Chapter 6 Worksheet


Chapter 6 Worksheet
Chapter 6 Worksheet Vocal:?ulary: Define the follow'ing terms 1. Geocentric ­
2. Scientific Revolution ­
3. Heliocentric ­
4. Empiricism ­
5. Absolute Monarchy ­
6. Natural Rights­
7. Separation of Powers­
8. Checks & Balances ­
9. Neoclassical ­
10.Enlightened Despot ­
Identification: What is the importance of the following people
1. Copernicus ­
2. Kepler­
3. Galilep ­
4. Bacon­
5. Descartes ­
6. Newton­
7. Jefferson ­
1. Which of the revolutions between the 16th & 18th century, was referred to
as the:
A. Revolution of Understanding •
B. Revolution of Ideas - _ -_ _ _- -_ __
C. Revolution of Action -
2. The Renaissance inspired curiosity, the Reformation challenged thinking
about religion and the Scientific Revolution questioned _ _ _ _ _ __
3. What 3 events in World History helped stimulate the Scientific A. Revolution?
4. In science to make precise observations new instruments :were needed.
Match the following with their invention.
A: Janssen
1, Thermometer
B. Torricelli
2. Microscope ·C. Fahrenheit
3. Barometer 5~· To
improve medicine the human body had to be more closely examined.
Match the following with their discovery.
A. Harvey
1. Smallpox Vaccination
B. Vesalius
2. Detailed drawings of corpses
C. Jenner
3. Function of the heart & blood
6. The scientific method is a logical procedure for
_ _ _ _ _ _ ideas. What are the 6 parts of the scientific Method?
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F~ ~e ... Ph,"osophe. ­
nd-u..r a.Jet s.... 5e.p<1fahDVl of Pow~s-
8. The enlightenment was an effort to look for laws
_ _ _ __
9. What are the differences between John Locke & Thomas hfol9b~s on their feelings about human beings. 10. What country became the center of the phi.losophes?
11. \A/hat were the 5 concepts of the philosophes to improve lilfe?
12. Some of the great thinkers of this time established ideas Iborr0w.ed .
by the writers of our constitution. Match these ideas withl.hepersoh·
that promoted them.
A. Rousseau 1. liThe will of the People"
B. Voltaire"
2. Womens Rights
C. Montesquie
3. Freedom of speech & religiqn
D: Beccaria
4. Justice should preserve social order
not avenge crimes
E. Wollstonecraft
5. Separation of Powers.
13. What city became the intellectual capital of the world?
14. List 5 ways in which the ideas of the enlightenment were spread to
other parts of the world.
A. C. E.
15.Because of the ideas of the enlightenment some monarchs qhanged their
minds about human rights. but still maintained absolute control. They were
. Give an example ~f one
16. What country became the military power of the world in t~e 1700's?
17. How did the Navigation Acts upset'the colonists in Americ~?
18. How did the English attempt to finance the French-Indian ,War? What
natural right did this violate?
19. What act protested the taxes on the colonies & helped stqrt the
American Revolution?
20. In 1776 Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independance based on
the Ideas of _'"_ _~_
and mans natw'al rights.
21. List 4 reasons why the Americans defeated the English.
22. The U.S. established a republic and adopted many ideas fl10m the
Enlightenment. Next to the idea write the person who supported
the idea during the Enlightenment.
A. Govern with the consent of the people
B. Separation of Powers
C. Voting - Direct Democracy
D. Freedom of speech & religion
E. No cruel & unusual punishment

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