Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta The Malta Government Gazette


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta The Malta Government Gazette
Nru./No. 19,344
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta
The Malta Government Gazette
It-Tnejn, 17 ta’ Novembru, 2014
Monday, 17th November, 2014
Pubblikata b’Awtorità
Published by Authority
Proklama tal-President ta’ Malta....................................................................................... 13,113
Proclamation by the President of Malta........................................................................... 13,113
Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern................................................................................................... 13,114
Government Notice........................................................................................................... 13,114
Avviżi tal-Pulizija............................................................................................................. 13,114
Police Notices................................................................................................................... 13,114
Avviżi tal-Qorti................................................................................................................. 13,115 - 13,116
Court Notices.................................................................................................................... 13,115 - 13,116
Is-17 ta’ Novembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
Anno Domini 2014
Anno Domini 2014
(L.S.) (L.S.)
(Iff.) Marie Louise Coleiro Preca
(Sd.) Marie Louise Coleiro Preca
BILLI bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 2 tal-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni
WHEREAS by virtue of article 2 of the Revenue
avviż minn Ministru lill-Iskrivan tal-Kamra tad-Deputati ta’
notice is given by a Minister to the Clerk of the House of
tal-Erarju (Kapitolu 62), huwa provdut li kull meta jingħata
Abbozz ta’ Liġi dwar l-impożizzjoni ta’ dazju ġdid jew dwar
żieda ta’ dazju li ġa hemm, dan id-dazju ġdid jew din iż-żieda
ta’ dazju għandhom jittieħdu u jinġabru mill-Awtorità li tiġi
stabbilita fl-Abbozz minn dakinhar li tiġi maħruġa Proklama
biex tgħarraf li ħareġ avviż kif jingħad hawn fuq;
(Safeguard) Act (Chapter 62), it is provided that whenever
Representatives of a Bill having for its object the imposition of
a new duty or the increase of an existing duty, such new duty or
increase of duty shall be levied and collected by the Authority
designated in the Bill as from the day on which a Proclamation
is issued to the effect that the said notice has been given;
JIENA, GĦALHEKK, qiegħda b’dan nipproklama illi
NOW, THEREFORE, I do hereby proclaim that notice
tal-Estimi Finanzjarji għall-2015 u miżuri amministrattivi
the Financial Year 2015 and other administrative measures
avviż ta’ Abbozz ta’ Liġi msejjaħ Att biex jimplimenta miżuri
oħra u li għandu bħala skop l-impożizzjoni ta’ dazji ġodda
u ż-żieda ta’ dazji eżistenti ġie mogħti mill-Ministru għall-
Finanzi lill-Iskrivan tal-Kamra tad-Deputati u li kopja ta’
dak l-Abbozz ġiet ippreżentata għand l-Iskrivan tal-Kamra
of a Bill entitled an Act to implement Budget measures for
and having as its object the imposition of new duties and the
increase of existing duties, has been given by the Minister
for Finance to the Clerk of the House of Representatives and
that a copy of such Bill has been filed with the Clerk of the
House of Representatives;
Iżda mingħajr preġudizzju għad-dħul fis-seħħ minnufih
Provided that without prejudice to the immediate coming
ipprovdut li dwarha data aktar tard hi provduta fl-Abbozz
respect of which a later date is provided in the Bill for its coming
ta’ din il-Proklama għar-rigward ta’ kull ħaġa li hemm
għall-bidu fis-seħħ, din il-Proklama għandha tibda fis-seħħ
fir-rigward ta’ dik il-ħaġa fid-data kif provdut fl-Abbozz.
Magħmula fil-Palazz, Valletta, illum, 17 ta’ Novembru,
into force of this Proclamation with respect to any matter in
into force the present Proclamation shall come into force with
respect to such matter as from the date provided in the Bill.
Made at the Palace, Valletta, this 17th day of November,
By Authority,
(Iff.) Joseph Muscat
(Sd.) Joseph Muscat
Prim Ministru
Prime Minister
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,344 NOTIFIKAZZJONI TAL-GVERN
Nru. 1167
No. 1167
BIS-SAĦĦA tas-setgħat mogħtija bl-Artikolu 6(2) tarRegolamenti dwar Qafas biex tiġi Permessa Deroga li Tiftaħ
l-Istaġun fil-Ħarifa għall-Insib tal-Għasafar tal-Għana,
il-Ministru għall-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli, l-Ambjent u Tibdil
fil-Klima jgħarraf illi ntlaħqet il-kwota komplessiva għallTaż-Żebbuġ u li, b’mod immedjat, il-liċenzji għall-insib għallgħasafar tal-għana fil-Ħarifa 2014 skadew u huma meqjusa
bħala revokati fir-rigward tal-insib għal din l-ispeċi biss u li
l-istaġun għandu jibqa’ miftuħ fir-rigward tal-ispeċi l-oħra.
BY VIRTUE of the powers conferred by Article 6(2)
of the Framework Regulations for Allowing a Derogation
Opening an Autumn Live-Capturing Season for Finches, the
Minister for Sustainable Development, the Environment and
Climate Change notifies that the overall seasonal bag limit for
Hawfinch has been reached and that, with immediate effect,
the Autumn 2014 finch live-capturing licences have lapsed and
are considered revoked only in respect of the live-capturing
of such species and shall remain unaffected with regard to
the other species.
Is-17 ta’ Novembru, 2014
17th November, 2014
Nru. 152
No. 152
Bis-saħħa tal-Artikolu 52 (1) tal-Ordinanza dwar irRegolament tat-Traffiku (Kap. 65), il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija
jgħarraf illi l-vetturi tas-sewqan ma jkunux jistgħu jgħaddu
mit-toroq imsemmija hawn taħt fid-dati u l-ħinijiet indikati.
In virtue of Article 52 (1) of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance
(Cap. 65), the Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that the
transit of vehicles through the streets mentioned hereunder will
be suspended up to the dates and times indicated.
Nhar it-Tlieta, 25 ta’ Novembru, 2014 mis-6.00 p.m. ’il
quddiem minn Misraħ ir-Repubblika u Triq il-Kbira.
On Tuesday, 25th November, 2014 from 6.00 p.m. onwards
through Misraħ ir-Repubblika and Triq il-Kbira.
Nhar is-Sibt, 29 ta’ Novembru, 2014 il-ġurnata kollha minn
Misraħ ir-Repubblika.
On Saturday, 29th November, 2014 all day through Misraħ
Nhar il-Ħadd, 30 ta’ Novembru, 2014 mis-6.00 a.m. ’il
quddiem minn Misraħ ir-Repubblika, Triq il-Kbira u Triq
P.P. Saydon.
On Sunday, 30th November, 2014 from 6.00 a.m. onwards
through Misraħ ir-Repubblika, Triq il-Kbira and Triq P.P.
Ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja vetturi fit-toroq imsemmija hawn
fuq u dawk misjuba pparkjati hemm jiġu rmunkati.
The parking of vehicles along the above mentioned streets is
also prohibited and vehicles found parked there will be towed.
Ħal Kirkop
Ħal Kirkop
Nhar il-Ħadd, 30 ta’ Novembru, 2014 mis-6.00 a.m. sal4.00 p.m. minn Misraħ Kirkop, Triq il-Parroċċa, Misraħ San
Anard, Triq San Anard, Triq Mons. Barbara, Triq Santu Rokku
u Triq il-Kbira.
On Sunday, 30th November, 2014 from 6.00 a.m. till
4.00 p.m. through Misraħ Kirkop, Triq il-Parroċċa, Misraħ
San Anard, Triq San Anard, Triq Mons. Barbara, Triq Santu
Rokku and Triq il-Kbira.
Ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja vetturi fit-toroq imsemmija hawn
fuq u dawk misjuba pparkjati hemm jiġu rmunkati.
The parking of vehicles along the above mentioned streets
is also prohibited and vehicles found parked there will be
Is-17 ta’ Novembru, 2014
17th November, 2014
Is-17 ta’ Novembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
AvviŻI tal-Qorti – Court NoticeS
Ikun jaf kulħadd illi b’digriet mogħti fis-17 ta’ Ottubru,
2014, il-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Għawdex), Ġurisdizzjoni
Superjuri, Sezzjoni Ġenerali, ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni talestratt riprodott hawn taħt sabiex għal kull fini u effett talliġi jservi ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu 187 (3) tal-Kodiċi ta’
Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili, u dan fil-konfront talintimati:
(1) Anthony Cassar (KI 36061G);
(2) Town House Limited (C 10753);
(3) Angerton Enterprises Limited (C 18187);
(4) M Farrin Limited (C 1216),
It is hereby notified that by a decree dated the 17th
October, 2014, the Court of Magistrates (Gozo) in its Superior
Jurisdiction, General Section, ordered the publication of the
hereunder reproduced extract for the purpose of service in
terms of Article 187 (3) of the Code of Organisation and
Civil Procedure, and this with regard to respondents:
(1) Anthony Cassar (ID 36061G);
(2) Town House Limited (C 10753);
(3) Angerton Enterprises Limited (C 18187);
(4) M Farrin Limited (C 1216),
ilkoll ta’ Ocean Heights, Flat 9, Block A, Triq Piscopo
Macedonia, Xemxija, Malta.
all of Ocean Heights, Flat 9, Block A, Triq Piscopo
Macedonia, Xemxija, Malta.
Dan fir-rikors ġuramentat numru 35/2014 fl-ismijiet,
Lombard Bank Malta plc versus Anthony Cassar et,
ippreżentat fit-28 ta’ Mejju, 2014, fil-Qorti fuq imsemmija.
This in the sworn application number 35/2014 in the
names, Lombard Bank Malta plc versus Anthony Cassar et,
filed on the 28th May, 2014, in the above said Court.
Din in-notifika hija rigward il-kontro-talba tal-intimata
Bella Claudia Nicoletta Cassar, fl-atti tal-imsemmi rikors
ġuramentat numru 35/2014 fl-ismijiet, Lombard Bank Malta
plc (C 1607) versus Anthony Cassar et.
This notification is in connection with the counter-claim
by respondent Bella Claudia Nicoletta Cassar, in the records
of sworn application number 35/2014 in the names, Lombard
Bank Malta plc (C 1607) versus Anthony Cassar et.
L-intimata Bella Claudia Nicoletta Cassar kontestwalment
mar-risposta ġuramentata tagħha, ippreżentat kontro-talba
fil-konfront tal-Bank rikorrenti fejn talbet lill-Qorti:
Respondent Bella Claudia Nicoletta Cassar concurrently
with her sworn reply, filed a counter-claim against applicant
Bank wherein she requested the Court to:
(1) Tiddikjara u tiddeċiedi illi l-esponenti hija meħlusa
ai termini tal-Artikolu 1959 tal-Kap. 16 tal-Liġijiet ta’
Malta mill-garanzija kollha minnha mogħtija lill-kumpanija
bankarja attriċi billi s-surroga fi kwalunkwe jeddijiet, ipoteki
u privileġġi li l-kumpanija bankarja attriċi għandha kontra lkumpanija debitriċi prinċipali cioé, Cassar Weaving Limited
ma tista’ qatt issir favur tal-esponenti, u dan bi ħtija talkumpanija bankarja attriċi.
(1) Declare and decide that applicant is exonerated in
terms of Article 1959 of Cap. 16 of the laws of Malta from
the guarantee given by her to the plaintiff banking company
since the subrogation regarding any rights, hypothecs and
privileges which the plaintiff banking company has against
the principal debtor company namely, Cassar Weaving
Limited could never be made in favour of applicant, and this
at the fault of the plaintiff banking company.
(2) F’każ li dina l-Onorabbli Qorti ma tilqax l-ewwel talba
rikonvenzjonali tal-esponenti, u f’każ li dina l-Onorabbli
Qorti tiddeċiedi li l-esponenti għandha tħallas xi somma lillkumpanija bankarja attriċi, tiffissa żmien raġonevoli, skont
iċ-ċirkostanzi sabiex l-esponenti tħallas tali somma.
(2) In case the Court does not uphold the first counterclaim of applicant, and in case this Honourable Court
decides that applicant has to pay any monies to plaintiff
banking company, it sets a reasonable time frame, according
to circumstances, in order for the applicant to settle same.
(3) Tiddikjara illi l-kumpanija bankarja attriċi pproċediet
b’mod mhux bil-għaqal li jimmitiga kwalunkwe dannu
iżda hija pproċediet b’mod għal kollox negliġenti bi
preġudizzju kemm għall-kumpanija debitriċi prinċipali,
kif ukoll bi preġudizzju għall-garanti tagħha billi, fost loħrajn, ippermettiet li l-kumpanija debitriċi tfalli u jiġu
akkumulati l-imgħaxijiet reklamati minnha, minflok malkumpanija bankarja attriċi baqgħet ma approprijatx il-flus
(3) Declares that the plaintiff banking company
proceeded in a manner not with caution in order to mitigate
any damages but it proceeded in an all together negligent
manner prejudicing the principal debtor company, as well
as its guarantors in that, among others, allowed the debtor
company to go bankrupt and that interests being claimed by
it be accumulated, and this instead of the plaintiff banking
company having appropriated the liquid monies given in
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,344 kontanti mirhuna favur tagħha kontra d-dejn, u kwindi lkumpanija bankarja attriċi hija ħatja u responsabbli għaddanni ikkaġunati lill-esponenti, inklużi l-ispejjeż hawn fuq
guarantee in its favour against the debt, and thus the plaintiff
banking company is at fault and responsible for the damages
caused to the applicant, including the expenses above
(4) Tillikwida d-danni hekk ikkaġunati mill-kumpanija
bankarja attriċi lill-esponenti.
(4) Liquidate the damages so caused by the plaintiff
banking company to applicant.
(5) Tikkundanna lill-kumpanija bankarja attriċi tħallas
lill-esponenti d-danni hekk likwidati.
(5) Condemns the plaintiff banking company to pay to
applicant the damages thus liquidated.
Il-kawża hija differita għat-28 ta’ Novembru, 2014 fl10.30 a.m.
The suit is deferred for hearing on the 28th November,
2014 at 10.30 a.m.
Reġistru tal-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Għawdex), Ġurisdizzjoni
Superjuri, Sezzjoni Ġenerali, illum 10 ta’ Novembru, 2014.
Registry of the Court of Magistrates (Gozo), Superior
Jurisdiction, General Section, today 10th November, 2014.
Silvio Xerri
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati u Tribunali (Għawdex)
Silvio Xerri
For the Registrar Gozo Courts and Tribunals
B’digriet tal-24 ta’ Marzu, 2014, mogħti mill-Prim’Awla
tal-Qorti Ċivili, dina l-Qorti ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni talestratt li jidher hawn taħt biex iservi ta’ notifika skont lArtikolu 187 (5) tal-Kodiċi tal-Proċedura u Organizzazzjoni
Ċivili (Kap. 12).
By a decree given on the 24th March, 2014, by the Civil
Court First Hall, the Court ordered that the extract hereunder
mentioned be published for the purpose of service according
to Article 187 (5) of the Code of Organisation and Civil
Procedure (Cap. 12).
B’digriet mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’ Awla, fis-6 ta’
Ottubru, 2014, fuq rikors ta’ Nisso Limited, ġie ffissat iljum tat-Tlieta, 16 ta’ Diċembru, 2014, fl-għaxra u nofs ta’
filgħodu, għall-Bejgħ bl-Irkant li għandu jsir fl-ewwel sular,
Qrati Tal-Ġustizzja, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta, talfond hawn taħt deskritt:
By a decree given by the Civil Court First Hall, on the 6th
October, 2014, on the application of Nisso Limited, Tuesday,
16th December, 2014, at half past ten in the morning, for
the Sale by Auction to be held on the first floor, Courts of
Justice, Republic Street, Valletta, of the following property:
L-appartament internament immarkat numru erbgħa
(4), li jinsab fit-tieni sular, ’il fuq mis-semi basement
level, formanti parti minn blokk appartamenti konsistenti
f’basement u semi-basement garages u sitt sulari sovrastanti.
L-appartament inkwistjoni huwa sottopost u sovrappost
għall-proprjetà ta’ terzi, u formanti parti minn blokk flats
bla numru li jġib l-isem ‘Antonin’, fi Triq Sant’ Agatha,
Sliema. Il-proprjetà hija libera u franka, stmata li tiswa mija
u sebgħa u sittin elf Ewro (€167,000).
The apartment internally marked number four (4), on the
second floor, above from semi basement level, forming part
of a block of apartments consisting of basement and semi
basement garages and underlying six floors. The apartment
is overlying and underlying by property of third parties,
forming part of a block of apartments named ‘Antonin’,
in Triq Sant’ Agatha, Sliema. The property is free and
unencumbered, valued at one hundred and sixty-seven
thousand Euro (€167,000).
L-imsemmi fond huwa proprjetà ta’ Unibuild Company
The said tenement is the property of Unibuild Company
N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbiegħ bħalma ġie deskritt fl-atti
tas-subbasta 100/13.
N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in the
judicial sales act 100/2013.
Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum il-Ħamis, 13 ta’
Novembru, 2014.
Registry of the Superior Courts, this Thursday, 13th
November, 2014.
Rudolph Marmarà
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Rudolph Marmarà
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta
Mitbugħ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta riċiklata— Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper