May 10, 2015 - Church of the Holy Spirit


May 10, 2015 - Church of the Holy Spirit
1355 Hatch Road ♦ Webster, NY 14580
Phone (585)671-5520 Fax:671-7262
email: [email protected]
May 10, 2015
The moment God created Eve he gave us the most magnificent gift of all: women. Beautiful
creations take time, delicacy and dedication to be perfected. Fully aware of that, God made
the woman last to teach us that she is the summit of creation. The sacred authors of the book
of Genesis corroborate this. They wisely placed God infusing his divine life into the woman at
the end of the two creation accounts (Gen 1,27: 2,22). Hence, women are not meant to be
slaves, objects, instruments, or tools. On the contrary, they are the embodiment of God’s love
for humanity.
Furthermore, with the blessing “be fertile and multiply,” (Gen 1,28) our Lord in his infinite
wisdom gave humanity the grace of parenthood. God gave the male the strength and courage to become
father and the female he gave the unique grace to become mother. The moment Eve became a mother she
fulfilled the promise of her Creator; God’s masterpiece achieved the peak of her perfection. I invite you just for
a moment, to imagine the amount of love a mother must have in her heart to be patient, tender and caring
from the moment of our conception. It is so special to have a mother that even God himself wanted one when
he became human for our salvation.
With the ability to teach with actions, suffer patiently, and hold the universe on their shoulders, mothers are
the highest blessing to humanity. Their love transcends the boundaries of human understanding. Mothers
have more courage and resolution than an entire army when they have to protect their children. They might
not be as strong and powerful as a superhero but they have the power to change our lives and our world.
They might not be perfect but they can make our days perfect with a loving hug or a tasty meal.
Recently, during a preparation meeting for the Sacrament of Baptism, a young, wonderful and devoted young
mother said, “Being a mother is life-changing, it is the most precious gift one can receive. I am so different
and I will never be the same again.” Her conviction and happiness reminded me that motherhood is
intrinsically connected to the Mystery of God. The blessing of being a mother and the blessing of having one
is only comparable to the divinity of Jesus. Mothers have the power to connect heaven and earth through the
gift of life.
Moms, thank you for giving us life and for being life itself. Thank you for raising us to be people of principles.
Thank you for sharing your womb with us for nine months and for caring for us for the rest of your lives. This
day is a tribute to all of you! Mother’s day is not just a day of the year but also every day. May Our Lady the
Blessed Virgin Mary whom through her loving care, education and support became the first disciple of her
Son, bless you and protect you now and for ever.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Church of the Holy Spirit, Penfield, New York
Thank You!
Last week’s donations: $8833
Total Attendance: 700
We appreciate your sacrifices.
Adoration Changes for Sunday & Monday May
Adoration, night prayer and benediction is cancelled on
Sunday May 10 due to Mother’s Day. There will not be
any adoration on Monday May 11 with limited access to
the Church after 9:30AM due to rug cleaning. Thank you
for your patience.
Second Collection for Napal
Rochester Catholic Men’s Conference
The inaugural Rochester Catholic Men's Conference,
scheduled for May 16, has changed locations and now will
be held at St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church, 4100
Lyell Road, Gates. The conference was originally
scheduled to be at St. John Fisher College. Organizers felt
St. Jude's would be a more suitable and effective location
for the size of the conference, which is expected to have
more than 300 attendees. The conference will feature
three nationally know speakers -- Tim Staples from
Catholic Answers, Hector Molina “The Motivangelist”, and
Danny Abramowicz from EWTN’s ‘Crossing the Goal’ -- as
well as Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop of Rochester
Salvatore R. Matano. Individual Confessions will be heard
by Diocese of Rochester priests. For more information,
visit the conference website:
K4J Circus of the Stars VBS
Forms are located in gathering area and main entrance.
Deadline is April 15th!
Space is limited!
July 27th - 31st
9:00 - 12:15
Ages 4 - 9
Contact Tomi Heckathorn at 261-5695 Jeff or Cristine
Rembold at 671-5186.
Today’s second collection is to help our
sisters and brothers suffering in Nepal in
the aftermath of the devastating
earthquake. If you choose to write a
check, please make it out to Holy Spirit
Church with NEPAL in the memo field.
All proceeds collected will be sent to
Catholic Relief Services, which is
actively working to aid suffering, provide
food and water and help in the long-term recovery. Please
be generous and keep all those affected by the
earthquake and the rescue workers in your prayers.
Diocesan Missions Sunday
On next weekend, May 16th & 17th, we shall observe
Diocesan Missions Sunday. Proclaiming the Gospel is not
something we can do once for all, but is an ongoing part
of pilgrimage as Church. This is the message of the new
“Being a disciple means being constantly ready to bring
the love of Jesus to others, and tis can happen
unexpectedly and in any place: on the street, in a city
square, during work, on a journey.” --Evangelii Gaudium,
“The Joy of the Gospel” (127)
Our dedicated Sisters of Mercy marking fifty years of
presence in Chile, and the Sisters of St Joseph in Brazil
have been on pilgrimage sharing their gift of faith and
service to God’s people.
We are called to help them on next weekend with our
prayers and a sacrificial gift, so that they may continue to
bring Christ into a world where darkness, despair and
emptiness prevail. Surely, we can help to bring hope to
Inside our
Church in 1968
Church of the Holy Spirit, Penfield, New York
Liturgical Assignments for Next Week May 16 & 17
Saturday 4:30 PM
Altar Servers
Communion Ministers
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Fr. Sergio
Fr. Sergio
Fr. Sergio
Timothy Donato
Annabelle Kedley
Christopher Capozzi
Gavin Gudyka
Christina Veloski
Jamie Gudyka
Michael Macera
Alyssa Mancuso
James Crosby
Rachel Lynch
Michael Lynch
Joe DePaolis
Jack Marchand
Jean Dunne
Kim Haynes
Barbara Lamendola
Barbara Trottier
Roger Miller
Michel Cassagnol
Ralph Palmer
Marie Kowalczyk
John Veloski
Jeff Rembold
Dan Calendo
Philip Latulipe
Rosalie Mikulski
Lori Klafehn
Roseanne Davie
Brian Weaver
Christopher Rembold
Michael Schifano
Cathy Brill
Grace Schlageter
Marty Hosenfeld
Tomy Gramza
Gary Hosenfeld
Mark Poore
John Donato
Vinnie Pellegrino
Joe Aschenbrenner
Joe Simeone
Mike Schifano
Mike Cunningham
Dan Cupido
Dick Berardini
Dirk Keymel
Tom Gervasi
Phil Latulipe
Dan Calendo
John Fallon
Ron Maggio
Joanne Andresky
Dan Nolan
Jerry Farnand
A Note from our Social Justice Team
No one is exempt from either the impacts of climate change or our moral responsibility to act in solidarity with one
another to address this global concern.” -Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Holy See’s permanent observer to the United
Nations In today’s Gospel Jesus commands us to love one another. Loving each other in the face of climate change
means reducing our consumption of fossil fuel (oil, coal and natural gas); if we don’t do so, extreme weather will continue
to wreak havoc, destroy people’s homes and endanger their lives. As Archbishop Tomasi teaches, we are also called to
act collectively. The Environmental Protection Agency is working to create new standards to reduce the carbon pollution
produced by power plants. Less pollution would help to address climate change, and would reduce asthma rates,
especially among low income children and elderly people. Join the U.S. Catholic Bishops in asking Congress not to block
these efforts by the EPA. You can contact your Senators and Representative via the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 2243121.
6th Sunday of Easter
"It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and
bear fruit that will remain." We sometimes tend to believe the opposite. It's not
unusual for us to think, "I have chosen to be a Christian," and then to imagine that
the process really started with us, that it was our initiative, our decision to believe,
our act of faith that got the ball rolling in our spiritual life. Of course our decision is
important, but Jesus reminds us today that he is actually the one who took the first
step. He chose us. He called and invited us to be among his followers and friends.
As the second reading tells us, "God sent his only Son into the world so that we
might have life through him." That happened first. The next step is ours, to accept
this life that is offered to us through our own act of faith.
The other part of this equation is that, as Jesus tells us, we have been chosen for a
mission. This isn't all just about our personal faith and our relationship with him. He
calls us to know and love him, and when we respond, we are "appointed" to be
fruitful in the world. We are supposed to live our faith in such a way that something
valuable, beautiful, and useful comes from it. Jesus sends us to make the world a
better place, not in a vague, feel-good, fluffy way but in a real, concrete way. He
equips us to bear fruit that will remain. This isn't superficial or flighty. The work we
do in the world--whether it be alleviating the suffering of the sick and poor,
evangelizing those who do not know about the gift of salvation, raising our children
to be faithful Christians, or carrying out our career with integrity and generosity--all
of this is meant to be the effect of our response to the call that Jesus gave us.
© Liturgical Publications Inc
Prayers for Nepal
Loving God,
We pray for all those affected
by the earthquake in Nepal as
we offer the words of the
psalmist, “Be strong and take
heart, all who hope in the
Lord” (Psalm 31:25).
May those who are paralyzed
by fear … Be strong and take
May those who have lost or
are still searching for loved
ones …Be strong and take
May those who remain
trapped under rubble …Be
strong and take heart.
Church of the
Holy Spirit
Parish Information
Mailing Address: 1355 Hatch Road, Webster, NY 14580
Office Hours:…….….…Monday thru Friday 8 am to 4 pm
Email:………………..……………….…[email protected]
Pastor: Rev. James Schwartz ……….…[email protected]
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Sergio Chavez…[email protected]
Pastoral Associate: Deacon Brian Mahoney.…..671-8317
Email: [email protected]
Faith Formation: Tony Ferrera……….…[email protected]
Secretary: Shari Magagnoli...……[email protected]
Business Mgr: Patrick Vogt…………..…[email protected]
Director of Music: Gabriel Pellegrino
Parish Council President: Cathy Brill……[email protected]
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:30pm
Sunday: 8:30am and 11:00am
Weekday: Mon-Fri 9am; Saturday 8:30am
Adoration Schedule
Monday: 2 -10pm
Tuesday: 9:30am -10pm
Wednesday: 9:30am - 4pm
Thursday: 3 -10pm
Friday: 9:30am - 9pm, Divine Mercy Devotion 3pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 2:30pm
Sunday: 1 - 9pm (Night Prayer & Benediction 8:45pm)
Confessions: Saturday 2:45pm - 4:00pm
Weddings: Notify the Rectory at least 9 months prior
to the wedding date
Baptisms: Call at least one month before requested
Parish Membership: We welcome new members.
Please introduce yourself after Mass and stop by the
Parish office during office hours to register in the parish.
Members moving to another parish, changing address or
phone number, please notify the office.
Mission Statement
“The Mission of Holy Spirit Parish in unison with the
Universal church is to proclaim and to spread among all
peoples the Kingdom of Christ. The mission of the Parish
is carried out in Word, Sacrament, and Service to God
and neighbor. The continuing vitality of our staff and
parishioners, we feel is evidence of the presence and
work of our parish patron - the Holy Spirit.”
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday 5/11 - Easter Weekday
† Marge Brauch by family
Tuesday 5/12 - Sts Nereus & Achilleus; St
† James Hill by Joanne Andresky
Wednesday 5/13 - Our Lady of Fatima
† Kathryn B Spacher by daughter Shelley Mosher
Thursday 5/14 - Ascension of the Lord
† Carmela & Agostino Catalano by Peter & Rose
Friday 5/15 - Easter Weekday
† Ed Matuck by Marion Mancini
Holy Hour - Rosary and Benediction
Saturday 5/16 - Easter Weekday
Intentions of Lisa DeRosa by Becky Urlacher
† Joan Forgion by family
Sunday - 7th Sunday of Easter
All the parishioners of Holy Spirit parish
11:00 † Eleanor Falkowsky by husband
Night Prayer & Benediction
Check us out on the web
or our Google+ page
Readings for the Week of May 10, 2015
Sunday: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/1 Jn 4:7-10/Jn 15:9-17
Monday: Acts 16:11-15/Jn 15:26--16:4a
Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34/Jn 16:5-11
Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22--18:1/Jn 16:12-15
Thursday: Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11
-13 or Eph 1:17-23/Mk 16:15-20
Friday: Acts 18:9-18/Jn 16:20-23
Saturday: Acts 18:23-28/Jn 16:23b-28
Next Sunday: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26/1 Jn 4:11-16/Jn