Confirmation Retreat
Planning, PCCON
7:00 pm Evening Bible Study, HTC
7:00 pm Legion of Mary, CLC 202
7:00 pm Mid-Week Mass, CHURCH
Thurs., March 29
12:10 pm OA Meeting, BRDRM
6:00 pm Worship and Spiritual Life
Commission, MARPA
6:30 pm ESL, CLC 202, HTC 203,
7:00 pm Young Adults Basketball
Evening, CLCSF
Fri., March 30
9:00 am HTCS Mass, CHURCH
10:00 am HTCS Stations of the
5:30 pm Fish Fry, CLCSF
6:00 pm Stations of the Cross
(Eng.), CHURCH
7:00 pm Stations of the Cross
(Span.), CHURCH
7:00 pm Cursillistas, CMDR
Sat., March 31
7:30 am Lector Practice, CHURCH
8:00 am SVDP Strategic Planning
Mtg., TH
10:00 am RCIC Retreat, CLCSF
Sun., April 1
9:30 am Children’s Faith
Formation, HTCS
10:00 am RCIA, SCAR
10:45 am Teen Faith Formation,
CLC 202
12:30 am Cadette GS Mtg., SCAR
3:30 pm Happy Hour Group
Practice, CHURCH
6:00 pm Oak Lawn Band Spring
Concert, TH
Room Abbreviations for the Weekly Schedule:
MARPA - Marillac Parlour
CHURCH - Church
CHBRW - Church Breezeway
HTCS - Holy Trinity Catholic School
CLC - Community Life Center
HTC - Holy Trinity Center
TH - Trinity Hall
PCCON - Pastoral Center Conference Rm.
PCCPL - Pastoral Center Chapel PCBAS - Pastoral Center Basement
SCAR - Seton Center Assembly Room
BRDRM - Boardroom
CLCSF - Community Life Center Sports Facility CHRPA - Church Patio
CMDR - CM Dining Rm.