September - Peconic Bay Power Squadron


September - Peconic Bay Power Squadron
Peconic Bay Power Squadrons, Inc.
— Chartered August 12, 1939 —
A Unit of the United States Power Squadron
Calendar of Events 2016
Thurs. 8 Sept. – 1900
ExComm. Mtg.
Flanders Community Center
Fri & Sat 30 Sept/Oct 1
TOBAY Boat Show
Thurs. 13 Oct. - 1900
ExComm. Mtg.
Flanders Community Center
Thurs. 15 Sept. – 1900
General Dinner Meeting
Jerry and The Mermaid,
Thurs. 20 Oct. – 1900
General Dinner Meeting
Fri. 16 Sept – 1915
D/3 Council Meeting (and
Melville Marriott
Thurs. 10 Nov. - 1900
ExComm. Mtg.
Flanders Community Center
Sat. & Sun. 24 & 25 Sept.
East End Maritime Festival
Greenport Village
Thurs. 17 Nov. – 1900
General Dinner Meeting
Sat. 19 Nov.
D/3 Fall Educational
Melville Marriott
Chart Your Course at
Executive Committee
Robert T. SanAngelo, SN
Sag Harbor
[email protected]
Lieutenant Commanders
Executive Officer
George Kay, P
East Quogue
[email protected]
Articles and/or advertisements in
this publication do not reflect USPS
policy or position unless so
We encourage squadron members to
contribute to this publication. All
articles must be received by the 18th
of each month to be considerd for
publication in the following month’s
Administrative Officer
Richard Cuciti, SN
Water Mill
[email protected]
Educational Officer
Vincent Mauceri, AP, SEO
Sag Harbor
[email protected]
John Martinelli
Middle Island
[email protected]
Helen Horton, P
Aquebogue [email protected]
Members at Large
P/C Patricia Blanchard, N
Debra Tennyson-Feinstein, JN
James C. Patton, P
P/Lt/C Virginia Gilmore, S
Michael A. Remski, JN
Stf/C Glen Sherman, P
D/Lt/C Fred Smith, AP
P/C Lawrence Hynes, SN
Robert Smith, P
Robert Walther, P
Publication Committee
Gary P. Joyce, S
[email protected]
Stf/C Glen Sherman, P
United States Power Squadrons
Peconic Bay Power Squadron
Commander’s Report
Ship’s Store
Please remember that all PBPS Ship’s Store transactions must be
made through me, unless you are ordering from USPS. EESG is
our supplier, and we have a very good relationship with them.
EESG will not honor PBPS merchandise requests not placed by me.
With the exception of our burgees, we keep very little inventory.
Ship's Store now handles nametag orders ... $10 safety pin, $11
clutch, $12 magnetic back and 75th Anniversary burgees ($25).
All merchandise must be paid for when placing an order. If you
encounter a problem with an order, please contact me, and I will
do my best to resolve it.
P/Lt/C Virginia Gilmore; 631-288-5622
PBPS Ship's Store: [email protected]. Use subject line: PBPS/SS.
P/C Diane (right) and P/C Pat (center) dancing with their line dance
instructor from the previous night, Madonna.
Photo by Glen Sherman
The return of Rendezvous East to Greenport brought
out District 3 members from all over Long island for
a weekend of fun under the tent. The weather
cooperated, the food was fantastic, we enjoyed
dancing with Madonna and Joe, and the DJ kept the
party moving. The marina, with so many
boats decorated with squadron ensigns, flags, and
burgees, contributed to the festive, carnival atmosphere of the party.
Our own Anthony Renielo drove his Waverunner from Hampton
Bays through the Shinnecock Canal to be with us in Greenport.
There can never be enough said or accolades given to Diane and
Glen Sherman for their continued dedication and heartfelt
contribution of time and effort, always volunteering to help out and
keep things running smoothly. This year Glen ensured that all the
electrical equipment was properly connected to prevent power
failures at the tent, and his vigilance probably kept the Power
Squadron from causing a blackout in all of Greenport.
At the Saturday morning Flag Raising Ceremony Diane Sherman
gave an impressive invocation reciting the entire prayerful petition
by heart with warmth and sincerity. At the conclusion of the
ceremony, Diane, with her beautiful voice, led the singing of God
Bless America.
I thank all our members who participated and helped at the
festival. Special thanks to Jinny Gilmore again for providing our
outstanding table decorations. For those who were unable to attend
this year I strongly recommend that you try to be there next year.
You will not be sorry.
Good News. Our September dinner meeting will be held at Jerry
and the Mermaid restaurant in Riverhead. I just received word that
the guest speaker, back by popular deman will be John Holzapfel
with his very informative and entertaining talks on the environment
and marine ecology. Looking forward to seeing many of you there.
Cdr. Robert SanAngelo SN
United States Power Squadrons
Peconic Bay Power Squadron
Executive Officer’s Report
God Bless America. My wife and I have just
returned from the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
We had a very good time since the USA won the
most medals. We attended the Today Show
while in Rio. I hope you all saw the sign I held
up saying Hi to the Peconic Bay Power
Squadron! I would like to share with you some
of our experiences at the Olympics.
The apartment we rented was typical for the region in which it
was located — Copa Cabana. It was a cold water flat; i.e. the only
tapwater was cold. Wash was done with cold water and in many
cases showers used cold water as well. In general, the houses were
run down, full of graffiti, and stacked on top of each other. Crime
was a problem and we witnessed the firing of guns while walking
down a street one night.
While there were problems, the Olympic went well and security
at the games was on a high level. Well armed police and military
were seen in large numbers. Transportation to the venues was
good, although usually a one- or two-hour trip to get there. At
each venue, the activities were usually highlighted by USA
victories. Although it was winter in Brazil, the weather was warm
and we did not see or feel one mosquito! We had a good time but
are happy to be back home. Time to start thinking about South
Korea in 2018.
Prior to leaving for Brazil I attended Rendezvous East by boat. I
enjoyed the activities and, as usual, the Peconic Bay Power
Squadron put on a great breakfast. Fred Smith’s and Bob Smith’s
wives provided some delicious homemade breakfast treats
together and the bagels were well received. The attendance was
down from last year and I am hoping it will improve in years to
come. I met with the new district commander for 2017 and I
suggested the name FAIR WINDS FRENZ would fit her very well.
I attended a meeting of the Peconic Estuary Committee on
XO Report continued from page 4
August 22 dealing with the nitrogen problems facing the East End.
The problem was discussed, ways to correct it were shown, and
costs were proposed. I came away from the meeting satisfied that
solutions to the major marine problem are in the works. I plan on
continuing to monitor this situation and reporting back to you
when news is made available.
Since I have just returned from the Olympics, I will save the next
report on traveling on the Intracoastal till next month. If you would
like to hear first hand about my travels, I will present a PowerPoint
program at West Marine in Riverhead on October 1, 2016. It will be
about one hour in length and well documented.
George Kay, P
[email protected]
continued on page 17
United States Power Squadrons
For Sale
Peconic Bay Power Squadron
S h i p ' s
L o g
September Birthdays
Puffin 10’6” Dinghy #42. In excellent condition. Features: for
sailing, rowing or outboard motor - fully enclosed flotation cells
at fore and aft to prevent sinking. New: hull
gelcoat, bow clamp, rigging and bottom
paint. Refinished: all bright work - rudder,
dagger board, thwart seat and other wood
pieces. Trailer: Venture model # VB-700
(used twice). Equipment: dacron sail #42, 2
new spruce oars with new bronze oar locks
& new oar leather chafe guards, extending
boat hook, anchor and rode, 2 boat
cushions (USCG throwable type), 1 vinyl
boat fender, fore & aft vinyl mast crutches
for travel and fitted winter cover. Contact:
Vincent Mauceri, 631-725-3679 (eves.).
Sag Harbor.
James A. Arancio, P
Lt/C Peter A. Young, SN
P/C Frances M. Diange, AP
Eugene J. Sullivan, Jr., AP
P/C Patricia J. Blanchard, N
James C. Patton, P
Later Friday evening Lt/C Helen (far right) joined the line dancing at
Rendezvous East.
Photo by Glen Sherman
There was live entertainment during the Friday Commander’s
Cocktail Party.
Photo by Glen Sherman
United States Power Squadrons
Peconic Bay Power Squadron
Education Officer’s Report
Well, here we are in late August, with the summer
two-thirds over and, hopefully, the recent spell of
intense heat and humidity (UGH!) having ended.
As I noted in previous months’ columns, three of
the more important goals of your Squadron
Education Department are to have each member
advance his/her existing grade by at least one Advanced Course
certification; to have each member increase the total of his/her
Seminar certifications by at least two per year; and to have all
members take advantage of the full range of Elective courses.
To further these goals, I have informed all PBPS members with
the rating of Seamanship that a Piloting course will begin on
Tuesday, September 13, 2016, at 1900 in the Southampton Town
Senior Center on NY Rte. 24 in Flanders with Debra TennysonFeinstein as instructor.
Also, two ‘ABC’ courses will be starting as follows: Tuesday,
September 6, 2016, at 1900 in the Bridgehampton National Bank
Community Room in the northeast corner of the building basement
in Bridgehampton with Bob Semple as instructor, and;
Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 1900 in the Riverhead Moose
Lodge, 51 Madison Street with Tony Kryl as instructor.
Furthermore, we will be resuming our Fall Seminar sessions on
Saturdays at West Marine on CR 58 in Riverhead. Seminars are held
from 1300 to 1500 as follows:
Anchoring on Saturday, September 9, 2016, with Steve Burke as
Basic Coastal Navigation on Saturday October 1, 2016 with
George and Mary Kay as instructors and; Basic Weather on
Saturday November 12, 2016 with Peter Young as instructor.
The above courses and seminars will round out our education
program for 2016. I’ll be posting the 2017 Course and Seminar
education program schedule shortly.
All of our members should be expecting a phone call from me
sometime in the future to enlist your help teaching or assisting in
continued on page 15
Education continued from page 6
teaching a course or seminar – you only need to be a Certified
Instructor to be the lead instructor teaching ‘ABC’ – all course and
seminar attendees benefit greatly from the experiences of our
instructors and their aides.
I hope you’ve enjoyed a safe and great boating season in 2016!
Lt/C Vince Mauceri, AP, SEO, 631-725-3679 (home), 631-566-4181
(mobile), or e-mail to [email protected]
United States Power Squadrons
Peconic Bay Power Squadron
Safety from page 7
• Evacuate the area and move affected person(s) to a fresh air
• Observe the victim(s).
• Administer oxygen, if available.
• Contact medical help. If the victim is not breathing, perform
rescue breathing or approved cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR),
as appropriate, until medical help arrives. Prompt action can mean
the difference between life and death.
• Shut off potential sources of CO, if possible. Correct ventilation
problems and/or repair exhaust problems as appropriate.
Investigate the source of CO and take corrective action, such as
evacuating and ventilating the area or shutting off the source of the
CO, while at the same time evacuating and ventilating the area.
How Can It Accumulate? Inadequately ventilated canvas
enclosures. Exhaust gas trapped in enclosed places. Blocked exhaust
outlets. Another vessel's exhaust. CO from the boat docked next to
you can be just as deadly. "Station wagon effect" or back drafting. At
slow speeds, while idling, or stopped. Be aware that CO can remain
in or around your boat at dangerous levels even if your engine or the
other boat's engine is no longer running!
The Peconic Bay crew who supplied breakfast Saturday morning at
Rendezvous East.
Photo by Glen Sherman
Safe Boating
By D/Lt Steve Burke
The Dangers of Carbon
What is Carbon Monoxide? Carbon monoxide (CO) is a
colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. It is produced when a carbonbased fuel-such as gasoline, propane, charcoal, or oil-burns.
Sources on your boat may include engines, gas generators, cooking
ranges, and space and water heaters.
Why is it so dangerous? CO enters your bloodstream through
the lungs, blocking the oxygen your body needs. Prolonged
exposure to low concentrations or very quick exposure to high
concentrations can kill you. Early symptoms of CO poisoning
include irritated eyes, headache, nausea, weakness, and dizziness.
They are often confused with seasickness or intoxication, so those
affected may not receive the medical attention they need. Altitude,
certain health-related problems, and age will increase the effects of
CO. Persons who smoke or are exposed to high concentrations of
cigarette smoke, consume alcohol, or have lung disorders or heart
problems are particularly susceptible to an increase in the effects
from CO. However, anyone can be affected. Another factor to
consider is that physical exertion accelerates the rate at which the
blood absorbs CO.
Emergency Treatment for CO Poisoning
CO poisoning or toxicity is a life-threatening emergency that
requires immediate action. The following is a list of things that
should be done if CO poisoning is suspected. Proceed with
caution. The victim may be in an area of high CO concentration,
which means you or others could in danger from exposure to CO.
• Evaluate the situation and ventilate the area if possible.
continued on page 14
United States Power Squadrons
Peconic Bay Power Squadron
Members Benefits Report
by P/C Pat Blanchard, N
Faces at
Rendezvous East
(From top, left to right):
P/C Diane led the
group in singing God
Bless America; Lt/C
Vince; Anthony
Raniello; Bob Walther;
D/Lt/C Fred enjoying
the ceremony; Susan
Kinscherf and Frank
As we transition into September many of us think of school
beginning for our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and
friends. Why not think of taking a class or seminar for yourself or
teach a USPS class? Here is an incentive for our boaters to further
their education: FUGAWI
USPS instructors receive 67-percent, and members and
students receive 50 precent off Fugawi Marine5 Navigational
Software; and 10 percent off all products on the store.
Fugawi also offers a select range of other manufacturers’ products
on its website that make boating more fun and enhance a boater’s
knowledge and awareness. For example, the award-winning
Actisnse NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 buffers, converters, and
connectors, the solid state wind sensors from LCG Capteurs, or
the Digital Yacht’s connectivity marine products, Avionics charts,
Bad Elf GPS signal boosters and more.
When shopping on the, place your USPS
Certificate number in the described place on the FUGAWI landing
Fugawi navigational software was developed by an avid
mariner 20 years ago and has a large and loyal following around
the world. For more information on the software, go to the website and sign in. Then go to the Member Benefits
page and you will see Fugawi as a new benefit. You will also see
the link to what they call their landing page or Fugawi USPS
portal where you can enter your info to sign up for an account.
This will give you access to exclusive offers and discounts
available to USPS members.
Photos by Glen Sherman
United States Power Squadrons
Peconic Bay Power Squadron
(Left): Saturday’s
Breakfast was followed
by a Flag Raising
ceremony. (Below): Lt/
C George (left) and Cdr
Bob at the Flag Raising
with the Greenport
carousel in the
Photos by Glen Sherman
Nancy Smith with some of the home baked breakfast goodies she
supplied at Rendezvous East.
Photo by Glen Sherman
United States Power Squadrons
Peconic Bay Power Squadron